CONDITION OFOMAUiS-TRADE nght ProipeoU Ofiiet Unfavorable EffeoU of Cool Weathr, MARKETS DO NOT SHOW MUCH CHANGE ntiftlnrn (irndunlly Scllllng; Dimn lo a .Solid llitU us .Hproiilnllvc lliij Inu Orimi l,cs News f lt. .lobbing District. Thn condition of trade In thin locality Is Hill very sntlsfnctory. Ftom tlic Jobbers anil rclullors of HiIm city como fuvornblo U'ortH regarding the movement of prnr tlcnlly nil linns of tncrohundlsc, and from the surrounding country como equally good reports. The luck of hot weather so fnr Iihh, of course, hud a tendency to curtail tho movement of somo lines of summer noodH, but that fuet Ih more than counter balanced by the good outlook for bountiful crops, nnd It Is safe to say that the feeling among business men In gcnerul was never better than ut the present time. H very one seems to llgnrc that us long uh tho crop prospect Is Rood trade will continue to nourish, and that Is doubtless one Teu ton why retailers arc placing such liberal orders with local Jobbers for fall Roods. J ho markets as a gcncrHl thine arc In fibout tho samo position they were In a week nun. There Is a noticeable tendency, however, to level nrlces down in a liiml of cost of production. For the past vear Dr more tho excessive demand tor many I commodities has enabled manufacturers to , fcSK anil rcCll nVfirtilll.tlt (it(r.,u rnt. tlli.ll. I Hocks. Inn grout many cases It was not a question of price with tho purchaser, but a question of getting the poods at any cost, nnd as a result values went far above their real worth. Now that production has In creased and speculative buying ceased nl mot entirely tho demand U not so far In rxcess of supply and prices consequently are being leveled down. It Is not exactly n weakness, but simply an Indication that the markets uro not In as excited a condi tion as they havo been for the past year or so, and Hint business In general Is b'cltlng down onto a better basis. SiiKiir May Sell IIIkIkt. Wholesale grocers are still having a good ncllvo market and report the volume or business as being unusually heavy for this Keasoll of the year. The market Is about the same as It was u week ago, no very Important changes having taken place. The sugar market Is Just about where It was. but higher prices are being looked for In tho near future. The period of heavy con sumption Is now close at hund, and as the prospects for a good crop of berries nnd nlso of cherries ore very Mattering, It Is thought the demand for sugar will be ex ceptionally heavy for even this time of year. There Is little change to report In canned goods. Corn nnd tomatoes, how ever, nre, If anything, tinner In the cast, but no advances have as yet taken place at this point. In tho dried fruit line Cali fornia evaporated choice peaches are a Irlllo easier, but tho better grades aro get ting scarce and It Is thought that the market on that class of Roods will be maintained. Prunes nro doing considerably better than they have been of late and tho California market Is quoted 'illluC higher. ICvaporated raspberries ale re- fiorted searco and as a result the market ins advanced again. Corn syrups have been marked up again as a result of tho high prlco of corn, the advance this time amounting to Iff 2c per gallon. Tho cheese market is good and II rm anil It Is thought that present prices will rule until factories nro able to run at their full capacity. Tho nupply of milk so far has been Inadequate to supply the factories on account of tho dry weather experienced In Wisconsin In April and early May. Columbia river sal mon Is at present attracting considerable, attention. It was rumored that opening prices are to tie 25c higher than they were a year ago. The reason for this advance Is that the supply this season Is unusually light. Tho general opinion among Jobbers Is that If the advance Is made It will ma terially curtail consumption, as It will be necessary for retailers to ask 20e per can and at that prlco salmon is bound to bo slow aide. I'nncj' Prices Reduced. Thcro Is htlll a good, nctlvo hardware market and local Jobbers are well pleased with prevailing conditions. Practlcnlly all lines of spring goods are moving freely nnd when comparisons with last year aro drawn It Is found that a good, substantial gain Is liclng made. There Is nothing particularly new to bo said about tho condition of the market, except that thero Is considerable tendency to cut down tho fancy prices that have, been asked during tho pnst year on nccount of the scarcity of stock. The gen eral market, however, la llrm nnd tho opinion Is that It Is going to remain that way for some time to come. Production now In most canes Is equal to consumpton mil consequently prices nre not npt to go my higher, so spcculutlvo buying has Hopped, but the consuming demand Is fully is largo as It was a year ago. If anything llko tho present into of consumption Is maintained It Is thought that no radical changes In market values will take place Cor somo time to come. Pry goods Jobbers report trade a. trlllo inlet Just ut present on uecnnnt of the cold, alny weather. Retailors In tho country. It leems, still hnvo much of their summer itncks on hand and consequently aro not buying more goods for Immediate' use. Thero seems to be little doubt, however, but that as soon us warm weather docs set In Irniio will lie all right. Fall business with jobbers Is coming In good shape and no complaints are heard on that score. Mine .Stocks l.nruc. Hoot and shoe Jobbers nre nlso experienc ing a little dullness as far as Immediate business Is concerned for the same reason that tho dry goods trndo Is none too active. It appears that retailers stocked up unusu ally .heavy Inst fall In anticipation of higher prices and a big trndo. Tho ndvapce in values hns taken place, but us yet tho trndo hin not fully developed nnd a good propor tion of tho Koods purchased Is still on tho shelves. A few duvs of hot weather, how- 1 ever, will break up stocks considerably and i lorai jooners figure nun tney will sun do quite a re-order business. Kail trudo Is In good shape and promises to bo fully up to last year's record. Reports from eastern markets show that trade there Is none too netlvo and that manufacturers are well up with their orders locnl lobbcm have re. colvod notices from some of the largest 1 iiiuiiiuueturiirs staling tnai iney must hnvo orders, which would Indicate that prices nro none too Jinn The effect has alreailv Ojeen felt on the leather markot, which is slow and weak, and to such an extent Is that truo that many tanners havo wltn drawn from the hide market. The rubber goods trade Is In good shape at present, the recent rains having creutid quite a demand for rubber clothing. Fall business Is In excellent condition and the prospects more favorable than they wero a few weeks ago. The local hide market Is very weak and dull. Prices are rather demoralized anil a decline Is lookfd for In the next few days. Fruit mid Produce. Thero was a good trade last week In fruit and vegetables and especially In straw berries. Close to three curs of berries per day were handled on this market and, con sidering tho weather and condition of the stock, fairly good prices wero realized. Tho rains did considerable damage to the berries, but good stock suld generally around $2 white poorer stock sold from $t up. Reports received from tho berry sec tlons show that while thero has been some rain there, still the prospects aro favorable for this week and good stock should be plentiful. It Is of course dllllcult to tell much about what the market will be, but the general opinion Is that the lowest prices will prevail this week of nny time durlng tho boason that Is. provided tho weuther Is favorable. Raspberries will soon bo on thu innrkot and may begin to como In tho latter part of this week. Fresh vege'.ibles are In good supply und rirlTw are gradually declining ns receipts ncreasc Urecn peas were added to tho list last week and are selling at SI per half bushel basket or TV' fnr one-third of a bushel 'I he prices at which the various vegetables are selling will be found In the table glen In another column. Kggs were In moderate supply last week nnd, as the demand was good, prices were firm Strictly choice stock sold for about lie. while seconds brought from 10c to 10M.e. IMie poultry uiatket was well supplied most of the week and prices eased off a trlllo The butter market, however, tinned up ami common grades are now quoted at null. nnd choice grades at ISfilTc Tho mnrket Is now well supplied with fresh llsh and the demand Is as good as could bo expend. SI, I.oula drain and Pro vidian. ST. LOUIS, May 19.-WHEAT-lowor; No, 2 red, cash, elevator, 7Hr; track, Tlffi JWc! -Muy. ,lHo; July. 67Hc; September. 6c ; No. 2 hard, 00c CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 37ic: track. 34;c; May. 37He; July. 371i37Sc. OATS lsivvor, No. 2 cash. 21c; track, 2Py24i,c; May. 23Jc. July. 22UC; Septem ber. 21V.'l',e; No. 2 white, 27'.,c. RY13 Firm; Rrto. rM-OUR-L'nohanued. HKKDS-Tlmothy, steady nt $2.0oiiS.20; flax, nominal at $1 77 CORN.MICAU-Steady at $1. MSI 00. RRAN- Quiet, sacked lots, cast track, 6S C70, . PROVISIONS Pork, steady Jobhlng, I12.W. Lard, lower, prime steam, J6.b5: io. o, hV Dry salt meats (buHi Meudv extra shorts, J7. dear rlh. J" 12'4. (Ifar sides $7 25 Union tboxodi. steady, extra short, 17.50, clear ribs, $7.62, clear Milt, $7.75. .a,i",H,c'"l"1 timothy. 113 75; prairie. JVM8KV--Htfily. Jt.25. !,,V?.-9TTON,I,IKS-II.M. 'AJ'MNO-7'vasUr. HK.MP TWtNF,-9c. Mf.yf'Af.a t ..i . i. scan; Spelter, dull; tt.tofit. n , I'OL'IjTUV Steady; chicken, 7c; turkeys, 6c; ducks, he; geese, 3c. KOOB-Htendy; 10c. 111'TTHR-gteady; crenmoy, V'aiOc; tlalrv, H17c. Ri:CKIPT8Klour. I.OOobbls.: wlwnt, 16. 0V bu.; corn, .H.Ono bu.; oats, 1!,W) bu. HH IPMBNTS Flour, 7, don bbls.; wheat. P.W) bu.; corn, 123,000 bu.; oats, 48OJ bu. OMAHA WIIOI.1V4AM: MARKETS. Condition of Trade nnd f(untntlnn on Staple nnd I'nney Prodner, ICaaS Receipts moderate- seconds, vyg 10'e; good stock, He. MVK POUlvniY-Hens, 7',iflSc; roosters, according to nge and size, 407c; ducks. 69 7c; geese, fyifi',4c; turkeys, Sc. FRKSIl DRESSED POUtTRY-Hcns, !e; roosters. 6ft7c; ducks and geese, lOfHIc; broilers, 114 to 2 lbs., per doz., J3; turkeys, l2VMil.1V. .iil'TTER-Common to fnlr. nfllle; choice. IriU'c; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, Wyl&c. FISH Trout, Sc; blue llsh, 10c; pickerel, Sc; cntllsh, 12c; dressed buffalo, 6c; roe shad, each, toe; whlteflsh. 11c; herring. 6c; black bass, JDc; salmon, 14c; whlto bass, 9c; cropple. 10c; pike, 10c. PIGEONS-hive, per doz., II. VKAI,S-Oholce, !tf'10e. HAY Per curload lots: L'pland. choice, J7M; midland, choice, J8.60; lowland, choice, 15.60; rye straw, choice, 6; No. 3 corn, 3tV; No :t whlto oats. 21V; cracked corn, per ton, (14; corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton. Jll.-V); bran, per ton, ll2; shorts, per ton. 12.60. VECSETAULES. crci'M HERS Per doz.. Il.00fll.25. ASPARAUUS-Hom grown, per doz., 25 NEW Tt'RNIPS -Per dos. hunches. 40c. SPINACH Per box, 4r3GOo. NEW HEETS-Per doz. bunches. SMJ40C. UETTtJCE Per doz. bunches. 30fl35c. RADISHES Home grown, per tioz.. 20O Kic. PEAS-Per half-hushcl basket, 1; prr one-thlrd-bushel basket, 7fc WAX HEANS Per half bu.. Jl. SEED SWEET POTATOES - Per bbl., J2. 002.2); Kansas, eating, POTATOES Per bu., choice. SSft'SOc. NEW POTATOES Per 70-lb. sack. 2.2f. CAUHAOE-Cnllfornln. per lb.. .1c. CAl'LIKIOWER Per doz.. 11.2501.60. CELERY Per doz., IfiflSOc. TOMATOES Florida, per six-basket crnte. J 1.60. MUSHROOMH-Per lb. box, 60c. RHl'HARn Per lb.. 2VVi73c. ONIONS-Rcd, per lb.. 3c; new Hermuda, per 6n-lb. ernte, $2.60; now southern, per 70 lb. sack, J.'K. FRCITS. STRA WHERRIES - Arkansas and Mis souri shipping slock, per 2t-qt case, $2. CHERRIES Callfornln, per 100-lb. box, Jl.fA CRANHERK1ES None on the market. APPLES About out of market. TROPICA I j FRUITS. P I N MA P P I jKS Per doz J2.0CN30.60. ORANfJES Callfornln, fancy tuxvels, per box, J3.7oB4.fi0; choice navels, HR0; Mediter ranean swk.Is, per box, W.2o1f0.50; budded seedlings. $2.7otKI.OO. LEMONS California, choice, per box, seedlings. t2.7M3.00. HANANAS Per bunch, according to size, 2.(Xn(3.00. HIDES. HIDES No, 1 green hides, 7c; No, 2 green hides, fie: No. 1 salted hides, Sc; No. 2 salted sides. 7c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. Nl'TS-Hlckory, large, per bu., JI.25; shcllbnrks, Sl.,. HONEY-Per 24-scctlon case, 3.5(VS3.75. M:W YORK (JKMCIIAI, .MARICF.TS. Hontntlnn for the Dny on Vnrlons Ciininindltlea, NEW YORK, Muy 19.-FLOrR-Recelpts, 17,217 puckages; exports, P.750 pucknge3. Market Inactive but llrmly held; Minnesota patents, $:l.('i0f;3.85; Minnesota bakers, J2.6 ff(2.!5; winter patents. J3.fiOff3.85; winter straights, &M5if3.65; winter extra, J2.MiS 2.90; winter low gruiles, J2.252.I0. Rye Hour, (inlet; choice to fancy, 13.251(3.50. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, 83c; city. 82c; Hrandywlne. J2.35Ij2.40. JIYE-Steady; No. 2 western. C0!iW61o, f. o. b., ulloat: state rye, 6"S5Sc, c. I. f., New York, car lots. HARLEY CJulet ; feeding, 43V4fll5e. c. I. f., New York; malting, 50fj63c, c f., New York. HARLEY MALT Dull; westcn Kortc. WHEAT-Receipts, SSI. 125 bu. , s,, t. tlrm; No. 2 red, T7ic In elevator; No. 2 red, MVXiC t. o. b., nllont. Options were llrm and fairly active most of the session, guided by further drouth news from ths north west und local covering; closed llrm ut Vic net nilvunce; May closed at 71V; July, 72lA1j72 ll-lfie. closing at 72e; September, 73V4A72 fl-ltio. closing nt 7.1V4e. CORN Receipts, 53.R25 bu.; exports, 86, sv;i bu.; spot, llrm; No. 2, 43c. f. o. b., alloat, and 42V In elevator. Options wero steady for a time with wheat, but lost stability later through realizing; closed steadier on late covering nt He decllno; May closed at 12V; July. Viffi43V4e. clos ing at 13V; September, I3ifj l3Tc, closing 11 1 !3?fco. OATS Receipts, 103,500 hu.: exports, 1.010 bu.; spot, dull; No. 2. 27c; No. 3. 2V; No. 2 white, 2fle; No. 3 whlto, 28V; track, mixed western, 2fiVJ1(2'Jc; track, whlto western, 2Sij35e. Options Inactive and ous; HAY Steady: shipping, J7.50fj7.75; good to choice. 80fj2V. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice. 1596 crop, 3(h6c; 1899 crop, 10fi"13o; Pacitlc coast, lV.Kl crop, ,1(fiac; 1899 crop, 1013c. HIDES Firm; Oalvcston, 20 to 25 lbs., 19V; California, 21 to 25 lbs,, 21V; Texas, dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 15c. X EAT HE R - Steady; hemlock sole. Huenos Ayres. light to heavyweight, 2ofj 26V; ncld. 2612V. WOOI-Dull; domestic fleece, 25fi2So; Texas. lSfilSe. PROVISIONS-Heef, steady: family, J12.00 fff 12.60; mess, JlO.OO'i? 10.50; beef hams. J20.50 (321.00; packet. JU.OOfTl2.00; city, extra India mess, J17.fKVffl9.0O. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 7Uf(SV; pickled shoulders, uVifffiV; pickled hnms, 10iif10-ic. Lard, easy, western steamed, J7.35; May closed at J7..15, nominal; rellned, quiet; continent, J7.50; South America, js.23; compound. J6.60 Ui6.2Vv. Pork, quiet; fnmlly, lU.mwfM.BO; short clear, J14.OVfil5.0il; mess, 13.00. Hl'TTER Steady; western creamery. ItP.i fff2i)c; western factory, 13if!5V; Imitation creamery, 14il7V4c; state dairy, 15Vj5?19c; state creamery, 18V4ff20e. CHEESE Quiet and weak; eholco large, white, 10V: fancy large, colored, 10V; fancy small, white, 9'!i9V; fancy small, coloreil. 9'tl91'.e. EOOS Firm; state and Pennsylvania, 124 fl!3o; southern, at mark, lOVfllV-e; stor age, western. 12Viil3e, ut mark; regular packing, loss nff, i2Ufjn.1i'. TALLOW Nominal; city, 4V; country, 4Vk 5c. RICE-FIrm; domeiilc, fair to extra, 4.i fifilic; Japan, lfftV. MOLASSES-Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 44il55c. FREIOHTS-Qulct; cotton, by steam, 27c; grain, by steam, 3Wc, METALS The brokers' price for lead was J3.S0 and for copper, J16.75. KnitniiN City (irnlii nnd Provision. KANSAS CITY, Mny 19-WHEAT-July. 6I?4( , September, 62;'?ii2V; cash, No. 2 hard. C2c: No. 3, 6W(61V; No. 2 red, 6CV,c; No 3, filfiiSV CORN July. 3Pic: September. 3G j,f!5 V ; cash, No. 2 mixed, 3Hfj37c; No. 2 white, .UlliiVtC, .". .1, OATS-No. 2 white, 16V. RYE -No. 2. S3c HAY-Cholce timothy. JlO.SOffUOO; choice prairie. J7.25fl7.50. HIHTER-Creamery. KfilSc; dairy, fancy, IGc. EtHSS Firm; fresh in demand; fresh Mis souri and Khiikhs stock. 10V, loss off. cases returned, southern, new whlto wood cases included, lie RECEIPTS-Wheat, 32,200 bu.; torn, 29, 30il bu.; oats. fi.OiM bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 23,400 bu.; corn, 5.200 bu.; oats, none. Toledo Miirkrt. TOLEDO. May 10. WHEAT Active nnd lower: No. 2 ensh. 76o; May. 75o. CORN Dull and higher; No. 2 cash. 40V. OATS Firm und hlghor: No. 2 cash, 21c. RYE Dull and unchanged; No. 2 cash, 67c. OLOVERSKED - Dull and unchanged; prime cash, old, J4.75; prlmo cash, new, J5j October, J5.19. Minneapolis Wnrut Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS. Muy 19.-WIIEAT-In store, No 1 northern. May, 65ic; July, tViV. September. fiS-Sli'Hc; on truck. No. 1 hard, 67Ue: No. 1 northern, ii5Jc; No. 2 northern. ti4V. FLOCR-Flrst patents, J3.COfi3.65, HRAN-In bulk, Jll.00fjll.25. Duluth Vhent Mnrket. Dl'Ll'TH. May 19. - WHEAT - Steady: Muy, 9c; July, tUi,c; September, 6Sc; No. 1 northern, cash, 6"i4e; May, 67Uc, July, e; September t7V, No, t northern, 65'jo; No. 3 spring, (52V OATS 22'fiWc CORN-3i',4C THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL English Victorr in Africt InflamcM tho Livirpool Market. SESSION IN ALL THE PITS 13 QUIET Corn Cnf M'rnU ()nt Are Dull nnd I nliitc rcatlntc. There llelfiR Little Trndc Pro' Islnns CJulel, bill fnlrlj St en (I J. CHICAGO, May 19. Wheat catty was llrm on the unfavorable weather, sold on later In sympathy with the corn weakness, but closed steady, July Ho under yesterday. July corn closed 4fjo lower nnd July oats a shado depressed. At the close hog products were a trifle easier, but steady. In all tho pits trade wns quiet. LiveriMsjl was still whooping It up for Hadcn-Powell today and fojgot the deal In grain and In the absence o'f this usual hint to go ono way or the other the wheat mur kct opened unchanged, July (TJV to 6"V. The northwest was without rain. Just as It has been for some time. It renewed Its walling und looked through gloomy glasses nt tho prospect of seed dying from drought In the ground. The southwest complained of recent liberal rains. In addition Illinois reported damage from tho Hessian fly. These tidings were enough to worry shorts and under pressure of covering the prlco of July was forced up to 6714c. The corn weakness Inter mndc itself felt and many of the early purchases were thrown on the market again. July selling off to 67c. Tho closo was steady at 67f67V. V under yes terday. Trudo throughout the session was quiet. The cash demand was slack. Now York reporting only 12 loads taken for ex port. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour were equal to 277.000 bu. Primary re eelpts were 336,000 bu.. compared with .Ifio, (rt) bu. last year. Minneapolis nnd Duluth reported 276 curs, against 424 last week and .118 a year ago. lral receipts were 26 cars, 2 of contract grade. Corn was quiet, then firm for an hour, tint weak nfter that. Tho weakness was due to pressure of long corn. There were complaints of too much rain In the west and seeding was reorted delayed In lown. Tho opening wns unchanged und the mnrket developed strength on tho rains during the llrst hour, but lost It for thu cnuse afore mentlored. July sold between 3,S'jc and 37V and closed heavy. 'iK'So down, ut 38c. Receipts here were 12S cars. Oats was steady hut dull and uninterest ing, then. t;lng llttlo trude. The dry weather In tho northwest wns a sustaining Influence. July sold between 22V and 22Vic und closed a shade lower ut :2l,fr-2'8C. Re ceipts here were 169 cars. Provisions wero quirt but fairly steady. Tho opening wns a trifle lower, because of liberal hog receipts. Thero was a moderate demand for lard and ribs. July pork sold between tll.S2i,4 und J11.75 nnd closed 2V down at JI1.77V July Inrd, between X'.Ww 7.021, and J7.05. closing 2',4f5c lower at J7.02'4, and July ribs, between Jij.fi7ii and i.70. with tho close a shade reduced at J6.G7iAli6.70. Estimated receipts Monday; Wheat, 32 cars; corn, 120 cars; outs, 185 cars; hogs, S.MVJ head. Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: Artlclen.1 Open. 1 High. Ixw. Closo-I Yes'y. Wheat May July Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sopt. Pork July Lard July Sept. Ribs July Sept. fio-i; fi.'i7. S7',iVi C74I 3SVi 39 I 67 I 37i 37'1 38, 67f67'iijG7Vliff,, 37 37! 37 31 38Vifl 3S'i, 38 39 2234 2lh U 75 2214 224 22'22titi 2Iil314-H 2IUtf 11 80 11 75 It 77Vs 7 02Vi 11 80 7 07Vi 7 07Vi fi 70 8 70 7 02i 7 fT I 7 f1 7 07'4 7 0214 1 u 1 o'-j fi 7Vi! 6 70 R 70 tl 70 fi (.7'J 6C714 n 70 fiSTij No. 2. Cash quotations wero as follows: FIXJUR-Qulel; winter patents. J3.60ri3.70: straights, J2.9Offfl.40: clears. J2.70fi3.20; spring specials. J3S0fi3.9O; patents, U.Wt 3.40: straights, JJ.fi0fi2.!i0; bakers, J2.OOIT2.40 W1IKAT No. 3. ffifpWc; No. 2 red, 72f73c, C'ORN-No. 2. 37?4(fl38c; No. 2 yellow. 3Sff SSVic. OATd-No. 2. 23ff24c; No. 3 white, 2-l27c; No. 3 white, 20fi;6c. RYK-No. 2. 6io. TIARLKV Fulr to choice malting, 39fH2c 8KKD8 No. 1 flax, J1.S0; No. 1 northwest ern, J1.80; prime timothy, J2.I3; clover, con tract grade, J7.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., J10.60 fill. 76, Irfird. per 10u lbs., J6.Sofi7.02Vj. Short ribs sides (loose). J6.iWW6.R0. Drv snlted shoulders (hoxed), J6.5()?6.76. Short clear sides (boxed). J7.10fJ7.20. WHIBKY-Dlstlllers' finished goods, on basis of high wines, Jl.Sfi. .Sl'OARS-Clit.oaf, 15.93; granulated, J5.37; confectioners' A, J5.33; off A, J5 IS. Following are the receipts and shipments for today: Articles Receipts. Shipments. Hour, bbls s.uoo s.ono Wheat, bu L'j.m.) .yipoo Corn, bu lOii.on.) iraooo nts, bu :os.f) iniiooo Rye, hu 'J.OOO llarley, bu 3C.t") :(m On the Produce exchange today the hutter mnrket was steady; creameries. H'VfilOV; dairies, 13'nipiV. Cheese, dull at S'sfifi'.c Kggs, easy; fresh, 10); e. ' Mllvrmiliee larntn .IfnrUel. MILWACKKU. May 19. - WI1KAT -Steady; No. I northern, 67'VqfiSe; No. 2 northern. 6f66,7C ' KYIS Lowt; No. 1, 56B06V. i"A.UM'nV-s,catly; No- 2 1'is1H2c; sum l)lc. 37ff42c. IVorln .tlnrket. PKORIA, May 19.-CORN-Stcady ; No. 2. 36e. OAT8-11rm: No. 2 white, 24c. V AVHIfllCY Firm, on the basis of $1.26 for finished codds. MOVEJIKNTS OF STIICKS A M D ROMIS. l"nlrly fiood Speenlntlve Tone lnln (nlueil lit Stock .Market. NBW YORK. Slay 19.-f ho stork market maintained a fairly good speculative tone todny In spite of the continued discourage ment reported by the mercantile agencies over tho course of commodity prices. Rail road stocks generally are higher on the dny to the extent of a fraction and some of thn specialties show larger changes. Sugar wan the lender of the market without any news to account for Its strength bevond thn suggestive parallel that might bu drawn between Its ense nnd that of tho New York Ons company's, whose costly conflict seems to be e.led. With the profitable period of tho year approaching In the sugar trade It Is paturally supposed that the Incentive to settling a contest that takes away tho profits of the business Is augmented. Con solidated Ons reflected the pressure af spei -illative realizing nnd the Tobacco stocks showed signs of weakness. The local trac tion stocks continued strong. The market was largely one or specialties. There was some demand for tho Vanderbllt stocks, np parentl:' on the reported return from Kit ropo of Wllllnm Iv. Vnnderhllt, whl. h wns denied after the close. I'nlon Pnclllc gained n large fraction. Hurllngton nnd Norfolk Western hulled In the advance. whp"i was the feature of yesterday's mnrket, while traders took their profits. Tho weekly statement of railroad earn ings was favorable. The bond mar ket showed a decided improvement, both In the volume of demand nnd fie prices brought. The sharp advance In gov ernment bonds wns of course in responso to the announcement from Wnshlngton of the calling of the extended 2 per rents Prices of railroad stocks have partlv re covered this week the losses Incurred last weak. In tho Industrial department of tho stock list, on the contrary, thero have been some formidable Inroads upon prices list week Imdon wns looking to this week's Stock exchange ettlement with consider able apprehension, owing to the wide de clines since the last settlement, esneclully In Americans and the prevailing stringency In money Rut the Iindon money market had found unexpected relief bv tho receipt of Jo.oooooo in Russian gold. .Much Interest attaches to the future action of the foreign governmental banks as to -the official dis count rates. The fact that they maintain their rates In nlto of the ease of nrlvuto discount rates Indicates a desire to con tinue to strenstthen their resources. Crop prospects nre playing an imposing part In speculative circles and the frmnes.s of western railroad shares has been helped b this consideration. The undertone In Wnll street nevertheless continues rather depressed nnd uncertain, due to the obvious fact that buying of commodities Is still withheld In walling for indications thru bottom prices have been reached. The fact that Investment buying of bonds has been dull In silte of low rates for money r,n been u dlbcouraglnc factor In the stock market. I'nlied Stntes refunding Is. when lsned, advanced lsi, old 4s and 5s Vi. new Is 4i and the in and 3s u, yer cent In tho bid pr're The commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram savs The dtv was idled with -Mafcklne Insanity today and DAILY" DEE: SfNDAY. the satiirti.ll ex. ceded cr, Unit following the relief of Uidvsmllli 'in.' ix hanKc .1 swimming In champagne and Mnn-tl mrlh llig. trumpet-blowing and i.itrli tl. anthem" superseded buHnees The tnn 1 heer ful. but It was almost Impixslble to ob tain prh es. Following are the closing ipintHtlons on the New ork Sto( k exchange todav. Atchison do pfd . Italtlmore A. Ohio l'n.llan Purine Canada (in Ches. Ohio ... Chlcmn (I W C . II & O Tcxm & I'scw ,. it, W t'nion Pacific 16, 74 dn pfd ;t, MH Wahaslt M, do pM Jl Who 1,, ft. , , , ji l do 11 pfd Jit lt' Wis Cm 1 rut KP, Third Avenue .. ..Ins CIiIcrro, lad. ft I. k pfd J Chlcaco : K. III.. ..P1 .dnm K 1 13 Anirrtcsn lit tlo I'hlcnuo k N. W. C.. II. I. P C. C. C . ft. L Culorndo .''o do 1st pf.l... 1 . S fx H ..IMS Wi'lls.Parno IU 117 .. )S Ainer Cot oil ... Jl! .. 1 .In . Vi Amer ,.111'j .to . . ITS' Amer. .. If., .V., .. Amer .. i:'i do .. 3"' Alner. .IM'j do .. W Anier .. 4 do ..It. Amer. .. 16 do nfd Malting ... 3", pfd H. It r, pfd S spirits !it pf.l 17 f. Hoop .... H'i pfd 71 f k W XU m 7:. Tin Piute .. Jl Pfd 71 Tolmcro .... SO. do M pfd Hudson .. A. W It. O.. pfd Del. & Pel. 1. Denver do Urle .. do Ut pfd.. (It Nor. pfd.... Hocking Coal .. Ilncklnir Valley Illinois Onlrnl Iowa Central .. 4'J Amer. do I'M P. Ac 0.. ... 17. do pfd mi, Anac Mln. Co Ill, Uriwkljn It. T 7t'i 1 'do. Fuel it Iron. 37-S 1 'on Tob.icco 22i4 do pf.l "6 l'ederul Steel 3i do pfd r,7 flen. l:iertrlc l.V, K. C .. 2' ... 93 ...IM Kike Kike 1. & I.'rle & W Shore N ... 11V Mjiituilliin I.,.. ... Kl'.l ...IX, ... 13 ... 3i ... 91 ... 57 ... 404 ... 11 ... 31 ...117 ...132?i' Met. St. Ily.. .. Mexican Centml Minn. & St. Ii . do pfd ilo. Pacini- M0I1II0 & Ohio M . K. & T... do pf.l N. .1 Central .. N. Y. Central . Norfolk & W... do M No. Pacific .... do Pfd (llucme Sugar 47 do pf.l 501, inter. Paper ! do iy U'i Kule.le Ous 67 National Illnriilt ... M'i do .f tt S2 .S'ullntial lUii 2.) do pfd 96 National Steel .... SMj do pf.l S6 . . 37 ... 7S ... .W ... 74 W Ontario ft W N. Y Air llnike.. 124 Oregnn lly. & Niiv. 13 N'n. American 14'i do pf.l IVnni-vlwinla .... lteii.llng do lt pf.l.... do 2.1 pf.l Rio O. W do nf.t 70 Purine Coast .... . IHi . 8) . S!l . !7- .PO . 4 . 7S .!! .W do lt pfd... 17'i' do J.l pfd..., 56 'i Pacific Mall '4 People's (las 56 Pressed S. Car. STi.i' ilo pfd. t. I H. P.... 1st pf.l.... 2.1 pf.l Koutliw. .. pfd .. 10!i Pullman P Car.. & T do do St. I. do ,. r.7 ,.34 ,. ll'il .. !" ,.117 ,.173'i ..113 . 3.V. ,. 12V standard It. Sugar lll'j lo pfd.... Coal & L'uther pf.l.... Huliher lll)i Imn. 7'.S in. ., :v Tenn I' S. do t S .lo St Paul In pfd Pt. P. A- Om.iha Ho. Pacific So Ttailuay do pf.l Offered. pfd. Western I'nlon SOI, eir York llone.i MiirUct. Ni:V YORK. May 19.-MONi:Y-()n eill. easy at 2 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 3U1I41.. per cent STKRLINO i:XCIIAN(;K-Hteudy. with actual business In bankers' bills nt J4.S7'i fi'4.8S for demand nnd at XI.MWfVNi f"r sixty davs; posted rates, Jl sji.j'o l.yj; com mercial iillls, $I.S4fi4.84a. HILVIJR-Certllleiites. WififiO-e; bar, 60'te; Mexican dollars. 47i.c. RONDS State bonds. Inactive; railroad bonds, strong; government bonds, buoyant, ref. 2s, when Issued, KM 1-20; 2s reg., 99 3-10; 3s reg, 109V4; coupon. 10!) 1-20; new 4s reg , 131 1-20; coupon. 131'i; old Is reg., IP! 1-si); coupon, 116 1-80: fis reg., Ill 1-89; coupon. 111. The closing prices on bonds today were ns follows: P. M. ref 2 do 2s. reg do 3a, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg. . . do upon do old 4s. reg.,. do .oupon do 6. reg do coupon P. of C 31, 65i Atcli. general 4s.. do adj. 4 Colo. So. 2s C. ft O. Pis do fis C H N. W e. 7s. do H. P. deli. 3s. ChleaKo Ter. 4... D. & It. Q. Is do 4s K. T., V. ft a Is. Trie ceneral 4s.... V. W ft I). (. Is. Oen. I7lrctrlc 5s O. If. ft B. A. 6s. do 2l if. ft t c. r.s do ronsol 6s In. Central Is... K c, p ft (1 Is. Li. n. c 4 L A- N. mil. Is... M.. K ft T. 2s.... do 4i 10l4 N Y c. Is , '.'9; N. J. P. gen. r.s... I0114 No Carolina 6s ... I "91:, do 4a 1304 No P.irlllr 3 13414 .lo I- llfi'i N V C fc SI I. Ik. IIOU Nor. West c 4. 1I4MI do C ,114 Oreuon Nav. Is 121 I do 4 lnai; o s I.. 6 , sin do .mi. f.s ,106'i rteii.lliig sen. 4... , 9S4 It. (J. V. Is ,116 St I. & I M e. Ss. ,140 St 1. S F g. Ch llfi'i Ht Paul cons 95 .SI P ('. .1 P Is., tOl'.il do :.s , 99 .So Itatlnuy 5 ld2'i S R. & T. 61 , 72 Tenn. n. s, 3s , 7'1!i Tex. A- I'ac. Is.... ,120 I do 2h 110 'I'nlon Purine 4... 107 iWalmnh Is Ill's do Is .110 West Shore 4 ,113 Wis. Central Is... , "lU''Va. Centuries .. W, do deferred VrtH'Colo So 4s 6 So. Pnclllr 4s , 92'i Ill ,121 1214 106 r.7 ,103, 1". 0!Tk 130 11 ,10P; 2 IH', , , ns'i ,110 121 .166 122 i:pj ,llli '. 95 .Itl'-i , 61 .IV.', .115 .l'i. ,11211 . 91'. . 92 , 1 . R5 . W When Issued. Offered. Trust rcc'pts. lloston .StiieUs and llonils, HOSrON. Slav 19.--Call loans, 31(1 per cent; time loans, SltfftVi per cent. Official closing: A . T. do Anier. dn lloston lloston Itoslon C, II. ft S P.. .. Pfd Sintar . ., I'M Albany. lilevatcd . ft Me ft U 26' i t'nion Iiku.I . West Hud ... Atrliltsin 4.. .V. K (1. ft (' Adventure ... Allnue .Mln .. ai'i . no' i .. fW'4 .. 1 ..112 .. 7'i .. 23 . 20S . . ("fi ,.7:-i . U'i ,. l.V, .. C2' i . 4J'a ..13.1 . 4', .171 . 27'4 ,. 2'i Ill 110 213 130 ,101 Co. Anuil. Copper .... Atlantic llralon St Mont... Iltitte ft notion .. Calumet llecla. Centennial ..1 I'riuiklln Oxenl.i Parrot Qiilnry Santa Pe Copper. Tamarack ftali Mining Winona Wolverines .124i . (2 ,11R 7 '. 67 'i 11 , .134', 137 . 12 16'i , 2i IS . 17 :s, Dominion Con I do pM Federal iSleel .. do pfd I'lldiburK pf.l.. Oen. Klectrlo do pfd Mex Central N. 11. C.. St C. Old Colony Old Dominion Rubber Union Pacitlc .. New Yorl- .Mini iik 4 notiit lulls, NEW YORK. May 19. The following nre closing quotations for mining shnros today: ('hollar Crown Point Con. Cal & Va.., Pert.lwood Could ft Currle . Hale ft Norcrots llomestuke Iron Silver Mexican ' !l25 .10 . 15 . 21 :,. . 61; . 21 Ontario lOphlr CO PI ...,ir.o ....750 .... ro 5.1't 1.1 12 I'hmmiih Quicksilver do pfd Sierra Nevada Standard I'nlon Con Yellow Jarket London Stock (I110I11 1 ions, LONDON. Slay 10. 1 p. m. Closing: Cons., do money . . . Ml 9-16 lirle .. 12 .. 31 .. r.ii'i .. s . 761, .. 7", .. S' .. 39', ae-'ount.-ioi ll-is do lxt pfd. AtxhlMtn Canadian Pacific St Paul Illinois Central . L. & N t'nion Par. pfd. N Y. Central ... 7's Peiinsi lvanla IteadlllK ,120V, No I'nclllo pfd , 116 (band Trunk ... . t.t'i Anaennda . 75'i Hand Mines .135', HA R 81 LV ICR Firm at 27Kd per ounce. .MONEY 2f 1 3Va Per cent; the lute of dis count In tho open market for short bills Is 31 per cent; for three mouths' bills. ?h'W 3'i iier cent WeeUI)' lln nl. Sliiteinenl. NICW YORK, May 19 The weekly bank statement shows the following chunges: Surplus reserves. Increnscd 11,222.5'm; loins, Increased J7I3.I, specie, Increased SI, 134,. 4fi; legal tenders. Increnscd SI27.iV; de posits, inerensed $1.37l,flO; clrculallnn, In creased S30S,tmo. The banks now hold $10. 555.225 In excess of the requirements of tho 25 per cent rule. New York Imports nm Cvporls, NHW YORK. Slav 19 -Imports of dry goods und merchnnillsc ut the port of New York for tills week wero valued ut $10. 262.936. Kxports of gold und sliver from this port to nil countries for this week aggregate SI..W.2U5 silver bars nnd coin, an 1 S3, 231. 161 gold Imports of specie tills week ware S24,375,ou0 and S75.2S2 silver. Condition of Hie Treasury. WASHINGTON. Slay 1!). Today's stale ment of the treasur habitues In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the SI.ii.(h'io gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 112,424,420; gold, $70,506.753. llnuU ( learlim, CII1CAOO, Slay 19-Clearlncs. $19,631,215: balances. SI 671.935; polled exchange, Sl.Wis 5TI.S9t: New York exchange, fte premium. PHILA-DKLPIIIA. May 19.-ClcnrliiRS. JI4.WV1.754: balances. $2,557,192. HALTI.MORK. Stay 19. -Clearings. $2,965,-551- balances. $454 29. ST. LOUIS. Slav 19. Clearings, $1,001,042; balanres, $601 9v8; money, 417 per cent; New York exchunge, 60c premium bid, 00c pre mluie asked NF.W YORK, Slny 19 - Hank clearings, $160,050,163; balances, $3.815,S29 BOSTON. Slay 19 -Hank clearings, $S,. 409,521 ; balnnces, J1.2fi2,3ia. I'orelKii riiiiiiiclnl. PARIS, Slay 19. Huslness started favor ably on the Iwurse todav. but in tho ab sence of London was quiet through out. International securities were Irteguinr. Rio tlntos recovered. Knlllrs were animated and harder Threi percent rentes. I01f2'.e for the account, exchange on London 2.if 17t,e for (diei ks Slianlsb Is dosed at 73 11 BURI IN. Slav 19. Prices were tlrm 00 the. bourse todav Mine snares were 1.. epeulal favor on favorable returns and were MAY 2(1, 1 (100. strt njt'.lieui d I'V tin- better illi'sltl 'II of the New York market Ameri. kik snd Canadian t'a. Illcn were llrm Internatlon il sectiilfles were maintained Kxch.nim' en Iiondon. 2' murks 5" pus for heok IM (mint rules. Short bills ,U4 per elit. thle' -months hills IS per . cut LONDON. Mas 11 Th. market for Am i leun seiurltles opened tlrm and held us 1 strength until Hie close. Trading was light owing to the settlement. The final tone I firm Ooll premiums are quoted as fo;. lows: Hucns Ares, 12S 30; Madrid, 27 12. Lisbon. l?KI Union li 1- Ci.i.nlik I- i at 72.37V ' Coltoii .IlitrUel, NliW ORLKANS, Mh.v 19 -COTTON -Sternly; lower grades tevlsod; sales, 6.IO0 bales; ordinary, 7 11-Ifie; good ordinary. 8-16e; low mlddlllig, 8,c . middling. 9 3-16c; good middling. fWyc. middling fnlr, 9r, re ceipts, 990 bales, stock, 143.632 bales. Fu tures, dull; May, 9.06419. mc. June. 9.MffT 9.07c; July, 9.05ti!.(.', August. S.KS1fS.6fc ; September. S.OHiS.02c, October. 7 . 72 7 . 73c ; .November. 7.SOfl7.V: December. 7..V.lf7.iKV; Jnnuary, 7,, February. 7.02c bid. ST. LOIMS. May 19 -COTTON - Market 1-I6c. lower: middling. 9 l-16c; sales. 2,!) bales; receipts, tnr. inlcs; shipments. J0I bales; stock. 11,7ml bales LIVERPOOL. May 19.-COTTON-Hpot. limited demand, prices steady; American middling. fV; snles of the dav were 3.) bales, lududlng ism American; receipts, bales, Including .In) American. Futures owned and (dosed steady ut the advance; American middling, I. m. c. Mnv, ft 8-'M?f 6 9-01. value, .May mid June, f. 7-61.1, sell ers: Juno und July, ft 4-r,4'(i5 3-fild. buvers; July and August, ft 3-6ld, ellers; August nnd September. 4 60-fi4d, sellers; September nnd October, I tn-lltd, value; October und November. I 2S-n j, sellers; November nnd December. 1 2.1-6 Id, value; Dei ember and Jnnuary, 121-cid. value; Januarv und Feb ruary. I l9-6lfi I 20-fil.l, buvers: Februury and Match t IO-GI'ii I 20-r,li1, sollets. NF.W YORK. .May 19,-COTTON-The mnrket opened steady, with prices un changed to 2 points lower and following the call showed little energy. Subsequent vu rmttons were unehungi'il and ut no time did either faction hold miiterlal u.lMintdgc. Inllueutlal news was not In evidence, leuv Ing tho trade dependent upon lis own re sources for Incentive The Kugllsh market was In holiday 0n1IIU.n1, owing to news or the I oiler of Mufcklng. Whereas, the close was reported steady, the olllrlal cnble (le ctured buslnes.s had been suspended, In view of the South African news The crop condition was quite in Hue with that re cently received, while the weather was re. ported nbnut unchanged. Few commission traders had orders at mat kct prices and tho room "tnlent" showed reluctance to make further elm 11 140 In Its market relations fnr the time being. Kurope bought a few lots of the far months on the early decline, but sold the summer months In a listless way. I he south furnished few orders The mnr ket for futures 1 loscd quiet, with prices 1 point net higher to 2 points lower. Kstl mated receipts of cotton ut the ports todav were .Lorn bales, against 2 1.91 actnnl lust week and 7 B2.X actual a .ear ago. This week 2o,0i) bales, against II (iftl actual last week. Todn s receipts at New Orleans were 990 bales, ugalnst 1,913 lust vear, and at Houston 311 bales, against 1,5V.i last yeir. Spot closed quiet; sales, 267 bales; futures, (inlet and steiuU : Mnv. 9.1c; June, 9.32c; July. ;'.:!2e: August, s.'; s'epteinber. s.2lc; October, S.O.'c, November. 7.MV; December, .A5c; January, 7.MJc; February, 7.Sic; March, 7.9c. erpnol Criiln and I'nn Islons. LIVERPOOL, Slay 19.-Hollday In grain market. HOPS At London, Puellle coast, steady, n loslir.'t 15s. PROVISIONS-lleef. dull; ovtra India mess, Mis; prime mess 73s 9d. Pork, dull; prime mess, western. 66s 3d. Hams, short cut. II to ifi lbs., llrm, ISs. llacon, firm: Cumbertund cut. 2S to 3n lbs., 41s. short ribs, IS to 22 lbs. lis 6d: long clear middles, II. lit. 30 to 31 lbs., 41s (id; long clear mid dles, heav;-. 37 to o lbs, tis: short clear bucks, 16 to is lbs., 3"s 6.1; clear bellies, 11 to 16 lbs , 0s fid. Shoulders square. 12 to II lbs., llrm. 36s lid. Lurd, prime western, in tierces, dull. 36s; American refined. In palls, steady. :tss. Tallow, prime eltv. dull, 26s fid; Australian, In London, steadv, 2,s. lit"! THR Finest Cnltcd States, nominal good. 70s. CHIOHSH Steady; American, llnest whlto and colored, lis. Dry (.(lulls Mnrl.ef. Ni:W YORK. Sluy 19,-Further sales of 3-vnrd and .'1.25-yurd brown sheeting's for China was reported today without change from previous prices. There Is no im provement In the demand from the home trude, and spot business Is verv slow, , heavy ruin storms curtailing operations. ' Drown, bleached nnd course colored cottons Inactive and In prints snles limited, dug. hums tlrm. American cotton yarns very Irrcgulur In price und weak. Woolen und worsted yum dull. Print cloths Idle und j unchunscd. I Oil ISiirU.'l. LONDON, Slav 19. OILS Cottonseed, I Hull rellned, Slay-Augusl, dull at 23s 3d. Turpentine spirits, firm ut lis fid. Rosin, common, sternly ut fts. Petroleum, lellned. ' nominal. Unseed. 36s. I NIOW YORK. Slay 19.-01LS-Cottouseed, quiet; prime crude. It'c: prime yellow, ;i7!sc. Petroleum, quiet; rellned New York, 8.6i; Philadelphia and Hultlmore. Js.65; Philadelphia and Baltimore. In bulk, I Rosin, steady: strained, common lo good, . J1.C0. Turpentine, steady ut fd'tfiB'-'c. j Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Pa. Sluj 19 Hl'T TFR Quiet; prints lc lower' fain v west ern creamery, 20'.e; fancy western' prints, 21c. hCiriS-F' Inn nnd 'uc higher; f rr-li. near by. IS'afiKIc; fresh western, lilc: freih southwestern. 12'tc; fresh southern, 1Ph12c PLAGUE IN SAN FRANCISCO Sl Dentils DurliiK the Pnst Tliree .Mollllls Due In (he Dreaded Disease. SAN FRANCISCO, Slay 19 The Hoard of Health ha adopted a resolution declaring that bubonic plague exists lu San Francisco. Tho health authorities say that while thero are no living cases here thero hnvo been six deathn during the last threo months and they have decided lo take precautions against the development nnd spread of the disease. The tesoltitlon which was adopted late last night read ns follows: 'Resolved, That It Is tho sensn of this hoard that bubonic plague exists In the city and county of San Franclsro, nnd that nil necessary steps already taken for tho prevention of Its spread be continued together with such additional measures us may bo required." This morning a forco of physicians went through Chinatown to treat Chinese with hallklno propbyloctle na a preventive agalntt the plague. The members of the Hoard of Health say that there Is absolutely no danger of tho spread of the dlseaso at Han Francisco, but att the samo ttmo they do not prop so 10 tako any chnnccH, and It Is their duty to take precautions. ENGLAND THE BEST CUSTOMER lllijs Mvly Per (cut or All (he t lilted Mutes' I'niiil I". ports, WASHINGTON. May 19. England boys 00 per cent of nil tho products which tho American fnrmer sonds abroad, snys Consular Agent K. L. Harris, nt Kltieustatk, In a report to tho State department treat- j lug upon the extent of I'nited Statin trade I with Great Ilrltnin. KngUnil, ho bays, Is 'our boBt customer for foodstuffs nnd the Ilrltlsh colonic.! pnsent tho greatest Held , for our manufactured products. Mr. Harris I provides a table for the Hecnl year 1E98-99, showing that of our principal products., Kng land bought In round numbers $73,000,000 worth, or 79 per cent more than nil tho rest of Kurnpe combined. In conclusion Cnnaular Agent Harris states that Oreat Hrltoln has never shown tho enmity toward our home products uf coin, wheat, Hour, beef und pork which has been I evident In other Kuroptun nations, and that ' tho vnluo of Kng'and'H cnarkot cannot bo , overestimated. MUSER ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Said lo llnve C1111 lessed In Murdering Ills Wife mill I'o or Children. SALT LAKi:. Utah. Slay 19.-Tho Ueseiet Nch says a man who attempted lo commit sululde by drowning In the Jordan river hns been rescued by the police and Is believed to bo Samuel Mover, whojo wife and four children wero murdered ut their home, threo miles from Trenunt, III., lunt Sunday even ing Mcscr is alleged 10 have made a full confcwtlon of (ho crime and ls now lu tbo custody of the police, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Liiht Run of Cattle Dy of Week. 'or Lust HOGS BRING A LITTLE EASIER PRICES Western Cnttle elllnu llluher ut Miutli tlinnliii 'Mi mi 111 Oilier River points No Mieep Todn; Kruss ers l!i peeled .MoiiiIiij. SOl'TH OMAHA. May 19. tteeeli.l tvnr. (..lit lf,m hnen O.'llclal Moll. lav 4,(I9 333 h.Titi Otliclal Tuesday 3.311 !7S 3.70J , Ottli In I Wednesday 3,lf.'J 9,764 4,911 ' Olllclnl TI...1-...I,, v '1 "fj. 10 ",d j r Vl tltllclal Friday 3911 ll!w)J 1.211 Otliclal Saturday 117 7.99; , Total this week Tis7l?5 61,775 IMS') W( ek ending Mnv 12 . .I7.I63 4.1.290 22.t''3 Week ending May 6 . 12.61'J 4.1.913 13.2S9 Week eliding April 2v. 1I..1M 49..I73 20,416 elk ( ndlng April .'I .15,9.16 4.V52S 23.7M Average price paid for lings tor the last several days with comparisons; UwJ.USii., IbVi. il37.ll!sS. lSDi.lS4. I 3 791 3 121 4 461 5 IM May May May May May May .May May Slav 1.. O 3'. 4. 5.. 6. 7. R 9.. .! 6 26 3 fill I 5 1S1 3 Co! f. 17, 3 66 . o 261 3 5s, I 5 22 3 62 I, I 3 641 . r. 21 1 3 901 I 3 1S 3 !? 3 71 I 3 93, 3 72 3 26, 3 951 3 05) 3 30 .1 M; .1 f,l .1 .12: 4 4a 5 07 4 BJ, 5 w 4 471 4 97 15 0.) 4 40 5 W .1 o-i; 3 cm 5 30 4 33 .j r. 101 I B 12 .! f 15 .1 & 16 .1 0 13 3 631 .i 6.1 I 62, 3 62 3 66 3 6i 367 3 67. 3 V , 3 71 3 191 4 37 4 9. 3 S9 13 16 4 46 4 92 .1 or. ?. CO 4 431 4 81 Slav 10. May ii... May 12... Muy 13... Sluy 14... May 15, . Mat is .. May 17... Slay IS... 3 971 3 67i 3 Hi' I 461 4 t-7 4 19 3 061 3 17 I 4 I 5 I7 1 ft 21 I 5 2J' I ft 2u: 1 'l 3 3 20 4 u U ui 4 "i 3 M 3 15 4 361 3 fill 3 21 4 311 4 M I 251 1 3 18, I 2ii I 6 I IS 3 5V ! I J6' I 76 4 29 3 52 3 11 4 3S 4 lit I 35 3 51 3 12', I 4 1,9 in :t r.9i May 13., , . I 5 101 3 ti5 1 -. Indicates Sunday. The olllclnl number of cars of stock brought in todny by each road was: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. C SI St. P. Rv I 4 .Missouri Pacific ity I I'nlon Purine system 3 2S 1 C. N. W. Ry 3 V.. K. Se SI V. R. R 1 26 S. C. .S P. It 2 C , St. P., SI. & O. Ry S H. SI H, R. R 1 27 C , II. Q. Ry fi ('., R. I. P. Ry , east t C. R. 1. & P. Ry.. west.. .. 2 Total receipts fi 113 I The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing thu num ber of head Indicated: Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Oninlia Packing Co 1.312 (i. II. Hammond Co 72 2,2.16 niii 1111. 1 1 .illip.m.Y 1J mi 1 1 I... II.. ..1.1.,, rn .-. 11 i.:d Armour v Co L75S Other buyers 10 . ... Totals 137 S.357 CATTLK-As iisunl ut the close of the week, there were not enough cattle here to make any kind of a lest of the mnrket or establish quotntlons Still the few cnttle here met with ready sale at prices that looked fullv steady at the least. The receipts of cattle this weeu hnvo been the largest In 11 good ninny months, but nt the same tune there has been an enormous local demand and the mnrket has been In excellent shape. The trade has been active every day und ns a rule every thing has changed hands by 10 o'clock In the morning or very soon nfter On Slondav tho mnrket wns quoted 11 little lower, but on Tuesday and Wednesday It was higher On Friday It eased ()ff again, so that for the week It Is only about oe higher or possibly 10c higher In extreme cases Other kinds of cuttlo havo tinned up In the sumo propor tion. Colorado-Westerns Tho most of the cnttle received during the week have been branded ivesterns. cornfed, nnd a good many of them Colorado cornfeds, which have sold exceed ingly well as compared with other murkels. flood branded westerns have sold largely ut $l.90ftG.2O all this week, with very common nnd rough cattle at J.TOfH.ttO. As showing tho way cattle are selling nt other markets tho Kansas City Telegrum nuiues 11 big point of the sale of 11 Irnln of cuttlo from Dunbar. Neb., which sold as follows. Two cars of Colorado steers fed by H. S. Raker. 1,322 pounds. $4.S5; 20 head of Colorado steers fed by J. O. Slullls, 1.218 pounds $4. SO: 18 ncad of native steers fed by C. J. Mullls, l,0i pounds, Jl.M); 40 head of unlive steers. 1.24S pounds fed by A. Weller, $5.05. These cnttle were reported ns being good nnd the ship pers mentioned never make anything but good cattle. These prices are ut the least 30e lower than the same kind of cattle have sold for In this market nil this week, ns witness tho following sales made here: No. 21 Colorado Texas II branded westerns .'It Colo, steers nnd heifers... 66 Colo, steers, dehorned 70 Colorado, horned 22 Colorudo Texas 50 branded westerns 4.1 Arizona steers 30 Colorudo horned steers... I'l Arizona steers IS branded westerns 21 Colorado steers 56 Colorado steers 5 Colorado dehorned 14 Colorado dehorned 37 Colorudo dehorned 31 Colorudo dehorned 13 Colorudo dehorned Ifi Colorado steers 59 branded Texus AV. Pr. 1009 $4 SO 1276 4 90 774 4 9) 1217 4 90 1191 4 90 1117 4 99 1306 4 91 11 15 4 9.1 1321 fi 00 1101 fi 0) 13.11 f. 1,0 1293 5 00 We) 5 n,1 r.'i6 r, in 1332 5 10 1310 5 15 1360 5 15 1370 fi 13 121W r. 15 1300 G 20 To the ubovo sales might be lidded the sale of 111 bead of western cuttle, on Texus order, . only fnlr quality, fed by J K. Kramer of Syracuse, which weighed 1,150 pounds und sold here on thn pith ut $4,115. nlso twenty head, 1.270 pounds, ut J5.00, fed by F. Witt of the same place. These com parisons make It evident that Nebraska cuttle ale being stolen it Kansas City. The following will show the prlco paid for cattln today: HKKF STKKRS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 21 1111 14 2.1 10 1223 4 7.". 7 1172 I 75 11 1279 f 10 COWS. 2 Ml 3 00 9 ( ,1 -, 1 910 3 O) 3 lOtO 3 73 1 1060 3 2.1 4 1110 I 35 COWS AND IlKIFKRS. 9 R90 4 20 HULLS. 1 1550 3 41 1 KM 4 00 1 1130 3 50 1 1SJ0 4 20 CALVHS. 1... 1... 120 6 50 1 150 7 (JO 160 7 00 STOCK COWS AND 1 1 KIFF.HR. s:o 00 MO 9t,0 810 3 2.1 3 73 C0.1 1... HOOS There wns u fulrly liberal run of hogs nt this point today for a Saturday, and us advices from other markets were none too favorable buyers tried to take off .1 little from yesterday's prices. As a result trade opened up slow, with bids ranging weak to 2Vfco lower than yester day's general market. Sellers, however, were not willing to take off much, and us there vvus a good demand on the purl of puckers the mnrket closed a little stronger. The bulk of the hogs sold today nt $3.10. Light stuff sold below that llgure and the choice heavy weights brought $5.15 or bet ter. Yesterday It will be noted thul the bulk of the hogs brought $3 101(5.2',4, which makes today's nverage a trlllo easier. 1 ho llOLT mnrket Iihh linen (r. ir.wt.1 Hhutin all the week at this point In spile of tho I fuel that receipts-were the heaviest of any week this year. The demand was good all tho week, nnd each day's recelpli wero cleaned up ut u reasonably enrlj ho ir. Tho tlrst part of the week values moved upward until Wednesday, when values were about j Se higher than ut the close of the preced 1 Ing week. Thursday, However, thu mnrket 1 sturted downward, and the loss umountcd to nbout 3e. On Friday there was a big run und buyers took off 9c, so that tho week closes with the market 5c lower than 1 nt thu close of lust week. Representative sales: No, 76... 70... S3. , 71... CO.. 75.. 65.., 93.. 11 ., 17... m . t'C M. 60 . 7S 60.. 2. . .0, .v. l'" .. ..211 .... 17i 220 ... .210 223 ... .262 2I 176 217 2SI !M . ...220 256 . . 3 Ill ... 202 211 :o Sh Pr ... G0I4 160 i 05 ... i 0.1 No 50 .. 67... C7.. 78 .. IS .. M0. . 71... 74... 77. . 71... 71 .. $0. , 67... 73... 70... 70... M... SO.. 66 .. 6 Av .204 . 240 .2(2 .219 ..513 .211 ,.K0 ..229 ..251 ..237 "Si .241 . .VA ..231 :.-7 .214 i'l I ..560 Hh. Pr m r, 10 3) 5 10 :oo .1 10 TO ft 07' k 5 671, 5 0714 S 07U 5 01 5 0714 .'. 071 f OTi .'. 0714 5 07 H 1 071, f. 07H r. oPi .1 07 V, h W 1 07i 5 07', 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 to 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 fO 10 100 w :o 2m 1:0 U'i 10 40 SO :oo PI 1 'ii 'io :io 40 40 40 (0 DO YOU SPECULATE? 2i M 214 , f. it M w 10 (OK mu, ; 7S M7 0 S0M, s 70 214 so .'. OP, M 1 W. S 071, M 01 M S H S . f W HO 1,1 1 . til 5 10 Jl I I 4 6" iSt JiV( ;. ia 71 71 ;. w r. to fi Wl 110 1.1 to . . .211 10 t 10 (A 74 M7 MM.) M M . m 10 J , 72 M0 10 J 10 tt.. 71 Jl? ) .1 to o. 66.. . m 40 t, to 02. fs . .. ,JM M I, 11 : W I1 a 10 ,11 50 S 1H4 .!( . .V 12i 2(2 JO .11 -i . .V 12' am fo im j 11 r 1:', .j iw ; if, SOJ 40 H 12', Vlt 10 5 U'i . 111 40 r. ixt . H (0 i I!'., . 273 11 f. 12'4 .. 21 so r. in, ,.V ... 5 12i .ill M J HI, .111 ICO s 1214 ... ... MJI4 ...W 120 f. 121, 7 214 120 I. 10 si IVi im b 12', 7.1 Ml 200 5 10 61 500 120 5 12i M ... ) 5 ll'j 75 . 22.1 120 1 t.14 0 OJJ ... 5 I24 70 Jll 11 t I2H f9 276 0 f 1214 . . Ml l1 I U'i 60 JA (0 5 12'i 7 . .241 120 .1 1!i, S7 .. X) . h 11V f5.. .. 24 M 1.1 66 .. 2T6 M MS M 2 120 5 11 TO VS . . 5 1.1 1.1 201 ... r. 1.1 M JtO o si; 67 ... .201 . . f. 17'i ... .247 ... S 17'i tl 291 ... I 22'4 f 3M 160 5 10 60 2.W 1C0 J 10 76 JV) Pil 5 10 71 2W M t 10 10 2.14 . . R 10 7S . . ..110 0 R 10 70 20V im 5 10 A3 2(6 200 f 10 61 . . .2M M 5 M 12 20 ... 5 10 to... . 214 . 5 10 63 . 210 f0 5 10 6.1 . VA 0 f, 10 70 . 2JJ 40 5 10 M 2(4 . 5 10 0 . 1 120 5 10 ''.. .. ... 5 10 7. ..211 M 5 10 73 211 2.V0 h 10 SHi:i:P-There were no receipts today nnd nothing to make a inarket The mar ket this week, though lower, has been In good shnpe ns cotnimred with other mar kets, and Hie trade ns n whole In 11 good healthy condition The arrival of Texas grass sheep In Kansas Cltv In quite large numbers has had the nnturul result of weakening the market on fed stuff to some extent, especially the half-fat kinds. Ship pers should from now on be verv enreful nbout snipping half-fat stuff, ns that coniev Into direct competition with the grassers A trnln of Oregon grussers Is expected to nrrlvo here the tlrst of the week. At the close of the week vnlues on lambs are stonily to DfflOc lower The irenernl run of fnlr to common sheep nre 15025c lower than lust week. Quotations- Clipped wethers $5.1Mi6.3,1: clipped yearlings. $.1 4OI1R.6O, clipped ewes, pnod to choice. $l.601i,1.00; fnlr lo good clipped ewes. SI.25Tf4.fiO: good to choice Colorudo wooled lambs, $7.(Wf7 15: fnlr lo good Colorado wooled lambs. $6.75tj7.O0; good lo choice clipped iambs, S5.75ft6.00; fair to good clipped Inmbs, $5.Mi5.75. run. woo 1,1 vH vrocic M.tiiKivr, Cnttle Nominally Sternly Mors VcIItc Mieep nnd I.nnilis Steady. C1IICAOO, Slay 19.- CATTLK- Receipts, 200 head. .Market nominally steady; na tives, good lo prime steers. $5.0O5j5 70; poor to medium. $l.23f4.Mi; selected feeders, $4,2.' (ffS.OO; mixed stockers. J3.75Jf4 00: cows, $3.00 fifl.CO; heifers, v3.25n-5.u0 ; canners, $2.50Jf 3.23; bulls, $.l.00if 4.25; calves, $l.501p!.M. Texas fed Hteers. JI.nOi16.lfi: Texas bulls, J3.2IW3 fiT. llOC.S-Recelpts todav, 23.000 head; to morrow, 30 000. estimated; left over, ,1,500, .Market active nt Friday's close, averaging u shude lower, top. one car at $5 10 mixed and butchers, J5.05f5.M; good to cholro heavy. $5.2OT7.ri.40; rough heavy, $.1,051(5.15; lights. $5.O0if5.3n. bulk of sales, J5.2MB.32'4, SHKliP AND LAMPS -Receipts, 2.u head; sheep and Inmbs, steady; good to choice wethers, J5.lf.ii5.l5; fair to choice mixed, $4 00115.15; western sheep, $5,15tf5 35. yenrllngs, $5.2.Sit&,M); native lumbs, $4,501 i.25; western lambs. J6utj7.:5; spring lambs, lower ut $5.00fa7.50. Kniisnn Clly Live Stnek MnrUrt. KANSAS CITY, Slay 19.-CATTLR- Re. eelpts. 340 head. Market for the week, 31, IW head; eholco dressed beef nnd export steers sold steady; good butchers' stork 10c higher; native iteers, JI,G()fG.36; stock ers und feeders, S3.75f5.50, butcher cows und heifers, $3.50ii5.00; canners, $2,731)3.50; fed westerns, $1 OOI10.OO; Texatis. $3.7.1 it 4.93, HOaS-RccelptS, 6.800 bend. Slurkct ac tive and unchanged: Improved demand checked decline In prices, the week closing with an advance of 5ifl0o; today's sales Heavy, $5,151(5.25; mixed, $.1,101(6,20; light, $4.HO,li6.15; pigs, J4.nofi4.ti0. SIIKKP AND LAS1HS -Receipts for tho week, 24,000 bend; good lambs nnd muttons sold nt steady prices; plain fed and grass grades slower; spring lumbs brought $6.50 i7.50: Colorudo wool lnmhs, J6.9oli7.12Vi; clipped Inmbs. $5,505(6.25; clipped muttons, $5.(0115.35, grass Texans. J4.3oij4.S5; feeders, Jl.00ij5.Wi; culls, J3.00( 4.00; no market today. Ml. I.iinlx Lire Slock Mnrkel. ST. LOP IS, Slay 19.-CATTLK-Recelpt9. 200 head. .Market steady, native shipping und export steers, $I.S5li5.S0; dressed beef und butcher steers, $4.25115.10; steers, under 1,000 lbs., $3,8514.50; stockers and feodcrs, $3.10!J4 75; cows and heifers. $2.25(ff 4.85, run ners. JI.50ti3.S5; bulls, S3.2U1i3.75; Texus umj iiiniiiii mccrs, w.twio.ju; cows ntm neners, 1 $3,()5ii 1.25. I llrw-u ii....i..i .. o i.i-- 1 1 , .... w.j i.vLi-ii'.n, .,o-i neilo. mantel stendv; pigs and lights. $5,051(5.15; pnekers, $.i.(1Ti5.20; butchers, $.1.15116.33. SlIICKP AND LASIHS-Recelpts, 100 head. Market nominal; nntlvo muttons, $1.5010 6.10; lambs. $5,001(7.25; culls und bucks, $3.2551 4 .15; stockers, $2.505T3.25; Texus mut tons, $1. 40if 1.73. Xevy York l.lrn Stuck Mnrket. NKW YORK, Slay l.o.-HKKVKS Re ceipts. ,35 head, all for slaughterers and exporters; none for sale; feeling steadv; cables llrm, exports, 393 cattle und 5,507 quarters of beef. ,CALVi;S-Recelpls, fix hunt, nil eholco veals, und sold at $6,75; feeling llrm; sheop and lumbs, receipts, 2.SI0 head. .Market steady, lambs about steady: sheep. $3.(K) 5 50; clipped lambs, $5.5Wi(i.7S; culls, $5.00; clipped yearlings, Jfi.Oo; spring Inmbs, nomi nal. llOdS-Recclpts, 3,318 head. Slarkct barely steady; no sales reported. Stock In SIkIiI. Following nre the receipts at tho four principal markets for Sluy 19: Cnttle Hogs Sheep. South Omuliii Chicago Kansas Clly . St. Louis Totals 117 7 007 2)0 340 200 23,000 6.S00 2.300 3.00) "ioi 817 38,097 2,10) Coffee .Market. NIOW YORK. Slny 19.-COFFKi:-Opened steady at prices 5 points lower und ruled more uellvo nnd generally lower, following lower cables, Inrgor receipts at Rio and Santos, small warehousn deliveries nnd tin satlsfuctory f.pnt demand. The undertona vvus still wenk. Closed steady at net un changed prices to 5 points decline. Total sales. 8,i(i Kigs, Including June. J7.60; No yember, R7r.1iK.C0; December, $7: .March. ij.mU U. Spot. Rio. dull; No. j invoice, i',4c; mild, quiet; Cordova, SliftlSVjc. HiiKfir Mnrkel. NKW ORLKANS, Slay 19. - SI'OAR Steady; open kettle, 3i;W4 3-lfie; open kct tie, crntrffngnl, 4ViiWVc; centrifugal, yel low. 'I'Yf 1 13-ltic; seconds, 2DIHc NKW' YORK, Slny 19. HUI1AR - Raw, lest1' 1 15 TJc1' "n,"K' 31;,-32c; centrifugal, 96 NKW YOIIK, Slay 19.-SCOAR - Molasses sugar. 3 15-H.c; rellned, steudy; standard A, 1.90c; confectioners' A, 4.95c; mould A, r..40o. cut loaf, 5.65c; crushed, 5.65c; powdered, 6,2oc, granulated, G.15c; cubes, 5.30c. Callfornln Dried I'rults, NKW YORK, Slay 19.-CALIFORNIA DRII'JD FRCITS-Ruled rather dull and nomlniilly unchnnged; tho market for evntiorated apples was quiet but stendv nt unchuuged iirlces. Stute, common, 4'4fl5c; prime, r.ipic; choice, 61i1c; fancy, 7'i( Sc. Cullfornla dried prunes, Vfilc per ll., us to size und quality. Apricots. Royal, 12'jlille; si park, ir.lilSc. Peaches, peeled. 101120c, impeded, 7lf(9c RRPEHNEYS CO. SfQfcKS Grain RooH4rirurEBUa bramch irmruw OMAHA fICD. UMWU1 Mft JAMES E- BOYD & CO., 'I deplume 1030. Onialiu, Si' COMMISSION, ;KAIN. I'KOVISIONSand STOCKS HOARD OF TRADE. Correspondence; John A. Warren Co Uirect wires to Chicago und Nw YorS. CprX Ireular showing how you ciin make I DLL iiindreds of dollars on safe Invest ment of $30 to $1(0. Write for full particu lars Lacey & Co., 32 Jlroudwuy, New York If so, speculato successfully Send your orders tn a reliable house, where they will bo placed In tho open markot. Wo can make for you In ono month more Interest on your money than nny bank will pay you in a year. Bend for our book on tpeo illation. It U frco. J.K. Comstock& Co I llnom -it Traders' III (I sr., Chleuuo.