Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1900, Page 14, Image 22

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roit a .il.m: wwhuiioiii;.
HI Irk ChlcnKO Tells of ller lint nntl
Crook fur Midsummer Wrnr,
NKW YORK. May 18. "Durk things and
shirt wn'sts are what very seriously engage
my attention nt this moment." confessed
tho girl from Chicago, reaching (or n fan
and tossing back from her shoulders a
wrap which the hostess picked tip and crit
ically examined. It won of creamy satin
fared rlotli. puckered all about with tucks
raying out from tho neck to tho shoulders,
well below the curve of which a doep
flounce, of time yellow church laco fell fully
gathered. From undor the Ince the cloth
fell In a frill to the waist line, all stiffened
with closo sot Btltchtngs In white silk and
about tho high, ruff collar of cream chiffon
waa wound a scarf of owl brown liberty
satin, fastened nt the back of the neck by
a handsome strass buckle and letting fall
two long streamers.
"Don't you llko It?" demanded tho well
dressed westerner. "Well, rather," an
swered the hostess, "and your hat, too, It
matches beautifully. 1 nm so glad to sen
that toques of turked silk muslin and chif
fon with gilded lace brims have come to
take, tho place of their tucked taffeta "rela
tives that we wore with so much plcasuro
last winter."
Ilittx mill Veil.
"No," solemnly Insisted the caller, "I
don't like my hat. I meant to buy a palo
brown reapcr'B straw. A lovely looso
woven thing wound with a scarf of brown
tullo nnd a rope of rose aicms. Have you
seen thorn? Just tho stalkH of tho roses
are used, tinted In green and brown nnd
mauve, a half dozen wound together with
the big level red thorns left on, you can't
Imagine anything more bucolic and becom
ing. I made up for my mistake In tho hat,
though, by buying two of tho sweetest bat
pins. A long Htrel shaft with a bunch of
iruircnsslto flowers nt one nnd Is tho very
most fashionable thing you can wear It
you don't dlildo your affections between
replied the owner of the linen gown, "t
rnuat admit same of the new buckles are so
lovely I feel almost reconciled to wearing
broad clumsy belts. A big beautifully enam
eled purple orchid, with the edge of tho
petals gleaming with rhlnestones, Is, I seo,
uno of the favorite deilgns and another Is a
Olympla, for a memorial angel sculpture
for a monument for Forest 11111 cemetery.
Iloston, Mass,; for a figure for the Chap
miyi memorial at Milwaukee nnd for hosts
of other figured which hold prominent
MUs French will not use her newly nc-
i' iHiiio.v.wu.K rums.
an easily a do men. There formerly was
a prevailing Idea that women knew com
i paratlvely little nbout banking mutlcm and
tho proper way to conduct them.
While somo women have little natural
i aptitude for btismens, when they are told a
thing onco they nlmost Invariably rcincm
1 ber It and seldom make tho earne error
twice. They arc quick to learn and most
accurate ami careful, as a rule, In their
accounts. Few people havo nny nccurato
Idea of the number of women who keep
separate account or who own stocks nnd
bonds. Many are the widows of wealthy
men, while some have Inherited large mm
of money from fathers or other relatives.
Thero also Is a considerable and growing
class of women either actively engaged In
buslnew or silent partners In some en
terprise from which large dividends are
frequently lavender with blue, but ovev I
slonally there I blue with lavender. 1
Modified bishop sleeves nre Very inu- It
worn Iti thn thin conns, and blouse waists,
but. Ilk so many other whims of fashion,
they nvc not becoming to stout women.
Thore Is now a demand for scarf-finish
Inns on summer dross hats, the fronts or
surplice bodices. Helms, collarette, Utnns
and even on lnre-olge lingerie In empire
The rose-tinted shades In violets and vel
vet pansles are the mot favored In the
season's purple millinery. The tlowers nra
very life-like In shape, and the colorlmr Is
A dainty gold pin for fastening the belt
ribbon nt the, back Is studded serosa with
iriHx;venMve Jewels of Various klndf, nnd
two little chains are looped to fall from
tho center.
The latest characteristic of hair dressing
are tho softness, tho Irrrgulnr natural-looking-
wave, and a. decided tendency to dis
card tin- rlsld, very frlxr.y effect so un
mistakably the result of hot Irons.
In tho pretty little Kton jackets In black
In all this, women undoubtedly show taffeta, which arc so Inexpensive, Is one
..u - i .. i . , i. i. tucked diagonally and with most attractive
lovely woman's face In Ivory framed In her nulred nrlvlleee as an engineer for other
own soft falling hair done In gold, Of course purposes than running a locomobile for tho
a fairly hroad ribbon must be mounted on pigy.,-,, 0f herself nnd frlenda.
such a buckle ana witn acncaie muiun
gowns I know girls who will wear gay
of gold or silver thread and then embrold- (.ray-White the Fnvornl Color for nunc as mucn uuaincss tnci as men. n is i rmn tuitions, black steel In tiny squires
cred In flowers." . t;nlllnu nml WimIiIIukk, ' getting to oe more and more mo cusuom to set witu a few no's or out sieei in tile
.1.11 ..II... .rtYirtrl,A,1 I L'ni tlw, atrlMK' t n ah Inn fM A r.nrnn fitut nrtv linllKohnlrl t.flta tttHl checks, the hntllt I CentCC.
Hack nay. "will wear anything. I saiV.pno ,now there Is bu.t one color to be used, for account for this being carried in the namo j J."(?? made wUh "the broil!
tho other day in a really charming little calling and Other cards. That Is gray-white, of the mistrcfs of the house. Cromwell flaps rising In the instep nnd the
gown ppolled by her frivolous shoes. Tho
gown was nun's veiling In belgo brown, plain
of skirt, but the waist very sweetly laid in
tucks running from shoulders, down. ,It had
rovers of brown silk embroidered In plain
bluo violet turned back upon tho shoulders
and It opened In front to reveal a vest ar
rangement of embroidered lawn upon brown
silk, whenco fell In front two long brown
silk sashes embroidered In violets,. Her
sleeves wers eharmlnc. ooenlnc below the
elbow to admit of whlto lawn undcrsiceven
and embroidered brown silk ruffs. Kven
her parasol was a bit of novel daintiness,
tho handlo of gold In the form of a flerco
caglo head with ruby oyrs. Hut. do you bo
llove It, that girl wore brown leather walk
ing ties with cream canvas tops and whlto
heel and laced them with white silk.
.shoos nnd Wntclim.
J-'tlll tics like that are fashionable,"
weakly put In the hostess, conscious that
Just such a pair decorated her shoo box up
I .Inn'l n n IIiav Inlb lllll(l. " Inalulfvl
UUM 1 LUU ww n ., hn trtTiiiM vntM.r Tll.'a tv Vl.-l.- iilvvm) tTtnv
Mrs. Flick Day, who herself always con
cealcd her. feet, for many excellent reasons. Tho proper-thickness is what Is railed by tho
wny. it s juu iik me new way oi wearing stationers "two Sheet." This Is a happy
watches. medium between the old stylo heavy board
"Do you mean strung on your neck chain?" and the fomowhat later very thin card that
.,. l,.l. IOI. .U.ln l Ahlr,ln I. ' .""T . -. - -.- Wut 11,1 llllir.
' . " 1 'V , ' i.' ii ,Z u. "l,ve onc nnd Us ,no ')rl"p or m' me' 11 Tho lettering may bo In three styles
. 1 ' . r. J. "" ". has just come to mo from rarls along with Script Is tlll much used, ns It will always
pins are ur.gnt y jew cicn tn.s season 10 , my ew. rnril mw bearne on R ,e.uher be. but modish men and women arc using
ihnnf with Ihn I ntcnfU linla nnd Inn foil. , . ..... . I
duu.. ............ ..... Dack ln one Cornc.r my mitlal3 in small the "hlork K'ttcr" stylo of enciavlnK. and
I.oula XVI letters. My neck chain i a the ultra-fashlonablo arc maklnc a fad of
bonuty. quite long, with utrange woven Unas cards engraved In the old Kngllsh letter.
and of very palest dull gold you can Imagine. The. dimculty for tho average person in tho
Sliding up and down on It, Just like n llttlo path of thn latter Is its costliness. In card
old-fashioned guard, Is my watch, a quaint, for men there are three For the club
tiny, oblong affair In Louis VI form of the measurements aro 2?4xt- inch's; for
tastlc veils of pastel tinted chiffon, having
white or black tullo dots set Into tho
fragile material.
''Ono veil I contemplated purchasing,
f.i,,ti.l I ii . ... u nt nlnrL-u Irtllciru
dull gold, with the face In pale green enamel block letter or old Kngllsh. Sjixl 7-l niches; , h m ' , mn , , Blimlej. . w
nnd tho minutest brilliants. It Is tho ono and for script, UVfexlO-lG. The club size la , .,. ,,,, ,.,, . i,i., Z ' .
and only form of watch yet Invented that a not much used. For misses fashion dictates
T . .. n I . V. ....I.I I.I. .1. 1
.1 .o iu, ,... ni.ui., uiucit ,,, .... , ,,, , ,..,, ,,,..,
you Knuw uie wiucn as a wai.i:ii m
pun- benuty. and In splto of Mrs. Hack the size .1 -16x2U Inches; nrrlpt letters,
Day's unkind criticism I shall wear mlno 3 13-32x2 i-16. Inches. For "Mr. and Mrs.'
and rejoice In lto possession."
she continued, "was of the palest, palist
peirl pink chiffon with tiny black laco
flowers dispertcd over it, but nfter all my
eyes aro my best feature and I decided not
to' sacrifice them to a mere passing vanity
I took Instead a clear rosv mauve mousse
line de solo width with a pure lilac floss
fringe on tho edgo nnd bought a veil pin,
a small buckle of brilliants to fasten it
to my hat brim In front; that's a novelty,
jou know."
l.liifii nnil Duck lit e much.
"No, I didn't know," answered Mrs. Ilack
Day, ."but what I do long to know Is some
thing about tho duck gowns and shirt
waists you referred to so knowingly on your
"Well, as I've already gone to tho ex
penio of ordering one at my tailor's, I sup
poso I ought to know thnt tho linen things
nro to be very much rando with extremely
brief bolero coats' nnd skirts quite plain
My first excursion Into this experimenting
with washablo things is a dove's breast
lilac linen, the hklrt most sevrro and tho
little coat laid In tho very cunnlngest deep
overlapping tucks that run round the body
On every tuck a. charming wreath of white
braid luco Is laid across tho bust, over my
shoulders fall two broad collars of cream
white linen fastening half way between chin
and waist with smart gilt chains and but
tons,' Under the coat I havo ordered for
wear a completely tucked whlto lawn shirt
waist and a very deep glrdlo of parma
violet liberty satin takes the place of tho
usual belt.
"It sounds good," assented .Mrs. Ilack
Bay, "hut honestly, don't you think the
belts aro painfully ugly this season, too
broad you know?
'Oh, well, since the fashion for vast
fancy buckles In gold and gun metal am!
enamel hiiR reasserted Itself we may , as
well prep.ire to gird our waists with rib
bona that make, us look at least five Inches
tn'ore than our real measure," philosophically
ful colt.r. life; and beauty to uruy white o
blea'hed hair Produces a new thick
rrowth on bald heads ami immediately
rfiresis tin- falling out of hair Cures
(lamirulT mm li hlng sctfip UOU3 NOT
STAIN skin on (.'l.O TlllNt. A clean,
healthful hair dressing- for men anil women
Nothing 'ike It or Jim m good, Uncqualed
as n auk'k hair crower.
oetr Large Bot, BOc''s'h'o'p,.
whole fronts of the xhoes are Inlaid with
Homo New York bnnks hnve reallred thli
women, noiaoiy so me nun avuh ie ami uio , A r,urnl)I ,, wulnrproof H!lrt binding U
Bi-vuuu .ittiiuuni uaiiKs. ni'ii- in hubiuu, i iniiue oi ruooer wiin one sloe veivoieen
iiiero is a corn or it nun an euge to num
up Inside the skirt. There Is n body to it
which makes a firm edge to the aklrt. It
N 10 cent!) a yard
A Imnilsnme quality of crepe de chine I
used for elegant evening toilet, portion of
brldel gown, mid entire dresse fur gradu
ating rnllcge girl, hare mid oIt-lk siihIu'h
with deeply frlnuti! ends are nccoMsorles
for these gowns.
Those pretty crochetted cuff link for
wash waists come in every color nnd dif
ferent shades, so that It Is ponjble to
maim me neuotrope wnicn one wear".
men are not good rrletms are
e. .
'business there, the number of which has , oiii, n,i iuio ihr.virt l.m'nw in inre.lilti.
grown to uo or large proportions, wmie trie
enterprise on tho part cf the ' r ' ;,n ? '., .n ",,,,,,tr'
In a similar way, the needs of business
women have been recognized and met, es
pecially by the Hay Stato Trust company,
on IlojlMon street, which hns been re
modeled upon new Ideas, following In part
those suggecte:l by New York places. The
main banking room contains a large desk,
circular In shape, and placed within a
wrought Iron Inclosure of handsome de
sign and make. Inside of thlo may bo
B5VJ jd(lk ,99k SL'PKIlIOlUo all other
yT rj557L' iftifilJ) Corset In lightness, flei
jj )MMfi IaI ,bmty' l"urc9. crlDg '
jSk hJmlufiuimSK qualities, nt and detail cC
Tar 'fel Ul lK? finish, lloncd with pliable
f K&lfti III filUl rut-proof metal boning) '
'lls breadth of hip and bust 1
vfla 1 measure perfcctlj fitted Id
- ...ri prlccs (roni 81,00 10 13,001
Wiie Words to Sufferers
From a Woman of Notre Darned Ind.
I will mall, free of any charge, this Home Treat
ment with lull Instnictiuns ami the history of my nun to nny lady suffering from female trouble. You
can cure yourself at home without ths aid ol nny
phyiiclun. It will cult you nothing to give the
treatment a trial, and it you decide to continue it
will only cost you alout twelve cents week.
It will not Interim: with your work or occupation.
I have nothing to sell. Tell other sufferers of It
that is all I ask. It cures all, young or old.
nil II you feci a tarlng.dnwn wnsatlon, scno of
Inilicndlng evil, pain In the back or bowels, creeping
frt'iing up the spine, a desire to cry Irenuently, hot
nasties, wcarinciix, Iminciil drlrc to urltiAte, or II you
have Leticorruca (Whites), Dlsplaceincnt or Palling
of the Womb, Profile, Scanty or Palntnl Periods,
Tumors or Orowths. address MRS. M. SU.M.MICKS,
NOT KB OAMK, INI)., U.S. A., for the K uy.n
Tkkatmknt and I'ULi, Information.
thousands besides myself have cured tbemselres with It. I wind It In plain wrappers.
TO M0TI1EKS OP OAUOMTURS I will explain a simple Home Treatment which speedily and
Tectualiy cures Ltucorrhea, Grttn Sicknnt and Painful or Irregular Memlrnalian in young ladle.
II will save you anility nnd exptnie and sare ynur daughter the humtltaUon of explaining tier
baubles toothers. Plumpness and health always result from its use.
Vherever you live I can refer you to writ-known ladloiot your own state or county who know and
mil gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all diseased conditions ot our
dtilcatelctnalcoriranUm. thoroughly strengthens relaxed musclca lund ligaments which cause dis
placement, and mokes women well. Wrltu uid-" , as this oiler will not be m.ido again. Address
MRS. IYI. SUnnERS, Box 3 Notre Dame, Ind., U.S.A.
MIIS. M'LKAM'.S ItOVAI. Vllltl A(iK.
.Superb Ilnuinont, llrnnn by
Horse ivltli Postilion.
It Is only royalty and admiral and Mrs.
Dewey who ride In daumonts.
Tho daumont does not belong to the ad
nilrnl, ho It noted, for he is a democrat and
upposed to be wedded to Jcffersanlan
simplicity, but It Is the property of his
mother-in-law, Mrs. Washington McLean of
Washington, I). C. The Dewey, however,
often take their airings In this beautiful
equipage, nnd upon thc;o occasions they arc
the observed of all observers. At the time
of tho celebration In the admiral's honor
nt .Washington last autumn, It will bo re
membered that ho was entertained alMrs
McLean s house and this carriage was the
orie in which he drove. It. occasioned soma
comment at tho time that he made h's
headquarters at tho McLean mansion hut
the cat was soon out of the bas and the
reason why known.
Tho carriage is drawn by four magnificent
bays, with postilions mounted on tho rear
leader and near wheeler, with tho footmen In
high hats and black livery In the rumble;
tho postilions wear shart, black Jackets
with three rows of buttons down the front,
whlto knee breeches and top boots, round
black caps and black gloves.
Thero being no driving seat, the carriage
Is Ideal for pleasure driving, ns the view Is
unobstructed. The rumble Is soraetlme3 dls
pensed with, but for full dreps occasions It
must be used. The harnessing fs precisely
tho same as far posting, but the pole of tho
carriage Is usually of iron and bent down In
tho intddlo eo as to bo below the leg of the
wheel horso postilion, to avoid bruising it
When two horses Instead of four nre used
the equipage is called a deml-daumont.
This stylo of carriage was much In vogue
nt Newport several years ago und may be
scon thero occasionally now. Mrs. James
L. Kernochan and Mrs. August nrlmont
have owned daumonts. The name Is taken
from the Due d'Aumont, a French leader of
fashion, both before and after the revolution.
Ho nan superb stables ntteu up with
mahogany, marble and Hohemlan glass and
ho Introduced this style of carriage; a la
daumont Is the usual spelling,
That daumonts nnd deml-daumnntB aro
not articles of everyday luxury ln New York
Is qultn certain; a handsome prize was
offered at tbo last national horse show, held
ln Madison Square Garden, for pairs of
horses to bo shown before a doml-dntlmont
hut there were no entries In this class. Tho
picture presented hero shows Mrs, McLean
In her royal currlago.
nn I Inttnt np nM Wnfl lah 7.. ' 1.1T Innlina
i:uum uii'it. 1 lie ileum luii-ui nn aniui'
for women Is especially attractive, nnd
quietly, without publicity or nnnoynnce. and
nn odd size Is ,1ix2 9-1(1. I wun every convenience ni nanu, womn
A great' many kll or vcllum-flnlsh cards pmrnns ami depositors may transact tneir
are being used In ultra-smart sorlety. nusintso manors most sausiacioniy. inerB
Dinner cards nre In crenm. with gold 1 nrP convemoni lime writing uosks. sup-
bevel edges, or In a color to suit the par- Plei1 wltn stationery In case a letter or
tlcular colored dinner thnt Is belne Riven, something besides a cnccK must be written,
Thn r."Tim TiitlHt So In nnn nf thn fniimi-inir I and there aim Is a smnll reception room i II ii.n.ln ,.l.l I
alien- "f.riii.. rt T.ifixi 1 1 -lfi. JHv I where ladles may wait for friends or rest , show it.
nnd 3Tx3 Inches. The colored cards are a 'awhile If thev feel -to Inclined. Current
standard size 3 7-lfixl 11-10 Inches. There mngazlnes and the best periodicals always
nro eight or nine different colors of these, at hand on the tablen. with comfortnblo
open work designs nre the iliilntlesl nninl.
ties In this department They come in a
variety of colors as well as black, nnd i
lead the line for smart effects with the. i
low-cut patent leatliir shoes. There nre '
striped stockings galore, hiiiI everv kind
and color, spotted with white polka dots,
but tho liice-lllto designs tnke the palm. ,
White stockings nnd ties of sheer lawn ,
which are actually mado to wash are at- .
tractive. Home have turnover hem- I
stitched bows, and others with n tie plainly
stitched to make a bow nnd ends to banc I
half way down to the wnlsl None of bought at n Hrst-elnss haberdashery
Lace dresses, oversklrts. lace bloues,
vests, fichus laces In every possible form
will be worn during the summer, with a
notably lavish disregard of expense. The
favorite foundations for lnce dresses are
taffetas, satin sultan and penu de solo, and
next to pure white the popular colors Hre
pule pink. Persian mauve und a soft beau
tiful maize yellow.
AVhllo tnffeta silk parasols or handsome
nuallt:', hut with no sort of decoration,
will bo the prevailing fashion for general
use with light summer rowiis. And an
addition to these nre the foulards and plain
gray, blue, and fawn-colored satins and
silks for greater services. The conspicu
ous Ttumcliuiida styles with gay handker
chief waists to match, arc quite In ev
idence in the shops, but they will be rare
In fashionable circles.
(;iivn:i r,r.ii:i:ii'N i.k
Pretty Annie I'reiicb t'nn Run
mobile mv.
Miss Annie Ralnsford French, whoso pro
file adorns the hrnss tablet nf the Olympia,
hn Just been granted an engineer's license
by the district commissioner, nnd Is the
flrot woman In tho District ot Columbia to
be so honored. M French docs not
nplre to be a mechnnlcal engineer other
than to run her own locomobile, although
sho has taken a regular examination which
tents her qualifications for such a position.
She ia a charming girl of 21 yrnrB, nnd n
noted beauty. fho became Interested In
the running ot a locomobile through taking
trips with her father. William P.. French,
who Is a practicing physician. Dr. French,
who lives on Kast Capitol street, owned ono
of the first locomobiles ever run In tho
city, nnd hlo daughter took great delight in
this method of transportation. From early
youth she had a habit of trying to got at
the bottom of everything practical, scorn
lug dolls and other frivolities.
This habit, which has grown upon her,
made, her investigate tho structure and
workings of tho locomobile. When oho had
fully mastered the Intricacies of tho machine
who persuaded ber father to mako appll
rtillrtn tnf hr niunilnnllnn Ua. n.....l
1 !. - n a . .......... .... vuu,,....Uu. iv(iirni
T. FBMX tJOt'HAUD'S OllllJNTAL j ,vns granted nnd today she is the proud
Oil MAtilCAI, HKAUTlKIlsn. puw "i u eiiRinoor b ceruncaie.
Kcmovrs Tan, Ttraples rrencn i ono oi ine man popular
freckle. Moth. Pstohe Washington girls, although the Ilerkthlre
". and "ve?y lll,la ut Stockbrldge. Maer generally claim
blemish on buiy, I her for tho summer, while New York Ij
u'on "'has Mood i 0,ten nPr homo ,or tho srealer part of the
the test ofA'.'yra.'s winter months. Sho la of medium height,
we" tisti , i to bS i P"" and pretty, with a dazzling com-
sure it is properly ploxlon and fathomless blue eyes. Her
cmimorfolt or .im": I Moulders are absolutely llawless from nn
lar u.imo Dr L. 1 artistic nolnt of view and she has often
truly onhaliut.?o2 "rfved as a model for somo Important piece
or statuary.
Sho Is tho niece of the well known sculp.
tor, Daniel Chcntor French, nnd a cousin
of yilllam M. II. French, dlrectur of the
Chicago Art museum. Sh posed aa thn
model for tk brut tablet which idorni th
For weddings- the gray-white shale In a.' ilulrs, mirrors, where a glanco may bo
vellum finish Is much used.- The sheets nnd
Insldo envelopes must be of "eighty-pound"
paper nnd the outsldo envelopes of "flxty
pound" paper. The correct sizes for In-
vltntlons nre: For the sheet. .fl4x7Vi inchc.;
inside envelope, SSixS-'Ji inches. For an
nouncements two sizes aro permitted. Ono
Is: Sheet, nx Inches; Insldo envelope,
5 5-16x3 Inches. Tho other Is: Sheet,
4x5 15-16 inches; Insldo envelope, ix3U
WOMI-iX 1 IMMilMi,
Itnpldly UrcoiiiliiR n Stronu: I'nelor in
the lliisliiess.
That women nro more and morn becom
ing a strong factor In the banking business,
says tho Ilostou Transcript. l well recog
nized by presidents, cashiers and other
officials qf banking insjitutlons, and ' rf
a pereon drojis carnally Into some leading;
bank hi usually finds several women there
transacting their own business affairs Ju
had to rcc If one's dress is correct, towing
materials where a. stitch may bo taken If
necetsary or a lest button replnced, nro
some of the general conveniences which
havo been tho study of tho ofllclnls of this
well-nrrnngHj banking room. In lino oak
finish, and with a rich carpet In green nhndos
In tho women's departmeiy, with nil ttiMo
attractive features, and especially with tho
separate set of clerks andjtellers to attend
exclusively to their wants the transaction
of biihlnrss becomes not only enay, but a real
'I'll Ik About Women,
Helen (lould's conlrlliutlons to charltv
for the mont'i of April arc said to have
footed up P.OVi.
Ainoni? thh dolomite nt the Transnds-
slsslppl Commercial congress held at Hous
ton. Tex., me other nay. were two women,
.urs. iioHiue Mj'Mii and .Mrs. I'.ur.alietli
Hryan, prosperous real estate owners In
Tho tallest woman on the American slneo
is Miss Mary full. who. besides her decided
hlftrloiiic talent, liny won world s fame as
lh favorite model of some of the foremost
American sctilntors for their mx messes of
liberty. Mls Tull's height Is considerably
over rlx feot.
Miss Mnr.v Johnson, author of "To Have
nnd To-Hold" comes of nn old Vlrlglnla
family, and Is very fond of that state, but
sho does most of her writing In New York,
having concluded that all kinds of work
can bo done better In cities.
This Offer Almost SurpasHes Belief.
An External Tonic Applied to the Skin
Beautifies it as by Magic.
A Womau Was the Inventor.
Thousand have tried from tlm Imme
morial to discover some efficacious remoc'.r
for wrinkle and other Imperfections ot the
eomploxlon, but none had yet succeedsd un
til tho Misses Ilrir, tho now famous Com-
Tlie empress of Russia hns the most
beautiful sa;;.hlres In the world and cite "fk City, offered the public their wonder
also possesses a wonderful collection of nil Comploxlon Tonic. The rtason so many
turquoises, though It Is not equal to that . tailed to make this dlscclrery before Is plain,
or ine uarnness iiunieu-Louiis, wno, in- tNKhusa they have not followed the right
deed ,1s said to have the finest collection . b,i-ii. n.i,.. i-r,,,. i iinr. ,n
that exists.
Mrs. Com Cnnihart Potter's business
venturo must, indeed, be nromlslncr. for sho
Is building a country house nt Hrny, near
Maidenhead. Kiieland. and will Join the
coterio of smart artistic people who gather
in mat neignuornoou m ine summer.
The flrst woman who ever sat In a ter
ritorial political convention was Miss Ida
Itennett Miller, who had a placo as i proxy
at the recent republican nutlonal delegate
convention In Purcell, I. T. She has
Choctaw blood ln her veins, her father.
J. II. Miller, being a wealthy stockman and
an tntermarrted citizen,
Church records at luirnster. Pa., show
that llarbara Filetehle, the heroine or
Whlttler's famous poem, was born in 1'fiii.
Pho must hnve been nenrly 10) yeais old
wNmi she seized tho banner and shook It
forth at "Stonewall's" troops at Frederick
Dover have a tonic effect upon the skin,
fetnee the failure.
rONIC has a most exhlllaratlng effect upon
Ihe cuticle, absorbing nnd carrying off all
Impurities which thn blood by Its natural
ictlon la constant'' forcing to tho surface of
the (iktn. It Is to tho skin what a vitaliz
ing tnlc Is to the blood and nerves, a kind
f new life that Immediately exhilarates nnd
Itrengtheas wherever applied. Its tonic ef
fect Is felt almost Immediately and It speed
ily banishes forever from the skin freckles,
Simples, blackhends, moth patche!, wrinkles,
ver spots, roughness, nlllnost, eruptions and
llscoloratlons of any kind.
In order that all may bo benefited by their
oreat Discovery the Misses Relf will, dur
Frills of Fashion.
Cluny laces and Insertions are agnln the
height of fashion. They decorate lioth sum
mer cowns nnd summer lingerie,
Some of the new skirts aro made with al
silk dro: shirt which has 'a ruille like tho
town. This Is marie Just long enough to
clear the ground, so It Isja simple matter
to hold up the outside skirl.
Lavender nnd blue and blue and lavender
e still appearing In '-'imparl) It is morn
Hint Is. If there ever were' a Barbara at j tag th present month, Ktre to all callers nt
all, which Willi nil the discussion upon the
MlbJect Is beginning to be doubtful.
Thn tlrst full-blooded Indian woman to
receive a dlplomu as a trained nurse Is Miss
Nancy Kuth Seneca, daughter of Chief
Isaac Seneca, head of the Seneca tribe on
the CatlarauBiW reservation In New York
state. She Is now completing her profes
sional education nt the
hospital In Philadelphia, where the doctors
pronounro her n treasure in care and skill.
Mrs. Cnprtm. tho widow of the rough
rider captain who was killed in Cuba will
Mill fur the Philippine this month to do
Red Cross work. Since the death of her
husband, according to the New York Kven
Ing Post, she has Interested herself In tho
welfare of discharged soldiers, securing
employment for many of them. She Is also
prominent in a movement to seeuio an ap
propriation from congress for the eiertlnn
of a monument In the plot at Arlln-ton
their parlors one trial bottle of their Oro
plexlon Tonic absolutely free, and In order
that those who cannot call or live awny
from New York may be benefited they will
send one bottle to nny address, all charge
prepaid, on receipt of 25 cents (stamps or
silver) to cover cost of packing and deliver
ing. Thn price of this wonderful tonto 1
$1 .00 per bottle nnd this liberal offer should
be embraced by nil.
The Misses Hell have Just published their
This valunble work Is free to all desiring It.
The book treats exhaustively of tho import
unco of a good complexion; tells how aj
woman may acquire beauty and ktep It.
Special chapters on the caro of the hair;
how to hnve ruiurlmt growth; harmless
methods of making the hair preserve Its
natural benuty and color, even to ndvanCed
age. Also Instructions how to banish
superfluous hair from the face, neck and
arms without Injury to the akin. This book
will be mailed to nny address on request.
Fit I? 12 Trial Hottles of Wnndnrful Com
plexion Tonic free nt parlors or 2K cent
(cost of packing nn.l mailing) to tboes at
Correspondence cordially solicited. Ad
THE MISSES BELL, 78 Finn Av... New Yoru City.
The Mlssea nell's Toilet Preparations aro for sale In this city by
The .Reliable Prescription Pharmacists,
The Grrnt SberlocU Holmes llel e. t I e Stories (irnlls l.T
riiis I'miei
Rays Ida
York Sun:
has passed
Thagreate.t detective stories ever written In '"'itbrato.? IK,"? SheTlook'
Jiimm " . . n't...... it fit i iinniiPii w iim p vr i ii
where, aro burled tho soldiers who died in dramatic situations and intensely ox. i ;k 1 ' ;;,mi nU, a number of foreign
, j-.iiKnrii w iRu.iR.1 ,n r.,.u.,. ...... .......i... ,,r tho r-neriocu noimes uo-
. tongues, we nHve conrcieu some 01 ran v :. . to (nir Hubsi-rlhcrs.
1 tectlve stories, by A Conan Doyle, an.l ' 1 ,7,, m i v mill 1f yon
; Ths Sherlock Holmes dete, tlvs -torlw. w II b. f ff f rt lloU
will anml nu nt .in,'. 'St rents for a six mnniliw ' , , . ,i iu
Ixiiiiicu uiiiT .Hiiy II. JS'.rj, "r .T t r.n .nniruzines l"llls muiiji-i i ui un-' . wi " "
lie a year and all female, "J: K' l" ' , iverr rea'ler "f this paper to li
11,800. The compromise school! h 'n.t,.t"v lZh . h s he in..-t be. uilfully IHusl rated pe
es an annua Increase of not i .rk 1LomtJ,f' ., 1 ,.v,.iv month Crisp stHrtllng
1105 a year for a male teach'er ! ft !J iKi: 'l "n'Mrr (lie Nsw Ynrk ll
Husled Harper n the New
"'fie New York school board
a resolution Una all male
be familiar with "New
rlndlnal In the worlo
stories of Now York
tome Life Mugazlne the
a pittt'iit)
1 Aft von
will lis
them I rrcummand
Ooursurt'n Cream a thn least harmful1 of all
BVIn preiwrallons.'' For sale ny all Drurtlsta and
Finer Ooeds Dnilers In h United Slates, Canada
,aVit?)T: H0PK1HB, rrop'r, 17 Jmi Si, V. T.
principals nppolnted after May 17. l&lfl, i f.1"? IIH Bt
snnuiit receiv
nrlncliials tt
lilll urovldes
niwl not Ipkh ttuin Jlft fur n fomnln to..hnr i life. A now subsertlier wriies us. ,.', r..,...t niihlleiitinn in Ami rlen
Why do peoplo who havo to work for a " "i'"',1 inMamnsor sllvrr toda . as thn edition of this collection of
Sherlock Holmes stories Is Ifnlfel
"TSeWYORK " LIFE, i'293 & 1295 Broadway, New York.
living permit themselves to bo born of tho
leminino ccnucr :
I do not believe there
ih a cose of dyspep
sia, Indigestion or
nny stomach trouble
that cannot be re
lieved at onco und
permanently oured
At all drustdsti,
25c. a viol. Guide
to Health and medi
cal advice free. 1fW8
Arch etroet, ThUa.
"tf 'vn j .AAA v Wfwvv mnWMW,
Kelicve, KidnoM S
tioubles at otuc
Cures in
kul Iran
lerr nt iuile roiinterfrllt.
tt&iM. " .'iOiir.vrKifN Axau&n
i In liKII a Unld ru.l.lllo Uia, ,,,Ud
Ilk li..rlfc."i. 'J kr no utkop. Iltr-i
llBUKrnua SubkUtutiaaa am A li.llt.
tlint. Suf nf )ur nr,ffltl. 6t n1 4i. i
I "Itrllrl r..r l.JI.., ih falltr, rm.
luru hlnll. K).niluTuUk,tl.l. ,.,
11 i I.I.I..... . i........ .. '
' - eye
-v r
Vi.U.b lU. (! U.dl... k4r; 1'iiU.A., I'