I HE OMAHA SUNDAY bEE. t4 EDITORIAL SHEET, k ESTABLISITED JUNE ID, J87.1. OMAILA, SUNDAY MOILING, 5IAV 'JO, 1000. SINGLE COPY VIV1Z CENTS. We Have Too Thorcforo wo are holding tho greatest clearing silk Bale that you have ever heard of. Never before at this tlmo of tho year did we have bo many ullki on hand. Wo desire to move them quickly und have put priced on nil surplus and overstock that will bo a revelation to all who attend this won derful ale. Down, Down, Silk Prices Going Down, Down fi.ort silks or all kinds vnn snr i if'-'.tto silks i'oii o.m.v ur l'latn Taffeta Fancy Waist Silks Changeable Finest grade Silks In all the latest styles Kllks Brocades Wash Silk P- , fancy and plain-heavy qualltlt A Corded Silk I'lntd Sllkmnny ZnC'1"1'1 "lany worth M of tVU worth up to $1.00-for $2.00 go nt . OPPOHTl MTV I.IKH THIS HI T SELDOM COMP.S ai.sn nunc v.vnn winn silk rr.c coi.oiti:n iih.vgai.im: at ur.c. I'd II r.lic. CO pieces of beautiful Bengallne Silk best I0O pieces of this flno black Hummer silk wearing goods made colors pink, light blue, romomber, SO Inches wide and gjf f , cream, white, navy and worth $1.25 in this great JzrC 0,ncrB worth "5c all 4m4JKJ closing out sale at ,go at i tiii:si: iiAituAivx all ix inn lots ami Tiimuj is PLiivrv rn am,. A Big Cut in the Prices of foulards for One Day's Sale. Foulards nelllng for $1.25. $1 35. $1 39 and $ 1 CO all at one price and only for Monday, $1 Foulards selling for 75c, 89c nnd 08c all at one price and only for Monday 59c Foulurd selling for 59c. 65c und 69c all at one price and only for Monday 49c ifi.no black ri m: ivu imih.m'ii t mes ham: on black iimiXAnixr.s. Tii'i'ivi'i roil tc. j 25 pieces of line Black French Tarfetas All finest Imported double width goods these Hro all flncwt grade, pure dye $1.50 niack Orqnadlne, 15-ln. wide, at.. 75c imported Hllks and nro sold for L f I $2.00 "lack Grenadine, 45 In. wide. at.. 9Sc SI 50-ln this great clcnrlng tj VI C 2 r, ,,lack "nadlne, 45 In. wide. at.. $1.50 ,alo w w $1.00 Illack Grenadine, 45 in. wide, at..$19S YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GUESS THE NUMBER of yards of Wlnslow Taftcta that wuh sold In tho United States during the year 1899. ThlH lnterrHtlng contest will end on May 22. 1900. We will glvo to tho lady guessing nearest frro of cost, a SILK DRESS OF WINSLOW TAFFETA. Homcmber, overy guess must bo In by six o'clock next Tuesday evening, when eealed envelopo contain Ing correct number will bo opened and made public by thlw paper. Ah thero aro somo 17 000 gucn.eH now In from all parts of the I' S It will tako somo time to check them nil up. and In the next Sunday's Ifauc of this paper wo will announce who l the win ner. Send all gucuscs to Hayden Drew, care Silk Department. Linen, Muslin and Sheetings. MONDAY SI'KCIAI-S. CS-ln. bleached damask at 15c yard. Tbo best 60c bleached, all linen, 6S-ln. damask. In the city, can be found at Hayden Uroa. on alo Monday, Remember thc price, LOc yard. Turkey red damask at 15c, 2.c, 9c. J'rlcca and qualities that cannot bo dupli cated In Omaha. Don't fall to see our line of pattern cloths). Tim only complete lino of fine pat tern cloths In tho city. Some of our special bargains for Monday are 2-yard long cloths lit $1.00, $125. $2.00; 2-yard cloths nt $1..... $175 $2.25. $2.50, $2.70; a-yaru ciuiu. $l'.5o! $1.90. $2.75. $3.00. 4-1 brown sheeting, the 6c kind, at 4,l '"she brands of best qualities bleached mufl UnH at one price Monday. 7'4c yard. Prldo of the WeBt muslin on salo Monday, 10c yard. 10 yards limit to each customer. n-t brown sheeting, 12'c yard. Sco our special cambric. 16 yards for $1.00. HUD SPREADS. Tho most completo atHortmont of bed nreads In the west lo pick froai. Wc havo trends from 39c up to $3.50. Among which you find Marseilles spreads at $150, $1.75. $" 25 $2.50, $3.00; Matin MarsollIeH at 1.7. $1 98 $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, and crochet spreads ttl'cc. Wc. n.00. ?1,2J1.W. $Lfi5Ji.75- isTrnlow'T""'!' 7 i-uc t it km da v. Enormous Reduction in China and Glassware Flno polishetl tumblers, lVi each. Canary salt and pepper shaken, 2'c each. gallon Prlnccus' water pitchers, closest Imitation cutglnns made, tegular price 95c, tomorrow :i3Mjc. Canary berry set, very pretty pattern, consisting of one 8-lneh .berry dish and 6 umall berries, regular price. 75c, tomorrow 49n. , , Opal assortment. In choice decoration and dollcato tints, consisting of trays, handker chlof iboxcs, glove ,boxw, cuff and collar boxes, water bottles. rre Jars, cracker Jars, told everywhere for $1.25, our price 29c. 10-cont ns-Hortment, goblets, tumbler, handled nllvo dlshea, pickle dlshcu. open nugarH and creams, horseradish and berry rtlshc. very good Imitation cutglaF, gold Landed, worth 25c, 10c. CHINA. Japanese sugars ami creanm, choice deco rations, fcold for 75c. tomorrow 39c et. Japanese decorated individual creamers, 9c. Fancy plates, assorted stylei and decora tions, worth 50e, 17c. Fancy cup,' saucer and plate, neat decora tion, edges stippled In gold, worth 60c, 19c ect. Decorated cuitt and saucers, brt Kngllsh peml-porceialn, Bold everywhere for 75c set, nur nrlco 3c set. l'latca, dinner size, decorated on best peml-purcelaln. worth 75c set, tomorrow 39c net. Washbowls and pitchers, white granite, It', 4" each. Decorated toilet nets, $1.19. J50 IMM.OW TIM'S 7 l-'Je TI KSMAV Monday's Jewelry Sale A word lo our customers Is sufficient. Wo havo juft received the finest lino of ladles' Shirt Waist set ever shown In the city. Tbey aro all colors, nhapm nnd styles, llegular prices from 26c to $1.50. As a epe clal offer this week, 23o to SI. IS. Kogcrs Flatwaro as follows: 0 medium Knives and Forks, regular rrlco $1.25. today $3.21. fi Teaspoon, fancy hnndle, regular price 11.79. this week $1.19. Fancy Handle Mutter Knife and Shell, reg ular price $180, this week $1.00, Tho fruit senson is here and o offer this week a fancy guld-llned. bright cut. Quad rnplo Cake or Fruit Haskct, thc latent stylo, warranted, regular price $1.75, this week $3.50. IiciBO see our bargain counters, as you can be Bulled. 25c Leather Belts Sc All the odds and ends of tho People's utock of 25c and 35e ladies' leather belts on falo Monday 5c. 50C I.KATHKK IIKI.TS. I5C. All l'eople'rt Stock of Slightly Soiled 75 and 60c Leather licit, 15c. srrcciAi.3. 60c Vul Ices 15c. 35o Fancy Net lop Laces, 7'c. $1,60 Fancy Allover Kmbrolderles 75c C0o Ladles' Hand Hags 25c. THIS NEW HOOK "To Have and to Hold," regular price $1.50, peclal S9c, 75c l'ulley Hells, 39c. Holding tlrctt." newt Hewing silk, full 20 s-d spoolB lc. ThU given you 100 yds silk thread for 6c. Ilcst quality corduroy Ulan Velveteen Skirt Minding, regular prlco from 5 to 7c, on ile at 2'ac. s Many Silks $1 Colored Laundered Shirts at 29c. 1.000 dozen Men's Shirts. This Is tho cn tlro production of one of tho largest shirt factories In New York. Sold to us at 40c on the dollar. Thero Is every style of n shirt made In this lot, worth up to $1.50, all go In one lot nt 29c. .MEN'S 50c UNDKHWKAH AT 25c 600 dozen Men's Shirts and Drawers In fancy and plain colors, mado to sell at 50c, on sale at 25c. Men's 25c Hoso In fast colors, black and tan, at 15c. 200 tlozcn Men's Neckwear In all styles regular 50c ties, at 15c. Men's $1.00 Underwear at 15c. Ten case Men's lino Dalbriggnn Shirt, and Drawers, In all sizes from 30 to 50, made to sell nt 75c nnd $1.00, all on salo at 45c. Men's $1.50 Illcyclo Hoso at 19c. Men's 60o Delta In all tho now colors at 25c. Men's 25c I.lnen Curfs at 10c. Men's 25c Suspenders at 15c. inO l'll,l,(IW TOPS 7 l-Ue TIMCSDAY. Special on Corsets. One lot of Ladles' Corsets In all sizes, reg ular 50o quality, At 25c. One lot of Iidieit' Ow's; lb all" sizes, worth $1.00, on ale at 10c. LADIES' UNDEHWKAR HARCAINS. Ladles' 25c Vests, In all colors, at 10c. Indies' 35c Vests, In all eolorn, at 15c ladles' 50c Silk VestH at 25c. One lot of Undies' and Children's Hose, worth 25c, on alo at 15c. One lot of Ladles' Llsln Thread Hone. In fancy and plain colors, regular 50c quality, nt 25c. Ladles' $1.00 downs on sale at l!c. Hoys' 50c Shirt Waists on salo at 15c, lloys' ShlrtH In nil tho now styles at 15c. Flannel Dept. Kxtra good 27-Inch wide white wool flan nel, per yard 10c, worth :i0c. Embroidered flannel, In beautiful patterns, per yard fiOc and H5c, All tho Kimono suitings, per yard 8'jC, worth 12Vi.c. 1 ciihe 30-lnch wide drapery denims and cretonnes, per yard 10c, regular price, 15c. 1 case Henley's double warp tdilrtlng, war ranted fast color, regular price 16c per yard, Monday OVic. Kcmnants of curtnlns, Swiss 36-Inch wide, regular prlco 15c per yard, Monday 6c. MO PILLOW TOPS 7 l-'Je TIKSIJAV. Carpets Hugs at prices that pay you to consider. Where the lines aro broken tho remaining ones go ut prices that will move them at once. 9x12 Royal Wilton Rug, worth $50.00, at $35.00. 9x12 Smyrna rugs, all wool, worth $30.00, at $20.00. 9x12 (iold Medal Smyrna rug, $11.75. 27x54 Wilton velvet rugs, $1.20. 2fix5l Smyrna rug, 9Sc. 30x60 best wool Smyrna rug, $1.98. 27xG0 best Axmlnnter rug, $1.98. Velvet carpet, bc,t, 85c HriiKSols carpet, best, 65c nnd 75c. 20 patterns best all wool Ingrains, close out patternn worth 65c at 65c, Drapery On sale Monday an Immense line of lace curtains, which includes a recent purchaso direct from the mill of new, fresh stock, to bo sold at former cost of hamo goods. $2.25 chenille curtnlns, $1.50. $2 50 tapestry curtains. $1.75. Upholstery vclour. eold at 85o, for 35c. Now wteel extension tubes for laco curtain, will not break or sag. worth 35c. 18c. Extension rods for Rash curtains, 5c. H.1C I'IM.OW TIM'S 7 I -lie TIMSIIW. Wall Paper and Paints Pave money nnd buy your wall paper anil paint at Hayden Ilros. In buying from us you save tho middle man's profit, which means u saving lo you of at least 33 per cent. Wo buy In large quantities for cash direct from (he manufacturers, which enable us to undersell all competitors. Wo havo the finest line In the city to select from. Wo havo Just received a carload of tho famous Noxall Heady Mixed Taint, guaran teed the bent on tho market, which goes on salo nt 98o per gallon, Olher dealers ask you $1.50 to $1.75 for tho same quality. In vestigate this. Sheet Music Leaders In sheet music. We carry all the very latest, mct.t popular fihoet music that Is published and sell It to you at greatly reduced prices, Call and tee Iho nlca lino of sheet music wo can sell you at 10c and !5o per copy. Lolo popular songs, two steps and waltze; lo extra per copy must be Included for mall orders. HAYDEN'S mim HAYDEN'S The Big Store will offer the most stupendous bargains ever given by any house in the west. Thc pfices tel1 the story Agents for Butterick Patterns and Reynter Kid Gloves. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Wash Dress Goods. Hayden's Enormous Assortment and Greatest Variety. The Shopping Place of All Omaha's Shrewd Buyers. npHE PRICES on Monday dress materials to buy, of finest wash goods made in ing and printing is now the wonder and admiration of all foreign competitors. Novelty Corded Wash floods enwe price 22V4c on Monday, -tho inakers' 15c ynnl Au nramlenburg 1 ercales-flnest goods made- olmlrf( of tUo flncat AmorCHn ,ake-le-yard w Idc-makers case price g fi 8K11S us K00(i iUi thp imported -( t 10'ie-o,, Monday-yard I pattern yard IOC K. 1'. V. and Silk Finished Iong Cloths-all, cnlnix makers' nrlcn hv easo f . 5o yard-on Monday yard OC, 2.000 piece of tho celebrated Dlrlgo Ilatlsto i 32 Inches wide elegant styles 1 tCn yard '-' J Jf-"-J MAIL OIIDKH CUSTO.MBKS No matter what you need In this line, we can aisln you Block Ih one of tho greatest In western America. Suits, Skirts, Waists, Wrappers Yon all know how wo Rucured for epot cash these manufacturer's stocks which com bined makes a tremendous stock of Hints, skirts, waists and wrappers that were bought cheap and will be sold at half tho cost of manufacture. 100 high worth sjWO, and $25. 500 Silk Waists, bough t to sell for $6.50, this A Deep Cut in Our Basement A Garden 16-Inch lawn-mowers at Hardwood Hose Heel Rubber Hose, nur foot Solid brass .Nozzle Garden Rakes Garden Hoes 2.25 .49c 6ic 19c ..17c I 19c J-q;t1IC. l-MlU-2."ie. ' 10-qt .'tlte. HAYDEN BROS. will inturoat nine out of ten ladies who have shirt waist and as we place on sale the entire "clean-up" stock of several lines America by Yankee workmen, 1.200 pieces of the rral good and hnrd to get styles In gingham for waists "rn yard .JVj , Ileal irin liltnuics cniiKHs assortment every shade pattern and pff't yard .25c I N'ew Mhlpment Moussellne do Solo for n lent iniiH. etc. all colors yd... - for pleatlngu, etc. all colors yd. class man-tailored suits, Suits! that are too line for tho average house to handle, they are all silk lined and would be admired by any lady. Wo bought them cheap and will be sold for less than cost of trimmings, 14. 75. 79 tailored suits, these are .'good, .honest, well, made atylishrnTud ae"i-i:' ijiornti all silk lined. We secured them at our own price, they are yours for $10. Women's Skirts. They are here in all the latest fashions and prices that defy competition. We pur chased them at a fraction of their real value, 40 and $50, at $10, $15, $20 Hardware, Stoves & Housefurnisiiing Goods Gasoline Stoves better and cheaper than gas, and. just as safe no smoke no smell ready for use at once. No gasoline can come out of burner, perfectly safe if blown out or turned on by tho children, lias the strongest burner. We hnvo tliom with !5 burners, for Same style us flit, regular $S, sale juice 8.25 .. 1449 WE SELL THE CELEBRATED JEWEL REFRIGERATOR. Wo have them from $4.75 up; send for catalogue and price. Carload of Graniteware Just Received ixtra heavy a coated ware; blue, gray or clouded. r.-ci-.'ine. .o. n.'" . 7 tin: r.-nt-ioe. :t- -Ma. .t-il I Tools and Hotiscfuriiishiiig Goods. Hood Ilroojiis Solid steel Spado , S-U Nails lb i!-foot Stepladdor at Folding Ironlnz-Uo.irds Best Hoturv Washer mailt) 22c 69c 3c 45c 69c 5.95 whose skill at designing, weav Richest eolorn neatest styles In thc fine Satin Stripe Zephyr for 4.Kp walMts yard Orennillnrs, so popular for swell drcffi sklrtw plain black and black with y K n i-nlnt .ird I KJJ I.lnen tllngbams pure linen and tho mrit reliable colors of any wnhable 35c fabric yard WE HAVK KVBKY YAIID OF WASH FAIIH1C MADF. further than any western houte as this ' Ono ,nblc Ftalny-day Skirts, with fif teen rows Htucning, mane ot wool piam back materials. Thcso aro of tho better clais garments, worth $8.00 and $10.00, at $3,0S. 300 Hlack Dress Skirts at !Se. We aro celling more Silk Waists than all tho other houses In Omaha combined. Loak in our lfith street window tho prices are $2.00, $3.98, $1.98, worth double. Wash Waists kaNewjfltylcH arriving. by overy exprefs, Wc ivre.nouing now mingg overy uay.- vc( carry ih; AwarthovsrWuivv: tho'Matqaw; tbir (lem, tho Geisha, the Standard, tho Henown, and other well known waists, at prices that will pleaso all. 600 Waists at 23c each. 1.200 WalstK at 4Pc each. Fine WnlHls at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $1 $1.00 and $5.00. Specials 600 Wrappers at 35c each. Indies' Dressing Sacqucs, worth $1.00, LOU, at 19c. Silk Underskirts at $1.00. Iadtr' Wrappers, worth $2.00, at 98c, week's price $2.91. " luirnor Oasollno Stove, sale price Sled Ovens, Hie very best, sale price ....2,69 ...1.49 tailiiarn Western Washer Sullil steel frame W ringer 11, mils Hu tu i' A cud li.iw-llummcr ... 5 1 oils Toilet Paper 20-IJ Nails, lb 2.69 1.19 15c 9c 10c 3c The Leading Dress Goods House of the West. . . Over 50,000 Styles on Hand Now . . Dress Goods Wholesale and Retail. A large line of goods Just received lo mnko sklrU to wear with hlrt waists. Tho weight Is Just right for summer and the west. Colored Dress Goods Fancy Mohair Jacnuards-- 15c -all colot-H 19c 36-ln. wide, all colors 42-lnch r.ngllsh Figured Mohairs handsome, bright, new style Fancy Plaids -Fancy Jaequards Fancy Mix tures and all kinds of goods that are nold In other house up to 50c per yard will go on salo at .25c Handsome new all wool l'lalds neat French Novelties and a large variety of other weaves the 75c and $1.00 qualities wo will sell them on Monday at , 49c Wo carry the finest line of Colored Dret (Joods shown in this western country In BUltlngM, tailor goods, broadcloths nnd every Imaginable weave and color, nt from 10c to 7ic Yard. French Challis C00 Htyles of all wo d Imported French CUallls, In all styles and colors, at -x 4Vt 100 styles of tho most gnrgroun patterns of PerslanN frrm four to eight col- Cflk,,-.! orlngs, in French Challis. at DVC 500 styles of silk trlpcs, ribbon stripes. . plcot i-trlpc nnd half silk stripes, at, per yard, 75c, 85c. !)Sc. Furniture Wo havo secured a largo shipment of Rockers and hope to sell the whole lot this week. Thc price for such a Rocker will do tho business. This Rocker la all oak, has leithef "cobbler-tatjMs- goMeu -finish, and has iron rods throuch arms and seat. Tho back In nicely carved, making n good, strong, serviceable rocker. The wholesalo rrlco hns been $27.00 per dozen. We .have bought this lot so that wo can sell them for $1.95 each. Roman Seats, upholstered In tapestry, ma hogany finish, nice parlor pleios. Price, $2.95 each. Lot of new Bamboo KaHcU. 75c nnd $1 00. .lust In, flno line of White, (ircen. Ill no and Pink Knamel Metal Perls with brnis trimmings. Pods range In prlro from $7.50 up to $15.00. Metal Jardlnlero Stands, 95c and $1 25. Porch Cushion, 5c each. We havo added greatly to our line of Porch Seat and Rockers. Porch Seats in ereen and red at $2.25 each. Rattan Rock ers, lady's, $1.95; gent's $2.25. (lo-CnrlB, $2.95; sleepers, $5.00. Haby Carriages, $3.S5, $1.85 and $5.nn. New- lot fine Framed Pictures, platlno finish, dark frames; also carbon finish nnd brown frames; St. Cecelia, Queen Louise, Tho (lleanerw. Slstlno Madonna, Angebm, naby Stuart, Countess Potncka and many others of now subjects: size of pictures, 7x 10, 25c; 11x11, 35c; 20x21, framed picture, with fancy corners, nt 75e. Sen us before you buy TABLES. CHAIRS. ROCKERS. SIDEBOARDS. CHINA CLOS ETS. BOOKCASES. DESKS, CABINETS und wo will make It a point to savo you monoy anC I'IM.OW TIM'S 7 I -So TIHMIAV Spectacles and Eye Glasses FINEST QUALITY. LOWEST PRICES. Correctly fitted by our skillful optician. No charge for examination. Visit us before going elsewhere and sac money. J.1C PILLOW TIM'S 7 l-'Je Tl'HSIIt. Drug Department Syrup of Figs. 29c. Kennedy's Medical Discovery, $1.19. Warner's Safe Cure, 90c. Hall's Catarrh euro, 55c Ayer's Hulr Vigor, C5c. Lydla I'lnkham's Compound, C9c. Bromo quinine, 15c. Krauso'n Headache Capsules, 15c. 2- graln quinine eapulm, per doz., 5c. 3- grnln quinine capsules, per do., Sc. You can nave money by having your pre scriptions filled at our store. U,',C I'll. LOW mi's 7 i-'-Jo Ti i:sn Y. Hayden's Hat Dept. Is giving valut this week in u fur hat any color and In any stylo in $1 25 values for 50c. Come in und ceo this hut once. You will bo fully convinced as to its reul value. Wo uIbo havo a crush hat for men und boyo In any color, with satin lining, on salo thlB week nt 25c. Wo nro showing everything In tho line of straw and linen hats. VUlt our but depart ment If only to look, and wo will how you Derby hats In Knox. Dunlup, Youman, Mil ler, Yonns, styles from $1.00 to $3 00. prices loer thHn any other house In the Black Dress Goods Hlack Mohair Figured 3tf-itu'h lllark Fancy Figured Mohair 42-lnch ..15c ..19c 25c 39c Illack Fancies l!c grade Fancy 'black high gtado Satin Dorber Figured, worth 50u .. Fine style English Mohair up-to-date tig urea nnd also plain no house In America will sell for lom than 75c yard our price on Monday will be A f only 49C High grado Sonifies, 1'lerolan, Crepons. Creponettes. itatelassei nnd all tho finest and newest (Irenndlmw made In Kurope at from 98c to $10.00 Ynrd. 11 of these high grade Crcpon patternn of 5 yards each, that nold from $6 50 to $t0.00 per yard on ihl sale we will sell entire pat- tern for the price of one .8.75 i a brand new line of llatlstes, In black, at from, per yard, Ailf in Kl JL tO 3H.aU. Ma" 0r,,crs Pr"PHy filled. Every dress guaranteed to be II rat clas goods, no matter iwh.it price you pay for it, or money refunded Special Prices for Monday in Our Cracker Dept Nice fresh msde ginger maps, i$c. A II. C. soda crackers. 4'4c Shredded wheat biscuits, PV. (Iraham oatmeal craikei-H, SVjc. Kennedy's butter crackers, tf'.sc I'tieeda Illscult, .'i'-jc. Htemuer's lumii biscuit, !c. Kennedy's milk biscuit, Slac. llohton butter crackers, 9c. Cheese sandwich, 12',c. Hrownles, l2Ve. Animal cr.ickors, Sc. Vanilla and lemon wafers, 15c. Pretzel letters (something nuw), 10c. cameo nutter crackers, Sc. (Iranoae biscuit. 12',ic. Zwelback, 12',ic. We carry the finest line of fancy cakes In tho west. Wo have the best fnncv -wafers Hid package goods from the best bakerloa In the Dulled Stnttti. Wo guarantee every package to be fresh. Tea and Coffee Special prices on tea and coffee. Whole nio Coffee, (regular prlco 20c,' "'' j1l2Vio Oolden-'lllo, choice quality 15c French Java nnd .Mocha 25c Old Government .lava and Mocha '.. 30o New Tea Slftlngs only 17'.o ific Basket Fired Japnn only 3.-,e 4Rc English Breakfast r 18c Ounpowder Tea -,- Fancy Ceylon and Young Hyson 3Sc Butter and Cheese (iood Dairy Butler, nor noiind 1 1 iioice inme nutter, per pound 16c lrtc IRC 19i 10. 11 rancy icon nutter, per pound Extra Fancy Separator Creamery, lb..! Elgin or Ilygla, Creamery, per pound.. Strictly new laid Eggs, per doion Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per pound.. Imported Brick or Llmhurger Cheese, I'lT pUIIUll Fancy Virginia SwIjs Cheese, per m'!'. Neufchatel Cheese, Durham brand, each 10a He 2H.0 Young American per pound .... Cheese, full cream. lOo Edam Cheese (Van Rossnm hmn,u ch S9c Lvery pound guaranteed! pure. Wo posi tively do not handlo Imitation huttor. 25 pounds Sugar $1.00 Hlgh Patent Minnesota Flour, wnr- i.iun'u, sacK fnj (lerman Rye Flour, per sack, only...! 90o 10 lbs. Breakfast Rolled Oats, only.... 25c 3-lb. cans Extra Choice Tomatoes 71.40 2- lb. rnns Sugar Corn, only 71.0 Fancy Large Sweet Oranges, per dor... 12c Fancy Large .Messina Lemons, per doz. 10c Eagle or Champion Lye, per can So Largo bottles fancy pickles, Chow Chow. Sweet Pickles or Whllo Onions, each ri,0 Gallon cans New York Apples, only... 2r,o Now Turkish Prunes, per pound IPjo New California Prunes, per pound f,c New French Halsln-cured Prunes, law Ri,;,c New California Yellow Peaches, lb.... 10c Now Evaporated Apples, per lb 10c Quart cans Fancy Table Syrup 8Hc Sliced Peaches for Cream, per can taVao Sliced Pineapples, per can, only 12',4c 3- lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, only 7'!ic 2-lb. cans Straw berrle, Raspberries, Gooseberries or Blueberries, only 8'.4 .1 for 2,-,c American Breakfast Corna, large cans.. 10c Yeast Foam, Gorman Yeast, etc., 3 for. Pju Exeats and Lard Host Brand No. 1 Hums, 12c. Fancy Now Summer Sausage, lie. Pickled Pig pork, 10c. Three pound palls best brand Uird, 2S0. Boneless Cottage llama, 11c. Ten pound palls best Leaf Lard, R9c. Now Hound Bolngnn, Cc. Fresh Pork Sausage, 7V4c Boneless Corned Beef, Sc. I'ICNIO Ll'NCHEON, Bolted Ham per can 5e. Ono-pound lunch Tonguo per can, 25c. One-pound Roast Beef, 17V4c Ono pound Vienna Sausage and Sauer kraut, 10c. Corned Beef sliced, per pound, 12',ic Fancy Minced Boiled Ham, 121e. anr rn.i.ow tin's 7 t-tin tiii:siiii, Our Millinery Dept. EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES FOR MONDAY All that's new and up-to-d.ito will ho found htre. ABk to nee our $2 50, $3.50 and $1.50 ladleV trimmed hats. Children's trlmmod leghorn hils. $1.50 and Jl.'.'S. All styles of children's untrlmmod hats, 15u, 25c und S.'ic. A full Unit of new iluncm, cholcn color., at bottom prices.