THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT I' It DAW MAY 19, U)00. 5) WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Venom Accounts of Why Eniinm is Not Ud to Standard. rHOUGHT TO B- MERELY SPRING DULLNESS Itemed)- for (tin- II I lit f ti I lrir nt I'M I lii Other mill There In Need for Close Atleiitlon In llrnn IliK (if KlelltR. NKW YORK, Mny 11.-R. fi. Dun & Co. s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will Hay: Huslnoss Ik not what In wa a yir as", but men lo lint agree in .lotinirifc tlie (lir ferenoo. The working force ii." . haw. Ik now decreasing, work- '"'"'" ping to relieve rx.eesiie output in m ; cut Mnn of nii'H, unup Him miiiir 1 1 1 in- - ...i, i. i tiiilU suiiuomy r. n.i. . . . ,'-",,,,. .rliiif i. i in Iikiii uiri' r.ln:!; o'lho'thlnk" "ih'o beginning of "rilc'Tp'rnfily for one dltlloully does not III m other, nnd there Ik more nee.l than sunl for close attenllon to the mean ng or events. In I'lnoe of Hie wild speculation In securities which swelled exchanges a year ago. there has come such liquidation that twentv preferred InilUKtrlal stock have sold this week at prlros averaging 113.11 per share, though the Biunn stocks Hold In April laKt year for 'MW per share, anil twenty rommon stocks have sold this week Tor J3V11, whleh koIiI hiKl iar at $76. 09, ilouhle the price. Yet many of then companies have cnrncil ami pahl tr-md illvMcnilH ami all have enjoyed a year or extraordinary IniHlneKK. The IndiiKtrlalK have reai heil the lowct nvernirn Ihev have ever known, while tie sixty most active rallwav sto. ks, thnugti rietireKsed about $1 tier share since rally In April, nro blither than In January ami I'ebniary. higher than early In Dei ember nnil higher than a year ago. Huslnoss In some lines has been Injured bv the holding of prices so high as to check consumption. The closing of works by the Steel and U Ire companv, followed by the reduction of .0 per ton In prices of Its products, tho clos ing of many paper mills beeaiHe of nvci liroiluclloti, llie sudden reduction of .0 rents per pounds In lead, from the price to which It was raised late In December; the report that tin Plate works may tie closed a while for similar reasons, creates reeling that some business no longer has the gunrdlng and guiding Inlluences of prices nnswerhiK ipilckly to the demand for consumption. Hut progress toward a. healthy adjustment has been rapid with the lust week. . ... Transactions at IMtlsburR In Hessemer pin seem to be lately at "Kiiarantced prices." hi that ilcllulte quotations are avoided, thouch tniieh Hessemer from the east Is offered at very low (Inures, f.rey forRn Is a. slindo lower there and local coke at Chlcauo. while No. I I'pn1lB,,.,,l " nuoted at 21.W) here. Har at Phlladelpbl.i was 14 cents, while the Plltsliuri: nssoelij realllrm Its (uolatlon of 2 cents, which Is Hon rcalllrms Its Uolatlon of i cents, whleh Is shaded. Plates also sell there at 1 7 cents, with 1 cents quoted nt Phila delphia. The demand for structural and other prodmls has been much reduced In part bv bulldhiK slrlkes. Woolen manufacturers are not meetliiK a verv satlsractory market at the ad- vancei prices hkkcii, nun hhjh n """ ... I.. ,1. .1 ...r.nri llm lintllOrH of WOlll . "'".V " ; I Ur.,.r,x III Will iiccii I'. 1. 1" ' ' , L,"" price and mav IT" lower ns the time comes ' i.i .linvn wrtl?llt. but the rtpcllne or all elRian ;o 11 ipu n.-i In brown sIiccIIiiks and drills has been largely duo to opportunities In the export trade, which have been promptly met. Sales for shipment to China, havo inudo, It Is said, to cover 15,0u0 bales. Tho movement of grain continues large, com still rivaling wheat In iiuantlty ex ported. Atlantic exports of wheat In threo weeks of May havo been, Hour Included. 8,232,011 bushels, against li,14(.,ooo bushPls last week and exports were 2,J!.-PO-i bushels, against 1.3157.900 bushels last year. wliile exporis of ;oru In the Hiune weeks have been IO.oS-.Jj'S bushels, ngrtlnst C.914,53i5 bushels last year. Wheat has advanced over 1 cent nnd corn shows no change for the week, but In both grains tho prospect for tho coming crop Is excellunt . , , ... , Failures for the week have been 11. In the Culled States, against 117 last year, and thirty In Canada, against seventeen last year. ihi.i.xi: iv .jiaxv iin.xciu:s. Slinillntc of l'rlees oleil lii Severn! Mlilile Lines. NEW YORK, Mny 18. Hrnrtstrcefs tomor row will pay: Continued dullness In many branches, a fiiKl lino ultfiillMI- In Moveriil stanlo lines, con stitute the leading part of tho business situation. Tho weakness or prices Is dis played In lower (imitations for corn. porK, butter, idieese. wool and cotton among the great agricultural products, and petroleum nnd lend among mineral production". Wheat Is sllgbtlv higher, partly owing to less favorable crop reports here and abroad. Continued rtrvness In the north west has given tho spring wheat situation a lers satisfactory apiieiuance and thele Is llttlo iinprovemeni noie.i 111 ine V. iL wheat sections of tbe con nil west. I Is It ll, .In- tvnnlher I 111 onuniiui, iinweier. 11 int- . " -1 . . .V as yet really iirr.'cte.l ,l,r,"1 lln',i,',r in. complaint ,;,,',nK fr7" Ul? ' rnier- terost . whleh re ports S,J''"U '"0 fer ng w th the ""i irdlnfr of s P" Quite a sharp spec i't 1 0 break in the mil iirr.cted snrtug wheat, Ciller , " ," V " r 7X , -lor nmo 11.1 il 1 satlsractory r ielg .u s Ices some ii.iu un ton. and rather let tei rroii re ports p ir '.UVJ "f'Y., ,VM . .. cr, , o ths havo . . ,..,,.1 1, ,. 1 uiiiiifnii lirain not wdt list iinding tho V.P:,n.8 T? her-' ore"s reng, Ii ''Is imted' tn .r.:.i;.v, 5,.i.; .,Vi..ou u-imrn Himnlles of de- Ai""L''' i. r-.,' .... ,'o,,,,rto.i .,,.t Vxnesslve. r"MV"'".,7' "..iV" . ...,.iu imu iieen wit In narrow limits and wholesale and reorder 1 1" ess l" reported particularly slack On the othcr hand, retail business In rummer goods has been helped hy the midden spurt or hot weather. Jobbing dc- r'.....i '- o.i .imi.u iu unlet, but manufacturers arc firm In their demand, T.rntlier Is dull and some shading In hides 1. ,...,..,i 1,1 in., ennt Tho Iron and steel situation Is no stronger nnil Blinded nrlces fall to develop much ,.w iii-Kseiner nlir is nominally unchanged nt Pittsburg, but the same irrado of Iron made outside of that city Is being offered there below current iiuotn- Hons, Structural materials continue the uiriniireat fen I un- nf the trade. I'rnm ltlriuiugham come reports of continued lar-n exnort ins ness. more having been done In two weeks past than In two weeks previously, but quotations, are largely nominal and the outlnoK 11 rainer mnro uncertain. A number or large renm-ynauia ml s novo shut down for repairs, niucii earlier than usual anil some relief from this source Is looKeu ror. AmonK oincr tn(, i,ncklng of capitalists -who recontly left metnls, lead Is wry weak anil current the management of the Amerlcnn company, prices are the lowest lor a long tlino Past 1( mKMl t, notod, however, that this de Tlu has also sliadud, while cooper ;''"'- dine of Amerlcnn Tobacco and the indlcn nally unchanged I he Industrial situation ,l)1H of rfnpw,,d weakness In vSugnr Relln Is on the whole rather better than for some )(? Ht0(,1 (,,, m)t ,)avp nny Krrnt nnuenco time past, In that new disturbances urn ou (m, rillrim(1 ,Kti w,c, continued steady fewer and some old ones have l-een ; "Cttli .1 t() ,ron nlll SHpm!)i (nctt moro Inclined up. but the pracllcal tle-u ; at ( bjeago Is ' ,u t , entirely from the Industrials. SIlll UUUroKeil. tl ni. i......... .... business bns been burl by the Btrlke of street rallwio employes and In certain other cities, particularly in the building trades, strikes have had an unsettling in fluence. , ... Anthracite coal production is being re stored to seasonable requirements, while the settlement of bituminous trade labor matters is regarded as favoring good trade. Wheat. Including Hour, shipments for the week nggregate 5.518,122 bushels, against 3. 180.571 bushels Inst week. 2.2l2.2ofi bushels In III irr.wiuimtliiir Yl-eok of 199. 1.0M.MJ bushels In lv.iv " I56S.M5. bushels In t897 nlld I 1 OiVi.Oflfi bushels In KW -mi-nil 1 t viini-lu nf 171.681,128 bushels, against 205,270.9110 bushels last year ami ji.i,Mti nusncis in ivn-s. Corn exports for the week aggregated 3.I87.91M bushels, against 1.168,110 bushels last week. 2.753,111 bushels In this week n year ngo, 6.550.579 bushels In 1898. 3,190.043 Uud over half a century. Refreshing and invigorit ine. for the toilet or after DOflD'S PYTDAf Tl shaving. Immediate relief to eyes irritated by wind or dust. As a Remedy, it controls pain, bleeding and inflammation. Used Internally and Externally CA UTION.- Witch Hate! is NOT Pond's Extract, and cannot be used for it. Ordinary Witch Hazel is sold in bulk, diluted, easily turns sour, and generally contains " wood alcohol," which is an irritant externally and, taken internallv. is a deadly poison, bond's extract is sold ONL Y in SEALED bottles enclosed in buff wrapper. ronil' Extract Co , Fihh Ave , New Yoik. rOND'S KXTRACT OINTMFNT cure Itching or Bleeding Tiles, however severe. It l a specific in all skin diseases. h ishris In 1st; and 1 119 bushels In If Hln. e Jill) 1 thl. Kenton lorn oxp'it" l; girgal.. l5l.K9.2frt hli.helK ngnlnst II" "32.1 bushel during the came period a year ago and IHIhMJII Inl-diels III K3?'l. UulneK failures In the fnlled rnj"i f..r the week number 15ft. m compaied with 1TI laKt week, 168 In thlK week n year iigo. 211 In Km. 2IS In 1WT and .hi In l.h"','" ure In the Dominion of CMnada nro "lightly morp numeroiiK. numbering twenty-four for the week. ngnlnst lilnetren last week . clg i tem this week n year ago. thirty-six in IW, twenty-one In 1S9T and twcnty-clgnt In wp.i-:ki.y ili:hi uoisn taiilu. A r.' K n I c of lliisliirss TrniiRneteil by the ooln(ctl llnnUs. NEW YORK May IS. The following table, compiled by Ilradstieel. shows tho hank clearings n' all principal cities for the week ended May 17. with tho percentage of In crease and decrease as compared with thn corresponding week last car: i c IT 1KB. Amount. , Inc. Dec. i I New York Rnston Chicago Philadelphia .. St. Louis Pittsburg Haltlmoro San Francisco Cincinnati Knnsns City .. New Orleans . MlnneaiKills ... Detroit Cleveland loulMvllle I'rnvldenco .... Milwaukee .... St. Paul Iii.03i.nn . in.ii5.770i. K.S 12. J "3.6 1.9 llt.009.S17l 9I,02?,6.!6 . 3.1.W..S7I . rn.2f2.1f B1.64'.67SI 22.102,32"i ll.OW.SMl ir..S5.l21 Mll.lM' 10.0frt.2l71 7.fiS7,!H7i. 11,I33,9' S,at.1SSl (5.213, U)!. R.50I,3I8(. S.077.0S3' 6,72,9I fi.l78.IW 7,3fi7,r2S'.i5..'l00 2,i77.19'5l 9.1 ...I 15.0 , 1.9,.. 10. pl.. 21 . . 31.7,.. lfi.7 .. K.7 .. 22:1 13.2' . . I "i'.r.. 11. s r.Bi.. 20.!.. 15.9 .. 41. SI.. Murrain .OMAHA I Indianapolis .. I Columbus, O. . -I MVuniun Denver . I lint ford .t.SSH.SSti 1.1 2.261,770 10.1 3 0Sfi,H1 : 5.3(51.767! 39.6' 2,713.155 9.41 1.9W.42.1 21.61 2,310,4X1 10.61 1,332,0391 20.4 1.2l9,M7i 22.S Richmond Memphis WasblliKton Peoria Ilochester New Haven Worcester Atlanta , Halt liike City Springfield, '.Mass, , Fort Worth Portland, Me Portland, Ore St. Joseph l,os AiiKcles Norfolk Syracuse lies Moines Nashville Wilmington, Del. . Fall Hlver Scranton (iraud Ilapids .... Augusta, Ga Lowell Dayton, O Seattle Tacoma. Spokane Sioux City New 'Hertford Knoxvllle, Tonn. Topcka. , HlrmltiKham Wichita. HlnKhamton lxltiKlnn. Ky .. Jacksonville, Ha. 1.016.570 2.516.5K 21.41. 11. SI. B 00.71. 33.81. 3S.9. 43.9 . 6.8'. 22. 1' 1.223,190 , 2, 37S, 262 1,114.262. 1,919,117, 4. 676.01 ! 2.30O.SI6; 1.177.303 1,302,017' 1.926,75.5! 1.20O.91S 1,01I.97M 718.741V 1.0.57,00.) 1,343.9921 4SS,TM 1.0OS.6S7 2.189.S40 912,OS7l 1,196,672, 1.166.020 3SS,fi02 fwO,479 31.7 wis 13.61.. 21.1 1.1 iti'.fi 13.S 'sis 11.9 67!' 34.51 22.0! S.9 77.3 28.61. 30.5 . 4.8!. 7:t5,105 660.271 390,000 12.7 II. I 461.511 236.717 636.271 113,70V 601,601) 0S,S78 299,4(10: CSI,f7l 276.S3! Kalamazon lliinirtO0 r,9.f. 12.4 Akron Chattanooga f,5.0 Ilockford. Ill Canton, O Springfield, O Fargo, N. D Sioux Falls, S. D... Hastings, Neb. ... Fremont. Neb Davenport Toledo (lalvoston Houston Helena Kvnnsvlllu Macon l.lttlo Hock Sprlngllcld, III. ... Youngstown Saginaw 39 21.0 15.1 S.2 1W.S69 190.6 'ii'.s' 169.978' 9,523! (56l,Mft 2,021,300 6,241,000! 4.S "12 16.4 tj.627.Vil 13.0 572,181 3.0 "ii.'' 1.012.44 436,(0 402,691 378,997' 319,1M 310.C06) 18.i5 13.6 Totals. U. S J1,(5A.312,2SI 11.6 Totals outsldo N. Y"..l 662. 158,01 1, , . 3.0 DOMINlONlPF CANADA; Montreal !$ "55,20871931 379 Toronto 1 10,395.936 13.6 Winnipeg I 2.109.411 58.1 Hnllfax I 1.333,111 S.l Hamilton 1 804, SCO IS. 5 St. Johns, N. H I 593.90t5 11. 7 Vancouver J.56,210 9.7 Victoria I 702,436 32.2 Totnls I 32.301.032 6.2 IIHADSTHKHT'S KI.ANCtAI flKIEW. Niirrorr mill Irrcmilnr Sprcnlnt Ion Is 1-Vntnrc of Week. NKW YORK, May lS.-liradstrect's "lniitiplnl llevlew tomorrow will sav Narrow nnd Irregular speculation has again been .tho notable feature of the stock market this week. Professional Interests of tho smaller kind seem to havo been re sponsible' for moat of the lluctuations ev- I "lillilteil bv prices iVilnments and I tl, rno continuance or goni '-'"I"""' "" "V I In -nor o from New York to Par s were however, disregarded and in the lnlluences "f " general character which were effectual factors, a leading place must bo assigned to thl Krowing ease of money hero and abroad. York have 'been nuoted week In tho neighborhood of 2 per cent prospect of tho perma- . . '..ji.i'g, Tha makr8 u easier to carry stocks and nt tho samo time rails to n certn n amount or investment buying of dividend paving railroad shares and other securities In which tho pub ic. nas commence, -inore wns no very neuvy buying of American rails fov London no- count, but the llnnnclal conditions abroad just referred to. with the supposed prospect of an early end to tha South African war. resulted in a cheerful tone In London, vhlch had an elTect on our own market, The contlnunnco of good railroad earnings nnd favorab n cron news wero a so lntlii- ences in speculation nnd tho granger and Fouthwestern rullroad shares, showed nt times n fair amount of strength, -with con slderablo now- buying supplementing tho covering of short Intorests In securities of this class. On tho other hand tho Indus trials as a rule have been weak. At lower prices, tho lending steel stocks seemed to Hud renewed support, mnlnly from tho cov I, rng of short contracts, although some re nrwed linvlnc of n better character was vc ported to bo In progress. This checked tho .Hsnrimnlzatlon In tho groun in nuestlon i,ut another part of tho Industrial list then , became very weak. This was tho tobacco stocks .American and Continental. Tho for 1 mcr especially fell rapidly and severely on 1 contlnuaner. of renorls that n powerful op , position roncern is to bo established with IIcmiiIIn nt Lakeside. CHICAOO, May IS. -Raining, track heavy lit Lakeside tndav Results: First race, six furlongs: Emma R won, Daisy O second, Orlaniilno third. Time: l:lvv Second rnce. live furlongs: Ren Mngen won, Hattus second, Light Hall third. Time: i Mini. Third race, one mile and seventy yards: Myth won. Prince lltnzes second, Moroni third Time: 1:49V Fourth race, four furlongs: Kind Hump. Since Julv 1 this ton won, ijricscu scennu, rno uronze uc ...i.... Vi.eiMir inoii third. Time: 0:521.. ' 11,11 Mill) "..- .....V mm l,.v. J,,,.,... T rh.i won, Obsidian second, Martha Fox third. Time: 1.19V Sixth race, one mile and twenty ynrds: Thomas Carey won, Wood Trlco becond. La Prlnceesa thUd. Time: 1 --- OPEN THE SEASON IN OMAHA Colonel Keith and Hit Oolts Hits Their Bill for Today Arranged. BSE BALL RtV.VAL IS AT IUND NOW Lenders of llir League Hnee on the 5Vrlern Circuit Propose to MnUc 'I'liliiKS 1 1 n 111 011 Tlirlr lloine liroiimlK. I'nelilo, 1.i Mou ( lly, .", Deuter. ir. lies 5lolnes. 1!. PKl.buru. Ill Plillailrlplilii. SI. I.oiils, (ill Neiv YorU, .", Mlniienioll, llli Iletroll, II. levelnml. KM Knnsns Cttj. The first gnmo In tho Omaha-St. Joseph serlts will after nil be played on tho Omaha grounds. H will be. too, the Inaugural game of the Wentrrn league eason In thl city and will start this afternoon nt 3:15 at the new park out on Vinton street. Pre ceding It there will ho a grand parade, hut nil Omnha knoiii" of the pararto nnd the ball game today and Colonel Keith nnd his Colts will hold absolute way In tho town this afternoon. Judging from thn Interest that has been crjatalllxing during tho last few days the occasion will tie obiorved as n tort of a day of festivity. The ton, or nt least that por tion of It which takes an interest In tho popular, healthful, wholejomo Rport of bare ball, is all ngog with excitement over tho opening gamo nnd If tho day is fnlr tho now grandstand nnd bleachem will ho taxed to nccommodato tho crowd. It Is unfortunnto that rnln Interfered with alt four of the games between Omaha and St. Joseph nchedtiied to havo been played this week. St. Joseph fans nro certninly to bo commiserated nnd the sympathy of the Omaha members of tho "Rooters' Club' Is extended them in large bunches. It is to be hoped tho Mlsaourlnnfi will not bo able to return this feeling In kind, hut thnt tho rnln god will surrender to tho pleadings of tho multitude and barricade tho exits from hln boundless stores of aqua purn. Sioux City, after dropping four straight to Pueblo, nnd Dch Moines, which succeeded in dragging one game out of tho Uro In tho Bcrlcs of four with Denver, will take a rhanco of bnso today. Sioux City going to . 1 CI , T. , I. . 11,, 1...I I weaver uuu im .uuum iu 1 ucuiu. ui iuu.. . interest Is wholly centered In the struggle! which will tako place out on Vinton street nnd Its nn odds-on bet that It will be a contest that will take tho oldtlmers back to tho days of 18SS-'91 if they wlah to make comparisons. COM) MAKI5S TIIH II AWKKYKS WII.II. it err linn nn Dps Moines Infield Milken n Wild Tlirnvr. DICNVKH. Mny l.-(Specinl Telegrnm.1 The cold, rainy wenther apparently be numbed the lingers of the Des Moines bojs today, for they mndo half a dor.en ns rank errors ns could do lmnginen. r.vcry in- fielder threw the ball into trie air over nrsi base at critical times and runs Invariably resulted. Denver's six runs In the sixth Inning were mndn after 'Warner's muff of an easy fly thnt should have been tho third out. McFnrlnne pitched good ball up to tho eighth and Kylcr yas steady throughout. Score: DENVER. sir. ro. a. e. Miller, If 2 2 0 6 1 0 110 0 10 1 10 2 0 0 2 10 0 0 0 110 110 1 1 0 4 0 0 12 0 11 1 2 1 0 R 1 0 1 2 0 0 4 0 13 12 0 27 3 1 Preston, cr Vizard, rf Holland, lb Mickey, ;ui Hanies, 2b Tinker, ss Hansen, c Eyler, p Totals 42 DES MOINES. AR. It. BH. SH. PO. A. E. Unit, ss 10 0 4 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 12 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 1111 0 2 0 11 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 I) 1 0 5 5 0 1 1 "I 27 11 "I 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 215 01000000-2 Thirl, cf.... nines, 20.... Parker. If... IVarrondon, rf. Drain. :u.... Hill, lb Relsler. o.... AIcFarlane, Totals ..31 Denver Des Moines .... 1 Karnod runs: Denver. Des Moines, Three-base hit Thiol. Home run: Holland. liases on 'balls: Off McFnrlnne, 6; off Kyler, 2. Struck out: Hy MeFarlane. 2; by Eyler, IV Hit bv micncil nan: .Mceanane. i-assen ball: Hnusen. Double plays: Hall to Hill; Miller to Hnusen: Preston to Hnusen. Lelschcurlng. Tlmo of game; 2:10. Umpire: IM'KIH.O WINS Till! WIIOI.H SEiur.s Konr Consecutive Defeats llnrku me Career of Klonx City Out There. PUEBLO. Colo.. May IS.- (Special Tele gram.) Friday proved another unlucky day for the iSloux nnd they wont down for tho fourth defeat of their llrst series with Pueblo. Pueblo made the spheres from tho visiting pitchers' hands travel nil over tho Held, with a total of nineteen hits. Black burn, though hit nulte frequently, pre vented th visitors from bunching their stick work with nny effectiveness. At tendance, 650. Score: I'UEHLO. Ml. R . fi 2 II. O. A. E. 13 0 1 113 1 2 7 :: 0 2 0 0 0 2(30 1oo 1 0. 3 0 2 6 1 1 4 0 0 0 19 27 13 3 H. O. A. E. 1 I II 0 113 1 13 10 12 10 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 0 6 0 1 113 0 110 1 5 23 3 6 MeHnle. cf Union, ss Anderson, 2b.... Parrott. rf Graham, c O'Dea. 1li Kolly. 3b... Dalrymple, lllackburn, If.... P Totnls 41 13 SIOUX CITY. AH. R. Hollmnn, cf 3 1 Rnymcr. 2b 5 0 Hurlburt, rf 5 1 Cote, c 4 0 McIIale, cf I 1 Hrashear, ss 3 0 Ebrlgllt. lb nnd p 4 0 Nlles. 3b I 2 Dean, p nnd lb 4 0 Totals JI r, lllackburn out for interfering with batted ball. Pueblo 2 0 1 2 4 2 3 1 -lf. Slous City 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-5 Two-base hits: Hlnckburn (2l, Nlles, Hulcn Anderson. Parrott. Kelly. Three- base hits: Anderson. Dalrymple. Home runs: R. MeHnle, Hnllmun. Double plays: Hulcn to Anderson to O'Den; Hurlburt to Ebrlgllt. Stolen bases: R. MeHnle, Ander son, Dnlrymplo (2), inncKnurn, Hurlburt, Mr Hole, illnses on lulls: orr Hlnckburn, 5: orf Dean. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Hy Dean, .'. Earned runs: Pueblo, 7: Sioux City, 1. Tlmo of gnmo: 2:0o. empire: Sage. SlnndliiK of the Tennis, Played. Won. lost. I It 5 5 5 ' c. .750 .5!3 .f,S3 . 153 .375 ,3ia Omnhn 1 (i Denver 12 . Pueblo 12 7 Sioux City II 5 St. Joseph S 3 Des Moines 11 4 (JAMES OK TIIK XATIO.VAI. I.HACt i:. I'lllsliurur tils on tho I'lillndelphlu Ten in 11 Hard Full. PITTSnt'RO, Mny lS.-In tho fourth In ning, after two men were out. Plttsbutg found Rernhnrd for two triplets, two doubles nnd threo singles, scoring six runs. The visitors could not hit Chcsbro except in tho sixth and seventh, when five of the eight hits were made. Attendance, 3,500. Si ore: riTTSlUrtO. I PHILADELPHIA. It H O.A 15 It.ll.O.A E lie iimoiit. rf 1 O'llrlen. If. .1 Wllllnms. 3b S Vt ucnor. rl. 1 10. le. lb ..2 Mil mi', lb .2 Kl. ... ! liner, . 1 I'hrsbro. p. 0 5 0 (Vriionias. rr..0 ft t ft ft 2 0 0 Hhmle. If 12 0ft 2 2 3 0 ne'tianty. lt. 3 11 1 .) 2 t ft n r.ijole, 2b.... (I I n 1 3 6 1 ft h'llck, rr 0 1 ft ft 13 10 M'Farln., eft I 6 1 3 3 2 1 Wolv'ton, 5b.O ft 1 3 2 I r 0 l"ros, fr 0 ft 2 I I 1 0 0 iirrnhanl, p..l 1 1 2 T.UttH II It 27 S I1 ToUls 4 8 24 13 ft Pltthhurc 0 0 0 fi 3 1 1 0 11 Philadelphia 000001 3 00-4 Earned runs: Pittsburg, 15; Philadelphia, 2. Two-baso hits: Cooley Lntlmer. Thre, base bits: Wngnor. Rltthlo, Delehanli Snerlfleo hit: Wolverton. Stolen bases: O'llrlen. Coolev. Ritchie. Double nlnv: Delehanty (unasslstedi First base on halls. On Chesbro. 4: orr Hern hard. 2 II t hv pitched ball. Thomas, Struck out. By Chefc bro, 3; by Bernhard, t, Passed balls; Latl- Karlnn I (Ii Time vf gump 2 15, Hurst tilnnl" lio I5n), ST l.ot lS. May ts.-Sl Loi.l. wallnp.,1 llawlevs curves when hli wfrr necessary. Attendance, i.Vw. Score: by liiiuis. 1 nkw ironii 11 it oa 1:1 n.noAi: I 1 1 l V H'lren. cf 0 n 9 it Dlllai'l, Honlln, Hnrkrtt. Sb if.. ,-f... If.. 1 0 !hm h. If 0, rf....o I Hnjlo, lb 0 0 D.tMa, f .. .1 0 Seymour. If .3 0 (tlnn. 5h .2 Oilttrkmun. Jb.O 0,1to'tnflii. C..D 0 0 0 U t t ! 3 3 1 2 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 nllnee, McOann. lb. .1 : 12 1 1 3 1 Qulnn, t. .1 .1 1 ' frlger, Jnnos, I1' ..0 1 llsn ley. 0 I TotnU i: 15 27 9 0 Unheal. 0 , I Total 5 9 5t 15 5 3 0 I 1 11 .1 1 1 -n 0 .", 0 (I 0 2 0 0 0- 5 St. Louis, fi; New York. 5. (Mention. Three-base hit: st. Louis New York .... Karned runs Two-bnsp bit: Wallace. Hit by pitcher: McCira'v. Mc (latin. Double plays: McOntm iunaslstedi ; Davis to Doyle. Hasp on balls: Orf Ilawiey, I; off Jones, 2. Stolen baes: Donlln, Mc (Innn. Oulnn. StrucU out: Hy llawley, 2. by Jones, I. Time: 2:32. Umpire: Swart w ood. CHICAOO, May IS. Chlenen-lloston game postponed on account of rain. Sliiudlnu of (he 'renins. Played Won. lost. P.C. ,62 ,6.'l'i Philadelphia Brooklyn ... PltthbtirR ... Chicago .... ft. Louis Cincinnati .. New York ... Hoston K II 8 10 10 It 12 15 11 II It 11 9 6 ;vi i o5 i 23 . i .500 .l?J .26 .261 (iAIIIlS OF 'I'll 11 AMKItllW I.KAfSl I Dr. 'nrker Administer 11 Dose of I. line to the Iletroll (Hilllt. THO IT. Mich.. May K Parker's nltrh- DK lnir was too much for the Inonl team today nnd they received their second shutout on tho home ground". Cronlu, on the other hnnd, was iisy for tlie visitors and was given a drubbing Wenli 11 led the hitting with a home run and two (.Ingles followed. The dnv wus cold and raw. Attendance, 1,000. Score: DimtOIT. I MINNT.AI'OLIS. It.H.O.A r. I 11 II O.A 15 Itsrlpv, rf.. .0 ft ft 1 l).il. cf.... 2 2 3 nibrrfcld. ss.O nillnn. 1H....0 Sulllinn, 3h. 0 M'AI'sler. IbO 1 1 1 to 3 1 Wllniot. rf...2 3 n 2 0 Lilly, If 2 1 3 3 2 WerMrn. lb ..3 3 12 4 3ft Nnnc. 3li....I 1 1 1 ft 0 Abbey, 2b.... ft 1 4 3 0 fiSnillli. 2 i 1 5 1 0 riher, c 2 1 1 2 2 ft ParkPr, p.. .2 2 1 I Ornv, rf. Stnlllng, I Wiu , c. ft If. 0 ....a ....0 ....0 ronln, p Miller, p 0 I v, Totals 16 19 12 0 Totnls Detroit Minneapolis 27 13 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 .... 1 0 4 .3 2 6 0 0 0 Hi Famed rims: Minneapolis. 10. Innings pitched: Hv Croliln. 6; by Miller. 3. nase hits, orf Cronln. It; off Miller. 2. Two-b.-ise hits: Flher. Davis. Thiee-bnse hits: hlal -inuu W'llitini I Initio run: W'erdeii. SlUTl- fleo hit: Wllmot. Stolen base: Lilly. First 14C ..p 0n balls: orr ronin. i: on .Miner, i. nlirlted ball: Hv Crontn. 1. l'lrst Hit by ' base on errors: Minneapolis, 3. Left on bases: Detroit. 8. .Minneapolis, h. HirucK out: Hv Cronln. 3; by Miller. 1. Double plavs: Elberlleld to McAllister to Dillon: Miller to McAllister to Dillon. Wild pitch: Miller. Time of gamo: 2:0 Umpire: Mc Donald. Mil (Ted Vly Loses n (inine. CLEVELAND, May IS. - Today's gnma wns closclv played. In the llrst inning, with two out, Clevelnnd batted Patton for four earned runs and In tho fourth an error gave them three more O Hrlen dropped a fly In the eighth, letting In tho winning run. Attendance. l,o). Score: CLUVi:LNI. I KANSAS CITY. It. H. O.A 15. " 11 O.A I- Pickering, cf.2 White, if 1 UCflow, 3b.. .t llrnina. If. ...2 1 1 ft Fnrrell. cr .. 0 ft Wimner, s .1 I O'llrlen, If...t 0 lninRiin, lb. .1 1 Hemphill, rf.2 1 (tear, rf 0 0 Coughlln, 3b.3 1 Hihni'fpr, 2b 1 I 3 :: 1 l 10 1 t 1 3 LVliance, lb 1 H'rbiiuer. Spies, c. Vlox, as. Hf.rt. p.. 21..I ....a ... l 0 1 0 (.ondln-. c...o itton, p 0 Totals... 10 12 27 12 4. Totals 8 12 24 10 4 Cleveland 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 2 '-10 Kansas City 0 2 1 o 1 0 0 1 0-8 Earned runs: Cleveland. 4: Kansas city, 1 r,.n.i,u.. hilar rienlns. O'Hrlen. Oond- iiig. Fnrrell. Three-bac bits: Hlerbauer. Cougblln. Saerlllco hit: Omullng. stolen linses: Pickering. While, O'Hrlen. Hrst imxo on errors: Cleveland, 4; Knnsns t Ity, 2. Strurk out: Hy Hart, O'Hrlen, Schneror, Dungan; oy I'aiion, i-ickitiiik. nr "vrs- balls: Off Hart, 3; Off Patton, 2. im by pitcher: H.v nan. wagner. wuimin play: Wnguer to Hcharfcr to Dungiui. Left on basrs: Cleveland. 7; Knnsns l Ity, b. i, i.-..tts titvver Time: 1:40. BUFFALO, May lS.-Huffalo-Chlcngo game postponed, rain. ... INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Mny 1S.-lndlnn- npolls-Milwaukee gnmo postponed on uc coiuit of rain. Standing; of llie Tennis. Won. iAist. 15 (5 Plnyed, .... 21 P.C. .715 .572 ,M . H5J .400 ,3t'.0 .273 Indlnnnpolls Mllwaukro . 15 12 11 12 9 r Cleveland ... 21 21 2fi 20 ft 10 11 12 ir, 16 ('hlcngo .... Minneapolis Ruffolo . .., Kansas city Dotrolt 'Vnrslly Slnils Out IVines. AMES. In.. Mny is. (Special Telegram ) The State university base ball team shut out the Iowa State college nine here this afternoon by n score or 7 to 0 1 be game was played iu the rain and up to tho seventh Inning neither side had a cine 1 on the game. The State college was weak at short and costly errors allowed the vnrhlty team to run up six scores In the soventh nnd eighth Innings. Moss pitched n xtronc irame. the mystery of which tho agriculturalists were unnblc to fathom. R I I.E. Score: Town 0 0 0 0 1 0 ,mos 0 0 0 0 0 0 Itatterles: Iowa, Moss and 3 3 0- 7 15 2 0 0 0 0 7 5 Yntcs; Ames, and Curtlss. C. II. Smith lliiyn His Keelleiioy, LOt'ISVILLE, May IS. --Charles II. Smith of Chicago, owner of Lieutenant (.lbsou, the Kentucky Derby winner, today pur chased from T. C. McDowell the .1-year-old chestnut colt, His Excellency, by Imp Esher-Exci'llonzn Tho terms of tho sale were not made public. l'leld Day lit lliirlliiKlon, IIARTIN11TON. Neli. May lS.-lBpeclnl Telegram )- This wns Held day In Ilartlng tnn. and although the day was cold and elnnriv nlwillt 2.1100 POOP O Witnessed t lit sports.'whlch were held a! the fulr crounds. Hloomlleld. Itamtoipn nnu . oienoge mi" rprescntej, nnn 11 was inuccu a uu Every Day Occurrence Every iiny sonic Kouin'iiinii vcniiui lis tlmt the liiiiKiicsi iihic niTiiiiKciui'iii for curry Iiur Ice cream is 0110 of our lilt In ban-els put il flKht III your lHickct nnil It will keep for hmirs-ihc pints hold ciioimli for I ihnl's - '"ts -the n 1111 t't k Hold enough ior m-uiiii lo cents -then you get three llnvors of the most (lellclotis Ice cream mnile-we make Ico oieam for cliiiiclies-ilciilcs-lnilL'os-iinil soclables-aiid make ihe price- so rcasoualilo Unit ihey can niYnnl to liny our cream. ic I'uioiot iiuum to sllilit the cream even il' the price Is low If von want gonil Ice cream set It at HabliilT's ami you'll always cet tho best. W. S. Balduff. 1520 Farnam St. Der Wuz a Time Away back lu do "n's. when I was a bny, dat I didn't know much about dem water coolers, for to keep Ice water in. bin since 1'sc bin a workln fur Mr. liny mor l'so got posted an' I want to tell you people tin t (ley am de nicest tlns fur to keep your he water l'se ever gazed mi an' slch a lot tiv Yin as he keeps not de pore kltr. but de very best ones porcelain lined -coated with enamel and tilled all around witli char coal -an' (ley am handsome oriiainciits loo Ho sells de Il-sallon ones fur $1.7"i l-millon ones fur .f'-VJo -d-callon ones fur -and do lO-gallon ones fur S.ri()-S-sallon ones fur $:i.."io. A. C. RAYMER 1.11 I IWIIYAM ST. 3108 .V Street, South Orunlia. n 0 ft ft 0 ft mir M Umpire of pnrt TliCee bi'id . tiiiulr wete I allPMdrtii.r Hl.'.nntirtd . arrled off I h. f 1orlt of the prlre, ih.- e. ellltut 111 m i tan drill, foot rsc, brnn.l .tump and Mr jump. Harlltigtoii. assisted b Itloomttfl 1 defeated ColerldK.-. asl--ted b Itand.'l' In n guine or bull In u s( ore ..f i.i to '. The girls of HnrtluKtoil defeated '! girls of Colerldec ii bu-ket ball. II to 4 KID M'COY WHIPS CREEDON J i Unit' Hreonils Throw I p In Sixth Hound nt York. Hie spoiim' e li XH1V VfilJK 18 Charles iKidi M'- Cov easily defealeil Aulrallan Dan Ciee don al the Hrondwai' Athletic ciuli tonight before one of Hip largest crowds that tin" ever nsembled In the club. Thirty-four second" of the sixth round was all th" time needed to turn the trlrk and Mr' ; could have brought the light to it peedlci ronclnslon bad he been so disposed, t'rer 1 don made a poor showing. Al no time ill. I I he land a blow that hurt McCoy. 1 The opening bout bet ween Tommv I'OlU ' of Hrooklyn nnd Harry Rrenlek nf New I York, scheduled a-, a twelve-round lunt I at 105 pounds, was a short afTalr. end I us ' in the second round In favor of belu T he i referee declared Hresnlek outclassed. ' Creedon wns the llrst to enter the ling, I accnmpntiled by Dal Hawkins, Penny Mur ' phv and Joe Calne. A few minutes later ! the Kid came through tho topes with hl I brother. Homer. Hilly Muldoon, Joe F.ilvrv and Jlmmv do rorcst as seconos u"n innked in lie In good shape and nftcr iv- celvlng their Instructions from the tefi rec thev got to business. When the bell sounded McCoy sti,'.'d In with clever feinting nnd foot woik. H had it smile on his fare, but Creedon i looked serious and was the llrst tn latnl , with a good left to the wind. McCoy dance.l away ami came back with several Jabs to , th" face nnd body and then crossed his to the head. , i Creedon was Inclined to mix things In the second round and twice lauded hi" left to the bend. McCoy Jabbcil and tried hard tn reueh the law with his right, but Dan held a high guard and although the kid reached tho stomach Willi the left hand, he was still there at the bell, but tired Creedon on Ills llucli. In the third round McCoy began tabbing bis rlnht to the wind, but was blocked when he tried for the Jaw. Dan kepi going but was tumble to land a punch unt'l Inter Ir the round, when he reached the b.'dv with a light rlghl. A b ft hook on the eye brought the blood and sent Creedon on ' his back, but be managed tn get to bl fei t and stay the round. McCoy did not septn Inclined to rub matters In tho fourth and D.m iinnllv cornered him and swung a hard left to tho bodv. McCoy returned a left hook tn Dan's Injured eye and backed awav. when Dan rushed. Creedon was very tired nt tho bell. Met'ov opened the fifth with n left to the body, but Dun blocked his tight swing mid returned n vicious swing for the head, whleh tho kid ducked. The kid thou swung his left, but wns wild and was laughed at by the crowd. Dan swung a good Irft to the head and the kid countered with hi" right to the bodv and repeated the blow when Dim crowded In. Creedon was still on 111" feet at the bell. McCov went at him for the sixth with the evident Intention of llulshlng It and Jabbed his left to the face and followed with his right to the head, lie then forced Dan around tho ring, but Dan sent lilm nwnv with a right swing to the neck. MrCov wns rlghl back with a right tn tho body nnd then booked bis left to tho Jnw. sending Dan to the floor erection's second. Coring he was defeated, threw up the sponge nnd .McCoy was declared tho winner. Tuo Drnvis Are I'ollubl. CHICAC.o, May is.-llarrv Harris nnd Maurice Ranch, bantams, fought a fnM six-round drnw nt the For! Dearborn Ath letic club tonight. H'uuh forced the flght jiif bio i' "Tls evened mntlcrs by clever lefthund Jabs. Li il'lff . 1. I.E. Kv May IV "Freckles O'Hrlen of Now Orleans and Ous Ili-zmah of Cincinnati fought twentv fas! rounds to a drnw before the Nonnarell Athletic 1 lub tonight. They fought at lis pounds. LINCOLN GIRLS MEET DEFEAT Yoiintr Women of O11111I111 II lu Ii School Win Well 'ontesloil (iunie of llnsliel Hull. Omaha nnd Lincoln High schools came to gether Inst night with a clash thai will llnd 11 doleful echo this morning at tho On pi till city. The contact occurred lu th.; gvmnaslum nt Young Men's christian asso ciation headquarters In this city, when .1 team of girls from the Lincoln High school went ngalnst a quintet or Omnhn High school belles In a contest nt basket linll. It did not prove to be a beauty contest by any means, but a cold-blooded proposition of brnwn and endurance. For a thrilling half hour tho spectators looked upon a deeamn ous display of Turkish trousers skurrylng about tho smooth lloor. sometimes in groups, sometimes in pairs nnd more often in one heterogenous mass, from whleh pro truded an nnlmntnl soore of feet, some pointing upward, some downward and otn ers otherwise. The visiting team comprised Miss Anna Spurck. coach; Misses Edith Hurllnglm and Margaret Plllsbury. forwards; Miss Inez Everett, center: Misses Ethel Ames ami Olive States, guards; Misses Ruth Hell and Ora Chossington, substitutes. Miss Woodstnall was coach of the Om.ilu team. whli li comptlsrd Miss Alice Towne. center and captain; Mlse Mary llarils and Heth Wallace, forwards: Misses Fran cis Hell and Joy Keck, giuirrts: Misses .Min nie lllller and Viola Cahn. substitutes 'rim llrst half was nlaved under Omnha rules, which recognized a more continuous nnd energetic rivalry than those of Lincoln, as tho rules of the latter did not permit the knocking of the ball out or each otlnr' iimwiu ii rnuultril In n score of 2 tn " in favor of Omaha. The second half under Lincoln rules gave a s.orc of 2 to 1 In Omaha's favor, making the score of tho gnmo 4 to 1 In fuvnr of tho homo team. Although this seems a somewhat one-sided record It was not by any means a one hided gamo. for both teams were hilari ously, vociferously and tumultiiously in it from start to llnlsh. The avoirdupois was distinctly In favor of Omnha. but It was noticeable thnt, while the visitors appeared to bo unable to guide the hall Into the bas ket thev kept It hovering atound their op ponents' goal about three-fourths of the time. Their goal throwing was inaccurate, but otherwise they srciued to be quicker and more expert in handling the spheii than were their opponents. N II. Nelson of Omaha rofereeil the mix nnd Albert. 1 Spurck and W. E. Andrcson of Lincoln wero umpires. Purses for Dubuque llccllnu. Dl'lirorU, la., May K Tho Nutwood r ' ' - V j? ,5 '' : : ,n , ,,,', ,7, ir, 7, i j ,..,.... ...... - .-- . Her Only Regret Mm. I'rnbndf llsd I'nlltil Thrnugll the Mini Trying Kxprrlpnie of Her Life llrfnrr She Con nil n llrineiljr for All Wom-u's lilt. Nobtnly who sees Mrs, Mary M. I'cabodv, of 42 Writer Street, Hnvcthill, Mass., to-lny will find it ensy to believe thnt she has passed her 63d year ntul has en dured more Ruflcritip; than comes to the ordinary lot of women. How she reguincd health nnd happiness is best told in her own word. JMiesays: "Last winter nnd spring I hnd the grip which left my system nil run wn. I also Mitrored from fcmalo weakness nnd trouble" peeullsr lo Monicn. I hnd no stroll tn and no tlmt I wnnlfl lle 11111I I w.ia iifrlllil "I recalled tho brnctit thnt Ur.Wllllnnis Pink Pill" for I'nle People hnd done mo In a former Illness, and last July I begun tnklnc them. They did not disappoint me. 1 used seicral boxes or them and from u total wru-k 1 wns insdo n bcnlthy omnn. My only regret Is thnt I did not know of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People when I hnd tho chnnKonfltrc I am now enjoying tho best of health, en! heartily ntul sleep soundlv-nll due to Dr. Williams' Pink PUN ror Pule People. 'There are ninny fticts about mv cne thnt I do not enre to hnvti published but I will gladly nuswer any woinnti who cure" to wmo ine -bout the subject." M vuv M. Pkaiioiiv. Subscribed nnd tworn to before mo this first day of September, 1S99. Thomas W. lit'iNtiv, Justice othe iVuce. Dr. Wllllnms' I'lnl: Pills for Pnlo People nro nn unfailing siiecllle for such diseases ns locomotor ntnxln, partial pnrnlysln, St. Itus' dnnco, sclntlcn, neurnlgln, rhpumntlsm, nervous hrndiirho, tho after rll'ect" of the grip, pnlpb tallon nrtbe heart, pale and sallow complexions, and ull forms of wcakuess either lu luulo ur fcmulc. 3K WiLl B Look for flit trade mark on every pdcktige. DR WILLIAMS' ALE EOPLE DR. WILLIAMS MEDICINE the iiKgieg.ite of purges for the unci tog ..f Augiit 2" 25 The cotrii . I..e Jum 1.. and Awii.i I ' I'ltKI r II t 15 111 VI' LOl l II, I. Ii. I'lii'iiici- lleiineK Wills Hie Juvenile Milken In 11 llnrd Drive. LuCISVILI.E. Ky . Mav IV- The Juvenile slakes for 2-year-olds lortny dwindled to a thrre-'iore race, but furnished one of tin. motile"! races of the season. Farmer iten- nett. Queen Carnival nnd Monaco llnlsbed I all Lipped 011 each other and all driving lo the limit. Hums had to do his hardest rid- 1 Ing to land Farmer Hennctt winner. in tho second raco Nettle Regent was pins oil strong for a good tiling, being 1 backed from 15 tn 1 to t lo 1. She only 1 railed lo deliver the goods by being almost loft (it the post, for she showed she was , llie best one in the nice, by coming all atound her Meld nnd running third. Tho good llllng In the Inst race was .Maydlne. a shlftv little 3-year-old lllly belonging to President and Presiding Judge YV. F Silmllo of tile lAiulsvllle Jocki y dub. Re sides being 11 hot one the tip had 'be merit nf going Ihiough and Mny.llno, backed from 3ft to I to r. to I. won handily In the fast time of l.ll'j for the six furlongs. Sklllman and Farmer Hennctt were the only fa- orlle". Ill tlln )...,'n Ilnlfiliil ,n M. inert.' tt'i.u 'kicked on the leg h.v Clhrnltar and was so! palpruuy hurt that lie will ery likely not bo In the saddle again for several days. Results: 1 First ra. e, four and one-half furlongs: Longllo won. Tho Hutclier second. Hcan third. Time: 0M. Set olid race, seven-eighths of a mile, sell ing' lsabinda won, llonevwond second,' Nettle Regent third. Time: 1:27. I Third no p. three-quarters or a mile: j Fonuda won, Charlie O'Hrlen second, , Aeushln third. Time: 1:13;. 1 Fourth rac, llve-clghlhs or a mile. Ju venile slakes: Farmer Hcnnetl won. Queen Caiiiival set nnil. Menace thirl. Time: 1 :0ia. Fifth rare, one mile, selling- Sklllmnn won. Semper Eugnn second, Elibolln third. Time: l:4l-. Sixth rnic three-quart'TH of a mile, sell- Ing: Maydlne won. Tourer second, Olbral tnr third. Time: 1:13U. Viiiel-lcnii .loclie In First. LONDON, May IV - American .ii ekeys hnd winning mounts In live events at the open ing; races of the Ontwyek summer meeting today and of these tile Reirr brothers had throe. Richard Croker's Scotchman II, with L. Rellf up. won tile Clinmpney plate and Ihe sumo Jockey rode (Jolihn Horse shoe (o victory in tho Mav Hlossoni handi cap The Ah xandrla bandlca'i w won by Lutetla. ridd. 11 !, J RelfT Sloan whs YOU CAN'T TAKE Liver and Kidney. AND KEEP SICK if it's Headaches, llacknehcs, liiliousncss, Diabetes, Rheumatism or Dyspepsia that trouble you. Sold byalldruRgisls. Prepared only byTho Dr. J. II.. McLean Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. mi if lift Hfl A REPRESENTATIVE BOOKSHOP. i".- Novel, al 10. 3,0tm lilies to select Mom "Dennlson s" Crepi Tls-ue, all ah.ide:i. ten foot rolls, lu. our Mcxhan Sombreros giiai.inleed the original and hand mndn at $1 'Hi Wat. li f..r our ad next week. Snturdav soini-'hing 1 xir.mrdiimrv Mail or ders promptly lilbd Barkalovv Bros.' " Bookshop," ItUJ rat'iiain Street. I ION STATIOV. Hospe's New Piano Stock- New woods In piano manufacture pretty as a picture -The new veneer known as amlsilue is a color combina tion that Is cut holy new to this neck nl' ihe woods - Holier than rosewood In Its Ktiilii, as warm In color as iniilKr.'any and a surface adinittiiiK of a more per feci polish I hail satin wood This is hut a partial description of Hie veneer ued lu some of our lino planus (hir rosewoods are genuine no other house can guarantee this and we are iiroiiil 1 to say llinl we are able to prove li"t 1 w e assert. J A. HOSPE, Music and Art. (513 Douglas. Drex L, Shooman Ilshed around all winter trying lo llml a belter slide for boys at .fl,."') than thu one we've sold these ninny sprliiKS-but lie couldn't do It --you ihIkIh lisli around all day Sal unlay and not llml a sliue that would show half the vuluo ymi might but will you? Not If you ever had a pair of those .$!..) shoes put on your boy's feci -We've never had a kick yet on 'em -probably because we don't pretend to make nnu li of a piolll ' ii llieni but we have the satlsfyiiiK com fort of a sui lulled customer. Drexel Shoe Co., Omaha's L'p-tn-dnlr Shoe House. 1.10 FAHNAM STRUKT. 1 Mri. Manj it. lYabody. ambition. My friends .'Id not thlnu tbai I Mil l?nltll ltllo I'ltllNll 111 Ptloll INK ILLS a ui a Ul u ui or Soli by nil druggists, 50 cents per bo v ; si.v boxes, $ roil COMPANY, Schonoctady, N. Y. In the saddle "i the Si de fill will, ll woo lb. Worth flakes or 1 'i'' -o erelcns llnlf Casio, ridden b .1 R Iff, Won (lie Ash down velllin hiiin'lt i: The rac for ihe Man phiie resulted In a In at f'r Urn pli between Mr Croker s lOllceii Violet, with I. Rein up and Roval Rlier The stakes were ilMdcd IIIIOOK IMiK II S Till: MOS T I'lllSTS. flose of (ho Tlireo-Dii.v liiereollelnlo Clinic, nl llllclicll, MITCHELL. K D. May IV (Special Tele, gram 1- To.lnv wn llie last day nf the in lercolleglato athletic loiitesl and some great sport was seen. Tin allcndame was larger than yesterday and the eents wore of bet ter rhararlor The events began this morn ln.' and as thev wcie all limns ine "m.rm In the sport was greater. Noll of Mltrholl 'won tho pole villlt: bright, n rrrl O Inches 1 The Uin-Mird tlnal dash was won by Dodge of Ilrooklngs, Odell of Y.iuUton second Jo'mson or Mitchell third The hair-mlle lib m Ic race llnal was won 1iv Italdwln or Itiooklngs (lathoul ol Mil. hell second Itaker of .Mitchell third. The sixteen-pound hammer (brow was won bv Miller of Mitchell; dlstnnci, 97 fret; Noyes of Mitchell second. Johnson of ilrooklngs third The 120-vni'd hut die llnal wa won by Dletrb li of Yankton in AS, Sl.nle ol' Yankton sc. ond. Johnson of Hrnoklncs third. The 4I( run. llnal. was won by llnur or Ilrooklngs In 0.51. KlnuMiiirv of Mitchell se. ond, Dlsbrow of Yankion third. The inn vnrd dash, llnal. was won bv Dodge of Ilrooklngs In 0:10 2-5, Johnson and Wells of Mitchell second and thltd. Tile basket hull game was won b Ilrooklngs ocr Rc.lllcbl the score being s to 3. Catholic oclclj Niiiiiom Ollloors, CHICAOO. May IV - (Iftloers or Ihe Catho lic Knights and L'idles of Honor were elected tonight as follows- Supremo presi dent. James 11. (Iranley, Detroit, supreme Woe president, E D. Koll, Memphis, su preme sen-clary, J. J Duff). Memphis All the roiitlm work .if the organization was disposed of before Hie oleition. Wisconsin Routs Illinois. CHA.MPAION. Ill . Mn IS.- Result of tho dual men; WWionsln. ill's points. Illinois. ti3s point". The Brownie Camera. Hove you seen llie new Eastman Day light Loading Camera? It tnkes pictures 2',4x2Vi Inrhes nnd sells for J 1.00. II Is a winner You enn al ways dopend 011 getting the Int est nnd best goods nt tho right prices at our trtore. THE ALOE & I'ENFOLD CO., Amateur Photographic Supplies, 1108 l'urnum at. OMAHA. 1 ih.ih'hom: :i2o. i