Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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While out shopping
Saturday, it will bo to your advantage to visit llayden's Mb
ailk departinout.
00c colored taffeta at 39c
40e plain china silk, all colors . . 25c
75c plain black taffeta at '.'.'..49c
l.50iancy waist Bilks 5qc
1.25 black poau do soie silk at .69c
$1 foulard silks at 5qc
10c corded wash silk at .' 25c
"i S2 black grenadine, 45 inches wide at ... ,98c
81. 50 yard wide silk taffeta at 98c
1.25 white corded taffetas at 59c
The low prices wo are making on our
Beautiful Foulard Silks
makes selling easy.
Foulards worth 1 at 59c
Jjoulards worth L25 on sale at 75c
If you want a foulard dress that is artistic, novel' and ov
elusive you must try here.
Taffetas worth $1, in black and all colors are.. 69c
What? Why, that Winslow taffeta contest. Can you
guoss the nearest to the number of yards of Winslow taffeta
sold in the United States during 1899 A silk dress free to
the nearest guossor. Send all guesses to Hayden Bros' silk
$1 Colored Laundered
Shirts at 29c.
1.000 dozen Men's Shirts. This is the en
llro production of one of tho largest Bhlrt
factories In New York Sold to tig at 10c
on tho dollar. There Is every stylo of a
ihlrt mndo in this lot. worth up to $1.50,
all go In one lot nt 29c.
500 dozen Mcn'R fihlrlH and Drawers In
fancy and plnln colors, mado to sell nt 50c,
on salu nt 25c.
Men's 2.".c IIoso In fast colors, black nnd
tan, ut 15c.
200 dozen Men's Neckwear In all styles
regular 50c ties, nt 15c.
Men's $1.00 Underwear at 15c.
Ton casee Men's fine llalbriggan SIiIiIh and
Drawers, In all sUes from 30 to 50, made
to hcII at 75c and $1.00, all on sale at 15c.
Men's $1.50 Bicycle Hose at l!c.
Men's 60c Hclts In all the new colors
at 25c.
Men's 25c Linen Cliffs nt 10c.
Men's 25c Suspenders nt 15c
Spectacles and
Eye Glasses
Correctly tltiel by our skillful optician.
No charge for examination.
Visit us beforo going elsowhcrc and sao
PrtibjUruns in Contention Dif cuss tho Non
Obwvanos of Snndnj.
Tlielr etloit I'morlnu Cloxo of Vmrr
it'ini Pnlllim In I'iiiIn on iiiulii
l,ii ml oil Memorial Kit ml
Ik llomuril.
ST. LOlflS. May IS. A very considerable
part of today's hesslon of the l'rrtdiylerian
General assembly was spent In considering
tho report of the special rominltteo on Sab
liath olwcrvance. During the discussion high
praise was accorded to President McKluley
and Secrclnry Hny for the Instructions sent
to CommUslonor Peck of the Paris exhibi
tion and to Ambamador Porter nt Paris,
touching tho closing of the United States
pavilion and oIUccm at the exposition on
the Sabbath.
The report strongly urges thnt Prebby
terlans throughout the land should abstain
from numerous forms of Sunday desecra
tions now being more or let Indulged in
nnd makes the broad request that railroad
eompnnlen reduce Sunday transportation to
n minimum nnd that congress nnd state
legislatures nhall appropriate no money for
exhibitions without tho proviso that such
exhibits nhall be closed on Sunday
A resolution was adopted by n large vote
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
tLEAN5ES the System
tfuy m? genuine - MANT o oy
for bargains
25c Leather Belts 5c
All tho odds and ends of the Tropic's
stock of 25c and 35c ladles' leather belts on
sale Saturday 0c.
All I'cnplc'H Stock of Slightly Soiled 75
and 00c Leather Dolls, inc.
BOc Val Laces 15c.
35c Taney Net top l.acf, "14c
$1.50 raney Allovcr Embroideries 75c.
50c Ladles' Hand flags 25c.
"To Have ami to Hold," regular price $1.50,
special SOc.
7fc Pulley Helts, 30c
Adding Riom.' beft sewing silk, full 20
yd spools le. This gives you ino yds silk
thread for 6c.
Ucst quality corduroy Bias Velveteen Skirt
Binding, regular price from 5 to 7c, on
sale at 2iC.
Special on Corsets.
One lot of Ladles' Corsets In all sizes, reg
ular 50c quality, at 25c.
One lot of Ladles' Corsets, In all sizes,
worth $1.00, on sale nt 19c.
Ladles' 25c Vests. In all colors, nt 10c.
Ladles' 35c Vests, In all color, at 15c
Ladles' 60c Silk Vesta nt 25c.
Onn lot of Ladles' nnd Children's Hose,
worth 25c, on alo nt 15c
One lot of Ladles' Lisle Thread Hose. In
fancy nnd plain colors, regular 50c quality,
nt 25c.
Ladles' $1.00 downs on sale at 49c
Boys' 5ilu Shirt Waists on sale at 15c,
Boys' Shirts in all tho new styles at 15c.
rcqucHtlng proprietors of St. Louis news
papers not to print the proceedings of the
atvembly In their Sunday edcitlons.
South DnUotii I ml I ll 11 lli'lcmilK.
There are several full-blood Indians In
the assemblage as delegates nmong thorn
being Thomas H. Aungle and Rev. Henry
T. Selwyn of dreenwood, S. I)., who nre
both opposed to n revision of the creed, and
Stephen Weston, a Choctaw.
Promptly at 0:30 n. m. Rev. Dickey, the
new moderator, cnlled the assembly to order
and appointed Mr. James H. Converse of
Philadelphia vice moderator. He also nn
nounceil the appointment of chairmen of the
following committees: Committee on bills
nnd overtures. Rev. Robert F. Sample, New
York; Judicial committee. Dr. William M.
McKlbhln, Cincinnati: polity, I)r. Daniel
Webster Fisher; homo missions, Dr. Rlch
ard S. Holmes; foreign missions, Dr. Charles
Cuthbert Hall, cducntlon, Dr. (Jeorge B.
Stewnrt; church erection, Dr. William II.
Clark; theological seminaries, Dr. David R.
Kerr; frcedmen, Dr. K. Trumbull Lee; aid
for colleges, Dr. Willis H. Craig.
Tho announcement was then made that I'
was tlmo for tho presentation of syuodlcal
papers to tbo general assembly, Theso were
gathered up by pagm, who gave them to the
stnted clerk. After ncllon by the committee
on bills and overtures these papers will be
reported on later.
Among the candidate) for the position 'Of
permanent clock, mado vacant by the death
of Rev. Dr. William K. Moore of Columbus,
O., are Dr. W. B. Noble. Dr. John Branch.
Dr. John .Miller, Dr. O. W. F. Birch and Dr.
B. F. aecnmlil.
Among thp recommendations made on the
subject by the special committee on the cele
bration of the twentieth century provltlon
for a meraorlnl fund was suggested, to be
known as tho "Twentieth century fund for
the endowment of Presbyterian collejlale
and theological Institutions, for the enlarge
ment of missionary enterprises, for the erec
tion of church buildings and payment of
debts on churches and educational Institu
tions and for other work of the boards at
tho option of tho donors."
It was suggested that provision be made
for tho nppclntment of a central committee
to consist of four ministers and three elders,
with headquarters In Philadelphia, the com
mli'eo to havo general supervision of the
Deport on Oninhii School,
Tho report of the committee on the Omaha
I Theological seminary, of which Dr. K. Trum-
l bull Lee Is chairman, was In the form of an
' nm,.flt fni i.n ntulnumnnl fn, tln ....... I
( ., .... .... .... ...v , mi mil at'uiiiiiiry
j to Insure Its permanency nnd for rendering
Its usefulness un-iurhed. This semlnnry
I has been In existence nine years and Is the
only school of its kind In the Presbyterian
chun-h between Chicago and the Pacific
The special eonitnlttco on Sabbath observ
ance reported that tho piesent condition of
the Sabbath question In the I'nlted States
, presented more dark than bright aides, more
threatening aspects ilum hopeful signs, mnro
dltllcult problems than encouraging tenure
.u i ii in jijuii a luuimiiiinimun irom me
I Methodlxt conference In Chicago wns read.
, convoying -oneratulntlons and eprejs!ve of
1 g'-od will of that body. It was voted to '
send n cordial responie. to be delivered by j
I n committee ccmposed of one minister nnd
I one outer. .Moderator uiCKey stated lie would :
appoint this committee Inter In the day. I
Rev Dr. S. J. NIccoIIh of this city pre-
( srnted the special report of the committee 1
i on ministerial education, In which he
showed tho necessity for the education of '
mlm&tcrs and of guarding ngnlnst the lax 1
I examination of candidates.
Just before the adjournment nt noon Rev. i
Dr Frank W. Sned, chairman of the com-
mitiee on arrangements, welcomrd the a-
embtsRe to St. Ixiuls and presented Mod- '
crater Dickey with a gHe made from the
wood of three historical churches of this
cit .,
Tbo l'rffcbytcrlan Board ot Home Missions j
iimi utns w,w -nAi uens
In all this big store you'll find nothing but fit
merchandise. We are sticklers for good goods and
at prices to pay you for eoming.
25 pounds Sugar $1.00
High Patent Minncsotn Flour, war
ranted, sack : fine
German Rye Flour, per sack, only.... 90c
10 lbs. Breakfast Rolled Oats, only.... 25c
3-lb. cans Extra Choice Tomatoes 7ic
2- lb. enns Sugnr Corn, only "iio
Fancy Largo Sweet Oranges, per do.. 12'
Fancy Large McsMun Lemons, per doz. 10c
Eagle or Champion Lye, per can t 5c
Large bottles fancy pickle, Chow
Chow. Sweut Pickles or White
Onions, each $ti,c
Gallon cans New York Apples, only... 25c
New Turkish Prunes, per pound S'je
New California Prunes, per pound 5c
New French Ralsln-cured Prunes,
law M&c
New California Yellow Peaches, lb.... IDe
New Evaporated Apples, per lb 10c
Quart cans Fancy Table Syrup 8 tie
Sliced Peaches for Cream, per cun 12tjc
Sliced Pineapples, per can, only 12'ic
3- lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, only 7!4e
2-lb. cans Strawberries, Raspberries,
Gooseberries or Blueberries, only
Stic; 3 for 25c
American Breakfast Co:oa, large cms.. 10c
Yeast Foam, Gorman Yeast, etc., 3 for. 10c
Hayden's Hat Dept.
Is giving values this week In n fur hat
any color and In any stylo in $1.25 values for
50c. Conio In and see this hat once. You
will bo fully convinced as to Its real value.
We nlso have a crush hat for men and
hoy-H in any color, with satin lining, on sale
this week nnd next nt 25c.
Wo are showing everything In the line of
slraw and linen hats. Vitlt our hat depart
ment If only to look, nnd we will show you
Derby hats In Knox. Dunlap, Youman, Mil
ler. Young, styles from $1.00 to $3.00.
began its twenty-flret annual meeting today
In the Lucas Avenue Cumberland Presby
terian church. Tht nttendanco was large.
Reports were read, tho most Interesting ot
which were these of the mltfllonariea In
the homo illusion fields. Tho feature of
tho first sesilon was the report of Rev. O.
F. McAfee of New York, general superin
tendent of all mission work. Ho stated that
tho mlFslon work In Alaska consisted of
training school work for hoys and girls.
Tho work Is progressing among the Nez
Perces IndtnnB of Idaho, while the New
Mexican Indians are pleading for Protestant
teachers In their hchools. In Porto Rico
tbo mission work Is progressing favorably.
Ciinilirrliiitit AnnpiiiIiI j- Seloo.
CH ATT A NOOC, A, Tenn.. May IS. At to
day's session of the Cumberland Presby
terian assembly the moderator appolntsd
the standing committees of the assembly
and on motion a new utandlng committee
was formed, to which will bo roferre! all
matters In connection with tho $1,000,OUO
endowment movement. A report was mado
showing that In the last year t hi rt y -n Ino
ministers have died, eight demltled, two
suspended, four deposed nnd forty-live
Cullli'l i'licp of IlmiLn riln.
SPR1NOFIKLD, O.. Mny IS. The na
tional conferenco of River Brethren (I)unk
ards) Is now In progress at Donnellsvllle.
Tho feet-washing and communion servlco
will take place Saturday night. A thou
sand persons nre expected to participate.
I'lilr. lo Continue Tito, with
Vnrlnlile xVliuU Ion n to He
( louil.v,
WASHINGTON. .May IS. Forecaht for
Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota and
Wyoming Fair Saturday and Sunday; vari
able winds.
For I own and Missouri Partly cloudy
Saturday; Sunday fair; fresh, northwesterly
I. oe n I Iti'i'oril.
OMAHA, .May IS.-Offlclal record of tnn
perature nnd precipitation, compared with
tho corresponding day ot the last threa
1900. 1S53. 1SSS. U07
Maximum temperature.... o
.Minimum temperature SI
Average temperature 51
Precipitation 21
itnrnnl nf lemiiernturo and
112 72 72
.() .0i) .(O
at Omaha for tills day and since March 1.
Normal for the day fil
Dellclciuy for the day S
Excess since Mnri'h 1 2 JO
Normal rainfall for the day O.H Inch
Excess for the day 0.09 Inch
Totul slnco .March 1 7.10 1m hen
Excess since March 1 0.OG Im Ii
llellclenry for ior. period. IW ... 2.2." Undies
Dclli leney for cor. period. lvi 1.37 invito
rtriiorta from Stntloim ut S p. in,
1 t
Omaha, cloudy
North Platte, partly cloudy..
Salt Lake, iloudy
Cheyenne, clear
Rapid City, rulutng
Huron, cloudy
WIlllHlnn, clear
Chicago, raining
St. 1iulH, cloudy
.Ml M T
Mi ; t
k s: .()
:6' r.ii .ii-i
t'.li ti.
fit! , T
Pi, 4'i ."M
fill M .fxi
ft. ram. einuuy
6 .01
lUw'tiport, riilnlnir .vi so .21
Helena, cloudy 1 60' to; .ti
Kansas City, raining i h f,i t
llavr, cloudy .' Js . -p
BUmarck, clear til i;i .n
Ualveston, ileal ;i So .01
T Indicates trnce of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
1 Special Prices for Saturday in
Our Cracker Dept
Nice fresh made ginger snap, 4t4.
A. B. V. sodn crackers, I'fcc.
Shreddel whit biscuits, inc.
Grnham oatmeal crackeis, SVc.
Kennedy's hutter crackers, rt'.f.
Uneeda Biscuit, 3'ic.
Brcmnei's lunch biscuit, ?c.
Kennedy's milk biscuit, Stjc.
Boston butter crackers, 0c.
Cheese sandwich, 12'c
Brownies, 12'4c.
Animal crackers. Sc.
Vanilla nnd lemon wafers, 15c
Pretzel letters (something new), 10c
Cameo butter crackers, Sc.
Oranoe biscuit, 12Vjc
Zwelback, l'J'4c
We carry the ilncst line of fnn;y cakes
In the west. We have the best fancy wafer
and package goods from the best bakeries
In the United State. Wc guarantee every
packago to be fresh.
Tea and Coffee
Special prices on tea and coffee.
Whole Rio Coffee, regular price 20c,
only uu
Golden Rio, choice quality iSc
French Jnva and Mocha 25c
Old Government Java and Mocha 30c
New Tea Sittings only ntic
ISc Basket Fired Japan only 35c
4Rc English Breakfast 3:.c
ISc Gunpowder Ten 3,v
Fancy Ceylon and Young Hyson 3Sc
KTIII FROWNS ON PATIMIf,h0 'hlp of the national organ!.
. JllLL 1 IWM 11 J Wil I AO 1 11HLJ tlon be consolidated, as wn requested by
M'tbodlit Oanferenco Ooramittes Againata
Ohangt in Church's Attitude.
( Ireiiwe Are Amoiiu; Hie .VtiuncinciitN
IiiiIct till Hun IIImIii. .MeCnlie
.May He Cciimii ri-il for III.
fill-' wn i ,e t ,. . .
...uj la. iuu .Me nmisi rnurcn
will not. If the report 01 tho committee
ia accepted, alter Its pcxitian toward play-
t lug cards, dancing and certain other amuse
ments. The amusemnt question Is settled
i fro far as the committees on the state of thu
cnurcn m concerned. By a vote of 45 to 25
tho committee today decided to recommend
that the bectlon on prohibited amusements
bc taken out and that a new section m
inserted in tho chapter on advices. Tim
pjnigrnph to be inserted In as follows:
"Our church has Irom the beginning of
Its history insisted that dancing, playing
at games of chance, attending theaters
horbc? races, dancing parties, circuses, or
' patronizing dancing schools and oth-r
iimusemeniH wnicn cannot bo used In tho
name of tho Lord Jesus, are periloun to
tho spiritual life and Inlluoncc of the mcni -
bers of our church anil enervating to tho
spiritual power or the church in the great
work of saving souls. The tendency In
social circles toward dangerous nmusmcnta
was never stronger than It Is at the present
time ana therefore -we deem It wise to re
altirm our historic attitude upon thin sub-
Ject and urge our people to ntstnlti and
bear their unwavering testimony n'l
amusements and diversions whlih indauger
Christian fo an I repress tho spiritual
power of the church. This advice must not
be Interpreted as the waiving of the church's
rtgnt to call to account any member who
continues to Indulge In thoio diversions,
which cannot be lined In the name of tho
Lord Jesus."
Acting under the advice of the Boaid ot
Bishops tho committee on episcopacy at Its
meeting today decided to recommend to the
general conferenco that nn additional bishop
be elected to tnko chargo of tho work In
eastern China. This makes threo mlbslon
nry bishops which tho conference will be
called upon to elect at the present se -slon.
Tho official to bo put In charge of cistern
Asia will be located at Shanghai, China,
nnu will bo required to spend four months
In Japan and nno month In Corca inch
year. The action will bo prescntr 1 to the
general conference tomorrow. The com
mittee decided upon Zurich. Switzerland, as
tho eplscnpil rerldemc for Europe.
IIImIioii llrCnlie Mnj lie ( Viixiirril,
BUhop McCabe, who cecasloned consld
erablu surprise days ago by prepar
ing anil giving out tor publication a set of
satirical lesoiutlons referring to the out
tdde work performed by the bishopi, may
to censured by tho confotence for hls ai-
,tlon. Today Chairman j. m, Buckley de
clared that thfi ei mtnittee on opiscopney
would investigate Bishop McCabe's action
nnd report to the general conference. Ho
laid tho case botoie the subcommittee en
administration of tho bUhops, tognther with
n copy of tho resolutions that have caused
the trouble.
The subcommittee consider) tho matter
at a secret scusion and decided to follow
the advlcu of Dr. Buckley and make- a
thorough Investigation Bishop McCabe
will, It Is said, be summoned before tho
The committee on Kpworth league will
recommend to tne general conference thit
me eaitorsnip oi tae cpworto ueraia and I
Meats, Lard
and Chickens.
Best Brand No. 1 Hams, 12c
Fancy New Summer Sausage, 14c.
Pickled Pig Pork. 10c
Three pound palls best brand Lard, 2Sc
Boneless Cottngo llnms, 11c
Ten pound palls best Leaf Lard, S9c
New Round Bologna, Cc
Fresh Pork Sausage, 7',4c
Boneleos Corned Beef, Sc.
Potted Hnm per can 5c
One-pound lunch Tongue per can, 25c
One-pound Roast Beef, 17tc.
Ono pound Vienna Sausage and Sauer
kraut, 10c.
Corned Beef sliced, per pound, 12',4c
Fancy Minced Boiled Ham, 12',4c
Butter and Cheese
Good Dairy Butter, per pound litje
Choice Tehlo Butter, per pound 15c
Fancy Ro.. Butter, per pound 16c
Extra Fancy Separator Creamery, lb... ISc
Elgin or Hygla, Creamery, per pound.. in?
Strictly now laid Eggs, per dozen 10.'
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per pound.. He
Imported Brick or Llmburger Cheese,
per pound 10c
Fancy Virginia Swiss Cheese, per lb... lie
Neufchatel Cheese, Durham brand,
each 2l,c
Young American Cheese, full cream,
per pound 102
Edam Cheese (Van Rossom brand)
each Sfic
Every pound guarnnteced pure. Wo posi
tively do not hnndle Imitation butter.
a memorial submitted for the committee'.
consideration. Another Important dnlslon
Arrived at by the committee today was that
which takes the appointment of the gen
eral secretary from the hand of the Board
of Control and makes him an elective officer
to be chosen by the conference.
SiiHIineyrr I, rail for IIImIioii,
Tho result of the sixth ballot for two
additional bishops was read thN morning
befoie the MethodlM general conferen-c
Immediately after the reading of the Jour
nal. The vote was at follows: Hiuiy
Spellineycr. 30!) ; J. Berry, 261; 1). II.
Mnnrn 'Til- .1 W IMmlhnn 010. n i
' 1 ' kUH, ... .
Kellcy, ICC; J. W. K. Bowen, .17; T. B.
Neely. It!. Others from one to thirteen
. voiai P!Xch.
A buzz of excitement came from the dele
gates when tho heavy increase In Dr. Spell
meyer's vote was noted, putting the Newark
(N. J.) pastor, for tho first time, far ahead
In the race for the episcopacy.
Dr. J. M. Buckley, as ehalrmnn of the
New York East delegation, then arose and
withdrew Dr. W. V. Kelley's name from tho
contest, saying that for family reasons the
editor of the Methodist Review requested
h!n friends to no longer vote for him. Amid
considerable confusion tho seventh ballot
1 was then taken.
Tho result of
the seventh hallot was then
I read, us follows; H. Spellmeyer, .172; J F.
1 Berry, 201 ; I). II .Moore, 27.1; J. W. Hamilton,
2S5; J. W. K. Bowen, II; T, B. Neely, 26;
others from 1 to 12 each; nercssary to choice,
I 468.
All tho leading candidates had apparently
' neneiited from tho withdrawal of Dr. Kelley
This was true, especially of Dr. Spellmeyer,
and the New ,Ieiey divine's frlendw con-
tldontly predicted his election today. Dr
I,rrr' 'l", gained much lent ground, and
nl' 'rl'itds felt encouraged at the result of
,ho Not0' Tho eighth ballot was then taken
! nf,rr a "lotion to proceed., to the election
01 missionary msnops nail been voted down
TnL KUtli hallot resulted as follows: H
Spellmeyer. S72; .1. F. Berry, 3.1j; D. H.
Moore, 2S.1; J. W. Hamilton. 218; T. B.
Neel, 37; J. W. E. Bowon, 33: C. J. Little,
1.1; others from one to eleven votes. Neces
sary to choice, 450.
Assistant Secretary Penn of the Epworth
league withdrew the name of Dr. J. W. K.
Bowen, the colored candidate for the
episcopacy. The ninth ballot was then taken.
The result of the ninth ballot will be made
known tomorrow morning.
Work of Southern Aam-iiilily,
ATLANTA. Oa May 18. Tho most Im
portant matter beforo the Southern General
assembly of tho Prpsbyterlan church today
wns tho consideration of the overtures from
tho different presbyteries and nynnds of tho
assembly. These woie rend by Stated Clerk
Alexander lo the commissioners. Seme of
them call for radical depirtures affecting
tho church management and other matters
bearing dlrcitly on tho affairs of certain
presbyteries. There will constitute thn
work of the assembly and will likely be
taken up separately.
(iiiniiinloi'il Cn it lor I'lle.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. No cure, no pay. All druggists nre
nuthmUed by the manufacturers of Pazn
Pile Ointment to refund tho money where it
falls to euro any case nf plies no matter of
how lung standing. Cures ordinary enses In
six days; tho worst cases in fourtcan days.
Onn application gives case and rest. Re
lieves Itching Instantly. This Is a new dis
covery and Is the only pile remedy sold on
a positive guarantee, no cure, no pay. Price
5Ce. I ymr druggist don't keep It In stock
send us 50c. In postage t,impB and 'io will
forward same by mail Manufactured by
Paris Medi- inn Co St Louib, Mo Manufac
turers of UxaUvn Bromo. Quinine and
Grovo s Tasteless Chill Tonic.
This season we have the largest variety of up-to-date
Shirt Waists ever shown in tho western country. Wo are
showing the Stanley, Royal, Marquise, (toin, and a dozen
other equally as reliable makes. They come in dimity and
lawn in all colors in white and dainty effects.
$1.00 Shirt Waists for.... 49c
$1.75 Shirt Waists for ... . 98c
$3.00 Shirt Wnists for . . . . $1.50
And Finer Waists for $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
Selling More Fine Shoes
than any other store in Omaha. Selling fine
shoes for less money than any other store in
Special Prices for Saturday.
Ladies line $2.50 A
and $3 shoes, I --
at Jim tU
Ladies' fine $1.50 Strap Oftr
Slippers at Ow
Misses' fine $2 kid lace
sizes llj to 2
f I Ml f . -
ntidren s nne $1-50 tan kid shoes, AO
sizes 8 to 11 yOC
Child's fine $1.00 kid lace shoes, A Cr
sizes 5 to 8
Child's fine 75c patent leather slip- CLCX
pers, sizes 2 to 5 J
Men's fine $2.50 and $3.00 shoes i A Z
all sizes lr3
Boys' fine $1.50 shoes, sizes f
13 to 5 only yOC
Saturday's Jewelry Sale.
A word to our customers Is sufficient.
Wo have Just received the finest line of
Ladles' Shirt Wnlst set, ever shown In the
city. They are nil colors, shapen and ntyles.
lingular prices from 23c to Jl.tiO. As a spe
cial offer today. 23c to (1.18.
Rogers Flatware as follows;
6 medium Knives nnd Forks, regular
price $4.25, today $3.21.
On account of the large number of mis
demeanor ordinances now on the books nnd
the fact that tbcio ordinance) hnvo not been
compiled since 1S95 It has been suggested
that a book containing all of tho misde
meanor oidlnnnces be published. Mayor
' Kelly thinks that It would be a good Idea U
appoint a committee of tho council and In
clude tho city attorney, to revise, condense
nnd cut out obsolete ordinances. When this
has been done tho mayor fnvors the pub.iih
Ing in book form of all misdemeanor ordi
nances. Copies of this book could he nold
to those who dcslro the Information con
tained and In this way a portion of the co.t
would revert back to the treasury.
.Many of the ordinances now In the hook
ot 1895 have been repealed, while others
have been amended, so that the record Is
virtually worthless. While n new book will
cost quite n sum, It Is figured thnt the com
plete ordlnnncen will be of great value, not
only to city officials, but to the public In
general. By revising and (ondenslng the
misdemeanor ordinances tho size ot the book
can be kept down to ubout the size of the
present yellow-covered volume.
A a H it III lnlri .nmA ,.... t ... 1 1 ,..
. ...nv, buiiiv 1,1,11 IU ll.ll'l,U IUU
ordlnnnces nnd make uch changes as nre
necessary, It has been suggested that the
mayor proceed as soon ns porslble to appoint
a committee to tnko tho work In hand in
order that the new hook may be lsucd with
the commencement of the fiscal year In Au
gust. Mayor Kelly Comiilloienlril,
Mayor Kelly Is being complimented on nil
sides on account of the tand he has taken
In relation to the proposed Increase in tho
saloon occupation tax. Tho mayor has given
It out that he will Interpose his veto and on
account nf public sentiment It la thought
that very few members of the council will
daro to vote to override the veto.
Liquor dealers paid their money In good
faith under the ordinances In force on May
1, when all licenses expire, and It 1b as
serted that the council cannot nt this tlmo
repeal tho ordinance and make tho amend
ment effective. Quito a number of prom
inent business men called on Mayor Kelly
yesterday to compliment him on the stand
he has taken and to wish him success
through his ndmlnlttrntlon.
i:iinllrii(lon pension MihIn.
For threo days tho city council met as a
board of equalisation for the purpose of re
ceiving complaints on certain special assess
mcnts mado for grndlng, etc. Not a single
complaint was filed. In times past Ihe
council wiih rather about attending to
the meetings of tho Hoard of Equalization
and many special taxes have been declared
Invalid nn account of the manner In which
these sittings wore held. This year Mayor
Kelly Insisted thnt tho council meet nnd re
main In session ns provided by law in
order thnt no mistakes he made This was
done nnd all special luxes levied for th dis
tricts mentioned In tho call will therefore be
fli'l- lellniiieiit Tlllin,
City Treasurer Koutsky l going after t!e
llnquent personal taxes In earnest nnd his
efforts nre resulting In the poylng of quite
a sum Into the treasury each day Notlcei
are firm sent to parties In arrears and If
no results are forthcoming a collector is
sent out with Instructions to make n levy
If necessary. Treasurer Koutsky Is anxious
to clean up a lot of back taxes on the hooki
In oidcr lo complfte his records and In this
he Is being accorded the hearty ouppor' of
the city ofrtcla'ls. Many speclaj taxes nrn
In arrears and special notices are being eeni
shoes i i .
. . .
Teaspoon, fnncy handle, regular price
$1.73, today $1.10.
Fancy Handle Butter Knife and Shell, res
ular price $1.80. today $1.00.
The fruit treason 1a here and we offer to
day n Fancy Ctold-Llned. Bright Cut, quad
ruple Cake or Fruit Basket, the latent stylo,
warranted, regular price $1.7... today $3.00,
Please see our bargain counters, as you
can bo nil I tod.
to such parties with the expectation that
they will call and settle a soon ns possible.
Mimic 1 1 (iunxtii.
ll't'"1' At,oni,'y Montgomery is nn the sick
A daughter lias been born lo .Mr. and .Mrs.
Robert Lee. Fortieth nnd X streets.
Morwlny night the women of the hospital
will give n .Mny party nl Miisonl'- hall.
.Mr. ar1 Mrs. David Webber. Twenty-third
and .itreets, report the birth of n son
City clerk Sbrlgley Is advertising for bids
for the repairing of Twenty-fourth streot.
Miss Carrie Clark has letunied from Lin
coln nfter a three weeks' visit with friends.
The Independent Order of Foresters will
give a plcnli- nt Sarpy .Mills park on May 20
Thf. rlty council Is still listening to testi
mony In Ihe Colemnn-Tlerney liquor lleene
Ho far It has been found Impossible to
open tho sewer nt Twenty-ilist and 1,
Mayor Kelly Is about the busiest man In
the city these days. Ills olllee Is crowded
nearly all the time.
Tho intermediate Christian Endeavor so
ciety gave a social last night nt Hie First
Presbyterian church.
..l"'r l0"f. en: No. S or the Ruwil
Neighbors will glvc. n dame at JlotUin
Woodman hall nn the evening of .Mny 2A
lion. D. IC .flair of Plnttsmoulh nnd Al
KthredRe nf Wallace. Neb., were guests of
a. . Clark. Twentieth and I stiecls, en
terduy. Tivo Killed h , I'll II I nir llnrn.
YATES CENTER. Kan.. .Mny IS -Henry
Sneij and John Shady weie killed nnd a
third iniin injured today while engaged
in rebuilding a liarn on the nirm of J. II
Watklns, mar here, ihe structure collans
The degree new of L'tilnii P.icllle lodge
No. I,, Ancient Order Culled Workmen,
gave a dnnco nt the Thurston Rides' nrmoiy
Thurdnv evening, which was a success so
cially and llnancliilly.
At the regular Saturday evening meeting
of the In t tint I. league In it m headquarters
hall at the Millard hotel addresses will l
heard frmn K A iRrognii mi "Pi-ogreis of
the Nation" and E T Fiinnwnrth on "Our
Commerce" .Music will lie furnished tiv a
male quartet Mi Ilrognn was formerly a
demoernt. lenvlng that party In IW, bemuse
of its stand on the money question.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature f
4m PaoSlmll Wrapper Ilfllow.
Tory small a4 aaa
tJ talu m nfmx.
tfES I TM.yfoasa: