Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis Bella class.
Ons fixtures unci globes nt Blxby s.
Magazines bound. Moorchouse & Co.
liudwelser becr. L. Iloscnfelil, ngont.
Klno A. 11. C. beer, Nettmnycr'n hotel.
Hchmldt's photos, new and latest styles.
Now patterns In frame moulding. C.
IMcxandcr & Co., SB Hroudwiiy.
M W club dance Saturday evening ut
Hughes hall. Wlmlcy'B orchestru.
Got your work done nt the popular Kagle
laundry. 724 Uroadway. 'Phone 157.
V C Kstep, undertaker, 2S Pearl jtrceU
Telephones Ofllce, 07; residence, -3.
Attorney Htnmet Tltiley left last evlnK
for Pes Moines to attend the session oi
the supreme court.
Mr and Mrs. W I.- Bodlsnn I'avc left
for a ""sit with friends and relatives In
tit Louis and Alton, 111.
John I.utz, thn Insurance man, If
lined to his home with a severely sprained
nnklo. the result nf a fall.
Mrs 12. K. Hamlin of Chicago Is n the
city, the guest, of Mrs. W. 1.. Furrlngton
of Lincoln avenue.
Mrs I.. H. Cousins, wife of Sheriff
Comins, has gone to Nebraska Itv nil a
visit to her daughter, Mrs. Cadwulladcr.
T i Dawson, secretary of tho American
legation to Hr.izll. and bride ""'f'V,1 "
the city yesterday on a Bhort visit to
frlendj . .
Mr and Mrs. V. S. Mnyne of Park
nvenuo are enjoy l,,R a visit from their
daughter. Mrs. I.ongncckor, and chililreti.
of l.ncey. la
A special communication of Bliiff C ity
lodge No. 71. Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons, will he held this evenliiK for work
In tho third degree.
Misses Nettle and Winona Fields or
Memphis. Tenn.. are In the city. vIslMJiJ,
their uncle. II. II. Fields, and their cousin,
Mr. 'v k. i'hvIii of Park avenue.
.1 O. McCtitehenn nr lndlnnupolls wns the
cuest yesterday of ManiiRer Mho's,",'
the pas company while enroute to Montana,
jvhoro he has heavy mlnltiR Interests.
Miss Clenevleve Caldwell has returned
from Tarklo Mo., where she attended the
Mav festival. On her way home she
visited friends at Fnrrngut and hssox, la.
Comiianlon court Wacondah No. 3M, In
dependent Order of Foresters, will meet n
regular session this evenliiK at the Brown
building, when all members nre requested
to be urcsent.
Harrv J. Westcott has been selected as
delegate by the Hluff Cltv TvpoRraphlca
union to the mooting of the International
Typographical union nf America in Mil
waukee In Aucust.
chairman Treynnr has called a mooting
of tho executive committee In charRe of
the arraiiRements for the diocesan, con
vention for tomorrow evenlliR at 7 o clock
nt St Paul's church.
.1 It Hovh. a former well known mem
ber of the local newspaper fraternity, now
editor and publisher nf the Atlantic (la )
McsseiiRcr, was in the city yesterday, call
Inc on old-time friends.
Ocnrgo W I.lpe Is homo from Bootio
eountv, Arkansas, where he went In tho
Interests of the zinc and lead mining prop
erty In which he and a number of Council
JIUIlis enpiuiiisis arc himi-kiujiui i .
Thn Woman's ForelRii Missionary society
of tho Uroadway Methodist church will
hold Its annual thanksgiving offering serv
tee next Sunday at the church at 10:30 a m.
Mrs, W O. Allen of Atlantic will deliver
the address.
The finance committee of the Itonrd of
Bducatlon. In accordance with the Instruc
tions Riven at the last mooting of tho
board, checked up the accounts yesterday
of former Treasurer Davis. The accounts
were found correct to a cent.
The recular meeting of Council camp
No. II, Woodmen of the Worm, will ne
held this evening. A full attendance is
desired, ns the matter of sendliiR the drill
team to the state Ing rolling at Dcnlson
will be hroiiRht up for action.
.lames T. Hell, formerly a well known
conductor on tho Wabash road, but now a
prosperous farmer of Jefferson county,
Nebraska, Is in the city. vIhIMiik "Id-tlrno
friends and iicmmtntances and Incidentally
looking after his business Interests In this
Kmploycs of the nock Island road have
been advised by circular that the com
pany will not hereafter employ men who
nmo'ke cigarettes. Applicants for positions
with the company will hereafter be re
quired to state, whether they use tobacco
In that form or not.
o D. Wheeler commenced suit In tho
district court yesterday aRiilnst Mrs.
Kmma Crafts, otherwise Known as airs.
Kmma A. 1 1 lit. to recover $Wn for lecnl
services rendered. Ho secured an nttach
meat on the Rrnund that the defendant was
nliout to remove permanently from tho
Georgo Williams, arrested by Officer Mat
lock Wednesday evening for riding a bi
cycle on the sidewalk, failed to appear
when his case was called In police court
yesterday morning. A watch anil chain
and Jl in cash that Williams hail put tin
for his appearance were declared forfeited.
Williams1 arrest Is the third that Olllcer
Matlock has made In nno week of youths
for rldltiK on sldcwnlks.
Maurice Connors was tho nnme Riven by
nn Individual arrested yesterday morning
by Detective Weir on a. charge of vug
rancv Ho was followltiR an Indian with
a considerable sum of money in nis pos
session, who had crossed the river from
Omaha Connors was Riven threo hours
In which to leave the city and tho noblo
red man was advised to take the llrst
motor car back to Omnha.
James Richards nf Omaha, who owns a
farm In Oaruer township, missed a horse
yesterday morning, and suspectltiR ouo of
his employes, men an lniormiiuon in ,ius
tlco Fcrrler's court aRiilnst "John Doe,
charging him with the larceny of tho nnl
mal. Whon tho constable went to the
farm he found thn horse In the barn. It
had strayed away and had been found
quietly RrazInB on tho road about half a
inllo away.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Te. 250.
Gravol roofing. A. H. Head, 641 B'way.
.Mnntinttiiii llcncli Pimm,
Tho Lako Manawa & Manhattan Beach
Hallway company Is grading a stretch of
read nearly a mile long south of tho Burling
ti n roundhoubo. which It purchased as 'a
right of way and which, a noon as graded,
It will exchango with tho city and county
for tho present highway Immediately east.
This work Is preliminary to building tbo
lino to Lake Manawa. Whether the track
will bo laid this cummer or not tho ofllclal
of tho company arc not prepared to say at
present Clencral Manager Dlmmock says
tho work of construction may start at any
Tnornont and that tho company has on hand
n sufficient number of tlcw and enough steel
to build tho track.
Some Improvements aro being carried out
nt tho lake. Tho old bath houses on the
Manhattan neach nre being torn down and
neveral hundred acres aro being seeded to
gi ass.
Davis sells patnts.
School Site Appenl Post polled.
Tho hearing of tho High school nlte ap
real case set for yesterday morning before
County Superintendent Mc.Manus was post
poned until 1 o'clock next Wednoeday
miming, Tho pcntponnment was by mutual
ngroemont of tho attorneys on both bides,
who aro engaged In other case. 1. N.
Fllcklngor, attorney for T. U Smith, tho
srpollant, roturucd yesterday from Sioux
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, cold.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
St. PnuPs l)el BMie. ' J number of gashes nnd wounds In his head.
At tho meeting of tho vestry of SI. Paul's I Ills story varied from that told by tho
Kplscopal church last night the following , trainmen and Justice Vlcn will hear, tho
delegates were selected to attend the ', enso tomorrow morning. Katon was com
illocesan convention to be held In this city I mltteil to tho county Jail, but Inter-removed
JUy 22 and 23: M. F. Rohrer, A. D. Annls, I to tho Woman's Christiun Association hos-
W. W. Loomls, J. T. Stowart, second, Leon -
nrd Kverett. S, W. Ilesley. alternates: K. H,
'.Marrlam, It. W. Binder, I. M. Treynor, H.
C. Cory, H. A. Qulnn And W. U. Douglas.
"Mr. Riley" D-cont cigar.
Negotiated In Kaatern itepraska
nnd low. Jamea N. Caaady, Jr.,
(. IU Main SU Council Bluff.
OonTicted Undir lh Habitntl Criminal Aot
Gets Him Long Sintenoa.
Admission of Former Convictions mill
luiiiiriince nf tin" ,cv l.inv Offered
nn lUtciiuiilliiK Circumstances
In the Case.
J. A. Gregory, the ofttlmo convicted horjo
thlef and desperado, was sentenced by .ludgo
Smith In the district court yesterday morning
to twenty years at hard labor In the pen
itentiary at Fort Madison. Within half an
hour after learning his fate. Orcgory, In
charge of Sheriff Cousins nnd Deputy Sheriff
Kd Canning, was on his way to tho peniten
tiary to commence serving his sentence.
(Ircgory, In addition to being convletod of
stealing a mule, tho property of E, D,
I.nughlin, a farmer near Ashland, Neb., nnd
bringing the stolen property Into this state,
was also found guilty of being an habitual
criminal. Ills conviction under the habitual
criminal act is the first since the enactment
of this law.
Gregory's trial and conviction hrd at
tracted widespread Interest and attention and
at !:30 o'clock, the time nnnounced by Judge
Smith for passing Eentencc, the district court
room was packed solid with an expectant
throng. Scattered among the crowd was
tho full force of deputy nhcrlffs and bailiffs
to prevent any possible attempt on the part
of Gregory's friends to effect his escape.
A hush fell over thn court room and
its occupants when Orcgory, accompanied by
his attorney. S. II. Snyder, and guarded by
two deputy sheriffs, made his appearance.
As soon as the prisoner was seated Judge
Smith nsked him If he had anything to say
why sentence should not bo pronounced on
him. Gregory half rising from his chnlr nnd
pointing to his attorney said ho would say
all there was to say.
Attornej'n Plea for Prisoner.
Attorney Snyder then made a plea for
leniency on his client's behalf nnd asked
that the court Impose the minimum sentence
allowed by law, namely fifteen years. The
attorney's plea was . mewliat out of the
ordinary and was a practical confession of
hlo client's guilt. Ho said: "Mr. Gregory
tells me he has served the sentences for his
former offenses In the penitential les of this
state and that when he took the mulo he
was unaware of the Increased penalty. Un
der ordinary circumstances thn limit for
this particular offense would be flvo years
In the penitentiary."
Judgo Smith In passing sentence reviewed
somewhat at length the circumstances con
nected with tho case nnd said that tho clear
evldenco of three previous convictions for
felonies and Information which had come to
the court through the warden of the penl-
tentinry at Fort Madison of still another
conviction and sentence which the prisoner
had undergone made It Impossible for him
to Impose the minimum sentence. The oen
tenco also would practically commute tho
two years to which Gregory had been sen
tenced In thn county Jail.
As Judge Smith pronounced the words
which committed Gregory to twenty long
yoais in tho penitentiary the prisoner's
mouth visibly twitched, but he mado no
other outward elgn. Gregory held a whis
pered conversation with his attorney and
the latter arese and nsked the court to
change tho ecntenco from Fort Madison to
Annmosa. Judge Smith said he wits uuablo
to do so, as the law strictly provided that
all malo prisoners from this county should
bo committed to Fort Madison.
Hurried Off to Kurt Mittllsun.
Before Gregory or his attorney had tlmo
to say another word the prisoner was taken
to tho sherlff'w olllce, where a now pair of
handcuffs was put on him and In charge of
Sheriff Cousins and Deputies Canning and
Ilaker ho was placed In a carriage that was
waiting and hastily driven to the Burling
ton depot, whero tho train was taken. Onco
In tho train Gregory was further secured
with leg Irons. Sheriff Cousins and Deputy
Canning accompanied him to Fort Madison.
Tho rapidity with which ho was hustled
off on his way to tho penitentiary took
Gregory and hli attorney completely by sur
prise. They had expected that It would
havo been nt least one or two days bc.foro
tho sheriff would have removed him. On his
way to tho depot Gregory was still defiant
nnd to Sheriff Cousins made tho remark:
"I have not served tho time yet and twenty
years from now you can wager I will not
bo In Fort Madison." Ho asked that a few
trinkets of his In the county jail bo given
to his wife. Gregory's wife and child llvo
In Omnha, where tho fnrmor earns a living
In a bakery. She visited Gregory at tho
county Jail last Sunday. She said Gregory,
to whom she was married shortly alter his
release tho last time from the penitentiary,
had alwaj-B been a good hu.sbnnd to her and
provided her with everything she nnd her
baby needed.
Itllliliirs of a Hcsciie,
It was reported to tho sheriff that a
brother of Vic McCarty of Ilellevuo and
other members of the gang had planned to
attempt to effect Gregory s eicapo from tho
court room yesterday nnd for this reason
extra precautions wore taken. It Is said
that McCarty was among tho spectators In
tho court room, but If he was he escaped
ny good conduct Gregory can lessen his
sentence eight years and nine month. The
rules of the penitentiary allow -for good con
duct one month off for the first year, two
off for tho second, three off for the third,
four off for the fourth, hvo off for the fifth,
six oft for tho sixth and six for each suc
ceeding year. When told this Gregory re
marked: "How In h 1 can a man bo good
there?" Gregory is 12 years of age,
so that by tho time ho completes his term
evon with the good conduct allowances, ho
will bo qulto an old man.
. W. I'iiIoh mill ii Trilln Crew
StorleK Hint Dlller Widely.
J. W. Katon, who claims to be n cook land
, . . , . , ,. , , . ,
making his way to Joplln Mo ;.anu
yesterday afternoon on an Information filed
by tho crow of n Burlington freight train,
charging him with Jumping on a train whllo
In motion. Baton, who was takon into cus
tody on the arrival of the train hero, was
covered with blood which flowed from a
1 pltnl to havo his wounds attendeu to,
Tho train wns In charge of Conductor Pe-
trle, front brakeman, Bud Jones, nnd rear
brakomiin. J. K. Ballard. According to Bal
lard's fltory on the train reaching Island 1
I'ark shortly ufter leaving the Bluffs yea-1
t onlay morning he discovered Raton riding j
ho brnkebeeois, lie ordered him to got
olt when Raton drew revolver and threat
ened to till him full of holes. At tho next
stop Ballard colled the assistnneo ot tho
front br'kmaa and together they' dragged
Katon oft, tho latter saying that If ho had
not dropped his gun he would shoot them
both. Kalou then rolled down an embank
ment, tliey said, and thus received his In
juries. Baton's vorrlon of the affair ns told to
Justice Vlcn was that ho was atcnlltiR a
ride when discovered by the crew. The
brakotnan pulled him from under tho car,
where ho was riding on tho brakebenm, and
ono of them hit him over tho head with
a club. They threw him down an cnbank
ment and the conductor pelted him with
rocks. After tho train had proceeded, he
mannRod to hind up his wounds and pur
chased a ticket nt Island Park to ride back
to Council Muffs. As luck had It, he
hoarded tho same train on Its return trip and
tho brakctnen In order to forestall any action
on his part, filed tho Information against
him nnd caused his arrest.
Gas stoves nro cheaper than gasollno
stoves nnd they do not explode.
I'O It Tllli HIGH .SCHOOL A Till. V. TICS.
Ciinti'Ntn ills for Hie Field unit TrnoU
(innic (it He Held i'mlny Arrive.
With tho exception of Ccntorvlllo, Iowa
City and Carroll, tho teams of the fourteen
high schools entered In tho annual field
meet to bo held at Union Driving park today
arrived In the city yesterday and arc located
at the (hand, Kiel and Neumayer hotels
F.aeh train brought In Its delegation and
by nfternoon the town was full of young
athletes, flaunting the colors of their rcspoc-
t;vo schools. Tho pupils of tho local High
school wcro In evidence evcrywhero look
Ing after their guests and seeing them to
their quarters ami othrrwlsc attending to
their comfort. Centervillc. It Is understood,
will not be represented, neither will Car
roll, but the Iowa City team is expected to
leach hero this morning.
Grinnell Hied a protest against the entries
of Iowa City nnd Carroll on the grounds that
they were late. A meeting of tho executive
board of the association, cojislsting of
President l.o llron, Treasurer Kufiifl C.
Choate of Iown City, Ralph Holllns of West
Den Moines. F. 1.. Richardson of Marengo
anil Clnrenco Buchanan of Grinnell, was
held yesterday evening and tho protest not
sustained. A telegram was sent to Iowa
City and the team "will be here this morning.
Owing to the largo number of entries the
track events will bo run oft in trial heats
this morning, commencing at 9:30 o'clock,
the first two In ench heat contesting In tho
finals In the afternoon. The track before
tho rain yesterday evening was In lino shape,
hut undoubtedly will bo sloppy and greasy,
oven If tho weather clears up this morning.
The handsome sliver cup to be awarded to
the school securing the most points wns on
exhibition all yesterday In one of tho lead
ing Jewelry stores and attracted much at
tention. Tho scoring of points will bo as
follows: First placu, 5 points; second place,
3 points, and third plare, 1 point. Gold
medals will he given to the winner of each
ovent and a gold medal to the winner of
tho largest number of events. The cup nnd
medals will bo presented to the winners thl
evening at tho reception to be tendered the
visitors at the Hoyal Arcanum hall by tho
young women of the Council Bluffs High
A meeting of tho association will be held
Saturday morning, at which officers for tho
ensuing year will be elected.
The track ouiclals for today nro these:
Ileferco, H. K. Smith. Council Muffs; tlmurs,
George Gemer, Dr. V. U Treynor of Coun
cil Bluffs and J. B. Berber of Sioux City;
starter, William Bobs, Council Bluffs;
Judges of finish. Dick Stowart of Council
Bluffs, F. 1.. HIchardFon of Marengo and
Aril. i. H .1 Oo-n-U nlufli
nouncer. I M. Treynor. Council Bluffs;
clerk of course, W. B. McNlder, Sioux City;
assistants, Shuman Dietrich of Council
Blurts, Myrle F. Baker of Keokuk; lines
men, F.dgnr Dyar of Des Molncs. Harry
Mitchell of Council Bluffs. Walter Saunders
of Council Bluffs, Waltor Roberts of Omaha;
Judges of field, Minor Whlto of Hast Des
Moines, Richard Rutherford of Council
Bluffs, Delbert Verran of West Dt Molncs;
property men, Hubert Hicks, Fred John
son, Fred Gould, Carl Chamberlain, Council
Bluffs. .
H Is no uncommon thing to hear a half
do?en men calling for a Commonwealth
cigar, all In one breath. It simply shows
its popularity among tuoso who Know wnai
ood smoke Is.
co.nvhntio.n to wvtn Tin: .uncus.
ItepiiliHciiiiN of Hie Fifteenth District
Will Meet Here In Aiiu'liNt.
Tho convention of tho Fifteenth Judicial
district, comprising tho counties of Audu
bon. Cass. Fremont, Mills, Montgomery,
Page, Pottawattamie and Shelby will Ua
held In Council Mutts Wednesday, August
2!). This wns decided upon nt tho meeting
yesterday nfternoon of tho Judicial commit
tee. II. K. Parslow of Clarlnda, Page
county, will bo temporary chairman and tho
convention will bo called to order at 11
o'clock In the superior court room In the
county court houso.
Tho convention will placo In nomination
a candidate for district Judgo for the full
term nnd will take such action by nomina
tion or recommendation In regard to any
other vacancies that snny exist at tho tlmo
of the convention or that may occur in tho
future, as tho convention may deem ad
visable. Tho latter proviso Is to tnku
care of any emergencies that may nrlso by
tho resignation of Judge Smith after his
nomination for cougVess.
The meeting of tho committee was hold
In tho county court house, every county iln
the district except Fremont being repre
sented by Us member. Secretary Brulngton
held tho proxy of F. M. Harbor of Tabor,
member from Fromont county. Those pres
ent wcro: D. 0. Stuart of Harlan, Shelby
county; George !'. Pennell of Atlantic, Cass
county; Kd Mills of Red Oak, Muutgomory
county; Walter Hill of Clarlnda, Page
county; A. H. Cook nf Malvern, Mills
county; John A, Moslor of Audubon, Audu
bon county; D. K. Stuart of Council Bluffs,
Pottawattaimto county. D. O. Stuart of Har
lan, chairman of tho committee, presided.
Judgo N. W. Macy of Harlan, whose term
expires December 31 noxt. Is n candidate
for renomlnntlon nnd will be accorded It by
acclamation. There are, however, a number
of aspirants anxious to step in on tho dis
trict bench ns soon as Judge Smith retires.
Among tho candidates to far In tho Held
aro N. M. Pusey and O. D. Wheeler of tills
city, V. S. Iewis of Glonwood, J. It. Good
of Clnrlnda. J. B. Rockefeller of Atlantic
and R. W. Benson of Red Oak.
In case Judge Smith, who Is to ho tho
republican nomlnco for congress, resigns
tcforo tho convention meets or has tendered
I ..dull tllli ,,11 , VII I tuu imi'ia ', ,... v ...... , w..
hl ros,KmU1(m lu take effect before elec
tion time, tho nomination oi nis successor
will ho part of tho work of tho conven
Hon. ft ho should not resign until after tho
election, appqlntment to 1111 tho vacancy
by the governor would bo necessary and
appointee would hold until tho end of
inoxnlred term. January 1. lHOU. Such
1 tho uno
! appointments aro for tho tlmo Intervening
1 11 . ...,-.
until tho nest general election, which
would ordinarily bo thn following Novem
ber, but owing to tho fact that tho hlonniat
election law will. It Is expected, be ap
proved without doubt by tho voters of tho
state at tho coming olectlon, thero will bo
no election In 1901. Should Judgo Smith re
sign now or any tlmo between now and tho
November election, tho nppolnteo would
hold ofllco only until such election.
TuUcn Ciuld to I'riiurr,
NKW YOHK Muy 17.-Thu steamship
Ii tlaHcngno, which sailed todn for Havre,
carried S,,.'O0,O'Yl In gold. Among Its pas
sengers was M Oeomes Bcnolt, Trench
minister to Mexico.
From Present Indications Plumbm Will Be
at Work Tomorrow.
.Spirited Content llctvrrrn Dntrnpnrl,
Council HlulTft mill .Slum City for
Next Meet Inn Itesiiltn In Vic
tory for l)a cniiort.
I)E8 MOINKS, May 17.-( Special Tele
gram.) From present Indications tho
plumbers' strike will end tomorrow. A
meeting of committees from each side was
held today nnd an agreement was nil but
reached. Kach side showed a willingness
to make conctsslons nnd it Is believed the
committees will be nblo to reach a
agreement tomorrow.
Tho supremo court handed down tho fol
lowing opinions this morning:
T. J. Connors ngalnst 'K. J. Chlngren and
Ocoi Ro . K. Hughes, Pocahontas district,
Herman Savings Hank against Bates Ad
illtlou Improvement company and Frederick
Field, Polk district, reversed.
D. Sachs it Sons against George W.
Oiirnor, Harrison district, atllrmcd.
H. B. Barnes against Marv 14. Rawson,
Laura Itnwson utnl Anna U. Woodbury,
Sioux dlitiiet. reversed.
S. J. RIohnrdson against City of Webster,
iiuiiiiiiuu winiiiri, reverseii.
The Mount Cnrmel Mutual Flro and
Lightning association of Carroll county filed
articles of Incorporation this morning.
Bcrnhard Vonautnc Is president. Joseph
Ortner vh-o president. Frank Berger secre
tary, and Sebastian Burch treasurer.
The St. Benedict Fanners' Co-operative
Creamery company of St. Benedict, Kossuth
county, tiled articles of Incorporation this
morning. The Incorporators aro G. B. I.ud
wlg. M. J. Arndorfer, Frank Hamlvcr, Petor
Mathels and Joseph Fersho.
llnclurN Nniuo Olllcer.
At tho annual meeting of tho Iowa State
Medical society here today the election of
nfllcers over which there has been qulto a
contest resulted as follows: President. K.
R. Connlff, Sioux City; first vice president,
J. M. Hist hie, Cedar Rnplds; second vice
president, Frank Porterdeld, Atlantic; sec
tctary, J. W. Cokenower. Des Molncs; treas
urer, George R. Skinner. Cedar Rapids.
There was a contest between Davenport,
Council Bluffs nnd Sioux City for tho next
meeting and Davenport won. Tho meeting
will last over tomorrow and a number of
papers will bo delivered.
Women llnriiPil by llenr.lne.
IOWA CITV. la., May 17. (Special.)
Mrs. George Slezak and daughter, Agnes,
wero badly burned today by fiery benilno.
They had Just finished cleaning the walls
of a closet with what they supposed w.tb
turpentine, bul which proved to be benzine.
After completing tho task of cleaning they
entered the room with a lighted candle to
seo If tho work was well done. In an Instant
tho walls, lloor and celling were a flaming
mass of burning benzine, nnd tho women's
dresses were caught by tho flames. Tho
vlcttais rushed out of doors, wrapped In
flames, nnd rolled upon tho grass. He.irlng
tho screams of tho womon, Frank Slezak
and I,. C. Kesslor hurried to tho rescue and
attempted to smother the flames. Kcssler
wrapped his mackintosh tightly around the
form of Miss Slezak. and In a few moments
had the flames stilled.' Frank Slozak at
teurpteJ to srmitiurr witn nis nannf tne
flames surrounding his mothor, but finding
this to bo Impossible ho Jerked tho burning
garmento off of her and carried hor to tho
house. But the women nre severely burned
about tho head, nek and amis, and may be'
permanently disfigured.
Holier! CoiimIiih Iteiioiiiliiiitcil,
CKDAR RAPIDS, In.. Muy 17. (Special
Telegram.) The republican Fifth congrcs
sional convention wns held hero this after
noon. It was attended by full delegations
from each of the seven counties nnd wns
enthusiastic throughout.
Hon. Robert G. Cousins of Tipton wns re
nominated for congress by acclamation nnd
spoko flvo minutes, referring briefly to the
accomplishments of tho republican party the
last four years. Tho resolutions adopted on
dorse the wise and patriotic administration
of President McKlnley and express pride
In the fact that every pledge made to tho
people In the campaign of lRfifi has been
fulfilled and every new duty mot with wis
dom nnd courage. Tho course of Congress
man Cousins Is heartily endorsed nnd his
re-eleetlon by nn Incrensed majority pre
dicted. Hon. F. O. Ulllson of Jones county
wns tho temporary chairman and Hon. K. G.
Penroso of Tama county the permanent
chairman of tho convention.
lo vwl I'll ill 1 1. v PoUoneil.
AMI'S, la.. May 17. (Special.) Tho fam
liy of P. P. Brown aro lying very ill at
their homo In this place as the result of
eating poisonous food. Just what Is tho
cause of tho poisoning Is n matter of con
Jecture, and as yet they have been unnblo
to dellnltely nscertnln what it resulted from.
Tho entire family have been very 111 for
several days and the final recovery of some
of them Is In doubt. John Peterson, who
lives with tho family, Is In tbo mou serious
SIiiioHiik nt Gnjvllli
SIOUX CITY, May 17. (Special Tele
gram.) A. O. Burtness was shot In tho head
by Kd Snyder at Oayvlllo last' nlgbt. The
men had been nunrrellng all day. At night
Snyder drovo home, but soon returned nn
drove In front of a saloon nnd shot through
Ihe window at Burtness with a H-callbcr re
vnlver. Tho bullet struck Durtnnbs Just over
tho temple. Burtness Is still allvo nnd
Snyder Is under arrest.
limn .Ncmm Xotrn
After July 1 the Ottumwu postolllce will
be a llrst-class oiuce.
I I ii n .Telimw. a tmlntor nt work on
building nt Davenport, fell and was In
stantlv killed.
Unknown parties left n baby on the door
step or Thomas sneeiiau m .mdiii.
Ti-nrVliivers on the Iowa. Minnesota
Northwestern road have reached Parkers
Siiiieiintendent llnrr of the Pnrkersburg
schools has resigned, to accept u plaoo
In nrn're university.
A light Is on at lloone over the fiuestlun
of the re-election nf George I. Miller as
superintendent of the limine schools.
James and Andrew Chirk, brothers, who
live near New London, went out to wntch
for parties who had been poisoning stock.
In the dark James mistook Andrew for
the culprit mid shot him, mulcting palntul
but not dangerous wounds.
Ileal IXale Trniifrr,
Tho following transfers weie filed yester
day in the nbcitract. title nnd loan ofllco ot
J. V. Smilre, 101 Pearl etrcet
V.Umi Allen to ' ll wii ' Vl' 77''
v'-4 t ' 1,1 " J. 4 . ..
tieo'rge N. Doming nnd wife Jo A.
1... 1 l.l., O Mi'r.'lllthM nil,! in
M'H, i, ,.,w . ...
AVOf'll, W. II . ;
Sheriff to Kllzaheth Kdmundsnn, e',4 lot
1, block 32, llnyllss .'i I'almer's add.
s. il ; ma
A. Uiwson and wife to (IrowN. Dom
ing, lot 10. block ii, Meredith b ndd to
Avocii. w. d ..",';', vv M
W. I,. Sheimrd nnd wife to John P.
Cronln, lot :, block 3, Hu-nnell's add,
w. d S1
Kive transfer, total
"After suffering trom pile for fifteen
years I was cured by using two boxes of De.
Wilt's Witch Haiel Salve," writeo W. J.
Baxter, North Brook, N- C It hctk every
thing. Beware of counterfeits.
.lloner Unlsetl liy Ptipulnr Subscrip
tion for the Home the Order
Propose lo lliillil.
MITCHELL, S. D May 17. (Special Tel
egram ) -Tho Odd Fellows nnd Rcbekah
grand lodges adjourned this mo'nlng after
the installation of officers. During the dis
cussion of tho homo fund for the building
of the Odd Fellows' home, a popular col
lection was started by one of tho brothers
nnd 100 silver dollars wero cast Into the
middle of tho floor as an addition to the
money already raised. (
Tho state encampment hold Its ses
sion this nfternoon nnd clectel tho following
officers: Patriarch. C. F. Demouth. Deal- ,
wood; high priest, W. J. Mattlce. Brookings,
scribe, W. H. Wdskcy, Mndlson; treasurer.
C. H. Mow, Dell Rapids; grand represent!!
tlve, D. S. Wnldo. Canton. Reports of olll- i
cers showed tho state encampment to
bo in nourishing condition. A now local
camp was organized by the grand encamp
ment last night with thirty now members.
CHI .NheiN mill TiinU Alilnr.e mill One
of .Sim en (iriiln lilot Mum
on I'l re.
WHBST12R, S. D.. May 17. A dangerous i
conflagration Is raging here, with a high cast
wind to fan the flames. Tho Standard Oil ,
fcheds nnd tank on tho cast and In lino with
tho seven grain elevators nro burning and
tho latter seem doomed. Tho grain In them .
i r ... .... .. ii, i . . . '
l Ul'lllK llill 1)111 Ull UlU KlUllllU III B.1YU 1L
Kxtcnslvo lumber yards are In danger.
Tho llremon have begun tearing down tho
clovntors In order to stay the flames. i
Tho flro continued to spread ami tho .
Strong elevator burst Into flames. Tho tiro
threatens the entire town. Neighboring
towns have been wired for help. The Mil- ,
wnukeo company's station is to bo aban
Priiaperl I y nt l.eail.
Li:AD, S. D.. May 17. (Special.) There
Is a general building boom on in this city.
Contracts have luun let and work has com
menced on seven new stone and brick
blocks In the burned district which will
cost not less than $100,000 to rebuild. Tho
Homestake company Is now employing
nbont L',000 men at tho mines, mills, new
cynnldo plant and In oilier places In and
about tho city. Tho pay roll of the com
pany now amounts to about $200,100 per
month. There in a steady demand for
laborers and skilled workmen of nil kind
nnd It Is evident that tho season of tebulld-
Ing has not really started In. It Is believed
that beforn tho clcso of the year nil of tho
burned buildings will bo replaced, which
will bo about, forty In number.
A number of the. business men nf tho
city havo organized a company for the pur
pose of erecting a $.10,000 hotel on Leo
street. There has been a freedom from
labor strikes for tho reason that high
wages aro bolug paid for all kinds of work.
IIckiiII of He publican Prlinnrlei.
HURON, S. D.. May 17. (Special. (-The
republican primaries resulted In tho nomi
nation of tho following candidates: K. II.
Vance, senator; A. V. Wllinarth and J. P.
Davis, representatives: A. W. Burt, states
attorney; J. C. Klemme, register of deeds
George 15. Mahnffy, treasurer; F. A. Mun-
son, auditor; Asher F. Pay, clerk of courts,
George Kerr, sheriff; U C. Kemp, probate
Judge: S. F. Corley, superintendent of
schools. Tho following delegates weic
chosen to tho state convention at Sioux
Falls: F. II. Kent, C. N. Mcllvanc. R C
Glbbs, C. N. Cooper, C. K. Cort. John Wood.
K. M. Thomas, John Longstaff, L. c. Blrney,
Bruco M. Rowley, Dr. C. B. Alford, Dr J
II. Smith, John Fyer, Robert Allison. Sam
Buckley, J. L, Hammond. John Simmons.
L, Hrotfn, llon: aioitvatnc. tjum ralmei,
George Hebron, Dr. Milburn, George Wel
lington, J. J. Wilson, J. II. Farrlngton, John
Blakely and A. S. Jones.
Injured In Dynamite Hxplnslnn.
OUKRNSRY, Wyo., May 17. (Special.)
Carl Dergnulst, a laborer, was sierloiwly in
Juied yesterday by a premature explosion
of dynamite at a grading camp a few in I lea
east of Guernsey. Bergnuist had put In a
charge of powder to enlarge tho hole so i.r
to admit of a larger charge of dynamite.
Tho rocks were still warm, and when the
sticks of dynamite were Inserted nn ix-
plosion followed before Bergqulist could gel
out of the way. Ills face, arms nnd breast
wero lllled with small pieces of rock, and
ho was blown n distance of forty feat.
Borgnulst has been removed to tho Bur
lington hospital nt Grand Island.
Another llnily Hccnvcrcd.
LARAMli:, Wyo., May 17. (Special.) A
Laramlo paper prints the report that an
other body has been recovered from tho
debris of thn O'Neill wreck. Like tho others
it was so badly burned that Identification
was Impossible. No papers wero found en
tho body that would dlsclce the Identity
of tho victim of the open switch.
ov ltrldne In 'WymnliiKr.
CHUY13NNU, Wyo., May 17. (Special.)
Tho State Board of Charities nnd Reform
decided yesterday to build a bridge across
tho Big Horn liver at Thennopolls. Bids
will ho opened nn Juno 11. Tho structnro
will be .12.") feet long, 11 feet wide and will
cost between $7,000 and $0,000.
l'ny for CeiiHiiM I'liiiiiiiorittiii-N,
ABKRDKKN. S. I).. May 17. (Special.) -Tho
pay of census enumerators In South Da
kota has been llxed at $1 per day. Tho
law expressly prohibits their doing any other
work ns a side Issuo whllo engaged In their
official duties.
South l)nl. nln Xi'iiN,
A band has been organized nt IJcsmet,
with .1. II. Carroll as lender.
Dudley township. Aurora county, will
hnve a new Methodist church.
D. U Anderson bus purchased the hotel nt
Klrod and Is h iving It repaired preparatory
to reopening It.
Tho Woodmen of Beadle county will hold
their serond minimi ph nle at Ashland
trrnvo, Huron, 011 June 15.
The teachers' Institute for Deuol county
will be held nt Clour Luke from Juno IS 10
I!!). W. It. Davis of Clark will bo the con
ductor. Karmers In various pnrts of tho state re
port that tho glass Is further advanced
now than It has been for many years at
this season.
The eleventh uiinunl Institute for the
teachers of Klngsbuiy county will he held
nt Desmet Juno IS to IS, with I'rof. John
Jones of Vermillion as conductor.
The peoplo of White Hock nre agitating
the question of Kceurlng some sort of lire
protection. It !s probnlile thnt some nctlnn
toward procuring n water works system
will bo taken In the near future.
I,. I. Larson, 0110 of the pioneer machine
men of Toronto, has disposed of his business
.to CSoiirgp Jorgensnn nnd M. II. Fossen. who
will In future conduct tho 'business under
the tlrm uime of Jorgeucon & Kussen.
Citizens of Hazel have completed the
foundation for the new creamery to lie
constructed at that place and hnve let tlio
contract for the building nnd machinery,
which will cost $l.0f". c. V. Kellogg will
bo hocrotary and manager of the pew
creamer .
Owing to III health Kdltnr '. It. Tlnan of
the Kimball tirnphii has lenlgnrd his posi
tion us secietary ami 11. mincer of the Kim
ball creamers, un Institution whliii has
been built up largelv by bis energy until It
is now close to the head nf South Dakota
creameries. A meeting of the illieetnrs has
been railed for the lath Inst, to soleut his
Ull Venn' it-S(oiic.
OHICACJO. 'May 17. The marrlago of Mlsa
Wllholmlna Jlavemoyer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William A. Ilavemover, to Mr.
Andrew I.. Stono nf Oakland, Cal., will b
solomnlzod nt I o'clock this afternoon. Tho
toromony will be performed .it Itlversl le by
Itev. James Sponcer of North Urouklleld,
Mrihs , and Rev (ienrgo Davis Adams, In
St, Paul's Episcopal church, The, brldo
Do not submit to an operation or have it burnt out with plasters, but
send for our book on Cancer and write our niethal clt partmont for any
information wanted, explaining your case fully.
. Cutting away tho noro or removing it with
Uancor is a caustic, tlesh-dcstroytng plasters, will not euro a
Blood Diseaso disease, that has tato'ti possession of tho entire
blood svstem. That Cancer is a blood disease is proven by tho fact
that it nmy run through several generations; again, when tho soro
or ulcer liiis been taken out, it always returns Does
at or near the same place, showing the disease is nr
Address Medical Department,
II www.
The Automatic Itufrlurntor Uses I.c.s.h Ice Than Others.
11 .MAIN ST.,
Buy a Lot
And build your own
Some vacant lots located in Central sub additi m, Omaha
addition .and W gilt's addition. These lots will be sold
at real bargains. In a year or so they will bring double th
money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council
will bo attended by Miss Mary MoKwon of
Chicago nnd Mr James McKeen of San
Francisco will nci ns best man. Among
the guests from a dlRtanco who will bo
present aro Ceorgo Wheaton, San Fran
cisco: II. M Havemcyor. New York; and
Alfred Ilrnyton, Oaklaud, Cal. Over 300
guests will bo present.
Immediately nftor tho ceremony n recep
tion will be held at "Fair Lawn," tho homo
of tho brldo's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stnno
will sail for Kurope on May 1!7 and will jo
sldo In Oakland, Cal., on their return.
IcUcn-Dii 1 Is,
MADISON. Neb,, Mny 17. (Special)
A pretty wedding cerrnnony occurred at the
hnmo of Mr. and Mrs. Willis 15. Itccd last
evening, tho contracting parties being their
niece, MUh Margaret Davis, and Mr. Carl
It. Iekes of Denver. The ceremony was
performed by Hev. C. W. Lowrlo, pastor of
the Presbyterian church. In tho presence of
only tho relatives. After Hip service a wed
ding t-uppor was nerved. Mr. and Mrs
Ickcs left today for Tnuor. la., to visit
tho brldo's home. Tho young people nro
well known lu Denver, tho lirldo having
been 11 teacher In the schools. The groom
Is tho manager of tho Denver Flro and
Clay .company.
MADISON. Nob., May 17. (Speclal.l
I1. F. Oborg nnd Mrs. I.ucy Shafer woro
married Wednesday night by County Judgo
Bales. MIfh Crottdo Itoiichler was brides
maid and William Wnnttan best man.
Mil I iiini'H lii Time.
lIltAND MHADOW, Minn., May 17 Fire
destroyed ono Hide of tho main street in
thu huslnesn portion of the town. For a
tlmo tho entlro town seemed doomed. Spring
Valley responded lo a call 'or help, sending
a special train with tho (lro apparatus of that
city, and tho llninfH wero stayed. Tho loss
Is estimated nt $."0,000, with ono-thlrd in
surancc. Tho origin of tho Pro Is unknown
Opera House ami lily Hull,
WRU.STON. O., May 17. Flro today de
stroyed tho opera houso and city ball build
Ing nnd throe huslnetH housed. The flro was
of incendiary nature and was tho novon'h
within a week,
by Insurnfico.
Tho losfl Is $50,000, covered
I'riiliiiMeil Allllllii'e tltli Cliulliml.
If the Cnltcd Stntos and F.ngland should ,
form nn alliance, tho combined wtrengih
would be so great that thero would be little
chanco for enemies to overcome us In a
llko manner, when men and women keep ut
their bodily strength with llnstettei h
Stomach Bitters, thero Is little chance o (
attacks from disease. The old-time remedy
enriches tho blood, builds up the mn les.
steadies the ncnoa and Increases tin ap
pctlto. Try It.
Sleainei- III IHxtreftH.
OCUAN CITY. N. J., May IV An un
known steamer is In distress off this i,la, i
It Is blowing Its whistle, oontlnumi-lv and
tho crews nf the llfesavlnc stations at tins
place, Corson's Inlet and harbor have
gone In search of it. The weather s orv
fuggv and it Is Impossible to determine t'iu
steamer's location.
It ii 1 ii t Sine a Tim n.
MKNO.MINHK. .Mich. Mav Hi
1 1 en vv
r,,in. li,i nlt'lii i, ml iiuliiv nut nut tin. lire
it I'lhher, which, since Monday. ilire.Lti I
the tow'n. The loss N cilllil.ited .n .ri H ,
li.-uriiiu e. $piu"i ' H. Willi ' 'Ii r Xr C
iu(.ii., fr.,-1 i,t lumbi-i. i.oftoouo
cldnclf hud a lame Humility of cedar
in the blood.
S. S. S. (toes euro rancor, lieeatise it goes nt it
in the right way, forces out the poison, eiirlclus
the blooti, stopH the fonnntinn of eaneerotin cells,
and thus makes a complete, permanent cuie.
We earnestly invito the correspondence, of all
Cancer stille'iers.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Afternoon Tea
not complete without rtiiinty
Cakes Baked Best in
Home upon it, and
Paying Rent,
! Telegram
from Russia:
"src.M Tci AMTCiiKorr pai.ach,
ST. lMSTUItSIM ltd, IMMr.llIATr.I.r ,x
OF MM hi A."
Ordrrril by lb.. Court I'liyslclun,
I'runiliieitt IVoiI.. H ery wlierr Vnr It.
1 Sold liy nil druggists Itefuse substitute!
1 MarUnl & Co uZ W 15tli Ht . New York'
I publish u haudsoino book of oiidorsemiuit
of F.mper,,rs, hmpress. J'rlncf:). Cardinals nixl other dlstingulliei jut-
all who for H
Best Dining Gar Servico
iti'.st i.r.s ti:i,i
Tin; iii:i: w.t.vr ads
iMtoiH.c n itnsi i.ts.
fl illl gunranew
tlint inj Hldticy Corn
will cure U(J per icnt.
of a.l f- rms of kidney
many Instances the
mobt wrlotiH forms of
UriKli 's illwcase. If
the dUeiike Is C0ttt
pilcHti'd send a four
ounce vlnl of urine.
We will analyze It
nnd limine you fre
whut to do.
At U dnjftrl'U. 250. i ll CiuMe to limit