8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, MAY" 7, 1900. NATURE COD'S REVELATION Eloqusnt Sermon by Kit. ft Wi 0. Obsess man of Aiblind. SUNDAY SERVICES IN OMAHA CHURCHES IlrlMtlon of Clirlfttlniin tn Tticlr J'clliiitn die .Subject uf llvv, I". SUm-ii'm AililrcKM, Tlcv. T. Vf, Conway Cheotcmnn of Ash land, Neb., occupied tho pulpit of tho Pirst Congregational church Sunday morning and evening In tho absence of Ho v. Hubert C. Herring, the pastor. At tho morning nervlco Air. CJieesemnn took for hl text I Co rinthians xl, II, "Doth not even nature Itself tea oh you?" Tho sermon was In part as follows: "From first to last tho bible claims that tho whole Bweep of nature reveals Cod. Nature Is no dull, monotonous nnd silent void, but Ih everywhere rcvonnnt with di vine hnrmonles, puking with eternal truth. In tho eamo way Cod has rovealud Illm.ielf In human nature, both In the Individual and In tho history an5 progress of tho race. Jcbuh saw along the dim aisles of tho futuro many things for which human thought la not yet ripe, l'aiil believed In tho wltncsj of nature. Ho says that when Nature rpenka wo must bow to her derations and It In useless to arguo the mater further. Paul caught his uplrlt from the Man of (lalUcc. The Savior spent much of Ills earthly life In loving contemplation with nature. From the beautiful hills and valleys of Ills native country He gathered heavenly wisdom. "Yet great ealnts have felt tho love of nnturo to bo sinful. The saintly Fletcher lamented the delights ho took In tho beauti ful scenery of the Hhlno and regarded It as cvldenco of his depravity. It Is recorded of Tftulcr, tho mystic, that It was his conHtnnt habit In wandering In tho convent garden to pull his monk's hood over his faco nnd half clofte his eyes lost tho sight of tho beautiful flower should Interfere with his devotions. Hut Ho whose mlrelon It was to lift men's thoughts to tho spiritual nnd In vlslblo had many lessons revenled from nature. Ho saw Cod at tho heart of nature, working silently but surely In every blado of gram, In every llowor, In every treo and In every landscape. Like Tennyson, we be llevo that If wo could understand tho secret of the little (lowers wo should know what Ood and mnn nro. Yes, It Is true, 'Karth'fl crammed with heaven and every common bush alive with Cod.' "Cod Is In every lovely form, every awect fragrance, every pure tint. The ground, with Its carpet of living green, tho trees with their leafy coverings, tho streams with theU cooling vapors, all proclaim Cod. Tho world Is ono vat sanctuary. This season brings homo these thoughts. It Is tho sea son of renewing life, everything Is burst ing Into beauty again. Not many days ago the earth was bare, tho trees apparently life, less, oven tho grafs was all but dead. Hut there has been a great awakening. Unilet the Influence of the bounteous showers No brnskn has been outrivaling Itself. Literally wo have been watching things grow. Moro than onco during the Inst week I have watched tho trees with their beautiful blossoms and expanding buds and thought It would not rcqulro much more to enable uh to surprise nature In Its process and clutch from It the secret of growth." ikii.i.m:ss tiii: iionv. Only Temple In (lie I'ulvcrMc In the Unity of .Mini. Dr. C. H. nruco of Muncy, Va., who has been the guest of Omaha friends for two weeks, occupied tho pulpit of the Knox Trcs byterlan church yesterday morning. 3lls themo -was tho holiness and high mission of tho human body. Tho speaker quoted the words of Paul In his second letter to tho Corinthians, "Know yo not that yo are tho templo of Ood nnd that tho spirit of Ood dwolloth In you?" Dr. Hnicr drcw.n picture of the temple of Solo mon In which the Jehovnh of the Jews had Ills nbldlng plncc. "According to the dl vlno direction," said I)r. nruco, "tho Jews npent upon tho construction of the temple tho bent of their lnbor nnd wealth. Even In tho Interior tho lavish decoration was ex tended to tho Inner courts whore tho foot of tho common people never passed. Tho splen dor of tho construction might efen nt the first thought suggest oxtrnvnganco, but tho tnsk wns carried out In nccordanco with wishes divinely expressed. "In the days which have come after It Is no longer necessary to make n pllgrlmago to Jerusalem for prnyer nnd offering to Cod. Thero Is but ono temple In tho unlverso nnd that Is tho body of mnn. Jesus taught His followers thnt they might worship In spirit and In truth nt nil times nnd In nil places. Ho showed those who nccepted Ills tench Ing that Cod hnd so honored mankind as to tako up His nbodo In tho human heart. "If it Is true that tho human body Is n templo moro sacred than any architectural pile, what higher ambition could wo ask than to make our lives worthy of the occupation of the ChrlBt-splrlt? As tho Jews gavo the best of their possessions and labor to tho upbuilding of the temple, spending their skill on even tho hidden detnlls of tho Interior workmanship, no should wo sparo no pains In preparing our henrts for the dlvlno habi tation. Cod required tho utmost of his peo ple In tho construction of Ills ancient edlllco nnd this may bo construed as nn Intimation thnt Ho will accept no less complete a service In rearing Ills lattcrday temple tho hearts nnd bodies of men." aim: NKAttr.it cnitisrvs ti:aciii(;s. Itiilu of fioil Will KviMitiinlly Ilct'oiiic I lie (iolilru Hull-. Hev. F. S. Stein of Lincoln preached -at tho First Methodist Kplscopal church Sun day morning, his theme being "The Hela tlon of Christians to Their Fellows" nnd his texts being, "I nm tho light of tho world," "Yo nro tho light of tho world." "Tho words of tho text," said the min ister, "sounded blnxpheninus to tho Jows. They said unto Jesus: 'Thou bearest wit ness for thyself.' This was something not permitted by the laws of that tlmo nor for many years nfterwnrd. Defendants were not permitted to testify In their own behalf. Hut Jesus replied: 'If I testify In my own behnlf It Is becauso It Is truo nnd I know whenco I corncob, and you know It not.' Ho thus lnld down a prlnclplo now recognized by tho lnws of almost nil civilized countries: Tho right of tho defondant to testify In his own behalf, for tho defendant Is often tho only one who knows anything of tho facts of tho enso and Ji'htlco can moro fully bo dono by cross-questloulng him after ho has told a story. This shows that wo are gradually approximating tho teachings of Jphus Christ, although those teachings wcro given 2.A00 years ago. "Jraus hod a right to say, 'I nm tho light of tho world. What a wonderful thing. Light wns. nt tho beginning, tho first of crentcd things. Infidel scientists hnd for yoars laughed at this science, but upon closer Investigation It hns been determined that tho first form of tho matter now com- CASTOR f A For Infants and Children. fito Kind Ycr Have Always Bought Bears filguaturo ro of posing tho earth was that of an Incandescent globo of gas which by Ita heal caused the water now constituting tin? seas nnd rivers to be held In suspension In tho atmosphere. This Is only one of the statements of tho biblu which wcro Inexplicable at the tlmo It was written, but Cod's word waits until tho march' of truth and knowledge vindi cated It. So Christ was before nil things. He became tho light of the world. For ngVs tho spiritual world was merged under a sable cloud of Idolatry, superstition and Ignorance. Tho Sun of Itlghteousness arose and dispelled superstition and degradation nnd la gradually fitting the world for tho abode of the sons and daughters of Cod. For more than 2.000 yenrs Jesus has boon tho Intellectual light of the wrrld. Inspiring art, knowledge and science; causing schools, colleges and churches to spring up. For l,f00 years or more He has been the ethical light of the world. Wo have not yet caught up with tho teachings of Jesus Christ. Only as wo make His teachings tho Magna Charta cf human llfo do we approach that time when tho rule of gold will be transmuted Into the golden rule and only then will eomo 'pence on enrth, good will to men.' Christ I the light of the spiritual world. Only since Ho enmo hnvo the people understood the rela tion between thU world and tho world to ccme. "Hut Ho says also that we, you nnd I, nro tho lights of tho world. We can only see by reflected light. It Is only things that reflect light thnt wo enn see. We cannot seo tho sun directly. The Incarnation of Christ was necessary. All wo know of Cod Is what wo get from a study of the llfo of Christ. As we study tho sun through n glats darkened, so the world studies tho truth of tho Chrlstlnn religion through tho Uvea nnd nets of believers. Thero were fewer prenns converted In the religion of Christ In Ills three years of personal teach ing on earth thnnVere converted on tho ono day of Pentecost, after His death. They could see nnd understand tho reflected light shining from tho apostles when the direct rajo from Christ wcro too strong. To savo tho world graco and light must bo focalized from human hearts raved to human hearts In sin." iii:ui:tic not tiii: curucirs i:xn.u v. Key, Tref. I'im-iicIk'n on (he Itclluloii of VcNlct'diiy mill of ToiuorriMV. In Kountzo Memorial church Sunday morning Hev. Edward F. Trefz, pastor, preached upon tho subject, "Heretics of Yesterday and Today: An Outlook Upon tho Hellglon of Tomorrow." Hev. Trefz said: "Tho heretic has moro often been tho benefactor than tho enemy of the church. Ho has saved It from those who would cheek Its progress nnd paralyze Its f-plrlt. Tho real heretic Is he who has wrought out his views In agony of soul. Tho object of suspicion, ridicule, scorn nnd hatred to day, ho Is tho safe nnd sound thinker of tomorrow. Tho church has grown only through Its heretics. Its 'conservative' thinkers havo been Its weight of dead mat ter, Indicating only abtenco of life. Con servatism In Its execution of punishment for daring to hold views different from tho30 embalmed In creeds has confessed to its doubt of tho ultimate triumph of truth. "Witness thu list of heretics whom tho church today reveres as men of holy lives and clear, sound thought. Isaiah cries aloud that tho word of Cod Is against sac riflco and oblations aro vain tho very be trayal of truth as tho Israelite saw and held It. Christ was crucified for holding and teaching heresy. St. Paul acknowledged that 'after tho way which they calltd heresy' so worshiped ho his Cod. Had thero been no heresy In tho church, It would still adhere to tho ancient custom nnd ceremonials of the pilgrim Israelites. "If our faith Is undergoing a restate ment let us not bo fainthearted. Luther was an heretic nnd taught the likelihood of Infant damnation if tho child died without baptism nnd no man believes that today. Calvin was nn heretic ond taught that Ood was of Iron and sat enthroned upon a scat of marblo and saw glory In the eternal damnation of a fixed number of His chil drenand no Christ-like heart today will subscribe to that teaching. "Tho religion for tomorrow must rcmovo tho club and Install tho sun of love. Christ must tie freed from the Incubus of theology that Is historical and bo permitted to riso so that men can bf drawn to Him by cords of love. The religion of tomor row will bo honest. It will demand belief Instead of opinion, life instead of creed. Men swayed by the love that swayed Christ will rush forward to remove life's burdens and 1113. Ho who is accounted great omons us, In this religion of tomorrow, will bo measured by a different standard than that of today. We will not account a man great because of wealth, nor becauso of success In statecraft, nor because of armies led to victory, nor becauso of psalms sung nor pictures painted we will bo accounted great always as measured by tho religion of tomorrow, whoso countenance hears upon It tho 'literature of Christ's sorrow.' " Nino chances In ten It's your kidneys that need attention If you don't feci well. Foloy'a Kidney Cure malice healthy kidneys and will mnko you well. Nothing else "Just aa good." For snlo by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. New England Limited: In service April 29 and dally thereafter. New Time: Twenty-six hours to Boston. Now Departure: From Chicago 2:00 p. m., Into Chicago C:00 p. m. next day. Now Cars: Sleeping, dining, buffet and library smoking cars and coaches. Old Houte: Lako Shore & Michigan Southern, New York Central and Boston & Albany. On satho dato train No. 14, 3:00 p. m.; will bo discontinued Tho New York and Boston Special, 10:30 a. m., and tho Lake Shore Limited, 5:30 p. m., will run ob heretofore. H. P. Humphrey, T. P. A.. Kansas City, Mo., F. M. Byron, O. W. A., Chicago, and A. J. Smith, CI. P. & T. A., Cleveland, O. Itoek Ixtnnil i:iMirNloiiH. Cincinnati and return, May G and 7, I20.C0. Washington and return, Mny 19 nnd 20, $32.25. Detroit and return, May 21 and 22, $22.00. Denver nnd return, Jlay 15, $lft. Colorado Springs and return, May 15, $19. Call at Rock Island City Office, 1323 Far nam street. Sioux I'mIIm, S, I)., mill Upturn. On May 7, 8 nnd 9 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will oell tickets Omaha to Sioux Fulls and return good for return until May H-for $0.05. City ticket olllco, 1501 Farnam street. Ten per cont off regular prices on our Spring and Summer Imported nnd Domestic Woolens. Stylish tailoring popular prlce3, POLACK TA1LOHINO CO., 1305 Farnam St. Omaha Tent and Hubber comDany are pre pared to fill all orders tents, awnings and canvas goods. New location, corner 11th and Hsrnoy. 'Phono S83, Nimt Triiln Vln Itoek Inland Houte Leaves Union station dally at 8:30 a. m. for Lincoln nnd Falrbury. Oraphophones, phonographs, gramophones. Graphophono Co.,. 1615,4 Farnam, Omaha. Wrlto nd, soil cuts, print anything. Stonecypticr, 1201 Howard st. Tel. 1310. Seo C. F. Harrison's real estate bargains. Four Hoodlum Arrenled. William llanley, C. HndUnn nnd Will MeAfTeo weru limited neur the Crelghton Orpheum nbout 9:W p. in. Sunday wlitlo engaging In a three-cornered slugging mnteh. Willie Howies, who has n disagree nblo habit of bumping Into people and tramping on their feet, was nrrcMed at tho (omo place earlier In the evening and charged with disorderly conduct. SOU II OMAHA NEWS, j John O'Nell, who was mixed up In a drunken fight at the cast end cf the L street viaduct Saturday, Is coming out of his trance, although It was reported on the ottec'.a yen terday afternoon that he was dead. When Pollco Captain Allle went to Investigate tho nffnlr ho found O'Nell In his room at tho Klrby In a drunken stupor. His face and hands were still covered with blood and dirt nnd no attempt had been mndo to glvo , him any attention. O'Nell sobered up enough during tho afternoon to discredit tho holdup story which wns first put In circu lation. He ndmlts that tho affair was noth ing but a drunken brawl. Most of O'Nell's Injuries aro about his head and as thejo do not appear to bo serious ho will without doubt pull out all right. Shortly after tho fight occurred the pollco arrested W. H. Scully and ho la now locked up at pollco headquarters on n charge of being drunk nnd assaulting O'Nell. As soon ns the police hoard tho rumor that O'Nell was dead they removed Scully from tho ordinary cell In which ho was confined to tho steel cage. When this transfer wna mado Scully appeared greatly exercised and made tho assertion that the afTair was noth ing but a drunken row. Hvm If Scully gels out of this little mlxup all right tho pollco think they havo mado a good catch, as tho prisoner Is badly wanted In Montnna, whero ho Is snld to havo loft a wife and child In destitute circumstances Letters found on Scully show that ho has recently received money from L. II. Hobln son of Moorcraft, Wyo., and from James T. Morgan of Clllctte, Wyo. When questioned by Jailer Klsfeldcr nbout leaving his wife nnd child Scully de clined to discuss his family n If a Irs beyond saying that ho owned a ranch In Wyoming. Captain Alllo and a number of olllccrs nro searching for tho ethers suppesed to be Implicated In tho fight. If found, as sault nnd battery complaints will be filed for the purposo of driving a certain clas3 of citizens away from the east end of the L street viaduct. Acting under Instructions from Mayor Kelly this locality will bo cl med out by the pollco nnd officers will bo stationed along L street to enforce tho orders of tho mayor and maintain quiet. Council .tleetlnu; 'I'nnlulit. Tonight the city council will meet In reg ular monthly session. Quite a lot of Impor tant business will come up nnd It Is ex pected that Mayor Kelly will make a num ber of appointments. Tho chief of pollco problem Is Btlll worrying tho mayor, but ho cxpocts to select the right man for tho placo before long. In tho meantime Cap tain Allle will remain In charge; of tho de partment. While there has been some dis cord In the past between tho mayor nnd council, It Is now asserted that matters havo been amicably arranged nnd thnt tho mayor's nppolntments will be confirmed. Several meetings have been held In an at tempt to bring about a unity of feeling and It Is asserted that the result will ho bar monlous action from this tlmo on. Sehool llouril Mi-elliiK TonlKlit. At tho regulnr monthly meeting of the Hoard of Kducatlon, to bo held tonight, tho threo new members elected last month will take their seats and Freltag, Scarr and Lett will retire. Colonel Lott was ro-elccted ond so ho will succeed hlmseir. Tho other new members nro Theodore. Schroder nnd A. V. Miller. After the swearing In of tho new members the board will proceed to reor ganize. A president and secretary will bo chosen and then cornea 'tho appointment of committees. Thero appears to be consider able; discord among tho democratic majority on tho board and It is hard to predict who will succeed FltzHobcrts In the prculdent's chair. Tho reorganization will bo closely watched by Interested citizens. Heller Fire Protection. In connection with better fire protection It Is asserted by tho city authorities that It Is tho Intention to double the present forco as soon as possible. What Is wanted Is a hook and ladder truck, a steam fire cn glno nnd one moro hoso company. With theso Improvements the city will bo fairly well provided for In the lino of fire pro tection. Chief Smith Is making his plans for this Increase in fire apparatus. With tho advent of new fire-fighting machinery tho nlarm system will havo to bo thor oughly overhauled and enlarged. Quite a number of now firo alarm boxes nro needed and these will be placed In position a soon ns tho funds at the disposal of the council will warrant. Deiininil fur l.unilier. Lumber dealers make the assertion that the summer season will bo a busy ono and that great quantities of material will bo sold. It Is predicted that prices will re main about the same, as no drop of any Importnnco Is expected. Quite a number of now buildings nro being planned, work to commence as soon as tho spring crop of brick Is available. Colonel Snvnue l'oinliir Here. Citizens of South Omaha appear to bo greatly 'Pleased at the fact that tho first 2 CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE 7 TIiIh Is tho number of the waton which will go nbout the streets of this metropolis and through tho smaller towns of this commonwealth spreading the message of glad tiding to discouraged sufferers that u remedy has at last been found for DIS HAS ICS OF THH KIDNEY AND LIVER Tho remedy Is called CRAMER'S KID NKY AND LIVlHt Cl'HIO. It Is the medl vino for iloh and poor tho day laborer or tho votaries of fashion. To ALL who have KIDNKY THOl'HLK It Is u 1onn Indeed. Wo sell It nnd recommend It berauso our customers teil uh It does them good. Sherman &McGonneII Drug Go. NKW S. W. Cor. ICth and Dodge, LOCATION OMAHA Splendid Train Servici. To the Wast To the West Trr Trains Dally to Denver. Vro Trnlm Daily to Han Frnnclio. Three Train Daily to Otfdcu. Two Trains Daily to Salt Lake City. Tno Tralua Daily to Portland, with DIRECT CONNECTIONS TO TACO.MA AND 8HATTI.U ; AND ; Iforlh Paoltto Cunil Point. MAQNIFICENT EQUIPMENT. Nearly a day saved between Missouri Rivet and Pacific Coast by taking The Famous Overland Route, City Ticket Oniec, j::oa Farnam 0C Tel. 310, mayor of tho Magic City has been honored with the nomination for lieutenant governor by the republicans. In speaking of this selection yesterday- ono prominent repub llean snld that Colonel Savage would re colve an enormous voto here. He figures that tho republicans will voto solidly for hi in and that In addition n great many old . tlmo den.otrats who know and admire the I colonel will cast thc!r baltots for him re- ganllesj of party lines. Others nssert that I the nomination of Colonel Savage will ns i slst greatly In keeping South Omaha In tho republican column. . Influx of Trump. At the present time the police arc grap pling with the tramp proposition. Ono or two mornings ago twenty-one tramps were unloaded here from ono boxcar which camo up from Kansas City. These undesirable ' citizens spread nil over tho city, begging ' tnr t n 1 1 ti .i i. 'it.,1 n ... r 1 1 1 1 ti r. in ntt T 1 1 n 1 1 n - .u iiiir.il.; til. v. riUltllll.ll.h u A .V lice nro doing everything possible to keep this clnss In subjection and It can be safely nsserted that there Is very little lawless ness hero at tho present time. Mayor Kelly proposes to havo nil suspicious char acters arrested and sent to tho county Jail for a term. If this Is done It U thought that tramps will coon give this city u wide berth. Mnle Cll.v lionilp. John C. Carroll has returned from ti trip to South Dakota. I.on Martin of Long Island, Knn., Is hro visiting relatives. Mrs. J. .'. fnrley Is cntertuinlng Mrs. Jesse Judd of New York. Newspaper carrier boys wanted nt Tho Hoc olllco In South Omnlui. . Mrs, A. L. Coleman, wife of Jeweler Colemnn, Is on tho sick list. Tho Foresters will give a picnic at Sarpy Mills park on Sunday, May 30. Wallace Godfrey and wife Intend spend ing a week at KIiis'h lako fishing. J. M. Fitzgerald hns bought the old Oscar Hill saloon on Twenty-fourth street. Alfred Fiilmer of St. Joseph, Mo., Is tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Hennett. J. C. Carloy writes from Stoddard, Ariz., that his copper mine Is coming along nicely. Friends of Ivor Thomns nro recommend ing him for n, place On tho lire department. Mrs. Peter Jncobs, wife of lClectrlelan Jacobs, has gono to Kansas to visit rela tives. Athletic competitions will bo held at tho Young Men's Christian association this week. Itasket ball tenm No. 3 of the Voutiir 1 Men's Christian association Is tho winner of the championship games. Tho South Omaha Choral union will give Its last concert at tho First Methodist Kplscopal church Tuesday evening. It Is reported here that Frank Riley, bet ter known here ns "Snaky" Riley, dropped dead on the streets of Vulcntine. Neb., n day or two ago. Rev. J. A. Johnson, pastor of tho First Methodist Kplscopal church, leaves today for Chicago to attend tho Methodist con ference. Sound advlco to thoso who havo kidney and bladder troubles, is to take n sate, sure modlclno lH-o Foley's Kidney Cure. It nl- ways benefits tho Kidneys. For salo by Mycrs-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. TO CHICAGO BY DAYLIGHT. A mighty pleasant trip at any time of year, but 03peclally so In springtime, when tho weather Is cool, tho dayo long and tho wholo country clothed In green. Tho train to tnko Is tho Hurllngton's Chi cago Specinl, leaving Omaha 7:00 a. m., ar riving Chicago, 8:30 p. m. Superb equipment. Ticket Olllco, 1502 Farnam St. Tel. 260. HAYDENs Bankrupt Sale of the Wholesale Clothing Stock of Miner, Beat & Co., Boston. Established over 40 years, this firm was on e of tho leading and most reliable clothing manufacturers la tho world. Our spot castj eecured from their aseiguoes 13,305 men's, boys' and children's suits. AT 47 GENTS ON THE DOLLAR Tho garments aro nil of tho finest matte, best tailoring, fully guaranteed, newest styles, best patterns and fabrlctrnud perfect fitting. Such spleudld clothing was novel ottered before at bankrupt prices. y Absolutely the. finest Suits In the Market at Positively Less Than Half Their Regular Price. Sfl (f I Strictly all wool casslmero and cheviots f f Ml&in S &HlsQ n,so n1"""1 worstcdH-all sizes from 31 I v moil o w iliac t0 42ln 4.butt0 cutnway 8lyie- ovory suit worth $u.00 and over. flfl UM9ik (DeaZ&A 0f flno mlro worsteds, now, neat checks TSj rill MPn H nlllTQ and plain puttcrnsr-round and square sock IfDUlVU HIGH 9 UUIIO BtyicH-slzca 31 to 42-not a suit worth less than $7.S0. flfl m!a C..!l That aro wortb from '9-00 to ir,-0 Sltt Mil HIrII S ftlllllS fino bluo doublO breasted serges with and ilBWli WUIIU without satin facing l-button cutaway sack squaro cut sack frock suits aldo sto uts and slims. A MS .M Como In regular sacks nnd frocks nlso lhill IHRri KjlllfS t,,outs Bn'1 slims in nil tho new, up-to- wWB M0 w flatQ pattfms all sizes from 31 to 41 suiUs that Miner, Biol & Co. wh'olesalo for $10 to fl2 and that retail clsewhcro up to $15.00 ( ffeffc "f C n'jk ft. "1. At this price wo placo on salo nil tho OOa ID IfIGn S ajBlllS '""t Kinjcs, Suits that Miner, Heal & WW! W IIIWII W WUIIW C(i whoUHdlo up to $10.60 nnd would re tall for $18 nnd $20 mndo up In very flno double und slnglo breasted sack etyles alEo stouts nnd slims. Boys' and Children's Clothing from the Mincr-Beal Stock. $1.00 Knco Pants Suits at . go0 $2.00 Sailor Vestco nnd I), n, Suits nt 95Q $3.00 Sailor Vestce and I). H. Suits at $1.60 $1.C0 Sailor Vesteo and I). B. Suits at $2.25 Mou's flno Odd Pants from tho Miner-Heal stock at $1.75, $2.C0, $3.73 and $1,50 greatest values In America. Hoys' Long Pants Suits of now, stylish, up-to-dato patterns at $3.75, $5.00, $0.50 and $7.00 worth double, MAIL. OHUKHS PROMPTLY FILLED. HAYDEN BROS. CARRIERS ELECT DELEGATES IlcproKcntntlvcn to the .iillonut As oclutloii nl Itelroll, .Ml eh., Are Cliocn, At tho meeting of branch No. B. National Association of Letter Carriers, on Saturday wgni arrangements were made for partici pation In tho national convention and for tho reception of delegates to the stato meet ing In this city. Tho representatives of tho local carriers at the Detroit assembly In September will be F. Jorgenaon, It. Lehman nnd N. A. Sundberg. Charles H. Newman, Charles II. Crelghton ond Edward Kelly w-ero choseu ns alternates. Tho Stato Association of Letter Carriers will meet in Omaha on May 30 nnd elaborate plans have been laid for Its entertainment. Hon. W. O. Edens, first assistant supcrln ten. lent of free delivery, will be one of tho distinguished guests and other well known postal officials will be present. The pro ceedings of the convention will be held at the Millard hotel. Following the transac tion of the business nnd the program of nddresscs an elaborate banquet will bo served by branch No. C to Its visiting friends. J. Q. Hood, Justlco of tho Pence, Crosby, Miss., makes tho following statement: "I can certify that Ono Minute Cough Curo will do all that 13 claimed for It. My wife could not get her brenth nnd tho first dose of It relloved her. It has also benefited my wholo family."" It acts Immediately nnd cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis, nsthma nnd nil throat and lung troubles. Tho contract for tho threo electric eleva tors for tho old Mercer Hotel building nnd niso in tno old postolllco wns let to tho Wnmer Elevator company of Cincinnati, O., through its local representative, Mr. D. V. Munro, 112 North Fourteenth street. If s a Big Success Ten months ngo tho Crnmer Chemical Co. of Albany, N. Y., wrote us for our Idea of advertising their wonderful curo In tho stato of Nebraska. We wroto them nnd gavo our opinion as to how It should be adver tised, which they nccepted and began tho advertising at once. Hnd wo not been well acquainted with tho manufacturers of this remedy (nf our old home) we would not hnvo taken tho Interest In It we did, but knowing them to be men who were worthy and reliable, wo knew any remedy which they would mako would bo ono of great merit that they would glvo to the public a medicine that would cure. The number of persons who havo-been permanently enrol tho past six months and tho tremendous sales wo have Rad has moro than exceeded our expectations, which certainly speaks volumes for n remedy that was not known In Nebraska ten months ngo. j SGHAEFER CUT PKICIi DRUGGISTJ Cor. Kith anil riileuijo SI Burllnoton statlo.i, 1 0th and Mason Sts. Tel. 128. ebi'askct virts Thero are a grcnt many llttlo details In their con structlon thnt It will profit you to know about aomo pecullnr points of Interest thero nro nbout them thnt will interest tho wearer, nnd that properly shown will cnlargo his Ideas of tho valwuoof tho garment. Is thero nnythlng mnro uncomfortable thnn n shirt that don't "FIT?" Most men think not. An III. lilting shirt Is a constant annoynnco to the wenrer nnd keeps him In con tlnual bad humor. And yet half tho men In the coun try wear lll-llttlng shirts. Thero aro several mnketu of Shlrta who produce .a fairly good shirt. One or two of them mako what aro entitled to bo called "Httter Shirts" than tho ordinary good onco. It remained for us to tako tho lead under the deserved title of "THE REST SHIRT THAT WAS EVER MADE FOR THE MONEY" ond that la tho unqualified verdict of every man who haa Inspected our latest production. Quality nnd merit being acknowledged prlro re mains tho only other consideration. Wo simply GUARANTEE that our prices on shirts of all kinds quality and finish considered arc lowor than any other in the laud. HAYDEN IS ON SALE Eh The Newest and ' Most Stylish Shoes, Direct from the Best Eastern Manufacturers, at 50c to $2,003 pair less than other stores sell the same qualities. 1 Brooks Bros., Rochester, make of ladies' fine shoes, in patent loatnor, vici kid, tana and blaoka, with hand turned Boles, newest stylo toes, French and militnry heels. Tho finest fitting and best wearing ladieB' shoo3 made. In all sizes and widths, at $3.50, and 84.50 worth 4, $5 and $6. Ultra Shoes for Ladies. In patent leather and vici kid, tan and black, hand welt and turned soles, on tho new mannish and Fronch opera stylo lasts, all sizes and widths, at $3.50. H. W. Merriam & Go's make of Misses' and Children's fine shoes, in vici kid, lace and button, with no heols, wodge heels and spring heels, sizes 1 to 0, at 50c G to 8 at 85c 8 to 11, at $1.25. ' ' Stetson Shoes for Men. Tho best and finest custom made shoes that's mado for mail, in vici kid, Russia calf, ideal kid and patent leather, mado Ih the swollest up-to-dato stylos. ON BARGAIN TABLES. For Women fine !?3 and .50 vici kid, laco andbuttpO shoes, now spring styles, all sizes at $1.89 f For Men lino $3.50 and 4 box calf and vici kid shoe new spring stylos, all sizes, at $1 97 For Misses and Boys line $1.50 and $2 laco shoes, nei styles at $1.12. HAYDEN BROS. Fire Will Catch You Sootier or Later. Did you hoo tho Omnlm Tout nnd RuMiPr coinpnny's biilldliif,' nftcr tho Arc? If you hnvo your olllco In thnt sort of a bulldhiK vfhv.ru do you think you will ho when n II ro breaks out In your bulldliiKV It Is sure to i-oinc It Ih only a rjuostlon of tlmo. THU HKH MM I. DING Is absolutely fireproof. There Is no wood In Its construction, except what you can see. Look around you and think what n nlco bhi.o some of those wooden Joists, wooden parti tions and wooden stnlrways would make In the building where you now are. Is It worth while to sleep well at night? 'If so, let us bhow you rooms in a fireproof building. THE BEE BUILDING. K. C PKTKUS&CO., Rental AKcnts. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FEGS MANUFACTURED BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Ca MOTS TUB HAM. SHOES MONDAY. OFFICK, GROUND FLOOR, The Ilcc Dtiihllng. HOWELL'S A worm whither Anti-Kawf coiikIi la tiii! womt klml nf n cough. Anil K'uwf will cur It Oruk'KlatH (; 1 1 It. IIOCUTA SANDALWOOD CAI'MUMS.. Cures Onr.crrhoea, Olcot, unnatural dls charens In a few Jay. All ilriik-Klnl, accept nnly Pocuta. by mall J1.C0, full directions, Dick & Co,, lil Ocntro BU .New York. A 4 f