Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1900, Image 21

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee. ej
Mail Orders rilled.
Agents lor Biittcrlck Patterns
These great May sales will be famous Tor their noteworthy bargains in trustworthy merchandise famous for the reliability and desirability of their offerings.
Intelligent shoppers have long ago learned by experience that they get the most and the best for their money at Hayden Bros. Comparisons are convincing. Many
special values not enumerated here and the loivest possible prices upon everything sold. The greatest Clothing Sale ever attempted in Omaha is now in progress.
The entire wholesale stock of Miner, Beal & Co., Boston, secured from assignees at 47c on the dollar, now on sale.
The Leading Dress Goods
House of the West.
Dress Goods Wholesale and Retail.
Monday will bo tho day to buy Dress Goods, Challis ami
Black Grenadines. We are overstocked and will cut the price
in two until wo reduce it to half.
Colored Dress Goods.
200 plec( nf hnlf wool dross goo Is, In
Cashmcntt. Surges, Plaids, Novelties, etc..
poods woilh up 10 20c, will go Monday at 9c.
Fancy Ilitlf Wool Plaids, English Jar
(tiards, 36-Inch Cashmeres and about 10,0' 0
other weaves. told here In town at 25c and
119c, our price for Monday will lio 15c.
300 plecm of Scotch Plaids, French Novel
ties, Gorman JacqtiardK, Storm Scrgos and
other wmves. nell all over at 19c, nt 25c.
150 pieces nil wool millings, 52 Inohri
wide, all wool Henriettas, all wool Sews,
46-Inch Drllllnntlno and other weave.! that
dold up to $1.00 per yard, Monday only 49r
64-lnch Homctpun, 51-Inch Cheviots, 51
Inch Venetian, Ifi-lnch ullk finished neuri
ts' ta, -16-Inch French Novelties, and all other
"weaves that eold at U8c and J 1.25 per yard,
M at 75c.
i -Inch Chorlots, 50-Inch Clay Worsted,
64-inch Venetians, 54-Inch Sergea, 5l-lne!i
Proadclnths and other fine weaves that sold
nt (1-75 and $1.98, all will go In this salo at j
one prlco (no blacks), 9Se.
All our 12.50 VonctlanH. all our $1.98 Gar
Jnls, all our $2.25 and $2.60 Cheviots, will go
In this sale nt one price-, only $1.25.
Spnclnl nalo on high grade Plaids for nop-
crate skirts. Any plaid in the house you j
can buy for 08c and $1.25. I
Special salo on (lolf Hack Plaids. All our I
tl iS Plaids you can buy for $1.25. I
All our $2.08, $3.00, $3.50 Plaids you can
buy for $1.98.
All our $2.25 and $2.50 Plaids you can buy
for $1.60,
Variety, unequalled opportunity for securing the newest
fancies, careful attention to selecting the best styles and do
Bigns, and always giving our trade the most complete satis
faction, has made the Wash Goods department famous.
Monday's Special Sale.
"We cell on Monthly l'-J'ji' nowest stylo Printed Winltlfs at fr
yard U2tw
Wo sell on Monday He China. Wile, silk finished Dross Prints at 4oC
yard t!w
Wo soil on Monday lie Shirting Prints at
"Vo fioll on Monday 10e Vw Pluck Sateon at GZq
yard -
An Elaborate Percale Showing.
Tlio host Percale in tho I nltod Ktiites, domoMtic niado. colors war-
rnntod. range of stylos snporlt. stylos addod to tho assortment for -4 C
Monday, at -yard ltJ,w
3,000 pieces of I lio standard yard wide Press Poroalos, Unlit nnd 1p
dark colors, colors all fast, at. yartl l2
r.lnKhnins. Tor waists, drosses or children's woar. over fi.000 stylos 1 Or
Jn the host makes, all sorts of colors and designs, yard 1 J
Irish Plmlty. that popular and standard fabric In everyone of tho Or'
host stylos, lover's knot and Hour do lis., etc., yard tKJ
Moussollne do Solo. In all the plain colors, dots, etc, nt flf
yard, AT and tJV7lw
Uoaiitlfnl satin stripe (Unchains for waists
Scotch Clnhiims In over 'J(K dirforent patterns ' OET0
yard -SOL
All Kinds o( Wash Goods at Hayden's.
Bicycle Bargain Day Monday
bent record of nil guaranteed tin. Our
cycle sundries.
Flannel Dept.
Special bargains on sare for Monday:
700 yards Iliiskft Flannel, beautiful pat
terns, per ynrd, Monday. 10c.
25 pieces Fancy Plaids and Stripes Scotch
Flannel, per yard 25o.
1 case Fancy Feather Ticking, per yard,
08 doz. Mil size Embroidered Skirt pat
terns, fancy color, each 25c.
1 caso extra pood Cotton Flannel, per
yard 4 He. worth 7e.
63 pieces 30-Inch wide fancy Stripes and
Checks SklrtliiK. worth 124c and 15c per
yard, Monday 0lic.
Hemnnnts of all wool White Flannel and
Embroidered Flannel for Infants' skirts at
rxtra barRalns.
Monday Bargains
35c Val Uices, 15c doz.
50c Val l,nccs, 25c doz.
$2.50 all over embroideries, 9Sc yd.
25c Laces, 5c d.
20c embroideries, 5c yd.
TOO Veilings, 9o yd
Ladles' New Fancy Pursri with Initial 25c.
satisfaction or money refunded. Special J
i Blnck Dress Goods.
Priestley's, Coullcre's. Salt's, etc., 12-Inch
Fancies. regular price Is 29c. l!tc.
38-lnch Fancier. regular pi ice 49c. 25c.
3S-lnch Wool Serges, Henriettas. Novel
tins. Cheviots, etc., worth up to $1.00 yard.
on sale at lie.
58-lnih Cheviots. 58-Inch Serges. 56-lncli
Clay Worotcvl. 12-Inch English Plerolas. It
Inch French SotiflleH and other weaves, not a
ynrd under $1.50 and $1.98, all In this sale a
Special Sale on Crepons.
20 Crepon patternf, nil that lo left of ou:
$1.98 $6.60 and $10.00 Roods, live yards In
each pattern. Will well on i.Mondny entire
pattern for $9.50.
Trench Challis.
2.000 designs In all wool nnd silk and wool
ChalllB at t9c, 59c, 75e, ,85c, 98c yard.
High Grade Grenadine.
Manufactured by Samuel Courtald, Fe
Iron Frame. $2.50, $2.75, $2.9S up.
Chenlllo Stripes, $1.98 to $6.60 ynrd.
HlblNin Stripes, $3.98 to $S.50 ynrd.
Crepo de Chene, Crepe do Orient. Crepe
de Lane, Crepe do Sole, Crystal Serpentine.
Snanlsh Jets and other weaves In "-ena-
dlnes In wool drcwa goods departm- .t at
from 9Sc to $10.00 per yard.
Every dress guaranteed to Rive perfect
obbtng prices to merchants.
nicyclcH for $11 75 nnd $16.95, also a reg
ular $35 00 bicycle for $1S.75. Tho bicycle
wonder, tho Union made, of high grade ma
terial throughout . your choice of saddle!,
handle-bars, pcdalx and tires, for $25.00.
Juvenile blcyeles from $13.60 up. .Bargains
In the hlghetit Rrnde bicycles, the Cleve
land, America, OutliiK, Crown, Adlake bi
cycles. A Rood tiro guaranteed, 1900 stock,
for $1.25. Tho $4.00 Diamond tire has the
price on Monday $2.50. Harfi;his In nil bl
Men's Furnishings
500 dozen men's tlno suspenders, made
with all tho best buckles and newest webs,
cold everywhere at 50c, on talo at 25c.
Men's patent elastic scam drawers nt
Men's 35c H-hrvei nt 15c.
300 dozen men's lino nample H-hoso, In
fancy nnd pliln colors, In flslo thread and
lino cotton, mndo to sell nt 25c and 35c,
on pale Monday nt 15c.
! Men's $1.00 colored laundered shirts with
I collarH and cuffs attached and Heparate, nil
the lata style nnd all nlzcs, made to sell
i at $1.00, on snlo Monday at 19c.
Men's white unlnundered shirt, with linen
bosoms, nt 35c.
Men's balbrlggan shlrtn nnd drawers, In
fancy and plain colors, all in on lot, worth
up to $1.00, nt 15c.
Exquisite Millinery
Special sale on Street Hats and Walking
Hats In all the nowest designs nt cut prices.
Wo are offering some very special valued In
Handsome Trimmed Hats for Mendiy.
lZl the HAYDENs
gOO CIS COIlie III women Made Merry in May
In our last night's cloak "ad" we told you we would give you particulars as the goodB
came in, these are tho particulars in plain, candid facts. Our Mr. Jamoa Hayden, a mem
ber of the firm permanently located in New York, watching for a break or a change in the
market, wired our cloak buyer the following mcsBago
"Unseasonable weather. Manufacturers more than anxious to
unload. Come immediately. JAMES HAYDEN."
Our cloak buyer's expectations were more than realized. Owing to the cold, unseason
able weather in that section of the country he found manufacturers were more than anxiouB
to unload at any price within reason and ho bought hundreds and hundreds of garments for
less money than we ever dreamed of. All and every one of them are high class, artistic gar
ments, the creations of the very best manufacturers, who have made New York famous aa
tho greatest cloak market in tho world.
Here is a Partial List of the Manufacturers Whoso Entire
Productions Were Closed Out to Him.
Cnnlicltn Si Co., lltlinnJ Univer- Max Solomon, 4ii Hroadwuy. V. Henry Rothschild, Leonard St,
'' '. , ct t ,M. J. Mlrsky. Hlcckcr und Grove vl"n Manufacturing Company,
Peter Dultoii, Spring Street. street 17; rccn St.
Shaft & Sllbernmn. Cunn.1 nnd El- . . ' J.M.Ilrady & Compuny, 572 Broad-
dredge Street. Louis Hnrnctt, Oth nnd Hrondwny. way.
Etc., etc., etc., also Fruschman BroB. , who failed about three weeks ago and whose entire
stock was closed out at 25c on the dollar.
These Tremendous Purchases are Now Marked and Ready for Sale
in Our Cloak Department.
Tho above are the facts and represent modern merchandising methods, placing us in po
sition to give you prices that may be given by other houses 60 days hence, when advertising
their .luly clearing sales. Today we givo you a partial list of thousands of bargains, and
further particulars later on. Theso prices challenge tho world and are open to all
Iindon, Ilerlln and Paris styles, line Im
ported mntrrlals, some silk lined
throughout, $40, JC0 and f)Q Xfi
Vb values, at .1J)
LADIES' SUITS, In handsome styles, whip
cords, Venetians and broadcloths, nil col
ors, some nil silk lined, i)
worth $30, on sale nt - 0J
spuns, broken checks and plaids. In plain
materials; the croatest variety of suits
ovor shown In Omaha, worth Q QQ
120 to $25. on salo at CJ.OO
LADIES' SUITS, no better mado anywhere
for style, wear and service. In a larse va
riety of materials; Jackets silk lined
throughout, eklrts percallne lined and In
terlined, worth up to $12 g (Jg
PETER DALTON'S silk underskirts are
known the country over. We bought
one thousand silk petticoats at 25c on tho
One hundred silk underskirt two and
three rows iof ruffles as long as they last
for $1.98.
100 silk underskirts in the very newest
styles, worth $10.00, for $5.00.
50 dozen ladies' underskirts with 18-inch
accordion pleated llounco; they are worth
J?2.50, for 79c.
The Big Linen
and Domestic Dept
Just received and will put on sale on
Monday morning a handsomo lino of pattern
clothw, 2 yards l .tig. $2.00; yards long,
$2 50 and 3 yards cloth,, with 22 Inch
Hn.unro napkins to match, $3.00 docn.
Ank lo pen them.
Extra value Monday on 50c yard damnhk.
New bargain In white crochet bed sprcadu,
..ic. $l.on, $1.2.,, and $1.75 each.
Two special numbers In fringed crochet
spreads on Bale at $1.35 and $1.75 each.
On Monday we place on sale a reverslblo
white crochet spread at $1.65 men a de
cided bargain.
Whlto crochet bed spreads for single beds
only 39 cents each.
See our bargnlnH In whlto satin. MarsellUa
or colored spreaiU. Fringed or hemmed at
$3.00 and $3.50.
The month of May has opened with a
riihh In our while drcts goojs department.
nig sale on fine mercerized llrltannlc mull,
50c, ij.)C, 75c and 85c yard.
Pino organdie In white or black 35c, 50c,
C5c and 75c yard.
Persian lawns aro also In demand.
A full lino of India linen from 5c up to
50e ynrd.
Dimities, nainsooks nnd fancy lawn ktrlped
40-Inch whlto lawn nt special bargalr-15c.
A largo lino of fancy vteavrn in domestic
and Imported novelties from 10c lo 50c yd.
L'laln and fancy welts, corded P. K.
Seven grades of long cloth from 8 1-3 to
5o yard.
Seven nmkew of cambric 5c to 15c yard.
Letting down the prices on muslin and
Bheetlnss to reduce stock.
Keep your eyes nn our bargain tables
when In this department.
New bargain dally nnd big bargains nt
Prices that you cannot duplicate In
Please benr this In mind.
Ladles' fine black Skirts, In plain QO
and figured, worth J2.G0, for fOj
200 ladles' Skirts, In hoTnrpun and Ve
netians and broadcloths, QQ
worth J5, for .JO
Ono table of ladles' Rainy Day Skirts, In
grays, browns, blues nnd blacks. 1$ rows
of stitching, pleated back, O QQ
made to sell for $10, to.... ...... t'C
100 Imported Sample SnlrU at' $80.0,'
$2G.oo, $20.00- -j k nn
and (worth double)
The Fashion Manufacturing Co. nre
known tho world over for their large pro
duction of Silk Waists. We bought over
La Grecque Lattice
Corset on sale at $1
Ijaillrn' $1.25 gowns, In muslin and cam
bric, nt 75c,
1 lot of Indies' cors'tK. In all style and
sizes, worth up lo $1.00. on salo at 19c.
2i0 dczeri ladlfH' and children's hose, the
samples of ono of the Inrgewt hmlery houwej
in New York, on'ale at 15e nnd 25c.
Ladles' 25c vests, In plain and fancy col
ors, on sale at 10c'
100 dozen ladles' veBts, In fine cotton
and lisle thread, that sold for 35c, on sale
Monday at 16c.
Ladles' $1.00 kid gloves at fi9c.
Hoyti' Juvenilo shirts, with oollars at
tached or separate, all the new styles, at
Sheet Music
We carry nil the very latest Sheet Music
thnt is published nnd sell It to you at tho
very lowest prl. cs possible. Wo have one
catalogue of 10c Sheet Music. This Is posi
tively tho choicest catalogue of cheap music
In the country. See our nice line nf popu
lar Sheet Music nt 15c und 25c per copy.
Plenty to select from. le extra per copy
must bo Included when Bonding for mall
Butter and Oheese
flood Dairy nutter, per pound 12'Jc
Pholco Tablo Putter, per pound 15c
Fancy Roll Putter, per pound lCc
Kxlra Fancy Separator Creamery, lb ,, 18c
Elgin or Hygla Creamery, per pound .. 19c
Strictly now laid Ugge, per dozen .... 0c
Fancy Full Cream Cheto, per pound . lie
Imported Ilrlck or Llmburger Cheese,
per pound i0c
Fancy Virginia Swiss Cheese, per lb., lie
Ncufchatel Cheese. Durham brand, each 2'$c
Young Atnorlcnn Cheeso, full cream,
per pound loc
Kdnm Cheeo( Van Uoswm brand,
wejj sc
Kvery pound guaranteed pure. We posl
lively do not handle Imitation butter.
1,500 Silk Waists nnd you may be sure wa
bought them nt our own price.
200 Waists, In ill slies nnd all O A Q
shades, worth $7, for O.TtO
nil the Iiousca In Omaha combined, and tho
greatest variety of materials ever shown
by any house between New York and San
Ladlrn' Spring Jackets. In colon and black,
silk lined throughout Q QQ
for O.UO
Ladle' Spring Jackets, in Eton and slnglo
broacted effects, taffeta lined, A QQ
throughout, In all colors, at rt.JO
LadleB' Spring Jackets, In automobile styles,
lined with silk taffota and V Kf
sergo, at ' 0J
V HENRY ROTHSCHILD, maker of the
Stanley Waist, sold us ovor 400 dozen
waists at our own price.
100 dozen waists in all tho now spring
cloths, worth 2.00, at 98c.
50 dozen wash waists, at J9c.
50 dozen wrappers in fine sea island per
cales, trimmed with braid, two ruffles over
shoulder, 15-inch flounce, made to sell for
$2.00, for 98c.
25 pounds Sugar $1.00
High Patent Mlnnenota Flour, war
ranted, sack 90o
German Hyo Flour, per enck, only .... 90c
10 lb. IlruakfaBt Polled Oats, only 25c
3-lb. cans Kxtra Cholco Tomatoes .... "Vic
2- lb. cans Sugnr Corn, only 7VsC
Fancy Lnrge Sweet Oranges, per doz,. 12c
Fancy Largo Mesalna Lemons, per doz.. lOo
ICaglo or Champion Lye, per can 6c
Iirgn bottles fancy Pickles, Chow Chow,
Sweet Picklna or White Onions, ench 8 l-3c
Gallon calm Now York Apples, only .. 25c
New Turkish Prunes, per pound 3150
New California Prunes, per ound Be
New French Hnleln-cilred Prunes,
lnrge 8 1-So
New California Yellow PencheH, lb,... loo
New Evaporated Apples, per lb 10a
Quart cans Fancy Tablo Syrup 8 1-So
Sliced Peachen for Cream, per cnn....l24o
Sliced Plniapplea, per can only 12',4o
3- -lb. en Golden Pumpl'lii, only .... 7'jc
2-lb. cans Strawberries, Itnspberrles,
Gooseberries or nluoberrlcs, only
8 1-3, 3 for 25c
American Ilreakfast Cocoa, largo cans.. 10c
YeaHt Foam, German Yeast, etc, 3 for.. 10c
Tea and Coffee
Special prices on tea and coffoe.
Whole Kin Coffee, regular prlco 20c,
only 12V&R
Golden Ulo, cholco quality 15c
French Java and Mocha 25c
Old Government Java nnd Mocha 30c
: Now Tea Slfllngn enly I7,4c
I 4Rc Hnsket Fired Japan only 35c
' ISe English Ilreakfast as?
18c Gunpowder Tin 35o
j Fancy Ceylon nnd Young Hyson 38c
Wall Paper and Paints
We tell jou Wall Paper cheaper than any
other house on earth. You cannot got the
same grades of pnper wo sell at less than
2i per cent more than we charge you.
1 White Planks 3c per roll.
1 Tho famous Noxnll Itcady Mixed Paints at
OSo gallon.
Pen cannot picture the prctllness of the newest Foulards, as shown bv us. and
properly convey to jou a conception of tli 4r wonderful beauty The term new ntyle
Foulards is much abused In our city. You will better understand what we mean
when you compare our newest Foulards w ith tho sn-cnilcd new style Foulards of
A Now York lady's complimentary opinion: "It would Indeed be very dimcult tn
find a more complete aHsortment of beautiful Foulards even In our own city of New
llroche Satin Foulards, beautiful Pro sden Foulards, latest Persian Foulaids.
finest Twill Foulards, blues, bronue. modes, castors, prjirl, gray, reseda, old ruse,
many printed In three, four nnd five col or effects beyond n doubt the llnest lot of
really artistic Foulards t tint was ever shown by any 0110.
FOPLAiins rt Fori.uins r Fori, a uds
I Worth up to $1.00 mi. Worth up to
ty n m m 9
on sale Monday....-' on salo Monday.... v on sale Monday...
lady who guesses nearest to the total number of yjrds of Wlnslow Taffeta hold In
tho United States during the year 1S99. Wo sold during the year 1S99 27,lti2 yuri!n
of this celcbrnted silk. Wlnslow Taffota Is known the world over ns the best wear
ing Taffeta. Wlnslow Taffeta Is sold In every first -class slllf department In tho
United States. This exciting contest Is creating comment nil owr the Intnl. We
have received guesses from most every stato In tho union. The eotrect number of
yards Is sealed and now In possession of this paper. Wlnslow Talfeta guessing con
test will end on May 22. 1900. When sending guess please xtato what you think of
Wlnslow Taffeta. Send nil guesBes care Silk Department, Hayden Pros.
Over 1,000 pieces of high claF novclt
skirt or entire dress.
worth up to 75c
and $1.00, nt....
JPSYj North up to "
Just think, thin fine Summer Silk nt
20 Inches wide X II . 27 Inches wide-
Plenty for nil "wv big bargain.
We fill mall orders on these special h Ilk bargains,
quested to send guesses on Wlnslow Taffeta conte.U.
Don't forgot tho babies. You can buy n
largo size baby carriage, nteel wheels, full
size body, n good pnrasol, the best rprlngs,
for $3.S5. Another upholstered for $5.00.
Go-carts for $2.95, $3.50, $4.85 and $5.60. A
sleeper for $5.00. The latest Improved
sleeper for $i!.50.
Here are a few range finders: IfixlC oak
stand, 45 cents.
Five-foot oak easel, adjustable, refits, 50
Canoseat chair 75 rents.
Cnno scat rocker $1.00.
Six-pound pair good feather pillows $1.00.
Well made spring edge couch $(i.50.
iMotal Jardiniere stand 95c.
Dird's oye maple or oak Jardlnlern stand
Six-drawer oak chiffonier, deep draworB,
Swell front oak sideboard, French plate
mirror, solid brass drawer pulls, $12.60;
other sideboards $10.85 nnd $11.50.
New line, of flnu Morris chair, solid oak,
from $9.60 up to $1S.00.
18x18 stand In mahogany, oak and bird s
eye maple at 95 cents.
Ladles' dressing table, mahogany and oak.
pattern French pinto mirror, $7.85.
Desks In the ame woods. $5.50.
If you want anything in the better grade
of furnlturo remember we carry a full line
of Iron beds, drcsson. rhlna .......
fclon tables, buffetB. sideboards, c'ablntits,
uu.m luncH, neons, enairs and rockers. All
poods bought In carload lots from the best
factories of Ornnd Rapids, Rockford. She
boygan and Chicago. Not ono piece bought
to avn money. Hut all and every ono THE
by the maker.
Quality first nnd all the time.
Pig purchase of Velvet Carpet. Our
eastern buyer completed n deal securing tho
selection on .1 lot of new advance patterns,
enabling us to offer you tho new styW;n at
old prices. The goods are opened and now
on sale. Don't miss tho opportunity. Come
early and Kt tho best neectnns.
Special on Ilrussels Carpet 85e goods 65c.
$1.00 goods 75c, all now patterns and lato
Extra heavy half wool Ingrain Carpets 35c.
All wool Ingrain, 15c.
Best all wool Ingrnlns, 65c.
Jewelry Sale
Ladles' Hat Pins, worth up to 35t, choice
Ladles' Laco Pins, worth up to 25c, choice
Elegant line Ileauty Pins, per dozen, fir.
Gentloman's R. P. Collar Buttons , 2
for 6c.
Latt, but not least, tho finest line of la
dles' Pelt Piicklcn, worth up lo 50c, spe
cial 5c.
Just received, a fino lino of Ladlco" and
Gents' Watches.
$1 26 i "ll Worth up to $1.50 1
1 1 -
les In lengths sufllclent
to mnko waist,
r,n-3"(y Worth up to $2.00-QU
such low figures.
3i Inchcu wide--
grand sperjal
Out-of-town ladles are re-
The Oreatesf Bargain
Are in Our Base
SOMETHING NEW A carload of these
wonderful gasollim stoves Ji:t received tho
Insurance National Safely Stove.
TIiIh .stove linn the only absolute safety
burners; It has a float operating a nlvo
in the burner tube which automatically
shutH off tho Hiipply of gasoline, when the
fluid rises In tho tube Its action Is decided
nnd no gasoline can ewcape; lmp"lble to
got nny gasoline out of tho burner and none
can leak out If the flamo Hliould blow out
or a child should open tho vuIvih. The bur
nor must be heated up to open tho valve
on tho Inside of 'burner and will close Im
mediately when cooled off. Tho bureau is
hented with a torch, which Ih nuturated
with gati-illno nnd placed In the torch
holder under the burner, then light, turn
on the burner und Immediately begin cod
ing. No waiting; no flmnke; no nmell.
Each stovn lrn 'he whlto separator, the
gasoline flows through tho separator nnd It
is Impossible for even the emallest paitlclo
of dirt or Kedlrnent lo pmks through tho
gauge dttalner. It Is ti positive tiller, the
burner will ahay bo perfectly clean.
Como nnd m'c. Don't buy nny other if you
want the beat. Petler and cheaper than
any gas ntovo. With tho Insurance National
all dunger of ulng a gasoline stove had
been eliminated. You cannot till the tank
whlln burneig nr In operation. Valves can
be left op-n or the burner flame blown out
and no gasoline can escape. We have tho
Omaha ngenoy. Send for cuts and prices.
A stove llkn cut with oven; n regular
$2" 00 ntovo for $11 95.
Send for cntaliEue and prices.
Wo have n!iut 25 different styles of Gaso
line Stovffl.
Will continue our great Refrigerate sain
ono weok longer- We have them from
$160 up. Now Is the time. You can hiv
ono at Jobbing prices.
Lawn mower.-), 16-Inch $; 95
Grni-H ciitchciii ir
llanluooil linsn reels Ilie
Pratt boso nozzle
Wire lawn rako ;i9r
Garden hoe ii
Solid nteol spade or ohovel 69-
4 lined manure fork .Tie
20 I) nails, $2.85; 8 I) nails, $2.95; 3 D
nalla $;.o
Screen wire, per square foot Hie
Poultry netting, per 100 square feet., u.v
Ico cream freezers $1 in
Screen loorn
Warranted rubber hoso RKc
Adjustablo window n-roonn 2:. -
Cobbler'n outfit enmplelo li'.i.
All copper No. 8 boilers $1 89
Lard and Meats
3 lb pulls best lard, 28c.
5 lb palls best lard. 46c.
10 lb palls lice I lard. S9c.
20 lb palls best lard. $1.72
Fancy sugar cured bnron, 12c.
No. 1 California hams, SVfcc.
Fresh pork sausugo. 7Ho.
IlonnlcHA corned beef, 8c.
Cholco Ponelees Pig Pork, tOn
Pest brand new summer sausage, 10c.