8 OMAHA ILLUSTRATED 3JEU. May 0, 1000. Tnld Out nf Court lilm ilown. That Booms much moro manly, X uiu kjui ui wi oven If tho victor In tho fray does receive TrlHonor," Mid tho Mnrylnnd Justice, tu 'i wound or two, than to lut bo laid low tho caiio was closed, "you havo been founJ or to lay tho cnumy low, by a bullet that Kiillty of BteallnR a pk belonging to Colonel cannot bo scon. Thero Is no bravery In OhlMors. Havo you anything to my beforu shooting a man, but thoro Is something I pnn sentence?" knightly In meeting another faco to faco "I has, sah," nnsworrd the prisoner, as with a sword. Your wear looks llko ono that he rose up. "It was nil a mistake, Jcdgo was loft by a gleaming blade, and I know all a mlstako. I didn't dun reckon to stoal that your enemy must at least havo been no pig from Kurnol Ghllvcrs. What I was rendered hors do combat. Tell mo all about nrtor was a hawg belongln' to Mnjah Daw- It colonel when It happened, and how, I son, an how dem two animals got mixed up "m Interested In war storlonl" and do constnlilo found do meat In my cabin "Yes," ho replied, "I agrco with you fully nin gwlno to boddor mo 'till I como out o about tho sword and saber buslnoas. There Jail nil' lick do olo woman fur not keonln' Isn't, much bravery In Hhootlng a follow, and bettor watch at do doohl" thoro In something knightly about standing ,; up and thrusting ami parrying with a blade. Tho old man Whs 'being crofw-oxnmlncd nut I got this wound whllo acting as an In by on eminent counsel. Tho latter hnd used nocont bystander nt a Chicago strlko riot, him rather hardly and the old mnn was be- It was a brick." ginning to look a llttlo worso for wear, -when tho lawyer said: t'i. . v a "You say you ore a doctor?" lllirty ICarS AgO "Yes, sir; In a way, I am." "What kind of a doctor, may I ask?" The Honry County (Mo.) Hopubllcan con- "I mako Mntmcnts, sir. I mako 'Intmonts." tlnucs its republication of Interesting mat- "Oh, ointments. And what may your olnt- tor from tho columns of Its early-day prodo mrnt bo good for?" cossor, tho Clinton Advocate Frcm tho ln- "It's good to rub on tho hend, to stallmcnt In tho current Issue tho following strengthen tho mind, sir." ' Is token: In ono of tho March (1870) Issuot "What effect, for InBtnnce, would It hnva of tho Advocate tho editor complained of tho If I woro to rub snmo of It on my head?" "m nttondnncu nt tho churches, which ho "None nt all, sir; nnno nt nil. You mint attributed to tho non-arrival of tho spring havo something to start with, you know." fashions frcm St. Iouls. This was an In- Tho lawyer curled up a llttlo and tho old tolerablo condition to tho pious olltor. so. mnn felt proportionately better. wlt ft vlow to encouraging his feminine ($ roadors to attend dlvlno services, ho turnol An elderly man, wearing nn oxqutitlto pair to ono of his "corps of special correspond ed buicnldd whiskers nnd gold-rlmmed spec- aits" for enllglitenment and tho result was tncles, wns arraigned In tho Jofferson Mar- a lengthy "fashion letter" from "Tromont," kot court on a charge of Intoxication, reports who happened to bo In St. Louis at tho tlmo. tho Now Yoik Sun. It wis published In tho Issue of April 14, "What hnvo you got to say to tho chargo7" nnd Is Interesting now chiefly becniiso of tho tho magistrate nBkcd. "Woro you drunk?" great chango In styles since that tlmo. "Ahcml" replied tho prisoner, nfter boiiic Kach nrttclo of femlnlno adornment wns do lietiltatlnn. "Tho question Is rather embnr- scribed separately, beginning with hats. raFcIng, but, of courso, I do not want to np- Aftor this camo "chignons nnd switches," poar to contradict tho pollcomnn, who, in- ono of which, "a Bnell now waterfall," Trc deed, wns very kind." mont doscrlbed In detail. "It was round "How did It happen?" Inquired tho mngls- measuring two foot In diameter nnd weighed trnto. three pounds. It wns composed of brown "Soma kind of npw drink, you know, wool ynrn covered with hnlr that once ltcnlly, I don't know tho nnmo of It, but It ndomed tho end or a cow's tall, 'ino rctnii was dreadfully mixed, nnd also very so- prlco wns G. Tho switches aro compeflod ductlvo. I nm sure your honor, that yon of tho snmo material nnd havo tho exact would know It if I could only descrlbo It nppenranco of horses' tails amputated close proporly." to tho body of tho nnlmnl. No lady is won "I nm sum I wouldn't." tho maclstrato dressed who has not attached to her head replied. "I am no expert. Hut whero did one or tho othor of theao wondorful articles." you get It?" Drosses woro worn short upon tho street "Whoro7" tho prisoner repented, In a nur- with panniers nnd othor ornaments which nrlsed mnnnor. "Whv. von know, of course tho fashion writer confosscd ho wns unnb'o right over hero It's pecullnr that I can't re- to namo or descrlbo. For party or evening member Ilia nnmo of tho streot. nut you rosh "trails" woro being worn. "Drcs3es know It, Judge, I nm sure." nro cut low, nnd chomlscttos of laco, rucho, "I don't know tho lenst thing about It," "to., aro mndo vlslblo theroby. Hoop skirts retorted tho magistrate, with omphasls. and still maintain their onvlablo position, nnd, hU manner beenmo sovero. "How many of though stilt encircling tho snmo precious tlinan Mndnetlvi. drink .ll.l vmi lmvo?" forms, nro fnr less conspicuous nnd troublo- "Iloally, your honor, I cannot toll, but I "omo to outsiders than formerly. Tho fnsh nm sure you" lonablo slzo is sevonty-two inches nt tho Tim mn fixtrntn iironuiif iinwn Mm envoi nn bottom and as large or larger nt tho top. tho desk with a snap thnt made tho prisoner Tho now patent adjustable bustle Is now a jump. necessity nnd Is ns universally worn ns MTlm tmnlnn vnp linnnp Mm Inttni linn. BW itches nnd palpltntors." Tho rnBljion in tened to sny. "but I only mennt to sny that blgh-liccled shoes had roiched Its oxtromo. you may snfely presume that I had ftvo or' According to "Tremont" the swell adlos of six, or mnybo It wns hIsc or seven, or It might St. IV till were wearing shoes with hco s oven hnvo been seven or eight, or-" '"" Inchw high nnd one Inch wide, roqulr- "That will do," tho innglstrnto Interrupted oro "ul" to wnlk In than a pair of him. "I know ono thing iww, which Is thn' rol,or I shall Imvn to flno you nnd I am sure yo.V.,h" l?n? l!rtr.:,Try "" A Bachelor's Reflections age,, to say wn.io mn policeman ..rngge, mm Now, ywk Vnw. N K,r, OTfr J1UlH, mnn uut g. . m.u u ..mm. ...ii. .......... ,m (1(,n,t v0 t b( g,aJ , ,t kuov, nn niroui u. Tll() (lovU hivontod heresy so that tho churches .would bo so busy they would lot rne colonel s uoinance him aiom.. In this world tho klckor always gets the Chicago Times-Herald: "Colonel," Ml el tho thing" that tho man who hates to kick romnntlo girl, "tell mo how you got that scar doesn't flrscrvo to got. tion our left chcok. Oh, I Just know It must Whoii a womnn ond by not marrying a bo a thrilling story. Wns It made by a bul- man It Is always either becniiso ho has got let or a saber thrust? I profpr n sabor too wlso or ilso becnuso sho has got to thrust. It scorns so much moro llko tho frnlLsh. knlghthroit of old. You enn't seo a liullot Hvory man who Is In lovo has times when coming, nnd I hero Is no wny to escape It or ho envies tho nncirnt Ilrltona. When nn combat It. Hut when your .enemy rushivs nt nnclont Hrlton saw n woman ho wanted he you with his uplifted rnber thero Is tho poa- ,weut IV r her with a club nnd brought her ulblllty of parrying lim blow nnd cutting homo slung over his shoulder. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL $l,()0(,0)(. J. II. MILLARD, President, WM. WALLACE, Cashier. Examine the Package ! In view of the many misleading and unscrupulous Imitations of " Baker's Chocolate " which have recently been put upon tho market, we find It neces- sary to caution consumers against these attempts to deceive and to ask them to examine every package they purchase, and make sure that it has on the Iront a yellow label, with f( our name and place of manufacture, WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., DORCHESTER, MASS., .rl-nlk "La Belle Chocolatlere" U your grocer does not keep the genuine article, please let ns know, nnd wn will nndnavnr in nut vou in tho wav of getting it. Send for a copy of our Chokt Ftcip book, mailed free to any ap plicant who mentions this paper. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited, Dorchester, Mum. (TAIUtHCD 1TM. WW TNAOCMANK PURELY A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. Onmlin, Nfb., Ajtrll lOlli,' IS!)!). Olmrlofl 14. Ally, CScnurtil Agent , ( Niitloiuil Life IiiHUrnnco Co., Onifilni, XclirusU'n. Dear Kir: I lmvo t-iirrlcd u l'ollt'y In your Compiiny xlneo .lunu 1st, 1888, nml expect to con llnuc II, bcllovhif; as I do tlio Gompany you represent In one of the best ninnnKod, and, for Its liabili ties, one of tilts safest Life Insurance Companies In this or any other country, and I take pleasure In coiiKralnlatliiK you In having so excellent accompany to represent atid to present to the citizens of the State of Nebraska, believing they will always find the National Life Insurance Company not only responsible for Its liabilities, but ready to settle any losses promptly nnd In a fair way. Yours truly, J. H. MILLARD. WANTED Men of character, energy and ability to represent the National Life Insurance Co. in Nebraska. OFFICE SUPPLIES AND STATIONERY RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES All the I.iullfN r.nt Gold Medal Chocolate Bon Bons I, II, !l nml ."i-imiiiikI Iioxvn, OOc n ioiiiiil. W. S Balduff, 1RSSO I'nriiiiiu St., Onmlin. fl $12 BatH GablnetX$5.0C Our new 1UOV tjlt Nuurc Uukii auttruntHi Imiiot ftll cabineU at an1 trloti. Hue reul door on hlnuem tier rramf, bt mntriali. rubtmr Mnwi roldd Ant, IfwU 3) yeum. Turkltb auv. Vamr baths at homi Uti inch. i)mi. the million of iris twnuU fUonh nut or uin uto4Mit komi joii ciean ana liMttSr. tiflfiuliflM mimnlMilnn. lhv. trla. m rrronmirntl li lor t'oldt, La uripfM,uiirumutUm,i'uralala,ilic II. Ktmnlt lit, nil UIimmI. frLln. I.Vurve or Ktilnfir tricublra. Monnv rn- funiloU atir SU dart uh, If not rtirewntd. Price with hentar. dlrcthii. formula, I5.U). Face Htftnninr G uuaitra. urMrriMi mum aiaauie ikoun rur.h Is Wo. HplraJM "rllf is AOENTA WANTED. WorlTurW. I'o.. ST WorlJ U'liT.. nnflnnatL O. We ttcommend above ,fitm at rtitalU,iidtiu$ aaaaK aaa "THB BUST BEAUTY. nt But Mi Scriwiy NccU KOHfld, PIpbd OnciM. (UUW TO IEOUUK 1T.I Ihl. U tho thin an IntsrvKtintf IIIuh. irmtu uuuk, wiiic we will mull. mh p , In 11 ilaln rntaloi' I fur (la aMnit. 1 tall, liow (without tliauMiuf ilniita)aii)r i laur niajr im va lltura. tn la of Hun. ih A e.l f ml T (illllltt'H 101 l'CIIH, UT ktohh I'XiiliroiiU'M 01H I'll 1 (Mi ii l'viin, hit ui-oxn Sii-ncirliiii I'i'iia, icr itronn Ai-hoIiI'm l'lnlil, iiiiiirtH, pit iloxpn Suiifiiril'H t'toiitiin l'lmtr, H n. i-nt'li .Iiiliiiim l'n In-r'H llexiiKOii Ollt 1'eiiPlln, ih't uroNM At. i, oriir.ii oi'i'icii strri.n:s a.m statkixickv just as low. Afiiii'iif lllimtrutril tiiriituftic t'HKIi. OMAHA PRINTING COMPANY, OMAHA, NEB. .ir, .15 .NO .IfS.OO .:to . i.r.o J. A. KERVAN merchant ldil6f Foreign and VWIVI Domestic un"lowc lso LuUlcs Tallur-AIadu Gowns, Skirts mid Jackets made to order. Gentlemen's Suits from $30 to $50. Ladies' Suits from $20 to $60. 422 SOUTH I5TH ST S3.75 rofuiul free j ov cone, l i rifrct and attract-, IV Kim the plalnnt foriUIMi fivura can bo traua- to una n u a a nl y tiauutr, au 1 ii a r Ii and tiH-lnntlnu. I 'Write to day ancloa- t I K.oii corrtNii'.Miiivni'v rinniicniiai. Auareuu, rcAu mtuitmt CO., CIcrclHd, O. w evev eVav eVaV w llOSKWOOl) Oil HKAI. I'.ltO.W M1MTAHY HAIIt IIHUSIIISS I1IHKCT KHOM TIIR KACTOllY Theso tnllltnry hair brushes are tihe flnost thnt enn tio mndo. Tho bncka aro of soldi ebony or hnndsomply floured rosewood. The moimtliiRR nro of heavy stcrllni; Bllver. The bristles arc tho best whlto alberlun Htoek. So conddent nro we thnt they will please you thnt wo will send you n pnlr by express C. O. D., subject to your approval. If you llko thorn, pay tho oxprcssrmnn J3.75; If not roturn them nt our expenso. Or, If you pre fer to nay cash In ndvance. Bond im M.fii tnr , . ,.ft Dt,lr nn'l If not perfectly satisfied, wo will your money In fill . Hentilar retail prlco 17.50. Initials (thrco or less) encrnve.l or three. lOo tier Initial: monocrnms Win nvtrn Hr.ni ,i .00. CntriloBue of toilet reimlsltes PHKR. " 1 IIOXIIY MKH. CO., 71 IO.XIA ST., (3IIA.VII 1IAIMDS, MICIf. dAP f?05E: SOMP LEARN MAGNETIC HI AUNG. Frloml, If you nro IntorcBted In tho Ck'ciilt, then send dliiiudiono fno) for Dr. Nairnl's "LARGE ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE" Tenelica you Moirni'tlo Heallint , Hypnollani. I'aycliolory, Clair voynnco, Mind Acadlnir, UioukIiW triiiiati'roiico (ai In abm'iil lii al. Inir), VIhIuiih, IJrrnmB, True Me. iltiiiii bill p. II 1 (1 d ii u TrrnBiiirn, bow Ip It onto with Dlvlnliif Uod, BuccoaB In Iluatnasn.oto. t'ili peday In your own ortlco. L:idy or aentb'iiiiin, this myat rlous mair iiilun will clmnn you from ata'tto tliilsli. AiMrvHs nt oneo, l)r. I'b. Nagol, Uoit. Il Ilox aui, ll-ail-liw, I'a. -Ir'aJaa Ei.H "HAVE ROOT PRINT IT" 1 rimer 1609 HOWARD t TREET BOOK BINDER BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER OMAHA A superb pure, transparent Glycerin Soap. A most satisfactory and eco nomical adjunct to the Toilet and Bath. A large cake, Ten Cents. Jas. S Kirk & Co., Chicago. to aaTaBBkaV . laV-S T WONDERFUL I00K ON HYPNOTI8M FREE TO ILL I , - i NOTIIIHOONKAnTIIUltlllooollimU.marri.u,.ri,TrS2r.7. ,'. Hrl 1 WaWli 1 i,lV.J? S?TiWJf Essi'sr ; ?,.v,jc.' "! .'" .Kr '., "trim i iu niuiif ivr laniiiDg wooacr, lOQi. In uir ib laiertt IXUItl It r Dual id i nmijy u.oummu.iii, irwoi tad public, tr fullr diicu.M-d. Vou rt V d f hi rH- t.il. A.ltol4.,TIIKR0Ok'lSrilEI!. Vrll.fo"a Mp, ttnA aad .m TwUI 1..,. iow II ii ii turn bv turn ridiculous. rthttl4. humorau. .n.i t.7.i: to. ruoiio i rtiuk iu emibiii. ll dr.wi tl( rro.d. of pcopf.. wiuxTer n lit pnwl. san u.ki pl.l. ormoar;. I .now jrou tow IM. en l din.: Th. ,h. ..,f. .. I:,. ' Km lo Ih. M tit.f lo. .nirpooilMu." Thl. I. .a .Irgtot book wbleb b... publllhH I la lt..u o( mr kU, I (1 K IT A WAV FllKK. You b.v. onlj lo write for Ii br l"l"'r ir . Koi bn. nl II wu J.l IU peru..l .111 ,1,, ,.u pl,i.ur. tod pril. TVoa "u a llfl-om A lo Z all about ihli aiv.trlou. .n.i tenn....;..kir. .At il.':.. !0.w.,,, Ir.ne. I. ...,,.UI lo .... Tfe- .Vh...T". ... .r.'ir.V.V"! -""T1 1 Hi bW'j 'Vll LLvSJv ' pNNNF H