Mny (!, 1000. many divisions, aro universally Mohatnmo Uans. The Siiviiki'H of Mliiiliiiuiu, Leaving tho Moros (or tho tlmo I will wrlto, flrst about tho savagca of Mindanao. They are bo little known that tho ethnolo gists ot our Smithsonian Institution and geological survey will have years of work In bringing forth to tho world their pecu liarities of life, customs and language. Tho most ot them go about In brccchclotha, Many of them live in tho tops ot trees, and Homo tnako their homes In hollow logs. Among them aro tho Negritos, or Ht tlo Ncgros, Blmllar to tho littlo blacks found In Luzon. Thero are- tribes ot thceu scattered over Mindanao, ono containing about 2,000, called Manuas, living In tho ponlnsula ot Surlgao. Thceo people uso poisoned arrows and aro extremely savage. They aro ot a low stato ot Intelligence and It Is extremely doubtful It they could ever bo civilized. Not far from the Rio Orande river thero Is a raco of savagea called tho Toruraycs, who llvo In tho mountains. Their houses built on bamboo poles, tho flrst floor being about twclvo feet above tho ground. The Inhabitants get Into their houses by crawling up a notched stick, which they pull up at night. Tho houses aro mado of thatch and bamboo poles and arc usually very small. In some cases they consist of only a roof and floor, being without walls of any kind, and having only posts at tho corners to support the root. These people go almost jiaketl. A man who has Just re turned from a trip among them says that tho men ho saw woro squares of cloth sus pended from n string around their waists and women woro skirts which were not more than a foot long. Tho women had brass rings on their ankloa and wrists, Tha men wero armed with bows and nrrows and spears. Tho weapons were polsonod, the poison coming from a trco which grows In tho mountains. Tho Mlndayas aro a Btrango pcoplo who llvo In tho eastern part ot this Island, not far from Matl. Wo hnvo recently esta)- ROSEWOOD nitlDOE AT ZAMHOANQA. llshed a garrison at that point and we shortly hope to got something concerning them. They havo fair skins and look not unllko Europeans. In addition to theso thero are many other tribes, some of whom, such as the Dagobos, Atas, Guyangas and Tagacolcs, aro notorious for having human sacrifices. Many of tho savages are head hunters and all are supposed to bo unfriendly to the whltee. As to this, howover, nothing certain can bo known until explorations can be made. Such of the soldiers as have gono Into the mountains have not been molested and tho probability Is that It tho pcoplo aro kindly treated there will bo ltttlo trouble with thmm' ... . L ,,. , The problem of handling them and ho Moros Is a most serious one, especially the Moros. This, so far, has been most ad- mlrably done by General nates, but whother tho policy will hold good Is yet to be seen. I nnd tho Moros a most Interesting people. Thoro aro In the neighborhood of 200 000 ot them on this Island. They havo villages ovorywhero along tho coast and about tho lakes of tho Interior. Thero aro large num- bors of them about Zamboanga and I aeo wiuiu every wuuru. mcy uru nauii-auvuus, but their civilization, history and character nro such that I will have to devote ono or more special letters to describing them. They have caused the Spaniards trouble for centuries and until now have Btcadlly re sisted any union of olther religion or gov ernment with tho whites. A Ilnynl Principality. In this letter I should like to give some Idea of the resources ot Mindanao, I'or, as I have said I consider It one ot tho most Im portant parts of our possessions. I havo spoken ot tho timber. Tho best of the hard woods of tho archipelago aro to bo found hore. Tho mountains aro coverod with trees. In traveling along tho east and eouth coastB you see wooded hills rising ono above, tho other, extending on and on until they Ioo themselves in the clouds, which In this lat itude always hang low. The woods are ma hogany, rcsowood, ebony and many other varieties. Hero at Zamboanga the buildings occupied by our troops aro floored with ma hogany. Tho soldiers stamp with their heavy boots over tho boards which would mako plann tops and I rodo my horso today across tho canal over a wooden brldgo which, with the proper machinery, might have been turned Into a ISO dinner table. At the head quarters yesterday I put my feet on a ro3c- PEOPLE OK wood floor under tho mahogany tablo of RIERS. mmmmmmmtmmmmmKmmmmmmmKmmmmmYmL 1IANANA THKK, 15 FEET HIGH Mil. STANDS ON FENCE TO OIVE AN Colonel Pettlt and this morning took a ride In a dugout, fifty feet long, gouged out of a log which In tho United States would havo been turned Into walking sticks worth a dollar apleco. Rosewood Is In fact tho oak of Mindanao and mahogany Is as common as plno In Wisconsin. Tho question as to why Uio Spaniards did not develop tho timber resources of tho islands la often asked. Tho reason probably 3 that they thought they could mko m0re by taxing foreigners who attempted to do so. They put the taxes too high, how- cvcr and In this way provented development, Thoy had rigid forestry laws. The lumber j,aii to be handled In a cortaln way. The loBs must bo cut JuBt B0' and thero woro 60 many foc8 nnd restrictions that every big )unlbcr company which attempted to operate fnnca. Today thore aro many men looking lnl0 tho lumDer Interests and eventually BawrailB Wj, bo established. Thero aro a fl)W mUa noro now but moat ot tho Bawing um, panns Is ,iono by hand. Thoso who brInB tho mls Bnouid romembcr that the W00(, ,a ycry nard nnd that tbo clrcuiar BQWB wJlch wo commoniy uso wm not cut ,(i no MWg wllch nn found , work bwt MINDANAO TUB TWO WITH EflHBl l'i OMAHA I L LUST HATED BEE. CAHl'ENTEIt, WHO IS G FEET 8 INCHEis, IDEA OF THE HBIOHT. aro thoso which go up and down and band saws, or Rang saws, would probably work, (in 111 mill Colli Ml lion. Mindanao Is believed to bo the richest ot tho Philippines in Its mineral deposits. Coil Is known to exist In n number ot tho prov lnccs, and I am told that largo deposlsa havo been recently discovered not far from tho northern coast. I mot the other day a Ir.wyer from Portland, Ore., who claimed to havo eocurod an option on theso mines, and who says bo will soon start to tho United States to organlzo a company for their ex ploitation. There Is somo coal not far from Krmboanga, but as to Its quality or that In tho north I havo not yot been able to lenrn. Tho gold propositions aro equally In definite. Thero Is no doubt but that thore Is gold In tho streams In many parts of Mindanao, but whctlior It cxlstn In paying quantltlm has not yet been determined. Foreman, a man who has written tho best book about tho Islands, speaks of a French man who for a leng tlmo washod about four pounds of gold dust a month out ot the Surlgao district. Tha Chlnoso havo been buying gold from tho natives, and tracca ot mines havo boon (Uncovered In a number of places near hero by prospectors. Thero aro a number of Callfornlans and Australians alreadv In tha mountains hut ng yet( owing to tho savago conditions, but jew navo ventured far. A rormor hospital stoward named Handy, wno Camo out hero with tho army In 1898, has Just registered flvo claims with tho judge dvocato general at tho hcadquartors nor0i There Is as yet no law as to rocord- ng aUCn claims, but ho has left his matters n tn8 Bnapo In ordor that ho may estab- gj, nis claims when tho laws as to mining property aro settled. This man resigned from tho army somo tlmo ago, and has elnco devoted himself to prospecting, n has gono with tho Moros back Into n country where tho man who enters Is hup- Psxl to tako hla llfo In his hands. Ho interested tho Moros with him. taking up claims for thorn at tho samo time. Ho says ho was well treatod ovorywhere, and that although ho had $300 In his valise, which was unlocked, It was not stolen. His ciamB )0 niong a river at a distance of nbout forty miles Inland from Zamboanga, Ho claims that ho found color In ovcry pit ho oxcnVatcd, and that In many places the gold was found In paying quantities, al- thoUgh n0 dld 3t g0 down to bedrock. I1AMIIOO TUDES ARE WATER CAlt- PURE RYE Full 8 fill 11 1 m mMC Quarts Direct from Distiller to Consumer. Our entire product Is sold direct to consumers, you thus avoid adulteration and mid dlemen's profits. If you want pure whiskey for medicinal purposes or otherwise, read the following offer. It will Interest you. Wo will send four full quart bottles of llayner's Seven Year-Old Doublo Copper Dis tilled RyoWhiskey for $3.20, Empress Prepaid. Wo ship in plain packages no marks to indicate contents. When you get it and test it, if it is not satisfactory return it at our cipenso and we will return your $3.20. JfflE i hayners gtVQJ - msmB 5; mm WRITE TO NEAREST ADDRESS Tlir tIAVMCD niCTII I IMP OH inC nHmCn UIOI ILLIUU Wo cuarantco trio ubovo Company "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-OLRAN1NC. llu has biought somo samples ot gold In with hltn. It Is In Hakes Ulo bran and Ib absolutely pure. At ono place tho Moros took him to some mines which had been worked by their peo ple forty years ngo, but from which they hnd been driven by tho Spaniards. The remains of tbo workings could bo plainly suit), although largu treed hud grown up In the pits. Ono of tho captains, who Is stationed at tho bay of Ulniin, about 100 miles cast ot here, tells mo hu has found colors In tho sands of tho Rio O ramie liver and similar nows conies from tho provlaco cf Da van. before this letter In published the soldiers will bo well established uloug the northern coast of tho Island. This has beon tho Eourco of thu most cf tho gold found hero In tho past and It may bo that valuable grid discoveries will bo una do thore. Cop per Is said tn exist In Surlgao and other piovliico" rwul thero li nlto mild to bo uior cury In I. unit of C'iii'oiiiiiiIm. Tho real gold mines of Mindanao, how evor, Ho In Its soil. I cannot descrlbo tho wonderful vegetation which wo have hero about Zamboanga. Thoro nro coconnul troos by tho million, and such cocoanut trees! They nro from fifty to a bundle foot high, nnd somo of them bearing, It Is said, a cocoanut for overy day of tho year. Thoy wall tho shorn of eastern Mindanao for miles. You might almost rldo for days horo and not got out of sight of a cocoanut grovo Many of tho trees nro notched so that the men who gather tho nuts walk, as It wtro, from tho bottom of tho trco to the top on stops. Thoy tako tho meat from tho nuts, chop It Into little pieces nnd dry It In the sun. It Is then known no copra, nnd In this uliapo is shipped to Europe, whero tho oil Is pressed from It for uso In tho making of soap and othor such thing What would you think of turning a spigot and getting a glass of wlno from a tree? Woll, this very thing Is dene down here Tho natives draw their wlno nnd whisky from tho cocoanut trees. Thoy cut oft tho blossoms and fasten to them bamboo tubos, Into which tho sap runs. Evory sa often they rcmovo tho tube nnd empty tho liquid Into another bamboo. After being left for six hours It begins to ferment and befuro tho day Is over It Is turned Into n liquor, which, aa tho Indians say, "will mako tho drunk como." Tho stuff looks llko elder and smells to mo soinowhat llko old but- tormllk. It Is drunk by tho natives both fresh and formcntcd. I see many coffee trees In my country drives nbout Zamboanga. Tho trees grow easily and produce excellent berries, I un derstand that tho soil of almost any part of tho coast will ralso coffee, and If this Is bo It should be oven bettor In tho moun tains. Somo of tho best coffoo In tho world comes from Java, which Is only a few hun drcd miles to tho southward, nnd It may bo that this Island Is destined to equal the groat Dutch colony In Its coffuo plantations If so, It will support an enormous popula tion. It Is almost as largo as Java, and that Island has 24,000,000 pooplo upon It, about one-third ns many as aro In tho Unite! States. Almost anything can bo raised In Minda nao. I seo banana trees hero up to fifteen feet high. Thoy towor abovo you, shading tho ground and producing tho most delicious fruit. I have visited Inrgo hemp plontn tlons and am told that somo provinces pro duce as much as 1,000,000 worth ot hemp every year. Cacao Is albo raised, and scat tered hero and thero over tho lowlands aro sugar plantations. Tho most ot theso aro In tho hands of Vlsayans, Zamboanguonlans and Chlnoso, the Moros owning practically nothing except their villages and cattlo The country Is a rich grazing country nnd numbers cf cattlo aro now being sblppod north to tho Manila market. FRANK Q. CARPENTER. 7 WHISKEY for $ .20 Express Charges Prepaid. One hundred and fifty thou sand customers throughout the United States use our whiskey. Ample testimony as to Its purity and quality, is it not f Save tho enormous profits YCAn - Ol - " of the middlemen. ;uclil whiskey as we offer for $3.20 cannot be had elsewhere for less than $5. Our distillery was established In 1866. 33 years' reputation Is behind our whiskey. Krftrrnre-MMe NaI'I Itonk, I St. I oulvlhlrd Nflt'ltlank, liton, or any of the I (.ompanlrt. Onlrrn tor Arli., Onlo., Out., Ilinilli, .illilil., nPT.i orn I Ore, ITInti Wnnli., Wyn.. nitint mil lurvuiiunrn ny micni, rrniti. .105-3078. Sovonth8t.,St.Louls,Mo. UU. 220-232 W. Fifth St., Dayton, Ohio. will do Juit as It ngrecs. Kmtoii. 1 nhon tie Arnica. Snvon Dentifrice tt'Arntcu. Arnica Xulm Sclfc. The Only International Dentifrice. The Standard for 30 curs. Prwnrvi'H anil hllin Mm tiotli, ulrenKtlii'iiii tlll KIIIUH MHeUtl'llMllO lirotitli. hi 35c at All Druggists. STRONO&CO., Props. .Chlcnuo, U.S.A. m How much will it cost to have It printed right? m m m m i m m m m m m r n m Waters Bros. & Company Printers, Publishers and mbossers 'Phone 2190. Boyd theatre Bldo. Ui tii ib lb ib tb tb tb tb tb Mrs. Winston's Sootlilnur Syrup. Una beon used for over FIFTY YEARS by MIMdONH of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHIMS TEETH I NO, with PER FECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CUtJ-p, HTlFT-HNH Ili OHMS. AI.I..AYH nil PAIrf. CtJTVRS WIND COIdC. nnd Is the best rem- ody for DIARRHOEA. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Hn sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," mil tako no other kind. Twenty-five cents i bottle REST YOUR H&flD! Rite. In. W.ijht, about t tb. tddt, ffeMrtrts, Hatttptlrt. UMdw, et mi an coiumni tuiorotiicftiif, hum irtaof fUtdnrnrit HiKirUWnU! llrtliit Al lUftretirci. 2 Yan (Juirnito, tOIjVTrUL lUqutriUitnMtltIltttkltfi 1 IrKkMuhUtl' III lu La HALL NT., IUW4UU. ILL., U, . 3 YOU MAKE $52 A DAY EASY Uuia. Mlvrr, Mrkt l and Mctul lUtln, AlllUIUV or If! V Jllikt, IHllllf urUrrfl, UI1UC, ICIIIUf I'rur. ur? Bf hiar. ruin wich'. . J- arntr Thl.-ra MttmrXmm ll tn.lil lj r"u. onl' irrr.itt I MMtro mtihi.)!, Noion. WrdopUl Uf mtkaouiQia, all lin. Couplet, 1f-rork. Thr. ltuvsl. nrw iliDnlna lirocnt quick, rtr. U Ifueh fou ib an, futiilh awr-1 f rinilaa fri'fw i'rt'Hnlr I'unrhll, aamr. a, rt, FKICK J. 4; It A V A- CO., J'Juttiitr U'urLa, 4 INI.VVVI I, O, Brass Band Intrumntt Itruma, rulrurai V "ujip lit. WrltH foi Cfttftlotf. 444 uiuatr.tiiuiu, hum h kiths id formatluu for muilclsnaand now Lttiij.. uYON & HCALY, 3 1 mm flU iUm HI., CIIIUUU,