Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1900, Page 5, Image 17

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    Mny 0, 1000.
American Woman Outbids
The Prince of Wales
Tho modo In London nt tlio moment Is to ovorlndulgenco at tnblo nnd leading In Ren
own a crystal ball, nt least every ono oral a lazy. Indolent existence,
must bo nblo to talk Intelligently on tlio sub- 1' she. has "t tbo courage to mako tbese
Ject. Probably the preHent passion of the sacrifices she must say goodby to beauty of
prlnco of Wales for collecting historic and form. Sho will then Join tho overflowing
flno specimens of crjstnls has had much to ranks of women who, when they have passed
do with this stato of things and has nlsa tho ago of .10, make, no further pretensions
kindled tho dealers nnd Importers of them to beauty of figure.
to unearth a number of formerly obscure If, on the contrary, her trouble be an un-
trcasures. Tho crnzo Is spreading rapidly. Nightly leanness of body and limb, which
In this country Miss Helen fjould Is n sttt- makes It Impossible for her even to nppenr
dent of crystals and owns n very beautiful In either becoming evening gown or smait
one. It Is an unusually largo one, ih free
from blemishes nnd cost several thousand
dollars. Miss Gould has It set up In tho
center of a much darkened ro in, which la
lit from tho top, and where It can bo ftool
from tho rellcctlon of other things. Its own
representations can then bo Bought for within
Its depth.
As Is well known, these balls hnvo for
centuries enjoyed tho reputation of being
prophetic and revealing to their students
secrets of tho future. Among the nnclont
HobrowB thero wero those who regarded
crystal gazing ns a ready means of finding
Clod. Tho Becker nfter truth usually mut
tered over tho globo n numbor of prayers
nnd then delivered it over to n youth or
maiden, noted for purity of living nnd the
powor to dlvlno Its revolutions. Sometimes
written characters wero seen which wore
afterwards Interpreted by tho sages. Spirits
also nppeared to invoke tho good. Ily many
of the present day, who have to do with
thcflo balls, It Is Bald that seeing things In
them Is through some astral nnd unex
plained condition.
Apart, however, from any o:cult Interest,
thero Is nn Immense amount of beauty In
tho crystnl themselves. They aro more like
rare gems than pieces of brlc-n-brnc. and
soothingly cool and agreeable to the touch.
In fact, this Is one means of distinguishing
them from glass. The glass becomes wavm
when exp-sed to heal, while tho crystal
nlways remains cold.
Tho finest specimens of these balls are
said to be thoso that come, from Japan nnd
which are claimed by many to have a moro
distinct gleam of whlto In them than any
others. In Japan, too, they aro polished by
hand, tho art being highly esteemed and
passing In certain families from father to
son through many generations. Sometlmo?
tho work on a crystal begun by ono man
will thus only reach a fltato of completeness
under his grandson.
Many nstonlshlngly flno bits of crystal
hevo been found In California and made by
machinery Into beautiful Bpheres. Tho work
Is so skillfully dono that It baffles tho ex
perts to toll them from thoso moulded and
polished by hand. Tho largest ball that th'B
country enn boast of having produced
measures seven nnd thrco-slxtoenth Inches
In diameter. It Is not free from cloud-lino
waves of Imperfections, or Its vnluo would
In tho direction the moans camo from, Mack
was almrst exhausted nnd could scarcely
speak. Sho took him In her strong aniiB nn.l
carried him to her cot, whero bIio made him
comfortable. Tho cowboys had started out
to attend to their horses and Miss Klggs and
her aged father wero nlono at tho ranch
house. Sho bandaged tho wound of tho In
jured mnu, nnd, learning tho story of the
shooting, quick u a Hash bucklod her six
shooter, which hung In a belt on thu wall,
about her waist nnd was oft to tho corral.
Thero bIio summoned ono of tho cowboys
to attend to tho Injured man until her re
turn, and, saddling ono of her fastest lurson,
started on u run along tho trail, which cut
across tho foothills to Fort Grant, whero ahu
told tho c Ulcers what had taken place. A de
tachment of cavalry wns at onco ordorod to
ruturn with tho young woman and run down
thu Indians It possible.
"Wo get sight of tho Apaches and wo never
lost thorn," said Miss Klggs when sho re
turned from tho trip. "Tho Indians that
went toward tho pass wuro suro clever, for
they left tho trail ono at a time, half a
irllo or so apart, and boro off toward tun
high places whera tho band wo followed
hit for. Tho places whero they loft tho
trail wero picked out so that tho eoldleis
would not bo oblc to toll unless thoy got
killed boforo wo could engage the attention tduidtnt nnd varied tones of blue make li
of tho Apaches. very becoming, and the stylo laving a
"'Don't go any further; I'm going to folded glrdlo nnd lulero Jackut nddd grace
shoot,' I said to tho men, and they Jumped to tho garment n a whole,
townrd mo and tried to tako my rlllo from The pretty little green and white foulard
me. frock for a t3-yoni-old lassie. Is attractive.
" 'Can't you sec that tho Indians aro get- it M rather elnborulely trimmed with
ting ready to lire on tlio soldiers and they hoavy cream lace, edged with Htltrhod bandi
will be right In rango In a few minutes. Let of whlto tnlTeta. Tho hnl Is a leghorn
mo alone. I know what I'm about.' I mla. having n torded bilk erown and Is ilrtwo.l
and I pulled away from the men, trok go id with whlto rosea and knots of bla'U elvoi
aim and llred. Thu Apaeho who wiu slowly ribbon,
leading tho soldiers dropped from his horse
dead, nnd down wu nil went on tho ground WOCS OI IMC VVCUUCU
btihlnd n big rock. Tho soldiers stopped In
their tracks when tho Indian fell, the am- Philadelphia Call. "Maria," mild .Mr.
buthed redskins acted like crazy nnai and Smart, "whenever I go to the club I nlw.iys
tho soldiers bunched together and flviiimI think uf the verse. 'Whom tho wicked con.e
uncertain what to do. from troubling and the wtury arc at rest
"I saw that tho Indians had loaned our 1 alter one word and feel perfectly h.ippy."
"Which wrd do you change?" nuked Mra.
"1 say, 'Now 1 nut whero tho women
cease fruit troubling and the weary are at
nt." "
"John Smart," said his wlfo severely, "ynu
should change a word lu tho list part of
that. It should be, 'Whero tho women
eeaso from troubling and tho wicked are at
rest.' "
Huston Transcript: "There goes u man,"
Willi Mr. Sherlock Holmes, "who U com
pletely under petticoat government."
"Of course you know something about the
inun?" suggested the Interested Into lociitor.
"Nevor saw him before In my life," re
plied tho great detective. "It Is all n part
of my nrt. Perhnps you saw him kick that
dog Just n moment ngo? Well, ho spoko In
an angry manner to tho newsboy at tho
comer. Tho Incvltnblo Inference Is that
his wlfo Is n llttlo bit of n woman and that
he Is afraid to death of her."
H.iltlmoro American: "Say," said Hit
man with tho worried look, "do you remem
ber giving mo a lot of ndvlco on how to con
duct my lovo affairs about two months ago?"
'Yea," replied the mnu with tho wise
"Told mo if I wanted to win tho girl I
should mako lovo to her mother!"
"Said If I could get tho old lady on my
side nil 1 had to do was to loddlo around
with a ring and say 'When?' to tho girl."
Tho wise man nodded.
"Said for mo to compliment the mother
on her youthful appearance," continued the
worried man, "nnd glvo her a Jolly nbout
how sad It was that tlio young ladles of
the present wero not to bo compared with
those of tlio past?"
"Yes, yes! You won tho girl, I sup
poso?" "Yes, I did not. Tho old lady has sued
her husband for divorce, and mo for broich
of promise."
Thoro Is a young woman In Topoka, Kim.,
who thinks that being married ought to ho
nil tho qualification required for a woman
to tin untitled to vote. A young woman ami
off their horses and plcko.1 about In tho hiding placo and their rifles ware trained lu her husband presented tliemselvm beforo
grass whero tho blades wero knocked down OUr direction. It would no do for us to Commissioner of Election Yount tho other
tnllnr frnoW. ntin fihnnlil. with tin, nil! nf linlh nml trnmnlfxl. Alt but nnn of the Indians t.w.v,, IwirtmiH,, vvi, rniilil mil flm nt fulfil loim ilav nml r,xi nested thu nrlvlleco of reglstor-
bo very great. In parsing It may hero be ulul am, gymllaHum, HCt nbout developing Jumped tho trull, nnd tho ono who stayod rnngo' with six-shooters, und tho soldiers ng thclr mimes. Tho mnn said ho wanted
mim iw iuihu umiiuil ui inw.u nuiui wu UL,r form to tuo utmost. It Is her duty to with It led tho soldiers through tho pass nnl could not llguro out who killed tho lono to voto t tho primaries nnd tho woman biki
productions has been sont to tho exposition cover wIUl soft flrm curvng llosh, tho around Uio other Bldo of tho mountain and Apacho thoy wero trnlling. They woro too Bho wanted to ho registered In order U bo
at Paris nnd will Include, crystals ranging iiargh outino of her angles. Somo thin was going to tnko thorn to a placo where fnr off to do us any good, but I told Uio boys ready for any posslblo eincrgoncy that might
In prlco from $30 up to $.,000. But ovon womon tliliik It uselms to try to put on u tho othors could shoot them from ambush, that I would start tilings moving nnd ru- nrlBe. Tho woman, by tho way, did tho talk-
thoso that touch tho topmost figure aro less mUa ,w)hi They Baji Uopelcesly, "Oh, It's Tho Indians that left tho trail went up over ,1Uosted my man, with tho other rlllo, to go lug for both.
expcnslvo than somo of tho Japanese Bpecl- nt my Iulturo to bo fat." They appear nuvor tho mountain nnd down tho other side and nftor tho Indians with mo from tho boat Tho young man gavo his ago n 23 and wns
mens recently shown !ln London. Especially (o uavo oarm,,i tilnl t s 0f Ul0 very nature they wero about all together excepting tho ,,iaco ho could find In tho rocks. So wo Just duly registered. Tho woman when lior turn
Is this truo of thoio that liavo Somo Incident . - i,,,.,,,.., hnlne tn msHetM a lniltliv. well mnn ulin u-iir linrillnir tbo snldiera when ,.,. r,.,l ,i ti. l,llu ,..,,,. nl ii na 10
ai nisiono vaiuo Louuiitu iiu iuiui. ut.voloped body. wo saw them. Wo got out of tho canyon out did not hit oven so much as a ploco of "That Is not near old enough
"""""""i'"""" when they lack this gift of nature, their and wero not long lu gutting up on tho leather. Wo could seo thum getting Into said 'Mr. Yount.
or vvaicfi lanu paid i.uuu tor a rawitr smiui ijrthiKht, thoro Is something wiong somo- sido of Uio mountain. Tho Indians woro thelr snddloa and In a moment threu of thiin "Why, sir, I am mnrrled. That being the
whoro. They should find out what It Is, and Just disappearing over tho ridge when wo m ollt ,)0W, tho mountain, with thu soldiers case. I guess I enn voto If I want to"
remedy It. caught a second glimpse of tliotn. Wo lit aftor them. Tho other threo wero dono lor." "You may possibly bo old oiioush to g t
out and went straight aftor them. flm Indians wero not from tho San Carloj mnrrlol," Bald tho romnilsiilouor, "but iih I
Ulin PrttiiTlif fl Artfihtc "I reckon It was about flvo miles of tho reservation, but wero Chlricnhiia Annches. linclerstand It. you nro not old enough to
. , I I W . 1,1,11 IIL L I I 1 K 111. m w . - -
crystal, but ono that was qulto perfect It
had been ono of tho eyes In a celebrated
Chlneao dragon, a curious monster whose
figure onco typified sin In ono of tho temples.
Tho other eyo of tho beast wns bought at a
similarly high prlco by a Russian morchnnt,
ho said, "ns a speculation."
Some Secrets of
Beautiful Figures
felt hat with whlto silk scarf completu
vory neat ciMtuuii'.
Wu ulo print a charming model of un
extremely fatlilomihlo fiiugod silk bodlco.
A sliver whlto ground with figures In
hardest riding the boys over saw. Wo sure thero being a number of renegados who
A plucky girl la Miss Rhoda Illggs. At sifted through tho plnos, and It was all I como out of tho mountains frequently ai d
tho end of a detachment of cavalry and with could do to keep tho men from yolllug, they causo trouble.
nu escort of cowlioys from tho Rlggs ranch, woro so glad that tho Indians woro In sight. Tho yells of tho cowboys woro hushed
hIio plucklly pursued tho Indians for flvo Wo spoiled tho prettiest ambush you can when thoy reached tho raiichhousc, for tho
mlloH nnd shot threo of their numbor. ltnaglna when wo struck down tho mountain ngod father of Miss Rlggs Mood at tho door
This exciting odventuro was tho result of slda Thero woro tho soldlors coming up on with his right arm oxtended. They knew
tho recent trencherous killing of J. D. Mack, tho trail of tho lono Apacho, who wna lead- by this sign that Mack was dead. I!ut h
A beautiful figure Is tho most precious a prospector In Plnern canyon. Ho waa shot Ing them an Interesting chose, and not a death had been speedily avenged,
gift, after perfect health, that any woman from ambush by nn Apacho of tho Chlrlca- tnllo below us wero half a dozen Indians T . .
enn'possess, Buys tho Now York Herald. It him tribe, ono of half a dozen who, in war hidden behind tho rocks so that the so'.dlors Living FaSlliOIl JVlOUelS
Is of far moro vnluo than a pretty face, It paint, woro out for murder nnd plunder, could not sco thorn. Thoy wero getting
rsts nuch longer nnd it does not botray They took his ammunition, rlllo and six- ready to surprlso thu soldiers, und I reckon niu outing sun photographed in tins
tho veni-M ns must uventuullv even tho shooter and left him. ns thoy thought, dead, thoso bravo men from Fort Grant would not weok'N Iloo is ono of tho moit ntlractlvo
perfect features and the most lovely skin. Ho then painfully dragged his bleeding body havo rotiirned had It not boon for us. Wo styluB designed this season. It Is of Ox-
Wlth a perfect form, smnrtly gowned nnd iver tho sharp rocka of tho trail to tho Rlggs cached our horses In tho plnca whero they ford mixture, a rather light gray, Is heavily
well set up a woman cannot fall to look rnnch, whero ho know ho would recelvu could not bo seen nnd crept down to.vard tho stitched anil tho coat has tho effect of n
charming. kindly care, for Miss Rlggs had often spoken Indians. Thero wero only two rllles In our Norfolk Jackot. A ncarlot necktlu and gray
There are three classes of women from an cheering words to him when lie camo to her crowd nnd the other men had slx-t-hootor.-i.
nrtlstlo standpoint who may lay claim to ranch nfter a fruitless search for gold in Wo could not light unlets wu got up closo
beauty of form. In tho llrst class belong all tho mountnlns. nnd this wo wero trying to do. All tlu
tho daughters of Juno. They are groat, tal , sho heard his crlcH early lu tho morning, time tho soldiers wero getting nearer and I
magnificent looking croatures, whom som nmif dressing hurriedly, ran down the trail was afraid that they would bo fired on and
men describe as "full-bodlo.l" women. In
tho second class aro thu daughters of Venus
Theso women usually glvo tho timpresslun of
Ideality. Thoy aro always well doveloprd
graceful und generally good to look at. In
tho third class aro gathered tho children of
Psycho. Under this class come tho women
nnd maidens usually described as having
fragile, glrllsh-looklng figures. Of tho threu
classes, some admire cno nnd Eomo another,
but very beautiful women aro found In nil
A woman who desires to mnko tho vory
most of herself should study her own figure
Sho should find out Its good points, Its bet
ter points, Its bad pcints nnd Its very bad
points. Sho should then tnko It In hntid
nnd by means of exercise, diet, gymnastics.
a gcod tailor nnd a flrst-clnss corset-maker.
nt herself up to tho host posilble advantage.
A woman can really do moro with her llg-
iro than sho can with her faco,
If Inclined to bo too stout sho should rig
orously abstain from everything that n
couragea embonpoint, such as lato hours,
vote, llelng mnrrled nml voting aro two
things entirely different from each other.
I nm nfrnld I can do nothing for you todny.
and I nm sorry, too."
Tho young woman took lior hushnnd In
tow nnd stnrted nwny, vowing Hint "It wns
a mighty funny stnto of affairs when n ninr
rlid wnmnn couldn't vote." Tho mat tar of
ago had never entored her mind.
The Only Reason
Tho celebrated REGENT $3.D0 SHOES nro
not sold for $5.00 Is that wo don't pay nny
manufacturer for his name. Wo havo thorn
made according to our Instructions and havo
siilllclent confidence In our Judgment to
stamp thorn with our namo and stand re
sponsible for overy pair. They aro us good
and stylish as It Is posslblo to produce at
nny price. Every pair guaranteed. Mall
orders filled,
UOII South mill St., OiiiiiIiii.
Semi for llltiNtruti'il Cutiilitmie KltKI!,