0 TT1E OMAI1A DAILY BEE: 'MONDAY, APIUL 30, 11)00. DUTIES OF THE CHRISTIAN Miny Church Mamberi Living Toa Fr Awij from tho Maiter. PLEACHING ON SECULAR TOPICS DECRIED Acriiliiilniin (lie Trm' 11 r. IIoihk))- In Hull)- 1.1 fc 1m Nervlre of (ioil, Sii)N .Mil tin of Unity Cliiiroli. 'At Plymouth Congregational church Sun day morning tho pastor, Ilcv. Frederick A. Hatch, prttiohcri nn Interi'stlng jcrmon on "If Christ Should Como to Church," which was a ilnln ntatcmcnt of the duty of tho church prid of church members according to tho Idea of tho pastor, "Tho church' In tho hrldo nnd fiolaco of tho Eon," nald tho minister, "and It people would onco reallzo this tho church would Immediately otep forth to higher nnd nobler work. How nearly nro wo In communion with tho Mastor. Tho wholo la equal to the sum of tho part. What la truo of tho church universal Is truo of each church, What would Christ find If Ho were to como to church today? Hu would find the church taking tho placo of the dog under tho table ccttlng tho crumlu. Church members nro upending more money for luxuries than for tho hrldo of Christ. Thero will be moro money wpent by Christians In tho next four months for flroworka and braza bandH than will bo Hcnt to tho starving of India. Hog ging and dunnlns nro necessary to get fur tho Ijird what lo His by sovereign right. "How do wo como to church? Tho devil gels In moro gcod work Saturday night and Sunday morning than any other time. On Saturday night ho worku with tho young mon nnd thoso out of Christ. On Sunday morning ho In busy with tho Christian. A lost collar button will cnuso moro uncurl tlan feeling on Sunday morning than nt any other tlmo and wo como to church looking and feeling cross nnd uncharitable. If wo thought Christ was to bo at tho church our cagc-mcts to attend would drive out our peevishness." Tho renting of pews was decried by tho minister as unchristian nnd an making a dlfforcnco between tho rich nnd poor In tho hoiuo of Cod. "Men say that tho church 1 a fushlonablo club," ho continued, "nnd In many cafes this lo true, for It docs not jnanlfe.it tho power at tho spirit It hau utiown In other dayn. It does not show that sorrow for ln which It should. Suppot'o Christ were hero this mornlni?. Thero would Ixi moro fervor on tho part of tho minister. If Christ were In tho church tho mlnlstors would not bo so prono to preach sermonrt on tho Iloor war. or on the Texas lloodo. Ho would lenvo such foolish things alone. Ho would caro for no glowing periods. He would plead with dying men. He would feel that In two short half hours on Sun day ho has to counteract all of tho forces of tho devil working nil of tho time. Jesus Christ U hero at) really as any person In thta congregation. Ho has said Ho would bu with us nnd Ho Is. Jesus Is still work ing with us through tho holy spirit to per fect tho brldo of Christ." It Is now moro our endenvor to reach tho dlvlno through tho heart of tho human. Our churches nro sometimes called 'meeting places,' and our ministers 'rpeakers' or 'readors,' showing that the emphasis lies rather Uon tho utterance of tho service than upon any i-pcctaculnr accewsory attached to It. Wo uro outgrowing the Idea that ro- SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. A great deal of Interest Is manifest In tho nppolntmcnt of a city attorney nnd as tho tlmo draws near for this appointment nppll- not In any hurry to make nn appointment nnd tho question may not como up again for Bcverol weeks. MnKit! Cltr l"lp. Carrier boys for hon)e nnd foot routes nro wanted nt The Iletf ettlice. Mrs, Henry Mies will' leave on May 3 for nn extended European trip. ntiti,i.(i'roN itoLTi:. llglon Is a thing to put on and take off with ' canl8 for tho pogton nrc hustling. Among ! f "cnn!L.rt lum',1 Ail.mff"0 t0 CUlcnR0 tho Sabbath, tho day. In fact, when It Is of tno promlllont com,i(lntM for the place are: I fo ;tll JtolSTtacn miltc sick tho least practical use With us all Is cen-1 A. . Murdock. Henry C. Murphy, J. A. wns reported soo better sick, tcrcd on tho llfo that men may bo saved to lienor and duty for wo may bo certain that If wo arc faithful to our trust hero wo may tako up a now existence cUewhcro wUhotit apprehension." 'L'Ttlltl condition is Ni:i:ni:i). Deck nnd W. C. Lambert. So far Mayor Kelly has declined to commit himself, but ho has tho names of ttieso four nppllcanta All front doors nf Knlnons were closed yes. tcrday nnd tho best of order prevailed. No meeting of tho city council will bo I'crfret lliiiiuiiilly Cn limit He Atlnliieil In Thin I.lfc. Dean Fair of Trinity cathedral preached Sunday morning on tho subject of the resur rection nnd Immortality, "Tho longest life," ho said, "Is far too short to llvo tiut tho full scope of a perfect lminr.nl ty. Wo need a future life a futuro condition to round out nnd fulfill tho prom ises that aro hinted nt In this. "No, It cannot be that earth Is mnn's only nbldtng place. It cannot bo that our life Is a mcro bubble caH up by eternity to lloat a moment on tho waves nnd sink Into , then placo nt the disposal of the nttorncy nothlngncrs. Klso why la It that the OP Til II CI11UST1AV. glorious nsplrntlor.fi which leap like nngel.i from tho tcmplo of our hearts are forever wandering unsatisfied? Why Is It that tho stars that hold their festal around the mid night thro no nro set abovo tho grasp of our limited faculties, forever mocking us with their unapproachable glory? And, finally, why In It that the bright forms of human beauty presented to our view aro taken from us, leaving tho thousand dreams of our affections to flow back In Alplno tor rents upon our hearts? "Thero is n realm whero tho rainbow never fades; where tho stars will spread out before tin llko tho Islands that plumber In tho ocean; whero tho beautiful things which pars beforo us like shadows will stay In our presence forever." llrltlnli Arlstnrriic)' Illumed. Many pcoplo nttrlhuto are recent reveries of tho British to tho degeneracy of the nrls tocrncy. Tho llfo of luxury certnlnly docB not produco vigor. Indigestible suppers, Into hours, constant nerve strain and lack of ex ercise upset tho stomnch and wenken both physical and mental vitality. Tho blood that makes men heroes cnust como from actlvo, healthy stomachs. Hostcttcr's Stomach Hit ters purlflles tho blood and strengthens the stomach. It cures constipation, Indigestion, dyspepsia and biliousness. P AMUSEMENTS., MenilMTM of I lie Church Should lie Wiirlii'M fur It. At tho First Christian church Sunday morning thero was n special musical service, a featuroof which was tho singing of "Abldo In Mo" by Miss Georgia Harpster, soprano. Hov. Mr. Martin, pastor of tho church, lircached nn "Duties and Dangers In Church Life." His text wns from I Timothy III 14 15: "That thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself In tho housa of God, which Is tho church of tho living God, tho pillar and ground of tho truth." As cadi duty was mentioned tho minister ac companied It with an exposition of tho dangers attending It, pointing his sermon with Illustrative Incidents and observations. Tho first duty Is to enter thct church for miration and spiritual growth, not for any lower motive. A mlstako In this respect nt tho beginning will weaken ono all through Ufa The second Is to enter tho church to bdcomo workers for Ood, not simply to bo caved from holl and to bo taken to hcavon. "I have no patience," said tho pastor, "with tho idea that tho church Is a sort of nn Institution for tho Issue of life Insurance policies against tho fires of holl or to taku people Into tho rest of heaven. On tho con trary, It Is tho place to work for God nnd for men, and to do good In tho world. St.motliiHH a preacher Is asked, 'Ho"w many members have you In your church?' He states the number on tho roll, nnd tho ques tion Is very llkoly to como noxt, 'Well, but how many actual workers have you?' In a church recognizing tho obligations of Christ there ought to be as many workers ns thero aro members." Tho third duty shown Is that In the church wo nro Joined to Christ nnd owo our loyalty to Him, nnd persons recognizing this nl U'glanco must not bo disturbed In their church relations becauso they do not llko certain other members there. Our loyalty to Christ should bo nbovo passing likes and disliked. Wo should speak well nnd thlpk well of brethren nnd sisters In tho churc'i, not blind to their weaknesses and faults, but over mindful of their needs. Wo must bo Intelligent; that Is, knowing why wo nro members of tho church and be ing nblo to defend tho church doctrlno nnd position In tho religious world. In order lo bo so, n church member should bo n blhlo student, a reader of his church bcoks and periodical literature. In tho spirit of meek uers ho should restore tho erring, and not crltlclso thom when they fall under tompta tlon. Many n slnccro young Christian has been deeply wounded and, may bo, driven Into a coldness and neglect of tho church through a failure on tho part of The church to ho tendor In Its effort to win him out of his first sin. C.riiu Opcrtt Co in puny In "Wnim" Even tho most charitable critic will find it hard to say much In favor of tho produc tion of "Wang" that was given tho Initial performance!) of Its Omaha engagcuint at Hoyd's thenter yesterday afternoon nnd ovcnlng by tho Jules Grau Opera company. Tho fault Is not with tho piece Itself, for It has not been changed materially, and tho lines nro ns brightly humorous and the music as catchy ns when It waa first pre sented some years ngo by Do Wolf Hopper and later, nnd nearly ns pleasingly, by Al bert Hart. Tho troublo seems to He In tho fact that tho piny Is one that requires artists of a llttlo more than nverago ability In tho principal roles nnd In thl respect tho Grau company Is something lacking. Tho women nnd men in tho cast make n commendablo effort to Intueo n proper nmount of spirit Into their work, nnd wero It not for this saving feature, the perform ance would fall flat. As it is, tho produc tion lo a modlacro one. Tho wcakncFo of tho company lies, as has been Indicated, in tho lack of competent pco plo In tho solo parts. Robert Lett, who es says tho title role, posseeucs n fairly good volco nnd sings very well, but ho lacks tho power of bringing out nil thero Is In the part, nnd his Interpretation of tho character of tho regent of Slam Is colorless and lack ing In strength. Carrlo Ward, who Is tho Mataya of tho pleco. Is dainty and piquant, but sho cannot sing not even n llttlo bit. Allco Galllard Is tho Widow Frlmousse, and though sho has a fairly pleasing voice, sho does not handlo It at all well. Minnie Era mett bears away tho honors of tho produc tion nnd was the only ono In nil tho com pany to bo favored with an encore. Tho chorus, though small, Is well bal anced, but It lacks direction and Its work Is so ragged at times ns to seriously mnr the effect of tho performance. Tho costumes nro fnlrly 'pleasing nnd tho scenic Investi ture Is very good. tm.irr Mh.i,iiun ii i .i,......, i,, beld this week unless thero Is n spcclnl cnll. " nnnnlnimnnV Ti i. ,,, I, . Zifc t T,1C funernl of J. D. Montague will bo held no nppolntmcnt will bo made for a month or' nt st uriogef8 church at 9 o'clock this two, ns City Attorney Montgomery Is to bo mornlnr. given nn opportunity of closing up tho cases '. Tho city oillces will bo closed this morn now In court. j '"g during tho hours of the funeral of J. 1). In connection with this matter Mayor i M"n!"-llc' , , , Kellv until lnnt rvlihf "Ttm .lull, a nf ii. n 11 ls expected that Frank Hrondwcll will nciiy sam last night, tho dutlsa of tho tllrn nV(r (ho cy cnBh t0 Tml!Ulrcr city attorney have become and now nro es- I Koutsky today. peclnlly dimctllt nnd numerous. He enn no Tho Odd Fellows will give n social tonight longer bo expected to attend to minor details I nt tho hall, Twenty-fourth nnd M streets, nnd clerical work outsl lo of his department, i to,lho "ulitcrH of llcbckiili. ir ia rndili in nti.l nlmiil.i ,.,i,.n ii, o An architect Is now working on the pinna ..... cnmieJl0 n"'' unc-ii'd rccelvo tho for threG m,w Umes to bo erected by W. L. aid of tho council ns fnr as consistent. Tho Holland at Twenty-fourth and F street!, proper committees of tho council should nt Street Foremnn Chirk Is cntehlnir onto onco exnmlno tho designated promises ns tho duties of his position rapidly and It ls soon as a claim for personal Injuries ls filed , !,,rne'"ctcl t,mt 1,0 wlu elvo CMllro sntlstl,u- ...11. t. - .Ii.. - I . l 1 1 ii i . , UUn' u.u uv w uu nu council suoum The womc r tll0 Ai,rKht Methodist then placo nt the disposal of the nttorncy ; Kplnrnput church will give a May social on such data cs It may bo nblo to obtain. Ho , Tuesdny evening. Itefreshments will bo flhnlllil nlRn bn nlilfwl In thn nrnnnrnMnn ,if I Served, fl.in Lincoln nml Itcliirn l.dfl May 1 And 2 account republican stnto con vention. Pay you to bo In Lincoln Tuesday. Dig celebration that day In honor of un veiling Spanish cannon presented by tho government. Lincoln trains leavo Uurllngton station 8:10 a. m., 3 p. m., 4:25 p. m. nnd 9:30 p. m. ilnfcninv In nulla mriltmt llin Mlv ntiil u-tinrn ' imrginrs incil to lirenn into Hicvo VOIZH .i i. I nenmst tho city, and whero ,,. , OM N Btroet Sntunmy ght. but the city hns any defense to nn ncllon I sttg- t wcro frightened away before gaining nn di gest that It bo contested In the court of last retort. I feel that by pursuing this method tho number of actions against tho city will bo materially lessoned." 1'nciiiiimI I'rlNoiicr lvnim it Hero. Frank Pyszka, who escaped from tho county Jail n day or tuo ago, was sent up frr.tn South Omaha during tho winter for shooting John Fydn, a saloon keeper doing buslnc33 at Twonty-revcnth nnd L streets. On tho dnto of tho shooting Pyszka entered trur.co. Armnnd Ttbblts of Mlllnrd wns In tho city yesterday. Ho snld that ho propoed putting In two nnd one-hulf acres of sugar beets this summer. The death of Dan Montague hns caused a vacancy in the sanitary Inspector's depart ment which Mayor Kelly will be expected to llll beforo long. V. S. King, chief engineer of tho Fnlon Stock Yurds company, has returned from Mnntnun, where he spent a couple of week3 visiting his brothers. Tho demand for houses continues, Quito iv iiurnner or umnua peopio wno nre cm' T....1na .nlnnn ntt.1 n.lnm.l n .In., nt 1 . Ho was Intoxicated at tho time, and when It Icarelty of hou'pTovents. " uul enmo to Bottling thero waa a war of words Myor KpIly . opcn nn omco , , over tho price. Pyszka asserted that ho had ' Masonic block. Twenty-fifth and N streets, paid, while Fydn Insisted that ho hnd not. "ver Clark's drug store. The city attorney Without any warning Pyszka nulkd " - w" ftlBJ ' havo " office with tho mayor, volver from his coat pocket and fired at tho M A?,XnSsocVav.U Ineet'S salcon keeper. Tho bullet passed thru. 4u day nftcrnoou nt 3 o'clock with Mrs. C. M. tho bleep musclo of the left nrm nnd nlso "lint. Secretary Willis will address tho through the left lung nnd Is ntlll lodged In tho muscles of tho back. In making his cs mcetlnir. Mrs. F.llznbrth 1 Harris, mother of 13. H. second In the contest for tho diamond ring offered as n prize at the St, Agnes' church fair held Inst week. tno muscles ot tno uacie. in maKing ms cs- , jIllrrl!) Saturday evening nt her homo cano from tho saloon after shooting Fyda. 172 South Thirtieth ntrcit. ti.,. fimnm Pyszka fired a shot at Policeman La Duke, win no iieiu nt tlio fumlly residence at 1 who was Just entering tho place to quell tho h " afternoon, interment nt Laurel disturbance. Fortunately for La Duko tho , Mlart Mlln.i Mnrr,f . ,,, , , ,,. bullet passed between his right nrmtand his ' phone olllco has been promised n ring by body. A holo wns cut In both tho waist of , Hov. p W. Morlarty. Miss .Murray wns his coat and his sleeves. After taking n Bhot nt tho policeman Pyszka made n run for tho railroad yards and wns captured nftcr a hard light. Fyda spent considerable tlmo nt St. Joseph's hospital, but recovered suffi ciently to return to his home. A month after his return from tho hospltnl ho sold his saloon and removed to Uuffnlo, N. Y where ho now resides. Heccnt advices nro to tho effect that he Is again bedridden and fcar3 aro entortnlneJ for his recovery. Pyszka arrived In South Ooiaha on tho day ot tho sho. ting from Ames, whero ho had been working In the beet sugar factory. Ho had previously worked for farmers In tho vicinity of Ames. At tho time of his nrre3t ho said that ho expected to find work In ouo of tho packing houses. Xctv. New England Limited: In servlco April 19 and dally thereafter. New Time: Twenty-six hours to Uoston. Now Departure: From Chicago 2:00 p. m,, Into Chicago 5:00 p. m, next day. Now Cars: Sleeping, dining, buffet and library smoking cars and coaches. Old Ilouto: Lako Shore & Michigan Southern, New York Central nnd Doston & Albany. On same date train No. 14, 3:00 p. m will bo discontinued. Tho Now York nnd Uoston Special, 10:30 a. m., nnd tho Lake Shoro Limited, fi:30 p. m., will run r.s heretofore. U. P. Humphrey, T. P. A,, Kansas City, Mo., F. M. Uyron, O. W. A., Chicago, nnd A. J. Smith, O. P. & T. A., Clovclnnd, O. A Xctv Wily To Minneapolis and St. Paul. It Is via tho Illinois Centrnl II. It. Magnificent equip ment nnd fast tlmo. Tickets and sleeping car reservations at 1402 Fa i nam street. Lincoln mid Upturn I . (."i A' In Hock InIiiiiiI ltontc. Tickets on snlo May 1 nnd 2, (lnnl return limit Mny 4. City ticket olllco 1323 Far nam ttrect. llcj ii'n Free Souvenir. Mny G to Juno f wo present freo a "now process" wnter color photo, hamUomcly matted, with each new dozen platlnn cab inets or larger photos, Hcyn, tho Photog rapher, 313-317 South Fifteenth. Clood summer resort, the Merrlnm; benu tlful nlcovo suites, 25th nnd Dodge Sts. Sco C. F. Harrlojn's real estate bargains. Only One Excuse The only excuso you can have for taking your proscriptions whero a plugger sends you ls that you nro under obllgntlons to tho doe perhaps you owe him In tho nnmo of common sense arc you not man enough to know when; you shall take your prescrip tions. Would doc, for lustnnee, allow you to dlctnto lo him whero he shall buy his groceries and ment Nlxy, Hill. Ilo's not that kind of Jnck Snipe. . Ico Cream Soda 0c Cramer's Kidney Cure 7uo Hood's Snrsapurlllu pjc Pnlno's Celery Compound c:ic Peruim 7n0 Wlno of Cnrdul vnu Pm-lni.'. 1 Ik.i. Dlltt, .. "DeWItt's Llttlo Karly Risers nro the'llromo Quinine i!"'""';"";;";" isc finest pills I over used." D. J. Morre, Mill- I Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 iiuiutier miters ,jo n. o, o. 7(,c brook, Ala. They quickly euro nil liver nnd bowel troubles. Trunks, Satchels Tho groat distinction botweon a grip or Batchol and a toloscopo, ia that tho former has an olegant appearance, anti Hunted to capacity, and per haps greater convenience in carry ing, and tho latter while loss drossy has an un limited ca pacity. Af ter you ha.vo lillod a telescope you can al ways add a few moro littlo things that you neglected to put in tho bottom. JSovertholess, you can havo your choice hero. Our department of trunks, valises, telescopes, etc., is very complete, and thoy tell us wo'ro cheaper by twenty live per cent than most places whero they sell trunks. Steamer Trunks, Exposition Trunks, Ladies' Dress Trunks. Bureau Trunks. Suit Cases, Club Bags Don't go away without looking through our line of such wantablos. Seo Fifteenth window. lOIOIOBOIOBOIOQOIOaOJOBOROIOQOBOIOIOIOI Mciiim lor Cnpc oinc. Tho Cudnhy Packing company Id preparing n shipment of 125,000 pounds of meat for Capo Nome. A largo proportion of this shipment Is composed of canned meats, al though oomo of Cudahy's well known brands evf cured mcnts will bo sent to tho now fa mous gold camp. From hero tho shipment, which will bo packed In four cnn, will 'go to Voncouver and from thero by etcamcr on Mny 15 to Capo Nome. It Is nsscrtcd that tho mcnts packed In South Omaha stand tho northern cllmnto much better than those fiom other points. Other packers will doubtless send lnrgo consignments of cured meats to Alaska th!a summer and prepara tions for this trado nro now being made. II I CUT TIU.Mvl.Vfi AVOUSIIII'. llnncKty In Dully l.lfe In lio Truo Service of (.oil. At Unity church Rev. Newton M. Mnnn commented upon "Threo Current Notions of Whnt Dlvlno Servlco Consist In," compar ing tho ceremonies of tho mother church with thoso of tho Protestant faith, and thoso In turn with tho worship of another class which acknowledges tho away of no sect. "Tho motive behind tho Roman Catholic service," Mr. Mann said, "Is an effort to do romothlng for tho glory of Ood. Tho service of tho Protestant denominations Is nlmed rathor toward human betterment. It ns mimes that It ls no part ot our business to nppeaso Ood, but rather to dovolop tho lovo of what Is good and beautiful In tho human Jicnrt. Tho fundamental Idea of a moro ad vanced community of thinkers Is that nil right thinking la worship: that scrupulous lioncsty In dally life Is tho truo servlco of Ood. "Worship In theso latter days Is coming to bo riot co much a ppectaclo as nn utteranco; Crcliihloii-Orphciini "Pat nnd tho Genii" ls tho somewhat untquo tltlo of a sketch which wns pre sented by the Nawns for tho first tlmo on nny stage nt tho Crelghton-Orphcum yes terday afternoon, nnd which bids fair to eclipse even "A Touch of Nature," which hns beon so kindly received whenever It has been given by tho members of this talonted family. There aro some rough edges yet to bo smoothed off, and scmo further "busi ness' to bo Introduced before the skit will bo entitled to bo called a finished produc tion, but It Is goad enough now to merit tho placo that has been assigned It as tho hcndllncr for the current week, nnd It waa warmly received by tho largo audlenco that witnessed Its production last night. Mr. Nnwn still retains tho character ot an un sophisticated Irishman, a rolo In which ho Is excelled by but few, If any, men now beforo tho public. Ho Is assisted by Mrs, Nawn nnd by his daughter, a very charm ing young woman to look upon, nnd ' 'lly graceful In nil sho docs. Later In f "k tho Nawns will produco "A Touch ... Nature." For tho rest of tho bill It contains tho names of such. vaudevlllo stars as Hilda Thomas, who presents a one-act comedy, en titled, "Miss Ambition," which was well received; Charles Ulrlck, who does some clover feats with n barrel; Lonely Haekell, character Interpreter and monologulst, nnd Kono, Welch ami Melrose, In a grotesque acrobatic comedy act; the newsboys' quartet and Weston nnd Yost In n new singing and talking specialty. Tho two last named acts aro tho poorest on tho bill, and not much can bo said In their favor. Weston and Yost havo tho foundation for a clever con ceit, but thoy havo unfortunatoly allowed a fondness tor tho rlsquo to enter Into tho composition of tholr "turn" which takes nway nil Its flavor. Their Inst song should clthor bo' omitted entirely or materially re vised. As for tho quartet, with tho single exception ot tho buck dance, it ls so bad that It would bo a wasto of tlmo to con demn It. Commercial (.'lull Duck. A proposition to Increnso tho dues of tho Commercial club to $1 a year has .bcon sug gested and Is meeting with favor among the members. As tho dues now stand tho nmount derived ls not enough to pay for tho work in hand, although tho utmost economy has been practiced. I)y Increasing tho dues to $1 a yenr tho officers of tho club will havo sufficient funds to pay all running exrersts and at tho same tlmo provide for tho rapid transaction of business. Several mntters of great Importance to tho taxpayers aro now undor consideration by tho club nnd results nro expected before tho end of tho week. AHplrnnt for Coiincllinnnle llmiom. Interest In tho nppolntmcnt of n councll mnn to fill tho vacancy now existing con tinues nnd Mayor Kelly Is being Importuned every day by friends of tho varlcus appli cants. Ono of tho latest candldatai to bo pushed forward la N. H. Mend, manager of tho Wcotcrn Union Telegraph company. Mr. Mead la a well known republican and has lived hero over slnco tho town was started. IIo ls considered qualllleJ In every way to fill tho placo and tho mayor Is being urged to appoint him. Tho mayor says that ho ls Omaha Tent nnd Hubbcr comrjany aro pro pared to fill all orders tents, awnings and canvas goods. Now location, corner 11th and Harney, 'Phone 8S3. Warner s safe ejiiro doc Duffy's Malt Whisky Vino Kolufra i&c CUT PKICIJ DRUGGIST. Cor. llllli nml Chicago Sin. o o o 09 o n o o o You Have Only One Lifetime To live, both for work nnd pleasure. You spend moro than ono-halt your llfo In your olllco. Why not llvo that part of It as pleasantly nnd com fortably as you do at homo? You will feel nt homo In T1IU 11UB I1UILD 1NG. It lo a ple.asuro to walk Into Its cntranco nnd through Its clean, well kept corrldora overlooking the beautiful court, with Its palms nnd fountain. Hard wcod floors, light, bright, cheerful olllco rooms nnd tasteful decorations mako It beyond disputo tho best ofllco building In Omaha. Is tho bcut too good for you? THE BEE BUILDING. o g o Ml o o o R. C. PKTEUS & COMPANY, Rental Agents. OFFICES, GROUND FLOOR, The lice ISitlldlni; OlOIOBOIOIOBOflOflOBlOBOfllOBOflOBOBOBOflOB The Trains to Take. Chicago, 7:00 a. m., 4:00 p. m., 7:40 p. in. Dcnvor, 4:25 p. m. St. Louts, 4:C5 p. m. St. Joseph, 8:G0 a. m., 4:55 p. m., 10:13 p. in. Kansas City, 8:50 a. m., 10:15 p. ra. Ulack Hills, Montana, Pugct Sound, 9:30 p. ra. Ticket Olllco, 1 502 Farnam St. Tel. 350. Burlington Station, 10th and Mason Sts. Tel. tzo. "Allow others to discover your merit" All discover tho merit of SHERIDAN COAL, Da 1 mined in Wyoming Lump, 5.50, Jgg 5, Nut $4, best 50. VICTOR WHITE uZ1" M Save th Labels and wrlto for list of prrmlurus o offer freo for llicm. HIRES Rootbccr The favorite summer drink Splendid Train Service. O-IISTOHIA. Boan th9 Tha Kind You Havo Always BoucM OA8TOIIIA. the 11,8 Yo'J 1,3,8 Wwajs BoM OA8VOXIIA: Bean the i w8 K1"d V W'M,S BUW Wlint Two Ceiua Will Do. It will bring relict to sufferers from nsth ma or consumption, oven the worst cases. This Is about what ono doso of Foloy'a Honey and Tar costs. -Isn't It worth a trial? For sale by Myers-Dillon Drug. Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. A llnniUoniP Trnln. The "Chicago Limited," via Illinois Cen tral H. It., is without question tho most up-to-dato train between Omaha and Chi cago. Its equipment consists ot drawing room sleeping cars, buffet smoking and li brary car, (rco reclining chair cars and coaches. Wldo vestlbulcd throughout. Leaves Union Station at 7:35 p. tu. Tickets at 1402 Farnam street. Runabouts, mice Wagons, Stoel tires, Hubbcr tlrra and Pnoumatlcs from $75 to 1175. The latest and most stylish. Llnlngor & Mctcalf ra. Xi'iv Trnln Via Mock Inland lloulo Leaves Union etatlon dally at 8:30 a. ra, (or Lincoln and Falrbury, S PICTO Tvr Trnln IJnllr to Denver. Two Trnlnn Dally to Sin Frunolio. Three Trnlim Dnlly to Oitileu. Two Trnlim Dully to Snlt Lake City Two Trulim Dnlly to Portland, vrlth DIRECT CONNECTIONS TO TACO.1l A AND SEATTLE and ; ITorth Pnclflo Conit Points. MAGNIFICENT EQUIPMENT. Nearly a day saved between Mlsaourl Ilivtr and Pacific Coast by taking Tho Famous Overland Route, City Ticket Ofllce, 1302 Farjiam U Tel. 318. DOG BOOK FREE If you call at our storo for It if sent by mall Incloso 2c stctmp for postage. This book is a carefully written treatlsa tell ing all about Dogs and tbolr caro when sick or well, We sell Glover's Dog Medicines. Sprntt's Dog Aredicines. Dent's Dog Medicines. Cannon's Royal Mango Curo EOo Sargent's Coudltlou Pills COo Dog Shampoo (kills every flea), per bottlo 25c Wrlto for Hook About Dogs. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go New Location. Cor, 1CU & Dodco Sts., OMAHA, NED, HAYDEHi 13,365 HAYDEN 1 S Men's, NEW SPRING Boys' and Children's SUITS at 47C on the DOLLAR The entire wholesale clothing stock of Miner, Beal & Co. of Boston the best estab lished house in the world on sale at less than half their value. The garments are all of tho finest mako, best tailoring, fully guaranteed, newest stylos, best patterns and fabrics and perfect fitting. Such splendid clothing was never offered beforo at bankrupt prices. Absolutely the finest suits in the market at positively less than half their regular price. See our Sixteenth street window. A sale it will pay to attend. $3.90 Men's Suits of fine purQi worsteds, neat checks and plain patterns, round and square sack styles, sizes 84 to 42. Not a suit worth less than 7. 50. $6.40 Men's Suits come in regular sacks and frocks. Also stouts and slims in all tho now up-to date patterns, all sizes, from 35 to 44. Suits that Minor, Boal & Co. wholesaled for $10.00 to 12.00 and that retail elsewhere up to 15.00. $2.75 Men's Suits strictly all wool cassimore and cheviots, also mixed worst ed, all sizes from 34 to 42. In 4-button cutaway sack style every Bult worth 5.00 and ovor. Men's Fine Odd Pants from tho Miner, Deal & Co. stock at $1,75, $2,50, $3.75, $4.50 2 $4.90 Men's Suits that are worth from 0 to 15. Fino bluo double-breasted serges with and with, out satin facing; 4-button cutaway sack and square-cut sack frock suits. Also stouts and slims. $8.75 Men's Suits At this price wo place on sale all the best grades. Suits that Miner, Heal & Co. wholesaled up to 1G.50 and would retail for 18 and 20, rnado up in very fino doublo aiid single-breasted sack styles also stouts and slims. Boys' & Children's Clothing from tho Miner, Beal & Co. stock. 1.00 Knee Pants Suits 50c 2.00 Sailor Vesteo and D. B. Suits at 95c 3.00 Sailor Vesteo and D. B. Suits at. ... ..$1.50 4.50 Sailor Vesteo and D: B. Suits at $2.25 gieateJt value in America. HAYDEN BROS Boys' Long Pattts Suits of now ntylleh, up-to. ilnto patterns at $3,75, $5,00, $6,50, $7,50 worth double.