THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: EHTDAT", APTMTj 27, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIXOH MKVIION. Davis soils glass. Otis fixtures unil eIoVk- nt nixby's. Morehousr ' & Co.. nwigaxlnes bounil. ISudwelser beer L. Roseiifetd, agent. Fine A. . C beer, Neumayer's hotel. Schmidt photo, new mid latest styles. p.-rry pictures. In any number. C. B. 'Alexander & Co , UrondwHy. Oct your work done nt the popular Knglo linindry, 721 Hrondwiiy. 'Phone 15i. W C Kstep, undertaker. IS Pearl street. Tc.ephones! Olllee, 97. residence, 33. B Haldwin makes a specialty of clean ing wall p.iper nnd frescoes. 121 12th uve. A marriage' license was limited yesterday to II. OrHhl. need 22. nnd M. I., llolknnp. ngel 23. both of this city. The regular meeting of Myrtle lodge. No. 12. Decree of Honor, will be held this cxcnltiK In the Newman bloek. . liy. now llvli)git Uikc City. Colo., whs In tnp liiuns yesicniuy. nuruun.- iiuiiiu mm lliston, .Mass. I.lly t.imp Aid society, Royal Neighbors Df America, will meet this afternoon at the refldcnre of Mrs. Fowler, Thirteenth street and Avenue O. Jack Hushes, a well-known member of ih lrrnl ncwKDiitier rratcrnlLy. was imido li ppy by tho arrival Of a little daughter at j Jin home yesterday. I V A Mnurer of this city yesterday paid lr- the customs house ouney arnomiiinK u U wnrd or J.v) on a. rurioau oi imiiuin-u D;i ?llsh e.irthenware. The regular meeting or ('ount-ll canip, Woodmen of the World, will be held this evening There will bo work In the protec tion degree, followed by refreshments. Thomas returned yesterday jnornlng from Mississippi, where he went in rompany with B. A. Wlckham to bid on the cinstruetlon of a new branch of the Illinois C ntral. Waldo Johnson and Nato nethers. two youths, were arrested last night for par ticipating In a free-for-all light In the gal lery nt the opera house during the per formance. Kmory Whlttnker of Garner township lr ucht In eight wolf cubs to the county htidltnr yesterday and received the stnto bounty of 2 a head. The cubs wrro only two days old. (' A. Annette, nntsstnnt superintendent of lelesrarij for the Illinois Central. wa In tho elty yesterday from Chicago Inspecting tho equipment being Installed In tho com winy's now local depot. The meeting of the High School Alumni issortatlon, called for last evening at tho Hloomer school, failed for want of a tiimrum. An adjournment wns taken until next Thursday evening. fix hoboes, rounded up In the yards of tho Is, rthwi'stern railway, who had been sen tenced to work on tho strejr.s, were dis charged yesterday with Instructions to get out of town without delay. Judge Ayles wrrth decided It was cheaper to thus ills jh3o of tho fellowA than for the city to feed theiiv Jcsso Wulnwrlght, hostler In the North Wfstern roundhouse, who was squeezed ngalnst the platform at the transfer depot n few days ago by an Omaha Sc. St. I.ouls train, Is reported to be. rapidly Improving nt tho Woman's Christian Association hos jiltal and expects to bo removed to his liomo in a few days. Company 1.. Klfty-flrst regiment. Iowa National Ouard, has sectircd permanent quarters on tho second and third floors of the opera houso building. The hall formerly occupied by the Odd Fellows will bo con verted Into an armory and tho other apart ments 'will be lltted up for smoking, read ing and lounging rooms. F. Helton, nrrested on complaint of Health Otllcer Wareham. who charged him with dumping manuro on vacant lots, was dischargee! In police court yesterday with a caution ami on conomon ne. pay too costs, (mounting to fTUO. The case against H. F. Donaldson, on tho samo charge, was con tinued until this morning. I'M Johnson was nrrested Into Wednesday night on complaint of Henry Martin of 3003 Avenuo A, who was fearful Johnson was about to leuvo the city without golnjr throUffh tho formality of paying hla board bill. In podc court yesterday morning jonnson secureii nis eiisenarge ny paying too costs and settling up ins ooara tun. I.ouIh IMngor, committed to St. Dernard'fl hospital on March 10 by the commissioners on insanity, was ordered released yesterday. An effort will bo made to send him to his liomo In Oilman. 111. Dinger, who drifted Into Council Hluffs from Wyoming, where Jin had been working1 on a ranch became Kimenh".t demented from excessive use of f tronc drink. The funeral of Miss Kudora A. Anderson, trtauchter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Q. Anderson. iwlll be held from the fumlly residence. 1030 3'ast Broadway, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Ilev. Oeorgo Edward Walk, pastor or nil iraui s wpiseopai onurcn, or wnicn ileceased was n valued member, will con duct the services nnd interment will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. N. V. Plumbing Co., Tel. 250. Cnril of Tlinnkii. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Madden desire to ea- jircss their thanks to tho many kind friends who aided them during tho sickness and death of their daugbtor, Glenn E. Madden. Amnli'iir Ilnxem. An Interesting feature of tho entertain went given by tho Maccabees, Wednesday night was a boxing contest for points bo tween Attorney George II. Scott and Jamci W. Corey, recently nppotntod etato organizer of tho order. Chief of Pollen Albro acted ns timekeeper and Fred Carty as refereo Klmcr Snook seconded Scott, whllo Oeorgo Hill, Janitor ot tho county court houie performed a similar service for Corey. Scott wan In tho best training and soon winded his opponent, but tho lattor managed to keep in tho ring until the rcferevi called tho fight a draw and off. A tug-of-war between two teams of tho lodge wns another event on tho program which proved Interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Ilando will give a "favor German" this evening at their acad emy. All present and past patrol's Invited. Henl ltnte Trniixferm. Tho following transfers wero filed ycator day In tho abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: Utta P. Chapman nnd husband to James Wnltermlre, lot 11, block 4, Twin City Place, council uiurrs, w d J Co-operative- Hank of Iowa to Edwin Tvzack. lot 13. brock 1, Wilson Tor raco, Council Hluffs, w. d Jtnbert D. Hussell, receiver, to A. C Jensen, w lll feet of e 3S.'i feet of lots 18 and 19, Purple's subdtv. Coun cil Hluffs. 8. w. d Aususta A. Hoffman to Ilachel Ful ner. lot 2, block i, A'an Hrunt & Hire's add, w. d T. S. Mack, trusteo, to John Mergen, lot 10. block IS. Hayllss & Palmer's add, deed Harriet M. Coulter to'K. K. Freeman, lot I and wMi 5. block 3, Arnold's add to Oakland, w. d J, W. Squire, tnwtee, to James I.. Hrers. lot 3, blm-k 11, Hall's add. q. c. il.... Eamo to Charlet. Tracey, lots 9 to 16. block '.'. blocks 3 and 4; lots 5, 6, 7 nnd S, block 5, Mynstvr ndd, w. d Adolf Malsklrt and wife to Ixnvls Hammer, w4 swU 22-74-44, w. d It. M. Peck and wife to Union Paclllc Hallroad company, s US feet of wVb oli ne' sU 3I-73-14. w. d 'Adolph Kastnpr. and wife to Iiuls Ileiintiicer. lot 8. block I. Park's add 75 1.000 600 1,026 230 COO 1.700 240 to Council Hluffs. w. d....rv 1,675 Jra O, Jones und wife to D. fl. Peck, cVj vwU and soU 23-7712. w. d.. 4.HV1 ' Total twelve transfers JU.7CT Tho (Ins company furnishes gas heaters for bath arid bedrooms free. Davis sells paints. ( Commonwealth tOe clgnrs are good cigars, FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska nd Iowa. James N. Canady, Jr., v Ui Main SU Cauncll muffs. Me iin-l Mrs. D.nld Slegrlst. nbo nave nctexis ino ciiy. u wm uui in.v , vP r i.-..V.'v- " im w u,t r . . ' ,., 1 boundary of tho state, at or near rango 22, I.e. ,, visiting relatives here, returned to ,ne cos11(? of tho gambling rooms. Tho " L1 P m : il Vn i H clttct ,hat T- Swan ot Caffi CMl,ty wlU thenco in a northerly direction through their homo In ye-.w ork commenced by the reform committee kf""' -y'.tree Mr,5 ' O ' M Urown! ! "Kcwlso withdraw In favor of Judge Smith thls clly to tctn boundary of tho .Jub?iV.r?r iiC thr Klf h Av.fnue compoacd largely of tho members of tho Grneo ehure h: A. C. Uuu, o. II. Jackson, ' and It now begins to look as If the latter will BlatCi y llihSltn KPblcSpa.nehuri-h this evening. Kjrst I'resbyterlan church Is to be tnkon I. Wnhto,,. I o OUo I.nw.s llummer. ... havo a cIonr wnlUftWay for tho republican u lnlcndcd t R0 throlJgn noonc Wcb. flan rnrrnil. nn nld time resident of this I ulmrn it wns dronncd by another commltteo . .,,;,.l,,,, ii i. i.-v,.. mm' w mm 1 nomination without any opposition whatso- .iPP nt,., unj niarinn it,,,i, BLUFFS. MORALITY IS CUMING STRONG Waya of Roform that Fromisoi to Purify the Oitj it Sweeping High. NEW COMMITTEE TO TAKE UP THE WORK .slot Mni'hiiiPN. .Sunday nnd All Mtcht Miliums nnil lllHrcpiitiibli' Hi" sort tn lie Wiped Out of lilnti'iii'e. Now that the wave of reform has started 1 of citizens who aro Interested in the bolter- i Iment of tho moral atmosphere of the city .) . , , i,, i, The attention of this now committee will bo , directed against the saloons nnu sioi ma- i chines. Tho Haloona will uo requirwi to conform with tho provisions of tho mulct law and the city authorities will be ro- quC8tC( i,.. h u" 1 to sunnress tho slot machines which becomo so numerous throughout tho The new committee which Is to take up the work whore It was dropped by tho other eform organization, headed by Attornoys McOabo and, will make a formal demand on tho mayor and city officers that tho saloons bo closed every night nt 10 o'clock and all day on SundayB. They also Insist that tho wlno rooms bo kept perma nently closed. At present tho miloons aro practically under no restrictions whatso ever. They aro permitted to kc?p the front doors shut on Sundays bo that the thirsty bavo to nnter either by a side or back alley entrance. A few saloons which have neither back nor sldo doors havo been permitted to keen tha font door open on tho Sabbath, po that they might not be handicapped In the competition for trade. Almost ovury 6iiloon In the city has ono or more slot machines, some of which pay winnings In cash, while others pay In trade over tho counter. Thcso machines, various in their design nnd makeup, are also to bo found In almost every cigar storo In tho city and the commltteo will Insist that they bo suppressed. Slnco a short time beforo election tno wine reoms In a number of tho saloons have been practically closed by order of Mayor Jen nings, although It Is said there aro hovcral still running in full blast at night. Tho plea of the proprietors of theso places Is that they cannot make It pay without tho wlno rooms; that their legltlmato trade over tho bar Is not EUlllclent to pay tho licenso nnd make a living out of It themselves. Tho new committee. It is said, intends to go oven further than the wlno rooms In Its eriiKado for a moral city. it itucnus to call tho attention of tho authorities, who, it says, seem blind to the fact, to the numer ous assignation houses mat arc scaucrcu broadcast over tho city. Several of thcso resorts aro over saloons nnd aro run in connection with tho saloon itself, slnco tho order doing away wltb the wine rooms went Into fleet. This new committee is quietly organizing nnd is said to have for Its loader tho pas tor of ono of the Methodist cuurcnes. HKill SCHOOL FIKI.O HAY IJVnilKS. YnutiK Athletes Who Intenil to Cniii liete Xi"vt Wm'U. Tho Illch School Athletic association will hold a lleld day Friday, May 4. at Union Driving park. Tho winners of the various events will represent tho school at tho stato High school meet, to bo held In this city May 18. Tho program of events will In clude 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 410 yard dash, 120-yard hurdles, 220-yard hurdles, half-mllo Dlcycio race, iwu-umo bicycle race, running high Jump, running btoad Jump, pole vault, half-mile run, ono mllo run, hammer throw, shot put and discus throw. There will also Do on cxmomon drill by the endets and an Individual com petition. A band will furnish music bo twecn tho events. Entries: 100-yard dash: H. l.lnkey. A. Jennings. J. Chcrnlss. W. Dlngman, C. Uaccy, A. bmlth, N. Fuller, C. lingers, S, Dillon, T. Lacey, It. Rhugert, J. Grimes. 220-ynrd dash: U. Slumcrt. A. Jennings, E. Howard, J. Chernlss, C. Lacey. A. bmllh, N. Fuller, C. Hogers, J. Grimes, S. Dillon. 440-yard dash: A. Smith, M. Warner, It. Bhugert, K. Howard. II. McPherson, V. Dlngnlan, A. Peterson, J. Grimes, lu. Peter son. S. Dillon, F. Uutherford. Hnlf-mllc run: M. Y""1(,I A. Smith, J. Grimes. W. Richmond, W. Ding man, E. lUekman, E. Peterson, L.. Haldwin, H. Hoyden. , Mile run: A. Norene. H. Ha . M. War ner J Grimes. W. lllchmond. W. Dlngman, C. Royer, E. Hickman. H. I.lnkey, I.. Bald win. F. Clobrldcc. A. Smith. 220-yard hurdles: A. Norene, T. clch, F. Rutherford. A. Smith. C. Reynolds, A.. Jen nlngs, W. Richmond, F. Clobrldge. H. Mn key. A. Peterson, C- Chamberlain, F. John- S120-yard hurdles: A. Norene C. Reynolds, W. Richmond, F. Johnson, A. Peterson, F. m ti'iirfnril H. I.tnkov. C. N. Mncrae, Half-mile' bicycle: R. Mitchell, Roy Mit chell. R. smltn. c . 1'iirron, n. i-eierson, u. Pilling. C. I'illing, J'J. .-Miner, i-icrce, Hooker. Two-mile, bicycle: R. Mitchell, Roy Mlt Mioil li. Smith. C Farron. E. Peterson. C. P ling. O. ruling, is. .Miner, i-ierce, .Miner. Shotput: T. Wcdch, E. Rlekman. E. Mil ler. II. Hall, C. Ohamberlaln, F. Curtis, Covert, A. Peterson. Hammer tnrow: T. weicn, ii. .Miner, ii. Hall, C. Chamberlain, 11. Hicks, Covert, H. I.iukey. Drscus throw: T. Welch, A. Jennings, E. Miller, II. Hall, C. Chamberlain, It. Hicks, Covert. High Jump: A. Smith, C. Reynolds, II. Hall, H. I.lnkey. D. lloon, D. Organ, A. Peterson, C. Chamberlnln. Polo vault: C. Reynolds, U Haldwin, A. Sand ford. . . . Running brend jump: A. Smith, A. Jen nings, J. Chemlsf, W. Dlngman, R. Khu gurt. F. Rutherford. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Coyle dcslro to thank their many friends for the klmlncrs shown them during tho slckncfii and death of their daughter, MUs Molllc Coyle. Gravel rootling. A. H. Read, 541 B'way. Amy Heirs I'lKht. Georgo Haynrs nnd George L. Smith, two of tho heirs of tho into Mrs. I S. Amy, came to blos yesterday afternoon In City Attorney Wadsworth's office In tho Morriam block. Haynes and his wife wero consult ing Mr. Wadsworth on matters connected with tho estate when Smith, who Is a nephew of Hnynes, entered. Ho was evi dently looking for trouble, for wifter i lew words ho Jumped at Hnynes and dealt him a savage blow In tho face, cutting him badly with a ring ho woro on his linger. The blood flowed freely down Haynca' face, but dctplto his 68 years of ago ho closed with Smith and the fight waxed warm. Mis. Hanes attempted to separate tlw two men nnd received nn ugly blow In tho face, which closed her right eye. Attorney Wadsworth then took a hand, but tho two men re-fused to be separoted and fought out Into tho hallway, where Smith slipped and fell, wPh Haynes on top of him, Other rccupants of tho building, attracted to the sccno by tho noise of tho fighting, euccefded with the help ot Attorney Wadswcrth In finally separating the two combatant and Dr. Mftcrte uas called in to drees their wounds, Smith, who la about 30 years of aget rc-1 telved quite a drubbing nt the bands of h's 1 uncle- The lloor of the omcc and tho hall- j way Kvas liberally bcunattercd Itb blcod. Tho settlement of the Amy estate han ltd to raoro or less bad feeling among tha helrt-. It Is no uncommon thing to hear a half dozen men calling for a Commonwealth cigar, all In ono breath. It nlmply show.? 1U popularity among thcue who know what :i good smoke Is. t'oit tin: mornsAx ion vi:.vrio. I'hntriiinn Tri'nor Niuiiew Hip Commit tees to Work I'll Hi-lull. I. M. Treynor, chairman of the executive committee In chnrgo of the arrangements i ,'!!L,8t"C?!a" B"n".fc?f :'"lT'.l"u:'" l" " ' '"'"I"' May 22, 23 and 24, has named the various subcommittees. They are as follows Executive Committee' St. I'iinli ox. A. r: Tirrnor. II. W. Under. II. A. t Annls, M. P. Ilorher. K. 11. Merrlam. Mrs, turn. Mrn ' if. itlshtnn, JIKh l,ou ommltteoonTr, Ise Swan iinsportatlon W. J. I'iiveiuioi i, i . . iKimiK, j. i. r.iweii, i, A QtllnM n ;reer, Alolph Heno, u. n. jacKson. T. J. f oley, Committee on Correspondence Uev. Oeorgo E. Walk, Rev. R. U Knox, M. F. Rohrer. Committee on Decoration I A. Casper, Mrs. E. J. Abbott. Mrs. C. A. Atkins, Miss Maymc Stephenson. Miss Fanny Davenport. Miss Crete Hooker. W. C. Estop. T. It. Ijicey, Jr., Harry Cavln, II. ICIngston, Mrs. J. F. Wilcox, Mrs. Charles Watts. Mies Kate Luster, Miss Maud Bow ley. Miss Hliinch lcwls, J. F. Wilcox, R. Rutherford, Carl Chamberlain, Roy Besley, E. J. Abbott. Luncheon !ommlttec Mrs. O. M. Brown, chairman; Mrs. C. 9. U.fferts. Mrs. 1.- M. Troynor, Mrs. W. J. Jameson, Mrs. W. S. Stlllmun, Mrs. Georgo E. Walk, Mrs. B. M. Sargent, Mth. II. A. Cox, Mrs. Harry Jones. Mrs.- I'M Brown, Mrs. Herman Rosch. Miss Emma Potter,. Mrs. Forrest Smith. Mrs. George E. White. Mrs. U. T. Shururt, Mrs. Matthews. Mrs. George D. Brown, Mrs. Nelllo Janney, .Mrs. Anna All bright. MIhs Cora Hitchcock, Miss Kate Troynor. Miss Reynolds, Miss Van Brunt, Miss Helen Roblnfon, Miss Fnrnsworth. Miss Ella Allbrlght, Miss Barndt, Miss Sncrllng, Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. C. E. II. Campbell, Mrs. W. j. Douglass, Mrs. Anglo llrlnsmald, Mrs. George K. Smith, Mrs. Ed Gilbert, Mrs. F. M. Iiomls. Mrs. William Seldcntopf, Mrs. C. P. Shepard, Mrs. Lewis Hammer. Mrs. C. A. Wiley, .Mrs. E. 11. Dnnlltllo Mru Tlnrrv llnrplu I.' M e'rlsp, Mrs. J. T. Tldd. .Mrs. N. M. Pusey, j m' t .liffl. Mrl- aI-dTD: I Miss Flora Besley, Miss Cora Trey- nor. Miss Test, Miss Barclay. Miss Letsou, Miss Hooker, Miss Corlnno All brlght. Miss Haworth, Mrs. T. E. Casady, Mrs. E. II. Rotliert. Mrs. C. T. Stewart, Mrs. Frank P. Wright, Mrs. A. B. Cook, Mrs. Edward Ott, .Mrs. W. H. Dlmmork, Mrs. L. 11. Greer. Mrs. V. D. Klrkland. Mrs. 11'. A. Otto. Mrs. D. N. Graves. Mrs. Thornton. Mrs. Hanthom, Mrs. W. J. Davenport. Mrs. II. C. Cory. Miss ,Cora Smith. Miss !tson. !MUs llnl In vnn Mljl Robinson, Miss Rohrer. Miss Crete Hooker, ! .miss wroneweir, .mis Lucnow, .Mrs. Gates, Miss Alworth. Bl?hoi)'s Recentlon Mrs. C. II. Tvler. chairman; Mrs. . II. Jackson, Mrs. W. W. Loomls. Miss Mamlo Oliver.' Mis's viola i uieo, .miss i,izzm lionn. .Mrs. u. .M. .Me- Crae. Jr.. Mra. W. H. Hates. iMrs. W. R ! Sapp, Mlsa Janle Jameson. W F. Sdpp, B. O. Nlchol. W. C. McPherson. II. W. Binder, Otto, Miss Llzzlo Bonn. Mrs. D. M. Me- i J. T. Tldd, Mrs. Everett, Mrs, E. M. .Me- , I. ...... f 1.. ' ' I'l .1 , I . r 1 1 ' oSKWffil!!!ik on "PWlc.n administration policies Allen, Mls Bennett, Miss Delegates chosen to the stat convention .miss t ora Mrs. Wood Stewart, Miss Ruth Barstow, W. U Doug- lass, Hnrry Gleuson, W. W. Osborn, F. M. Loomls. Mrs. Georgo Rudlo, Mrs. E. 11. Merrlam. Blanche Arkwrlght, .Miss Ella ' Luster, .Miss Edith Shepard, Mrs. J. L. I FnPr Bowman. J. T. Stewnrt, 2d, li. C. Shepard, W. S. Stillman. D. J. Rockwell. Commltteo on Hospitality Mrs, T. J. Foley, chairman; Mrs. 'K. L. Knox, Mrs. Adolph Heno, Mrs. A. SI. Jackson. Miss .moiiio nice. .Mrs. k. j. Towsleo, Mrs. T. E. Cavln, Mrs. J. B. Atkins. Mrs. H. Roth-1 Trelst. rsr MrST o'eorg'o ! Rudlo. Mrs. G. H. Jack-son. Mrs. 11. a. I wuinn, .Mrs. u. u. utclimond, Jlrs. F. O. ' Gleason, Mrs. I C. Besley, .Mrs. George neiiington, -Mrs. S. Hesley, Mrs. D. T. Stubbs. Miss Nellie Robinson, Mrs. E. E. Aylewworth. Reception Committee II. Rlshton, chair man; Mrs. I C. Brackett, Mrs. II. F. Field, Mrs. S. A. Key, Mrs. W. C. James, Miss Bella Robinson, Mrs. S. A. Pierce, Mrs. C. M. Aluyimrd. Mrs. E. II. Odell, John Tomploton, Harry H'arrls, A. C-. Iane, B. A. Karr, Forrest Smith, Richard Green, P. F. Froome, I. Lovett, Hownrd CMlver, Mrs. Allco Stork. Mrs. George A. Keellne, Jlrs. S. F. Shuart, Mrs. D. W. Bushnell, Mrs. Southard, Mrs. A. lloffmoyer, Mrs. Porall, Mrs. JIcLnfferty, Mrs. O. Swan, Clark Pettit. W. C. Hendricks. Howard Culver, W. Woodward. E, II. Odell. S. F. Shuart. Georgo II. Carter, Dr. C. II. Bower. Finance Commltteo E. II. Merrlam. C. U. Tyler. J. T. Stowart, 2d. E. ir. Iyiugee, C. A. Atkins. W. L. Douglass, Ixswls Ham mer, C. E. 11. Campbell, L. A. Cnsper. Thero was received at tho customs house In this city yesterday ono carload of Eng lish earthenware consigned to W. A. Mauror of Council Bluffs. siiiivA.vr (Jiiir. n.vni.v scared. Footpad's AsNiiult FrlKlitenn Minnie Aiidcrsoii Into ll'Hterl'N. Miss Mlnnlo Anderson, n domestic em ployed on Sixth avenue, whllo returning to her home about 1 o'clock yesterday morn ing, was held up 'by a footpad at the corner of tho alley near Maln'streot, who made an unsuccessful nttompt to securo her pocket book. MIbs Anderson was Just passing the alley nnd was within a few feet of tho homo of her omployer when tho man steppol from behind a treo directly in front of her. Ho demanded her purso, but the young woman started to run. With a bound tho man was at her side and seizing her round tho waist attempted to tear tho handbag Bho -was carrying from her hand. Miss An derson clung to tho handbag and screamed for help. Two men passing on Moln street heard her cries and hastened to tho scene. The footpad as soon as ho saw help was at hand released his hold on tho young woman nnd ran down tho nlloy, being soon lost to sight In the darkness. Miss Anderson, while In no way hurt, was much frightened and was almost In hysterics by tho time sho wns helped to her home, Tho pollco wero at onco notified and Offi cer L'irklnB was Bent to tho scene of tho holdup. A search of tho neighborhood, how over, failed to reveal any traco of tho foot pad. We' sell gas stoves on monthly payments nt half tho price of n gasoline stove. The Gas company, 26 Pearl street. District Court ntes. J. A. Oregory, the desperado and horse thief, whose trial Is set for Monday, May 7, In tho district court, filed through his at torney yesterday n demurrer to tho Indict ments In which ho Is charged with bolng an habitual criminal. Ho alleges that tho pre vlous convictions recited In the Indictment took place prior to July t, 189S, tho date that tho habitual criminal act went Into effect. K. H. Oblendorf was appointed temporary guardian ot Wllholm Strauckhoencr, chnrgod with being of unsound mind, on tho applica tion of Fritz Damltz. His bond was fixed In tho sum ot K00. The suit of tho Union Harrow company against tho Ornnd Dotour Plow company. In whjch Judge Munger of the federal court onterod a decree for tho plaintiff a few dayB ngo, hns been scttlod In Chicago and tho dismissal Is expected hero today, in the enso of tho same company ngalnst tho Sterling Manufacturing company Clerk Steadman held n hearing yesterday and took evlieneo as to the damago sustained by tho plaintiff by the Infringement of Its patent disc harrow by the Sterling Manu facturing company Ho will report his find ing to the court for final decree The Jury In tho caso of L. W. Sautter j ..galnst W. C. Kcellne la .ho dUtilct'court brought In a verdict last evening for the. plaintiff In the sum of $212.00. He suet for $315 on two notes and Keellnc Kct up a counterclaim of $1,200 for certain goads which wero told to be In Sautter's rossesslou i In Omaha. Tho Jury gave KcMInc JK0 on his countar claim, making tho verdict fori practically what he sued for. Mr. Riley G-ccnt cigar. (Jnthrle Count- for Smith. Oulhrle county has climbed Into Judge Smith's bandwagon and at lis county con dition yesterday selected a solid delegation for him to tho congrcuslonal convention. Whllo tho delegation goes to tho conven tion unlnstructed, word was recched from (luthrio Center that It Is solid for the Council muffs candldnte. Friends of eK-Congrcss- ". h?"cfU! ""J? ..." lca" n l,arl 01 11,18 noicaauon ami n.s is.iuro 111 UU BU UttH KTt'Uliy UU'1'V11VU uicm It was reported here yesterday afternoon that ' owlnB 10 outcome of tho Outbrlo county convention .Mr. nagcr wouiu wunuraw irom - Among democrats It Is tho Impression that Dr. Emmert of Atlantic will bo the nominee of their party. Hon Low Ocnung of Mllla county, it Is said, could have the nomina tion If he would take It, but It is under stood that he his declined to again make the raco with a moral certainty of belns; defeated. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. HAWKEYE GROCERS ADJOURN .Siicccdnful MretiiiK of Ilelnll Dealers nt Cednr Hnpliln llrouKht to Close. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., April 26. (Special Telegram.) Tho second annual convention of the Iowa Stato Retail Grocers' association was brought to a most successful close this evening. Over 2,000 grocers of the state j havo been present during the meeting and great Interest has been manifested. Today too from nurllngton and as mnny more from other cities enmo In a special train to attend the convention. Thirty or forty papers on trndo topics have been read and d!scuecd. Resolutions were adopted declaring for an -10 "!W- aB,?K ? rt?Cal , th? bankruptcy law and endorsing tho national food law. Tho following officers were elected: Pres. Ident, Eugene Buttles, Burlington; vice pres. Idcnt, U. S. Johnson, Woomfleld; secretary, Ira B. Thomas, Dcs Moines; treasurer, John W. Hay. Des Moines. Tho place of next meeting was left In the hands of a committee, but probably will go to Waterloo. Hotter Siirnkn to Democrats. SIBLEY, la.. April 26. (Special Telegram.) Tho first democratic speech of the opening nresMnntlnl eamnalen to bo delivered In Os- nrenlilential eamnalen P"?l "t, J n nrt, ccolft county was adi cratio county conventli ddrcsscd to tho Ucmo- on by ex-Congressman miHor hl nfternoon. It was a vigorous at- " " " . aTe: D. O. Cloud, II. Nclll, Henry Schtnoll, T ,.,. , i -m, nn.i n a nook. V- U vifsey lf I'amu ftn(1 1 01 To the democratic congressional convention: William Noohren, Charles Bangcrt. J. H. SUtler. Joseph Smith and W. P- Webster. Oeld rellovrs Ccleiirnte". HAMBURG, Ta., April 26. (Special.) Tho eighty-first anniversary of Oddfellowship was celebrated hero today. Thero were a - of delegations from the towns. Tho exercises wero conducted In accordance with tho following program: 11 a. m., reception at tho hall; 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m.. dinner; 1:45 p. m., assembling nt hall: 2 p. m street parade; 3 p. m., exer cises at opera house. Inwu ew ots. Airntip rrnnriK building ooeratlons ac tive, especially for this time of the year. Tama county delegates to mo congres sional convention aro instructed tor Cousins. Tramps are reported to be giving Creston wide berth since the city adopted the plan of putting them to work. A 4-venr.nld child of George Henry of Otoo was caught by a mill shaft and killed before tne macninery coum oe sioppea. Willie Morcledge, a boy living near Clar Iniln. 1ms heenme Insane as the result of being placed under tho influence of a hyp notist. A new hnllnat nit has been ooened be tween Murrny and McDIll, where ballast will be burned for the west division of the Burlington. Miss Stella Gayhart of Underwood acci dentally shot herself in the abdomen with a revolver while shooting pigeons. It Is feared tho wound may prove ratal. A 'wreck on the nnrrow gunge road at Paekwnod. due to an onen switch, caused considerable damage to railroad property and tho engineer was scalded and had sev eral ribs broken. A 3-vear-old child of Georce Johnson, who lives nt Dexter, got hold of a bottlo con taining carbolic acid and drank some of tho contents. Medical aid was summoned, but tho child died. LECTURER IS ARRESTED (icurKF Hnyforrt Held on Chnrnt of Obtaining- Money Under False Pretenses. NEW YORK, April 26. George Hayford. formerly a lawyer in San Francisco and recently a lecturer on prison reform, was hold In $1,000 ball by United States Com mlfhlouer Shields today on a chnrgo of ob talnlng money on falso pretenses. Hayford was arrested last night at his homo on advices from Washington, D, C that ho was wanted there for passing worth less drafts. Edwin Spalding, a lawyer, is the complainant against Hayford. He said that on March 21 ho cashed a draft for $20 for Hayford, drawn on the Douglass county bunk of Watervlllo, WobIi. The bank re turned the draft two weeks ago with a state ment that tho bank had never heard of Hayford until within the last few weeks, when they had received drafts from different sections of the country aggregating $550. Hayford eald: "There Is a terrible mis understanding. There Is not the allghteit Irregularity in anything I have done." He said that on October 1, 1898, he had had dealings with the Watervlllo bank. He had then sent them power of attorney to collect rents on 160 acres of land near Watervlllo. He said that he had been trv ellng through the southern states and lec turing on prison reform. AVffl.Pi .liny Soon He Free, NEW YORK, April 26.-Four indictments still remnln ngalnst Francis II. Weeks, who In iwa was sentenced to six years nnd six months In Sing Sing for defrauding oatntex for which he was executor out of a sum aggregating $1,300,000. Weeks was sentenced on one of live Indictments, and AxHlMtHnt District Attorney Townsend has tiled a rccommendntlon for tho dismissal of tho four remaining indictments. Weeks' term will expire next month, The request of tho district attorney's office was taken under advisement by Judge Foster, KrllotVHhlp for .Nebraska (ilrl, PHILADELPHIA, April 26,-(Speclal.) Anotner .enrasKa stuacnt nas aistin' gulshed herself before nn eastern college Among the fellows nominated bv the fac nit v of Bryn Mnwr colleco for 1900-'01 an. pours tho name of Margaret Edith Henry of Lincoln as a fellow in philosophy. Miss Henry Is well known among the students at tno university of Nebraska, having won recognition as nn able student during her ! INCORPORATE IOWA ROAD North and Booth Lint to Go Through th Stat. WILL BE OVER TWO HUNDRED MILES LONG . ..T. . , . 1 "r riviirmru m uc Moliira .Hpeenlntlnn Over Com- liiK Appointments. DES MOINES, April 26. (Special Tele grnm.) Tho Des Moines Northern Iowa Railroad company filed nrtlcles of Incorpora tion this afternoon with the county and tho secretary of Btatc. The Incorporators arc. Arthur E. Reynolds, president of the Dcs Moines National bank; J. II. Ulalr, secretary of the Iowa Loan and Trust company; Nn- IWIHP Md T K WHso., LoVthe tnan a. comn of Dudley & Collin; J. II. Hawk.Vft Savlnffs nm, ,,, Th fntiltnl ntnnli t t U . ....... I A AAA Btnrtcl. h , .. .,v ,npnrtnrnl0(, t0 mm m0 ftnd d Tho rnnr, m . .... , ,,, .,,. is not definitely settled bv tho new com pany. Tho road will bo a Ilttlo over 200 miles in length. There Is plenty of capital back of tho scheme and no doubt exists but that It will bo built. Preliminary work wilt be begun at onco nnd It Is probable something In tho way of construction will be begun In the next twelve months. The new road will open up valuable coal fields In tho territory It traverses. Odd Fellows Crlplirnte. Tho eighty-first anniversary of the In stitution of the first lodge of Odd Fellows nnd tho fiftieth anniversary of tho forma tion of tho Dcs Moines lodgo was celebrated hero today by a great gathering of members from all over central Iowa, thero being 1,500 outsiders in tho city for tho event. Tho most notnblo among the out of town guests 'is J. Norwood Clark of Iowa City, the old est Odd Fellow In the stato. Mr. Clark Is SO, but enjoys very good health nnd talks entertainingly of tho early days of Odd Fcl lowsnip, wnen nc was inuiaien lino inc order In Baltimore In 1S37. Lieutenant gov ernor Mllllman of Logan and II. D. Walker of Mount Pleasant aro among tho past grand masters of tho order attending the celo bratlon. Tho parade this afternoon was two miles long. Mrs, A. Y. Rawson, ono of tho most prom inent of Des Moines women, died today, aged 61. It was announced at tho state house today that ns soon ns Governor Shaw returns from Washington ho will appoint tho three remaining commissions crented by the leg islature, tho voting machine, tho capltol Im provement nnd tho vctorlnnry board. Con siderable speculation Is going on ns to the thice men who will be appointed on tho first commission. The candidates aro especially thick among patent attorneys and others in terested In ono of tho 150 or more machines which will bo presented for cxnmlnntlon. Every city and town in tho state "has a can dldate, as the duties will not be arduous and It means $1,500 a year. Smnllnox Cnnen lleimrted. Today a case of smallpox at Cedar Rapids was reported to tho Stato Board of Health. Dr. Shrader of Iowa City, of the Stato Board of Health, will be called to Investigate. An other case has been reported from Burling ton and Dr. Scrogga of Kookuk, another member, will bo called there. Reports from Burlington Intimate that two or threo cases they havo there camo from tho railroad grading town of Murray, whore patients were put on the train by local authorities and sent to Burlington to a hospital. This complaint will be Investigated by Dr. Scroggs. Tho Warfleld Shoo company of Sioux City filed articles of Incorporntlon today. It has a capital stock of $100,000. W. S. War field, W. S. Warfleld, Jr., and Charles B. Hall are the Incorporators. Eliza C. Johnson of Maquoketa, as attorney for a number of members of Company M, Forty-ninth regiment, has filed a claim for pay at national guard rates from tho 26th of April, 1S98, to tho 13th of May, 1899, or the Umo they woro In tho volunteer serv ice. They were paid by tho state up to the time of muster-In and by the United States during the tlmo they served as vol unteers. They now claim that under tho law they should be paid by tho state as well as by tho United States. Tho ad jutant general says their claim Is not good and thero is no appropriation to meet It if It wero. The next legislature may seo fit to appropriate $1,000,000 or more to give tho Iowa regiments extra pay, but until then nothing can bo done. Adjutant General Dyers has decided to give Company L of Clinton a hearing nnd so notified tho citizens thero today. It Is expected that a delegation from Clinton will appear In Des Moines next week to pro teat against the adjutant general's action In debarring the company from the now national guard. But the adjutant gen oral has given out nothing to Indlcato that he will change his policy toward tho com pany. In fact, ho Is still planning to go to Oelwcln In tno near ruturo to muster tne company thero under the tltlo of Com pany L. KXI'ECT TO CAPTURE FUGITIVES. Dnkotn Ofllclnln Hot nn Trail ot the leni-l Convicts, SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. April 26. (Special Telegram.) Tho officials of the Sioux Falls penitentiary believe that within tho next forty-eight hours at least two of the four men who escaped from tho penitentiary on tho 19th InBt. will bo recaptured. From Information received by them there seems little doubt that Dockery nnd Lery nro In the region immediately north of Sioux City. Tuesday night a horso and buggy and some robes were stolen at Elk Point. Sheriff Ryan of Union county, who traced tho rig and thieves toward Sioux City, secured a description of the thieves and forwarded It to Warden Bowler. Tho description an swers to that of Lery and Dockery. Wardon Bowler today received a telephono message from Sheriff Ilyan saying he had learned whero tho buggy and horses wero and that ho would immediately go and rc cover them. It Is believed the thieves will be found nearby. Haling on Land Contexts. PIEBRE, S. D., April 26. (Special.) The local land office has received a ruling which Is of special Interest to all con testants for government lands. H provides that where service Is made by publication the return register recolpt must be made a part of the record. In caso whero tho party has not been reached, the letter Itself must be made a part of tbo record. A number of contests' are sent In, In which the receipt of tho sending office is enclosed, but this Is of no value. The receipt must be the one signed by the party on whom service was had at tho receiving office, and the same blank receipt with the letter for warded must be Bent In when tho party hab not been reached, and It Is returned to the sending office. Clone t'i llnnk'n Affair. SIOUX FALLS, S. D April 26. (Spe clal.) The affairs of tho Dakota National bank, which clowd Its doors here several years ago, ore to be finally closed up In tho near future. Thus far Receiver Zlmmcr manii has paid an Hgcrcguto of SO pur COPPER-COLORED SPLOTCHES Pimplca, Fnlling of tho Hnir nnd Eyebrows, Mucous Patches in Mouth, Poro Throat, etc., tiro unmistnknble pigna of Contagious Blool Poison, nnd requiro vigorous treatment. S. P. S., gunr nnteed purely vegetable, is an infallible cure for this disease in oil stages. It drives tho poison out of tho blood, restoring tho victim to sounn ana pencci iicaun UNLIKE MERCURY AND POTASH, which not only do not cure, but add other poisons to the blood, forcing tho diseaso Lack into tho system, thus producing Mer curial Rheumatism, decay of tho bones, nnd a complete collapse. Air. Win. K. Milliard, of 3'J2 Stevens Ft.. Tn- ellnnapoliH, Intl., writes : "I was under tho doe-l tor's treatment for eleven months, Imt continued to get worse. The doctor nil vised nie to go to Hot Uh. I. Ml T ilnnMivl !, If.. C (J d ltn.t TtnCitv. T lind fliilthed tlic bird bottle mv sealn lug out. 1 continued the remedy and It Jlook iu Homo Treatment mailed free. s PEOPLE IKm&TBnfll. Buy a Lot I And build your own Home upon it, and Stop Paying Rent. Some vacant lots located in Contra.1 sub addition, Potter fc Cobb's addition, Omaha addition and Wright's addition. Theso lots will be sold at real bargains. In a year or so they will bring double the money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. cent to tho depositors. Ho has now given notlcn that on Mny 29 tho remaining assets of the bank, consisting of bills receivable. ttocks, bonds, Judgments, tax certificates, real estato and miscellaneous property of tho, bank, will be cold at public auction, in accordance with an order Issued by tho stato circuit court. itni.r.AMin AM) HHAIini'lHTUI). JnluiMon llnvinK llnrtl Time o Keep Out of Prison. CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 26. (Special.) Saed from Ufa imprisonment for nn al lcgel crlmo nnd rearrested tho samo day on tho chargo of murdering another man wero tho experiences of P. L. Johnson of Price, Utah, today. Johnson was serving a life term In tho stato penitentiary, having been convicted at Green Iliver, Wyo., for tho killing of a boy nnmed Wllllo Strang, who was 6hot in an accidental manner by Johnson threo years ngo at a ranch In Brown's park, near tho Colorado-Utah-Wyoming line. Last December Johnson's friends took an appeal to tho statu su premo court on tho grounds that tho dying statement of Strang, whloh stated that John fcou did not mean to shoot blm, was not admitted as cvldenco by tho trial Judge. Evidence was shown that tho defendant had not been given a fair trial, tho people having , Decn women up to a locung againai ooanson through statements that he had been Im plicated In tho murder of Ranchman Valen tino Hoy of Brown's Park. Tho supreme court remanded tho case back to the district court with Instructions that, tho dying statement bo admitted as ovldnnce. This would, of course, acquit Johnson and when his case came up yester day ho was promptly discharged, but Im mediately rearrested by Sheriff Farnum of Routt county, Colorado, whoso requisition had been honored by Governor Rlohards, A fow days previous to tho killing of Wllllo Strang a posse of officers and ranch men, uho had been hunting a band of out laws ot which Johnson was alleged to be a member, had a fight with tho bandits and Ranchman Hoy was killed. This so en raged the sottlcrs that a general hunt was made for tbo murdorers. Ono of their num ber was captured and Immediately lynched. Tho Routt county offlcors claim to have proof that Johnson was not only a member of tho bold gang of outlaws that had been operating In Utah and Colorado for soveral years, but that ho was ono of tho band thnt killed Hoy. It Is further stated that John sou flrod tho fatal shot. lliirnctl with CurllnK iron. YANKTON, S. D., April 26. (Spoclal,) A peculiar accident yesterday resulted In nn Injury that may causo Mrs. W. II. Stearns tho lors of ono of her eyes. Whllo engaged In curling her hair tho iron sho was using (dipped and foil against tho right check, burning the corner and insldo of tho lower lid. Physicians pronounce the wound 60 rlous nnd It is not unlikely that tho cornea and scared eyelid may grow together In such" a way as to provent vision. I.odKC Will llnllil. ABERDEEN, S. D., April 26. (Special.) Tho Ancient Order of United Workmen lodgo aro contemplating the erection of a handsome and commodious Btructuro this season. It has not fully been determined as to whether the building shall be devoted exclusively to tho uso of tho lodgo or built so ns to furnish store and office rooms on tho first floors. MKhtnliiK Kills IlnUntn Mnn. PIERRE, S. D.. April 26. (Special Tele gram.) Edward Stipe, a young man em ployed on tho ranch of J. Rca, on Bad river, was killed by lightning In tho storm which passed over that section Tuesday evening. Tillman Will Speak. ARERDEEN, 3. D., April 26. (Special.) Senator Tillman has advised W. E. Kldd that he will bo here June 30 and July 1, and will deliver ono or more addresses at the Tacoina park assembly meetings, StriiiniTx from the Orient. SAN FRANCISCO, April W. The steamer t'lty of Illo de Janeiro nnd the transport Bhorman arrived lieie today, the former tfrom t'hlnesn nnd Japaneso ports, via Honolulu, and the transport from Manila, via Nagasaki. Jlolh vessels were ordered to quarantine. TRY GRAIN-OI TRY GRAIN)! Ask your grocer today to show you a oack aro of ORAIN-O, the now food drink that takes the place of coffee. Tho children may orinK it without injury as weJl as the Tit., i C" w" lry 11 "P "i OIIAIN-O ha but it Is made from pure grains, and thS most delicate, stomach recelvso it without distress, , the price of coffee. c a a ta cts. Vtr packagfc gold by nil rova, s was well and niv lialr otiit fall- cured me thoroughly and permanently.' Swift 81'kcikio Co., Atlanta, Go. nppreciato our work because it is done in such a thorough and artistic manner. They are also pleased to find our prices so very moderate. If you havo dental work that needs to bo done wo can satisfy you both in tho quality of work and tho price. . ..Telephone 145 H. A. Woodbury, D. D. SM Council Bluffs. 30 Pearl St. "m Ho,e Kodol dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests Uui food and aids Nature hi strengthening and recon structing the. exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in cQlcicncy. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Ileadachc.GaHtralgla.Cranips and allotherrcsultsof imperfect digestion. Prlco 50c. and fl. Lnrgn size contains 2H timet imall size. Book all uboutd yspopila mullod f res PrtDared by E- C. De'VI'T & CO., Chicago SOME: Good Things CHOCOLATE FRAPPE... Sold by Fine Trade. In the Following Flavors: Vanilla. Coffee, Itasplirrr jr, Pineapple, Lemon, Orange, ....JOHN C... Woodward & Co. Manufacturing Confectioners. Jobbers of Illch Grade Clicara. COUNCIL IIIAJFPS, I A. TWO CENTS.... WORTH 0E GAS will glvo you a first-class bath by ualng tha Victor Instantaneous Water Heater. It Is tbo best, tho simplest nnd tho most efficient water beater made. J. C. IU.VIIY &. SON., Merrlam Block, Council Bluffs. B UY A GAS STOVE RecauBo It Is gate Ilecausfi It U cheap Ilecausn gas Is a cheaper and better fuel than wood or coal. THE GAS CO., i:u Pearl tit.