Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Hew Hovel TranslaUd from th Spaniib
Into English.
Dnvlil I.tiMn Writes of Moulnl nml In
dustrial C'oiiilKliinn I.nuln Albert
llnnko I'tilillnlicx Another
HcIIkIoum Work.
William Dean Howclls wrote recently In
Literature: "Wo Americana are apt to
think because wo have banged tho Spanish
war ships to pieces that wo are superior to
tho Spaniards, but hero In the field, where
Ihero Is always peace, they shine, our mas.
tern. If wo aavo any novelists to compare
with theirs, nt their best, 1 should be puz
zled to think of them and I should llko to
havo somcono clso try." Tho book which
Inspired thcto words by Mr. Howclls was
"The Joy of Captain rtibot," by A. 1'alaclo
Valdcs, which has been, translated Into
English by Minna Carollno Smith and Is
now brought out In a very attractive volume
for American readers. Any reader must bo
hard to plcaoo who would not tako tho keen
it delight In a story presented with a touch
so delicate. Tho scene Is laid In Valencia,
one of tho earth's famous garden spots,
whore tho touch of tho classic hand, laid
upon thfi spot ages ago, yet lingers. It Is a
story dominated by tho purest Joy, as Its
scrcno Mediterranean landscape Is domi
nated by tho purest sunshine. Mr. How
ells, In tho article In Literature alluded to
above, said: "Tho 'Joy of Captain Itlbot' U,
as all tho stories of this dnllghtful author
aroj a novol of manners, tho modern man
ners of provincial Spain; and, by the way,
while wo woro spoiling our piostrato foe,
I wish wo could havo got somo of these, too.
They would form an agrccab)o relief to our
ovn, which they surpass bo much In pic
turesVuenesR, to say tho least." Tho novel
la, so far aa Itlbot and his two friends are
concerned, a tender Idyll, but on tho other
fddo It is an exquisite comedy, with somo
tragto Implications. Mr. Howells has ex
pressed a dcslro to havo Scnor Valdcs for our
own. So far as a most Intelligently sympa
thotlo presentation of this bonutlful story In
Kngllsh can do so, tho translator has mado
him so. llrcntano's, Now York. Price, $1.23.
Tappan Adnoy, who went to the Klondlko
an a npcclal correspondent of Harper's
Weekly, has published In book form his
experiences. It Is n beauttfiily printed and
bound volume of 470 pages and Is In every
respect tho best book resulting from tho
Alaskan cold craze. Tho author was ono
of tho pioneers of tho Klondlko region, and
lived among tho gold seekers during the
otlrrlng times of the gold fovor of 1807 and
1S98. Tho book Is an admirably written
narratlvo of Mr. Adney's experiences and
observations. Not tho least Interesting fea
turo Is tho great number of Illustrations
from drawings and photographs by the
author, eomcthtng llko 1E0 being Introduced
to explain tho text. Harper & Brothers,
New York. Price. $3.00.
Volumo VII of "Tho World's Best Ora
tions." edited by David J. Brewer. Is nt
hand. In many respects It is tho most In
terestlng volume of this most interesting
Borles. Among tho notable American ora
tors In tho volumo nro Patrick Henry, Abra
ham Lincoln, Samuel Houston, Georgo Kris
blo Hoar, Benjamin Harvey Hill, Andrew
Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, II. II. Hayes,
Rufun King, Andrew Johnson, Itlchnrd
Henry Leo, Kobort It. Livingston, John
Lansing and others. Tho St. Louis speech
for which Andrew Johnson was. impeached,
Is given In full ns nro also tho most noted
spoechea of such masters as Lincoln and
Patrick Henry. Hazlltt on "Wit and
Humor," Lubbock on tho "Hundred Best
Books" and Lowell on tho 'Toetlcal and
Practical In America" appear In this vol
umo as represcntatlvo of what Is best in
tho literary addresses of tho nlnoteenth
contury platform. Tho orations given range
In length from 1,000 to 25,000 wordn and
over. Tho object of tho collection is to give
tho groat masterpieces of oratory complete,
regardless of their length, and Instead of
wholly excluding minor orators of genulno
historical Importance, to gtvo so much from
tholr best orations ns will repreeont what
they actually stood for In history. In rellg
Ion. In science. In art or literature. Tho
photogravuro Illustrations full pago on
Japancso paper aro actually Illustrations
f tho text and are not moro Illuminations
put In nt random. Many of them aro por
traltn which In photogravuro on Japancso
paper havo oven a softer and moro pleasing
effect that tho very best of tho old copper
plates. Fcrd P. Kaiser, publisher, St
"Lot Thero Be Light," by David Lubln, Is
a handsomely bound volume, tho contents of
which ought to bo of especial Interest to
every man who labors and to every student
of economics. Six worklngmcn, experienc
ing tho evils and Imperfections of tho In
dustrial and social conditions under which
they labor, meet to discuss tlioso conditions
and to seok tbo causes of those evils. Their
investigations lead thorn to tho conclusion
that the causes of tho Inequality of which
thoy feel tho burden nro to bo sought In
tho defects of religious systems. Tbo do
bates discloso truths which crystalllzo Into
practical form. The truth-seekers, rich and
poor, consecrato themselves to tho principles
which they And revealed and bellovo that
their discoveries will lead to tanglblo and
potent changes In tbo world of economics
and religion. They formulato their beliefs,
they dovlso methods of promulgating and
perpetuating them and they deliver to th
world a plan for a now church, an outllno of
n now social ordor. This book, which fol
lows somewhat tho schemes of Sir Arthu
Helps' "Friends In Council" and of
Cicero's "Disputations," Is notable for Its
originality, logic and boldness. While seem
ingly Innovatory and destructive It Is 1
Teallty catholic and originally constructive
and can bo accepted by tho most conserva
tive man or woman of tho twentieth century.
Tho reasoning Is such as to bo readily un
derstood by tho uncritical as well ask,by
tho scholar; the conclusions nro such as to
atartlo and possibly to antagonize many per
sons who bellovo thenuolves to havo como
to a Until conclusion In economics or religion.
O. P. Putnam's Sons, Now York. Price,
"Chivalry has been a word to conjuro with
for somo hundreds of years," says Louis Al
bert Uanks. D. D., In beginning his now
volumo of talkB to young men, entitled
"Twentieth Century Knighthood." Then In
n strlklncr. and nt tlm nmn time nractlcal.
way ho proceeds to derive hlch Ideals for
present-day character from tho noblest fea-
tho prlnclml publishers enables
faBt ns they are published.
Our line of line cones incidence papers Is unexcelled and
we guarantee our engraving to bo equal to that done in
New York or Chicago. Seo us beforo placing your order.
TEL. 231.
Dear CMilldren, this Is n Great nnd
Good that bo can lay aside all Prejudice
Nebraska Is urging against tho Trust.
turcs of ancient knighthood. Tho titles of
somo of tho talks will suggest tho scope and
practical helpfulness of tho book: "The
Courago of Christian Knighthood," "The
Simplicity of tho Truo Knight," "The Doauty
of Knightly Generosity," "Tho Loyalty of a
Noblo Soul," "Tho White Llfo of Pure Man
hood," "Tho Knightly Itevcronco of Lofty
Character," "Truth and Honor tho Spurs of
Knighthood." "Compassion tho Glory of tho
Strong," "Hardihood the Safeguard of Vir
tue," "Tempcranco tho Flower of Modern
Knighthood." This volume, Vlth the two
procodlng It, "Tho Christian Gentlemen" nnd
"My Young Man," forms a wc'lnlgh lrrcstl
blo appeal to young men to rouso the good
and noblo qualities In them nnd to become
In very truth twentieth century knights.
Tho book is tastefully bound In red cloth
with black and gold side-stamps. Funk &
Wagnalls Co., Now York. Price, 75c.
Ilciokn Ilceolved.
"Twentieth Century Knighthood; a Series
of Addresses for Young .Men," by Uov. Al
bert Uanks. Funk & Wngnalls Co., New
York. Price, 75 cents.
"Tho Conspirators," a romanco, by Itobert
V. Chambers. Harper & Bros., New York.
Price, $1.50.
"Tho Unknown," by Camlllo Flamraarlon.
Harper & Ilros., Now York. Price, 12.00.
"Tho Action and Tho Word," a novel of
Now York, by Ilrander Matthews. Harper
& nros.. Now York. Prieo. J 1.50.
"About My Father's Huslncss," by Austin
Miles. Tho Mershon Co., Now ork. Price,
"Leo's Standard Guide to Paris," Laird &
Lee, Chicago. Price, cloth, CO cents; leather,
"Tho Taming of tho Shrew," by William
Shakespeare. Casaell & Co., New York.
Price, 10 cents.
"Tho Amatuur's Practical Garden Hook,"
by C. E. Hunn and L. H. Bailey. Tho Mac
millan Co., Ne.v York. Price, $1.00.
"Living by tho Spirit," by Horatio W.
Drossor. G. P. Putnam's Sons, Now orK,
Price, 75 cents.
"Pl'rato Gold," by F. J. Stlmson. Houghton,
Mimin & Co., Boston. Prlcn, 50 rents.
"Tho Writing Table cf the Twentieth
Century; Being an Account of Heraldry,
Art. Kngravlng nnd Established Form for
the Correspondent," by F. Schuyler, flron
tuno's, Now York. Price, $1.60.
"History of English Literature," by Reu
ben Post Halleck. American Pook Co. Price,
"Stories of Maine," by Sophlo Swett.
Amorlcan Book Co., Chicago. Trice, SO cents.
"A Dangerous Mission; a Story of tho
Philippines " by Charles Lestor. Tho Edi
tor Publishing Co. Paper, 25 cents.
Tho above books are for salo by
Megeath Stationery Co., 1308 Farnam.
When you wish anything to rend
come and sco us. We havo the assortment nnd
nnn cult vmir taste. Our stnudlng order with
us to have tho new notions on salo as
Good num. So great that tho State of Nebraska sends him to represent It in the Senate of tbo United States. So
and, while serving Nebraska, can, at tho same time defend the Great Slandard OU Trust in tbo Law Suit which
Isn't be a Good Thing? Reproduced from the Denver Post.
Otto Danielton Gives an Off-Hand Exhibition
' of Sleuthing.
Hut ' lie Wim I'ersnniletl to Lenvp
Th cm Wliorr They Co ill it ll found
I'anlly mill tlic .11 u I tor I'iikhciI
Over tin it Juke,
There was a little hitch in tho proceed
itigs out at Otto Daniolson's high five party
Sunday night, caused by the sudden disap
pearance of tho prizes. At 10:30 It was
whispered about among tho guests who
crowded his palatial apartments at 617 South
Thirty-third street that someono had mado
away with tho onyx clock, oxidized me
dallion, bono-handled razor, rag doll and
self-acting revolver, which had boon thought
fully supplied by tho host as rewards for
skill displayed In tho game of the evening.
The entlro collection of premiums, booby
prlzo nnd all, had vanished from tho table
whero they had been on exhibition.
Mr. Danlolson was well awaro that all
his guests had not been Invited with an eye
single to their probity, but It pained him to
think that any of .them should intrmliifn
sordid buslnrea motives at a social function.
It Impressed him as a solecism Inexcusable.
It wouldn't do to disappoint hla friends In
tho matter of tho prizes, ho reasoned. The
program of the evening must be carried out.
So ho notified tho police of tho affair.
A half-hour later Sergeant Hudson
dropped In nt the party and Uanlelson took
him aside.
"You understand," ho began. "I want this
thing conducted quietly. How would It look
for a scandal llko this to get Into tbo pa
pers? Don't make an nrreat If you can holo
It. 1 think I've got It straightened nut now
and all I want Is to get tho stuff back seo?
"I know who pulled off tho lob all right
enough. I Invited tho fellow hero out of
respect to hla parents, who aro nlco people,
but ho s well, I stops up to him awhllo
ago and says:
" 'Nato. nln't you ushamed of yourself to
swlpo that stutT?" and ho says, 'S'help me, 1
never,' and I says, 'That's all right. Nate,
but In the bedroom next to tho parlor you'll
find In ono corner a dogskin rug. Now, In
Just ten minutes by tho stop-watch I'm goln
In that bedroom and look under that rug,
If I find tho clock nnd razor and things under
It. It'll bo all right, Nate, and not a word'll
bo said. If they ain't thero I'll send you
up for thirty days.' "
"Well, how did It work?" asked the tor.
"Tlmo Is Just up now," answered tho host
clicking liU natch caso. "Let's go In and
Together officer nnd host entered the bed
room and there, under the dogskin rug, were
tho clock, rovolvcr, razor, medallion and rag
The men exchanged winks and then Mr.
Danlelson said:
"That'll bo all for tonight, sergoint. Of
courso Nate took tho stuff for a Joke. It
anybody asks you about It, just say that,
will you?"
Mr. Danlelson distributed tho prlzoi among
such of his guests ns were entitled to them
and then, as his friends filed out, graciously
acknowledged tho coaipllments they paid
blm as a model host.
one vexation eliminated
Itnlnril I'lmhiKr Stump a TIiIiik of
the I'iihI Stamp HookN llc
urlveil YcNtertlny.
Through tho foresight and progressive
spirit of Undo Sam nnd tho men In charge
of tho Postofflco department sweltering hu
manity Is to bo relieved of ono of the small
vexations which aro conducive of profanity
or tears according to tho sex and previous
condition of tho vexed.
Beginning Tuesday, May 1, Postmaster
Crow will put on salo nt the Omaha post
ofllce small books containing stamps. Thoso
books aro warranted to prevent Htamps
sticking together or adhering to anything
with which their gummed side may come
Into contact until thoy havo been dampened
for use. The books nro covered with light
mnnllla board, which is cut to the exact
slzo of six stamps, tho depth of threo and
the width of two. The stamps are fastened
Into the book in ohcots containing six, with
a staple. Between tho sheets of stamps arc
sheets of pa rail n paper, arranged to keep
tho stamps eeparuto.
Before he was called to tho high ofllco of
postmaster general Charles Emory Smith
was a newspaper publleher, nnd ns such
fully appreciates tho efficacy of advertising.
In conBequenco of this tho covers of the
book ndvertlso tho buslnces of tho Pcstolllco
department nnd algo contain a brief Hj-nop-sls
of tho postage rates. Printed In green
Ink on the front cover Is a statement of tho
rates of postage on tho different classes of
matter. On tho Insldo front cover tho spe
cial delivery system Is advertised. The In
sldo back cover tells how money Is trans
ferred through tho money order system,
whllo tho final page shows how safe and
secure lotlcis can be sent by the registry
Tho books como In denominations of 21
cents, 48 cents nnd 96 cents, each book con
taining 2-ccut stamps of tho value of tho
book. Tho books aro In their experimental
stago and, therefore, tho Omaha office has
not been supplied with nn extensive stock.
Tho tuvolco rccolved Include 500 12-stnmp
books, 200 2t-stamp books and 50 43-stamp
Running sores, ulcers, bolls, pimples, etc.,
quickly cured by Banner Salve, tho most
healing salvo In tho world. No other "Just
as good." For salo by Myers-Dillon Drug
Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South
Sixteen Pianos Left Over
from tho llosjie Alteration IMano Kale
are going rapidly-They must bo dis
posed of this week -The partition wall
goes In May I and the carpenters can
not work with pianos In their wny.
There are somo line Ktelnways, Klin
balls, Kuabes. Kranlch & Hachs, llos
lies, Krells, Baldwins, Hush & (ierts,
Victors, lllnzes and many other llrst
class pianos, selling at !?VJ7. ?i:t", $HS,
$1(IS, $17S, .flOS and upward on tho
smallest payments possible $.1, .fit, $S,
$10, ?rj per month -many different tin
Isbes still In stock.
All new, clean pianos all fully guar
anteed both by the manufacturers and
ourselves .Many of the makes havo
been represented by us for twenty-six
L Music and Art. 1513 Doutlis.
Seticn of DlNiiNtrous IlnppenliiK"
I.iiiiiIh IIIiu In Jnll with a
I I in- of if 10.
James K. Padlock, 1111 South Sixth street,
arose at 4 o'clock tho othor morning to get
a drink of water, but on his way to tho tin
dipper nnd cedar bucket In tho corner ho
met with a series of mishaps which landed
him in Jail with a $10 flno for wifo beating.
Padlock is a peddler, a calling which re
nulrcs him to sleep away from homo a good
denl, so when ho arose In the darkness of the
room his bearings woro somewhat deranged.
Ho was not as familiar with tho topographical
aspect of tho apartment as ho might othor
wise hava been, albeit ho was sober as a
First, ho stepped upon tho baby, whose
lusty yowl was soon reinforced by those of
flvo other llttlo Padlocks and by tho scream
of his wife. Awaking suddenly, hor first
thought had been of burglars, henco tho
Not finding his youngest offspring vory
good walking, Padlcck altered his courso and
upiot a center table, precipitating a shower
of bric-a-brao Into tho crib of his twins.
Muttorlng softly to himself, he tacked to
tho Btarboard and broke tho leaf of a table
laden with tho supper dishes.
Before the echoos of breaking crockery had
ceased to revcrborato through tho Padlock
foundry two policemen entered and arrested
the head of tho house for wlfe-boatlng.
Ho was fined $10 iMonday, but today Mrs.
Padlock called on tho Judge, related the fore
going facts, and Induced his honor to remit
tho fine.
What Two Ct'iiin Will Do.
It will bring relief to sufferers from asth
ma or consumption, oven the worst cases.
This Is about what ono doso of Foley's
Honey and Tar costs. Isn't It worth a trial?
For salo by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha;
Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha.
Ask your grocer today to show you a pack
age of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that
takes the plnce of coffee. The children may
drink It without Injury as well as the
adult. All who try It llko it. GRAIN-O has
tnat rich seal brown of Mocha or Java,
vm it is maae from pure grains, and th
muni uuncuie siomacn receives It without
distress. H the price of coffee. 16c and M&-
v iwtnuto, ooiu uy an 4 roc en.
OOK yourself squarely in the face and see
! it mm rl ttilf Ci1VtA4 4ft ftft YirtKft4f
ImJ Ivory Soap in your house. Worse than this,
lagjgfl your wje js without it. It is bad enough
for a man, though a man often doesn't care how
his comfort is mis-spelled. But a woman misses all
these little helps to housekeeping. And Ivory Soap
is one j its great potency makes it actually cheaper
than yellow soap for general work. It floats.
Omaha Dialers
Scout th
Ida of
Dot Sny (lint (he Ailvnucr
Ik Due
.Solely to (hp IncrcnmMl
of Itmv Mnterlntn nml
Frccn a northern city comes a story of tho
proposed organization of a carpet trtift
which Is to havo Its seat In Philadelphia and
purposes to advanco the price and change
tho system of selling Ingrain carpets. A
sleuth was immediately sent out to seo If
tho trail of the trust serpent had crossed
tho path of the Omaha carpet trade and how
much the consumer would be forced to pay
Into tho maw of tho mercantile octopus.
Omaha carpet men smiled when they
heard tho story, and, as though they had
conferred upon tho subject nnd agreed upon
a uniform reply, each ono dented tbo exist
ence of any Ingrain carpet trust.
"Carpets are advancing In price, said
Mr. Rosenthal of tho People's store, "but
tho advanco is hardly commensurate with
the advanco In the raw material nnd the
wages of the operatives In tho carpet fac
tories. There has been no trust formed and
there will bo none so far as known. Our
terms aro tho same now as they always have
"This talk of a carpet trust Is all cnoon
shine." was tho answer of E. W. Dixon of
tho Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet company,
"There was somo talk of tho formation of a
trust somo tlmo ago, but It fell through
Tho only changs with tho carpet manufac
turors is tho consolidation of the stocks ot
the Blgolow and Lowell carpet companies.
Thcso companies manufacture llton and
Brussels carpets and they have made a
legitimate combination, tho two corporations
being merged Into ono. Tho prices of carpets
and linoleums have advanced In nil grades.
In somo cases the advance has been as much
ao 10 cents n yard. Tho smnlleat chango has
beon In body Brussels and that Is now ad
vancing. But In what lino has there not
been an advance? wages are higher, raw
material Is higher nnd it must bo expected
that house furnishings will follow tho trena
of tho market."
"I know nothing of nny trust," said the
manager of the omana uarpoi company.
Wo havo all of our goods nnyway and It
would not affect our fall contracts, as they
aro already made.
"Who do thoy say aro forming the trusu
Oh, thoso fellows? They aro mighty small
fish In tho ocean of tho carpet trade ana
could no moro float a trust than they could
fly. When a trust Is formed It must Include
tho mills of Lowell and othor New England
cities or It will never bo n trust in the or
dinary acceptance of tho word."
J. I. Carson, Prothonotary, Washington,
Pa., snys: "I havo found Kodol Dyspepsia
Curo an excellent remedy In caso of stomach
trouble and have derived great benefit from
its use." It digests what you cat and can
not fall to curo.
I A Good Shoe
for all klndH of days Ih our penulno welt
solo woman's shoo at $11 a shoe tbat Ih
not too boavy for a dry day or too light
for a wot one Tbo welt solo makes
tliein easy on tho feet floxiblo-llkc
that bend with every motion of the foot
-sole broad enough to Ut-ep the foot ofl!
tho wet or hot pavements This Hnrlnir
our lino of $3 welts Is far ahead of any
wc havo ever shown beforeIn vie! kid.
Russia tan or light ciUf, blael; and tans
We tako time to sen that tho shoo lits
your foot and wq know how lo lit
Drexel Shoe Co.
The Morning Loaf-
Is tho most Important thing In tho day's
food Hread Is the fttaff of life and bad
bread In tho mprnlng Is a poor staff lo
lean on during tho day Our Whole
Wheat Hread Is pure, fresh, sweet anil
wholesome None but tho best materials
and none but tho best methods nro used
It Is not only a pleasuro to eat It, but it
gives that aftersense of complete satis
faction which Is tho truo test of good
W. S. Balduff.
1520 Farnam St.
Impnxftltile for Tlicm to Aarrrtnlu
Whether I'tirto lllco In l'nrt
of the United State.
"Tho llttlo brown brother ncross tho sea"
in Porto Rico is not tho only person who
docs not know "whero ho Is at" In relation
to tho United States under tho now Porto
RIcan law. Thero nro several persons in
business In ttils country who would llko to
know whother that Island Is a part ot tho
United States or not.
Congrem nnd tho president, by tho enact
ment of the law governing the tnrlff on
articles ot exchange between tho Island and
tho continent, have, apparently, decided that
tho Island Is not a part of tho United State.
The Treasury department, however, seems
to havo decided In ono Instance nl least that
It Is. Tho rulings of tho treasury officers
on questions Involving the oporntlon ot tho
tariff law for tho week ending April 21 con
tain a decision mado upon the application of
tho surveyor of the port of Kansas City In
the matter of rebates upon articles Imported
nnd then exported. Tho Armour company
of that city deslrod to securo rebates on for
eign salt used In tho preservation of moats
exported to Porto Rico, Cuba and tho Phil
ippines. Tho Treasury department holds
that on the shipments to Cuba nnd tho Phil
ippines tho packing house Is entitled to re
bates, but that "Porto Rico Is not a forclir
country In tho contemplation of the stntui
regulating rebates" and that thercforo n
rebates will bo allowed.
A Tentlmnnlnl from Old Kiiulnnil.
"f consider Chamberlain's Cough Romcdy
the best In the world for bronchitis," says
Mr. William Savory of Warrington. En
gland. "It has saved my wife's life, sho
having been a martyr to bronchitis for over
six years, being most of the ttaio confined
to hor bed. Sho Is now quite woll." It Is n
great pleasuro of tho manufacturers ot
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to bo a blo to
publish teatlmonliUs of this character. They
show that great good Is being dono, pain
nnd suffering relieved nnd valuable lives re
stored to health and happiness by this
Eyes arc
They'll see maybe quite well,
through a pair ot glasses you
pick from a basket but na
ture beats a sheriff in forc
ing a collection of hor debts
nd fitting ono's self to gluaics
is risky terribly risky the
assurance that we give you
of furnishing the proper
glasses places you beyond all
risk Froe cyo examination.
Lending Scientific Opttolaua.
1403 Farnam. OMAHA.
4 V.