Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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("Tho court, however, retimed to entertain
j this proposition and will not oven suspend
, entente uiuii 11 nas ileum iuu i-viueim.-.
Davis sells glass.
Morehouse & Co., magazines bound.
Uudwelscr beer. U tlosenfeld, agent.
Klne A. B. C. beer, Ncumaycr's hotel.
Schmidt's photos, now and latest styles.
While Uose Ilebcknh lodgo will meet in
regular cession this evening.
Oct your work done at the popular Eagle
Jaundry, Tit Hroadway. i-none joi.
Hno artogravures. Alexander & Co.
special prices on frames lor uicm.
W. C. Hstep, undertaker. M Pearl street.
Telcphonci: Olllce, 97; residence, S3.
3. Baldwin makes a specialty of. clean
ing wall paper and frescoes. 121 12th ave.
Mrs. C. II. OrvlM left lust cvenlnir for
Bloux City, called there by tho serious Ill
ness of her mother, Mrs. Frcese.
.1 H. llardln, llvo stock agent of the Ilur
llngton road, with headquarters at C harl
ton. Ih.. wan In the- city yesterday.
Mrs. O I Kahle. accompanied by Miss
atoblna hlttlejohn of Omaha, will leave to
.lay for a visit with friendfl at Maryvllle,
Jud-" J. U. Heed left last evening for
Bantu i'e. N. M.. where ho will hold a ses
sion of tho fcdernl court of privuto land
The Busy Bees of Grace Kplscopal church
will meet this afternoon at a o'clock at the
resldenco of Mm, O. II. Jackson, on Botlth
First street.
William irinsky and 'Ralph Nugent, two
voiltig lads, were arrested last evening for
iiimnln'r on and off moving trains In tho
I'nlnn I'aclllc yards.
City Tlctfei Ascut V. K. I'ibbe of tho
Illinois Central has been called to Chicago
ibv tho serious Illness of his wlfes father.
!Mrs. l.abbe accompanied him.
Tho members nf the.W. C. D. C. com m It
lee urn requested to meet with Mrs. II
Ham Kim Monday evening to complete ar
rangements for their second assembly.
A party of teachers from Missouri Val
ley and Cflenwoiid were. In the city yester
day visiting the public Hchools and secur
ing pointers on the methods In voguo here.
City Knglneer Ktnyre has a force of men
nt work ropalrlng the 'Benton street brldgo
over Indian creek. A now Moor Is bcltwr
jmt In nml the structure la receiving a now
coat of paint.
.1. I,. Trice, the attorney of squirrel shoot
ing fame. Is In troublo again. He will
have a hearing In police court this morn
ing on the charge of permitting his chickens
to run at largo and forago on Ma neigh
bors' lawns.
City Assessor W. I). Hnrdln states that
lie expects to make his returns of tho per
Hnnnl iissnsHinent for 1900 to tho county
auditor sonio time next week. He sayB tho
personal assessment will bo nbout tho samo
us last year.
A consignment of the little books contain
ing stamps was received at tho local post
ofllco yesterday. The books contain twelve,
Htamps and costs 25 cents; twenty-four
Htamps and costs 49 cents, and forty-eight
damps and casts 97 cents.
Frank McC.niley placed a torpedo on the
motor tracks on Broadway yesterday even
ing and when a passing car exploded It be
was promptly placed under nrrest by OIII
rer Larklns. Ho gave ball for his appear
ance In jMjllce court this morning.
Tho vestry of St. Paul's Hplscopal church
has elected tho following olllcers: Senior
warden. M. F. Hohrer; Junior warden, A. D.
Annls; secretary. II. W. Binder; treasurer.
A. D. Annls. The several committees will
bo appointed by the rector, Ilev. G. I.
Pat Burke, nrrested bust ovenlng for being
drunk, fell orr tho iron iiunK in nn mi mm
tttruck a corner of an opposite bunk, cut
ting a deep gash In his head. City Pny
ulclan Jennings had to be called In to sew
im the wound. Tho operation had tho effect
of making Pat reasonably sober.
Mrs. J. W. Taylor failed to appear In
police court yesterday morning at the hear
ing of her husband, who stands charged
with beating her. although she had been
Forvcd with a subpena. A bench warrant
was Issued for her last evening nnd she
ppont tho night at the city Jail. Taylor's
hearing was postponed until this morning.
Ooff Icemen, the lS-year-old son of Rev.
J. O. Iemen, manager of tho Christian
Jlome, Is proving himself a cartoonist of
jio mean order and Is an artist of consider
able talent for ono of his age. Ho received
word yesterday from one. of the Chicago
dally papers that a cartoon bo had sent in
In competition for a prize had been ac
cented. With thu letter was a check in
payment for tho drawing.
Olllccr Iirklns, who has tho reputation of
being tho Adonis of tho police force, was to
tin seen at an early hour yesterday morn
ing trundling a baby carriage In the direc
tion of tho police station. Tho carrlngo
minus its occupant was found by the olll
cer on South Sixth street. It Is supposed
that It was left Thursday night by tho
owner In the corridor of tho opera houso
nnd was removed to tho placo where It was
found by tho otllcer by some of tho
inlsohk'vous youngsters who hnug around
tho theater on show nights.
N.' T. rlumblnc Co. Tei. 250.
National Building and Loan Compinj Can
not Bride Its Contract,
tax sale for certain lots which tUc company THUD Till? MWV DMADM
lalms arc and wero In tho bed of tho IUUIY VI 1 11L IV) i UVMW
Missouri river several years prior to tho .
assessment of the tax and salo for dellu-
quent taxes. Thrco claims of tho same , Dtcido
company, ninoiintlng to $133.03, for certain
lots which It had bought at tax Bale and i
cro subsequently found to be encumbered I
lth a school fund mortgage, were llkcwlso
rejected. The county attorney reported ad
verse to the claims on tho grounds that
the fact that a given tract of land Is on-
nilxiibelh Field (ilvcn .TmlKiuent In
I'll II nml Defendant In the
Mult (ilvcn n StroiiK
Judgo Green In his declslan and
opinion In tho suit of Kllza
beth Field against tho Kastera Build
ing and Loan association of Syracuse, X.
V which wero received hero yesterday by
tho clerk of tho district court, arralgno in
no uncertain terms the business methods of
the defendant company. Tho decision Is In
favor of tho plaintiff for tho full amount of
1300, tho face valuo of flvo shares of stock
In tho defendant company, which sho sued
for. It also Btintalns her attachment of
sovcral lots In this city. Tho decision Is of
consldornblo Interest, there nro other suits
of a similar character pending In the dis
trict court hero against tho association.
Thu decision recites that tho plaintiff
brings suit on n certificate of stock con
taining a contract that upon tho payment of
certain sums for a specified period by the
plaintiff tho defendant would at tho end of
such period pay back to tho plaintiff a cor
tain sum. By this contract absolute promise
Ih mado to pay plaintiff $100 for each Bharo
of stock at tho end of seventy-eight months
from dato In consideration of the payment
of "5 cents per sharo until tho same Is ma
tured. Tho plaintiff made such payments,
and tho pica of tho defendant that the
seventy-eight months mentioned In tho con
tract must bo considered simply nt an cstl
mated period of maturity Is not sustained
by tho only construction ablo to bo placed
uoon tho contract. Tho languago could
not bo plainer. Thoro Is no ambiguity,
Soventy-clght months cannot mean 100.
U Is also said that tho articles of Incor
poration and by-lawB contemplato that tho
defendant should bo a mutual association,
nil stock sharing equally In its earnings.
Sush is not the case. Tho contract was In
substanco that tho plaintiff's stock should
bo paid nt a certain specified time, regard
lews of tho losses or tho profits. It Is Idle
to assert that tho plaintiff should havo
known that tho earnlngB of tho company
would not Justify tho payment of tho high
rate of Interest promised. Tho ovldenco
In tho caso shows that they wero obtained
for tho first year after tho stock was taken
The authorities oro abundant that the do
fendant, having received tho benefit of tho
plaintiff's performance of tho contract, can
not now ropudlato it on the ground that U
Ih ultra vires, without returning tho money
advanced. (
In conclusion tho opinion states: "It
said that plaintiff would not bo benefited by
enforcing tho contract. If this wero true
It would bo no defense, but tho evidence ns
to the per cent earned on Its Investments
by tho defendant shows that tho sooner Its
affalra aro wound up the bettor for all con
cerned. and especially for these who aro
continuing to throw their meager savings
into tho' bottomlesir pit of'lho company'
treasury nnd hoping ngalnst hope to some
tlmo sec It filled."
cumbered by n school, fund mortgago docs
not render a tnx on such land Illegal or a i
salo for such taxes erroneous." I
City Detective Weir, was allowed his bill !
of $10.36, being expenses incurred by mm
in securing tho arrest and return to this
Ity of John Flood, alias William Durham,
who pnssed a forged check on n local busi
ness firm.
At tho suggestion of tho committee on
poor, tho appropriation for tho grading or
tho pauper cemetery was Increased from
$S0 to $123.
Dr. Barstow was allowed his bill of $S.:0,
expenses Incurred by him In going to Lin
coln, Nob., to make certain Investigations
In tho cuso of Lottie Fndden, an Insane
woman committed to St. Bernard's hospital
by tho Insanity commissioners a number
f months ago. At tho tlmo of her com
mitment the woman's legal resldenco was
Bald to bo In Nebraska.
Tho county attorney wns directed to com
mence proceedings to restrain mo main
tenance of tho Pig Mill dam In any such
manner ns to bo detrimental to bridges and
puhllc highways In tho-vicinity of its loca
Tho board expects to completn tho busi
ness of tho present session mis murmur.
when It will adjourn until the next regular
meeting In June.
SeiiNiitlmiiil Suit Oiler.
Tho entire line of ladles' tailored suits at
tho Boston Store to go at four prices. All
suits worth up to $10.00, now $0.98. Thoso
worth up to $15.00. now $8.03. All worth
up to $20.00, now $11.98. All worth $22X0
and $25.00, now $11.98
llnNtmi Store Suit Sale.
Truly a slaughter of prices. Tho entire
stock of suits In this store divided Int
four lots. All to go at $G.9S, $8.98, $U.9S
and $U.9S. WHITKLAW & OAIWINER. for a lint.
No ladv can excuso her shabby or Inst
reason's hat when tho Boston Store Is sell
ine such beautiful, now and styiisn
lor only $1.50.
Commonwealth 10c cigars are good cigar.
Tho Gas company furnishes gas heaters
lor bath and bedrooms freo.
on Dmiioni of the Legiilatnrs's
Den MoIiicn lteiort Tivrnty-uiie Cnsrn
of Sinn 1 1 itiiv In tin' I no I it t Ion I'll III l
mill Fours Are lliitertnliteil of
I, arm- llplileinle.
DBS MOINKS, April 20. (Special Tele
gram.) John Cownlc of tho Stnto Board of
Control returned today from tho tour of tho
state institutions and tho other members
will return tomorrow. A number of change
will bo tho result of tho tour Just completed,
ns tho board hus aimed to begin Immedi
ately tho Improvements for which appro
priations wero made by tho legislature.
At tho Soldiers' Orphans' Homo at Daven
port the site for tho new chnpel, which will
cost $20,800, was determined, and other
minor improvements wero ordered.
At Mount Pleasant a new Industrial build
ing for which $16,000 was appropriated was
located and un electric light plant to cost
$13,000 wns ordered begun. At Clarlnda
there will bo new buildings and other much
needed Improvements, and nt Glenwood a
new hospital, to cost $33,000, will be begun
ici iia in i'iiimi to nr. a ii.t
.fury llctiirti Verillet miltiM Iimmi
SiiIiiiiii Keeper.
CKDAIl RAPIDS, la.. April 20. (Special
Telegram.) The Jury In the caso of Albert
Kuba returned a verdict of guilty this after
noon, nfter being out nn hour nnd a half.
Kuba was a saloon keeper who placed dy
namite on the steps tf Attorney W. L. Crnn's
houso last Thanksgiving night, intending to
blow It up. It wns claimed by tho de
fendant thnt It ns Intended only ns a scare,
Kuba testifying that he had been repeatedly
blackmailed by a number of lawyers, Cron
being ono of them.
Wo sell gas Btoves on monthly payments
nt half tho prlco of a gasollno stove. Tno
Qas cotnrany, 2G Pearl street.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf cure coughs, cold!
Feileriil Court ote.
In tho cases of tho Union Hnrrow company
against tho Grand Detour Plow compnny
and tho Sterling Manufacturing company In
tho federal court Judgo Mungcr yesterday
Issued Injunctions restraining tho defend
ant companies from further infringing on
im nininitrr romnanv's patent. Theso nro
tho suits in which Judgo Munger granted
decrco pro confesso for tho plaintiff Thurs-
Smile A. Foster nnd Glen V. i nrnannn
filed netitlons in voluntary bankruptcy yes
terday In tho United States district conn
under tho firm name of Foster & Carnalian
nnd ns Individuals. Their resldenco Is given
ns Hamburg, Fremont county, but tho firm's
business Is not stated, nltnougn u wouiu
seem from the character ot their liabilities thev wero conducting a notel in leav
onworth, Kan., nt tho time mey uecuniu
flnnnrlnllv Involved. Tho ilrm B illumines
nmmint tn S2.43j.6.i. Wltir JDU worm ui u
sets. Carnahan, In his Individual pennon,
schedules his liabilities at $233.C5, with
nTi aset. $2,000 of which Is represented
i, n nnllov of llfo Insurance. Sadlo Foster's
" l . . , ,tl. Ill.lrifl
separato petition snows sno nus uauiuuio
amounting to $283.03 and her assets amount
to $75, consisting of some furniture, n gold
-,.!. nml n xnwlnir mocnine, uu oi wuitu
sho claims aa exempt.
sivlon III Shirt AViilsl".
A superb assortment that's tho stock of
thn llnston storo's siurt. waisis in a.
ui.n aii this senson's best styles, from
r,0 cents to $2.50. It'll pay you to Invcai
Gravel rooflnc.
IIvitn Not ii Ciimtliliite.
lion. H. W. Byors of Harlan, who wa3 the
guest of honor nt a banquet given nt tho
Grand hotel Thursday night, returned to his
homo yesterday morning. When asked If
there wns foundation for tho report that he
Intended to bo a candldnto for attorney gen-
iral Mr. Users said there was absolutely
none. Ho said ho wns ot tho opinion thnt
the renort had been started by certain per-
ons for tho direct purpose of having him
Beny It so ns to precludo any possible chnnco
of his being a candidate snouiu circum
stances bo so ns to warrant him entering
tho Held.
deferring to tho report that Judgo Macy,
Jils fellow townsman, wns a candldato for
congress Mr. Byers said thnt at no tlmo had
tho judgo entertained any such Idea. Judge
Macy would bo a caudldate this fall for re
election to tho district bench.
Ui'iil Kotute Tniiifrern.
The following transfers were tiled yester
day In the abstract, title and loun olllce of
J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street:
Jj. P, .ludson nnd wife to S. S. Green,
lot 7, Judson's Grand View udd,
Neol.i, w. d ...............$ . iB
p. o. uu--i, - - -
same, w. d , lw i
County 'ITeasurrr iu n. uiraiunuiu,
lot fi. block 19. H'aU'a add to Council
Bluffs, tux d. ...... .......... ....... .... 43
Baiuo to Slim Cobb, lot 6, block 11,
Potter & Cobb's add, tax d 3
Annlo M, Carter and husband to W.
P. Dinwiddle, lpts 1 and 2, block 13,
town of Macedonln. w. d SW
,A l l.'lnmliii- nnd wlfn tn Cn-nnerii-
tlve Bank of Iowa, lot 13, block 1. I
"Wilson Terrace, Council Blurts, q.
c. d
'Augusta Kkwall to Peregoy & Moore,
undlv'l! of lot 6, block IS, WllllnniM'
1st add to Council HlufTs, w. d
rcregoy & Mooro to Frank It. Levin,
W . . . , ,. 4C .1,1 If I .. . .. ... ...1.1.
somh will in: "imv" this vhaii
Check of the Petition of Council t to
SiiIooiih In Coneliiilril.
Tho Board of County Supervisors com
plotcd yesterday morning the canvass of
tho saloon petition of consent for th
county outsldo of Council Bluffs. Tho can
vass showed thnt ns far as tho county a
largo Is concerned the petition bore th
requlslto signatures of 65 per cent of th
voters at tho last general election, but that
It was Insufficient ns to tho townships of
Belknap, Carson, Center nnd Grove nnd
tho towns of Carson, Hancock, Macedonia
nnd Oakland. Theno towns will havo to go
dry unle3s another petition Is secured. In
Carson, whero thero has been a saloon fight
of longstanding, tho petition lacked only
two names of tho requlslto 50 per cent. Tho
petition wns found sufficient as to Boomer,
Crescent, Garner, Hnrdln, Hnzel Dell,
Jnmcs, Kane, Keg Creek, Knox, Layton,
Lewis, Lincoln, Macedonia, Mlnden, Neola,
Norwalk, Pleasant, Rockford, Silver Crcok,
Valley, Washington, Wnveland, Wright and
York townships, nnd Avoca, Wnlnut, Mln
den nnd Neola.
The law requires that in order to bo ef
fective tho petition of consent must bear
tho signatures of 05 per cent of the voters
nt tho last preceding general election for
the county at largo and 60 per cent for tho
townships and1 towns Individually. The
following shows tho number of signers In
each township nnd tho number of voters at
tho last ucneral election:
Township. Signers.
Belknap 1M
Boomer 136
Carson 130
Center Ifi9
Crescent 112
Garner 213
Grove 97
llardln no
A. II. Read, 541 B'way,
K. P. dance at Hughes' hall tonight. Ad
mission, 25 cents per couple.
roiminnloii l''ort'sti'r Hleet.
Comnnnlon Court Wncondn, Indorendcn
nnlnr of. Foresters, hns been organized In
n,i. nitv with tho following olllcers: Chief
mnrnr. Mrs. Rcso Walters; past chle
ranger, Mrs. Kate Madden; vice chief ranger
Mrs. Mlnnlo Mooro; recording secretary
Mr. Tnau Pllllnc: financial secretary, Mrs
Addlo Kaln; treasurer. Mrs. Julia Miller
orator, Mrs. Olivo A. Anderson; senior wood
...r,i mi Mnrle Bernhardt; Junior wood
' Mnrv Peterson; senior beadle,
ah 'w.mmk Kurtz: iunlor beadle. Miss Addl
Wesley; court physician, Dr. Sarah A. Smith
assistant court physician, ur, auuu ..uwu
Tlmo discards 99 per cent of the new In
..niinn. discovered. While It is easy to a
a thing for today, It Is hard to say what
This Is why men
attach so great a valuo to tho test of time
Commonwealth 10-ceni cigars
sold for forty years.
avis sells paluts.
Hnzel Dell lit!
James 110
Kane 16
Keg Creek 91
Knox 452
Layton 301
Lewis 191
Lincoln 112
Macedonia 1U9
Mlnden 'JO I
Neola 30G
Norwnlk lit
Pleasant 123
Rockford 119
Silver Creek 114
Valley ir,9
Washington 102
Wnveland 94
Wright 71
York 93
have been
v t .i-inm tonleht at Hughes' hall
Whaloy's orchestra. Admission, 23 cents
lot 0, block IS, Williams' 1st add
lots 19, 20 and 21. block 21. Burns'
ndd, q. C. d
I'nrls Jensen and wife to W. A. Peter
sen, Wi ncres In neU nwi( 31-77-13,
w. d 30
fJlels Nlelson and wife to same, 2V4
ncres In neVi nwU 31-77-13, w. d 20
Total ten transfers $ l.O
wrl; on the .Mil mi Mil Line.
Tho Omaha. Council Blurts & Suburban
Railway company expects to commence work
ii. itnn tn Lako Manawa In a few days.
............ iifton nnd twenty cars of ties
i.. nrrived. but tho company Is still nwnlt
i.. ..,,.,. Hhinmcnta of rails. A force of
i, nrtv men oro nt work ot tho lak
..rrvinl not tho Improvements. Two block
hnvo boen added to tho grounds thero, which
nro now being laid out and planted with
trees Several of tho old bulldingB aro being
rmioved to mako room for the new theater
nnd tho company expects to havo everything
In readiness by Juno 1.
If you nro cleaning houso and getting
ready for Bummer and need a little paint
try Dcvoo's. It's all right. Wo still noil
It-lots of It. Doll G. Morgan's drug store,
112 Broadway.
Mr. Riley 5-cent cigar.
nd a cold storage nnd ice manufacturing
ant, tho llrst to be used at any of tho
tatc Institutions, will bo put In.
Smnllpox mi liierpiiNC.
There aro now twenty-ono cases of small
pox In tho Isolation camp and new cases
ro being reported every day. Secretary
Kennedy of tho Stnto Board of Health says
e would not bo surprised If Des Moines
had 300 or 100 cases within two weeks. In
S98 thero wero 232 cases of smallpox In
the stnto. two of which resulted In death,
hllo In 1S99 there were 400 cases and
seventeen deaths.
William Channel, a miner employed at thu
poor farm coal mine, wns run over by sotno
cars which ho was letting down tho switch
nnd sustained Injuries from which ho died.
Tho unfortunnto man was on top of the
cars and, as la tho custom when thero Is
no switch englno nvallable, had loosened
the brakes nnd let tho cars drift down tho
grade to tho chute. It was w.hlle at this
task that ho lost his hold nnd tell beneath
tho wheels In such a position that both
arms wero cut off above tho elbow and his
head crushed.
B. Schrclncr, ono of the division engineers
f tho proposed Duluth & Now Orleans road,
arrived In tho city today. In his opinion,
hero is no money behind the scheme to
construct a road from Osago to this city
and ho thinks tho wbolo plan will fall
through. The company has been unablo to
realize on its bonds, and all tho apparont
financial backing It has had was compara
tlvely small Bums advanced by crcduluoun
men, who wero more hopeful ot tho plans
materializing than thoy were that tho
scheme would bo n success. It wns owing
to tho Inability of tho company to dlsposo
of Its bonds In New York thnt It became
necessary to permit aid In the shnpo of
taxes levied along tho line to lapse. This
occurred at Nevada.
II. B. Knowlton, administrator of tho es
tato of tho late Charles Downs, killed by
nn electric wire belonging to tho dofendant,
today began action against tho Dos Moines
Edison Electric Light oompany, demanding
damages to tho amount ot $25,000 alleged to
bo duo him for tho death of Downs.
Invcat litntf OtttintTTii .Hnoelntlou,
On a holding 'bf tho state auditor's de
partment that the Equitable Building nnd
Loan association of Ottumwa has for Eorao
time past been doing business contrary to
the laws of Iowa, Attorney General Rcmley
left today for Ottumwa to investigate tho
affairs of the association In question. Sec
tion 1907 of tho code provides that when tho
auditor has sulllclont information to con
vlnco him that any building and loan asso
ciation of tho state is violating tho laws
governing such concerns he shall turn tho
affairs of such association over to tho attor
noy general.
Somo tlmo ago the fact was mado public
that tho state auditor questioned tho moth
ods of business employed by the Equitable
aosoclatlon of Ottumwa nnd that this had
been brought to tho nttentlon of the nttor
ney genernl. As a result of this Mr. Rem
ley will look Into the business of tho nsso
elation and hns gone to investigate the
flnnnces of tho institution nnd to adjust Its
affairs in tho Interests of tho stockholders
nf tho concern. One of the several vloln
Hons of tho law which aro charged la th
lssuanco of guaranteed stock, expressly pro
hlblted under tho old building nnd lonn
law. nnd a prominent feature of the new
law recently enacted.
Tho Guttenbcrg State bank of Guttenberg,
Clayton county, filed articles of Incorpora
tlon today. Tho new bank has a capital
VnltcrM Strike Still On.
Tho contest between tho union waiters
nnd non-union employers Is progressing to
tho point whero both sides nre extremely
nervous and good nature Is liable to be re.
placed with violence. Tho most Important
features of today's developments wns the
determination of tho union men to securo a
list of nil tho prominent men patronizing
non-union houses and to publlnh them In
tho daily papers If posslblo and, falling In
that, to print them on circulars or cards
and dlstrlbuto them throughout tho city.
HllllilliiK lit Sheiliiliiloiili.
SHENANDOAH, la., April 20. (Special.)
Already this year tho building operations
commenced havo passed the mark reached
In 1S99 and conditions are favorable for a
big increase. On Sheridan avenuo thero Is
now under construction tho Rankin Bros."
block, which will bo tho finest single storo
room In tho four comer counties. It will
n hnndsomo pressed brlrk structure,
wo stories and basement in height, possi
bly threo stories high. In the second block
cast O. F. Cotrlll Is working on n hand
somo corner room. Across tho street and
aBt of tho Harrison block tho Masons will
commence work on a structure next ween.
Joining this on the cast will bo a three-
room two-story brick block that will bo
built at tho sumo tlmo by Messrs. Lake
nd Cotrlll. All theso buildings will be
wo stories or more In height and already
business men arc Inquiring about tho leas
ing of them. An ontmcal mill Is a possi
bility, a plcklo factory may locate here, a
big windmill concern Is a probability and
fforts aro now under way for the location
a wholesale grocery house, this point
tiering exceptional facilities for such a
concern, having railroads radiating in iivo
directions, thereby reaching all points within
couplo of hundred miles with ease.
Ilenvy Lonn lit Centervllle.
OTTUMWA. Ia.. April 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Centervllle, the county seat of
Appanooso county, was visited by a very
disastrous conflagration this ntternoon
which destroyed a largo number of buslnefs
houses In tho main part of the city. Tho
origin of tho fire, which started on tho
south sldo of the square, Is unknown. It
began early In tho afternoon nnd was not
under control until late thlw ovenlng. Tho
Lewis Lumber compnny was nmong tho
heavy losers. Tho majority of tho buildings
destroyed wero cheap frame structures and
tho loss, It Is thought, will not exceed $10,
000, on which thorg is very llttlo Insurance.
Individual losses cannot bo ascertained as
yet, ,
- i
lliiiuiiiet for Mnel.cnn.
SIOUX CITY, la., April 20. (Special 1 -
Tonight nt tho Garretson hotol tho Sioux
City nlumnl of tho Stnto University of Iown
City and other former students or mat in
stitution gave a banquet in honor of Presi
dent Georgo E. MacLoan of Iowa City, who
Is In Sioux City attending the annual meet
lng of the Northwestern Iown Teachers-' as
sociation. There wero present nt the ban
quet about 12S persons ami nn cnjoyauio
program ot toasts and responses had been
Settled Out of Court.
FORT DODGE, la., April 20. (Special.)
Tho divorce case of Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Grlffln, which crentpd something of a sen
sation In this city, has been formally ad
judicated by mutual agreement, Accord
ing to tho terms of settlement, which wero
privately arranged, Mrs. Grlflln withdraws
tho chief charge preferred against her hus
band and Is granted n divorce on minor
groundf. Sho nlso receives one-half of the
family property, amounting to $50,uuo.
Intvn Crop Condition.
SHENANDOAH, In., April 20. (Special.)
The weather during tho lnut month In
this section has been of the choicest kind
nnd the farmers aro forward with their
work. During the last week threo splendid
rains have put tho ground In flno condition
nnd the seeding Is going on at a lively rate.
Tho usual amount of fall wheat wns not
sown, but a number aro putting In tho hard
spring wheat.
NeMHimper ltenrnunlziitlon.
ATLANTA. Ga , April 20. -Under the re
organization nf the Atlantn Evening .lour
nai a 1oard of directors has been elected
by the stockholders and tlio lollowing olll
cers havo been named by the board: Morris
Brader. president; James it. uray, vi.n
president; Georgo II. Dickinson, genernl
manager; 11. II. Cabnnlss, business mali
nger; W. B. Roberts, secretary; Josluh Car
ter, morning editor; II. M. Atkinson, treas
urer. l'"reluh Handler AnU Itulne.
CLEVELAND, p.. April 20. Package
frelgnt handlers, of whom there nre about
4.000 employed along tho lakes, liave de
manded nn advnnce of IB per cent In wages
The:' threaten to strike unless their de
mands are granted.
nuinlnlH nf tlm Lumber Shovers union re
port that their demand for an Increase of
3 cents per I,"iu uns neon cuiii-eueu iu uu
lako ports. About 9,00 men are benellted.
CriticalTimes for Girls.
The first critical period in a woman's life comes at the pass
ing of her girlhood. In nine cases out of ten where disease
fastens itself upon her it docs so at the line of demarcation be
tween girlhood and womanhood. How to preserve the daugh
ter's health how to ward off disease at this crisis is the prob
lem that confronts every mother of girls.
Pink Pills for Pale People
are the best remedy to use nt this critical period. Read this
sworn statement of Mrs. J. M. Riggs, of Carterville, Mo.
"My daughter Joslo during tho winter of l?i)7-P9 sufTored n complsts
brcnkilown In hcnlth. Kho whs thin nnd pale, hnd no appetite Iu fact,
torno days barely tasting her food. Thoso who know her condition said sho
was going Into iv decline.
"On tho iidvlcoof n. neighbor, we began giving her Ilr. Wllllnm' Pink
Pills for Palo People. The ctfrct on her condition was marvelous. lWoro
sho had takonhnlf nbox her condition won Improved, und sho kept on gain
ing appetite, strength nnd flesh until shs was entirely well. Hho took three
boxes of tho pills und to-day thero Is not n healthier, more robust looking
girl In Cartervlllo. Sho Is Ooshlcr and healthier than ever before In her
life." Mks. J. M. Iluios.
Subscribed nud sworn to befora me n. Notary Public, this 15th day of
October, 1B08. William Wolcott, -Votary "ufcfe.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an unfallinir specific for
such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.Vitus' Dance,
sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the
grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms o
weakness, in either male or female.
Dr. Willinttift' Tinlc Pills for Pale People nre sold by all dealers, or
will be ient, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50c n box or six boxes for f 2.50
(they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by nddressnig Dr. Williams
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
lon't Forget
that our prices aro always
moderate examine them for yourselves.
. ..Telephone 145
Silver Killings $1.00
Gold Allay I'llUncs $1.00
Platinum Alloy Tilling! $1.00
Gold Fillings $2.00 nnd up
Crowns $3.00 and up
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs-
30 Pearl St. "trand Hotel
If not, drink Grnln-O mad from pure
grains. A lady writes: "The first time I
made Gratn-O I did not like It, hut after
using H for one week nothing would Induce
me to go back to coffee." It nourishes and
feeds tne system Tho children run drink
It frely with ereat benefit. It Is the
tremrihonlnz substance ot pure k'rains.
Get a package tolay from your urocer, fol
low the directions In making It and you
will have a drllclous and healthful table
beverage far old and young. 15c and 35c.
Allen's Foot-Kane, n, powder. It cures
painful, smarting, swollen feet and Ingrow
ing nulls, and Instantly takes the ntlng out
of corns and bunions. It's the greatest
comfort discovery of the ago. Alleil s l oot
Kase makes tight or new shoes feel easy,
it U a certain cum for sweating, callous
nnd hot, tired, nrhlng feet Try It today
Bold by all druggists and shoe stores. Ky
mall 2oc In stamps. Trial puckago FHhh,
Address. Allen S. Olmitad, Leltoy .
Negotiated in Kaaturn Nebratka
and Iowa. Jamea N. Casady, Jr.,
Ui Main au Council iMuffi.
Totals 1,01-5 fi.SIS
Tho board rescinded Its resolution of
April 7, requiring tho sheriff to collect In
advance certain fees, as It has slnco ills
covered thnt tho statute governs such mat
ters. Dr. I. T. Van Ness xubmltted an applica
tion to bo appointed physician for tho poor
ot Neola township, to succeed Dr. Hobblns,
who has removed from tho stuto, and It was
roferred to Supervisor Hansen, with power
to act.
Tho commltteo on olllcers' accounts, to
which was referred the request of County
Recorder Smith that he bo allowed the sum
ot $1,000 as salary and clerk hire for 1000,
reported It back to the board without recom
mendation and no nctlon wns taken In the
Acting on tho report of tho county at
torney, tho board decided to refuse tho re-
niirat nf thn Association for tho remission
today in. ig.itii nn Union. Ilrivlne nark.
) 1 Thn resignation' of J. II. Itosenberry as
constable In Uolknop township was accepted.
In accordance with tho report of the
county nttorney, tho board rejected tho re
quest ot the Iowa Man and Trust company
of Sioux City, that It be refunded two
items ot $33.23 und $21.76, which It paid at
snlntx Mil)' Adjourn Sntiirdiiy.
I.A.MONI, la.. April 20.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) It now looks as though tho Saints
conferenco might adjourn tomorrow, but It
may not. Today It elected Its Hoard of
Publication for tho coming year, as fol
lows: K. U Kelley. J. W- Wight, V. B.
rilalr, J. A. Ounsolley nnd John Smith.
Threo men wero ordnlned to the olllce of
president of tho seventy, namely: II. O.
Smith. J. K. Mlntun and V. K. I'cck.
Josoph Luff wns released on his own request
from the commltteo to meet thn commltteo
of the Church of ChrlBt and tho president
of tho church wns aumorizcti iu ui-jj"'""-another
to act, In his stead.
Iimvii Teiielierii In Sexton.
SIOUX CITY, la., April 20. (Special. )
Sovoral hundred tencherts from nil parts of
Northwestern Iowa and other places aro In
Sioux City attending tho annual meeting of
tho Northwestern Iowa Teachers' nmocla
tlon. the session of which began last night
und will last until Saturday afternoon. All
of tho sessions nro being held In the High
school building.
Snle of llnrelleli.
UJMAItS. Ia.. April 20. (Special.) A
salo of trotting and standard bred horses
which will nttract horsemen In tho west
will bo held In thla city when George B.
luring will dlsposo of bis stock at auction
next Friday, April 2fi.
Meyer oil Trlnl for Murder.
SIOUX CITY, Ia., April 20. (Special.)
In tho district court today wns commenced
tho trial of tho cae of the Stato of Iowa
agnlnst Ernest Meyer, charged with tho
murder of his brother-in-law, Christ Ilaucr
A petition signed by some sixty penwns
who llvo in the vicinity of Meyer's homo
has been presented to tho court asking that
Meyer bo let off as easily as posslblo anil
saying ho would be urgen 10 piean gumy
If ho could bo let off with a nne or i,uuu.
may be suffering while positive
and permanent relief is easily
California's Mission Remedies
Cala Cactus Liniment
are warranted to cure
and fill diseases of the
Kidneys and Bladder
Tbe Ironist will rcturi jrtwr money
It Sin Cure Itlli to benefit jou
San Curo Cathartic Tablets
Work painlessly and Immediately rellcv
constipation and LIVER ILLS.
hi Til l IT a A
Buy a Lot
And build your own Home upon it, and
Stop Paying Rent.
Some vacant lots located in Central sub addition, Potter &
Cobb's addition, Omaha addition and Wright's addition.
Theso lots will bo Bold at real bargains. In a year or so they
will bring double the money asked for them now. Apply at
Bee Office, Council Bluffs.
Best Dining Car Service.
Ah well ih men can
find 110 Ionic ho
Iiralthful as a mire beer,
lie hutc! you qel lUe (luie
is hermetically (.ralrd
then bolleil u Inch. Insurer
it to bo f re from bacteria quite essen
tial tor frail people. Order a trial rase.
Phono CO.
Good Tilings
S0I1I liy Fliir Trade.
Ill the Kollowlne Flavors:
Vnnllln, Coffee, It nuplir rr jr,
l'lueiippli!, Lemon, Oruinii,
... JOHN C
Woodward & Co.
MmiufnotiirliiK Content louor.
Joblicr cif llluli (irmle Clitara.
Results Tell.
The ee
Want Ads
Produce Results.
Cures Gor.orrhoea, Gleet, unnatural dl
churBPH In a fow dayn All .lriiKKlt, nccept
only Docuta, by mall (1 W). full dtreotions.
Dick & Co.. 133 fnntre St Ney York.
WANTED Citno ot nail nettltll tbftt
IM-P-A-N-S will no oenetlt Henri t centi
to Illptn Oiicmlral Co,, New Tor, for II
timplei and 1.000 testimonial.
All Ambition Left You?
you tlrcrl an.l Hatter? Kvry llttlo tank a lnir.lon? You feci so r"miilPtriy worn-
that you would wiiunKiy mop worn loruvi-r; mur m-au '".'''.''
ronriiMcil? Appct te prows poorrr ovory layv A HinKinar nn v"u?'",f" 'J''1'" v,
. bodv caiiHlnc tho dull hfiiiluelie. "blues" nnd slceplefHiieKs which liarans you? 011r fair
Hkln lioromcH sallow nnd pimply?
You Need
fullU tlllllK
tiro bod 1
to sn.ueh you from the slmiKh of depon.l -somc-thln to 'HHP'" B'?k "I';'1""
t, lnfUH BlorlouB hpabh Into cen i.rsuti every miiHCle -ver nervo of your en
You wed
und hullder of blood, bono and brawn It drives away theso dlstresHlnu
prlnK troumos, nHMlstH nature to ov.rcom tho depression of lll-htafth, toneH up every
h "very nerve, sharpens ur appetite, nnd forces health and energy Into overy
tho great restorative,
dangerous sr
orcan. brnce
nart of your body I
HR1UVS mitKKl'TABI.K PROOF Kov A Y llrown. Pastor Klrst Congregatio mil f 'huf; i"r'n,!J"i IluUViinnt an.i .
Kay's Henovntor did more for me than anv medlclno I hit used I found It very .'''l,:uc',,J8a"f1 a''vf L V'n ' "
for biliousness, chronic liver disease ucrompanie.l by obstinate constipation, dlso rdor eO torne , vo'iittlng In
and severe sick headache harassed and worried 1110. Ono physician pronounced my troublo gall stones. Nov, through the
tis.1 of Dr. Kay's llenovator there Is no tvlilonco nf thefii trouble ,, , ,,. ( j .
For your own sake- refuse substitutes. Remedies In .wry way "Just As Good" as Dr Kay h R. nova tor aro not nude, or
sold by unyone anywhere For sulo by druggists or direct from us, by mall, postpaid, upon receipt of prlco-2T,c and II.M.
Address us for freo medical advice, sainplo nnd book
lilt. 11. .1. lf.V Mi:il Al. Id,, HAIIATIHJA NI'HINtlS, N. V.