12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT VR DAY, ATTITTj '21, 1900. SAY HE DIDN'T MEAN IT Attorneys for the Democratlo Chairman Plead Lack of Intent. CASE AGAINST GILBERT COMES TO TRIAL 12t Mrnrr Slum Hull Drfriulnii t Acldiou IrilKfil MIkiiIhk Hic I.IIicIoiik Artlt'li nml Miitt-il lloncunlrr WlIN C'llllllllxllIK VoIitn, After several delays at the application of the dcfciiilunt tlic case of Nebraska ngalnst W. O. Ollhcrt was called for trial jesterday beforo Judgo Vlnsonhalcr In the county court. Tlio action grows out of the publication In tlio World-Herald of an article by (III bort us chairman of the Omaha city com mltteo of thoMlomocratle party during the laut city campaign. In which It was alleged that "the Moorcs-Hosewater-Dennlsan ma chine" was attempting to colonlzu votes for tho purpose of corrupting the election. Tho first witness for tho plaintiff was It. h, Livingston, who testified that on the day tho urtlcle appeared In print ho had nn Interview with Gilbert in which tho chairman of tho democratic crmmlttee ad mitted that ho had signed the libelous arti cle, and that It referred to the action of Kdward Uosewater, who, Mr. Gilbert said lit that time, was nttcmptlng to rolonlza voters In Omaha with Intent to fraudulently elect tho republican ticket. At tho cIoho of .Mr. Livingston testimony i:. ItCHowater wuh called to the stand, but was not permitted to testify until after tho Attorneys for tho defense had argued a mo tion to dismiss jtho case because the testi mony did not show that there was any con nection between the Uosewater referred to in tho article and tho plaintiff. W. R Hurley, for the defenoe, argued that there was nothing to connect the pfalntlff with tho alleged libelous porta of tho article; that the unlawful act referred to wjh charged by tho writer to somo unknown and unknownblo parties who "were running the machine," and that thoro was no Intention upon the part of the writer to connect Rrt ward ltoscwatc.r with tho alleged attempt to colonize voters. K. V. Slmcral stated tho posit Ion of tho Btuto In tho caso and Carl Wright, for tho defense, entered upon a tedious, hair splitting dlnsortatlon to show that no ono was libeled by the article; that while 011 bort had udmlttod that he signed It, and that it referred to Kdward Kosewater, that In truth and In fact he meant no ouch thing, but Hint he was referring to some "machlno" without body to kick or noul to condemn. Ilu attempted to prejudlco tho case of tho Htato by referonco to tho strained rela tions at ono time existing between tho Pa triotic league and tlio complaining wltneas by calling attention to tho fact that that organization, of which tho attorney nald tho Judgo was n momber, had opposed tho desires of tho plaintiff and nald "It might as woll bo charged that your honor opposed tho editor In that contest as that thin nrtlclo rofcrs to tho plnlntlff." At tho conclusion of tho arguments on tlio sutllcloncy of the cvldenco to show jirobablo cause to bellovo tho defendant KUllty of tho crime, the Judge granted tho prosecution an hour to obtain authorities to nustaln tho contention of the attorney for tho state, after which ho ruled that the evidence was Insulllclent and tho case went over until this morning, when further cvl denco will bo Introduced to show that Gilbert published tho libel. ANOTHER HUMAN LEG FOUND I'luliorinrn 1'lnil n Mud- to thr One l)lneo itciI on HIVrr Hunk llnr Iter In Hip Week. Two fishermen, while rowing In the Mis souri river near tho foot of M street, South Omaha, Thursday night, found a human leg upon a sandbar. Tho member, which was badly dosompesed, was hauled Into tho boat and tnken to shore, after which It wan turned ' over to Undertaker nrower and Is now In 1 hla charge. This leg (tho right) is supposed to belong I to the same body ns that found at tho foot I of Harney stret't In Omaha earlier In tho i week. Tho feet and nnklm of both nro ' small, Indicating that they arc those of a ! femalo cadaver, lloth had been severed ' from the body nt tho hip Joint, though Iwhothcr by artificial means or by natural I disintegration Is uncertain, and both havo tho appearance of having been In the water all winter Tho first leg found Is no v at the under taking rooms of Coroner Swnnsou. The sec ond will ba brought over from South Omaha today and turned over to him. Tho big bargains are to be found at the big store of Hoyden Drew. Head the ad on pago 7. KELLEY. STIGER & CO, Special Saturday Offerinc: in Ladles', Chil dren'i Hosier and Summer Undeiwear. SPECIAL AGENTS BUTTERICK .PATTERNS LAUX THINKS IT A MIRACLE To II ii r ii it Ti-iinIi ( an, Sn,rn 'I'll I m CImmu 11. Would In .VoIIiIiik Short of ii I'i-ihIIk)'. Three witnesses were present to nay thoy had seen John I.nux throw a lighted match Into a trash can near Slxtccncth and Chi (ago streets, and that, Immediately after ward, flames and smoke hud burst from tho receptacle. "Don't you know that In an offanse under tho law?" asked tho prosecuting attorney. "Didn't you rend the placard on tho can?" "Vcs. sir, I read It." "Whot did It Hay?" "It laid, 'Burning this can Is arson,' but I think that a misstatement." "A misstatement! How so?" "Why. you know, the cons arc mado of Iron, ho tho cards should read, 'Durnlng theso cans In a miracle.' I am something of a chemist." Ho was told that the literature probably referred to tho contents of tho canB them solvfn, and then, It being his first offense, he was discharged. W. W. Mayhew. Morton, Wis., says: "I connldcr Oqo Mtnuto Cough Cure a most wonderful medicine, quick and safe." It Is tho only harmless remedy that glvea Imraedl ate results. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, whooping cough, pneu monia and all throat and lung diseases. Its early use prevents consumption. Children always like It and mother ondnreo It. Turn right to pago 7 and read Haydcu Ilros.' nd flrt. Altenllolt l.M A. O. H. W. You aro hereby requested to attend tho funeral of our late brother, John D. Mc Cumber, to be held nt 2 o'clock p. m. Sun day, April 22, from tho residence, 4023 Charles street. Services at Lowo Avenue Presbyterian church. All members meet at 40th and Hamilton streets at 1:30 p. m. Sis ter lodges especially Invited. Special meet ing nt hall Friday evening to arrange for futicial. CHARLES JOHNSON. M. V. FRANK M'CULLOUQH, Rec. I'll I ai,ii:x KIIIS IIIHil.V SI IT IlrolliiTN a nil KlNlrrn of n I'riMicli I'ariuor Want 111m lXate Divided. Chicago attorneys for residents of France linvo Instituted suit In the United States circuit court at Omnlia to secure property valued nt $10,000, which It Is alleged that thoy aro entitled to as heirs of Julien llahuaud, lato of Nemaha county. In tholr petition the plaintiffs sny that thoy aro rrn!dents of the republic of France und that they nro tho brothers and sisters or tho descendants of brothers and sisters of Jullcn llahuaud, who In 1855 left France nnd Bottled In tho Vnited States; that In I8G0 ho came to Nebraska and settled In Nemaha county, where ho resided until the time of his death, in 1S95; that In 1888 ii widowed sister of llahuaud enmo to America and settled with her son, Paul Tllzc, In Nemaha county. Here they resided nnd upon tho death of Jullcn llahuaud, who died Intestate, tho widow and her son en tered upon tho property of the deceased as Iho only heirs, and havo refused to recognize the brothers and sisters ns heirs, claiming that as aliens they cannot Inherit. The Altriitlou of the Traveling public Is respectfully Invited to tho magnificent equipment offered to patrons of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha nnd Chi cago. Solid vestlbuled, steam heated and electric lighted trains. Palace sleepers and diners, buffet and library cars, frco reclin ing chair cars, fast time and union depots. City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam St. F. A. NASH, Qoneral Western Agent. Omaha Tent nnd Rubber company aro pre pared to fill all orders tents, awnings and (anvan goods. New location, corner 11th nnd Harney. 'Phono 883. Stonocyphcr, printer, ad-wrltcr. Up-to-dato cuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tol, 1310. Read Hayden Bros.' nd on page 7. It will Intercut you. DIED. "Vote of Hie Court. Judgo fllaliaugh will hold court In Sarpy county next week. Tho American National bank has secured Judgment against U'uirn J. Cooloy nnd oth ers for $S,f2O.S0 beforo Judgo Slabaugh. Matthew II. II. Rosenlinum of Hlalr asks tho United Stntes district court to declaro Mm n bankrupt. Ho owes 1711.03 and has SV" on hand. Tlio petit jury In the district court was discharged Friday, ns tlio business nf the February term Is nbout finished. The May term will convene May 7. Heforo Judgo Haker tho enso of the stnto ngulnst August Shroeder. charged with keeping n, gambling devlci;, has been dis missed by tho county attorney. Upon stipulations tho ense of John Flan lilgun ugafnst tho city of Omaha has been nettled before Judge- Sl.ibaugh, the plain tiff being awarded u Judgment for SliOo. Heforo Judgo Baxter the Union Puelllc Ilnllrond company has Hied motion for a now trial In the ease wherein Sarah N. Htimwood secured Judgment against It for JE.OOO In condemnation proceedings. Involv ing n lot on Tenth street near Leavenworth. Tho receiver In the ense of tho defunct midland Havings bunk tiled Ills report of money on hand and imkn that the amount. I8.2K), lio divided iimoui; tho creditors. He also, ns revolver of the American Savings bank, asks permission to sell certain prop, rty of tliut Institution. ItEED Roland, beloved son of Mr. C. and Mrs. L. C Reed, nged 10 months IS dayB. Funeral from residence, 1812 North Twenty-sixth Sundny. April 22, 2 p. m. Friends Invited. Interment Forrest Lawn. SATURDAY PAINT DAY Taint Saturdny nnd let it DRY OVER SUNDAY. Use tlio SHERWIN-WILLIAMS I'AINT, for It Is HEADY TO USE; nil you have to do Is to STIR IT UP. Each can contains a perfectly propor tioned paint, which only needs to bo WELL STIRRED to be ready for use. Remember thero Is nil tho DIFFERENCE In tho world In MIXED I'AINT. BEWARE OF NO NAME goods. Nice cans of Sherwln Wllllams' chnlcn paints, 15o each, Good paint brushes, 10c nnd UOo. ('nil for Color Cnril. WE SELL C'EMENTIf'O. tho best article for tinting walls und DOING It CHEAP Mix It with water. Price, per packago. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go Cor. 16th and Dodge. I WE iElUKCTli SMMM Ai 1 ' 1 j THE OPINION OF UNCLE SAM Regarding tho Burlington 1b shown In his selection of it to carry tho transcontinental mall between Omaha nnd Chicago. This he has done for over fifteen year. Go to Chicago over tho Burlington and you'll Hen how It Justifies lt excellence. Four flyers for Chicago leavo tho Burling ton Station every day -at 12 35 n, m., 7.25 n. m., 100 p. m. and 7 30 p. m. Tloket Olllos, 1 502 Fnrnam St. Tel, 250. Burlington Station, 1 0th and Mason Sts. Tel. 128. InM Received Kxrlunlvr mill I, nlest St J Ira In l.adlcn' Mllli-Tnllorvil SiiIIm n ml i:ioii l UL'ketx. Ladles' fancy paranoia, exclusive styles, fashion never conceived handsomer; parasols and trado never developed such price a these: White chlnn and taffeta silk, corded, ruffled and figured. $1.50. $1.75, $2.50 to $10.00. Black silk, beautifully trimmed, $3.00, .$3.50 to $12.00. Fancy parasols, a great assort ment In strip(H, plaids and llgured, from $l.f.O up to $10.00. Full lino of carriage shades. $1.00 up to $C,.00. Our ladles' and children's hosiery dept. IS LEADER In prices and QUALITY. Ladles seamless fast black hojc, 23c quality, Sat urday, 15c pair. 25c Wo lire mnklng a special run on this line of ladles' hose, drop stitch, lisle thread, fast black, black or whlto boIcb, superior quality cotton, fully worth 35c; Saturday, only 25o pair. 35c, .1 pair $1.00 Our customers will appre ciate the value of this line, superior lisle thread, faot black nnd tan, drop stitch nnd plain, nlso now patterns In fancy hose, extra light weight cotton, hlgh-spllced heel, double sole; Saturday, 35c, 3 pair $1.00. lfic Children's fnst black school hose, double knee, heel nnd toe? gives entire B.itls faction; nil sizes, 0 to !); Saturday. lfc pair. 2."c Just received for our Saturday sale, a new lino of misses' black and tan llslo and extra lino quality cotton hose, double knee, heel and toe, 35c quality, all slzce; Saturday, 25c pair. DOc The new polka dot hoae for mles, oxtrn fine ribbed, double knee, heel and toe, all sizes, 50c pair. Our ladles' and chlldren'o underwear dept. Is complete; nil styles and weights for spring and summer. 15c Ladlis' beat Egyptian vcstH. ecru or whlto, silk tapes, best finish, low neck. Bleeveless or short sleeves, all sizes, 15c each. 2.)C LadifH Richelieu ribbed fine cotton vests, whlto or ecru, high neck, long or short sleeves, knee pants to match; Satur day. 25c. 35c. 3 for $1.00 Ladles' llslo thread vests, silk finish, V neck, short slccvco, high neck, long or nhort sleeves, kneo pants to match, 33c. 3 for $1.00. 50c, nil silk vests Ladles' all silk vests, low neck, wleeveless, lact neck and sleeves, also patent arm shield vest, cream, white, pink, blue, black; these vests arc fully worth 75c each; Saturday, 50c each. 50c, Tho "Munslng" The "Munslng" union suits for. bojH and girls, perfect fltttlng, best finish, high neck, long or shprt elceves, ankle or kneo length, all sizes, Saturday, 50c suit, KELLEY, STIGER & CO.. Farnam and 15th, It don't require much money when you buy at Hayden Bros.' Read about their bar gains on page 7. Another Portland Train. Two Trains Dailv EFFECTIVE APRIL 22, THE UNION PACIFIC Will place In service an additional Port land train. This train " THE PACIFIC EXPRESS " Will Icavo Omaha 4 25 p. m arrlvo Port land 7:30 a. m. Only Two Uuyn on the Ilomd. The tltns of tho present Portland train, "THE OVERLAND LIMITED'1 Leaving Omaha 8:20 a. m will be re duced 2 hours and 45 minutes, No change will be made In the leaving timo at Omiha Between Omaha and Portland. Only CS Hours nnil 40 Minute SPLENDID EQUIPMENT. CITY TICKET OFFICE: 1302 FAIINAM ST.. Telephone 310. WeSBBBVaflMBBHMBBMVBVe1 White Enamel Yukon and Economic Refrigerators Perfect circulation pure, dry, cold air superior insulation of granite rock mineral wool. Tho Whlto Knamcl provision apart ments aro alwajs easily kupt sweet and clean. Any housekeeper, by using a spongo dampened with eoap and water can havo tho refrigerator as puro and clean ns tho day It came from tho fac tory. From a sanitary point of vlow they are without a peer. Wo arc ex clusive Omaha agents also for tho col obrated Alaska and Eddy Refrlgorators nnd tho Wllko White Porcelain Tile Refrigerator. Milton Rogers & Son, 14th and Parnam St. Neglect of the Teeth si:co.t c,n i. o.v i) has Aitttivnn. Second Cnr I.ond of llnllronil WrerUctl t'lirprln lln Now llrcti Oppiipil I'll. SALK BHOINS MONDAY AT BOSTON STORK, OMAHA It consists -almost entirely of n solid car load of nil kinds of cnrr.ct. Almost nil of thorn nro tho Alexander Smith & Sons' cnake, and tho bulk of them are absolutely sound nnd perfect. They nro In ntsolutcly now patterns, most of them with borders. Very few of them slightly damaged. In this car Is also a small lot of Moquctte and Axmtnster carpet In absolutely sound and perfect condition, with or without border. Theso all go on snlo Monday morning. And as wo bought this lot very cheap, wo will bo nblo to ofler the greatest carpet bargains that havo ever been known. Thero Is still ono carload to nrrlvc. c do not know what It contains, will nnnounco in tomorrow's paper. Watch tho papers for this big salo Mon day nt BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. X. W. Cor. ICth & Douglas Sts. Suggests an untidy woman, and the sharm of many n faco is lost when u front tooth la gone, When a front tooth Is gone wo ro pluco It without a plate, Extracting 25a Vitalised Air 50s Silver Killings 75c Tali's Philadelphia Dental Rooms. 1317 IJUUGLAa ST. city marshal of Charleston, Mo., In this tlty on October 11. lt9!. wns hanged hero today In thu presence of about l(u specta tor TIk widow nnd children of the murdervd man saw the execution from un tipper window of tho court house. 5 Scofiold's Why t'liilrcKx In the Iliirlf When by traveling In tho luxurious Bleep In cars of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on tho electric lamp and mako tho berth as light as day. City Office, 1504 Farnam at. Woninii Wlliii'Kirn I'vcciit Ion. ST LOl'Ift. Anrh 20. A sneclnl to tho I'oM-Dlspiitcli from Cairo. III., says: Riley Powell, the negro who murdered Elmo Erie, Schaefers Sarsaparilla 65c ('rniner'x Ktilni-y Cure "."( I'nlne'n (Vliry Coniioiiiiil ...... Ullc Syrup of Flux, Cnllforiilu -Ut .Interim: ."lli Ilronio (Intuitu I.'i HooiI'm SiirMiiiuirlllu ll)c l' ru in III IMIc Cure 10c AJux TiiIiIi'Ih .. .Illi I'l'ruiui 7.1c llostrttt'r'.i HIM) 7."c Wine of dirilul 7.1c Carter's I.Ucr IMIln 1.1c ScoII'n KiiiuInIoii 7.1c I'liynrliif l.,1il (IxoiiiiiInIoii 7.1c Wi'Nt crvo nnil Ilrnln illlc S. S. S 7,-,. I ilor.cn l!-(truln tlulnliic CiiiiniiIon 7c I ilorcu :i-Krnlu (lulnliie CiiiiniiIcn Hit 1 iloxi'ii r.-uriiln (luliiln CiiiihiiIch 1.1c Ladies Jickofs Representing the Latest Styles. ET0NS Mni" black nnd tho popular tan shades. Hnnd somo black Taffeta Silk Etotis, Kersey Appllqued Etons. BOX COATS 1 Wck and tan shades, as wel as a full lino of stnplo styles in half-fitting and tlght-flt; lrg Jnckctn. SELECT NOW WHILE THE ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE. LKSCOflELD I ClOAiasUITGO. 1510 Dotmlns St. FACTS VS. THEORY Havo you decided to paint this spring If so let us figure with you. Our painter can tell you Just how much material to buy no guess work. Just what it will cast, and how It should bo put on. The pointers you can get may savo you dollars. By using SGHAEFER CUT PRICK DRUGGIST. Cor. Kith nnil Clilcnuo Sin. Patton's Master Painter's White You havo n paint superior to whlto lead for this climate, being composed of lead nnd zinc In tho proper proportions. There havo been tons of It used In Omaha and vi cinity and no complaints. Theso aro facts, nnd they beat theories In newspaper adrt nil to pieces. Call at tho oldest paint nnd glass house In town nnd be convinced. J. A. FULLER & CO CUT 1'tXICi: I1UUOG1STS, Oldest I'll I nt IIoiinp In Oinnlin. Mill nml Douglas Sin. Ol'ia.V A 1,1, N1CHT. ABona Fide Alteration Sale of High Grade PIANOS Tho recent flro which occurred next door to us damaged our entire building to such an extent that we arc obliged to romodel samo throughout. Our con tract with the different factories compells us to sell at east 100 pianos a month and to live up to our promised o will mako prices to suit the most econom ical buyers.- Hundreds of flno brand new pianos, including tho STEINWAY, tho greatest piano In the world, tho celebrated STEGER, tho VOSE, A. B. CHASE. IVEHS & POND, EMERSON, PACKARD and other standard makes can be purchased at thls great salo at prices never beard of in the history of plans buying, . New Pianos $128, $142, $1.56 and up, Fine Knabe Rosewood Case, only $98. Checkering Upright, big snap, $158. Ckickering Parlor Grand, only $4.50. Two big bargains in Hallet and Davis and Kimball Uprights. Easy monthly payments If desired, flno stool and scarf freo with each piano. We repair pianos at our own facotry and guarantee satisfaction. New pianos for rent. Klne tuning. Telephone 1625. Wrlto for catalogues, prices and terms, or call and seo tho wonderful self-playing Pianola, tho greatest musi cal Invention of tho century. It plays any piano anyone can play It. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER The Old Reliable Piano House. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 337 Broadway, Go. Bluffs Saturday, April 21st HAYDEKs Extra Special Sale of Men$ fine Spring Suits. 850 mon's suits, 100 patterns to select from and every suit is worth and sold elsewhere from $10 to $15, P7 Ef Sale price Saturday 4 .JVJ Values of This Sort Make ita foregone conclusion that we should sell all tho clothing sold in Omaha Saturday. All tho newest and best, absolutely all wool men's suits, mado from bright, snappy fabrics, good substantial tailoring and what is more, perfect fitting. Ask to see our 10, $12.50 and $15 11. S. & M mon's spring suits, lit and tailoring is equal only to the made-to-or-dor kind. Special Offerings in Our Boys' and Children's Clothing Department for Saturday. Boys' doublo breasted suits, sizes 7 to 16, over 400 pat terns to solect from, at 95c, $1.50, $1.05, $2.50, $2.95, $3.75 and $4.50. Every suit worth double. Boys' vesteo and sailor knee suits; size3 3 to 8, at $1.25, $2.50, $2.95, $8.50, $4.50 and $5. Every suit the latest style. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. m'mk Ladies' Suits, Ladies' Skirts, Ladies' Waists. The whole history of The Nebraska is a tale of con stant effort to be entirely honest to our friends and to ourselves, of constant watchfulness of your necessity and of any possible error on our part. If you have recognized this fact as characteristic of us, and we believe you have, then you will be tempted by theso prices-- jor Ladies Tailor-Made Suits stylish and perfect fitting, eton or flv fronl iacknt.bnY back skirt, satin faced reveres, this suit is worth $7.50 our price $4.90. 0 fr LmUca Man-Tailored Suits made, of xJJJ .JV all wool cheviot, mado in the latest stylos, fly front or box jacket, pleated skirt, this suit is a great seller this season and should bring 10 or 12 dol- wire, iiur pricu only sw.OU. ft WK $4.90 Q (( for Ladies Fine Tailor-Made Suite (ion vJJJ.VU bio breasted, silk lined jacket, noarsilk lined skirt, box pleat, this suit cnines in either light or dark gray, our price only $9. S? 'ift f0r La(Ues'' Black lifofefino qualify JU taffeta, tucked, with now corded back, do- lacnauio collar, fitted lining, worth $4, for $2.50. TSS Qfl or Linl'eH'' Silk Underskirts lino silk taf pLnJV fota, nicely made, all colors, deep lined, umbrella rufile, worth $5, for $2.90. $3 CJH for Ladies' Dress Skirts fine quality homo J.JU Bpun, nicely tailored, real value $0, our 1 rice only $3. 60. 95c for Children's Eeefers nicely trimmed white braid, nicely mado, only 95c. in 'lO fr &u'ld''en''sl?cef6's--briud trimmed, sailor liJv collar, a very pretty and stylish little reefer, 1 ried selection millinery, In the Millinery Just received 250 new pattern hats, no two alike, hats that would cost trimmed to .order no less than $6, are hero for your se lection, only $2.50. Nowhere else in Omaha are you privileged to choose from such a large and va- of ready-to-put on suits and rare o ih&b j.imi iiu i UAVftFlll Sample Suits, Silk nAT UCnS Waists and Skirts An advantageous investment can now be made with a certainty of style and qual ity. Wo havo a number of sample suits re cently purchased by our New York buyer at 50c on the dollar. They aro beauties, every one of them. Thoy come in taffetas, home spuns, broadcloths, lino Venetians, in grays, blacks, tans, browns and reds- They go on salo at just half price worth i $25.00, our price L,kJKJ Another lot of suitB in homorfpuns of all shades, Venetians of all shades and serges of all shades. All the new styles, silk lined jackets, percaline lined skirts, worth up to $15.00 sample salo price, EL only u&yJ Another lot of suits, worth $10, for $4.90. Silk Waists 500 silk waists bought from tlio Fashion Manufacturing Co., secured by our Now York buyer at less than tho cost of material. Women's taffeta waists in all tho now shades, including black, trimmed with lace, beautiful garments, A Oft worth $8 and $9, for . V O Wh havo ovorythlng nnd anything you wish lu slllt waists from tho medium to tho very host. Wash Waists, etc. Slore wash waists on our counters and a Inrsor assortment of patterns and elzes than all tho houses In Omaha combined. SO dozen wash whIhIh with whlto crab roldcred yoko; mado up In tho newest styles at 60c. Kour tables whlto lawn walBts. mado ui In tho very prettiest ntyles, trimmed with laco and embroidery, go at 1 00. 11.50. J3.00 and up to $0.M. Indies' Dressing Bac(ueB in tho now Iuvmih at 7c. 5100 and $1.50. E0 dozen ladles wrappers, worth $2.00, at 08c. 25 dozen ladles" wrappers at 3!)c. ncad bargains on pago 7- Attend the g rcat millinery nale. HAYDEN BROS. HOlV ELL'S Anii-Kawf lilts tho spot, A trial will convliira the most Kkfpiic.il of Us superior menu MANHOOD! WOMANHOOD! Manljr Tlunr rutorr!, oihi niUtttk irtfrwtti, nur-X'T he Kerr Medical Institute llI bbtttj, ( Inrlnnsll. Ohio. JUuMUIimI IMITI Tb oldM. 'artftftuil moU wUlnlr known Inititjtlrin In tho U.b liook mui Ktlwl f roa for ivur nutt u iIium r