TJTE OfAHA DATTF BEE: FKIDAV, AI'UIJj 20, 1JICW. 3 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Tins Waathtr and Lower Oablti Rule In Wheat Pit. MARKET IN CORN IS GENERALLY QUIET rrnrlnlon Slnnil I'lrm In Spile of Hon Mnrket Inclined to ttrnknni nnil bltuiMilnllvr Iliilltu'wn Trmle In Unlii Sitit Important. CItlCAOO, April 19.-AIthough t here m nn excellent cash business today the . r Id. sunny spring weather and lower cables combined with n. liquidation, proved e ruling factors In the wheat pit nnd the close was barely steady. "tfiSc under yes terday. Corn closed Hfic down ami oats 4c depressed. Provisions closed llrm. 2,i lower In lard to 6c higher In l'"rU- While the mild spring weather and o Kind sunlight elevated the spirits of o speculator and perhaps turned the ou ng man's fancy to thoughts of love, the effect on the wheat market was different. W enk rabies also had something to do w th the depression and besides there was 1 Uiuldu tlon which probably wo uh h ai ti ikon place whatever the ond I ons. llhllp lie inoculative trade was light, tho cash "" iP1 was , excellent. SW.UW h'l.. -ome of It No. 1 northern and somo of It N . eM Tbls liuslness served to briiiK about ri hulKo foTowl.ig tho opening, but It . d not hold and the closo was barely steady, uj U?i rash sales 85.000 bu. were for direct "xlort New York reported thirty loud for export. Foreigners were sellers of July carl?- Atlantic port clearances In wheat nrtliour wcro cc, to 276.000 bu. VY receipts were 353.000 bu., compared with 261.000 bu. Inst year. Minneapolis and nu ll th reported 357 cars ugu nst S and 209 a year ago. Local reeedp s were 87 ears, two of contract grade. M ay opene 1 .4c down at tJ5U,fin3V. sold between yesterday at (1514c, July began tho session tIV4c to c down at MytWf ,ln. V?. ranged between 67.e and 66KC closing c under at 60-V'(66Tc. ,. . ., The corn market was generally quiet, but there wero spurts of activity. As in wheat, the main consideration was tno excellent spring climatic oondlt ons Willi lower cables a contributing factor In thn weakness which was evident the greater part of the session. The se ling was e.l by those who boucht yesterday and will them the. failure of Liverpool to respond to tho advance here yesterday was a potent consideration. Tho decline, following a loss over night of C was checked by fteo profit-taking by shorts, but tho check was only momentary and tho closo was weak. Thcro wiui a capital cash business. He. celpts hero were 258 cars. May ranged from 3874c to 38c and closed ifc1ic tuidcr yesterday at 3814c; July from 39c to 39-VJ, closing W3?ic depressed at 39'4c In spite of speculative dullness and a hog market Inclined to weakness, the pro vision market was tlrm. Huylng by puek crs against liberal cash sales anil the light offerings were the factors. May pork sold between 112.05 anil $13.10 and closed 5e over vesterdav at $13.on; July between $I3.12'4 and $13.25, closlnK Re up "t $13.15; May lard between 17.30 and $7.22&. closing "'Ac down at $7.22V4; July between $7.37'.4 and $7.32'3, with tho close 2',3o depressed at $7.3214. May ribs ranged from $7.15 tn $7 20 and closed unchanged nt $7.15fi7.17Va; July figures and fluctuations wcro exactly slml lnr to those In May. Trade In oats was not Important, but the market nevertheless exhibited considerable steadiness In comparison with wheat nnd corn. Tho weather Is perfection for tho growing area, but the, country pressure to sell was much less than of late. Receipts hero were 113 cars. May ranged from 2.T,fj) 2.1'io to 23'ic anil closed c down at 23',4c; July from 23:!c to Sic, closing ,ic lower at 23!ic. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 30 cars; corn, 20G cars; oats, 165 cars; hogs, ll.ono head. The leading futures ranged as follows: western steam, $7.65; refined, strong; continent. Ji, South America, 8.25, coin pound, $8 50. Pork, strong; family, $14.25B; short Hear, $13.5010.00; mess, $12.25 H7r,. Tallow, Bteady; city. 6Hc; country, WOOIPull; domestic fteeec, 26f2Sc; Texas. 15(1S( COAI-Steady. ... I'OTATOKrf-Stendy. Jerseys, $1 35gi.B0; Long Islands. tl.60Ol.T5; Jersey sweets, $2.60 3.ou. HICK-Stcsdy: domestic, extra, HHflU'ic; Japanese, IMM'4c. MOLAS8KS Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 4l'iJ65e. PKANl'TS-Stoady; fancy Imndplckcd, Jfilc. other domestle. 3'fl3,e. ! IIKIUII TH To Liverpool, sieaay: cot ton by steam, 25d; grain by steam, 3?id, n Tl lilt-tier ip, u;i liKgs.; any; western creamery, 15Hfi"ISc; factory, 13flT15c. (I l igl'.si'. llecelnts. i.WJ nKgs.; steady; fancy large white. ltci fancy large col ored. 1 1'ic ; fancy small white, Miflllc; rancy small roiorei, luii'aiic. KOOH-Heedpts. 11.723 pkgs.; steady: storago western, at mark, l'i'ifilSc; regu lar parking, nt mark, 12'i012'4c; south ern, at mark. llfT12Hc. .Mi-; tans-rnerc was utile uusincss, u any, In the market for metals today. May ers were conspicuous by tneir nbseiicc. Sympathy with a decline of 2s 6d for tin In London, the local market was easy, 15fi 25 points lower, closing nt $.T0.y.'(3l.00. i;opper trade, in split- of tno sharp necuno In London, held fairly steady nt fully sus tained prices, closing quiet, nt tlT.OO. Lead continues unchanged nt tl.OTH bid and tl.T2' asked. Spelter ruled barely steady, closing a shade lower, at H.TIMU l.TiM. I'lg Iron warrants weak, at $10.00. The brokers' price for lead was $1.15 and for copper J17.25. Articles. I Open.l High. I l)w. 1 Close.l Yes'y. Wheat I April May July Sent. Corn I April May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. I'ork May July Lard May July Sept. Itlhs May July Sept. .1 CTVIi 2T, 12 !K 13 15 1 2T. 7 3. 7 37',4 7 15 T 15 T If. 23i;vi l 13 10 13 25 7 30 7 37' 7 12'fc1 7 20 7 20 I 7 1714' .1 I ffiVif fuWI! tli'sl Bfi 67yIB7&ii,(iilSkfV4 I 3Si 23',i 23 35 I 3St 3S,430'.ii,i 3'4M0'(5r'i 40Tr 2.11 A 23S 2214 23141 2.H4 I I 12 X M3 00 12 95 13 12141 13 15 13 10 7 324 7 3714 V "Jill! 7 32'A 7 3714 7 25 7 15 7 15 7 10 7 1714 7 17U1 7 12141 7 40 7 ITU 7 1716 1 i: No. 2. Cash dilatations wero as follows: KIOlTlt Kasv: winter patents. 1.VB3.70: Straights, $2.!53.I0; clears. $2.7(V??3,:0; spring specials. ;.i.'jo; patents, n.iu'yj.u; siraignis $2.nO?3.00; bakers. $2.00fi2.4n. Wl IK AT No. 2 red iWfcftCOUe. COHN-No. 2, XSltliSSHc; No. 2 yellow, OATS-No. 2. Slitfi'2iVsc-: No. 2 white, 27'io; No. 3 white, ZWiViC. IlYK No. 2. fcV156fir. HAIILKY-No. 2. Ilfiime SKUDS Klaxseed. No. 1 and northwest, $173. I'limo timothy, $2.lVj2.l5. (.'lover, contract grade, ti.ifi, PROVISIONS Mess nork. per Mil.. $12,005? 13.05. Lard, tier 100 1b.. $7.20117.30. Short ribs sides (loosel. $7.1(Wi7.30. Ory salted nhoulders (boxed), $(i.75'ir7.(0. Short clear aides (boxed). $7.Vfi7.70. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods, on basis high wines, per gal., Jl.-Joft. 8UO.U18 Cut loaf, $6.00; granulated, $5.41. Following are the receipts and shipments for today: , , Articles. ueceipis. aaipm in 6'4e: July. 674c; September. S64c; No. 2 northern, 64c; No. 3 spring, 61c. OAT8-24',4fi2IC. COHN-36UC. Mllitniikrc- Crnln MnrUet. MILWAt'KBB. April 19. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 6614c; No. 2 north ern, r..f)4c. HYK-qulet: No. 1, 6e. HAHLHY-Steady, No. 2, I35J43HC; sample, 3S417421SC. jiovi:mbts or stocks ami iiomjs. iw niscouiii. Uilinilil JUltU JIHIUIUI OfLSSU. New York exchange, 100 dlst'Otint YOttK. Anrll 19. 03-',ws; naianet, j.ih.wk:. CINCINNATI, April 13. Money, 480 per cent; clearings, $2,tioI,0Ol. London MtocL tlnotntlons. LONDON. April 19 4 p. m. Closing! Consols, money. 101 1-11 tvnnsylvnnla no ni count I01U .llPHiling No. rncino pia. U.MAII.V WIIOLKSAI.H MAItlCETS. dolour, bbis 20,ooo 31.001 AVheat, liu ii.i"' r-nrn hit 293.000 l.CC.3.00.) Oats, bu 170,000 4SI,0O) Ilye. bu 11.000 Ibirley. bu 21.000 4.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was tlrm: creameries. 111117141'; dairies. KlSfflBVie, Cheese, llrm, KUKe. Kggs, steady; fresh, 10i5c. MOW YOltlt IjUI'.HAI. MAItKKT. Qiiotntlon for the Day on Vnrlous ('ollliuodltli'ii. NHW YOHK. April m.-FLOl'It-ne-cetpts, 25.2im bbls.: exports, 11. 193 bhls.; quiet and weak on everything but low grade winters; winter patents, t3.70in.00; winter straights. $3. 1553.50: winter extras. $2.00ij2.95; winter low grades, $2.25ft2.40; Minnesota patents. $3,701(3.90; Minnesota bakers. t2.S5fi3.00. Ityo Hour, steady: fair to good, $2.9M3.15; choice to fancy, $3.20ff 3.60. COHNMMAL Weak; vellow western. S9c, oltv. S6c; Ilrandywlne. $2 255(2.35. liYK Kasy; No. 2 western, C2c. f. o. b.. afloat: state. 67c, v. 1. f., New ork, car InlH BAIlLlIY-IJull; feeding. Illni?l3c, Now York; malting r(v.i53c. New orfe. RA ULI'1 Y MALT- -Dull: western. CGflflSc. WHKAT Hecelpts. 29,00) bu.: exports, 21,235 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red. Tfl'jc f. o. b.. ntloat; No. 2 red. 7fi'5i elevator; No. 1 northern, Dulmh. 7ti'c f. o. b., alloat, prompt; No. 1 hard, nuluth. 7Sic f. o. b.. afloat, prompt. Options sold off again to day because of the weakness In Kngltsh rabies, coupled with bright western crop prospects and May lluuldatlon. In tho nfternoon part of tho loss was regained on tho local covering. Closed steady at JkWlo net decline May. 72-f(T3u closed nt T3o; July. 7213-IG&73tii closed at 73c; September. 73,4i73'4r, closed 73'f.c. COItN Hecelpts. 42S.275 bu. ; exorts. 121. IM bn. Snot, weak; No. 2. 17c f. o. b. nflnat. and 4i!'sc, olevator. Options were weak and heavy at first, In consequence of the line weather, lower cables and un loading. Later It rallied with wheat, but drnniied tlnnllv with provisions, nnd closed weak at MlTiO net decline. May, 41'Vf 4is.c. closed at 4l,c; July. tlVirtjo. elmcd at Hhc: September, 45MH51c, closed at 4RUc. OATS Hecelpts, 114, S00 liu.; exports, 93 bu. Spot, dull; No. 2, 2Si2l4e; No. 3, 271to: No. 2 white. 30o: No. 3 white. r.lLc. Truck mixed western. 2Si(23!ic: track white JiWStc, Options neglected and closing easier, ic lower; Mny closed at 27'c; No. a white, Mnv. closed at 29'iiC. HAY steady; No. 2 shipping, 65070c; good to choice, mjqjvuc. HOPS Steailv: slate, common to choice 1S96. 3li5e; 1S99. Iftl3c; Paclllo coast. 1S30, 3U5e: 1K. lOiiao. IIIDICS Klrm: Oalvcslon, 20 to 23 lbs 19'ic: California, 21 to 25 Ib., 2U-o; Texas Hrv rt tr. 30 lh.. lie LKATH HIl Steady; hemlock sole, Huenns Ayres, light to heavyweights, 20fl25Vjc; ncld, PKO'VIStONS Heef. tlrm; family $12 00 ffTIS.OO; mess, $l0.5OIili.00: beef hams, $20 50 Gf22.PO; paCKCt. iu,wiiu.w; iiij. r.nn uiuiu juess. tlSWMi 22.00. Cut meats, tlrm, pickled bellies t7 50fS.60: pickled shoulders, t7, nlckled hams, tW,6Wlt.W. Lurd, stroim, Comlltlon of Trnile nnd Qnotntlona on .stnple nmt Inner Produce. MGOS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, lOlie. LIVR POt'LTIlY-Hcns, SV4c; roosters, according to ngo nnd size, G37cj ducks, 714oj geese, 7V4c; turkeys, 8c. Hl'TTUR Common to fair. 11c: choice. 14i 15c; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, 17ftlSc. OYSTKltS Medium, ner can. ISc: stand ard, per can, 22c; bulk standard, per gal lon, $1.25; extra selects, per can. 30c; extra sele-ts, per gal., tl.COffil.75; New York counts, tier can, 37c; Now York counts, per 100, $1.23, FISH Herrlnir. Tier lh.. Ke! round nercli. 5c; sun, 6c; cod, Oc; haddock, 6c; blue pike, fic; scaled and dressed perch, 6c, clscoes, 6c; medium dressed trout, 714c; cropple. Mio; picKerel, Tc; Ilnnan baddies, 7V4C! whlto f lull. 9c: vellow nlke. dross! d. yc: small trout, dressed. 9c; red snapper, 9c; smelts, 9c: smoked whlto fish, 9c. l'IOi:ONS-Llve, per doz., $1. VISA LS Choice, 9f10c. HAY Per cnrlond lots: Vnlnnd. choice. $6.50; midland choice, $5.60; lowland, cholco, $; ryo straw, choice, $5; No. 3 corn, 35Uc; No. 3 white oats, 23c; cracked corn, per ton, $11.50; corn and oats, chopped, per ton, $15; bran, per ton, $13.50; shorts, per ton, $13.60, VKCSETAnLBS. 1-3 bu, box, tJ.50GI.00. NKW TI'ItNIPS-Per dc. bunches, 60c. SPINACH Per box, $1. NKW MKKTS Per doz. bunches, 35W40c. LETTl'CK-Pcr doz. bunches. 36W4CC: fancy head lettuce, per hbl.. 15 HAUisilliS Per Pox or six doz. ounencs, $1.00. SKKD SWEKT POTATOKS-Per bbl.. t2.25fj2.M; Kansas, eating. J2.75. j'utatoks Per liu.. choice. W30c. CAnHAOK-Callfornln, per lb 3c. CAULIKLOWER-Callfornla. ner crate. $2.73. CHLRriY-Per doz.. 25fl30c; California. per bunch, 75c. ri ' kn i in I tut a tin gas, per id., ihc. TOMATOKS Florida. per six-basket crate, $1.50. Ml'SIIUOOMS Per lb. box, 60c. nilCHAUn-Per lb.. 8iJ9c. ONIONS-Pctall. vellow. $1.10ffl.l5: red. $1.2001.25. FKUITS. ctii An'npnmra Tn.nn n . . I ....... tt.nOiiC.OO; Louisiana, per 21-pt. cases, $2.tKVB APPLKS Choice western shipping stock. $1.50; New York stock, $5: fancy, $5.60. GRAPHS Malaga, per bbl., $7.00710.00. CRANnnRRIICS-Jcrscys. per bbl.. tl0.60: per crate, $3.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINICAPPLICS-Pcr doz.. $3. ORANOI2S California, fancv nnvels. ner box, $3.603.75; choice navels, $3.25; Mediter ranean Sweets, per box, $2.751J3.0O. LKMONS-Callfornla. choice, per box. 3; fancy, $3.50; Messlnos, choice, per box, $3.60; rancy. $4. I) ANANAS Per bunch, medium. $2,253 2.50; large, $2.7303.00. HIDES. IITDES-No. 1 green hides, 714c: No. 2 green hides, 614c; No. i salted hides, 84c: No. 2 salted hides. 74c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. NI'TS-Hlckory, large, per bu., $1.25; shellharks, $1.35. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, $3.60. St. I.onls (irnln nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS. April 19.-WHEAT.-Lower; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 70ic; track, 7214c: April. TO-Vc; May, COHc; July. 66ic; No. 2 hard. OliifTftlc. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 3714c: track, 39e; April. 3714c; May, 3ie; July, ZYc. OATS Higher: No. cash. 25V4c: track, 25(,tf2ie; April. 25V; May, 2lic; July, 23Hc; No. 2 white, 27-c. RYI'3 Firm at 66c. FLOUR Unchanged. FLAXSEED Nominal at $1.70. SEEDS Timothy, unchanged. CORNMEA I, Steady, at $2.05Q2.10. HUAN Easier; sacked, east track, 70c. HAY Market steady; timothy, $10,003 12.50: prairie, $7.50fiS.50. WHISKY-Steady. at $l.2BVt. IRON COTTON T1HS-1U0; bagging, 714 iSV4c; hemp twine, 9c. PIIOVISIONS-Pork, nrm; Jobbing, old, $13.00; new. $13.50. Lard, lower: prime steam, $7.02'; choice, $7.07A. Dry salt meats, noxetl shoulders, steady; extra shorts, $7.25; clear ribs, $7.37V4; clear sides, $7.50. Huron, boxed shoulders, steady; extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs, $7.87(4; clear sides, ts.oo. METALS Load, firm at $4.6714. Spelter, lower at $1.65. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 714c; turkeys, 65iSc; geese, ,T36e; ducks. Sc. EOOS-Steady at 10c. BUTTER - Steady; creamery, ISJiCIc; dairy, 1618 RECEIPTS-Flour. 5,000 bbls.; wheat. 9,000 bu.; corn, 170,000 bu. : oats. 20,000 bu. shipments Four, una.: wheat. 1S.00O bu.; conr, 120,000 bu.; oats, 47,0X1 bu. KiinsnN ('lie lirnln nnd Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Anrll 19 -WHEAT-Mav. (II 'Ac; July. 62c: cash, No. 2 hard, 62V4c; No. 3, 69fiii2c; No. 2 red. 6Sc; No. 3, 631i67c. corn .May. as v; July, 36VSc: cash. No. mixed, 37V; No. 2 white, 371-c; No. 3, 3T,ie. OATS No. 2 white, 26fl27c. RYE No. 2. 53c. IIAY-Cholco timothy. HO.OOfTlO.SO: cholco prairie. $7,50f(T.T5. m i i riit- i rejimery, iiu iw: nairy. I6c. EOOS Firm: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, 9Vac doz.. cases returned; now wliKo- wood cnes miiuueu, lw. RECEIPTS-Wheat. li.ioo bu.: corn. 17. 500 bu. ; oats, 1R.000 bu. SHI PM ENTS Wheat. 27.000 bu.: corn. 5.100 bu.; oats, 10.000 bu. IltistliCKK of i;ieliniie l.nir Into u Condition of Diilliienn. NEW YORK, April 19.-Huslnes on the Stock exchange today lapsed Into a con dition of dullness and abandonment to the operations of small professional traders. Much angry recrimination con tinues to be heard on nil sides concerning the bear raid on the Iron and steel stocks. Not only In the stock mnrkot, but In the Iron trade ns well, accusations of bad faith and doublcdeallng are bandied about. All other authorities In fhe trade disagree with tho views of Chairman Oates of the Amer ican Steel and Wire company, but the Iron Age says In Its review of the subject "no sharp tumble In values Is exported unless this development In the wire trade should produce such an effect." It Is the reservation thus expressed that has so effectually upset the speculative world. Dealers in securities kept one eye on the Iron and steel stocks all day and the errntlo and Irregular movements In that group kept the. whole market In a feverish and uncertain state. When pressure there was relaxed thero was a disposition man ifest to mark up pi Ices elsewhere, but the burden of selling met on the advance gnvo an appearance of n desire to realize on an extensive scale and took the snap out of tho market. On the other hand the majority of stocks offered decreased materially on a consid erable decline, giving an undertone of firmness to prices. Notolile strength was shown at one time by tho Haltlmore & Ohio storks nnd on tho other hand South ern Pacific suffered from decided weakness. The ono movement had about as much effect on the general list as the other. Tho sharp pdvancc In tho me4al stocks which followed the declines after the opening was accompanied by a rise late In tho day to tho best prices. Hut when these works nnd Sugar gavo wny tho whole list fol lowed and the closing was active and easy considerably below the best. Sugnr after selling up ns high as 1031,, closed at n net loss of 2 nolnts. The ncu-s nf the ilnv tvhb generally Ignored. It Included n number of sirong siniemenis or earnings ror tno sec ond week In April, especially by soft carrying roads. Rumors of new combina tions of railroad systems continue preva lent. The Chlcngo. Indianapolis & Ixiuls vlilei Is now said t0 bo destined for nb- Sorntlon llV the Southern rnllivnv nn.l there nro stories of Vonderbllt buying of nuns!! securities. i no southwestern kiuuf oi su'caneu uouia railroads are formed Into various combinations bv tho rumor mongers. The small amount of for eign proxies voted nt the New York Cen- irni annual meeting was regarded as s c. nincant of the recent foreign selling of high-priced securities ami explanatory of tho upward movement of exchange which continued today. Money continues easier and a strong bank statement on Saturday Is considered ns sured. Tho bond market was moderately active -V"ivsJ.rrcKU,,lr- J0IIU saiM, Par value, 11, 1 9.1.000. i 1 i, ,?latcI Vs registered and old 4s Mvi'iuieu -4 ami me m i, n, ine 0l(1 pricc The new 4s advanced '4 per rent. ine commerrlal Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: There was no Increase of business In the innrkets here iuuay una inn tone wns r un AnrUn, wern Idle. Thev made n ,iinii, ,,.t..nn.. above parity, hut New York came a seller of Union Pacific, which London continued i?r.V cren.tlmI.a fnlrl' ,nrRe account here. Haltlmorn & Ohio was the onlv stork Veiv l ork bought, letting the mnf ket go flat. ... incro was a feverish rally yi'i' oegan nat on New York's quota fr mp'?l n"d rarls refrained from n. I.,. ..ns iiiuus, wnicn i.nndon beared. Then Paris began to buy. causing a rally. Tlntos c osed nt mis having . :,.' Anacondas closed nt 10 7-16. having been at .iuney was wanted for tho war ,aJ1vPHy. !lny',Kut "otfilng was duo to the eniini. ; i . i 1 lnrcP ""einess in dls rottnts. relieving tho pressure. Calls fin ished steady. Silver stationary supply because New York Is holding off. TI c ,nS-r.kpt,I?,oks1 rockJ- If New York sells v- . ,"v",of i lno ,C10S,'IT Prices on ..... mu oiiiuk exenange today; Canadian Padtle .. ''. Krle UilAlcWon 1.. do 1st tifil i?itlliiilvlll Illinois Centrsl ... .11514 Orand Trunk Union Pacific nM,. 7!K I Anaconda .... Ht Paul eommon..13Pi 'Itand Mines . N. . Central IN I 71 RJI4 964 r.-, 31', I.Heriiool (irnln nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL Anrll 19 WH EAT Snot. dull: No. 1 California, Os 5df(& 6vl; No. 1 northern spring Cs isd. Futures, dull; April, nominal: May, 5s9'td; July, 5s vd. 'ui.N--s;ot, American mixed, new. uulet, lsll.d. Futures, easy; May, 4s'!1d; July, 3sUNd: September, 4s. pkovisiiinh ijini, American refined, In palU. dull S9s6d; prime western, In tierces, dull. 37s 3d. llama, .short cut. steady, 5ls. Haron. short ribs, steadv. lis; long clear middles, light, steady. 42s 6d; long cjar middles, heavy, steady, 42s; short dear hacks, steady, 39s; clear bellies, steady, 43s 6d. Pllllmtf Itihlii Produce MnrWet. PHILADELPHIA, April 19. HUTTBR Dull and unchanged: fancy western cream erv. ISc; fancy western prints, 20r. HOtlS Dull and '4- lower; fresh nearby, 12c; fresh western, 12ft 12V; fresli south' western. 12c; fresh southern, 11V. CHEESE Dull anil lower: New York full crenm and fancy, l'JVic; New York good to choice, lUiSl.c. Toll-do Market, TOLEDO, O., April 19. WHEAT Weak ind lower; No. 2 cash, ilac; May, ilV, CORN Dull, lower: No. 1 cash, 4014c. OATS Weak, lower; No. 2 cash, 2114c. RYU Dull, unchanged: No. 2 cash. 56c. SEEDS Clover, dull, lower; cash, prime, old, $I.S5: prime, new. $3.10; April, $5.10; uctoner. js.u'.t. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 19.-WHEAT-ln store: No. 1 northern, April. tlTc; May, 68'hc; July. C0M166V; September, 65c. Ou trick: No. I hard. 66c; No. 1 northern, 6u7c, No. 3 northern, wic. Peorln MnrUct. PEORIA, 111., April 19.-CORN-Qulet; ' OATS-maetlvc: November white. Hie. WlllSKY-Flrm on the basis of $l.2Mt for llnlshcd goods. IMilutli Wheat Mnrkrt. DULUTH. April 19.. WHEAT No 1 hard, eflhh. :xe: Ma v. v.c: Jill', rci'ic. Hepim bcr, 67',:c, No, 1 northern, cash, 66c; May, . 714. . 1TI . P . 17IJ . SIH .115 . I' . Ml.. . . 31 . 03 . 944 . fS'. . 45 . 114 . if .nvi .IBS 24U 4J VI Atchison do pfd I la HI more ft Ohio. Canadian Paclllc. . Canada Southern.. Chen. A Ohio Chicago O. W c . n. q Chi.. Ind. & I do jifd hlcago & E III... Chicago & ,. V. C II. I. & i.... C. C C. & ft. L. Clorado Southern.. do lt pfd do 2d pfd IRtt Del, & Hudson IH'4 Pel. L & W 1T8 Denver & It. O. do pfd Drle do 1st pfd... Oreat Nor. pfd.. Hocking Coa ... Hocking Valley . Illinois Central . Iowa Central ... do pM K. c, p. a.. Lake lrle & W. do pfd T.ake Phore .. .. Ixiulsvllln A Nash. Sl! Manhattan I, 11 Met. fat. Hallway.. 117Vi Mevltan central Minn. & St I, do pfd. 1 Mo, raclllc , MnWIe & Olllo.... Missouri, K. & T do prd , N. ,1. Central Y Central .... Norfolk & Western. 34 do pfd TPi Northern PUcltV-.. do pfd Ontario W Oregon Jly. Nav. . do pfd Pennsylvania Heading do 1st pM do 2.1 pfd Rio O. W do nfd Bt. L. ft S. F do 1st pfd do M pfd Bt. L. Pauthw do pfd fit. Paul ... do pfd. Ft. Paul & Omaha 111 Southern Pacific... Sf-U outnern Hallway . 13 do pfd MU Texas & Pacific ... 19. Union Pacltlr ,-,71 75H ilo nfd. Wabash .... do pfd Wheel. A I., rj.,,, 0is do 3d pfd 14 Wis. Centrnl .,,tH . venue 112 274 Adams Express.... 119 K"i Unwrlcan Bx h; 101 lUnlted States Ex.. 48 11 iWVIIs-l'ariro Pr it ii" American i-ot oil T04 9i 7S ST4 (s S'i lfst 364 HA It SILVER-Steady, 27sd per ounce. MONEY-34 per cent. Tho rate or discount In the onen market for short bills. 4't tier cent; for thrco months' bills, p., per cent. crr York .MIiiIiik (Inotnt lonn. NEW YnniC Anrll 19. Tho followlntr aro closing quotations for mining shares tooay: Qeairal Tendmcj of Vln;s a Little Liirtr All Bound. SOME KINDS OF CATTLE SELL LOWER IIiik Decline Almost Fire (n(s from Wednrmlny'ii Alnrk Sheep nnd I.nmlm Do ,ot fell So Well ns Tber Did. ' SOUTH OMAHA. April 19 Chollar Crown Point .... Con. Cal. Va . Pcadwood (loilld & Currle ., Hale Norcross. llomestake Iron Silver Mexican . 10 . 16 .lfO . fo 4 . 31 tTOO . 69 ,. 30 Ontario Oj4ilr Plymouth Quicksilver .... do PM Sierra Nevada Standard Union Con Yellow Jacket ...soo ... to ...12 .. 1W ...W ... H .. 3P. ... :s ... !S 654 c! pf, American Malting. do pfd Amer. is. & It.,,. do pM American Sp.rlls. do pfd Amer. Steel Hoop do pft Amer. S & V.... do pfd Amer. Tin Plate. do pfd Amer. Toharco .. do pfd Anac. Mine 10.. Urooklvn II. T. ... Coin. Fuel & iron Con, Tobacco .... do pM Federal Steel .... do pfd Oenernl Ulilctrie.. 14'i .Glucose fSinrnr ... lo pfd Inter. Paper do pM Liclede (Sas National Hlscult.. do pfd National Iad ... do pfd..., National Pteel do pfd N. Y. Air rtrake. North American. Paclflo root .,. do 1st pfd... do Id nfd... 1S64 Paelflc Mall .... lRi People's Ons .... 6O4 I'resed S. Car.. 32 I do pfd W4 Pullman P Cor. 874 Standard H. & T.. .. W !l .. 374 .. W .. vt .. 17 .. ss .. 744 . . 43 .. M .. :, . . 79 ..104 ..133 .. 4S; .. 734 .. 14 .. :s .. sit .. (i .. 7fti4 ..I.19U ... 49 ... no ... 21. ... as riu ... 7 ... a ...101 ... 314 125 . ir4 .1 1 j S3 12 3S 1034 4n : 1S1 KnrelKii I'Miinnelnl. PARIS. Anrll in liuslness wns fairly firm on the bourse todav, but afterward weak ness of rentes and Rio Tlntos affected tho whole list. At the close, however, they were steadier. Spanish Is nnd Spanish rail roads wero In great fax'or. Hrazlllans were In strong demand. RIo Tlntos wcro freely offered on London account and locnl tiroflt- tuk nc. Debeors were nKltatcd. tnoUKii prices were maintained. Kafllrs were llrm, tint lrroRtilar. The weekly statement of the Hnnk of France shows tno louowini chntiKes: Notes In circulation, decrease, ii.350.ooor: treasury accounts, current, de crease. 15.6"5,00iif ; cold In hand, Increase, O&O.OOOf; b Ills discounted, decrease. 6,0j0,- ooof; sliver In hand, Increase. 010.- wOt. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 15c for the account; e.xchanKP on London, 25 r 19'.4o for checks. Spanish 4s closed at 74.27'2, LONDON. Anrll 19. The weekly state ment of the Hank of Ennlnnd shows tho following chnnBes: Total reserve. Increase, .197,000; circulation, decrease, 666,000; bul lion, decrease, JC26S.367; other securities, de crease, 32;i,0O0; other deposits, decrease, 3.017.000: nubile denoslts. increase. 2,223,- O"0; notes, reserve, Increase, 411,000; gov ernment securities, decrease. l,&no,ooo. The proportion of tho Hank of England's re servo to liability Is 12.12 per cent. Last week It was 40.14 per cent. The rate of discount wns unchanged nt 4 per cent. The market for Amerlcnn securities, after de clining somewhat through the early session, recovered slightly and ruled unlet through out tho balance of the day, with prices showing a hardening tendency. The mnr- Ket was mainly Influenced by the move ments In Wall street. At tho close tho tono was steady. Oold premiums are tiuoted as follows: Buenos Avres. 171.30: Madrid. 2S.22: Lisbon. 13.50; Rome. 6,70. itiuiii,, April 1:1. I'rice.s opened wciik on tho bourse today, on a reported decline In the price nf Iron In America and also on rumors Hint the bourse tax would be Increased for the purpose of covering the additional naval expenditures. Interna tional securities were llrm. Locals recov ered at tho close. Exchange on London. 20m 52pfgs for checks. Discount rates on short and three months' bills, 414 per cent. Condition of the Trcnmiry. "WASHINGTON. April 19. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, show: Avnllablo cash balance, $152,101,729; gold. $S4,SSS,S45. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 19.-COTTON-Tho cotton market was only moderately active today. Local trado hesitated to mako operations on their own account. The first call developed a tpilet and steadv feellnir, with prices, 1 point lower to 3 higher. There, was a slight recession and a rally on covering, chlelly In resoonsc to covering on more or less conflicting crop nccounts nnd smaller receipts at most of tho ports. There was no general specula tion and the transactions for the cntlro session represented a generally dull mar ket. At tho best level the advance was Sit" points, while the closo was unlet, lower to 5 points net higher. Ensllsh cables wero iavorame, snowing an increased demand for spot cotton and ndvance of 2ff3 points. LIVERPOOL, April 19,-COTTON-Spot, fair demand: American mlddllnc. 5 7.16d. Tho sales dt tho. day wcro 10,000 bales, of wiuun ouies Tvrre ior EH?cuinuon anil export nnd included 9.200 bales Americans. 'Receipts, 7,600 bales, nil American. Futures opened, quiet but steady nnd clospd stendv at tho advance. American middling, 1. ni. v.. April, 5 24-Gtd,' sellers; April nnd May. 521-Old. sellers; May and June, 5 1S-64fi a 1U-R4U, sellers; .Mine and July, 5 1fi-61d, sel lers; juiy and August. s i3-i55 ii-6ld, sei. lers; August and September, 6 01-6lf?5 05-6ld sellers; September nnd October. 1 4fi-6l?? 4 4i-14d, sellers; October nnd November, 4 36-64d, sellers; November nnd December, 4 23-BITi I 30-64J, sellers; December nnd Jan uary. 4 27-6KI 2S-64d. sellers; Janunry and February, I 25-6ITC4 26-6ld, buyers. ST. LOUIS, April 19.-COTTON-Qulet and unchanged; 110 sales; middling, nc; receipts, (S3 bales; shipments, 61 bales; stock. 56.901 bales. NEW ORLEANS. April 19.-COTTON Quiet; sales. I,5"i0 bales; ordinary, 8 6-16c; good ordinary, 8 1.1-lAi ; low middling, SIJo; good middling, 91-16c: middling fair. f15-16c: receipts, 1.165 bales: stock. 202,292 liales. Futures, quiet; May, t9.36ti9.37; June. 19.36tj9.37; July. $9.35f9..',0; August, $9.05ft 9.06; September, $?.2fWiS.29; October, $7,921 7.93; November. $7.80Ti7.Sl; December, t'MfP 7.S1; January, 17.Slft7.S3. ., mi,, buear ion, -.711 1 Ilo pfd na .. 34,Tenn. Coal A Iron. R71; 134 V. S, leather 114 .. 3241 do pfd tl ..121 U. S Rubber fx. 1734. do pfd 97 Western Union SPH Republic I. & S.... 1!4 do pfd 62 P C. C. & St. L.. 63 Receipts were: Ofllclal Monday ... Olllctal Tuesday .. Olllclnl Wednesday umciai Tnutsany .. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 2.749 6..f.i6 3,317 .. 3.4S2 S.3S1 2,6j9 " 230 7.259 6.26i .. 1,351 8.177 11 1S4 Four dnva lhl wrfV ... I2.S14 30.513 22.49i Same days last week 13,695 32.14S 22,sis Same days week before.. 8.7e8 1H.8U 1.42 Same three weeks ago.. S.9JI 19.759 20,811 Average price paid ror hogs ror inn several days wim comparisons ll00. March 25. .. March 26... Ararch 27... March 28... March 29... March 30..., March 31.. April 1 April J April 3 April 4 April 6 April 6.. .. April 7 April 8 April 9 April 10.... April 11.... Apri 12.... April 13.... April 14... April 15... April 16... April 17... April in... April 18... April 19... 3 67 4 89 4 97 I SO 5 05 3 66 6 16 3 Ml 5 12 3 63 5 10 3 53 3 64 5 01 6 15 I Co 6 25 3 66 5 30 3 65 5 30 3 62 5 27 3 61 3 66 5 S3 6 38 3 68 5 36 3 67 5 33 3 63 6 40 3 61 5 48 3 671 3 72 fi 45 5 65 3 72 fi 91 3 68 fi 49 3 68 6 46 3 71 3 C3I 3 67 3 65 3 62 3 (1 3 651 3 67 3 73 3 79 3 3 72 3 71 3 75 3 71 3 71 3 6 3 91 3 86 3 S3 3 87 3 91 3 92 3 2 3 91 3 80 1 85 3 83 3 801 3 So 3 90 3 97 3 97 3 6C 3 71 1 70 3 6( 3 SO 3 M 3 64 3 56 3 52 . 3 B7 3 59 3 61 3 62! 3 56 3 57 3 50 3 49 3 38' 3 2 3 67 3 SO 3 61 3 81 I 3 91 3 3 3 60 3 11 3 60 I 3 43 3 61! 3 91 IS95.iml 4 71"" III 4 47 4 74 4 45 4 81 4 M 4 10 4 II 4 78 4 54 53 4 80 4 64 4 41 4 82 4 61 4 78 4 M 4 82 4 69 4.S1 44 7747 4 891 4 81 4 4 771 fi 03 4 72 6 01 4 76 4 86 4 75 6 0: 5 U 4 76 4 78 5 23 4 74 6 23 4 631 6 11 4 631 5 11 4 61' 5 13 Indicates Sunday. Tho ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.H'gs.Sh'p.H's C, M. & St. P. Ky 3 .. O. & St. L. Ry .i ; Missouri Pacific Ry ' ; Union Pacific system.... 9 2i 40 c. & N, W. Hy 2 .; I. E. & M. V. R. Tt 44 S;. .. S. C. A- P. Ry .? C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry.... 2i H. t M. R. H. R 4" 3' 4 . C, H. &- Q. Ry :t 3 .. K. C. & St. J 5 .. C., R. I. P., east 12.. C. R. I. & P.. west 2 1 Illinois Central 6 1 1220 1 1090 1 1030 3... 1... 1.. 10.. 1.. 1.. 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 40 3 10 3 40 3 40 1161 930 1180 1000 1010 3 60 1130 3 50 10CO 3 50 1010 3 50 1125 3 50 3.... 1.... 6.... IS'.".! 1.... 3.... CO.... 4.... 1. .IP 4 2-1 5..., 6..., 1.... 1... Y.'.'. 1... 1... 65... 2 1175 4 500 11 501 2 102S 5 1112 2 1035 1 630 1 1220 . 825 . 816 . 848 . 7(1 . 770 . 760 . 7SS .1100 . 830 989 HEIUEltd. Total receipts 190 116 44 The disposition of the dny's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Huyers. cattle. ngs. nnerp. Omnha Packing Co 408 O. H. Hnmmond Co 299 Swift and Company f91 Cuduhy Packing Co 654 Armour & Co 1,062 Omaha Packing Co.,K.C. IK Cudahy Park'g Co.. K.C. 241 Swift and Company.K.C, 47 Swift nnd Co.. country R. Hecker & Degan 39 Lobmnn & Co 20 W. I. Stephen 2 Hill & Hunulnrer 3 Livingstone (t Schallcr.. 159 Hamilton & Rothschild.. OS L. F. Husr. 152 H. L. Dennis & Co 51 Hobbaek 51 Other buyers 19b 1,169 697 628 2,769 2.S38 1 241 350 2.31 1 1,36 89 J 139 Co (Toe MnrUct. NEW YORK. April 19,-COFFEE-Spnt, RIo, easy; No. 7, invoice. 8Vc; No. 7, lob bing, 8,c. Mild market, quiet: Cordova, i'lift'llc. Futures opened steady at un changed prices to 5 points decline, cables being unsatisfactory average. A rumored case of bubonic plague at RIo caused an advance of 5ft 10 points later without stimu lating general speculation. Agnln the mar ket ruled easier under locnl pressure, show Ing posltlvo weakness in tho Inst half hour. Tho market closed barelv steady, 5tfl0 points not lower. Totnl sales, 22.750 bags, Including Mny at $6.95; June. $7.00; July. tfi.96fi7.05; August, $7.00fi 7.03 ; September, 17.0.Vf(7.15; October, 87.O0R7.10; November, $7.25; December, $7.0; Janunry, $7.15; Mnrch, $7.55. New York Money Mnrkct, NEW YORK. Anrll 19. MON'K V n n enll steady at 2hfiJ per cent; Inst loan at 214 per cent; prime mercantile paper, IVilTo per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE St ronir. with actual business In bnnkcrs' bills at $I.S7 for demand nnd at $1.8', for sixty days: posted rates, t4.S4V4 and $1.8314; commercial (Jill. 4.ftJI 4.3.i-4, SILVER Certificates. fflUfJfilUe! line 59'4e; Mexican dollnrs. I7ic " iiu.-u uovernmeiu. irregular; state. In active; railroad, irregular. The closing prices on bonds today were ns follows: . 994 ,N 103 .109 no U. S. 5s, re. do ref. 2n.. do 3s, reg... do coupon . do new 4s, rex. ..133 do coupon 134 do old 4s, res 1144 do coupon 11(4 do Js, rex H2S lo coupon '134 1. of C. 3 65s 113 Atchison gen do adj. 4s Y. C. 1s noil N. J Ren. 5s 1? No Carolina 6a 1271, do 4s 10 No. I'.icKlo 3 do Is join N'.Y.C. & S. I 4s .107 N. A V. eon. 4s... as no gen. lis .Ore. Nav. Is lo Is 4S....1004 Oiviton S. L. S, ... M4 00 ronsol 5i. .131 .108 .1H34 .128 tiaii Canada ?o. Is 107 llleadlnic (ten. 4 89 flies. & Ohio 44'.- RIo O. W. Is , do 5s I204 St. I,, ft I.M. c. 6s 1104 C. & N. W e. 7s. ..142 iSt.L. ft M.F. g 6.I2I do S. P. deb. 5s. IK tt. Paul convils . .17244 Chicago Ter, 4s.... 944 St. P., C ft . ls..i;i P. ft It. 11. Is 101 I do Ss do 4s 9911 So. Hallway 5s.... 11:4 K T., Va. ft O ls.1034 S. It. ft T. (Is tj Krle general Is.... 74 Tenn. n. s. 3s 934 K. W. ft P. C. Is. 72 Texas ft Pacific Is 115 Oen Klectrl- Js....li74 do ts m O II. ft S. A. Ss.,107 do 2s 1H H. ft T. C. 5s 110 do consol 6s 110 Iowa Central Is. ...1134 K. '., P. ft 11. Is.. 73 1iulslana n. c 4vM4 I, ft N. unified 4s K0, M . Iv. ft T. 2s C9 do ( . ... M4 When Issued. Pnlon Pacific 4s.. ios; Wabash Is... do 2s West Shore 4... Wis. Central Is. Va. Centuries ,. do deferred . . . Colo. 80. 4s So. Pacific 4... ..11S .mi .1114 . 024 . 914 . 5 44 . 844 1'lnnneliil .Notes, ST. LOUIS. April 19.-Clearlllgs. $5,177,098; balances, $113,115. Money, ft'iii per cent; New York exchange, 10c discount bid; par asked. BALTIMORE. Anrll 19.-Clearlngs, $1.051.. 118: balances. $5.10.776. PHILADELPHIA, April 19.-Clcarlngs, $15,(W1.253: balunces, $10,747,680. CHICAGO, April 19,-Clcarlnes, J2l,246,i:5; Dry CoiiOn MnrUct. NEW YORK, April 19.-DRY OOODS The market has araln been featureless to day In all departments. Tho homo trade adheres steadily to a hand tn mouth pol'cv nnd there Is no export business on any ncrount. Spot goods In common prices aro steady, but on forward business the tend ency Is In favor of buyers. Glnshnms lingered at previous prices. Print cloths Htlll neglected. Prices nominal. Cotton linings dull, but generally tn light sunnlv nnd steady. Jobbing trade here quiet, but local trade doing a good business. Total 4,253 8,101 5.321 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very largo for a Thursday, In fact there was a good run for any dny of the week for this market. The most of tho cattle here were cornfed steers and there was very little elso In the yards. There were over 110 cars of fat cattle on sale, not counting the ten cars shipped direct from Knnsas City to a local packer. Tho general market on steers was steady to 610c lower, with bcavv and coarse cattlo the worst suf ferers. Handy little cattle experienced very little decline and as a rule sold at about steady prices, The market was a little slow to open, as Is apt to be the case when buy ers are bidding lower, but when It once warmed up the trade was fairly active, so that all the cattle here changed hands In good season. Cows and heifers were In very moderate supply, only about llfteen to twenty loads nf that kind of cattle being reported on snle. As the demand was of fair proportions the market on that kind wns active and fully steady. Practically everything desir able In tho way of cow stuff was disposed of early and the prices paid wero very sat isfactory to the sellers, nulls were slow and tho market without feature. Onlv n few stockers and feeders were to bo found on sale this morning and the market was not much changed from what It was yesterday. Speculators were not as anxious for tho cattle as on other days for the reason that fat cattlo were lower and that the week Is nearlng an end. Still there wns :l fair demnnd nnd the offerings met with qulto rendy sale. Representative sales: HEEF STEERS. No. 1... 1... 1... I. .. 16... 1... 1... 4... 27... 1... 8... 1... i T'.-.'. 3... 6... 6... 1... 32... 6... 16... I II. .. 1... 4... 4... n 20.'.'. 1.... 21.... 4.... 9.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 17.. 18.. California Dried Fruits. NEW YORK Anrll 19. CALIFORNIA 24. DRIED FRUITS-Inactl'vo nnd nominal. ' 6. Huslness nf a hand-to-mouth older wns In 1 H. progress in the market for evnnnrnted 1 1. apples today. Buyers arc holding off. Tlio ! 7 undertone, however; wns steady under I smaller recelnts thnn looked for nnd rnilier S3. favorable country reports. State, common, 1 ' 4V4f?flc; prime, 5VH6c: choice, 7f(71ic; fancy. 1 i!45iSc. Prunes. 3l4i7c per lb.. 11V to slzo I J"? I and quality. Apricots, Royal, l,'t1(15c: Moor I ?" 1I . Park, 15filSc. Peaches, neeled. 18f722c: tin. peeled, 7!f(9c. Sumir Market, NEW ORLEANS, April 19. SUGAR Steady; open kettle. 3M 3-lfic; open kettle, centrifugal. IU5M14c; centrifugal, yellow, l-s f!4 1i-10c, seconds, 2'i4'dc. Molasses, quiet, nominal, NEW YORK. April 19,-SUOAR-Rnw. easier; fair retlnlng. 3 31-32c; centrifugal, 96 lest, 1 7-16c. Molasses sugar, I'ic. Rcllncd steady. Wool Mnrkot. ST. LOUIS, April 19.-WOOI,-Aecuratft prices net established on new clip; not enough having been received vet. The de mand Is very good and an active market Is looked for, when tcgularly shorn wool be gins to nrrlve. Old clip unchanged. Oil Mnrlii'l. OIL CITY. Pa., April 19.-OILS Credit balanrcs, J1.52; certillcnte sales, 1,000 bbls. at $1.90; shipments. 134,001 bbls.; average, 89 524 bbls.; runs, 107,332 bbls.; average, 86, S51 bbls. No CiirtnllliiK of Lumber Cut. MINNEAPOLIS, April 19.-The directors of tha Mississippi Valley Lumbermen's as sociation have, decided that there shall bo no curtailment of tho can for the coming season. Stocks are 360,000,000 f,.ft short of what they wero last year. Tho prospective demand 1s active. The log supply Is short, owing to tho unfavorablo season, and tho cut cannot possibly reach last year's record-breaking llgurcs Opinions In llM luloii nf Creed, NEW YORK. April 19.-Tho Journal and Advertiser has polled as many of tho Pres. byterlan clergymen of Greater Now York ns could bo reached on the subject of a change of creed. The result was: For a new creed. 32; ugahmt revltlon, II, non committal, S. 33. 21... 21... 21... 11... 7. . . 7. . 1... 6... 13... 12... 12... Av. Pr, , . . 920 3 75 , . . 880 3 90 ,.. 770 4 00 ,.. 830 I 00 ...1000 4 00 ... 730 4 0ft ... 800 4 00 ...1200 4 10 ... 997 4 21 ...1210 4 25 ... 910 4 25 ... 910 4 2 ... 745 4 2n ... 930 4 25 ... 906 I 20 . . . 733 4 35 ... 920 4 40 ...1180 4 40 ...1070 4 40 ...1116 4 45 ...966 4 45 ...972 4 43 ... 925 4 45 ...109ft 4 45 . . .1000 4 50 . . . 950 4 60 ...1040 4 50 ... 938 4 50 ... 795 4 SO ...1097 4 50 ...950 4 60 . . . 9.10 4 fin ...1026 4 65 ...1070 4 55 ...1166 4 5 ...1060 4 55 ...1090 4 . ...11(0 4 5 ...1115 155 1023 V'ii 1011 10'.1 1018 ism 111 4 co ....1086 4 60 1008 4 60 ...10-.0 4 60 60 60 1?!0 1 60 .,,1-ni 1 o ...lft'16 4 60 ...1319 4 60 ...1136 4 65 ...1181 4 (T. ...10S0 ICS 4 51 4 60 4 60 4 60 1 60 1 CO No. 7.., 18.., If..., 16.., 19.. 22. 18 10. . 21.. 19.. 16.. 20.. 17.. 21.. It.. 6.. 24.. 20.. 39.. 39.. 23!! 18.. 10.. 19.. 31.. 47.. 18.. 28.. 16.. 6.. 160. 7. . 40.. 10.. 35.. 15.. 19.. 4.. 3.. r. 40.. 30.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 9.. 8.. 1.. 64.. 41.. 4.. 17.. 6.. 1 36" 21.. 152. Av. Pr. 1092 4 65 1148 4 65 1080 4 65 1375 4 65 107 J I 65 1200 4 65 1245 4 65 1151 4 6T 1114 4 65 1227 4 63 1210 4 65 1178 4 65 1169 4 70 1119 4 70 1121 4 70 1104 4 70 1187 4 70 1164 4 70 1167 4 70 1191 4 70 1345 4 70 1217 4 70 1224 4 75 1207 I 75 1275 4 75 1170 4 75 1210 4 75 1304 4 75 1284 4 75 1196 1 75 128.1 1 75 1166 4 75 1217 4 75 1102 4 77'i 1367 4 80 1280 4 80 1357 4 80 1201 4 80 1275 4 SO 1228 4 85 1315 4 86 1086 I 85 1213 4 tr, 1319 4 85 1292 4 90 1280 4 90 1301 1 90 1088 4 90 1316 4 90 1R20 4 90 1310 4 90 1218 I 90 1?92 t 90 1167 4 91 1266 4 91 id t ni 1610 .1 no 1?6 6 00 ,,1396 r, NI .1410 5 10 STFERP AND HEIFERS. ...670 3 25 5 1143 4 fO ...918 4 60 ?8 1134 4 61 ...1030 4 51 12 1061 4 75 ,..1088 t 60 15 958 4 85 STEERS AND COWS. ,...1150 4 60 LU1VB, 1... 1... 1... 3... 4... ...910 ? ?f. ..1152 3 11 ..1010 3 fO , . . 970 2 fn . . 710 2 50 ,.. 921 2 7.1 2.... ,..1100 2 71 2..., ... 855 2 71 2..., , . . 988 2 75 3. . . , ...100 2 71 18..., ...12c0 2 71 ...1000 2 7,1 1... ... 750 2 75 1... ... I'l "71 12... ...JOVI J 81 POO 2 81 1 . . . ... 170 1 00 8... , , , RSft 3 00 1 . . . ...1000 3 00 1... . . . 860 3 00 1 , , . ... 090 3 00 1... . . . 990 3 00 2... ...1001 3 10 2?,.. ... 3 10 3... ... 71 1 13 7... . . . !Vl 3 ! 1 . . . ...910 3 "n 1... ,..10"0 3 'I JO... ... S70 3 51 1... ...10V 3 "1 3... ...1?0 3 "I 2... , (lift 3 '1 2... ...010 S '5 3... . . 10.-.0 3 "'. 4... I 2 1020 3 25 4... 1... 2... 10... 5!!! 1070 n 30 100 3 60 1240 n r,o 1101 3 fo 911 3 65 1131 3 71 1180 3 " 1100 3 71 1326 3 7.1 017 1 75 1170 3 7.1 1270 3 80 1400 3 RI 1ft" 3 SI 12S ? ft 12R0 3 9ft 1131 3 90 11S0 4 00 010 4 00 9ft0 4 Oft 12'fl 4 00 ... .U'l no 1130 4 (K 4(5 4 01 1?11 4 10 80 4 10 1310 4 10 ,...107 4 1ft 14ift 4 K 11-1 4 18 .,100 4 '1 1'71 4 11 ...180 4 11 1107 4 "0 995 4 M 1. 1. 1.... 3 2.1 3 25 3 75 4 00 4 01 4 01 4 10 4 00 4 00 4 05 4 20 4 23 1 25 I 21 4 H 4 35 3 10 3 15 4. 5 6 1 , n I.'.'.'.'.'. 1 7, , , , , 4 t 3 I'.'.!!!'. 9 18 HULLS. 1... ...1630 ...1160 ...122.1 ...1420 ...10-.M ...1011 ...1315 ...10-J ...1170 ...1200 ... 633 ... 99.1 ... 994 ... 853 ... 910 ... 83) ... 950 ... 980 , . . . 967 ,...1007 ... 815 92.1 620 690 706 .... 663 4 26 4 2A 4 21 4 35 25 1 75 4 25 4 25 4 30 4 30 t 30 t 31 I SS 4 35 I 25 4 35 4 31 4 40 4 10 4 40 I 10 4 50 I 65 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 70 .1200 3 25 ....1710 3 40 ....1110 3 0 ....1630 3 40 ....1780 3 10 ....1170 3 40 ....1100 3 15 ....2009 3 45 ....100.1 3 60 ....1260 3 .10 ....1490 3 50 ....1660 3 50 ....1480 3 60 ....1540 3 60 1 1830 3 51 1 1760 3 5.1 1 1620 1 5.1 .1510 3 60 .1110 3 60 ..1620 ? 60 1 1520 1 61 1 1.... 2430 3 60 1800 3 60 2140 3 60 1760 3 60 1410 3 6sl 1460 3 61 1840 3 70 1120 3 70 1600 3 75 1390 3 7.1 1880 3 73 1480 3 80 1310 3 81 1700 3 !1 1300 1 00 1150 3 95 1680 1090 660 1 25 10 6 2 1 IB'.'.'.'.'. S 61 10 27 COWS AND HEIFERS. ....720 4 1 1074 .... 962 4 35 STOCK CALVES .... 310 I 00 1 .... 210 00 1 CALVES. .... 360 4 50 1 .... 110 6 00 1 .... 290 6 50 1 .... 110 7 00 STAGS. ....1260 3 66 2 1180 t Oil STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 4 10 4 10 4 65 4 55 210 3 00 390 5 00 110 190 130 (VI 00 00 1460 I 25 610 3 : . 720 3 50 416 3 75 840 3 60 . 662 4 00 1 1 1 1 2... 13... llnnHIlIu- rnrelnta at this nolnt and un- fjvnrahln rennrts. from other selling points caused the market hero to decline 2!i6c. At the. opening the trade was rainer siow, as tho first bids were generally $5.45 for good toads, which sellers were slow to ac cept. A little later buyers began lddding $5.4.sj6.i7'4 ana sellers were lorcen to rm loose. At that range the most of tho de sirable mixed loads chanted hands, tho bulk being sold and weighed up m goon senson. After about 100 cars had changed hands tho market seemed to slow up and tho close was slow. Tho same hogs that sold at $5.45fl6.47'4 today brought iS.i'WiP 6.50 yesterday. Today s decline wipes out 1110 mini 01 the, gain mado by the market on Tuesday, so that the hogs sold today but lltle bet ter than they did on Monday. The market Is still IW6I60 higher han a week ago. Representative sales: No. Av, 97 189 IS 175 0 1!M 70 196 80 188 17.. 1. :o.. ... 656 770 .... 850 .... 400 .... 866 ,...1021 .... 822 .... 890 ...755 ... 97.1 ....1035 ,...1068 4 00 4 00 4 25 4 30 4 35 4 10 I VI 1 40 4 50 4 6f 4 50 4 60 860 4 60 885 4 50 17. o.... 6.... 12.... 8.... 40.... 1.... 20... 14... 3... 3.... 22. . . "!!!! 35.... 1... 2... 96... 6... 11. ....1019 4 51 .962 4 60 . 711 4 60 .1009 4 65 . 771 4 65 . 863 4 61 . 960 4 65 ,.101.1 4 05 ..1113 1 70 ..453 4 75 . 411 4 75 . 675 I 80 . 62 4 80 .430 4 85 . . 380 I 85 .. 850 1 8.1 ..ess 4 8.1 . . 466 5 (XI 487 5 00 STOCK COWS AND"HE1FERS. 730 2 25 890 3 00 720 3 25 . 920 3 25 . 706 3 23 .1160 3 25 . 8(0 .3 25 811 3 .10 440 665 300 410 547 725 3 60 4 00 4 10 4 25 4 25 4 35 8. 1.... 1... 1... 10.... 4... 1... 1... 1... 15... 6... 4... 1... 3. 6.17 4 XI .... 910 1 60 1010 3 60 1110 3 60 .... 503 1 65 670 3 75 .... 850 3 75 8(0 4 00 930 I (M 756 4 10 80.1 805 830 813 4 : I 25 4 25 I Sh. Pr. ... 6 40 ... 5 40 80 5 4214 120 6 42l 80 a 42U No. Av. Sh. Pr, 58 228 360 6 42M, 17. 20... 74... '7. .. . 86.... .5... 69... 67... 36... 61.. .215 .210 ..211 .199 .191 ..215 ..225 ..235 ..255 ..224 81 211 52. 89.. 81.. 71.. 86.. 61.. 87.. 77. . 82. .225 .209 . .225 "202 ..2I4 . .205 ..2ll 71 230 80 219 85 205 67 228 82 171 72 239 60 195 86 203 79 20.1 69 190 90 211 60 210 30 218 79 19, 91.. 89.. 64.. 76.. 41... 89... 31... 14... 70... 7... 60... 81... 79... 91... 79... 61... 63... 76... 6... 79.. 78 ....216 ....230 ....205 ....194 ...235 ...212 ...223 ...202 ...231 . . .236 ...242 . . .203 ...212 ...2.12 ...216 ...22.8 . . .221 219 5 42V 80 5 4215 40 5 4214 .. 5 42'4 .. 5 I2'4 so r 45 40 5 45 120 6 15 ... 5 45 160 5 45 ... 5 45 160 5 45 280 5 15 SO 5 45 SO 5 45 SO 5 45 ... 5 15 ... 5 45 5 45 5 4.1 5 45 5 45 6 45 5 45 6 45 5 45 5 45 5 45 6 45 5 45 40 6 45 5 45 5 45 5 45 5 45 5 45 U 45 5 45 .. 5 45 80 .1 45 SO 5 15 5 15 6 45 6 45 5 45 5 45 6 4.1 5 4.1 5 45 5 45 5 4.1 3 15 40 SO 'so 80 40 40 SO 80 'so 62. . . 87... 66... 67... 66... 68... 61... 69... 73... 76... 30... 78... 53... 7S... 64... 37. . . 73... 80... 70... 71... 70... 77... 63. . . 78... 67... 61... 67. . . 65... 61. ...23S ...210 ...255 ...248 . . .251 . . .269 ...231 . . .243 234 6 4714 SO 5 47". 40 5 471j 80 5 4714 SO 6 47V4 .. 5 47V4 .. 5 4714 ! 4714 5 4714 6 4714 80 SO .230 160 5 47' 218 . .225 ..251 ..202 ..270 ..210 ..221 ..219 ..215 ..241 . .227 ..112 ..236 222 !!230 ..237 ..262 . .260 .234 54 309 SO 5 4714 .. h4iVi 00 5 I7V4 40 5 4714 .. fi 17',; .. 5 I7'A 40 5 47' 80 5 4714 SO 5 47' 40 fi 4714 .. 5 4714 SO 5 47'4 SO fi 1714 10 5 471? . . 5 4714 80 5 47' i . . 5 47'4 SO 6 47U 5 4714 5 4714 fi 4714 5 4714 6 4714 I' .260 160 5 45 ..237 40 6 47'4 .261 320 5 47V4 60 218 ... 60 255 40 72 267 ... 29 261 ... 5 4 fiS Six 40 n 4, 4 65 232 ... 5 4714 66 227 ... 5 4714 43 231 80 5 4714 66 267 120 fi 4714 91 241 10 5 47'A 41 281 80 5 4714 66 237 ... 6 4714 69 253 ... 5 471, 76 251 120 5 47'A 73 262 40 5 4714 64 276 ... 6 4714 74 223 ... 5 4714 62 234 SO 5 47'A 62 254 ... fi 47VI 76 236 100 5 471t 69 275 ... 5 50 66 2S7 ... B 50 62 267 ... 5 60 20 286 40 5 60 HI 252 ... fi 60 22 310 80 5 Wl 42 271 ... 5 60 62. . . .312 SO fi 5214 46 271 ... 5 5214 Sheep, fair unshorn, $6 prime clipped, $5.35; cholco clipped wethers, $5.75. Lambs, unshorn, $6.2Mls,10; clipped, M.001t6,10. HOas-Hccclpts, 1,425 head, half a car on snle; steadv for nil weights; state hogs, $5.90116.00; mixed western, $S.0a5.$0; west ern piss, $j.25flC.60. CIIIC.WIO l.ivn STOCK MARKET. Steers Mend j lluus Mhnilr Loner .Sheen ntul l.nnttis Sternly. CHICAGO, April 19.-CATTLK-Hccelpts. 9.000 head, steers, steady to 10c lower; butchers' stock active, tlrm; natives, best on salo today. 2 cars, at $5.60; good tn prlmo steers, holce, fat, steady; coarse, 6il0u lower; light and medium weights about steady, tt.90flt.80; poor to medium, ILIOn 4.,fj; (-elected feeders, choice, steady, $4.0Mi 4.11; mixed stockers. MlOe lower. lA.30-H3.80: r?!f.?v.n7"' llP"ve. $3.00if4.50; heifers, strong, U&VUI.SS, fanners, $2,255(2 80; bulls, 4 30; calves, steady, $4.60t6.65; Texas fed. steers nbout steady. $1 00113.20; Texas bulls, lirni, .,). HOGS Recflnts todav. 25.000 bend- to. ,,,lJ',row' .-'aHM ,,ra(1' estimated; left over. 4.0W head: SteadV to a timln ton. $fi.75; mixed and butcher, f5.i5ft5.75; good tf, choice, heavy. $5.60,16.75, rough, heavy, $o.4Vuu.u5; llghtwc chts. IX.uyiiS.iVV. hulk nf sales. $o.55fi5.67's SHEEP AND LAMHS-Hecclpts, 10.OX1 head. Sheen and lambs stendv: henvv sheep nro now coming mostly shorn. Good 10 cnoico weuiers, J6.755(6.,.'u; ralr lo oholco mixed, tl.75fi5.75; western shc-cp. $5.6OW0 10; venrllngs. J5.SOJiS.IO; native lambs, $5.60Jji i.ioj western lambs, $7,005(7.10. Ml. I.nuln l.ltr Slock, ST. LOUIS. April 19.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 2M head Includlnc 1.2H0 head Texntis: market slow, steady; native shipping anil export Steers. $1,601(5.8.1: dreanoil beef nnd butcher steers. $l.25'ii6 03: steers under 1,000 llw., t4.OWI.75; stockers and feeders, tlfyilji 8.05; cows and heifers. $2.25f?I.S0: ranners. cows and heifers. t2.23V4.SO; fanners, fl.50fl 2.80; bulls. 13.304f3.90; Texas and Indian steers, $3 tt5fi5.00; cow.s nnd hclfcrs, t2.50 3. ,o. HOGR-Rccelpts. 11,200 head; market 610 10rt lower; Pigs and lights. $5.4.!Mf..6n: ivieW. ers. $5.IOfiS.5o. butchers. $.1.605.75. mtmw Aftu liA.Miis- ueceipis, 9W head; market slow and steady; native muttons, $l..nflil.2.: lambs. $6.20? 2.1: snrlnir lambs. ISSfi.SO; culls and bucks, $3.60ff4.60. KnnsnN City Live Murk, KANSAS CITY, April 19 -CATTLE He celpts. 4,7() head natives, 700 head Tevaus; all classes of slaughtering stock ah.nln ensler: least desirable stuff 10o lower: heavy nat vo steers. $1 8.M5.40: llchtwelchta. $t.50fi5.03; stockers and feeders, $.173175.30; nutcticrs, cows nnd heirer.. $1 tOjjl.75, can tiers. $2.753.40: fed westerns, $(.2&fl4.90; Texans, $1,2051.70. HOGS Receipts. 13.900 head: market opened easier, closed brisk at yesterday's prices: heavy. J3.60diS.62U; mixed, $3.4V 5.55; light. $5.15115.40; pigs. $l.95f)5. 15. BHKEI' AND LAM IIS Receipts, 5.000 head; market trifle slow, about steadv: fprlng lambs, !.50; Colorado lambs, 16.901 7.00; muttons. J0.001i6.10: ewes. $5.10175.60: culls. J3.50fj5.00. stock In SIkIiI. Following are tho receipts nt the four principal western markets for April 19 Cattle. Horn. Sheen. South Omaha 4.331 S.477 11.181 Chicago 9,000 22.000 10,000 Kansas city 6.400 13.900 5.000 St. Louts 3.2i 11.200 9iX 4 80 4 80 5 35 fi 40 7 20 Totals ..21,951 63,577 0SI Volar nf Vnnderbllt Eslntr. NEW YORK, April 19.-The appraised valuation of tho estate of Cornelius Vnn derbllt amounts to about $60,000,000. Ex clusive of tho residuary estate, which la held In trust for Alfred Owynne. Vnnder bllt, tho valuation of properties, calculated from thn amount of Inheritance, tax, Is only $32,009,000. This Inheritance tax amounts to 1320,272, which has been paid and receipted for by Comptroller Coler. This sum represents what wns the property of Cornelius Vander bllt In New York, but does not Include the transfer tax on tho $5,000,000 left to Cor nelius Vanderbllt by his father, William H. Vanderbllt, with power of appointment. The estate of Cornelius Vanderbllt was supposed to have been worth at least $125, 000,000. At the time of Cornelius Vander hllt's death last September Chauncey M, Depew estimated that the cntlro estate was $20,000,000. but It was explained that It was u most conservative estimate and mado only to assist thoso attempting to get somo Idea of tho amount of tho residuary cstato cotnlnz to Alfred. I.nnilnlltlc nt 'runnel. KANSAS CITY, April 19.-A rumor In circulation hero Is to the effect that tho Atchison. Toneka & Santa Fe tunnel throuirh tho Hnton mountnlns, New Mex ico, has caved In, stopping tralllo on tho main lino of thnt road. No one Is re ported Injured. Nothing Is known nt thn local offices of tho Santn Fe to verify tho rumor, except that tho nnnounccment was, received today that tho through eastbound passenger train, due hero at 1 a. m. from California, has been abandoned tem porarily. Chin 11 111 ii 11 Mnkm CnnroNNlnn, VANCOUVER, H. C, April 19.-Chnn Yen Chung, tho Chinaman arrested for the mur der of Chief of Pollen Main of Steveston, hns made a cnnfesslnn. In which ho says that Main wus llrst struck on the heart from behind with a mnttock wielded by a Chlnnmnn who fled nnd who has not yet been eauturcd. Tho mattock and a long knlfo wero found todny near the cnbln. Both boro bloodstains. Philadelphia nt Ronton. ROSTON. April 19.-A largo attendanco greeted tho opening gamo of the National league season In this city between Hoalon nnd Philadelphia. For Boston Nichols or Willis wcro plated to pitch, with Clarko as backstop. It was expected that tho Philadelphia batery would be, Orth and Me Fnrland. The sky was overcast and tho temperature was nearly 70. IVnmnn llurim (o Dentil, INDIANAPOLIS, April 19,-Mary Mc Carthy, a widow, 63 years old, was burned to denth today with her home In this city Sho died In great agony nfler suffering four hours. Mrs. McCarthy tried to put out a tiro which started in the house be. foro calling for help nnd her clothing Ig nited. CnrlUle Not In the In no. NEW YORK, April 19.-John O. Carlisle, former secretary of the treasury, said last ovenlns that he had been asked by Gov ernor Taylor's counsel to appear for him In the United States supreme court In thn Kentucky appeal, but that he had declined tn do so, because was too busily occupied with other matters. .ukkp-Tii(1iiv'k receipts were the largest of the year, to dato forty-four curs being reported in. ine arrivals i-nunmicu vtijt inro,lv nf Colorado lnmhs. There were no sheep to amount to anything, excepting some thai were curm-u uvrr mmi jr-ici- laV. Tho marxri was siow, inn noon' .inH thnnuh soring lambs were lower. I :.' i " , m I . ,.,.1.1 CJUH6 a SirillK m nwian laniua """' $7.25 nnd 17.1b. rno saics ueiow win sunw w-elghtr. and prices. . nnnrni nns t. nmce YeiiriiiiKn. u, iu ,.,, !.. tn nnn,l venrllncs. 16.00S76. 15 : cltnped yearlings, $5.60116.80; good to cholco wctli- ers. $6.00176.15; fair to good wethers, $1.75f() , 1 n, . E irtocft. 1 ... I h 00; Clippeil wewieie. " choice fed ewes, $5.50fj 5.75 ; fair to good ewes, $5.00f?5,40; clipped ewes, SI.60fifi.S5, good to choice natlvo lambs, S7.00ft7.35; good to choice western lambs, S7.15W7.31; fair to good western lambs, $6.60ft7 15; clipped lambs. $6.00f6.40; feeder wethers. $1.60175.00; feeder yearlings. $iOOfi5,C0; good to choice feeder lambs, $5.25fj6.00. Repre sentative sales: No av. IT. ... fix AT 1 shorn lamn w " 21 western lambs 16 6 R 611 Colorado lambs SS Ifi 999 Colorado lambs 82 26 cull ewes, snorn 2fl'cull ewes, shorn fn 2 60 41 western lambs i7 90 1 ewo 120 fi 60 m Colorado lambs 62 6 2j 8 western ewes, shorn 102 ?or, western owes, shorn 98 236 western wethers, shorn 108 165 western wethers, snorn ;i'w 1080 Colorado lambs '3 hi. Joseph Live Slock. SOUTH' BT. JOSEPH, Mo., April 19 -(8pe-clal.)-The Journal quotes: , CATTLE Receipts, 4,600 head; market trady to 10c lower; quality flr: I1.0ryfi5.15: Texas and westerns, S3.iofi.l5. cows and heifers, tt. 2.vf I 15: hi ll nnd stairs. $2.251.60; yearlings ami cales, Jl.fO fi5.10;stnckers nnd feeders, $3.4Ol.60; veals, 'nOGS- Receipts. 6,300 head; market steady to weak: all grades, $5.IOOa.60; bulk fB.?FlV ANo'LAMnS-Recelpt.. 4W head; 15 5006,10; yearlings, $3.75fj6.3o; ewes, $o.OO0 5.75. vr VorU Mvr Stook, NEW YORK. April 19,-HEEVES-Re-celpts. 818 bead; no trade, in live cattle, feeling weak; London cables quoted re. frlgerntor beef lower, at 9o per pound; no shlnments today or Friday CALVlVs-Recelpts, 597 head; market slow' prices 3OV40o lower; 300 head unsold; common to prime veals. Sl.S54j6.00. SmJEP AND LA MRS -Receipts, 2.608 bead. !&' "U sale, sheep llrm; Iambi dull and 10fjl5c lower, S', cars unsold. Hum the 4'tiimuinpllves, ALAMEDA. Cal., April lO.-The Hoard of Education of this' city has adopted a rule, forbidding tho employment ns teachers In tho puhllc schools nf any persons who nro allllcted with tuberculosis. This action Is In linn with thn efforts being made else, whero to prevent the spread of consump., Hon. (O VKIl.VM I1XT MITILT:. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of tho Interior, Olllce of In dian Affairs, Washington. D. C . March 20, 1900. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.." as thn caie may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 77 and 79 Wooster street. Now York City, will be received until 1 o'clock, p m .'of Tuesdny. May 15. 1900, for furnish-liu.- for (ho Indian ServUe. blankets, woolen nnd totton goods, clothing, notions, hats nnd cms. Illds must ho made nut on Gov ernment blanks. Schedules giving all neces- sary information ror limners win tie fur nished on npniicatinii in ine inninn tiuicn, Washington, D. C; Nos. 77 nnd 79 Wooster street, New York cilj ; or 235 Johnson street, Chicago, III ; the Commissaries of Subsistence, U. S. A. at Choymine, Leaven worth. Omaha, SI. Louis, St. Paul, and San Francisco: the postmasters at Hloux city, Ynnkton. Arkansas City. Caldwell. Toneka. Wichita, and Tuscon. Bids will bo opened nt the hour and days above stated, and bidders aro invited to bo present at tho opening. The Department reserves tho right in iietermino ine puuii 111 unlivery ami to reject any and all bids, or nny part of any bid. W. A. JONES. Commissioner A-17 to May 12-M RRPEMNEYaCO. SffBKS BOOM 4 MY LIFE BLD0. OMAHA HIS. BRANCH 103ft MAT UI4C0U1 Ml JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 10.10. Oiiiolm, Nej COMMISSrON, GRAIN, IMtOVISIONS and STOCKS JJOAUD OF TRADE. Correspondence: John A. Warren & Co uirect wires to Chicago and Ntw YorX