Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    'I'll If! MMATTA 11 A IT.V T1,1 V. flUTTIDOnAV tTlTni- i
Telephone! 818-G94.
Ladies' Suits....
Beautiful .Eton Suite, In black cheviot, at (20.00, (22.00 and (20.00.
Separate Skii'tS
Most cvory lady llkw n skirt to bnng g racefully- and pretty. , It takd ft skillful
tailor to make such n garment. It nlso takes a skillful , fitter to mako the
needed alterations. We have the skillfully made skirts and the skillful tailors
to make tho changes. ,
A beautiful Skirt, trimmed with taffeta bands, at (10.00. .. , ,
Ladies' Underskirts
Wo sell only tho brat materials which c an b put In an Underskirt. Accordion and
knlfo plaited Petticoats seem to ha ve tho call this season. Wo are showing
bo mo new and pretty things at (2. 75 and (3.75, In black;
Fine House Wrappers
cut gored and full good materials at (1,00, (1.7C, (2.23 and (2.7S,
VVo Close Our Store Saturdays at 0 P. M.
Thompson, Beldeh &Co.
leagues to support -tho pending bill, ho
charged It to bo truo that the- president of
tho United' States was then In accord with
Orosvenor I say so noV.
Wheeler Ho changed his opinion
Orosvenor I eay ho. did not change hla
opinion In nny material respect; ho simply
changed" from tho oflglnnl Idea of free trado
to what was almost tho condition of free
trado that wo appended to tho measure.
Tho country understands It. Congressman
after congressman who stood hero In defense
of tho bill has gona to his constituents
Just when tho democratic noleo was tho
loudest and has bden sent back here with
a unanimity almost unparalleled In tho nom
ination of congressman. And tho great
body; at. Philadelphia thei Manufacturers'
association only yesterday approvod'of tho
I'orto RIcan bill, tho very body that a
fow weeks' ago wan quoted on this floor
ns opposed to It. (Applause on tho repub
lican side,) And from ono end of this coun
try to. tho other tho people of this country
nro taking caro of It; .Tho republican party
will not loso nny votes In tho coming elec
tion bocauso of Ub action on tho I'orto
Illcan bill.
Tint IIoldliiK Ilnck.
Wo aro not holding back by the coat
tails Of tho world nnd hollering "Whoa!"
(Laughter on tho republican side.) 'Wo havo
got something to '"show for our' opinions.
Witness tho splendid organization of tho
government Jof jh,a Jlavynllaa territory. Look
at tho liberal, Christian, ueneroun laws that
wehavo conferred ot) the pcoplo of Porto
Illoo. Lbok nt'iho'faci that, but for tho
Intervention 'of. a few men on this side of
tho ' water wo should have extended the
same benefits of tho coretltutlon, the eamo
liberty of American citizenship, In embryo
at least, to the pcoplo of tho Philippine
Islands, but wo 'would not consent that you
should drive us to admit that tho pcoplo
of Porto Ilico and tho pcoplo of tho Phil
ippines were equal. (Applauso on republican
side.) Wo would ,not consent that millions
and millions of Malays might come over
hern nnd inarch Into our labor markets;
and wo will mako It warm for you beforo tho
campaign ,1? over. (Laughter and applause
on tho republican' side.) Tdn" voted that
tho constttiJitlon '-carried equal citizenship
to'tho Malays and tho Chinese '6ffthe Phil
ippine In an (Is and Hint Is your position to
day..", It "is your complaint that, wo would'
not let .you do ltbut In duatme, tinder
tho wisdom of th'c- rubllcnri,paVt,y!iShd un
der. -tho blessings of Ood, w'o will send lib
erty' and ' equal rights os, quickly 'tti thoy
can, comprehend them to tho people of
Porto nico nn'd to tho pcoplo of the Phil
ippine. (Appluuso on the republican side.)
-When Clroovenor took his scat NVllllams
demanded an opportunity to reply and 'time
was accorded him.
WllllnuiN Ha I. en rued HumetlilUK,
"Mr. Chairman," said ho speaking with
deliberation, "as a man grows old ho Icnrmi
somo things. I havo learned something
todny. 1 will never again while n member
of tho American congress undertake to csk
a question of any member on thlsIIoor who
Is not sufficiently woll versod In tho or
dinary courtesies of humnn Intercourse ns
to bo capablo of returning at least a pollto
reply to a pollto Inquiry. Furtbor than (hat
It would bo almost Impossible for mo with-.
sIt doo?n't mako nny Miffcrcnco
vfhuthcr you bclievo iu tlioMiioilcni
theory ami uricuk of tlio cnuso of dis
eases iia rofenible to germs, microbes
or bucilli, or whether you uso tho old
er nnd better understood terms of
"humor?", nnd "blood diseases"
Hood's Sarsnimrilla cures them all
JUST THE fejAME. It cures thoso
eruptions, boils and pimples which nro
so likely to appear in tho Spring;
cures scrofula diseases in their most
tenacious forms ; cures salt rheum or
eczema' and relieves tho itching and
burning; ndapts itself equally well
.to, and, also, cure?,, dyspepsia,, mid .nil,
stomach i troubles , duo to generally
,veak condition ' nnd thin, nnipmic
Llood; cures norvous troubles, which,
iu nino cases out of ten, exist bocauso
tho Inlputo blood cannot supply prop
er nervo food; cures debility and
that tired fooling, which just as surely
iudicato that tho blood is lucking iu
vitaljtvftiul tiQ clumcuU of health.
Ellis' IS not merely modern theory but
It is solid, up-to-dnto fact. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has had such rcmarkablo
success along thoso lines that it is not
too much to say it is tho best Spring
Medicine, blood purlllor, stomach aud
nervo touio that money can buy.
Doe, April IS, 1800,
l he suits wnicn we
sell are made only by the
best tailors. They have
that exclusive style about
them which commends
them to ladies who ap
preciate good work. We
have experienced fitters,
who know their business.
out a breach of parliamentary rule to ex
press myself on that particular subject. I
asked the gentleman from Oho a quostlon
which ho cither 'could not" answer '6r In "hin
lawyer-like politician style dcslrefd to orade.
That question ha.not. been Answered. Tho
gentleman said oijrhIs fl6or that tho presi
dent of the) United .States had not changed
hla mind on .tho Porto Illcan qucntlon. no
member I did not mako tho chargo that ho
had. What I charged was that ho had per
mitted other to change hit, mind for him,
which in my opinion was not a thing In
which any man could at any tlmo bo proud.
Hut In charity to the president and In char
ity to many of tho members of this houso I
asked tho gentleman when ho denied that
tho president bad not In a public mi&iago
announced that ho was in favor of frco
trado between Porto Ilico nnd tho balance
of tho United States and also whetticr vari
ous members of this house had not risen cne
after another to say that tho president had
told them In prlvato conversation that ho
was at tho time of tho conversation In
favor of tho bill wfil'ch passed the nuuso.
Thcro waB nothing rudo In that Inquiry;
thero was nothing personal in it; there was
nothing discourteous In It; nothing unpre
cedented In it; thcro was nothing In it that
could havo stirred up wrath In anyone ex
cept ona who felt as if he had' to break up
tho convention In a row In order to keep
from arriving at an election. That Is all."
(Democratic applause.)
.Oroavonor, disclaimed. any,lntent(qn of af
fronting Williams' and .there the ' matter'
ended. , v
Kltchln's amendment was. lost.' ,
Ocean Harvey Manqy,
When tba provision relating to tho appro
priation of (100,000 tor ocean surveys was
reached Moody of Massachusetts reserved a
point of order against It and by arrangement
debate upon tho section went over until to
morrow. Cannon of Illinois made a point or order
against tho appropriation of $360,000 for tho
construction of the, now naval academy nt
Annapolis and Increasing tho limit of cost
to (2,000,000. Mudd of Maryland controverted
tlio remarks of Cannon in support of his
point. ,
, Without deciding tbe, point of order tho
commltteo rose.
May' 3 was scl.aaWfo'r th'ojConsldcratlon
of tho "free homes" bill. Tho conference
report on tho urgent deficiency bill was
agreed to.
At 5:25 p. m. the bouse, adjourned.
Sennit" Hiiontln Another Dny Coiisliler
Inir Itn I'ru vlnlonn.
WASHINGTON, April 18. During almost
tho ontlro session of the Bcnato todny tho
Alaskan civil codo bill was under con
sideration, in , this connection Stewart
(Nev.) dcllvored an address of nearly threo
hours upon the mining' laws of tho Unltod
Strit6s and their relation to tho proposed
amendment of Hansbrough ns tho rights of
alien locators of claims. Nelson (Minn.),
Carter (Mont.) nnd Teller (Colo.) discussed
tho pending nmondmcnt at. length, b th
Nelson and Toller being particularly vigor
ous In tholr denunciation of It.
An effort was mado by Money (Miss.) and
several of his domocratlo colleagues to ob
tain consideration for tho bill to revive and
nmend nn net to pfovldo .for the collection
of abandoned property and tho prevention
of frauds In Insurrectionary districts within
(he United States and actB amendatory
thereof. Strong opposition to the bill de
veloped on tho part of Halo (Mo.), Chandler
(N. 11.), Warren (Wyo.) und others.
Halo declared that the bill, It passed,
would subject tho United. States treasury to
a drain of probably (150,000,000.
Money challenged Hale's statement, say
ing that tho bill would take no such amount
from tho treasury; that it lhvolved only
(3,000,000 and that a trust fund, for which
tho measure, provided, was the means of dis
tribution to Us proper owners.
Teller of, Colorado, as a, friend ot tho bill,
urged Money not to press the mcasuro at
this time, as some, furtbor. Information was
needed by tho sonato beforo It, acted upon
tho bill. Tho bill needed amendment, ho
paid, but ho thought It would bo passed
without serious deliy when understood by
tho senate.
Money gave notice that he would call up
tho bill next Wodnosday.
The senate then returned consideration ot
tho Alaskan 'civil code bill, Stowart ad
dressing tho senate on the pending Hans
brough amendment In opposition to nny
change In tho mining laws of thOvUnltcJ
Stewart spoko for almost three hours. Ho
reviewed the mining laws of the Unltel
States to iho extent that they related to
allenn' rights In the Alaskan gold fields. He
dtfended tho rights of the Laplanders,
Swedes and Norwegians who had entitel
milling claims In the Cape Noma dlHrlct.
Nelson followed Stewart, also sustaining
tho rights of the no-called aliens who had
located tho mining claims In question.
Hansbrough Interrupted Nrleon to read a
paragraph from a document drawn from the
"Law and Order League' of tho Cape Nonio
district, which declared that tho people
who, Nolson said, bad located the claims,
wore not really the locators of tho claims,
In ronly Nolson said that the tlmo had
come to call things by their corrc:l namos.
Ho denounced tho "Law and Order League"
an an organization formed to Jump claims
located by honest prospectors. Continuing,
Nelson paid tho locators In the Cape Nome
dUtrlct were all cither declared citizens ot
tho United States or people who honestly
had Intended to becomo citizens of Hhe
United States. Ho declared there was no
reafon In equity, Justice or common socso
why nny dcscrltnlnatloti should bo made
against tho Swedes, Norwegians and Laps.
Tho "lAvt and Order League,"-ho said, had
attempted to drive thtfaeT pcoplo from th1
Cape Nomo .district and bad been prevented
from doing so only by tho United Stntei
military forces, i As n rcMllt tho "league"
had asked the removal of tht commander of
the Unltfd States troop In that rt'strlct.
Tho proposition reduced to Its ultlmato an
aljsls was simply ono to fortify claim Junip
ers ns they never hoore had boon fortified.
Tillman of South Carolina agreed with Nel
son that In what he had said of tho rights of
tho Swedes, Norwegians, Laplanders and
Finns and speaking of tho Hansborough
amendment said thnt "senators ought to'tako
II by tho nape of tho neck and kick It out ot
the senate."
Carter of Montnna mndo an earnest and
forcoful appeal to tho senato that the
American miner either nntlvo horn or
properly naturalized should havo tho first
claims upon tho mining land ot tho United
States. He said in tho courso of his re
marks that he had ho dcslro to'chnngo tho
mining Ihws, but Intimated that Mr. teller
of Colorado and others were trying to change
In a heated reply Teller declared that Car
ter "under n protendei' zeal for the Ameri
can miner" had attempted to shift upon
him tho responsibility of a desire to change
tho mining laws of the United States.
"I resent that statement," Interjected
Cnrtor, and was about to explain further
when Teller declined to yield. Tho Colo
rado Benntor said nobody had proposed nrty
change of tho mining laws except Hans
brough and Carter, who by their proposed
legislation wero protecting tho scalawags
nnd scoundrels nnd blacltmnllcrh who were
making a business of Jumping claims.
"Theso people," declared Teller, with em-
phusls, "aro blackmailers or thieves, and
slnco mining was begun In this country thoy
havo been the curso of every mining camp.
They nro among tho worst scoundrels that'
over went unhung."
Without further debate the Alaskan bill
was laid aside. Tho senate, at C:15, went
Into executive session, and at C;25 p. m.
During the morning session Hale reported
from commltteo On naval affairs a Joint reso
lution drawn originally by Mason ot Hit-,
nols, authorizing tho. secretary of the navy I
to have struck bronza medals for dlstrlbu-i
tlon among certain ofllcers and men ot the .
North Atlantic squadron, commemorating
naval engagements between tho forces of
Spain and the United States In tho waters'
of the West Indlcu and off the Cuban coast.
The measure, which appropriates (2C.O0O,
was adopted.
Sennte Taken I p n lteeoniineniln t Ion
ot President MclClnley lleicnrrilne
I'lllliiK ot Civil oniccs.
WASHINGTON, April 18. Tho president
today sent to congress tho following mes
sage: "The tlmo remaining before tho 1st of
May, when the act of April 12, 1900, en
titled, 'An apt temporarily to provide
revenue and a civil government for Porto
Rico nnd for other purposes' will tako et
foct, appears to bo Insufficient for tbo careful
Inquiry and consideration requlsRo to tho
proper selection of suitable persons to fill
tho Important civil offices provided for by,
tho act,
"Tho powers of the present government
will censo when tho net takes effect, and
some new authority wilt be necessary trf
enable tho officers, noiv performing tho
duties of tho civil government on the Island
to the'pcrformance(of'those duties "utttfl tbd
officers who tiro" 'to nortdrm "sltnUnf dulled
under tho new 'govbrnmcrit' shall hav8"fiStfn
appointed and ' qualified. That authority
caiinot well bo given at present' by'terd
porary appointments of tho existing 6fflc'efs
to positions under the aot for tho reason
that many of the existing officers' aro officers
of tho army detailed to tho performance of
civil duties, arid section 1.222 ot tho Revised
Statutes would prevent them from accepting
such temporary appointments under the
penalty ot losing their commissions.
"Tho selection of the new officers nnd tho
organization ot tho new government under
the act referred to will be accomplished with
nil practical speed, but In order that It may,
bo properly accomplished I recommend the.
paesago of a Joint resolution to obviate tboj
difficulty above stated. .",
To carry Into effect tho president's mcs-,
sago Mr. Foraker, chairman of tho Porto
RIcan committee, Introduced this Joint reso
lution: "Resolved," That until tho officer' to-flll'any
offlco provided for by tho act of April 12,'
1900, entitled, 'An act temporarily to pro
vide roveriues and a civil government for
Porto Rico nnd for other purposes,' Bhall
havo been appointed and qualified, tho offi
cer or officers now performing tho civil
duties pertaining to such offlco may continue
to perform tbo same under tho authority of
said act, and no officer of tho nrmy shall
loso his commission by reason thereof.
"Provided, That nothing herein contained
shall bo held to extend tho time for tho ap
pointment nnd qualification of nny Hitch rfn
cers boyond tho 1st day of August, 1900."
On motion of Senator Foraker tho message
and tho resolution woro referred to ihe
committee on Porto Rico.
Cnvernmriit OIlloi'M AVI11 He Without
Orciiiinntn Ilpfnrp ' Aiiolnt
niPiitn Cnn lie Mndt.
WASHINGTON, April 18. Tho president
has Bent to congress a messago calling at
tention to tho fact that the Porto RIcan law
will creato vacancies In offices In tho govern
ment of Porto Ilico before new appointments
can be made.
When the announcement wns mado In tho
senate Foraker offered n Joint resolution
providing that army officers might coutlnuo
to servo In tho positions thoy now hold until
civil ofllcers could be appointed. It was re
ferred to tho Porto Illcan commltteo.
AVAfi I X W A It OX OLEUM A H (i A 1 1 1 X K .
Xevlllc uf Xvbrnskn Wiuitn Tinir Set
for TnkliiK Vote on . IVnilliiu' Hill.
WASHINGTON, April IS. A lively con
troversy has been going on ot Into In tho
houso commltteo on agriculture, over tho.
Grout bill placing a heavy tax on oleomar
garine. Tho mcasuro has been In charge of
..t '.I ... 1 .. .... . '
u BuuuuiiMuiiii-u jri-niucu uvur uy uupru- i
scntatlvo Lorlmer ot Chicago, who', with !
Phntrmnn Wnilall-npll, nf Ihn full mmmlttnn
Is In tho city.
Hepreeentatlve Neville of Nebraska gavo
nottco at a special meeting of tho commit
tee, today that on next Wednojday ho would
Seek to havo n dcllnlto tlmo set for taking
a voto by tho full committee, thus rcstrlct
lng'tlio tlmo within which tho subcommittee
can net. Mr. Williams ot Mississippi gavo
a counter notice that ho would resist the
courso proposed with nil IiIb ability.
Srerrlnry f!nf AW Coiiki-pnh Iii l'ro-
I tl for lli( Ontrliil'N Snliiry.
WASHINGTON, April 17. Secretary Gage
today Bent a request to congroea that In
occnrdatico with tho provision of tho Porto
Ktcon act providing a commissioner to tho
United States at $5,000 an appropriation be
mado for tbo salary.
Another letter requests an appropriation
of J3.000 for tho woman commissioner rep
resenting the Daughters of tho American
Kovolutlon at the unveiling ot tho statun
of Lafayette at Paris, which appointment
was recently provided by congress.
Dar.nrnenls-SintHoitbs. 8anats Shed New
Light oalGfibjeoU
I)lreutloii oNnlhr ontorrs Hennril
Iiik. .MetlnHl of OjicnUloiiH onieern
I'roiiilKcd lll HewnrdN In
WASHINGTON, April 18. In further re
sponso to the. senato resolution of January
17 last the president today sent to tho
senato additional documents bearing upon
tho Insurrection Jn tlio Philippines. Tho
papers no all Important.,
One of them s a ropqrt of Colonel Aramas
Illanco ot tho, Phlllpp(no army to tho "gen
eral commanding "tho Second zone" of the
events, of February's, 1899, In Tondo. Ho
says thnt on hearing, the. alarm ot fire ho
Immediately ordorcd twenty men. who
gathered To hold themselves ready, "so that
when the designated hour arrived thoy would
'he ready to go to Mclsle, where, the Amer
ican barradks are, and tot on 'fire tho houses
nbout there hi ordci"to Interfere with tholr
coming out of tho barracks, ns agreed upon
nt tho mooting with D. Rosund Loiiinn. Tho
result was1 that'om'tnarthlnB to tho sceno of
operations we foUnd th6 Calzadala of Azcar
raga was fil!efl'"wlth Americans nnd with
them wero a number of country people, who
cried out, 'Brothers, to tho strife, for now
Is tho hoilr.' This Is what the men wsro
saying to tho crbwd nnd nt the proper tlmo
they sounded the enll for our army, 'Art
Vanco and fire.' The sight of that Strange
sign throw us Into confusion, for we bolloved
that nil wo had prepared from tho beginning
as well ns whn't wo saw, was prepared by
tho enemy and bis sides'."
He then ordered rt ictreat and when they
mot tho Americans tho colonel says the lat
ter gnvo his forces two volleys. Ho adds
that bis men, with' daggers In a hand-to-hand
conflict, forced tho Americans to re
tlra )' ' -
Another letter, dated at Tarlac. October
23 last, signed ,by J. M Leyba, commends
an unnamed FHIpln.o, of whom' the writer
says that "ho,.wmgo, to Manila commli-
stoned by our government to throw some1
dynamlto-bimtw nnd.'sot fire to the houses
and the principal -buildings, especially thoso
occupied by' foreigners.'' .
Among other: documents Is another un-l'lstlng of n supreme court, circuit courts'
Blgnod lotter to OesnornliRlps of the Spanish and Inferior courts. Tho bill provides that
n'rmy, atiit In', command--nt Jlollo, elted at Hawaii shall bo represented In congress
Maloioa, October 23;,.1S98. apparently In- by a delegate) who shall havo a seat In tho
spired by Agulnaldo, In this letter the houso of representatives, with a right to
writer says that bis desire Is to "yet savo debate but not to vote. A delegate to con-'
from shlpiyreck tho' sovereignty of Spain In gtefs Is to bo chosen nt an election of the
these Islands." He' then proceeds: "I nm In- people. Thero Is no tariff provision In the
formeJ that you aro. considering surrender- j till, ns the tariff laws of tho United States
lng the place to us or to tho Americans nrc oxtended over tho Island nnd tho tcr
after six. nionths" pf vigorous slego nnd of ' rUoty of Hawaii Is spoclllcally made "a
total abandonment I understand how you cuttoma district of tho United Stales," with
can preier ub to ino otnors. ine wny to
mako tbla surrender Is' to Join us and pro
claim thet federation of the. Filipino re
public with tho Spanish republic, rocognlz
Ing the chieftainship of our honorable
president, Sonor, Emlllo Agulnaldo; a fia-
ternal embrace will take placo between Flll-
bo hurrahs for Spaln'aud the Filipinos united
as a federal republic.; your troops will pass
lnto'.th common army; you ,wl be pro-
moted,to'a-lleutenant ceneral. Those who
n..o. 'Sinov o. r vnn n,i
tho flags ot Spain .nd the Filipinos will
flV altla. hv utiltrf:.Yii'wlll account
of this (j- Madrid and' in tho meantime we
shall vflghWhoYlAmerlcans! to death. We
Bhall lcoTlqlfor" and them-wo shall wait and
adjust' otiii. fijfjJrS relations. The surren
,der. orjhQ hsrftfiElMomt yo pj)mmatld.,is
tho gfdflfbsf,ot(tragt''Whloh-onrr be, Inflicted
apln tlWe"valiSiitt'lirierr, slnco theyuhftve
suffered, tbo" 'PDijoslltJpA wnJ?n," helr ufl"
fortunato-eomraiilbijs'ftuffer hero;, and you,
the nblo'eVrfd upright -and valiant general,
aro going' to,, sigh A treaty, with the Amer
icans? Ood pretseryo you Ironi It. slrl Your
transfer' to our side does not, really lnvolvo
treason to Spain, slnco tho moment sov
ereignty passes to tho Americans you aro
'frco to transfer! your allegiance. This Is
,ln accordance ,l,th tho principles (ft na
tional honor and It will serve as tho first
base of tho notf'fclllance between Spain and
tho Filipinos',, nnd then, or .both' honor
ana appiausa ror you ns naving oeen ma
'om? 'fortunate enough to cffocMt.'
"'ttUlL . 1. A .1 1 n'ii
Rbtb tho preceding documents and tho one
Immediately) .following .wero on.ipaper...usod
In'tho'prlv'ate 'office of'Agulnaldobut neither
of them, boro tatfy' aUrnatunf." Tbo second
documcntln;tbte connection, .vfhJch..l8 not.
dated. Is Tipparop.tly a!o'tter'of instruction
tb tho Filipino, 'mmlssforiera .wp wero. to
accompany tbo American troops.-to IlPlio.
They wefotdjdliot to recogrjlzo tho ;sOv
ci-clgnty of tho Amorlifan government, ami
upon debarking ,tho commissioners wero to
prepare tho Filipino forces to attack tho
Spaniards, "somo hours before tho Ameri
cans can enter tho place." Thoy are told
that In caso either tho Spaniard's' or the
Amorlcans want .to treat and make promises
to "bqllovo nothing and pay attention to
t . . . - ... t.H(ii .. .it..
o r conqW b .7 of 7hom." 1 00' attack
shouTd not f tako , P?ncc unt 1 after the "ontry
ot the AaericBta the K IplpSs wort In-
structcdat hoy "1 cont nuaYo eptor
o city, preparing to occupy it an'd taking.
itsessioh of th'a ground,- but without firing-
a shot unless tho. Americans commence." In
enso tho Amcrldans should begin, the Fili
pinos wero to nttack Immediately nnd not
to glvo up until killed."
In this connection tho Ilolloans woro as
sured that tho Americans wero valorous only
In appearance and would soon yield It met
with valor. If the Filipinos should get pes-
i . ,,.n- ...-1 .1.-. ai i i,t
session of Hollo before the disembarkation
ot tho Amorlcans tho Filipinos wero to
"conceal themselves well In order to drlvo
tho. Americans nnd mnke them think wp nro1
moro than wo are in fact. In this cise,"
tho Instruction continues, "lot-thorn approa h ;
and when they are In duo rango or our
rifles thcro should bo a general dlschargo
so that os many men as posslbla will bo
killed nt once. Wo can cnlculato one ot our
..ui... hin .nrh emu. nf thpira. n ihnf
in tho hour of victory after tho combat wo
should havo less losses than theirs.
Another document relates to tho confer
ence sought by General Otis with Filipino
lenders relative to tho expedition to Hollo
and says that General OtlB tried to secure, j
a deputation ot natives to accompany the eiiuiBuiitaiiy uuiwii oy many large stcei,
expedition In order to conciliate tho Insur- armor, ehlp-bulldlng nnd ammunition con
rectlonlsts there, There Is n noto with this , ctds doing, business with tho government,
document, saying thnt General Otis had lni j as tho mcMuro will havo tho effect of (Ix
dlcuted that It was tho purpose of the lng an eight-hour day on nrmor and llko
United States to annex tho Philippines, but commodities and In tho building of war
thai the general admitted mat mere were
two parties itvtha senato,
A .proclamation, signed by Agulnaldo on
aiay ;ii .jsvs, taps: . .
I see thei Spanish government Is unable
to struggle with certain dements which to ovorcomo obJf loo, that goods enroutQ
constantly oppose tho progress ot this coun- ( to n factory where work was being done
try and now' slnco tho powerful nnd great might be held up bocauso tho train hand3
American nation, has comev showing a dls- j aid not conform to the eight-hour rule,
interested protection which .will cnnblo us Another amendment provides that the act
to secure tho llbcdy of this country, I comq 1 8halI nct nppiy to goods bought by tho gov
to nssumo the command of all forces, ready crnment In open market. This is to over
to assure tho attainment, of our revived . como tn0 obioction that th nleht.hmir re.
Ho said bo would first establish a dic
tatorship and afterward a government with
a cabinet.
Tho papers ara all' translations of docu
ments captured from the Filipino forces.
In llelinlf at Colored Voter.
WASHINGTON, April 18. Senator Chand
ler today Introduced a bill "for tho preven
tion, dental or the abridgement of the right
of citizens ot (he United Stattts to voto on
account of color.1'
Iu presenting the bill Mr, Chandler ua d
tba bo did so by request and was hot yet,
prepared to press Its consideration. Ho said,
however, that ho had drawn tho bill him-
self. It provides that "nny requirement
of any qualification for suffrage prescribed
by nny stato on Its constitution or laws
which directly or Indirectly by express
words or by any device or subterfuge is
nmdci to apply In Its terms or In Its oper
tlon to tho great body ot the colored citi
zens ot tho state, while It (s not mado to
apply to tho groat body ot tho whlto citi
zens, Is hereby declared to bo unconstitu
tional, null nnd Inoperative."
Other sections of the bill nuthorlzo col
ored citizens to vote rcgnrdlrfcs of raco or
of stale restrictions. Colored citizens also
are given tho right ot action for damagw
against registration Hoards reiusing t&om
the right to register.
limine nnd Ncnnto Conferees Finally
llencli nn Agreement I'orin Pro
vided ! Housr Derided I'poii.
WASHINGTON, April 17. After extended
mectlnga a unanimous agreement was
reached today by tho hoqso nnd senato
conferees on tho Hawaiian government bill.
Tho senato conferees yielded to the houso
measure, which passed ns a substltuto for
tho seriato bill ai n whole, although a num
ber 'of amendments wero made.
In tbo main tho form of government an
finally determined upon Is that provided'
by tho house. Tho chief amendments are
In providing a district court, Instead ot,
tho federal court organized under general
laws, but Btrlklng out of tho houso pro-'
vision postponing for ono year tho time for
applying tho existing law to Hawaii. The
prohibition of saloons In Hawaii, as pro
vided by tho houso bill, Is retained In a
modified form, In effect leaving the matter
to local option. Tho house provisions as to
tho land Inws nro retained, Including tho
nmendment of Representative Nowlands ot
Nevada, restricting the amount of land to
bo held by n corporation to 1,000 acies. Tho Clro, S to (12. Increase Theodore Kan
other Ncwlnnds' amendment, providing for.lftlntt Original wldow-
commlfslon to Investigate the labor ques- town: OrJulnal James II. KIIIh, Dilu
tion In Hawaii, la changed so that Com- Jprnbe, s: Joseph S. Snlvely, Lnmonl, K
SSS"nJt ;"! "ST, th0 &
Inquiry. The appointment of circuit Judges, Andrew J. Holslngcr, IVilcsburg, $S to (12;
ivuii-u whs me suDjece oi rattier earnest
. difference, was Anally decided by leaving
tho appointments with tho president.
Tno b'" establishes a complete form of
government for the islands, with a governor
. nnd other executive ofllcers
vn. a legislature
f two branches and a Judicial branch, con
.ports of entry at Honolulu. Hllo. MahuWona
and Kahulul.
Ah to tho crown laudo, which havo been
a source of somo controversy, It Is pio-
, .. , thn . n. , nuM. H.(n
" I b' "u.A"gUst. "J
, " '-"r.'T .
Vrl, nnv fr,? e' , freo clear
I 'm "J In , , L fconcornl"B c wmo.
'nd from a" ot (My nature whatso-
j f1-' UP" thero",s' 'MU,e anJ, Pro?ta
and other iiee as may bo provided by law."
The Chlnoso on the Island aro given one
year to obtain certificated of residence, but
tho conferees struck out the amendment
ihserted by Representative Do Armond of Partnicnt tho receipts In the Phlllpplno Is
Mfesourl, providing "that a" Chinese' and ,n,?d8 ,op tho months jf January, Febru
'6ftier'ABUttes" arriving' slnco the fsfana'was' ""V a"" MarBh,-tl0OO,,werd: Janiisry, J568,
Vqulred by the- United Statos shall depart 'CMf'oKebrtiary.1 '.(cable), 42G,423; Marcb'
within' ono year-or elso be deported by the
government. This latter provhlon was
omitted In view of tho belief that the Japa- . rofched tfao sum of $574,995. Tho total re
nrn linvft ownred n trPntr .tnln. In Un,..nll celpts for tho threo months were J1.GG9.379.
nnd that their forcible deportation by the
united Statos would Invito a serious and
needless breach' with Japan,
iiiisinss KiouiiKs I'lto.n iio.noi.lxo.
I'envy Inerense In Until Import . nnd
Kxport DurliiR 1KIIK.
WASHINGTON, April 18. Consul General
Haywool at Honolulu has transmitted to
tho Stato department the report of tho col-
i lector general of customs of Hawaii for'
,.1890, which provides somo Interesting fluures
noonccrnlug the Increased commercial jiros-t
pertty of tho Islands.
r'Ooods to tho amount of $15,020,830 were
Imported from the United States, whilo tho
value or tho exports to this country
amounted to $22,517,C08. Trado with other
countries was comjiratlvely slight, al
thought Imports to tho amount of 51,774,655
came In from Great Drttaln. Tho remainder
of tho export trade was carried on with
China. Japan, Australia, New Zealand and T lno 'oragua cannt project. Tho prcsl
Canada. I "c"t assured thoin that ho was earnestly In
Machinery was Imported to the amount ,avor of tho cnnal- but bought It would bo
of J2.009.238, nearly doublo tho Importa- wlso to wnlt ,,n"1 tno Wa'k"" commission
tlon during 1898, and Imports generally ' shou'll report. He said It would ho very
showed n material and in somo cases a rn. i embarrassing should congress tako Bomo Increase over" those ot The p
Var. Sugar to tho amount of over
1 W MM was exported. Tho rice exporta-
' neatly below that of 1898.
. ' ex? " " or n 'ear amntel
, J"'S8,741, el?(r ftn,lncrcn8 "bout"
V .. -1 w. TA .1 1 i .
wwnuB ietiiuur me mrgesi nmouni ot to a favorable report on tho convention bo
Imports over recorded for a single month tween tbo United States and Spain extend-
rpceiveu ui nonoiuiu, iu.uuu tens ot
general cargo arriving at that port, bo
sides 22,850 tons of coal and lumber.
i t!" " iZZ,? tef
JRh0l4LTnHn Tr L m "
I ?400,000 In excess of that of the
the pre-
ceding year.
1111,1, SOW IX MIAI'U.
lloime Sitln'iiiiiinltfi'r Decides on Finnl
Form of Menaurc
WASHINGTON, April 18. Tho hoime sub-
comnilttco on labor. In chargo of tho Gardner
fiB . ' reacnc" a cision today on
th' nnal form of the bill and on seveffal
nmondments, all of which will bo reported
tot the ,fu1" commltteo on labor next Friday, ,
when It is expected that final action will be
Tho bill has attracted much attention In
labor circles, being actively urged by the
American Federation of Labor, and has been
Tlio amendments made today aro Intended
to ovorcomo objections raised in recent ex
tended hearing. They provldo that tho act j
shall not apply to transportation. "This li
atrlctlon could bo carried back to the mines,
Horsford's Acid Phosphite
It soothes and strengthens the nsrves,
relieveo the severo pain in the temples
and depressing clcknesa at the stomach
Otaulne bears name JtomronD $ on wrppr.
(lumber ramps nnd all points prodmin? raw
mntertal which later goce Into government
nrtlclm. Theso nnd other amendments
nro dftdgncd to free tho mcasuro from the
chief objections brought agnlhrft It and eomo
of them wero drafted tiy the Keder.ttlorr of
libor authorities'. The action of the sub-
commltteo was not linrinjmous today In or
dering a roport.
Town of I'nilnchli, K, ltenien Ail
nilrnl nnd Wife to ('nil nt
(lint Pliue.
WASHINGTON, April IS. Representative
, Whoeler of Kentucky today prevented to Ad
mlral and Mrs. Dewoy n unique Invitation
to visit tho city of Pnducah, K, while on
the'lr proposed western trip next month.
Tho Invitation was onclosenl In nn oak casket
trimmed with' gold and sliver. It Is on n
thin sheet of .birch, which hears the seal of
thei city of Padifeah and rends as follows:
"To Admiral and Mrs. Dewoy:' This town
Is yours. Pitl the latch string wo will do
.tho rest. Don't eurprlso us, but Inform us
when you pull."
Tho Invitation Is signed by tho mayor nnd
Prominent citizens of Pnducah. Inside tho
casket wore twelvo quart bottles of twenty-ycnr-old
whisky and n cut glass decanter
Incased In silver.
Admiral Dewey said the Invitation was a
bevuitlful piece of work. Ho did not give
Mr. Whcelor a definite answer, but said ho
would communlcato his reply In a formal
Vnr' Survivors ltemeinuercd ly the
' (ienrrnl (ln eminent.
"WASHINGTON, April 18. (Special.) Tho
following ponslons hnvo been granted:
Isstio df April' 2:
. Nebraska: Orlglnnl-ltobert Dodds, Hunt
ley, J8r Peter O. Lcnry. Hnlglcr. $10; Hob-
prt 10. ITYmtiv l.tnnnltl CIO nltrl
Increase Lorenzo 1). illle fdnceiisedX
"ivun iimnec. usage, i; to jh; Jiimox vv
mo'ik& 'lne?S!ltuji,S, m!!i'
C. Northrup, 'tlarden Grove. Jio. Original
S',dow;;,1 '.r'n.Li ' ' tft'Sff'Si"'1 '
WlilteVMiWctltlne. is; MalinhV Oalllmore";
outux iiupiup, a.
South Dnkoui: Original Thomas . A.
HplicrtHon, , Yebli-n, $0. Increase I lurmoit
V. Olmstcad, Hill City, JG to IS.
Nlierntnii Act Carried Tliroimliniit lint
I'ennltlcM Are More Severe.
WASHINGTON, April 17. The text of tho
new anti-trust measure as agreed on Inst
night by tho special houso subcommittee
on trusts was made public today by Judge
Ray, chalrman'of the committee.
A digest of tbo bill was carried by tho
Associated Press last night.
The Sherman act Is rotalned throughout
nnd tho penalties aro mado moro severe.
The fine Is mado "not less than $500" and
tho Imprisonment "not less than six months,
tosobvlato tho possibility of slight !ne
or Imprisonment."
In" encb case also tho penalty may be
"fliio and Imprisonment" Instead of "fine"
or "Imprisonment," us horetoforo. Section
8 of tho Sherman act Is also extended to
apply to agents, officers or attorneys of said
corporations and associations.
Mnnltn Ciintonm IteeelplN.
WASHINGTON, April 18. Accordlne to
a statement mndo today by the division of
customs and Insular affairs Of tho War de-
(cable), $679,446,
Tho customs receipts for March alone
T.h rccen,a fr snrch exceed thoso of
either of tho two previous months by J11B.-
Acoouiit of Alnnkn I'.viteilKlon.
WASHINGTON. April 18. Senator Carter
today presented the report of the sonatn
commltteo on military affairs made In re-
sponso to a resolution of tho senntq adopted
last December directing the commltteo to
' report upon tho part taken by tho nrmv In
tho exploration of Alnskn. The renort In nn
ecthnustlve presentation In narratlvo fnrm
of tho various military-explorations which
have Uoen mado of AlasUA slrfco the acquisi
tion ot that' territory. It-begins with nn nc-
count of tho expedition of 18G9 and Includes '
all mado since.
, MoKlnlpy I'nvor (lip ('mini,
WASHINGTON, April 18. Tho stato dele
gations In congress from tho Pacific const
,callctl on president MpKfnley today In behalf
I dofl"'to act' "o commltteo afterword
,na)i0 a wport iignlnit what had already bs-
cme, 'aw' " lnai,e " P"tlculnr point
I ut tho Hay-Pauncefoto treaty.
1"! i ! Tl fit f U . I . I.
AVAshllNGTON. April 18. The senate
rnmmllfpft tin fnr!in rnlnMnnn tnrtnv niyMnrl
" " V. v.
nR for six months tho tlmo In which Span-
Ish residents of the Phlllpplno Islands can
elect whether they will remain citizens of
Spain or becomo citizens of tho Philippines,
I'luicnr Prevalent In Ounkii.
WASHINGTON, April 17. Surgeon Gen-
eral Wyman has received a cablegram from ,
the surgeon in chargo at Yokohama saying
that tho plague Is now prevalent In Osaka,
Tho quarnntltio will bo rolmposcd.
Store closed Thursday
und Friday Sale begins
Saturday, April 2 list at
8:3U a. m.
$40,000 of highest grade
ehoes to bf slaughtoreti.
The Howe
Shoe Co.
i5!5Douglas St.
Look for ad in Friday's pa
per. Tho wonder Df the ago.
Endorsed at Home.
Such Proof as This Should Convince
Any Omaha Citizen.
Tho public endoisement of a local clllien
Is tho best pmof thnt can bo produced. Neno
better, none stronger can bo hail, Wlu-u a
man comes forward nnd testlllos to his
fellow citizens, nddreses his frjonds and
neighbors, you may bo suro ho Is" thoroughly
convinced or ho would not do so. Telling
one's experience when it It, for tho puullo
good Is an act of kindness thnt tihould bo
appreciated. . Tbo following statement
given by a resident of Omaha mid ono moro
to tho ninny canon .f hamo endorsement
which arc being-published about "The Llltlo
1 e'nllnttnf.,, l
Mr. John . C Hoeller, Btockkecper of tho
third floor In tho -McCortl-Hrndy company's
wholcsulo grocery, living nt 2627 Charles
street says: "I had lu weak back for
nearly three years. Somftlmes It itched
continually, particularly so -If II stooped or
luted. 1 lined 'medicines said to be good
for the kidneys, but the troublo still con
tinued. An announcement about's
Kidney Pills In our datly papers led me to
procuro a box ot Kuhn ft Co.'s drug1 store,
corner lGth nnd Douglas Ktle-etB. Tho
treatment cured me."
Doan's Kldhey Pills nro sold fcfr HO' cents
per box by "nil denlers or mailed tin receipt of
prlco by Postet-Mllhurn X'o., nuffalo, N. V.,
solo agents for tho Unltevt'StatO.
Remember tho name DoanV and take 'no
Have you decided to paint this spr'lng?
If so let us figure with you'. Our painter
can tell you Just how much material to boy
no guess wbrk. Just what II, will,
and' how it should bo(pttt on.. The pointers
you can get way save yoii dollars, liy
Patton's Master Painter's White
You hnvo a paint superior to white load
for this climate, Mug .composed offload
and zinc In tho proper proportions. There,
have boon tons,. of It used In Omaha and vi
cinity and no epmplnlnts. Theso, arc facts,
and they beat,.' tlteprM In nowypapiirs ads
alt to pieces. 'Call at the .oldest,-. paint and
glass houso lni town-ami be convinced,
cut rttiCK uuueitasTS,
Oldest I'll I nt HoiiNr In Omiilin.
l ltli nnd UuaKlns Hts
Ol'Hy AM, MCI IT.'
"St. Louis Cannon Ball"
LEAVE OMAHA 5:05 P, M, .
m ,m iii i I i r m 1 1 - -1 it - i 1 '
Trains leave Union Station' dally ' for
nil points east .or soutli. bl'UUIAL, llATJSS
, nuidesi.i.'iiera eLiirxKiu April 17. All In
' formation 3t CITY TICKKT OKKICK,
,lJl5 KAItNAAf ST., (PaxtOM Hotel JJIoClt)
or wrltp nitfry ll.' .MoorcV. C P. &" V. A'.,
, A IU r'Weinty V.Xo'r VoMS
Sd-M CIL' RomovM "Tair.i Pimples
. J AVWt I.' . I. 1... ....... I . .
uaaii ana skin uu
ensoi, and wverf
Ufttmlnli oil Uenutjr,
nnd dvlles dcteo
Hum, Jt has stood
tin- test of A3 year
nnd Is so harmless
we tanto ,Jt to b
sure It In propcrlr
mndo. Acoopt ns
counterfeit or nlml-
la? linme. ur. b.
K sajro nia to
;utv of the haul. ton
(u iiallenUI "As yon
I.kIIbh will uu
eJounilut'n Cioani d tho lrnn harmful of all
kin preparatluns." ror lain by all Druxd'sts and
WdDCjr Ooods Dealers. In tho Uplted States, Canada
nd Guropn,
FKHUT. KOPinN9.vProD'r.37.1oneKSt.K -'.
mmmmm iDk tlamdmohm.
K cents and 25 cents, at all druc stores.
"Di-YTTy QJ Woodward & Uurgcsa,
X XJ IO , jjKrH. Tel. 1919.
e'oiiuiH'iH'liiK Krliloy Mplit,
Friday, TboMiirrbniii of Vctilcp." Hut,
"Nam o OldllClo ' luld "Thn Ilcllx.
Pflcos-W.nti, II BO, tliW, Mn Ralo til
scats for gullery ilpll Frlrt.iy intirntiig.
NEXT ATTIt A f"T 1 0 N ' ,
A niont elaborate snelilu plnji.
1'rlcps lk; pOc, 2."e. Mat. 50e and o.
Mr. C'hnflea Frohinau, 'iiresents
Two iierformilticps only. Monday nnd
Tuesday. April & tmii 21, t i i
Prices-M.OO. Jl.50. $1.00 And fKJ. . . .
Swt salo opens this innpiltig at.fl n. rn.
No free list -no tlcKcis rcserveu by tele
Jilt, mill Jill. NIIIXHV IJHHW.
AhnIhIi-iI liy Mini', lloiiillnl.
The. trlumsli of Mavliwj Ulcturo art,
XKWpiOli.STf Will)),
Ki.vnvw, iimi' linx.v. " -tvu.tK.'
Wl I1T.M ' li li'.l' II A It It
Tbo talented Omaha girl.
Xt Weli .Milton mill Dolll,. oIiI-n,
Geo . RWeiiilliiig
Tho Huper,b Orator, fn Ills Won
dfcrXiir iftu re,