13 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY", APRIL 10, 1000. "PEOPLE'S" SALE AT I1AYDENS Aatoaieblnp Hew Baraini from Glg&ntio New Stocki. These "PEOPLE'S" SPOT CASH EHRGAINS mki.i.i.vo ri!in:ii' snon stock. No Plrm In Anirrloti (,'nn AfTortl Such SriiNiitloiuil HnrKnliiN iin Tlif 111k More Oirnr :m (Jri'iiH-r Vnl ucn IJrry l)ny. STILL OIUUTBtl HAHOAINS IN NEW SIMUNO WASH DRESS GOODS. Elegant deslgnn sllk-flnlshcd print fou lunl, iifcc yd. Hundreds of pieces of new spring stylo 8c drius prints, 4t$o yd. Extra quality standard apron checks, 4a yd. Fine drew glnghamo, 10 nnd 12V4c iinallty nnd styles, 6',4o yd. Double fold dark dress per cales, S'M yd. Fast color challls, new pat torus, So cloth, 2'Ac yd. A SKIUTING HAHOAIN. I'lmnt grndo plain colors nnd fancy silk Btrlpo mercerized moreen, that "Tho Peo ple's Store" sold up to 1 n yard, cm alo at lluyden's at 4Dc yd. "PEOPLE'S" DltBSS O0ODS SALE. Closing out Tho People's dress goods. Fancy wool plaids, tho 29c quality, 15c; all wool mixtures, 49c; plaids, 50c, fancy, etc., will go at 25c; 08c quality In tailor (suit ings, $1.25; Venetians, $1.19; tailor suitings, In checks, stripes nnd nil colors will go on thin salo at 49c; any lady wanting a golf skirt should attend this Kate. lAll our golf cloth Is plain on ono side and stylish plaid on tho other, 60c, 75c, 98c. All our $1.98 and $2.50 will go nt $1.25 per yard; any of our $3.50 to $1.50 golfs will go on this salo tomorrow at J2.98. Lansdowne In 72 spring shaded. Tho largest lino of French challls In Omaha nt 49c, C9c, 76c, 85c, 98c per yard. "PEOPLE'S" $1.60 KID C1IOVES AT C9C. 300 dozen of ladles' nnd misses' gloves In nil tho now shades nnd nil sizes, from tho People's stock, that they sold for $1.25 and $1.60, on Halo at C9c. LADIES' 16C HOSE AT 5C. Closing out ovcry pleco of People's Storo underwear, thnt they sold from 50c to $1.00, all go at 15c; men's $1,00 colored laundered shirts In .all tho uow tylcs at 49c; nil tho gowns from tho People's stock that sold for $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, go on Mlo nt 49c, 76o nnd 98c. Men's 50c neck wenr from tho People's stock on sale nt 25c. SINCB WE PLACED THE PEOPLE'S Storo stock of silks on snla we have not told you of the great quantities of hrlght, irctih, now spring nllks, which we havo been rocolvlng every day. You will ndmlro tho beauty of theso novnltlcs for both waist and dress. New Foulards, Ilroche, Persian, Thrco Tone nnd many others; new taffeta, over 60 nddltlonnl shades of Wlnslow tnffeta, nrd wldo; highly recommended taffcta, all colors, eomothlng now, never before shown In Omaha, sells .for $1.60; now black Grena dines, beautiful stvlcs, $1.25 and $1.50; Peo ple's Storo fancy silk, worth up to $2.00, go ing In thrco lots at 39c, 49c and 59c; Poo Iilo's Storo plain silks, plain satins, corded wash silk, nil go at 25c. Our big silk depart ment l crowded with bargains. We mako tho prices and wo get tho business. "PEOPLE'S" LINENS AND DOMESTICS. Thursday is in gcnornl a big day in this department, but tomorrow wo shall mako somo prices on odd lote from tho People's Rtock which will mako it very Interesting to closo buyers; 10c all linen Scotch crash, 18-inch wide, nt Go yard; 18-lnch bleached twilled linen crash, 5c; 18-lnch glass-checked linen crash, Cc; 19c grade Turkey red tabic damask, 10c; 75c, 79c and 85c table lluon, cream-colored nnd full blenched, 60c yard; $1.60 white crochet bed spreads, fringed, only $1.00; 6c and 6c towols, Turkish, honeycomb, bleached nnd brown, reduced to 2J$c ench. Bco our towels on salo nt 7&c and 12Vc each; nbout 1,000 yards of odd brands nnd odd pieces of bleached muslin marked 5c, Be, 7o and 8e, all in ono lot tomorrow (Thursday) nt 9 n. m., nt 5c yard. Spoclal prices on double width shooting, ready made ihuets and pillow cases. Remnants of. white drofs goods. Big bargains nt tho Dig storo for you tomorrow. IIAYDEN DUOS. Till UV1I KniMvn Omnlin Shop Stock, Cor. l.oiitriiuortli mill Pnrk Ac, ON SALE NOW. AT UOSTON STOKE, OMAHA. At half prlctv. At 1cm than half price. At nearly half price. Also 2,600 pairs Japanese slippers, 2c pair. And 1,200 pairs ladles' blcyclo boots AT $1.98 PAIR AT UOSTON STOKE. What Is Imposslblo fcr other shoe dealers Is easy for Boston Store. See tho W. L. Douglas $3.00 men's shoo for $l.f9. W. L. Douglas $3.50 men 'a shoes, $1.75. W. L. Douelas $1.00 men's shoes, $2.00. $5 AND $6 MEN'S SHOES, $3 AND $3.60. 1,500 pairs ladles' shoes, slippers and ox fords, worth up to $2, go at 59c, 76c, 89c and 98c pnlr. COO pairs ladlen' $2.50 black vlcl kid shoes, $1.39. . 900 pairs ladles' $3.60 and $1 black and Ian shoes nt $1.98. 2,000 pairs Infants', children's and misses', youths' and boys' shoio. worth up to $2, go nt 15c, 25c, 29c, 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c, 75c, 89c, 98o and $1.2.1, LADIES' $5 SHOES, $3, 3,224 pairs Indies' blnck nnd tan, plain nnd fancy vesting top, turn and welt shoes, In every width, every last, every size, every new style, mado to sell for $4.60, $5, $5.50 and $0, go In tilts sale at $3, $3.60 und $1 pair. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. iioston stimii: jiii.u.vmtv nam:. I Sprclnl Viilm-x for Thiirnriity lo HrlliK (lie Croud. Another big drive In trimmed hats, over 2,000 go on sale Thursday at prices that ap peal to economists. , $0.00 TRIMMED HATS, $2.50. COO very choice hats In nil the new colors nnd styles, trimmed with novelty trimming, $2.50 tan high-cut 'straw clotn, nowers, chlflon and ornaments. rcfitivoiy nrst-cinss in every respect ana cheap at $6; on sale for $2.50. $7.60, $9 AND $10 HATS FOR $3.50. Another lot, about 600 in number, of ele gantly trimmed lials go tn salo at a special price. This lot Includes hats that were for merly priced $7.50, $9 and $10. They all go at ono price Thursday, choice $3.60. COPIES OF $25 HATS $3.00. Your choice of over 600 very swell hats, perfect copies of Imported pattern hats that sold for $25. Every hat Is worth fully $10. Thursday's price $5. $3 TRIMMED HATS, $1. Hats made of good quality straw, trimmed with flowers, clilITcci, ornaments, etc. This Is a regular $3 line. On sale Thursday nt $1. SPECIAL BASEMENT BARGAIN. 1,000 misses' and children's trimmed hats go on sale. Your cholco of dozens1 of styles, $1 vnluts for 50c. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. ooooooooooooooooooo HOSTO STORK JiPHCIAI. SAM4. (irunil SihtIhI Snip of fiooiln l.lkp TIionc In Our Window fur Tlinrxdny. 10c SILKOLINE, lc YD. All this week theso goods havo been dis played In the window. 'Tomorrow they will bo offered for salo at tho ridiculously low prices as follows: 10,000 yards of drapery sllkollno In short remnnnnts, worth 10c, go at lc yard. Ono big counter of drapery scrim worth SKc, go at 2V4c yd. Ono big counter dotted drapery and dress Swiss, worth 15c, go nt 5c yd. Ono counter of 45-Inch wldo drapery Swiss, worth 50c, go nt 15c yd. Ono big bargain square jf drapery tick ing, denim, cretonne, stlknllne, Hungarian cloth, etc., worth up 60c, go at 10c yd. Ono big counter drapery velours and plush In long mill remnants, worth $1.25, go at 39c yd. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. Improvement In DIiiIiik L'nrn. Commenting on tho recent change In the operation of tho dining cars on tho New York Central, nnd the Improvements now being mado In tho service, tho New York Commercial Advertiser says: "In most din ing cars tho kitchen, situated In one end of tho car, openB Into a passageway Inside of tho car, and tho fumes of tho cooking nnd occasionally smoke nro wnftod Into tho car whllo passengers arc nt tho tnbles. All tho dining cars on tho New York Central urn being constructed so that there shall bo no opening from tho kitchen Into tho In terior of the car. Tho only approach to nnd exit from tho kitchen will bo by way of tho platform vestibule, nbout half of which is mado n part of, tho kitchen." This chango will bo greatly appreciated by patrons of theso cars. Tho dining car service on tho New York Central Is now undor tho direct chargo of tho gonernl passenger agent, nnd It Is tho Intention to mako It as perfect as possible In every respect. , n n on nor in cut, It Is a foregone concluslon.that Henry Irv ing, Miss Ellen Torry and tho London Lyceum compnny will bo greeted by a large and appreciative audience when they will nppcnr at thu Boyd tomorrow night. In offorlng "Tho Merchant of Venice" as their opening hill they glvo what Is genera'ly considered to bo their best Shakespercnn work. For over twenty -years these char acterizations have stood without rivals. Irvlng's Jew has lifted Shylock from a mere seeker of revenge Into a typo of an op pressed race. Ho gives to blm a sympathy nnd an occasional glimpse of domestic feel ing which relieves hlra from the monotony of bloodthirsty vengeance with which hu has generally 'been Impersonated. Miss Terry's Portia is an oxamplo of lovely, lovablo and intellectual womanhood. On Saturday night thoro will bo a double bill which will show tho great players In two' of their most famous and successful original creations. Miss Terry will bo seen In tho delightful comedy, "Nance Oldflold," nnd Irving in the marvolously impresslvo performance of the haunted murderer, Mathlas, In "Tho Bells." Drug Prices Our store still remains thu Leading Cut-Price Drug Emporium of the West. HAYDEHS SHOE SALE Thousands of Fine New Shoes from the 'Peoples' Stock" added to tho big bargain tables full of shoes at loss than the co3t of making. The wonderful shoo bargains wo give the people kenps our two big shoe depart meats crowded with customers' and. is positivo proof that wo are giving the greatest tOioo values in America. SUCH Wonderful Shoe Bargains AS THESE Today. Over 800 pairs of children's line kid and box calf CiQr 1 and $1.25 phoes, in all sizes, at 3Vt Over 1000 pairs of Misses' and Boys' fine vici kid 1 1) and calf $1.50, $2 and $2.25 shoe's, on sale at I.IO Over 3o00 pairs oi Ladies' line vici and chrome kid i Q $2.50 and $3 shoes, in all sizes, and newest style., -i-JvJ Over 3000 pairs of Men's fine box calf and vici kid $2.50 and $3 shoes, in the latest styles "I and in all sizes, at I.tcU Over 4000 pairs of Men's lino vici kid patent box calf $3.50 and $4.00 shoes, in the latest styles, all sizes, at Wo now have with O our new locution greatly Increased fa- O ollltles for handling- EVERY VAIII-O ETY of drug business. O O o . . . . . 1 It . O- Aicnncn s imcum i-owuer we huh. flnntitnn Svrilli liMirfl. wn Hell O fJem Catarrh Powder, we soil O $1.00 Scott's Emulsion, wo sell.... Wc Kodol, wo sell O 25c lSeechum's Pills, wo sell O 60c llnrsfoni's Acid l'lios., wo sen. Our Prices Tell the Story. n f 1.50 Oriental Crenm, we sell. $1.00 SexllH) Pills, we sell O Jap lloso Snap, wo sell O Mc Cemcntlco for walls, we sell., n $1.'J5 Warner's Safe Cure, we sell in- 3i)c O SOc O 73c o 20c O 0c o .11.3) .r.c 7c O 35c O 0c O 50c AJax TubletH 40c O a J1.00 lilt; CI. we nell 75c q Z. $1.50 Vln-Moriuni, wo sell 51.15 50c Doan's Kidney Pills, we sell.. 4Cc " O 25c Kay's Renovator, wo sell 20o O rt $1.00 Ayres' Sarsnparllla, we sell, 75c q 23c Allen's Foot Knse, we sell.... 21c O 23o DeWltt'H Witch Hazel Salve.. 20a O 50c Stuart's CTntnrrli Tablets 4)c ft $1.00 Duffy Malt Whisky 85c Q 33c Castorla 23c f 15c II. & II. Soui He O 23c CnscnretH 20c n or- I . C3nl.nnM ! w .iJU XilUlillJ UVllAi;! .,................ "Cinderella," ae shown In twenty color scenes by tho klnodromo at the Crelgbton Orpheum theater this week, Is one of tho most interesting novelties ever seen at this umusement resort. It Is the perfection of moving pictures and Is pleasing to young and old alike. Tho klnodromo also shows other pictures, among which are "Two Old Sports" In conversation over an Interesting topic, and "A Visit to a Spiritualist." Houdlnl will closo his engagement with tho matinee Saturday and will not be seen at the evening performance. Kiuifriil 'Notice. Tho numbers of Capitol lodge No. 3, Ancient Order of Free nnd Accepted Ma lons, are requested to meet at Freemason's hall, Sixteenth and Capitol avenue, Thurs Say, April 19, nt 1:30 prompt, to attend tho funeral of our luto brother, Jerome A. l.lllle. Sojourning Master Masons and members of othor city lodges are respectfully In cited. Ily order of, CHAIO.ES A. DUNHAM, Master. JOHN HAMFOUD, Secretary. Tonight George H. Wendllng of Washing ton, D. C will deliver his famous lecture on "Tho Man of Galilee." Not moro than a scoro of seats now remain unsold In tho cntiro house, Including chairs on tho stase. Fow men nro gifted with such wonderful oratorical ability, such a splondld presence. j such roraarkablo powora of description, nnd none hold a higher piaco in mo esieom oi tho American public. To listen to him Is to bo transported abovo the humdrum of life of the busy world, away Into tho realms of thought and reason, on flights of fancy to the domains of poetry and philosophy; to forget oneself nnd aurroundlngs in the matchless flow of eloquence. Curd nt Tlinnk. To the many friends -who were so kind to us during our late bereavement we aesrre to extend our sincere thnnks. Wo nre csncclally grateful to tho members of Union Pacific lodge, No. 17, Ancient Order of United Workmen, for the tender sym pathy shown us In tho Ices of our husband and father. MRS. U DItUNETT AND FAMILY. Why iriiilrenn In the Dnrlf When by traveling In tho luxurious sleep ing cars of the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE! AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on tho electric lamp nnd mako tho berth as light ns day. City Office, 1501 Fnrnam st. At Corner 16th and Dodge, The Attention of tli Traveling publlo is respectfully invited to tho magnificent equipment offered to patrons of the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha and Chi cngo. Solid vretlbuled, steam heated and electric lighted trains. Palaco sleeper) and diners, buffet and library cars, free reclin ing chair cars, fast time nnd union dopot3, City Ticket Office, 1501 Fnrnnra st. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Seo C. F. Hnrrlpon'a real estate bargains mill). MILLET James R., nged 31 years. Fu neral Thursday morning. April 19. nt ! n. in., from residence, 2017 Izard street, to Ht. John's church, 9:30 a, in. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Friends In vltcd. ibout That Sarsaparilla Wo havo been tellliiK you of so much. m't you rttilly think It Is for your Intcr- jt to coma to us ana nave it explained why oura Is u whole lot bettor than others, You certainly will do convinced nfter wo talk to you nbout It nnd then It costs you only 63c. Cramer Kidney cure oo Celerv Nor vino 03o Buro Death, for bugs ,. 20o Don't forget about our eanmparllla It MistH nnlv OSc a bottle. Winn of Cardnl Too rinkhtun'H Compound 75o initio's Celery Compound C9c Byrup of Figs 29c Tnen wiu'n yon ncm u luruKinu, miu that lias been used by Omuha people and $1.00 McLenn's Kidney Ralm 75c O 5flc Genuine Pond'H Extract 40c q ' ii.ou iioou h arsnpnriua ou O 25c Hood's Tooth Powder 20c Ci 25c Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills lie O Apenta Water, bottlo 25c ft $1.00 llulb Family Syringe DOc O 5c Thompson's Cherry Phosphate He W O $1.00 Fe-ru-na, wo sell 75c O $1.00 Pinkhntn'H Comp 75c O $1.50 Fellow's Syrup $1.20 " O Wc Wyeth's rhosphato Soda 40o O O 23o Mnlt Nutrllie 20c ft 50c Foley's Honey nnd Tar 40c w O 25c Hires' Root Itecr Extract Ho O n 25c Laxatlvo Dromo Quinine 15c ft 50e Dndd's Kidney Pills 40c O $1.00 Palno'H Celery Compound 75c O ft Kngle or Swiss Cond. Milk 15c O tl in Winn OnrHltl 7Sp Noto Our Now Location, O ior Qivtoonlh anrl flnrlffD 9 ft UUIIIUI UIAIUUIIIII UIIU UUUgUI Q O 50c Cudnhy Extract Ueof 40c O O50c Marshall's Extract Ueef 25c ft . v 1. i .... i ii u a n 25c Allcock's Porous Plasters 14c O X W.O0 Chlchosters English Penny- royal Pills, ji.ts, Dy man 5i.su"" COc Eskny'8 Food 40c O Saunders" Ruby Floor Oil 50c q o o o Tho Unlquii Pleasuro club will give Its fourth grand ball tonight at Thurston Rifles' hall. Seventeenth and Douglas street. Its last danco for this season. Omaha Tent and Rubber company are pre pared to fill all orders tents. awnlngB and canvas gooda, Now location, corner 11th and Harney. 'Phono 883, Siieelul Snln Xi-.it Saturday nt Hie. 50c T.ohlacho Face Powder 35c O l'ear'H t'nsconted Soap 12c O n 50c Hny'H Hair Health Won " 25c Rublfoam SOc To Get These Prices Trado at n o Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, , o O 16th nnd Dodge. O O 50c Morrow's Kld-no-olds 40c O q Tanglefoot Fly Paper, two for.... 6c O l.-f, diiiiii'h loieii iniei i cr- ........ .P. ...... $1.00 nurnham's Sarsaparilla 49c n $1.00 Ynlo's Prenaratlons 75c w O Wo Chase's Ulood nnd Nervo Pills. 40c O O60c Pozzonla Face Powder 35o r 25c Woodbury'H Facial Soap 18c " O $1.00 Plnnud'H Eau dc Quinine.... 73c O Q 50c Plnnud'H Eau de Qulnlnu V&q Q n oc vapo wreuiinu ue wuinuiu.... 'C O Janancso Stoves 23c w O tTlioso are also known ns "Orientul O w 50c Parker's Ilnlr Halsam 40c' O 25c Hull's Cough Syrup 2Qc O w Cn(nliii l'Vni'o PontH. 10,000 fence posts, hardy, durable, cheap Thomas O. Danlols, Deerflold (Seymour park). Stonocyphcr, printer, ad-wrlter. Up-to-dato cuts for salo. 1201 Howard. Tel. 1310. Golf Skirt Sale Choics for SS.95 Thursday wo will give cholco of largo assortment of Golf and "Rainy-Day' Skirts for $8.95 that havo never sold for less than $12.00. Wo havo all lengthx In i,oir lAHtlmonlnls Unit lieen miUIIKlied. tor "B'h ra, lutmiuiu Knij-, unrit bih, uxiuru ljldnev cind liver complaint, the mime of I brown and blue, of tho best double-faced that In l"AJlF'l'PS,rBE' ? 8u c'ot nnd talIor flnl9h- A bargain i SIS o S lei ioS worthy of the name. Mall orders filled. 1 doicn B.grnln Quinine Capsules 15o Durty's Malt Wntskcy S5c 3'erunn . . TJe Miles' Nervine ..... .Jo Carter's Liver Plllf 15o SCHAEFER CUTiVS,ST. Cor. KMli and Chicago Sli, UK SC0FIELD cioAiasuiTco. 1510 Douulas St. 50c Milkweed Cream 40c O O o o o o o o o o o O ,w I.oenllon o Corner 16th and Dodge, q I.nltorntory mill AVnrelionse o Old location, 1513 Dodge St. o 7Kn Rnnilntir . fi'lo Small sizo Sozodont 20c O o o o o o o o o O O O O o o o WHIT1) 1'OIt CAT A I.O G U Ii. SHERMAN & HcCONNELL DRUG GO. ooooooooooooooooooo Neglect of the Teeth Suggests nn untidy woman, nnd tho sbarm of many a fnco Is lost when n front tooth Is gono, When a front tooth is gone wo re placo It without a plate. Extracting 25 Vitalized Air 50c Silver Fillings 75c Tatt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 UOUGLAS ST. leather and ... 1 97 Over 5400 pairs of Ladies' finest vici kid, welt and 1 OQ turn sole $3.50 and $4 shoes, all sizes an"d widths A0 7 HAYDEN BROS. Selling the People's Store Stocks. 1 A Bona Fide Alteration Sale of High Grade PIANOS The recent fire which occurred next door to us damaged our entire building to such an extent that wo are obliged to remodel same throughout. Our con tract with tho different factories compells us to sell at east 100 pianos n month and to live up to our promlsowo will make prices to suit the most econom ical buyers. Hundreds of fine brand new pianos, Including tho STEINWAY, tho greatest piano In tho world, the celebrated STEGER, the VOSE, A. D, CHASE, 1VERS & FOND, EMERSON, PACKARD and other standard makes can be purchased at this great salo at prices never beard of In tho history of piano buying.- New Pianos $128, $142, $1.56 and up. Fine Knabe Rosewood Case, only $98. Checkering Upright, big snap, $158. Chickering Parlor Grand, only $4.50. Two big bargains in Hallet and Davis and Kimball Uprights. Easy monthly payments if desired, fine stool nnd scarf freo with each piano. Wo repair pianos at our own facotry and guarantee satisfaction. New pianos for rent. FIno tuning. Telophono 1025. Wrlto for catalogues, prices and terms, or call and seo tho wonderful self-playing Pianola, tho greatest musi cal Invention of tho century. It plays any piano nnyono can play It. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER The Old Reliable Piano House. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 337 Broadway, Go. Bluffs Sample Sale Spring Jackets A manufacturer's sample lino of women's spring jackets, bought by us at 50c on the dollar, will be placed on salt Thursday, at 8 a.m. Every garment is strictly modish and roprosonU tho noma of worlcniunshlp. Uolnir bumplos thoro are no two ullkt This is an oxcollont opportunity to bccuro n now spring jacket at HALF PRICE. Styles. Etons, Automobiles, Coat Etons, Form Fitted. Collarless Etons, Golf Jackets, Box Fronts, Medici Etons, Dressy Reefers, Materials. Taffetas, Peau de Soie, Tucked Taffetas, Velours, Doe Skins, Vicunas, Venetians, Broadcloths, Cheviots, Coverts. WHHMHrc. arrangements "We've made for selling mil linery, wo expect our capa city for serving our patrons will bo taxed to its fullest ox tent. With a force" of sales people we'll try and reduce ! 1 1 ... 4! waning 10 a minimum, anu wo K$f, trust if there should be a shortcoming, you'll pardon us. So much for an introductory of today's business, and now for tho department which we've specially prepared for it. Our stock can bo de scribed in ono word superb. Ono hat is made of but what's tho uso of giving you wouldn't remember it; then, ono wo describe may bo sold here, as wo havo over four hundred on show, and no two alike. Tho best thine for vnu in fin in fn nnnu and see for yourself, We've a window full at .76, for choice. What do you think of thorn? all ready to put on. Any hat taken out of tho window. Our Ladies' Shoe Dept. Is making a high reputation for it selfa reputation of good shoes that will wear. By good shoes, wo moan a shoo that will wear well. Those aro tho kind of shoes wo sell. a description you again, tno very before you get Ladles' Shoes, pod kind, for $1,50 Ladies' Shoes, good kind, for 1.90 Ladies' Shoes, good kind, for 2.50 Ladies' Shoes, good kind, for 2.90 Ladies' Shoes, good kind, for 3.50 Every pair guaranteed, regardless Of tho price you pay. i a m mi ni i nmjiK'Ai. u - a i'Jiii nui HAYDENs Lrw-jr Renewed Activities in Suits, Silk Waists and Skirts. nettor trade oonxorn than over. Mr. James Haydcn, our gonoral buyer, located In Now York, has secured for us for spot cash 327 ladles' Tallor-Mado Suits from tho well known houses of Shaft & Sllbornian and Conliolm & Co., at 11th and Droail way, New York City. LOT ONE 114 ladles' Tallor-Mado Suits, In Etons. tight fit ting and jacket stylos, a great many silk lined throughout, somo trimmed with Beams of taffeta nnd eatln nnd stitched with four and six rows of stitching; eomo faced with satin nnd np pllquo effects; coino In Venetians, homespuns, Herges; In blurs, browns, grays, tanB, blacks; Suits worth (til A ff up to $25.00, your cholco q) 1 1VU LOT TWO 125 s lilts, In homespuns nnd Venetians, Jackcln silk lined throughou t, skirts percnllno lined nnd Interlined, single-breasted Eton Jackets, tlght-flttlng and fly fronts, on salo at ....$4.85 Ladies' Silk Waists The advantago of having a resident buyer In Now York, with unlimited spot cash at his command, buying up quantities of goods at his own price, Isjtpparent In theaa specials: '00 SILK WAISTS, tnndo of the very best taffotas (warranted), made np In the very newest styles, from tho well known manufacturers of the Knshjdn Waists, bought for i trlllo of their real value they nro wortli u p to $8.00 will bo on salo fl i f q with tho suits nt IpO ZO AND AOA1N Only 127 garments, but every ono Is stylish nnd well mado nnd tho price iOwer than you ever thought of. They aro Silk I'ndorsklrts nnd ffi.'O CCfl vlll bo on sale at lPjWOvI All the now things in WASH WAISTS 15 big tables on salo tomorrow. We Invito your attention to the nbovo bargains and aro Bntlsllod on Inspection will Uad to a purchase. HAYDEH BROS. Selling "The People's" Stocks. Theso being samples of ono of tho leading Now York manufacturers, there Is na question about tho desirability of tho garments. Thoy nro the styles that predomi nate In New York, and you havo tho opportunity of ciecurlng ono nt HALF l'KIOII. Kcmember tbero aro no two alike. Sale Starts Promptly at 8 a. m. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA The Young Are Not Spared the torture of decnyed nnd aching teeth. Their futuro yearn can bo without pain. A llttlo export atten tion now, tho rmnoval of bad teeth, directing tho growth of tho porfect ones, strengthening tho gtims theso nro thlngi tho dentist can do for children which will hcar'fruU In after years. Rorvlcca performed on tem porary .teeth, ono-lmlf regular price. A gold crown, 22 lit., $5.00, BAILEY, the Dentist I'ustoii I1IU. 10th ,t riirmini, i.miy Attcniiiuit. I'lioiio imr ESON'T FORGET THAT WHEN SMOKING A You have toe BEST notwlthstandlno they cost you no moro than Inferior aoods. UNION MADE F, It. KIUI..M. C. TO.. M ANITA CTlMtKKSi ST. I.OITIM. MO.