THE OMAITA DAILY REE: THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1900. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Rains and Predictions of Milder Wiathir Came Btariah Oatlook. CORN MARKET FAIRLY ACTIVE AND STRONG SInrket for Provisions Is Unlet nml Stonily with MIImIiI Decline from Yrstorilnj lints Are Unlet nml llntlier I'lrm. CHICAGO, April H.-Wllh corn exerting ' an upward Influence nnd the weather fur- j n.shlng a bear.!, outlook the wheat mar- j kct today compromised by finishing tno . session merely steady, 'kc under yesterday. Corn closed yfi'SiC to c higher, oats vie up . ami nrnuUlnns "Ue i IUp denressed. and provisions .'4C In C raPn"lUi I The volume of the wheat business was i.i tt'hmit MIIMInpHS WAN not large. Tho opening win '..HUe under yesterday. May nt W.tfiffic nnd July ut ffi'i 7ic. CHblcs were weak and tho rains, together with the prediction of milder weather, were soon regarded as excellent from the viewpoint of a grain of wheal anxious to expand. Some cash business not a great dcul-wus done early and as torn showed u disposition to asrend tho market firmed up a lilt. .May touching 6se nnd July 6714c. There was considerable long .May put Into the nil on the bulge and " J'" , "K" , '.V r line, under the I' ' ,,rr Mnv declined to CSV. nnd July to MWiTc y this time-about " Yi.. ........ ...i, nf rnrn was moro an imrent nnd, with the added assistance of a ! isw York report of 35 loads taken for ex- . fTinrt Ihn mnrkrl Slowly rauwini i ?&1 stea.lV; He tlown. Mny at file and July ut 67c Local receipts were 21 cars, . i ,ntract grade. .Minneapolis and I)u- , lutl renortcil 1 cars, against 310 last week nnd 1'f. 11 year ago. Primary receipts were 1 SoOOOO bu compared with 2M.00O bu. a year r... i,n t.nv,.mm,int weekly crop summary reporting that the seeil ng was not pro pressing with much rapidity. Heavy buy ing by Influential Interests, however, (proved thn main factor. Two men between Ithem absorbed 2.0CO,(KiO hii., or wero cred ited with so doing. Country offerings were light as wero recelptH 199 cam here 1 no movement from now on Is expected to be light, ns farmers are busy In their Held:. (.May riing.-d from 38',4e to :t3fl39'i( and closed U'dlio up nt Ja'iWSDWe. July sold from 39Uo to lO'.MMOtte and closed ic up nt 40'4fHO,ie. The provisions market was quiet but Hteady at a. slight decline from yesterday. Hogs wero lower and receipts liberal. There waa a fair cash demand for lard. Blny pork sold from tl3.if. to 112.92'ji and closed Go down at $12.Wi; July, from JI3.2JV. to I3.07V4. closing Cc down at JI3.10. .Mill iard ranged from 7.30 to J7.2.1 and closcii Cc lower nt $7.25; July, from $7.10 to $7.30. elos lug 214c depressed nt $7.33. May ribs sold from $7.20 to $7.13 and closed MtVir lower at 7.1SfJ7.17y4: July, from $7.20 to 7.1'i. with the close ,V!74c depressed ut 97.1&07-1 Tho oats market was quiet nml rather firm. There was not much selling pres. uro nnd the corn strength was n help. Ileeeliits hero wero 115 cars. 'May ranged from 23,,fcc to 2314c and closed lie up at IttHo; July, from 23c to 23Hc with tho close lie Improved nt 2.140. Kstlmntel receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 73 -ars; corn, 25 cars; oats, 127 cars; hogs, 2.1.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows; Articles. I Opcn.l High. I low. Close. I Yes'y. Wheat Anrll .... ras1 .May fltWffift) tW,; 6 i'd 1 l, 6!i fi7',4 3S July C7',W'5 B7! Sept. 68! 6S! r,64fi'ii C7i bi4W.MU 3XJ Corn April iMny Julv 3S!i 3MiH 3S .WjfiHilOVfc'o'i 3H,illOViH33?i'ii!4 Sept, I01H0 407i.l 40 40 23!4 I0T' 40 Oats May July Sept. tt'ork- 23HH!4 23W 231, 23 22!4 231, 23! 22V4 13 00 13 00 7 no 7 37!4 7 43 7 22H 7 2214 7 20 22Uahi,22H,8lXi22'Mli Mav 13 02V4I 13 O. 12 02V4I 12 P5 13 07V4 13 10 7 25 I 7 25 7 30 7 35 7 37!J 7 40 July 13 10 13 22!4 1,11 ru 'May 7 27U 7 30 July 7 30 T40 Sopt. 7 37!il 7 43 It bs- May 7 iVA 7 20 7 15 7 17',A July 7 15 7 20 7 15 7 17U Sept. 7 15 7 174 7 12-V 7 15 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: Kl-Ol'lt-Unsy; winter patents, $3.COjT3.70; ntralghts, $2.P3Jj3.IO; clears, J2.70ri3.2D; spring fpeeialH, $3.90; patents. $3.10i3.l5; straights, 2.Vfi3.(irt; bakers. $2.002.43. W1I1-5AT No. 3 spring, GOlfcWUc; No. 2 red, roift'. 'OKN-Nn. 2, ,19!e; No. 2 yellow. 39!c. OATS-No. 2, 21!ic; No. 2 white, 27H; No. t white, 2V(X7c. HY1C No. 2. 060. IIAM.HY No. 2. 4ir(l3c. SUNOS Flaxseed, No. 1 nnd northwest, (1 73. Prime timothy, $2.49n2.!5. Clover, contract grade. $7.75. I'HOVISIONS-Mcss pork, per bbl.. $12.25 fl 13.(0. I.nrd. per 100 lb?.. $7.1M7..'!0. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.10517.30. Dry snlted Phoulders (boxed), $5,75fi7.0O. Short clcur BldfH (boxed). $7.'0fi7.SO. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods, on basis high wines, per gal., $1.2314. SCOAIIS-Cut loaf, $6.00; granulated, $5.41. Following are tho receipts and shipments Cor today: Articles. Hccelpts. Slilpm'ts, S'-lnur. bills 42.O0O 41,00) Wheat, bu 45,000 25,000 Corn, bu in.Oflo 931.000 Dnts. bu 2t,O0H W.KQ Itye. bu fl.OPO 50,10 Harley, bu 42.000 33,000 On the I'roduco 'exchange today the but ler market was Urm; creameries, HWlic; dairies, 1 iff 16c. Cheese, llrm ut 12Q13c. Hggs, Htcady; fresh, 10ic. kkw yohiv Ti:m:u.i, m a n k lyt-. Qiintntloim for (lie liny mi Various CoimiiioiII t ten. NEW YORK, April 18. - FLOUR - Re eclpts, 20,1(0 bbls.; exports, 13.2C1 bbls.: dull and easier for spring patents nnd generally flow nil around, being SfflOc lower to sell: winter intents. $J.70fJ4.(i; winter straights. 93.4tVti3.55; winter extras. $j.602.9.'; winter low grades, S2.2ilj2.40; Minnesota pntents. J3.7(Vi?3.9r.; Minnesota bakers, $2.S3JT3.00. Rye Hour, steady; fair to good. $2.1OTj3.15; choice ti Imii'V t"l l-Ull.N.MKAl Weak: yellow western, 9c; city, S60; Ilrandywliie. $2.2;iii2.33. I RYE Easy ; No. 2 western. C2c. f. o. b.. I nlloat; state, o7c, c. I, f.. New York, cat lots, HA RLEY Dull; feeding. lUs-fftSc. New York; malting. COli53c, New Yoris. IIARLKY MALT- Dull; western, 50iT65c. WHEAT-Recclpts, 12.025 bu.: exports. K4.00J bu. Spot, stemly: No. 2 red, 80c. f. u. b.. afloat spot; No. 2 red, 77c. elevator; No. 1 northern. Duluth. 76-Sic. f. 0. b., allou. jirompt; No. 1 hard. Duluth. 7NH'-. f. n b.. Options declined actively today under frfe liquidation of Mav wheat, coupled with bright home crop reports and bearish foreign news. Late In tho da, however, sympathizing with corn nnd on export rumors, the market rallied sharply nnd closed at a partial net decline. May, 73ti73 9-(k closed at 7:tVw July, 73 1-16 i, 3! jo, closed at 73'se; September, 73Mf 73-V closed at CORN Receipts, 133.575 bu : exports, 104. 037 bu. Spot. tlrm. No. 2, I7V-. f. 11. b.. and I7!c, elevator. Options market was generally strong all da. advancing on light country ai-ceptunces. yesterday's big cash trade, smnll receipts west anil good Chicago buying for long account: closed strong at lMll'fco net ndvan.e May, 4ILJf 44;c, closed at lla4c; July 41 13-16Ji45ic, closed ut I5c; September. I56ifi46e, elostil at 16c. OATS Receipts, 158,200 bu.; exports, 7.5S0 liu. Spot, dull; No. 2. 2Sie; No. 3, 28c; No 3 white. 30e; No. 3 white. J'.iije; track mixed western. 2811-jsVie; track white, 30ii31c. O11 llnns mnrket was nt llrHt p.-mv Inn l ..... rallied with corn, closing llrm 'and Uv net li cher: May c osed at '7.e: Xo. fktiX?$o. 2 shipping. 630700 Bl'!,AlM,0iv!iliSf;. Pnm ....... jsto, j-uoc, ivumc; facinc const, 18S6. Sfl5i: 1899, IMJISc. HIDES Firm; Galveston. 20 to 23 lbs.. 19ic; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 21Uc; Texas dry. 21 to -to lbs.. 15c LEATHER Steady: hemlock sole. Itiienn Ayres, light to heavyweights, JttfliJHo; ncld, 1 PROVISIONS-Reef. firm; family $12.M (t 13.00; mess, SlO.fOtfll.OO; beef hams, $20.50 (622.00; packet, ill.001 12.0); city, extrn India jness, tl8.Eft4iE.tiO. Cut meats, firm: pickled bellies. $7.50(j8.5O; pickled shoulders, $7, pickled hams, SIO.Btoill.OO. Lard strong; western steam, $7.6-Vfi7.67'i; retlneil, strong, continent $8; South America, S8.2J; com pound. $6.50. Pork, strong; family, $14,231 15.00; short clear. $13.501i 13.00; mess, SI2.2JW 33.75. Tallow, steady; city, 6!4c. country, l.iifie. WOOU Dull: domestic fleece, 2Stt:$c, Texas, lMilk', COAI Steady POTATOES -Steady; Jcrscyi, Jt yi 60, Iflnnds, 51.6iygi.T5; Jersey sweets, J2.M Ktcuili domestic. eitrA. iM&fMcl I Japanese, tWtfic. MOLAHShs ntendy; Now Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 4IW55c. PEANITS Steady ; fancy handpIcKcd, 3M'c; other domestic, 3W3Vic. KREIUHTS-Tn Liverpool, Meniiy; cot ton by steam, 23d; grain by strain, 33tJ. HL'TTER Receipts, 4.731 pkgs.; western creamery, lS'jfil'c; factory. 1 3ft 15c. CHEESE Receipt. 5,23 packages; stondj for new cheese; fancy, large, white. llt.o, fancy, large, colored, llijc; fancy, small, white, lOifcfillc; fancy, small, colored. lOitffllr. EOOH-Receipt. 16,Sf packages; steady; storage, western at mark, 12iGno; western regular packing nt mark, 12UIil2'4c: south em at mark. Ilf12'jc. METALS The market for metals today wax active. Cables from Ixindon averaged lit, fflfltn ll..,.. (lafii, f nr. t 'n In, I, In. nuence tin eased off a partial HHJK points and closed quiet and cay at 131 bid nnd f"--- J copper rule,! nul,t ! ri,Mts wrre ,,,,,, oillolnlly for the first umP month at Jl nnd weak nt that. spoiler was o snnde tinner on a good export Inquiry , closing at )l.7SfM.f0. Lead comm lip. , hill ,., Illirmill7il n JI.MU hlrl nrvl -i-.. i . " . ' 7 . n't nsKeii. i ne nroKers price ror lead was $1,15 and for copper J17 23fll".C0. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trmlc nml Qnotntlona on Staple nnd I'nic Produce. KUUH-Receipts, liberal; freh stock. 101'jr. I.IVH rOfl.THY-Hens, llijo; roosters, according to nge and size, 5tI7c; ducks, V,ic; geese, 7',&o; turkeys, Sc. HCTTER-Common to fair, He: choice, HWlSc: rriMiiuiur. .wi gniucrcu creamery. OYSTERS-Mcdlum per can. ISc; stand- nrd, per can, 22c; bulk standard, per gal extrn selects, per can. 30c; extra selects, per gal., J1.WWI.75; Ne counts, per. can, 37c; Now York jsew nr:i counts, ,.i-i 1.,,. FlSJI-llerrlng. per lb.. 5c; round perch. j,c; sun, 5e; cod. Cc; haddock, Cc: blue pike, Co; scaled nnd dressed perch, 0ck ulscoes, J;'', medium dressed trout. 7'.io; cropplo, iV; pickerel. 714c; finnan baddies. 7H"! white llsh, fle; yellow pike, dressed, lie; J.50; midland choice, $3.5f); low'lnnd, choice! rye sirnw, enoice. s; .o. J corn, ',ic; ?o 3 white onts, 23c; cracked corn, per 'on. $11.50; corn and onts, chopped, per ton, $ 5; bran, per ton, $13.00; shorts, per ton, 13,50. VFC.I3TAni.ES. ASPAHAGrS-Per 1-1 bu. box. $3.50. NF.W TCltNll'S-Per doz. bunches, 60c. KPINACH-IVr box, SI. NRW HKRTS-1'er doz. bunches, .WtOc. , I.FTTUC'B-Per doz. bunches, 350 400; fnney head lettuce, per bbl.. S3 . ItADISIlFS-l'er box of six doz. bunches, 11.00. . SKUD 8WKKT POTATOKR Per bbl., I2.25iff2.fi0; Kiinsns. eating. $2.75. POTATO US-Per bu.. choice. 25H30c. CAIIIIAOF-Cnllfornla. per lb., 3c. CAI'LIKLOWKll-Cnllfornltt. por crate. "cMI.FRY-Per doz.. 26-BSOc; Callfornln, per bunch, 75o, Tt'ltNIPS-Hutnbngas. per lb., 1Uc. TOMATOES - Florida, per six-basket crate, H30. MSHItOO.M8-Por lb. box. 50c. Itlll'DAItlt-Prr lb.. 89c ONIONS-Hctall, yellow, $1.1091.15; red, S1.20&I.25. FKCITS. STRAWIIHRUIES-Texas. per 24-qt. case. SI.0OfH.G0; Louisiana, per 21-pt. cases. $2.25 J2.&0. A PPIjKS Choice western shipping stock, $1.50; Now York stock. $3: fancv. $5.50. OUAPF.S Malaga, per bbl., S7.00S9.00. CRANHEIIHIFS Jerseys, per bbl., $10.50; per crnte, J3.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINKAPPIiKS-Per doz.. $3. ORANOKS California, fancv navels, per box, $3.50ff3.75; choice navels. $3.0; Medlter ranenn Sweets, per box, $2.75f?3.00. I.EMONS-Callfornln. choice, per box. 3; fancy, $3.50; Messlnns, choice, per box, $3.60; fancy, $4. II A NA NAB Per bunch, medium, $2.25 2.50; large, S2.75S3.00. HIDES. HIDES No. 1 green hides, 7!ic: No. 2 green hides. 6!ic; No. 1 salted hides. 8Uc; No. 2 rnltcd hides, 7V4c: No. 1 veal calf!. 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 8c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Hickory, large, per bu., $1.25; shellbarks, $1.35. HONEY Per 24-sectlon cae, 13.50. SI. I.onls Crnln anil Provisions. ST. LOUIS. April 18. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 71c; track. 72!4c; April. 71c; May. 70c; July, 6Hc: No. 2 hard, csii .We. CORN-lllgher; No. 2 cash, 3c; track, 39c; April. 3fro; May. 3T5ic; July. S8Hc OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 25!4e; track, 26c; April, 25V.c; Mny, 24c; July, 23V4c; No. 2 white. 274JO. RYIO Firm nt 56c FLCUR-Dull; patents. S3.6OJi3.C0; extra fancy, S3.lMi3.25: clear, $2.70113.00. SEEDS-Tlmothy. $2.Vfj2.20 for ordinary; prlmo new to arrive, $2. Flax, nominally $1.70. HRAN-Stendy; sacked, east track, 70!4iT 71c. HAY-Steady; timothy, $9.60911.60; prai rie i.&0. WIIISKY -Steady. $1.25IJ. IRON COTTONT1ES-S1.J0. RACCINO-Hliiher at 7HifJS!ic. HEMP TWINE-90. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; Jobbing, old, $13.00; new, $13.50. Lard, envy; prime steam, $7.03: choice. $7.10. Dry salt meats (boxed), about steady; extra shorts, $7.25; clear ribs, $7.37i-i; clear sides, $7.50. Racon (boxed), about stendy; extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs, $7,871.- clfnr rdoi, $. METALS Lead, firm at $ 1.530 1.57!4. Spel ter, tlrm at 51.60. POULTRY-Steady; chickens. 74c; tur kevs. 6f(8c; ducks, fc; geese, 3fl6c. EOOS-lll2her ut 10c. Hl'TTER Steudy; creamery, 18321c; dairy, 15fI17c. RECEIPTS Flour, 4,000 bbls.: wheat. S.OOO bu.; com, S2.C0O bu.; onts. 38,000 bu. SIIIPMENTS-Flour. 7,000 bbls.; wheat, 3.P03 bu.; com, 1 15.003 bu.; oats, 55,000 bu. Kiiiikiim City (irnln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April IS. WHEAT May, Kc: July, C2Vic; cash. No. 2 hard, K2!4c; No. 3, KKiRl'io: No, 2 red, 6S0; No. 3. 4fl67e. CORN-M iy. 361i,o; July, SS-Tic; cash. No. 2 mixed. 3737Vic; No. 2 white. 37!i037c; No. ?. 3THc. OATS-No. 2 white. 2627',3C. RYE-No. ?, 51c. HAY-Cholce timothy, S10.00fJ10.50; cholcfc prairie. $7.5(Mi7.75. llUTrER-Creamery. 16(?JlSc; dairy, 16c. EGOS Receipts moderate; trndo fairly III etui; frch Missouri and Kausns stock. 9!..c dozen, cases returned; new whlto wood tM"fs ineumcu. ii'c. RECEI PTS Wheat, 13.800 bu.; corn, 13,- W bu.- onts. V3,tw bu SH I P.M ENTS- Wheat. 22.200 bu.; corn, J6.40O bu.; outs, V-'.OOO bu. 1,1 vcrpuol (ii-iiln nml Provisions, LIVERPOOL. April IS.-WHEAT-Spot, steady; No. 1 Callfornln. 6s 5d5T6s 5V4d; No. 2 red western, winter, 64 Hd. Futures unlet: April, nominal; Mny, 5i lOd; July, 5s d. CORN Spot, sternly: American mixed, new. 4s 2d: futures quiet; May, 4s lid; Julv. 4s Ui- September, 4s -d. PROVISIONS- Lard. Amcrlcun refined. In palls, steady nt SPa I'd; prlmo western In tierces, steadv at 27s 3d. Ilueon, short libs, tlrm ut Us 61. Toledo MnrUrt, TOLEDO. O.. April IS.-WIVEAT-Actlve and lower: No. 2 cash. 7P-c; May, 71',e. COPS Dull and lower: No. 2. cash, 400. OATS Weak nnd lower; No. 2. cash. 2140. RYE Dull and uncharged; No. 2, cash, 36c. ci.OVEItSEED-Flrni nnd unchanged; cash, prime, old. JI.S3; prime new, $3.10; Anrll. $5.10; October. $ '.:; No. 2, $U03 1.53. MliincntioIlK Wheat nml Flour. MINNEAPOLIS. April lS.-WHEAT-In store: No. 1 northern. April, 65!4c; Mnv. 6imi6iic: July. tiSftfCV; September. ti3!li iffwVic. On track: No. l hard. COiic; No. 1 northern. 65ic; No. 2 northern, 64o, ' , ;JilU lA lrS C'1??- Fl.oi'H i-irst pntents. w.wj; recond pat- cieurs, j.-.oj; second ciearn, "niUN-In hulk, 911.7512.00. P.,,1,. IToilucc MnrUe. PHILADELPHIA, April IS.-RUTTER-Dull and cnsler; fnncy western creamery, ISc: fancy western prints. SV. i:OOS Dull and ijc lower; fresh nsarby, western nnd couthwcste'ti, I2fec; southern, 12c. .Mllvinukec (irnlu Mnrliet, MILWAUKEE. April IS. - WHEAT -Lower: No. 1 northern, C4;J07j; No, 2 northern. fSSInVe. RYE-I-owcr; No. J, SSo, IIARLEY-Dull. No. 2. 43o; sampl?, 3Sgi2c. Pcorlii llurUet. PEORIA. III., April 18.-COItN-I.owcr; No. ', 384c. OATS Easy ; No. 3 white, 26o, WHISKY - Firm, on the br.sls of $1.2114 for Mulshed -oods, II11I11II1 (i nil 11 Market. Dl LUTH. April I8.-WHEAT-N0. 1 hard, cash, 68'c, Muy, 6SH0, July, 63!ic, September. 67c; No. 1 northern, cash, 66Hc: May, 6Sc: July, 67c: September, 66c; No. 2 northern, 6t'c, No. 3 spring, 61!tc, HATS-J4fi24!tc. CORN 364 c. MOVKMI-T5 OF STOCK 1 AMI nnIl!. Market Contlnnen tn (Jnrss nt Condi tion of Iron Trnilc. NEW YORK. April 18.-The uncertain ties of the speculative situation were so great today that operators In stocks main tained a hesitating mood and refrained from nctlve operations. Professional trail ers found It difficult to Induce nny follow Ing either for nn ndvnnce or n decline. The street wns full of discussion regarding con ditions In the Iron trade, upon which the movement of stocks seemed to hinge. There were plenty of authorities who uero willing to be quoted In opposition to the gloomy view expressed by the chairman of the American Steel nnd Wire company regard Ing the outlook In the trade. News of con cessions In some lines In the steel trade, however, seemed to sustain his views, or were perhaps the result of the expression pf those views. The conlllct of opinion brought no definite conclusion either way, the whole speculative situation remaining unsettled Prices In tho general list started upward, encouraged by higher prices from London nnd under Impulse of nntngnnlsm to the bear campaign, which Is ulleged to be nt the bottom of the selling of Iron nnd steel stocks. Speculators, however, lost confi dence In their own views ns tn the Insln- vr-iiij in win iiniuvnrnnie opinions ex pressed over the Iron trade outlook when they saw the Iron nnd steel stocks nualn manifesting ncute depression. American Steel nnd Wire mid 1 point below last n ght. It did not got back nbave last night s price in the subsequent tr.idlng and closed 3'fc ofT. The net loss rf the preferre 1 was I points. The other Iron nml steel stocks were not so wenk. There seemed 11 sort of speculative duel waging In Steel nnd Wire nnd Federnl Steel, the latter stock crossing the former nnd closing nearly n point higher nnd at n net loss of only ii. When the renewed weakness of Steel nnd ilre was perceived the nooning advances In the general list began to bo enncedeil. In one or two of the rnllrnnd stoeks nd vanees had reached over a oolnt. but thev were very generally wiped out. The mar ket was extremely Irregular for the rest of the day. The Now York tractions nnd some of the other specialties showed weak ness. There was n nerhd of strength Inter in .Sugar. Oenernl Electric nnd some of th t-nllrond stocks, but these maneuvers fnlle.l to nttrnct nny following or to dissipate the reeling of uncertnlnty. Net changes nre mostly smnll nnd the closing was heavy nnd sluggish. Tho money mnrket continued to work ensler. call loans dropping to 2'4 Per cent In the last dealings. The sub treasury Is disbursing large sums to the market nnd .Now York exchnnge at Chloigo rose to 10c discount today, compared with J0c d scount on Monday. Indicating n re laxation of Interior demand fnr currency, or perhnps a cessntlon of the selling of stoeks fnr Chicago nccount. Sterling ex change continues to harden nnd therefore loans nre made nn sterling collateral. Thli means that London Is Inking ndvantniro of the lower Interest rates hero to borrow money In this market. trThcMih"",n.m".r,f't. wnR ri"",r nulet nnd Irregular. Total snles, par value, $.830,m cnlted Stntes new 4s advanced U In the bill iT'OO. n Jh.r 1 rnmm,prclal Advertiser's London flnnnclnl cablegram says: Tho markets here were stngnnnt but stendy today. Lord Roberts censure of Oenornls Puller nnd Anrren were much debated, but were not regarded ns disturbing. Americans onened n?i",7 "T . '"alt In New York yesterday !f f,,t,l'. P"1 tl,orp W,,H "tle London bidding, but the continent bought well. New ork beenme unsettled, soiling finally. The street closed disheartened. Norfolk fir1"," vnR "Raln the feature, touching 40 and c oslng nt 40L. Louisville Nash- 1, J eJv1"ihpaiV- '.'i'" "nl1 thnt n Liverpool rlSHsp 'I J" difficulties. Tlntos were Out at K4 on the copper statistics, but recove-od to CO on Paris support. The week's Influx of gold wns 139,(ioo. Paris Is Inquiring In tno open mnrket. but there are no supplies Money was aguln In demand. Hills were up on the rise In Now York exchnnse. Tho largo sum due tho bank wns renewed nt B per cent and n fair new discount bus lness wns done nt 4 per cent tt,Thw?.,l?.wi,i"ro'.,rp, th0 r,0!,"B Prices on exumingc touay: Atchison 26 Union Pacific 57 755i 23 10 30 17', 113 d pfd Haltlmore & O. Can. Pacific .... Can. Southern . Ches. & Ohio... Chicago Qt. W. .uil do pfd 86H Wnbush '? do pfd 54 Wheel. & L. 15 3Ut do 2d pf,L .TO Wis, . i-:i. r,' v. , 1 . ... ... .uv4 jiiuu avenue ..lis Chicago. I. & ,.. 26H Adams Express. .120 .. u. c u.. ,1.1. U ';.; American Kx ..1)5 Chi. E. Ill 101 U. S. Express 5 Chicago & N w.ISI Wells-Fnrgo Exila .,,,.R-..1, -&' '-...HOVi Am. Cot. Oil 36 1 l" b- I do pfd 03 V.U11,. Diiuuiern .. 1, Amer. Malt ng do IK pfd.. . 41 I do nf.l t 20 89 211 do 2d pfd 16!lAmer s x. t Del. & Hudson.. 115!, do nfil uoi. 1,. , v 176 Amer. hplrlts ... do Ilfd Den. & R, O. do pfd.... Erin do 1st pfd Ot. Nor. pfd. 10T4 17 29 79 . 71'i . mi 4H .151 Amer. S. Hoop.. 00 pro Amer. S. & W.. do pfd Hocking Coal lS!i .. "n -j" illliri. Illl 1 line Illinois Central ..1I4W Am. Tobacco " la. Central 18 , do pfd do pfd 52 A. Mln. Co.... K. C. P. & G.. 18M, nrk. Rap. Tr R- & W 31 Colo. F. & I... do .Pfd 94 .Con. Tobacco Iko Shore 200 do pfd Jxul. A Nnsh.. 84iilFederal Steel Manhattan I. 141: 1 r.r,t ::; ::: ... 4314 ... skil ... sm ... 42 ... Kl ...138 ... 4814 ...98 ... 21 ...6I Met. St. Ry ISSll'fJen. Eltctric iifix. ienirat Minn. & St. L do pfd.... 1414 ? do pfd 94 Int'ii'l Paper , 63 do pfd 43 iLnelede (Ins .. Mo. Pacific Mobile & Ohio M., K. & T dn nfd U'i.Nat. Blicult . . 311, .. S.8 .. 23 ..104'f, .. 39 .. 90U ,. 38 do pfd National Lead do nfd National Steel do nfd. . . N. J. Central. .116 N. Y. Central. ...135 .Nor. ti west.. do pfd No. Pacific ... do pfd Ollfjirln X- W ?9! 78 R9i 76U N. Y. Air Hrnkc.125 No. Amerlcsn ... 15 Paclllc Coast .... 51!. do 1st nfd.... 83 2l!i Ore. Ry. & Nav. 42 do pfd 76 do 2d pfd.... 62 Pennsylvania milium .11,1,1 ...i.ii-h i-Hciun .iinu . ..;;.i'.j Resdlng .......... lSHlpeoplo's Qas ....101H ...137i :;.:: io 1st nrii.... bvi Presied S. Car... 4)'! do pfd SI Pullman P. C U do 2d pfd.... ItM Rio O. W 53U do nfd 87!i St. L. ft 8. F.... 10i s. n. & t i;u. ISncnr iru'.S, no iti pro.. do 2d pfd.. St. L. eouthw. do pfd St. Paul ' no pro in 36?; Tenn. C. & I S5V j: U. S. Leather... IPs ... do pfd ...12lii x.T. S. Rubber... ...172'-i do pfd 70 321,4 97li 82 IS'i 61 it; do pfd.,. b, r x. r v 1 " ..r-n-ii'iii uillUil. Ho.. Paclllc 39H Republic J. & 8 119 Western Union cm. lllllimijr I.I-h HO pill do nfil 38B1 1 C. C. ft St. L. 61 Tex. ft Pacific. . 2QK All assessments paid Offerodr New York .Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. April I8.-MONEY-O1) call, easier nt 2Vff.1,4 per cent; last loan nt 2'i per cent; prime mercantile paper, I!ifi3 per cent STERLINC, EXC 1 1 A NO E Fl nn, with nc tunl biihlness In bankers' bills nt Jl.87i5? 4.87-'!4 for demand nnd nt 81.81 for sixty days; posted rates. S4.S4!i und Jl.SS'.i; com mercial bills. JI.SSff4.Kni. SILVEP.-Certltleutcs, C0!if6mc; bar, OOi'jc; Mexican dollars, 47aic. HONDS Oovernment, strong;' state, In active; rullro,ul, Irrejular. The. closing prUcs on bonds today were as follows: U. S. !s, reg..." do 2s. ref 99Vi N. Y reiilrnlTTT 11016 1211s, 127 106 681 4 1014 107' I 1774 114 1C8 lOtlj 128 11. "i Wi, 99!i H014 ,121 172 120 121 113 , 7214 . 9V4 ,113 , 60 ,106 ,118 ,1C3 .114',? , 9.' . dp; t tl , M'4 , SI'j 103 N. J C. gen. 5' I09U No. Carolina Cs.. 110 I fin 4 do 3s, reg no :h. coup.. .. do new 4s, reg. lSilb'No. Pnclllc 3i... 133Vj' do 4s 1144 N Y C ft St L 114W Nor. ft W. c. 4s.. .112UI ilr, iron do coupon do old 4s. reg.. do coupon no ns, reg do 5s coup D. of C. 3s. 3s. Atch. gen. 4s.... do adj. 4si Can. So. 2s C. ft O. 4Us do lis U3i Ore. Nov. Is .121', do 4t 10MJ Ore. S, L. 6. 84141 do con. ns 10714 Rending gen. is . .100 R, o, W. Is isov; st.t.. 1 m n -j C. ft N. W. c. 7. ,142 1 do gen, 6s do n. F. rteb.Bs, Chicago Ter, 4s.. ,D. & R. O. Is..., do 4s E. T., V. ft O. is Erie gen. 4. F. W. ft D, C. Is, (Jen. Electric 5s.. iaui con 97 St. P.. C. ft P. Is, ,104 I do 5s , 89V, So. Hallway G... 1021, 8. R. ft T. 6s 71 Tenn. n. s. 3 72 .Texas ft Pne. Is, II714I do 2s ,10015 Union Panlflo pi, 10 .Wn ba Hit Is ,110 I do 'Ji 109 1 West Shorn it . U. II. ft S. A. 63, do 2s H. ft T. C. Cs do 6s la, Central Is..., K C. P. ft (J. 's li. n. o. 4s I. , ft N. mil. 4s., M . K. ft T. V.i., dj 4i "'WIim Issued. 11411, Wis. Central H. Vn. Centuries .., do def-rrcd Colo. So. 4s 10S', tuov, :. 69 So. Pacific U D,".i4' "OffertdT I'orilun I'Miinnclal. PKRLIN. Anrll 18. 'Hio wrtUlv slate, nvnt of the Imperial Hank of Germany h6ws the following changes! Cash In hand, Increase, 18,000,000 marks; treasury notes. Increase. 540.000 marks; other securi ties, decrease. 66,560,000 marks; notes in . Ir culntlnn, decrease. 72.420.fO marks. HiuU ness on the bourse todny wns undecided, this bring partly due tn rcalliHtlons In mine shares and partly In vlow of the up. 1 proBi-hlng settlement nnd the uncertainty I In regard to tho money market. Spanish 1 4s worn good, as a. result of the conversion ( schme. Exchange on I3ndon, 20m 52pfg tor tnecKs. uiscount rates; Short bills, 41 pfr tent; three months' bills, 414 per cent. PARIS. Anrll 18. Huslness opencl llrm on tho boutse todny, but Inter weakness In rentes there c.iused 11 decline. Rio tlntos hesitated in small transactions, but there, wns ti recovery beforo the close, Spanish stoeks were harder on Improved rates of exchange. Rio tlntos were offered on the , Increaso In the visible supply. Do Peers , mines opened weak, but recovered sharply. . K.i Mrs wrro tlrm. Three per cent rentes, 1 101 r 21M for the nccount; exchange on Ixm 1 don. 25f 19o for checks; Spanish 4s closed at i 73.72'i. , LONDON. April 18,-Tho weakness In Wnll street yesterday, together with n lack of nubile support here, tended at llrst to ' check Amcrlcun securities, but the market quicKiy recovered and beenme fairly strong. Trading was not active, owing to the set tlement. The closing tone wns llrm, with a moderate demand. Spanish 4s closed nt 7214. Oold premiums nre quoted ns follows: Huenos Ayres. 127.30; Madrid. 28.83; Lisbon, 43.60; Rome. 6.70. Ronton stock O.uotn t Ions. IIOSTON, April 18.-Cnll loans. 3!4fM!4 per per cent; time loans, 4115 per cent. Closing prices for stocks, bonds nnd mining shnress A.. T. S. F..., do pfd Amer. Sugar .. , J6N, 7ni. 106' J 111 317 211 114 190 126 4I'4 llf!4 42H 70 131'j 138 136 .205 IF IS 207 3 57'4 Union Lnnd West End West. Electric .. Atchison 4 N. E. O. & C. Rs lAdventure lAllouez Mln. Co. A mill. Copper ... Atlnntlc Hoston & Mont , Hutte & Hos'on. Cal. & Hecla ... .Ccntenn'nl 93 45 ini 68J(, 9U 93 23 'I? 73 745 21 15U 7'a I5U 138 M, 190 4'i 4U 40'i I do pfd Hell Telephone ., Hoston Al. . Host on Elevntod, Hos. .V: Maine . (., H. Q Dominion Uoal do pfd Federal Steel .... do pfd Fltehburg pfd .. Oet. Electric .... i do pfd Ed. E'ec. Ill Mex. Central .., , N. E. O. & C..., I Old Colony j Old Dominion ' Ilubber Franklin Osctola Parrot OlllncV Santn Fe Cop ... TamnracK Utnh Mining Winona. Wolverines Union Pnc:tlc ... mv York Mluluir Uuotnt Ions. NEW YORK. April lS.-The following nro closing quotations for mining shares todny: Chollar 10 Crown Point 15 Onturlo S00 Ophlr .73 Plymouth 12 Quicksilver 130 do pfd -00 Slerrn Nevada .. 50 Standard 315 Union Con .... 30 Yellow Jacket .. 30 Con. Cul. & Vn..l60 Dcndwood mi I Oould Curry... 26 1 Halo & Noroross 38 Hoinestake 5000 Iron Sliver 66 Mexican 31 London Stock llllotnt Ions. LONDON. April IS. t p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money. 1I0 ncct... Can. Pao'llc . Erie do 1st nfd 101 l-l6Ponnsylvanla . 7SJ, . 9!i . 78' 4 ,. 27 . 86 . W . 101. . 36! iui .-l-iuiHcnuuig 99H No. Pacific pfd ll'i, Atchl'on ... 12)4 L. ft N Illinois Central.. 118 Orund Trunk Anuconda . . . 1. P. pfd 77i! St. Paul, com... 121 N. Y. Central ....139 Rand Mlnca II A R SILVER-Steady at 2.?d per ounce. MONEY 3ft3!i per cent; the rate of dis count In tho open market for short bills. 4 pr cent; for thrco months' bills, 417 1's por cent. Flnnnclnl Xotes. CHICAGO, April 18,-Clearlngs. $23,177,470: balances. J2.16l.60l; posted exchange. JI.84H ff?4.RS!ii; New York exchange, 10c discount. PHILADELPHIA. April 18.-Clcarlngs, $18,075,812: balances. $2,751,300. HALTLMORE. April 18,-Clearlngs. $3. 743.730; balances. $396,313; money, 4W5 Per cent. , ST. LOUIS, April 18. Clearings, $5,311. 985; balances. $450,116; money. 507 per cent; Now York exchange, 25c discount bid, 10c discount asked. NEW YORK. April IS. Clearings, $23), 638,868; balances, $15,748,198. HOSTON. Anrll 18.-ClcarlliBS, $23,893,421; balances, $3.093,274. Condition of the Trcnsurv. WASHINGTON, April 18. Today's state ment of the treasury balnnces In tho gen era! fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cush balance, $151,272,674; gold, $86,101,271. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEAN3. 'April 18.-COTTON-Qulet; sales, 2,700 bales; ordlnnrv. 8 5-16e; good ordinary. 8 13-16c;low middling. 9Uc; middling. 9c: pood middling, 911-16c; mid illlnc fair. 9 15-lflc; receipts, 5.523 bales; stock. 201.302 balPS. Futures, quiet; April, $'..'.33 bid: May. $9.37it9.33: June. $9.3&B9.3S; July. $9.33119.33; August. $9.0M19.06; Septem ber. $8.2'uS.26; October, $7.S9!57.91; Novem ber. J7.78fi7.S0; December, ,$7.7SIJ7.79; Jan uary. $7.79117.81. ST. LOUIS, April IS.-COTTON-Steady nnd unchnnged; middling. 9,c; receipts, 677 bales; shipments. 1.057 bnles; stock. 57, 038 bales. LIVERPOOL. April IS. COTTON Spot, In limited demnnd; prices I-I61I lower; American middling, fnir. 5 23-32J; stood mid dling, 5V4d: middling. 6 7-)6d; low middling, 5 5-16d: good ordlnnry, 5Hd; ordlnnry. 4 15-16d. The snles of the day were 7,000 bales, of whleh 500 were for speculation and nxport nnd Included 6.600 Amerloin; re ceipts, 37.000 bales, Including 36,000 Amer ican. Futures opened easy nnd cloied quiet nt the decline: American middling. I. m. i.. April. 5 21-64fi5 22-6ld, buyers: April and May. 5 18-6lfi5 19-64d. sellers; May and June. 5 15-6IM5 18-6ld. buyers; June and July. 5 13.64(1, buyers; July and August, 5 11-6ld, sellers; August nnd September. 5 2-64d. sell ers; September nnd October. 4 43-64'&4 44-6ld, sellers; October nnd November. 4 33-61d. sellers; November and December, 4 26-64S1 4 27-6ld. buyers: December and January, 4 2I-6IJT4 25-64(1. sellers; Jnnunry and Feb ruary, 4 22-64 ff 4 23-64d, sellers. Wool Mnrket. HOSTON. Anrll 18. The American Wool and Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow; Some of the largo manufacturers have been In the mnrket since our last review nnd have tnkon some wool, mostly medium nnd qunrter-blood domestic, both lleece nnd territory. They hnvo purchased 11 llttlo moro freely of medium pulled wools. Tho week's business figures up 11 smnll total, however considerably smaller than that of the previous week. Hut as the remit of 1I15 looking nround on tho part of tho manu facturers and tho taking of snmnle bags. It Is felt by the trado that nn Increased business Is nbout to develop, or Is develop ing. Wo stilted last week that tho down ward tendency had been apparently ar rested, for tho time being nt any rate, nnd tho developments of tho Inst week strengthen this view of the situation. What business has been done has been nt very steady prices, which arc quotably un changed. Tho sales of the week In Hoston nmnunt to 2,222,000 pounds domestic nnd 210.000 pounds foreign, making u total of 2,432,000 pounds, against n totnl of 3,692.900 for the previous week nnd n totnl of 4,931. 500 for the corresponding week Inst year. The soles since January 1 nmount to 49, 53,000 pounds, ns ngalnst 61.935,300 for the corresponding time Inst rear. Coffee Mnrket, NEW YORK. April 18,-COFFEE-Spot. Rio, steady; No. 7, Invoice. Sio; No. 7 Job bine, STic. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 9lVfil4c. Futures opened hnrely steady at E4710 points decline nnd ruled wenk owing to bearish cables from Ilnvro nnd Hamburg nnd entire luck of outsldo vicculatlve sup port. Selling wns somewhat checked by liberal warehouse deliveries In this coun try und small receipts at Rio and Santos, offsettitiK .Norton Mngaw ft Co.'s bearish crop estimate; still Inter liquidation and soiling for short account became general und tho market closed barely steady at 11 net decline of 10 to 13 points. Totnl snles were 19,750 bags. Including: Mny. $7; July, $7.05; August, $7.10; September, $7.15; Octo ber. $7.20; February, $7.55. nil .Mnrket. OIL CITY, Pa., April IS.-OILS-Credlt balances. $1.23; certificates, no bid. ro offer; shipments. 81,419 bbls.; uvernge. 86,672 bbls.; runs. 103.399 bbls.; nverago. 85.630 bbls, NEW YORK, April 18,-OILS-Cotton-seed, llrm; prlmo crude. 33o, nominal; prlmi yellow, 39c. Petroleum, ensy. Rosin, quiet; strained, common to good, $1.70. Turpen tine, easy ut WilM'ie. ANTWERP, April lS.-OILS-Petrolcum, 2lf paid and sellers. HREMEN, April 18.-OILS-Pctroleum. 7 marks 55 pfifs. LIVERPOOL, April 18,-OILS-Cotton-seed, Hull rellned Mny nnd Augut. stronir 'at 22s 9d. Turpentine spirits, steady nt 41s, Cnllfornln Drlcil Fruits. NEW YORK. April 1S.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-lnuctlve nnd nominal; business wns fnlrlv nctlvn in the mnrket for evaporated apples today; offerings were very llbornl, owing to big Increase In the supply nnd disappointing; country reports: prices .Were u shndo lower for choice nml fancy grudes, with tho undertone of tho mnrket wek; ut tho close jirlces wero tend ing toward 11 still lower level; evaporated tipples, common, 1V4ii5o; prime, r,)islile: choice, 'Ct'Uc; fancy, 7!sflSf. Prunes, 31 7c per lb., ns tn size nnd quality. Atulcois, Royal. nil5o; Moor Park, 15f?l8c. Peaches, pooled, lS"(22t ; impeded, 7'ifi9c, Sueur Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS, Anrll 18. - SUGAR -Steady; ontn kettle. SMjl 3-16c; open ket tle. centrifuil. lUfHWc. centrifugal, yel low. IMilV' seconds. 21Tf 4'fcc MOLASSES-Qulct and nominal. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cornftd Cattle Art ConmiudiBg Good) Btreig Prieti, ALL KINDS OF KILLERS SELL STRONG Itoira .In (Ter a Reverse, Thnnnb RIIII lllxber Than Last Week Sheep Open Steady, hot Close j Slow nml Weak, SOUTH OMAHA. April IS. Receipts wero; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2,749 6,mHi 3,317 Official Tuesday 3,482 8.381 2.699 Official Wednesday 2,220 7,259 6,2)7 Three days this week... 8. CI 22io3l 11,311 Same dnys Inst week.. ..10,579 22.375 1,!'33 Same days week before. 5.606 14,108 14,3)1 Same three weeeks ago.. 6,530 15,10) 17.43) Avcrnco price paid for hogs for the last several days with comparisons: 1900.1899.1898.18J7.I1W.1SSI5.1184. March 2Sj S 571 2 67 3 93 3 91 3 36 3 ) 3 87 i 91 3 92 t 59! 3 66 4 Tt March 26. March 27. Murch 28. March 29. March 39. March 31. April 1 .. April z... April 3... April 4... April 6... April 6... April 7... April S... Anrll 4 89 4 97 3 65 4 86 4 47 4 15 I 51 4 62 4 54 4 53 4 43 4 61 e o 3 71 4 74 5 05 3 81 3 57 1 70 3 66 4 82 5 16 5 12 .1 w 4 M 4 80 3 631 3 2 4 71 I C 10 5 oy 5 15 3 W 3 62 3 60 3 64 2 fS 3 66 3 63 3 b.) 3 67 3 54 3 64 4 80 4 84 4 83 4 76 3 n 3 91 3 56 3 52 5 23 3 731 3 79 4 53 4 63 3 301 3 90 3 b 3 5 4 821 5 30 3 62 3 79 3 721 3 71 4 811 4 77 5 27! 3 61 3 83 3 59 1 74 .1 3 66 3 iwl 3 SO 3 61 4 89 .1 5 32 3 75 3 ttt 3 621 4 81 4 83 5 02 6 111 4 86 5 02 S U 4 i April lo!. . I 5 38 . C 36 .1 5 33 3 90 3 56 4 77 April Jl.. April 12.. April 13.. April 14.. April 15.. April 16.. April 17.. April IS.. 3 67 3 63 3 61 3 67 3 TI 3 71 3 71 3 Dl 4 72 4 76 3 97 . I 3 40 3 m 3 trj 3 85 3 50 4 'Vs! .1 5 451 .1 5 C3 I 5 9i 3 70 3 49 3 671 3 801 3 38 3 : 4 7fl 3 61 3 871 4 78 4 74 5 23 5 23 1 ?o fl 111 3 3 6S 3 60 I 3 43 4 63 6 U Indicntes Suimny. The official number of enrs of stock brought In today by ench rond was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C. M. ft St. P. Ry... I O. ft St. L. Ry 3 3 1 Missouri Pncltlc Ry.. t 2 .. .. Union Pacific system. 12 25 17 2 C. ft N. W. Ry 1 1 F.. E. ft M. V. R. It.. 16 23 S C. ft P. Ry 4 1 C. St. P M. ft O.... 22 4 .. .. H. ft M. R. R. R 24 SI 4 3 C. P.. ft Q. Ry 6 2.... C. R. I. ft P. Ry., E. 2 4 C. R I. ft P. Ry.. W. .. 1 3 Illinois Central 3 .. ... .. Total receipts 100 ICO 24 TUn rllunnalMnn nt tliA ftav'a rerlnt s was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num- Sh'p. 493 527 ber or ncan inuicaten Huyers Omslin Packing Co... Cattle. Hoes. 155 1,686 O. H. Hammond Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co Armour ft Co Cudnhy P. Co.. from ICC. Swift, from country R. Hooker ft Dcgnn Vnnsant ft Co Lobman ft Co W. I. Stephen Livingstone ft Schnllcr... Hamilton ft Rothschild.. Hobbtck ., Other buyers 233 2?6 622 767 757 69 "is 714 700 2.620 2,095 2,095 231 237 "421 27 1 11 1 55 Totals 2,282 7.824 rt.6Sl CATTLE There was a liberal run of cat tle today, but none too many to supply the very good demnnd. "o thnt everything de sirable was sold nnd weighed up In good season. The market ns n whole wns In n very satlsfnctory condition so far ns the selling Interests were concerned. Packers nil seemed to want the corn-fed steers, but there were more buyers for the good hnndy welsht cattle than there wero for heavy cattle, still the mnrket was falr;y nctlve on nil kinds nnd the most of the offerings chnnged hands In good season. Hlg, henvy. coarse cnttle wero slow sale nnd holders of such found It hard work to get a buyer, as no one seems to care for cnttle that are heavy nnd Incklng In qual ity. The prices paid for all deslrahle klndi of cattle were strong, nnd It Is safe to say thnt the market right now Is tho best thnt It has been In n number of weeeks. Thrro were some cnttle good enough to bring J5.20. Cows nnd heifers were In good demnnd nnd the mnrket was also strong on that kind of cattle, with the result thnt thn supply on sale wns soon exhausted. It will be noted from the sales below thnt the cow stuff nnd choice corn-fed heifers are bringing very high prices as compnred with tho way other kinds of enttle are selling. Hulls sell pretty well nnd still the mnrket Is not very active, but tho season is well ndvnnced and frtt bulls could not be ex pected to do especially well. Stockers nnd feeders were In demand nnd the market, was firm at yesterday's prices. Huyers were out early and as the offerings were smnll It did not take them long to effect a clearance. Representative snles: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1 940 $3 0 1 12C0 4 70 1 720 3 50 42 1079 4 70 2 1646 3 60 36 1117 4 70 1 960 3 75 19 1155 4 70 1 780 4 00 17 103S 4 70 1 1220 4 00 27 1026 4 70 1 700 4 00 3 1279 4 70 1 730 4 00 11 HIS I 76 1 1020 I 00 4 1207 4 75 1 930 4 X 2 1100 4 75 5 858 4 2S 1 1540 1 75 15 1148 4 20 3 1286 4 75 4 697 4 25 13 1211 4 75 1 SOO 4 25 2 HOT. 4 75 2 1023 4 2f 3 1223 4 75 4 1290 4 33 16 1223 4 75 2 990 4 40 9 1253 4 75 4 937 I 10 5 11M I 75 1 780 4 40 19 1141 1 75 3 863 4 10 13 1216 4 0 3 q..l3J0 4 IS 1 1050 4 80 28 1072 1 15 21 1202 4 50 22 955 4 43 15 1097 4 80 7 1040 1 1 4 ) 39 1229 4 80 27 1101 4 50 31 1170 I 80 935 4 50 23 1209 4 SO 2 7X5 t t 1 1370 4 SO 7 857 4 50 16 1281 4 83 45 924 4 53 1 1270 4 85 2 1080 t SS 20 1107 4 83 24 10S3 4 53 IS 1230 4 S3 24 1138 I 55 21 1217 4 S3 18 1080 4 55 1 1200 4 S.-j 1 820 4 60 17 1113 I 90 4 875 4 60 17 1225 4 90 20 1034 4 60 20 1476 4 90 20 1103 4 60 19 1266 4 9-1 20 1061 4 60 28 1273 4 90 23 1266 I 60 14 1350 4 SO 17 1031 4 60 1 1011 I 90 1 1680 4 60 19 1336 I IS S 1212 4 65 20 1218 4 95 10 1014 4 5 40 10- 4 93 10 1130 4 6'. 26 1230 5 frt 10 1080 4 K5 1 1810 fi 00 r, 1083 ( 63 43 1410 5 60 2 1155 4 63 48 1395 5 10 1R 1118 4 03 1 16R0 5 10 1R 1090 4 63 R 1470 5 10 U 1196 4 5 21 1300 6 10 24 99 4 fS 9 1311 B 15 29 1287 4 05 84 1433 P 20 10 1221 4 63 1 1370 5 20 20 1706 4 65 STEERS AND HEIFERS, 2 1143 4 35 9 911 4 50 3 606 4 40 COWS. 1 880 2 00 1 1110 3 75 1 780 2 2) 1 1000 3 75 1 810 2 2S 1 720 3 75 1 920 2 25 3 1213 3 75 2 955 "SO 1 1110 3 80 1 860 2 50 1 760 3 80 2 995 2 75 17 1047 3 87 1 910 2 75 1 1150 3 85 1 1020 2 75 1 1239 3 S3 3 960 2 73 1 90 3 85 1 970 2 75 2 1035 3 90 1 KTO 2 75 2 1150 4 no 4 1107 2 75 1 940 4 00 4 1032 3 85 1 13ffl 4 00 2 1015 3 01 14 1156 4 05 1 1110 3 00 5 1183 4 03 3 926 3 (V) 1 1140 4 10 1 1060 3 (VI 20 996 4 10 2 1003 3 10 1 1060 4 13 1 900 3 25 10 1173 4 15 2 810 3 23 11 1120 4 15 1 10?0 3 '3 6., ,.1158 4 13 1 560 3 25 1 1310 4 15 1 720 3 23 3 1151 4 15 1 1180 3 33 3 1126 t ?0 n irwi 3 45 11 10-M f ?0 li lrl 3 PO 1 970 t 25 HKn 3 50 3 1076 4 ? 1 1040 1 51 1 P40 4 25 2 1190 3 50 2 13?3 4 ?S R HI 3 rn 1 slO 4 ?3 1 910 3 60 1 10-0 4 2 1 fi 1'l .1 fS 1 1470 4 '3 1 12m 1 r 1 liso t 37 4 1110 3 70 1 1300 4 40 1 1ft0 3 TO 1 1160 4 43 1 1170 3 75 2 1210 4 50 1 1120 3 73 COWS AND HEIFER 1. 7 1U2 4 H 6 1013 I 20 63 963 4 20 crW AND STEERS. 6 866 4 10 HEIFERS, 2 793 3 83 1 780 1 35 3 743 4 00 1 830 I Vi 2 1013 4 (V) 1 991 45 6 880 4 00 8 ,1(W) I 3 936 4 25 3,, . , , 810 4 43 1 910 I 39 1 703 4 43 11 836 4 30 8 655 4 M 6 952 4 W It 910 4 65 1 970 4 33 1 1690 I 90 HULLS. 1 1200 2 50 1 1290 3 63 1 1180 3 00 1... ...... .1780 3 70 1 430 3 25 1 1710 3 70 3 1140 3 40 1 1S40 3 75 1 1140 3 43 1 1420 3 75 1 1660 3 50 1 1030 3 75 1 1160 3 50 1 1600 3 90 1 1640 3 50 1 1280 3 S3 1 1850 3 55 1 1C60 I 00 1 1180 3 60 1 1580 4 On 1 1310 .1 fO 1 1060 I 10 1 1900 3 60 1 18.V) t 03 1 1540 3 60 1 490 4 25 1 1740 3 6 CALVES. 1 80 5 23 1 270 7 CO 3 173 6 60 1 110 7 00 1 110 6 75 1 220 7 O) STAOS. 1 1300 3 tT, 1 910 1 00 1 1160 3 f5 6 1163 4 IS .... 740 .... 720 .... 760 .... 930 .... 990 .... 7M .... 710 .... 700 ....1030 .... 470 .... 780 3 00 3 (O 3 23 3 25 3 40 3 fO 3 63 3 70 3 73 3 73 . 690 . 773 . 490 . 630 . 800 . 420 . 387 .1050 . 860 . 693 . 530 I 00 I 10 4 25 4 23 25 4 25 4 35 I 10 4 40 4 50 4 35 3 75 1... STOCK CALVES Sf.l 5 00 3 SS3 5 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. . 650 1 18... 820 I 35 . 660 . 610 .1220 . 770 . 630 . 885 3 fO 3 50 3 75 3 75 4 (X) I 00 1... 1... 3... 7... 10... 14... . 76i) .1020 . 6O1J . 915 .1111 . 999 4 40 4 j 4 50 4 53 4 60 I 65 840 4 33 413 6 20 unns furl.- ,k. i. .1.. 1 , .. iiiiiiiriivc ui nn- rr1" from .r',lf!K" the mnrket nt this EJ?1 i'"" a 5c lower, and ns sellers . ow ,0 make any concessions tho market was not nctlve nt the decline. Still Inn 11nnH Warn nnn..i . . H " "m 'vcrythlng disposed of nt tho r " , nr general run or good Ilr ti,l.,?ad? H,0,,1,nl .47iiO3.fi0. with n few mnm ,.,iTl.lloH,',, " J5-!'v 11 w'll bo re- ni tsi l.:"? 'W9- ""h n few good loads nt JS.iA.nnd a top at J5.C21,. ' i T?n" s ."""he wipes out only a portion Tnrv y.MMerc,',J'' so ,hilt market ' WA" "''' tlnr" 60 higher than It tl nn i ifrili1"5 BnUt nhout I2ijc higher ur?L-SeeJf. n- "oprosentatlvo sales: niiH inmK71.,i,.rp n'',', ." J001 rim of sheep JtM.lvnl VI 'V' nmJ Kho market opened steady and fairly act ve Later on after n considerable proportion of ti e offePlnSS Hftl-rt'" J,,p n1Brk',, "lS I up "ml thTff .AmoK theearly ,',0,n!or lambs brought $6.23. the Hn ? tA-na?LWeK rtnd ,h0 Taylor year. r .,,M irVM? H,s,on -Monday. eth ers sold at J,.50 and old ewes nt $3 10 with ?hn XiVll""' nfl wath" " ' All r.rr?r.P'.fM wf.'!cJu1t about "toady. Other below P '" be'not,l om tho sa cs Nn. Av. Sh, Pr. .169 120 J5 33 No, 76.. 68.. 72.. 66.. 62.. A v. Sh. Pr. 0 101.. 63. . . , 76... 84... 77 . , . , 78..., 75. . . , 77..., 68... 9S..., 45. . . , 76. . . , 71..., 76..., 73..., 72..., 72. . . , 80..., 37.... 69. . . , ....232 5 50 5 50 5 50 ..202 ..194 ..104 ..185 ..203 ..224 ..244 . .249 ..186 ..244 ..275 ..217 ..203 ..220 ..216 ..217 ..230 ..217 ..236 . 6 40 ....256 ::::S? ....262 ....252 120 120 160 M0 3 42'4 5 45 3 45 5 SO 5 30 5 50 5 fO 5 50 5 50 5 60 5 50 5 50 5 .'0 6 50 5 50 5 M 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 30 5 ro 6 60 5 50 6 50 5 59 5 50 5 50 5 60 3 50 5 50 5 fO 5 60 5 60 6 ro 5 50 5 no 5 50 5 52 U 5 62'4 ." 5214 b 52U 3 52H 5 52U 5 52U 5 52U 5 E2!4 6 r-2U 5 52", 3 52' 4 5 65 6 55 5 57 5 55 5 4; 55.... 75. . . . 64.... 68.... 71.... 63. . . . 176... 74.... 74.... 81.... 92. . 70. . . . 64.... 86.... 65.... 78.... 57.... 62.... 63. . . . 72.... 74.... 80. . . . 58.... 67.... 72. . . . 79.... 60.... 40 80 160 40 5 471 tl ..23S ..240 ..272 ..237 ..207 . .221 ..260 ..24S ..235 ..245 ..251 ..257 . .237 ..232 ..219 . .282 ..234 ..251 ..2.12 ..230 . .245 ..25.8 ..260 . .22 !!247 . .263 5 47 SO 5 " 47K 5 474 fi ITU 1 1715 5 47l 5 4715, 5 47!4 5 17U 5 47U 5 7U 5 17U 5 47!4" 6 471 i 5 4714 5 471, 5 47U 3 nj 6 4TU 5 I7U 5 17U 3 47U 5 47li, 5 47U r. 4T!4 5 471 . 5 47U. 5 17H 5 4TU 5 4TU, 5 47U 5 47K 5 47U r. ITU $5 47U. 5 47!4 5 30 5 50 5 50 5 51 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 60 6 50 5 50 5 50 120 'so 160 120 '40 80 SO 80 240 80 40 4fl I u 72 221 1 r. m. 73. 40 'sii 120 160 80 160 '76. i 74. 72. 75. 65. ,77. 70. I 30. 56. OO . , ..2.16 ..233 ..233 ..226 ..212 ..209 .227 1!240 ..235 9K1 160 SO 'so 80 40 160 '40 SO 80 80 160 'so 360 80 160 10 61.. 76. I 60 223 '9 75 221 ro. 220 25. I 78.. 27.. 165.. 96.. 81.. I 72.. 93.. , 12.. 42.. '64.. 69.. 72.. ! 63.. ' 42.. 66.. 74.. 63.. 69.. 60.. ...218 . . .281 ...221 ...185 ...217 ...219 ...212 ...202 ...260. , . . .244 , . . .243 , . . .223 . . . .231 . . . .279 , . . .251 ...278 ...230 ,...228 , . . .247 . . . .235 ...219 .247 217 .287 .229 81.. 32.., 70... 78... ...216 40 68 . .230 ...243 . . .258 ...298 . . .296 . . .275 . . .257 ...263 ...253 ...215 . . .255 . . .261 ...255 ...258 . . .296 ...253 68.. 122. 53.. 66. . 68.. 64.. 61.. 80.. 74.. 63.. 76.. 74.. 55.. 64.. 40 80 160 120 160 40 73.. 5 50 44 .2.18 5 fc1. Ouotntlons: riinicc yenrnnKs. Ju.,n ,,..v. Choice yearunes $3.16176 30: fa r to goon veariiiiKs. "--in ; . .m-i- -yonrllncs. $5 60176.80: good to choice weth ers, $6.001?6.15; fair to good wethers. Jo.uft 5 90: clipped wethers. $5,4015.70: good to choice . foil ewes, $5.50175.75; Mir tn . good ewes. $5.0OU6.40; clipped ewes. i-Wg5.2.: good to choice native lambs. i.Mft,.35. good to choice western Inmbs. $. -I5fi' fair to good western lambs, $6.601?i.l5; clipped lambs. $6.00(36.40; feodfr wethers. $4 60(35.00; feeder yearlings. -g5.60: good to choice feder lambs, $5.25fl6.00. Repre- Av. , 106 , 120 , 176 Pr. 3 ffl 4 00 4 00 $4 00 4 00 ! 00 4 80 60 4 50 5 00 5 10 5 40 5 50 u 65 6 70 5 75 6 01 1; 00 6 23 7 20 No. 5 cull ewes 1 shorn buck 6 shorn bucks 8 culls 7 culls 20 mlxfd westerns. 10 western wethers 2 bucks 1 buck ... 84 ... 90 ...107 . 251 . 130 . 82 ...123 . 104 ...107 ...86 ...97 , 101 . 100 ...91 ...78 . 80 13 ewes ... 216 western 211 western ewes, shorn wethers, shorn.. n-plhpM 231 western 330 mixed westerns 250 western yearlings, shorn 57 western wethers 1 western wether 100 ewes nnd wethers 277 western lambs, shorn.... 254 Colorado lambs CIIICAOO 1.1 VP. STOCK MWKBT. Steers Sternly to Simile Lower Hobs Fnlrlv Actl e. CHICAGO. April IS.-CATTLE-RecelpIs, 14,500 head; steers, stendv to shade lower; butchers' stock, steady; natives, best on rale today, S cars at $5. Hi; good to prime steers, Jt.90ftS.90; poor to medium, $4,105 4.75; selected feeders, $4.00514.90; mixed stockers. $1.40f3.83; rows, $3 Wfl4.50; he f ers. $3.23&4.73; ennntrs, $.'.2jf?2.S0: bulls. J2.S0UI.2J; cnlves, $1.5050. 60. Texans, best on sale tndsv. 3 cars nt $1.80; Texas ed steers. $4. 006 5.25; Texas bulls J3.25H3. u. HOOS-Recelpts today. 2S.000 hend; to morrow. 25.000 estimated: left over. 5.000: fairly nctlve, 6f10c lower; top. $5.80; mixed nnd butchers. $5.5055. 57!j; good to choice henvy. $3.6515.83; rough heavy. $.i.4jfo.60; light. $S.45'3-5.67!j; bulk of sales, $3.C0fr.i.7O. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts. 14.G01 . " j? ....... ll.. ,nll,. IftftlKr. uenii; Biiurir "" ii, ......, " lower; good to cholco wethers, $3.i5t6.u0; ; lair IO Cllllirf III1ACI1, f ,. IU. "'".in sheep. $5,7316.10; yearlings. $6.006.50; na tive lambs, $5,5017.40; western lambs, $6.00 R7.I0. St. I.nnla l.lvf Stock. ST. LOUIS. April 18. CATTLE Receipts, 2,060 hend, including iw riexnns; mnrKei steady to easy; native shipping nnd export steers, $4.60176.85; drefsed beef nnd butt her steers. J4. 4013. 15; steers under 1 000 llii., J4.00f4.60; stockers nnd feeders. J1.23f5.23; cows and heifers, J2.0O54.60; canners, J1.505f 2.80; bulls. J2.1OJ7I.10; Texas and Indian Ftrers, J3,23fi5.00; cows nnd heifers, J2.75W 'HOGS Receipts. 7.300 head; mnrket 61710c lower; pigs and lights. J3. 50175. 60; packers, J5.50tfZ5.65; butchers. $3.601;5.80. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts. 3.000 head; market steady; native muttons, J3,50 SIil.OO; Inmbs. $5. 751(7.10; spring Inmbs, $5.00 178.00; culls and bucks, Jl. 2315. 50. Stock tn Sight. T-'ollowlns nre the receipts at th four principal western markets for April 18: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2.220 7.259 5,267 Chicago 14.C00 28.000 14,000 Kiinsns City 8,500 13,600 1,300 St. Louis 2.000 7,300 3,000 Totals 27,220 58.159 23,567 Knnans City l.lvr Stock. KANSAS CITY. April lS.-CATTLE-Ro-celpts, S.500 natives. 1.300 Texans; supply of heavy grade too liberal; fnney stock steady; plain heavy, lOo lower; butcher t. II. WARK. Consign your OltAlX nnd WARE & LELAND. 200-210 RIALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO. Writ for our Holly Murkrt I.rttrr. Fifteen reprfxentatlTrs cnnsUntlr n n.. n. ... Chicago llosrd o(, lUu. In.nrlnir prompt ejection of all r.l"r. an, ,!-. .uZ.ltn t?l,?l ,h," dm. entrusted to us. i!UWA14I O. HEUMAN, U tW.. ?HMnto&rtm!'h weights, steady to shade easier; heavy na tive steers. JI.S5ff5..V.; lightweights, JUMP 6.05; stockers and feeders, $3.60fr5.lf; butcher cows and heifers. $S.40fll."0; can tiers. $2.7613.40; fed westerns, J4.0OiiS.oi; Texnns, $3.9511 1.63. HOOS- Receipts. 1D.600 head; supply mostly of common duality: prices 50 10o lower; henvy. J.S0ff5.60; mixed. J5.40tfft.55, light. J5.10tf6.42iS; pigs. $I.S5f?P.15. SHEEP AND LA MDS Receipts. 1.500 head; muttons, active nnd steady! fed lambs. 5c higher: tTolor.ulo Inmbs. J7.0O1j 7.05; clipped lambs, $8.15416.60; clipped mut tons, JJ.15ri5.65. culls. JI.OfliTI.50. New York !,lp Stock. NEW YORK, April lS.-HKEVES-Re-celpts. 1,913 head, steers, dull and 101M5O lower; bulls nnd cows, tlrm and nctlve: common to choice steers, 8I.20H5.60; oxon nml stags, J3.735TU5. bulls, $3.ooa4.tW; cows, J2.26fi4.00: cublos steady, shipment, 6,150 quarters of beef; none tomorrow. CALVES-Rocelpts. 4,759 head, good de mand; prices fully 25o higher; all sold ex cept 11 few late arrivals; vculs. Jl.oontV&o; tops, J6.75; llttlo cnlves nnd culls, J3.50. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 1.S79 head; sheep In light supply; lambs slow; unshorn sheep. J3.O0ru.6O; culls. J3.5owt.50; clipped culls, J3; unshorn lambs, $7.noflS,25; culls. $3.50116.00: clipped Inmbs, $6,0056.50; Miring lambs, $2,0016.00 each. HOOS Receipts, 6,472 head; 1'4 cats on sale; steady for nil weights; stnto hogs, $3.S5J6.00; western pigs, $5,355)5.69. St. .losepli Live Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, Mo., April lS.-(Sp-clal.)-Tho Journal quotes; CATTLE Receipts. ,2ii head; market ac tive mill steady to 10o higher; natives, $1.10 ffio.50; Texns nnd westerns, $3,80115,30: cows nnd heifers, $2.'J5fM,50: bulls ulid stags. $2.00 (Ti4.ff; yearlings nnd calves. $1,0035,10; stockers nnd feeders, J3.60fj 1.76; veals, $5.0) )7.(M. HOllS-Reeelpts, 6.000 head; market 6fi lOo lower; all grades, $3,4055.60; bulk of snles, JV 1556.50. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts. 3.300 bend; nurket stendy; lumbs, J6. 0057. 23; wethers, J5.Roli6.2G; yearlings, J5.7&'(6.23; ewes. J5.0O1fR.75. llry Coous Mnrket. NEW YORK, April 1S.-DRY CIOODS Tlin nttendance of buyers In tho primary mnrket has been unlet, but shows an Im provement In Jobbing circles, ltuslness In nil staple cottons nt first hands Indifferent, but no change In prices of quotnblo chnr ucter. Print cloths neglected In regulars nnd odd goods slow. Prints dull nnd un changed. Men's wear woolens and worsted goods Innctlve nt provlous prices. Dress goons uuii 111111 uncnnnceit. DOINGS OF EARL RUSSELL Itepnrt of Ills WrdilliiK In America. Causes n SrnsHtlon In I.ond on. LONDON, April 18. The cabled announce ment In the mnrrlngp columns of the Times thin morning of tho wedding of Enrl Kustell to Molllc Cooke, at Reno, Nov., April 16, haa created a sensation here, as It appears that Enrl KUFnolt, according to thn English Iaw, Is still legally marrlod to the first Countess Rureoll, who Is now performing at the Tivoll Music hall. The Star thinks the announcement, which also appeared in thin morning's Standard, may, bo a hoax, for, it says, by marrying; another woman the head of the noble housa would render himself liable to imprison ment for bigamy on his return to England, Tho marital trouble of the Russells com menced in tho courtB In 1891, when tho countffn, who Is n daughter of tho well known Lady Scott, npptlod for a separation from her husband on the ground of cruelty, which was refused. Four years later the same petition resulted In tho defendant no bleman being granted a Judicial teparatlon; but further litigation nnd crosi-petltlorn fotlowed. Tho litigation was nnded by ttio court of nppenls refusing relief to both par ties, so they nre still legally married. Lady Scott said ehe and her daughter knew tho earl had been in America about n year, but they had heard nothing from him. She added; "Ijidy Russell hos placed tho mat ter In tho hands of her eollcllor nnd Is not nt all Inclined to resign herself to the accopt nnro of her noblo hiMband's family motto, which Is: 'What will be. will bo.' " A closo friend of Lord RufooII. In con firming the announcement of tho earl's marriage, adds: "For some time Lord Rus sell felt that his years of suffering and nn noynnco had released Mm from all obliga tions, moral and otherwise, connected with his first marrlagn nnd, therefore, thnt ho wob free to do an he desired. I do not be llevo tho question cf bigamy will be raiaol, but at any rnto Ixird Russell nnd hU IrUh brldo aro returning to England next month." BID ON RUSSIAN RAILROAD Amcrlcun Cnntrnetors Strivinnr for a Mnrt)-Millinn-I)nllnr Con tract Alirnnd. PHILADELPHlA,Aprll 18. E. K. Walker of this city and J. II. McClcary of Rich mond, representing prominent capitalists of Philadelphia and nlchmond, failed today from Now York on the steamship New Yorlr for Southampton. They aro authorized to pledge bonds for any amount of money nocessary to secure the contract for building the projected railroad from St. Pclertburg to Odcrsn, which will travonie moru than half tho Russian empire from north to south. U Is understood thnt tho new railroad cannot bo constructed nt a com less than J9O.00O.000. Should tho contract come to tblu country the responsible petitions In tho nrtual construction of tho railroad will bo fl'lcd by Amoricnns. All hoada of dop.iri ment3 for tho planning and all foremen rn quired for tho laying of the rnljroad will tia taken from American offices and workshops and only American material will be used. Conrirmntloii of ltucll'n Wnrrlnge. RENO, Nov.. Anrll 1S.-A marrloje II cense waw Ifsucd to John Francis Stanley Russell and Molllc Cooko In this city Sat urday, April 11. They stopped at tho Rlver sldo hotel Saturday nltjht and were mar rlol Sunday by Judge Ronjamlu Curler. Tbcy left Sunday nlRht for tho cast, thrlr destination being unknown. Mollle Cooke's son, about 23 rears, ot age, was with thn couple. They camo to Reno from Glenbrook, Nev., s smnll sum mer resort on tho shorrn of Iakc Tahoo, l.nndNiiicii C 11 line 1111 Cruise, PHILADELPHIA, April 18.-Onc hundred landsmen, or raw recruits, are here await. Ing tho arrival of the cruiser Huffalo from Norfolk. Thirty of tho youths nro from Chicago; the sumo number camo off Uio training ship Essex nnd the remnlndor nre PhllndalphlniiH. The Iluffalo Is to makn a two months' cruise of northern European waters, thn course tnklnir in the Hnltlo nlong the Scandinavian coast, A stop for orders will bo madii nt Gibraltar. This trip Is held by nnvy men to be tho finest In the cruising line "nesl rer. iw H.RPEUNEY&CO. vm R00M4 NY Lire LOC RANCH UhM omaha ma unctut n J1MES F. nnvn I. nn ... . - WUII leleplione IO30. Omaim. V,. COMMISSION, GRAIN, I'KOVISIONSuml STOCKS 1IOAUD OP TRADE, Correapondence; John A. Warrsn A r direct wires t Uhlcaw aid N.w YoVt K. V. I. R I, A. Ml. NEEDS and end your orders to