COUNCIL 3IIOlt MCMIO.-V. Davis nellg glass. Morehouse & Co., magazines bound. lludwelscr beer. L. Itosenfeld, agent. Fine A. B. C. beer, Neumayer's hotel. Schmidt's photos, now and latest styles. Oct your work done At the popular Easts laundry, 7JI Uroadway. 'I'lione 167. lloo artocravures. Alexander & Co. give pedal prices on frames (or them. V. C. Estep, undertaker, 2S Pearl street. Telephones: Office, 97: residence, 33. 3. Hntdwln mnkes a specialty of clean ing wall paper and frescoes. 121 12th ave. MIsm Onlo of St. Louis Is the guest of Miss .Montgomery of Third street for ft few weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. A. Allenworth of Cfir non, la., nro the guests of John kllllnfl and family. Miss Maude itoblnson of I'ark nvcnuo left Saturday evening on a visit to f riontis In southern Iowa. Tho nark commissioners are 'having n. nmiitl storngc house built In Cochran park lor the. uso of the parkkceper. Prof. W. J. McDonald has resigned ns lirlnclpnl of the Mlnden (lit.) scliools to complcto a course of law study In tho Stnto university. Deputy Clerk of thn District Court Gil llnlrd has returned from Kansas City, where ho was called to attend tho funernl of Mrs. Halnl's brother. Lewis Hhepard. Hobcrt Knight, tho Infant twin son of Mr. nnd Mrs. j. J. l.yman. C23 Willow avenue, tiled Saturday evening of pneu monia, nsed 2 months and 22 days. Tho funeral will bo nrlvnto. John A., tho 2-ycar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Clous, tiled Satnrdny evening of pnrulysls nt the homo of IiIh parents In tho section house of tho Omaha ft St. I.ciuIh railroad In this city. Miles Heimlich!, cantnln of No. 1 hoso house, has resigned his position and con templates going Into tho mercantile busi ness. Kx-Chlcf Ilntcs will bo appointed as captain of No. 1 hoso house. The following delegates were selected In tho Second precinct of tho Klfth ward to nttend tho republican county convention: V. A. Hrewlrk, Ed Krlckson, J. II. Strock, John Sarr niul F. M. Phillips. All members of Hazel camp, No. 171, Modern Woodmen of America, are re quested to meet this evening at 7 o'clock to mnko arrangements to nttend tho funcrnl of tho Into Charles C. Plunket. Tho funeral of Samuel Price, who died Saturday at his home In Hazel Dell, aged G2 years, will be held this afternoon at 1 o clock from I ho family residence nnd Interment will bo In Ilazol Dull cemetery. JHh wlfo and seven children survive him. Mr. nnd Mrs. l- P. Morgnn will rcmovo to Dos Molnns tho early part of this week. Frank Grady, formerly a conductor on tho motor lino here, now braking on tho Tnlon I'nclflo out of Kvnuston, wyo., Is In tho city visiting friends nnd relntlves. Charles C, Plunket died yesterday morn ing nt his residence, 703 Euat Pleroo street, of lung trouble, aged 30 years. Ho leaves it wlfo anil ono daughter, aged 10 years, Tho funeral will be held tomorrow after noon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence nnd Interment will bo In Falrvlow ccmo ttri'. J. W. Shumwny and wife have returned from Doming, N. M nnd the former nns resumed his position as chief clerk .for the Omaha & St. I.ouls in this city. Whllo In Now Mexico, whero they went for tho bonellt of Mrs. Shumway's health, Mr. Khumway was In tho employ of tho Santa Ko railroad. The funeral of Mrs. Anna Weiss wns hold yesterday afternoon from St. Peter's Cath olic church. Tho services, conducted by Ituv. Father Thomns, were largely attended by friends of tho decenscd and the be reaved family. A long cortege followed tho remains to their last resting place In tho Catholic cemetery. Charles K. Ulrd, who was brought back from Omaha on tho charge of stenllng harness belonging to tho Hoagland Lumber company, will havo a preliminary hearing this morning befuro Justice Vlen. Illrd took a change of venue from the pollco court to that of Justice Ferrler and Satur day another chango of venuo was taken to Justice Vlcu's court. N. Y. Plurablnc CtV Tel. 2P0. .Timor. MACY NOT A CANHIDATR. Ilitrliiit Man Will Not OpptiMo .Smith's CoiiKV'fNMloiiul Ah pi rut Ions, Tho report emanating from Dcs Moines that Judge N. W. Macy of Harlan had de cided to becomo a cnndldato for tho repub lican nomination of congressman from this district Is not credited here. Judge Macy from tho otart has declared that ho would not ho a cnndldato against Judge Smith nnd has cxprcfscd himself ns most favorablo to tho nomltiutlon and election of tho lat ter to congress. Tho report has It that Judgo Macy's decision to enter the Held for tho congressional nomination wbh ar rived at after II. W. Ilycru had signified his Intention of withdrawing from tho race. Leading republicans In this city place no credmco In tho report, nnd ono who Is sntd to bo In a position to know declared yes terday that ho could state positively that tinder no circumstanced would Judgo Macy lie a candidate. It Is conceded that If Judgo Macy elected to be a candldato that ho would provo a most formldablo opponent to Judgo Smith, as ho Is recognized na ono of tho ntrongpBt public men In the district. Two years ngo at the tlmo of tho deadlock In tho congressional convention In this city, which finally resulted In tho nomination of Hon. Smith McPhcrson, Judgo Macy was prominently mentioned ns n dark horse, and ho could undoubtedly havo had tho nomi nation had ho not pceltlvcly refused to ac cept It. Judgo Smith mado two visits to Harrison county tho latter part of last week and was overywhero received with tho greatest favor. Now that Dyors U out of tho raco leading republicans of thnt county assured lilm of tholr support nnd said tho county would bo solid for hlni. Lieutenant Gov ernor Mllllman In quoted ns saying: "Judgo ?mlth w now our cholco and we will make J. unaulmoud. Wo will nomlnato him by acclamation." Unless Judgo Macy should happen to bo . a cnndldato, It looks vory much no if Judgo Enilth will almost havo tho unaulmous voto of tho convention. nu nun b Dtufuts un mummy payments t half tho price of a gasollno stovo. Tho Gas comrnny, 26 Pearl streot. NoriiiHn Green'd Kimernl. Tho funcrnl of tho Into Norman Green, held yesterday nfternoon from tho family rcsldonco on East Plerco street, was at tended by an Immenso gathering of friends of tho deceased and tho bereaved family, among tho mourners being many of tha early settlers. Tho services wore conducted by Kov. Myron C. Waddeli, pastor of tho Uroadway Methodist church, of which Mr. Green had long been a dovoted member. Tho pallbearers were: L. A. Casper, John Clausen, II. II. Field, J. Owen, Charles llcno, E. Stockort, Judgo Carson and W. A. Wood. The floral tributes wero numerous nnd beautiful. Tho cortego that followed tho remains to Knlrviow cemetery was ono of tho longest ovor seen In this city. Mr. Itlley B-cont cigar. Sliorllt MnrRiin'H Condition. John S. Morgan, former sheriff of Potta wattamlo county, who has been seriously 111 elnco February, becamo violently insano shortly niter midnight Saturday and had to be taken to St, liernard's hospital. Morgan BUfforod n stroke of paralysis last February nnd has been connned to his homo In this city over since. For two weeks his mind has been unbalanced nnd Saturday night his family was unable to control him nnd had to call In the asslstanco of tho police. Inquiry nt the hospital yesterday sho.vod that his condition wns samowbat Improved and ho was less violent. aravel roofing. A. II. Ucad, C41 D'wy. Tho Gas company furnishes gas heaters (or bath and bedrooms freo, ARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. James N. Camdy. Jr.. J 12 Main BU. Council Bluffs, BLUFFS. JOY FOR THE RISEN CHRIST Devout 8onnd Forth Tbefr Triumph in Sweet Strains and Glad Wordi. EASTER SERVICES WELL ATTENDED .Stormy I)ny Hoes Not Dampen the Ilc- HglotiR Ardor of the Follower of 11 1 lit Willi Won the , Victory. Dosplto thd rain, tho attendanco nt the Easter lervlces in tho churches throughout tho city yesterday morning was largo nnd in several of tho churches extra seats had to do provided. Church Interiors wero lav lshly decorated with lilies and palms and possess permits Issued before the new code special Easter music was furnished by all. f went Into effect October 1, 1907, an oppor At most of tho churches tho children of tunlty to secure now ones by October 3t tho Sunday schools rendered programs In of this year. The code revision was held celebration of the day. I Ivnnhoo commandery, Knights Templar, J permits ns well ns tho saloon petitions df of tho matter, however, preferring to let attended the morning service nt St. Paul's consent filed under tho laws of tho old code. ; It rest with what ho litis already said on Episcopal church In a body, their uniforms Tho legislature gave tho druggists until j the subject, believing that the vlco prcsl maklng an cffectlvo setting for the profit- October 31 to sec nro now permits and nl- dency la nn honor of intcli a character that sion or pawns ami Easter lilies with which tno chancel was decorated. An exception- ally beautiful program of Easter anthems ! and hymns had been arranged. Tho Easter offering, which is to be applied to tho ' church debt, amounted to over $1,100. Ilev. Gcorgo Edward Walk preached a special I Easter sermon, taking his text from St. , Mark xvl, 6, "Ho Is Hlsen," saying In part: The vltnl nnd all-embracing doctrlno of Chr stlnn religion la tho resurrection of I t nnsi, ami tins, too, is nn historical fact. Wherever tho holy npostlos went they preached Christ's death upon tho cross and Ills resurrection from tho dead as tho enrnest nnd pledge of eternal life. This was tho theme, tho substance, the Inspira tion of npostollc testimony and teaching. Hut since Christ had risen, wc nlso shall rise. "l or since by man came death, by man. ..cnm. n," tno resurrection of tho dead." Tho cnrrimtlmi tim in.n,,ft feebleness of tho mortal body shall bo replaced by tho Incorruptlon. glory nnd strength of the risen body. All men will Is there' a s ,'lrltua '"TholrliZl shall follow the nnturaf; the heavenly ,!If;2 0 a F,irlstn.fhd". rel'Inco 'ho earthly p sTrrect'l'o'r, nutlet ouTboniff It. This Is tho hope of millions of earth's wuy-worn cnimren ana their consolation for tho InflH nf inllllntm nt lh., .Inn .1 V'.,I, ' 'i .""M comprnsnto mnnkind for tho loss of this hope. The Imagination of man can not concclvo nn adequate substltuto for It. l'or this hope wo aro Indebted solely to tho Lord Jesus Christ. Wo have no other nssurance. We need no other. Apart from tho fact of the resurrection of Christ tho Idea of a future life, of tho Immortality of tho soul, Is but a vaBue yearning, a dim guess. Ilr. WIInoii'm Hfrnion. A congregation that taxed tho capacity of tho edifice filled tho Congregational church yesterday morning. An elaborate musical program was rendered nnd the church wns beautifully decorated with lilies, palms nnd cut llowers. Itev. J. W Wilson, tho pastor, took ns tho aubject of his Easter Bermon "Tho Hope of Immortality" nnd his text from Job xlv., 1 1, "If n man die, shall ho llvo ngaln? All tho days of my appointed tlmo will I wait till my chango come." He said In part: For somo renson unknown to us Ood has seen lit to make His revelation of tho futuro life gradual and partial. And with nil our knowledge we must say, "Now wo know In part; but then shall we know oven ns wo hnvo been known." If wo turn to tho book of Job we llnd In his beautiful but mournful roinlm nt Wtn lw blind soliloquy of n soul which longs for Inimnrtnllti'. f n i I u .inauil. . v ,v.n Immortality. In hl question, "If a man dlo shall ho live ". . ".V ".olla ngnln?" And in his doubt nnd fear ho learns the lesson of trustful pntlenco nnd ontlurlng hope. His cruel sympathizers only ndd to his misery by their foolish charges and ho Is finally driven to seek rofugo In God and in tho hopo of a futuro lire. Ho believes In God who ever lives nnd in n better world, whero tho Ills of this life will bo evened up at last. Hut llnally. In n passage of wonderful subllml y, ho seems to catch the keynote of New Testament nssurance, nnd ho cries with triumphant fnith, "I know thnt my Re deemer liveth, and when Ho hath tried mo I nhnll como forth as gold." Thus, long before Christ announced Him self as tho resurrection nnd tho llfo, and long before Ho had assured men of a res urrection of tho dead. by coming forth Himself from tho grave, wo llnd tho Old testament saints expressing their conll dencu In tho Immortality of tho soul, and there Is a gradual development of this doctrlno In tho scriptures until Paul, writ ing to the Corinthluns, with nil tho evl tleuco of tho Lord's rosurrectlon beforo him, boldly declares his faith in tho res urrection of nil who havo died In Christ. At Other Clinrcltea. At tho First Presbyterian church thero was an unusually largo congregation nnd hero tho decorations In honor of Easter Sunday wero lavish In tho extreme. Tho Easter offering, to bo devoted to tho fund being raised for tho fnmlno sufferers In India by tho Christian Herald, amounted to 63. Features of the musical program nt tho morning service wero the solo singing of Oscar Garclssen and tho organ voluntaries of W. F. Thlckstun. Tho pastor, Itev. W. S. names, preached a forceful sermon, dwelling in particular on tho miraculous features of tho resurrection. Ho took his text from tho first six vorses of tho twenty eighth chapter of Matthew. At tho Broadway Mothodist church tho regular morning servico gavo way to tho children of the Sunday school, who ren dered a program of Easter carols and hymns appropriate to tho day, under tho di rection of Jacob Sims, superintendent. At tho First Christian nnd Fifth Avenuo Mothodist churches tho evening servlcos wero given over to tho children of the Sun day schools, who rendered Interesting Easter programs. 'At St. John's English Lutheran church tho children of tho Sunday school rendered nn Easter cantata entitled "Our Victorious Victor" in tho evening in place of tho regu lar services. At tho morning service the choir rendered tho Enstcr anthem by Ash ford. "Tho Strlfo Is O'er." At Trinity Methodist church tho day wns colobrated by an Easter concert of sacred tnuslo in tho evening. At both tho Catholic churches, tho serv ices wero of nn unusually Interesting char acter and special music was sung by the choirs, tho program at St. Francis Xavler's being especially fine. Tho children of tho Union Mission Sun day school wero mado happy with presents of Easter eggs and candy. Commonwealth 10c cigars are good cigars. Work for the Council. Tho city council will meet in adjourned regular session tonight, when a number of Important matters nre on tho slato to como up for action. Among othor things tho ordlnaiico prohibiting the opening of barber shops on Sunday Is expected to como up, as nlso the election of a city poundmaater, post poned from tho prevloua meeting. Tho matter of amending the city or dinances so aB to conform with tho new special assessment laws will probably en gngo tho attention of tho aldermen, as this will havo to bo dono beforo any of tho ex tenslvo paving contemplated this year can bo carrlod out. In connection with tho paving question It is said that tho majority of tho aldermen nro In favor of using noth ing but homcmado .brick. Mayor Jonulngs Is expected to submit tho names of two or three new members of the police force. Davis sells paints. I'nltl nn Election Hot. As a flnalo to un oyster supper, which (several members of tho pollco forco enjoyed Saturday night, tho result of an election bet, uoincone. sent la a hurry call THE OM ATT A for the patrol wagon, stating that there wns a riot In a resort on South Main street. When Officer Callaghan nrrlvcd on the scene with the wagon tho only riot ho could dis cover was tho havoc that some fellow of ficer! wero making with a ulj; dish of New York counts and eevernt bottles which ap peared to ccntalu something otronger than utirtaparllla. No arroits wero made. Tho supper was tho outcomo of nn election bet between George Turner, formerly chairman of tho republican city central committee, nnd Chief of Pollco Albro. Turner lost and his gucata Saturday night were: Chief Albro, DtHectlvo Weir, Day Sergeant Slack, Alderman Hoyer, chairman of tho commlt tco cn police nnd health; Poundtnnstor Dob eon, who acted in tho capacity of toast master; John Puscy and County Auditor Imies. Howell's Antl-"Kawf curen coughs, coldl. DritKKlstM After I'prrtiMn. The druggists of this city, it is expected, will soon commence filing applications with the superior or district court for new llnuor permits in accordnnco with the legalizing ! act passed by tho recent statu legislature. I This act given tho Iowa druggists who ' to havo wined out tho drucclsts' llauor i lowed tho old ones to be cffectlvo until man could well refuse to accept It. The date. Some tlmo is necessary to secure thoso permits, as tho privilege must be secured from tho court and notlco of tho request must bo advertised at least ten days be(oro the opening of tho term of court at which tho permit Is to bo npplted for. The next term of court opens hare, nccordlng to tho present schedule, on Sep- tcmbcr t. Myrtlo lodge. Degree of Honor, will glva I. nn .1 ... .. . tm nnnniii. 1 r 1 o tl illUBUCI auu ('ill nk .ilid. uuuuui c, iui. Sixteenth avenue, April 18. Uniformity In t'lunrn. One of tho most Important matters to cigar dealers is to bo ablo to securo unl- I fnrmltv In brands of clears loriaiiy in urnntis oi cigars Thelr cus tomers can always get a duplicate by buying tho Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigars. Clark, Chauncey. Oa., cays DoWltt'e Witch Hazel Salvo cured him of piles that had atTlicted him for twenty years. It Is nlso a speedy euro for skin dlteases. Dowaro of . dangerous counterfeits. STILETTO ENDS THE TROUBLE Tttoob Wo I in or IJniiKvrotisIy Stubbed During a Himv with Two I tultuiin. Troublo which had been brewing for somo tlmo between Jacob Wctmer, an employe of tho Hammond Packing company, and two Italians culminated Sunday night In ri stabbing affray that may prove fatal. Cle mento Crmnchottl and an unknown Italian had been with Wvltncr In tho Dick Durdlsh Baloon nt Tenth nnd Davtxiport streets. Tho l latter purchased n can of beer, ns did tho I unknown ! tho salooi iiauan. iney nau no irouoio in loon. Tho two Italians left shortly after 10 o'clock and started diagonally across Davenport street. They wore followed In a few seconds by Wclmcr. What followed next Is n matter of conjecture, but at tho closo of a short but llcrco fight It wns found that Welmcr hnd been stabbed threo times. James Carmcllo, tin Italian who lives nt 1114 Capitol avonitc, with Wclmcr, nrrlved at tho clo30 of tho fight and assisted tho latter to his room. Ho then notified i the pollco station of the trouble. Dr. Dler- ' tiMn . . uuur, iiiu iiuuLu BurKi'U!,, muuu uu ex- nmluntlon of tho man nn.l says tho wounds aro very serious. Two entered tho right sldo of the back, ono of which penetrated tho baso of tho right lung. Tho other is Just over tho left kidney. They wero evi dently mndo by a stiletto. City Physician Ralph waB called later and orderod Wclmcr removed to a hospital. Welmer told tho pollco tt story In which ho says tho Italians wero the aggressors. Ho Is positive that Cramcicttl did tho stab bing and James Cnrmello corroborates this. Tho bartonder of tho Kurdish saloon Is of tho opinion that Welmer started tho troublo, as ho heard him cursing t'le Italians outsldo tho saloon and daring them to light. Detectives wero detailed on tho caso at once, but up to nn early nour Monday morn ing had not succeeded rn arresting the Italians. The SceretH of IMniictH Ilevcnlctl. Tho Immenso telcscopo which is now In procoss of construction Is expected to bring tho moon within n mllo'o eyesight of this world, nnd to rovenl the secrets of all pian ola. It may causo ns great n change In tho world's thought ns Hostottor's Stomach Illt tors does In tho physical condition of suffer ers from dyspepsia, constipation, liver or kidney troubles. Tho Hitters strengthen tho ontlro system, and also prevents malaria, fever and ngue. Try it. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER More Itiiln, FolliMvi-iI by Clnrliiir n ml Collier Wo nt her In Aiiiitiunceil na Nebrnnkii'M Portion. WASHINGTON, April 15. Forecast for Monday and Tuesday: For Nebraska and South Dakota Ilaln, followed by clearing Monday, with colder In eastern portions. Tuesday fair; north west winds. For Kansas Showers, followed by clear ing nnd colder Monday; Tuesday fair; north erly winds. For North Dakota Fair and colder Mon day; Tuesday fair; northerly winds. For Iowa nnd .Missouri Showers and probably thunderstorms Monday, with colder In western portion; Tuesday fair, with coldor In eastern portions; easterly shifting to northwesterly winds. I.oenl Itfcord. f,I?ROP1 ,T,"E WF'AT"15" miREAU, OMAHA, April 15. Omaha record of tem perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of tho last three years: , . . 1900. 1S91. 180R. J8J7 Mnxlmum temperature .. 02 68 73 57 Minimum temperaturo ... 48 45 45 40 Average tcmpernturo .... 65 60 02 60 Precipitation 34 T .00 .01 necord of temperature and precipitation ?900- ma y nnJ slnco March 1, Normal for tho day 41) Excess for tho day ' ' 5 Excess slnco March 1., ' "'53 Normal rnlnfnll for tho day Il'l'nch Excess for tho day 23 inch Total rainfall slnco March 1... 1.84 inches Deficiency slnco March 1 1.04 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 18!)9,. 1.08 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. IMS 63 inch lU-porU from Stntlonn nt 8 p. 111. 2 2 a BTATIONS AND CTATffl OF WBATJKER. PS S3 Omaha, raining North Platte, raining Salt Lake, partly cloudy .... Cheyenne, raining itnpld City, cloudy Huron, cloudy Wllllston, clenr Chicago, cloudy St. Louis, partly cloudy ... St. Paul, partly cloudy .... Davenport, cloudy Helena, cloudy Kansns City, raining Hnvro, partly cloudy Illsmnrck, clear Galveston, cloudy .14 .4) .10 .40 .02 .00 .0) .00 .('8 .0) .00 .Oti 1.0s T .00 T T Indicates traco of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, 4 Local Forecast Official. W C2 46 40 61 6C 34 3G IS 4S GO 61 (12 C6 3 64 61 CO 61 K CO V6 40 48 64 64 6C C2 CO C4 Co 72 dattjY bis ei aipanAY. LONG IS WILCTJJp TO RUN Navy Department OhieT Headj to Mako the Baco for VUG Weaident. NOTHING TO SAY REGARDING D1W-Y WnrrltiK IIcleKntltins-AVlll Context for Control of Ti'iinessrq.'oiivriitloit I.otilnlniia to F.U't'l 'Full Stnto Ticket TvniOBriMv, ir. WASHINGTON, April IB. Secretary Long otprcsud n Wlllngnccs, to accept tho re publican nomination for tho vlco president, as Inferred In tho statements mado by him on that subject yesterday, was a matter of guieral comment In Wnshlngton today. H set tho republican alatcmakers to thinking and for the time being has seriously upset tho calculations of those who believed that the honor would go to ono cf a half-dozen others mentioned for tho vice presidency. Secretary Long was called on by a num ber of pcrojns during the day and was Im portuned for nti exact statement of his at titude on the question. Ho seemed dlstn- cllned to enter Into any general discussion secretary, however, Is not an avowed can didate socking the place, but tho belief is general that If the nomination is offered to him ho will accept. Secretary Long was asked tcnlght for nn j expression of opinion regarding Admiral Dewey's candidacy for the presidency. In a good-natured way he evaded making n re ply, but laughingly remarked that Dewey "waB tho honored man of our navy." Tennt'MMt'O Itopulil leitnn, CHATTANOOGA, Tcnn., April 15. Con gressman W. P. Drownlow and Pension Commissioner H, Clay Evans wero In Chat tanooga today, en route to Nashville, whero tho stato republican convention Is to meet on Thursday. Tho stato commltteo -will meet tomorrow to tako up all contests for scats in the convention. The decision of the commltteo will bo final. Congressman Drownlow nnd his friends control tho state committee, the former being Its head. Com missioner Evans stated tonight that two sets of delegates would apply for admis sion to the otato convention, nnd In caso the Ilrownlow commltteo refused to seat his delegates two conventions would bo held nnd contesting delegations sent to Phila delphia. Congressman Drownlow maintains that nothing but fair treatment will be accorded tho Evans faction of tho party and that nil proceedings of tho committee nnd con vention will bo regular. Fully one-third of tho total vote of tho convention lo contested Knd upon nil these contests tho committee will havo to pass. Two candidates for governor will also In all probability bo rAlt' forward by the re publicans, nnd n bitter fight is expected. I.ohIhIiiiiii Illerlloii, NEW ORLEANS, &., .April 15. Tho stato campaign closed last night with rival mass meetings in thlo clfy. Tho democrats hod n rally at Elk Place, presenting three dozen speakers from four platforms. The Caffery republican wing held' a nieeting nt tho head of Cannl street, styling' It an Indignation meeting, to protest Against election frauds, which they fear will bo committed. Tho campaign has been very fitter. Tho Caffery republican faction, of which Senator Cuf fery's son is the candidate for governor, had severely arraigned tlcmocratic election methods and attacked tho cne-man power they say Is exerclaed by Governor Foster. Tho latter nt one tlmo threatened to call Senator Caffery, who has taken an actlvo part In tho republican campaign, to personal account. iDesplto tho feeling aroused, however, tho outlook is for a quiet election Tuesday. Thero nro two republican tickets, one rep resenting tho Wimberley faction and ono the Caffery faction. Tho democrats have opo ticket in tho field. Tho Caffery man agero claim they will como to tho city with 20,000 majority, which will not be wiped out In tho olty. Tho democrats say tho Caffery ticket will not get 20,000 votes in tho state. Tho Wimberley faction claims It will poll a larger vote than Caffery, though it concedes democratic success. Tho election on Tuesday will be for tho cntlro state ticket nnd the local tickets In alt the parishes. Tho next legislature will elect two United States senators. S. D. McEncry will succeed himself, whllo Governor Mur phy J. Foster Is almost sure to succeed Senator Caffery. AN ouch; OF LEGISLATION. Closlntr Week of Ohio I.oKlxltit ure Ilreiiku All Itt'uoril. COLUMDUS, O., April 15. Tho legislature will adjourn sine dlo at noon tomorrow. Tho lest week has been, a perfect orglo of legis lation, all records having been broken In tho number of laws enacted. Nono of tho anti-trust bills have become laws. Tho Prlco bill requiring all domestic nnd for eign corporations to mako annual reports to the sccretnry of stnto passed tho house, but tho senato has not acted upon it. A final effort will bo made to break tho dead lock on tho appropriation for tho Ohio cen tennial, but thero is HUlo hope that It will succeed. IIAN.VA ILL WITH LA GHII'PH. Senntor Mny Not He Able to Attend tlic Ohio Convention. CINCINNATI, 0., April 15. Word has been received here that Senator Marcun llnnna Is qulto 111 with In grlppo at Old Point Comfort and that he may not be ablo to attend tho Ohio republican state convention at Columbus next week. It Is reported that President McKInley nnd other repub lican leaders will bo at Old Point Comfort this week for an Informal conference and recreation. Morurnii'n Ite-Hleutlon Ansnrod. DIHMINGHAM, Ala,., April IB. Later re turns from tho democratic primaries held throughout Alabama yo3tcrday conllrm tho reports nlrendy sent out of tho overwhelm ing victory of Senior John T. Morgan over Governor Johnston' for tho United States scnatorshlp. St. Clair, wlth ono republican, which wns tho onty cfnlnty credited to Gov ernor Johnston In dasti night's report, ha3 fallen Into tho Morgan column, leaving tho governor n goosei'eg' 'As tho result of tho elections hold In jfjpyifour counties yester day. Senator Morgan will havo lie of tho 120 democratic votes -in tho general assem bly. Tho returnsPlRJcato that Sara Ford has carried tho stato for tho gubernatorial nomination. 1 ti. il ... AlRpr on Ilewey Cniidliliiey. DETROIT, Mich., April 15. "I think Ad miral Dewey hns mado a gravo mistake In announcing his candidacy for tho presi dency," said ex-Secretary of War Alger In tho courso of an Interview tonight. "It Bearatho ma Mr.a idu navs Always lha Klr.d You Hava Always Bought o.A.srrorn.x.A.. Bers tls v M Kind You Have Always Boo Bears th C "38 WwaifS APRTL 1(J, 1000. looks ns though tho wealth of praise show cm! on tho admiral since his return from tho cost has turned his head. It Is harder to resist prosperity tha;i ndverslty. I feel sorry for him, for his ambitions will cer tainly be unfulfilled. Ills action is lll-nd-vlscd, I predict for him In his presidential aspirations a melancholy disappointment." rinrk Will Flulit to l.nst DKeli. NEW YORK, April 13. W. A. of Montana and New Vo.'n nnd former Gov ernor Hauser of Mcntaua held a conference hero today relative to Mr. Clark's United States senato aspirations. Mr. Clark' re ferred nil questlctiers to Mr. Ilaussr, who In turn said that Mr. Clark "would flghl to the last ditch to retain his seat." "If his seat is declared vacant finally," aid Mr, Hauser, "Senator Clark will becomo a candldato for re-election by the next stato legislature, to bo elected In November." Mr. Hauser Intimated further that he has assurances from Montana that Governor Smith will not call tho present legislature In extra session to vote for a senntor even If Mr. Clark's seat should be declared va cant In Washington. It Is eatd that al though tho senato commltteo on privileges and elections has agreed unanimously that Mr. Clark wns not entitled to his seat, Mr. Clark will carry the contest luto tho open senate. Ilrynn nt III Pnnoi EL PASO, Tex., April 16. W. J. Ilrynn reached hero from Albuquerque, N. M., and left nt 8 o'clock for Austin. An Informal reception was held nnd nt 3 o'clock Mr. Bryan nttended tho services of the Knights Templar at tho Episcopal church. A strong delegation from Mexico was hero to meet Colonel llryan and as sisted In his entertainment. Mr. llryan denied that ho Intended to mako Texas his homo nnd declined to com mit himself on tho Dnlley-Chtlton race. LIVELY WEEK IN CONGRESS Ihttfli of Important Mutter AVI11 Oc cupy the HtiiiNo mill Semite tinny, Alimkit .mil the I'lilllpplnoi. WASHINGTON, April 15. Tho sennte will contlnuo during tho week to dovoto Its at tention to tho Alaskan codo bill, tho Quay tcsolutlon nnd the bill providing for tho tem porary government of tho Philippine Islands. Thero nlso will bo more or less sparring for place on tho part of tho friends of tho Nlc nrngunn canal, chief among whom Is Sen ntor Morgan of Alabama. Possibly also Sen ators Fryo and llnnna will mako an effort to bring tho subsidy shipping bill up, but tho chances nro thnt no movo will bo mndo In that direction until after somo of tho measures beforo tho senato aro disposed of. Senntor Carter will try on Monday to get n day flxed for a voto on tho Alaskan bill. Thero nro only two amendments of Im portance remaining to bo acted upon In con nection with that measuro and It Is thought thtso could be disposed of nt a very enrly dnto If the friends of tho Alaskan bill would ngreo to assist In tho taking up of other leg islation when it Is out of the way. Senator Morgan seems nt prewnt Inclined to hold up thu codo measuro until he can receive somo assuranco on tho cnnnl bill, but so far has apparently not been successful In that direc tion. There nlso Is a notable disposition to uso thn Alaskan bill and the Phlllpplno bill to delay tho taking up of tho subsidy bill. Tho democrats In tho senato nro practically united in opposition to the subslby proposi tion. Senator Lodge, in chnrgo of tho Phll lpplno bill, announces It to bo his purposo to nslt for a voto on It whenever tho demo crats mako an opening for such suggestion. Apparently, however, ho is not very sau guinu cf success. Senator Hoar has given notlco of a speech on tho Phlllpplno question on Tuesday next and ho Is expected then to fully outline his vlew'B on tho question of expansion. Lato In tho week reports probably will bo mado on eomo of the appropriation bills now in committee. It Is also probablo that a report will bo mado In tho Clark enso dur ing tho week. Tho report has been drafted In tho rough by Senators Chandler and Tur ley and will bo laid beforo tho commltteo on elections as soon ob completed. Senntor Chundlcr nnnounccs It to be hl3 purposo to ask to havo tho question taken up In tho senate as soon as the report Is tiled. IloiiNf Prnftriim. Tho wcok In tho house will bo largely taken up with the consideration of tho naval appropriation bill, over which tholr prom ises to bo a protracted struggle. Tho wholo question of armor plate, except that for tho Maine, Wisconsin and Missouri, will bo fought out. Tho minority members of tho committee, led by Wbcclor of Kentucky, will mnko a strong fight for tho establish- Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. UBetl by peoplo of refinement for over n, qutirter of a century. When others fall consult DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. PRIVATE DISEASES op MEN SPECIALIST Wo guarantee to euro all cases curable of WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. Cured for Llfo. Night Emissions, Lost Munhood, Hydrocele, Vcricocelo, Gonorrhoea, Cileet, Syphilis, Stricture, Plies, Fistula and Ilectal Ulcers and all Private Dlsensm mill Disorder of .Men Stricture 11 nil (ileet Ctiretl nt Home. Consultation Free. Call on or address lilt. HI2AHI.I2S JSi SHAULKK, 110 South 1-llh St. OMAHl. $5.00 A MONTH. DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST, Treat. tUF.rmi of 1 DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yeari Fxpsrlmce. t leinm umana, CT It irtTY . - I MEDICAL T,.,l,..t O..I cT-...,.,. r "'"?.V.V",e ' . 1 -.1 ir i . )ui!!n,Kusaui vigoraiia vitality, TlltATJIl;.T. Iloolc, Consultation aud Exam, luatlou Free, noun, 8 a, m. too; 7toBp.m. Sunday, 9 to I. P. 0. 11 ox 706. Office, N. K. Cor. Hthand Farjm Stretts.OMAIIA, NEU. HOWELL'S Hits tho spot. A Anti-Kawf trial will convince the most skeptical of Its sunerlor merit. merit of a government nrmor plate factory, ns the best solution of tho vexed problem An attempt nlro will bo mndo by tho ml nmlty of tho commltteo for the building of shirs In government yards. lleforo tho naval bill Is tnken up tomor row Chairman Marsh of the committee cn tn 1 1 1 1 1 n will bo recegnlted to move the pas sage, under suspension of the rules, of the bill to appropriate $1,000,000 for the mllltla of tho severnl states. Friday will bo given up to tho commltteo on war claims under tho rule, nnd Saturday has been set nsldc for paying tribute to tho memory of tho lato Ileprcscutatlve Evnn P. Scttlo of Kentucky. CUSTOMS RECEIPTS AT MANILA Itemnrkiitile Iiirrpnue SIiimvii by Otll ulnl Nltilemeiit, Coiiipnrliiu: the Ycnm l.NIKt to ISlin melimlve. WASHINGTON, April 15. The division of customs and Insular affairs of tho Wnr department gavo out for publication today a comparative statement of receipts at tlm customs port of Manila during tho years 1893 to 1S97, Inclusive, with the reiclpts of tho port In 1899. Also receipts named comprised tonnage, taxes, Import duties, export duties, lines, seizures, etc. The receipts by years were: In 1S93, $2,109,540; 1891, J2,3S5,2G9; 1S9.', J2.26S.23I; 189C, $2,421,532; 1S97, f2.916.ST0; 1899, $3,825,150. To SImk for Atlmlriil Deivey. ST. I.OIM8, Mo., April 15. Tho St. Louis Sunday School union Is arranging to havo lO.coo Sunday school children sing for Ail-' mlrnl Dewey nt his reception In May. The proposed reception to Admiral Ilewey will bo held In the exposition coliseum Mny 4, from 2 to 5 p. m. Tickets for admission to tho chorus were distributed todny to nil the Sabbath schools of the city nnd there will be district rehearsals and a grand rehearsal Just prior to tho recep tion. While nuir.niNo the old missions of California tho good pndrci wero assisted by Nature's uncivilized raco tho Indians thou sturdy of form nnd strong of limb, duo to tholr knowledge and uso of extracts from root! nnd herbs that prevented and cured Urio Acid 1'olnnnltig. Tlielr formulas nro used In SAN CURO and SAN CUKO CATHARTIC TAB LOTS Sure Cure for Rhcumstlim, Kidney, DUddcr and II Uric Acid Troubles. Ask tho Druggist for California's Mission Remedies Bountifully Illustrated book mnlled free on application to San Coko Miuiical Co., Los AngulcH, Cnl. Gala Cactus Liniment Acts with lightning siieeil in rotlncinu nil Inllamtntition. BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Car Service. DENVER A North Light For architects Is the host light. A large room on the north Bide -fonncrly oecunletl hy the (italu Growers' Mutual Hall Associa tion Is vacant It would make an Ideal ollicc for an architect. The Bee Building Is Flit 13 PKOOF and an architect wllh thousands of dollars worth of plnns cannot alTord to he In a building where lire may destroy work which could not he replaced nt any price. Think of It 11 minute. Isn't it worth while to sleep soundly? Thnt Is only one of the considerations why you should move. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor. Bee Building. Buy a Lot And build your own Home upon it, aud Stop Paying Rent, Somo vacant lots located in Central sub addition, Potter i Cobb's addition, Cfmaha addition and Wright's addition. These lots will bo sold at real bargainB. In a year or so they will bring doublo tho monoy asked for thorn now. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. 11 pi Girls, Attention! ha mi I El Ht V Wo will clve a flno nlckcl-nlatcd Huck'a years of ago who cuts tho greatest numher of complete advertl&cmcnu contain- t Buck's Trade Marks From thn newnnnnors of tho city. Tho complete advertlxementfl, In- ciuaini; irnue-marKB, snomu no ion at tno store, tied up and with thn name and addre8 iilulnly marked; also number of ads. Contest con tinues from Al'llILi 15 to JUNE, 2. m a HEARTY EXPRESSION Hundreds Tell of the Change Which They Have rclt. The Time Comes for Omnlm 1'coplo to Tell What Hns liccn Done for Them. Tho tlmo has como when people In Omaha feel tho change. Many peoplo In this city havo given voluntary endorsement of tha great chango hey havo felt after uslna Morrow's Kld-ne-olds. Ktd-noolds will euro a lamo back, kidney backache, urinary and kidney disorders, sleeplteanrffl, restlcrfinoi and nervousness. Wo alwais llko to gtvo refcrenco as to tho merits of Morrow's Kld-nct)lds, and this tlmo refer you to Mr. II. K. Murphy, Coach man, of 218 South SSth street, who saya: "After trying nearly all tho remedlea I heard of or read about, said to bo good foe kidney backache, rheumatism, neuralgia, urinary troubles, nervousness and restleM ncFa of which I havo been aftUcted for soma tlmo, and from which I got but little relief I decided to try Morrow's Kld-nc-olds. They relieved mo of nil my former troubles In very short time. I will contlnuo to uso Kld-nc-olds for their tonic effect, nnd recom mend them to others." Morrow's Kld-nc-olds nro not pills, but Yellow Tablets nnd sell at fifty cents n box at all druggists nnd by tho Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Mailed on receipt of prlco. Manufactured by John Morrow Co., Chemists, Springs Cold, Ohio. SOME Good Things CHOCOLATE fRAPPE... Soltl liy Vine TruuV. In the Following Flavors: V1111III11, CoITfp, IliiKplierr y, rinciipplf, Lemon, Oriinuc, ....JOHN C ... Woodward & Co. Mitntirnctiirliii; Con feet Ion cm. Jobber tif IIIkIi Crntle Clunr. COUNCIL IlLUrFS, IA. TWO CENTS.... WORTH Of GAS will glvo you a first-class bath by using tha Victor Instantaneous Water Heater. It is tho best, tho simplest and tha most efllclent water heater mado. J. C. 1IIXIIY & SOX., Morrlam Block, Council Bluffs. Buck's Junior Range Given Away Free. Junior Tinner. T.v n,. ,.1,1 a- 11 Cole & Cole, Council Hlulls, In. Ml VIA V J9 KM