A. C. ONG. Nebraska Business and Shorthand College, Boyd's Theatre Building, OMAHA. AN INSTITUTION OF HIOH ORDER. A MODERN, UP-TO-DATE SCHOOL. ABSOLUTELY THOROUOH. TjJNDORSED by the Official Court Report LSI ers, Leading Business Men and Principals of the High School. $1,000.00 recently invested in Smith Premier and other typewriters to meet the de mand of the increased attendance. The President of this institution has had 20 years experience in the management of schools. The College has been established for years, and its location, facilities and faculty are not surpassed. Its graduates are placed in lucrative positions; three calls not filled last week for the want of operators. Our purpose is to furnish a thorough, high grade business training with an English educa tion at the least possible cost, in the shortest time consbtent with thoroughness. If you want the above and a good paying position, address A. C. ONG. A. M.. L. L. B.. Prest. THE No Repairs Necessary on the Omaha Motor, That is what our cus tomer say, and many of thorn have had our motors in constant ser vice live yearn with out repairs. OMAHA M OTOR Motor, Dynamo and Electric Elevator Repairs A SPKCIAIrY. Spare parts for all standard motors constantly on hand, thus enabling us to save you time and money on repairs. OMAHA ELECTRICAL WORKS 11. MclNN'ltKNKY, Pros. 617-619 South Sixteenth Street. TELEPHONE IIBt. J. H. ItAKNSKV, Scc'y. Special prices for Confirmation SPhotos. fit S?' S0 ONE OF LANCASTEH'S PRIZE PHOTOS. Lancaster received two medals at the National Photographers' Conven tion, JB? Highest honor ever award ed any Omaha photograph ic jEoeatioit. Slegant Studio. Hiiwut J&ght in Omaha. 1312 Farnam St. Children's Photos a Successful Specialty. Portraits, Crayons, Interiors and Viewing. EASTER COUPON. Cut this Coupon out and use it as ONE DOLLAR on One Dozen of our French Oval Platinos. Every Class of Typewriter Not all users of Typewriters care for the same style of ma chine ; that's why we give a variety to select from. We shall be pleased to explain the points of advantage of each. We long ago learned that to argue against a man's preference was usually a waste of time. If you want aType writer, why not come first where you can see every good sort of Typewriter in its best form ; where you can get unbiased advice concerning the ma chine best suited to your needs. SUPPLIES. You may be giving your Typewriter the blame due to yqur Supplies. Our Supplies are the best that money can buy. UNITED TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLIES CO., HIGHEST AWARD O iu LU h D a - LU h D -J O C3 CO h a D GL a 0 Mte Malt IKSy Whiskey. 8 1898,71" Transmississippi X Interna! exposition, M An A.U.b. A. o X m V) H O C r H o TJ C r TJ 2 o m 1614 Farnam Street, OMAHA. WHY? HKCAL'SK: The Ike look no chances hut placed its order when it know that the icsult would hi' right. Like the Century Company, Sciilmeis, and other jjijeat publMi ers, and the $ka raihoads, it got from The Matthows-Northrup Co. the host ; and got it when it wanted it. It found the price reasonahle and the satisfaction perfect. THE COVER OF THIS F.ASTFk NUMl'.FR OF TIIIC OMAHA 11LF. WAS MADE ( DKSICN'FI), DRAWN, FNGRAVKI) AN' I) I'KlNTF.l)) IN BUFFALO, AT Til F.I U COMI'l-FI F AKT l'UINTINC. WORKS, BY THE MATTHEWS- NORTHRUP CO. Industrial Iron Omaha.. sW V V Ml. vUorks, MACHINE SHOP. General Repairing. Special Machines Uuilt to Order. Hangers, Shafting, Pul leys. All Kinds of lJlaeksmith Work. Trucks and Skids Made and Repaired. Office and CQorho, 1 jo6 8 Howard Street. FOUNDRY. A Iron and IJrass Castings. Cistern Rings and Cover. Ash Pit Doors aul Frames. Sewer Castings. General Building and Job bing Work. Pattern and Model Mak- OFFICE PHONE, 1449. FOUNDRY PHONE, 2432. ELECTRIC DEPT. Klectric Light Plants. Klectric Wiring. Klectric Supplies. Electric Repairing. Armature Winding. AOKNTS l'OK TlOl'Ml'U MOTOKS AND CilCN'KKATOUS. foundry, 802- j "J.icltnon Blreet