21 TITT5 (WATT A PATLY TIETC: StT"N"DAY, Al'ML 8, 1000. .HII.K VIST IWCTOHY IN OMAHA. Tlir llrooklyn shirt Vnlt Mnntifno lnrlnit Co, of H Wim III UK to ii I'liioc, Untight by II0ST0N 8TOKB, OMAHA, do on sale Wednesday inornln, April 11th, Tht (dock Is positively tho finest and mort attractive of Its klml ever seen. Thte purchaso consists of Thousands of Partly made Bilk waists Ami Immenfo lots of Waists already cut, ready to make up, villi ports all pinned together. Thousands of silk waists all complete and r,eady to wear, ( 12,000 yds gllk taffeta In plain colors and brocades. ' Those aro silks used to manufacture silk rihlit untots. Also thousands of pieces of trlmmlns that can bo used for waists or drossitt. And thousands of short endn of silk from tills waist factory. All theso Tartly made Hllk waists And ', Pieces of waists Will he sold In tho condition wo bought them, and you can Mnko them yourselves, and You will Imvo tho KnutoHt bargain ever offered. '3.00(5 f'OMPLKTKIjY MADK WAISTS. All thu completely made silk waists In this purchaio aro In Iho ver latest styles, corner, tucked and shirred, In-black and all colors. Fancy silk waists, Silk waists made out of handkerchiefs. Lnco trimmed and ribbon trimmed silk waists. Rvf'ryHilns In this purchase, whether It be a completely made waist, a piece of a Waist or u partly made waist, or whether It he silk by thn yard for waists, will hn sold at stirh bargains Wednesday, April 11th, that it will cause- a sensation, the like of which was never known before. Itemombor tho date of this sale, Wcdntwhiy, April 11th. 1IOSTON STO-IIH. OMAHA. If. W. Tor. Ifith k Douglas Sts. I'lettircK mill Voles nrouti' Is the title of a handsome descriptive book let Iwunl by tho Illinois Ccntrnl railroad Illustrating tho scenic fenturos of Omaha, Council Hinds, Iowa nnd northern Illinois as scn from the car window on tho "Chi cago Limited." For copy of snmo call on or nddron W. II, Drill, district passenger agent, Illinois Central railroad, Omaha, Nob. 1'inlt mill Oriiiiiiinitiil Trooi. F. W. Mcneray has opened his sales grounds of ornamental and fruit trees, shrubbery, roses, etc., at Twenty-first nnd Fnrnani. Tho peoplo of Omaha will find a cbolno selection of stock In all these lines to choiso from and will havo tho advantage of taking tho tros right from tho ground and planting them tho samo day. .. n. t . -v. i'miiitiiI otic... All members of North Omaha lodge. No. ISO, A. O. U. W., aro requested to meet nt I.owo Avenuo Presbyterian church, Lowo avenue and Nicholas street, on Sunday. April 8, nt 2 p. m., to attend the fuueral of our lato brother, U. A. Hrunett. CHARLES JOHNSON. M. W. V. M. McCullmiRh, Recorder. Ir. Homer Payton, whoso plcturo ap pears In tho supplement, Is tho South Omaha lllgh'school boy who won llrst honors nt tho Nebraekn oratorical contest at Wync. Mr. Pnyton'n work was described as superb, tho Judges' markings averaging 0!). MIfh Lillian Fitch, Omaha's talented reader, who trained Sir. Payton, Is Justly proud of his, succcjh. I'liii'Nt lii the I, ii ml, Tho observation cafo car on the C, St. P., M. & O. Hy. to Sioux City, leaving Webster street depot dally at 3:10 p. m. Two trains dally for Sioux City, nil points in north eastern Nebraska, South Dakota and north western Iowa. Direct connections nt Sioux City for St. Paul and Minneapolis. "Why Dmlrcnx In tin' Dark When by traveling In tho luxurious sleep ing cars of tho CIIICAOO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL IIAJLWAT you may turn on tho clectrlo lamp and make the berth as light as day. City Office, 1504 Farnam st. Hnmllton Warren, '.M. D., eclectlo and magnetic physician, has moved his ofllco to 709 N. 16th street, room 13. Special at tention to all long stnndlug or lingering dis eases find to diseases of women nnd children. Thomas P. Wilson, oITlcial court reporter Jn Omaha for twelve years, Is now tho principal Instructor In tho shorthand do pirtment of tho Nebraska Business college, Iloyd tbenter building. Mr. Wilson will also do general stenographic work. Fixture for Snlf. Dry Kords, grocory, shoo and Jewelers' fixtures for sale, cheap. Also motors, horses, wagons, scales, ets. PKOPLK'S STORE, Sixteenth and Farnam Sts. Thomas W. Cox & Bro. have removed to 914 Farnam street, old Bee building. Tin, gnlvanlzul iron work, chimney tops and guttering a specialty. Tel. 2087. Lcttem of credit nnd circular notes for foreign travel can be procured at tho Omaha National bank'. This bank will furnish all information necessary for persons visiting Europa. Tho annual meeting of tho Shriner Lawn Tennis club will bo held at tho purlora of the Shriner on Thursday evoning, April 12. All members arc requested to bo present. Ptovo? stored gasollno stoves repaired, 1207 Douglas, tel. 960. Om. Stove Hop Wks. Call up D. V. Munro, 112 North 14th. when your elevator needs repairing, Phon 408. One Example Equals Columns of Talk For Inatnnco, all tho gasolene stoves mny look much allko, ami ho man soiling thn cheaply constructed kind may make the longest talk, but seo the stoves nt work, and tho dlfferenco be tween Jewsl Gasolene Stoves nnd others Is npparent to oven the casunl observer. We've sold tho Jewel for fifteen years nud wo know. I'llt' Ht)l'M unit li- from t,i:t.riO iiinril, John Hussie Hdw. Co,, . 24O7-O0 Cuming St. "If you buy It of llusslo It's right." ii r ijii i ihii i ii i mi , i is rrmmmmmmi SLJHjl I !l N)!"vlfl39 I A it ill). i mfflml IIOOTO.X 51(11112 i:htiiii IKKIM. Orrnlest Vnrlely of Mivrltlr for Kimler In Omnlm, KASTKIl KHOS. KASTKIl CHICKS. KASTKIl HASKKTS. KASTKIl NOi'KIjTIKS OF AM. KINDS. At popular prices. ICR CHKAM SODA 5c Olnss. Ho wiro to get your dinner ft our lunch and candy department. IIOSTON STOtlK. OMAHA. N. W. Corner Sixteenth nnd Douglas Streets. Ilrrltiil nl Trinity CntlitMlrnl. At Trinity cathedral on Tuesday evening, Anrll 10. Mme. Ilosa d'Krlna. the Irish 1 prima donna nnd concert organist, will glvo tan organ and sacred song recital. Ilos.i d'Brlna is the only lady ever engaged for I organ recitals at tho various world's fairs land will glvo twenty recitals In Paris dur ing tho summer. She will bo assisted by Mr. O. II. du P. Vontom, tho tenor, who Is a cousin of Mrs. Langtry, and was born on the Island of Jersey. Mme. d'Krlna, as her name Indicates, is a native of the Kmcrald Isle. It Is expected that with this unusual attraction for holy week tho cathedral will bo crowded. Genuine ImDorted I). n. Pilsner beer on draught at IX Maurer's, 1306 Karnam St. Imported spring suitings look them over before selecting. O. A. I.lndqucst, 316 S. 15th. S. Mortensrn. tailor, formerly 404 N. 16th, now located .l-2 Paxton Blk.. 3d floor. Kverythlng In notions, drygoods and shoes. Fisher's store, Park Ave. and I.eav. St. Stonecypher, printer, ad-wrltsr. Up-to-dat I cuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tel. 1310. Umbrellas repaired and recovered, 214 So. 13th, next to Omaha National Hank. Blank book ami magazine binding. Hoot, 1609 Harney street. A. I, Flno wntch work. Lindsay, Jewl'r,1516 Dgl's Moved to 407 So. 15th. Panltorlum. A. D. T. Messengers. Tel. 177. Orahnm, for pure Ico croam. Tel. 32. New Spring Styles in Easter footwear Don't wait too long, but como early and Inspoct the newest styles and latest novelties in spring foot wear. You will want a nlco shoo for Master', nnd wo can fit you better than you can bo fitted any where else, to shoes that will give you better satis faction than nny others, In their finely finished, sty lish appearance, and their easy fitting and durable qualities. v-'ome early in tho week Htid avoid tho Kaster rush. -M CP. gartwrigto N. E. Cor. titii C (7 A Mtf Douglw Sta. Qf V H This Iron 1 CA Bedstead.... m J- White Enamel finish. ALL SIZES. All the Newest Novelties in Metal B:dsteads just re ceived. Our Prices Are Under All Others. DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE CO. 1115-1117 Farnam St. Beauty Itself Is marred by a broken down or miming tcoth. Havo It replaced by a crown or bridge. Only $5.00 per tooth. Extracting 25c Vltallced Air COc Tcoth Cleaned 75c Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1017 DOUGLAS ST. Allriitlon A. O. 1 . W. Tho members of t'nion Pacldr lodge, No. , 17, will meet nt tho Ioo Avenuo Presby torlnn church nt 1 p. m. Sunday, April S, to attend the funeral of Brother Louis A. Ilru- nett. Interment In Forest Lawn. Sister lodges aro Invited to tako part. JOHN M'MtLLAN, M. W. 11. YINOLINO, Recorder. All palms, bulbs nnd other cnolco plants from Greater America exposition are for sale nt Apalry building, Exposition grounds, at very low pr'ces. Open Sunday. A. P. Tukey has bought for an out-of-town J customer tho northeast corner of 22d and Burt sts, Will subdivide In a few days nnd sell nt a bargain. New hats and toques arriving dally. Hair department largest stock or made-to-ordcr wigs, bangs and switches In tho city. F. M. SCHADELL & CO., 1522 Douglas. Latest stylo rubber tire bike wagons, $75. Llnlnger & Mctcalf Co.. 6th and Pacific sts. Drs. Clifford and Blckncll have moved to Karbach block, elevator entrance, 209 So. 15th Horses clipped, electric clippers. Hauril loy & Johnson, cor. 14th nnd Hownrd. Tel. 66. 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 . NIXON-Wllllnm Y. ni?pil f,7 vpnrfl. fi mn.. flt Ills residence, SI3 N. 3.1d s"treet. Funeral from residence Sunday Ht 2 p. m. Hove Root crliit It. HatDEHs Tho trado-inarks of the boat tai lors in America are found on the clothing we soil. Hut you need not go by tho names. Examine for yourself tho trimmings, the sowing, the linings?, the staying and liniphing as well as the patterns, tho fabrics and the styles of the garments, we offer for your selection. We will bo glad to afford you every opportunity for inspec tion and comparison. Our Extensive Line Insures You of Getting a Becoming Suit. Our largo iidvanco tipot cash buying enables us to navo you 23 to CO per cent on your purcnaso in tms department, we nt every customer perfectly. Alterations mado freo of charge. Wo guarantee every garment to glvo uatlofactlon or your money back. A ran go of priced to suit all purses. Biggest Bargains Ever Known in Hats and Caps Poft hats In colonel, pasha, It. It., nndiCrufih and Derby hats B? Fedora styles nnd in many -4 "VV ntyles and colors $2.50 1.1 MX values on salo nt Fedora and It. 11. shapes in $1.50 CA values. In any color, at JW Never beforo havo any such bargains been Bhown. HAYDEN BROS AtiViVf Bemis Park Only 50 Over 20 homes homes recently built this year. 5 ours? Lots at $450 $50 cash, $10 per month without interest. Lots at $600 to $700 $100 cash and $20 per month. Lots in Block 10, adjoining the park at $900 to $1, 500 on phenomenal terms. Call and let us show you this property. One salesman Bold 6 lota in the last 6 days. REMEMBER no interest on deferred payments on BEMIS PARK lots. Payneox Company Telephone J 781 "Too Much of a Good Thing" does not apply to SHERIDAN COAL best coal mined in Wyoming Lump $5.50 Egg $5.00 Nut $4.50. VICTOR WHITE, (60S Farnam. Tel. 127. Another Portland Train. Two Trains Daily 5 PlCTOr EFFECTIVE APRIL 22. THE UNION PACIFIC Will placo In eervlco nn additional Port land train. This train . " THE PACIFIC EXPRESS " Wlll lcavo Omaha I 23 p. m.. arrive Port land 7 30 a. m. Only Tmo Dii) m on the Itiiiul. Thn tlmo of the present Portland train, "THE OVERLAND LIMITED" Leaving Omaha 8 20 a, m., will bo re duced 2 hours and 45 minutes, No chnngo will be made (n tho leaving tlmo nt Omaha. Between Omnhn nnd Portland, Only nr. Iloiirn mill -10 .Minute SPLKND1I) KQUIPMKNT. CITY TICKET OFFICE: ia02 FAHXASI ST. Telephone It 10. EASTER SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS Men's Suits, regular $5.00 values, nt $2.73 men's flno worsted suits, worth $8, at $5. Men's flno absolutely all wool suits, In the best fabrics and every conceivable pattern, $7.60. Tailoring of tho moat dependable, character throughout. You cannot buy Ita equal clsewhcro for less than $10 to $15. Theso sultfl uro from tho famous tailors, Michaels, Stern & Co., and Hart, Schaffnor & Marx. A magnificent rango of mcn'n extra flno, now, up-to-dato suits at $12.50, $15.00 and $18.00 suits that can bo com pared only with $35 and $40 made-to-order eultu. Boys' and Children's Clothing The handsomest and moat extensive show ing over mado In Omaha. All the new Ideas, new fabrics, new patterns, nro shown and at prices that will pleaae econo mical mothers. You aro welcome to ex amine these. in values from 75c to $2.50, on mtlo at We carry all tho latest blocks In stiff hats and also any color In tho late golf hat. Men's broadcloth yacht stylo anil 50c. Head pago 13. cape, 43c The Most Beautiful Residence Location in Omaha, c J Lots Left built last year. 6 new started. 25 more "will be Will one of them be Main Floor, New York Life Bldg. 1 1 . ,11 . - Will Dewey Do It? I A few d.iv i ao wo nihlsed Dewey not to I nllow his name to go before the convention nnd to keep out tf politic. Will he do It He has made n good admiral, but that don't signify that ho would make n good piojl dent. We'r a llrst-clas druggist, but as b sailor we'd be n dead failure. ! l miner's Kidney Curo ; Sure Death (kills bugs) Srhaefer Snrsnpnrllln i Miles' Nervine , llromo-Qulnlne Stearns' Cod Liver Oil ' Syrup of Figs (California) 1 Donli's Plllg Kld-ne-olds ' s. s. s !....."!!!"!! Plnklmm's Compound '." Wine of Caniul Carter's Liver Pills Ilostetter's Hitters Perillia West's Nerve nnd Hrnln ... 7&c lOr Se 40c 40e Tfic 7e TSe 15c TSe 7.V SGKfiEFEJS :ri'V(i,,,.:,l(ilST Cor, llllli unit ( lileimn stM. THE 99-CENT STORP. Great Easter Sale Largo Willow Clothe. Ham :79c pern, strong and neat Heavy Ons Lighters, with fy . box 12 tnpcr, complcto ..OC Bright I'alntpd Dlrd Cages, best mnhn Urass Wlro Dlrd Cages, will not Injuro the birds l-dlook On,k Hat Ilack, Htrong nnd neat Draft Curtain Hods, adjust able to any window 48c 98c 10c 10c Bring the children to seo our Eastor display nothing like it over shown in Omaha. 1519-15 21s nrwnlas a u . aireei. 3 Naar lOtb UV Read tils Haydens' Grandest of All Easter Displays. Just received, a largo line of the finest Pattern Plats and Bonnets ever shown in Omaha. Prices range from $5.98 to $25.00. If you are hard to be suited, don'tfail to-examine this line before you buy. Special Easter Sale i the lato popular pastel shades, nt A cholco lino of nobby Trimmed Hats, by our own artistic milliners at $1.98 and $2.95 (Also a very extensive assortment of tho latest Ileady-to-Wear Hats at prices that make tho Illg Store popular. Children's Fancy Hats In fine laco braids nt 25c. HAYDEN THE BEST TEN-CENT CONTAINS THE FINEST CUBAN TOBACCO, P. . HICK M. C. CO., MANUl'ACTl'limiS, ST. LOUIS, MO. O. A. 1IAILSU.1CIC, OMAHA, UIliTllIUUTOlU A New Doctor in Town. Doctor W. T. Hutchinson, who has been practicing In Nebraska for tho nst twelvo years, nnd bwn located In Madison. Neb., lms removed to Onmha and has taken a resldcneo nj 220S Hurt street, with onice nt tho snme place. Tho doctor Is nn old practitioner, giving special at tention to tho dlseaes of women nnd children, In which ho has been very successful. There Is lit tle question but what he will succeed In building up n largo practice In Omaha. House Cleaning Needs Kitchen titenells and tho hundreds of necessary hoiischould articles are being sold hero In the large way that has char acterized trade movements In other lines of goods. A Fl'LL $10,000 WORTH that Is gather ed here for this April selling. It's Inter est to you lies In tho economy It brings. C-foot Step Ladder, mndo of 48c 29c 23c 24c 19c hardwood 6-font Ironing boards, mado of tho best poplar Oak Towel HacUs, with spaco for six towels 10x12 American IMnto Mlr- . rors In oak frames Host Flbro Falls, no hoopti to como olt Heavy (lalvntilzed Slop Falls, best mado Asbestos Fry Imn will not burn or scorch 19c 10c I'ollshed Adz-eyo Hammer, mado of steel 10c 48c 10c De't Lap Hoards, for cutting and trimming 10-Inch Turkey Feather DtiS' tcrs, beat mado , 1519-1521 Douglas Street. !far lath . Page-13. GREAT EASTER SALE OF Dainty m Trlmm,,(l Nats. including nil tho latest styles, trimmed In tho finest mnterlals and 3.98 and 4.98 Ladles' I'ntrlmmed Dress Shapes, black and colors at 25c, 45c, 75c and $1 lAmerlcan Dcnuty Roses 9c. French Vlolots 5c, 10c, 10c. A full assortment of itrlmmlng effects In mohairs, chiffons, straw braids and How- Superficial Remedies Wo aro sorry to say that when pain and decay Ret bnld of a tooth no superflrml lomedy v. Ill runbat these' 1 successfully. Tho dcnttit nlono relieves you or pain, decasid tooth and anxiety. Do I not contlnuo to sunVr when our ubi . Is at hand. Wo manufacture unrt nd- mlnwter pure ntiro-osydn nr inutrn ing fc'as. It Is pure nnd mi To and ron,s but 11 CO. Our rj'stcm of brldce work Is ac knowledged to bo tho best. Consulta tion and examlnntlon free. BAILEY, the Dentist isll! l'nitoii lllk. ltli rariiniii. J.ndy Atteiiiliiiit. I'hono 108.". CIGAR IN THE MARKET ASK THEM Kit lb' li tmes Ik low of a few -inly nf tin om.iti i i "pl" li" li've I HIIKHWIN W II I l VMS imltlt. Ask ttu-M ii- iinv on.- nf tin- thousands of cltlsen omnlm an,! MM.UONH 'f Ii"ih owi.i . srnitiTi'.l thrmiKliout tile fulled Hl.n who Imve lisnl tliese piillits-nnd they him tell yon SIIHHWIN-WILI.IA.MS nro t best tmluts nmde. As!: .Mr.: . 1'. A. Meivrnna. tfKVellniT enlemnnn fo ltiibef:fii Uros II. r. Plirnrrr. chief clerk mllway ma l eel vli e .1 i: I miner. superintendent niaM, Omnhn tMiMoltl.e John dram. ulnr eotitrnetor lluby l. l'nlif. Iiwurnnco expert, New York Life lii.Mdll l'runk .Mi-ores. mayor of Omnlm 1). T. lteaim. pnniHster. H. ft M. Hy. II. Kbelt, iifii.t'i. ArllilKtou block. V'iii J I. Lml, liit.i.rnnee inaniiKer. (.'iemeiit Chase, denier In books and sta tion l v. (1. llnrttiuin, rlirnr dealer. .1. It. n:iiKiilt, liiMiranro tnnntiijer. ). . Dun!, miiiinitri' ('. N. Dicta. It. Ltnifiister. pln.toRrnpher. Jlrs. .lames 1. Uod. wlfo of cx-!ov-enior Uo tl. . , . c II Scnaifer. rut price dniRK'st. A! tiordon, pin blent Hxp. Delivery Co. 11. II. Allen, imlnter, I'lirk Ave. .1. It. Smiley, South Omaha. Ask jny one of the thouAUids of Oiiialia Uilln who i.avo used the SIIMHWIN Wll MAMS UATHTUH KNAMKL. A k A. S Cnner cnpltnllst. o- ilenrv llnimolf. the meat num. Ask hund-iMU of bleyelo riders wli,- bao iniiilo Hull' obi wheels look llko tow with a Be inn of "HH'Wl.H UNA.MHL. ' 1 IaiIimii. II OR South !Ull. o. K DavlH lteul Kstute Co. It M i ii iniiiii. co, i. driller. Ask the ov. ler of any of thn home w en on sre the window shlitti-m st rreni or doorfc pii'litod with those rich jihndi'M nf Ripen or maroon. . II i.iiw on, the etenui life insur otii Hum i' 1, Cii'i.-iiiier. truvellnu man. W 'I'. Nils'ni. iitlnrney, N. Y. Life. Ask nny r of tho thouxnmW of thrtftv li.,nrwiMS in liinniin w.io have had tNn kltrhrii llooi painted with HHHUWIV WILLIAMS I'l.nof 1'AINT mid they w M toil vru II "lrti" quicker and ImiMer titan other tloor pn nis. When yoq h.iv, imkcd nny or all of ili above people, coin" in ti" and net ,..tor card nud so ert t 'to paint you want. n nil ready 1 J i ye. Jntt 'lr it up n nl vpreiul It on. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go New Location, Cor Ifith nnd Uodu1' Quick Meal BlueFlame Stoves. Reliable Gasolline Stoves. The latest 1900 models, Smokeless, Odorless. the latest, safest and best features, many styles and sizes from $2 up. 1 Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools, Garden Hose. The Eclipse Wafer Filters. MILTON-ROGERS & SON, 11th nnil I'm run m Street, Stores niilil on iinymentn or nt illneount far i-nxti. E9E3I An Easter Camera This is tho season you thought of RottlnK a Camera. Wo carry all tho latest makes of Eastmans Premcs Pocos Call and seo us before purchasing. All Instructions freo for beginners. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 l urniim St. Doveloping and Printing Done. AVliolennlc mill Ilctall. CUTS These prices nro tho lowest yet made nnd savn you money: r,0c Syrup of KIrh r0c lllmeys Cntarrh Curo 30' Wc Carter's I'llls 1 COc Uodd Kidney IMIls Ma Dodd Dyspepsia Tablets i"' Mo Chamberlain's Cnllo Cure rnr 2Sc Ayor'a Chorry I'ectoral 2oe 10c Cascarcts 1' 20.; Cascarcts $1.00- llromo Heltzcr 7" $1.00 I.lsterlne r.'i, .15c Cnstorla 2'r" 23o Cutleura Scnp 2u. 2."c Packer's Tar Soap I- 2."ic SI en n en 'h Talcum 1 ur.c llromo Qulnliin 1 $1.00 rinKhain's Compound J. A. FULLER & CO ( I T I'ltK II IJItl (.(JISJ'.S, Olilrat I'nlut Hoiiki In Olilllllll. 1 Kli mill lloiiKln Htm. oim; a i.i, Mtiirr. Unless it Rains Thn yoiiliK grass will soon need waterlnR. Now Is tho tlmo to think of HOSK. If you aro In need let ui show you our brands, all mado by n. (lOOI)ftlCH CO. You possibly havo heard of tho dlfforent kinds they makoand our prions aro A I. WAY ' , 1 aiaiiT. JAS. MORTON & SON CO., 1 lb II DOUJ Y Tool llciiiliiiinrtfrK, 1511 Dodiic St.