12 FOR SALR-IULU, EXTtTll. I'lllt SA 1,1 V-ll 1-3 A t j KMTATI5 FOIl .Ml, U HEAL HTAT15. 'OR SAI.E-ltttAL ESTATE. .NICK llti PLATING. I.4KST. THE OMAHA DALLV HI5E: Sl-NDAV, A PHIL 8, 11)00. W. FA UN AM SMITH & CO., 1.120 FARNAM STREET. BARGAINS IN DKSIHABLB IIOMHS. 1'HlCKB TO SUIT TUB PURCHASER. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US, VM IIAVK TUB CUSTOMERS. DUNDEE PLACE. No suburb of Omnha If more desirable for a homo than Is Dundee. It Is nwny from tho unpleasant odors of tho smelter nnd the packing houses: on high, rolling ground overlooking the fit y ; It has scores of nt o residences nnd the city Is rapidly building In thnt direction! Is only 20 minutes from business. Kvery ono like Dundeo who hns lived there. Votl oar. have pure nlr nnd breathing room nnd nit tho modern Improvements of 11 down town residence. Wo offer you on opportunity to buy a house and large grounds for less than cost of house. (A-13) A very largo modern brick houe nnd six lots nt 6121 Cass St , well built nnd a bountiful homo, nt much less Ihnti real value. Price, $8,500. (A-HI A large modern brick residence nnd barn In good repair; ground 100x135 feet, half block from enr; beautiful location. This property sold once for $10,000. East ern owner must hnvo money and will sell this very desirable home, If tnken nt once, for $.1,150 cuWi. Uiok this up. Price will bo raised In a few days. (B-12) A ten-room modern house nnd two lots ut 6016 Cass. House would cost from mon to JS.uw to build today. Price, $1,000. Mako us an offer. (H-10) Ten-room residence nnd lot on Cass St , barn, bnth, gas, Krntcs nm mantels, Piped for furnnce: largo cellar, slate roof, linlf block from car. Indication tiro this property will be sold this week. Price, $2.50a (11-11) Nine-room residence, barn nnd two lots on Chicago Ht.. bath, gus, two grntes nnd mantels; plied for furnace, largo cellar. Mia to roof. This houro Is well built. mm i.irgi) rooms, nniaiiod in onk below, Price. 12.500. (11-21) -Nine-room house, barn and full lot, ;orwi win. cistern, largo cellar, wen mini nouse. rrico, yistn. (B-19) -Seven-room residence nml full lot on .orin fiist, newly painted and In good repair. Eastern .owner wishes to well. I'rlce $l.S0O, part cuih, balance 5 per cent. WEST FA UNA M DISTRICT. alodem homes and desirable vacant property; excellent location: a number of very lino rvsldcuco proiwrtlos from $5,000 xo wwd, which owners do not wisn ad vertlsed. Irft us glvo you description and terms ami snow tnem to you. OTHER BARGAINS. (B-34) S. W. corner 32nd nnd Pnrlflc. Largo modern hotiso In good repair; barn, nlco lawn and trees. Tills is a very desirable corner. Price, $7,500. (B-23) Soven-room modern cottage nnd full lot on Dodge St.. In wnlklmr distance! well built and In lirst clnss repair. Price (U't)-'Mft N. 28th Ave., elirlit-room liouse lind '10-foOl lot. olio block from rnr: lintiHn alono worth more than price nsked for I'linmny. j-nco only i,twu, part down bnllincu fi tier cent. (B-5) Oood snvon-room cottnge with two lots 90x145 -feet. 2S7I Mrmln Hi t, blocks from tvtr; cottage would cost $1 f,oo to build. Wo promise to sell this for w, iiari uown, iMinnco r per cent. If yofl wish to buy or sell, call on W. KAHNA.M SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. RE-19S-S PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS ror KI5A1, 1CBTATI2 1IAHUA INH AT II BARGAINS: l.nw EST RATES on LOANS: ROI'Nli IN Bl" RANCH; HOUSES, FLATS, HTOIIE8, for ItBNT. First floor, N. Y. Llfo Bids, itii iui HBNItV II. PAYNB. C01 N. Y. LIFE BLDG Jti.ai nutate, Kontuis, Loans, insurnnce. RE-700 IF YOU have n bargain to offer In rent eainto sco a. a. uroauwcn, wi n. Y. I.ltc, it is TUT HOUSES, lots, farms, lnnds, loans; nlso tiro insurance. Jiemm, i-nxiou uik. iti-3 ,U3 A JIAHdAIN, four acres, 10th nnd Pacific, two diocks irom cur line, on belt rait rond, J2.5HO; easy terms. McCnguc In vestment vjo., iuud uougc. ua Tio T-HOOM houso, full lot, on Fnrnam street JI.IOO.W. Lot, Leavenworth find TiSth Sis., Jlis:n0, Flno residence, Kmiutzo Plhce, $5,000.0(1. I. N. Hammond, 15th and Furimm Sts. ni:-ia d FOH QUICK returns on bargains only Beo a. a. urvuuwcii, uvi i, luo jiiorr. RE-70D HAItC.AINS. Tel. K-2CR2. Chris Hoyer, 2123 Cuming KW AlKH A'J" HOUSES', farms. R. C. Tatterson, M NY L RB-711 SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co., 314 8. 15th St. RE-712 GOOn-RYE! I nm going to Chlcngo? My residence at 2117 Wirt is going to be sold for what It will bring; opened dnlly for Inspection; mako your offer; Incumbrance, 5.0"0. 5 yenrs, 5 per cent. .1. J. Gibson, BOO First National Bank Bldg. OE-M5S5 A12 CHEAP homes on monthly payments. In surance. Money to loan. G. E. Turklng ton, (WKi Beo Bldg. RE-925- W. 11. GATES, CIS N. T. Life. Phone. 11SM. E-room, new. modern house, hard woo I finish downstairs, electric light and up-to-dato In every particular, lot Is Cx 140, east front, shade trees, at 10(10 S 2Mb St., for J.'l.SOO. 6-rooin house, barn nnd full acre ground, 2Cth nbd Spencer, lays nice, $1.KH). I small cottages and lot, near 13th nnd Wil liam, for $000. . RE-325 S FOR SALE, cholco lot. Orchard Hill. Tot 10, block 5, street Improvements. Want caHh offer. M. B. Wntsou, 501 N. 4th St.. Hannibal. Mo. RE-M3IS 13 10 ACRES on I. St.. Just west So. Omaha, $1,100. J. II. Sherwood, 939 N. Y. Life. RE M327 9 V'ci aro nuthorlred to place on the mnrket SIX BEAUTIFUL LOTS At tho S, E. corner of Lowe nve. and California st. nt phenomenal bargains. Think of this: A 50-ft. lot facing on Lowo ave.. with nil pnvlng tax paid nnd stone sidewalk all paid for. for only $1,100. Terms, ono-tlllrd cash and the b.ilnncc nt fi per cent or 5 per cont discount for nil cash. Again 50-ft. lots fnclng north on California ft., Just east of li wo ave., nil tnxes pah), nt from $ion to $70" each Theso aio great big BARGAINS nnd WILL in ninCl.- PAYNE-K NOX COM PAN Y, Sole Agents, Mnln Floor New York Life Building. RE-MJ9 8 "WE CAN build you a modern -ottaga with smnll ensh payment and monthly pay ments after possession Is given. See G M. Nattlnger, Secretury. 704 IVnim m. RE !91 8 Activity in In M"1 "f tho hlffh pi-loos of liullilliiK ninterlrtls, the prospects nro thnt them will be more bulhlliiK this bpiiii); tlmn for several years past. Quite a few luilltlliiKH which were postponed Inst year on account of the upward tendency of the price of materials, will he erected this senson. Although prices uru no lower than a year ago, people are not willing to delay longer, ns the probabilities are that prices will not decrease, materially for some time to come, , All ot this, seems to Imvo Its Influence, on tho real estate market, together with the fact 'that there are still quite a number of people who have been holding unimproved real estate anil are willing to dispose of It at reasonable prices to people who wish it for building purposes. As a money making investment, there never was a better opportunity than Omaha real estale at tho present time. Prices of the properties listed with Omaha real estate men are In moH cases low, with hero nnd there, an ex ceptional bargain. When prices arc low, and there Is a linn upward ten dency, as at present, then is the time for a shrewd buyer to Invest In real pstate. nUAL EST AT 'S. Now Is the time to purchase a home In the city. Property Is steadily advancing, nnd delay simply means to pay mora In the very near future. We have attentive nnd pollto salesmen who will show yon uny of tho following proreriles, which we offer on easy terms nt a low rn.e of In terest: No. 153-3810 Decatur st., an S-room house. well built, city wnter, uam nni cusci, 60-ft. lot, lino neighborhood, very cheap nt tl.SCO. No. 162-2713 S. 20th St., houM ha? S or 9 rooms, Is well mint aim .hi mouern. jm. the place for a South Omaha man. Owner i has Instructed us to lake KJ.lwi A SNAP. J No. 16S 2310 N. 21st., 9 rooms In fair r- pairs, good cellar, city water, nno snauu trees, oust front; remarkably cheap at $1,000. No. 171-2310 N. 2Sth nve.. , houso lias in rooms, all modem, good size, aiso kuim lawn, lino 60-ft. lot, east front, near car line. Chcnp nt $2,100. No. 171-No. 2578 Spalding St., 6 rooms, city wnter, soutn iront, line 101, propyl i fair repair, .room upstairs for 3 moro rooms, thus making a rooms. $1,200, This should go at once. No. 1017-2203 Locust st , 8 rooms, house all modern except furnnce, una in nno re pairs. Owner non-resident and very anxious to sell. We are Instructed to take $2,100 on easy terms. This Is a barguln and should ho taken at once. No. 800 3105 Jackson st . a well built, nil modern, C-room house, uwnor is very anxious to sell, nnd Instructs us to tnkc $2,000, This Is $500 less than It Is worth. No. &T7 1108 La Fnyctto nve.. a spteildld 8- room, all modern nouse, line snuue irui-a, beautiful for situation, $3,400; on reason nblo terms. No, 1151-1022 N. 33d st., flno 7-room, all modern house, just compieicu, very tie slrablo .property. $2,b00; on easy terms. No. 1155-1018 N. 33d St. This Is also a new houso just compicteu, mi mouurii, wen built ana Is cheap at $3,000. No. 13I5-8PECIAL BARGAIN. Walnut Hill. One block from car line. 8 rooms, all modern, mint ny owner iur ins own home, lost cost AS09. Improvements $2,300. Wo aro nuthorlzcd to accept $1,350 (less than half tho cost) If sold nt once. Who will be the "curly bird'' to cutch this real snap! VACANT PROPERTY. A number of tots were sold in 3L.MIS PARK Inst wecK, nno now inai n i" definitely settled that tho Harney st. car lino Is to bo extended up 33d st. right away, thus giving HEM IS PARK two ex cellent car lines. Property will advance rnpldlV. Be quick If you want one of the beautiful lots. Innulrc of . . PAYNE-KNOX" COMPANY, - - Ma.nlloor.N. Y. L. Bid. iiniTMi.',a vnn: HAI,E. $2,100.00 for C-rootn house, 2002 St. Mary's a vo. $2.1(0.00 for C-room house, 2504 St. Mary s Paving, permanent sidewalk and all special taxes raid in iun on um huuvu, i v .......i.. .,i,. I,.. I .1,1.1 In llrsl-elnss condition. $2,230.00 for 10-room house, barn, lot C0xl27 ft., No. 979 . 25th nve. $2,200.00 for -room house, barn, etc., 2t)35 (,'npltol ave. . $2.KW.OO for -room house, bnrn, etc., 1133 N. 1S111 st. . , A $2.WW.OO for house and large lot, S. h. cor, t tin nnu iinrrnn ih. $1.9W for 9-room modern houso, 4443 Far- st. ... $1,600.00 for 6-rootn house, bnrn, etc., 352. Pfiau ut Jl. 175.00 for 5-room house, bnrn, otc, 2307 ITnlnn St. $1.3i0.oo for t-room house, Mnson, near 3lstst. $1.000.C) for house nnd lot C2xl20 ft., 1721 8. If.ti st. $950.00 for house. No. 1S25 N. 23th st. Vim for fi.rnnm liniise. 3113 S. 21st st. J750.00 for 5-roOm house, barn, etc., 4fll0 Iturdctte st. $0."i0.00 for store building. 2 barns nnd lot fronting two streets, mo. 34Z0 tiamiiton st Jioo.oo for 3-room house. 2I1S Patrick nve. $500.(o for 3-room house, 15th ave., near Ixicust st. $150.00 for 3-room house, N. W. cor. ISth and Bancroft st. $100.00 for house and lot 01x113 ft.. 14th st., near Valley. If the location nnd price suits you, we can mrrangu satisfactory terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1C01 FARNAM ST. J. W. BOBBINS CO., 1S02 FARNAM STREET. Following aro only a few samples of our bargains: $1.000 5-room house nnd barn on paved St. $1,250 fl-ronm house, north part, paVed St. ji.iitu i-room nouse, i.ravenworin nnu win ji.Hio i-room nouse, iinnscom I'lace. SI. SOO C-room house. South Tenth street. 1,W fi-room house nnd barn, Boggs & Hills jj.uiK-)-room cottage, uanscom i'lace. $2.300 5-roo'm cottage. Johnson's Addition J.'.itx) 7-room bouse and bnrn, uanscom l'l $.1,000 9-room moilern houso South 10th St IiSOO 7-room cottace. (Jeorc a nvenue. $.!,50 S-rooin house, Iowo avenue. $t.n00-13, anil' 7-room, South 11th street. $4.P00 S-room modern. 2fith nnil Howard. t5,f00-S-room modern, corner, South 11th St $(1,010 9-room modern, corner. Uanscom PI $fi,70O 10-room" modern, 35th' and Farnnm. $0.000 9-room .Tnodern. corner, Uanscom PI n. .00 iu-room jnouern. ueorcl.i avenue. , viiu niiiiiiit'iin ii uiuerr. us guuo or oeiier. Jj W. ROI1HIN8 & CO., mi FARNAM STREET. , RE 15 8 B. "R. UALL.'901 NEW YORK LIFE. Seven-room house. '.4 lot. within two block or postorrice, stono wain in front, stone warns niounci nouse, lo soon nam J3.500. Vine' t-onniR nil ninili.rn iv,.9nt rnpimr- Wlth one lot, $2,800; North th street. Just off of Parker, or two lots $1,300. Four rooms full lot, Ohio street, near Lake car line sio. Nine-room house on North 32nd street within one block of now car line I'J.SflO. Five-room house, with 14 lot. frontlnir no Pnrker street; pavement nil paid except Inst two years; water nnd bath; good bnrn-$l00. Seven-room house, modern, full lot; large mini, on ooiiin uinn uvenue, nt a narguln iwn itemin i-.ira lots wimin ono block o new car line J750. Two lots on Lowo nvenue, nenr Dodgo strcet-$1.600. iAit on 31st avenue, near Dodgo. Make an oner. B. R. BALL, 901 NEW YORK LIFE. RE-194-8 40 OR SO ACRES near Benson, within 2 miles car line. 60 per acre. 99x132 feet, sightly comer down town, cheup ai jw.vi". Houses and lots from $.150 to $25,000. Farm lands near Omaha from $25 to $60 per here. Flvo (5) per cent money to loan on gilt-edge property nnd farms, JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE-MHO FINE corner, east front lot 7Sxl33, Just right above grade, lino shade, good 8-room modern house, electric lights, large barn, 4 boxed stalls; permnncnt wnlks and pave ment paid In full; have refused $30 per month rent. Price, $l.00Q. J. H. SHERWOOD, 939 N. Y LIFE. RE-M124 8 Real state. FOIl SAI.U-linAT, UTATK. aoOD-HYE' I nm going to Chicago. My residence at 2117 Wirt Is going to be sold for what It will bring, opened dally for Inspection, mkc your offer, Incumbrance K.W): 6 years, fi per cent. J. J. Gibson, m First National Bank DM. HE M5M A 12 The above "ad" caught the eye of two people in ono week's time; that Is good. When tho sale Is made, and that will be very soon, then Is your opportunity to say to your dear wife: "Had I even dreamed that such a homo was on the market for what It would brlnj wc would have owned It." Then It will bo too late. Think of It a modern, up-to-date home, second to none In all of Omaha, being of fered on the market for what It will bring. Tho terms are such that anybody .who lives In a modern home could own It, There Is a mortgage of J5.0W (five years at 0 per cent), no tar tnis is a rent or im a. monm nnu i am offered now (10 per month and ease u oy mo year. The abovo loan wos m.idn hv J. R. Metkle. who bought tho home of me. for tl2,t"o. 4l years ago. 1 took It back from him at a time when money In my new enterprise i musi neeaeu, nence i tnrow it on mo mnrket for what it will bring. mis nomo was Tiianneo ny tne uest nrcni tects; It has a hall 30 feet long, being the full length of tho parlor and sitting room, with sliding doors between, which are Vtneercd. ns well as nil other dnnrs In tho house. There Is tint ti stnek ilnnr nr stork winnow rramo in this house. It has a stair case with turned posts running to the floor arched over tho hallway, which Is ono of mo nanasomtai mat money wouiu uuy. Mr. Uosenbery's contract for the mill- worK on mis limine nlnne inn over 11.200. Fuller Co. furnished the nrt and plate glass at a cost of lT,n. Thn tilllmlilnir vnt dono by Free & Black nt a cost of $0. There is not a "snide" thing about the nousn ino naruwaro is of wa best. I pain ueorgo Halrd $IC) to decorate It. It hns a barn that cost $100, stono side walks, 75 feet of ground covered with differ ent Kinas or line fruit trees, grapo arbors, 1:11;. I nm golnir to sell thl nronerlv tnr wlinf ii YYiu urin insula oi miriy uays. it is open for bisection. 2117 Wirt Btrcet. j. j. uuksu.-n, oVi f irst National Bank. KB-1S0-S WATCH WEST FARNAM DISTRICT WIIY7 BECAUSE It Is the COMING ""-n,l RESIUENt E locn t on. THAT WHY. SIMPLE PROPOSITION. anu thai' i why we aro able to sell those BEAUTIFUL TIMiNM.'n lots They are located on 32ml Ave . MM street nm .mil sircei, ueiwecn i-ai(sam anu l juuu i;. TO BACK OUR ASSERTION', we tell von inai n,wi worm or hkhiokncb prop erty SOLI) FOR CASH, on 32nd Ave., since jiaui.'ii 1st. iwki. WE HAVE SOLD three tracts on this street nnd have but THREE, left. FIRST THING you know, YOU WILL GET ii';i'i'. THINK OF IT. C(lxl3.- feet on 33rd street, runuuililVII U.V HI .A'.WU II-"!.!!!!!:?-, for only $2.3"0 for WEST fronts, and $.1,200 for same size east fronts. HOW DO THEY LIE? Just nerfoct. or else wo lie. On 34th strcnt, lying equally ns good, we offer Kfixl.H feet for a $2,000 bill. MR. TURNER WILL NEVER place thee prices ns low ngnin. these ruiriss nro under contract for n time ONLY. WHITE either of the undersigned for pint, wim prices, nnu surrounding nonies shown thereon. PAYNE-KNOX CO. 1ST FLOOR N. Y. LIFE. POTTER-SHOLES CO., 310 N. Y. LIFE. SOLE and EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. RE-199 8 BIG BARGAIN FOR $2,600. New modern dwelling of six rooms with largo corner ioi in wesi pari cny; paving taxes an paid; everyming nrsi-ciass; in' vcstl-atc this. West Farnnm dwelling, seven rooms, bath closet, hot and cold wnter. nam, corner lot, paving tax all paid; u bargain, Must sell want offer. 2211 Locust street dwelling or 7 rooms, partly moiieni, nico lot. Can give immediate possession, can for particulars anu key. 2210 N. 27th st., good 5-room cottage, a bargain, price, $i00. Choice vacant lots on Miami street, west of 20th street boulevard; sl'n up tills lo cation nnd get prices ueforo buying. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. I RE-301 S FOR SALE A good little home, nicely located, Farnnm St., 1 mile out, G rooms nnd barn. $2.0'Vi. A good lot on Dodge st.. close In, only $600. STRINGER, C31 Pnxton blk. RE-295 S SEVERAL vacant lots,- HanBcom Plice, cheno. J. 11. Sherwood. 939 N. Y. Life. RE-M327 9 THESE bargains will go this week: 7-room house, all modern, full east front lot. barn, nenr Iinnscom Pnrk, very com plete home, $3,010.00. New B-room cottage nenr 22nd nnd Bur dette, cltv water, lino home, $1,600.00. Fine enst front lot Just north of Fnrnnm, on 31st avenue, only $1,300.00. Full lot. Just oft Georgia avonue, near Hanscom. $350.00. Beautiful residence lot at 27th nnd Daven port at $050.00 If taken at once. 1 acre west of Fort, well Improved, $600.00. 1 ncre finely Improved nt n. w. corner of Fort. Jl.inooo. Splendid 50-foot lots on Tomplcton street, near. 21th. Bewer, gns nnd water on street. $290.00 will buy one this week on very ens;' termB. Lyman 'Waterman, S22 N. Y. L. Bldg. ' RE 200 S SICKNESS forces owner to leave city; will sell nt a sncrltlce of $1,500 from what It cost her a few years ngo, the 6-room house, with city water and bam, at 2760 Grnnt street, price $1,250; KM ensh. bal ance, long time. See me quick It you want It. J. II. Johnson, SU N. Y. Llfo Bldg. RB-M305 UANSCOM PLACE house, with good barn, nn Ideal nlnee. $6,000.00. Another ror 7,w).ui. Another for $8,500.00. And still another, nothing better. J21.WO0. M. J. Kenimrd & Son, Suite 310, Brown blk. j;u .MUX FOR SALE BY V. H. GREEN, 401 N. Y. Life Bids. $2,650 will buy u handsome cottage of 8 rooms, modern, 33-foot trnckngo lot, loth and Cuming street, on easy terms. 10-room house, modern, corner, east front on paved street, In exchange for goad Brown' Park lots, South Omaha, n great bargain. RE -190 8 VACANT lots and farm land, first pav ment $2.00, balance long term, 7 per cent. A. O., 2519 Rees St. RE-258 8 RE-M123 8 . . . . . r. ,v TiiTprvr.-L1 j ti nnui'D'CV I $12,600, well Improved corner, right In track of railroad-developments, east end, rents $1,200 to $i.ni per year. $U.0i), another same neighborhood. $1,700 SO feet Cuming street, corner, cholco $3,500, '0x70, corner on Cuming, rents $325 per jenr $3,000, 44 x 66, 3 blocks from Paxton hotel. wholesale district, chenpest property of tho kind In Omnhn. Hulf block. 16th and Unrd. finest trackago nnd warehouse block- In tho city. Georgo G. Wallace, 313 Brown block . RE-ltt 17 A HOMESTEAD, every man should own one. I hnvo Improved nnd unimproved property for sale In nil parts of Omnha, nt all prices, for cash or on easy terms. You nro Invited to call. O. C. Olsen. 1704 Farnnm St. RE-302 s FOR SALE, Ideal cottage liouse. modern In every respect; a bnrgulli. 2129 Mnn derson st. RE-259 & FOR SALE. 10-r. liouse, close In. cost $6,000; If sold this week, 12,700. Omaha Com Brokerage Co,. 513 Mc' "e ''t u 1 . . RE-3H 5 .. . I ...... 1 ,m ...... 1 ., i , In ...... I A.lnta bKa0"oam.nisslon Hvo&rSoA M3 1 Bats. 'uum m " cor- , -rlo Xmodem ho usenortl part of & J"k house. J. Milder. Prop., dealers Henry B. Reeves and Miss Sarnh M. .mn,l?,, lO.iJ. PnF-3i3S $1 100.00 for house 835 North ISth st ''iuVnSJJS streets nd barn P In all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads n Riley, who were engaged to be married jlccague bldg. M.-m 8 6-room J!ouse,r 1022S, Vl'st st. ! Ilfcoom cXgeH."l507 Ohio street. Pcclalty. 801-803 Farnnm, Omaha Tel 2378. when t l.ey were tocher and pupU re- BARGAIN NEAR HANSCOM PARK ! ffig-gg ftl A""JKht , $l.0n0-Crom mmlern cottage, north part , 10IM 4 r'iVon Vorty yean 1 l uTw n A-rpliTm!.gmcne."atrle 1 SftT" hUf a"J 3 ,0,B 0,1 36" s" of t.oTS XVWSKi:n. orrr'-thenma0tc.r byecauso"o7 ',, iSU'' auarr.1. tgh . Pspm,kng ffi " ' nowilar. sfa- 1 for ncres on South M,h sf. '$1.406-So.,lh front, on Harney St.. in Reed's u f - -- ,vrUn Mr" 'Reeves''' ms "a'ccumu': tlonarv tub, steel range In laundry, east , J.'Xx JJJ for ,uro Jts near South Omnhn. I 6th nddltlon. OMAHA AUCTION CO, Satlsfneilon guar- In the Inter rn 'r ,,"e,' "'" occumu fronwt rxI40. InrKo sh $l.tm-C0 feet or 18th st.. nenr Pnul; permn- unteed. 520 N. 16th St. Telephone 2168. Intel a fortune In tho west. lng city: must sell. Price. $3,800. ... v , & COMPANY. ' rnt sidewalks. Just thepMco to' build -M732 , ! A wea thy eastern lawyer .who i I ad been uik v. j . ,, om'v. i.tpp 117 . 23th St.. South ninnhii - icni !' i - rnfiiRe.i liv nn Americnn belle in Patls. went H. C. PKTKR8 & CO.. 17 FARNAM ST., BEE BLDG. TKI m. EASTER BARGAINS IN DWELLINGS. 1210 South 27th St., 7-room house, city witter nnu sewvr, House newiy painteu inside, and out. new paper: property In perfect repair; lot WxlW. Price, $7,780. 6,13 Cnpltot nve., S rooms nnd barn; owner will take some trade, l'rice, K.-f). No. 8235320 Meredith nve., 6 rooms and summer kitchen, one block rrom car, $rw. No. 2622929 Franklin st., 6 rooms, email barn; a snap. Price, JlAbO. No. 12672418 Jones St., 6 rooms nnd batti. gns, hot and cold water, good cellar; prop erty In good repair. Price, $2,250. No. 13S0 3034 Lnlk st., 6 rooms, modern, unrn, pnvea st. .miiko us an oner. 2 9-room new houses In the West Fnrnam district, with all modern improvements; built by owners for homes; good reasons for selling. No. 92 1923 S. loth St., 7 rooms, good re pair, oniy ii.mjv. 6-room house, No. 2111 8. 11th st, $1,500. wim gooa unrn, lot ikxiju: owner win trade for Omaha property, price, $2,500. V A C A NT PROPE RTY. No. 104S Is a flno building lot on Georgia nve.; special tnxes nil paid in run; $2,000, Will loan mohey to build with. $1,200 for the comer of 35th nve and Jones st.; ground 121x132. This is certainly a uig unrgain; room ror 4 nouses. Full lot on 32nd nve., near Uanscom park, ior tJM. 05x132 on Harney st., between 9th and ldth sis., witn tract in alley. 132x132 nt northwest corner of S7th and f nrnam st. FARMS. No 9X2 SO neres. nnlv .1 miles frnni rKtv iiinns; nouse, nam. winuniiu, etc.; also iriui. i-rice, oniy w per acre. No. 88940 acres, near Center st. rond, well improved, tug orchard. I'riec,, $4,600. 19 ncres only one mile from Florence, wc.ll uiU'roveu, goon ouiKUUgH, One ncro In Hyde pnrk, with 2 houses, only flMVi R. C. PETERS A CO.. ' 1702 Fnrnam St., Bee Bldg. Tel. SOS. i RE-310'8 BEAUTIFI.'L CLIFTON Illl.t. FORTY-TWO HOUSES SOLD TO DATE vui mm nm mill iiivnrrvc 11. WOU I tisk. tho people living In these houses to let you exnmino them. Take the list, look over the houses, Ilnd something that suits you nnd come to me nnd get nn order to see It. Note we hnvo ndded 8 or 10 houses In other parts of the city. r1,,, .,, . ...... .... . . Street. Cash. $50" Monthly. $'4.10 14.40 4201 4222 4221 4233 4111 4228 4231 4243 4320 4114 4116 4128 4138 4140 4143 4123 4131 4133 41S5 4139 4145 4150 4223 4232 4303 4312 4327 4209 4241 2321 2224 2302 2807 Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick Burdette Burdctte Burdette Burdette Burdette Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Ersklne Ersklne Ersklne Krsklna Ersklne Ersklne Ersklne Ersklne Ersklne Ersklne Ersklno Ersklne Lake Lake N. 4Cth N. list N. list N. 41st rinkney 10O 100 100 100 100 100 150 1,000 100 100 100 100 ' loa 75 25 50 25 50 100 50 100 100 100 100 100. 200 25 100 350 50 50 50 100 100 101 50 100 100. . 15.0J 15.00 27.50 11.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 13.00 12.00 8.52 .9.90 11.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 13.01 14.0) 14. R5 14.30 14.00 10.00 14 00 14'30, 104? 10.45 10.45 11.00 9.00 11.00 11. CO 10,00 10.C0 10.0) 11.00 3401 n. sun 4Sth ifnd Grant Kflth nnrl fliinlnMA 1 50th nnd Burdetto , 50th apil Grant lust, niui urant 50 A P. TUKEY. Board of Trmle. RE-1S8 8 FOR RAT.R. Flno east front lot 50xl6S on 32ml. Inst "orth of Pncinc. It will pay you to look HUB u;f. l-rice, ,40O. Ono of the finest south ond enst front corner lots In Hanscom Place; splendid neighborhood; perfect grnrte: nil special taxes paid In full, l'rice, $2,350. Hno rrnidenee, cor. 34th and DoJgir, $2,400. Mice lot on fnrmvrn, near 41st. south-front; pnly 10 minutes' ride from business con ter; Just the place for a handsome cottnge home. Price. $1,175. Nlco little 6-room cottnge and lot near Hanscom park for $1,S50, Modern 8-room house, beautifully located near Hanscom park; taken under mort- ?aBtjAecl0!,ure; rtnts for "3- Cart sell ior I4,j0, Elegant 10-room modern residence, one of the finest finished Interiors In Hanscom il'laces choice neighborhood; a perfect .n : ,v limine, iur j.ow. I.nitVJ A mnvio my Fonlvfri7iln?n ln"(1' G acref,-'clfs' to Omahn. 10 acres cholco land, flnelv Inento.i macadamized street, $1,475. . ' ..v.. in uujuiiiiiih tnniuin, mncnuamlr.eil street, flno plnco for milkman' or gnr - ifAI,AUOAINSJ-v NEBRASKA FARMS. 160 acres, northern Nebraska, good smooth land. 9 miles from railroad, $4 nit ncre 33L2c,n ,no.rJh-;rn Nebraska, close to rail- road, only $3.60 nn ncre. 640 acres, western Nebraska, near two rail roads; will mako flno stock farm. Price $3.50 an acre. 1 HICKS REAL ESTATE CO Room 325 Board of Trade HullTnW ' RE-362. S KA h several customers for cottages on month y payments. Who has for Bule. J. H. Sherwood, 939 N. Y. Life " RE M327. 9 SOUTff riMAIfA Tm tit.-. n,mf iur uue oi me nest new brick bust- ness blocks In the business center of rwiuin wmnna: building leased to rcsnonsl- bio tennnts for several years nf I.,, ii .dw.er 'ear- ior j-story building and 20xl60-ft hi iSim 8 ' ,'cte, N anl O sts.; ren- jx v' "m. St. Omaha RE 192 i J:.nf,nnm n?ar Lynohburg, Vn., 29,000 population -7;i.ti V , . M' ",I. -J,iw i 05ftbllshcl city trade; 6CO ..i5rlal" w,tn limestone) well unnltig wnter every Held! nlmost ncres (un fenceil: ru ion. or geimy rolling; much now In RE ivw iiiji ; , T-;- - i nil1., n,, Jlm71t0ll''llll,"',l'llI1,fl!,st Knox Co n?LJXN,:u8' renal houses and lots; also trackage property. D 66, Bee. RE-167 S t-ROOM cottnge. .W-foot front, 60-foot back, $S0O cash. 3514 Webster. nE-2C0 i , u...r. ... uuuhliK VPUR t-room houso, 41th nnd Dodge, $1,500. - v.,.,,., v..., "i. ii. Business lot 44-foot frm-Vi ,a,i 4-room house. 3023 Lindsay ave. $400. , , -vn-oiay l site Trior h 'en nf vlnrt,;.K f.?n" 10ih '"PP0" 2 tuies, 1910 nnd 12 Dorcns, $1,550. at $75 p'er fift. f "ldUCt' fr n fCW 2 houses. 2021 nnd 23 Pierce IS 0M. LOCKSMITHS. Flno Investment, rentlmr for l""2 "'i1 iuml.nR' lm- 1 . IlUm. for Olllek snln n , IWl ' . " . " lAllHUHd, UOUglllS I1IK. I i.-tvP flMorf lnV rnnalrivl V,v n TV oi. umana. t OTO-Soii'li f"-nnt, on Dodge, nenr 23tll. MIHHOH FACTOR V. RE 192 l.-.nn South stth St.. nenr Cnstellnr. 52x158. SkVi 1 in ,1 ,)UV Bras.H Pastures not $100-LM lust north of tho street car barns nno iJew- J.nnii ia,?! two Plce residences; at 24th -nd Ames nve. S2Sh.?? ,?iilpLe.barns; ?Pr'B liouse; large $2.V-For two full lots n Hur'.'ncton Plnce. 5or0gV'eWTn;!,y,6 w "( "fa'rMs" OetnlU and photos. Box 2S2 Lynchburg.1 $3.4W-W r.crcs Improve.! 10 miles west of oVcTTi 7.2,. "or ono-mirn of its 11.20042 acres pnr en nnu iriui innii actual cost on conditions of rale by April rioronoe. fine buildings: will tnkn 0- iS VAX ".'le ,ar. "aril, alone eostlnir bouse In Omnhn ns pnrt pay. 44xi"o iinli irJtii i i Sf Pn corner lot $1,000-10 ncr-s r, ml'es from nominee, 4xi.o and 40x00 lots. 3 blocks from P. O i Dodge St.; "",' " The grounds urn lortnv u-,k "'-A. Jmv ""ur -nvnnv TlI.T en "hole will be sid'foV rVoSiV he' lm- 212 So ' 14th St. Snm.fm ft W?.n. "IW A " nE 312 8 uiu. i-aviirt- i l. IlfA lililir in. ,i ii I ---o. vw ijo it This Is a BUYBRS' MARKET. This Is not tho time to sell real estate, but tho time to buv It. The owners of the following ileerlbed properties feel com- f.T, ,,l,L);1'.;,!.V.tl,0fnihV .r if," vestors these BARGAINS: Corner lot on 31st St. near Dodge, $1,800; cnenp. Four lot! nenr Clifton Hill on Manic and Corby 8ts., $150 each; $10 down nnd $10 per montn. Mnke tne nil offer on corner lot, Emmet and 2Itll St., X115 ft. MUST BE SOLD. 7-room house and full corner lot, 29th and HUggles, $900. SNAP. Choice corner, 40th and Harney, ndjolnlng ,. T. Lindsay's fine residence. WHAT WILL YOU UIVE FOIl IT 7 Ono of the best corners In vlclnltv of Crelghton college, the northeast corner of 'ii and caiiroruia, iUxuz it., CHEAP. C-room cottnse on Nicholas nnd Hth Sts., with lot 36X41 ft., for Jl.oiw. . Trnckngo property on Missouri Pacific, foot of Ohio, St., 91x107 ft., $3,000. Fine location. 3 strictly modern cottages, new, 6 to S rdrims, near 23th and H'arnoy, $3,000 to $1,000 each. Full corner lot, 25th nnd Decatur Sts., with small cottnge, $1,000. A SNAP, 20th and Farnnm, 00x132 ft. for Two brick tilocks of 11 lints on two corner loti. 19tli und Mason, netting fi per cent r.H.'iU?' HCl1 for ,l,,O00; 800J '"" vestment. 100 ft. frontnge on Park nve., between Leav enworth nnd Mason, 9-room house, stable, etc., Ji.(A"j; oargain. t per cent money to loan on gllt-cdge real csiato security. Also wrlto fire Insurance. BEM1S. Tel. 5S5. Pnxton Blk. HE-350 8 50x125. with Cr. cottage, fine lot nnd slinde, I 15th nnd Valley. Want offer. 86x150 nt N. W. cor. 16th nnd Ohio, fine place, 2 good dwellings, $1,000. S-r, mod., flno condition, 19th & Ohio, $1,700. A. F Connett, .109 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1285, HE 349 S' rOTTER-SHOLES CO., 310 N. Y. Life. Tel. 470. THE PART WEEK has shown great In- crensea call ror good properties. EVERY INDICATION points to RE- NEWED activity In OMAHA REAL ES- TA1B. While prices aro normal owners aro In clined to hold firm to original prices. We nave some nair dozen deals penning, where offers have been made a trllle under listed prices. Too much CONSERVATISM often loses n good BAHOAIN. remodelling nnd repnlrs. It Is nn Ideal close-In location. Owner left the city. turned over the key nnd snys to sell it. OF COURSE WE ARE GOING TO HELL. That Is whnt we nr here for. Call and see ub, nnd we will show you the house. No. C19 1325 South 32d St., 50x150, 8 largo line rooms, nil modern; cnoice locntnn. owner lenvins; city, must do soki, w.wu. No. 67,11114 South 32d st., 10 rooms, mod- ern. beautiful home, 50x172, east front, choice; owner leaving city, must sell. Go and seo the property. No. 4312014 North 19th street, on tho boule- j vnrd. wo offer east front lot 14x140 feet. with 9-room, modern house, In flrst-ctiss shape, finely decorated, good furnace, norcelnln bath, etc. It Is a gem. It Is cheap at tho price, $3,000. No. 618614 South 28th street, fine east front lot. x1W. 9-room. strictly modern house. oak finish. Price. $6,000: $1,000 cash, $500 In 1, 2. 3 years, and $3,500 In C years, at 6 cor cent. Wn n"ii7w Smith 2Sth street, on corner. verv choice, well built, 7-room modern bouse, oxcept furnace. Cheap at $2,500. 860 VACANT. j-.vi"7 tit front. 36th. bet. Farnnm and Dodge $ 1.3M ",vi:t2 K. front. 37th. 250 ft. north Fnrnam 1.CO0 1 n.V' nii , "' " ! :. . 2.000 WT5150. 31st and Poppleton. cheap 1.600 iMfiar,. eor. 29th and Dodce: vers" choice, high, sightly C.250 No,. 455 If you mean business and want a choice residence corner, and you know what Is cheap, we enn sell n choice corner 75X155 feet, east front, In WEST FARNAM district, both street paved, nnd perma nent walks around the entire lot; you cat) get nn eyo OPENER by calling on us Monday morning. If we over-estlmnte this we will pny your expense In calling. FOTTEH-HIIUIjKS CO, 310 M. V. Lire. RE-1S9 8 TWO cottages and large lot to trade for noreage out nways. J. II. Sherwood. 939 N.' Y. Llfo. RE M327 9 9-ROOM house, modern. 4215 Fnrnnm, J2.250. 9-room house nnd barn, ztns uorens, t,ua. . tl2.fWV For two-storv 10-room. all modern. pressed brick residence, on West Farnnm st-4 not waier nrr.i, narn, occupuxi oy I owner. o.Ilo v-rnom. iwo-siory new inline iiuunn LI-il .. , r rr. ..,...... .... 1 .1 An.n nnriii i i iu ri n , i ni,t,-ii, it, .,iii ploted last yenr. sttnm hent and oak fin sh. tXHtt-Ym R rrom. .modern house nn 32d st.. south of Popploton. full lot, paving tnxes 11.11(1 (II ton. $3,100132) bo 27th st 7-room. two-story new nnufe. an nionern, lurun ioi. $3,000 7-room new house on Dodge st., nil mo-lern; will rent for enough to' mnka tl)l9 a 13 per cent (nvestmont on lon lense, noMP(S"VbulldZ r'aCe "0mC' h0U'e $2?50O-For nn 8-riorn. modern -house lust south of Kountzo Plnco on 22d st. This la nn nlflTinl linmP. i qrtrt . A.nnm nin.l(.Hi rr,fncrr lne wstak n t I High scnooi; reniei jor a monm. $2,300 For 9 room, two-story houso on , N"rth 18th street, one mile from tho post offlee. $2.noo--room cottnge with barn, nt 2563 . Poppleton nvenue. $l,500--room cottage, not far from Crclgh ion co lege. t nriRniih f-oiit. on Dodge, nenr 29th. $.',00 South ilth St., nenr Cnstellnr, 52x158, the cnenpfsi ioi on mis t- reei. $cno-Ful1 1rt n,i North 21th st . nenr expo llji'I-1' UU I' V "il 'l.uini -lil. ni. ii. ... pltlnn grounds; peimnntnt sldewnlks nnd nsphnlt p.ivment pnld In full, $5W-For your choice of flvo lots In Drnko's ndd'tton. on pmde. Omaha. . j . . , n I).:rn iw i"ve 'iiiiunivrii iuiiii, iiuiiu ui Klorpn-c wllli luiMlnw. ... room TVPISWHITHHS. REMINGTON Standard Typewriter nnd supplies. 1619 Farnam. 7u TYPEWRITERS, secondhand, 1116 Farnam. Til 1 1.00 wi-.ui, inss sireei, we oner a 'xi DK. HENSHAW, mlcroscoplst and scion- 1,1.00 1 foot lot, two blocks from High school, title specialist CURES CANCER without 14.0H 6 minutes wnlk from P. O . good 10-room ,,nlll, "provide special Germicide medl- ,i mi modern house, we built, but needs some ' .i ,., i,,., ,a ti, ... 7-room liouse. modern. 1S22 So. znth J2.000. I r a , i... ,i rr... GOLD, SILVER AND NICKEL PLATING. Tho People of Omnhs, South Omaha and Council Bluffs should nwake to tho fact that rcplatlng Is a thing that Is both beneficial and economical. Tho nrt Is ono that requires skill, and a workman who Is capable of doing tho work properly, lias to spend yenrs nt tho business be fore ho enn bo termed a mechanic In this line. Louis Slnvln, tho malinger of the Omnha Plntlng Co., has had IS yenrs experience In the best shops of the coun try nnd Is known as nn expert. He cm- ploys no help that Isn't capable, and when tho work leaves his shop you can depend that It Is dono right. There have been flvo plating fhops fall In Omaha within tho Inst two years. Tho renson for this can be attributed to the fact that they were not competent to do tho work. If you have heretofore had work dona that wns not satisfactory, don't hesltato In tho future to pntronlzo the Omaha I'lating Co., for they aro fully equipped and absolutely capnblo of giving satisfac tion. There nra often mnny urtloles thrown nwny thnt could bo mado good as now with very little expense, and as hns been said before rcplatlng Is both BENE FICIAL and ECONOMICAL. The public Is cordially Invited to call and Inspect this shop and the work. Courteous treatment extended to customers ... ..... . i uuu weuuia mint. OMAHA PLATING CO.. BEE BUILDING TEL. 2535. -197 8 CYCLE PARTS, nil kinds plating. Omnlu i'lating co lice mug. tci. zsx, im MUIHCAI,. LADIES out of hcnlth And prompt relief. Box 232, Omahn, Neb. Confidential. -M573 A27 LADIES, Chichester's English Pennyroyal plus are tho best; nare, rename; uiko no other; send 4e, stnmps, for particulars. "Heller ror uidlos, in inner Dy return mall: at druggists, Chichester Chemical Co., I'niiaueipnia, t'a. LADIES, use Madam Du Pout's Pills for delayed montniy periods; longest mm most obstlnnto cases relieved In four dnys without tho lenst pnln or danger; Srico ror nrst uox, i; uu iciicrs con dentlnl. Address Crown Chcmlcnl Co. 530 1st ave., N, Minneapolis. U -M 3" YVANTED TO 11 OH HOW. WANTED, a loan of $250,000. security ample, or will take partner, rcpny amount within two yenrs nnd give Interest In most legitimato anu proutaoio uusinoss E 2, Beo. 315 S CAACEHS CURED. 1IVI111II1 II, U, V Witt... lir,,XJ l.HMll.i.. .,- ma, Brlght's disease, epilepsy, skin dis ease and dlseaso of the EYE nnd EAR. Treats old ulcers, blood poison, goitre, scrofulous and glandular swellings, pIIcb, fistula, rectal and bladder difficulties. heart disease, parulysls. diabetes ind nil wasting and lebllltatlng diseases. Mlscro- scodIo examination of the blood1 nnd other secretions of the body. Thorough Phvslcul examination, urinary analysis. Twenty- tive venrs in nosoitai, uenerai anu snecini practice Office at residence. 510 North Nineteenth street, Omaha, Neb, Parties out of tho city may obtain lull informa tion oy writing. iw-s FirnxiTunK iirpaiimno. GLOBE Couch Co., 1619 Leav'th. Tel. 2529, 5!sS .r. ,,, PACKINO, upho Uter nf, ma ttrMi. fcath Tel- 133U M S' nlklln. feather 2111 -713 v......,.,, .... Mattress upholstering, finishing, enrnentrv umana cawnet anop, 16U cass. Tel. 2iss, -930-A16 LUNDEEN, upholstering, cabinet-making. ronnisiiine: mattresses mado over. 1523 Leavonworth. 292 May21 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWHITIXU. . -- 717 N. Y. Life. 727 A. C. VAN SANT'S school AT OMAHA Bus. College, 16th A Douglas. (2f rvT ra n.iiBM . , , i , B9LIH?rfc " B ' reporter prlnclpnl. "0B "'ng' 7-J NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand col- logo. Boyd's theater. -730 niCYCI.EH. IN order to reduco stock we will sell for a short tlmo only second-hand bicycles at one-half price; good wheels, $3.00 to $15.00. FleBCher. 1622 Capitol Ave. 717 Enamoled, $2 up. Bicycle Hospital, 711 N. 16. 718 Schneider, at Townsend Gun Co. Tel. 870. AI6Z0 A29 I C. R. HEFLIN. export locksmith and modol niiuer, vui ouuin win bi, i-none vra, -Vil- IHIKSSMAKINCJ. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2216 Davenport. am Aia- HOTF.I.S. urrnnnm ttin .HT.Svm fin r?' " lowest rates, wm. ilarr, 12th & Doug. Mgr. Tel. 244. flt-"0 THURSTON, 15 & Jackson; Americnn & Kuropean. Newly reltttcd. Prices modVte 1 .M7I4 41676 TnUNK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired, um. Trunk factory, 1209 Farnnm -722 JUNK. MIHHOH FACTOR V. OLD mlrrorf resllvered; new ones to order; country orders promptly filled. 708 N. 16. 871-A13 WATER I'lI.TERS. "STANDARD" Wnter Filters, nil kinds of niter supplies. Tel. 300. 1507 Hnni-y Ht. FUH.MTI-'HIJ I'At'KI.Vfi. I ... mr r. . 1 -, 1 1 t' .. . . . ri l -ten C", u.il, vuii oiui . wu i iuiivj ui ii. ivi. iojj, oj. m i.Ai'.vnitv. on OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY 1750 Leavenw'h. Tel. 647 724 STOVE REPAIRS. OASOLINE stoves cleaned. S01-3 N. 10th, -M35I 8TA.MSIEHI.(J AM) STUTTUHINH. CURED. Julia Vaughnn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -731 i LADIES' black leather and cloth hand bag, containing purse, glusses, lodse re celpts, etc. Return to Bee office; liberal reward. , ljst-135 LOST, a black feather boa. Return to 1910 Dodge St. and get reward. Loit-381 $ LOST, an S. A. B. locket; Initials J W. 8. on uacK. ucwnru to nnder. ji nw Tork Life. Lost -360 8 BTRAYED, a red yearling heifer, from urn una U streets, So. Omaha. MeClln tock. Iist-366 S l'I,KATIXO. ACCORDION pleating, Ivory-rlm buttons. -Mrs. A. amm, inn irarnnm. it l-n. -5tM Alt! 1 i iiniric sii)i:vai,k. "UP FOOT; If ordered earlv you can savo money, jonn xvicuowan, 4s h. sitn st. M544 A26 IIIIIDS AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. -725 1'AW.MIHOICKIIS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, nccoinmoilat. lng; all business conlldcntlal. 1301 Douglas, -7J3 SUES & CO. Patent Lawyers Beo Rldg,, Omaha, Tel 1023. Adrlce free, STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMERS- NEW YORK.aLASOOW.LONDONDERRY Anchorla Noon, April 21 City of Rome Noon, May 6 Etniopia nooii, -M&y u 1'urneAdla Noon. May 19 Astoria June 9, July It, August 1$ City of Homo. .June 2, Juno 80, September 8 i'-iirncsia Juno Z3. JUiy is, boptomner i RATES QUOTED TO PARIS DIRECT, Or with tour embracing Scotland, Eng land and Ireland. Berths must be reserved now for best accommodations. Apply to any of our local agents or HENDERSON BROTHERS, 176 Jackson Boulevard. Chicago, lit. LEGAL .NOTICE. TOLICE AUCTION BALE. In accordance with tho provisions of sec tion 020 G, of chapter 12 A, of tho Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, I will sell at public miction nt police court room,, lltli and Dodgo stB., in thn city of Omnhn, slats of Nebrnska, nt 12 o'clock Saturday, Mny 12, 19U0, nil unclnlmed personal property which may havo been In the possession of the pollco Judgn or chief of police, six months prior to April 7. 1900. This sale Includes nil kinds of goois, such nB cutlery, bicycles, harness, watches, dress goods, clothing, trunks, gloves, etc , etc.. all sold without reserve, to tin highest' ensh bidder. Come and get bergalns. J. J. DONAHUE. Chief of Pollco. A8-9-10-E CITY OFFICIAL NOT1CICS. NOTICE TO GRADING CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the secrctnry of the Board of Education, school district of Omaha, until 8 p. in. April 16. for excavating tho basement of tho new High school building. The work must be performed In accordance with plans nnd specifications prepared by John LatenBer, architect, on file In the office of the sec retary of the Board of Education, City Hall. Each proposal must be nccompnnlcd by certified check In the sum of $50.00 as a guaranteo of good faith. Proposals must bo enclosed In sealed envelopes and en dorsed "Proposals for excavating basement of new High school building." The Board reserves the right to reject any or nil pro posals presented, Hv order of the Board of Education. A7 e7t J. M. GILLAN, Secretary. I.AIIOH AMI INDUSTnY. Capital Invested In fnrmlne In this coun try Is estimated to be $16,000,000,000. Tho gross receipts of American railroad companies nro now nearly $1,500,000,000 a year. In shipyards In Russia common work men recelvo from 51 to C4 cents per day and skilled workmen from 77 cents to $1. An order has been Introduced In th Massachusotts legislature to moke women eligible to sorvo ns overseers of the poor In tho city of Lowell, Mass. Tho demnnd for tho union label of th Clgarmakers' union In Brooklyn has grown extensively of late, and the label com mittee Is being kept busy complying with requests for them. During the Inst week tho committee grnntod over 207,000 Inbcls, Denver brlcklnycrs havo Induced a ma jority of contractors In thnt city to sign i their new scnie, which cnus ior wvt ceius IU1 hour, or $5 for a day ot eight hours, 1 which Is the highest rato paid to brick layers anywhere in trio country. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Is debating tho proposition to establish a nomo 1(1 au l'l uilliwaivit 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 r , i . .mi JVaternity. The forthcoming convention will probably select a locality In tho vl- t.,!?nvrr' 113 lnat clty ottera many Expert Job printers ore Invited to com pete for a vnlunble prleo which the New York printing exposition offers for the most nrtlstlo specimen ot typogrnphy. The work must be composed entirely of type, free from nourish embellishments or rendy mndo display, and to be six by nine Inches In size. Thousands of oro miners In northern Michigan havo been given recently an ad vance of from 124 cents to 15 cents a day, which Is tho second Incrcaso this year, making tho highest rato yot received. Fifteen million toiiB of oro were rnUed last year, and the prediction Is made for a 20,000,000 output for 1900. Shipbuilding on the I'aclflc const Is be coming nn active Industry, nnd prepara tions aro making for n brisk season, Tho Pacific Rolling mills of San Francisco havo been absorbed by the Rlsdon Iron works, nnd It Is clnlmed Hint thn new consolidation will become a competitor for govornment contracts with thn Union works, which constructed tho fnmouB bat tleship Oregon. With the rise In tho tide of employment nnd wnges In this country has come a marked increnso In Immigration from conn tries not heretofore contributing any con siderable number. Croatia, Syria, Greece, Turkey, Portugal und Finland show it large Increase, particularly Croatia. In 1898 K.S37 Croittlans landed In New York, whlln 13,574 arrived during 1899. The ruturns thus far for the current year Indicate a great In crenso of these Immigrants. Whnt Is believed to bo the largest single contract for printing over turned out will bo let by tho Cook county (III.) county bonrd noxt week for tho renl estate as sessment list, embracing 1.127 city pre clncts nnd eighty In the county. It Is estlmnted thnt the Job of treiHcttlng will nmount to moro than 60,000,000 ems. or four times more than tho annual Cook county delinquent tax list. Tim cxpensa will bo between $75,000 nnd $100,000. COXM'IIIALITIES. rnflltte.l liv 1 tin,,,, nnil rnnmi'ml lllu eoilrlHbltl liv csble. When the young woman received u fervid message of 8,000 words and began to llguro up the cost she knew tho gentleman wn sincere In his protestations and probably solvent. She cabled one word, and they will be innrrlnd in June. Though Senntor Depew Is a professed believer In marriages of affection he Is not J ',' f " 'n 0 Vt thnt hU favoftti Anm ''KSM?aS brSS engnged to Lleutifniint John It. Edle ol (in. United States nnvv. a young man with out fortune, but hlglilv eligible In every other way. miss rauining went 10 vuu- . . . . . .. .... v........... , t. . . mgion lancy ireo i" m i an iiuidb hi hoi unrlo's home, but during the senson ur- rendered her heart to the dashing lieu- i tenant. Theodore Schlntz of Chlcngo nnd Miss Mnry Mnslowska of the same city wer married In Milwaukee In tho main parlor r iim nt piinrlea liotel nt noon last week. I Judge Heroics of the probate court granted a illspensnuon ior mo mitrrniKo. ine rc mnrkablo fuct In coiincotlnn with tho mar rlago wns thnt tho groom Is 72 years old, while tho brldo Is only 21. , Sympathy rrom llollnnd'a Rueen. THE HAGUE, April 7. Queen Wllhelmlna has sent a personal letter of nympatby ta General Joubert's widow, 4