Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1900, Page 22, Image 40

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    T11J5 OMAHA DATLT BE 12: Ht'NDAV, AI'KIIj , imiu.
wanted-female help.
A o 13 vi'.i wwrnn.
roil vi.r, mim itijiM'.oi .
Good cook ami second girl; reference re
quired. Ml Dewglns at. C TM
COMPETENT Klrl for general houework;
1134 H. th avc CT,1?
.WOMEN, everywhere, to travel: 115 weekly,
nlvj expenses and commission; some lrfl :
no fake. Address "Sales Depnrtrhnt,'
3J4S Mnrkct st , Philadelphia. ("MUM
WANTED, a competent second girl. Mrs.
('. N. Dlctz, 428 Ho. JMh St. C-176 S
WANTED, a Klrl for general housework nt
627 So. 36th Ave. Good wages.
EKCUHB employment nt onco; po'lllon. of,
all kinds open; ir, eeioks, dining, room girls,
and chambermaid!) wanted Immediately
for In and out of city. Elite Information
lllirenu, 421 Paxton block. C-2M
(WANTED, cook and second girl, second
girl to assist In th care of two children;
good wages, flerman or Ilohemlan pre
ferred. ll6 8. 31 Ave. C-.M201-10
CROOHETKILS wanted to crochet for us
at home; good pay. Chicago (.'rochet o ,
4820. Ashland Avenue, Chicago.
WANTED, bright young woman to canvas
for new and popular periodical; refer
ences required. Address D 26, '''jl'"'
EX DIES to sell latest patent skirt sup
porter and waist holder; 4 hours dally
makes 12-') weekly; ran l" carried In po
kct; canvassing outfit and sample sup
tmrter free. Davis Mfg. Co., 225 Dearborn
st . Chicago.
,WO.MBN and girls to do nlco pleasant work
for us at home, $3 to $S per week; ma
terial furnished; no canvassing. Address,
with stamp, Ideal Homo Work Co Chi
cago I!-2:9A
MXPEIOKNCED saleslady for crockery de.
partmcnt. Address, with reference only,
E 6, Hen OHlee. C-M356 9
LADIES, copy letters nt home; pleasant
work, good pay; full particulars, terms,
etc. Iteply with stamp. The Cutler Co.,
Chlcago. C-BIO
WANTED, Mrst-class stenographer; perma
nent position. E 1. Hee. C-3?i
WANTED, girl for second work nnd to
nkc rnro of batiy. Mrs. II. C. Peters, 1111
Ho. SOtli live. C-M3IQ 10
H I III for general housework; must lie good
cook. 1014 Park avenue. C-.M.W. 10
WANTED, exporlencd lady stenognihcr;
must ho good grammarian: none others
need apply. Address E 7, Hee. C 361 8
IP YOU want your houses well rented place
thorn with Henewa St Co. D 632
HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas.
HOUSES, all kind, 36 U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg.
FOR RENT To small family, 7-room cot
tage. In good repair; city water Inside;
cistern; coal shed; 22nd nnd California
Sts., 23. lnqulro nt 607 N. 19th St. D-633
ALWAYS moving H. II. goods. Pianos.
Officii 1511 Parnam St. Tel. 1559 or 863.
HOUSES, stores. Ucmls, Paxton block.
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city.
Urennan-Iovo Co., 309 So. 13th street
FIVE roooms. 2321 South 16th St. D-639
CHRIS DOYER, 2123 Cuming. Tel. K 2652.
CHOICE house., cottages, stores, ll'enry
II. Payne, 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phono 1016.
HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Uarker Hlk.
POIl KENT small cottage, tl; store for
grocery, etc., on very favorable terms.
Apply 901 Douglas. D-923
10-UOOM brick house, all modern, In first
class order. 614 So. 2Uth St. Cbas. E.
Ilcnson, 310 Hamgo Illdg. D-9S8 10
DETACHED 8-room modern housn with
barn, 2611 Pierce. D-9S1
NINE-ROOM modern house In good re
pair, In walking distance, $35. M. J. Ken
nard St Son. Suite. 310. Brown block.
MAOOARD Van & Storage. 1616 Capitol Avo
Tel. 1496. D-Wl
POIl KENT, four-room cottage, 2723 Dodgo
st.. $8; G rooms, 105 South 28th, 17; bolli
newly papered nnd painted. Ulngwalt
Pros., Parker Block. D-MD63
HOUSES to rent. It. C. Patterson. 30T. N.
Y. Life. D-iJ
2921 Pacific street, 8 rooms, all modern. $27.
2700 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, ull modern,
Pottor-Sholcs Co.,
Phone, 470. 310 N-j.j'g0,
POIl RENT. 12-room. modern, detached
house, shndo trees, lawn, $45. 2513 Cap.
nve. Tel. 673. II. II. Robison. D-.M163
POIl RENT, desirable K-room modern
house, small barn. 2313 Woolworth ave
nue; rent, $27.50. Rlngwall Pros., Marker
Illock. D-l.t!
B-ROOM modern cottago, furnished or un
furnished. 806 So. 30th. D-160 IS
EXCELLENT fi-room modern house, newly
papered nnd painted Inside; strictly first
class, corner, $18, barn. 27.15 Seward.
I) 163 S
POR RENT, May 1, my residence, 8 rooms,
first-class condition, inrgu iuwii, inui,
etc.; rent, $20 00. M. Marks, 4760 North
21th Ht -!S3 S
B-ROOM cottage, city water and gas, $15.00.
2930 N. 25th Htrect. mil
B-room. modern cottage, 2107 N. 2Sth, $16.00.
or completely furnished, for $22.00.
7-room house, city water, 3219 IS. 25th,
$15.00. J. H. JOHNSON.
841 N. Y. Life- HldB.
FOR RENT, furnished house, ten rooms,
modern. Tho O. P. Davis Co.. 1501 Pnr
nnm st. D-.M352 10
210 S. 29th St., 5 rooms, city water. $10.00.
3019 Plnkney St., 6 rooms, city water, barn,
2911 N. 28th Ave., 8 rooms, elty water, flno
yard, all fenced, only $15.00.
Si' 8. .10th St., 8 rooms, all modern, $30.00.
2U 8. 35th Ave., 8 rooms, all modern, a (lnq
house, In tine repair, and only $25.00.
T havo other good houses on my list.
CALL and eo me.
C01 N. Y. Llfo Illdg. Phono 101.
D-333 8
I HAVE a 6-room nicely furnished cottage
with modern conveniences for rent nt
$22.00. HENRY H. PAYNE, CO! N. Y.
Llfo Illdg. D-336 S
IiAROIO modern nnd barn. $30, also $00;
2210 Dodge. 7-r. cot, large lawn, $25.
1029 Dorcas, 2-r. cottage, $6.
1S07 St.- Mary'. Ave., store, $10.
1937 Ho. 29th. will overhaul, dig well. 3-r.
36 U. S. National Hank Building.
D-330 R
WILL rent nicely furnished house for 3
mouths, beginning with May 1; leaving
tho city. Address Dr. D. P. Peters. 5.1
Barker block. D113 8
HOUSE for rent, 2602 Dodge, 7 rooms. Ap
ply Bhelton hotel. D-3II 8
FOR RENT, nn excellent 11-room, all mod
ern houso In West Parnam district, lino
location, $66.
7 rooms, 1914 N. SSth: water, gas, furnace,
Be-veral houses in Kountze, Plnce whlcih. wo
will put In good condition for responslblo
Many .other houses and flats on our Hst.
Call nnd so us,
R. C. PETERS k CO., Bee Bldg.
D-311 8
I HAVE tenants for 20 houses for quick
rental. Seo Purrotte, DougMx blk.
D-3M 8
t NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. Uth,
3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for
man and wife; .-cm taken In board. 319
N. 17th. E-360
FURNISHED rooms, houeekecplng. 2623
St. Mary's Ave, E-M521-A:i-
ONE largo and one small room, nicely fur
nUheJ, family of two, 2217 Half Howard.
t E-230 i
nut itn.vr rrtiMsiinn room.
NICELY furnished largo front room. 735
N. Bd 8t , references H-liTS
TWO south rooms, light housekeeping, well
furnished, modern conveniences. 17V)
Parnam. E M1J0-S
LA IK IK front imrlor. 1S11 Cass.
POR RUNT. 3 or 4 rooms with alcove, fur
nished complete for housekeeping; every
thing modern, 890! Dodgo st.
E-109 S
PLEASANT front alcove suite, alo large
single Ik-1 room; excellent day board
near. 317 South Mth st. E-232 S
OKNTLM.MEN or man and wife, two pleas
ant front rooms, modern, private family;
references rwiulrwi. 1921 CnW-ngo.
E-231 8
NICELY furnished rooms for rent. 2310
Dobglas. E-3G9 8
I ROOMS furnished for housekeeping, mod
ern, 2d lloor. 1561 Sherman Ave.
Iv 333 9
THREE or four furnished rooms, ground
floor; light housekeeping provided for.
BIB South 26th street. E-M353 10
BEAt'TIPt'L front room, bay window,
fresh papered; rooms $1.60 up. 511 N.
19th, E-322 8'
THE Merrlam tamlly hotel, 25th and Dodge.
TO 2 gentlemen, In prlvato family. 2020 St
Mary s Ave. P-64J
ROOM nnd board, $1 to $5. 1312 Davenport.
THE PRATT, desirable, rooms; 'phone 1592.
212 So. 2.1th. P-412
HANDSOME parlor bedroom; other rooms:
gentlemen only; rates moderate. The Rne,
2020 Harney. P-M3S9-A12"
ELEOANT front rooms with board. 1909
Canltoi avenue. P-M9M 10
ROOMS, with board. 2402 Cass.
P--M12S 12'
PINE large unfurnished front room, hand
some mantle, with cood board; modern
residence, beautiful grounds; desirable
home; references. 601 South 27th.
poit iii:xT-i;.M'riiMsimii iioom-
I, 3 OR 1 modern for furnished), Vj block
from car line, facing Hnnscom Park. 2964
Woolworth. Q-C82
2 PRONT rooms for light housekeeping.
1609 Leavenworth St. G-971 8
PIVE unfurnished chambers for housekeep
ing to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. O 92
POUR rooms on first floor. 301 S. 17th st.
FOR RENT, 4 unfurnished rooms, suitable
for light housekeeping, modern. D 67,
Bee. C! 347 8
FOR RENT, store In flrst-class location,
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. 1266
STORE ROOM, 1106 Parnam. Opp. old P. O.
STORE ROOM, 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O.
Oftlcca $8 and up.
Itmulro 36 same building.
1-329 8
AGENTS mnke $6 to $10 a day selling tho
cheapest and most perfect water Alter
ever Invented. Retails at $1.50. Big profit
to agents. Apply 2003 North 19th street.
AGENTS on salary or commission; the
greatest agents' seller ever produced;
every user of pen nnd Ink buys It on sight;
00 to 300 per cent profit; one ngent's sales
amounted to $020 In six days; another $32
In two hours. Monroo Mfg. Co.. X 16,
Iu Crosse, Wis. J M150-S
AGENTS, 300 candle power Gasollno Pres
sure lump, $12; Little Giant Gas burner,
gallery globe, 73c. Royal, S4, Washington,
Chicago. J 211 8
AGENTS, combined pen, penholder, pencil
mid pencllholder; greatest seller out; 10
cents brings samplo and term. to agents.
Benson, 133 LaSallo St., Chicago.
J-233 8
GENERAL ngents in every locality
throughout tho United States to represent
our house nnd appoint agents on a slrletly
salary bnsls of $85 monthly and all ex
penses. Address, Dept. 139, 1970 Park Ave.,
New York City. j2io $
WANTED Llvo men to take general agency
In Omaha and ull Nebraska cities for the
new "safety carriage and wagon wrench."
New. No competition. No capital requir
ed. Big seller. Write for proposition. Ad
dress, II. W. Welch, 325 Dearborn street,
Chicago, III. J 239 8
SPOPPORD'S Cyclopedia, revised to date:
new territory; liberal terms. Howard
Ruddnn. 320 Ramge. J 211 8
AGENTS tnnko big money handling photo
buttons, medallion easels, belt buckles,
etc., reproduced from picture; handsome,
popular; easily sold. Illustrated cataloKue.
Cranley Photo Button 'Mfg. Co., Chicago,
III. J 213 S
AC.ENTS-Start mall order business on
business principles; no Investment; no
'book or recipe scheme: nlso buy and sell
patents for us. Rnpld Introduction Co.,
Chicago. J 212 8
LAin cleared $920, man $1.12. last six
mouths Introducing llollnday'a Marvel
Waterproof Shoe Polish, solf-tdilnlng, rtis
set and black. Why not you. Demon
strated samples free. Holladay & Co..
room 330. 18S Monroe street, Chicago. Solo
uManufacturers. J -241 S
JUST OUT-New Peerless gasoline Urnpl
easiest lighted, most satisfactory, knocks
all competition; agent coining money.
Peerless Lnmp Co., 244 Railway Exchange
bldg. St. Louis, Mo. j
WE DON'T want boys or loafers to write,
but men of ability; $200 to $500 per month
Salesmen and general agents. Salary nr
commission. Exceptional Inducements.
Rnclno Fire Engine Mfg. Co., Racine, Wis.
STARK Nursery pays cash weekly If you
sell Staik Trees. Louisiana, Mo.; Dans
villa, N. Y. j
A GOOD side lino for a traveling salesman
In Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. Call 21S
Karbach blk. Monduy morning, between
8 nnd 0. j-307 8
AGENTS mako $6 to $10 a dny selling the
cheapest uiid most perfect water filter
over Invented; rctulls $1.50; big profit to
agents; exclusive territory. Scnecn Filter
Co., Seneca, Mo. j
SEND 6e quick for sample of our Endless
Wlro Puzzle; makes everybody laugh;
ells Itself as fast as you can hand out
at 10c; price to you. 30c dozen; the biggest
seller going. Union Wlro Mattress Co.. 7a
Erie st . Chicago. J 2J1 8
MAGNETIC 1 1 EALERS, mnke big nioncyT
We teach famous Weltmer method com
plete by mall to ladles or gentlemen for
$3. Journal free. National School. Car
rollton, Mo. J 273 8
AGENTS, luminous nnmeplates, signs nnd
house numbers; readable darkest nights;
line samplo enso free. Right Supplv Co.,
Chicago. J 272 8
LEARN magnetic healing. "Improved
Weltmer Method" complelo by mall. $10.
Big Journal free. Address Southern
School, Springfield. Tenn. J 271 8
AGENTS mako $3 to $10 a day traveling
In your own state, no experience neces
sary. Samplo case free Write for par
ticulars. Tho Milton Pen Co.. Milton,
Wis. J-270
AGENTS, $210 monthly selling Improved
nlekel-nlnteil Brilliant Gaslight Burner;
fits kerosene lamns: beautiful casllehL
without chimney: sample Tree. Enter
prlf Mfg. Co., o 653, Cincinnati, o.
J-273 S'
AGENTS Wo want to secure 100 moro
iigcntf; something new: ensy srller; big
thing for agents: catalogue nnd terms
free. Natl i.iul Book Buyers' nssoclnt'on,
42 River St., Ci.Uago. J-C37 S
CREAM. separators, $4 to $9 secures cream
In two hours. Agents wanted everywhere
I. II. McDanlcl, Pupllllon, Neb.
J 319 &
$3") A month; a salesman In eci county to
call on merchants and manufacturers.
legitimate, buslnes. tvt : i
month has txen made and can be made
araln. J. T Jones & Co., Olenu Bids.,
Cincinnati. O. J 271 s-
AOKNT8 WANTED, from $$.(0 to tt.T. per
day easily maile; no capital required.
National Supply Co., HJS Montana St..
Chleairo. J 213-8
"I AM WKI.COM E nt every house I call.7"
Mr Parson., our agent. I make
over $22. i0 a week. ladylike work sell
ing our prfectly e'egant skirt supporter.
Aildrcs Morgan-Hflnemnn Co., S I5ear
born. Chl.'afo. We will help and protect
you if you work for us. J zas !
AOENTS t.ndlcn or gent. nmkn $3(5
weekly; every lady a steady customer;
Rvmplo and particulars free.; write at
once. Eisner, 1061 Milwaukee Ave.. Chi
cago. J 2.16 8
AOENTS WANTED-Handlo neHal top
rises 135 feet and returns to operator;
meritorious and new article easily
sold to ri taller; samplo 10 cents or
iiiuli'.. disk IV. Big I Novelty Co.. .1912
In Salle. Chicago1 J-233 S
AOENTS, tho Holbrook Telephone Desk
is Just on tlie mnrket and sells wherever
telephones are used. Agents making $1
to $10 dally. Desks made entirely of
steel; nlcklc plated: weigh, with paper,
three lbs.; strong, durable, ornamental;
paper I turned out with rollers and
crank, sells for $2. Agents profit. $1.
Exclusive territory given; send for de
scriptive circular. Holbrook Mfg. Co.,
SyktB block, Minneapolis, Minn.
J 211 S
DOLLARS. they come easy selling tho
"Little (Jem Scissors Orlnder;" attached
to nny scwlnt; machine; every lady wants
one; good profits; prices right; new. Ad
dress Chicago Wheel nnd Mfg. Co., 31 W.
Randolph st.. Chicago. J 212ft"
W.t.Mni)-TO HUNT.
FURNISHED houso of eight or nine rooms.
Must he near car line. E. H. Terrlll. 209
Paxton block. K M916 S'
WANTED, room for desk, table and
smull safe. Address D 59, Bcc.
WANTED, by young lady. May 1. board
and room. Hanscom park vlelnltv. Ad
dress D 63, Bee lllce. K-M3I1 9
BY LADY and her daughter, two un
furnished rooms with board In family,
near Parnam st. car preferred; must bo
reasonable; state price. E 4, Bee.
K-313 S
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912
914 Jones, general itorago und forwarding.
Om. Van Stor. Co., 16UV4 Parn. Tel 1559, F3.
ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.,
in largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur
nlture Co., 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 202o.
WILL purchnse a limited number of
Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan
LoVJ Co.. 309 So. 13th. N-CM
ENTERPRISE PUR. CO. pays high prices
for good household goods. 102 So. 14th.
N M674 A 19
2D-HAND books for cash. Crane, 207 N. 16th
EL1C teeth. Edholm, Jeweler, 107 N. 16th.
CALVES. Address D 44, Beo ofllce.
N-M971 10
WANTED, a second-hand piano, Chlcker
Ing, Knnbc or other standard mnke; must
bo a bargain nnd In good order. D 49,
Bee. N-M117 E
WANTED, to purchase a good No. 2 Smith
Premier typewriter, second-hand; write
stating condition of machine and price. F.
J. Sharp, Aurora, Neb. N 179-8
WANTED Platform scales to weigh up to
050 or 400 pounds. 415 Paxton Block.
N 213 S
WANTED, to purchase a 6 or 7-room cot
tage between Leavenworth and Harney,
30th and 30th streets. W. V. Hedge.. 411
Beo building. N 333 8
ALL kinds of household, hotel goods. Dron
a enrd or Tel. 1112. Lenlne & Schonstead,
301-6 N. 16th. N M32J M7
TOP BUGGY for sale, In good condition.
U 40, Bee. P M190
PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons nnd
harness, Andersen Buggy Co., Cor. 15th
nnd Davenport Sts. P 926
NICE young driving horse, guaranteed
gentle und safe, good trnveler; also nearly
new Columbus top buggy. 4143 Ersklne.
HORSE, phaeton, cart, cheap. Ask nt 612
N. 23d st. P-297 8
POR SALE Four-year-old mnre; city
broke. 1118 South 16th St. P-246-S
SIX-PASSENGEft carriage, cost $500 new,
for sale for $116; good wheels.
Almost new Columbus light phaeton, cost
$22.1; now -$100.
Top buggy; good as new; hand made, $100;
cost $226 ncrw.
SECOND-HAND top buggy In good condi
tion ror sale cneap. inquiro 2121 Locust
street, P-M337
CHEAPEST and best poultry and hog
fence. V01 Douglas St. Q-652
CUTTERS of drug prices, Sherman & Mc
Connell Drug Co., Cor. 16th und Dodge
Q 651
FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at
druggists. One gives relief. Q 654 AID
HORSE clippers and repairs; we grind
razors, shears, clippers, etc. A. L. Undo
land, 106 S. 14th St. Q-MSSI All
2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Fnrnam.
1$. HAAS, Florist, 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776.
Plants, cut (lowers, boquets, hall, resi
dence, wedding und gruve decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly tilled,
NEW bicycle tires, $2.23, $2.50 nnd $3.0').
Good secondhand wheels, $S, $10 nnd $12.
Omaha Bicycle Co., 10th and Chicago Sts,
U-617, sell. Schwartz, 114 8 13. Tel 1697
CUT prices at A. E. Wylle's. 1513 Parnam;
Hermitage Bourbon, Guckenhelmer Rye,
8 years old; drink, 10c; ',i-pt., 23c; nt., We;
qt., $1; gal. sent C. O. D., $1.
WIRE fence. Ieddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1590.
POR SALE A Parker hammerless shotgun,
good as new; cost $W. Apply to Ed Yates
at Schaefer's Drug Store. Q 104 8"
GOOD Incubator, cheap. J. O. Anderson,
3060 Curtis ave. Q M120 8
TWO-rovolutlon Campbell newspaper and
Job press, front delivery, two roller, rack
and screw distribution, size of bed 32x46;
all steam fixtures, for sale cheao. Ad
dress D 62, Beo ofllce. Q-13S
THE latest pneumatic tired blko buggy,
$ir5, Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th und Chicago
sts. Q-.M160
FOR SALE, 2 houses In North Omaha.
Inquire of John P. Bchn, 1459 S. 15th St.
Q 171 8
POR SALE, good wardroho folding bed,
Call at 2221 Chlcngo st. Q-290 8
FOR SALE, sidewalk plank, all widths, 6
to 12 Inches, nnd 6 8 anil 10 feet lengths,
for $9 00 per thousand feet. Also kindling
wood at $1 a load. Chicago House Wreck
ing Co.. Exposition Grounds. 'Phono 2361.
QUARTER sawed oak bar fixtures, com
plete, length IS feet, nearly new; town
went dry; will sell cheap. Inquire W. D.
Luttrell, agent, Hebron, Neb. Q
6,000 MAPLE trees for salo by D. P. Red
man, west of Fort Omaha. Q M276 10
NEW soda fountain $15, worth $2u0. For
particulars address W. O. Cronkrlght, 531
Smlthlleld St., Pittsburg, Pa.
20 HEAD registered Jersey ?ows, nlso
number of heifers, II. J. Ilackett, 4622
noulevard nve . 3d houso west Deaf and
Dumb Institute. Q-M316 9
FnR SALK-Oood Cedar block for wood,
23nd and California streets, Mond.iy April
W. P MumaiiKh. Q-M2IS 9
FREE CIGARS--Fifty HV cigars free to you.
Send 3c stamp for particulars. Associated
Buyers, Manhattan Bldg., Chlcai-o.
on Monday. April 9, we will sell the fol
lowing secondhand machines, every one In
thorough condition. Think of buying n sr w
lug machine for $1.00. They are genuine
bargains: Former
Price. Monday.
PlngT $ 2.00 $ 1.00
Union 2.(i 1 W
Singer i.ot 2.00
Wheeler & Wilson 5.W WW
Union i.5o 3.21
White 7.(0 3..10
White, good ns now 36.00 12.30
Domestic lO.fti 3 CO
Howe 5.0O v.yi
Slngtr. good as new V 15.0
Singer 4.00 !.
American 5.00 2..W
Dals s.f) 4.0i)
Whltehlll 6.00 2.30
Wheeler & Wilson 1.00 2.00 1
livillli' HI" ,J.IV
Domestic, vrwiil ii hnii. 10 FA rwi
Singer, tailoring, good as new 10.00 20.00
Singer, tailoring SO.00 15.00
New machines from $16 up. R pair. and
parts for every machine manufactured. We
rent machine for 75c per week, 'Phone 1663.
Corner Fifteenth nnd Harney Streets.
IOT shelving and tnblcs for sale cheap.
Address 131S Parnam. Q-M337 9
The finest book ami macnzlne poster col
Inetlon In the west Is offered for sale In
naekft of 63 for $5 or 12 for $1, potpald.
Representative designs of best American
artlsln 'for leading mngazlnes, Including
Rhead. Bradley, Edwards. Ilazenplug nnd
Penfield, with every packet of 65. J. L.
Houston, Jr., 2020 N. 22d St.
Q-1S2 S
VOLUMES American Digest, snlendld
condition. $2.1.00. A. P. Connett, 309 N. Y.
Life Illdg. Q 3IS 8
V are all ready for business; largest lino
In elty of 2d band household goodf. En
torprlso Pur. Co., 102 S. Uth. R-M672-A10
NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furnlturo
fs stove nt lowest prices, carload lots or
less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1106-19 Dodge.
. R-639
.jusi arrived irom wurope; will remain a
short time. Tells six different ways; post,
present and futuro; In person or by letter;
tells luily or gent who the future husband
or wife w'll be by the lettm In the hand;
Irlngs back husband or lover In so many
days; settles family trouble.', breaks evil
influences, makeit happiness; gives advice
on grain and stock "peculations; locittri
mines and hidden treasures; also fine hair
growing ton'c: nlso removes wrinkle-,
face blemishes; cures corns, bunions; nlso
cures nervous trouble; glvew good luck
charm fre. this week. I use no pen or
laper. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
refunded, l-'iilkn In trouble call at once.
Remedies for the cure of nervousness,
female trouble and tumors, coughs, colds,
rheumatism, asthma and catam.
I'arlors: 516 South 13th St., upstairs, be
tween Howard and Jackson sts. Ofllco
hours: 10 a. m. to 9 p. m.; opon Sundays.
Will touch hand each customer free
with only truo lu stono In America.
S-361 8
Begs to Inform the public that sho still con
tinues to glvo her marvelous readings.
She Is a living connection between tho
unseen existence and this world. She can
read the Innermost thoughts of souls. See.
a mirror and by her MYSTERIOUS
POWER can tell bow to avert evil, how
to riircoed and obtain good fortune.
Concerning business nffalrs she gives re
llahlo and Important advlro and Informa
tion on all mnttors of Interest In business
transactions, lawsuits, conteeted wills, di
vorce, gold mining, adventures and spec
ulat.on. She truly uredlcts the success or failure
of new enterprlfes. She unites lovers and
restores! happiness, causing speedy mnr
Mme. Palmer enn through her occult power
diagnose all diseases, instantly locating
tho seat of trouble, therefore removing
tho cause, a cure Is the result. All busi
ness sacred and confidential. Six ques
tions unswered. $1. Res. 1707 Cass. Mme.
Palmer will lecture at Continental hall
today at 2 p. m. Subject, "Evolution of
Religion." S 317 S
Is reputed ns the leader of pnlmlstry, and
her remarknblo ability, together wjth re-
llnemnnl nnd nn ntlrni'llrn nnnnnriinrn
Justly entitles her to such a reputation.
jier panors are wen equipped ami very
cnnveailently arniji'jed; the applicants
for readings find It pleasant to wait,
which often occurs on account of tho
number that eonsult her. However, she
has yet to fall to give entire snth'factlon,
and she guarantees to give Instruction re
garding unv Information required. THIS
WONDERFUL younsr womnn can posl
tlvelv tell the PAST. PRESENT and
FUTURE, and if you havo not as vet In
vestigated palmistry don't fail to see
Mme. Gylmer, 1605 Dodge, south side new
P. O. Hours from 9 to 7:30; Sundnys, 10
to 4. Send $1 nnd 6 questions answered.
MME. OYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodgo
MRS, FRITZ, clairvoyant, 812 N. 16th7"
MRS. HILL, Dewey's friend, 7th daughter,
born with veil, fortune toller, locates hid
den treasure; ladlep, 50c; gents, $1. Read
ings by mall. 2002 Cuming. Prof. Spiers,
magnetic healer faith cure. S 32S-A22
MRS, BERRY, electro magnetic treatment
and haths. 119 N. 16th St., 2d floor. Op
posite V. O. T 519-Ap-21
MME. SMITH, room 2, USH N. 15tr , mng
netlc treatment nnd baths. T X863
MME. SMITH, room 2, HS'A N. 15th: mng
netlc treatment and baths. T M8C0 H
VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316-Bcebldg
MONHEIT. Chiropodist. 1518 Parn. Tel. 2333.
YOUR hair shampoed, dressed 35c. Hair toi
let goods. Monhelt, 151S Farnam. Tel. 23J1.
PRIVATE hospital for ladies before, & dur
ing conllnement; bublei. adopted. 1136 N. 17.
DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns nnd superflu
ous hair removed by electricity. Room 12,
Frenzsr Block. U 661
PLEATING and plented pklrts of all kinds.
M. Goldman & Co., 209 Douglas block.
PRIVATE homo before and during confine
ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2633
Decatur. U 00
STAMPS for collectors; albums, supplies.
Frank Brown. 220',$ S. 13th. U-671
RUPTURE cured, no knife, no pain, no
danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup
turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
CANCER CURED: no pain. Dr. Honshaw,
sclcntlllc specialist. 616 N, 19th st., Omaha.
IF YOU suffer with your feet and dealro
Immediate nr permanent relief call on
Prof. Lund, 511 Kurb.ich block. U-933-A17
CLOTH by the yard for ladles' tailor suits.
Dresher Tailoring Co.. 433 Paxton Block.
U-.M970 m3
YOUNG man holding, good position Is de
slrous of meeting nice appearing, discreet
young lady. Address D 47. Bee.
U-.MI01 &
THOSE who attended the lectures of Dr.
Sidney Flower of Chicago while he was
In Omaha will learu something much to
their benefit und Interest by sending their
names und addressee to U 63, Bee otl'.ce,
RKGILDING of nil kinds solicited: frames
you havo stored In garret made new; also
furniture, ornaments, etc. A. Krauss, 1J12
Douglas, Tel. 1621. U-115 11'
MME. SMITH, magnetic treatment nnd
batbs. 1I5'4 North 16th. room 2.
U-9T6 10
uo cnores to earn their board ror the
summer. These boys are not for adoption,
but If satisfactory places can be found
.....j utuj Vllllllil Ulilll Ul US--
U-MI22 S
A LhCltRE on hypnotism; Its uses nnd
nbustP. by Prof. Theo. Kliuras. will bo
given at the Peter Cooper club room, 1515
Howard St.. tomorrow (Monday) night at
8:30. Thl will bo tho first of a rerles of
lectures which will be a continuum e of tho
work o well begun by Sidney Flower,
LL. D., of Chicago. Discussion. nnd
demonstrations with phase's of psvchlc
phenomena will bo given. Admission 26
cents. ' 202-S
MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine
habit: myself cured, will Inform you of
harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs.
Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. U
WALL PAPER cleaned like new. reason
able. Beck & Co., 1520ls Capitol ave. Tel.
393. U-M306 10
1 N FO RM AT ION wanted of t he w lre
nbouts of Charles Truch bv hi father.
Address James Thomson, 1116 Hull street,
Baltimore. Md. U M2I9 10
Ol NO business man wishes to correspond
with sensible young woman of refinement
and domestic tastes, no others. Address
P. O. Box 374. Denver. Colo. U-251 S
PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit "cray
ons. Try washable enamellnes; no
glass: don t rub; cheap. Family Portrait
Co., Chicago. U 232 S
LADIES free. How to make perfect form,
enlarge bust, build tip tissues, beautiful
complexion, remove wrinkles, reduce cor
pulenry. Cleveland & Co., 4600 Champlaln
live.. Chicago. U 233 8
FREE! Success In llfo can only lie oh
fnlneil through Influence. Will send abso
lutely free a 100-pnge book which ex
plains all the secrets of hypnotism, pcr
soniil magnetism nnd magnetic healing.
Tells how to euro diseases and bad habits,
enables ou to win and hold the love nnd
respect of others. Anybody enn learn In
ii few days. We guarantee success. Wriln
today. Address New York Institute of
Science, Dept. 414 H, Rochester, N. Y.
lOUR LIFE can b truly revealed by
astrology. .Mrs, 'M. N. Davenport, Enr
llngton, Ky.. writes: "Everything proved
true ns you predicted In my reading given
6 years ago." Send dato of birth and 10c
for a test rending. Confidential. U Thom
son, Kansas City, Mo, U 291 6
$8.00 SILK skirt or waist for 26c; for In
formation write tho American Silk Co.,
Kansas City, Mo. U M2S1 9
YOUNG lady will bo in Omaha through the
summer, wishes to meet nice appearing
young man, Address Box 218, Lincoln,
Neb, U-M233 9?
PROFESSIONAL gentleman (55), beautiful
home, lovely child, rather wealthy, desires
early marriage lady 2S-65. Mr. Miller, No.
130 Lcxlnaton Ave, New York.
U 2S2 8
RICH grain dealer, widower, age 44. has
largo Income, property and good home,
wnntu wlfo who Is cheerful and real
home maker. Box 216 Englewood Station,
Chicago, III. U 281 8
9!!' lll,,J' fond of hone and children.
$100 Incc-me month, $10,000 available, wants
husband of good character, kind nnd con
federate. Address "Alice," St. Louis, Mo.
Box 23. U-CSO 8
LADIhS, your bust enlarged 6 Inches; fail
ure lmpoi-.slblo; harmless; $100 cash guar
antee; proof tree. Leonard Medicine Co..
Kansas City, Kan. U 279 S
LADIES, box "Monthly Regulator" mailed
free. New York Medical Co.. Milwaukee,
Is- U-27K 8
TALL, good-looking widower, nlco home,
prosperous, hus $40,000. desires a wife, who
would appreclats kindness and generosity.
Address Mr. Davis, Box 23, St. Louis. Mo.
U-277 S'
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per
manently removed by electricity; consul
tation freo and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allendcr, 1613 Do-ins.
U-312 8'
! CORRESPOND for amusement or matri
mony. No publicity. Send stamp for
sealed particulars. ChamDlnn. Council
"luffs. Ia U-321 8'
w,ANJ.rRP- a Spanish Instructor. Address
D 63, Bee ofllce. U 323 S
Meeting tills (Bunduy) afternoon, 2 o'clock,
at Lontlnentnl hall, 15th and Douglas sts.
Mrs. M. L. Palmer will lecture on the
subject of evolution of religion.
After the lecture nn open meeting for 10
minutes' discussion and spiritualist tests
glvon by local mediums. Collection. 10c.
U-M321 8
WANTED, house cleaning or work by tho
dny. AddresB D 64, Bee ofllce.
U-320 8
FEMALINE, positive cure for al female
troubles, llvo specialties; also agent for
Liquid Electricity. Mrs. J. B. Webster,
stato agent, 1711 N. 24th St., Omaha.
U-316 8
, A GENTLEMAN would like to make tho
iii-uiiiiiiu.ui.'n iii n, ineiy tor company. Ad
dress E 3, Beo ofllce. U S51 S
LESSONS In ladles' tailoring, half price
30 days. Introducing simplified merchant
tailor method of dress cutting. Prof.
Doty, 611 N. 20th st. U-M367 8
PRIVATE money, 5, 6V4, 6 per cent; no de
lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W 673
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1624 Douglas.
WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds
nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702
Parnam St., Bee HIdg. W 675
5 PER CENT money. Bemls, Paxton block.
FIVE per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wil
liamson. W 677
MONEY to loan on flrst-claro Improved city
property or for building purposes. Payne
Knox Co., New York Life. W 678
5, 6Vj. 6 per cent on Omaha, S. Omaha.
W. II. Thomas, 603 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 164S.
MONEY" to loan at 5 and 6', per cent on
Omaha property. W. B. Moikle, 401 S. 15th,
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th.
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western
Iowa farms at 6 per cent. Borrowers
can pay $100 or any multiple. Any In
terest date. No delay. Brennan-Lovo Co.,
309 South 13th atreet, Omaha, Neb.
$1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city
property and farms. W. Farnam Smith
& Co., 1320 Farnam. W 692
WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants,
George & Company, 1601 Famum st.
LOANS made salaried people on personal
note without security; rates ruamnable.
J. W. Tayloe, 218 First National bank.
MONEY loaned salaried peoplo holding per
manent position with responsible concerns
upon their own names without security;
easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg.
MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles,
diamonds, watches, etc.; payment un
known to friends. Omaha I.oan Bank, 1416
Farnam, upstairs. X-C96
holding permanent position on their own
name without endorser or mortgage.
EST RATES. No Inquiries made of em
ployer or friends; You cun borrow any
amount und repay on easy weekly or
monthly payments. Beforo borrowing sen
us. OMAHA CREDIT CO., tuile 521-526
N. Y. Llfo Bldg. X-97
diamonds, wati hes, on easy payments, un
known to others; you keep the goods, each
payment lessens the cost of the loan; no
charge for paperf and wo mako no In
quiries of your neighbors. MERGERS'
LOAN CO.. I5vt Farnam, over B. & M ,
Uckot office. ' X-633
SALARY loans after working hours. If
you wnnt cheap money atiiiress h a,, hcc
' MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew-
1 ntrv. Imr. rnns. rtr C F. Ilccfl .119 M tt
Salaried employes of good character can
obtnln accommodation at much less cost
and embarrassment than has heretofore
been possible by applying to American
loan Co., Room 601 Beo bldg. X SI5
on their own name, tu amount from $10.01
up. A comparison of our rates with others
Is nil we ask, ns we are positive that
ours are the lowest in the city. Remember
that we are the only loan company giving
you the privilege of paying your loan ALL
or In PART nt any TIME and thereby stop,
plng the cost. Business confidential. Treat
ment courteous.
Tel. 2295. Room 119, Hoard of Trade Bldg.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses
cows, Jewelry. Duff Green R. 8, Barker blk
We loan on furniture, pianos-, wnrehouee
receipts, live stock, etc. You have tho
use of both the property and the money.
You may pay the loan back In one month
or keep It longer and pay for It only what
time you keen It. No expense for papers
nnd nothing kept out of tho amount bor
(Established 1892). 306 South 16th St.
LOANS on furniture, horses, cows, etc.
FERED IN OMAHA. J. W. Tayloe, 215
First Nat Hank Bldg. X-702
llt'SIXESS rilAXt'ER.
GROCERY stock, splendid location, well
established trade; as a business propo
sition will pay to Investigate. Address
C 26, Hcc. Y-.M160 A17
FOR SALE, a small steam brewery with
tnalthouse, In eastern Nebraska, In excel
lent condition, with good location; must
retire on nccount of III health. For fur
ther particulars call on or nddres F. W.
Pintz. Schuyler, Neb. Y-M266 A20
strict attention to nil classes of collec
tions. 401-2-3-4-6 N. Y. Ufo nidc.
FOR SALE, on account of sickness and
death in family I now offer my hotel
property, The Albion House; one of tho
best hotel town In state. A barcaln for
som ono that wishes to engage In hotel
business. For Information write to .1. E.
Needham, Albion. Neb. Y-M954 9-
PRINTINO ofllce for sale. Nebraska county
seat; good plant, good builn. For full
particulars address D 40, care Bee.
Y-M933 10
HUY one of our new or second-hand merry-go-rounds.
2206 Lake st., Omaha.
Y-M9G9 10
FOR SALE, drug storo or half Interest In
name; doing good business and located
In ona of the best towns In Nebraska.
For particulars address Frank Nedela,
Cre-to, Neb, Y-M750
FOR LEASE, good business corner lot. 30th
nnd Amos avenue. No saloon. Apply
Flodmnn A Co., 1514 Capitol ave.
Y-M744 11
FOR SALE or trad. In downtown district,
first-class factory, manufacturing a sim
ple staple article; brings profit of $200
month: will sell at a sacrifice, less than
one-third tho value. D 48, Bee.
Y M127 8
FOR SALE, blacksmith shop and tools;
best location In- the city. Address IV. H.
Ammon, St. Paul. Neb. Y-MU9 12
FOR SALE, flrst-class stock of harness
goodB; also building: only shop In town.
Address G. F. Coulon, Moorhcad, la.
Y-M2.18 10
FORI SALE, steam laundry In good llvo
town of 3,600 Inhabitants. Price. $1,060.
For particulars address Box 677, Falrbury,
Neb. Y-2S7 S
FOR SALE, boardlnc house 1n North
Platto; business Income $160 por month.
Address Mrs. Hlnman, Box 3.11. North
Platto, Neb. Y-286 S
PATENTS FREE! Valuable money mak
ing book on patents tells all nbout patents
and how to secure them nt low cost.
Gives 101 mechanical movements Invalua
blo to Inventors nnd mechanics. Tells
how fortunos have been made from sim
ple Inventions that others have laughed
at. Tho little pocket dime bank mado
over $2M,0u0. Gives letters of wealthy
manufacturers who wnnt good Invention
In their line. Send us roug'h drawings of
all your NEW IDEAS or Inventions. No
chnrge for our opinion as to their being
now and patentable. Advice FREE.
Tells how to capitalize and organize Joint
stock patent right companies. This val
uable Inventors' Guide Book mailed
FREE to any address. It Is overflowing
with Invaluable money mnklng patent in
formation. Big book free. O'MEARA St
CO., Patent Attorneys. Opp Patent Ofllce,
S55 G St., Washington, D. C. Y-2S5 8
FOR SALE, four-year lease of a furnished
hotel, 50 rooms. In one of tho best towns
In Nebraska, population 3,000; has all the
commercial trade and making money;
good reasons for selling. Address D 41,
Beo Office. Y M118
FOR SALE, lease and furniture of family
hotel In Omaha; clears above all expenses
$305 per month; Investigation solicited by
parties with $2,000 In cash. D 64. Beo.
FOR SALE, good clean stock of furniture,
niieenswaro, chlnaware, etc., In good
lively town of 1.000 people In northwest
Nebraska, reason for selling, havo out
side business that needs my attention.
Address D 63, Bee. Y M 155-13
FURNITURE and goodwill of 8-room
boarding house 1512 Webster.
YM 148-8
WANTED, capital to develop n cart de
signed for use In Alaska and place whero
other thnn muscular power Is dlfllcult to
obtain. The Invention covers a broader
field of usefulness than mentioned here,
but could bo realized on llnnnclally nt
onco for this purpose nlone. It Is a good
thing. Investigate It. Address D 67. Bee.
y-170 )
PROFITS In stocks, wheat and cotton.
Mackey's Modern Methods Mako Money.
Write for our free book. O. E. Macker
St Co.. 32 Broadway, New York. Y
SEND for free book that tell how hundreds
of people are investing a small amount
monthly In Co-Operatlvo Agriculture In
Mexico and securing enormous returns;
reliable company, bank reference, jto.
C. St R. Co., 210-212 Laclede Bldg., St.
Louis, Mo. Y
COMPANIES financed; charters furnished;
we provide our customers with bonds or
bnnk certificates of deposit ns collateral
security to their stock or bonds; all done
on commission from sales of stocks or
bonds; bank rofcrence; reference to cus
tomers. E. L. Squire St Co., 38 Wall St.,
New York. y
SMALL grocery stock In good locality;
other business compels owner to sell,
J. II. Johnson, 811 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.
BLACKSMITH and woodshop for sale; ulso
tools and material nnd adlolntng 4-room
house. Address Wm. Ilroell, Lusk. Wyo.
Y-251 8
FOR RENT, the only corner brick store
room In town, newly fitted up, centrally
located; best opening In state for gen
eral stock or clothing. Address E W.
Fenton, Wymore. Neb. Y-255 8
MERCHANTS can mako 11 big profit every
month selling our line of KO-cnndle-power
Incandescent vapor lamps. Ad
.Instable flame. Polished brass. Guaran
teed. Sovon styles. Nn torch. Exclusive
territory. Cutalogue free. Sludebaker
Light Co., Dep. 41, Kansas Cllv. Mo.
Y -256
FOR SALE, furniture of onlv 2 day hotel.
Co. seat. Neb.: slone and brick building;
sewer, baths, Iron beds, hnlr mattresses;
rent $100 per mo. Price, $2.500-$l.OT0 down,
...Ill rnnl l.n,l ffir tlDl) tlOP ,111 n 11 1 1 fit.
nnd re-
move furniture, allowing tenant
! furnish. This Is a good opening.
I We have the furniture of 50 hotels f
realty and furniture of 10 hoteh
to re-
'or sale;
FOR SALE, a hotel In one of Iowa's best
little cities at a big discount; easy terms
to right parly: a good farm will ho con
s'Hcreil as nart nayment. W. V Hedges,
123 Bee Bld Omaha, Neb. Y-331
Farms and city property to trade for
hotels: hotels to trade for cllv property.
Reallv und furniture of big hotel-price,
$65,000, lo trade for ranch of equal value.
Buyers and traders will consult their own
Interests by filling upon or writing for
particulars. Western Hotel Broker", 101
Beo Bldg. Y-181 8
TICIAN. A prominent business man from New York
City canto to Omaha recently for tho ptir
poso of employing nn agent to tnke chnrgo
of somo Important business. Upon his
arrival ho made inquiry as to whero ho
could get somo typewriting done for pre
liminary work, nnd was sent to tho
Ambrose Letter Writing Co., In The Beo
building. Much to his surprlso ho dis
covered Ambrose, who is known through
out tho country a. a statistician. He Im
mediately arranged with the company to
reproduce several thousand circular let
ters and address them to a list of per
sons living In Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa
and Dakota.
Tho gentleman seemed highly elated over
what ho had nchloved and in conversation
In tho hotel corridor ho gave tho Am
brose letter Writing Co. credit of be
ing the only ono he had ever conio in
contact with that could send letters to
llvo names anywhero desired. Such a
thing, he said, Is Impossible in New York
or Chicago.
His arrangement with tho company to dis
pose of his work naturally lessened his
time and expense in Omaha, as he an
ticipated haling to spend several days In
securing aomo one to perform thesa
A few hours prior to his departure for
California, whero he went to spend a
vacation, ho "called up" Telephono 2316
and ordered a package of artistic calling
cards for hl wife. Y 1S3-S
"Safe Speculation" has made $1,000 on a
$100 Investment In 30 days. Send for freo
particulars, also customer and bnnk refer
ence. Richard Jones, stocks and grain,
40 Exchango Place, New York city.
Y-216 8
WANTED, well known Chicago housn
wnnts desirable man with few thousand
dollars capital to establish and carry on
branch business; $200 per month nnd ex
penses; also spcclnl profits; term of
years; high-class business; goods widely
known; good for $5,000 per year or bet
ter; Inquirers to receive attention must
state amount of cash capital, nlso ap
proximate flnnnclal condition and namo
references. C. Harper, noyco building,
Chicago. Y-215 8
WILL EXCHANGE $7,200 stock of dry
roods and furnishing goods for good lands
and about U ciuh; owner must get Into
milder climate for his health; full lines
of domestics nnd underwear, no fixtures
or damaged goods, nil bought within past
18 months and as good as wheat. "Hom
ers," 607 Manhattan bldg, St. Paul.
7. M154-S
1,600 ACRES of e warn p land and lako bed
In Monona, county, Iowa; 600 acres under
cultivation; to trndo for Omaha property.
D 51, Bee. M147-8'
I HAVE several stocks of goods, gon'l
mdse, hardware, boots and shoe. '11 ex
change for land In eastern Nebraska and
Iowa; give legal description and price.
W. V. Hedges, 423 Beo Bldg., Omaha. Neb
X IS3 8
WILL exchange nice fruit farm and gnr
den land near Council Bluffs for Omaha
residence. What havo you? , 257 8
EXCHANGE, staple, clean stock furnishing
goods, notions, shoes, few dry good,
clothing, hats, overalls, etc., for unim
proved land; stock appraised about $2 200;
am owing for new goods about $5TA which
must havo in cash; business can be con
tinued or stock removed. MrClaln St
Yaten. Oregon, Mo. 7.-2S9 6
It has been absolutely demonstrated within
the last few years that magnetic healing
Is one of tho leading; sciences. It has
taken the place of drugs to a largo extent.
The field of practice is gradually growing
Professor and Mrs. Bell, who havo origi
nated the Bell Method of magnetic heal
ing, have recently opened nn Institute In
Omaha. They -were seen yesterday by a
Beo representative and In commenting
upon the subject of magnetic healing Pro
fcsior Bell said:
"Suffering humanity can positively derlvn
muoh benefit through this method of heal
ing, if they only consent to glvo It a trial.
We have permanently cured many chroma
diseases and there have been cases
iwhereln other doctors have pronounced
them Incurable, which yielded very read
ily to our treatment and a speedy cure
was the result. We also teach patients
how to cure themselves.
"One great point In favor of this method Is
the fact that if tho patient is suffcrlnK
from scvero pain he- gets relief oh hooh
as he begins taking tho treatment."
Professor and Mrs. Bell say that their In
tention are to establish a permanent
school In Omaha. There are now several
students at the institute who have begun
tha course. They havo leased what Is
known as the Dr. W. O. Bridges' resi
dence at 1623 DOUGLAS STREET, which
Is largo and commodious and very con
veniently arranged.
Ml S'
JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 615 N. Y.
Lire Bldg,; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles'
dept.; Old, E. Johnson, Osteopathia!. .mgr.
M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school,
Klrksvllle, Mo., C04 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367,
A. T. HUNT.ostcopath; all chronic difcases:
"results tell." 3o5 Karbach Hlk. Tel. 2352.