Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1900, Page 21, Image 39

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Bprlng Btuinm Open. Up in a Moil Prom
ising Way.
DlrrrhntiillKlnK l til lie (i r ( m - n ( n
Iot.cs AIiihk In n Most Siiflsfiielory
Milliner ttlth Nothing Worth
I'onipliiliilui; Ahoiit.
TlnsliicHs Interests In thin city anl sur
rounding territory nro still In n most pros
porous condition. From practlcnlly all linen
Dt business come fuvorublo reports showing
big gains In the volume of trnnanctlons
over corresponding period of lust year.
lEvon the clearing houso reports show thiit
Omuha Ih well up toward the top of the
lint of thoso cities showing nn Incrcaso
In business. TuklnK everything Into con
sideration. It Ih doubtful If there over hns
been n. tlmo when till branches of trado
"were. On an firm a footing In thin flection
of tho country an they aro at tho
Tho wholesale markets are In much tho
amo condition they wcro a week ago,
though thn tendency of priced Ih decidedly
Upward. Thero seems to bo no weakness
ef Importance In Hny lino and na far as
known there Is not likely to be any for
uio iiriraeni.
I a retail way, local trade conditions
rc exceptionally prosperous Lending rner
chants say they never haw spring business
open up more favorably than It has this
reason and aro looking for blK run of
trado from now on. Not only Is tho volume
of sales larger this yeur, but the quillty
nf goods purchased Is also Improving, which
is considered a favorable sign.
Sugar ItefliierlcM' FIkIH.
Whnlosnln grocers report business as mov
ing u ong In about tho same way It was
a week ago, although they are having about
nil the trade they can handle. One Jobber
remarked that Friday of Inst week was one
of tho biggest days over had and the other
Si1.. of .tno wpek were not fur behind.
Taking t.ho mnntli of March as a whole,
thn grocery business shows n gain over
the same month of latt yenr nf about 20
rer cent, wldi h Is a big gain considering
the fact that last ear was the best year
ever experienced up to that time. In r.
pure! to market Hurt nations, there Is not
much to ho said, us but very few Import
nnt change) have lnl;en place. The sugar
market Is unetiannd In spite of the fnrt
that this is the time of year when the
market usually H-lvnnccs. The law prices
ruling this season are owing lo the fight
existing between the American Sugar Kenn
ing compnny and outside refineries. It Is
claimed that sugars aro now being sold by
manufacturers nt a loss. The canned goods
market Is also unchanged at this point, al
though several lines have been advanced
In eastern markets. The coffeo market,
owing. In part, to the fight between the
ppackugo coffee men. eased off a trllle and
In some cuses was quoted from u uiiarter
jto a half cent lower. Htatlstlcs for March,
(however, show that the visible supply of
cotTeu decreased during that month 223.000
;M5?A,!vh.,rh 'eaves the visible supply nnlv
6,200.000 bags, as compared with S.00D.0O)
liags In October. The rate at which con
sumption of coffee Is Increasing Is shown
ny the fact that In March of last year the
decrease In the world's supply was only
r.,600 lings and In ISPS there was an Increase
hiippIv amounting to 160.000 bags
AVIth them figures In mind local lobbers
Pay that higher prices are bound to rule
pooner or later. Starch, on account of
lilgher priced corn, has ndvnnced df?H cent
lho rope market Is In a very strong posi
tion and higher prices are looked for nn
Recount nf the reported shortage In the
raw iiPTc.
Active SprliiK Trnile.
Hardware Jobbers arc also well pleased
"with prevailing trado conditions, nnd say
they are doing an enormous business. Dur
ing March their trado showed a gain of
ntiout Jo per cent over corresponding month
ZlLI.J1 'ml nd Indications are that this
month will he fully nH good. Spring goods
nre now moving out In stood shape and the
flemnnd for such lines as steel goods, wire
rloth, poultry netting, screen doors and
barb wire Is especially heavy. There wcro
no Important chnimns In market quotations
f t at the same time nrlces on nractlcally
Vilil"?1. "r.c . " -with Indications
Jft . r.hle for tn. ,r remaining In that condi
tion for some ilme to come
Dry goods lobbers report trade In spring
roods n trltlo quiet Just at present, prin
cipally because traveling men are busy
taking advance orders for fall good"
Judging from the way retailers nro placing
their advance orders for fall goods they
must have a good deal of conlldencn In
future business as well hh In future prices
JobborH say that so far they have landed
more fall business than ever before at this
ycason of the year and they have onlv lust
ticgiin to take orders. The present falling
nnli' inmiinr n- 1, 1 , 111 .... . . '
oni temporal, ami will entire v dlsanncnr
i. n h Kim is inougn to I
ir warm weather continues. Mnnuo im,i.
.r. .i.i,..i ,i. 11 iiii'ri.iiwn 1111,1 iitfil u
Jiectcd to assume large proportions In the
near future. Fancy lines at the present
time are In big demand and are selling
better than for several years.
Hoot anil shoe Jobbers are olio pushing
their fall Hues, but as yet they have not
been nn thn market long enough to tell
liow well they will tuke Local lobb-rs
have, not sent out all their men. but prob
nhly the majority of thent will be on the
road this week Spring business Is also
moving along at a satisfactory rate nnd
no complaints are heard. One Jobber re
marked that po fur this year business has
been 30 por cent heavier than It was a
yenr ago.
, Price MmIs Received.
Rubber goods Jobbers are once more
rendy for business. The new price lists
-were received the first of (he month anil
traveling men are now on tlm road taking
orders. In comparing this year's schedule
""'th last It is found that discounts are
Jiractlcally the same ns they were a year
igo, from May I to November 1. There
nre, however, some changes In tho lists
iPrlccs on heavy boots as a rule havo been
raised while light rubbers are lower. This
is accounted for by the fact that rubber
Is higher this year and for that reasin
tho more rubber there Is In an article the
more 1 It costs. For example, a henvv snort
ing boot that sold last year for US 65 by
tho wholesale Is now worth JO. and n henvy
Khort boot that sold Inst year for Is
now held at 11.20. Women's storm Alaskas,
on tho contrary, that u year ago wnro
quoted at I.17 are now sold nt 95 cents.
Any number of examples might be given,
bill theso Illustrate the way the lists have
been changed. In regard to the prospects
for business little can be said, but nt the
pamo time It Is evident that local Jobbers
nre all looking for n good run of trade
unless something out of the ordinary should
Tho hide market advanced H cent last
ivoek nnd Is quoted firm at the advance.
Local dealers say they w-iuld not bn sur
prised to see It go up another U cent during
this week.
I " r n 1 4 11111I Produce,
Thero wns a good demand last week for
anything green. Receipts of such lines
lire rapidly Increasing, but so far the do
mand has been large enough to keep prlcet
nenrly steady. Strawberries are romlne- In
more freely and a few cities of I.nuli.1 urn
nnd I exas berries were received last week.
jfxas uemcs soiu ior fi per .i-quart case
nnd Louisiana berries nt $150 per 21-plnt
case. Considerably lower prices, however,
nre looked for In the next few days.
Oranges are quoted about the same ns
they were ut last report, but Indlcatlnni
nre favorable for higher prices In the near
future. The same Is true of lemons.
The egg market, as will be noted from
quotations given In another column, are a
little higher than they were a week ago.
llecelpts are quite liberal, but at the same
time the demand Is heavy enough to put
tho price up. Poultry Is also good and
llrm, ns receipts are rather light. Mutter
took a drop isst week, us Is always the
i.'iM.r : i ' I";; ,r. ""dairies. I51fl7u. flieese, llrm at 124113c.
green llsh was received Inst week, but It Is
thought there will be n good supply on
1110 mnrKci oetorn tno close of this week.
Conditions of Trade it ml eitiotittlona
on Stttplc nml Kimcy Produce,
KqciB- Receipts, liberal; frevsh stock llrm
nt 9ke
EqCiS-Rccelpts, moderate; fresh stock,
DRESSED POI'LTRY-Cholco to fancy
turkeys, 9JI10o: ducks, 9e; geese. 9c: spring
chickens, 9j10c. hens. 9fJI0c; roosters, Stifle.
LIVE POIU.TRY-Hcns. St79c: spring
chickens, Sc. young, staggy nnd old
roosters, 45tic, ducks, 74c; geese, 714c;
turkeys. Sc.
HITTER - Common to fair. 13c; choice.
J5c. separator, 22e; gathered creamery. 19c.
P10EON8 Live, per do., 11.
VEALS-Cholce. SOIOe.
OYSTERS Medium, per can, ISc; stand
nrd, per cnn. 22c; bulk standard, per gal
lon, $1.25; extra selects, per can. 30c; extra
nelccts, per. gnl., S1.604T1.75; New York
counts, per can, 37c; New York counts,
per 100. $1.2.1.
FISH-Herring, per Ih.. 5c; round perch,
Pc, sun. 60; e'Od, 60, haddock. 6c: blue pike,
6c; icalcd and dressed perch, Cc; clscocs,
'"riMwi" ,,,rC?'"r'' trout. 7V rritnii. i
71.. ., I ., L. I
.. ! iL ' . "V. nnnsn undines, 7'c:
"'"V. "c: yilnw pike, dressed. V:
V. ' ,lr,,"'''' l; red snapper. 9c; i
i v I.' "m"k1"1 wjilte fish. 9e.
li" m. ii ii . ' '.2r- 1'innn, rnnire,
midland choice. 16 50; lowland, choice. '
-.. i-ni unii niH I ninmi rnmiw
2' r Li11 ""'"' No. 3 corn, '; '
;?. in. "its. Vx-, cracked corn, per!
..i.u., .urn mm obis, cnopppd, per lull, me money markets rmv been tne unuer
15: limn, nnr inn in;.v ... r..u . .. .v.- ,u .m.,ir
"60. , I
4SUMIl'9.l?.7.S''l, 'rnln, per It... i:Uo.
HPl.VAf'ir-fer box. Jl.
')in.,,,Ji:.;J'r3-I'" i- bunehe. w.
I.I-.TTUCH Ir doz. bunches. 40c; fancy
head lettuce, per bhl., II.
ItAniSlIKS-I'or doz. bunches. 30f?lc.
8W15BT l'OTATOF.S - I'er bbl.. Illinois,
;.ip,!,0Jv,' 'orge hbls., Kansas ."5.
ru i A iuii-I'er lni.. choice, 35flflOc
OA nHAOB California, per lb.. 2Mi3c.
t.'Ari.IFlxJVVUH-Callfornln ,?er crate, ,
CEI.KriY-Por doz., 25C30.'; California,
per hunch, COfiOOe.
TUIINIPS-Hutabacns, per lb., llic
TOMATOKH - Florida, per rtx-baskot
crate. Jl.50.
MI SIIHOOMa-I'er lb. box. 50c.
IlMUnAim-Per lb.. SflOc.
ONIONS-HftHlt. yellow, 7Jc; red, SfrTJDOci
Ohlos, per bbl., t2.25172C0.
STnAVtlErmiF.8-Texas. per 21-Ht. cusc,
t.OO, IOiilsnrina, per 21-qt. ense, Jl.50.
ATPI.KS-rholCH western shipping stock,
M.60; New York stock, Jl.50: fancy, W.C0.
OUAPF.S-Malnga. per bbl.. Jl.OOflO.M.
CltANHEHItlKS-Jcrsoys, por bbl., 10.50;
per crate, 13.50,
OHANOKS Callfornln. fancy navels, per
box. J12'ifi3.50; choice navels. JJ.00; Med
Iterranenn Sweets, per box, J2.5Mt2.T5.
I.KMONS-Callfornln, choice, per box, J-1;
rancy, n w, iicssinas, cnoicc, per oox, jj.&u;
fancy. J I
n.VN'ANAS-Per bunch, medium, 2.2J
2.50; large, J2 75ti3 00.
i lions.
HIDKH-No. 1 green hides. 7'ic; No. 2
green hides, Clje; No. 1 slted hldW. SAc;
No 2 salted hides, 7'c; No. 1 veal calf, S to
13 lbs., 9c; No. 2 venl cull", 12 to 15 lbs., Sc.
HONEY Per 21-sectlnn case. J3.C0.
NUTS Hickory, large, per bu., J1.25;
shcllbarks, S1.25.
Most of tho I)u)'n Interest Centers 111
III. I'iipii Aliirlx.!.
PIMCAfjn A twit 7A r,.onrt was riirrent I
on 'cbanLrn tndnv flint some Influential
' . "
longs were nsidy to disgorge their mm
holdings. This was an Influence In the
grain markets, which were easier. Feur of i
n I.. -It 1..
product pit, the close being from 2Hc Im
proved In pork and lard to 10c higher In
ribs. May corn closed steady and Sfflsc
lower. May wheat weak and 'itl'Hc down
and May oats oasler ut a loss from yester
day or he.
Corn opened weak, but found somo friends
after u concession of about He from yes
terday s closing figure. They held It up
and gradually forced It up a shade over
yesterday. llut they were not strong
enough to hold tho advantage. There was
a bearish element nt work In the pit and.
considerably emboldened by the report that
certain heavy longs were ready to leap
their harvest of profits, brought consider
able pressure to the selling side. There
were those who thought tho market much
no i'iu.iu to tie iiiiiui'iiccu ny n single neuvy
siit'cuiiiiur, or even a coiene oi lira, one
aiuucoi ui nit- auuaiion reinuraing mat tno i
greui American steer and bog were running
to corn ueai tins season. Home reportH
made country acceptances over night
freer, while other.s said tho farmers will
sun lie disposed to Keep tno coarsu grain
in their own cribs. Liverpool was lower i
ior iuiure.H. mil urm for spof. Haltlrnore
reported SiU.W) liu. accepted by the other
sine, iocal exporters reported 'irelgn bids
"way oui ot line. rntnur ren-lpts were
C49,UOi) bu., comp,irel ulth Uls.oOO bu. a year
ago. Atlantic: port clearances were 67l,W)
ou. llecelpts hero were 3n cars. May
VM Im '4'w down at oii'vo-iw. auviinccd I
" iinu men rcacit'd io ,i:i'c. closing
steady and -Mic down at 39t !0c. Trade
was nctlvi. at times, but tho volume of busl-
iicss snnweu a tailing on rrom recent quan-
.Wheat was dull and weak. Shorts be.d
llieir eyes on the actions of corn, but the I
gcnoral attitude was Dciirlih and It told In !
the enil. Tho cnsli ilpmnml u'nu nn,.r n.,.i .
the end. The cash demand was nnnr nml
the supply on the lloor generally over tlm
demund. Tho market took a brace follow
ing the opening In sympathy with corn,
but prompty weakened when the big cereal
reacted Tho speculative trade v. us light.
New York reported five loads taken tor
export. Seaboard clearances In wheat and
flour we-re equal lo 3.7),0i0 bushi-lt,'. Primary
fcolpts were 5i9.0iii) bushels, comnared with
47l.) bushe's a year ago. Minneapolis and
Duhith reported 463 car-, against IS7 I.lh
week and Sf,9 11 yenr ago. Local recoliits
wero seventy-tour curs, none ot contract
grade. May opened unchanged at (,0iir
OVTde, declined to COXc t cite ted with corn to and then broke to 00141-. at which tho
market closed ViftV' under yesterday.
The provision market wus firm and tuirly
octlvo in splto of thn grain easiness and
lower tvrlceti nt tho yards. A good demand
from packers, together wltli fear of 11
squeeze in Tins, uio supply (II w
u.Vi.t ,1.,. r.,..n i.,i.,i
squeeze :n ribs, tho supply of which Is
,.?".!.. '..... . ,.. i. 'ii ' ....T.:. . ..." .
norvous. amy rlns sold at from $7.0 to
$7.10 nnd closed 10c over yctteidny nt $7.02';,
May pork at from $12.07! to J12.S214. closing
2V40 up at $12.70, and May lard at from
$0.C2'4 to IO.K7V4. with the close 2!4c betlcr
ut 111 ere wns consiuerauio pront
taklng throughout the esslon.
Tho out! market followed oorn. Thn
speculatlvo market wns tarn.', shipper be
ing ine principal sellers, j.ocni rcceipus
were 17a cars; .May sold at trom 20c to 21
f;2l;4C. closing o lower at 2r.
Estimatetl receipts for Monday: Wheat,
SO cars; corn, 475 curs; oats, 250 cars; hogs,
32,OuO bend.
Tho lending futures ranged us rouows:
Artlcles.l Opon-I High. Low. Close. Ves'y.
r,r,i;i r,?i
coi av.,,
0-S OS's I
I 39V4
iK 39TJ4u:
40HI 40,
OS tfli,
C, .- I
Mh y
May July
Pork -.May
.May July
suhji toi to-:
40:,4?vii41 iVd
lOTl'j' -11 Va
24- 25 2IWii 21'
2l42iy(j'!. 2IUi2IHfij:i.
23? 23?ifi 141 23'4l23Vi4tilii
t2 07VJ 12 S2'.4 12 07141 12 70
23 "i
12 074
12 07ij
C C2'4
0 72V
0 S21?
12 li I 12 b2Vj 12 Ui 1- lU
r, r,2H
0 07 Mi
0 so
0 87M-1
0 02'4
0 05
0 75
6 S5
0 72,4i
0 72!S
0 SO I
I (M)
0 so
7 10
7 00 I
0 7714
0 SO I
7 0214! C 9214
0 S22' 0 SO
C SO I 0 7714
fi S7V4
0 S5
C S214
No. 2.
Cash quotations were ns follows:
FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $3.0ff'
3.70; straights. $2 95W3.I0; clears. $2.70u3 10;
spring specials. $3.S0tf3.90; patent". $3.101f
3.45; straights, 2.tiJQ3.00; bakers, J J.tXlti 2.41.
WHEAT-No. 3 spring. 02',4fCjc; No. 2 red,
CORN No. 2. 39e; No. 2 yellow. 30?ic.
OATS No. 2, 25M20e; No. 2 white, 2S14
4j2Sc; No. 3 white, 274fr2Si4c.
RYE No. 2. 60c.
IIARLEY No. 2. Ui?l5c.
SEEDS Flax and northwest, $1.70.
timothy. $2.35fi2 10
Mess pork, per bbl.
JT12. 75. Lard, per iuu ins., jtj.ssyii.iu.
1 rtbs sides (loone), $0 937.20 Dry salted
, shoulders (lioxed). JO.WJ4.0.73; short clear
; 8i,o (boxed, 7 25'(i7.fO.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods, per
gal.. $1.234.
SCC.ARS-Cut loaf, $0.00; granulated. f5.44.
Following are tho receipts and shipments
for toi'.ni-:
Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
I'l tul tft.
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu.
.. 07,001) 76 00)
Corn, uu.
Oats, bu. .
Rye. bu. .
Harlev, bu.
..298.000 272.rO0
..192.000 13X.0OI
.. 1.000 2.0O)
41.01(0 S.O 0
On the Produce oxrhnngo today the but-
.(,r m,irket wns e'.isy; creameries, 15fJ19c;
! ljBkt'' Hr"" J J?
Stiiteiiicnt of Clcnrlnii llousf llniil.s
.... I 1 ...I Wli
NEW YORK. April ?. Speculative en
thusiasm for an advance In prices nf se
curities re'ce-lved n decided shock In tho
showing mude by tho clearing bouse banks
In their weekly statement today. Tho buy-
,lm,.,wi foil ntt-nv nml slocks came niinn
lug demand fell nwa and flocks came upon
tho market at declining prices. Hie. most
Important part of the earlier gains wns
wiped out and the market closed unsettled
nnd Irregular, prices moving In contrary
directions In different parts of the list and
net chnnges being much mixed. The short
session thun endel began auspiciously
enough under the Influences of renewed
buying orders from abroad, which were
suld to have their source In Holland. Hull
pools resumed their operations In various
stocks and the continued strength In Sugar
gave tone to the list. Peunsvl-
vanla. Baltimore .1- Ohio preferred Mis-
sourl Paclllc and Chesapeake & Ohio were
contplcuous samples of strength. Tho list
promptly gave way upon the appearance of
tno Dank siainncni on tn tape, rrenmi-
nary catlnuu-s of the guln In cash hud
tlntn with th ")Mi ' usury atone furni
an InrrpMSf of In the batiks.
The week hHK witnessed the . ontlnurd
operation of the forces in the Mock market, I
. haan it...ii i rnrifin u il
wni n n
result of
of the trend of events for some time
imst. The growing cutivb linn In the inn-
tlnuance of prosperous conditions In tho
Some sto(k. havo given unmistakable
signs this week of a taphenvy condition
nd are sustained by ixilpable munlpula
tlons and vague rumora of extraordinary
ndvantages not denned and not announced.
Hut whether th general level of prices hns
reached or exceeded the point that ade
quately discounts the present and future
advantages to accrue to the stocks Is n
question much more difficult to decide.
There Is quite nn extended list of stocks
which have run above the high level of lust
year nnu risen to record prices
Iteports of railroad net earnings for Feb
ruary and of gross eanlngs for March shows
them to be beyond u II precedent. In spite of
tho very high level for comtmtlson with
last Mar.-h's earnings. The official reports
for Mnr,'h nf llw nnnfnllnn nf tint tintv
financial law maks It evident that the 1
banks are not rushing Into n precipitate ,
note lull. itlm, and even to the extent of the
10 per cent Increase nn tiresent denoslts of
1miii1s they hnyn tirncp,.t1i.fl lit n lnlsnrclv i
nir,nn(.r 't ttlih " V " n..Vnmnl
bonds hns Invited large realizing and con
sequent withdrawal of .circulation of banks
selling their bonds, making the outlook
regarding bank circulation much confused.
Hut this realizing In governments hns been
accnmpnnleil by largo liquidation of loans
to New York banks with which bonds wcro
neiu ami has released capital for reinvest
ment, ns rellected In the broad und active ,
. ..I.., .,.. i.viiin. iihuukii mi-
disbursement of premiums on United States
bonds presented for conversion nnd the
payment of April Interest the subtroasury
nt New tnrk has t pleased additional sums
to thn money market. The largely In -
creased demand for stock market opera-
tlons has thus been easily met. London's
operations In Americans have continued on
It lnrtr,. Mctltn lull th. ulciHItic ..voVin.....
rto has continued upward. London sell-
Ing to take profits partly explains this. Tho
inci is also eiieo inm win n invtiu. inw-
priced stockit lAindon ub selling the hlgh
prlced ones, thus leaving a credit balance
on nccount The prospects of the grain
crops and tho evidences of foreign needs In
tho grain market an- an clement of Increas
ing Influem e In the stock market.
Tho followini: are the quotations for tho
lending stocks on tho New York exchangu
AtcltUcotl 27 Union Pacific .... 5S31
,...!!'' ''P'i' ' X" '.'!;" .' . I,fl "'i
11UIUJIIU1U V li... IM '4 It aiKuui
Canadian l'ac... 97
do nfil an.-.
Canada So 5i
Wheel. Ai L. II.. tmi
11 do 2d nfd :ti.
.. ll4 Wis. Central .... isVi
..131 Third Avenue ...miVj,
.. 27U Adams Ex 117
.. fts American Ex 14il
..101 ,V. S. Ex 47
C. U. & U
Chi. I lid. iV: 1,
do pfd....
Chi. & E. Ill
Chicago N. VV.liil Wells-l'nrgo Ex. 121
i ' IJ I e. t 1 1 'i.l' A ...... -,... .... .
, , .1-4 filiiui . tui. tjll... .II,!
. i. . v . tv ni. i.. ut uu idd
Colorado So OVAmcr. Malting .
do 1st pfd.... 41 I do nfd
do 2d pfd lS'.j'Amer. S. &
Del. & Hudson.. .11
do nfd.
Del. 1.. & W ISOJi
Denver It. O.. 21
do pfd 73
Erlo 13
Atner, Spirits ..
uo pm
Amer. S. Hoop
do nfd
do 1st pfd... 41N.I
Amer. S. & W..
tit. Nor. pfd 103)4
do pfd 904
Amer. Tin Plain. XX
Hocking Coal
Hocking Valley
S'Jt' do jifd SI
110'iAmer. Tobacco. ..107
lSftl do pfd 13.1
51(4 A mil. Mln. Co... b
lS lirooklvii It. T... 7S7i
Illinois t entrul
Iowa Central
do pfd.
K. , P. At O...
Lake Erie & XV.. SI'Colo. Fuel & I.. 48',
do pfd 9S
Lake Shore 200
t-on moiiucco .... M'M
do nfd SI
& N....
. B.rii i''euenii steel .... 19
. 97'.il do pfd 73
.101 Oen. Electric ...132
. 13'4 (llucoso Sugar .. 52,4
. OSlvi do pfd S9',4
. iW'.fcilnter. Paper 21
. 524 do pfd iM',4
. 47 Hjieluli! Oiih 73
. 12 jNutlonal Ulscult. 33
.30 I do pfd 9)
.119 National Lead .. 21
..13Sy do pfd 10IU
. Vi'.JiNutlonal Steel .. 43
MnnTinttun I
Met. St. lly
Mex. Central
Minn. & St. I.
do pfd.
Mo. Pacific
Mobile & Ohio
Mis.. K. & T...
do pfd
N. J. I 'entrul
N. Y. Central
Norfolk & W.
do prd
do pfd
11 110 llld ui
OOTs'N. Y. Air Ilrakc.123
77'i No. American
Ontario . W.
. Coast
Ore. Ry. Nav. 42
,in ..r.i ta
do 1. pfd..
do pfd...
70 do 2(1 nfd..
..HlWnelllc aiall ...
. . 20 ll'eonle'-t Oas ..
do 1st pfd..
.. 01 'Pressed S. Car... 53
2d pfd...
,t S. F...
1st pfd..
..31 I do pfd S31J
.. 5314 Pullman P. Car.. 18314
.. 9 Stndard It. & T.. 014
Rio (1
St. L.
ii'Hiignr li.i
71 I do pfd 110
30Tenn. Coal & I.. 9514
12V4.U. S. Leather ... 1314
32 I do nfd 73 .
(i pm...
St. L. Sotil'aw
do pfd
St. Paul 12IHU. s. Rubber ..
do pftl 172 do pfd
St. P. A: Omaha. 117 Western Union
91 1.'.
So. pacific lO'-j Rep. I. & S
So. Railway .... lli; do pfd
do nfd 59?i P. C. C. & St. L. OS
Texas & Partlle. 177s
t"tv Viirk Slont'j- .Mnrl.c t,
NEW YORK. April 7.-.MONEY-O11 call,
sternly at D5i I per cent; last loan, 3 per tent;
prime mercantile pnper. tUfi.l per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.SC?ilr
I.SO'i, for demand and $I.S3',,Ti I.S3'j fnr sixty
days; posted rate's. Six and $l.s7'.t; com
mercial bills, $4 S2"4fii.S3.
SILVER Certificates. GOiyfllH; bar.
59Hc: aiexlcan dollars, 47'c.
HONDS State boi!s. Inactive; railroad
bonds, firm: government bonds, steady;
Fnltcd Stales refunding, when Issued. Ill);
2s, reg., 99'4; 3s, reg., 109Vi,: coupon, 11014;
new 4s, reg. and coupon, 13314; old 4s, reg.
and coupon. Ill's; 6s, reg. and coupon, 113.
Tho following nro the closing quotations
on bonds:
U." S. 2srreg7. . . . 0914" N. Y. C71s 112
do 2s, rot 101 N. J. C. gen. 6s.. 12314
do 3s, reg 10914 No. Carolina Cs.,127
do coupon 1I04 do 4s 100
do new 4s, reg.133'4 No. Paclllc 3s.... 0S14
do coupon U3'4 do 4s 10-1
do old 4i. reg.. .11115 N Y C A St 1. Is.. 100
do coupon Ill1 N. A: AV. con. Is. 9H
do 6s. reg U3?4 do gen. Cs 133
do coupon U3V4 Ore. Nay. Is 110
D. of C 3 fir.... 119 do 4s 103'4
Atch. gen. 4s 100'i Ore. S. L. C 127,
do adj. 4s S4!i do e'onsol 6s... 1114
Canada So. 2.4 107 Reading gen. Is.. i9
Chen. & O. !!jS...100 Rio C. XV. Is il4
do f 120 St L i I M c. 5-i.ll 1
C. A; N. W. c. 7S.H314 St L & S F g. Cs.122
do S. F. deb. 5s 121'i St. P. consols. . .17Ut
Chlcngo Ter. 4s.. 90 St. P., C. & P. Is.llO'!.
D. & R. O. is. ...10314 do 5s 12114
do U 99'ilSo. Railway 6s.. .113
E. T. V. AV- O. 1S.101T4S. R. & T. ft .... 75
Erie gen. 4s 74l4Teiln. n. H. 3s.... 95
V. W. & D. C. Is. 73 Tex. & Pnc. H...UI14
Cen. Electric 3s .liev4 do 2s 60
O. II. .t S. A. ils.110 Union'!llc l'.lOOli
tlo 2s 101 AVnbash Is lift
H. ,t T. C. 6s. ...110 I do 2s 103'4,
do con. Os 108 West Sboro 4s.... 11 Hi
la. Central U....I15 Wis. Central
K. C, P. A; O. Is. 73?4Vn. Centuries ... 90
La. 11. c. 4r 10S 1 do deferred ... 04
L. AV N. unl. 4s.. 101 Colo. So. 43 8t4
M. K. & T. 2s... 09 So. Pacific 4s.... fc.1
do Is Q.T-4-
When Issued.
Kiminiim t'lly I.lto Stocli.
celpts, 12') bead; supply too light to test
strength of market; moderate supply this
week strengthened values: all slauuhter-
1 Ing clnsses are selling 1011200 higher: heavy
feeders and choice stockers steady, while
plain kinds nre 15li30c lower; heavy native
steers brought SI.75ftS.43: lightweights. $1.25
(TiS.lii: stockers and feeders
butcher cows and heifers, .t3.25l75: enn
ners. $2.60rt3 25: fed westerns, $3.75ft5.0.J;
Texans. 3 flBfi t.PO.
HOGS Receipts, 5.500 head; trado active
nt Htpmlv to .1 shndn lower: Hhnrl mooiiIv
this week, together with strong provision
1 ... i... ...I. .I..I...I ... i.t.i. ..1...
1 nf tho season, henvv hogs selling today at
IlUirKl'l fllllllllllii-il Wlllll". 1(1 It OIKIl .11)1111
Jr.. 40!i 5 :V) . mixed. $5 2Vi3 45; lights, t3.2.Vff
635; pigs, $1 OOfi I 30.
SHEEP AND LA M IIS Receipts for wojk.
lR.oiiO head; a light run and strong demand
caused 11 still further advance In prices
1 this week, fed Inmbs "oiling lOillSc higher.
,-ei'K. icu minus "cuing iiuoc nigner.
muttons show 15f23c advance- snrltur
while 11
I lambs brought $.S.fl0'fiIii00; fed Coloradns,
I J0.S5fi7.05: muttons, J5 60fi0 1.1: stockers anil
feeders. $1 60fi,25; culls. 3.60( 1.50; flipped
lambs and sheep about SI.00 per hundred
lower thun above quotations
St. .loicpli Live Slock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, .Mo. April 7(Spo.
clal.i The Journal quotes:
CATTLE Receipts, .no nead .Market
steady : natives, $i oofi5.60; Texas nnd west.
erns. .i..i)im.j. ; cows 1 neuers, iz.,v
1 4 Sn! u,llls Hl"' tnl- J2.00fi4.00; yenrllng-i
a rVis. Sl.00fi5.21: stnekers nnd feeders,
jatsofi-iM); veals. M.25'i0 ,10
HOOP Receipts. l.7(o head. .Marl; t
steady to 2I40 lower: nil grades. $3 20i5. 15.
bulk of sales. $3.304"i5 371
SHEEP AND LAMHS-R-'celpts, PO head,
Market sternly; lambs, $5.00ii7.15: yearlings,
$3.ofi0 to- sheep and yearling. $5.00fi6 83;
ewes, Jl 25fiS.S5.
Stock In Slulit.
Following aro the receipts ut the four
principal western mnrknts for A'iril
Cattle. Hogs, fr
South Omaha
3, MO
15 fl()
Chicago . ...
Kansas City .
st Louis ....
2 '.000
SCO 35,250
! u ,! it from $k'.i V:'W ii
Jjleht KtceipU at Usual on tbfl Last Day
of the Week.
HiiK Sell l.ii"er Tlinti I'rldiij, lint
Illuhcr 'lliiin u Wim'U Auo
t'lieeii !Iiimv Milistiiutliil
(lulu for the Week,
Itecelnts were:
Cattle, ilogs. Sheep.
.. 1,511 3,30 4.1 J I
.. 2.1C7 5.202 5,012
.. 2.WW 6,t3 6,125
.. 3.1VJ (.,715 4,125
.. 2,33 5.972 9
.. 4i 6,750 2IJ
Ofllclal Monday ...
Official Tuesday...
Official Vedmaay
Ofllclal Thursday...
official Saturday "
uiuciai friuay
Total this week
W....V t,,n.,.'. M,.i, ' "i "to '?hj
...,.n.... .i. .n"i,'.,ri m
.3 1. . i
: " Ci " V 7i" 2T' V .V. Xr-ill 73
Week ending March 10.. "CIS 39,109 35.900
Average, price paid for nogs for tno :asi
cveral days with comparisons:
1900. 1W9. ,lS3i. ,1837. 1S96. U95. IU94.
March Id...
March 17 ..
tnr..t, te
4 SS
4 91
3 651 3 701 3 87 3 771 4 271 4 47
3 CS 3 71 3 91! 3 83 M 13
3 58 3 73 3 SS 3 Sl 4 40
March iq "
' iarcn 20
March "l "
i jfnt rli v' "
Unre I 2? "
I Mnrrii
' xt irr 1 '.'"
t.irr "
1 :;.' , o"' ' '
m, L), oi "
i-VIIlil -3...
inh mi s 4 71
4 S9
3 C3 3 91 3 4 fr, 4 47
I 97 i CO
5 05 3 CO
3 S0 3 71 4 .1. 1 'J
3 67 3 701 4 S2 I o3
, mV,1''',, ii
!i,',J, if.''
5 Pi. 3 t'U; 2 05 3 33;
1 auj i
5 i;
tol i m! n rf .1 s?l 00 4 7S. I 51
6 10 3 591 3 C2l 3 911 3 00
10 3 691 3 C2l 3 Oil 3 00 I IM
April I...,
i n : i :'. i.ii :: m i f,n 4 w
April 2...
April 3...
April 4...
April 5...
April ...
April 7...
5 0l 3 071 3 92 3 01 I Sll 4 13
1 ft 15 3 I 3 911 3 5; 4 S2 4 ol
I 6 25 3 C0 3 73' 13 52. I 70 4
5 3 3 051 3 791 3 90 I I S2l 4 hi)
I S 301 3 ffil 3 79' 3 S.V 3 67 I SI1 4 1 1
I 5 27' 3 0l 3 72 3 S3 3 69 1 74
Indicates Sutulny.
Tho ofllclal number of cars ot stock
brought In today by each road wns:
uniiie. nogs, nn p.
c, ai. & st. p. Ry
O. & St. L. Ry
Missouri Pacltlc Ry
Union I'm llle system
F., E. & M. V. R. R
S. C. & P. Rv
C, St .P.. M. Ar O. Rl'...
H. .i M. It. R. R
c, n. & q. Ry
K. C. Ai St. J. P.y
C R. I. A: P. Ry. east...
C. R. 1. At P. Ry.. west.
Illinois Central Ry
not:il rccelols -1
Thn illsnosltlnn of tho day's receipts was
ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber ot head indicated:
cutiie. nogs, sneop.
Omaha Packing Co 131
O. H. Hammond Co
Swift and Company 01
Cudahy Packing Co 21
Armour & e'o 23
Omnhn. P. Co.. Kan. City. 90
R. Heckor & Degan 6S
Other buyers 13
CATTLE There were only a few cars or
cattle on snlo today, ns usual at the close
of the week, and not enough to make a
test of the market. The few here sold nt
nhout yesterday's prices or a little easier
and thero wero no new features of Im
Tills ban been n week of light cattle re
ceipts, but, as tho demand has been good
nt the same time, tho market has been In
a good, healthy condition. Desirable kinds
of cornfed beef steers have firmed up and
for the week enn be quoted 15c higher on
an nverago and In extreme cases 20c higher.
Good cornfed cows and heifers have also
sxId higher, the gain for the week amount
ing to 10t?15c, but nt tho same time common
to medium cows nnd cn liners have been
gradually easing off and nre a little lower
tnnn tney were tne urst or the week. 1 tit
I.i.IIb ltnm.A hnni, alnn nil , t. ...nnl. K
.....I-, mi..- n '.' Ill ' nil. 1 v. 1, -
niarKci nns snown no improvement, vcai
calves have been good fellers nil the week
nt Just about steady prices. The demand
fnr rtock cattle and feeders has been good
nnd thn market strong all the week. The
few thin cattlo of good quality to be had
on tho market have met with ready sale.
Representative sales:
AV. Pr.
Av Pr.
. 773 3 73
. 090 3 7ft
. 040 3 73
. 700 3 7.1
.10S.1 4 10
....109 1 4 41
....KOI 4 30
...1111 15.1
....1002 4 55
....1260 4 03
.1050 4 20
..1120 2 SB
....1200 3 50
....1100 3 rr,
....102.1 3 70
.... 933 3 70
....1110 3 SI
. ... 903 3 S.1
....12S0 3 S3
....UIO 3o5
..U0:l 3 10
..1033 3 15
. . 770 3 25
2 1105 3 2.1
1 1100 3 21
1 1070 3 25
. 920 3 21
,.iaTO 3 60
.. 705 4 00 1 S70 I 00
,. 530 2 90 1 1210 3 13
,.1040 3 00 1 1090 3 75
.. 120 C 25 1 120 7 00
1 ISO 3 75
510 4 01
1010 2 23 1 000 4 00
1050 2 00 1 400 4 25
660 3 00
030 IH 1 -100 4 50
HOliS The hog market during the last
few days has been pretty high nt this point
as compared with Chicago, and this morn
ing when It became apparent that there was
n good run for the last day of the week, and
when Chicago also came lower buyers
seemed to make up their minds to beat
prices. The result was that the market was
2!4fi5e lower. Sellers wero very llrm and
held on like grim denth, so that the mar
ket was no: very aetlve and the morning
was quite well advanced before a elenram
was effected. When the hogs did sell It
wns nt the decline noted above.
This has been a good week for the sellers
of hogs as prices havo been the highest of
tho year to date. In fact the highest for
this senfon of the year In seven years. On
.Monday tho hogs sold 2c lower, hut during
the next three days the mnrket ndvuiio-d
rapidly and by Thursday the hogs wero
selling on nn average at $5.30, the high
point of the year. On Friday tho average
price wns the same, but on the Inst day of
the -week the market eased off a little. It
will be noted from the table of average
prices that the high point this week was
16c higher than the high point of last week
nnd that at the closo of the week the mar
ked Is about 17Vc higher than at the closn
of the week before. The demand hns been
good all the week nt current prices, so that
arrivals, which have been rather light, h.ive
met with ready sale. Roprtdwiliithr suits:
Av. Sh. Pr. No
1S3 ... 6 20 09 .
Av. Sh. Pr
. .250 40 5 27M.
.241 .. t. 27'v
..210 ... 5 27.J
. .ISO 4 0 6 221a 4S
.5 221-
,4 . .l . , ii, a i "ol'". the market on most days being nctlvc
? I? 2 . J. 4. 2 5 1 55 1 5; I everything sold and weighed up at an
i U Hb, 2 i5 n.l V1 1 liiienrly hour. The tendency of values has
. $ 5 fl 5 S 5 ?o , rr 1 44 1 " higher and for the week It Is safe to
4 DO, 3 03 3 701 3 911 3 7j 4 60 4 41 .. . (h(, I11lir,.t ! loflljc higher oil
4 93 3 GO 3 711 3 93, 3 Co " " I ii .llml,!,,
n t irr n ni 1 1 71
The following account of tloo wus placed with us before the opening of the mnrket
Monday, nnd In two days shows a net profit of $95 23. ne.irlv double. 1 We will fur
nish you with the address of the parly, as well as tho broker's name If you dc-slre.
Members Consolidated Exchange. NEW YORK. April I, 1900.
A. W. II. In iii't'oitiM tvlll A- Co,, Slock llrokers.
Account purchase and sales of 20 Sugar, 30
April 3. 20 Sits
April 3. 20, U. P. C
...105 J2.102.50
... 59 1,195.C0
... CSS 697.30
We accept accounts of One Hundred Dollars, this amount being siiltlcjcnt lo mnr
rln twenty shares Five per cent Yoiu a omit will bn pi-iced with n responsible
Exchange house, from whlc'.i you will re-ile prompt nntlrmntlon of all purchases
and sales mado In your Interests Ai im- end nf thirty dns, if vour aciount Is doub
led,, we will deduct I-'Ue per ( enl ot tin- in-t profits .unl intuit you check for tho
-balance, or hold same- l be reinvested us you m.iy dire t We know or 11 con
templated movement about to take plan- In an in tive stm k, and would like to hive
you In lino for !l
Get your re mlttum e In our hinds before Monday s opening If w n make
mone;- fur others
00 YOU
!.' 211 0 a 22'
; I 211 . 5 25
M. ... (It Si 5 (1
VJ 212 10 ft 25
71 . . Ttl ... 6 (6
314 ... 5 2'i
TO 2t ... 6
209 SO 6 C
75. 332 180 5 39
ee soi jo (it
S7 m 10 5 36
72 3 130 i ar.
i 1X3 ID 5 X
73 303 ... 5 3S
64 213 130 5
(57 201 110 5 38
SO 337 W &
71 207 40 5 36
7 336 SO 5 2T,
) 120 5 3S
02 24S 210 5 3")
So 30 SO 5 35
51 2Vl SO ft 3
no 219 ... 5 35
90 113 40 o '
K2 .
71 . .
S3. . .
70. .
sr.. . .
06. .
271 liM 6 27 's
:7 1
M so 6
2I9 20) 5 27'-a
3H . 5 27 'v
2J3 120 5 27
7 10 5 37n
237 SO 5 27'
22S 40 5 274
335 SO 5 27 S
2lfi 10 5 27'4
223 ... 5 271,
.219 SO 6 271
aw . . 5 274
309 ... 5 27S
.361 1M 5 27
333 190 ft 274
.330 ... 6 27W
2l ... 6 27V
... 6 37(5
. .22'i 10 5 274
SO 5 2714
SO 6 27,
, . . 6 30
. . 5 30
.. 6 30
. . . 6 30
40 5 30
40 5 30
SO 6 30
,.. 5 30
, . . ft no
. . . r, so
so ft so
... ft no
... 5 3M
. . . ft 324
. ,.22
.. 2(0
a. . .
..212 190 5 55
..35S ... 5 27'4
..2M "!0 6 27ij,
. .2iTi ISO ft 27H
..22fi ... 52714
..212 10 5 27 "4i
SO 6 27H
... r. 2714
. . . 6 27Kj
SO ft 27'
.1)0 KM 5 2714
!(3 ... 5 27'4
SO 6 324
SI I MlOf Tlirrn were onlv a few sheep on
sale today and not enough to make a mar
ket. Such ns wore offered brought about
yesterday's prices. The sheep market this
week has been In good shape, ltccclpts
have not been large, while the demand has
been of very fair proportions, so that
nil rinnlrnhlfi kinds.
Quotations: Choice yearlings. 36.lntf6.Io.
fair to gnnd yearlings, $t'.0Ofifl.U: good to
1 holce wi-theri, $6.0WiC.lB; fair to good
wethers. f6.".V(i5.90; good to choice fed ewes,
$5.50fjo.7fi; fair to good ewes, $5.COfl6.40;
good to choice nallVe himh. $7.00ti
7.15; good to choice western lambs, $r.U0fl
7.15: fair to good western lambs. $it.C(HiO.S5;
feeder wethers. $l.5Ofi5.O0; fcedT yearlings.
J3OOifj5.C0; good to chidco feeder lambs, $5.23
iieiircreniniivo sales;
SI western ewes
7 western ycrllngs
21 west ctn Inmbs
If.) western lambs
60 western lambs
$5 23
0 w
0 50
7 10
7 13
t'llll'A(il) I.I V I
Cuttle Weill. lions l.ovt cr slicrii nnd
l.ninbs Steady to Slronn.
CIIICAOO. April 7.-CATTI.E-Recelpls.
200 head; weak, and generally lower; na
tives, good to prime steeis, t5.Ofl4ju.S0: poor
to medium, $l.2T(fi4.90; select feeders. tl.9W
4.S5: mixed stockers, $3.501 .n0: cows. $3.00
ff4.60; heifers. J3.2Mil.75; dinner. il'.Wq'
2.75; bulls, $2.751 1.25; calves, J5.iVit5.73.
Texans, receipts for this week. 3.(aw head;
Texas fed steers, $1,004(7.10. Texas bulls,
IIOOS-Recelpts today, 20.000 head; stl
mntcd .Monday, 32.0nO; left over, 3.0(0; 2I4W
60 lower; top, $5.6214; mixed and butcher
hogs, K.SftiiG.GQ'ti; good to choice1 heavy,
$'i.40f5.ft2'4; rough heavy, $..2&ii8.3Pj; light,
$5.2.5fl5.50; bulk of Pales, $5. iYno. I7'.
SHEEP AND 1.A.M11S- Receipts, 3.600
head; sheep and lambs, steady to strong;
good to choice wethers, $0.O.Kai.3O; fair to
choice mixed, $5 noijfi.oo; western sheep,
S5.rrifi6.3i); yearlings, $0.0X10.05; n.itlvo
lambs, $5.00(57.40; western Iambs, $6.00'ii7.40.
St, I.oiiIm (irnlii nml Pro visions.
ST. I.OIMS. Aprll'7.- CA'ITLE-Recelpts,
10O bend, all natives; mnrket nominal, nn
tlvn shipping and export steers. $l.7.V.ifl.0O;
dressed beef and butcher steers. $l.251i5.15;
sie-ers under i.khi ids, f.i.imi l.uo; stockers
and feeders. $3.IWI.70; cows and heifers.
$2.ooif).oo; canners. $1.6(Vfi2.S3
hulls, $2.90ro
1.2-1: Texu.M and Indian steers. $3.23-715. 00:
cows and heifers, $2.2.V!i3.S0.
HOGS-Receipt, l.(XX) head; market 5c
lower; pigs and lights, S5.3O7ifi.40; packers,
$5.2.7Si5.45; butchers, $5.41fl.1.52'A.
SHEEP AND LAaiHS-Recelpts. 3.900
headj market steailv; native muttons, $5.21
iu..; nimiis, n.("'; spiing lamns, $9;
I.-II1IS 1111(1 IHICK5', J.(i(rfH,.IJU.
I'eorln Mnrket.
PEORIA, April 7.-CORN-Easlcr; No. 2,
OATH Otilet: No. 3 while. 20U.Ti20i.i'.
WlllSICVrinii mi tin. i,,i. r ti .i
I f .ll.. I. .l , .' .... .r. ...
1. 11 IIII13JII-U uiiuos.
Chester B, Lawrence, Jr.,
MEMBER Consolidated Stock E.( hatigc.
CO.M.MISSION ORDERS solicited for tho
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton
In any amount for Investment on murcrln
Accounts opened In amounts not less than
l.'tOO llrnnd vrny, Corner ffltli St., N. Y,
I-1 Ilroiidtvny. for. Houston St., X, Y
Main Offices, III! A ill llroiilvtii.v, . V
Very cnrrn t market letters Issued d.illy.
Call or send for our SPECIAL REPORTS
on our favorite stmks Also valuable
HOOKLET containing .ill the speculative
and Investment statletUs and prlco
ranges. iiciiu lor vaiunuiu treatise on
SPEel'LATION. entitled
An Invalunble aid to the spm illative op
erutor Priic 10 ( cuts-fue to tiresent or
prospective e ustomers.
with vour lininn ami utldrt'ss t 111 Hfi'iire Informa-
tlmi nlinllt IN VKSTMENT mill MT.ITI.ATIO.N nnd
DAILY JIAHKF.T M'TTKIt written lij- e-x.ert,
l it 1:1: or ciiAR;n.
I ' n'Ks l.oiiKlit mill (old on ninrxln of .1 to 10 per
(-put. Accniint ran tie opcnt'il Willi IW) iipttanl.
I. (its of nidiiry can lie muile tliruuiili Judlcloui
ppfL-lilntUill 111 Miiruft, 1 mum mm 1 nrni.
fliivi-riniu-iil. Muiilrlnal .mil Rail road Ilnudx, auo-
ltlun f iirnl.lied fnr mri'hai.c. utile nml cxrhaiifte.
JtSkTll'i AMI IllloKKllS.
tl(l-lS Iti'undnny. N -v York t'lly.
rci-' istia
("I'.H" ("
BRANCH 1030 liST
'iclcpliouu 10:)!). Oinnli 1, .,
Correspondence: John A Wurren & Co
uireci w:rc t.. Chicago nnd New Vork,
V. V. C. Consolld ited Exchange llldng.
April 3, Cnsh ...
April 3, 10 Stiff ..
10 "
30 U. P.
. ... $ 100.00
..10s 1.079. so
W 1.0S1.03
.. 01 1.S23.10
. $1W.2:)
I To credit of your account.
'J Now York.
If bo, spoculnto successfully. Bond your
orders to a reliable house, where they will
bo placed In the open markot, Wo can
inako for you In ono mouth moro Intorust
on your monoy than any bank will pay
you In a year. Send for our book on spec
ulation. It Is free.
J. K. Comstock & Co,
Room an Trailer' llldg., Chlcngo.
... uprll'nta nu 11 ruin llilVIt flirt With readV
Ailt ertlseiiieiiln fur these eiiliinms
Hill lie tnkeii until l in. lr Hie
etciilim edition nnd until SlilO I.
for iiiiirnliiK nnd Siimlny edition.
Unit's. I l-Ue 11 vturil first Insertion I
It- n ttoril llierenf ter. IIiIiik InUeu
for less tlinti 'Mi' for the Hrst Inser
tion. These iidt tTtlsemrnts 111 tin I be
run t'liusei'ii 1 1 vt'l
Vilverllsers, li reiiic(lnK n 1111111
liereil eliccU. cnu hnve nnsners nit
ilreskeil to u nuiiiliereil letter In cure
of Tin- llee. A tuners so nddresseil
ttlll be tlelltereil on preentntlon tif
the check onl.
WANTED, situation as housekeeper and
cook on ranch by an experienced middle
used lady. Address O 3s, lice.
A M9ji a
JJOOKK EEPEK familiar with private and
coriiorate iiccouiillng desires few hours
work evenings. Address D 60, llcj.
WANTED, n position by 11 lndy to work
for iiourti nnu room, van -
I, 1SI5 Cass. A-3U0 S
WANTED, position as city or travenu
salesman by young man 01 f i ' 'i n.
D 02, llee. AM29J 10'
1 vnM.'t i im.'vn imatllntr reliable mall.
1.1 1 I.1IIIHIII. 1 ......... .,,
honornble position or any mini ;,'""
work iircferreel. V CO. llee. A-.M332 10
WAXTED-MAI.H lini.l'.
iti'iiAii-rtiHVT OL' THE
I'll I
roiirhoi'oh rros.. props.
Pointer No. 1-Elghteen new stuiU-nts en
tered the Shorthand nnd Typewriting de
partment at the opening of the spring
term last .Monday morning. 15 of whom
aro taking the Oregg system and two tho
(Irnhum. Following is me nsi.
Jos. Roruuck
O. T
Jens. Andersen
Elk City. Neb.
l'alrbury, Neb.
Harlan. In. . ,
Ealls City. Neb.
, Dunning, Neb.
South Omaha.
Fort Dodge, la
Sutton, Neb.
Klmbnllton, la.
Harlan, la.
r. V. Slunniiker
Lon C. Kesterson....
Rose Holder
Almu Schmidt
Marie Rlnck
Mrs1. Minnie Adams
Jennie Anderson ....
Miimle R. Prltchard
J. li. Downs
XV. E. I.uckn
Charles llaffke
Jeiinlo Stanley
P. S. Whlto
Mnrtha Urown
A. E. Armcntiout ..
Earl Tague
These young men and women know u good
tiling alter tney nave uu --Biihii-i
They prefer to atend a school using up-to-date
methods rather than be tho
victims of antediluvian methods and fos
silized Ideas iharactcrlstle of so many ol
our shorthund schools. They hnvo chosen
the Oregg because ot Its acknowledged
superiority. , ,
Pointer No. 2 Our correspondence relative
to Gregg shorthand him doubled within
the last month. Stenographers, both renl
nnd prospective, are seeking to know;
something of this new and wonderful
nystetn. We are glad to be able to give
each and every one reliable Information.
Pointer No. 3 Fourteen classes In Gregg
shorthand have been organized since
January 2. Another new class Is In
formation for next .Monday.
Pointer No. 4 Gregg shorthand leads all
other systems. It has but nnu position,
olio Hhint no shades, less than 200-word
signs. Is extremely legible, and ndmlts
of the highest degree 01 speeu. iniorma
tlon about this system will be sent to
anyone desiring It.
Pointer No. 5- Owing to the large Increase
of new students In the shorthand and
typewriting department, we purchnseel
last week lives brand now Remington No.
0 t vnowrlters. Retwecn CO nnd 00
machines aro now In use und others will
bo nurchnscd In tho near future.
Pointer No. 0 Several of our students were
clveu irood nos t ons during the past week
Thn demand for both bookkeepers nnd
.stenographers Is on the lnrrease, especi
ally for students or the O. C. C.
Pointer No. 7 The business men of Omaha
aro beginning to express a preference for
Gregg writers of shorthand and type
writing operators trained by tho Mosher
touch system. We will soon bo able to
sum) v any demand mado upon us
Pointer No. s We are now uroparlng to
teach Gregg shorthand by mall. Write
us for particulars. You can learn Gregg
shorthand quicker by mall than you can
any othei system In school. This wo will
WANTED: we have steady work for a few
good hustlers of 3001I habits und appear
ance, c. v . Adams CO., itiia iiownru hi
SALESMEN to sell ofllco specialties; flno
side lines; used by all merchants; catalog
free. .Model Mfg. Co., uox is, H011111 iienu,
I mi. li-.MSss .i-
HAltllER trade taught thoroughly In short
time; catalogue and particulars tree.
Address Western Rarbers' Institute,
Omnha, Neb. ij-usi
WANTED, an experienced, competent llor
Ist who spenkn Gcrmnn nnd English. Ap
ply 11. linns, jm;i vinton hi. 11 in
WANTED, men to lenrn the barber's trndo
wo offer the best Inducements to thoso In
tending to lenrn the barber's trade thor
oughly; send for catnlogue. The Ameri
can Harbor College. Midland Hotel build
ing, corner 16th nnd Chicago Sts.. Omaha
Neb. H-M57I
WANTED, first-class harness cutter for
factory; must no soner ami wen recom
mended: coeid steady position for compe
tent man. Address, stating wages wanted,
Patrick. Masticic a: Co., wnoiesaio Har
ness and Saddlery. Portland, Ore.
H-M9.10 9
WANTED, men to learn barber trade:
weeks completes; positions guaranteed;
expert instructions: constant practice
free railroad fare to tho largest
college In thn world at Denver;
tools furnished: bewure of fake cata
logues nnd mlsle-ndlng offers from my
envious brother ut Chicago; no other
scnoois connected; wrno tor particulars,
Moler Ilarher eollego representative,
Crelghton Ulock, Omaha. H M99J !)
WANTED, road salesman for lown; must
have nn established trade and thoroughly
liostcd In snddlery goodB. Meyer, Banner-
man it co., hi. ixwib, juo. is .M12& x
WANTED Two gentlemen of good nddress
to do special work In connecthin with sale
nf new reference work. Call 550 Ramgo
Dldg. H M130-S
WANTED, 2 carriage painters nt once.
wrummond L iirnage t-o. 11 i.iu
WANTED, men to learn lmrher trade, no
limit to term, all tho advantages of our
system given until e-omnetrnt. class room
lecture hooks, graduating department anil
diplomas eniniing you to work anywhere
also allow free ticket to our nenrest col
lege, chlcngo. St. Louis, San Francisco
.vilnrienolls. where we can give the bene
lit of constant practice, exneri (untrue
tlons. etc We hnve no school in Omuha
or Denver; positions guaranteed, cata
logue and particulars mulled free. Moler
Burner college. 1 nicago, 111.
MAN wanted to deliver nnd collect In
Omnha and vicinity- $13.00 a week and ex
pense's. Address Delivery Department.
People's Co.. 10th nnd Market sts.. Phila
delphia, Pu. B-M1I2.R'
WANTED, experienced cashier In large re
tnll lioue; must havo llrst-class referen
ces; state who you hnvo worked for, how
long, nnd to whom you cnn refer us Ad
dress I) 68, Bee, Bee ofllce. 11171 I)
WANTED, Insurance intent for debit. Call
or address Prudential Ins. Co., Wfl Brown
blk. B-29H 8
TRAVELING salesman wnnted. Must bo
reliable nnd a worker. International
Tnblo Supply Co. St. luls, Mo.
FIRST-CLASS man to take charge of a
wholesale and retull liquor business. Only
good man need upply, giving previous
t-xnerlence. references and salary wanted
Address, D 01, Bee. 11 -M220 10
COMPETENT business hustler speaks Ger
man, wants rios'tlon, real estate and In
surance ofllce. Address D 01, Bee.
I1-M2I7 8
Advortlflng fans, good side line for travel
ing men. Burkley Printing Co., Omuha.
WANTED, traveling salesmen o solicit tho I
g. i.erai mereimiKiiso truue r . t and tic-slrnblo.llne-.
position tierm.-i ient and re-
muiu.flUve; must fun,!-. unquestionable
references and gin. bond, Box COS. Ht.
I Mf) .1) tfit CM
Complete business course.
Complete shorthand nnd lypcwrltlug oeurso
Oct catalogue. Uce building.
WANTED, several honest men to travel
for large house; salary 7sn per year und
expenses, with Increase; enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope, Malinger, 370
Cuxlon building, Chicago. It-'."'.) S
TRAVELING salesmen, best side line out.
Sample. 25c. Send nddresscd envelope for
particulars. Horn! Jewelry Co., 171 E.
Madison St., Chicago. M-2eVS S
SALESMAN wanted on straight commis
sion by large New York Importing house
to cover the states of North Dakota,
South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, for em
broideries and white goods. Only those
well nciltinluted with rctnll trade und
ready to travel over tlm territory nt
regular Intervals need apply. Address,
stating references, Embroidery, P. O. Hnx
798, New York City. 11-3)7 S
WANTED, n fortune within rcueli. De
tailed Instructions for making all kinds
signs, show cards, advertising novelties.
No capital. Circulars free. National
Novelty Mfg. Co.. Dayton. O. R-200 S'
.EARN sign painting In two hours; good
paying business; no fruud; samples, In
structions, etc., 10c. City SI211 Co.,
Sprlnglleld, O. B-205 S"
AN educated, responsible representative
wanted in your county; position per
manent; $30 weekly nssiircd. American
School of Correspondence, Boston, Muss.
R-203 S
TRAVELING salesman wanted by estab
lished house; uo technical knowledge
necessary, but simply nil around hustler
of good appearance nnd nddress; first
class line; special contract: entire time
required: references. Box 3, Detroit, Mich.
B-lUl S"
WANTED, by -wholesaler, energetic sales
men to learn to sen eiegani line depart
ment goods to merchants; large salary: no
experience necessary: wo educate. Box
62S, Chicago, 111. 11-201 S
WANTED, nn educated, energetic mnn,
permanent nnd remunerative employment
for the right person. Address II. 1-2. Sever.
Room 414, Hand, McNally llldg.. Chicago.
B-290 8
SALESMEN for cigars; new plan: Quick
salee; good business; lug money. Con
sumers' Clear Co., lit! South 7th St . St.
Louis. 11-
FAKK CAPE NOME-Transpnrtntlon or
Mining companies und information
bureaus nre always exposed In "IN
Dl'STRY AND MINING." It Is tho of
Ilclnl pnper of the Alaska Miners' ass'n;
better subscribe for It for three months
nnd keep posted on the mining Industry
out west; il will cost you only 60c nnd It
may suve you dollars In your Invest
ments. Industry & Mining, No 629 New
York Block, Seattle, Wash. It
WANTED Traveling salesman; salary $100
per month, with .iddltlonal commission,
experience not ubsolutely necessary, but
must bo n worker. Address, lock box S73,
Chlcngo. 1!
ACTIVE, experienced salesman wanted by
Now York lea importer!' nun corree roast
ers to full on grocery trade; must havo
connections; offer salary of 15 per cent
profits. Address In strictest coiilldeiii'e,
giving gross amount of Inst year's sales,
SalcAinan, 111 Front St., New York. II
WANTED Neat men to work day or even
ing; no ennvnssing; goon pay; win send
work that you can do In your room.
Standard, 113 W. 23rd St.. New York.
ENGINEERS, dromon, machinists and elec
tricians; send 10c tor new tu-page pnmpnioi.
containing list of questions asked by Ex
amining Board of Engineers. Geo. A.
Zeller. Bookseller, St. Ix)uls, Mo. Men
tion Omaha Bee. H
nre. how obtained, salaries paid. Particu
lars free. Write for circular 115. Na
tional Correspondence Institute, Washing
ton. D. C. B
RELIABLE MAN In every town to repre
sent nn old-established manufacturing
company with capital of $200,000; $900 per
year and oxpcnBew guiiranteed; no cx-
Ferlonco necessary. Address Opportunity,
O. Box 1173. Philadelphia. Pa. B
pure for uny civil service or census cx
nmlnntion without seeing our catalogue ol
Information. Sent free. Columbian Cor
respondence college, Washington, D. C.
WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, distribute clrculnrs, samples, etc..
110 canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis
ing Bureau, Chicago. B 202 S"
WANTED, n man with $150 and 2 tenmt
und wagons to take half Interest In $2,0011
business. Big money In It. Address 10th
nnd M st , Fremont Neb. B 203 8'
RELIABLE men to sell our line of high
grade lubricating oils, grouses and spe
cialties. Salary or commission. Address
Mutual Refining Co., Cleveland. O.
B-2G8 S
WANTED, snlesmen to retnll to merchants
tho handsomest, cherry finished, dustless
sweeping brush made. Costs 60c; sell for
$1.25. Oood opportunity for energetic men
A. J. Wnrrcu Brush Co.. Cincinnati.
B-207 S
WANTED, bright man for position of trust
traveling und collecting, no oxperlenco
necessary, permanent position. For par
ticulars se-nd self-addressed envolope.
Mannger Glllls, Pontlac bldg., Chicago.
11-200 8
A FIRST-CLASS salesman In Nebraska.
Specialty man preferred. Liberal guar
antee and commission. Established liouso.
Address 1012-315 Dearborn St., Chicago.
B-205 8
WANTED, salesmen for state agencies.
Postal for particulars. Chemical Flro
Engine Co.. Des Moines, In. B-201 8
WANTED, energetic man lo manngo
branch ofllco for established manufactur
ing house; salary, $125 per month and
extra commlfslons; must furnish $S(0 cash
nnd satisfactory references. General Mali
nger, 300 Johnston Building, Cincinnati,
Ohio. 11-219 S
CORPORATION wants llrst-clnss experi
enced solicitor, take territory, handle
agents; striking proposition. M. J. 1 tax
man, Sec'y, Afs'ri Bldg., Chicago.
WANTED, men to ndvertlso nml Introduce
our sonps nnd specialties, tack signs, dis
tribute circulars, samples, appoint sub
agents; steady work; $12 weekly and ex
penw'S. Marvel Mfg. Co., Chicago.
B-223 !
MEN to sell household goods; money ad
vanced Saturday; good chance for good
salesmen. Domestic Mercantile Co . 707
No. 16th St. B-223 S
WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to distrib
ute clrculnrs. etc., and tack up signs; no
canvassing; gnnd pay. Nnrderb Advertis
ing Co.. Oil Broadway, New York.
B -523 8"
OFFICE manager, salary $50. fio and -nn-tnlsslon;
controlling salespeople. Answer
with self-addreskcd envolope, Godfrey Co .
St. Ixiuls, Mo. , It 219 S"
EXPERIENCED crockery salesman. Ad
dress, with references only, E 6, Bee
OIU e. B-.M358 9
WANTED, thoroughly competent Job prin
ter: peimnneiit 1 mplovruent ; scale, $16 00
W. C. Deltch & Co.. Bloux City, la.
11 33-1 8
WELL digging, also hauling, to tuke pay In
house rent. 30 I'. S. Nut J Bnnk Bldg
B-M33I 10
WANTED, Experienced drivers for city de
livery wagons; must be thoroughly a.
qunlhtcil with the city, huve some know I
edge of general merchandise, good worl
ers and obliging, state age. reference 111. 1
experience or no attention will be pa 'I
to your reply Good wages and perm .
pent employment to right parties a
dress E 8, Beq, Jl- 318
WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tol s7.
c- a. j
80 girls wanted, Canadian olllco 1622 Doug'ni
C -6l
WANTED, a good girl for general Item .
i work; 3 in fnmlly Call Monduy. 9th. nt
1 f-'r 1lft, ' ,4 a m n