Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1900, Page 20, Image 38

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Etchings of Life Among Boer Prifonm
in Simon's Eaj.
Jin Amrrlrnn Jlllllnnnlr Dolus: Duty
11 nn KiikIiiimt nl tile l-'ront
SUcfclte In tlif I'lrlil lijr
(iiiriloii II. (irnnt.
No branch of tho Drltlsh service notv oper
ating In South Africa In moro picturesque
than the Ilomington scouts, conspicuously
mentioned In Hudyard Kipling's cablegram
in ono of tho weekly papers tho other day.
Gordon II. Orant. who Is making sketches
from tho llfo at tho front for this paper,
noads two drawings showing theso scoutu In
notion. They are all colonial born, ho
writes, and havo an Intimate knowledge of
tho country. They ride Ilnsuto jionles, which
liavo nevor becn'shod and which can undergo
hardships to which other than native horses
would Inevitably uccum1. The scouts dis
tinguish themsolvos from members of other
forces by wearing a strip of leopard skin
with hair on around tho hat, and becauso of
thin aro often spoken of as Remington's
Of lato Mr. Grant has had many oppor
tunities to make studies of Doer prisoners,
ono of which Is hero presented showing them
liasslng away the tlmo on shipboard. It
will bo obsorved that they scom to bo taking
tho situation very philosophically over their
tobacco and cards.
Major Iuls Seymour, of whom Mr. Grant
(submits n sketch from llfo, and who Is
known In South Africa as tho American
millionaire mining emglncer, has formed a
corps of engineers composed of his employes
In Johannesburg which Is now attached to
tho British forces. This corps Is colloquially
spoken of as tho P. R. C, which, being
translated, means Pioneer Railway corps.
Its function Is to accompany tho different
llvlslons and attend to tho repairing of
bridges nnd tho like.
dlMlYI' riJATl'HIIS OK l.WK,
iMrs. I. N. Erlsman of Mount Vernon, 111.,
recently gavo birth to twin boys. Her hus
band, a prominent educator and an ardent
republican, named tho boys Shelby and Cul
lom. On loarnlng of this Senator Cullom
font the parents a letter of thanks, assur
ing them that ho should ns long as ho
lived follow his namesakes with Interest.
Women smokers aro ho numerous In Oel
glum that "Smoking Forbidden" signs are
now put on tho women's compartments In
tho railway cars. The women who llko to
smoko refuse so far to go Into tho men's
smoking compartments nnd are beginning
to demand separato smoking compartments
for themselves.
One of tho most prosperous farmers In tho
Vicinity of Clinton, Ind., Is Madison Nolen,
nn ox-soldier, who lost his right arm at
Chanrellorsvlllo. After being mustered out
of sorvlco ho cleared a piece of ground and
may be suffering while po.t.Uva
and permanent relief is easily
California's Mission Remedies
Cala Cactus Liniment
are warranted to cure
and HI diseases of the
Kidneys and Bladder
The drutflil will rehire yoar moot
It Sta Curo (till to benefit you
' San Curo Cathartic Tablets
Work painlessly and Immediately rcllsv
conitlpatlon and LIVI3R ILLS.
1 L &s V AX mM-k
m .
built a house without assistance, doing nil
his own farm work except In busy seasons
For years ho continued to buy and unaided
clear moro land until now ho owns ono of
tho best farm In Vermilion county.
A story In Paris, Just come out. Is that
Delblor, who was France's public execu
tioner for thirty-five years, and who re
signed not long since In favor of his son,
attempted sulcldo about two weeks ago.
Delbler declares ho Is not Insane, but says
ho Is haunted by the ghosts of tho people
ho has guillotined.
A Philadelphia woman relates tho follow
ing Instance of an nnswer to prayer. "One.
day I was walking on tho street when I saw
a runaway horso galloping toward me. The
driver had lost all control over tho animal,
and as tho wagon was swaying from sldo to
sldo tho driver seemed In great danger of
being thrown out nnd soveroly Injured, If
not killed. I stepped Into tho street and
prayed for tho Imrso with all my might. It
gavo ono look at mo, stopped and hung Its
head abashed. Hut that Isn't all. The driver,
seeing tho horso was submissive, was about
to selzo tho whip, with tho Intention of
lashing tho beast, when I directed my
prayers townrd him. Ho at once gavo up
his cruel design, Jumped from his soat and
began patting the horse's
went on my way rejoicing."
head. Then I
"Now, children," said the Sunday sohool
superintendent, "I want you all to bo very
st.Ul while I read this boautlful story so still
you can hear a pin drop." All was quiet
until ono little fellow exclaimed: "Well,
why don't you let It drop?"
Nellie, aged C, had two peta a canary,
which was a lino singer, and a cat. One
day tho cago door was left open and the
cat was discovered In tho act of swallowing
tho last morsel of poor blrdlo. Nellie gazed
at tho cat a fow moments In sorrowful
meditation and than said: "Mamma, will
kitty havo to sing now?"
Tcachor Who was tho first man. Tommy?
Tommy Goorge Washington. He was lirst
In war, first In peaco and first In
Teacher (Interrupting) Oh, no; Adam was
tho first man.
Tommy Oh, well, If you aro going to ring
In foreigners I mtpposo ho was.
"What aro you doing, cook?" asked 4-year-old
"Cleaning some fish for your dinner," was
tho roply.
"Well," rejoined the little follow. "I
don't seo why llsh havo to bo cleaned when
they're In swlmmln' all tho time."
A little girl called at a drug Rtoro tho
other day and said: "My mamma wants a
nickel's worth of Jumps."
"Jumps!" exclalmod tho astonished clerk,
"why, wo haven't anything of that kind."
Tho llttlo miss insisted that Jumps was
what sho wanted, but finally returned homo
for further Instructions. In i few minutes
she came runnlug back and said: "It Isn't
JumfH. It's hops mamma wants."
Tho grocer' man on tho corner rolates
that a couplo of daa ago a little girl en
tered his eitnporium nnd timidly laying down
a dime asked for 10 cents' worth of candy.
"It's for papa," sho said. "I want to
'sprlso him when he comes home."
Tho grocery man proceeded to dig out
somo of his stock, when tho little girl In
terposed. "Don't glvo mo that kind. Give mo cara
mels. I Just lovo caramels."
"Hut I thought theso wcro for papa." tho
grocery man remarked.
"I know." explained tho llttlo girl, "but
when I glvo them to papa ho'll Just kiss mo
nnd My thnt 'cause I'm such a generous
llttlo girl he'll glvo them all back to me.
So you'd better glvi mo caramels."
Young Willlo Jefferson, son of the famoun
"Joe," Is a typical Jefferson, In habits, man
ners, looks and wit. Somo weeks ago Willlo
was given a nice fat sum out of the. avings
of hlo distinguished father and allowed to go
to Europe for tho summer. Willie went.
Ono day Joseph Jefferson received a cable
gram from Willie, then In Parln:
"Send llvo hundred dollars.--Willie."
Tho older Jofferi-on answered:
"What for?"
The reply seemed to arrive almost beforo
Mr. Jefferson's message was sent. It read:
"For Willlo."
Willie received tho money.
Trsil of Public and Prirato Corruption In
Municipal Affairs.
Himv I.cuttllretl ttolilier.v i Curried On
In AtMv Vnrli I'llj- mill "No! Only
Tiilcrtitetl, hut Openly mi d
I'nlillcl) Derrnileil."
Hon. Illrd S. ColeT, comptroller of tho
city of Now York, who Is making a gallant
light for laws to protect the treasury of the
city from political and business crooks, de
tails lu the Independent the methods of thn
looters and the lows needed to forestall
their efforts. Ho nays: "Tho people of
New York are slow to anger and not easily
aroused on public questions that do not
concern them as Individuals, but there aro
Indications that some recent Incidents havo
set In motion that sound nnd all-powerful
collective opinion that Is tho safeguard of
good government and honest methods of
finance. Tho business community has been
thoroughly shocked by the npparvnt wreck
ing nnd almost total destruction of tho Im
mensely valuable property of a groat private
"Conservative public opinion had already
been aroused to somo intent by a bold and
determined effort to force tho city Into ono
of tho most dangerous and expensive con
tracts overy seriously suggested to a munici
pality. Thu contract with tho Ramapn
Water company, which somo of the strongest
political and financial Influences In the com
munity attempted to forco upon tho city of
New York, was against public policy, against
all modern theories nnd methods of honest
municipal government, against the principle
of municipal ownership, upon which tho
present administration was elected, lamj
.however It may bo disguised by specious
argument, it was a brazen attempt to enrich
prlvato Intcrcfits at the expenso of tho
public treasury. That danger Is hardly less
rcmoto than It was thrco or six months ago.
The snmo Influences that sought to forco the
contract upon tho city aro actively at work
i at Albany to defeat all legislation lntrnrtea
to save tho taxpaycru from tho monstrous
fraud. '
Wrri'lilim of l'rlnp Property,
"Tho wrecking of the property of a great
prlvato corporation was so closely allied
with the-business of tho municipality that
tho two may bo contlderod together, and
when so considered the magnitude of such
dangeious methods Is enough to appal tho
most conservative citizen. Tho mint valu
able asset of tho company, that has been
brought, to tho vorgo of ruin, consists of a
franchise! from the city. That franchise,
which as a matter of equity should bo tho
property of the municipality, wan practically
presented as a free gift to tho company.
Not content with obtaining ihls enormously
valuublii property for nothing, thu company '
hn for years fought to tho court of last,
rifort ovory attimpt of the city to collect
even a minimum reventio from tho exercise
of the franchise.
"To trace the close) relationship between
public and private corruption, it Is only
necessary to study carefully fho very recent
history of the development and operation
of the property of tho wrecked company.
Certain work could not be done, except by
permit of certain city authorities; thercforo
a particular firm of contractors had to bo
employed to do the work upon terms that
any well managed private corporation would
hnve rejected as ruinous.
"Tho public, surprised and shocked by re
cent disclosures, has apparently entirely
overlooked tho fact that somo of tho mn
who sought to forco upon oo city tho eon
trnct with the Hnmapo Water company havo
for several years been active In tho affairs
of tho Third Avcnuo Railroad company.
There may bo no relation betweon tho two
Incidents, but results havo demonstrated
that men who cannot save a rich company
from financial ruin should not be trusted
to mako contracts between tho city and a
speculative corporation. If tho ruin of a
great prlvato company unsettles business
and shakes confidence, It Is natural to sup
poso that tho taxpayers will look with sus
picion upon all relations between the man
agement of that company and any depart
ment of tho city government.
Itoliliery TiileriitVil.
"Legalized robbery of tho city of New !
York is not only tolerated, It Is openly and ,
publicly defended. Under existing laws and
legal opinions the city may bo overcharged
for supplies, openly and outrageously I
swindled, o It has been again and again,
end thero Is no defense. Any man with
enough personal or political Inlluenco to ob
tain from tho city nn order for goods may
charge two or thrco times tho market valuo
with Impunity and collect the full amount ,
charged. Almost any manner of clnlm
ngalwt the city that hns a basis of fart may
be converted at short uotlco Into a confessed ,
Judgment from which thero Is no appeal.
Tho schemo must be poor and dull Indeed ,
that will not extort money from tho city j
treasury In theso days of legal frauds and
"Legislation to correct theso dangerous
ovlls has been sought at Albany, but beforo i
tho machinery can bo set In full motion tho ,
same influences that supported the Rnmapo j
water contract and helped manage (!) tho1
Third Avenue railroad are at work to block
the wheels. Tho robbery of the city treas
ury by means well enough -within the law
to make robbery and fraud qulto resectable
nro apparently to be continued, so long ns
tho backers of tho It am a no Job can control
legislation at Albany.
"Tho situation Is serious enough to compel
tho attention of every honest business man
and every public-spirited citizen. No man
over yet quit stealing becauso he thought he
had taken enough. Tho wrecking of prlvato
property and tho looting of tho city treasury
will go on In New York Just nn long ns It
can bo done with Impunity and without fear
or danger of tho strong hand of tho law.
So long ns fraud Is legal thero will be fraud.
Municipal corruption will not bo confined to
ono administration, ono party or faction
whtlo It remains a legalized undertaking, any
moro than tho robbery of prlvato corpora
tions will stop whllo It can bo dono without
hindrance or detection.
"Thoro Is but ono safe and permanent
remedy for public or private corruption an
nrouscd public opinion that will compel
proper laws and tho honest nnd fearless en
forcement of them. No public or private
Interest can long thrive on fraud. Corrup
tion In prlvato business destroys confidence
,ind saps the vitality of tho commercial
body. In public affairs fraud discredits a
municipality, degrades Its employes nnd do
bases Its citizenship."
In a now emergency cut-off valve for en
gines a pair of magnets are used in con
junction with an electric Hystem controlled
by push buttoni) located at convenient points
to jut a imr out or connection with a i
ui'lKhted lever controlling the throttle.
llfel.s of overshoes aio prevented from I
slipping down by a I'ennsylvanlun s patent !
uiHii'iiur. coiisisiini; oi an elastic ribbon,
provided with a clamp at ono end to urlp
ino upper cdRo of tho rubber heel, tho op
posite end carrying a hook to cngnKe tho
shoo upper.
A lmndy lifter nnd strainer for cooked
vegetables, ets.s, etc., Is formed of a small
central disk, around which nro arranged
r.nllat Intr tliiKera, with central vertical stern
to lift tho strainer by, the device bain?
placed In tho kettlo when tho vesetnble
nro put In.
Paper bags can bo rapidly and securely
closed by a new fastening device, which Is
formed of n loop of soft, pliable wire of
fiillllclent lfiiKth to extend beyond tho
folded nnd lluttened mouth of the sack,
bi lnK pllpped over the folded mouth and
twisted to w.nd up tho loose portion.
Snow In city streets can be rupldlv dls
p. s it of by a now apparatus wlileh Is
tnuunted In newer catch basins, hnvlntr u
water wheel to turn a disintegrating nul
tntur, on which tho snow falls ns It Is
pushed Into tho basin, falling through in
fin.ill partlclos. which will not clog tho
Iluttons can be nttaehed to garments
without sewing fast to the cloth by a nowly
patented fastener, comprising a sijiiare foc
ilon of heavy fabric, with an eyelet In tho
center to receive the shank of the button,
which Is held In nlaea by a cord laced
through the eyo nnd over the edgo of tho
Mi ctrlclty Is used In connection with try
cocks to give an alarm In case of low water
In a boiler, the outer end of tho cm k having
an alr-tlght pixket, In tho center of wlili h
lit set n diaphragm, which Is forced in
contact with a screw when steam gets into
tho cock nnd expands tho nlr,
A New Yorker hns designed a street
cleaning ma. blue to be operated by une
man, having a rotary brush gea'cd tn a
I. n ie win el in ljo l ai'idly turned ami sweep
the dirt Imo nn epille'S chain of 1m k.-tn.
v. Ini b i miitj !n'o i bag suspended from I'm
ni.u hlno as t ho latter in propelled along
the nnwment.
Nothing Injurious lu
Bronchia! Troches
A great relief for coughs, hoarse
iiean, throat and lung troubles.
John I. llrown & Son. Iln.ton.
ml w
i HI Ciii
$1.00 FtMi
A.11 oF tli g so
advertised chairs
are made oF solid oalnand nicely
Finished, Fine cane seat and
thoroughly well made.
We-Are Headquarters for All Kinds of Furniture and
Guarantee Lowest Prices.
Dewey & Stone Furniture
1115-1117 Farnam Street.
Strictly One Price.
ONLY $5.0
My entire professional life has been that of a SPECIALIST 'i PRIVATE
DISEASES nnd DISORDERS of MEN. Ten years in Omaha.
cases where it is advisable. Varicocele, Stricture, Syphilis, in all its stages. Loss el
Vigor and vfiality, caused from abuso or excesses. Weakness and Disorders of
Kidney and Bladder cured, and health and vigor and ambition fully restored.
CURES GUARANTEED in all curable cases, $5.00 A MONTH.
TREATMENT. Consultation and Examination FREE.
mmifmlm I hahe of 5 If E r I a
In Tablet Form. lMoiiKimt to Tnlce
Hold undnra bnnntiiJo guarantrMn care the follow
!; Uhtiicy nnd l.lrer Ilium'. Kctrr nnd
Aaiir, KhfuniHtUnt, SIcL nnd rrtou llrutlfichr.
Kry Mpclnt, horufnU, l'miulc fomplnlnt. Catarrh.
Jndlffffttlon, Neiiriilslii. rrtou AftVctloti Djoprp.
I . ConMliiattuii, accompanied by ono or more of tho
following ftrmptom: l'ttln In nldc buck under
fthuiildrr blMdc. ftniutlu rlnit nuntlmm, nutpllntlon
of th f hciirt. tlrrd lot line In the inurnliitr, pour
nppr tltc. rmilcd (tmsiif, blotchm or nlmptr onthr
fWe, bad l ut i' In Hit mouth, ruurlnu. buzzing
nundi In tho hrad. bnd memory aonr ftlcL or
blunted fttomnoht pnln In the lirnd dlzzlncini bend,
nchc, rottrMttcii nt night, night Mvrnta, bnd
drrnmit, ft-rllnir nf Our. llfTW of limb. L!n
trouble, rflfpoftltlon te n rut ret tltillc nnd nn lu
nblllty tormiecntrnte the mind upon tho detail of
buttnrM. rnrpalo lr all drttfi(ntH.
J) It. W. m. 11 L Kit 11 A WW Clnclnnntl. O.
I vlll Kunreutee
that my Rldney t'tire
will euro !0 per ctnt
Of nil forms of kidney
oouiplulnt and la
many Instances the
most serious forms of
Ilriglit's disease. If
the disease la com
plicated send a four
ounce vial of urine.
"We will analyze It
nnd Biiilfio you frca
"hut to do.
a Ouldo to H.tlth
tlO.S Aren nt , l'hlla.
Iletallers. wholeBalere, manufacturers, of-'
flco men nil clnFKen of huslntss men rend
Ad Scnso, and they say they HUe It. .Month
ly $1.00 a year: to seo how you like It Bend
10 conts--in eoln or stamps for a samplo
copy to Ad Sense, S3 Kifih Ave, Chicago.
mwm pileS'
Mr. 13. D. Skelton, n telegraph opera
tor of Fremont, Neb , says: "I hnd
piles for eight yours and got eo bad I
had to quit work. I crawled up to the
drug store part of the way on my
hands und knees and got a package of
DIl. MASON'S PII-K Jtli.MKPY, use.i
It, and was able to work In three days
I havo never been troubled slnie.
Mild In OiiiiiIiii by liiilin ( Co.,
.1. II, Schmidt mill II. II. (ini hum.
In South OiiiiiIiii Ii .M. A. Dillon
nnd ull ilruifujlatn.
At all drurclita,
anil miihinl intlci fr.-e
A d Sense
137 Patterns
On Lard, on Ham, or
Bacon isaguaranfit
of purity
Swift and Company,
Chicago, Konsnr. City, Omaha,
st, LoiiIh, at Josepn, at. faul.
HrBtilntor for au trouMv Kelievc M.i$
t U I. At drueiiUtS or by mail. I'rire, JftiA
.Shiliti nr"U'oiuen'tSarCuard," ltllcuf
Mcitu'iii ;., 339 n. istu St., rhiu,. r.
$2.15 -2JLS H
19.846 MEN
Startling Record of GranSolvent.
Dlsaolvti Stricture like (now beneath the tun, reduces A fm im n Tin ir
liNLAK(int) I'KUSTATU, contracts and atrengtliens the M B 1AdV
ficmlnnl Ducti, forever Hopping Drains and Cmlsilona I tPrk fl 9
No Drug toRulnlheSlomich.buta Direct, Loeatind Poiltlie Application to the Entire Urethral Tnct.
v,"u UVLnl i- 1 A dvlod it and .roiliniff
la llm lVoiiilnr of tlift Ontury.
ecmratltort and locurtJ iicluilTe control en tb
Duet relaxed and limp) and Vttlhral Canal ,Mor , th, p, Uvrr N(M, .B,n,,''
with Ctayon in fotilion to dl.tolit. 7 n alrlnna in tha Unltd Htatta and Canada have
Cemoei u mifrtfd into the Canal at night, .l andoned th knife and am emplorlnir "(Iran
uheri it dmnlvei, atfljing ORAN-SOLVUNT Kolvent" In their practice at a humane and un.
m Hi full itnngth totally and directly. laihoii ageot.
Varlcocela li an aceumnlntlon of eltisfleli blood In tha ln of tha Sfrotnm, due aolelr to trn
rxrfeci citcnUtlon, and bae In orlcin In a dlieaeed and torpid I'roitala (;iand Oreratlom in tlili
dixaie ar unlr temporarr. and nn mechanical derice ret di.cotftrd bae cured a elnila caie
lt'etnr tha I'toatate. rritnra healthr circulation, Varicocele dliapi.tari and tb iloiglih accumu
lation le lepUced b; pure, healthr, red blood
OltAN-SOI.VKVr 1H WOT A I.iqiTIIi.-II le prrard In tha form nf Crarnni ar
rancll. imooth and flolblt, and eo narrow a to pan the cloerit Mrlctora
VAiri-iaa th (ftamtltr rf tit .V. lamtt
PTfnV aiein erted into the. urethral (anal
uiithut the itighteil effort,
W hiT prepared a talttabla wnik. iro(ulr llluitratid, ebnwlng
tha lariutie Mint of Ilia vyiteta Inroleed In t'i'tbral dlaeaeea. which
will tend eecuielr wrapped In plala package,
Eietr ulfrr from Htrlcturt aad lie oOtprlng I'roetatltle and Rtailnal Weakn ahaulat rcA
t thta woodttful work. We preeeret abielut ecrC7 and uimi i;ci a patlant't nan.
St. James Association, 62 Vine St., Cincinnati, 0,
to Select From
65c to $18.00 Each
:jy Aft
$2.2o il 'fc
Curing Blindness and Deafness
using mild med
icines Is curing
at their own
homes, hund
reds of people
iifllluted with
blhidress, cat
araets, InQntn
nmtlon nnd
other eye trou-
uics; luMi.iu-ui-
W. Oakley Coffke, M. D. u,i catarrh.
Tf rnffff cured Mrs. l-uclmhi Ham
jl . vui iti. mond. Aurora, Neb., of cat
araets on both eyes, and has restored her sight
r'nffofi cured Ur V. C. Jones. Good
Ul . VUIICL. ninoli, I)cs Moines. Iu.. who
was so deaf he hud toipilt practicing medlcluo,
and was given up ns Incurable. Ho Is now In
netlvo praotlco again.
I fnf f,in cured Mrs. M. M. Frederick,
VI. axu.lunst., llooncla.. after
sho was blind with cancer of ono eye. Ho
cured her by absorption.
Tf rrffor cured W. M. Logan. Good
VV. VUllCC uiocu, Dcs Moines lu., of
deafness and his wife of catarrh und asthma,
t)V tho ubsorpllmi method.
lSt Cnffcf cared Mrs. R. A. Turner.
VI . VUUUU Aftoa, lu , who was blind lu
ono eye. and hud Cancer of thu lid. Cured by
pi. f"rkffW cured J. M. Dnvls, Winter
VI. Wtlltl. heti j,,., wno was led Into
Dr. Coffee's oflluo blind. UlsMght wus restored
by mild mcdlclues.
80pugo lioolt, explaining his wonderful dis
coveries, v tth list of hundreds of cures, sent
free to uuv one alllleted with eye. ear or throat
disease. Persons unttblu to pay for treatment
treated free, as the Doctor wants nobody to
go through life blind, or undergo an operation,
when ho has mild medicines thut will curo
them. Write.
334.14 flood Hlock, l)es Alolnes, Iowa,
!2?TJrr ,i..,.,.c 1 I -I i
a. uiaciacr:
tiMiiblcs at oiitc.
Cures in
40 Hours nl
Karh Cap
sule bear the
name i-ft"
Rewire nf
ele. rnutiterfelt
Weak, Wasting, Despondent
Fabrlon, It qm iir ln'r.
I l'linlcin. Kiilmin, whe
tii Hint nirvrtoiln action In
' 5
UrMhrtl Ailmtoti vlnrlt mcctilAfd tli wurtd
At Hnnrmnm fini,nid t)r c J t'.tltii outftllDDfd all
Witro Conllnont (or ih tit Afiucittloa,
Th t..t Tlrliii. in th method of ftrrlicntloa
It It" dlttrl nnd ponttltii union Nu villi, drartla
druaii to ruin Ilia itooim It nd duntlvn itrm.
Tlie Crajum ro inftlisl upon ruirliia at nlbt.
dlitolrinc tir Hi "t find rrrttoni o( llio Ltdr
In three lionri. wlileh i ruRlclrnt tlmo to prna.
tritla nnd dlnolie blricture, thuruugh!; mtdl
tellof thu
Prostate Qland,
redtiflnt iilrerant nd rontraetlna tha Pm.
Inul Kjr.i uletorr IJucta, lornvrr atopiilna;
nrMlna tnd KinlaaloiiN, curing "title rou
leep ithont rln er Inconienlence, The altar
atlta Hnd Hntiiapilr urtion at "drun-Solnut"
aettt llll in ilratrnying (lonococcl and the K'tnt
luat luteit lit llltdder and l'rctte UUnd
Iltirlnn tli punt Mr rak, atilctured,
waettutf wrecki have been cured- 1V,S!6 mea hnrn
asiln to Ilium life aneit nltb fr'nli Tlnor, (ull of
atrength ami tlie roDit-lotinneia n( reetored men
lieod. Under the infliiem a o( title eoverelBn eol
ot Strlclnra te dueulved tnd dlilodfted In It
deye. do matter bow old, tough or callotued It
ha become.
r'rorn lima Immemorial, cnttlna and dilating
hue tilled up the brutal, (rultltie record ot
Irratmtrit in .Stricture, and ret there bat ne'er
been rum hi iucIi method lb
J r. njllne-
Cvnuoni. taminttit nf tks tr,-i t
"Citan-Solvent "
ufn retiring at night, and ilip into Volition
prepaid, to enr applicant