The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET, PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTA.I5LISIIKD JUNE li), 1871. OMAHA, SrXDAY HOKNIXG, A PHIL 8, 11)00. SIXO-L73 COPY FFVE CENTS. Most Colossal tion f Economic in the history of merchandising. The sensational sale of "The People's Store" $300,000 stocks affords bigger and better values as the sale progresses. Bargains enough for all, no matter how big the crowds. The immense stocks are arranged to make selection .easy. The hundred new clerks have become accustomed to the stocks and can wait on you more promptly. Out of town customers will find it a great saving to attend in person and lay in full supplies. Over 40,000, pairs new shoes on sale. We sell the most clothing in Omaha. The People's Store stocks were all new mid stylish. Agents for Buttcrick Patterns. OTHERS MAY TALK LOUDER IN THE PAPERS BUT HAY DEN BROS. HAVE THE GOODS TO SHOW YOU WHEN YOU COME !AU Wool Novelties If! Inches whip, Peoplo's prlco was $1.25, our prlea this salo JOf only rx.G Trench Novelties, lO-lnches wide. All Wool Plaids, ISO-Inches wide: Kred Arnold's silk flnlshod Henriettas, 62-Inch nil wool cectra hoavy Cheviots, People's prlco 1.25; all wool Serges, 46-lnchrs wldo, all colore, People's prlco 98c, our prlco on this salo tL. 64-Inch nil wool Cheviot, shrunk, sponged nnd llnlshed, Hold by tho People's Storo nt $1.60; -10-Inch nil wool double warp (Ser mon Henrietta; 60-lneh lino French Surges; 64-luch Venetians; 50-Inch Broad- cloths and 10,000 other weavro too numerous to mention 75c Bilk nnd wool novelties, 5S-lnch Cheviot, nil colore (except black); Crepons that tho People's Storo rnld up to $2.50 yard; Silk Warp Henriettas, etc.; Sicilians that sold up to $1.60, nnd 10,000 other weaves worth tip to $2.50 per yard, on AD., this alo at JOG MAIL ORDER DEPT For our out-of-town customers we will fill mall orders for poods nt these prices a long as goods last. It would bo useless to send for samples of those goods on sale, as they may bo closod out tho same, day, out wet will send sampled of our regular goods freo to any address, and guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. Kxtra talesmen to w-.ilt on trado Monday, Silks From The People's Store The magnitude of this grand Silk sale the won der and talk of all Omaha. You expected great bargains, you looked for big Vtilues, but you were surprised at tho utter disregard wo showed for prices on the finest silks in the world. Ve will-push prices down so far for this Monday's gigantic silk sale that you can Tjuy tho very best of silks for less than others must ask you for tho commonest kind. I'lcnrcil Oliuiuscnlilc Slll.n Neat designs ln bluo and black, green and (brown, purplo nnd green, blue 1 Of & red bound to creato a sensation.-'-'-' Vlnlik TufTrtiift In all colors; tho People's Storo C)t(i nsk you 75o, we will sell for.... OLi Ile-in Ceireleil Will at Silka and llrn- KIllllK'K In plain colors from tho I'coplo's nt 29c lleuvj- Silk S ii tin la in black nnd colors, regular $1.25 always nnd everywhere on salo horo AVIiltc I'orileil TlllTetiin for waists or trimmings, regular $1.50, People's Store, nt 50c 50c All The People's Storo black silks, such as peau de soies, satin do lyon, gios grain, nrmuro. duchceso, rcgenco, fnlllo, bwIss. talTctns, nnd many othor weaves -we rerommend every yard of thesu lino silks, and stand back of them yon enn come hero Monday nnd get the biggest bargains In a blnck dress pattern that jou over got in nil your life silk worth nil tho way up to $2.50, go at 75c and 9Sc. Our Ladies' Wrapper Dept. Our wrappers are well known to you all. (This announcement Is merely to notify you that wo were fortuuato In securing from M, Mlnsky & Co., Now York City, 600 dozou wrappers nt COc on the dollar, to bo on sale Wondny. 50 dozen wrappers In dnrk colors, blue and tilnck, worth $1, Monday 23c. "5 dozen wrappers, Interlined, braid trim med, worth $1.25, for 49c. 63 dozen ladles' wrappers, with ruffles over shoulder, extra wide nt hips, b:dy lined, braid trimmed, worth $1.52, for 69c. 75 dozen ladles' wrappers, 15-Inch flounce, two rullltw over shoulder and braid trimmed, worth $2, for 9Sc. Ol'R LADIES' WASH WAISTS. New elaborate brald-trlmmed designs. In colors nnd white. Tho prices aro lower than any house in America ami variety tho largest. 50 dozen waists for Monday, new styltu, til colore, worth $1. for 19c. Seo our gorgeous lino of richly trimmed hats nnd everything in the millinery line. White Dress goods Dept. On Monday you will find more salespeople In this department and prices aro being niada to soil tin. stuff. lOo checked and striped lawns cut down to 5o ynrd; 40-Inch wldo lawus. worth 15c, in remnants, Ec ynrd: 30-lnrh wldo llgurcd nnd striped drn pcry Swiss, scld all around us nt 15c. Mon day. Sc; 7 dlfteront grade of Ions cloth. 8'4c to !5o yard; 7 different makes of canibrlo from 5c to 15o yard. For lino whit dios goods of any descrip tion come to headquarters. Tho Big Store liuda. leading dress goods house of the west Dress Goods Wholesale and Retail Owing to our heavy spring pur chases, and buying over 50,000 more worth of dress goods at about one-third their value commencing Monday wo will be compelled to cut the price to one-third actual value so that we can reduce it at once. The following prices will certainly make our competitors feel blue: 10,000 DRESS PATTERNS In all wool Eta inlneH, People's Storo prlco was flSc per ynrd, our prlco for entlro pattern of 5 yards, Gl-lnches wide, on 1 (); Monday L,tl 10,000 Dress Patterns, strictly all wool, handsome styles, all colore ond 1 QQ black, for entlro pattern ti yds A.0 500 patterns of all wool flno Plaids, nil wool NoveltlcH, nil wool Tailor Suitings, nil wool Serges, all wool Suitings, all weaves nnd all Colors, not ono ynrd was sold for lens than $1.50 by tho People's Store, on this salo nil will go at ono prlco for entlro pattern, some have G yards, O QQ others G ynrds, at w.tO 23 liord & Taylor's exclusive flno pattern Chonlllo Stripes, goods that sold at $25.00 per pattern, wo will sell entlro K OO pattern of 0 yards for JU Wo will placo on salo out of our own stock 50 patterns of high grado Cropons, worth from $6.00 to $10.00 per yard; 25 appllqued Parisian patterns, worth from $.10.00 to $50.00 per pattern, nil will go Monday nt ono prlco for ontiro pat- "I f ff torn, only XU.UU White TnfTctn Silks tho I'coplo's Storo only had 10 pieces they go at , 15c Kin. Oorile-tl Wn.h SIIUn pink, blue, hello, grny, red nnd ftt cotIbo, from tho People's Store.. wOO Knucy SIIUn in Uluminntcd effects, latest QQi $1 nnd $1.25 silks, for OtU CIonIhk Out lllllilnee of People' II cut irnili .Novelty Silks silks, worth up to $2.00 all and !a.T.,.49c every kind niiirk TnfTi'tni) From t 1'coplc. 20-Inch wide, on snlo at , 27-lnch wide, on salo at 36-Inch wldo, on salo at ..39c .69c ..98c White Bedspreads Tho only plnco In Omaha whore you find n good nssortment to pick from. On Monday wo place on salo the soiled spreads from Peoplo's storo; 69c spreads, 35c; 79e spreads. 60c; 98o spreads, COc. This will clear them out fast. Iled spreads for single beds, 39c each; fringed crochet spreads, 75c. $1.00 and $1.25 each; new line of satin nnd Marseilles bed spreads, also line P. K. spreads. $1.9S, $2.23. $2.50, $2.75. $2.9S nnd $3.00: 5 lines of colored be.1 spreads. Wheto else do you llntl such nn nssortment? and they aro fast colors $1.00 each: plnin he timed, $1.9S; fnncy fringed. $2.23; hemmed sprunds nnd two lines of fancy colored nnd fringed at $2.98 and $3.00 each. Huy your bed spreads next .Monday. Muslin and Sheetings On Monday we will dear cut all odd lots of ready nindo sheets and pillow-cases from Peoplo's stock. Pillow-cases as low- as 6Vic and up; sheets as low as 25o nnd up. good, wo mean what wo say, a good yard wide bleached muslin on Monday, 5c yard; 20 ynrds for $1.00 limit. 42-Inch pillow can! Ing, bleached, 9c. 10c nnd lie ynrd; 42-Inch tubing, 12Vjc; 45-ltich tubing, lie; 30. Inch tubing, 15o ynrd. Every housekeeper In Omaha should at tend this, the greatest of nil saloj, at the big storo this week. All goods marked in plain llgures and plenty for all to choose from. Sheet Music See. Hayden's nice lino of popular sheet music nt 10c, 15c and 25c per copy. Latest songs, waltzes, twonteps. cakewalks. We aro strictly up-to-dato in all tho very lates sheet uiualo at tho very lowest prices pos sible. Over 10.000 copies of sheet musl at lo per copy. This muslo In not catalogued lc extra when sunt by mail. 'Cloak and Suit Sale Tho Immense stocks that wo have pur chased lately glvo us a variety and a stock that is larger nnd cheaper than any house in western America. OUR SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. Ono hundred ladles' suits, Jackets llk llned throughout, In homespuns nnd veno tinns, man-tailored; manufacturer's prlcii $3.00; our price, $6.98. 150 ladles mnn-tallored suits, strapped seams, In homespuns and Venetians, taffeta lined jackets, manufacturer's prlco $14; our prlco $10. 200 ladles' man-tailored suits In black and colorod cheviots, some all sllk-llncd throughout, tnado up In the extreme styles, beautiful garments; manufacturer price $22; our price $15. 70 sample suits, $25, $35, $15, $55 and $75 at half price. Ladles' cton Jackets In nil colors and black, sllk-llncd throughout, for $7.50. Iadlc' eton Jackets, appllqued collar and down tho front, taffeta-lined throughout; ninnufncturer's prlco $15; our prlco $10. 160 ladles' cheviot skirts, tallor-stltched. llnol nnd interlined, worth $10, for $5.9S. Indies' man-tailored skirts In blues, browns and grays, nicely trimmed, with straps of velvet, worth up to $20, for $12.73. Ladleu flno Imported designs In skirts nt $15. $1S, $25 nnd $33 each. ' Ladles' black clay-worsted enpes, worth $5 for $2.98. Ladles silk capos, trimmed with silk rib bon and lace, worth $10, fov $5.98. Ladles long blnck silk cants at $6, $D and $12. 1 table ladles' taffeta waists; manufac turer's price $5; our prlco $2.9S. 1 table Indies' taffeta waists; manufac turer's prlco $C; on salo at $3.98. 1 tahlo ladles' silk nnd satin waists; man ufacturer's prlco $7; our price $5.98. 50 Imported samplo waists nt $15, $20, $25 and $30; your choice for $9.98. Tho extreme novelties at reasonablo low prices. LADIES' UNDERSKIRT DEPARTMENT. Ladies' nll-'sllk underskirts, only 150 In all, your choice .Monday for $2.91. Ladles' fine taffeta underskirts In all shades nt $fi.98. Ladles' Mercerized foulard underskirts, 4 nifties, at $2.48. 50 dozen ladles' underskirts in all colors and blnck, worth $1.75, for 9Sc. Men's Furnishings. 100 doz. men's fast colored one-half hose, full seamless, People's storo price 15c, on salo hero at 5c. All tho men's ono-half hose from tho People's storo that sold for 26o and 33c, on salo hero at 15e. 1 lot of shirts from tho People's store that sold up to 50c on salo nt 15c. All tho underwear that tho Peoplo's store sold up to $1.00 on salo hero nt 39c. All tho shirts from the Peoplo's stock that sold up to $1.50 go In this salo at 49e. Men's 50c and 75o neckwear at 25c. Men's 35o susponders, 15c. 200 dozen men's lino colored laundered shirts, all this spring's, patterns, tho very latest out, all styles, some with collars and cuffs separatp, some to wenr whit collars, nil the best brands made, on salo at 75c. 1 lot of men's underwear, nil size shirts nnd drawers, worth up to 75c, on sale at 25c. 500 doz. men's 4-ply all-linen collars, In all tho latest styles, all sizes from 12 to 19, every collar new and perfect, Peoplo's storo prlco 15c, on salo nt 5c. Men's linen cuff link nnd straight, every cuff warranted 4-ply, new and perfect, sold by tho Peoplo's Btoro at 25c, on sale hero at 10c. All tho Peoplo's storo handkerchiefs that sold up to 35c, In tills salo at 8 l-3c. Ladies' Furnishings. All tho corsets from tho Peoplo's store thnt fcold up to 75c on sale here at 25c, $1.00 Corsets All tho corsets that sold up to $1.00 on salo horo at 49c 1 lot of ladles' underwear that sold up to 60c on t.ilo hero at 124c. Hoys' shirt waists that sold up to 35c on salo hero at 12Vic. All tho boys' shirtwaists that sold for 60c on salo at 25c. AH tho 25o and 35o fancy hose at 15c. Thousands of pieces of slightly soiled muslin underwear, worth up to 50c, at 12?4c. Children's dresses slightly soiled, worth 50c, nt 1214c. Children's dresses, embroidered, trimmed, worth 75c, nt 25c. Ladles' lace trimmed skirts, worth up to 75c, at 39c. Ladles' flno lace nnd embroidered skirts, woith $1.25, nt 75c. Ladles' embroidered and lnco trimmed gowns, worth up to 98c. nt 60c. Indies' underwear that sold up to 75c, on salo at 23e. Children's 25o hose at 15c. FSannel Dept 1 lot dark nnd light outing flannel, extra henvy. per yard 3',ic; worth 7c. 1 lot fancy patterns cheviots, per yard Cc; People's prh-o 10c. 1 lot whito wool flannel, sultablo for In fants' skirts, per yard 17c; People's prlco 3Ue. 1 let extra heavy shaker flannel, per yard 4c; People's prlco e'c and S14c. 1 lot fancy feather ticking, per yard 10c; worth ISc. 1 lot light nnd dark outing flannel, per ynrd 6'4c; regulnr 10c ond 1214c. 1 lot extrn heavy shirting, In fancy stripes and checks, per yard 614c; regular 10c nnd 1214c. All tho Scotch flannel per yard 20c; worth 33c. 100 pieces Rasket'a flannel. In beautiful pattorns, per yard 10c, worth 15o and 20c. MYDEN Hardware, Stove and House Furnishing Department. Safest Over four carloads In this lot. We have' Just received three carloads, besides tho en tire exhibit of tho Clurnoy Refrigerator com pany nt our Inst exposition, which received llrst nwnrd, which wo bought nt n great discount, including everything from a plain Ico chest to tho finest refrigerator side board with plated mirrors, Including In makes tho celebrated (itirney, tho Ferrcl, the Cold Wave, tho Ia Relic and tho Oriole. These goods liavo all ndvnnced 23 per cent slnco last season, hut which will bo offered in this salo at less thnn last year's price. Send for cataloguo and prlco on refriger ators. Look out for tho greatest offer In gasoline stoves over made In this western country. Watch tho papers. Two carloads coming In. UNPRECEDENTED CUT IN IIOUSE FURN1SHINO ROODS. Galvanized iron tub3 37c. flood brooms 15c. Oarden hose 17c. Solid brass nozzles 19c. 0-Inch stove plpo 9c. Spring hinges 8c. Wood frame wringer $1.29. 10-n.uart granlto water pall 3Dc. 3- section dinner palls 15c. 1.000 sheets toilet paper, 4c. All-copper wash boiler, No. S, $1.S9. Harden rakes 17c. Rubber hoso 6'4c. Nickel-platol claw hammer 9c. 4- scctlon clothes racks, 39c. Poultry netting, 100 square feet, 60c. 10-quart granlto dish pans 29c. Steel shingling hatchet 27c. Three lnsts and stand 27c. 4-soctlon clothes racks, 39c. Hardwood Hoso Reels, 19c. CAR LOAD SCREEN WIRE JUST RE CEIVED PER SQUARE FOOT liC. STEEL RANOES. Can sell you n S-holo steel rango with high shelf, low warming closet, largo oven, for $20.75. No. 8 cook stoves, warranted flno baker, $9.50. Send for prices nnd cuts on stoves and ranges. Furniture Wo are inoro than pleased with tho stock of flno furnlturei wo. now have on hand. Wo havo moro than wo evor had and It Is all new nnd up-to-date. Tho rich golden oak, showing tho handsomo grain of tho wood, is by far tho most serviceable. Wo havo also mahogany, bird's-ayo maplo and whltu enamel. Sideboards from $11.50 up to $67.50. China closets $12 up to $23. Extension tubles, $3.S5 up to $13. Chnlrs 73c up to $3.50. Iron beds, over 70 style3 to choose from, now designs, tho best makes. Reds from $2.60 up to $35; special for a few days, brass rail metal bed, full size, whlto enamel, for $4.S5; regular $6 value. Odd dressers, in golden finish, maple nnd whlto enninel, with washstands to match, from $7.h5 up to $15. Solid oak C-drawer chiffonier, $6 85. Another with French plate mirror, $9. Books from "People's" Wo got them all and wo must clone them out at once. No room Is the reason. All $1.50 books for Sic, All $1.00 books for 60c. All 75c booKu for 35c. All 50c books for 25c. All 23c books for 13c. All 15c books for 9c. Stationery Specials Flno quality nolo paper, per lb., 714c. 6c lead pencils, lc. Carter's Ink, 2c. Big Sale Till: "I'EOI'MV.S K.NTIItlJ ouo t'llltV STOCK MV ON SAI.IJ IX Our Grocery Dept Every nrtlclo wilt bo sold for less than one-third Its actual cost. Read startling prices below: Olass Jars, puro fruit Jam, worth 20c, now 5c. Hurnham's Hasty Jclllcon, -worth 15c, only fie. 23c bottles all kinds pepper sauce, only Be. Oallon jugs puro Tomato catsup, their prlco $1.23, now only 69c. 35c bottles puro Ollvei Oil, only 5c. 2-lb. cans Strawberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries, worth 25c, now on sale for Sc. Elastic, Electric, Celluloid, etc., Starch, per package, Sc. 3 cakes any kind sweet chocolate for 10c. All flavors Fruit Pudding, 15c packages at Cc. 10c packagen baking soda, only 6c. Uncedn Illscult, largo packages, only Sc. 26c cans Imported Sardines, only 7Vc. Lopez & Dukatc'A SUrlmjs, Inrgo cans, worth 33c, now l'.Msc. Square glns-s bottles all kinds pickles 5c. Iirgo glass bottlos Whlto Onions, 8 ',4c. 10c packngo mixed Hlrd Seod, now 6c. 20c cans sliced or grated Pineapples, only 12'4c linked Roans In tomato sauce, now 6c. 20c bottltu puro Tomato Catsup, only 7!c. 20c cans Lima lleans, now CVfcc. 20c cans Curtice Bros. Jams, assorted, 8V4c 10c packages puro Mlnco Meats, 6c. 33c cana Plorro Vlans Maple Sap, 22',&c 70c eann Pierre Vlaiis Maplo Sap, 43c. $1.35 cans Plerro Vlans Maple Sap, S9c. 20c pnekngo Cereal Coffee, now 6c. 35c cans Asparagus, now 15c. 15c quality largo French Prunes, 7'4c 10c quality largo Santa Clara Prune?, 6c. Sc quality Turkish Prunes, only .Te. 6o quality fancy Raisin curod Prunes, 2'Ae. Ralston Club llrcikfast Food, PIUsbury B Vlto.i. (Iranoso Flakes. Shredded Wheat Illscult. (Jrapo Nuts. etc. (worth 15c to 23c I everywhere) package, 8?ie. Packages Oatmeal, any brand, only 6c. 2 largo packages Washing Powder for 5c. 3 largo cans Salmon, worth 15o can, 25c. 3 largo 15c cans Pumpkin for 20c. Ifio package Imported Figs, only 6c. Sunrlso Unking Powder, lnrrro cans, Sc. 20c cans nil kinds Plums, now 10c. 20o cans Halted Ilcans or Sweet Potatoes. S',c. Every article must bn po'd, no matter what price, to get them off tho (loom and coun ters, whore they aro now piled. tha a xi) c-ofim:u mam;. Fancy wholo Santos coffee, only 1214c. Rest Golden Rio Coffee, 15c. Frtinch Java and Mocha, 25c. 2-lb. can best old Government Java, worth 73e, only 50c. . New Tea Slftlngs, 1714c Basket fired Japan. 334c. English Ilreakfast, Gunpowder and Oolong, 35c. Crockery Dept Our great room-making sale continues. Everything nt less than factory cost. All bright, new goods bought for spring trado. Now Is tho tlmo to buy. READ OUR MAGNIFICENT FREE OFFER TUMULERS Thin blown, flro polished, regular 5c, to morrow 31.c. Cut glass, genuine, regular 60c, tomorrow 19e. Salts and peppers, regular 10c values, to morrow 3c. VASES Opalescent glass, decorated, worth 35c, lomorrow uvsC Uohemlan glass, very pretty decorations, worth 50e, tomorrow 12',4c ROSE DOWLS Opal glass, In floral and gold decorations, regular 50c values, tomorrow 19c. RERRY DISHES Crystal, 8-inch size, regular 15c Talucs, tomorrow 6c. ORANGE DISHES Roll shape, 10-lnch size, very close Imi tation cut glass, highly polished, regular prlco 60c, tomorrow 1714c PLATES Pie size, plain white, regular 5c, tomor row 3c Tea bIzo, plain white, regular 10c, tomor row 3 3-4c. HOWLS Genuine Holland, underglazed decorations, regular prlco 35c, tomorrow 1214c. CUPS AND SAUCERS Japanese, pretty decorations, worth COc, tomorrow 1214c Jnpaneso Creamers, neat decorations, gold band, worth 35c, tomorrow 9c. CAKE PLATES Hnndsomo floral decorations, underglazed, edges stippled In gold. Theso plates woro sold everywhero for 50c, tomorrow 10c. CCSPIDORES Decorated China, In underglazed prints, regular prlco 35c, tomorrow 1714c JARDINIERS Illonded colors, 8-Inch size, very pretty, worth $1.50, tomorrow 73c LAMPS Nickel parlor lamps, No. 2 round burner, regular prlco $2.60, tomorrow $1.49. FREE. FREE. Wo havo over 10,000 dozen cups, saucct'3 and plates In soml-porcclaln, neat under glazed decoration, which wo must dispose of nt oiue. Wo mako tho following mar velous offer: Wo will sell 6 cups and saucers 02 pieces) worth $1.25, for 9Sc, and glvo away FREE 6 dinner plates to match. This Is giving $2.95 for 98c. BROS. The Most Stupendous The greatest Shoe IMS Selling Over 40,000 Pairs of Fine new Shoes ai About Half the 5d Four Big Shoe Stocks On Salo at Once. m The People's Store big shoo stork the Naylor. Crooker & Young stock French, Shrlner &. Urner stock nnd Underwriter's nnd Snlvngo stock. All new linn styles luie manufactured by tho largest and best shoe manufacturers In the world. This great shoo sale Is the talk of nil Olimlm nnd tho surotindlng country for miles nnd inllc3 nround. Thousands of people aro taking ndvnutago of it. Thousands of pairs of the finest shoes are being thrown on the big bargain tables every day at $2.98 $1.33 for ladles' llnest $1 nnd $5 viel lit. I t!ioe - Imntl turned nnd welt snlo shoes iiiiide in the latest Styles- i.iiim and lilneks uli sizes and widths. for ladles' line $2.50 ox furd.s and strap slippers 111 patent leather and vki kid, nil tdzes and widths. It to D. $1.89 SI. for lndlc-M' iitIl. nn,j vki kid shoes with turn nnd llexlble wiles, repre senting nil style, ill slzen and widths, A to H. for mlv' mid boys' lino $2.) ii tid $.'."111 shoes In vlct kid an. I rail -tuns and hhirk- all i lrs, li and K ami KK Ming Room Oarpet s Unheard of values In tho best goods. Brussels carpets, new patterns. ISc. 1 lot Ilrussels enrpeit, closlng-out pat terns, some) slightly soiled on end, worth $1, on salo 69c. 10 Smyrna rugs, 9x12 ft, all wool, worth $30, nil nt $20. 7 6x10 wovo Smyrna rugs, elegant patterns, nt $16. 9x12 Axminster rugs, latest designs, $20 to $27.50. 51-imh Wilton velvet rugs, $1.19. 60-Inch Axminster rugs. $1 98. 54-Inch Smyrna rugs. c. 7-ft window shades, complete, 25c. Wall Paper and Paints Wo open tho wall paper season with tho most extensive stock that was ever shown by nny houso In western America. Pr!e s nre surprising the most economical buyo s. Wo buy direct from tho factories and sell to our customers at les thnn Johhem' or middlomen's wholesale, llgures. You havo 25 to 60 per cont. Drapery Sale Choice of $3 00 tnncntrv norMer nt i nc Cholco of $6.00 lino of tapestry portluro.!, some slightly soiled, at $3.85. $1.00 courh covers nt $2.25. Chqlco of $2.50 chenille, curtains at $1.65. Choice of $1.50 ehonlllti curtains at $2.60. All oiiu pairs at one-fourth regular price. I 60-Inch wldo full length laco curtains at j $1.25. Rulllnd muslin curtains 65c pair. Sperljl i i-eiiuciioii on nil line lnco curtains. niiKunue, per yarn, lie. Drapery filnge, lc. Ropo portlcrcM, $1.75 up. Our Hew Optical Dept. Now open In charge of qualified refractlon !st. Your eyes tested free. Olnssm lilted nt less thnn half tho optical storo prices. Oculists prescriptions filled correctly and promptly. The Big Linen Dept Hnyden Rros. aro selling the linens frcm the People's atoio nt n,ut oiie-hnlf their former prices, smo een less; a great many short pieces nro sold nt. less than half price. On Monday wo gho you chulie uf 60 pieces at 50c yard; among this lot you find tablo linens worth $1.00; nnolher lot at 2.c yard; cholco of nil tho best, which were $1.25, $1.50 nnd $1.75, on Monday, $! 00. Wo havo had somo big stiles In this linen depart mcnt, but next week wo expect to break tho record, for wo havo tho stock, tho Peoplo's stock nnd Hayden's big stock, nnd wo nro maklnir prices never heard of In Omaha. All odd lots of napkins must go. All tow-clings from Peoplo's s.'oro must bo sold; 25e tow els selling at 15c each; in: glnss checked toweling, 5n ynrd. Rig lino of pattern tnblo'-loths, 2, 2t(, and 3 ynrds long. at prices you cannot duplicate In Omalm. Orand Dress Trim mings Sale. Tho entire stork of trimmings from the Pooplo's and five entlro samplo lines glvo us tho greatest lot of bargains In trimming ovor scon in this country. Elegant black braids j0 Elegant colored braids ; c Reautlful colored gulni jc Rcautiful black Kiiimi jc Kino applique , "So Elegant spangle trimmings, 6e, 10c, 15c, 25c How lacea, New Embroideries. Nrw Rlbbonii. Shoe Sale in America Bargains ever known. Cost of Making. $1.46 for men's line nnd J5.00 sillier patent leather vlcl kid nnd KushIu uilf slides In nil Hzes, It to K. $2.98 13 for men's line hand welt $d and $7 shoes- In Fremii patent leather. ICii.hsIil ruir and vlcl kids -nil swell, up-to-duto shoes, from French, Shrlner & Urner stork A to li A , Dress goods 'Hie -iillii Hindi of llir People' Mllsll lIl'CNH KOOllft on Mill- 111 llfiyill'll'. Every yard bought within the last threo weeks, for the early spring trade ninny pieces had never jet been opened, selected by nu nt 1, long experienced dry goods mun. milking this one of tho choicest ever shown In nny city In the country. The gnr-dest value giving snle, challeng ing nil ellott;. nt competition, that ever oc ' lined In Omnliii. HAYIJEN'.'l fulling tho People's 10c, 15c nnd 2r.o dimities, batistes, etc., for 5c ti yard. UAVIUvN'S .selling tho People's 7c and 8e ca'lcris nnd eliallls, for 3'4e n ynrd. HAYDEN'S selling tho People's 15e, 19c nnd 2.".: line, wldo mntlrns ginghams for 5c n ynrd. I!AY1'::R nelllng tho People's entire per- cnlo stock nt Sc a yard. The Items taken at random from the f.-n' est soiling stock ever offered In tiny snl comprise thousands of plecis of goods. All theso thousands of pieces, along with our own enormous vnrlety of fine wash goods makes this the grandest trading place where volumes of business makes possible tho pleni-lng prices for which Ilaydon's la so favorably known. Pianos I If yon nro thinking of purchasing a piano now is your opportunity. Wn havo n very largo shipment or pianos that will arnvo wlililn i Tow days nnd we hud we have not enough of space In our liimo Department. Wu havo decided to cut the prlco on every piano now on our iloor to mako room for , this enormous shipment. You have tho largest Unci of standard makes to select , fiotn. You save $luo to $i.,ti on your pur- ciiase. Monday's Big Sale on Meats No. 1 sugar cured hams lie. Lean pickled pig s pork 9c. 3-pound pall best brand Inrd 21c. Lean hum butts (sugar cured) 10c. Kresh pork sausage 6'ic. 6-pound pall best brand Inrd 39c. Country cured bacon 9c. Pickled tripe, 4c. 10-pound pall heat brand lard 78c. Kaiicy Wienerwurst, threo pounds for 25o. Rest new b ilogim i'w. tJJafcines, Giocks and i iSevielry j Special Sale of Silverware. Tho Peoplo's sllvcrwnro still on salo at ! coKt and will contlmio until every piece Is sold out. This Is tho groalcHt opportunity (nor offered to tho public to secure sllvcr wnro nt lowest prices. Oct our prices on , tea sits, knives mid forks, lea spoons, euko baskets, fruit dishes, bako dishes, gents' smoking sets, etc. i On our bargain snuaro nil th Peonis'R cuff buttons and shirtwaist sots at Uc per caul. licauty pins In per enrd. Now We Are in Shape And now WI3 WILL CUT tho prices. Every stick, spool nnd yard of tho People's sto k will bo cut In less than ono-fourth regular prlco; wo must movo It we need the space. 25o nil ullk crochot cottons 2c 3.c all silk ribbons jo 25o all silk ribbons do 25o purstt) 710 200 yds. machliui cottons ivic 26o combs f,0 25c tack pullers ;,o 20c curling Irons j,,. 20c stockinet dress nhlolds to Host, all silk Houm bindings to Klneist quality brush binding braids only, per yd jc Utbt aualtty corilurov aua