Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
lire Mora Ccmpmies of BritUh Infantrj
Caught ty Boen.
Robirts Beporti Anolhar BUrtllng Kiduc
tion of Invading Foioj.
Boon Stem tc Be Endeavoring to Mike
Good Their Threat.
Surrounds n Iloi-r 1'nrcr nrtlicnnt iif
iilnil.erlej, KIIIIiik KIkIiI. liiolinl
JiiK I'reneh Chief tif MliilT
of liner Army,
LONDON, April G. Thn Uloomfontcln cor
respondent of the Morning Tolograph today
"Tho lloers are apparently making an at
tempt to redeem their promlso to tnke
lllocmfontcln. A considerable force has
inoved south through Thaba Nchu. General
Tucker's Isolation nt Karoo Is moro appar
ent than real. slnco tho open ground north
of Illocinfontuln offers small opportunity for
Hocr tactics. They may possibly engage
Qilm to distract nttentlon from operations
elsewhere IteniountH arc anxiously awaited."
LONDON. April C Lord Roberta rcporln
that live companies of British troops have
been captured by tho Hoern near Bethany.
Tho following Is tho text of Lord Roberts'
UtHpateh to the War olltcc:
"IILOEM FONTKIN, Thursday, April C
lAnother unfortuuato occurrence ban oc
curred resulting, I fear. In tho capture of a
Tarty of infantry consisting of throo com
panion of tho Hoynl Irish Fusiliers and two
appointed to tho command of the Freo
Staterw and tho further report that the
Free State has arranged a loan from tho
Transvaal for war purposes aro both con
firmed Ten thousand remounts from South Amcr
lea, are duo to arrlvo during the coming
flfcjyjt ports of Natal and Tape Colony.
jmWtoacr version of the fighting with
yVjts force says that four of
ficersBjffcujor were taken prisoners
"t HaninRljBnppearn that the
names of Ce??rVuie. which were
originally suppcncdBReate two of tho
ofuccrH captured at th?Wme( should have
been hyphenated as the name of one olllcer.
As numerous prisoners are now held on
both sides and the numbers aro about efjunl
tho question of exchanging was mooted in
the House of Commons last evening. This
elicited a reply that the government had
no Intention of proposing an exchange,
rutting Telcurniih Wires.
Tho Illoemfonteln correspondent of the
Dally Telegraph says:
"A seditious meeting whh summoned by
Transvaal einlssnrlm for today at Louw
berg, but nobody nttended.
'Hocr patrols from Drandfort havo eut
tho telegraph wires btvtwecn hero and Ilos-
choff. The British scouts reported yes
tcrday thill n force of from 12.000 to 18,000
Doers had been seen beyond Bushman's
kop moving from Thaba Nchu to tho Huuth.
Tho enemy by appeals and menace com
bined aro vainly trying to Induce the burg
hers to take the field agnln. The farmers
nro moro afraid of tho Transvaal than of
the Urltlsh."
BLOK.MFONTKlN, April fi.-The first
cavalry brlgnde under Colonel Porter recon
noltcred eastward today beyond Louw kop.
They found 150 Boors and opened up on
them with shellH. The Doers dlapersed instantly.
OMAHA SA'I'I'nnAV -Mm)VTV-( hitht
" " 1 .1. ATI vyjvi vjr, ul ixiaj 4
Hovore (n IlrltUh rm (rentes Con
otoriiatlon in mo CH ilnrllll
cation Felt.
Deciiion of Court of Appeals in Kentnokj
Govarnorihip Caia.
Case In Tie Tale en In ,c I nlted stntc
Supreme Court Two .Induct
Criticise lioelielltes'
Course. .,,,
FUANKFOHT, Ky., April 6. Tho court of
appeals today handed down a decision In
mo governorship case- In favor of the dem
ocrats. The opinion Is by six of the Judges,
four democrats and two republicans.
duugo uurcllo was tho only ludio dissent-
lig. Thu other two republican Judges, Bur
nam and Ouffy, gave a separato opinion
from the democratic Judges, but which
agreed with tho democratic members In Ita !
Judge Hobson wrote the opinion of tho
court. The concurrttico of Judges Burnam
and Ouffy with tho four democratic Judges
as n HurpriHO generally, but to tho repub
licans especially.
Tho opinion holds that the action of thn
legislature in seating Governor lleckham
was llnal and that tho courts have no power
to review It; that Governor Taylor exceeded
his authority m adjourning tho legislature
to london and that tho Journals of tho two
nouses or tho legislature, being regular, can
uui. do impcacned. Thirty days must
eiapso bororo tho mandate of the court of
appeals, In accordance with today's decision,
is Issued. Meanwhile no radical change In
tho relativo pcxdtlotis of tho two state gov
ernments Is expected.
lAppi-nl to lie Tnkrn,
Former (Jovernor Iiradley, chief counsel
for Governor Taylor, tonight authorized the
statement that an appeal on behalf of Gov
ernor Taylor and Lieutenant Governor
Marshall will bo carried to the supremo
llradlcy and
to talk today. Ho said: "My attorneys will
do my talking."
L. J. Crawford, attorney for Youtsey. has
made no statement. W. H. Culton nUo do
cllned to talk.
Cnutllr Criticism of Victoria li- (he
Well Kuomii (iiiiuipluii of
(Copyright. lfV, by Press Publishing Co.)
DL'HLIN. April 6. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.; Tho pollco to
night mndo a raid of tho office of the United
Irishman, a newspaper, and seized tho whole
of this week's ifsue, which is of the most
violent nature. Thu articles Included ouo
oy .iaudo Gonno entitled, "Tho Famlno
Tammanj'i Bou Ventilate Hii Idaai of th
Admiral'i Political Ohanoea.
IC M hits .o Mure About It Tluui Crnker
Does of TukliiK Conimiiud of
the Olytnplu HnyH riiu
Will lie Elected.
(Copyright, lpon, by Press Publishing Co.)
i-u.uoN, April 6. (New York World Cn-
Queen." Tho following Is one of the many j Wesram Special Telegram.) Uoss Crokcr
Inflammatory passages: (will not seo reporters, will not give nny
Forecast for Nebraska
Showers for two ilaym; Variable Winds
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rroms would be oi-oupled by himself and a
Wlillno)' ue llneUliiK llcncy,
NKW YOHIC, Aprll'o. Wll.i.rn C. Whit
ney said today tlmt ell sta r.nenls suggest-
"In truth for Victoria in tho dccropltudc ! 8tnU'mt'nt or not answer nny cables ' ' 'h't he ha had to do with ilu camll
... . .. "
companies of tho Ninth regiment of mounted " . nr. cnBl a 81dden gloom
DUBLIN, April 6. Ixrd lloherts' rflHnntph
describing tho disaster at IteJeersburi.' was ! court of tho United States
printed In tho Dublin evening naners and I Judgo W. II. Yost, counsel for tho renuh
created general consternation. It brought ' Ilcan stato ofllcers, were in consultation with
tho populaco with a quick turn from tho , Oovernor Taylor for several hours this after-
. kj-. uivi iuv iuccn s vihii to tne great "ou" '"'u no statement was mado at the
closo of the conference It Is said that Col-
Infantry near Kcddorsburg, a llttlo eastward
of IlcUinny railway stntlon, within a few
anlles of this place. They wore surrounded
Jiy a stronger force of tho enemy with four
or Ilvo guns.
"Tho detachment held out from noon April
8 until April 1, !) a. m., ntul then, apparently,
Burrcndcred. for It Ii reported that tho llr
Ing ceased at that time. Immediately after
J hoard tho news, during tho afternoon of
April 3, I ordered Ontacre to proceed from
Sprlngfnnteln, his present headquarters, to
lleddersburg with all posslhlo Bpeed and I
dispatched tho Cameron Highlanders himce
to Bethany. Ho ntrlved at Ileddeniburg at
10:30 yesterday morning without opposition,
but could got no news of tho missing de
tachment. "Thcro can bo no doubt tho wholo party
baa been made prisoners."
At, ! p. tn. It is ofllctally announced that
tho Urltlsh casualties In tho Boor ambush
near Sanuas-I'oat (last Saturday) total:
Mlsslpg 33: 'wojliirted sn- killed 1 Tho I .
jiUaaing iiu-ludo llll'ai tlllurlhls, tweiuy-llvo
LIfo Guards, twenty-two mon of tho Tenth
over tho gaiety of tho party at the castle,
A prominent member of tho cabinet, now
In Dublin, when Interviewed did not at
tempt to conceal his mortification nor to
mlnlmizo tho evil effects of such reverses
upon tho prestige of the empire abroad.
IIo appeared to havo no hopo of an Imme
diate advance in force.
In tho cabinet ralnlstcr'a statement there . opinion says
I" , "."'.J?' iri."0'"' . Wh "roil ,.e Taylor ,! Mnrsliall.
Irritation and chagrin flr fu Vi.i u , ' 'l la .iard Imagine a moro flagrant
oncl W. C. I'. Breckinridge and rcnubllcan
leaders from different parts of the state will
meet Tuylor In conference hero 'tomorrow
Judges Burnam and Ouffy, republicans,
while concurring In tho opinion that tho
courts havo no Jurisdiction, dissented from
tho reasoning. Judgo Uurnnm's separate
"unfortunato clrcumstonces" should retard
tho march to Pretoria.
(lueeu In AIiiiorI IIIIiiiI.
From ono who -was a guest at tho banquet
given to tho queen yesterday It was ascer
tained that hor majesty looked exceptionally
well nnd discussed tho topics of tho day
with kcon perception. She appeared, how
ever, to be getting so shortsighted ns to be
almost blind.
Just beforo dinner tho duke of Aberdeen,
ns tho premier peer of Ireland, presented to
J- ...a -o: .-..-Mf rfl..wa. jut, wMlu sLo
wore throughout tho evening with evident
and partisan disregard of the modes of pro
cedure than ds mado manifest by tho facts
nllegcd and relied on by contestees and ad
mitted by demurrer and I am firmly con
vinced from admitted facts that tho legis
lature In tho heat of anger, engendered by
intenso partisan excitement, has dono two
faithful, conscientious and ablo public
servants an Irreparable Injury by depriving
them of tho office to which they were elected
and u still greater wrong to tho large ma
jority of tho olectors who voted, under diffi
cult circumstances to elect thesq servantB.
''li'it tvt a.o nyM at .the threshold 'tfltb
tho contention that tho courts of tho stato
! under tho constitution havo no power to go
of her 81 years to havo decided, after tho ' ft0out American politics, but I was fortunate
absence of a half century, to rovislt a conn- 1 c,10Uk'1 to run across a particular friend of
try sne hates, whom inhabitants uro vie- "lfl "no uns 8CPn nnJ spoken with him
tlms of tho criminal nollcy of her mi slnco Dewoy's candidacy has been announced.
a political necessity, which must havo been i c'ro,er Bal(1 ln course of the general conver-
terribly strong, for nfter all sho is a woman BUllon-
and however vile, selfish und pitiless her "ucwey Is not a serious polltlclau. IIo
soul, she must sometimes tremble ns death 1 n flr8t"r-,, nava' commander, but has
approaches when Bho thinks of tho countless i 110 woro cnImcIt' lo ctcr polities that I havo
Irish mothers who, shelterlios and watching ' to tilko comnlallJ of the Olynipla. Ho has
their starving little ones, bavo cursed her1 n b'K m,5tale for ll18 n sake. IIo
beforo they died. Kvery eviction during ' cnn 1 cl(,cl'(, nnJ I,ryan w'" Rot the dtr.n-
stxty-thren years has been carried out In ' ?,Crat' ,llp'nlnalln ""'l will lick McKlnley.
Victoria's namo nnd if there Is Justice In , . " win suro whether Dewey Is up or
heaven tho shame of those poor Irish cm- . Th,Amcrlcn l'cople nro dead sick
Igrant girls, whoso very Innocence render ' fn'mpo,rIlu,l6,I" or .MBKInlcylsm and will
them an easy prey and who have been over-1 ?Wa"W ,DoWC,y T' .Dt'WTy ?"n "'y
omn in , ihi -.,..1.. I B,a'"1 n8 ' Imperialist unless ho has gone
on foreign shores, will fall on this woman ! " w,mtu 8,alJ whcu, lho Americans , Mercer having eeure.I in tho'presrnt appro
dacy of Admiral Dewoy for the presidency
aro without foundation, lie suld-
"I do not coiiMder myself ns s.i related to
polities at ptoAoit ns .o ;io etiflftel to nslt
In making candMites. I lune Ihe profounlest
admiration for Dewiv"
Thrniiuli M.r.rr'x KlTorU .SIkmiI liluic
for the N.'liriiNka Will He
of Hie Itrftt.
WASHINGTON. April fl.-(3poclil Te'e
gram.) The new cruler'd. whl. h
Ii to be built by" the Navy depart.nen'. Is ti
have the best equipment without ll nttatlon
ns to price of nrmor plole,
whoso bourgeouu; virtue Is so boMtcd and ! f?.," !. b.S!,c.V0 11 .w.'" lc
in whoso name their homes woro destroyed.
Taking tho shamrock In her withered hands
aho dares to aBk Ireland for soldiers to pro
tect tho oxtormlnntors of their race."
Tho event caused llttlo excitement. Tho
selzuro Is regarded by loyalists as a mistake.
Urnvcs Kleiucnts for Sliorf Trip Po
lice .Siiiiri-HM l'liper Contnliilnic
Storj- liy 31 ii if ii Guituc.
DUBLIN. April fi. 7:04 p. m. In spite
of tho fact that it was raining Queen Vic
toria this morning drovo out in tho vlco
regal grounds In a garden chair. Owing
to "tho continued wet weather she did not
visit tho city this afternoon, merely In
dulging In a short carriage drive In tho
park and over the roads ln Its vicinity.
Great anticipations havo been aroused In
connection with tomorrow's children's fes
tival, when -30,000 youngsters from nil parts
of Ireland will bo given a chance, to see her
IlllHfturft ntlil flflv.ntw. nf T).lmFttt, ITn,BA
Tho others aro divided among numerous!, majesty will probably leave Ireland behind tho 4eglslatlvo Journal and review
regiments. between April 23 and April 28. There Is no tho Judgment of tho assembly In tho proccod-
NOIIVALS PONT Thursday April 5 A conllr,m,tlon of "i" rumors that tho prince Ings over which they aro given by tho con-
dotnehment of llusaars who wore proceed- I of wl" como t0'rclnni1- Cado- stltutlon exclusive Jurisdiction nnd from
ing heneo to Bloemfonteln are renorted to 1 .kn0ws. no.tlllnB of nny BUCD'' Intention, whoso determination of tho question no
Lave been trained at lMcnburg. about flf- ,' nowo)7' to 1,1 a'lnK that appeal Is provided. I have been led with
' "M ,iv miii, fiini win, me nwiio reiuuiaiico 10 mo ronciusion, iinu not
hout sonin misgivings as to its correct-
S3, that there is no power in tho courts
(ha atntu tt rflvlpw 4hn Snrllnt.u if ()A
leen rullen southwest cf Heddershurg. In the I ,."". V" ",V ,, ' ' ' .. " . m
Orang0 Tree State, and dispatched to tho ' !,t)lrl hnt? ! r ' 03 or'nt'' " wit
assistance of tho Irish Idlers captured i T, h- f !uu ph w pr "C W0U " ne"
near Uoddersburg. ' T ""SUa,Itl1 to vlslt hria bpfore tno 1wn i1 "f
Mnn Who l"iiriilsliril ilic Itevolvcr a.
Shuciunki'r Mnmeil
DUBLIN, April 6. In court circles ln
Dublin tho impression Is growing that tho
cartridges of Slpldo, tho assailant of tho
prlnco of Wales at Brussels, were Cevoid of
nntrfSKLS, Aptil . G.-0fc ' of' thM ac
complices of Slpldo, tho would-bo assassin
of tho prlnco of Wales he who sold him
tho revolver Is a shoemaker named Arthur
Tho magistrate who Is conducting the In-
a straight fight between McKlnley nnd Bryan
arm iirynn is going to win."
. Tho boss hns altered his plans about re
turning to tho states. The World tan in
form its frlendi. that they will not sec him
now until nearly June.
Croker's Boer sympathies aro Intenso nnd
pronounced. Ills Influence In Bryan's can
didature will bo thrown strongly for Inter
vention. Croker passed three days this
week In London.
Croker already looks In better health than
when tho World's representative saw him at
Newmarket a fortnight ago. Ills color Is
better, but ho has aged decidedly slnco his
accident. Enforced Inactivity worries him.
Ho has nono of the resources of a sedentary
man and is now paying tho penalty of prema
ture uso of his leg against the d'tor's
orders. This week ho has had dally visits
from eminent specialists, who again warned
tho obstreperous patient that ho nust give
his ankle complete rest If ho wants complete
cure. Consequently "Boss" makes tho best
prlntlon bill n removal of the S300 ner ten
rtwtrlctlon previously placed on armor plate
for naval vessels In former npproprlatljn
bills. It Is n fact that the United States to
day Is securing armor plato cheaper than
nny other country, Knglnml, Japan and
Ituisla paying considerably moro thnn this
country .for armor plate, Japanese and Kiis
slan vreocls which are bolng built In the
United States costing nearly twice as much.
The Interior department has reported ad
versely on two bills Introduced by Scn.i'or
Allen, ono for right of wny for tho Niobrara,
Sioux City & Blnck Hills railway through
tho Santeo Indian reservation in Boyd r.nd
kiiox counties. Nebraska, nnd another for
tne hastem Nebraska & Gulf railway
through tho Omaha and Winnebago recerva
tloi. Am to the Niobrara, Sioux City ,i
Black Hills, Commissioner of Indian Af
fairs Jones says the company asks too much
land for right of way purposes und that
neither of the measures Is necessary, an nil
reasonable rights can ho obtained under tho
general low passed March 2, ISM. for oh-
Lancaitir Conntj Bcpnbllcars Stamp 0. K.
on Hig Senatorial Boom.
Practically No Oppoiition Divelopa Agalnut
the Lincoln Mnn.
Many of tb Nomination! Aro Madi bj
I'liilforin KiHliirncK .11 1 Kin Icy nnd
PleilttoN ll.'M IliTiirl of tin Parlr
'ill .Ni'lirnnkii In the r.
Iiulilleiiii Column.
l.niM-iiftlrr rntuity lteiultlleiiii Tli-krl.
..Stato Senator
JOHN J. TitO.MPlJN... .
County Commissioner
State Senator
. ..ltepresentntlve
County Attorney
of tho bad business of sitting Indoors with j tainlng rights of way through India
his leg upon a couch or driving around In
an Invalid landnu. Today he left for Brigh
ton for a week's stay.
Democrnlli Commit termini
I)ce- ( aniiot Hum- 1 1 h
Home Stale.
NKW YORK,, April 6. B. B. Smalley,
democratic national committeeman from
Vermont and formerly secretary of tho
democratic national committee, ln an inter
view upon Admiral Dewey's candidacy for
Vtcsldent,- r.nX that ,the, delegates from
Vurmont Dewey's homo state will bo for
William J. Bryan. Ho said: "It has long
been apparent to mo that the nominees
this year will bo William McKlnley and
vwuiam Jennings Bryan. The Vermont
vestlgatlon Into the caso proposes to examine ' democratic convention will be held in Ju
Metliueii Ui'iorlH n Vlolory.
The War office has received tho following i
dispatch from Lord Roberts, dated Bloom
rfonteln. Thursday, April 5:
"Methnen telegraphs from Boshof (In the
Orange Pree State, a little northeast of
JClmberley) as follows: 'Surrounded Oen-
Volkaert, who spoko nt tho socialist meet
ing today, nnd In the course of his re
marks alluaed to tho prlnco of Wales.
Alii for Amerlenii Trade,
CARACAS, April . (Via Haytlan Ca-
liTP.iernl nssnmhlv In u contested flection fnr'.. " " lmm 'gncl and fle-
77777,. n..r I""1 o"1"'8 f governor and lieutenant gov- J. 'nn ha "nUea S'n,rs mln'8""-, Mr.
MAHI,III.-S KATll. ns h b , , authenticated , V "' ,ih tosi- convention.
. .. ' .. . ' . .... .. , . It Is considered that this ncrwmrai hr.,,t.i
I'iimiIi vi n.i rceorus. .Many questions nave necn raised ,,,, 4U . , . ..
i' aoiii) i.nnt ..'.. .. .. .. . augment tho American ret nil im,in i,
I", , ,,i.. j,, . . 3
iiiwiiuu uvimiB yeuriy, so rar as tno mall
Clime of Well ICmnvii
AililreMN lo liln i and dlscuesed by counsel for the appollan
PARIS, April 0.- News of tho death of but it will bo unnecessary to consider thorn
General Vlllebols Mnreull was postid In tho In view of tho conclusion wo havo reached
Chamber and Senate vesterdav and emised on this fundamental question."
rrai vmenois .xareuu and a nouy or iiopih a painful Impression. Tho deceased officer
today. None escaped. Vlllebols and seven had many friends In
loers killed, eight wounded. Fifty pris
oners. ' "
" 'Our losses were: Killed Captains
Hoyle nnd Williams, Imth of tho yeomanry,
und two men of tho yeomanry.
" 'Wounded About seven men.
" 'The attack lasted four hours. The corps
behaved very well. Our force was composed
the parliamentary I ptiidv
World and his prnnlllf- letters rninmnnlpnt,l " I I
from time to time to tho papers by tho
members of his family, had been eagerly
The public, therefore, had followed his
movements in tho Transvaal with great Interest.
Vlcomto do Vlllebols Mnreull, formerly
I.oiilnvUlo I'niier Prints AVlint Pur
liortM o He Ilelulln of
(lie Plot.
slblo for many Boer succccses ln Natal and
later In .Capo Colony nnd tho southern part
LOUISVILLB, Ky., April 6. Tho Courier
Journal prints a circumstantial story which
of yeomanry, the Klmberley mounted corns I deputy from tho Department of Mayonne, purports to glvo tho details of the concep-
ciiid tho Fourth battery of artillery.' " received many expressions of sympathy on tion and execution of the plot to kill Senator
thn dinth of his brother, and there was a Goebel. Tho story is based upon cvldenro
Ooneral do Vlllebols .Mnreull was the chlof ' constant How of visitors to tho house on said to havo been glvon to the attorneys
of slnfT of tho Boer army. He Is about 50 tM0 11110 "rounoud, where he lives with tho f0r the prosecution by Wharton Oolden, W.
years old and Is said to havo been respon- I mo,m'r daughter of tho deceased olll- I . Ouiton, H. E. YoutBey and others. Tho
' 'story given tho name ot tho man suspected
I Tho vleompte intends to nsk the British ' nt hnvlnir Hrod tho shot that killed Senator
of the Orange Free Sine. It Is said that f ' 1 1 Z n 8i 0 com,ucl 10 nllow Goebel. Ha Is a Clay county feudist. Hols
ho ente-ed tho Boer service merelv he.-m, 8ltK u,t """J Dr," 11 ck io
war wan bin irm! n.. y.-,i itrn.,ni . r ranee
' ,i.i,uii I. num
ber of campaigns In the French army.
"Wonder I nit Wlii-llier Lord lloherlM
AVID lie Idle lo Maintain II Ik
i omniiin lent Ioiin,
LONDON. April 7. 1 30 n. m.-Nnt a word
regarding tho disaster nt lleddersburg has
come through, except the dlnp.itdi of Ioid In order to satisfy boiiio capitalists by Its
order business Is concerned.
nollier Duel Arranued.
PARIS, April 7. Arrangements for the duel
between Comte do Dion nnd M. de Saint
Alery, tho respective seconds of Cemto de '.
at Montpellor and tho delegation will be In
structed to vote for Mr. Bryan, regardless
of tho candidacy of Admiral Dewey."
nr.wuv.s mm it to tup. c.vpitai,.
Admiral SpendM ((ulel liny nt u Plilt
inleliililn llolel.
PHILADELPHIA, April 6. Admiral and
Mrs. Dewey, who arrived hero yesterday
to nttend tho concert In aid of tho families
of soldiers and sailors killed ln tho Philip
pine islands, returned to Washington late
todny cn tho Congressional Limited express
ovor tho Pennsylvania railroad.
Tho admiral spent a unlet dnv at a lintnl
lenylng himself to all but one caller, that
m rter-
vnuons tliroughout the country.
Tho senate, ln committee of the whole,
passed a number of Items in tho Indian ap
propriation bill favorablo to Nobraoka nnd
Omaha. Tho appropriation for the Indian
supply depot was ndoplcd without debate,
also tho Increase voted by tho commltteo on
Indian affairs for tho Oenoa nchool and for
rebuilding tho school nt Winnebago agency.
Senator Pettlgrcw made n fight for the re
tention of tho agent at Slsscton agency nnd,
as ho was Joined by Senator Allison, who
desired to havo the agent nt the Sac and
l-ox agency retained, both woro put back
on tho bill, which leaves them as they came
from the houso. The wnnto also agreed to
rnnmltleo amfndmontR relating: to the con
struction of a telephone lino from Chnmbcr
lain, S. D.. to tho Crow Creek and Lower
Brulo agenclifs.
Senntor U'nrrrn today Introduced nn
nmendment to the sundry civil mm
hill providing an appropriation or ?70,0o0 for
continuing tho construction of officers' quar
ters and rebuilding the regimental guard
houyo nt Fort Russell.
Mr. Hull lias introduced u bill appropilat
Ing $10,000 to bo used In making a prelimi
nary examination and surveys for the pur
pose or oHlabllshlng permanent camp grounds
In the north, east, south and west.
He (tilled
Action of
111! IoiiUIh.
A eeou nt
Mibersao and Baron Eduonrd do HotWhiu ,h L .. u"s'"' w" 13 10 com-' '"'raid irom wasiilngton says: An amazing
In their uarrel. havo heen rnmniM,. n.i . . '"""'' ".. wnicn n
, liiiiirni. I ti ill IV in 111 Ilirnmi nvnt tn t in ' O'ltl nrf.nn ft t I I- I
LINCOLN, April (1 (SpeelalO-ln har
monious .and orderly convention tho repub
licans of Lancaster county met this after
noon to nominate candidates for the stale
legislature, county nttorney, county enm-
sloner nnd nssossors and to select delegates
to tho congressional and slato convention
und Incidentally to endorse a cnudldato for
united Slates senator. Tho meeting was
marked by an enthusiasm not ofteu dls-
played at political gatherings nnd un abso
lute harmony that was not broken during
the entlro proceedings.
As niitlclpatid J). E. Thompson wag en
dorsed for United Stales senator. Tho legis
lative candidates nominated were Instructed
to support him for the position, if elected,
nnd to use all honoruble means to bring
about his elivtion. Congreisman E. .1.
Burket was unanimously endorsed for the
nomination for a second term nnd a resolu
tion was passed Instructing the Lancaster
county delegation lo support him In the
congressional convention. L. W. IlllllngBley
wns endorsed for district delegate to the
national convention nnd J. II. McClny was
endorsed for deleg.ite-nt-largo to tho some
convention, there being no opposition to
either candidate. Tho selection of dolegatcs
to tho stato and congressional conventions
was left to speclnl committees.
Tlie lloiillue lleport.
Tho meeting was held In tho auditorium
and wns called lo order at II o'clock by J. H.
McClny, chairman of tho republican county
central committee, nnd after tha reading ot
tho call by tho oit.iijy p,ml Clark -wns
nominal. rl and elected tajrwi,'
Alva Kcnnnrd and L. P. Ludden wore made
secretaries. Mr. Clark, who wns tho speaker
of tho last houso of representatives, re
sponded brlelly to a call for n speech and
uiier manning tne convention for the honor
that had been conferred upon him ruld It
was time for the republicans to wheel Ne
braska back Into tho republican column and
he thought lho way to do this was by nom
inating good, strong candidates. The tem
porary organization was then made perma
nent and the convention proceeded to tho
transaction of business.
Nearly all the candidates hnd been agreed
Upon in caucuses held Inst night and ninny
nt tho nominations were mado by ccalnnm
tlon, there being no opposition. Thme had
boon qultu a fight between J. L. rnldwell
and Frank M. Tyrell for tho nomination for
county attorney and last night thefo two
candidates nttunpted to form an agreement
by which ono wi.s to withdraw In fnvor of
April G. A dispatch to tho
, . ' - ii i,niiiijKi.ia iiijb; All amazing 1 ' ..vm ... ni.i.itiim mi in.ui
mand ttio battleship Alabama, which Is ! story of indignity Inflicted upon an Amori- i tllc otl""'- tho condition being that the man
.'.linnet i-nmli. V... ........... I . ... . . . !- , . ....... i . . .
mis bron dls- wno wiwiorew was m no made ilopitty at
the merlins will ,.,.!, " . " I lu uv ired over lo mo
with swords In th nmUiv,riUri T. " :'rrnmenr. b Ul" Cn""I Shipbuilding com- eloped by a resolution offered In tho senate I Forney If the nominee succeeded In election
- , I',..,;. .wiiuiiK inu uiurrs wno seni up t
Chnlrmnn .lonen .SeleetK M. V. Ilunlnii,
nu IIIIiioIh Man nnd I'rlenil
of llrnu.
OHICAOO, April . Millard Flllmoro Dun
lap of Jacksonville, III., treasurer of the
democratic stato committee, was appointed
treasurer of the national democratic com
mltteo today. Tho selection was mado by
There was no demonstration either nt tho ! The revolutionists demanded that he nro-
ltnl nr nl Uia ilnnnl ,.-li... .u .... , I ...... r. n,n ....i.. .... ... . . . 1
sunnoiod to bo In tho mountains and his """" "" " seiecuoii was mane ny i - ... im. uuinuui leu. " lueiwccn jj.wmi and ? 1.000)
. Prl 11m Th, . ,J Senat0'- J"c. chairman of the democratic,!19 hl8 lntenle, movements were not mado and twcnty-Ilve rifles within fifteen mln-
heir by Penrose of Pinnsvlvnnla wlilrh Neither candidate, however, ovlnce.! nnv ,ln-
eards was J. Matt Ward, formerly nrlrnt.i . tho State dennrlninni f,.r iufnr,,,... i., sire to uitlidrnw fnr Ihn ilnnnl vuhln m.,l i,nii.
secretary to W. J. Bryan. j documents Mod by Edward Gottfried of went lnl ",0 convention todny with a strong
Mrs. Dewey left hero for New York on I Wllkcsbarre, Pa., Into consular agent of this 1 following,
tho Pennsylvania road In President Cas- j government at Triixlllo. Pnru. I 'rllt Hrst business transacted was tho on-
satt's private car attached to tho 8.20 a. m. In n sworn statement w hich ho has filed "lorsement of Burket for congressman, L.
express train, to do somo shopping. Sho ' with tiio department Gottfried asserts tint xv- HHHngsley fnr district delegate to tho
returned on the Congrinslonal Limited, ho was seized by Peruvian revolutionists in national convention. ,1. II. McClny for dele
Whlch reached hero at Ii:2u ll. m.. when tlin the summer of lS'.lS nnil Riil.ln, l,l i .,.,... nate-at-larce to the niitlrnnl ennvoiiMnn
iuuui.ii liijuiiii-u mo train ana tlio couplo in aiiiiitinn to which his houso was sacked
iiiun-uui'ii in iiuNoingion. i nnn destroyed.
A dispatch dated Monday, from Kroon-' tm PVl(lcncn clven by Golden In tho ore- . . nal orKa"""lo- " .
!m,i civ..a th,, !..( ,,nni f f!f...mi ,io f fuiienci) Riicn bj i.oiain in mo pre- Hun an takes the i.lnnA nf i t. vi. f Mecrotary mid
Vlllebols Mareul, to th French legions: . of iZ'lnZ mT'-
sloned officers and men: I ! w r' 111;: J, ! '' 11 la th" th "PPolntmonl of Dunlap ' , loni1
"I knmv vou have nnt fnr.n.tnn m ,i cate,, 0o!llcn 3 'ftlmony. several of whom W8 brollht ,,, '',,., fh . ' Philadelphia. A
iitu ii.ii. uiiui'i tuiusi, nunc iHuria jilt; eilliur
that we understand each other. Therefore,
I tn you. Thero Is here In front
of the vaal a people It Is desired to rob
of Its rights. Its properties and Its liberty
The blood that runs In tho veins of this
people la In part French bl
. J. Bryan, who wns a neighbor of Dun
lap lu Jackbonville. Dunlap was tho dem
ocratlo candidate for state treasurer lu 1SUS.
Veins of this "'" ..--.-. r..,,i-u. n.-ti uu mci uueuii puin 1 . 1
lood. France,1'0 kl" Senator Goebel was carried out. of ",'r"'-,"'" Vole In Mlime.otn Slinks
In tlm mountains or in tbo neighboring
Tho story follows Golden's testimony as
to the plan to eauso n riot In tho legislature,
during which democratic members were to
havo been killed, tells how thei alleged plnn
(Roberts. Meanwhile the British public is
lieglnuing to realize the Immenso dUDi-uRIca
ft fl ltl lll'nri'nillit nVoll linfnr.t Hfotiirln lu
xeachi-d and is revising premature Ideas ! therefore, owes to it some striking man!- i no P''ri-haso from a well known Cincinnati
with rcpect to the time at which tho war fostatlons of help. You are the men whom D0W 01 iweniy-nve steel bullet, smokeless
will be over. No one believes that It will ""Idler's temperament, apart from all Pwdor cartrldg. the procuring of a thirty-
have ended by Mio b(lnnlng of June. '" KrMt obligations of nationality, has eight-eallbor rifle with which tbo shooting
The latest disaster more particularly lllus- Ka,Ilm'11 nKT this people's flag, and may s said to havo been done, tho weapon
trnHs the hnavv mik Involved In Imldlne DnnK 11 WM 'orllnf " ' " m.ur surrwaru. and mo
uich, or siiDmil to chastisement In
MVs. Root returned to what Is termed lu Peru the "flying slocks "
' I When ho said ho was unable to comnlv win.
April ft. Admiral ami the demand ho was knocked down by a blow
rnod to Washington at S from a gun and overpowered. HIk tlioiiilia
from their brief visit to j oro tied together with thongs and his hands
number of reporters were ' twisted back of bis head. II.
at tho house awaiting his return, ln answer I Inserted between tho(lnverted elbows and
" iiuesuoii. mo aumimi stated that he nis ncad, and In that position ho was strung
and D. E. Thompson for United States sen
ator, in tho order named. Each of these
men responded briefly to a call for a
(liattmi lo i'liiinipxoii.
D. E. Thompson as the senatorial candi
date was tendered an ovation nnd his ap
pearance In the convention hnll after his en
dorsement called forth round nfter loiind
ot enthusiastic upplauso. Tho convention
was nil Thompson and whllo twenty votes
were cast for tho endorsement of Allen W.
Field, theao coming from two country pro.
inrker, Donnelly, Delm
AViiImoii Lead Mini,
the railroad. Thin body of sonje BOO British
troops, without guns, which disappeared so
tome. You are tho finished type of a troop , payment of JI.C00 In advnnco to the man
wno aid tno snooting. After tho shooting
tne man wno did tho work Is said to havo
that attacks and knows not retreat."
lompioieiy witittn tliirty-tlve mllrn of the i n m m intio nr -rur rvnr-n-rn I l,, ..,i n, 'T president, Wharton Barker. 1 nr.T-
nre.u BrltlBh army, had for Its buslines lo urmiuwo ur .lit CArtn IO. " 7''; Ignatius Donnelly, C72: E. V. Deh Yt
MINNEAPOLIS. April fi.-Tho commltteo
appointed by tho populist slato convention
after three days of hard work concluded tha
luuioss oi tno referendum voto for candi
dates for president and vlco president to-
"ism. mo results were
For president,
guard a seetlon ot nearly ninety mllcj of
railway hclwiH'ii llloemfonttin and Spring
toineiii. if it could thus be spirited nwny.
hc. is Lord Roto ts lo ensurohla ccntlnunlly
'' ndlng communications?
" 'irr pertinent queJtlonu aro being askd
ns a result of thesn sucomslvo uufortutiate
OCClm . Ili,. Tt.,1 rnrmim., U 11M... .1
the Iii.iui, !..., ,. nerl sn-vs-
'.,,..-, vti.,L'.ivii i ii in iiiKiicu
that ir this had been done even P00 mon
jnlght time held nut until relnforcemenis
arrived i, ennnot be concrnled that the
Utmost alarm Is beginning to be felt,
rnplorn P, r oiller'i. ('ominiiiido.
It Is said the Boors who captured the
Drltlsh at Re.l.icrsburg bolouged to Ollvlrr'a
commundo. U to ho has not returned north,
nnd hopw are ,xpreseed that he may still
bo cut olT. It 1 asserted that 1.000 rejoin
lurrrmlo'ixl General Clennnt'M north
wnrd marcli.
'Tho Boers will ,0 their utmost to hold
Ifidybranil and Thaba Nchu, both being
rich grain producing districts.
A wrrttipopdwit or tho Morning Post at
Bprlngfontoln, telegraphing Thursday, says
he is glad o bo ablo to report that lucres-ed
precautions aro being taken in patrolling
the railway.
It Is said that most of the prlouers cap
tured at Bochott aro foreigners.
Tht report that President Steyu had been
Will.Tx for Hie London Pa pern Venti
late 'liielr Idenn of I lie .south
Afiienn War.
i (Copyright, U0. by Press Publishing Co )
LONDON, April 6. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Tolegrura.) Tho Post ex-
One Witness hiijn Coventor Tnlnr
I)rcv ii Ilevolver During the
FRANKFORT, Ky.. April fi. Slato Sena
tor Georgo II. Alexander was ono of tho wit-
uur.uua i-.. nibon, .; w. j. Bryan 33
scattering, 10. Total 2,7.10.
For vice president. IgnatluB Donnelly,
l,ti54; Wharton Barker, 300; A. W. Howard,
272; Job Harrlman, 113; scattering, no'
Total 2,733.
I.nhor IH.rorcnccN Settled,
ST. LOl'IS. April fi.-There will )P no
strlk.; on the Suburban street railway svi
tern In this city, tlio nifTeronces bi.twen
the mnnagement and empli yes havlm? henn
adjusted. The men get praetleallv nil they
asked for. A compromise was effected bv
which the eompany u greed to reiognlzo the
(Coutlaucd on Second Page.)
j "tioer strategy ai present may have ono
i nr more Kevernl nlniH. The t.lnn nf nutting
i ofT HrUish dctuchmcntB Is rational ami , ntw befon' tbe Kfantt Jury toJay "
obvious, so Is tho plan of trlkln at the;"1 ino c,xecui,vt "ce xaiKinR to (Jovernor
.,(!..... 9 i)L,r-...fn..i.i.. j Tavlor at tho time (Jovrrnnr f!noht
of collecting ,a large force Ir th hills near ' aslnated. IIo detailed what ho saw thero who ii mM
Thaba Nchu Is that ot a Hank position. ! an' that Oovernor Taylor, who wns . bers of It " "lHf,,,,irKe" for ' mem.
The theory of It Is that a strong Boor force
here will threaten British communication
when the British advance is resumed, and
therefoi'o that Roberts will have to attack
and clear these hills before moving for
ward. If ho moves east to attack, then
tho Boer forces from Kroonstad would move
south ngalnsa his communications. The
Idea Is sound enough, but Huberts may ap
preciate ll well enough to avoid being
Tho Dally News says: "The Rodders
burg Incident In Itself Is a small one. Tho
surprising thing hitherto has been thnt wrh
a highly mobile enemy to deal with wo have
suffered so little from raids upon such ex-
much excited, drew a pistol, fearing that a
mob would attack tho executive office. Alex- M"y,'m'"" eemi Vc.ei,, ir n.
under went out a back door, fearing to go ! ullnAXr' Hn'bu-
out tho front way on account of the excite- j sylvanlu. from Hamburg; Kaiser Fr'ledrlcli
menr i .jiii iiamiairir. H;iiipiiMnnn),n,i
Detective D. E. At A,n...i
.unoiruuK, ii.w ucvn worsitig on trio i irom Antwerp.
was followed by
for Hal.
case since the day after tho assassination. ; YAtk L,verl,ool-Arrlved-Taurle, from Now
Wharton Golden, tbo sergeant ot tho Bar- j ?u'' Olnsgow-Anivod-Uvonlan (mm
boursvllle military company, was the next I """ton. h 11 '',vonlnn' 'roin
witneFs called.
Henry Youtsey. who Is alleged to have mado
a statement implicating Jim Howard of Clay
county In the Goebel assassination and cor-
rooorating tho statement of Wharton Golden
New !i!upj0Arrlv,1-1-a Tournlne, from
frol York." Arr,VWl W(,rkn'nn.
At Genoa Arr'lvcd-Trnve, from Now-
expected In a few days to have ready for j up. In a abort tlmo tho agonizing p iln . . ' . tt"S 'lcl'1,u'1 "Dposltlon to
tho press a stutcment as to his plans for ! rendered him Insensible. Tho torture was ,ls C!"'"ll,,a,''- rho vol " tlle ciidnrse
tho future. I resumed until Gottfried agreol to tho do-1 ,mmt Bl00'1: Tho,l,H"n. n,is:
"Can you confirm tho statement you aro'mands made upon him. Gottfried has filed ' lnn,1 110 ,lKht for tho nPProval 01 tllB con
credited with making thnt you aro a demo- an Itemized statement nf tho damages lie I vo,ltlnn ani1 Ul" twnty votes cast for him
crat?" persisted ono of tho reporters. i sustained and they approximate ..R0 000 cro given without his solicitation.
"Certainly I am a democrat." ho replied, snles. His iitlorneys are now In Washing- ' A,tor tho nn""",',""nt of tlln result on
"I always havo been a democrat," he added ton and intend to force Peru to rnako suit- ' llt'niltorln, location a commltttoo con
smllingly. , ble financial reparntlon. If poMble and nn hUtlns "f ,)r' HouU' '' M' ""y"101"1 n"'1 "
"Ilnvo you ever voted tho democratic , apology for the InBiilt to tbe American line (ir'!,',1' tho la,,,'r of University Place, was
ticket?" I WASHINGTON. April fi.-Inqulry t the n"I,0,n''-"1 H mnlln" of t,1B convention to
"No. I never voted in my life. Tho only State department In the cane of Kdwnrd ''H,nrt Mr' ','n0I"PBon to ",0 convention,
man I ever wanted to voto for was Mr. Gottfried, who hns claimed damagus amount- w,'ro """ or lwo crlcs of
Cleveland." Ing to over $100,000 from tho government "Sa ' 10 tn" Imi,h''0 of tnls niutlon. hut It
"It Is hold that Mr. Cleveland wants you i f Vvru on account of physical torture an I ( "n lci1 11 ,1',Blvo V(,ln Thomp
to run on a straight gold democratic plat- , the loss of his property at tho hands of wlls. bMKu, 1,1 !,ml twnrted lo lho
form." j revolutionists, discloses tho fact that tbo stflK' v:hvTe n" waH (?lv''" cnthuslliHtle
"Good-nlght." replied the admiral, with- 'lnim for Indemnity has not been urged for '""v. """.""."1. "'. r(nr of..UL h?,",
out arguing tho question and retiring. tho ronton that the nlllclals after Investl-I CU,""K lllni ,ho Vark llll,"m of Nphrat,ka'
exi .Monday Adm ra and Mrs. Ilnunv gallon cone ui ed that thnro m. ..n wnr. ' ""'"I"""' t"i.n. u in., vim.uuuuu nn
will movn into their country house at Ben- rant for it nt this stage at least
voir, wnicn tncy navo taken for tho summer.
its endorsement of his candidacy, saying:
iii:wi;y'.s wki.cojii:
matter Is still tho subject of diplomatic oo Ki minor you navo co iierrc.i upon
negotiation ' ,no 10l,ny greater than could bo my a-
This clnlm was made hefnrn ilm smtn ! lo-tlnn tor th P''l"n for which you have
lira ml
Army lleiidy lo Oreel llltn aH M
I iindidiite,
CHICAGO, April . Should tho Dewcv
committee finally decide, owing to tlio ad-
I department about eight months ago. Mr.
named mo.
Dudley, the United States minister tr Lima'. ! n.av" l)Ccn
was Instructed to Invnsllgato tho nl lega
tions and from that moment tho State do
mlral's political aspirations, not to welcome I'nrtIn,'nt liaB not omitted ono etTort to meet
him May 1 In Chicago tbo Grand Army of ' tno. "W'lrmonts ln su.-h cases,
the Republic will Invito him. as a nrcd. I ,r' I)ll(lley 'ouni' "'at tho substantial nl-
dentlnl candidate, lo nttend tho great en- IPKa,lon8 r Gottfried wero true, but there
campmcnt to be bold In Chicago In August. I "? ''"""'"B circumstances that ma
"Tho Grand Army men arc anxious to have ' '7 ?"y nffecte1 th( lepartnienfs treatment
Admiral Dewey attend the encampment." i 01 J, caso' . ,
said William II. Harper, chairman of tho1 . . m . gT 'nt0 nn '"ccsslhlo
general committee, today. "Wo Invited him ' "an,;rol11 p0"1" Interior of
when ho first landed In Now York, but nt l ""'""'"" mi nanus ot n set
that time ho found May 1 moro convenient. ' ""' W coui.esy cane, revolution-
on .V...,.n ... ' IOIP.
.u ....iiuiiuu ui iuu uewey committee
wns Anally accepted."
Mfl.enn Kiiuauex Convpntloii ltinrtei'N
KANSAS CITY. April 6. John R. McLean.
brother-ln-lnw of Admiral Dewoy. has en
gaged elaborate quarters nt one of the lead
ing Hotels for the democratic convention In
I am a republican and always
I have never been anything
else. I promise you that If elected I will do
all in my power to pleaso you."
Oilier .Voiiil'iailonii.
For tho nomination for county nttorney
J. L. Caldwell nnd Frank M. Tyrell weio
placed In nomination, but before the result (it
Ihe roll call was announced Mr. Tyrell moved
to make tho nomination of Caldwell unani
mous and his motion carried.
For county commissioner thero wero four
caudldatiH Hilar M. Clark. Frel Kcnyo
J. B. Fletcher und Georgo Wclton, The
latter iccclved a majority ot lho votes ous'
and was unanimously nominated for tho
lu..u.n.h ..... muii'iui'iii. oi i sarion women i iir. i- . . . . . .... ...... .Uu m
as to the alleged plan to start a rht In the TbeVes, "7" N'ewrlJo'rkKnl,,Cr'n Mnr,tt , ? Bro very Cho"- anJ 11 ,s
legislature for the purpose of killing demo- , At I'frtlnntl, Me Arrived-Norwegian nltUf,lJ ,,"at tne' nro no shared by Ad-
cratlo membeiB of tho legislature, refused . ."!" 'ascow, Pomeranian, from Cape- n,lraI n When tbe selection was
' nn. tnauo McLean, It la sAjd,
Tho brlcands wero niirHii.l l.v ir..o !
from the Peruvian government and snvnrniv i l,t',t,on'
punlshol. i Rlcliard O'Nell was next nomlnntrd by
acclamation for stnte senator froni lho city.
For stato senator from thn country pre-
elnptu tlinr.k m.n. I vn nn nHl.ln . ,.a IaUh .
Iieruor. l ie vnnll. iiiu. . .. uwiiu j.
the moid, r of John M RelndiT auemnii 1 ro,nPn and C. F. H,'hto!. Tho forme
Mil. 1 1., .it ii , k i.inv i.v Mi.i-)iinK rceeived a majority and was unanlniousl
I (in let MleliipU Siilelde,
niri'ROIT. Mleh. April BIIarrv H,.m.
Klo ...' ...-. IllUIUi 111 .111.1 WMK lllll.HllllflllUlU
lTO.ll With .1 raZ'Jf W.ll. llhl t .,r...l nr.mlnn A IV T n ,, r,..
.1.111 ., .11.
" ........ tn iiit.-i.
from a fellow prisoner
ftrcd in tlrr.e to save n.(s Iif.
unnounccd that the wi.tVuVf,'''. 'i.llt'n tJ J'UKB0 tuJaJ io . ,lnn ,nr repnt-cntatlvi-s from the city and
1 lae,Veiiln his life lmprlscnmuit. Charlw Wuruer, a university ntudcut, und
J H. Mockett wero nominated by ncr-lanm