Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sells glass.
Uudwelaer beer. L. Iloi-cnfeld, agent.
Fine A. II. C. beer, Neumayer's hotel.
Sclimldt'H photos, now und latest styles.
T. J. F.nni left yesterday on a business
rl;i to 8l. liul.
Mrs. I. ('. Honhnm of North Keoond street
in vlsltlns .M.ilviTii. la.
K. A. Mon-houso went to Ingnn. la., yes
terday on a Hhort hindnes trip.
Oct your work done at tho popular Kagle
laundry. 721 Hroadway. 'Phone 157.
Mr. and Mm V. I,. naughan of Harlan,
la.. arc In the city visiting friends.
Hen artogrnvures. Alexander & Co. slv
tneclal prices on frames for them.
W. C. F.stcp. undertaker, 13 I'earl street.
Telephones: Olllce. 97; residence, 33.
House cleaning, enrpet cleaning and put
ting down. F. 11. 8wan. 11CC S. 7th St.
8. Tin Id win makes a specialty of clean
ing wall paper anl frescoes. 121 12th ave.
Th Athenian club will meet tomorrow
nftcrnoon with Mrs. Haekctt, llfi Third ave
nue. Mr. ii ml Mrs. Samuel Snyder are rejoicing
over the arrival of a little son at their
J. S. Hnndbury of ftlpplo Creek. Colo..
In tint guest of Attorney John I. Organ and
Mrs. M. J. Wyenff of Jacksonville. 111., i.s
visiting her daughter. Mrs. J. J. Hughes, of
this city.
(. Uimb and bride of niomenthal. N. Y.,
urn In the city on thlr wedding trip and
Elicits of friends
Mr. nnd Mr. II. Warncket of Hock Park.
Mont., are In the city for a few weeks,
tuests of' ves.
County Supervisor John M. Matthews Is
mi the sick lint and unable to attend the
sessions of the board.
MIsh Klla Wirt Is home from the Htnte
university at Lincoln. Neb., for a few days'
Visit with her parents.
Mr. anil Mrs. Andrew C. fSraham of
firaham avenue are home from spending
iliii winter at Catallna Island, Cnl.
Miss Josephine Jennings, daughter of
Mayor and Mrs. Jennings, Is spending her
Vacation 'with fileuds at Neulu, la.
Tho rrgular meeting of I'nlty guild of
CSraco church will h" held tomorrow after
noon nt the resilience of Mrs. I.nne, 121
Union street.
Tho Woman's Relief corps, No. ISO. will
hold Its tegular meeting tomorrow after
noon at - o'clock In Grand Army of thu
Uepuhllc hall.
Fred Parker, charged with assaulting
R. H. Finney, was arrested yesterday and
gavo bond fur his appearance before Justice
Vlen Saturday.
Dr. V. N. Keller of tho Cook Count:'
hospital, Chicago. Is In the city spending
ii brief vacation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. S. Keller.
John It. Powell of this county and Melissa
Dumiin of Whitman, la., were married In
thli city yesterday, Justico Vlen perform
ing the ceremony.
Hubert Henderson, city editor of the Non-jiare-n.
after an Illness of two months, has
no fur recovered us to be able to resume
Ills work yesterday.
Mrs. H. J Prnuty of Wrcnwood Farm has
(rone to St. IjouIh to be present nt the grad
uation of her son Shirley 11. Prouty nt
Slarlnn-SlmiiiH college.
alio Unlles' Aid society of St. John's
T'.iigllnh Kut ieran church will meet tomor
row afternoon at the resilience of Mrs. H.
13. Ituntlleit, 1S10 Fifth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Johiies of Newburir,
Is. Y., uro the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
ISrnest U. Hurt of Park avenue whllo on
their way home from California.
Hor.ico Kvans, a former well known bus
iness man of Council UlulTs, now a resident
of tiarden City Kan.. Is In the city visiting
Old-tlmo friends and acquaintances.
James Atkinson and wife of Persia, la.,
were In the city yesterday on their way to
I.nmonl. la., to attend a. conference of tho
"Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ.
I. Peers Itohrer of 'Wentworth Military
ucademy at Lexington, Mo., has returned
Jiome on account of the serious Illness of
BiIm grandmother, Mrs. Eliza Crawford.
Superintendent tl. H. Hayilen of the. city
rchools delivered an address Tuesday night
heforo the teachers of the Iowa School for
the Deaf on "The Child Study Movement."
lyouls Whitehead, stenographer In Colonel
"Davenport's otllce, has been promoted to a
position In the otlleo of tleneral Passenger
Agent Francis of the Burlington In Omaha.
Mrs. Wultcr Stephau went to Kansas
City yesterday to witness tho performance
of the "Hello Hill" company, of which her
llttlo niece, Frances McMlllen, Is a member.
Itev. T. it. Cleland, formerly pastor of
tho First Pr sbyterlan church of this city,
hut now of Duluth, Minn.. Is tho guest of
tho family of H. O. Mcdee of South Third
A petition by Interested parties Is being
circulated, calling upon the city council to
repair Indian cteek below Sixteenth avenue
po an to prevent damage from possible
All Woodmen of tho World are requested
to meet at the hall this evenlnir at 7:.'!0
o'clock sharp to go In a body to Omaha to
receive the sliver set won In drill contest
with Alpha camp of that city.
John Krout of (iarlnda. arrested under a
bench wnrrant, having been Indicted at the
last term of federal court on the charge of
bootlegging, furnished hall yesterday and
'n released from the county Jail.
Through the efforts of the Commercial
rommlttee tho Chicago. Hock Island &
I'acltlc Hallway company has nrrangi-d to
advertise Council IlltilTs as one of Its prin
cipal points, the same as Chicago, Denver,
Dmuha, Minneapolis. St. Paul. etc.
J. K. Aylcsworth was unable, t hold po
lice court yesterday morning, owing to an
accident Tuesduy evening while attempting
to board a motor car nt Pearl street and
Hroadway. The car started before he had
gotten a llrm foothold on the step and ho
nasi dragged for quite a dlstnnci).
Miss Katherlne MoKlnley. aged 63, died
yesterday morning at the home of her sis-ter-!n-!nw,
Mrs Anno .MoKlnley, IMS West
Jlroadway. Deceased was born In County
Donegal, Ireland, and had been a resident
of Council Hlufts for the last thirty-live
years. Notice of funeral will he given later.
Mrs. Pearl Owens, a resident of this
county, near Hancock, was taken yester
day to the State Insane asylum at Clarlnda
milTerlng from a temporary dethronement
of reason. She Is only 21 years of age and
her mental trouble dates from shortly after
tho birth of her llrst babe about live
months ago. She was committed by tho
coir.tnlssloneiH at Avoca.
Ike Franklin, a colored man. was nr
rewtra yesterday charged with assaulting
Jacob Stein, tho Hroadwav Junk dealer.
Hteln's story Is that he wanted to drive Into
Sils yard with a load of Junk ami that
I'mnkl In's wash line was In the way. lie
requested Franklin to take It down and
then the trouble ensued. Stein came out
nf the fnuas with a badly discolored eye
and numerous bruises. Franklin gave ball
nnd will have a hearing before Justice Vlen
K. V. Plumblt C. Tei. 2.10.
Done liy the Siipi-i-vlnor.
Tho Hoard of Supervisors nt Its hcbsIoii
yesterday cuivm-ned tho petition of consent
filed by tho raloonkeepers of (his city and
found that the number of signatures was
tilllclent nnd In compliance with the law
In nil particulars, and that all tho prelimi
nary matters required before making tho
can vast! had been observed and compiled
with. Tho s'ateuient of consent as required
ty law bore tho signatures of the majority
of tho voters who cast their votes at tho
general election held last November, and It
Klves tho saloonkeepers cf the city now per
mission to continue In business under the
mulct lnw.
Sheriff Cousins died his ttrst quarterly re
jrt covering the period from January 1 to
March 31. It shows the following earning
nf tho otllce: Fees taxed, H,235.2,"i; fees
rollected. $802.10; mileage. JSt.35; amount
luo county, $718.00, Icsb $625. retained a
Hillary, $93.06. Sheriff Cousins also pre
rented n claim for $50.25, fees earned for
lummonlng Jurors, witnesses and other sim
ilar work. No action was tnken on tho report
it tho claim.
Tho Biipervlsors spent the greater part of
feuierdny looking over nnd allowing bills
Ud attending to road petitions.
Nogotlated In Kantern Nebraska
und Iowa. Jnmra N. Casady, Jr..
Utf Main U Council Bluff.
Political Tongnei Art Wagging Now at a
Lively Rita.
Crnrrnl Opinion Mint Xo Ipoi'lnl Hleo
tlon Will lie Held to Fill the Con
urcsslomil Vnctincy AVIieu
It lUeiiUialei.
Tho opinion prevails hero that no special
election will bo held to select n mtcccssor to
Congressman Smith Mcl'herson. whose nom
ination for the federal Judgeship of tho
southern district of this state has been sent
to congress by the president. Dispatches
from Washington nnnounco that Mcl'herson
will continue In congress until the adjourn
ment of that body about June 1, when It la
understood that ho will send In his resigna
tion to Governor Shaw. The namo dispatches
say no win nolo court in Des Moines In
I Ma'' Tbo understanding hero among
court ofllclals, how over. Is that this la not
at all certain, and that possibly Judge Shlras
will preside, according to tho arrangements
previously made. Should McPherson elect
to preside at tho May term In Des Moines
ho will bo compelled to either give up his
salary as congreshinnu from this district or
eleo serve as federal Judgo without pay until
such time ns ho resigns from congress. The
United States suprwuo court has held that
no federal olllcer can draw two salaries for
different positions.
Tho appointment of McPherson to tho fed
ernl Judgeship and hlH necessary resignation
from congress will necessitate the election of
a successor tc fill tho short or unnxplrcd
term this fall when tho regular election of
a congressman from this district would he
held under any circumstances. Tho feeling
Is that whoever Is elected as congressman
will also ho elected to fill Mcl'herson's un
expired term
Interest Anionic: I'olltlcliui".
Tho election of Mcl'herson's successor Is
exciting much Intercut among tho repub
lican iwlltlelans all over tho district and tho
campaign from present Indications promises
to be unusually warm. Tho friends and
supporters of Judgo Walter I. Smith of thU
city aro very active nnd nt tho name time
most, sanguino of his receiving the nomi
nation. They count on securing the support
of Pottawattamie, Mills, Montgomery, Audu
bon nnd Harrison counties and If they suc
ceed In doing this Judge Smith Is sure of
tho nomination, which Is equivalent to elec
tion. Webb Hyers' friends aro equally confident.
They Insist that tho nomination rightfully
belongs to Dyers and Intend to stand by him
to the last ditch. They say whatever dole
gallons he will havo back of him this time
In tho convention will stand by him to the
last and that thero will be no such bro.iks
as were witnessed nt tho convention which
gave McPherson tho nomination after a
deadlock of soveral days' duration. Hyers
will of course have Shelby, his own county,
and It Is said Guthrie will also bo for him.
His frlonds say he will get part of the Pot
tawattamie delegation, as tho eastern part
of this county Is for him. This Judge
Smith's friends do not concede and they feel
sanguine of his being ablo to go Into tho
convention with a solid delegation from this
county. Hyors' friends also claim that he
will havo part of tho delegation from Hnr
i rlson county and possibly a largo slleo of
' that from Audubon. Hyers undoubtedly has
I many friends In the eastern part of Potta
wattamie as well as In this city Itself. The
Ifact that Pottawattamie has a candidate of
Its own this year In tho person of Judgo
Smith makes conditions very different from
what they were two years ao when tho
struggle lay between McPherson nnd Dycra.
Ciinh County Solid for Stvun.
Cass county will bo solid for T. I). Swan
of Atlantic, but what strength ho will havo
outside of that 1 at present unknown. Swnn
wan formerly a gold democrat who two
( yearn ago camo into tho fold of the repub
I llcau party. That he Is a strong man is
I gonerally conceded and Is said to tie ono of
'tho ablest "stumpers" In tho district,
i Hx-ConreHsinan linger of Oreoutleld Is In
I tho Held ngaln, but word comes from Adair,
his homo county, that it Ih doubtful It ho
will even pecuro a holld delegation from
there, an many of tho leading republicans
are said to favor tho candidacy of Hyers.
Tho announcement that Judgo Oeorge
Caroon of this city is a candidate has
caused mora or less surprise, as It was not
known until a few days ago that ho hnd
congressional asplratloni'. Ho Is popular
among tho veterans of the grnnd army and
It Is possible that ho expects to draw his
support from that ulement throughout tho
I 'nnil liliitm for ClerUslilp,
Now that McPherson has been nppoluted
federal Judgo thero Is niueh Interest evoked
as who will secure the plum of clerk of
tho court. Financially the olllco Ih a most
desirable one, bolng probably the tt posi
tion In the southern district. Thero Is no
lack of candidates and considerable wlre-
pulling Is being done. While the appoint
'..... ....... i .. .i... ,
mi'ui. ui iiiu juuku nun m uuulh wju general
opinion was that If tho Judgeship went to
a western man tho clerkship would be given
to some one from the eastern part of tho
stnto, hi ns to dlvldo the honors. Senator
MeArthur of Hurllngtou was most prom
inently mentioned In this connectlqn and
there aro many who believe he will be ap
pointed. Frank Hunter, United States commis
sioner nt Ottumwn, Is a candidate, as Is li.
It. Mason, clerk of the circuit court fnr the
southern dUtrlct. The friends of Colonel J.
J. Steadmnn of this city, tho present Incum
bent, aro hopeful that he will be retained.
It Is generally believed that If any chango
Is mndo It will be made on political lines
and then In that case tho appointment will
go to tho eastern part of the state. State
Senator Hazelton of this city, Colonel Stead
man's deputy, Is reported to bo a candidate,
as Is Attorney A. B. Askwith of this city.
Local republicans am anloii3 that the
cotigronHlonal convention should bo cnllcd
for the latter part of Juno and will en
deavor to have It cnllwl for that time.
If you smoke, get tho best. This Is a
pointer to try the Mr. Hlley 5-cent cigar.
Mr. Riley 5-cenl cigar.
They only cost 10 cents more. Extra
double strength mnntles, the "Vusea," 100
candlo power. (let them at Hlxby's. Tele
phone 103.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf cure coughs, col 3s.
Hotel Cli'iii Si Imlled,
When Oscar Haumelster, chief clerk at tho
Noumeyer hotel, wont to tho bank yester
day to deposit tho previous day's re-clpts he
dlscovored that ono cho:k ho hud cashed
was nothing more or ms than a barefnrei
forgery, nnd that he had beon lllmllanimed
out of $23,71 In n very clever manner by n
Tuesday afternoon Ilaunielster receive! a
mnisage over tho 'phono ostensibly from
I). A. Hamilton, manager of tho Q ileal Lum
ber company, that a man named G. II.
Holmes would present o ehevk signed by tho
comixtny calling for $33.71. and nsklng him
tiot to pay noro than $23.71 on It hb ii mis
take had bwn made In filling out the che k.
Holme, who passed himself off ns n lum
ber dealer from Atlantic, accompanied by a
friend, made his appearance) soon after nt
the hotel and c -ured the cash on the check,
which was drawn on tho Council Hluffs Sav
ings bank. The check was discovered, to be
a forgery, and Investigation shoieJ that
Hamilton had novcv telephoned to Hau
melster. Holmes Introduced hlmeetf as (1.
.11. Hoch, n retired lumber dealer, called nt
tho 'ijuenl oltlco tho samo afternoon nnd.
representing that ho had bi'cn on a spree,
xnado an unsucressful attempt to borrow a
small sum on a diamond, but Manuger Ham
ilton docllned.
noi.Mis ix Tin: nivntiCT cmiiT,
.Indue .smith Menlo Out .Insllee to n
Niiiiilier of OlYfiidcrN.
Judge Smith of the district court was to
have heard yesterday tho suit of the
Omaha Council HlulTs Hallway nnd Hrldgn
company against the Omaha, Council Illuffs
& Suburban Hallway company, but nt tho
request of the attorneys on both sides It
was continued until this morning. This Is
tho suit In which the old motor company
seeks the court to itnbllsh the relative
rights of It and tho new company to Hroad
way and South Mnln streets.
Mike Smith nnd Hitler Hendley, two of
tho lads Indicted for mnllrlously destroy
ing the plumbing In a lint on South Tenth
street, entered plena of guilty. Judge
Smith sentenced Smith to thirty days nnd
Headley to twenty days in tho county Jail,
llendley received tho lighter sentence of
the two, n he had been In Jail some time
awaiting trial, while Smith had been out on
ball. Joo Palmer, the third of the trio,
pleaded guilty Inst Monday and was re
leased on his rccognUanco pending sen
tence, A. A. Fimllek, charged with burglary;
Charles Wilson, charged with forgery and
cheating by false pretenses; Charles Lang
don, charged with malicious djtnago to a
building, nnd Hobert Sullivan, .charged
with larceny from a building, were ar
raigned nnd entered pleus of not guilty.
C. Poor nnd H. Mnrks filed their nuswor
In the Injunction suit brought against them
by Zachary Taylor. They deny that Taylor
has any personal Interest In tho matters
complained of and allege that the applica
tion for the Injunction la made In bad faith
and for tho purposo of exjortlng money
They further spocillrnlly deny that Taylor
Is In any way Interested "In the welfare or
good order of the Inhabitants of said county
and state." They call attention to the fact
that another suit similar in its effect Is
pending In the district nnd that on May
2.1 J. J. Shea secured an Injunction In the
district court ngnlnst tho saloon In ques
tion, which Is still In force.
-Wcil.lliiK III Council lltllll".
Charles II. Williams of Missouri Vnl
liy nnd Miss Nellie Crlspcn of Loveland
wero married last evening at the homo of
tho groom's brother-ln-lnw, (Jeorge F, Ham
ilton, 300 Washington avenue. Tho cere
mony was performed In tho presence of
only a few relatives and Intimate frlenda
by Hov. Myron C. Wnddell, pnstor of the
Hroadway Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs.
Williams will mako their homo In Missouri
Commonwealth 10c cigars are good cigars.
Gravel rooflnc A. II. Head, 541 B'way.
Hrnl K tut i TrimifiTM.
Tho following trnnsfets wero filed yestor-
dny In tho abstract, tltlo and loan olllce of
J. W. Squiro, 101 Pearl street:
II. A. Kinnamnn nnd wife to Kdward
F. Cotter, ne'i tie' m-77-41. except
railroad right-of-way, w. d $1,000
Mary .Murphy to Thomas Ilnmllii, n
19 acres In ne'4 se, 11-71-11, w. d.... 1,600
Lake Mnnawa Umd Co. to J. P. Hess,
n-l sw'i swU 12-71-41, w. d GOO
Thomas nitleer and wife and W. II. M.
Pusoy and wife to David W. French,
ne'i ne1 5-76-1.1; also 2 acres In sw
corner sn'' so.i 32-77-1:1, w. d 1,605
Mnrv D. Kverett to Hlchard Walsh,
jnirt of si'1. sw'i 12-71-11, w. d 2o
I'M ward F. Cotter and wife to Henry
J. Schli rbrock, iie4 ne'i 10-77-11, ex
cept railroad right-of-way, w. d.... 1,000
John D. Wright to William and Mnr
garet Plumer, ue'4 sel4 and sw'i
si'i4 section 23. and sc'4 swU section
XI, ami nw'4 sw'4 and sw',', sw'i
et-71-ll. s. w. d 1,0W
Guy C. Hnituii et al to Omaha llridge
& Terminal Railway Co.. part of
nwU 26-7G-44, q. o. d 1
Samuel Wood and wife to Martin
Iai'son, nw'i nwli (.ectlim 21, and
sw'i sw'i s. etlon Hi, except 3 ncres;
also 23 acres In pit. se'4 section 17;
also e'j nw'4 21-74-39, w. d 7,f,t0
J. P. Hess and wife to Hlchurd Walsh,
ne'4 sw' fW'i 12-74-11. w. (1 GOO
Mary A. Cody and huslmnd to Thnmart
Shack, lot S, In block 26, ICverett's
add., w. d no
Soph.i Oll!esiey and husband to Jos
eph K Wllon. lot 1, In block 1, In
Oates' nild to Oakland, w d 030
Fred K. Oieady and wife to R. A.
Davidson, 42 feet front In lot 11, In
block 10, Macedonia, w. d 2,7)
K. II. Sheafe nnd wife to Omaha.
Council Hluffs & Suburban Hnllwav
Co.. ur.dlv. 5-12 In w 20 feet of lot
10. Rice's subil., i 8
James McNaugliton and wife to same
as above, lindlv. 1-21 Interest In w 30
feet of lot 10, Itlee s subd., d 1
Arthur Pryor nnd wife to Frederick
Hohrs und Christopher Hohrs, nw'i
and w'.u sw'i 4-77-10, except railroad
right-of-way. w. d 14,000
Stephen J. Smith and wife to Robert
F. Smith, n 50 feet of lot I, In Oreen
wood's subd., w. d v)
Seventeen transfers, nggregatlng.$31,7M
llo r rlotce IJi'i'imi'N,
Licenses to wed wero Issued yeaterdny to
tho following persons:
Nnmo and Residence ,,r0i
JeMi II. Powell, Pottawattamie 52
Mctlxsa Duncan, Whitman, In n
Charh s II. Williams. Missouri Vnlley... -
Nellie Crlspcn, Potto w.ittatnlo j
Wlntleld S. Wesley, Council Hluffs ".-J
Addio Salter, Harlan, la .
Davis sells paints
Woninii llurnci! to Dentil.
CUNTBUVILLK. la., April 4.-(Speclal
Telt gram.) Whllo Mrs. Martin Nelson, liv
ing ono mild north of Numa, was tending
a tiro of trash and grass yesterday after
noon her skirts caught llro nnd soon sho
wns enveloped In llameH, being so badly
burned that sho died Into Inst night.
Ion ii XiMtn Notes.
Tho Waterloo glovo factory has stnrted'
The Mnnson flun club will hold n tourna
ment on April 25 and 20.
The Harlan saloons will closo nnd stny
closed, as the attempt to secure signers to
a mulct petition was a failure.
The two naloon3 at Mapletou hnve closed
voluntarily nnd will not attempt to reopen
until a new petition Is gcured.
Walter, the 14-year-old Hon of Richard
Fisher of, Washington, bad both hands
blown off by a shot gun which he wns try
ing to take from the wagon whllo holding to
the muzzle.
Miss Anna Packer, superintendent of
schools, nnd a woman friend, Miss draco
Krelger of Wnrren, In., were held up and
robbed whllo going from the depot to Miss
Packer's homo In Mount Plonsant.
Ira D. Henson of .Murray was working on
tho roof of a new house when a tinner's
gasoline stovo exploded near him Ho was
knocked from the roof and severely bruised
In addition to being severely burned. It Is
feared he may die as tho result of his In
Juries. Foreman Llttlo of the cooper shop In the
Anamosn penitentiary ami the convicts em
ployed there havo been having somo differ
ences which resulted In an outbreak In
wlibh Little wns severely beaten by u
number of tho convicts beforo tho tils
tur bancc was quelled.
c. A. Dale of Shell Rock hns been nr
rested by the postal authorities on the
charge of sending Indecent letters through
tho malH. Of late several women of that
place, have rcelvel letters of n scandnlous
nature and this arrest Is tho result of the
Invebtteatlon of the; authorities.
Eoth Houses of Iowa Leiilatura Prepar
for Oloiing,
T o I.nrKC .Sunm for Slntee Hoard of
Control mill I lie Mate IMnent loiml
limtltiilloii Are Allotted by
the lloiiic.
DKS MOINES, April 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Hoth houses of tho legislature
mado good progress today In winding up
tho affairs of tho session. Tho house com-
' pleted tho consideration of nil the appro
priation hills except tho omnibus bill, pass
ing tho two bulky appropriations frr the
Stnto Hoard of Control nnd tho stnte educa
tional Institutions. Tho former carried with
It tho sum of $753,174.0.1 and the latter
, $ili.soo.
Other smaller hills passed upon by the
hotiso favorably as they were agreed upon
' In conference aro ns follows: Ten thousand
i dollntH for Benedict home, Des Moines,
'parsed by tho senate yesterday; $21,000 for
completing tho State historical building,
which passed tho sennto yesterday; $.1,000
I for tlio monument at the grave of Sergeant
Charles Floyd of the Clark expedition, also
passed the senate; $2,100 for repairing the
! Hoard of Control rooms; $1,500 for llsh and
I game, nlrendy passed the uenate; $1,000 for
' Heseun heme, Dubuque, and the same sum
for tho Woman's and nabltxi' home nt Sioux
'City nnd several other smaller approprla-
tlonn for special purposes.
Killinl StllTl'iiuc llefelllcil.
Tho equal sum-ago bill was defented In
the sennto today. It wns put to a vote
without discussion and Its friends had little
hopes of Its panjago nt the time. It has al
ready boon defeated by tho house. The vote
today was 21 yeas und 21 nays, lacking two
of a constitutional majority.
A tompromlso hill for tho five-mile limit
measure defeated by tho house yesterday
passed that body today. It embodies the '
heart of an amendment offered by Dyers to
tho llve-mllo limit bill yesterday, proposing
a heavy penalty for selling or giving liquor
to Htudents at tho stnto educutlonal Insti
tutions. In addition to this the house alao
adopted a resolution requesting the trui,
tciw of tho state educational Institutions to
adopt resolutions prohibiting drinking
nmong tho students and to report tho result
of this plan to tho next assembly. The ris
nlutlon Is concurrent and will go before the
senuto If tho slftlnc commlttco decides to
allow it.
Meet of tho day tho sennto spent on a bill
proposing to restrict tho commission al
lowed by boards of supervisors to persono
ferreting out property which has escaped
taxatlen. A sub-commltteo hill provided that
but 10 per cent commlssloti should be al
lowed, hut nn amendment making It 15 was
adopted as a compromise. The opponents of
tho bill argued that It would Increase tax
dodging, but tho measure finally passed.
At Its. afternoon session the sennto passed
tho hill providing that any Iown voter may
mark his ballot In both the circle at thn
head of tho ticket and the square opposite
tho candldateri' names. This restores the
old law, which was changed a fow years
ago to throw out all ballots marked In both
the clrclo and tho square. The sumo body
passed the hoiiBo legislative district appor
tionment bill, and concurred In the houso
amendments to Hazclton's bill giving cities
tho right to build sidewalks of any material
they wish to.
Committee to Itevlop I.niTn.
The houso passed tho hill by Trcwin pro
viding that a committee of three be ap
pointed from each houso to revise and codify
special nhscssment laws nnd lawn relating
to the government of cities, nnd nnother
I bill by Trowln ptnvidlng that state officers,
boards and commissions, except those under
I the Hoard of Control, mako n biennial report
to tno executive council. Tho senate b.ll
authorizing the executive council to lovy a
tax against any person or corporation whoa
tax Is Illegal for tho years which It was
I Invalid wns pawed. Two house bills were
pa.ifed by Huchanan, requiring boards of
registration to meet the second Thursday
prior to general, city or special elections,
and by Sweet, to authorize tho treasurer of
tho stnte to transmit swamp land Indemnity
money by bond.
Tho bill to appropriate money to reim
burse tho Forty-ninth regiment for travel
ing expenses was taken up and its passage
strongly urged by McCurdy, but It failed by
a largo vote, and tho bills to reimburse tho
other regiments, with the exception of the
Firty-llrst, which bill has nlready passed,
were Indefinitely postponed.
LLiter's prize-fight bill passed tho house
tonight, nr. to 5. u prohibit boxing
matches or glove contests where prizes are
given or an admission feo chnrged. The
senate pause! it a week or more ago.
Tie it Molnen City Fnthorn Vnnblc (o
Put a linn I'imiii thr Xnimlity
Freiioli Piny.
DKS MOINHS. April 4.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) .At tho meeting of tho council this
morning tho county solicitor reported that
tho council bad no authority to Interfere
with tho propesrd performnnco of "Sapho"
In this city und that Mayor Hartenbower
is alouo rcupcnslblo for tho enforcement of
tho laws. This was a weltomo relief from
tho responsibility and tho council unan
imously adopted tho report. The mayor
and chief of police will attend and repre
sent tho county olllclally.
Fred Daly, tho ringleader of ono of the
worst gangs that has Infested this country
for years, broke Jail at Wintered Inst night
nt midnight, whero he was conllnedawalt
Ing trial fur assaulting and robbing an aged
man named Cunningham six weeks ago. It
Is reported In tho vicinity of Hunnells,
whero tho gang operated for a number of
months, that Daly confessed to tho murder
of an aged man by tho nnmo of Steckel, who
disappeared from his hemo moro than
eighteen months ago, no trace of him hav
ing slnco been found.
Ocvernor Shaw today appointed the fol
lowing lift of dclegato3 from Iowa to tho
Trai:smlssls3ippl Commercial congress to
he he'.d ut Houston, Tc.x., April 17 to 21:
Lon Hryson, Davenport; John F. Check,
Davenport; William L. Roach, Muscatine;
Hurt K, Llnehan, Dubuque; Charles F.
Aldcn, Clinton; William H. Harwocd, Des
Molncii; Abel S. Roberts, Fort Madison; IM
ward Stewart, Fort Madison; John Schoent
gen. Council Hluffs; Leonard L. Kellogg,
Sioux City.
Thero will bo no etrlko In the building
trad03 in Deo Moines. Tho contractors all
agreed today to pay a minimum of 30 cents
an hour to carpenters nnd painters tho best
men to bo paid 10 cents. Ilodcarrlrrs and
common laborers were raised to a minimum
of 20 touts. Tho Trades council will insist
that no laborer ho paid less than $1 no per
day, brick masons to get no cents per hour.
election I'onlest Drehleil,
FORT DODOU, la., April I. -(Special Tel
ogram.) Ono of the most stubbornly con
tCMtexl election cases ever known In north
central Iowa was settled hero today when
Judgo Caswell rendered a decision declaring
J, A. Llndqulst treasurer of Webster county j
by a mnjc rl'y of sevctit -four vote Lnid
qulst Is tho pnvenr incumbent and a repub-U-nti.
Tho ei ntetant wae Henry Cox, dem
ocrat lt candidate. The original count re
sulted in n tie vote, but the recount gave
Llndqulst thirteen majority. Cox gave no
tice of appeal and for thret davs the dis
trict court has been canvnjslng the returns
Tho result has been startling to the poli
ticians tho court throwing out a Illegal
700 Imllots In a totnl of .V000. Cox nn
nrtinces ho will accept the priwut finding
and not appeal to the supreme court.
Miirili-r Trill I nt Crrntoii,
CHKSTON, la., April 4. (Special.) The
Williams murder trial Is the absorbing caso,
now In progress In the district court. De
cember 4, 1 SOU. Al Williams shot and killed
Deputy Sheriff Tom Walsh at tho former's
farm whllo tho olllcer was attempting to
serve legal pnpets. The murderer ta now
before the court. The case will probably go
to tho Jury tomorrow evening. Williams
will attempt to show self-defense, claiming
that tho deputy held a revolver In his hand,
nnd was coming towards him. J. W. Fuller,
the only eye witness, declares that Walsh
did not tlrnw a revolver. The court room
Is ctowded at every session. The cnee began
Monday morning. Hoth sides have suong
legal counsel and the defense will tnalie a
desperate effort to establish a plea of Justi
fication. Thero wns -very llttlo time con
sumed In securing a Jury. No Jurors were
drawn from Creston. Tho Jury wns secured
from a special venire. They nrc all farmers.
('iitliollo Divided.
DUIIUQUK. la., April 4. A serious ill
vision In Catholic circles cecum likely over
the naming of a successor to tho lafe Arch
bishop Henncesy. Dr. Carroll of Dubuque.
Arlchblshop Kcane of Wanlilntgon and,
Father McLaughlin of Clinton were nom
inated by tho convocation of prleata on
March 15. Some days later tho bishops
nominated Hlshop O'Oormun of Sioux Falls
and Hlshop Suinlan of Salt Lake. Today
the (lermnn priests of the dlocesei forwarded
a protest against tho appointment of Arch
bishop Keano. A projected meeting which
la to arrange a division of the dlorcw has
been forbidden by peremptory order from
Archbishop Martlnelll, tho apostolic dele
gate. Telephone Company In (lonuii.
ONAWA, In., April I -(Special.) The
O.iawa council met last night and closed
up all tho old basilicas. The ordinance
granting a franchise to the Ottawa Tele
phono Kxchango company passed by a unan
imous vote. The company has agreed ti
havo tho exchaiiEo in cneratlnn Itmlil,. nf
four montlm. They propose to extend th"
lines to Homo of the country towtis In the.
county and also to seme of the largo farma.
1'eltliiKlll I ' I n I in n I plielil.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., April 4. -(Special.)
A decision hab been rendered by R. W.
Parllman, refereo In bankruptcy. In the
ease brought by Captain A. J. I'ettenglll
against tho Northwestern Packing com
pany of this city, the suit being brought for
tho purpiso of having tho company declared
a bankrupt In order that tho plaintiff
could rex-over a considerable amount of
money which he had sunk In the enterprise
Pettengill was a member of the original
company and soon after thoue owning a con
trolling Interest last spring no It the pack
ing plant hero to nn eastern syndicate he
commenced the present action. Pettenglll's
claim against tho packing compnny aggre
gated 1 13,000 at tho time ho commenced
tho suit. Referee Patllman in his de
cision holds that tho claimants have valid
claims In tho following sums: A. .1. i'etten
glll. $10,021.63; Sarah A. Webber. $.-..100.25;
Udwln D. Clark, 1,4 Iti.fiC; Joseph II. Lord,
$6,000; William K. Jordan, $fi.000. It Is now
expected that a trusteo will be selected and
appointed nud that an order for the tale of
the property of tho packing company will
thou bo lfsued.
.Tinlue Miniger Will (in lo Nlonv FnN,
SIOPX FALLS. S. 1)., April 4. (Special.)
Judge John K. Cnrland or the United
States court has announced that Judge
Munger of Omaha has been designated by
the Judges of the circuit court of appeals to
orme to Sioux Falls next Tuesday and pre
sldo during the trial of Joo Klrby, a prom
inent Slrux Falls attorney, who Is under In
dictment In the federal court for receiving
a quantity of postage stamps knowing them
to havo been stolen from the government.
Tho first trial resulted In a disagreement,
tho second In a conviction, but an appeal
was taken to tho United States supreme
court, which granted a new trial. This was
held hero during the regular term of ci urt
last October and owing to ono of the Juror.s
becoming temporarily Inaano tho Jury wo3
discharged and tho case wan carried over
to tho present term. The case has devel
oped many dramatic features. The coming
trial will surpass In Interest nil former trinls
of tho case, ns both sides are preparing for
a effort to have the case definitely
dlupoic.1 of.
eiv Tcmvii If. HllllllllllK.
OHBYR.VNE. Wyo., April A. (Special.)
Guernsey Is something nioro than a name.
A week ago there was nothing there except
a beautiful natural townsite, surrounded on
threo sides by low ranges of hills and on the
other by tho I'latte liver, but now a num
ber of business blocks nre building nnd the
plnce hns taken on nn air of great activity.
Tho townsite ctiipany commenced welling
lots lawt week ami slnco then representa
tives of Wheatland, Casper, Douglas, Chad
ron, Denver and Omaha business concerns
have been there, purchased lots In the busi
ness tieetlou and mado arrangementa to
havo stoics erected at once.
Smnv In - iiiiilnp:,
CHBYBNNB. April I. (Special Tele
gram.) Thirteen Inches of snow has fallen
horo slnco 10 o'clock this morning and the
Btorm. which Is general over southeastern
Wyoming and western Nebraskn, still con
tinues. Stock will bo groat I v benefited.
Knllrn.K) tralllc has not beon delayed.
During tho storm tho snow was accom
pahled by sharp lightning, ono bolt striking
a houso in Bast Cheyenne, and Miss liossle
Seals was seriously Injured. A baby which
sho carried In her arms wnt, not hurt.
I, nnil I'l'lei'M Double,
CHBYBNNB, Wyo.. April (.(Special.)
Wyoming roal ctuate has doubled In value
Hiring tho past twelve months. Thin Is tho
statement of a prominent real estnto man
who has Just relumed from a trip over the
state. Not only has tho value of cattle, shoeji
and hornea Increased, but ranch properties
aro now worth from 10 to CO per cent more
than a year ago.
Diilc I'lxi'il for Ititiinil-lii,
I'IBKKi:, S. D.. April (Spclul T. If -gram.)
At a meeting of the Missouri Itiver
Stockmen's association hold nt Kort l'lcrrc
yesterday the date of tho anniiil roundup
was llxrd for May 20, nnd tho exc ut l vc mr
mitten moeta today to settlo the deiulli. i f
thn work.
TI fill In r (ileii Tuonty Venri.
DKADWOOn, S. IX. April ).
Teleurani 1 Herbert I) Caddy, Hie m n
found guilty of robbery In the flrttt d.-gn
In the Hussell robberv iase, nu-n 1
today to twenty yearn In the pinito t.iry
Imparts Energy
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
When vitality and nerve force have
become impaiied by illness no value is
wonderful. Induces refreshing bleep.
Genuine bun name HoRSron's on wrr.
St, Louli Cannon Ball it Derailed at Silrir
Oity, Iowa.
Three Other tttnln Hurt of n
I'lilnftil .Nnlnrc Sovernl Pimrn
Ut'ft lime n .Severe
Mi n U I ii u t 'p.
SILVER CITY, la., April 4. -(Special Tel
egram.) Thnu conchnsi. h.ii?rni?r nnd tmcfnl
cars comptlslng Wabash pawnger train No.
a. norm uounu. were dcraiini at 7 l. this
burning two miles south of this point, the
engine alone remaining on the track. No. 3
was ceveral minutes late nnd was running
nt a high rate of spoed when the nccldent
occurred. Tlio sleeper left tho track llrst.
followed by the other cars. At this time
tho coachiM havo not bteti removed. The
Mrs. T. S. Skhlll of lmogcae, la., seriously
Mrs. Thcmaa Koenan of Imogene, la .
seriously injured.
Postal Clerk S. 7.. Kttlnger, bruised.
Postal Clerks Cot per and Harris, bruised
Mr. MrKiv of Maryvllle, Mo., hand cut
and other Injuries.
SILVKR CITY. la.. April (.-(Special
Telegram.) Passenger train No. 3, known
as the St. Louis Cannon Hall, was wrecked
Just east of Silver City this morning. The
train. In charge of Conductor Murry, ns
near as can be learned, was rminlnir nt the
rate of nbout thirty-live miles per hour on
u niritigni irnca. wneti ttie sleeper suddenly
left tho rails and rolh-l over on Its side,
pulling the rest of the train, ehnlr car.
wtnoker. baggage and mall cars, over with
It. The engine remained on tho track.
Tho passengers were all badly shaken in
and qulto a number received cuts on tho
hands or faro from broken glass, but only
two persons wero seriously Injured Mail
Clerk Kttlnger, who had ono arm and
shoulder badly bruised, nnd Mrs. T. S. Skhlll
of Imogene. la., who was Injured In the and sldo by being thrown ngnlnst a
A relief train arrived In a short time from
Council Hluffs, bringing ollkials of the roa I
end tho company's physician and the Injure 1
wero promptly cared for. Mall Clerk Ki
tlnger wns brought to Silver City nnd Mrs
Skhlll was taken to Malvern, whero she
has relatives. A large force of nun wero
put to work building n temporary track
around the wreck and trnlna were permitted
to pass In a few hours.
I'n Ion (lOlolnl lludenvor to Imlnee
Men to Iteluril to Their
PITTSHURO. April 4. There was a slight
Increase In tho coal shipments from tho
mlncH today, Indicating that a few more
miners had returned to work. The miners'
oillclals aro working hard to Induce the
fctrlkors to go back to work and comply
with the terms of the Indianapolis agree
ment. The dlssntlsfaetlon Is so wldojprcn I,
however, that a general convention will
likely he called for next week, and tho
strike either olllclnlly devlnred on or otf.
As It Is now. the strlko Is unauthorized and
Is simply the culmination of local trouhlo
over the run-of-mltio standard and tho day
men's BCile.
Practically every manufacturer along the
Mcjiorgaliola vnlley Is In straits for fuel.
Tho butt -weld and Inp-weld departments
of the National Tube Works company and
tho Host oti Iron & Steel works at McKees
port, employing over 2,000 men, havo al
ready closed for want of coal. Strenuous
efforts will bo mado to adjust tho strlko
within tho next day or two. If not success
ful mnny other mills In the vicinity of
Pittsburg aru exported to bo compelled to
tomporarlly suspend operations.
A conspleuouB figure of tlio great strike
of ISO" Is on the outskirts of the Pittsburg
dlitrlct. Mrs. Mary Joiicb of Chicago has
had several meetings advertised, hut the
men are reported as holding aloof from her
ns nn asita.tor. For the men, It Is elnlmH
that much of tho trouhlo Is a mlsunder
i tandlng that mine superintendents should
bo ablo to explain.
W. W. Mayhew. Morton, Wis., says: "1
ron.ilder One Minute Cough Curo a most
; wonderful medicine, quick and safe." It Is
tho only harmless remedy that glviw Immodl
nto results. It cures caughs, colds, croup,
bronchitis, grippe, whocplng cciigh, pneu
monia nud all throat and lung diseases. Its
early line prevents consumption. Children
always like t and mother endcrfie It.
Itiillriniil After Thloif.
CIIUVKNNi:. Wyo., April 1 (Special.)
Tho I'nlon I'nclflc is waging war on an or
ganized gang of biy car thieves that hn.s
been operating all along tho line from
Omaha to Ogden. A number of arrests have
been mado and the rnmpany will not let up
jon the thleveo until all are behind the bars
Last night a thief was detected robbing a
car near the freight transfer platform In
this city. In the chase after him he Ans
wounded, but got away.
. own t'JL?
Til A ItTIi ' T. lU.l .TM Is to prevent und
cure It ti on in ii 1 1 kiii. Kidney, lllndiler und
nil Uric Add discie.
roryenrs I win tortured with rhrumntlim,
Ilili'd ninny remedies without gcttlnsr re
lief. Home months ngo I commenced tak
ing what Is known iiNt 'ampoiinia'h Mission
lti:.Mi:niFS. I followed direetloiiscarefiilly,
taking San Cruo, implying Cai.a cactus
I.ISIMf.ST to iii y HlllTiMied joint, nnd Using
Has Critnf'ATii in ic'Taiii.kth toil rnln my
kt'fclntil lit I nillti I 1 1 Inu Allllkl t r. r hArlt,,
llttlo benefit but after giving the medicine
h iiur miow i hi-ciii io ue ri;iiHArr..Ti.r
cured. .Induing from my own f Tperlenco
thcM remedies will do fur others what thoy
hn o done fur me, If (,'lven a fair trial.
.1. K. (1HI.MBH,
Head Houso Painter,
I'lielan Building, Han Francisco,
California's Mission Remedies.
Fon Hai.h nv Ai.i. Diiuiioists.
likv AT
3 -5 ONE'HAurat nuCE.
RsT-ftKi5Q, UaBANA.N.Y.
liniili ii iii iirr-nrniT i'tti'h i imiiM
st;pi:iin trains ion
LH.lVi: AT VI 10, OON, AU 7lI15 1. U,
New Short Line fo
Minneapolis and Si. Paul
Leuve at 7 n. in. nnil Tills j. in.
"Tha Now Olllco."
When others fall consult
KU.-irantte lo ure all eases curable of
SHXl'AI.M'. Cured for Life.
Night Emissions, Lost Manhood, Hydrocele,
Verlcoct'le. ii..n.rrlioeu, Olcct, Syphilis,
Pirlitute, I'lK's, Fistula and ltectal ("leers
nud all
I'rltnte lllneiiNi'N mill lllMnrilern of Men
Stricture mill (.led Curcil nt Home.
Consultation Free Call on or address
tut. m: vitt.D.s , si:aiu,i:s,
I III Si. ulli I llli SI. 1)31 Alt .
Dest Dining Car Service.
t Don't fall to try t
T when nuffcrfnff from any had -T
condition of tho ittomach T
T o." Llvttr.
4, lOrenM nnil lis cenf. nt ilrurtorn. J
oUiil rifcfnr rufctnrttl. tntithV mi smite rnrrrctmL
fn "r.Vnr;:i 1 lioKerr f.lodlcal Institute
ljt CUHU, I'liirtnnnll, llfcln. :lihlili.l sr,7 -r,o
?iV, ,'rMlnnil inn.t wiili.r known Inntltutlnn in
Mia U.IS jluok mi ulwl Iree for lour conn ,i M
Good Tilings
Hiiir-iioonil, n or-poll lid mij
i'lvo-iioiinil iiui'UuurH, ... ... ,
woonu-Aitii's si,n:n pijanuts.
. JOHN C .
Woodward & Co.
Din n ii (ii c t ii rl ii k Co n I ec 1 1 n n -m,
Jolibein of IHkIi (irtiile (I turn.
Don't Forge!
that our prices aro always
moderate examine them for yourselves.
. ..Telephone 145
Silver Filling UM
Oold Alio Fillings si 00
I'latlnum Alloy Fllllngi '.'.SIM
(iold Filling J2.00 and up
Crowns V:00 and up
H, A. Woodbury, D. 0. S., Council Dj' .
30 Pearl Si. N Grand Hotel