The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET, gi PAGES 13 TO 24. JEST A BL TSn E D JVSFj . 1 1, 1 87 1 . OMAHA, SUNDAY MOBN1NG, APHIL 1, 1900.' SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Worth of Merchandise Sacrificed for Cash bv HAYDEN S "People s Store on Sale Beginning Monday. See Page 5 For Bargains. See Page 5 For Bargains. The "People's Store's" entire stocks of new dress goods, new silks, new furnishing goods, new notions, new jewelry, new boots and shoes, new sheet music, new groceries, etc. New linens, new wash goods, etc.. sacrificed at a ridiculous figure for spot cash, will be sold at the Big Store, beginning Monday. As everybody knows, the goods arc all new aud stylish. These were thou sands of dollars tied up in high grade goods, lor which there were very lew purchasers. .but hlaydens will put prices on every article that will make them go. E HAYD Ens $300,000 4 4 You Can Gome Hundreds of Miles and Save Money at This the Mist Giganiis Bab Esr Unlertakan BY ANY HOUSE IN AMERICA. COME EARLY. Sale begins promptly at 8 o'clock. They may all shout bargains till they get black in the face, but Hayden's have the goods and A Hundred Extra Salespeople to wait on you. THE PEOPLE'S STORE ENTIRE SILK DEPARTMENT ON SALE COMMENCING Monday Morning at Hayden Bros. 3vory yard of this magnificent stock of silks will bo sold at a mos t ridiculous price. Every body in Omaha knows the quality, the style and the character of silk carried by The Peo ple's Store. There wore no finer silks in the land. Most of them were bought from Arnold, Constable & Co. whom everyone knows handle tho finest silke in America. This Great, (irand and Most Sensational Silk Sale is the sale that you will read more about, hear more about and talk more about than any silk sale that was ever hold by anyone or anywhere. Taffeta Silks only in colors White Satins only 40 pieces It will pay those living hundreds of miles to come and attend this silk Plain Silks Taffetas. SatltiH, Chlnaa, In nil lengths, worth up to $1.00, for French Poplin Dress Silk In navy, light blue, pink, red, cream, white, on ealo 39c Extra people in this department to wait upon you Fancy Waist Thousands of pieces In on sale " I r C! tjvory Htylo Imaginable. worth up to Jl.60, ut 4iSc Best Taffetas Over 2ft) pieces best grade Imported and domestic lining: tuffotas, In black and all colon, at one prlco Everything worth double and more than double the sale price Foulard Dress Silks NOVELTIES For dress or waist ullks, never sold for less than $1.25, $1.60 and K.00. go ut HKAVY IILACK AltMUUE Dress Silk Always sold hero and everywhere at $1.00 and $1.2." sale prlco Every bargain advertised is here for you in plenty, ALL SILK Black Satin Heavy grade, and we will soil It at II LACK Peau de Soie AND SATIN DE LYON worth up to $2.00 go at , This sale will continue until every yard is closed out Brocade Silks In changeable colors about "200 pieces every yard must go ut Evening Silks In stripes nnd floral dcslgn best grado $1.50 and $2.00 ullks for A thousand bargains we cannot mention. Come and see them all. Velvets From Peoplo's Store black and all colors worth $1.00 nnd $1.50 to go nt 5Sc niiACK Dress Silks Finest Taffetas. (Iros drains, Peau de Soles, Satins and hundreds of other weaves, worth $1.60, $2.00 and $2.50, at IN UKttAM) TO MAIL OKDKKS AND PKOPLK WHO CANNOT ATTKND THIS OR GAT SALB IN -PERSON we will nil all orders during tho entire week. Positively no samples of any of salo wllk will bo sent. Anything sent for that does not suit can bn returned and exchanged or wo will rotund money. Grand Wash Goods Sale Every yard of wash goods sold to us by "The Peoples" was bought for this spring's wear. Thoir tremendous stock added to our own, which was by far the largest and most varied of any in this sootion, gives us, beyond question, tho biggest, nobbiest and grandest lino of any house in America. In this salo wo will oirer you foulards, grenadines, ging hams, dross dimities and all tho finest wash fabrics at about one-tenth the usual figures. Stylo and quality are guaran teed. WE WILL MAKE SENSATIONAL LOW PRICES ON ALL LININGS Whatever you want in this line you will find hero and at prices that will astonish you no matter how great your expectations. Laces, Lace Nets, Etc. New spring laces, finest Point do Venlse, Umbels, Silk Chnntllly Laces, Oriental, Point do Paris, wide Valenciennes, finest English and German Torchon lace, widths 2 to 12 Inches, worth 5c to 50c yard, on salo at Ho, r.o uml 10c. DRESS TIMMMIXGS from the Poncct & Nesaer auction at one-fifth their real value, etullcta variety of black, whlto und colored, finest quality, tdlk and mohair, tubular, toutacho, Hercules and fancy braids nnd black and colored fancy silk gulmps, worth up to 50c yard, ut ic, -, :!, ri'. Now Laco Allovere, Whlto Valenciennes Laco Allovors, nutter Colored Point do Vcnlso Laco Allovers, niuck Silk Lace All ovors, newest Imported designs, In Ilatten bery, Cluny or figured effects: an Immense variety of styles, worth up to $1.9S; special bargains at :nc .!), HSc. Bicycle Department is now operating business with the largest stock of bicycles and sundries in the west. All goods guaranteed at tho low est prices. A good tire for $1.50. Wo beat them all. Do you know us? Come and see for yourself. Bibbons, Dress Trim mings and Notbns from "The People's" An enormous line of this spring's goods, In about tbo samo styles as are now in our own stock. Not n dollar's worth will bo roserved. They will bo thrown on counters and tables und sold off to the first comers ut any prlco they will bring. sale Hayden's Grocery Sale The Entire Grocery Stock of The People's Store now on sale in Hay dens' Grocery Department, at Half price. All kinds of spices In pkgs, the Peoples' prlco 10c; ours 3c 48-ounce cans sauced mackerol, tho People's prlco 33c, ours 23c Making powder, tho Peoples' price 25c; our price 9 lie Anderson's Jams, People's price, 25c; ours 9c Uoolt & Co., preserved strawberries for cream; their price, 25c; now 9c 15c baked beans; our price Cc Durnham's hasty Jcllycon; their prlco lTc; now SUc French mustard In glass, Peoplo's prlco 15c; now 3c Whlto cherries, tho People's prlco 25c; ours 14c Plerro Hran's puro sap maple syrup, tho People's prlco $1.25; our price.... 25a Anderson's puro tomato catsup; their prlco 25c; now 9c Durnham's clam bouillon, large bottles, tho People's' prlco 59c; now 35o Curtice Bros.' jams; their price 23c; now 10c Puro strained honey; their prlco 15c; now 9c Pickles In glass; the People's prlco 15c; now 4c Cupid brand hominy; their prlco 15c; now 8V&C 2-pound Jars prepared mustard; their prlco 28c; now 12',c Daily's sugar and fruit Jams, was 28c; now 10c Quart cans grated pineapple, was 20c; now 10c Their 6c quality prunes, now 3c Their 10c quality prunes, now 6c RartharU shrimps; their price 25c; now 9&c Puro ground pepper' In glass; each lc Whlto onions In bottles; their prlco 23c; ours 0c Runklo Bros." cocoa; their price 45c; ours 25c 25 pounds Sugar for $1.00 Beat 'Km All, Union, Wblto Russian, Din mond C or any other brand of soap, 10 bars for 25c. Tho People's lOo package mince meat, only ( ia Tho Peoplo'fl 15c 'Aunt Jemima pancake flour, now 5c Tho Peoplc'a 25o cans imported sar dines, now .. .i Oc Tho People's 10c Japan rice, now BVfjc Tho People's So Japan rice, now 314c The People's 15c can salmon, now 9V4c Tho People's lemon, orange and citron, The People's prlco 40c, our price 15c Tho People's 15c quality tomatoes 7V4c The People's 12c quality corn 7,4c Tho Peoplo'a 10c herring, now Ce Tho Peoplo's 20c Norway mackerel 12',c The Peoplo's 40c candles, now 20c Tho Peoplo's 15c candles, now 7,$c 20o quality cheese, now 1214c Tho Peoplo's 15c quality cheese 10c Tho Peoplo's 15c cans npplo butter 9c Tho Peoplo's 28c palls Jolly, now 15c Tho Peoplo's 10c cans lye, now 5c Extracts canned fruits, spices, nuts, or anges nnd bottle goods of every description, oatmeal, crackers, package cereals, etc., too numerous to mention here, will bo on sale at reduced prices Monday. ftksical Instruments Wo aro tho headquurtcrs for mandolins, guitars, violins and everything In tho stringed Instrument line, all of the leading makm nnd newest styles now on salo nt prices far below what other dealers are asking you for tho same thing. Good vlollnti, Including case and bow, for $5; mandolins nnd guitars as low as $3.60, $4.50, $5.00, besides a big lino of high grade In struments which include the Washburn, Waldo aud other well known -makes. Every thing guaranteed to give satisfaction. Another Big Sheet fflusic Sale Monday wo will place on sale over 10.000 copies of sheet music at lc per copy. Wo have vocal nnd Instrumental, mandolin nnd guitar, violin and piano, guitar soles, violin solos, piano duets, teaching Bets. This music la regular 10c sheet music; while it lasts only lc per copy. It Is not catalogued. It being odds nnd ends from tho list. Wo also carry nil tho very latost sheot muolc of the day. Wo havo three nice lines of tbo latest and most popular music. Wo sell at 10c, 15c and 25c per copy, lo Included for postage when filling mall orders. Liberal discount on book studies and everything In tho sheet music and book llnev. Heals and Lard The Leading Dress Goods House of the West 10,000 Pieces of Dress Goods Added to This Immense Stock. It must be closed out, no matter what it will bring. We have no. more room left, All the new spring Homespuns, all the new spring crepons, all the new Mohairs Everything that went to make up this large Stock of Dress Goods will be closed out AT FROM 10c TO 25c ON THE DOLLAR The oldest piece of goods The People's Store carried could be only seven months on the shelves. i 10,000 Full Dress 1'nttorus, strictly nil wool, 51 Inches ido, In nil tlio lcndlnc shades, sold by Venule's Store nt l'!)c ynrd We will Bell entire dress pat tern for 1.25 ri.OOO full Dross Tatterns, (1 yards to pattern People's price was ttOc yard Our price will be f Q for. tho-eutlro pat- Ov5 turn i r0 pieces hopsacklnp, strictly all wool 75 pieces all wool ehovlot, (joods sold by People s Store at $1.'J5 nil will be closed out here at 59c 100 pieces of Lord & Taylor's lilph prnde spring novelties, and bought by tbo Peoples Ktore to sell at ..-. per yard will close tliem out on this sale at 500 pieces of nil wool Itlack Dressi Hoods, from 10 to -1(1 Inches wide, worth from .?l to ifl.'J." per yd., all will ko on this salo yard 35c 75c 50-Inch Homespun, strictly all poods that were made to sell for SI. 00 wool 35c 10-Incli All Wool Plaids, latest French production goods made to sell ?1.00. for 35c 10-lnch nil wool Henriettas, 5(!-lncli All-Wool Sultlnps, .Id-Inch French Nov elties poods that were made to sell for $1.00 per yard-all will so on this sale at only 25c All-Wool Cheviots, nil colors, All Wool storm serves, all colors all-wool cash meres, till colors all avooI fancies, 50 different mixtures all will go on this sale at the low price Worsted Plaids, . Inches wide, Peo ple s price was 25c our price 5c Half Wool Cashmeres ,5c Half Wool Serpes . . . . 5c Half Wool Storm Serpes, Inches wide 10c 49c Black Dress Goods 30,000 Dress Patterns, In all the new est sprlnp deslpns, jncqunrds, crepons, Prespe's, etc. poods worth from $1,00 to $1.50 yard-will sell entire pattern of 5 to 7 yds, strictly all J pm wool entire pattern, I will po for .'!00 pieces of Dress floods, nil wool and cotton warp, worth from 75e to $1.00 yard all will po on this sale at only 25c 12-Inch Half Wool .Tacquards poods that sell everywhere at -4 jjj ;i!le-on this sale all IOC will po at w All the Crepons Store sold at $1.25 $2.50 will po on this sale at only that the People's , $1.50, $1.75, $1.08, 75c All the Pinole Cheviots pie's store sold at $1.50, $1.0!), $1.75 will go on this sale at only that tho Peo- 75e Half Wool Illack .lacqunnls 10c Half Wool Cashmeres 15c Everything advertised In this Dress Goods stock will be exactly as represented. t Mail Order Department We will 'give the benefit of his Dress rGoodB Bale to our outof-town customers at the same prices as if they wore hore'and picked out the goods themselves, but wo will not send out samples of goods advertised in this salo, as we will close out entire line in one day. Our salo will last every day this week, or as long as any of tho People's stock will last. Watch our locals each day aud you will see the greatost Dress Goods bargains that were ever sold in Omaha. Men's Furnishings Tho man who bought theso good for Tho Pooplo's Store had a bettor eye for stylo than for buslncus. Thero aro wholo cases of tho highest priced nockweur, In all fityle3; suspenders, collars, cuff, spring and sum mer underwear, hosiery, nlghtrobes, drcf shirts, etc., etc. Our spot cash secured thorn and wo can namo prices on tho very best .grades of men's furnishings manurac tured lower than any house in America can soil tho cheaper grades. Tho medium priced goods will1 bo thrown on our coun ters and disposed of at any prlco they will bring. .10i4o Ladies' Furnishings Ladles' muslin undorwear, new, fresh and stylish, all tho very llncst makes of corsets, tho best underwear and hosiery, nnd every thing pertaining to ladies' furntehlugs were closed out to us by Tho Peoplo's Store at a most aotonldhlDg sacrifice. Wo havo cut tho prices without regard to valuo and you can (111 your wants for months to como at prices that havo never before been dreamed of. N'o. 1 bams Throe- Pickled Deal new bologna M,ic Cholco boneless corned beet Tc Fancy light bacon 10c Summer sausugo , 10c Salt meat Cc Fresh pork roast 7c Dacon lc pound palls best lard 23ciToa nMf nntfan 1 pig feet and tripe ie nU UUII6U Tbo Pcoplo s Java nnd mocha coffee, their price 3oc; our prlco 23o People's 30o coffeo 15c People's 25c Java and mocha l'.'Hc People's broken J & M, IScj our price.. 7ijc Peoplo's GOc teas; our price 39c Tho Peoplo's iOo and BOc teas, now.,.. 35c Linen and Domestic Department This department baa ben crowded for room, hut now slnco wo havo another stock to take caro of we aro compelled to make prices so th stuff will be carried away fast. All linens from Tho People's Storo will re colvo tho knlfo first. It would be Impos sible to go Into details at present and quote prices. U will be to your Interest to coma every day, for iirlcea will be made on lots to sell. Wo havo too many goods In this department, lluy muslin and hhcetlng at bankrupt prices. Lay in a stock for tho seas. n. You may not havo another chanco this season. Our force of salespooplo has been in creased to such numbers that all will bo waited on as soon as possible. Later on wo will glvo you moro particu lars as tho salo progresses. For real bar gains In llnene and domchtlcs you must nt tond this, tbo greatest of nil salcn over held In Omaha. Flannel Department 1 lot Dark and Light Outing Flannol o at 3'4c per yard Peoplo's prlco 7c. 1 lot of whlto wool flutjiicl People's pries 30c ours 17c per yard. 1 lot shirting, worth up to 12tic per yard, Cc. 1 lot cotton flannel and Shaker flannel will bo old per yard lc Peoplo's price . 8'c and 10c. 1 lot Hcd Ticking, per yard, Cc. 1 lot denims, per ynrd, Cc, worth 10c. 1 lot wool shirting nnd skirting our price 1V,iC People's prlco 25c. All tbo heavy shirting will be sold at OVtc worth up to 15c. 1 lot drapery cretonne per ynrd 8V4c. 1 lot outlnK flannel, dark nnd light cot ton I'coplo's price 12',fcc our prlco 6V4c. Iled blankets nnd bed comforts at half prlco. Jewelry Sale Gloves HAYDEN BROS. The Teoplo's Storo had more fine kIovcb, both men's nnd women's, than all tho other houses In Omaha combined. They wcro terribly overstocked on tho high priced grades. They didn't ecoin able to got a correct Idea of their splondld lino beforo purchasers nni they had to sacrldco their magnificent gondii to obtain ready cash. We'll make price on gloves that will sell them, An endless variety In nil sizes to pick from and nt such bargain figures that you can get three and four lino pairs for what Is usually asked for tho cheap kind, Como early. Tho hlg Jewelry stock bought from tho I'coplo's at a mero fraction of Its vnluo will afford tho biggest bargains In this Una over put, on salo. Fine gilt photo frames, nil slzos, plain and fancy, on snlo. N 51.00 frames at 2Cc. $1.50 frames at 49c. J2.50 frames at 75c. 20 dozen Alarm Clocks from tbo Peo ple's stock that sold for $1.50 on sale whllo they last at COo. Theso aro tbo famous Now Haven Clock Co.'b makes. Chain bracelets nt one-quarter cost. Sterling Silver Ncthersole Ilracelets, all sizes, plain and chased, from 10c up, Ileauty Pins on tho bargain tnblcs at glvo away prices, Jeweled Combs at less than ono-lialf prlr and Pompadour, Kraplro and Side Combs all on special sal.