Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1900, Page 8, Image 21

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Carpenter's Letter
(Continued from Seventh Pago.) .
but It thoro aro quartz velnn thoy ara prob
ably in tbo mountains om" dlstanco back
from tbo coast. It would, lor tho present, at
leant, bo best (or men to go In companies ot
a dozen or moru, well armed and ready to
fight. In companies thoy will bo ablo to go
almost anywhere and can easily maintain
thomsolvcn, both against tho savages and
tho ladrones or Filipino bandlto. They will
And tbo cllmata ot tho mountains healthful
and bracing uud tho country In tho winter
at least a delightful ono tor traveling and
I am not yet prepared to wrlto ot tbo coal
resources hero. Thoro aro, I am told, largo
bods of coal on many ot tho I'hlllpplnt, and
that both anthraclto and bituminous. Tho
depcnltn exist chlelly on tho Island) which
nro. nearest tho cast, but tboro aro nlso
ovldonccs of coal near Znmboangn, In tho tar
Captain Ilatcholcr saw many Indications of
coppor and somo evidences of petroleum In
tho Cngayun valloy. Tho Ncgrltce and
Igorroteo frequently ohow Bpcclmens of lead,
antimony and othor mlncrnlR, but It Is Ir.i
posfllblo to get them to say where thoy find
thorn. Tho lead usually carries gold and
silver with It.
Tho coppor of North Luzon was worked, It
Is Raid, by tho Igorrotra long before iho
Spaniards onmo. Thoy' softened tho rocks
by building fires ljpon them. This enabled
April 1, 1000.
band's political interests by making his mo. I'm no spring chicken, and I'll tell
friends thrlco welcome at their homo In you right now that you'ro making It hard
Birmingham. Bho Is ao tond of roses as her tor him. I'll maka him feci as though he'd
husband Is fond of orchids, and tho High- Jumped from a Turkish bath Into a snow
bury rottary Is quite as famous as tho mar- drift."
volous collection In tho orchid houso there. "Him! Who?"
Tho Chamberlain town residence at 40 "Oh, drop that Innocent air. What do
Prlnco's Gardens, Is supplied every day you tako mo for? Do you think I havo to
with flowers from Highbury.' Bot tho help ot an expert to add two and
Mr, Chamberlain has been three times two? Ho came last ovcnlng and you said:
married, and his holr, Auston Chamborlnln, 'Why, how do you do, Mr. Brown?' When
is his son by his second wlto. Tho younger h loft It was 'Goodnight, Qcorgo, dear,' and
Chamberlain Is now 37, wears a monoclo yu punctuated audibly after each word.
Ilko his fathor, Is a mombor ot Parliament You cnmo.up stairs singing, and when 1
and is civil lord of tho admiralty, thanks n8j0'1 yu what tlmo It was you said It
to his father's political pull. seemed too sweet to bo truo. Now will you
Klnnllv. Mr. nhnmhnrlnln In Ihn crnnfrl tell?"
admirer of the United States In tho present
English government. Ho has persistently
boomed tho Idea ot an Anglo-American nit 1
nnco nnd got himself Into troublo not long
ago try speaking ot It in public as If it
.... , u. pnporB crUlclB0d blm for B0 d0nK, A fow
iui .... . iii;iuiib uuinui null. iuu uil.ivu
States government, und consequently get-
"I cannot. You'll never know a thing
about it till ho buys tho ring."
"Mr. Decchor ono day," relates Major
Pond In tho Philadelphia Post, "attended a
match gamo of billiards, and sovoral nowa
days later, whllo ho was sitting on tho
edgo ot tho platform In his lecturo room, a
young church ofllcor said to him: 'I don't
bcllovo there Is nny'harm In billiards, but
don't you think you Injured your influenco
by attending tho gamo?'
"Mr. Bcccher tucked ono of his legs under
tho other, and, nursing ono knee, said
slowly: 'I've noticed all my life that
BaBaBaflaaBa r VaVk 'IHHHM4flsflim.BBBBaBaBaVI
ting hlmsolf much criticised.
Bunch of Short Stories
In his recontly published "Recollections"
Sir -Algernon West tells a Btory of Marwood,
tho cxocutloner. who prccedod Dlillngton,
which will bear rotolllng. Ono of tho ofllcials mlnistors who nro always taking caro of
at tho colonial office had occasion to consult their lnfluonco nover havo much influence to
Marwood as to tho moat rapid way of putting take caro of. Very early In ray ministry I
n man out of cxlstonco. Marwood expressed rondo up my mind to tako caro of my work
and lot the Lord tako caro ot my lnfluonco.
Thoso mlnistors who keep looking behind
them to see what has becomo of their in
fluenco remind mo of nothing so much as an
old cat chasing its own tall."
than to break ou,t tho oro and thoy then
roasted It again and again beforo smelting.
Tholr smelting was dono In little clay fur
naces not much bigger than a tour-gallon
crock, bamboo blowers being usod to mako
tlio requisite? drnught. Tho Spaniards lntor
on tried to work theso sanio nilnon with
machinery nnd fnlled.
Tho editor of tho Manila Times, who has
traveled considerably ovor Luzon nnd who
Is thn author ot a numbor of guldo books
nml maps relating to that Inland, tells mo
thoro is an Iron mountain within less than
fifty mllce ot Manila. It Is near mineral
nprlngs nnd "not far from tho best settled
part of tho Island. Iron is also said to exist
In other parts of Luzon and In Cobu nnd
other Inlands. Somo of tho ores nro very
rich, thoso ot Angat, in tho nulacan province,
not fnr from Manila, containing from 75 to
S5 per cent of puro iron. Nono of tho mines
Is worked nnd tho Incontlvo undor tho
Iniquitous Spanish government has been to
let them lto undeveloped nnd untouched.
Wear of War on
. Joseph Chamberlain
(Continued from Sixth Pago.)
scalo. Tho War olllco had bungled and tho
colonial secretary was blamed for that, too,
becauso It tho colonial secretary had not
gono to war tho War olllco would not havo.
had a chanco to bunglo. Uut two weeks
after Parliament Iind opened Mr. Chamber
lain got up .ono night, put a llttlo ploco ot
papor In front of him with a faw notou on
it, and, In his calm, clear volco, sailed into
his critics. It was a strong, adroit aud
audacious speech, in which hu defended tho
government and himself bo well that ho
saved tho situation. A boom for tho pro
inlorshlp was started then, for Lard Salis
bury Is to old nnd so tired of political life
that ho only nwalts an opportunity for stop,
ping down and put. .If ho does it betoro
England gets over tho noed ot a strong and
daring man nt tho helm Mr. Chnmborlaln
has n good chanco, for tho place hated
though ho Is In tho conservative party bo
causo thoro Is no ono clso available who
-flllB.tho bill;
It Is sato tu say that tho colonial secre
tary has a strong supportor In tho prince
o( Wales, who, according to goueral gossip,
was refponslblo for calling oft tho Investi
gation of tho JumoBon raid, whllo Mr.
Chamberlain has bad to bear all ot the crit
icism of that peculiar proceedings. Tho
queon seoms to bo rather tond of tho Illr
mlnghnm politician, nnd eho has shown
particular attention to Mrs. Chamberlain,
who, na you know, Is tho daughter ot W. C.
Endlcott, formerly socrctnry ot war In the
United States cabinet, airs. Chamberlain
does not care inuoh for smart socloty, how
ovor, though eho looks well aftor her hus-
hlmsolf In favdr of what bo professionally
called "tho long drop," nnd drovo homo his
nrgumcnt by remarking: "Thoro wns a Mr.
Peace, now, a small man; I gavo him a six
foot drop, nnd I hassuro you, sir, ho passod
hoff llko a sunimor hovo."
Whllo a mombor ot tho Nebraska legis
lature, relates tho San Francisco Wave, C:
M. Shfador, a populist leader, mado It a
rulo to opposo every bill that had to do
with corporations. Whenovor he arose to
speak on ono of thoso measures ho Invaria
bly said: "I know thoro's 'boodlo behind
this bill, Mr. Speaker. I know It bocauso I
havo boon approached." This sort of thing
wont on for somo tlmo. Ono day Represent
ative White, lender of tho domocratlo side,
aroso whllo Shrader was hinting at boodle
and asked permission to ask tho populist a
question. "I am perfectly willing to answor
any quostlon the gchtlcunnn may ask mo,"
doflantly announced Shrader. Whlto leveled
a long lend poncll at tho populist. "Will
you plcnso tell this body, Mr. Shrndor, what
thoro Is about you that caiisos all those
follows with boodlo to approach you?"
A copperhoad correspondent who had
mado hlmsolf ohnoxlous to General Rawlins
applied to that lcador at VIcksburg for
news.. To a member ot his staff tho gem oral
consigned tho Journalist, with ardors that
ho bo taken to tho trenches within n stone's
throw of tho enemy, and, If possible, lost
thoro. Tho two sot forth, but tho moment
tho nowspnpor man's hat nnd his mulo's
cars showed ovor tho rldga which ho had
climbed to got a view thoro camo a volloy
ot muskotry ton yards wldo, which shlod the
top ot his hat off. Ho sllppod to tho ground
In safety, but tho mulo wns literally flllod
with lead. Whon tho two men returned
to hondquarters Rawlins hailed his aid: "1
thought I told yon to loso'that copperhoad
reporter somowhero?" ho snld. "I did tho
host I could," was tho roply. "Ho camo
bnck, but I havo tho honor to roport his
mulo a total loss."
After thoy had. tholr broakfast and he
was preparing to go to tho ofneo, reports the
Dotrolt Frco Press, ho called tho oldest
daughter to ono sldo and whispered: "Any
thing special to say to mo this morning?"
"No, pnpa. Hopo you'll havo a pleasant
"Is that all? Nothing you want to tell
ma about, no advloo to ask, or favor, or
anthlng of that sort?"
"Only to wenr your muffler and not take
"Very well," his volco hardor and louder.
"I was conceited enough to think that you
might think somo consideration due mo, nnd
confldo in mo. I didn't know that I might
havo established somo claim, but tho fate
of tho married man Is to pay bills and keep
out of the road."
"Why, pnpa, dear, I don't understand
"That's all right. Don't try to soft solder
"cA Perfect Food"
"Preserves Health'
'"Prolongs Life"
" Known the world over.
. . . Received the highest in- B
dorscments from the nicdicn 1 m
practitioner, the nurse, and
the Intelligent housekeeper q
and caterer." Dietetic an J
Hygienic Gauttt. at
Established 1780. Bj
Trad -Mark
Ion Every Package
f i?1,
uraceiui. j jVaBL
(now to SEounc it.)
a hln is thn title nf
an Interesting lltun.
iruitu uook, wnicn
iw.rt. uuun, which
e will niull.aenled
1 a main envn
for tl.e uaklnu.
ch A
ml V
tIU how iwlthout
thn u ot drain.) ant
lady mux iwMtma a
infect and attrsct
iip tlcure.
Kvin tlie plainest
flsuie can be trail it
formed to one at
beantr. au.
iiuru n n u
tiiHolnBttnu. 1
' Writn liu
Iuu two cent
I slump. uorrenoniieur rnntlilrntlnl.
Aiidnwaw, f cal mtuaipiti cu., Cleveland, 0.
-av-. -v -. t
Mm. 'WIiihIov'n .Sootliliiic Syrup.
Hns oeon used for over FIFTY YEAIIS tiv
CURES WIND COLIC, and Is tho best rem
ody for DIARRHOEA. Sold by druggists
In ovory part of tho world. Bo sure and
ask for "Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup,"
nnd tnko no othor kind, Twenty-flve cents
a bottle.
l'Utlns. O.011 d1 Ladltt at bom
or ifarntni, tatlat ariltri, niloi ani
nlllai Prof. OrttT'a Plaurt. riaui
Wauhii, Jawtlrr, f abltvara, Bkrelti,
aaitallutultooili. No aiixrUcga. (it
plat. mo4.ra mrlbodc. Wi do pluloj,
naaafaotort oulBu. all ilirt. duatan.
tat. Oal colOla eooplatt, all toola,
latliai, uaiarlala, tic, rtadj Dr voik.
We teaich you tat an, faralih atcra'a
aH.rmU. C.OaUT l0., I'LATlau WOUIUi, B, C1ac'Uaatl,o!
W Expreii Preptld. J
Saving Middlemen's Profits,
Preventing Possibility of Adulteration.
Wc arc distillers with a wide reputation of 30 years'
standing. Wc sell to consumers direct, so that our
whiskey may be pure when it reaches you. It is
almost impossible to get pure whiskey from dealers.
Wc have tens of thousands of customers who never
buy elsewhere. Wc want more of them and we make
this offer to get them:
We will snd four full quart bottles of Hayncr'A Sevca
Year Old Double Copper Dlatllted Rye for $3ao, B
press Prepaid. We ship In plain package-no marks
to Indicate contenta. When you get It and teat U, lilt
Isn't satisfactory return It at our expense and we will
return your $3.30. Such whiskey cannot be purchased
elsewhere for leas than $5.00.
Wc are the only distillers selling to consumers
direct. Others who claim arc only d salcrs. Our
whiskey has our reputation behind it.
Hayner Distilling Co., 325-331 W. Fifth SL, Dayton, 0.
nabrtatM Talrd Rati Dial, aaj baatataa laaaalaDaftaa orCoatlif aatln.
P. 0. Orders for Arli.,Colo.,Cal.,l(laho,Mont,NeT.,N. Hex., Ore.,
uua,nMO.( n jo., must can tor zu quarca, oj xreignt, prepaia.
(The above offer is gonaino. We guarantoo tho above firm will do as they ogree. Editor,
IbVIj.. a
S2.50 tad
$3.50 AL
The Spring Styles
of tiho celebrated ItEQENT $3.50 SHOES
aro now ready for your Inspection. -They
aro mado up in all tho known leathers, In
eluding calf, kangaroo, enamel, vlcl kid,
putont leathers and all colors of tans. They
aro tho somo Identical shoo, both In style
and quality that others ask $5.00 aud $0.00
for. Our prlco for your choice of any shoe
In tho house, $2.50 and $3.50.
Mull OrttiTN Kllli'il.
UO.1 South lritli Street, Omnliii.
Send for IIIuh rated CutuloKiit' Free
Reader, why not be able to use the most
milteilouS and Uowerful (urtt nf natnr..l
lly my mtlhoil you can learn to Hypnotize
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home. You can. perform all of the many
marvelous fcata that are possible to the
iji'uuiiai. amougn Hypnotism you can
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duce amusement by the hour. Itcostivoti
nnthtnn n Anil ... ll .1 t 1. a
y - wm tu a nave
Just Issued In Imok furm a mammoth U!us-
J.J aouyn f 'J sa lljpaallaa,
which fully eiplains the mvtteriea ...
"e' f ' l'e Art. It conuins hundreds of
..... .,i.,i,c engravines. ami is
the most elaborate and eipemive tlilnff
i .. ,1.1. ... ' or a
lutely FREE to all who apply. I will alsofu'a
Uri-e anmuni of other valuable, Interesting and elc
charge. Kemember, all this costs you
nothing. A postal card will bring it.
Order to-day and learn to llypnotTae,
Itisachau.gvfallfctlBie. Address,
tjtatlon 13, Jaeksoa. Mich.
All (he Ladleti Kt
. Gold Mciil
Chocolate Bon bons
Br Bxvraaa,
1, 3, 8 and 5 poond boxes, flOo pennd
W. S. Baldulf,
1530 FarnasM St., Omaha.
Reautlflea. rlonnnos. tire-
nerves nnd wliltena tlie
tooth, Btrcnctlionn llio
uinH anu aweetons me
Tbe World's Standard
Deaillrlce tor M years.
Used in a inllllnn
homea. Put un In iipnt
(f.unil handy hoxes-thr
tho trnvplor. No
l.iT'.,'"B,i no powder, no
t ' lliiulil to wiiHlo, or to
1.! ilnli,n...,ll.,u.m,.nli
5 5o ut all
v. . btkuju a iu.,i'rsit.
(alCHO, III., l.H.a.