Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1900, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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in all our many departments should make Monday at Boston store a record breaking bargain
day. Each item is a sensation by itself!
S3.00 Boys'
All Wool Suits $1.25
tho most sensational bar
gain in boys' all wool suits
from Ji to 8, and tloublo
Ladies' New Style Jerseys
5,000 ladies' and misses'
lino (jnugo now stylo jersoys In black,
white, ictls and nil colors. The ma
jority strictly nil wool. Go in 2 lots at
1 5c ,and 25c eacU
breasted cults from Oto 15
years nil pants havo
doublo seats and knees
A grand gathering of the freshest foreign and domestic
weaves. Everything new and novel at prices that insure
tho greatest dress goods bargains ever oIFered.
$1.00 Dress Goods 39c
39c yd. for tailor suitings. English Jamestowns, Mohair.
brilliantinos, French de beiges, Storm serge. Scotch mixtures,
Bilk and wool plaids, silk shot novelties,
etamines, poplins, Gorman henriettas
and French sorgos In an endless vnriotv of colors und
combination Monday tho ontlro lino, worth up to
31 on special snlo at .TJo yd
go. Scotch mixtures,
$1.25 New Spring Fabrics 49c
Special for Monday, 200 pieces English coverts, all wool
tweeds, two-toned granites, melrose suitings, crystal bengal
ines, fancy armures, mohair, jacquards. JfJ
We havo Riven somo great values In the past, but never In tho history of our
department havo we been able to offer ouch sterling values, such bright, new,
fresh, desirable Bilks ns we will place on salo hero Monday. All are reliable for
wear, and nil wore manufactured this season. Tho showing Includes an lmmcnso
assortment of Foulards, Liberty Satins, Plain and Taney 1'opllns, Figured and
Plain Crppo do Chine, and an cepcclally largo assortment of HIack Silks of all de
lomorrow we will put on salo for the first time
very popular silk handkerchief squares, so
very acceptable for silk waists, trimmings
and millinery purposes. 'u havo them in a prcat
vnrioty of new colors on sale in silk
department nt !)Se
camel's hair, homesnuns. cheviots in
eluding many now high grade, silk nnd wool noveltfes.
These aro all now, dcsirnblo spring wcuves and aro
hold regulatly up to $J.i!j. Monday go on special salo
An immense assortment of new spring fabrics, including
Eronch choyiots, English whipcords, mixed poplins, clay
trnrul orl a A in nim la ... .,.! t..n a rm
u.ujjuuuio, jsi uuuiuuj, yiiiiiiiuf. i nese gootis come
in uu uua iiuw spring sii.kkjs are ex
tremely wide and include the most
expensivo goods shown this season.
Monday on special salo at (59c yd
An elaborate showing of; all the new foreign and dome"
tic weaves, especially adanted for tailor mnrln H..;a r. .
inch homespuns, new f2-inch French vigoreaux, OS-inch satin
muuu vuiiuLiuiiB, ana 04-incii mixed
diagonals in all the new pastel
shades. Shown for tho first time
and on special sale Monday at 98c yd ,
Grand Black Silk Sale Monday
Over .'500 pieces black silk consisting of elegant imported
black dress silks, black skirting silks, black waist silks,
guaranteed quality black taffeta, divided into four lots.
Lot 1 Black Japanese wash silk, black taffetas,
black satins, black surah silk, black corded
silk, worth 68c, go at 37c vd
Grand Special Sale
Most important purchase
of lace curtains ever made in
the west. From a well known
eastern manufacturer we buy
the entire stock on hand of
Nottingham lace curtains.
Over 'JO, 000 pairs in the lot.
Wo havo divided them into
three lots.
All the lowest price
Nottingham lnco curtains
wo havo put into ouo lot
utUUo each
Extraordinary Sale
from the purchase from U. S.
customs house.
'IMmi.nn rl n
high grado
kvs than
half price
20c Embroidery at 3ic and 5c yd,
I' 'tl nnd 2 c insist of thousands of
rial camplo strips of embroidery and
jurui nun, .1 iu (i .varus in icnirtii. many
worth n t in W.i
120c go ut. .
fC' W
C yd
?. 1 hefe goods come
? foreign and domes
r made suits, new 54-
?oreaux, CS-inch satin
Lot 2 Genuine black Lyons dvo wide china silk, extra
H 1 . . ... .-... . . .
h iinu grauo lmporiea Dlack talleta, black 24-inch
H iron frame grenadines, black satin dtichesse and
rhadame, worth up to $1, Monday's sale, yd
Lot 3 (55 pieces 21 inches and 2-1 inches black poult de
soio and lustrous dress satin de Lyon. 24-inch best quality
pure dye black foulard, 22-inch black crystal "fl"
bengulinos, ILMtioh black dot satin rogencc, 22-inch black & W A
imported urociules. positively worth $1.2o Monday's
$1.50 Black Dress Goods 95c
incuw ui.icK steam nnislierl cheviot, 52-incli wide
BUiiramueu not io spot. Tins is the
biggest cheviot bargain ever offered,
positively worth $1.50 yd., on special
salo Monday at 95c yd
leviot, 52-inch wide
39c Dress Goods 15c
Extra special for Monday-;500 pieces novelty dress goods
for house dresses, children's dresses, waists, skirts,
otc., in plaids, mixtures and plain goods. Worth
J9c yd. Monday on bargain square at 15c yd lUw
in Handkerchiefs
Big lots of all kinds of lnrl
India lawn handkerchiefs, handsomely hem-
(jf if rillrkl ..11 ... ! .1 i 1 l 1
Lot 445 pieces finest black silk ever shown over a
counter, tho names of "Bonnet" and "Guiet" Lyons,
France stamped on every piece. Ladies' looking for" fine
black silk can save about half the price in this sals. All
the latest weaves, such as Regent satins, new Faille
sohdes, pure dye gros de Lyon, gros grain, facile fran-
c.uee, ana me uest liY-incli black pure dye fifj
taffeta manufactured to retail at $1. 50 f
to $2 yd; Monday at, yd
200 pieces yard wide black china silk, $1.25 fS
qualityMonday's price in silk
department, 67c yd
$1,50 Lace Curtains 49c
All the Nottingham lace
curtains in soft lacey effects,
and heavy fish net effects,
guipure effects
that would
be a bargain
at $1.50 go
at, each
$2,50 Lace Curtains 69c
All the finest quality soft
lacey Brussels effect curtains,
Hattenberg imitations and
Irish point imitations, in fact
all the Nottingham lace cur
tains that sold
up to $2. 50 pair,
go in one big
lot at, each ....
25c Inserting and Embroidery 8 ic,IOc
LnU ,'t and 1 consist of all tho linor
and mot.ium widths of embroidery and
insertion in samplo trial strips, includ
ing uood durable quality of jnconot and
cambric embroideries and insertions
roL'ulnr Al flif
prico up to Orn and fillft yd.
-ico at
50c Embroidery 124c and 15c
All tlio lilRh Rrndo Embroidery, In sample'
mm htrlps. Including somo of tho very lat
est patterns and designs, in lino SwIbh.
Jaconot und imliiHook Krnbrolderlc. up to
tbo widest widths and worth regular up
to COc
Grand special bargain in
line imported lace curtains,
Irish point, Tambour and real
, Brussels, go at, pair
350 $353 S4E0 $5
25c Laces at 5c yd,
One large bargain conn-
tor with bip lots of lino lnco- m A
Including silk lnco oriental IncoBM 1,
valcnciouncs and torchon laco" w
16,000 yards narrow nnd medium width
Laces, Including Torchon Edges and Inser
tions, English, Oerman and French Torchon
Laces, fancy Wash Laces, In many styles
and patterns
go on
squnro at . ,
!jc n,ui 3c
Great Special Offerings
in our
for Monday only
mill ends
10,000 yards of
percale light and
dark patterns
10,000 yds. very line lawns,
dimities and organdies, all
the balance of tho James
McCrcory's stock, worth
up to L5c, go at
10,000 yards fine cord
ed gingham worth 15o
go at Sic yd
One big counter of
Irish lawns and fancy
corded dimity, would
bo cheap at 25c, yd. at
One big counter of checked,
striped and plaid fb
nainsook, worth I III
5c, go at 10c yd.... IVU
a si
Largo bargain counter with
hundreds of bolls of line lace,
including net top oriental,
Venice insertions
ana win to mm cream sin laces
and npnliucd laces, many worth
ns hlph as fiOo ya, this snlo at1
One big lot of slightly
mussed dotted drapery swiss,
40 inches wide
worth 25c
go at 5c yd
One big lot of 40-inch plain
India linen
worth 19c, go at
Sic yd ,
stitched, all widths of hems-
regular price 20c, in this sale
at 3 Ac each
All the attractive attributes inseparable fro n millinery of tho highest ex
cellence will be revealed at our opening of spring and summer hats.
1,000 dozen fancy colored
border handkerchiofs, suitable
for children's school llandkor
chiefs go on bargain
square at 1c
250 dozen ladies' linest sample linen embroidered hand
kerchiefs one of tho grandest lots of imported linen em
bro dered and hemstitched handkerchiefs ever shown in
!l$Zhfi?h ln a? J?g,,,BP way uah;,,-ss each
o,uuu aozen ladies lace and
embroidery edcred hand km-.
chiefs, edged with all kinds of
1 a
mio vaionciennes lace n
and insertion, regular
price up to 25c, each ..llu
1,000 bolts of narrow French Valenciennes lace and
insertion to match, go on bargain square at 2c yd
A noteworthy collection of Pattern
Hats, Including conspicuous examples
of foreign millinery art and a multi
tude of Ideal homo conceptions, will
lend a brilliant coloring to this Im
portant annual event. The ladles of
Omaha and vicinity are cordially In
vited to attend.
variety of exclusive styles, includ
ing many Imported Pattern Hats, usu
ally told for 125.00 and over en salo
at Sl.!8 and $15.00.
$998 and $500
une mg bargain square ot silk finished moire
taffeta skirt patterns, Persian bordered
worth up to 1 choice at 30c for
entire pattern
Choice of ovor 500 styl
ish patterns, all designed
after the latest imported
and lino Ameri
can models, on
sale at
An immense assortment
of turbans, all hand made
and beautifully trimmed
with chiffon, maline,
vibbons and
flowers, on salo
at $8.9S
Great Special Sale
To mako our snrlnir nncnliir- tiii .,. ,
terestliuc lu tho ladles of Omah.t wo will
p ice on snlo .'l sultH. all slllt lined, utrlctly
all wool cheviots and would ho chcup at
JI..50, opeiilim' salo price
19. for Klnn and TlKht-Klttlnp Suits that"
urn reproductions of high prlco SultH, mado
of coyrrt nnd euctlnn elotlin, etc.; as Kood
as others advertise "worth J15.00," our prlco
$18.50 for form-lit toil and Klou Suits that
aid copied from lino Imported creations, In j M
all Ihn now cloths and styles of tho season: QtID Ell
others milts worth 5.00 thut aro 0111.311
no better-our lirlco HF0mW0m
our vrlco
U7M for Eton nnd Novelty Suits, excluslvo
styles, no two alike, eloso copies of ftno
Imported novelties, mostly manufacturers'
samples-you know what that meati(-all
silk 1 tied nnd actually worth J35.0O
our prlco
Also some elaborate sample suits
For $32-50. worth $45.00. For $39 OO worth $50.00.
For $45-00 worth $00.00
M.PS-New Sprliu; Jackets, handsomo novelty Kton Coats of broadcloths.
Children's frlmmed school
hats ad outing hats in a
great variety of
styles on sale
upwards from
The most complete array of flowors ovor
shown in Omaha and at special prices for this
opening sale.
Rosos, vlolots, poiinlcs, follnco all ijo In C mmJ QE
two lots at 15o anil IMo BSC QfilS &C
Jl.l-S-New SprliiB 'Jackets, htyllsh new linn In jaunty Ktons. llyTfronts
mle :rlco '" .. "" CIot"f', "" colors' "" sllk l'''ei-"lenlnff
VJ!ln ,t,0H'ume Skirts-tomorrow wo will show for our onetilnir siiln
' o h" XirV1!;!!' " 1Bklr,,H"1! 1 " ' "tnffeta nn .I brSSd-
op" nlnK salo price n a" "0HltlvL,y wor" P to J.C.W-
.0?-Mno Press Sk rts-Includel iu tills purchaso of line sample
were i about l ne silk nnd cloth fancy Skirts, nil this season's (
the aluo on tho cheapest Is JIG.OO-sprlm,- openlnt: Prlco
w'i,Fl!!? Rre!-,Mnt,,ln " A variety of materials nnd shapes
worth up to $7.50 opening salo
JJepraoaU tho Tar and Feather Tactics
of the Mob.
puildrn neviilaloii of Srntlmrnt In
1-uvor of Hie Krl!Klotm rnnntlc,
Who In ThntiKlit to lie
ItlKlit ut llrnrt.
tA Ualf-nnked boy ran throuRh tho streetB
ot Orotna ot midnight Wednesday Inet
BhoutltiK: "They aro burning my mother!
Tho mob has got hor!"
ThoBo who heard tho cry and saw tho
boy recosnUcd him as Ira PigR, young
eon ot Unila KIkr. a rollRlous fanatic and
founder of a creed nil his own. And then
thoy know that "public nentlment," so lonp
smoldering In the nelRhborhood, had nt last
cryntulllzed Into action. Thoy know that tho
ecnlor PIrrs were victims ot mob vlolonco.
KhoIIub has long been bitter against the
lenders of this cult, principally becauso
several women und left their homes to
dwell in thu houso of Flgg, It was asserted
that ho exerted an unholy Influence ovor
tha gentle sex. Somo snld he maintained
n barem, recruited from time to time from
tho households ot farmers In tho vicinity,
nnd that religion was but a cloak. These
reports, however, aro denied by all repu
table citizens nnd by nil who nro In a post,
tlon to know tho facts,
Tho Klggs are fanatics granted but the
moro charitable of their arbiters scout the
Idea of Immorality. They seo sights and
bear sounds not vouchsafed ordinary mor
tals. They receive messages from heaven.
They seo personal dovlls beelzcbubs in the
flesh and their religious rites aro noisy,
ungracoful and troublesome, hut falr-mlndsd
Judgns do not believe them to bo moved by
mnmmon, but swayed ulouo by the tenets of
their faith.
Ab to the motives which Impel women to
desort their husbands to live in Flgg's
houfc. reports aro conlllctlng. Somo say
they had become unbalanced mentally by
reason of his fetish creed; others assign un
entirely different reason. It la certain that
in one caso a woman sought an asylum with
KlgR's family because of unspeakable abuses
In her own home.
Four of tho flvo women who lived thern
aro members of ono household a mother
nnd her threo grown daughters.
Tho story of tho KIrr hazing, whcroln Inr
and feathers were freely used, was told In
tbo press last week and tho public Is fa
miliar with It. Slnco then thero has been
a decided rovulslon of local sentiment. Tho
KIrrs weru not popular in Orotna, but the
spectacle of a mob of fourteen mnsked men
draRglng u poor, frail womansickly, de- i
years and is ono of Its wealthiest citizens,
When he settled there ho purchased a 160
acro farm. Then tho railroad was built
through a part of his estate, tho town ot
Oretna was laid out and ho becamo a town
slto proprietor.
His present homo Is In many respects an
Ideal farm establishment. Surrounding n
large, two-story framo houso is a spacloun
lawn, embcJllshed with shrubbery and
shade trees and enclosed by a whito picket
fence. In the roar nro tho red barn and
outbuildings. There Is a granary with well
lllled bins, corncrlbs bulging with their yel
low troasure, n full haymow, ricks of
timothy nnd straw, htsldo which feed sleek
cattle, sheds sheltering farm machinery and,
nearer tho house, a great pile of stovo wood.
Kvcrything speaks of thrift, order and com
fort, Snvei tho house, not onei of tho build
ings is locked. Their owner ovldently has
faith ln humanity. Just west or tbo sum
mer kitchen la n "cyclone collar," and rest
ing upon shelves within this, tier upon tlor,
nre Jars of home-made, preserves peaches,
strawberries, grapes, gooseberries. The
door opening upon this storehouse of frulta
U not fastened. Two hundred yards awav
creplt and half blind down a flight of steps Is tho railroad track highway ot tho tramp
to pour hot tar upon hor is not edifying, Tho, and hobo.
Small Invoitori Spurn the Insignificant
Interest Etta Offered.
husband, 60 years old and In feeblo health.
had sheltered women not of his family, but
when tho mob choked nnd kicked him the
tide of public emotion turned backward and
loft them without mornl support.
Tho Flggs havo returned to their disman
tled homo and It Is not likely that they
will soon bo molested npaln. Thero thoy
will hold tbdr rellRlous sgrvlcin every Sun
day as formerly. Tho five women havo
Rone, but Mr. and Mrs. rigg say that It
they caro to return they will And a rcfugo
thero as before.
Louis KIrr, founder nf FlKRlsm. has
lived In what la now Oretna for slxtcm
Oretna, twenty-five miles southwest
of Omaha, la qulto a pretentious
llttlo village, boasting a ranyor nnd
city marshal nnd, If present indi
cations nro reliable, It may even asplro
to tho dignity of a town pump, It has nl
most n thousand inhabitants, a postofllce,
sovoral llttlo hotels and a hall wherein aro
held amateur theatricals.
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure tn my family
with wonderful results. It gives Immediate
relief, Is pleasant to take and Is truly tbo
dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Uarlgerlnk,
Ovorlscl, Mich. Digests what you eat. Can
not fail to cure.
Oninhn Citizens Prefer to I'ut Tlielr
SnvliiRn Into SrriirltlvK IlrliiKliiK
I.uritrr Ht'lurim IiiiNterii I'ur
chmiern Stand In WitltliiK,
The experiment with a popular bond issue
now being Indulged In by the city author
ities will probably provo an unqualified
failure. Tho bonds will bo offered for salo
on Monday nftornoon at 3 o'clock In denom
inations of $50 each, no purchaser being al
lowed to acqulro moro than ten bonds. Al
though tho advertisement of tho issuo has
been Inserted In tho newspapers since tho
first week In March, the city treas
urer has received only ono proposal, that
of T. E, Price, 2801 Ohio street, who de
sires to go tho limit and acqulro $500 worth
of tho bonds. As tho total issuo amounts
to $25,000, tho treasurer realizes that It Is
useless to attempt to dispose of It by popu
lar subscriptions. Tho Issue la regarded as
a stock of stalo goods,
Tho bonds with which the experiment is
being made aro for paving street intersec
tions not taxable to adjoining property and
were voted ln November, 1S9S. They havo
not previously been disposed of as no need
has existed for the funds. In tho original
bond ordinance thero was no provision that
tho lesuo should bo restricted to denomi
nations of $50. That scheme was only con
reived ono month ago by Councilman lj
beck, who embodied It In an ordinance. It
was his Idea that the common people should
bo given an opportunity to Invest their
small savings in gllt-edgo securities. At
tho samo time ho argued that tho money
would bo kept at homo rather than Riven
over to eastern capitalists.
n UiiNtern I'nrcliiinern Wuntcil.
With this purpose In mind no offort has
been mado to apprise eastern purchasers of
tho Issue. A number of them, however, who
havo sem the advertisement In Omaha
papers havo sent inquiries to tho treasurer.
Theso outsldo applicants, howovcr, havo
been given no encouragement. It will now
probably bo necessary to declnro tho popular
Issuo a talluro in this Instance, nnd to dls
poso of tho city's obligations through tho
ordinary channels.
Tho causo ot tho plan's lack of success
camo about through no imworthlneju of tho
Idea, but nlmply owing to tho low rate of
Intorout offered. Tho bonds aro to run for
twenty years nnd will draw 314 per cent.
Citizens with small capital to Invest, how
over, aro ablo to purchaso city warrants
which draw 7 per cent, or to put their sav
ings into various other safo channels wbero
thoy will bo much moro productive. Mr.
Prlco, tho solitary subscriber, sayn that ho
fully realizes that tho Interest rata Is too
low, but bollcvcw in tho Idea nnd wlBhru to
seo It succeed.
Eastern brokers, on tbo other hand, with
large amounts ln their hands for invest
ment, consider 314 per cent an ample rate
for such gilt-edged securities as Omaha
Ixinds nro known to bo, Thoro is invariably
a keon competition among the subscribers
nnd a substantial premium Is gonerally se
cured. A similar popular Ifbiio In the amount of
$05,000 for sewer bonds was attempted In
1S!M, A small rato of Interest was proposed
on that occasion also and tho plan was a
"Tho Instance of that failure and tho pres.
cut one," Bald a city oltlclal yesterday,
"may be taken as an Indication of what tho
outoomo would bo if one-third of the water
works lKinds were Ibsued In small denominations."
M. II. Smith, nutternut, Mich., says, "Do
Wltt's Llttlo Early Hlsers aro the very best
pills I over used for costlvencss, liver and
bowel troubles,"
humor to an otherwise grave situation. It
la reported that a smilo was noticed to play
over tho features of tho maskol highway
man being discernible oven through the
mask and ho passed by tho porter's victim
without further disturbing him.
otrn of (lie Courl.
Tho milcd Stutes rlrcult rlerk hns re
ceived from tho court of appeals nt fit.
Louis mandates In threo eases where tho
Judgment of Judge Munger Is alllrmed. Thu
llrst ense Is that of Amanda Knyder against,
tho city of Lincoln, wherein I ho plaintiff
wuh awarded a Judgment of J.1.1K. Tho city
nf Lincoln luxes ItH uppeul In the hccnmt
caso also, being required tn pny Driiclila
t A. Htuddurd tho sum of W.VX on a Judg
ment secured by her. In tho third cuco
tho city nf Dcntrlco loses Its appeal, being
required to pay tho Northwestern Mutual
Life Insurance) company thn Hum of $3,011. W
on n Judgment secured In tho circuit court
lu this city.
Witty KxeiiMF tllii ly I'mnpiiKer on
Truln Mint Wna Held Ui Saved
Him IIU VmIiiiiIiIcn.
Tho recent hold-up of tho Kansas City
train on tho Ilurllngton was productlvo of
a rare bit of humor at tho expenso of tho
oft-abused sleeping car portor. It is said,
too, that tho lone robber who accomplished
tho hold-up appreciated tho bit of levity do
much that tho author was pormltted to go
unmolested and his wit and presenco uf I
mind were of more service to him In that i
caso than was tho position of president of ,
tho Union Pacific to II. (). Hurl, who was
relieved of nil his possessions.
A man, slightly inebriated, boarded the
train nt Nebraska City and had a ticket for ,
Kansas City. Ho had retired to his berth !
somo tlmo beforo tho robber put In an ap
pearance. When tho bandit reached tho
berth In which this man was soundly sleep-,
Ing he roughly shook him and demanded 1
that ho "wako up nnd dig up."
"Whash th' matter," sleepily Inquired the 1
1 - ...!. Ill . . l . 1 ,
uan-ici, nuu nm urn upiirncmio mm uo was - nnnrniipli It ill nllli'lnnev
tho victim of a hold.uti. carl PIrlCtl It- HI CIHCICIlCy,
"Never mind what's the matter," replied
tho robber. "Oct up here and shell out
what money you'vo got,"
"Ain't got any money left. The porter
was hero Just a few minutes ago."
This colloquy was hoard by tho other pas
8ougeru In tha sleeper and added a llttlo
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
J turtlllelully digests tlin food nnd n!d3
Nuturu in btrcntlionliiK nnd recon
structing tlio exhausted dlgcstlvo or
KiiiiH. H Ih tlio latest dlHCOvcred dlgcsL
untnnd tonic. No other nrcnanttioa
! r:in nnnrnnr'.li It. ill nllliMPimv. It. In.
ptnntly relieves nnd permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flntulonco, Sour ytomach, Nausea,
Kick Hcadacho.GasLialglii, Cramps and
nllotherresultsof linporfectdlgestlon.
PrlroJOc.and II. Largo tdzocontnlnsSU timet
small size. Hook nil nlxjutJ vlep!ilu mulled free
Prepared by & C. De'VPTACO., Chldojjo