Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1900, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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Bass Ball Enthusiasm Increases as the
Bcason Draws Near.
Bciipflt (iniiii with OrluliiuU April
Will lip I'lillinn-il Uy Heveritl Hx
li I hit I tin Co n t cm Im I. v II I
llllHC llllll (illNMlp.
In less than two week the Initial gamo
of tho base ball season In this city will bo
played, and tho fans lire looklnK forward to
tho event with nn Interest that preiagea
well for tho success of tho great national
game In thla city throughout the entire year.
April 7 tho drat game In carded, and at that
time Omaha people will 'have an opportunity
to bIzo up tho men who are going to rep
resent thla city in professional circles dur
ing tho summer. Tho Initial content has
been announced as a "benefit" game, In that
all of tho funds received from tho salo of
tickets will bo dovoted to perfecting and
etrcngthcnlng tho local organization. Tho
contenting team will bo tho Omaha Went
orn league- team and the Omaha Originate,
tic latter tmm having generously consented
to participate In tho exhibition without any
remuneration whatever.
'.Managcr Krlth and Ilourke hnve, In con
nection with numerous other duties, devoted
much of their tlmo during tho last week to
tho advanco uilo of tickets for this first ex
hibition and havo met with such ready re
eponso nuil encouragement that they ure
even morn pleased with tho outlook for the
cntlro HCflfon than they havo been nt any
tltno. "It Is certainly gratifying to us,"
said i.Mauagcr Keith, ''to notu tho hearty
manner, with, which' Oniaba people arc.
arousing" themselves to Interest In our local
club. (Iiaso ball' enthusiasm In this city
was nevtr bo apparent. Of course, there arc
lots of fans here, and wo expected thnt
they would bo overjoyed nt tho rehabilita
tion of professional ball tigaln, but what
striken us .more forcibly is the Interest dis
played by men. "who hcretoforo have never
paid any partlculnr attention to tho game.
There; already seems to 'bo an Intense do
slro that we land tho Western league pen
nant for Omaha and wo are going to do It
or know tho reason why.
i nuriiium tins rcmarKablo Interest on
tho rurt of Omaha people to tho fact thut
wo hav'o net had professional baw ball for
a coupln of yearn. Tho people want flomo
amusement for tho summer afternoons.
Again, tlio business nnd commercial men
who taki nn Interest In Omaha's wulfaro
havo been 'brought to u realization of the
fact that our city Is lolng a good deal of
advertising by not having a ball team, which
has boon enjoyed by Kanwa City and other
towns not n whit botttr than thU city."
the University of Nebraska for three I foaled Kddle Connolly In a fourteon-round 'years I have travoled constantly nnd have
rs, will In nil probability be the team's ' fight nt Urooklyn Monday night. Tito match had regular engagements." When nsked for
of the games playod and lost twenty-two.
Last year games were played In Nebraska,
Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio,
Pennsylvania and New York and out of a
total of 143 games tho Indians wcro vie-
tnrlniia tn 10ft
Minneapolis will be In thla city nnd play a position ho occupied witn credit tor tnreu teentn uonnouy was wunoui sirengm 10 untloi:s In childhood, I agree that there
n gamo with tho locals April 21. Tho years at Lincoln. A third contribution from strlko a boxer's nttltudo and his condition s much to bo gained by physical culture.
Omaha management has games with other tho University of Nebraskn Is Tom Moore, was so pitiful that tho referee called the j nm certain that It has helped mo wonder- I
7. .... l. a 1 . I a , n Vi r n tn it the Vn. 1rt. t. ,1 nnttn MntltlMll'B f h tt ,1rMllnn ...,.. ...... .. . ... . . t- .
teams. Including n couplo or American " s .i"i .un;"ci ,vi Uc "" s " ............ n mny. i iiuiik mo i oiorauo ciimaie. orougiu
choice for captain, although no formal was scheduled to go twenty-five rounds, his Ideas of physical culture, Mr. I'rotopapas
action has ns yet been taken. Another but Matthews was clearly In the lead from said:
Stato university veteran, Donedlct, will hold tho start and put his opponent "on tho "Whllo I nm of tho belief that 1 was brrn
down second base for the aesoclatlon team, toboggan" early In the game. In the four- to be a strong man In eplto of adverse In
lcaguo clubs, In prospect. Just when the !ty for three years
Western lcaguo season will bo started has Infield.
He will play on tho
not yet been determined. A meeting of
tho magnates has been cnlled for this city
next Tuesday, when tho vexing schedule
problem will undoubtedly bo settled.
Field Manager Ilourko Is taking a breath-
Thcro are four men on the team who se-
me to tho turning point and that athletic
C-us Huhlln Is assuming some prominence cxw.cg0 n0l)B scientllle principles gavo mc
In heavyweight Circles Just now by tllO ,lPVplmmiiit tl L tin! i.n.all.ln for nvh-vnni
cured their expcrlenco nt the University scorning sincere desire to meet nny of tho to i,cco,0 ns gtronR i, yct by proper
of Michigan. Frank Crawford, who will topnotchers. Ituhlln la looked upon ns be- -rr..a nn.i -rnr..i ti,n in nmurn.
officiate behind tho bat, was captain during lng one of tho "comers" In heavyweight laj, j b,ove n wonderful change may bo
one season at ,nn Arbor. Henry Clarke, circles If, Indeed, he has not already reached wrollRhl n nMyonCi )10 llmttcr h0tt. woaki
tne nasociaiion s pucner. nas puijuj wim iuv pwui iiu uv u u.u "As a starter I would sav let Honor alone.
Field Manager itourKO is lamng a Dream . - . . . - . , ... ... ..... - i, , iniT i wuuiu sax ' mum-.
lng spcl Just now, as he has his team about Jho Cleveland league team, In addition to leaders. Less than two years ago he met stronger drinks. A
' '. , ..L..Li. , i. .mi n.ff.,Hr,tinff hlo experience at Michigan. Lyslo Abbott, Joe Ooddard and Joe Choynskl In Phlladcl- .... f hM, ,." ,vnr. ,hlin
wd h two or threo topnotchers whom he nt baseman was a well known Michigan phia less than a month s time intervening
Ks Vnal rn.? tKi he j $UT& X! thS'.fi S'a fe Z , K. J should never .
Si' UZIZ, I-jj5-hr,h?,M 5tt Lm'.' lffiWr..'ht .r.f '-perate subject. I
are expected on tho ground the first of tho' " ' ' D,...,.... . , in.. would ndvlto him to bea n nrncticc with
ICIl Hem, nun imijvii uu .n.-i.fc
month: Catchers, Ed Lnuzon, Thomas
Hess. William McCnusland; pitchers, H. V
Hurrcll, Hay I'ottcr, Tom Hughes Harry
. ,. i. . i i.i... i
.Newmeycr, lA-uore, urm uusc, uumi
Hcbsman; second base, Jack O'Connell;
third base, James Hoy; outfielders, Mel
Cooley, Speck Hurlburt, William Haer and
Ilert Dunn.
It Is expected that there will be nbout
eight pitchers on hand for trial, of whom
nbout threo will bo chosen. If I.cOorc
shows up In anything like tho form ho was
Originals, and Anderson played last year
with the Young Men's Christian association
nixiipiMilnliiM'iit Over CuIIIiik Off iif
NlinrUf) FltxRliiiiiHiiiM .11 ii tell
il)Hlp Allllllt t'llllllllllOIIN.
Cn.irllncr mnn na n 17pnnr.ll plus. WhOSO
In when Jack Crooks saw him ho Is certain , ,...,,.. . .,-,, fleht la aroused by
of n place In the box. He is n southpaw f mon , lhep ailmlrnton for tho sport
whom Crooks considers tho peer of em all an(J fl ,t)crensc(, or clBelnyi according to
ami wiui n muo . V"; h, Vn tho Importance of the prcspcctlivo fighters.
ncctcd to be a winner. Hughes ought to
have no difficulty In earning a placo on
tho slab, as ho was looked upon ns one
of tho very best twlrlcrs In tho Chlcngo
City league. Hostile the othera nlready
signed Ilourke has three moro pitchers in
mind with whom he expects to close con
tracts beforo tho month ends and from this
aggregation ho believes ho will be nblo to
select n force of slab artists thnt will place
nil others In tho "two-spot" category.
l'tobably no city has been so completely
loft out In tho cold Jn the turn base ball
affairs havo recently taken ns Louisville.
,Oropped from the Nailonnl lcaguo, Its
entreaties to be given a berth In the Amer
ican leaguo havo fallen upon deaf cars, nnd It
looks now ns though tho dycil-in-me-wooi
nro moro than disappointed In the declar
lng off of tho Sharkoy-Fltzslmmons fight
To tho majority of sporting men tho rcnaon
Thu. fr h hm wn iinnblo to comnleto two-pound dumbbells, making nbout eight
arrangements and to give expression to his movements each morning. The prospective
wrath and wounded spirit he rushed Into strong man should get out of bed between
print last week with tho following stnto- tho hours of f and 7 In the morning nnd
Ujcni: all exercise should bo taken Immediately
"Sharkey's first response 'to Iluhlln's after arising. Tho weight of tho dumb-
clmllcngo looked to me as though tho sailor bells and tho length of time, devoted to
had finally picked up nerve enough to meet their use should bo gradually Increased.
Ituhlln. liut I sco I was mistaken, as his The inclination of the person under tinlulng
manager, Tom O'Hourke, now says Huhlln will bo n good guide to that. 1 would also
will have to wait. It's tiresome. The so-1 ndvlso various kinds of muscle movements,
called topnotchers think Huhlln Is n soft mich ns lying Hat on one's back nnd swing-
mark. Then why don't they fight him? They , i,g the nrms, elevating tho legs without
i s t ,wit tlilfirrti SSIinrtfiiV 1 1 , t .. i i .... .,..t.
uuuuiuk mem u uu hu uii. 4111 bviuii l'aii
else Is good. Walking Is also Imneflclnl .
walk beforo breakfast being preferable. The
arc all looklim for easy things. Sharkey
fought Jim Cormlck of Texas tho other
night and Is matched with Stockings Con
roy, whom Huhlln bent In seven rounds.
Fltzslmmons made a match with Maher
last week nnd McCoy recently fought Jack
for audi action is altogether a mystery. It McCormlck. I honestly think the gentle
seemed that tho go between Slurkry and
Fltzslmmons was u certainty nnd admirers
of tho two lighters wero nlready beginning
to line themselves up on tho side of their
favorllto nnd ninko predictions on tho out
come. Hut now It's all off and the disap
pointment U keen.
It Is to be hoped thnt whatever the reason
that prevented tho closing of tho contract
It may bo overcome and tho match ar
ranged. Certainly no match outside, of
championship society could bo made at thla
tltno that would arouso moro genuine ln
i,rnat. limn niio between these two prom-
,.,w,ioru in iho fair southern city will hnvolineni llcurta In tho prlzo ring. Whatever
to get their fill of baso ball this year from COursn of reasoning ono may pursue in uu
tho corner lot product. And still the Lou
tsvlllo magnates are making strenuous
efforts to get a transfer of either tho Min
neapolis or Kansas City franchises to that
city. This will bo of Interest to Western
leaguers for the reason that should such a
turn of affairs take place there would bo
a strong probability of tho city so losing
Its franchise to make a bid for entry Into
President Hlckcy's new organization. Dis
cussing this matter Colonel Whiteside, who
Is In charge of Loulsylllo affairs, says:
"Whllo we have not yct succeeded In get
ting a club, wo arc still hoping for tho best
and mny bo accorded a franchise. Saulpaugh
was not nblo to sell us the MlnnonpollH club,
i.onmiHH ho was only the club's receiver, and
such a sale would necessitate n process of
Thuro will be any number of happenings
In April to keep tho Interest of the fans
allvo and make the. days lly by with a rapid
ity that will guard against any flagging of 1 nw. which I fear would bo lengthy. How
enthusiasm. Tho men who have been signed 1 ever. I had a long talk with Saulpaugh and
to compose tho Omaha team will all bo , ho promised to find out what he could do
on nana oy .April l or und preparations nt onco nnd let us Know.
for th "benellt" gamo will occupy the suc
ceeding few days. Tho first week of April
will bo an Important ono for Managsr
'Han Johnson nnd ovory member of tho
(American loaguo wants Louisville In tho
circuit, and they are nil going to do their
'Itourko especially, for upon him will devolve best to get us In; but, frankly, tho chanca
tho reponslblllty of deciding tho merits of i a slim ono. Kansas City Is far nwny
tho varlnu- candidates for positions upon from tho other cities of tho circuit, nnd It
the team. This will not bo as dllllcult n Is possible thnt we might bo nblo to land
task as It might he, however, for tho reason that club on account of tho long railroad
that Hourko haH signed only men who Journoys to thnt city from other towns nnd
havt splendid recommendations for tho p- tho additional expense, but tho people of
slllons they nro expected to fill. Owing to Kuuhiis City nro very much In love with tho
tho fact that moro pitchers nnd catchoM game; their club finished 'second by a noHe'
Iinvo been signed than nny man content- last year and it will be pretty iiard to got
plated for tho other pasltlor.o, tho selection
of tho ones to occupy thrje two Important
placiH will bo tho vexing problem.
On the Monday following tho Initial gamo
on tho now homo grounds with tho Originals
tho Omaha team will go to Lincoln an.l
play a ferles of threo games with tho State
Unlvorslty nlnev which Is nftvv being coached
by Second Baseman O'Connell. Thcso games
will bo played Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day nnd will bo splendid preliminary prac
tice for both teams participating In tho con
tests. April 14 nnd 15- the Nebraska Indians,
with their pslnt nnd feathers, will Hwoop
down upon tho lads who havo been Imported
from tho effoto east by Manager Rourko
nnd glvo thein n tnsto of tho great national
gumn as played by tho modernized nbor
Iglncs. Thcne games will be of Interest,
not only becnuse of tho novelty of seeing
full-blooded rcdmcn cavort around a base
hall diamond, but for tho added reason that
tho Indians urct ri'putcd to bo apt pupils
In tho popular American gnmf. Tho team
which will croB'bats with tho locals on
this occiislon will bo composed entirely of
gcnulnii rcdmen from tho western plains
and reservations who nro, nttondlng nn In
dian school at Genoa. They carry their own
tents and means of subsistence with them
nnd live contentedly In their natlvo rtylc,
"Howovor. ns I said, there is a chanco
and I nm not tho sort to quit while there Is
nny chance on earth. If Saulpaugh finds
that ho Is ablo to eloso a deal for the salo
of tho 'Minneapolis club within a month ho
will let us know."
Fifteen of tho young men students at
Iloylcs' Commercial collcga have organized
ti baso ball club and all nro aspirants for
positions on tho team. In tho practice gamo
yestordny tho presence of some remarkably
clever material was shown nnd It will not
bo a difficult matter for Captain J. C. Coato
worth to select a first rato team. Ho will
assign tho men to their positions within a
few' days. "You may Issue a challengo for
our team," said Captain Coatsworth yestcr
day. "to nny schcol team In Omaha. Wo
would prefer to meet a club representing
ono of tho local commercial colleges
but wo aro open for all .comors In tho ama
teur clnsa. All of our players aro Omaha
boys, Several havo had experience on differ
ent fast amateur teams In tho city and wo
think wo havo a team that Is invincible."
The Young Men's Christian association
team has organized nnd will begin prac
tice work within a few days. The business
managor Is K. II. Sprague, who formerly
played with LoganBport In tho old Indiana
In ISPS tho Indian team won elgUty-ono league. Tom Crelgh, who played shortstop
We now display our new spring lino of
And quoto tho lowest prices In Omnlia.
U.-.o istlt) Model, Will.
World Bicycles
Orient lloitilnterH f.KI
World ItiiuilHtern. ... if 10 mill l?r.O
Other iiimv wlivrla from $lf "P.
Srcoiiillninil whet-In from if." up.
l.iirKett mill lii'M i-iiili)'il
Repair Shop
nt IciivokI iirli'eN.
H. JS. Fredriclzson.
'Phono 2161. 15th and Dodge.
men I have named aro afraid of Huhlln. 1
tee that Maher will bo unable to meet Fltz
nt Philadelphia owing to sickness. Huhlln
will gladly take Peter's place If Fltz la
II. .1. Sen ii noil I.imhIm the lliif for Uu
Trophy In HIUm CiiiiIi-nI
I'o lute I'm on the (iniiie.
air la purest of mornings. After the exer
cise I would ndvlso a cold bath with brisk
rubbing. Kxcrclao tdiould bo persisted In
regularly, but should not be too violent nt
first. As to eating I say let tho nppctlto
dictate. If I want fnt meat I cat It; If V
want lean meat I eat It. I am opposed to
medicine. I would say the samo nbout It
as I havo said about liquor."
matter It Is dllllcult to get away from the
Idea that there Is some hidden mennlng In
tho trnnwctloln which does not nppear on
ihn surface. If ono were to maKo a pre
diction as to tha probable hitch It should
bo remembered that there wns a contro
versy between Julian and O'Rourke, tho
respectlvo managers of Fltzslmmons ami
Sharkey, as to ttio location oi uio num.
Each had a personal interest in ums pre
sented nnd it is likely that this Is tho
reason for tho calling oft ot tno maicn.
Proceeding on this theory a wen Kiionn
porting authority sizes up tne summon
us follows:
Tho knowing onc3 will smile and predict
that they sco tho flno Italian hand of Thomas
Francis O'Rourko throughout tne wnoio
transact Ion. In tho flist place It la n well
known fact that O'Rourko wns agalnut tho
making of tho match from tho start, and it
wus only tho dogged determination of Shar
key himself that forced O'Rourko to finally
yield and glvo his consent to tho consumma
tion of tho same. For somo reason oesi
known to himself tho great manager of llght-
cra did not enro to have the sailor meet the
ex-blacksmlth, nnd so told his charge Hut
nt that tlmo Sharkey would not listen to tho
advlco of his manngcr nnd persisted In going
on with tho ccntest. From nil accounts tho
long looked for locpholo made Its appear
ance, and tho cunning O'Rourko was not
slow in taking advantage of the Bame. He
must havo convinced Sharkey that It would
bo better to allow him (O'Rourke) to look
after his Interests as ho thought best and to
loavo It to his Judgment whether or not the
sailor wn to moet Fltz. There Is something
moro behind It than the flimsy excuse given
to tho public that the Westchester club was
too lato with Its certified check nnd that
tho contest really belonged to the Conoy
Island club. O'Rourke !s n man who does
not allow little obstacles llko that to pre
vent tho consummation of n mntch If ho
really dealrea It. Ho ha3 been at tho gamo
too long and knows tho Ins and outs too
well. Just how tho public will receive It re
mains to bn seen. Hero Is Fltzslmmons
presont and ready to make a match, nnd on
tho cthnr hand Sharkey Is absent and the
match falls through. Fltz, to nhow that ho
really desires a match, taken tho next best
man available. Kid McCoy, nnd Is now nr
ranging a contcot with him. Maybe O'Rourko
In content to wait a while longer before
placing his mnn-o'-wnr man In front cf tho
red-topped Australian, for surely ns the
years go by tho o.x-champlon Is getting no
better. Wo must bide our tlmo and await
Tho Elks" whist contest, which has been
In progress during the winter, Is drawing to
a close and tho pcwlblo winners arc now
husbaudlnc their enerKy for a llnal spurt.
Tho tctal scorcj recorded last week were j
as follows: i
15. J. Scnnnell 227 Jnmcs Almcow.... 1!'9 I
nus Henize 223 - MnggR IK)
M. II. Ludreur.... ill Guy Hllz
Dr. II. ('. Sumney. 10. U. O. Touznlln.
(lniTit llulHlirer 'JOT A. II. ComMock
. ZW.G. A. SclioeimiCK.. JJ
. 205 H. L. Jenkins 197
John Kervnn ui
Mr?'. O. M. Sliltcds v."'
font I iiiiiiiim Pool .Mnleli.
Fred Peyton of this city and A.
n. C. 'Mills of Jacksonville, Tenn., will play
100 points continuous pool Monday and
Tuesday evenings, Peyton conceding to
Mills 200 points start. Tho match Is for
L. W. Sehclbel
II. U. Wheeler
John K4th
II. L. ltucker.
S. l.nrkln
W. II. Nelson..
w. R. Foster
19) ;
J. P. White
' I. AllbOll..
202A. II. ni'KgH..
W. It. Taylor 201 1 Ccekrell.
(loorge S. N'uHon.. 20! O'ltrlen
corgo r. .Morse.. -Ul j;. it. uuine
uy LeggMt 201,(Joodley Hrucker.
F. A. Owtf.e 201 W. W. Co'e
decree 1. Cronk.. 2(ii Frank L. Hrown
George K. Abbott.. M
In the Rochester Post-Express Is given a
and, which was played by Mr. Hen Shire.
In which ho secures one or two more tricks
ban tho onlinnry play of the hand would
bring by opening from a suit of queen, one
n preference to n suit of ace, king, queen
and nnother. Tho surprising fact that n
gain wns made by such a load from such a
hand Is brought nbout by tho fact that his
partner holds tho entire suit, of which he
eads short nnd returns trumps once, Ink
ing out tho only ono at tho left of tho orig
inal leader, and ono of Mr. Shire's op
ponents sitting west obligingly nllowa hlm-
elt to bo overtrumped by that gentleman
down to tho last card, reserving tho master
trump until thoro are no, others left.
The Post-Express in Its comments say.?
that Mr. Shire's opening was In accordance
with common senso principles. H Is cor-
tnln that while Mr. Uen Shire may make
such openings In his lighter moments, ho
would never do so In n sorlous matcli, nor
would such play ever win tho approval of
Champlcn Jim Jeffrlen hai returned from a
visit to Catallna Island, where ho ha3 been
In training with his "brother, Tommy Ryan
nnd Luko Kelly. Ho Is now In San Fran
Cisco nnd will o:on leavo for Asbury Park,
N'. J., -whero his training quarters for his
fight with Corbett will bo located. Enrouto
to the east Jeffries will stop oft In Chicago
and glvo an exhibition of his prowess, tak
lng on threo heavyweights In ono evening.
Jack ilcCcrmlck, tho Philadelphia heavy
weight who knocked out "Kid " McCoy In
Chlcngo last fall, nnd Jim names of Chl
cngo will probnhly bo two of tho trio who
will face tho champion. April fi Jeffries
will give a ten-round exhibition In Detroit,
nnd It Is possible that Joo Choynskl will
meet him nt that time. Upon his return
from Catallna island Champion Jim had tho
following to say relative to his forthcoming
fight with Corbett nnd regarding his position
In tho fighting world;
"I shall glvo Corbett tho best I possess
and tho gamo won t last over ten rounds.
I am doing nil In my power to stop this
Idle twaddlo of any misunderstanding bo
tween us. It Is unjust, as I shall dofend
my championship tltlo to tho best of my
"I nm open to n challenge from nny mnn
In my clasB. I will meet Sharkey for any
reasonable purse nnd nt any convenient
date nftor my next battle. Sharkey doesn't
want to meet Fltzslmmons. Ho has not
forgotten tho drubbing I gave him."
Now open for bunlncits In
High Grade Bicycles.
The Cleveland,
The America
The Crown
Popular Priced Bicycles
Tho Cleveland Is tho lightest ehulnless bleynle mnde, the America hlryclo has tho
nfaS fts $wr&&rrS$; tmz
mi""fuA bh vcles that are sold for Vm and J76, not
only L- tho manufacture rs. hut by ourseU es.
Wo offer the 1WW Curnlval bicycle, with uil
nntefsl tlri-n. adjustable handlo bars ami pnilde
enamel frame, regular CO days guar-
d nduie, wi'H muiai naso, lor io.j.
AYs'ThVe "r" Sager or Hunt Sad le. ' t V onulno HaldVln halnnnd Record pedals,
& wycufriTiwtftlSir but llwt-class Uleydw. Walt for our prices on sundries.
Terry McGovcn, who has been diapering
sn nnsllv of all asnlrants for feathcrwclcht
81 ! championship honors since his defeat of
1 Oeorge Dixon, has decided thai ho has out
CI Krown tho bantam weight and has con
ferrcd tho championship In that class upon
Danny Dougherty. This tltlo was given
Dougherty becuuso of bis success In knock
ing out Stcvo Flonlgan In tholr recent bout
This proceeding, It Is asserted by Eomo
sporting experts, was unnecessary, becauso
Dougherty won tho tltlo by virtue of defeat
ing Flnnlgan, who was previously entitled
to tho championship after the retirement ot
Jimmy Harry from tho ring. However, he
has tho tltlo good and solid now, stneo It
has rovorted to him by McOovcrn's bequest
and Flanlgan's defeat.
llenny Yanger. tho bantam weight who do
feated Harry Forbes, Is nlso said to bs con
sldering putting In a claim for the- bantam
weight championship title alnco Its abandon
ment by McOovorn. Ynnger, however, Is a
Uttlo lato now, and his only means of
gaining tho title U by defeating Dougherty.
A match between tho two llttlo fellow-
would undoubtedly ho an event ot consld
arable Interest, nnd Is likely to ba arranged
since Yanger Is In tho field with plenty ot
financial backing prepared to meet nny man
In the country nt 111 pounds.
Tho third congrcrd of the Woman's Whist
encuo will bo no u in ueii-ou in urn
Cadillac hotel nbout April 20 and May 1,
3 nnd 1. Tho first congress was hold in
Philadelphia In April, 1893.' and tho second
nt Wnshlngton, 1899. Tho meeting will ue
prefaced by n reception tendered to mo
president. Mrs. Clarence Hrown, nnd the
cx-prcsldents, Mrs. Holllngsworth Andrews
and Mrs. Joseph Hawley, on Monday even
ing, after which there will bo an extended
schedule of events.
MclioliiM i. l'mliipiuin UxiiIiiIiih Hint
the Wenli Mny lleeome
Nicholas G. I'rotopapas, the Grecian strong
man who attracted so much attention at
tho Orphoum last week, .says It Is exercise,
temporanco anil abstlncneo from medicine
thnt make weak men strong. Mr. rrotopapas
presents tho anomaly of n Hercules, who
wns onco a weakling, kicked and cuffed nbout
the streets by other boys.
"I was born In Sparta, Greece, twenty-five
years bko." said tho strong mnn, "and until
I wns 12 years of ngo I was practically an
Invalid. I was reputed to bo the smallest
and most weakly boy In tho town and on
several occasions tho doctors said I had
only a fow weeks to live. Just after turu
lng Into my 13th year I began to grow home
what stronger. About that tlmo ono of my
brothers wns leaving Greece for America
I had been knocked nround by boys stronger
than mysolf until my mottlo was aroused
and I determined to go with him.
"I went 'to Denver, whero I remained a
year, rno uocKy mountain ciimnto gavo
mo my first start toward strength. Whllo
there my nttentlon was attracted to lifting
machines such as nro seen In public houses.
Gradually I becamo proficient tn registering
big lifts and I grow nt n remnrKablo rate.
After n year In Denver I went to Chicago
and dovoted nil my spare tlmo to athletic
training. Leaving Chicago, I toured tho
country rind took part In several boxing
bouts. I nevor did llko tho prlzo ring, how
ever, and finally, when In iinltlmnro nt a
circus, I struck tho keynote- to my futurn
occupation. I watched Ibo wonderful feats
ot a strong man who called himself Samson
My companions, knowing of my strength
bantered mo to accept SamBon's offer of
$100 for any on 3 who could dupllcnto his
work. I waa finally Induced In a. spirit of
Jest to make an attempt. To my own stir
prlao I lifted n ISO-pound dumbbell with
one hand and held It aloft. I did It with
perfect ease. Samsoji was deeply diagrlnod
and I was correspondingly elated. I de
termined that very moment to forsake tho
prlzo ring and inako a living by exhibiting
my strength.
"Too wonderful Sandow camo to Chi
cago and it wns there that I witnessed hi
performance. I said to mysolf; What that
man can do, I can do.' I announced to my
frlemda that I would prove his equal. With
In the next six months I had triumphed
had really equnled all the feats performed
by Sandow. Since that time I havo kept
ovorlastlugly at It, nnd for tho last tw
For the secotid time within a year Matty
Matthews, the Brooklyn lightweight, do-
Hsiiima, fjmrk rnff
BroRdilils, VpBgv SoieTbioat,
Couglis, 325 Hoarseness.
In boxes only Never sold In bulk,
Neb. Cycle Co.,
Cor. 15th ami Harney.
Columbia Ghainless
1899 model $60.00
1900 model 75.00
Rambler and Stearns 40.00 I
m i i rn nn I
woii-Amencan ou.uu
Reliance 30.00
League 25,00
Columbia $20 wheel now 13.50
Good, serviceable second-hand la
dles' and gents' Wheels, from $5.00 to
Wo havo 200 Whecl3 In stock . so It
will pay you to call beforo buying.
If you think of buying a Sewing
Mnchlne SKI3 I'S.
It makes no difference what mako
of mnchlno you want SHE US.
You may want a Dnvls Hall Hearing
or Singer, a Standard or Domestic, or
a cheap machlno for $10.00.
No difference which, wo can sell you
and save you money SEK I'S.
Wo havo no agents, wo pay no com
missions, so YOU will havo to SHE
Wo rent machines for 75c per week.
Wo repair and sell parts for every
mako of machlno manufactured.
Monday wo will sell our scconi-hand
sewing machines for one-half of our
regular prices. Somo will bo sold ns
low as $1.00.
Geo. E, Mickel, Manager,
I'liuuc JIKJ.i.
Pennyroyal pills
"wtt2v In I1FII nt tiolrf mntllio baici Ml.l
Vi l!
fjj linn, lioy M jour I'ruggtit. of tfni 4r. m
iwnp iur f-iinicHiar. inunsiiii,
01 "Iti'llcr rrl..!lr,"ml.llr,br r,.
turn Mull. lll.OIIII TrlimAHlftll. BoU tT
til Uruifltl. ('hlchrttrr CIimiI, al )..
Mention Ibll pifr iludltoa Manure. I'll 1 1. A.. I' if
iim'in SAMiAMVoon twrsi i,i:s.
Cures Gonorrhoea, (lleot. unnatural dis
charges In a few days. All druggists, ncrnpt
only Docutn, ly mall $1.B0, full directions.
DlcK it to., li. C'entro bt., .ew orK.
Wl.rtt Klpi'lrlolt fnlln lit ciiri.
Miii't. iipillelne ftilln to -u re, M
to tin' Stiitp lllcclro-.M.-illcnl lu
Mlltuti' nuil r( In Kli't'trlciil nuil
.Mi'illrnl SiicHiiIIbIn vrmc tu joii
Unit Uy llu-lr iiiiiIiIiiimI I'lri'lro-ini-illi'iil
trcuttiH'iit tlii'j en ii imi re
joii Mlicu nil clir linn fnllril.
Specialists for Diseases of
To the ailing nuil a HI let oil
womlerful medical and
electrical specialists elcslic to
talk . ilTcy want to talk to
them at the Statu Electr-iMcdj-caTlnstitutu.
tHOM Farnitin St.,
near' 'I lifrtecnth street, thu only
I Klectro-.Medlcal Institute in Ne-
hraslta, recognized by law ana
medical profession. They want
to explain their niodu of treat
ment tonll who are allilctcd.
'1 hey want to onru them, to give
them health, joy and happiness
and lonu Hie. Call on them to
day for consultation, it nitty
save your life.
Among the many diseases In
which the Specialist of the
State Kluctro-Mcdical Institute
(UAKANTUK a cure, by their
combined Kloetro. Medical treat
ment, arc the following: '
Nervous Debility
Sexual Weakness.
Atrophied Organs,
Gleet, Gonorrhoea,
Stricture, Syphilis,
Rupture, Catarrh,
diseases of the
Head, Throat,
Lungs, Kidneys,
Liver, Bladder,
Stomach, Rectum,
Female Diseases.
ed. Satisfactory results Ot'AKAN'TURO In every Instance. Call and ex
amine KltlilC OK CI I A It UK, or write for further particulars before purchasing.
MrkiYio TVoatmcm't' WP lmvo i,erf''t't0'1 tMe "iru,t complete
niHIlt? I ICallllClll Fystem of mall treatment ever used by
any institute or specialist. Hy mean of It wo are able to effect cures at a dis
tance us itilekly anil permanently ns though tho patient was here. All corre
spondence strictly loulldentlal. WIIIT15 today for an honest opinion of your case
nUlCl CllbCOi Iiusinoss Men of Oranlm U I HUB llUUlO Sundays 10 to 1
Pormaucntl) Locaatcd, 11108 I'arnain St., Near l!Uh. Omaha. Neb-
S5.00 to $10
Wo can savo you at loast from $5 to $10 on a bicycle.
We aro selling such wheels as Hie Racycle and
Spalding for $35, the Manson for $32. Others
would ask you not less than $-10 for the same grade of
wheels. We hive a few '99 model Mausous we aro of
fering for $27. Our $25 wheel is equal to any selling
for $30 or 35. Other new wheels from $15 to 820.
2nd hand wheels, $5, $8 and $10.
Tirea $2.25 and $2.50.
Ohainless wheels, $130.
Cor, 16th and Chicago Sts,
Ed, T. Heyden, Mgr.
What Can You Do
If you not a poor Cigar? You can't toll until you smoko
it how rood It iw, nnd after you'vo Imrnurt your monoy
you can't Rot it buck. "THE STOECKER" Is tho
natno of aii-ccnt cigar that's good all good anil always
will bo Rood, HolU by nil ilciUers nnd at uur two utoros
1404 Douglas and 221 South IQthStroot.
Happy, Healthy and Vigorous
You may bocomo If you will quit ilrufiRtnK yoursolf anil properly apply KI.KCTItK'ITV. UI'B, which ban lost all Its ttrac
Hons, may bo mado bright ami new MAHITAIj 8THKNGT1I, VITALITY AND MANHOOD may again bo you re by commencing
treitment with
Yqu do not have to wait Hevernl weeks beforo you notice mi Improvement In your
cane. Just aa" noon as you commenco wearing my licit you will feel that now llfo Is
being Instilled In your body . .
I have worn your Holt as directed aiul am a better man
now than I was 10 years no, in strength ami in weight.
DLECTHODUS that positively cannot and will not I1UHN nnd IlLISTBIt tho pallent, as
do tho UAHK M12TAL (frying pan) KLKCTRODKS used on all other Helta.
I guaranteo to euro Varicocele, Lost Manhood, Seminal Weakness; restor
Shrunken or Undevelopel Tarts, restore Vitality, euro Rheumatism In any form,
Kidney, Liver and Illaddcr Troubles, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Female Complaints,
etc, And DR. IIHNNBTT'S RLKCTRICAL HtJ.Hl'KNHORY KHKH to ovory male pur
dinner of ono of ny Delta. Tho DOCTOR Is always personally In attendance and gives
each enso his Individual attention. Call upon or write him sacredly confidential net
Symptom Ulanks, Hooks and Lltcraturo KHKH. Tho DOCTOR will advlso you and tell
you all about your cane, whether you buy a belt or not, TIiIh Holt has removable zincs
and can bo renewed at any tlmo for 7fi cents, No othor belt can bo renewed at any
price warranted ono year ropalrcd free. Always address
Rooms 18 to 21, DouglaK Blocu, opp. Iluyilen's, Cor. Kith anil Dotlgu Sts., Omaha, Neb.
OPPICK HOURS-Prom 81HO a. in. to 8:30 p. m. Sundays-10:110 a. tn. to 1 p. m.