'J.1 HE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MARCH 2,,, 1000. 11 SPEGIALJOJIGES AdvcrtlniTiiiontn for tiieu columns Trill lie t alien until 1- ut. for (lie rtrnljiK nllllo)" ami until SUM p. tn. for inoriilnu mill Sunday edition. tnti, 1 l-le, u word flrnt timertloni ic n. word tlierenfler. NotliltiR taken for loss III 11 II U."Jc for the 11 r Inner tl cm. '1'lifNf nilvcrtUcmuiitN iniiitt lie run i'iiii-:iit U i-ly. Advertisers, by rciiui'HtliiK n nnm licrcd i)lirvlt unit luivc iiiuititii nil-itrcnNt-il to n nuiiibitrcil letter In onre of The llee.y Aimvrors o addressed tvlll lr delivered on iiresentiitlon ol tlie check only. WAN TED S I T UATION S. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want on please call up the Remington typewriter olllce, 1C19 Farnam st., tolephone 1S73. A-133 GERMAN getltldmort wishes Ifislde work, C 2, Heo. A-90V-22 SITUATION wanted, ns engineer nnd fire man by u young manjean glvo good ref erences. Address Box 200. Milton. In. A-M217 26 LADY bookkeeper wishes position nt rea sonable salary. C 31 lit. A M228 21 . WANTED MAI.B HELP. WANTED: Wo liitvo steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits -and uppeor- ance. C. F. AUamB CO., 1013 Howard si. D-131 WANTED, mnnnger nnd.iiKorv.ffl; salary or commission: cheapest and largest line. Hunter Tallorlnc nnd Shirt Co., Cincin nati. Ohio. ll-MHO A7 3 picture agents; expenses paid, j'Jf)1' gh' SOLICITOR wanted, n reliable, hustling salesman for tnllor-made suits and trous. ers: salary or . commission. Twin City Tailoring Co.,' 1609 Farnam. u M549 SALESMEN to sell otllco specialties: lino sldo linen: used by nil merchants; cntalog Tree. Model .Mfg. JO liox jf, aouui neiiu, inu, l .,uo-i ivi HARDER trade taught thoroughly In short limn; catalogue and particulars free. Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb, H13& WANTED, a physician (regular school) In a small town, Auurcas u uo, iu vh-u. ' ' , fl M900 25 COATMAKERS: steady work. Nteoll tho TallOr, 209-211 South 15th St. B-937-28 WANTED Experienced wiloJiman for lino lino susnendera for Nebraska, also west ern Iowa. Save tlmn by giving cxporlenco and reformers. Aiuiress Room ii, i-uii trnl Union Hlock, Chlcao. moc.2 2t WANTED, an .oxporloneedi competent flor ist who speaks Herman unci isnsimi. i ply U. Haas, 1S13 Vinton St. B-211 WANTED. a reliable man -to represent us In Omaha, to rail .on tne . uarner iru UN Ill tlliiWIti. ,l jut. v.. " Must have h, f.matl cnoltnl . or furnish security. Arista mie. -o.r xiia.. Jllch. THE AMERICAN TIAUHER COIXEOE Is mni nnnnml ntnl rnailv fcr tbn rntrallCn OI HttldentH. This school Is without doubt the largest, most thoroughly efiuippcii ami thorough Institute pnts kind In tho United States... Revolving . ami hydraulic chalw. steam heat,' electric lghts, fitted wlUi all modern conveniences and under the di rect supervision of the met capable In structors ,lh tho country. Write ot ontfe ror fun particulars' nnu caiaiogue. Amen cut Rarbcr College, Mldlntld Hotel Illdg. VA blk. north of P. O., Omnha. Neb. 1 R-M2C9 21 WANTED, ' first-class, eyperlonced hat salesman: must have llrst-class refer ences nnd understand thft business thor oughly. Hoston Store, omaiia. n - ' B 279! FREE OP CHARGE lmnif. J. F HEFFERNAN In order -to Introduce his -work In Omaha will teach you to mane ernyon portraits FRRK OF CHARGE. tlv mv new mothod n. 12-vcar-old child can ncoompllsh thin ort as perfectly as as nn nutut, '.My .complete course is days.. .CourxeH icnn be taken, nt night as woll. AVhy slavo your young life, away. wnen 'you van icarn FR1CE OF CHARGE A profession that will lead you to fame nnd fortune? Thousands have done so nndiyou can. J7.00 a day Ih average, wngea for an artist, i.eavo tno shops, factories counters, restaurants and workhouses. COME AT ONCE. Tako up this work Rn so yoursolt up to a linancial ami so clal standing with any In tho world. I nm hero In tho cause of humanity and ask ,tbo head of fnmllles, us a parental duty, to.'seo that no child of theirs misses mis, nis mo s opponuniiy. 1 am very respoctfubv, PROF. JAMES F. HEFFERNAN, Studio 147, .Midland Hotel, Omaha. ' 13-31283 25 WANTED, a tailor on cither coats or pants Tuomas tester, mcrcnani tanor. uen Ison, la; II M2S3 2I A GOOD 'coatmakcr at onco; steady work married man preferred; at 55uolnw & Ilapke, Hcnuyier,' Meb. n M309 2o WANTED. local representatives In Ne braska for W good typewriter; commission Basis. Auaress wun references, tj 40. nee, H JIuOfi S FOUR CI) good farm hands, twenty dollars per month, for eight months; Catholics preferred. 'Mlchnel N. Kcllev. Pioneer, Iowa. B-MSOl 23 WANTED FEMALE HELP. i 1- ' . WANTED, 200 girls. J524 Dodgo. Tel. 876. C-137 80 girls wanted. Canadian ofllco 1522. Douglas C-233 LADIES wishing to dress, nicely In silk waists, silk skirts, gloyesrtr shoes, free of cost other than recommending our goods; this Is the greatest plan over adopted. Ladles, ca.ll, and examine our plan. Out-of-tqwn ladles; ,wrlto us for full Informa tion, Every artlcle,mado to your measure, Tho Novelty Silk Wolst and Skirt Co., Room '607 'Knrba.cn Blk,. Omaha, Neb. C--M20S WANTED, a good nook; must have recom mendations. Apply at 1529 Park nvenue. Q-M25S 23 WANTED.' good .girl for general house work, two In family; good wnces. 2203 Webster St. - C-M23I 23 GOOD girl wanted for plnln washing and Ironing at 'the Creche.' No Swede need apply. C M27I-23 COMPETENT- girl North 32d Ave. ' ' for housework. 133 HELP WANTED. DOYLES' COLLEGE assists young ladles nnd gentlemen to' positions to enrn board whtto tn attendance. Send for catalogue, lice building. MC63 .FOR. UENTIIOllSKS. IF YOU want your houses woll rented place mem wun uenewu -o. u 13s HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. D-146 FINE modern residence, II rooms, on motor line, .-o. 413 Norm um sireut. j. 'i. Clarke, 219 Board of Trade. D M296 A2 -ROOM Hat. 610 Mrs, Thomas. N. 17th St. Apply to D-215 HOUSES, all kinds. S6 U. S. Not. Hk Btdg, FOR RENT To smnll, family. 7-room cot tase in goou repair; city water insicjo; cistern: rn: ronl abed; "JSnd and California 8ts $23. InqiUre at 607 N,'19th St. D-145 FOR ,RENT tw, nlco?,sovon-room housaa in duiiiu yarn, Hllillimv oppu?ie ue 11113 nark: all modern except furnace; are now ni-ing pupureu, anu piiiuici tnrougnout. Will rent fqW $20 ouch' Jogood' tenants with reference. T OMAHA LOAN & TRUST-CO...-. r ;qth and Dpuglas SU. . . . . " ' D-M5U ALWAYB moving H. H, good. Pianos, onice jsyij i-qrnan,su. Ti;b 1559 or, ,863. D-117 FOR RENT.MO-room modern Mouse 026 Seward st ; fjli-ivifc, hat excollonb repair rent reasonable to Ylght iVarty. 1, V Car jieiufT. u- .m;-ju 24 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. in riiiuill-uDye i o., airj so, 11111 Street D-14? VI VIS rooms. 2321 South 16th St. D-7 l-'OR RENT HOUSES. CUIUS BOYER, 2123 Cuming. Tele. K 2632. U ili'JI A'J' 'Oil KENT HOUSES, 121 No, 16th. 11 rooms, modern $ 2006 So. 13Ui. C rooms 20 132" H. 2Gth Ave, 7 rooms , IS 2123 Poppleton. 7 room 1 3S1R No. 16th, I room 10 THE BYRON HEED CO., 212 S. HTH ST. d iiwj CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry is, I'ayno, wfi M. x, iue. 'j.none, vjb. D 139 HOUSES, stores. Demls, Paxton block. D-HO MAOOARD Van & Storage. 1616 Cap. Ave. Tel. H36. u HI HOUSES to rent. R. C. Patterson, 303 N, D-H3 Y Life. HOUSES and flats. Rlngwatt, Darker blk. D-1H FINE 7 and 8-room apartments In Norman- dle; lino 5-room apartment in i inunn, J37.W. I'ayno-lOiox Company, First Floor Now York I.lfo Uldg. p M2G1 23 DETACHED 8-room modern house with barn. 2611 Pierce. u-an-h FOUR-ROOM cottnge, 838 South lSth. U S3 J ii- NINE-ROOM modern house, Georgia Ave., near Puclllc St.; east front, nice, lot; iirst elass repair; rept HO; key 1053 Park Ave. D-M3U 25 FOR RENT, 9-room house, all modern Im provements, racing uan!com parK. ;un Woolworth. lntjulro A. C. Fpster. 213(1 So. 33d St. Telephone 1227. D-M310 2G 7-ROOM strictly modern houso on paved street;' 'run lot nnu goon narn. inquire 1&07 Harney'. Andrew Klewlt. D-M303 23 6-ROOM modern cottage, 2715 Chicago St. imiulro 323 N. 37th St. D M299 26 FOR RENT a "-room flat; convenient, Apply at 2"t Farnam street. D M302 21 FOR lli:.T FURMMIIIil) ROOMS. 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th. ROOMS, modern. 2fiS0 Harney St. E-210-A2 MODERN, telephone, prlvnto family, no other roomerp; ono or two louies pro- ferred. 2S20 Dodger NICELY furnished rooms, stationary wash Ktnml. hot nnd cold Water. Dntn and teie- phono privileges, In llnest brick residence. on ueorgia avp.; goou ooarei next uoor. Call phono's 2C0G or K23. i: .M315 FUltMSIIKD llOOStS AND tlOAIlD. THE Merrlam family hotel, 23th nnd Dodge. v us TO 2 gentlemen, In prlvato family, 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F-149 ROOM and board, $4 to $o. 1512 Davenport. F 622 A-y FOR RENT, nicely furnished room, with board, 2102 Cass. F-M169 2l ELEGANT front room - Capttol avenue. with board. 1909 F-M179 21' SUITE of rooms for man nnd wlfo or two gentlemen. 518 S. 22d. F-212 21' NICELY furnished south front room, first class board. 1722 Dodge. 2b" FINE accommodations for four In prlvnto family: handsomely situated; beautiful C0I S. 27th, F-M273 23 FOR nKIST-STORIM AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location, rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. 1266 STORE ROOM. 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. 1633 STORE ROOM. 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. i ttjj AGU.VTS WANTED. AORNTS makfl J6 to" 10 a day selling the cheapest and most' perfect water filter ever Invented; retails at $1.50; big profit to agents; excluslvo territory. Seneca Filter Co., Seneca, Mo. J-M91S 29 WANTED. 1.000 more canvassers for "South Africa and tho Hoer-Drltlsh War." by llalstcaa and Hopkins; autnentic, rcuamn enormous demand: highest commission outllt absolutely freo on request. AVrlto today. J. I,. Nichols & Co., 119 Dearborn St., cnicago, in, J aizao AGENTS make $6 to tlO a day selling the cheapest and most perfect water Hlter ever Invented. Retails at $1.50. Big profit to agents. Apply 2WS North lutn. J-293-22' W.ISTEU-TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT, an 8 or 9-room house In west or southwest location nt moderate rent. Auuress v.i ijock uox, umanu. K 212-22 WAITED,' a 9-room furnished house; must he. modern and good neighborhood. Ad dress C 42, Hee. K M313 23 OFFICE room for two desks, business part of city; I have phone. Address C 44. Iieo nfllce. K M312 STOIlAOn. PACIFIC Storaco and Warehuose Co.. 912 Sit Jones, general storage and forwarding. 152 OM. Van Stor. Co., 15H& Farn. Tel 1559. 863. M-153 WANTED TO I1UY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels', etc. In large, or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture CO., 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Y N-154 WILL purchase a limited number Omaha Savings Hank accounts, uronnan Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N-165 STAMPS bought, sold. Mortensen. 301 Pax- ton UIK. , N M990-M2S ENTERPRISE FUR. CO. pays high prices for goon nousenom goons, ua n. inn. N-M671 A 10 2D-IIAND books for cash. Crane, 207 N, 16th St.- N-M870 HOUSE In Central park. F. D. Wead. 132 Douglas. N-M926 23 8,000 TO 10,000 I1RICK. Wead, 1624 Dougla N-M267 23 IF YOU have Unlmnrovcd lands In Knox or Cedar 1 oh., rsen., tor sale cneap ad dress A. F. Connett, 309 N. Y. Life Bldg. N-M304 26 WANT good second-hand cart and harness for pony; give description ami price, v. 43. Heo. N-M307 23' FOR SALE-FURNITURE. ONE Windsor folding bed. whlto Iron bed, dining room table, etc. 1907 Wirt St. O 295 23 FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. TOP I1UGGY for sale, In good condition. U 40, Bee. P M190 FOR SALE, first-class Shetland pony cart. 1717 Cass street P-M1S6 21' 4-YEAR-OLD pony for sale or trnde; very gentle. 2116 Nicholas. P-241-22 6-PASSENOER carriage, cost $500 new, for sale for $115; good wheels. Almost now Columbus light phaeton, cost $22.1 1 now $100. Top buggy, good ns new, handmade, $100; coat $223 now. DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO. P-M271 23 6-PASSENOER carriage, cost $5ft0 new, for sale for $115, good wheels; nliriost new Columbus light phaeton, cost $223, now $1: top buggy, good ns new, handmade, $100, c"ost $223 new. Drummond Currlngo Co. P-M271 23 GOOD buggy horse for sale. 1121 N. 19th. P-M3A3 23 ,1'OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, CHEAPEST and beft fence. 901 Douglas St. poultry and hog q-isr C UTTERS of drug prices, Sherman & Mc Connoll Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodao Sta, Q-US FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 3 rn- nt druggists. One elves relief. Q 169 rR. HAI,E MISCHI.I.ASEOLS. DHAND safe cheap. Dorlght, 1116 Farnam. y-161 HAAS. Florist. 1513 Vinton at t-i Plants, cut flowers, boauets. hnii dence, wedding and gravo decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly niled. q-ICO EW hlcvclt! tires. "J2.23. $2.E0 nn,l km Good secondhand wheels, $S, $10 and $1''' Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Stsi q-163 FOR SAhE Nearly new upright Stelnwov Q-233-M31 PURE Plymouth Rock and Rrown Ixg horn eggs, 311s uurt st. q mssi 25 FOR SALE, sldowalk plank, all widths, 6 ' ioJL'J.'3""' .inJ..l-J, u,"i 10 ! for $9.00 per thousand feet. Also kindling wood at $1.00 a load. Chicago House wrecKing wo., imposition urounds. 'Phono 2561. Q M297 31 CUT prices at A. E. Wyllo's, 1513 Farnam: iii-i iiuiuHc iiuuiuuiii viutnciuieimcr itye, 8 years old; drink, 10c: Mt Pt 2flo; pt, Wc: qt., Jl; gal. sent C. O. fc Jl. ' Q-M?S3 AH HORSB clippers nnd repairs; wo grind razors, sncarm cuppers, eie. a, lj. undo land. 106 S. 11th St. 0-MSSl All YOUNG Jersey bull. 2826 Webster. q-M118-2I A FES. buy, sell, etc. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. Tel. 1697. Q-M163 WIRE fence. Loddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. lfidO. 0-fil5-Aug-9 CAN sell some cholco Omnha, Council BlufTs or eastern Nebraska farm loans to customer; equal .division of commis sion. C. A. Starr, 720 N. Y. Life hldg., Omaha. q-M287 SEVENTEEN head line fresh milch cows. Call afternoon. Jesters yard, loth and Hurt StS. Q-296-24 'RESII Jersey cow and heifer for sale. 1310 Paclllc. . Q-M311 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furnlturo At stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago FurnltUl-e Co., 1106-10 Dodge. R 161 FOR RENT, barn, at 2026 St. Mary's Ave. IV 1UJ WE nro all ready for business; largest lino in city or 2d Hand household goods. En terprise Fur. Co.. 102 S. 14th. R-M072 A10 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge DEWEY'S FRIEND TTAS ARRIVED. MRS. HILL. Sho Is tho seventh daughter, born with a veil; tells your rortune, cures rneuma tlsm, lung, kidney, liver, eyes, deafness, asthma and bloody Piles: locates gold and hidden trensures; her mother was the seventh daughter: stood by Abraham Lincoln during the civil war. Price La dles' 50c, gents $1.00. Readings lit Eng lish or German. Hours 8 n. m. to 9 P. tn., Including Sunday. Letters answered containing 1c. ntnmn nnd SI. 00. Mrs. Hill 2002 Cuming street, corner 20th, Omaha. Neb. Prof. Splcss, magnetic healer and faun cure, sumo uddress as noove. S 913 22 ZENO, clairvoyant, medium, teacher, oc cult science. 218 M. 16th st. S-M166 24 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, S03 N. 16th. a ion GREAT FORTUNE TELLER Free test- Just arrived from Europe; will remain a short time. Tens six uinerent. ways; pasi, nrnsnnl a,,,l fittiir... In nnr.nn nr llV llittHt'i tells lady or gent who the future husband or wife will be by the letters tn the hand; brines back husband or lover In So muny days; settles family troubles, breaks evil Influences, makes hanolness: gives advice on grain and stock speculation; locates mines and hidden treasures; also lino hair growing tonic: also removes wrinkles. face blemishes: cures corns, bunions; also cures nervous .trouble; gives good luck charm free this week. 1 use no pen or paper. Satisfaction guaranteed or money reiunucu. iadies in irouuio can at once. Remedies for tho-toure ot nervousness. female troubles and tumors, coughs, colds. rneumatism, asiuma nnu catarrn. MADAME DE HAZARD. Parlors: 616 S. 13th st., upstairs, between Howard and Juckson sts., Omaha, Neb, Ofllco hourfr: 10 a. m. to 9 p. m.; open Sundays. Will touch hand of each cus tomer freo with only true luck stono In America. H M317 23" ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, room 2, 11SV4 N. 15th. T 120-21' MRS. BERRY, 119 N. 16th, 2nd floor. T M272 May 20 PERSONAL. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Bee bldg u lea DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and supcrflu ous hair removed by electricity, r. 12 Frenzer Blofk. U 175 SHAMPOOING 25c. hair dressing 25c. hair toilet goodB, Monhe'lt, 1518 Farnam, Tel 2333 .. . U-169 LIEBEN, costumer. catalogue. .1313 Hownrd. Get U-172 .RUPTURE cured, no knife, no pain, no danger, send ror circulars. Empire Rup ture jure, 32 im. y, Lito uiug,, omana. , U-171 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds, ai. uoinman & Co., 200 Douglas block. U-174 PRIVATE hosnltal for ladled beforo A dur lug confinement; babies adopted. 1126 N. 17 u 173 PRIVATE homo before and during con flnement. Babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, Decatur. U M241 STAMPS for collectors; albums, supplies, r rank-urown, 22u;t e. ism, u aisvv CANCER CURED, no pnln. Dr.. Honshaw, scientific specialist, 616 N. 19th St., Omaha U J1713-A10 MONIIEIT. chiropodist, floor. Tel. 233J. 1518 Farnam, 2d U-170 IF YOU suffer with your feet and desire Immediate or permnnent relief see Prof, l.unil, bu Karbach lilk, U 953 A17 FIRST-CLASS male ond female help. Sam'l Motz? s Employment Office, 1110 Fnrnam t inu 20' MME. SMITH, magnetic treatment nnd baths, 11S!4 North 15th, room 2. U-277-27 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 5. 5. 6 per cent: no de lay. uarvin uros., iuu i- arnnm. w 170 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas W-17S WANTED, city and farm loans; nlso bond and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., ueo mug. W 179 C PER CENT money. Bemls, Paxton bloel W-180 FIVE per cent farm loans, llamsou. Chas. E. Wll W-1S4 MONEY to loan on flrstclnss Improved city properly or ior miliums purpurea, pnyne Knox wo New lum i,ie, w 1S1 0, SV4, 6 per cent loans on Omaha, S, Omaha W. H. Thomas, D03 1st Nut, bank. Tel. 16IS w-is: MONEY to loan at 5 and 8,4 per cent on Omuha property. W. B. Melkle, 401 8. 15th, W-1S3 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, Brennnn-Lovo Co., 309 So, 13th. W-1S5 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms ot C per cent. Borrowora can pay $100 or nny multiple. Any In terest doto. No delay. Brennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th fctreet, Omaha, N(-b, W-6S3- $1,000 and upwnrds to loan on Imprpved city property nnd farms, W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam, W ISO HOTELS. METROPOLITAN, European,. 12th ft Doug las, lowest rates. Wni, Barr, Mgr. Tel, 214, M-676 TllE THURSTON 15th and".InckBon: Ainer lean and European. Newly reiltted. Prices moderate, V M 714 310.M2V TO LOAN CHATTELS. I-F-Y'-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y S-E-E U-S Wo have a large amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehousa receipts, horses, carriages, etc. You can get the money within n few hours after making application. WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILINO PAPERS. We Rlvo you as much tlmo as you need ana you may repay tho loan as soon os you choose and you need not pay for It ONE DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel. 2295. 306 South 16th Street. X-6H. LOANS made salaried people on personal note without security: rates rensonnhle. J, W. Tayloe, 21S 1st Nat'l bank, 12 to C 1 . A"'' MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles. diamonds, watches, etc.-; Payment un known to friends, Omaha Loan Bank, 1416 l- arnam, upstairs. x 192 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name witnoui endorser or tnortcnge. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATES. No Innu rles made nf rm- Ployer or friends. You can borrow any amount nnd repay on easy weekly or monthly payments, lleforo borrowing see us, OMAHA CREDIT CO., suite 623-G26 N. Y. Llfo Hldg. X-l&S MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, diamonds, watches, on easy payments, un known to others; you keep tho goods, each payment lessens the cost ot tnu loan; no cnargo ior papers aim wo make no in quiries of your neighbors. MERGERS' i.uan uo 1&U4 Farnam, over u. & M. ticket office. X 189 SALARY loans after working hours. If you want cheap money address li 67, Dec, -X S20 All' MONEY loaned on pianos, rurntture, Jew- eiry, norses, cows, etc. -. . oeu, aia s. 13. -.-134 GOLD, 8llvcr, Greenbacks fot iiign-ciass salaried people. TAKE Y'OUR CHOICE. Easy to get nnd easy to pay. Iiweat rates. No Indorsor or mortgago required. QUICK Anu i-unnuKSjiAii Bervico. ques tions answered cheerfully and you will receive courteous attention whether you uorrow or not. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room C01, Bee Building, X-M239 MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. J. W. Tnyioo. 218 First National bank building; 12 to 6 p. m. X-196 MONEY' loaned on pianos, furniture, ho.-ses cows, jewelry. Dun arecn it. 8, uarker uik. A. 190 MONEY. IX A NED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own names; In amount from $10.00 up. A compurlson or our rates with others In nil wn uitk. no wo nro positive that ours are the lowest In the city. Remember that wo nro tnu only loan company giving vou tho orlvllege of paying your loan ALL or in I'Alli nt any inu-; anu inereoy slop ping the coat. Business confidential. Treat ment courteous. OMAHA KlllTUA K LOAN t:ij. Tel. 2293, Room 119, Board of Trade Bldg. .V tuj MONEY' loaned salaried people holding per manent position wltn responsible concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Hldg. x 191 HUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT, cigar and fruit department In a large, department store: capital requircu. J2.UW. Address a 83, iiee. x -Mztt WE HANDLE general merchandise stocks or all kinds. Do you want to buv. soil nr exchange? AYe can sell your business, or we can sen you a ousincsr. jviue u, Merchandise Broker, 007 Karbach block, . Y-M531 GROCERY stock, splendid location, well estuuusned trade; atr a uusincss propo sition will pay to Investigate. . Address C 26, Hee. Y M160 A17' RESPONSIBLE firm wants to employ good business man who can loan employer $mxj to tJ,m. Address 11 crt-Hee. YM207 FOR SALE, stock of general mdse., In voice about $3,M, in live eastern Ne braska town on main line1 U. P. railroad. Address C 38. Bee. ' Y M2C2 27 FOR SALE, a small steam brewery with malthouse, In eastern Nebraska ; In excel lent condition, with good location; must retlro on nccount of til health. For fur ther particulars call on or address F. W. Platz, Schuyler, Neb. Y-M266 A20 GENERAL morchnndlse stocks for salo for cash; ono In Omaha, hardwure, gro ceries, boots nnd shoes; Invoice, $.3,000; fin (i locution: annual business. $35,000. Ono In Polk county, dry goods, boots nnd shoes, groceries; new goods In last 10 months: monthly sales. $1,500: Invoice. $2,500. One. In Cuming county, dry goods, groceries, shoes; invoice, fi.uuu; .yearly sales. $25,000. Ono In Adams county, dry goods, clothing, groceries nnd shoes: In voice, $4,600; yearly sale?, $20,000, $.3,000 druc stock in omana; tne owners want cash or good paper; will discount whole sain prices. Also have dry goods nnd clothing, drugs, groceries, shoe, stocks: owners will tnko part trade. If you want to buy or wll a business write us. Mer- cnanuiso isroiier, ruum aui ivuroiicn iiik., omana, Neo. y .M2se FOR SALE, stock clothing, shocp and fur nishings nt a nurgain; new goods, up to date; no trades, ixick box, so. Mnltland, mo, aisuu ai FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trade light driving horse, phnoton nnd harness for large, young, gentio horse, J30G Douglas St. Z-M237 23 FOIl SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS March 22 and 23, 1900. . F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON. !! V. V. T.lfe. Tel. 314 or 561? V. 2517 South 32i(d is a goon -room house, lot 104x132, good bam, fronts now boulovnrd, boulevard tax paid, good value $3,000; price today, $2,600. 290S South 17th St.. 9-room, east front house, good barn, 75 feet front, '$2,200. 100 feet, east front, good 7-room house, near paved street; wholo thing, $1,100. ItE-297 22' CHOICEST TRACKAGE PROPERTY ON THE MARKET S. E. corner 16th and Izard; half block, 132 x264; heart of tho city; for prlco ann terms see ucorgo U, Wallace, lirown uik,; soie agent. RE 254 FOR SALE or trodo. brick residence, all modern Improvements, and 5 acres of ground, containing outbuildings, trees, smnll fruit, rubbery; well Inside city limitn in town of 10.000 Inhabitants: cost over $20,000; good reason for selling. Write for particulars, i-aui poison. Fremont, Neo, aizti'j ai SNAPS In real e.stnte, money to loan. L. L. Johnson '-o an a. uin csi. re 301 BUILDING lots ono block of street car line, $l&o. is. it. nan, m new york Life. RE-523 HENRY R. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE nLDO, Iteai instate, neuiuis, ivouns, insurance. RE-203 IF YOU havo a bargain t0 offer In real estate seo S. A. Broadwell, 601 N. Y'. Life, RE 206 905 AND 903 South 20th st., two houses; rental $360 nor year: cheap nt $3,000. S. W. corner 3Sth ave. nnd Jakson st., 125 feet east front ty iao dcent-snan nt 1900. Aero lols. 15SxH9 feet. Pratt's subdlv., S. W. of Hanscom nark. $250 oach. 160 acros smooth land 8. W. of Benning ton; rair improvements, u per acre. JOHN N. FRENZER. Opp. Old P. O. RE-471 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso lire 1 insurance, norms, paxton uik. re vjo FOR QUICK returns on bargains only seo n a r .1 1 ert, XT -v i I t-i t .1 D, J, u.uaunu,,, uu. .1, , a.i.u iiiiik, RE-203 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. IIEADQUARTERB for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW EST RATES on LOANS: SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS, STORES. T TT TTHwafr XT V T I T" 1 ,T HE-194 FOR RENT or sale, 46-acre form, S miles north of Florence. Address Henry An derson, Florence, Neb. RE-M917S3 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MAKE ME AN OFFER. 1 AM GOING TO SELL. IT'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Seven-room strictly modern house, largo bath room, porcelain uum tui, rurnnca nnd gas, cemented cellar; Inside of houso must be seen to be appreciated, nicely ar ranged: two blocks from good school and half a block rrom car nnu pavcu street; No. 4315 Seward street. I am offering this tilnrn lit $2.10). If you do not think It worth that mako tnc nn oner; terms rcusunuuiu. A. M. COW1E, 211 So. ISth St. RE-216 ACRE lots In Solomon's addition nt low price nnd easy tcrm9. A. p. TUkey. isoaru of Trade. RE-244-2J FOR SALE. $2.30.00 for east front lots on grade on south I3tn st. car line. $123.00 for west front lots on Hth Bt., one hlock south of now boulovnrd. $100.00 for lot 64x115 ft., with house, on 11th st.. nenr Vnlley st. 1 $330.C for lot on Half Howard, between 41st and 42nd sts. $930.00 for 21-5 ncres on Hamilton st., four auocks west or .Military roau. $1,2.30.01) for 20 ncres, 4 miles from postofllce. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. ItE .M265 31 SNAP South Omaha property, earning 17 per cent, s, nawver, 1&12 Davenport st. uw -IS .J A BARGAIN, four acres, 40lh and Pacific, two mocks irom cor line, on uen ran road. $2,500: easy terms, McCaguc In vestment Co., 1508 Dodge. RE-200 BARGAINS, Chris Boycr, 2123 Cuming, HE-M593 AO Tele. K 2C52. HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 203 N. Y. L, lit; zui nVMItV nSKA BARGAIN. House, H lot, 7 blocks from court house, $900. Lot. 2 nouses, nttic rartner out. i.tw. House, barn, city water, lot 60x127, near L'ltn unci I'ntrick. ji.iuu. Threo lots, store, several cottuges, paved street, specials paid, car line. 1111 in goou fix. rentnl $730 Per vear. SI.60O. Anotlier like the above, close In, renting $675 per year, $i,2U0. VACANT. 66x132, California street, opposite St. John's cntnoitc cnurcn; just the piaco ror nice nomo ior memuer 01 111.1t parisn; very ohenn fni fnw ilnvar will noil ni,lf 140x150. Valley and 21st. near school, new boulevard nnd South Omaha car; -will make four $600 lots. Bargain at SI. 600. GEORGE O. WALLACE, Brown Block 16th and Douglas. RE 291-21 PICTURES ENLARGED AND FRAMED AT tho Home Patronage exhibit, recently given in tne commercial ciun rooms 01 Omaha, tho METROPOLITAN ART AND FRAME CO. achieved much nralso and honor, ns their display was elegant nnd was tho only PICTURE ENLARGING Ilrm represented nnd proved a lending attraction among Omaha's chief indus tries. This Ilrm employs skilled nrtlsts and turnianes portraits to a lurgo iium ber of merchants to bo used as nroml urns. They have an nrmy of ngonts tak ing orders rrom private families In Ne braska, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Knn- sns. Private parties or merchants desir ing nny work in this line enn plnce entire confldenco in the METROPOLITAN ART AND FRAME CO., 1819 LEAVENWORTH ST.. OMAHA. Wholesale nnd retn 11 den ers and agents' supplies of portraits and rrnmes. wo can always use reliable hustlers. M263 27 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN BANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. 209 AT OMAHA Bus. College, 16th & Douglas, 210 BOY'LES college, court reporter principal, uee mug, 211 NEBRASKA Business &. Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. - ' 212 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute. 515 N. Y uio mux., Alice jonnson. u. u.. isa es- dept.; Old E. Johnson, Oateopnthist, mgr. 213 M. E, DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school Klrksvllle, Mo., 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367, -214 A. T. HUNT, osteopath: all chronic diseases -results ten." 30j Karoacn ink. Tel. 23.32. m-wi TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent, $4 per month -rne smim-promicr -lypowriicr uo is: Farnam St, Telephone, 1284. 206 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter -20? supplies, .1619 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam, H IIICYCLES. IN order to reduce stock we will sell for short time only second-hand bicycle at one-half price; good wiieeis, J3.00 to $15.00. Fleschcr. 1622 uap. Ave. anas Enameled, $2 up. Bicycle Hospital, 711 N. 16. 603 FURNITURE REPAIRING. GLOBE Couch Co., 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 2.329, oSS- PACKINO. uoholsterlng. mattress, feathe renovating. -iei. isai. m, a. waikiin, 2111 uuming si. sis Mattress unholsterlng. finishing, carpentry Omana cabinet snop, n,uu uass, -rei. -.-im, 93U-A1C LUNDEEN & CO., upholstering, cabinet- making, relinisiiing; mattresses mane over. 1523 Leavenworth. 292 May-21 DANCING SCHOOL. LAST term, last chnnce Morand's, 15th ana Harney: adults Tuesday and Friday; children Saturdays.1 assemblies Wednes day and Saturday. 391 A-3 WANTED TO BORROW. TO BORROW, $2,000, ono year, 10 per cent nnd commissiqn; security unuttci, dui gilt edge, C 37. Bee. -246 Till! NIC FACTORY. TRUNKS, trivellng bags, suit cases. Trunks rupaireu, um, ituiik v uoiory, itffj v arnnm -220 LAUNDRY'. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY' AND CITY towel supply. 1750 Leaven w'h. Tel. nn -219 MIRROR FACTORY. OLD mirrors resllvercd; now ones to order; country orders promptly attended to. 703 N. 16th. M-S71 A13 BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store, 1603 Leavenworth. 223 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Bldg. hi NICKEL PLATING. CYCLE PARTS-A11 kinds plating. Omaha Plating Co.. ueo tiiog. Tel. zsas. 654 FURNITURE PACKING. OM. Van Slor. Co., 151114 Far. Tel, 1559, 863. 231 "AUCTIONEERS. OMAIIA AUCTION Co. Satisfaction guar anteed. 620 N. 16th st. Telephone 216S. M719 DRESSMAKING IN families. Mis Sturdy, 2216 Davenport, -579-A-IS PAAVN IIRO K ERS, EAGLE Loan Ofllce. reliable nreommodat- I I ifig: nil business comidentlnl. 1301 Douglas. M AC. NET I C I N F I R M A R V. ROF .t MRS, KHARAS. 1517 Chicago st -M316 SUES Sc CO. Pntcnt Lnwycra Boo Dldi',, Omaha. Tel 1C23. Ailvlce free, RAILWAY TI.MI-J TABLES. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE A hi. Paul Railway city Ticket OfTlce. 1501 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 2i4 Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 629. T .AVI A .rllln Chicago Limited Ex... .a 7:35 pm a 8:05 nm Uilrngo & Omaha Ex. bll-.OO unt b 3:55 pm tsioux uity and Des , Moines Express bl 1:00 am b 3:55 pm 11 unity, o Diuiy except sunuay. CHICAGO. ST. PAUti. Minneapolis St Omoha Railway "The North western Line" General Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllce. Telcphono 561. Depot, 15th 1101 Fnrnam St. and Webster Sts, Tjtnl. A .l...t Twin City Passenger. ..a 6:00 nm a 9:10 pm Omaha Passcngei all:2l) am Sioux City & North. "' "am cost Nebraska a 3:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" General Otllces, United Stntes Notional Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Fiirnnm Hta TinXtnt Omce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 661. De pot, Tenth & Mason Sts, Telephono 629. Leave. Arrlv. Twin City Express...,. ,n 6:63 am nl0:50 pm Twin City Limited .. ,u 7:20 pm a s:15 am sioux uity i.ocai a s:t am u 4:20 pm a Dally. CHICAGO - NORTH, western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket omce, 1401 Farnam Streot. Tele phono 661. Denot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Tele. hone. C29. Leave. Arrive, layllght Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm nioao am Eastern Express. Des Moines. Marsliaiuowiv . Cedsr Rapids and C'ul- . cago ol0:55 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Limited, tni Onco ana Eiisi n pin a i;ua pra Fast Mall. Chicago to Omnha . " in Omaha-Chicago spociai.a 7:30 pm a g:oo m Fast Mall a 8:30 nm a Dally. PREMONT. ELKHORN St MIssouH Valley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Line" Oeneral Offices. United States National Bk. Bldg., S W. Corner Twelfth anil F.arnnm Sts. Ticket Olllce, 1401 Farnam St. Telcphono 561, De pot, 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone' 1158. lenve. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 nm Wyoming, i;asper ano Douglas a 3:w nm e stoo pm Hastings, lorK, David t'ltv. sunenor. ucneva. Exeter and Sewavd....b 3:00 pm b 5:00 nm Norfolk. Vcrdlgro and Fremont u 7:30 am 010:23 ana Lincoln. wahoo and i- romont ,d 7:bo am uio:zj am Fremont Local c j."n a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o Sun day only, a Daily except Saturday, e Dally except Monaav. CHICAGO. ROCK isl and & Pacific Railroad "ino ureat Jtock isl. and Routo;" City Tick t Ofllcc, 1323 Farnam Street. TeleDhona 428. Depot, Tenth & Mason streets, xeiepnone, C29. Leave. Arrive. Des Moines nnd Daven. pott Local A 7:05 am blt:3S nm Chicago ExDress bll:15 am a 8:10 nm cnicato Fast Exprefx..a s-.oo prn a i:2j pm di. mui cxpresi..,,,,.,a a:uu pm uii;3a am Lincoln, uoiorauo spgs., Denver. I'ucblo and Wes'.. a 1:20 pm a 4:25 pm ues luoines. hock isi. and and Chicago a 7:23 pm a 5:60 pm Colorado .t Texas Flyer.a 5 66pm a 9:20 am a Dauy. a Daily exceui auniiay. UNION PA01FIC-"THEOVER-lnnd Route" General Offices, N, E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllco, 1303 Farnam Mreei. xeiepnone 311, Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Tciupnone C29. Lenve. Arrive The Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am n 7:20 pm Tlin Knet Mali a 8:50 am n 3:SS tun The Colorado Special. .. all:35 pm a 6:50 am The Portland specia.'...a :20 am a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. .b 4:10 pm bl2:26 pm Pacific Express u 4:25 pm a 6:50 am Grand Isluhd Local. ...b 5:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. BURLINGTON fc Mis souri River" Railroad "The BurJIngtOn Route"- ucneral Olllcos. N. W Corner Tanth nnd Farnnm Rts. Ticket ofllco. 1502 Far nam street. Telephone. 259. Denot. Tenth and Mason streets. Tele phone, 128. Leave. Arrive. ! liu-nlii rtimttnira and McCook a 8:40 am a 7:23 pm Lincoln, Denver. Colo rado, Utah, Callfornla.a.4s2j pm a 3:00pm Lincoln, uiacic uius. Montana. & Pueet Sound & 4:211 pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln Local. .. 7:00 p.n al0:35 am Lincoln Fast Mail b 3:00 pm a!0:3G am Denver. Colorado Utah & California .. al2:36 am a Dally, b Dally excoot Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON cjuincy Railroad "Tlii Burlington Routo Tlcke onice. 1302 Farnam St Tel.. 260. Denot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, 13. Leavi. Arrive. Chicago Special a!2:3.7 am Daylight Express a 7:25 am Chicago Vestjbulod Ex. .a iM pm a 7:45 am uuioago Local Express. a i:mi am a i;ix pm Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm a 7:45 am Pacific Junction Local.. alu:45 an. Fast Mali. , a 2:16 pm a Dany. KANSAS CITY. ST. .10 soph & Council Bluffs Ha road "The Burling ton Routo" Tlckot Olllce, 1E02 Farnam Street. Telo phone, 250. Depot. Tonth a. id .Mason streets. Tele Phone. 12-3. Leave. Arrive. Kanraa City Day E . .a 8:50 am a 6:17 nm Kancus Cltv Night Ex..al0:15 mn a 6:15 am St. Louts Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis.. a 4:55 pm all:15 am a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Olllces and Tlckot Olllcts Southeast Cor ner 14th and DougM.'i Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot, 15th und Webster Sts. Telephone, 1433. Leave. Arrive. st. Louis, Kansas Sc Neb, Limited a 2:30 pm al2:55 pm K, C -St Ij, Expross....a 9:50 pm a 5:50 am Nebraska Ixical Via Weeping Water b 5;03om a 9:45 am a Dtlly. b Dally except fcunriay ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Tlckot ofllco, 1402 Farnnm street, Tele puon 245. Depot, Tentn and Mason streets. Leave, a 12:10 pm a 7:35 pm b 7:00 am a 7:33 pm Arrive, n 4:06 pm a 8:15 am b 9:40 pm a 8:15 nm Chicago Express Chicago Limited Minneapolis nnd St, Paul Express Minneapolis and St, Paul Limited Fort Dodgo Local from Co. , Bluffs b 4:30 pm b 10:16 am a Dally., b Dally except Sundays. WABASH RAILROAD Tlckot OfTlco, 1501 Fnrnnrn Street, Telephone t'j'n. De. pot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telcphono 029, Leave, Arrive. , a 6:03 pro a 7:55 am Express ,, a Daily. St, Louis "Cannon Ball" 4r RAILWAY TIME TAIII.ES. Km OMAHA ST LOUI8 RAII- road Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Thu qulncy Route" Tlckol Of-' lice, 1415 Furnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depot, Tenth nnd Marcy Streets, Tele, phone, 629. jcavo. Arrive. Cannon Ball a 5:05 nm n 7:53 nm St. Louts Express Kansas City nnd qulncy Ixical a ":00nm n 9:00 pm a Dally. POSTO FF I CE NOTICR. (Should bo rend dally by all Interested, as chnnges may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending March 21, 1900, will close (PROMPTLY In all e.irosl at the General Postoltlce. ns follows: Parcels post malls closa one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcel post mails for Germany c)oo at b p. in. Monday. Trnns-Attniitlo Malts. AT U R DAY A t 7:30 a, m. (supplemenlnry 3 a. tn for EUROPE, per s. s. i nmpanin-,. via Queenstown; nt S n. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Werkendam. via Rotterdam (letters must be directed "per s. s, Werkendam"); nt 9 n, in. for ITALY, per s, s, Trnvo, via Naples (lettors must bo directed "per s, . Travo")J nt 10 u. in. for Scotland direct, per s. s. Astoria, via Glasgow (letters must bo directed "per. ij. s. Astoria"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German steamers sailing on Tuesdays tako printou matter, etc., for Germany, and specially addressed printed matter, etc., for other parts of Europe. American nnd Whlto Star steamers on Wednesdays, Gcrmnn steamers on Thursdays unit Cnnard, French nnd German steamers on Satur days tako printed matter, etc., for all countries for which they nro advertised to carry mail. After tho closing ot tho supplementary Trans-Atlantic mnlls named above, addi tional supplementary malls nro opened on tho piers of tho American. English, French and German steamers, und remain open until within ten minutes of tho hour ot sailing of steamer. Mull for Smith nnd On trnl Aincrlcn, Wast Indira. Etc. FRIDAY At 1 p. m. for JAMAICA. BE- Lr.l-i, Pl'ERTO C'OHTEZ und GUATE MALA, per b. b, Orlgcn (letters must bo directed "per s. s. Orlgcn"); nt 1 p. tn. for MEXICO, per s. s. Ithnkn, via Tamplro' (letters must be directed "per s. s. 1thntcn"V SATURDAY At iSO n. m. for NASSAU, N. P., per steamer rrom Aiinmt, Fin.; at 10 n. in. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVA NILLA nnd CART1 IAGENA, per s. s. . Adirondack (letters for Costa Rlea must bo directed "per s. s, Adirondack"); ut 10 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. ni.) for HAITI per s. s. Andes; at 11 n. in. for GRENADA nnd TRINIDAD, per s. s. Grenada; at 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Hnvnna; at 11 a. tn. for GUATANAMO and MANZANILLO, per s. s. Clenfuegos (ordinary mall only); nt 3 p. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Hlppomones. Mnlls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd tnenco ny Bicnincr, cioso ui this olllco dally at 8:30 p. in. (connecting closo hero every Mondny, Wednesday and Saturdny). Malls for Mlquelon, by iRll to BoMton. nnd thenco by steamor, closo ut this olllco dnliy at S:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by nil! to Port Tampa, Fla and thenco bv steamer, close nt this ofllco dally (except Monday) at 7 a. m. (tho connecting closes nrc n Sundnv, Wed nesday and Friday) Malls for Cuba, by rati to Miami, Fit-., and thenco by steamer, close nt this olllco every Monday, Tues. day and Saturday ot 2:30 a. m. (tho con necting closes nro on Tuesday and Satur day). Mnlls for Mexico City, overlnnd, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at tills otllco daily at 2:30 a, m, and 2:30 p. m. Malls ror Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortcz und Ouatemnln, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thenco bv steamer, close nt this ofllco dally nt 3 p, m. (connecting closes here Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Monduys for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala) Regis tered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Registered mall closes at 6 p. tn. second day before. Trnnn-I'ticlflc Matin. Mails for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd the Philippine islands, via san i-runcisco, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to March 18th. Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Gaelic. Mails for China nnd Jnpan. via Vancouver, close hero dally at 6:30 p. tn. up to March 20th, Inclusive, for despatch per s s. Emprcbs ot India (registered mnll must bo directed "via-Vancouver"). Malls for China, Japan and Phlllpplno Islands, via Seattle, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to Mnroh 22d, for despatch por . s, Idzuml Maru (registered letters must bo directed "via Scnttlo"). Malls for Hnwnll, Chlnn, Japan and Philippine Islands, via San Fran cisco, closo hero dally at 6:30 p, in. up to March 26th, Inclusive, for dls patch per s. s. Hong Kong Maru. Mulls for Society Islands, via San Fran cisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to March 26tli. Inclusive, for dispatch by ship Tropic Rlrd. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to March 30th. Inclusive, for dispatch per . s, Australia. Molls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd New Zea land, which goes via San Francisco), Ha waii and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to March 31st, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Warriinoo. Mnlls for Australia (except West Australia), Now 'Zealand. Hawaii. FIJI and Samotiu Islands, via San Fran cisco, close hero dully at 6:30 p. m. after March 31st nnd up to April 14th, in clusive, or on day of nrrlval of s. s. Campnnln, due nt Now York April 14th, for despatch per s, s. Mariposa. Trans-Paclflc malls aro forwarded to port of sailing dally and tho schedule of closing Is nrranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit, Regis tered mall closes nt fi p, m. provlous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmnsler. Postofllce. New York, N. Y., March 16, 1900. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR SEWER SYSTEM. Department of tho Interior. Otllco of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C, March 13. 1900. Scaled proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Sewer System, Genoa," and addressed to tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C will bo lecelved at this olllco until 2 o'clock p. m. of Wednesday, April 11. 1900, for furnishing tho neccssury materials nnd labor to con struct and completo nn nddltlon to the sower system nt tho Genoa Indlnn School, Nobrnska, In strict uccordnnce with plans, specifications nnd Instructions to bidders which may bo examined nt this ofllco. thn olllces of Tho Beo of Omaha, Nob.! tho Nebraska State Journal of Lincoln, Neb,; tho Northwestern Mnnufaottireis' Associa tion, St Paul, Minn.; the Builders' and Traders'' Exchange, Omaha, Neb,, and nt tho school. For further Information upply to James E. Ross, Sujit. Indian School, Genoa, Neb. W. A. JONES, Conimlhslnnor. M16-19-21-23-26-23-30 A2-4 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Oiricn Su pervising Architect, Washington, D. C, March 11, 1900. Sealed proposals will ho re ceived nt this olllco until 2 o'clock p. in. on tho 24th day of April. 1900. and then opened, fur tho extension and rhaucet. In cidental thereto, at the United States court house, custom house and postlllqo building nt Omaha. Neb., In accordance with tho drawings and specifications, copies of which may bo hnd at this otllce. or at the ofllco of the superintendent at Omaha. Neb., at tho discretion or tho supervising arohltect. James Knox Taylor, Supervis ing Architect. M19-2I-23-26-2S-30 Su xsfiil Cntllf Coin puny. The Matadoro Land and Cattlo company, limited, o Scotland syndicate, with head nunrtors ut Trinidad, Colo., nave Just de clared n dividend of 0',i por cent, clear ot all indebtedness nnd not taking Into account tho ptirchaso ot 18,400 acres ot land In the Panhandlo country. Tho overnge price re ceived for cattlo by this concern Is $35.21 a head, as compared with $28,56 In previous, years. Several of the directors of tho com pany from Scotlund arrived In Trinidad re cently for tho purpose ot extending tu In terests of the syndicate. Life Tenure for Cnriinilsslnner. ST. IOUI8, March 22,-Three nf the lead ing commercial bodies of St. Louis have1 adopted n inemorlnl to congress favoring a chungo In tho law which will give to tho Interstate Commerce commissioners b lir tenure nf otllce, tile only condition attach ing thereto being the power of removal In event of Incompetency or malfeasence ln nfllce, Tho memorial emanated from thei St, liuls Traltlc huro.iu. It wns sub mitted to the Business Men'! leagtio and to , v, MrrhnntH' Exchange Board of Directors, who have adoptod It,