Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Buprems Court Cites the Btandird Oil
Company to Faco the Bar.
State it Giren Another Ohanoi to Collect
Treasurer Bartley'i Shortage.
Trial Court Committed an Error in Not
Submitting Case to Jury.
pitI' Appointed Police Commission
31 ny Secure Henrlim. However, by
FIIIiik Amendment SIumvIiik
Intercut I" Lltllliltlou.
LINCOLN'. March 21. (Special.) The sti
ller set of delegate, and the na-
vlll be called upon to do-
bgular party, ns In 1806.
Xlmv York Manufacturer OrKnnlzc Hi
Coinlint tin; Ileiuniul of
NKW YORK, March 21. In anticipation of
an extension to this city of tho strlko of
machinists now In progress In Chicago,
Columbus, 0 and I'aterson, N. J., local
manufacturers of maohlnory nro pushing for
ward the work of perfecting an organization
to copo with It when It comm. Plans for
such n body woro laid somo tlmo ago, but
tho threats recently made by tho Interna
tional Association of Machinists to make tho
Chicago strike national and call out 100,000
men, In nddltlon to tho 6,000 now out in
Chicago nnd tho 1,600 In Columbus and Pat
ctsoii, resulted In an lncrcaso of activity
among tho manufacturers here. As a
nucleus for this movement tho Now York
and New Jewey Machinery Manufacturers'
association was organlred on March 14, with
A. H. Sees an president, J. 8. Dundy vlco
president and G. K. Oarvln treasurer. From
tho officers of tho aascclatlnn urgent pleas
were sent out to manufacturers In this city,
Jersey City and Newark, statins; tho domandn
Varioui Elements Get Together in Harmony
on State Delegation.
For Kdwnrd Hocwntcr, E. J. Cornish
nml XV, F. Hurley for Dclcitnten
nuit .1. I. .Incolmon nnd John
L. Kennedy for Electors.
As a result of several conferences between
tho lenders of tho different elements In
the republican party In Douglas county, an
agreement has been reached by which only
a Blnglo delegation will bo presented to tho
voters iit tho republican county primaries
called for Friday, March 30.
Under tho arrangement the delegation of
ninety-six members allotted to Douglas
county, under tho state call, will bo mado
up of the strongest nnd most prominent re
publicans In the party.
The agreement Is to the effect that the
delegation will bo committed to the Inter
ests of the following named candidates:
For Kdward Rosewatcr for delegato-at-
mado In Chicago by tho strikers and the need large to tho national republican convention
freighter Alexandre Illxlo arrived hero
today from Havre. Captain Letnolno re
ported that ho had spent four days out
of hl3 courso with extra lookouts looking
for tho missing freighter. Ho said ho had
found no slg.13 of it nor had ho seen any
Acempllhrd Without llorrowliiK
Cold Cornea Through Trade
Chun nel.
CALCUTTA. March 21. In Introducing tho
budget today Uio financial member of tho
India council, Clinton Hawkins, alluded to
tho enormous now of gold Indlawanls. Ho
said It had been decided to coin an ad
ditional million of silver rupee. In aplte
His Name to Be Recommended to Holy See
for New Archbishopric
StilTrnRnii See Will Hp Lincoln, Chey
enne nnd Halt I.nke City IHsbnp"
of Province Hold Important
Meetli.R' Todnj-.
Forecast for Ncbrufkn-
Fatr Thursday and Friday;
Tenipcrnture nl Omnhn rtcrduyt
Hour. lli'K. Hour. lien.
R n. in UU 1 p. in Ill
II ii, in !!! ii p. in IS
7 n. in -( :i p. in nn
S n. in 2!ll p. ill
ti n. iii. . . . . . :it n p. in . ."7
in ii. in n.i i p. ni nil
ti n. in ...... Ml) 7 p. in "i
1U III It H p. Ill 10
II p. Ill 17
arrival tho marrlngo took place in Pnsa
Mrs. Mclntyre given this reason for ke'p
Ing tho event a secret: Some yearn ago nn
of employers hero uniting at once. It was
stated by an officer of the association that
.. . ....t.(.ti1frt thn It wnnlil PAtnnrlin In Its mnrnhnrahln flPVOral
preme court tnis nuuruuui. u.v...v - .. ........ -.-
demurrer asking for tho dismissal of the caso hundred members, representing many mll-
f ihn smtn of Nebraska against me aianu- , nuns in guyim..
nrd Oil company, nnd granted tho defendant
Special strew was laid on tho demand of
tho machinists that tho present eniploysa
who aro not union men bo discharged and
. . V. ulntn'd
until April 1 to me answer iu w "
,., Tt,U nirnnu thnt the CaSO will tlO
tried In original Jurisdiction before tho bu- their places filled with union men. "They
prcmo court, probubly within tho next few also demand," said tho ofllcer, "that a fixed
,.!, unless tho Standard Oil company so- minimum of wages and a nine-hour day be
cures another hearing on tho demurrer or o
contlnuanco of tho caso.
Tho defendant company sought to have tho
caso dismissed from tho supremo court on
tho ground that as it was an action of n
criminal naturo that tribunal had no autnor
ity to glvo It a hearing In original Jurisdic
tion. It was contendod that tho caso should
havo been begun and heard In tho district
court beforo coming to tho supromo court.
Senator Thurston and F. L. McCoy of
Omaha nrgucd In favor of tho dismissal on
behalf of tho Standard Oil company, nnd
(Attorney Ocneral Smyth contended for tho
state. Their arguments wero presented to
tho court on February 10.
The court gavo no reason for overruling
tho demurrer. An opinion on tho Jurisdiction
to try this caso was expected, but tho court
simply entered tho word "overruled" oppo
slto tho motion and mado no further com
ment. Mr. McCoy was at the capltol to
day and appeared surprised at tho decision
of tho court. Ho was not prepared to say
what his future courso would be concerning
tho case.
Another hearing has been granted in the
coso of the bondsmen of ox-Treasurer Bart
lcy. Tho last decision of tho district court
in this caso, which Is for approximately
J600.000, was against tho state. Tho supremo
court revorsed this decision, holding that tho
trial court committed error In not submit
ting tho case to a Jury.
lliiuimy Hoard' iMotlon Denied.
The supremo court overruled the motion
of the mayor and Fire nnd Police
Heard of Omaha, also tho motion of the
governor's dummy board, for leave to Inter
vono in the test caso Instituted hy the at
ornoy general to re-establjsb tho old law
glvlsg tho governor of tho stnto power to
appoint flro nnd pollco commissioners for
cities of tho metropolitan class. ThlB oc
tlon of tho court, however, will not prevent
tho persons from appearing In tho case, as In
n recent decision It was hold that any person
who can by propor amendments show that he
has an Interest In nny mattor In litigation
may, without leavo of tho court, brcome a
party to tho suit and obtain an adjudlca
tlon of his claim.
Beforo adjournment tonight the court
ofllcially announced the appointment of Leo
Hordman as clerk and stato librarian. Judge
Norvnl dlescntcd to tho appolntmont for tho
reason that tho term of Clerk Campbell has
not yet oxplred. Tho following entry was
Ordered, That Leo Herdmnn be. and lie
licroby Is, appointed reporter of this court
m plaoo or v. a. t'ttmpueii, uio present in
cumbniit. such appointment to becomi
effective Mny 1, 1900, Norval, C. J., voting
"no becauso the office Is created by tno
constitution and tho olllctnl term Is by that
instrument llxed ut four years, nnd Inas
much as thn term of tho present Incumbent
does not cxplru until July, 1902, the court
lins no nower to now appoint a successor,
nnd especially tho nppolntmrnt should not
takw effect until tno cioso oi uie present
term or court.
Hnte. Cno Aunluat Burlington,
Tho secretaries and members of the State
Hoard of Transportation woro engaged all
day In hearing tho caso of L. H. Lawton
of Palisade against tho Hurllngton. The
complaint Hied by Mr. Lawton charges dls
crimination on tho part of the Hurllngton
llallroad company against tho grain deal
crs of I'allsado nnd Antolopo nnd asks that
an order be Issued compelling tho defcudant
to construct grain olovators or wnreihouecB
nt those- two towns. T. H. Tlbblc3 of this
city aim appeared as one of tho complain
ants. .1. S. Klrkpatrlck appeared for the
defendant and contested tho demand of
Lawton and Tibbies concerning the con
struction of elovators or warehouses. Ho
said It would be Impossible for any railroad
to furnish such facilities to grain dealers.
Tho hearing of Superintendent n. F.
Lang of tho Institute for Feeble Minded
Youth at Beatrice will probably occupy
the governor's attention for another day
nt least. Hp communicated with his office
In this city this afternoon, saying that ha
did not know when he would conclude the
rase at Beatrice, as there were numerous
-ultnrertti who wished to be given an op
portunity to testify.
K-Treasurer uartiey is undergoing a
special treatment ut the state penitentiary
for a dlscuso of tho eyes. Ho has been con
established. Men can bo discharged only
with tho concurrence of tho local walking
According to Dclcgato ticorg H. Warner
of tho International Association of Machinists
tho causes that have led to tho strikes of
machinists in Chicago will, If the Chicago
men win, preclpltato strikes In all tho largo
cities of the country. Now York Included, If
tho manufacturers do not accedo to the de
mand for n nine-hour working day, which
began In Chicago, and Is to bo made every-
"The machinists may not find It necessary
to wait for our movement to succeed In
Chicago beforo extending It to the other
cltltn and tho nlne-bour demand may bo
made In New York nnd clsowhero beforo
many days."
and member of tho national republican com
mlttee from Nebraska.
For V. F. Ourley nnd E. J. Cornish for
district delceatcs from tho Second con
gressional district to tho national conven
tion. For Jacob L. Jacobson and John L. Ken
nedy for presidential electors.
Tho understanding also Is that Charles
J. Orceno will be chosen chairman of tho
delegation, which will vote as u unit on
other officers as tho majority may decide.
The delegates will bo chosen under tno
SIOUX CITY, In., March 21. It Is stated
hero on tho highest Catholic authority that
f thn fnmino hn miiinil. tho country had : Omaha will be mado an archdloccso with
.Mnin.i ih anM .tnminnl throuch tho con- ' Lincoln, Cheyenne nnd Salt Lako City ns , uncle of my first husband died In Australia,
tlnued closure of tho mints and tho ordinary suffragan sees, segregating Salt Lako City leaving an estato worth 1,000,000. Under
ntll.rntinii. nt rn,ii.. without add nc to the lu- i from tho arcmiioccfo or ban i-rancisco. ino mo terms or wio win i was one oi nvo noire,
nanio oi iiisno: scanneu oi umann win do iruvuicu i reuiaiueu mo muuiv in uuuun
recommended to tho holy see for tho now (Jordan, well, I met Mr. Mclntyre; wo be
archbishop came fond of each other nnd married.
Tho new archdloccso of Dubunno consists ' Naturally, I did not wish to lose tho money
of tho four dioceses of Iowa, tho two new I willed tone, so wo decided to say nothing
ones being Sioux City and Dcti Moines.
The names selected by tho council of the
Into Archbishop Hennessey and the Irre
movable rectora of tho archdloccso to be his
Ilov. Fathers John Carroll,
dobtedness of India, and the uncertainty In
regard to tho falling and changing of the
rnto of oxchango having become a thing of
the past.
AMUllIC.l.V 1'l.HF.T Ts lNVlTKO.
Nnvy Department lliinhle to Aeeept
Portsmouth!! Cordlul Invitation.
PORTSMOUTH. Ennland, March 21. Tho
mayor of Portsmouth has received from successor are:
about our wedding until the estate was all
settled. After tho marriage I continued to
bo known ns Mrs. Gordon
Lately wo decided to announce our mar
riage. I aiay lose my fortune, but I prefer
. . . . . ... nt rvsin.l itin (n n n i nml (hlCa nil
United States Secrotary of tho Navy John uu'" ' t0 our roranncP
D.Long a response to his letter to President baue ugh.ln of Clinton and Llnnehan , thIn0 T .rmember of the Illinois
0 Pvlnco will meet at Methodist Episcopal conference In good
tJ, today and select three other , standing. Ill health has cipe W hrn, o ...!. tin.. I ceano uciivu woik lur u unit-, aim una
made no arrangements for bendlns n squad
ron to European waters, but later will un
doubtedly do eo.
WASHINGTON, March 21. Tho naval
officers hero say that tho department un
fortunately could not Indicate in tho reply
to tho mayor of Portsmouth even approxi
mately when nn American squadron would
nameu and Homo
from tho six
ClitenKn MniuifncturiT In Very Hitter
lu Illn Statement Ilefore ln
diiHtrlul CouiiulxMlon.
CHICAGO. March 21. Tho subcommittee
of tho congremlonal Industrial commlrston
spent sovcral hours today in listening to
testimony of James L. Hoard of tho tlrni
of Q. A. Crosby & Oo., metal-working ma
chlnory manufacturers. Mr. Board wns em
phatic In his opinion that tho manufacturing
Interest of Chicago wero being greatly re
tarded by labor unionism; that It It were not
for the continual labor trouble and tho poor
protection accorded manufacturers by tho
city administration the city would be tho
largest manufacturing center in tho world.
Mr. Hoard said that ho had asked the
assistant chief of police tor protection for
his plant nnd had been refused, being told
that nothing could bo dono owing to orders
which came from some one higher than the
Mr. Board said tho pollco courts generally
were Intimidated by the strike spirit that
prevails among tho labor unions.
In answer to a question by Colonel Clark
of tho commission ns to the probable result
If tho labor troubles continues Mr. Board
snld that manufacturers would wurely be
call of the republican county committee. ( nva ltgdr of tnQ klU(J invitation. Tho
which empowers tnom io represent im
county In both state and congressional con
ventions, and tho result is taken by all re
publicans, who are parties to tho agreement,
as anothor evidence of the Harmonious ieei
Ing thnt Is now prevailing among tho mcm-
. ... ... i - ,a 1 ii.. . . .ml
aUo as proof of the r lie "termini on to ' In the future the exigencies In tho east will I llons, The foreglsnted nrulnt0 pa!
present aPunUed front to the enemy during bo such as to permit tho eMnetton of , boforo tl)0 boom wanc(, nd BIsh(
Coiiilitue of All the Compressed Air
Comiiantea nt the
this presidential year,
lllMhop Cnllmvny to I'rencii mere m
the .Methodist Keumenlcnl Coun
cil in Loudon.
WASHINGTON. March 21. The program
commltteo of the United States and Canada,
comprising the westorn section of the Meth
odist church, met here today anu prac
tically completed a tentative program of
subjects and speakers for tho ecumenical
conferrenco to be held In London, Deginning
September 4, 1901.
This program will be sent to the repre
sentatives of the eastern sectlou In Lon
don and If approved will bo tho program of
tho conference. Ono essay, two Invited ad
dresses and a discussion will bo the order
for each day's procoedlngj. Evening meet
ings of a. more popular character will bo
held with platform addressee. Tho pro
gram also provides for tho consideration of
questions concerning tho relation of tho
various Methodist bodies to each other; tho
condition of Methodism in general; Its rela
tion to tho important, ethical and religious
Right Ilov. IUchard Bcanncll, bishop of
tho Catholic diocese of Nebraska and thus
the recognized head of tho church for this
district, wns transferred from tho Con
cordia to tho Omaha dloccso In 1891. Tho
responsibilities that fell upon his shoulders
nt that tlmo wero exceedingly perplexing
mayor's letter was recdvea ny nrciary nnJ caIc, f0 nt,m,nlstrnt,vo nb1Uy of a
Long soveral months ago and the auswei h!gh or(Jer H,8 pre,lcC0Baori n,Bnop 0.Con.
was delayed solely because no chance to nc neri forcsaw tno nceds of a rapldIy ,iCVelop
copt tho Invitation could then be perceived. . , d0CC3e nncl nrenared for the future by
Thouch the prospect Is no brighter now ..1Pntr nhin nmnnriv. nrntnoto,! I in this country. These Include tho Amer
tho answer was lorwnruou, trusting um churches, schools and charitable Institu- I lenn Air Power company or tnis city, tno
sed nwny Hydro-Pneumntlo atorag compnny oi
hop Scan- Washington, tho Standard Power Storago
not applied for a charge since leaving rtho
Krnger and the Britiih Government Onco
More in Correspondence.
Foreign Office Riceives a Message, bnt Its
Contents Are Kept Secret.
Correspondent Jnst From Thero Wires the
Advatoi it Delayed Meanwhile.
liner Uepntntlon tiding tn Nt. l'eters
Imru I'cell IthodeN Kinlinrttn ut
L'npctomi for the Shores
of Knulancl.
LONDON, March 22.-1:12 a. in. Several
telegrams havo passed between President
Kruger and the Hrltlsh government In ad
dition to tho Salisbury correspondence al
ready published.
Tho foreign olllco received a dispatch from
Pretoria yesterday. Tho contents of these
communications cannot yet bo obtnlned.
Tho Cnpetown correspondent of tho Dally
Mall, telegraphing iMnrch 21, says:
"I have Jut arrived from lllocmfonteln,
whero I learned that no further movemcut
Is probablo for thrco weeks, ns negotiations
aro proceeding.
NEW YOItK. iMarch 21. A story was "1 raiicu to ascertain tno nature or tno
published hero today that negotiations havo negotiations, or whether Sir Alfred Mllner's
reached a satisfactory stage for the consoll- departuro from Capetown Is connected with
datlon of all the compressed air companies them, but I should not bo surprised If tho
war collnpscd quickly."
tho necessary fleet there. Thorcforo tho ncll 8Ucceedod to a burden of considerable
mayor of Portsmouth was told that If tho sj,Ci jn plo 0( n obstacles Dlshop Scan
squadron went to Europe It would ccrtnlnly I ncu administration has been a success,
touch nt Portsmouth in recognition of tho During his rcglmo thero has been an liif
Invitation. There havo been Invitations or crease of eighteen priests, seventeen par
a llko naturo from other ports in Europe,
Tho Portsmouth Invitation was anticipated
only a few wcek9 by ono from tho munici
pality of Torbny.
At Sydney nnd Adelnlde the Iluhonlo
1'lnRiic Is 1'revnlent.
MELHOUHNE, March 21. Sydney, the
capital of Now South Wales, and Adelaide,
capital of South Australia, have been de
clared Infected with tho bubonic plngue.
SYDNEY, N. S. W March 23 Two
dcutlw from bubonic plaguo occurred hero
today and one now caso was officially re
ported. Attemnt to Murder n .Indue.
PARIS, March 21. In tho Palaco of Justice
today an attempt was mado to murder the
presiding Judgo of tho fifth court by a
drucelst named Uardtn, who hid Just lest n
BUlt. Tho Judges had just tnKcn meir sei!
and counsel in another case bad bejun his
tion to tho ""n llardlu afm Vdvofvef mnl
lucsllons ot th times; Its att tudo toward h bad a
Mtnbllnc temperance nnd similar evils and urea tnreo anoui ... honrt
Ishes, fourteen parochial schools, 700 pupils,
400 families nnd 4,500 In church member
Bishop Scnnnell Is C3 years of age. Ha
was born and educated for tho priesthood
A dispatch to tho Dally Mall from Pre
toria, dated March 19, says:
"President Kruger returned from Kroon-
company or I'hiiaueipnia, tno tramway stadt yesterday. Ho says tho light In tho
Power Stcrogo company ot. Philadelphia, tho prco Stato will bo desperate. I am In
International Power Storago company of formed that tho Transvaal government has
Washington, tho Now York Auto-Truck taken no resolution to destroy mines or
company nnd several other corporations property as a last resort."
.1 I .- .UI.. tlUM.ln Tlnn.1 nn.l 1
OpCrUllUg 111 IU1U BIUIU, liUUUU 1S1UUU tlUM
West Virginia.
It Is intimated that the parent company
Mllncr'n Trip to lllocnifontetu.
(Copyright, IfwO, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, March 21. (Now York World
Cablegram. Special Telegram.) Tho sltua-
wlll bo cither tho Own Power company or
fhn Tntnrnntlnnnl I'nwpr comnanv. either of
In Ireland, was ordained In 1871 nnd camo which is supposed to possess n substantial ln In the Orango I' roe Stato s really far
to tho United States in 1872. Ho began amount of tangible assets. Nothing Is snld u satisfactory than tho Hrltlsh censored
his priestly labors In Nashville, Tenn., as about tho capitalization of thcao companies, dispatches represent It to be. Only a small
thn rathedral. Liter but It Is asserted that conferences are being i section of tho Inhabitants so far have sub-
on ho was appointed pastor of a new church held to determlno theso and other details, mlttod, tho vast bulk ot tho Iloors being
nt East Nashville, a position that gavo , Inquiries among officials of tho Amorican ( elthar In n condition of open or covert dls
opportuiiity for his talents as spiritual Air Power company in this city elicited tho nffcctlon. When Sir Alfred Mllner suddenly
rnihnr nncl inialnpfss mnnneor. Such was ndm salon thnt tno consonaation or mo
his success that he was appointed vicar American company and tho Compressed Air
general of tho dloccso by Bishop Feehan company of cnicago win snoruy uo au
and when tho latter was elevated to tho nounced. It was said by tho same parties,
sambllne. temperance
toward the questions arising out ot Biblical
Bishop Galloway of the Methodist Church
South (ft Jackson, Miss., will preach at tho
opening session by Invitation of tho Brit
ish section ot the committee This sermon
will bo delivered from John Wesley's pulpit
in Wesley chapel, City Iload, London, nnd
will bo followed by communion scrvico ana
driven from Chicago to smaller towns, whero addresses ot welcome and response The
wages aro sometimes 25 per cent less. Ho . members of tho committee In session hero
also said tn answer to a question that he
considered trades unionism placed a premium
on Inefficiency nnd that labor leaders from,
hla exporlenco with them, woro looking
solely for their own aggrandizement.
"Tho avorago American mechanic," 6ald
Mr. Board, "Is nothing but an overgrown
One Hundred nnd Fifty AVnllf tint nt
Cleveland Ilefore Orders
Are IsNncd. .
CLEVELAND, March 21. President James
O'Connell of tho International Machinists'
union arrived hero from Chicago today and
subsequently hold a long conference with
tho officials ot tho local machinists' union
In regard to the proposed strike In this city.
In an Interview Mr. O'Connell said: "No
national strike has yet been called, but ar
rangements aro being mado for one. In
Cleveland tho men want so llttlo that 1
cannot understand why the omployers should
prefer to havo a strike on their hands."
Bishop John V. Hurst, chairman, and
Prof. J. W. VanVlcck and Dr. II. K. Car
roll, secretary, representing tho Methodist
Episcopal church; Prof. C. B. Galloway nnd
Dr. J. J. Tlgert, representing the Methodl3t
Episcopal Church South; General Super
intendent A. Carmen of the Methodist Epis
copal church In Canada; Bishop A. Walters,
representing tno Airican .unuumsi
copal Zlon church; Dr. V. T. Tagg ot tho
Methodist Protestant church nnd Rev. J.
Mason, representing the Primitive Metho
dist church.
Aiiiiouneenieiit Mode After n Confer
ence Which CnrneKle Attends
l'rlek lleprescnted.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., March 21. The
narrow escape, the bullets grazing his head
Municipal guards threw themselves on
Bardln and removed him to a cell, while tho
Judge, with perfect coolness, said to counsel:
"You can continue, maltre; It Is nothing."
Find Aidles Under lee.
VICTOUIA. B. C, Mnrch 21. The steamer
Amur, nrrlvlng from Skagway today, re
ports that he bodies of Clnyson nnd his
mleslng companions, Ilclfo and Olson, havo
been found under tho river leo nnd enough
evidence has been obtained to convict
O'Brien. A coroner's Jury on tho body of
Burt Horton nnd wlfo returned a verdict of
murder by Indians.
Seven Indians hnvo been arrested nt Klu-
kwan for tho murder of Mr. and Mrs. Hor
ton. O'Brien is In custody at Taglsh.
(Jreet nn Argentine Ship.
MADRID, March 21. Tho commander and
offlcera of the Argentlno war ship Presidents
Sarralento, now on a visit to Spanish ports,
received an enthusiastic welcome today from
the enormous crowd which had gathered at
tho station to grceot tbcm on their arrival
hero. They wero given an audlenco by
tho queen regent nt tho palace at 2 o'clock
this afternoon.
nrchcplscopal seo of Chicago In 1880 Father
Scannell beenmo administrator of tho dio
cese. For threo years he performed tho
onerous duties of administrator, being re
lieved by the appointment of Bishop Rod
emachcr. Tho great tide of Immigration that flowed
into tho west In the '80a necessitated n di
vision of What, was then tho vlomato ot
Nebraska. Montana and Wyoming wero
erected Into dlocoses, and Nebraska mado
Into two more, westorn Kansas was muuo
Into another ace. Thus two bishopries wero
however, that they had no knowledge of
tho proposed general consolidation.
Ne-T York Judge Mnltes Few ncmarks
on the Antl-Vlee Crnsnde
NEW YORK, March 21. Thrco petty
gambling cases wero tried beforo Judgo
Cowing and a Jury in tho court or general
left Capetown on a spcclnl train Monday
night, with his prlvnto secretary, his des
tination was caiefully kept secret, lest his
train might bo wrecked on tho way. It was
simply nnnounced that he was "going north
on a pence mission."
It turns out thnt ho went to Blnomfon
teln, having been hastily summoned there
by Lord Roberts, who finds tho questions
of administering tho affairs of tho conquered
portions of tho Orange Froo Stato mora
than ho can copo with,
Sir Alfred Mlluer is not only tbo governor
and thn commander tn chlof of tho BrltUU
colony of tho Cape of Good Hope, but he la
also tho British high commissioner In
nuuwic. , . ...i 1 sessions today. Two of the defendants boutn Africa, tlie nupremo roprescntntlve ot
convertca into six. n '' '" '"'" wcre acciulttcel nnd the third, an Italian tho British civil government In that part
for aspirants to the pulpit. y""".n Who ran a penny gambling machine In of tho world. It was In tho Inst named ca
nell was chosen the "e ot ConwrtW' g but th(j jury . pa that hg den , h
Kin on November 30, 1687, nnd on Decern- "aricm, was iou..u m.t
Kan., on isovemDcr ou, ioo., thu ' recommended mercy. Judgo Cowing
5" . ,r,lT,d ThdBr.nBhBmubo ed lm 23 and thon, raising his voice,
until transferred to tho seo of Omaha, Jan
uary 30, 1891. and -was Installed In St.
Phllomenn's cathedral on tbo April 12 fol-
.Vrhrnska nud Five Western Stolen
Are (liven Into the Chnrice of C. K.
Llewellyn of Omnhu.
thin address:
It seems to bo the opinion of the Jurors
dent Kruger beforo the war.
Deputntloii (ioliifr to Itimaln.
(Copyright, 1900, by Press Publishing Co.)
uAmrowfi, Ainrcu 21, 12:35 p. m.
mat mey snoum iioi couv, ... (Now York World Cablegram-Special Tolo
ns it appears 10 mem, nun vn; grnni,)T imvo U on tho bcBt nutlinrltv
it Ir onlv the small fry that aro arrested fi'l.L. l, ""v " " .A." authority
and brought Into court for trial, in every wolnrnns which left Deincnn. i.nv fnv ,vi.,
gambling case and In .every liquor tax case titf'iZLi
TorSl amwZVnsU Mfii'J A"
in wio
. .. , 1.. iB ... imhihvmiu mvii tiuu inn ijiuiti iitiriy
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. March 21. Special
f ihn rami mail servico adjourned
today after holding their national conference. . 0f tho Jurors npparently believe aro making nothlnc behind him,
"Why don't you," nodding at the police
man, "go after tho big fellows, who some
a a result there has been a general shaking
up ot territory by General Superintendent
Dice, who has made tho following align
ments: C. E. Llewellyn, Omaha, Nebraska, south
half ot Iowa, Colorado, Wyoming, Wash
ington nnd Oregon.
flonriro Olson of Taylor, Wis., Missouri,
Kansas, Iiutelana, Texas, Arkansas, North
AekniMVledKe Gift to Amer ten
t nvnnM Mnrrh 21. In neknnwledclnc I
tho gift to the United States of a bust of . and South Dakota, Idaho and Montana
Washington presented by M. Coates ot
conferenco hold hero between tho rival in- Bournemouth, Secretary Hay writes: "Tho
tcrosts In the Carneglo Steel company of prCslJont directs mo to express his slncero
thanks to you, not only lor tne vaiuame
and acceptable gift, but also for the friendly
spirit of good will which prompted It."
Pittsburg has probably resulted In an agree
mont of sottlcment of the stock controversy
which has been Interesting tho steel in-
It Is said that 2,000 machinists will go ' dustry of tho country for somo time. Tho
out In this city If a strike Is ordered. I Krlck clement wob represented ay tienry
One hundred nnd fifty men, tho majority j Pblpps. F. T. F. Lovcjoy. A. M. Moreland
being machinists, employed ot tho Hill-1 and Lawrewo Phlpps. Andrew Carneglo
Jll l r Qnhh nr denl of tho CarneKle Steel Taku Is Intended to participate in nn'clnl aKcnta ot tho W0StcTn division In dim
men-stX X i T 11 iTj company, ami D. 1 'ciIoT -" Joint naval nstratlon implicated and emergency
proposed general strike in this city and James B. Dill of New York advised tho con
joint Ilemoimt ration in China.
BERLIN, March 21. An official agency to
day gavo out a Washington dispatch setting
forth that tho American war ship sent to
Charles Llun of Chicago, Illinois.
Special Agent Howard of St. Paul, Min
nesota nnd Nevada.
J. P. Walker, Boscobel, Wis., north half
of Iowa nnd Wisconsin, In conjunction with
Special Agent Ormsby.
William B, Annln, Phoenix, Ariz., Califor
nia, Utah, New iMexleo aud Arlzonn.
Special Agent Hammer of Chicago, who
formerly had primary supervision of tho
stato of Michigan, will assist tho other spe-
thousands of dollars yes, millions of dol
larsout of this vlco7"
I'nrnde with Four Thoiisnnd People
In Line nnd n llnuiinet In
the Kvenlntr.
boforo it was ordered by the. union because
they had a number of minor grievances
which they desired to havo adjusted.
"n'eKcneriite" Not to lie Presented
nt Cleveland Ilreaune of Fenr
of Police.
forces In regard to legal questions.
The only fact given out was the Important
point that a settlemont had been reached
China persist In Its refusal to suppress the
sects hostile to Christians,
AKonellln Clnlins n Victory.
PARIS. March 21. The Intransleeant has
ngreeablo to tho Carneglo Interests and that j n telegram received by Agonclllo, Agulnal-
tho suit in court would bo withdrawn it
Frlck himself confirmed the agroement
made. Tho entire party went to New York
ChloiiKO llnrher Killed nt Illn Shop hy
Man with Illile Who
CHICAGO, March 21. Robert W. Gil-
CLEVELAND. 0 March 21. As a re
suit of tho movement recently Inaugurated
In this city against tho presontatlsn of
certain nla. the encashment of Mrs. Lane.
fined In n .dark room for snveral dayB nnd try, who was hilled to open at tho Euclid
It Is nnnouncod by his friends that there Is Avenue onera house on Anril 2 in "Thn
little hope for complete restoration of hla ' Degenerates," has been cancelled. Tbo I chrlst. proprietor of 'a barber shop at 1751
eyesight. Mr. Hartley has been troubled pollco authorities several days ago an-1 Twenty-Becond street, was shot and In- js making arrangements
with his eyes for a year or more and thn, nouncej thnt a censor would bo present at stantly killed while preparing to shavo a ( polltlcnt prisoners In Peru.
pronapimy or a loss or eyesigni naB en- me nrsi periormnnce ot "Tho Degenerates" r patron in his snop tonigni. ino assassin 1
couraged bis friends to renew their efforts with full authority to order tho curtain ' camo to tho door of tho shop, opened It Smallpox Amonir .Montana r.rndern.
to secure his pardon. Numerous petitions rung down should anything objectionable j about halt way. took a slow aim with a rlfla i-: Kmih MnnT si.vH.
. Llll nM rillM.-lB In 4nm.IA - - . - ...... '
do's envoy, announcing that tho Filipino
general Pavla has routed tho Americans
near Cubat and taken tho town.
TCuiperor Willlnni Rntertnlim.
BERLIN. March 21. Emperor William to
day entertained at luncheon tho minister
of foreign affairs, Count von Buelow, the
ambassadors and their wives and tho naval
and military attaches.
LllierntliiK 1'olltlciil Prisoners.
LIMA, Peru, March 21. (Via Galveston,
Tex.) It Is reported that President Homana
to liberate all
tlona. Tho agents who attended tne con
ference turned over to Mr. Dire nil the peti
tions they had for rural routes throughout
the west. Thero are hundreds of theso pe
titions and tho agents say that the farmers
tn nil western states aro drawing up more
requests for the service. It is tho opinion
of tho agentB 'that tho rural service should
bo distinct from suburban servico nnd as
Independent ot tho regular mall service ns
ICx-Clinplnln of IlnltlcHhlp Orrgnn
Introduce Wife Slurried in Secret
Three Yearn Ako.
nro now being circulated In this city aud bo said or done on the stage
It Is reported similar efforts aro being put
forth In other cities with n view to having
lilra pardoned or his' sentence reduced.
Tho State bank of Ewlng filed nrtlcles ot
Senator Meet Havana Kdltnra.
HAVANA, March 21. Today the members
ot the senate commission devoted all their
' - " time to receiving callers, the mall reception
Incorporation with the State Banking Board tnmn , na,,lrn ,,. . . 'J"'0..
today. Tho capital stock of the concern Is
$25,000 and tho principal Incorporators are
It. E. and W. R. Chlttlck.
Tho Rushvlllo Creamery company ot
Rushvlllp died articles of incorporation
with tho secrotary of state. The stock sub
scribed amounts to $2,000. The Incorporators
are A. B. Slocum! William Melchor, Kd
Tlensnold and P J. Johnson.
Ilclitviiire HepuhllrnuH Meet,
WILMINGTON, Del., March 21. The rcg
ular republican state convention in session
nt Dover today elected delegates to tho re
publican national convention. The resolu
tions adopted by tho convention ondorso
room at tho palaro being placed at their dis
posal. Govornor General Wood had ar
ranged that all the editors who dealred to
, do so should meet the commissioners at
noon. Many of them appeared at that hour
and, many appeared separately during the
afternoon. This ovenlng tho senators wero
entertained nt dinner by General Chaffee.
Tomorrow also will be devoted to Havana
and on Friday a special train will take them
to Matanzns. It Is not probable- that tbo
commissioners will go Into tho eastern
and fired, hitting uncnrut in tno icrapie , 8mil,,ox nas broken out in tho Great
before tho witnesses of tho crlmo could re- j Northern grading camps near Fort Benton,
cover from their astonishment and give
Late tonight Police Captain Campbell
received Information which leads him to be
llevo that Jealousy may havo been the mo
tlvo ot the crime.
Wherenhnutn of Vennel Which Sailed
from .er York Hnrly In Feb
ruary Unknown.
Collision on the Mllvtitukee.
MASON CITY. In.. March 21. In n head.
. end collision between it iniHseiiL'tT and a
tho administration of President McKlnley freight train on tho Chicago, Mllwnukee a
nnd ask for his renomlnatlon. The com- .Pl4Ul.,r1a,"ro?.'1 ,?1 Hul1 lai,t ".'F,',". Con;
,v .,, . ,.,i,ii ,.. .j.,.,,. ductor Mlko Mckeaver was killed and
rnltee of tho union republicans, the Addlcks j)rnUomnn French Injured. Both trains were
faction, will meet at Dover on April 3 and badly damuged.
whera about 1.200 men aro at work. Thlrtv
cases have been already reported and It
Is feared that Jt will bo Impossible to
check tho disease, as tho men nre huddled
together nnd tho Hiinltnry conditions nro
naturally very bad. It Is supposed that
ihn (llBparo was carried from another rninn
on tho main line. It is likely that n quar
antine -will lie established against all camivs
alonz tho linn.
VenNel Huh ii Hard Trip.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 21.-Tho
French bark Emllle Onlllno arrived today
from Swansea after a voyage of 257 days,
which Included a stop of nearly two months
nt ltlo Janeiro, into which port It put to
repair damage sustained In a heavy storm
white trvlnir to round Cnno Horn. Tbo vos.
sid wns obliged to retrn'co Its course to
SAVANNAH, Ga., March 21. Fifty thou
sand persons on tho streets here 'this after
noon gavo Admiral Dewey an onthuslastle
welcome to Savannah. Tho admiral had
recovered from hla Indisposition of yes
terday .sufficiently for him to tako part In
tho military parado nnd no ho rodo through
tho streets with Mrs. Dowey at his side
ringing cheers rent tho nlr. Military com
panies wero present from many southern
cities and nearly 4,000 men wcre In line.
An admiral's saluto was fired by tho
Chatham artillery from ibrass pieces pre
sented to tho organization by President
Georgo Washington. The climax of the
occasion occurred at the banquet at tho De
Soto hotel tonight, whero the admiral was
presentod a beautiful vaso on behalf of tho
city of Savannah by F. G. Dublne. Tho
vaso 4s elegantly ongraved and stands nearly
threo feot high on a marblo base.
Cecil Rhodes sailed for England todny.
Humored Plnii of AinnlKiiiiintlnii.
LONDON, March 22. Tho correspondent
of tho Times at Lourcnzo Marquez, tele
graphing Tui-sday, says:
"It is reported from Pretoria that a
schemo has boen raised for tho amalgama
tion of tho Transvaal and tho Frco State.
Kruger will becomo president ot tho fed
erated states and Hteyn commandant gen
eral of tho Boer army. Tba flag will too the
oamo ns that of tho Transvaal, with an addi
tional orango color. Although this story
is not confirmed, it is not improbable It is
a notorious fact that General Joubort has
lost tho confidence of tho Burghers, be
cause from tho first ho refused to shut his
eyes to tho Incvltnblo result of the. war.
With all tho Burghers In the- field It might
not bo difficult to secure n formal indorse
ment of this rumored schemo.
A dispatch to tho Standnrd from Illocm
fontein, dated Tuesday, says:
"Four thousand Transvaalers from Coles
berg trekkd on Saturday and Sunday Into
tho northeast, going by way of tho BaButo
land border. They will probably bo caught
nt ono of tho passes." Lender Secures the F.llitiliintlno
of Thnt Portion of the Supple
mentary neiidliiK.
S.vecpliiK the Southern I)ltrleH In
tile Free State Preparation
for General Ail viim-e.
LONDON, March 22. So far bb the mil
itary situation Ib concerned thoro Is prac
tically no change. Lord Roberts is quietly
making preparations for tho noxt move.
As necessary to a beginning, Gcnorals Gat
aero and Brabant aro swiftly moving from
point to point In tho southern districts of
SAN FRANCIoCt), March 21. Rev. J. P. , Pn9, oP thousands of dollars, hut nono
Mclntyre, who was chaplain on the battlo- nf tho histories will contain a mention ot
CHICAGO, Mnrch 21. Histories of Eng
land wcto dropped from tho lists of tho sup
plomcntary reading for thca public schools I the Frro Stato dispersing or accepting the
at the meeting of the Board of Education ' surrender of any remaining BoerB, thus on-
tonlght. Books wore adopted for all grades Btirlng tno safety of Lord Roberts' com
munications ucroro starting toward Pro-
eMn nmi.nn when thn Rrm ntiih . A n '
war began and who lost his position bo-
causo of remarks about his superior oftl
England except as an Incident In connec
tlon with tho war of lndopandeuce.
For threo months Trustee John T. Keat
!,Kr lnS, who I. tho national president of the
NEW YORK, March 21. When tho French
liner Gascolgno sails tomorrow for Havro
its captain will have orders to keep a sharp m0 jun0lro. that being tha nenrest port
lookout for any traco of the Pauillac, which whero repairs could bo made. Purine tho
sailed hence early In February for Havre, progress of the storm, which lasted sov
...wl ..veflnt hv thn Hermanle. which lhtnrt . el days, tho Gnlllno almost foundered.
aud except by the Germanic, which sighted
It six days out, has not since been ecen.
This lookout will bo kept for tho vetscl
despite tho fact that the agentB ot tho line
Mvn nearly abandoned all hope of over
bearing from It again.
"Tnlnnv l,i.. ' ,t ..lillim.
LEXINGTON, K. .March 21. A special
from Henttyville says that "Tallow Dick"
Combs, who has been mentioned as the man
u-hn .tint f.nehpl. lu tint hlfilmr till, lu nun.
TU.9 French I ducting his barber shop there.
years ago, although until now the world had
not tho slightest hint of It.
Since his forced retirement from the navy
in August, 1808, Mr. Mclntyre has lived at
735 Eddy street In this city with his wife,
who, however, was known to her neighbors
and acquaintances as Mrs. Gordon. Now
they desire tho world should know they
are legally married, although the disclosure
of the fact may mean the loss ot a com
fortablo fortune. This la tho story of thu
"In January, 18D2, Chaplain Mclntyre,
while on a visit to this city, met Mrs. Lucy
H. Gordon, widow ot Attornoy Robert Gor
don, nt tho homo ot a mutual friend. Mr. J
Mclntyro's nrst wiro, nn Arizona girl, had
died tbo year previous. During tho suc
ceeding years when the chaplain was in
foreign waters ho kept up a regular corre
spoTidonco with Mrtf. Gordon. Finally
they decided to marry and tho chaplain's
request to be assigned to n vessel stationed
at San Francisco was granted. He was
transferred to the Oregon. Soon after bis
Anclont Order of Hibernians, has been
fighting tbo use of histories of England,
which ho declared were prejudiced In favor
of England. Tho district superintendents
decided to eliminate English histories nnd
nothing but American history will bo In
eluded In tho supplementary reading.
An American IJreyfu Cnie.
CHICAGO, March 21. Thenphlle and
(i u h tlvo DreyfUK, brothers, said to havo
been formerly In tho wholesnlo tobacco
business In New York und to be under
Indictment thero on the charge, of de-v.i,tinp-
thplr creditors out of 150.000 In a
failure, were arrested In Chicago today. , r,ev ,,aHe t0 glrlko eastward from
Bines they left Now ork last October ' str(,nmM ,n,n ,,, TrnnBV11.,.
.Yinv nnvft neen iruvu.iuu m uui.iiaurciai i ... -
A correspondent of tho Dally News at
Sprlngfontcln, describing these movements,
"General Gatacro is sweeping through the
country llko a cyclone with flying columns
In all directions. Ills swiftness and strat
egy havo proved ot inestimable value to
Lord Roberts."
The rebuilding of tho railroad bridge at
Norvalspont will tako two months. Tho
temporary bridges will be completed In
about ton days, Meanwhile supplies are
transported hy an ncrlal tramway across
tho gap. These works necessarily dolay
tho providing of supplies for the advance.
Lord Methuen's movements north ot Klm
berley aro believed to bo a prelude to tho
gathering ot a column of 20,000 with Kim-
salesmen. They say they will not return
to tho east without requisition paacra.
Found Dead lu 111 Olllee,
TOLEDO, O,, March 21. Colonel Henry
S. Hunker, a prominent nttornoy nnd
military man, was found dead In his office
today with a bullet wound In the back of
his neck. A rovolver lay on the floor near
him, but It Is not known whether it was
murder or suicide.
South African Ciiiiiiin Commended,
BERLIN, March 21. Dr. Krummacher
and Dr. Schmidt, military surgeons who
havo Just returned from tho Hrltlsh camps
In South Africa, speak In commendatory
terms of tho camps thero. They deny that
dumdum or other torturing bullets are being
used by the British and said thoy did not