! f ITZ-SIIARKEY FIGHT IS OFF ' Etllor rUi to Depoiit His $5,000 Forfeit Money en Time. flTZSIMMONS AGREES TO MEET M'COY tter Hie l-'l II Up by ShnrUey IMU Snjs He l UlllltiK lo 'I'nlit! oil i the Kill Conference. ArrniiKCil. , NUW lOUK. March 20. -Tho proposed Cght between Hob Fltzslmmons and Tom Bharkoy Is off. Promptly at 1 p. m. this ntternoon Fltz elramoDB appeared nt. the Deldvau house, as ngrccd upon 1at night. He waa u)ti fol lowed by Al Smith, who acted an receiver pf bids; Tom O'Roufke, representing the Keasldo Sporting, qlub of Coney Island, tJiillan representing tho Wcstchenter Athlotlc dub of Tuckahoe, N. V-. nnd George Tucker of the samo club. All repaired to a prlvutc room, whero O'Rourke and Julian handed 1A1 Smith ccTtlflcd checks for $5,000. Then thero was a wait tot Sharkey, who had agreed to appear with his forfeit of J5.000. During tho wait there was Homo argument liotwcen Julian nnd O'Hourko as to the de tails of tho propoicd fight. O'Rourko etood iby his proposition of last night, offering t'.O per cent of tho gross receipts of tho club, rwhllo Julian still offered C7 per cent In (behalf of tho Wwtchostcr club. OMlourko tried to show that 60 per cent fet tho Seasldo Athletic club was better than f7 per cent nt Tuckahoe. He said that the KoatlnK capacity of the Seasldo Athletic club twa the greater. Julian said ho was familiar mlth tho Seasldo club nnd knew that tho Westchester Athletic club could accommo date as many, If not raoro patrons, than tho former. On behalf of tho Wratchcatcr club Julian nffcrcil CO per rent of the plcturo money. OMlourko did not make nny proposition on thin matter. At 1:30 Fltzslmmoru aroso nnd slid that Its Shnrkey had not appeared with his forfeit Iho fight was off. Julian then said that tho offer of Ills club tood with Fltzslmmonti and nny other man 4io might select who would ugrce to light Bilm. Fltzslmmons nald that was accept able to him nnd that ho would eelcct "Kid" McCoy. Tho party then broke up. Kltzslm mons, Julian, Al Smith nnd (leorgo Tucker adjourning to McCoy's cafe. When McCoy henrd tho proposition bo nald ho was agrecablo nnd Fltzslmmons nnd (ho agreed to meet at McCoy's place at noon next Saturday. CHICAGO TO HAVE TWO CLUBS lAn IJiiilerstnnilliiu; Arrived Al lle tivcen President llnrt anil the Aiiierli'iin I.ciikiic, CHICAGO, March 20. An ngreemont will ho HlfiicJ tomorrow botween the lAmnrlcan league, nnd President Hart, representing tho National league club, which will permit tho former organization to' placo a base ball cllib In Chicago on certain conditions, which ns yot hnvo not been given out, hut will probably be mnilii fuihllu In a few days. Thero Is considerable nterost manifested ns to what concessions tho American lenguo has made to obtnln the privilege of entering National leaguo terri tory, So far as Is known tho purchase of Iho Cleveland National league property Is tho only condition. This, It Is Ilgured, will entail an exponso amounting to nearly 15, XX upon tho American league. The Clove land end of iho matter will bo settled to miorrow. President Johnson will, In nil liknllhood. mako a trip to Ohio to attend to nettling tho detnlls or tho transfer. President Hart nnd President Johnson rxohanged visits today nnd discussed tho de. tails yet to bo nrrnnged In tho base ball deah Tho consent cvf the National league hits boon secured nnd now nil that remains to bo done Is thb signing of tho papers, KcmuIIh nil the Itiiiiiilnu Truck. SAN 1'MtANClSCO. March JO.-Weather ulnar nnd track fast. Tun fo ran results: First race, seven-sixteenths of a mile, for maiden 2-year-old (lilies, purse: Konie won, 'Merlda second, Princess Icotu third. Time: 0:42. Second rare, six furlongs, selling: Hosal hra won, Mondu second, Sorrow third. Time: 1:11. Third race, ono nnd one-qunrter mites, selling: Chlmnra won, Ootobed second Hod l'lrato third. Time: 2:01. Fourth race, six furlongs, selling: Afghan -won, Heigh Hoc second, Casdale third. Time: lilJU. Fifth race, ono nnd one-slxteenth miles, sollliw: Scotch Plaid won. Sllvertone sec ond, Espionage third. Time: 1:1S',4. Sixth nice, six furlongs, purse: Joe lie Gee won, l'lrato J second. Decoy third, rlfnf! 1 1 ! . NEJV ORLEANS, Murch 20.-Track heavy. Ilcsults: First race, ono mile, selling: Frnnglblo won. Hen Chanco second. Caviar third. 1 imo: , lMSi. Second race, one nnd one-sixteenth miles: Plantain won, Nuller second. Shlnfano third. Time: i:su. T,,.lri.1,r"Vc' ono-lmlf mile, for 2-year-oids: I-red Hunlon won, Daisy Osborne second, Juanette third. Time: 0:51. Fourth nice, ono mile, handicap: Eva thlnl. e-V:'!?". Vn' KPCm'' lMvM i-'Ty1 ,nice- "no lnllp: sls'cr Fox won, Thne!0l!l"minJ' KCC0,ltl' uul UeKBlo third! Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Agitator Time: l"sUnt'r St'C"d' IXml N,,Vl" th"'11' JeiinliiKN Will Unit the JniP. PHILADELPHIA. Mnrch 20.-A letter re reived here today from Hugh Jennings, the famous Inlleldrr of tho Hrboklyn bnSo ball club, makes tho announcement that ho wll HRA1N l'OOI). In of Utile llcucflt I'nleHH 11 In III aexli'it. Nearly everyone will admit that ns a na tion wo cat too much meat and too llttlo Tcgotablea and 1ho grains. For business men, oftlce nten nnd clerks, and In fact everyone engaged in sedentary or Indoor occupations, grains, milk and vegetables nro much moro healthful. Only men ongnged In a severe out doo rrianunl lnbor can live- on a heavy meat diet nnd continue In health. As a general rule, meat onco a day is suf ficient for all classes of men, women ana children, and grains, fruit nnd vegetables should constltuto the bulk of food eaten. Hut many of the most nutritious foods nri dlfllcult of dlgustlon and It is of no uso to advlso brain workers to eat largely of grains nnd vegctnblea where tho digestion is too weak to assl.-nilato them properly. It Is always bent to get tfio best results from our food that some simple and harm less digestive should bo taken nfter meals tt assist the relaxed digestive organs, nnd sov cial years' exporlenco hnvo proven Stunrt's Dyspopsln Tablets to bo a very safe, plea-s ant and cffectlvo dlgtstlvo nnd a remedy which may bo tuken dally with the best retmlts. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can hardly ho called a patent medicine, as they do not act on tho bowels nor any particular organ, but only on the food eaten. Thoy Mipply what weak stomachs lack, pepsin dlataso and by stimulating tho gastric glands In creasn tho natural secretion of hydrochloris acid. Peoplo who make a dally prnctlvo of tak ing ono or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal are suro to have perfect digestion which means porfect health. Thero is no danger of forming an Injur ious habit as tho tablets contain absolutely nothing but natural digestives; coealne. mor- phlno and similar drugs hnvo no place In a stomach medicine nnd Stunrt's Dyspopsln Tablets aro certnlnly tho best known and most popular of nil stomach remedlos, Ask your druggist for a fifty cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and after a week's uso note the Improvement In health, ucetlto and nervous energy. tv.it play base ball nny more. Jennings says hn will not sign tho contract tendered by tho Brooklyn management. He Is nt Ithaca training tho Cornel! university team. After tho trip south with the colUgo players Jen nings, It is stnted, will become sporting editor of a Philadelphia newspaper. I'rlio-Wlnnliifc tlOKN I'olnoiicit. NHW YOH1C March 20. -Two of the most valuable dogs on exhibition nt the bulldog snow in .Mnaison tsuunre waruon were rounn dead today nnd It Is believed they were poisoned. Tho dogs were Delnwnrc nnd Highland Mary, both owned by F. K. Aus tin. Dcluwnro on Monday took lirst prize for limit dogs under forty-tlvo pounds nnd wns vnlued at II.Goa She also won first prlzo In the lightweight class, was n winner at tho recent dog show and hnd won n first prize in inuon. Knimnti Whip a I'lillnili'liililiin. WEIH CITYi, Kan., Mnrch 20.-"Hubo" Ferns knocked out Jack Hnnlcy of Phila delphia hero tonight In tho seventh round. They met to go twenty rounds. DEAN COMPANY UNDER FIRE WHiirss In ('use .Stall's Hint She Wits DUorci'il from One II iinliiinil In OiiiiiIiii, NBW YOKK, March 20. When tho trlat of James 11. Kellogg, Indicted for grand larceny and conspiracy In connection with tho E. S. Dean company, was resumed to day beforo Recorder Ooff, Miss Emily Goebcl was the first witness called. Miss Oocbel wns much agitated. Miss Oocbel told of Kellogg having said to her that ha was em ployed by Mrs. E. S. Dean. "I heard Kellogg say once," she asserted, "that ho wns 'very much worried about tho business and that he had been doing criminal things, and If tho authorities learned of them tho only country he could go to wns Druzll, from whonce he could not bo ex tradited." She told of going to Europe at Kellogg'3 solicitation, nnd returning in September, 1807. After her return from Europe, Miss Joebcl said, speaking of a conversation bIip had with Kellogg, "Wo quarreled. Ho told mo ho was going to tho penitentiary Bure. Ho said to mo: Tvo got that money and Vvo got It planted good nnd plenty, and I'll do tlmo beforo I'll glvo It up. I'll go to tho penitentiary for a year and then I'll get out, but I'll take Sara Keller with me.' " In reply to questions Miss floebel said that she lived with Kellogg ns his wife. When nsked If nho was mnrrlcd, she said sho did not know. Sho onco had n husband named 3oobcl, but did not know whether or not ho wns dead, nnd said there had been no divorce. Sho testified Hint sho had been married to James II. Drutnmoll, but was di vorced in Omaha, A typewritten paper wok produced nnd Miss Qoebel recognized the elgnnturo as hora. Sho said that when sho signed It, it consisted of ono paragraph, merely being a receipt for $500. As It now reads tho docu ment states that she acknowledges the re ceipt of $500 received from James H. Kel logg, obtained by constantly annoying nnd harassing him, and ns "blood money" nnd contained an agreement not to annoy him further. Miss Goebel maintained that theso sentences wero written In nfter Bhe signed tho receipt. SHORTS GET A GREAT SCARE .Smtileii v- In Trnctlmi SIiiuUn lilven llu- Prices u lll; Ilooni, NEW YORK, March 20. Much excitement attended tho early dealings on tho Stockt exchange today. Tho occasion was the an nouncement that the Metropolitan Street railway had obtained control of tho Third Avenue. This was appalling nows to many speculators, who, counting upon an indefi nite decline In Third Avenue stock, sold It short with such a reckless disregard of the symptoms for several days that tho floating supply of tho stock was being diminished and a corner being formed. Tho nows that tho Metropolitan Street railway had ncqulred this stock, and the im proved status thus given tho property. caused a wild sceno nt the Third Avcnuo post at tho opening, which was "wide." Simul taneous sales wero made all tho way from 90 to U0, compared with 85 at yesterday's close and C6 early yesterday. Metropolitan btroet railway sold from 164'4 to 107 In tho first few minutes, compared with iCOli last night. Prices for the two Btocks quickly ran off, Third Avenue reacting several points and tho feverish tono of the market caused profit taking. All of the New York City Blocks, which havo been sold short by the bears on tho bo- Ilef that tho franchise tax law would bear heavily on thorn, soon reflected tho serious state of mind of the shorts. Hrooklyn Tran sit roso nearly 8 points and lumned from C3i4 to 72 on o single sale a very unusual variation oven for pnnlc conditions. Tho other Now York stocks, Sugnr, People's Oas and Tobacco reflected the same demoralized stato of mind on tho part of tho shorts. In tho loan crowd 2 per cent premium wns bid tor tne uso of Third Avonuo stock on loans. ihlrd Avcnuo later touched loou. nnd Metropolitan 171&. Between tho perturba tion of tho bears and-tho beaw ninnt.tnw. intf by thoso long of tho stocks, tho fluctu ations were violent nnd sentlmont so much unsettled that tho general markot fell Into neglect and becamo rather dull. ICnnNim Xnles nml Comment. The Kansas Wnm.in'a p ,i will meet nt Topeka April 6. ! The Kansas Stato Sundnv rhrml lion will meet In Atchison .May S to 10. A Geary county rami has nn order from Hoston for several carloads of Jackrabblts. Garden CltV'S cuttlp-dltminc- nlnnt ia In oporatlon. It has a capacity of 1,500 cuttlo a un Kansns had 3,15G,I?9.10 in cash nml se curities In its Htrong box at tho duto of last report. The value of Kunsas' dairy nrnducts In- creased from J4,610,6J1 In ISM to $6,613,1)58 III 1S99. Of tho 700 men In tho Kansas university Just one-half, 350, nro members of evungoli cal churches. Jesuit) Lcwelllng. dauchter of the ex-cov. ornor, has gone to Costa Rico In tho Interest of a Chicago paper. O. P Ercenbrlcht of Independence Is n candidate for tho republican nomination for congrcssman-at-largc. The fact is recalled that thirty-two vrars ago last week the entire Kansas legislature went buffalo hunting out beyond Hays City. Tho treemen In Kansas havo put tho soft manle nnd tho boxclder under the tmn They say they attract worms and soon be come a nuisance. Tho Christian Kndeavor convention -will bo held this year nt Hutchinson, the open ing session belnir on July 5. There will bo not less tnan i.6uu delegates. Socretnry Coburn estimates the value nt tho 7M.M26 horses In Kansas at $32,0IS.3I2. This vnlue under the manipulation of the assessors will shrink to about $5,000,000. Tho report of A. K. Wilson, secretary of tho Masonic lodge of Kansns, shows that the various subordinate lodges of the stato expended $S.130.19 for charitable purposes during the Inst year. Tho membership of tho Grand Army of tho Republic of Kansns shows n gain of 631 the last year. The totnl membership Is now lS.WO, which Is estimated to bo about one-fourth of tho veteran population of the unite. Tho University of Kansas wus opened to the young: men nnd women of tho state In September, 1SC6. It Is now ono of tho nineteen colleges of this country having an annual expenditure for current expenses exceeding $1C0,0CV. Its ten buildings with their equipments nro valued at $770,000 and Its library contains S5.00J volumes. The registration Is ndw I.12S. George W. Llttlck ami E. S. Knrhart, Wyandotte lawyers, nro both republicans and both wanted to bo candidates for tho legislature. As they were friends they agreed to play a game of soven-up, the loser to withdraw from the race. Tho game stood six to threo In favor of Llttlck. It was Lit tick's deal. He gave Karhart tho Juck of clubs without another trump or face card and Eai.irt "stool." I.lttlrk did not have a trump or fuce curd In his hand. The Jack made K.irhart blsn, low, Jack and the game. This put him out. Uttlck Immitll utely withdrew from tho raco and Is now loyally supporting Karhart for tho nomination. THE OTSIATTA "DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, SCHOOL LANDS ON THE DLOCK Bidding is Spirited on Everj Tract Offered for Bale, PRICES EXCEED APPRISED VALUATION (Inly .Nnutll Amount of School Prop erty Itrinnliin I iimiiIiI Around Mohv I'll I In Mt'Cli'llitli L'liic Is Conlliiiieil, SIOL'X FALLS. S. D., Mnrch 20. (Special Telegram.) Stato commissioner of school and public lands, David Eastman, v.as In Sioux Falls today for tho purpose of slllng or leasing tho remaining school lands in this (Minnehaha) county. Tho bidding was spirited on practically ocry tract offered for bale nnd only In two Instances did tracts sell nt no more than tho appraised valuation. Illds In a number of instances reached $10 per acre above tho appraised value. A tract near Dell Rapids sold for $37,50, tho highest price at which school lands havo over been sold In the state. A trnct twetity-llvo miles from Sioux Falls told for $23 per acre, whllo another brought $25.25 per acre. Only a compara tively small amount of school lnml romalns unsold in the county. Tho attorneys Interested In the contempt proceedings Instituted by County Judgo Wilkes against K. J. Tabor, a prominent local banker, because he refused to trans fer tho McClcllan estate to the administra tor appointed February 8 by Judge Wilkes, nnd who has been In custory of tho sheriff for nbout a month, pending tho payment of a flno Imposed upon him by Judgo Wilkes, left today for Pierre, where tomorrow tho appeal In tho matter of securing Tnbor'a rclcaso on ball will be argued beforo tho state supremo court. Tho hearing granted James S. McClollan, the Llttlo Rock (Ark.) claimant to the Mc Clollan estate, wns today continued until April 0, to allow opposing claimants nn op portunity for tho Introduction of rebuttal testimony. Parties residing ut Joy, Neb., aro preparing to enter tho contest for the estate, basing their claims on being tho children of n nephew of John McClcllan. Samuel McClcllan of Fnrnham county, Mur ray, England, Is another claimant whoso petition and papers havo Just reached tho county court licre. (Mrcult Court In DnKolti. HURON, S. D., March 20. (Special.) Judgo Campbell closed tho first week of cir cuit court for Ilcadlo county here on Sat urday. Cases so far disposed of nro crim inal. Tho caso of tho stato against N. li. Alger for violating tho liquor law was dis missed, and that of tho state against Frank Cans nnd Harry Rowo for selling Intoxi cating liquors to minors, resulted In a ver dict of acquittal. Merrill and Mnry Cameron of Wesslngton wero found guilty of selling Intoxicating liquors without a license, anil R. Phillips wns acquitted of tho chnrgo of keeping a gambling house. A case that at tracted moro than ordinary attention was that of tho Btato against John Kelloy, charged with grand larceny. Tho complaint recites that tho accused took a pockctbook from ono Anthony Forrnll, a recently dis charged convict, containing $70 nnd appro priating It to his own use. Tho Jury nfter being out nil ono night, returned n verdict against tho defendant. Tho next caso was tho Btato against William McClure nnd P. McKay charged with keeping a gambling house, and which resulted In n verdict In favor of tho Btnte. In tho case of tho Btato against John Welgman, for assault with a dangerous weapon, tho Jury returned a ver dict In favor of tho defendant. A number of other crlmlnnl cases will bo heard this week. It Is Judge Campbell's intention to olear tho calendar ns nearly as posslblo during tho present term. Itnlno Funds for .lloiiiinicnt. HOT SPRINGS, S. D., March 20.-(Spc-clal.) Tho ladles of tho Hills who havo had chargo of raising tho fund for tho monument to tho Rlnck Hills companies of volunteer soldiers who served in Cuba and tho Phil ippines, havu raised enough money to pur chaso n slto for n park near Spearllsh, In tho center of which Is to bo placed tho mon ument of marblo nnd bronze. Thero aro twelve lots In tho plot and, by agreement, tho town of Spcnrflsh Is to furnish water for tho uso of tho park. On Arbor day each lady In tho Hlack Hills who Is n member of tho monument association Is expected to plant a tree In tho park. At prcsont thero is about $220 In tho Spcnrflsh bank, and as soon aB tho amount is raised to $300 work on tho monument will bo commenced. Lincoln Itepulilleiin ( lull In Dakota. HOT SPRINGS, S. D., Murch 20. (Special.) Tho Lincoln Republican club was organ ized hero Saturday night with an enrollment of nbout 100 members. A temporary organ ization was perfected by tho election of A. S. Stewart as temporary president; W. II. Stanley, temporary secretary; W. W. Stewart, tomporary treasurer, nnd nn ex ecutive committee of the president, M. Pen dcrgast and L. S. Cull. Theso ofllccrs aro to hold until tho rcgulnr annual meeting tho first Saturday in April." Tho meetings nro to bo weekly. A resolution was Introduced and unanimously passed endorsing tho can didacy of Hon. E. W. Martin of Dcadwood for congress. Thero Is much Interest In tho organization and a very largo clulfls as sured. Option on HiiUoln 111 nc. HOT SPRINGS, S. 1).; March 20. (Spe cial.) The Mayflower mining proporty. four miles west of Custor, which Is owned by J. P. Durst, John P. Foran, n. 11. Wood, A. T. Feay and T. N. Delicate, Is under option to Oraydon of Chicago. A 200-foot shaft Is to bo sunk and If present oro values nro main tained when that depth has been reached tho purchase price is to be paid within ninety days. Tho proporty consists of seven claims and Is considered ono of tho best prospects In tho southern Hills. ItepnlilleiuiM In South llnUolii. HURON, S. D., March 20. (Special.) At n meeting of the republican county central committee on Saturday, It was agreed to hold but ono primary, and Friday, May 11, waB named na the date, at which tlmo dele gates to the republican stato convention will bo chosen, and a complcto list of candidates for county olllces will bo named. Tho early date makes a long campaign, but one primary makes It loss expensive. Hnulue Crew Im Neulileil, SIOUX FALLS, S. D., March 20. (Special Tolegram.) Ily tho blowing out of thu urch plpo of an englno pulling a northbound freight on tho (Jreat Northern from Sioux Falls Engineer Osmudson and Fireman Nethway, w'hgso homos nro at Wllmar, Minn., wero seriously scalded- this even ing by escaping stenm. Tho Injured men have been brought hero. It is bellovcd thoy will recover. Iluuil Sale nt Mitchell, MITCHELL, S. I)., March 20.-(Spiclal Telegram.) At a meeting of city council last night the $10,000 refunding wntor works, bonds were sold to O, L. Ilranson of the First National bank of Mitchell at par and at a rato of H4 per cent, payable twenty years from dato or $2,000 each yenr nfter flvn years from dato of bonds. Tho salo was regarded an a highly Satisfactory one. Worli for Itefereuiliiiii, ABERDEEN. S. D., March 20. (Special.) Parties opposod to tho action of tho city council In closing Lincoln street for court house purposes are busllv engaged getting signers to a potltlon for a referendum of the matter. Those claiming to be authority on the subject say this will bo the first time that tho referendum has ever been Invoked In the United States. CniiKht In a Feed .11111, ADERDEBN, S. D., March 20. (Special Telegram.) Ed Williams, a young farmer living near hero, was seriously, perhaps fatally, Injured last evening by being caught In the gearing of a feed mill. One arm was broken twice, with several bad cuts on head, rendering him unconscious. He lay on the ground several hours beforo his wife dis covered him. A I'OIKiOTTH.N HKItO. Miijor (leiirui' ('roulinn nml IIIh I)e- iimirc nf l'ort .Sleiilieiisoii, It Is noteworthy that tho reputation of our great soldiers was In every ca60 built up of long ns well ns brilliant service, says Leslie's Weekly, in no case has It been tho result of any Blnglo deed, however heroic. In fact, others havo performed single deeds of heroUm surpassing In brilliancy, per haps, nny single deed of nny of thcao great soldiers. In such ensef, as a rule, these heroes nro known only to the reader of nb struso history. A slnglo lnstnnco will servo to illustrate: Just whero tho town In Ohio perpetuating tho nanio of tho first republican candidate for tho presidency nnd the homo of a more succffiful subsequent cnndldato for that high olllco Is now situated was a wretched stockado callod Fort Stephenson. Its nrma mcnt consisted of one gun nnd a garrison of 1G0 men, commanded bv Mnlnr Gpnreo t-rognan, a young ofllcor of 22. He was horn not far from Louisville, Ky., In 1701, and enmo of lighting stock, for his father had been an ofllccr In tho continental army and his mother wns a !stcr of George Rogcra Clurk. Graduating from William nnd Mary college In 1810, ho entered the army, was In tho battle of Tippecanoe In 1811, nnd a year later wns made captain in the Seven teenth infantry. With this rank be served under Harrison In 1812 nnd 1813, and so dis tinguished hlmsolf In n sortie from Fort Meigs that ho wns appointed an aide-de-camp with tho rank of major nnd assigned to the defense of Fort Stephenson. I-est Tccumseh and the Indians who were coming ncross country from Fort Meigs SQUARE QUAKER i and Our new 1902 style Only Lawful Cabinet Made i. r Folds lint In 1 Inch splice. .Nerve unci ii(iney trouuies Over 1,0)10,0(10 I SKHS mill 117, OOO 1MIYSICIAXS KXIIOIIKH IT. Anyone can operato.lt Especially for family use. No attendant. No utilizer.- NOT ONLY A PREVENT A IVE-, OUT A POSITIVE CURE OF DISEASE. DICSCRII'TION It's not a cheap somcly made. Lasts 20 years. Jtus curtains, rubber lined, la O U A II ANTE E D TO HE THE BEST OR MONEY REFUNDED. THE PRICE IS WONDERFULLY LOW-Fromptly sent to nny address by express upon receipt of Jo.OO, complete with heater, directions and formulas Head nnd Fnce Steamer. $1.00 extra. We're the largest manufacturers of Hath Cabinets In tho world. ORDER TODAY -You won't be disappointed. We're responsible. Capital. $100,000.00. REFUND YOUR MONEY AFTER 30 DAYS' USE if not as repre sentcd. Remit by 1'. O. or Express Money Order, Draft, Certllled Check, or Registered Letter vIllV'FREE AGENTS WANTED Men & Women BATHS" Testimonials S30to$60 Wookly. uw,0 v.. The World Mfg. Co., 1858 World B'ld'g, Cincinnati, 0. America's Lending Service Paper. THU UNITlvD STATUS MILITARY GAZKTTK. Published Every Saturday at Washington, D. C. The IIHCISTHU In the l inorllc Ser m y, mid .Murine Corps orders, nml n I no uiullcm of Intercut to I lie Ucvenue Cutter Service, Mnrlne Service, nnd .Viillimnl (in mil. The fuel Hint I In- IIIMilSTIHt In In YViiNliliiKtnu iiNNiircn It of nil the bout nml 'Intent iicmh. Price $3.00 Per Year TO ALL. Semi -.",c for n trlnl Milixcrllillon. I DO NOT BELIEVE THERE IS A WEAK MAN ON THIS WHOLE EARTH THAT DR. BENNETT'S ELECTRIC BELT f Dr. Bennett Electric Belt Co., Rooms 18 lo 21 Douglas Blk, Opp. Hayden's, Cor. 1611) and Dodge Sis., Omaha, Neb, Office Hours From 8:'M) a.in to 8:U0 p.m. Sundays From 10:1)1) a. in, to 1 p.m. 0k3 MAKl'H 131, 1!)00. should make a. flank attack Harrison had authorized Croghan to burn the fort and re treat. This he did not do. "We are de'er mined to maintain this place." he said, "and by heaven we will!" Harrison thereupon dispatched an ofllcor to relievo him. Hut Croghan went to headquarter?, carried his point, nnd when, on August 1, tho English commander summoned him to surrender, sent back a stout deflar.ee. Tho next day the bombardment began, ami toward nfternoci an assault was ordered. Tho English sol diers, In three columns cf 120 men each, wero to nttack three sides. Tho Indians were to t'torm tho fourth, but ns they enmo out of tho woods llro from the fort drove them back. The Hrltlsh troops, thus left to light nlone, came on bravely to the very gates, made every possible effort to get Into the fort for two hours and then retreated with all of tho officers and one-fifth of tho men killed, wounded or missing, The wnvo f enthusiasm which rolled over the country ns tho result of this victory equaled nny. thing of tho kind wen In our day. but who today knows anything of the personality of Major Croghan? Con vIcl-.Mi'de IIIiiiIIiik Ttvlnr. Implement men of Kansas City say trouble Is about to result because of tho action of tho Hoard of Control of the Knnsas stato penitentiary making binding twine. Tho warden of tho penitentiary has announced that ho will begin receiving orders this week for binding twine. Kansas uses about 7,000, 000 pounds of twine a yenr. Tho warden has about 200.000 pounds of twine on hand land expects to havo 1.2u0.000 pounds for salo during tho season. This Is enough to dis turb tho market. While regular dealers nro nsklng retnll merchants to pay them 1U& cents per pound for their offerings, tho Kansas penitentiary managers announce they will sol) theirs direct to the farmers at 10 cents per pound. The warden believes that tho plant will turn out 3,500,000 pounds of twlno next year. The plant now fur nishes employment for 100 men. (iriinil itnry linn "hnplio" fnne, NKW YORK. March 20.-Justlio Fnrsmnn today made n decision in the "Sapho" case, dlrcctlns that It be referred to the grand Jury. If Indictments are found the ilefonilniits will bo tried by n Jury In gen eral sessions. FOLDINC BATH CABINET OT AIR VAPOR Kvcrj- Mini, AVoinmi nml Clillil nlionlil I !' II Weekly. I'roloiiK I.lfc, Snves .Medicine mill Doctor llllls, ,ntiire' Health l'reerer. Absolute Hume ccclt. So conlldcnt nro wo that our Cabinet will please you wi'j sn.vn IT OX HO DAYS TIIIAI,. Ii he returned nt our expense nml our money refunded, if lint jnM nn represented. Knjoy Turkish, HiiNslnii, Sulphur, Hot Air, Perfumed, or .Mnillenteil llutliM nt Home, II Ceil Is Hueli. Water baths dense the surface only. Our cabinet bath cleanses Inwardly and out wardly, purifies tho blood. Invlgorntes and tones up entire system by opening the C.000,000 pores of tho skin, thus enabling nature In her own way to expel by profuse perspiration all Impure units, acids and poisonous mutter, which. If retained, poison the system, causing disease, debility and sluggishness. Our cnblnet will surprise and delight you. I'HODUCES perfect health, cleanliness, vigor and beauty. Mokes, your nerves strong, sleep sound, appetite pood. DIS IM3LS Colds, Fevers. Skin Diseases nnd Eruptions. PR R VENTS Disease, Smull pox, Hydrophobia, Cancer, etc. CUHES llheumatlsm, Neuralgia. Quinsy, Hronchltls, Indigestion, Catarrh, Malaria, Headache, Female complaints, Dropsy, all Blood, Skin, HOT SPRINGS AT HOME fllmsv affair, but il iremiliin nrtlcln. hi, ml. a real swinging door, heavy steel frame, toi ton t fat Imnrnvnmnnltt .rnl trtiu in nunulu TA,i ul 1 nn !. i OF ALL CAniNETS ON THE MARKET vice I'll per. II enulnlns nil Army, neiVH of Interest to entire Service; HoNpllnl piihllNlicil Sample free. will not cure. Thousands who thought their tlmo to lose hopo had come now toll mo with fervor and grntltudo that my bolt has been a godsend to thorn. When thoy came to mo thoy were thin and emaciated, soma ruined by tho Incerwant use of dnngorous patent medicines and some discouraged by tho worthless treatment of unskilled physi cians. I hnvo talked with men that wore in a pitiable condition. Their natural volco had lost ltd volume, their eyes would fall In shamo whon you tried to look them In tho faco. Yet I hnvo cured such men after drugs nnd other belts had woefully failed. H you lime nn olil-Mtyle belt Hint ImriiN, or Hint kIvch no current Hint you en ii feel, or one of the vililely ml verllned olil-xtyle frying pun clee troilen covered with ehuuioln In Imitation of my patent, lirlnir It lo me nml I will tnke It In part ccliiuiue for one of mine. At llrxt hIkIiI Hie In. frliiKeuient on my Intention villi ill Ive you. They look belter tlimi they ure, until you uiilUe u Kcniilnc e nnipiirUoii. Then you villi he mir IH'InciI mill marvel ut the illirerenee. line of the illircreiiccN Ik In the wuy my hcltN nciiiI the ciirrentN permriitluK lliroiiKh the entire Hjntciu, NceUluu' the iIInciinc Kcriux nml ilcNtro) luu llieiu, limtend of pluyliiK only on the oiitNlile of the holly. Twenty years from now some ono may Invent a better belt, but at present thero scorns no point whero It looks posslblo to make nn Improvement. My belt Is guaranteed for ono yonr. Aflor thnt It can bo renewed for 76c. N'o other belt can be rcnowed for nny price. My now electrical suspensory, for tho euro of various wcaknosscs of men, Is FMEK to ovory male purchaser of ono of my bolts. Call upon or wrlto me today. .My new book, "Tho Finding of the Fountain of Etor nal Youth," will bo boiu to you Healed In a plain envelope upon receipt of request. My bolt does not burn or bllstor. It dors not become dry and usolivs. It Is tho only ono satisfactory In overy respect. I guarantee ncuro in nil forms of Weakness, Lost Vitality, Varicocele, (icnernl Debility, Rheumatism In overy gulso, Constipation and Femalo Com plains and Stomach. Liver, Kidney and Illaddcr troubles. My belts aro not sold in drug stores or by ugontH only by &. HEATERS IH THE NOSE. Nature's Provisions Against Cliilliiii; ' uic i. tings. Simula He Well Cured For and Not Flared Up. In the back uortlon of the nasal eavltv are two large mnsses of blood vessels whlrh four out iiion the surface of the mucous membrane a watery substance that moistens tho air which we breathe In through the nostrils, and also warms It i his Is nature's way of preparing the atmosphere so that when It readies t.ie lungs It Is purltled, warmed nnd moistened, jo ns not to disturb the equilibrium oi tho lung temperature. These blood vensels nro Jery delicate and sensitive and ono cannot be too careful .igaln.it forcing liquid Into tho nose that may aggrnvnte and d'sturb their action. Catarrh iinpoars to the suf ferer as only a nose trouble, but It usually extends along- the membrnnes Inflaming the larynx, the windpipe nnd the bronchial tubes, so that In nearly nil enrvs of catarrh and colds treatment through the nostrils Is uselcsi nnd harmful. The only way by which all the aftected part In a genuine, case of catarrh may be reached Is by Internal treatment. In this wuy the entire mucous lining Is restored to kroner weretlvo conditions nnd the nerves, blond and temperature serve to curry olT the dis eased mucous to the proper excrementorv channels, since Gauss' Catarrh Tablets came Into use catarrh has been better understood by the masses and these tablets ure a sjure i-ure. In fact, catarrh ennnot be cured In any other way. A trial of these celebrated tablets will soon clear the head, throat and nlr passages, besides having n stimulating effect upon the bowels, bladder. Kidneys and stomach, which are nearly Hlwars affected when tho head Is stuffed UP- Try these tnhlotn. All druggists keep , them or they will be sent direct, ureiuld, upon receipt of price, 50 cents, by C K, Gauss, Marshnll. Mich. Send for valuable little book fully ex- i plaining all forms of catarrh. 1 JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS . OF OMAHA DRY GOODS. M . E. Smith & Go. T liMMfUriaad Jktjrt.f Dry Goods, Furnishing Gotds AND NOTION. BOILER AND SHEETIRON WORKS ryake, Wilson Successors AVlInou A Ilrnke. Manufacture boilers, smoko stacks nnd brecchlngs, pressure, rendering, sheep dip, lard and water tanks. Holler tubes con. stantly on band, second hand boilers bought and sold. Special and piompt attention to repairs in city or country, lain ana riorce, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. lAestern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies Hleetrio Wiring Bolls and Gas Llgh'tltti Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mrr. loin Uowurd 81 BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS, n merican Hand 1 V Sewed Shoe Co A'Vj 1 Jobbers of Foot Wear wutiM AainTi torn flu JeMph Budgan Butter Ofc CHICORY. The American Chicory Go. Ofen a ftauftctunrt at all rctima of Chicory Omtha-rremont-O'Ntil SAFE AND IRON WORKS. I he Omaha Safe and iron Works, G. ANDUUE.N, Prop. Makes a ipoclulty of 11 RB kad Burglar Proof Safe aim Vau.tlioors, etc mil S, 1 till ".. Oeiiiuh, Neb. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES H. Davis & Son Elect tic Hydraulic ami c. Jlniul Llcviitors Klevator Safety Gates. Elevator repair, lug n specialty Lf-nther Valve Cups fot Elevators, Engines and Printing Presses. Davis & Gowgill Iron Works, MANl FAfTi nKUS AND JOIIUI2IIS OF MACIIINIOKY QKNHHAL 1H0PA1H1NG A SPECIALTY. IIION AND HHARS FOl'NDEHS. l,",(ll, ir0:t nml l.'liri .IiiuKnou Street, OiiiiiIiii, .Neh. Tel, .".'IS. 13. Zubrlskle, Agent. J. H. Cowglll, Mgr. COLUMBIA BEVEL-GEAR CHAINLESS. ItrdiiiTil In Wi-IkM nml Int. priMCil tfirouuliool, i7r, SWf. COLUMBIA, HAR ' FORD, STORMER and PENNANT CHAIN WHEELS . . . leel Mer- jirefcrrnee nn In liiiltern or price, Atl, ifll.l, COLUMBIA COASTER BRAKE. Appllcnlile to cither (Minln lenn or IMinlii .Models. Mnve onr-thlrd of (lie liiirl, nif rli-iiu lllc)cp Co., im: i,ijs m:i vitTMK.vr, llnrtford, ('mill. IMI Neb. Cycle Co , Columbia Healers Omaha Ulcyele Co.. Stormer Dealers. OMAHA, NI-3H lOIOIOIOIOMOBOMOIOIOBOMOCOV Tho Bee a Represents the West. Mail it to your friends. Moioioioioioioioaoioioic I'O.STOIM'liJK XOTICK. (Should bo rend dally by nil Interested, ns change may occur at any time.) .,.r",r;iKn "V.1."8 for WPCK ending March ii, 1900, will close l PROMPTLY In nil cases) nt tho Oenernl Postoltlcc. as follows: Parcels post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at b p. m. Monday. Trnnx-A Untitle Mnlla. WEDNESDAY- At t:8o a. m. for EFROPE, per . h. Oceanic. .via QueonHtown; nt !i " "V ..W'Hlilenicliliiry 10:30 a. in. for EC HOPE, per s. h. Kensington, via South ampton and Antwerp (letters must be wiVr.'V;1,0.'1 . "or "' Kensington"). THt RSDA Y At 7 n. m. for F RANCH, SWITZICRJ AND. ITALY. SPAIN, VOlC yt"li:jynKKY- KC'VPT and 1IR1T ihll IrsDIA. nor m. u I.m rlf,o.n,MM ,i Havro (letters for other pnrts of Ru'rope LANDS direct, tier a. . U'wlwiul (i in flu Rotterdam (letters must be directed "per s. s. Werkendam"); at 0 n. m. for ITALY, per s. h. Trnve, via Naples (letters must be directed "per s. h. Trave"); at 10 a. in. for Scotland direct, per s. s. Astoria, via Glasgow (letters must be directed "per s. h. Astoria"). PRINTKD MATTRR, BTC. - German steamers sailing on Tuesdays tnkn printed matter, etc., for Ocrmany. and specially nddressod priuteu matter, etc., for other parts of Kurope. American nnd Whlto Star steamers on Wednesdays, Oermnn steamers on Thursdays ana C.mard, French nnd German steamers on Satur days tnko printed matter, etc., for all countries lor which they aro advertised to carry ninl'.. After tho closing of tho supplementary Trans-Atlantic mnlls nnmcd above, addi tional supplementary malls nro cpeneil on tho piers of the American, Hngllsh, French nnd German steamers, ana remnln open until within ton minutes of the hour of tailing of steamer. Mulls for South unit Central Went liiillea. lite. Aiuerlen, WI'JDNF.SDAY At "2:30 a. m. for NAS SAC, N. P., per steamer from .Miami. Fla., at S a. in. for HKRMl'DA, per s. s. Trinidad; ut !i:30 n. m. (supplementarv 10:30 a. in.) for CHNTRAL AMHRICA (except Costa Rica) nnd SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, tier h. s. Advance, v.a Colon (letters for Guatemala must bo il. rccted "per s. s. Advance"); nt 10:30 a. ni. for Pl'KRTO RICO, per V. S. transport via San Juan; nt 11 u. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Sllvin; at 1 p. m. for Ct'HA, Yl'CATAN, CAMPKCMIB, TAHASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Vlgl laucla, via Havana nnd Progreno (letters for other parts of Mexico must bo di rected "per s. h. Vlgllnncla"). THCRSDAY At I a. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Sampson from Phila delphia; ut 10 a. m. ST. KITT8, GITADR LFPK, MARTINIQUE and DEMERARA, per s. s. filer; ut 11 u. m. (supplementarv 11:30 n. m.) for PUERTO RICO (vln San Juan), VENEZUELA and CURACAO, per s. s. Philadelphia (letters for Snvaullla and Carthagena. via Curiicao, must tin directed "per h. b. Philadelphia"); nt il a. m. for SANTOS direct, per s. s. Catania. FRIDAY At 1 P. ill. for JAMAICA, BE LIZE. PUERTO COIVTE. and GUATE MALA, per s. s. Oiigen (letters must bo directed "per s. s. Orlgen"); at t p. in. for MEXICO, per s. h. lthuka, via Tampleo (letters must bo directed "per a. a. ItlmUa"). SATURDAY-At "2:30 n. in. for NA8SAU. N. P., per steamer from Mlnmt, Fla.; at 10 n. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8AVA NILLA and CARTHAGENA, per s. s. Adirondack (letters for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. h. Adirondack"); at 1ft a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI per a. s. Andes; nt II n. m. for GRENADA nnd TRINIDAD, per s. s. Grenada; at 11 iu m. for CUUA. per a. a. Mexico, via Huvnun; nt 11 a. m. for GHATANAMO and MAN.ANILLO. per h. s. I'lenfuegoH (ordlnnry mall only); nt 3 p. in. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per a. a. Hlppomcncs. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Hyuney, anil inenco ny steamer, close at llils otllce dnlly at 8:30 p. in. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesdnv and Saturday). Malls for Mlqut'lon, by rail to lloiton, nnd tlienco by steamer, eloso nt this olllco dnliy at 8:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rul! to Port Tampa. Flu., and thenco by steamer, close at this offlcn dally (except Mondny) at 7 a. in. (tho connecting closes ure on Sunday, Wed nesday and Friday) Malls fur Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fit-., nnd thence by steamer, rloso nt Ibis olllco overy Monday, Tues day anil Saturday at 2:30 a m. (the con necting closes nro on Tuesday and Satur day). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this ntllco daily at 2;Z0 a. in. nnd 2:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rca, Hnllze, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rull to Now Orleans, and thenco bv steamer, close ut this olllco dally at 3 p. in. (connecting closes here Tursduys for Cosln Rica and Mondays for Uelire, Puerto Cortez nnd Guntfmula) Regis tercd mail cbises nt G p. m. previous day. Registered mail closer at (i p. in. second day before. i'riiiK-I'ncllle Mnlla. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd tho I'liuippine islands, via Han Francisco, rloso here dally at 6:30 p, m. up to March 18th, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Gaelic. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver, close hern dnlly at 0:30 p. m. up to March 30th. Inclusive, for despatch per h s. Empress of India (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for chlnn, Japan nnd Philippine Islands, via Seattle, nloso bore dally at ti:30 p. m. up to March 22d, for despntnli per h. s, Iilzuml Mora (registered lettcru must be directed ' via Seattle"). Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philippine Islands, via San Fran cisco, close hero dally ut (1:30 p. m, up to March 20th, Inclusive. for dis patch per s, h. Hong Kong Maru. Malls for Society Islands, via Ban Fran cisco, ciobc hern dnlly at 0:30 p m. up to Murch 26th. Inclusive, for dispatch by ship Tropic Dlrd. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, cJofc horr dully at (1:30 p. m. up to March 20th Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except Wust Australia, which goes via Europe, and Now Y.f.i land, which goes via San Francisco), Ha waii anil Fill Islands, via Vancouver, rloo here dnlly ut 6:30 p. m. up to March 31st. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Warrlmoo. Mulls for Australia (oxcept West Australia), Now .calami. Hawaii FIJI nnd Sumoan Islands, via Ban Fran cisco, close hero dnlly nt 6:30 p, m, ufier March 31st and up to April Hth, In clusive, or on day of arrival of s, h Campanlu, due at New York April Hth for despntch per s, s. Mariposa. ' Trnns-Paclflo mulls are fnrwurded lo port of sailing dally ni J tho schedule of closing Is iirraugeil on the presumption of their uninterrupted nVrlund transit Heels, tered mall iloss at C p, m, previous day. . ..V.....1- "I'ccicu per s. a. i,n uascugun 1 A11RDA-At 7:20 a. m. (supplementary O n. in. Tor HCROPK, per s. s. Campania, via Oueenstown: nt K n m tn vptiiish. i r