1 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAttOn 18, 1000. 24 DODDRIDGE MAY BE CHOSEN Belief tht Ho Will B Sleetad aa Pieil dent of the Gulf Line. ELECTION EXPECTED IN TH NEAR FUTURE J.ooul Interest In Mr. Dodtlrlilito's Slnvriiirntfl llpcnimv tif Mlii l.iiiiK Service llli (lie Lnlmi I'nclllu mid .Missouri I'nvlfle. In railroad circles It Is generally expected that tho olectlou of a pwildcut of th Kansas City, rittsburg &. Oulf road will oreur Immediately after tho sale of tho property, which takes placo at Joplln Mon day. Tho reorganization committee as sembled In Kansas City today and will go to Joplln Sunday evening. In connection with tho presidency of the reorganized Oulf lino peculiar Interest Is taken In local railroad quarters for tho j reason that two men who havo been proml- nnntlu l.lnnllflml U'lth r:l 1 1 rn.'l 1 OtieTating Into this ill, are "mentioned for th. 1 , portant position. One Is S. 0. Iirlmsou, , general manager of the Omaha & St. Louis, nnu tnc oiner, u. uuuwiofii, uum nn...... n few days past gcnernl manager of tho j Tno jjew snow Church company has re Missouri I'nclfls. Mr, llrimson Is known , movcd to rooms 401-403 Now York Life bldg. to stand In high favor with John W. Oatcs, one of tho lending llgures In tho reorganl- Cnltloninii'i. Skeleton round. ,a.on of tho Oulf lino and -ch his present tiA WmhW lwTa position to his Inlluence. Hie two men havo weilIlhy c,utemnn of Hood county. has been associated together lu railroad affairs been fnUn( on it niKh mountain near Oran for many years i berry, Tex. Hrown illsappenred a year ngo. ui. nn t ii'n.i.irM-o!n riirniilnn from '"Is bank book and a bottlo of laudanum Since Mr. Doddridge s resignation rrom . wero foln, bvfMp tho Hkeclon, tlio Missouri raciuc no mm ueuu upon ns a very likely candidate for the presidency of tho Oulf road and somo of his closest friends even intimate that his resignation nt this tlmo was prompted lu a mrasuro by tho pending reorganization, In response to an Inquiry concerning this matter Assistant General Freight and Pas Bcnger Agont PhllilppI tf tho Missouri Pa cine, who has Just returned from St. Louis, tjtatcd: "I know nothing of Mr. Doddridge's Intentions. 1 wn In St. Louis to renew my ncqualntanco with our new general manager, air, Itussell Harding, and wns too busy with Missouri Pacific affairs to seek Information rclatlvo to tho reorganization of tho Gulf line. It Is true, howovor, that I heard In several different quarters rumors that Mr. Doddrldgo would likely bo chosen an tho president of tho Gulf eystom. How much truth thero Is in these reports I am unablo to say." Ilelatlve to the presidency of tho Gulf system tho report was current a few weeks ngo that General Manager Drown of tho Chicago, Ilurllngton & Qulncy had been offered tho position, but refused it. Besides Messrs. Doddrldgo nnd llrimson, Vlco Presi dent Ilrndbury of tho I.ake Erlo &. Western is mentioned as a possible appointee for tho position. Tho prominent position Mr. Doddrldgo has occupied in tho railroad world for tho paot fow weeks and at tho present tlmo Is of moro than ordinary Interest In Omaha be causo of tho fact that ho la an old-tlmo Union Pacific official. In 1867 he entered tho service of tho Union Pacific nnd was em ployed as an agent until 1878, when he was advanced to tho important position of divi sion superintendent of the westorn section of tho Union Pacific syetem. In 1881 ho wns raado general superintendent of tho Idaho division, with headquarters at Ogdcn, nnd had charge of much of tbo construction of tho Oregon Short Line and Utah & North ern roads. Because of changes In- tbo Union Pacific management in 18S4 Mr. Doddrldgo tempo. rarlly discontinued railroading, but two years later re-entered tho business as super intendent of tho Ceutral branch of the Union Pacific nt Atchlnon, a property then con trolled by tho Missouri Pacific. His Jurisdic tion of tho western division of the Missouri oral manager of tho entlro Missouri Pacific Pacific and In May, 1893, ho was made gen. eral manager of tbo entro Missouri Pacific system. IIAII.HOAD Ori'lCIAI.S Sl)llIMtIHi:i). llev. Sheldon I'nyn o llecil to Kxlm I n IT AilvcrtlNliiK Contractu. Tho advertising malingers of tho railroads having headquarters In Omaha, who bad contrnctH for advertising In tho Topoka Capital, wero congratulating themselves whon tho immense circulation of tho paper for this wcok, during tho editorial manage ment of Jtov. Charles M. Sheldon, was an nounced. Tho added circulation thoy thought would glvo unexpected and Increased pub licity to their advertisements. Their sur prise was apparent whon tho first issues onrao to hand, minus any railroad advertis ing. Tho Union Pacific officials immediately telegraphed to Topeka to ascortaln If thero wns anything objccttonnblo In tho advertise ments they had submitted for tho presont wcok. Tbo answer came that tho nds wore not objoctlonablo, but tho management re fused to All tho contract for the present week, stating that tho circulation was so largely Increased that tho rates for adver tising wero higher by twcuty-olght times than ordinarily. Odlclals of tho dlffcront railroads are now wondering If tho divinity, whom Rov. Mr. Sboldon Is presumed to bo representing, would cancel a contract en tered Into for n year's tlmo In all good faith for tho reason that a llttlo spurt of added circulation added extra vuluo to tho adver- tUIng space. MUirrixts ok tuaffio maa:i:iis ItepresentntlveM of l.ciidluu Western HnnilN CmiKre Kiite In Oninhn. Traffic managers of tho leading western railroads wero In tho city yesterday In ut- tendanco upon a conference, tho object of iwnicu was said to bo a general dlscus!on of railroad affairs from tho standpoint of traffic management. Tho meeting was In ses sion nt Union Pacific headquarters, Freight Trafllc Manager Munroe of tho Union Pacific being ono of tho attendants. other omclals who participated in tho meeting wero S. W. Kcclcs of Salt Lake. genornl trnfllo mnuagor of tho Oregon Short Lino; H. Campbell of Portland, trafllc man ager of tho Oregon Rnllwny & Navigation company; James T. Clark of St. Paul, second vlco president nnd general trnfllc manager of tho Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omnha; J, M. Hannaford of St. Paul, third Tlco president of tho Northern Pacific; D. Miller of St, Paul, second vlco president of tho Great Northern. Give lip Canadian PnclMc. NEW YORK, March 17 General passen ger agents of tho Western Passenger as sociation who undertook to carry Into effect tho decision reached at tho recent meeting of railroad presidents In New York, In rela tion to nddltlonal rules to prevent tho pay- tnont of commissions, aro underwood to have abandoned their efforts to tccuro tho assent of tho Canadian Pacific to tho agreement. Tho ticket commission matter Is still unset tled, as for as that company Is concerned, nnd haSi been referred back to tho special president's committee for Its consideration. Ilnllrond Work l'rourt-nnliiK. FORT LARAMIE, Wyo March 17. (Spe cial.) Tho Hurllngton'a Alllancc-Queruscy lino has been graded to within a mllo of Oucrnnoy and tho remaining distance will be finished in a few dnys. Steel Is being laid rapidly tlilw sldo of tho Nebraska line, and with good weather tho rails will reach Fort Iaramln Inside of thrco weeks. Am fast ui tho craders complete their contractu the Jravo for tho Hurllngton'a 'Alllanco-Ilrush lino south of Tlrldgoport, Nob., where they havo boon riven now contructs. Over two- thlrdti of tho roadbed from Urldgeport to Sid- noy hag been graded and will hood bo ready ! for the eteel. Itrtlluny ,itr nml I'emnnnla. rjonoral Superintendent C, C. Hughes of the Klkhorn loft Inst night for Chicago on it short business tr'!. Ocnernl Mnnnger Dickinson of he Union 1'nrlflc lui returned from nn extended tmir of Inspection over tho Kansas lines of the system. Hereafter on Saturday nfternoons the general hendouitrters of tho lllirllngton will rloso nt 1 o'clock Instead of an hour later, as heretofore, 1J. H, Hurley, general pnsienger agent of tho Oregon Short Une, left Krlday nlcht for his homo at Salt Lake, after a consultation In this rlty over passenger affairs with (lenural d'assanger Agents I.omnx of the I'nlon Pacific and Hulburt of tho Oregon Hallway & Navigation company. The Attention nt h Trurcllni- nubile. Is rrsrieetfullv Invito to tho magnificent equipment offered to pattons of tho CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha and Chi cago, Solid vcstlbuled. steam heated and electric lighted trains. Palaco sleepers and diners, buffet and library cars, free reclin ing chair cars, fast tlmo and union depots. City Ticket Ofilco, 1601 Farnam st. F. A. NASII Gonernl Western Agent. Dlank book and magazine bindlnr, A. I. Hoot. 1609 Harney street. imported spring sultlngs-look them lcforo 8elcct)ngi 0, A, Ln(jqcgt. 316 S, over 16th. llfltl.IMiTO.N IIOUTI3. lint i-s 'Will Advance Mnrcli -O. Present reduced rato of $23, Omaha to Helena, Ilutte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland, will bo discontinued March 19, Ticket ofllce, 1B02 Farnam. iulck messengers, O. M. S. 'Phone 2022. Call up D. V. Munro, 112 North 14th, when your elevator needs repairing. Phono 498. Tho Turner Dntnen Vereln will hold their children's inasqucrodo March. 24 at Turner hall 19th and Harney streots. Dcrolzhelmcr millinery display Tuesday nnd Wednesday. Fire Trains dally for Chicago via the NORTH- WESTERN LINE. A full Hat of them can bo secured at 1401 and 1403 Farnam street. A. D. T. Messengers. Tel. 177. Drs. Glfford and Blckncll have moved to Knrbach block, elevator entrance, 209 So. 15th After ton days' Illness Dr. Jalllngs will return to his ofilco Monday. IlentN ltccnril ut .Mil roll Wentlier. COLUMBUS. O.. March 17. All records were broken for cold at the local weather bureau lust night and this morning, tho thermometer toucmng zero. Tne records cover twenty-two years and no count la shown during the month of March. Why Umlreaa In the IJnrlc When by traveling la tho luxurious sleep ing cars of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on the electric lamp and make the berth as light as day. City Office, 1504 Farnam it. Stonecypher, printer, ad-writer, Up-to- dato cuts for rale. 1201 Howard, Tel. J310. Berolzhclmcr millinery display Tuesday and Wednesday, Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic and magnetic physlclnn, has moved his offlco to 709 N. 16th street, room 13. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases of women and children. Umbrella stands and Jardcnlers. M. II. Bliss, 1 f IT Douglas. YAW DIM Mel Uhl nnd JImmIe Houston requested us to run the nbove. wo don t know what It means, tout they nre both .such good follows wo couldn t rofuse them. Svrut) of Kirs 29c Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c Pond's Kxtrnct Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 Stuart's Catarrh T.iblots -0o Plcrco s Favorite rrescnpuon jo Plnkham's Compound 70o Kllmxr's SwamjJRoot bO Dr. Miles Nervine .io Hood's sarsapariua vjo Patno's Celery Compound C9o Llsterlne (Lambert's) 69c Scott's Emulsion 76 1pru-nn. 5o nromo Quinino iao Phvsclnn $2.60 Ozomulslon 7ms Wlno of uarciui mo SGHAEFER CUT PKICE DRUGGIST Cor. Kith and Chicago St. BEATS THEM ALL fhe Colorado Special ONLY TRAIN TO DENVER FROM CHICAGO VIA OMAHA With Buffet, Smoking and Library FASTEST TRAIN TO DENVER Via Omnha. I.cnven O in nh 11 llill.t TnnlKht Arrive Denver liSCO p. in. Tomorrow. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1II02 KAHXAM STHHUT. Telephone till). Omaha & St. Louis R. R. Wabash Route "St. Louis Cannon Ball" LAST TO LEAVE FIRST TO ARRIVE LEAVE OMAHA 5:05 P. M, ARRIVE ST, LOUIS 7:00 A. M. Trains leave Union Station dally for KANSAS CITY. QUINCY. ST. LOUIH and all points east or south. SPECIAL RATES to hut tsi-m.Nua, auk, ilouieseeHers excursion March 20. All In- formntlon at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1(15 tAHNAJi ht U'axton Hotel uiock) or write llnrry E. Moorcs. C. P. & T. A. 1.1 11 Ll I..T1 HI l..l 11 liy. "I i Omaha, Neb, CROWDS OF EAGER BUYERS The Continental's Great Alteration Sale Crowded All Day Saturday. ENTHUSIASM AT A HIGH PITCH There ,cirr TVn Sneh it .Hnle of Itenll)-IllRh-Krnilp, New it ml Sriinoiuitite ClotliliiK nt Prices .ntv HehiK Mmle ! .Mil tinker (.inutile-. The carpenters and brlckmnsons will begin work this week nnd we must sell at least J10.000 worth of this sacrificed clothing be foro Saturday night. Prices are made In to magnets that draw tho careful buyers from every direction, MEN'S SUITS. 6,000 men's suits, nil new, that have been selling with us for $10, $12, $16, $18, $22 nnd $23, big value at thrsc prices, go Monday at $18, $16, $10 nnd $7.60. OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS. Wo havo divided tho winter overcoats nnd ulsters into thrco lots nnd priced them at $16.00, $10.60 and $7.30, Light-weight spring overcoats nt $12.00, $10.00. $7.60 nnd $3.00. Full silk lined Oxford cheviot box coat, worth $18.00, for $12.73. BOYS' CLOTHING. Two-plcce cheviot suits $2.60 and $3.50, worth $1.00 to $6.00. n;ys' reefers $5.60, $3.60 and $2.60. Boys' reefer suits, sizes 4 to 8, made up from odd trousers nnd odd reefers, go for $2.50. Boys' long pant suits at $12.00, $8.50, $5.00 nnd $3.85. Boys' top coats $4.30, $3.96, $3.85 and $2.85. THE HATS MUST GO. Every hat must bo moved this week nnd we're going to sell hatB at 75c, $1.00 and $1.50, worth and sold everywhere for twlco tho money. Remember, tho nolo Is nt the CONTINENTAL CLOTHING CO., N. E. Corner 16th and Douglas. WHERE TO BUY "ELITE" CHINA. M. H. BLISS, 1417 DOUGLAS ST. CHICAGO and EAST, LEAVE 7:00 A. SI. 4:55 P. M.-7:30 P. M ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. LEAVE 6:55 A. M. 7:20 P. M. HOT SPRINGS - DEADW00D, LEAVE 3.00 P. M. CKyOffices. 1401-03 Farnam, KNORMOUS GnOWTItl SPTen I.nrire Jllnitnptlc Inllrranrltm Xow Otvneit nnd Operated by Prof, nml Mm. Khnrua, the Ilenutrnrd iMwtiietlc llenlers. PROF. THEO. KHARAS, Supt.. of the Nebraska. Magnetic Infirmary, The Nebraska School of .Magnetism, and all of tho Kharas Magnetlo Infirmaries of Iowa and Nebraska. Preparations are being mado lor several new Institutions to be oponed between now and May 15. A num ber of students nro In school studying this grand nnd noblo profession, fitting them- solves to do good nnd to mnko money. Prof, Kharas has cured over 600 so-called Incur- ablo caseu and has mado $7,600 during tho last six months. Ha will pay you $80 a month to work In his branch Inflrmarlos Do you want a position of this kind? Call at headquarters, 1515-1517 Chicago Street, Omaha, Nob., and ask for proofs nnd par ticulars. Literature and abundant proofs of, our claims will bo furnished free. Out' of-town parties luqulro by mall. The New Cyko Wo havo Just received n heavy shipment of Cameras and with them tho latest model of Camera mado by tbo Rochester Optical and Camera Co. This Camora Is fitted with their Rectilinear lens, Iris dlaphagm, bulb vo Ipoao and solid leather carrying case. Prices, $12,00 for $9.00. All other pphoto material up to dato at lowest prices. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Farnam St. Developing and Printing Done, AVIiolmulp and lletnll. CARE OF THE TEETH Good teeth nro essentlul to proper masti cation; without them tho general health ,.,,,. Ttinliitnlni.il In ItH llltrhCHt nosnl- blo degree. Have your teeth examined no charge. Silver Fillings i?c Teoth Cleaned o Kxtructlmr ZC Tatt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1317 UOUQLAS ST. TO MVI'TIMJ IKMVX IMAMI IMtK'IJS. llooiie InniiKiiriilen n I'liino Sole Hint Will Stnrtlc Oiniilin. Monday morning wo will Innugurato tho most gigantic price-reducing piano sale ever held In Omaha. Wo aro compelled to rebuild the dividing wall, thus cutting our piano salesroom In halt and forcing us to movo our pianos to tho Auditorium on the sec ond floor. In order to avoid this as much as possible wo havo cut the prices on every Instrument In our store. Theso plnnoB are. from our regular stock and have been on display In our show room for tho past few weeks nnd aro In every regard perfect, clean and dry, not a damaged instrument among them. Included In tho lot aro "Stclnway," "Kim ball," "Knabe," "Krcll," Kranlch & Bach, "Royal," Hnllct & Davis and "Hospc." Now upright pianos will be sold for $127,00, $137.00, $148.00, $168.00, $173.00, up lo $3S8.0O. Every piano sold In this sale has our posi tive guarantee, ns well as that of tho fac tory. It will pay any one who Is intending to purchase a piano to Investigate tho gen uineness of this sale. We will make terms that will bo absolutely tho best ever tnado by us, about like paying rent. After tho present stock Is exhausted we will bcII no more nt three reduced price, so those" that corao early will have tho first pick from the entire stock. A. HOSPE, 1313-1515 Douglas St, Open evenings until 8,00 p. m. .itlec! ( Omaha lodgo No. 76, Star of Jupiter, will glvo a social dance nt their nnll, No. La- bor temple, 17lh and Douglas, on evening, March 23, Admission 15c. Friday M. II. Bliss sells steins, not stains, ported In Tho Bee. Omnhn-Clilenun. 7:00 a. m S:30 p. m. 4:65 p. m 7:45 a, m. 7:30 p. m 9:30 a. m. via "Tho Northwestern Line," 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam street. "Tho best of everything." B. Mortcnsen. tnllor, formerly 404 N, 16th, now located 301-2 Paxton D1I:.. 3d floor. Just Stir it Up You STIR IT UP nnd spread It on with nn ordinary pnlnt brush. The Sherwln Wllllams paint Is a perfectly proportioned pnlnt, requiring' thinning for ordinary work nor any further preparation of any kind. Wo aro authorized to "HACK VP" tho guarantee of quality of SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT which is on tho label of every can. This Is the wording of gunrantcc: "WE GUARANTEE THAT THIS PAINT. WHEN PROPERLY USED, WILL NOT CRACK. FLAKE OR CHALK OFF AND WILL COVER MORE SURFACE, WORK RETT ICR AND WEAR LONGER AND PERMANENTLY LOOK HETTER THAN ANY OTHER PAINTS. INCLUDING ZINC, WHITE LEAD AND OIL.'' "We nereliy ngreo to lorrelt the VALUE OF THE PAINT and the COST OF AP PLYING IT If In any Instance It Is not found as nbovo represented." Wo fully uuarnnteo to each nnd overv purchaser of Shcrwln-Wllllnms point tho fulfillment of tho provisions of the above guarantee. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Xevr I.ocntlnn, Cor. 10th .t Doilure. Pocket Knives Wo havo 350 patterns. (Also a largo assortment of fRazors, Scissors, Shears, Etc. See tho "Star" Safety Razors. JAS. MORTON & SON CO., 1511 Dotlgo St. Tool Headquarters. HAYDEN ' S At Wonderfully Low Prices Monday, March 19 Tuesday, March 20 Wednesday, March 21 Thursday March 22 Friday, Mir:h 23 Saturday March 24. At $2.75 At $3.75. Wo nro showing worth $5.00. 0, iff A AA Wo are showing Mens onus in uu wow wormcu nun wis- At 5p3UU slmcrc, satin piping, etc., neatly tailored; ovcry suit a real $7.30 to $9.00 value. AT S6.75 S7.50 Wo are showing over 100 new stylish patterns In fancy worsteds, In dark and light ehades of stripes, checks and plain gray and brown; ovcry suit positively worth from 25 to 50 per cent more. $iq qq Wo nro showing tho very latest and most striking styles. Theso garments are tail ored by tho famous makers. Hart, Schuffnor & Max of Chicago, Michaels, Stern & Co. of Chicago, etc., which Is the highest standard of ready-to-wear clothing produced lu America. 0 HAYDEN BROS, What Can You Do 1( you pot n poor Clear? You can't toll until you smoko it how L'ood It Is, nnd utter you'vo burned your mony you cun't cot It back. "THE STOECKER" l tho natno of ao-cent cigur Hint's nood all pood mid ahvaya will be good, fold by nil donler und at our two store 1404 Douglas and 221 South icth stroot. r .SPECIAL AXMIt X("i:.MHNT. J. I., ilrnmteln A- Soim Wlh to An- ihiiiiicc to the liinllen of Oninhn n REMARKAI1LE PURCHASE FROM THE WELL KNOWN FIRM OF JAS. M'CREA RY & CO.. 11TH AND DROADWAY, N. Y. Messrs, James McCrcery & Co. are well known In New York, nnd In fact nil over tho entire country, for carrying only ab solutely tho finest class of merchandise-. Thero aro no cheap or medium priced goods sold by James McCrcery & Co., consequently this stock consists of only tho finest goods. Wo closed out from James McCrcery ft Co. n.l.non vnrda of the finest orcandlc. Ilncst dotted Swiss, finest lawns, finest pure all linen lawns, finest mndrns ginghams, finest basket lawns, open work lnco lnwns. nil tho nrw novelties, all the silk striped crepons, nil tho moussclln do sole, nil tho embroidered dot moussclln do sole, all the new foulnrds, In fact everything In summer wash fabrics. Theso goods arc now arriving, being un packed nnd nssorted, nnd will be on sale Wednesday nt a mcro fraction of their reg ular value. Further announcements of this sale will bo mado from day to day ns good arrlvo and nro sorted out. Soliciting your patronage, we are Very respectfully. J. L. URANDKIS & SON'S, Proprietors Uoston Store, Omaha, Have Root print It. Make Yourself Comfortable If you nro not already en- Joying the comfort of a pair ' of our shoes, let us fit you to the next pair you buy, and you -will then admit that t It pays to buy -where you I get the highest grade of shoes whore tyou are al ' ways properly lifted for easo and comfort Where you can select from all the latest ' and most stylish shapes, and where you get the best shoe values the market affords. CP. CariwriaM V. E. Cor. 18th C. mj ud Douglu Sta. QJ VV A GREAT CLOTHING SALE The memorable purchasing chance of the year. We ask you to come, to compare, to consider, to try us. The su perior quality of our goods, the unusually low prices at I which they aro offered and and are always offered, permit us to unhesitatingly challenge comparison. For the next six days From March 19th to March 24th, we will offer Men's, Eovs' and Children's Now Spring Clothing at a saving from 25 to 50 per cent., of high grade materials, with a selection of over .'500 of this season's newest styles to select from tho workmanship in our clothing is of the very best. This clothing Is not tho accumulation of a season's odds and ends, carried over from last season, but tho result of months of preparation In gathering tho now cholco patterns. MEN'S AUi-WOOh CHEVIOT . I . .J ' SUITS. Men's sutt3 in stripes ana plain patterns, AND SIOOO 1 dliai'BIW'lM SI I'HItll TRAINS I'Olt CHIC I.I2AVIJ AT I1MO, 00, VH 7 lit.". I'. 31. New Short Lino fo Minneapolis and St. Paul l.nne ut 7 11, in, nml Tilt." p. 111. TICK I ITS AT lilt- FAItAM STltliUT. "Tho New Olllce." The Success Of n prescription depends ns much on tho (lunllly of the mrdlclno ns on tho skill of tho doctor. Thero Is ns much variety In tho quality of medt-lnts as In other incr chandffie. Quality of mont medicines U sacrificed to the demand for cheapness nnd somo dealers tnko ndvantugo of tho dear public 00 per cent of whom do not Buspect thi cheat. Ciiiiiii. Cutliiirlli- I'IMn, I dozen.. rii ('miner's Kidney Cure 75c Hood's Sarsapurllla 75o Wlno of Cnrdul 7c- Peruna , 75c Plcrro's Favorlto Proscription 7ne llu-Can Hair Tonic 7"e Newton's Harsaparllla Celery Hip Newton's Femalo Regulator 7'V NowtonV llecf Iron and Wine ;se llu-Can Couch Cure, . . k- llu-Can Tooth Powder '."Oc R0ST0N T0RE U DRUG 9 DEPT. DOCITA SANDALWOOD C.tl'SUMSS. Cures Gonorrhoea, Gleet 07 unnatural dl charges In a fmv days. Full directions. Price (1.50. All druggists, or mall, D. Dick ic. Co.. 133 Cantru St.. Now York. IIAI uens We havo devoted many months of time to securing this most magnificent stock, and now make tho claim that we havo the most beautiful lino of Tailor Made Suits the new est styles, the newest shades, the best materials and the larg est stock between Chicago and San Francisco. The prices are: $15, $20, $25, $30, $35 and $40 NO. 1 A remarkable suit at a wondorfully low pri co- There are just 275 of them, secured by us for spot cash. Thoy come in all styles, tight litting, single or double-breasted; the jackets aro lined with taffeta and satin; the skirt is mado in the new style, with single and lined and interlined, velvet bound 7 bought to sell for $15.00 Challenge Sale Price. . .. ipC. 1 O BARGAIN NO. 2 An extraordinary value, Three tables of Silk Waists, made of Givernaud's taffetas, all with the new backs and all the newest styles, new cuff and now sleeves, pleated and corded fronts there aro some of these Waists worth up to $12, and none worth less than $7. 50 and $8, boug lit dj' QO specially for This Challenge SalcM5- DON'T MISS IT Ladies, Waists, Mack mercerized foulardo, finest throughout, trimmed with 16 rows of cording In front In bias or straight effect. f Q , worth up to $3.00 Challenge Salo Price only "OC 70 Ladles' Imported Sam do Silk Waists, worth up to(-4 f $25.00, your cholco tomorrow iJ7J. Challengo Clearing Salo In all Winter Jackets, choice ll of any garment In the house, worth up to $25, for....i)0 Your cholco of 150 Chlldron's Jackots iSL't OA worth up to $G.0C for Zpl"0 Ladles' Percallne Underskirts, deep flounce nnd twog?'"V ruffles, worth $1.50 Challengo Snlo Price Oyw Ladles' Ulack Sateon Underskirts, with 10 rows of OL"i cording and ruffle, mndo to soil for $2.50 on salo at...ipj. Our Silk Wnlst Department Is the largest In tho west nnd tho styles aro tho nowest nnd host that could bo found In tho market. Our dailies' Dtceh Skirts nro a p leasuro to us and our customers. All tfcs now styles at $8, $10, ,$12, $15 and $25 each. Our New Enlarged Cloak Department is Busy All the Day HAYDEN BROS. "Easy to say, hard without SHERIDAN COAL Boat coal mined in Wyoming. Lump, $5.50. Nut or Egg, 5.00. Poanut, 4.50. VICTOR WHITE THE BEST TEN-CENT CONTAINS THE FINEST CUBAN TOBACCO, p. n. men st. c. oo sianukactuiieiis, st. i.ouis, mo, 0. A. HA1LSI1ACK, OMAHA, UISTIUHUTOIU Can You Guess? If you buy it of it's right, We want to know If you havo been rending our advertisements. There foro to each boy or girl who pre sents this ad nt our storo wo will present frco of charge ono of tho latest nnd most fascinating puzzles on tho market. Cut out tho ad, supply tho proper namo In tho blank ppaco nbovo nnd present nt store. Wo will do tho rest. our SIGNS OF SPRING "That tired feeling" nnd houso cleaning. You must clean und brighten up tho houso and wo hnvo Just what you want. Cn mentlco for the walls, paint nnd wax for tho lloors, enamels and varnishes for the fur niture and woodwork. Cemcnllco, any shnde, per package ,13a Floor Paint, per can 33a Floor Wax, Hutclers, per can 600 White Knnmel, per can 30a Stovepipe Knnmel, tier can joj Ilronzi, all colors, per package 100 Aluminum, for wntcr pipes y,c Paint llrushcn 10a Everything to tnako tho house bright nnd cheerful. J. A. FULLER & CO CUT THICK nitUC.C.ISTS. lHh and DoiibIU St. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Ladies' Tailor Made Suits. double box pleats, perc aline Don't Takei t Out Decause your tooth can bo extracted without pain Is no reason why you should havo it taken out. It may poffllbly bo flnved. Wo can advUa you on this mibject If you will call. It's often eufiy to snvo a tooth, but hard to get a now ono. Cold crown, $5.00 to $8.00. Consultation free. BAILEY, the Dentist AVZ I'nitmi Illk. Kith A. Farnam. I.nilr Attfiiiliuit. l'liono 108.1. Vuu Dr. It. W. Iliillry'a Tooth I'ovtilcr. All flriiKBlntii. to do,'' 1605 Farnam Tel. 127. Street. CIGAR IN THE MARKET UNION MADE i