TIIE OMAHA DAILY B33E: SUNDAY, MAT1C1I IS, 1900. on business chances. REFPONM1HLE oftleo position with com pany offered right pnrty; must own stock in oompany: man with $550 will ho con Mdiral, references required. C 21, Bee. Y-151 1S WILL ex'hange equity In $3,000 restaurant, Joplln, Mo., for furniture and lense. good hotel nnd put In clear Omaha rental prop erty to mko u:i dlffe-enco. If any. lffl-nirc Ohio farm, rented for three year., high slate, cultivation; will exchange for small suburban home with 10 or 29 acres of land. 1'lne opening In hotel business with small amount of money, nil for description. WESTERN HOTEL BROKERS, 101 Bee Bldg. Y-174 IS VOTl HALE, fancy groceries and qucons ware; best In city; do business about $1,200 ntr month onsh, about $1,001 mock; popu lation 2,000. d. E. Smith, Madison, Nob. Y-l&C IS FOR EXCHANGE. r ARM and pasture land near Plnttsmniith and Harden tracts near So. Omaha to exchange for Omaha or So. Omaha prop, erty. Address C 20, care Heo. Z-M137 20 T rlCi,IAN,fJK' K0?'x ,,rlck liotc'niuo JS.WW, lu wide-uwnko city of S.000, for ffood, Improved farm. Address C 27. Bee. Z-193 IS I'OIt SAI.E-HIiAL USTATK. rOTTKR-SHOLES CO. HAIKU INS. 310 N. Y. LIFE. No. 619-1325 SouU.liT Mree!, Ilanscom I lace, wo oITer line home, 7 very largo rooms, strictly modern, lot 60x150, on motor line, onc-hnlf block from tlio park; ho iis) in Al shape and all right; owner spine south to llvo nnd-house must sell. I'rjco, cheap nl $5,500. No. 673-1114 South 32d street, very ex cellent, well built, 10 rooms, all strlctlv modern. cast front, lot 60x172 foot, good trfes and stone walk nnd paving all paid: this In u cholco property and Is offered simply because the owner Is compelled to leave the city. It Is all clear, title good and Is going to bo sold; It will bo shown at any tlmo by culling. Price, $6,600. No. 431-2014 North 19th street, on the boule yi!r,ll'vW0 onr eni,t front lot lxll0 feet, with 9-room. modern house, in tlrst-clns.i shape finely decorated, pood furnace, .porcelain bath, etc. It In a gem. It Is . chonp at the price, $3,600. , N"' fiJsT'? 8outh2Mh street, .fine east front lot. 45x110. 9-ronm, strlctlv modern lioliso, oak llnlsh. Price, $6,000: Jl.ooo cash. $.,00 In 1, 2, 3 years and $3,600 In 5 years at 5 per cent. Nos .120 nnd 3.10-1703 nnd 170S South 2Sth street, two Rood, modern, seven-room lioiircH. Corner for $2,500 nnd Insldo for rOTTER-SHOLES CO.. Telephone, 470. 310 N. Y. Life. RE-156 IS IRRIGATED lands for sale In Wheeler and Orceley counties, Nebraska. 320 acres, house, barn, cattlo sheds, corn crib, wells. 100 ncrcs under plow, fruit treet', etc., prlco J3.000. 200 acres, Rood house, barn, Rranary, 60 acres pasture (additional pasture can bo leased), clay loam soil, 3 miles from town, lino farm, price $3,600. ICO-acro farm, house 20x30 barn, Rranary, 40 acrea pasture, all In good condition; prlco very low. 320-nern farm. 8-room house, barn, cattlo sheds, grunnry. corn crib. hog pasture, wellf, windmills; mostly flno level land; dose to town. Write for prlco. K0 acres, houso 22x20, ham 24x2S: pasturo CO acres, 66 acres under plaw, sandy loam, tamo hay, to ncrrB fruit, etc.: pr'ce $3,200. ICO acres, lwuie 20x24, grnnary 11x16. pas ture nnrt other necossary outbuildings, fruit trees. running water, sandy loam. This land Is located In the fertile vaJley of the Cedar river, which Is surpassed by none; where you can raise crops of any description. We have a largo list of oilier farms not mentioned nbovo; also , can offer the very best locution for cattlo ranches adJolnlnR these lands. Write for full particulars. PI Hub & CO.. Plbel. Wheeler county. Neb. RE-S24-21 CHOICEST TRACKAGE PROPERTY ON TUB MARKET 8. K. corner 16th and Izard: half block. 132 x 261; heart of the city: for price and terms see .Georco, G. Wallace. Drown Blk.:' solo: agent. ' RE-254 5 ACRES cholco garden land only $750. Hicks, Room 325 Hoard Trndo HldR. ' RE-SS3 17 A RAHGAIN, four ncres, 40th and Pacific, two blocks from car line, on belt rail road, $2,500; easy terms, McCaRUo In vestment Cu 1606 Dodge. RE-200 22 ACRES, well Improved, Just outsldo city limits: 3 acres crapes, tine youiiR or chard, which bus all kinds of small fruit, nt a bargain; possession Riven at once: fair cash payment, balance easy: come quick. I.yman Waterman, S22 N. Y. Lite. Phono 1892. RE M924 18 BEFORE buying farm land read the llomeseeker; samplo free. 265 Dearborn St., Chicago. RE-136 18 A HUNCH OF SNAPS. 3-ionra house, Central Park $ 200 5-room house, 31st and Emmett... 700 f-ror,m house, modem, 1701 Mundersnn. 1.000 7-room housn, modem, 1522 8. 26th 2,(xn fl-room houso and barn, 201S Dorcas.... 1,50(1 2 5-room houses, 19th and Dorcas 1,500 lA)k at this one: Seven-room hnuo and bnrn, 4(03 Dodge, on motor line, only 1,250 J. H. PARROTTE, Douglas Hlock. RE 142 IS WEST FARNAM TO THE FRONT. $31,000 worth of cholco residence property on Thlrty-socnnd avenue. In SUMMIT PLACE, sold In past ten days and op tion on two other CHOICE TURNER I3T8. .This proves our assertion that SUMMIT PLACE LOTS are tho very best batR.ilns on tho markot today, owing to their loca tion. Such bBTRalns were nnvnr offered In Omaha and never will bo again, for tho reason that this wot i.s tho "CREAM" of tho cltr. AVo are sole ngents for thoe beautiful TURNER LOTS on 32d avenue, :ud and 31th streets and there aro but elchtcon morn Inta to select from. See them to appreciate what we say. Plat and prices mailed on application, Se lect one while there Is a chance to sec,uro a tine building lot for a little money. PAYNE-KNOH CO., tlrst lloor New York Life. Telephone 1781. POTTKR-SHOLES CO., 310 New York Life. - Tclrphonu 470. - BOLE AGENTS. RE-15G-1S BARGAINS IN HOMES AND FARMS. A cholco location In Kouutze Place, with elRht-room frame houso and barn, on fiiil lot, $3,300. An eight room brick house, with large lot, two blocks from car "line, $2,400. An eight-room frnmo house, two blocks from car lino, $2,000. A tine phi co on South llth street with six room-houso, on full lot, J I, S00. A few good homes near Ilunscom park at bedrock prices. A slchtlv lot nt 41st and Davenport. 1S30. Ten acres on L Htreet. South Oniuha, near Itllrllni-tnn rnlKvuv. II.'JO A fine quarter In Nuckolls county for dairy farm; line stroum and plenty of smote, ruei ami posts; seventy acres in cultivation; $2,800. A flno tract of 400 acres In Banner county, Nebraska. $1,000. A small ranch in Chase county with Rood biilldlnKs and len miles of wlro fence, 80 acres in cultivation: crop last year was 6f 'tnixliels wheat, 1.000 bushels corn, be sides oats, vegetables and fodder; con veniences for handling 250 head of cattlo: (can sell 100 head of good grades with tho piucei, j.'.wi). Blanches, farms and stock lands. J, H. PIPER, 427 Rningo Block, Omaha. RE-056-18 2122 N. 25th St. easy payments 4-room iiweiimg, city water, cistern,- furnace, $1,000.00, 19th st. boulevard. 4-room house, with nice ioi, price mw.w. nenls $2(0 per annum, price $l,R00, dwell ing of 9 rooms, bath, gas, city water, viusoi, near mu mm i.aiio sirocis. 173 So. 9th st 5-room cottage, rents $144 jirr liiinum, price )i,vj, 1S18 Ontario st., S-room dwelling, 50-ft. lot, Vni'iuit lot near 20th st. boulevard nnd .Miami street, at a great nurgnin. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM. RE-176 18 FOIl SI,I-IUAI, ESTATE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY continue to malntnln their re:ord for great bargains In real estate. Several of the properties recently advertised hnvo been sold and propositions now on hand waiting answers from the owners regarding others.. We of fer for this week the following, which we I can recommend as good Investments: I No. 1153 No. 3319 Hawthorne ave. This Is a new house Just completed, contains 8 rooms nnd a fine nttlc; Is nil modern and very convenient and 'beautiful for situa tion; $3,(00, $1,000 cash, 'balance on monthly payments at 0 per cent. No. 1151-1022 N. 33rd st. New house of 7 rooms, nil modern, east front, beautiful lot, l'i blocks from street car line; $2,800; terms reasonable. No. 1153-No. 1018 N. 33rd St. Beautiful new 'room all modern house, east front, fine locality, V.i blocks from street cur, good neighborhood; very desirable; $3,000. No. 133 On Decatur st,., near SSth, Is a 7 room house; has bath, hot and cold water, plumbing, gas; In fact, nil modern except furnnce; south front: G0-ft. lot; houso Is In splandM repairs! $2,000, $100 cash, balance JIG per month at C per cent. THIS IS A SNAP. No. V On Lafayette avis 1$ blocks from the motor, south front: Is nn 8-room houso In good repairs with every modern conven ience; delightful for situation; $4,600 on easy terms. No. 787-On 37th st., near Leavenworth, wo have a hcautlful 8-room all modern cot tage, full lot. cast front, tine neighbor hood; property In good repairs and owner authorizes us to sell It for $2,700; terms reasonable. No. 1093 On the northeast corner of 20th nnd Dodco sts. stands a 12-room house, facing south; lot 44x120, with lot In tho rear 40x60 with a barn on It. Tho house Is all modern and In fair repair. There Is plenty of room In tho rear for tho erec tion of another houso that would rent for from $10 to $50 per month. The owner Is ii non-resident. Make us an offer. No. 1017 Near the Lathrop school on a 40-ft. lot and lVfc blocks from street car Is an 8-room house rocently put In fine condi tion, all modern except furnace. Owner Is a non-resident and In now offering It for the modest sum of $2,100. TERMS REA SONABLE. No. S3S Near 2Sth t. on California we havo a new 6-room cottage; rents for $20 per month; has a nice 'bath room, hot and cold wntcr, plumbing; faces south; very de sirable; $2,100. It Is now expected that the Harney st. car line will bo extended from California nnd 25th sts. to 33rd by next July, thus maklnc this a very desirable part of tho city. No. 1007 In Windsor Place, on northwest corner of 35th nnd Francis sts,, 3 blocks from tho street car line, .east front, line lot; houso has 8 rooms and city water: worth $2,500. Owner Is offering It for $2,000 on easy termB. This will surely tako It. I) EM IS PARK. DEMIS PARK. Tho plcturesquo and beautiful, Joy of tho city and delight of the homeseeker. These line Jots nro bclns sold at unpre- cedentedly low prices; nearly all sold. Come quick If you want In on tho ground floor. These lots are now being sold without In terest. Pay for your lot, get money of us to build. For further particulars Inquire of For further particulars Inquire of I PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Tel. 17S1. Maln Floor N. Y. Life I31dc. BE-146 18 WYMAN. SH'RIVBR CO.. , . , .. N- Y- uta Blur. Full lot, 0-r. cottage, all modern, 1 blk. from Ilanscom park. $2,100. Full lot, 7-r. dwelling, partly modern, 2 blocks from Ilanscom nark. 11.450. 86x120 feet, east front, on North 2Sth St., o-r. limine, gouu snupc, i dik. irom motor line. 11.500. 2517 Grant St., 28-foot lot, 5-room cottage, KIIUU HUUpC, 3W. Full lot, S-room modern house, oak finish, 28th st.. near Pacltlo, $4,000. 87-foot lot, .east front, on 29th, nenr Far nam, high and sightly, tine location for nice home, $3,300. HE I5S 18 W. H. GATES, 018 N. Y. Life. 'Phone, 1294. 8-room house. 3 yrs, old, fully modern, hard wood finish downstairs, electric light, porcelain bath and everything of tho latest: lot Is 50x140. shade and ter race, nt 1030 S. th st. Owner tells m to sell this, as ho Is leavlnff the city: to commence with the prlco Is $4,000. 7-rooin cottagn, gas, sower, . water, 2527 Davenport St., lot 33x115, $1,900. 6-room cottage, gas. sewer, water, 2521 Patrick nve., lot COxlSO. $1,563. 5-room cottage, at 1518 N, IStli St., lot SOx 140, $1,200. 4-room cottage. 2608 Pal. ave., lot 30x120, barn, $1,000; $100 caah, bal. monthly. 50x127. northeast comer 27th nnd Wool worth live., $700. 50x122, 8. E. cor. 24th nnd Miami st., $1,000. 69xlX on Boulevard, near Hurdette. $1,600. 14Sxl20, N. E. cor. 30th and Ohio, lays nice, $750. RE-157 18 FOR SALE, snap; 03x141 feet, north front, on Hurt st 200 feet west of 21th. for only $700. Think of It. tlvq minutes walk from postolllce, nnd make two lots. Potter Sholes Co., 310 N. Y. Life. nE-MlC5 20 SEE HENRY li. .PAYNE'S LIST OF RARE UAnOAINS IN HOUSES AND LOTS NEXT WEEK. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOME WITHOUT GETTING HIS PRICES. A FEW REAL ESTATE SNAPS WILL SURJELY BE TAKEN BE FORE THE MONTH CLOSES. CALL 'EARLY AT 001 N. Y. LIFE BLDG.. OR TELEPHONE 1016. RE-171 IS Now is the Time to Buy Real Estate What are you going to do with your money? Wo have had tureo years of proepcrlty. Men In all lines of business havo been making money. (Employment has been plenti ful, and wages have been good. Have you saved any money 7 If you have, what aro you going to do with It 7 Aro you going to build yourself a home this spring? If you do, you will save- rent, and tho money which you put Into little Im provements and in beautifying your yard, and making your home moro comfortnble, will be spent on your own proporty, You will llvo moro comfortably, and you know whatever comps you will have a root over your head. For an Investment, wbcro can you put your money so that It will be safer, nnd bring you better returns than a real estate In vestment? Keep your eyes open and you can find plenty of pieces of property which you can buy at a reasonable price, and hero ami thcro a real bargain. Omaha Is Just getting ready for nnother spurt. This Is going to bo a season of building, of now Industries, and permanent Im provements. Development of Industries means more people. Mors people cleans higher prices for real estate, "It Is the early bird that catches the worm." FOR SAI.K-ItRAI, KSTATE. W. FARXAM SMITH & CO., 1320 FARNAM ST. BARGAINS IN DESIRABLE HOMES. PRICES TO SUIT THE PURCHASER. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS. FOR SALE Fine colonial residence, n beautiful home, perfectly planned, en tirely modern, finished In hard woods; south front, large grounds; one of the best corner locations In the West Farnnm district, south of Fnrnam St. This prop- I erty can be houcht at n bargain. FOR SALE On South 35th St., one-half block off Farnam, larRe ten-room liou-i-, barn, two full lots, house built 1SW: lower lloor In onk and bird's-eye maple; two bath rooms, grates and mantels; entirely modem; very desirable property. Only JS.600. FOR SALE On 31st ave., north of Far nam, u new modern residence and full lot: this house was built for a home; only th" very best materials used; lower lloor Mulshed In qiinrter sawed oak, upper floor In enamel paint; grate and mantel; lnrgo bath room; tile Moor, porcelain tub; double doors; back plastered; barn; you will appreciate tills when you look throuzh It. Price, $6,600. FOR SALE New, modern, nine-room houre, on car lino and paved Mroet; nil Joins Walnut Hill; built. 1S9S; finished In oak below, double oak Doors, porcelain bath, large cemented cellar, Everything llrst-class, Owner nerds monev and will sell at a sacarlflce. Price, $3,950 cash. FOR SALE Nice, modem, seven-room cot tage on Dodgo st., In walking distance, south front. Price, $2,000. FOR SALE Nine-room house and barn on N. ISth; Interior newly nauered nnd painted; nice lawn nnd troef. Nets S per cent on $2,700. Owner wnnts money and offers this for $2,300. FOR SALE At 2316 N. SSth ave.. elaht room houso nnd lot: would cot $2,000 to build today. A bargain nt $1,030. DUNDEE HOMES A modem house nnd large grounds for less than cost of house. Oct description nnd prices. If you wish to buy or sell, call on W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 FARNAM ST. RE 149 IS PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW EST RATES on LOAN8: SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-19S BARGAINS Chris Boyer, 2123 Cuming. Tele. K 2632. RE M593 A9 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 305 N. Y. L. RE-201 FOR SALE or trade, brick residence, all modern Improvements, nnd 5 ncrcs of ground, containing outbuildings, trees, small fruit, shrubbery: well Inside city limits In town of 10,000 Inhabitants; cost over $20,000; good reason for selling, Write for particulars. Paul Colson. Fremont, Neb. UE-M269 Al FOR SALE, bargains In South Omaha: 4 lots, 40x150 ft., blk. 47, H"0 bach. N. W. cor., 40x150 ft., blk. 47, $150. N. E. cor., 40x150 ft., blk. 47, $500. S. E. cor.. 40x150 ft., blk. 47. $500. Lot 40x150 ft., blk. 47, east front, $450. 2 the choicest resident lots In the city, 40x150 ft. each, east front, 24th and C St., only $25.00 ft. front. North 40 ft. lot 3, blk. 63. between J nnd IC sts., east front, $75.00 ft. front. Also 1,000 acres good western land for sale cheaD. GEORGE W. MASSON, South Omaha. RE-M74V 18 SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co., 314 S. 15th St. HE-301 BUILDING lots ono block of street car lino, $150. B. R. Ball, 901 New York Life. RE-52S HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate, Rentals, Loans, Insurance. RE-203 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real cstato seo S. A. Broadwell, 501 ,N. Y. Life. ' RE-206 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Hemls, Paxton blk. RE 199 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only sco S. A. Broadwell, 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-205 906 AND 908 South 20th st., two houses; rental $360 per yenr: cheap at $3,600. S. W. corner 3Sth nve. nnd Jackson st.. 126 feet east front by 150 deep; snap at $900. Acre lots. 15Sxl69 feet. Pratt's subdlv., 8. W. of Ilanscom nark, $250 each. 160 acres smooth land S. W. of Benning ton; fair Improvements, $45 per acre. JOHN N. FRENZER. Opp. Old P. O, RE-471 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Nice house and full lot on paved street, one block from street car. only $1,100 Good 7-room houso nnd full lot In Orchard Hill, only 750 Houso and lot In Dundee Place, only., soo 2 lots and K-room house, only 600 BRENNAN-LOVB CO., 309 South 13th Street, Omaha, Nob. RE-M840 15 4334 CHARLES, ST., half a block from car and paved street, six-room cottage with barn. Price, $1,000; monthly payments. 2018 Spruce St., small cottage, lot 48x122, very cheap. New seven-room house, strictly modern, $2,200. 60x140. on North 20th St., near Lake. All or half of this lot at your own price. Catalpa Place direct car service 15 min utes' ride from P. O. Lots 60x127 feet. $300 cach-$25 cash and $3 per month. A. M. COWIE, 211 S. ISTH ST. RE-M8I3 FOR SALE. 3 acres of fine garden land, with two small houses, barns, etc., near city limits; a big "bargain If sold soon. Address Mrs. F. O. Urlair, 970 N. 23th nve. RE-163 18 TWO houses on north 19th st., modern Improvements, at a very low price. H. R. Ball, 901 Now York Life. RE181 18 4315 Seward St.. rialf a block from car and paved street. New modern seven room house. Furnace, 'bath and gas. Size of lot 50x140 ft. There. Is not a better built houso In Omaha must be seen to lie appreciated. Go out Sunday and look through It. It's a snap, $2,100 this week, A. M. COWIE. Agt., 211 So. ISth. RE-K18-1S I'OIt SALE ItUAIi USTATH. A FEW SPECIALTIES. WE have nn exceptional imrgnln for this week In n lf-roum strictly modern resi dence in West Farnnm dJtrict, nltnou new with every convenience and good barn on full lot, for $6,700. See this for an Investment. Full lot with two s-room modern new houses detached, near All Saint's church, ivnt for $35 each. van sell both for IXOWi one for $1,000. A beautiful home, vtlrner lot 101-foot front on Georgia Ave., with modern y-room residence, nice lawn and abundance of shade, all for $6,5c0. Still nnother corner, near the park one block from car, cast front, 9-room modern resi dence and barn. Fine home for $6,000. Splendid 7-room house im full bit lu Ilans com Place, near churches and school, for only 3,7'. Here Is a good cheap home near the Ixng school, ti-room house on paved street for $1,250. Fur a small family we huvo a nice 6-rooni house nnd 'barn on paved street, 1 block from car. $l,0wi. Wn have nlco vacant lots In all p.irts of city nt from $15J up. Some of which wh can sell on cosh payment of $100 and long tlmo on balance to any one who will build on them. See our BULLETIN BOARD for bargnlns anil then see us. J. W. ROBBINS & CO., 1S02 FARNAM ST. RE 949-1S FOR SALE, 3323 N. 28th St. Scven-room house, full lot 11.WIO.00. 2320 N. 26th St., Six-room house, bath, sower etc.. $1,250 00. 1147 N. Kith St. Five-room house, city wnter, 11.000.00. 2S19 N. 27th St. Seven roms modern, now. $1,300.00. 15th Cnstellar Streets Full lot. seven room house, now, $2,rvw.0i. MM32feet, corner 15th & Howard Streets, 21 acres-6 miles from city, $1,250.00. GEORGE fs COMPANY, 1601 Farnam Street. ' RE-M133-20 fi-R. modern cottage, full Ipot. $1,300. B-R. modern house, Kountzo. Place. $2,600. i-R. modern house, tine location. $1,600. i-u. mou. nouso, line location, ji.soo. i'iiii vacant lot, good location, J20U. Will srll you lino resldenco lots for a small payment down, balance monthly. E. K. IjOWER, 2U2 1XCUST ST. RE-131-1S )FFER wanted; lots 4, block 31; 20 and 21, block 32, AlbrlRht's Choice; 6, Stuuton Place: also 18. Fnlrvlcw (ono ncre). 1653 Boulder St., Denver. Colo. RE S-ROOM houso on north 17th st., all mod ern except furnace; $200; monthly pay ments. B. R. Ball, 901 New York Life. RE1S4 18 160 ACRES In extreme eastern Nebraska, mostly under cultivation, with buildings; close to railroad town; might tako a house, and lot In Omutni ns part payment. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Fnrnam st.. Bee Bldg. RE-197 IS 6 ACRES choice gnrden land -$725. 10 acres convenient to lioth Omaha nnd South Omaha, a beautiful tract of land, -$1,150.- 40 acres right near the stock yards, no tlner land In the etute, only W.OOO. Full lot on Farnam. near 41st, only 8 min utes rlde.s from business center. -$1,175.- Flno corner lot, Ilanscom Place, atl pav ing taxes paid In full, -$2,250. Modern 8-room house, splendid neighbor hood, taken In under foreclosure, can soil .for $4 C30. Flno residence, corner, east nnd north front, 34th and Dod;e, for $2,7t0. Hicks, room 323 Board Trade. R E-191 18 FOR RENT or sale. 46-acro farm, 3 miles north of Florence. Address Henry An derson, Florence, Neb. RE M917 23 R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bids. No. S31 4216 Howard st., S rooms, full lot, to bo sold on easy terms. Price, $1,500. No. 2IU South llth St., 6 rooms, only $1,400. No. 7S1 7 rooms, all modern, new house, lot 50x110, i block frcm car. Price, $2,200. No. 1314-2141 South 35th St., 6 rooms, cltv water, furnace, hard oil finish, $2,600. A nice property for South Omuha man, No. 9313140 Jlason at., 7 rooms, with bath, hot and cold water, lot 50x111, good barn and drlvewny, asphalt paved street, prop city In good repair. Price, $2,750. No. 705 26th nnd Decatur st.. 7 rooms, all modern, houso newly painted, 2 blocks from car line, only $2,500, No. 1267 241S Jones st., C rooms nnd bath, gas, hot and cold wnter, good cellar nnd only 12 minutes walk from tho P. O. Price, $3,500. No. 401531 Georgia ave., 8 rooms, nil mod ern, with barn. Price, $3,500. No. 134S 9-room liouse, block north of Ilanscom park, hard wood finish, gas grate, coal grate, furnace, laundry, elec- ii iu ,11111, tust irani, aspnaii paved streets, butler's pantry, fi bed rooms, houso 3 yrs. old, nicely papered nnd In good condition. Inquire for further In formation. ACRES. 19 acres, well Improved, only 8 mile from postofllce, lots of fruit. Price, $2,700. Ono aero in Hydo park, with two houses, a bargain, $650. 80 ncres in Douglas county, with good Im provements, for $60 per aero. R. C. PETERS A- CO., 1702 Farnam St., Telephone, 89S. Ree Bldg. RE-19S IS NICKEL PI,ATI.G. SPRING Is approaching. House cleaning season Is at hand. Seo the Omaha Plat lng Co. about your metallic fixtures. jledsteads. Gas fixtures, Tabloware, any old thing mndo of metal rcplnted by expert workmen. Reduced prices on hlcyclc work OMAHA PLATING CO., BASEMENT BEE BUILDING. Telephone 2033. 203 18 CYCLE PARTS-A1I kinds plating. Omnha PlatlngjCo., Beo Bldg. Tel, 2535. -634 LOST. STOLEN, very small black, tan nnd groy skyo terrier; back nnd tall black, hoad nnd legs groy, feet and nose tan; namo Tatters. Reward for Information leading to arrest of ono detaining him. C. C. Belden, 2018 California St. L03t-935-19 STRAYED or stolen, largo bay mnre, blnok mane and tall, unshod; return to 914 8, 33d st. nnd receive reward; 'phono 56S, Lost-175 IS LOST, to nvold trouble, tho man who wns seen to pick up a purso containing rings west of the city hall on Saturday, March 10, would better return It to 549 B, 26th Ave. No questions will bo naked. Lost-167 18 MEDICAL. LADIES, Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best: safe, reliable; take no other: send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Lnrtlas," In letter by raturn mall. At druggists. Chichester Chemlcnl Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. rrilOI.VI'HRING. Mattress upholstering, llnlshlng, carpentry. Omaha Cabinet Shop, 1606 Cass, Tel 930-A16 SHORTHAND AND TVIT, WRITiNG. A FEW MORE 'POINTERS ABOUT TIIE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING DEPARTMENT OF THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. POINTER No. 1. One of our competitors nas seen in to belittle uregg anorinanu nnd enst reflections upon students who aro studying It. These students have drafted n challenge to said party, asking him to select a number of ills students to enter Into a public contest to be held within two weeks, the result to be !ctermlncd by the ability to write nnd rend shorthand In the respective systems. The public may expect one of the most Interesting contests ever held In the city, unless said party ab- J solittely refuses to accept the challenge I If he does not nccepl It. It will be the I strongest evidence deslr.vl that he Is on , uiu point oi oespcranon oecause ! me Introduction of Gregg Shoithaiul Into Omnhu. If students prefer to take tin a system stripped of all Intricacies nnd nro able to master It In half the time It re quires to master one of the old Pltmanlc systems, It should not concern others Our students nre willing to write In public In order to demonstrate what can be donu . with Oreuir Shnrthnml. f POINTER No. 2-Wo have Just received a ' ciiiniogue irom iiartieti h hciiooi ot Cin cinnati. Ohio, tho Inrgtst and oldest short hand school lu the United States. The major portion of said catalogue Is devoted to uregg Hiiortfianil, which was intro duceil at the beRlnnliig of this year The icsults obtained pee in to be us marvelous us those wo have already witnessed among our own students. POINTER No, 3 It should be remembered Iliat (lie Hurt ett Collfiri- locnleil n ('In. clnnntl, the homo of lleiin I'ltninn short hand. Isn't It strange that Mr Bnrtlett. located In that city nnd owning the largest mimerclnl school In the United SUUs, should drop the UMttnun system and Intro- i illlce the Gregg? ,Mr, Jefome Howard, tho publisher of Pitman text books, Is doing I everything In his power to prevent the In- 1 troductloil of tlreirtr Shorthand Into schools, but It Is Imoosstblo for him to stay this onward march. The fnct of the .I".1l.t?rJ!'' 1,10 (,re'5K ' tllc coming system. OINTLR No, 4 A large clnss In Gregg Shorthand started last week. A number of persons hnvo nrruiiRed to take up this system tomorrow morning. The attend ance In this department is constantly In creasing. POINTER No. 5 Mr. Granger, the tlrst uregg siuoeut to laKe a position, went to work last .Monday for ono of the lending commission llrms of South Omnhn. Mr. Granger studied one ot the Pltmanlc sys terns for tlvo months. When wn Intro duced tho GrcRg he dropped the Pltmanlc system and began with the Gregg. In six weeks time ho could write Gregg moro rapldlv and read his notes better than he was able to do after llvo months' study of thtt Pltmanlc. Mr. Granger had been studying the Gregg system out ten weeks when ho accepted tho position referred to. Hie malingers of the llrm report thnt his ,X'.tr.k,1;'. Perfectly satisfactory. N.0, G-Many students attending other schools nro constnntly culling to In vestigate Gregg Shorthand and our sys ! n?iVf iTo,.lcl.V T-pewrltlng. They arc as tpnlshed nt the work being dono "by the students studying Gregg nnd think that tho commercial College Is tho only place where touch typewriting Is properly taught. We. aro willing to compare, our methods with nny other school in the country. i73 is A C. VAN SANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life -203 ' AT OMAHA Bus. College, 16th & Douglas. -210 R?,YL,E?. college, court reporter principal, Ueo Bldg. 211 NEBRASKA Business & Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. 212 OSTKOIWI'IIY. J9H.NS,?.N Osteopathic Institute, 515 N. Y. Life Bldg., Allco Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; GUI E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, mgr. 213 DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo., C01 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367. -214 A. T. HUNT, osteopnth: allchronlcdlscases; "results tell." 305 Kurbach Blk. Tel, 2332. M-4S2 TYl'EWIllTnilS, TYPEWRITERS for rent, $1 per month. Tho Smlth-Promlcr Typewriter Co., 1625 Farnnm St. Telephone, 12S4. 206 REMINGTON Stnndnrd Typowrlter nnd supplies. 1619 Fnrnam. 207 TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnnm. -20S HOTELS. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th & Doug las, lowest rates. Win. Bnrr, Mgr. Tel. 214. M-670 THE THURSTON, 15th-Jnckson; Am. and European; pleasant rooms, $1.50 week up, M-711 IHCYCLES. IN order to reduco stock we will poll for a short tlmo only second-hand bicycle at one-half price; good wheels, $3.00 to $15.00. Flescher. Ib22 Cap. Ave. M132 Enameled, $2 up. Bicycle Hospital, 711 N. 16. 60S- FUHMTUltK TtEI'AIIUNO. GLOBE Couch Co., 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 2329. CSS PACKING, upholstering, mnttress. feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. 21S UPHOLSTERING, mattress, finishing, carpentry. Omaha Cabinet Shop, 1606 Cass. Tel. 21SS. M930 A16 j DANCING SCHOOL. LAST term, last chance Morand's. 15th and Harne.y; adults Tuesday and Frldny; children Saturdays.- assemblies Wednes day and Saturday, 331 A-3 niti:ssii,ici;. IN families. Mlfs Sturdy, 2216 Davenport, -879 A-13 FURNITURE PACKINO. OM. Van Stor. Co.. loll', Far. Tel. 1659, 863. -221 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vnughan. 430 Ramgo Bldg. -217 PAWNBROKERS. A EAGLE Loan Ofllco, rellnblo accommodat ing; an business conuuentlnl. 1301 Douglas, -216 I'OLND. "YUSEA" mantles at 103 South 15th. Found 950 1S AUCTIONEERS. OMAHA AUCTION Co. Satisfaction guar anteed. 520 N. 16th st. Tclonhono 216$. M719 Till NIC FACTORY, TRUNKS, traveling bans. ult caies. Trunks repaired. Urn, Trunk Factory. 121W Fnrnam. -220 LAUNDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leavcnw'h. Tel. 617 219 MIRROIl FACTORY. OLD mirrors resllvcred; new ones to ordor; country orders promptly nttonded to, 70S N. 10th. M S71 A13 I1IRI1S AND TAXIDERMY, STOCK'S Bird stoic. 1603 Leavenworth. 223 .MA N UT IO I NI'I It M All Y. SEE KhnrnH' display ud today. 187 SUES A CO. l'atont Lawyers Ben Bldff,, Omaha. Tol 1023. Advlco froo, RAILWAY TIM1J TAIII.ES. BURLINGTON Jfe Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Roule" Gencral Oltlces, N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Farnnm Hts. Ticket ottlce. 1502 Far nnin street. Telrnhenc. 255. Denot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 12S. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a 8:40 am a 7:23 pm Lincoln Denver. .Colo- rado, Utr.ii, California. a 4;2o pm a 3;00ptn Lincoln, Black Hills, Sonne; 4:25 pm k 3:f pm nl0:35 nm nl0:35 am Lin ot ti Lien. .. Lincoln Fhst Mnll rinil'pr. r-nlnnifli, ... .a i;iv p,u b 3:00 pm Utah .t California . . al2;35 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & Qulr.cy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route Ticket Olllce, 1302 Farnnm St. Tel., 230. Depot. Tenth & Mnson Streets. Telephone, Lenvj. Arrive. f 'hir"llLr,t S4f,r In! n1Q.lt ,.. Day Ight Express .. . .a 7:23 am Chicago Vcstibuled E:..a 4:' pm Chlcngo Local Express. a 8:50 nm Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm Pacific Junction Local. .a!0:13 an. Fast Malt a Dally. a 7:45 am a 4:08 pm a 7:15 am a 2:45 pm fitEnva1 KANSAS CITY, ST. JO- juinruuu 1 110 ituriinR- ton Route" Ticket Olllce, Farnnm street phone, 250. Depot, a, nl Mnson Streets. Tele. Tenth Tole- Phone, 123. Leave. Knnras City Day Ex.. ..a 8:50 am Kancus City Night Ex..al0:15 pm Arrive, n 6:17 pm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis.. a 4:55 pm all;15 am e Dally. IV ABAS II RAILROAD Ticket Office. 1501 Fnrniim mreei, leiopnonr. suj. De pot, Tenth nnd Marcy Streets. Telcphono 029. Lenve. Arrive. ..a 5:05 pro a 7:53 am Express u. uuiiy. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket ottlce, 1402 Fnrnnm street. Tele pnoii". 215. Depot, Tenia and Mason streets. Leave, a 12:10 pm a 7:35 pm Arrive. a 4:05 pm a S:16 am b 9:40 pm a 8-15 am Chicago Express Chlcngo Limited Minneapolis nnd SI. Paul Express Minneapolis nnd St. Pnul Limited Fort Dodgo Local from Co. Bluffs .... b 7:00 am a 7:33 pm b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omnha Riillwny "Tha North western Lino" Genornl Otllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster m. CMfv Tlrbn, rwil , V,ar.nul" st' Telephone 661. Depot. 15th nnd Webster Sts. m , Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. . .a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha Pasaengei ull:20 Em Sioux City & North- east Nebraska a 3:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC Rnltroad "The North western Line" General Otllces, United States National Bank Building. S. W. Corner Twelfth n.t.l .. C , ... I , . . Mini .,l(liuill O In. JIUllUl Ortlce. 1101 Farnnm St. Telcphono 661. De pot, Tenth & Mason Sts. Telephone 629. m Leave. Arrive. Tw n C ty Express a 6:53 nm nl0:50 pm Twin City Limited a 7:20 pm a h:15 am Sioux City Local a S:00 am a 4:20 pm a Dally. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phono 661. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets, Tela- Phone. C29. Leave. Arrive. Davllcht Chlcitro Sna clal a 7:00 am Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm Eastern Express. Des Moines, Mnrshalltown, Cedir Rapids nnd Chi cago al0:55 am Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 4:55 pm FaBt Mall, Chicago to Omaha Omahn-Chlcago Special. a 7:30 pm Fast Mall a Dally. all -.30 pm alU;10 um a 4:05 pm a 4:03 pm a 2:45 pm a 8:00 am a 8:30 am FREMONT. ELKHORN & M 1801111 Valley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Line" Gsnernl Otllces, United States Nutlonnl Bk. Bldg., S W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrniim Sts. Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Farnam St. Telcphono 561. De po, 15th nnd Webster Sts. Telcphono 115S. Leave. Arrive. Blnck Hills, Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hastings, York, Duvid City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter nnd Seward.. ..b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:23 am Lincoln, Wnhoo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Fremont Local c 7:30 m a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun da only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Mondav. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam Streets, City Ticket Olllce. 130J Farnam Ptreet. Telophone 316. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tcluphono C29. tveavc. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am a 7:20 pm Tho Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm Tho Colorado Special... all :33 pm a 0:50 am Tho Portland Special... a 8:20 nm a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. .h 4:10 pm 1)12:25 pm Pacific Express a 4:23 pm a 6:50 am Grand Island Local. ...b 5:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Olhco Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone. 101. Depot, 15th ami Webster Sts. Telephone, 1433. Leave. Arrive, St. ..a 2:30 pm al2:55 pm St. Louis, Kansas Neb. Limited K. C -St, L. Express. .a v;m pm a i:'M am Nebraska Iocal Via Weeping Water b 5:o3om a 9:45 am a Diily. b Dally except Sunday CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City xickci uiuce, jail Farnam Street. Telephone 2i4, Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 629, Arrive, a 8:05 am b 3:55 pin Chicago Limited Ex, ...a 7:33 pm Chicago & Omaha Ex..btl:U0 um Sioux City nnd Des Moines Express l)H:0O am b 3:55 om a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL nnd & Pacific Railroad "Tho Great Rock Isl. nnd Route " city Tick et Olllco. 1323 Fnrnanl Street. Telephone 423. Depot, Tenth & Muson Streets, Telephone. 029. bes Moines and Davcn- wavo. Arrive. ppit Local a 7:03 am Chicago Express bll:15 am chlcajio Fast Express, .a 5:fi prn St. Paul Express a 5:00 pm Lincoln, Colorado 3pgs., bll:35 am a 8:10 am a 1:25 pm bll:35 am Denver, i-ueiiio ana n""'; : ,VV'-;,'.,a 1:30 Dm !23 P Dcs Moines. Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:23 pm a 5:50 pm Colorado & Texas Flyor.a 5 55pm a 9:20 am a Dally b Dally exceot el 11 nil a v. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- roau umana, ivansas uity & Eastern Railroad "Tho Wulncy Route" Tlckot Of iirrrTTtrn'ffltTPi mi'iinTii'i'ii-i rc. 1415 Farnnm Htr .,,! llce, 141 Farnam Hti Telctihone. 32. Denot. Tonili nnd Marcy Streets, Teje. phone, 029. i.eavo. .rrivc. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 6:03 pm a 7:55 am Kunea City nnd Qulncy Local a 7:60 am n9;00pm a Dully. Scvernl sonp bubbles can bo blown nt onco with a new toy, which has u reservoir for soapy water, from which a small qimntlty of tho liquid hi forced Into a narrow neck, air being blown through the tube Into tho neck to forcr tho hubbies out between a serins ot metallic dlsku at the end of tho neck. M!LWA'"EEI MAGIC AMONG THE INDIANS JuHui Meytr Telli How the Keel Men HtJ Mnoh Fun with Hermann. THEY GIVE HIM A RUN FOR HIS MONEY By l.cKcrdciiiiiln tin- Mimlc'lnn Tnkra H Roll of Cash (lut of l'lulitliitf I lor .,(' Hut iiml tho Iiiilliiu in. slxts the Money U 111. J Of all tho slorles told by Julius Mere relntlvo to his long experience with the In dians nwny back In tho early history of Ne braska, nono nro moro interesting than his recital of n lour ho onco mndo with Her mann, tho eelebrnted magician. "Hermann visited Omaha In 1S70," said Mr. Meyer, "and expressed a dcslro to seo thn Iiullnns In their natural state. Ho wanted to so nmong the wlgwnms nnd tho tepees lu short, lit) wanted n taste of real Indian life. I told him I would bo delighted to hnvo him accompany me on such a tour. Ilo ngrcotl nnd wo set forth for the country occupied by tlio Sioux tribes. He was nnxlous to mys tify tho Indians with his tricks, nnd coon after our arrival ho wns given nn oppor tunity. I cnuscd a number of tho red men to agseiublo and then I Introduced Hermann. "Tho innglclan performed several clover tricks, which greatly pleased and astonished tho Indians. They hardly know what to think of such n spirit, but tho fact that Her mann was with mo gnvn them nssuranca that no ovll would befall them, for they know mo as one of their white friends. At Inst Hermann asked to borrow a tint. An In dian 11 ananl Fighting Horso was 'tho first to respond. Ho toraed up his slouch hat, seemingly believing it to bo nn honor for a wizard llko Hermann to handle it. Holding tho hat In his hand, Hermann made a llttln speech, tho substnnco of which wns that while ho usually received pay for his enter tainments, ho was not on 'that occasion asking anything. Then ho scanned tho hat closely for a moment nnd ndded that ho hnd found enough money In It to compen sate him most liberally for his work. FlKlitinic Horse Has Ills Sny. "Running his hand about on tho Insldo of tho hat, Ilermnnu drew out a roll ot bills aggregating $600. " 'Look here,' ho exclaimed as ho held tho money up to view. " 'That's my money; It was found In my hat,' roared Fighting Horse. "For onco the man whoBe buslnc3 It wns to puzzle- other pcoplo was himself puzzled. He couldn't nlTord to glvo thnt Indian so much money, yet ho doubted Ills ability ti ovndo tho Issue. Throughout tho cnttro per formance I acted as Interpreter, for tho Indians could not understand English much better than they could epenk It, nnd they were not experts nt either. A lengthy con versation followed tho money Incident. "Hermann had me tell Fighting Horse that money nlwnys belongs to tho finder nnd thnt as ho had found it it must bo his. Fight ing Horso wns called upon to ncknowledgs the fact that thero was no money In his hat when ho passed It over to Hermann. Ilo replied that ho did not know; tho money wns taken out of his hat and that settled It. Whatovcr his hat yielded ho looked upon as belonging to him. Appeal was taken to other Indians and they agreed with Fighting Horse. It was nil tho money Hermann had and ho was becoming desperate. I had In fluence with the Indians, liut not In a case llko this. "At last It was decided that Spotted Tall, tho celebrated chief, should bo called In as referee. Ho took up tho question In a dignified manner and mado a speech, In which ho oald that tho whites Tiad robbed tho Indians of their lnnds and, not satisfied with thnt, they had lnvndcd tho red man's bailiwick to tako his money. Tho old chief talked nt grcnt length along this line nnd nt tho cloao of his speech tho Indians woro a unit In bellovlng thnt Fighting Horso was being Imposed upon. Hcrmnun consulted mo briefly nnd nsked mo to explain to Spotted Tnll that tho finding of tho money was only a trick nnd that It was porformod simply for entertainment nnd mystification. Spotted 'J'n 11 Score 11 Point, "In answer to my explanation that It was ono ot Hermann's tricks Spotted Tnll ro pllcd: " 'A mnn who can perform a trick onca enn do tho samo trick again. Let him glvo Fighting Horso that money and then reach In tho hat again nnd got moro for hlmsolf. Then they will both havo money. That's fair.' "I was sorely perplexed as to this" argu ment. It was Just llko Spotted Tall to say such a thing, nnd I found It hard to niaka 11 satisfactory answer. I told him that Hermann was not prepared to repeat tho trick Just thcu, but that ho might do so it given a llttlo while lu which to rest. This wns to glvu Hermann an opportunity to got nwny. But tho Indians wuuld not accept such a proposition. They wanted Uormantt to remain In sight. Ho utood upon nn Im provised platform and there they wanted, him to remain until tho qucutlon was not lied. "I finally suggested that tho only wajs Hermann could perform' tho trick over again would bo to havo another hnt Just llko that) ot Fighting Horso, nud that tho samo had could not bo used twice, I knew thoro was no such hnt In tho crowd. But not to bo outdone, tho Indians nald they know a 111 nn a few miles awoy who had a hat like, tho ono Honnnnn had iwed nnd that they would send for It, Tho hnt belonged to Man-Who-Left-tho-Eiinmy-Under-tho-Water, and h wns not there. A messenger wob dispatched for tho hnt. Whllo ho was gono Hermann was glveii tlmo to arrango for a repetition of tho trick. When tho hat wns produced the Indians examined It to see that It had no money In it. It wan then passed ovor to Hermann and ho drew from It tho sama roll ot bllln that ho had apparently found In Klghtlng Horse's hat. Then thoy bo llcvcd It was really a trick, and Hermann wub allowed to keep tho money." I'm tern M I Notes, A. E. Rice, who has secured 250 applica tions In Lincoln In tho last threo weokn for the Bankers' Union of the World, mado a tlyln.'r trip to Omuha Saturday. Lincoln lodge No. 12 closed Its charter Friday nl.Tht with an entertainment and danclnr party. Tho llrst of a series of tens or socials to be given by tho George Crook Womnn'H Re lief corps for tho bonctlt of the old soldiers' monument wnB held at tho resldenco of Mrs. Vesta Iiungato last Tuesday afternoon, Tho members of tho Woman's Relief corps worn out In full force, also n largo number of friends. A sa-tlsfuctory nmount was raised, for which the "live" In charge aro thankful. The next social will bo given at the resl denco of Mrs. Chnrles Baxter, No, 1813 Cas street, next Tuesday from 2 to C p. m. Saturday evening. March 31, at Masonlo hull, a unique nnd entertaining progrum will bo given by the mombers of Verta, chapter No. fi, Order of tho Eastern Star, entitled, "Tho Celebration of tho Wed dlns of Mls.s Flower." Thero will bo a very pleasing musical und literary to hegln with, after which the marriage ceremony will bo performed, followed by a Wedding; feast. Some of tho best inuslcul and literary talent of tho city linn been pro cured for the occnslon. Omnha lodgo No, 76, Star of Jupiter, met Frlilav evening nt Its null In Iabor Tern ;ilii and concluded to ndopt u now feature which will Inspire every member to at tend more regularly. All members nro re quested to come to the next meeting and, learn what this now feature Is, Tho en tertainment committee, of which Mr. Henry Christopher If chnlrmnn, assisted liv Miss Annlo Kolloy und Miss Carrie Gibson, will zlve a dnnco in hall No. 2, Ibor Temple, next Frldny evonlng. I.Mrs. Hammond, the lady of Swaffham manor, Norfolk, England, who died recently at tho uge of 91, was tho daughter of Mary ("harworth, whom Byron loved so hope lessly, Miss Charworlh, It will lo remem bered, married a Mr, Musters, who took th family name of his wife. I