Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1900, Page 21, Image 30

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Market Conditions Show Llttls
8inco a Week Aro.
All Grain and Provision Markets Bhow
Strength and OIcbj Higher.
Very Vnir Movement of Mcrelinndlse
In Mont All JoIiIiIiik Ilepnptnieiit
Il-'civ CliniiK'" of Any Kind
Worth MrntloiiltiK.
I.ocaltrndo conditions nre not materially
different from wluit they were a week iigo,
Jobbers In all llnrfl are Milt dolni: a biz
buslncrs and are prophesying even greater
gains In the volumo of trailo In the near
future, The cold wave tho latter part of
last week, of course, had a tendency to
curtail t)iu movement of spring and sum
mer noods, but It Is thought that tho loss
of last week will bo moro than made up
for at tho first nppearanco of warm
weather. Report received from the coun
try would lndlcato that retailers did nil
immenso bin I new after tho roads wero
frozen up, so that farmers could drlvo Into
town with their produce, and If that Is
truo local Jobbers say they will recelvo
a flood of orders thin week. Thero Ib no
doubt but what farmers have money to
epenu this year and consequently every
onn is counting on trade from that soureo
toeing exceptionally .heavy.
inn market as iv whole nre in mucn
SC.Wfi6.Si, Pork, steady. Tnllow, quiet;
city. KB-lAfiGV; country. 6M?6l4c.
IU'TTKR Receipts. L',313 psgs.; urn;
western creamery, 20323c; factory, liH-iiOc.
t.'HKlJ8I5 HerelutM. I.yfl8 Pkg.; llrm;
fnnrv. lnra. wliltp. 13c: fancy, large.
colored, 13113Uc; fancy, small, w-hlte, 13y
rnnpv. miii. rn nrpu.'ji uni:.
i'r.nJipr,.iit .t.i tikes.: harelv
steady; western, at mark, lie; southern, at
111,11 rt ivuiil ,
HICK Firm; domestic, rair to exirn, v.t
jfi'c; Japan, 4f&c.
kpttte. ennil tn choice. 44H55C.
llinKK rm. but uuiet: univosion, su
ti rr. II. . ibUp! Cnllfnrnln. 21 to 25 IDS..
21Up: Tpiih flrv. 2 to 30 lb.. lB'.dC.
IjIiATIlKlt firm; ncmiucn re, ouenun
Avrus, light to heavy weights, 2of)26ic;
acid, 2MJ254c. ,
WOOl Dull; domestic fleece, 2532Sc;
Texas, 15fIPc,
I'll A T HtomlV
I'M A N t'TS Steady : fancy hand-picked,
Ainu.- nflinr domestic. S'dfl IC.
I-JUJlulITS TO Liverpool, sii'iiuy; coi
ton. by steam. 3'yl.
MUTAI-S Tho brokers' price for lead Is
SI. 15, and for copper
Corn I'lrin nt Opening mid Close nud
Wriikne Inters Plies Onln Shotr
L'mmiinl Activity nnil .Scarpa
Sninll Ailvniice,
Condition of Triulo nml (lunlntlona
on Simile nml I-'nncy rrnHice.
EOOS Receipts light; fresh stock, 11c.
DItKPSKD I'OuIntY Choice to fancy
turkeys, SfjOc; ducks, SQOc; geese, s'tfOc:
spring chickens, SfiS'c; hens, 8f&Mic; roos-
LI VIS rouiriu-liens, ivaruic; spring
.,l.lrlnna f.U.'il'.K: VnilHL' StnirCV and Oil!
roosters, jii&c; uucas, wuou; scrac, iiii
turKcys. .SM',4C
UUITKU common io mir, lu'.ic; cnoice.
rillCAao, March IT. All gra'n and pro
vision markets rhowed strength today and
closed at advances, provision making a
now hlch mark for tho season. Wheat
was nffected by continued cold weather,
higher cables and heavy foreign engage
ments, closing at an advanco of '4fliic.
Corn advanced Me, oats UftUc and pro-
virions closed from &07!4c to lZ'.jc higher.
The opening In wheat was murked by
a good deal of activity nntl strength.
Liverpool showed n good ndvancc, follow
ing the gain In prices hero yesterday, but
tho chief factor for tho time being was tho
continued cold weather In tho winter wheat
belt and tho growing conviction umong
traders that next week would bo marked
by a flood of crop damuso reports and
a corresponding advanco In tho prlco of
wheut. May opened at C7Vfl07He and an
advanco of V4ftMc over yesterday's close.
tws advance was sumcient tor many
. i I lllil. in I . - I v.. I . niiviu ...1- li. ...uv. . - . . nr.. . I. 1 . . I
tho samo position thoy wero In a week iniisc; separator, iuc, Baiuciuu utumui, holders, ana renllzlng sales causeil a tem-
tiKo, though a few lines have again been . , ,. porary setback, May reacting to C7V4C with
ndvanccd. It Is to bo noticed that thero ".VTTmI?!. 'JliL ' ' considerable wheal changing hands at
Is no weakness of Importance In any lino Xvwi?iT? VmiliiS nVr ean 19c stnnd- those Ilgurcs. Then the market again
And all Indications seem to point to fully ..SX.k"3-1 turned upward and for tho remainder of
steady If not hither arlccs. n.rt,i per can, -2c: bulk Btandard. per gal.. tno S,ort Hcslon buyers wero largely In
Local retail merohanta had a big trade Jt.M; extra solects. per can. 30o; extra se- tne majority. During the last hour of
tho first oart of last week, but the cold lects. per ga 1 Now ork counts. tr(l(,lnK a new IlIU, .jecldedly Influential
?Y- later on kept ..shoppers home. The u.Vc;p .f-'- factor developed In the engagement tor
tween a conviction that the new bank cur
rency and government bond refunding law
was bound to result In an Invigorating flow
Into the veins of the circulating medium and
a doubt If tho effects would become
operative soon enough to counteract the
factors constricting the money supply In
New York nnd threatening a pinch In the
Immediate future.
The continued dullness of the demand for
stocks during tho latter part of the week
has prompted some throwing over of
stocks by tired holders, who had boueht to
discount the effect of the new law and wer
disappointed at the tardlneis of tho effect
In manifesting Itself. There was some call
ing of loans on account of the diminishing
reserves of cash 'by tho banks and some
selling of stocks In consequence. JJut the
selling seemed to be confined to professional
traders In stocks and those of lesser Im
portance. Only part of the week's gains were lost
and the general level of prices remains
somewhat higher. While speculation has
been quiescent thero has been some Invest
ment buying, especially In the bond market,
nffordlng an effective support to confidence
In the Intrinsic valuo of securities, however
they may be affected by tho Immediate ex
igencies of the money mnrket.
Tho difficulty In the New York money
niarket was due to the continued drain
?f cash Into the United States stibtrearury.
This week It tins amounted to $1,300,000,
bringing the total for tho three weeks last
past to over $16,000,000. As tho total sur
plus of government revenues for the month
Of March tlltlS fnr limnlllltd ntllv In Itnlu-rnn
$6,C00,C00 nnd $,000,0i. It Is clear thnt thero
have been liberal disbursements on gov
ernment account at other points than New
xork. Hut there Is a continued demand
noverineiess in
York for currc
press with the Interior continuing lnrcelv
III Its favor. Theso evidences of an nc
tlvu demand for money, ns well as tho
continued .demand for loans upon the New
York banks, really go to show tho strength
oi me Business situation to tno countrv
weather, however, served as a good In
dication of what may bo expected when
spring weather does set In,
II I IT Trade In (Iroccrlrs.
Tho demand for groceries In a wholesale
r.c: hum. Be! cod. Co: haddock. Co: bluo pike.
r.c; scaled nntl urcsscu percn. uc; ciscoes,
6c; medium dressed trout. "14c; clopple,
7Hc: pickerel, "',-Jc; flnnnn baddies. "4c;
wtuto nsn, yc; yenow pikc, uressru, uu, j
small trout, dressed. Oc; red snapper, 9c;
wn. rttt,l.,ii. 4i tw. AVr.r.r.tlnniillt liofiw fnr 1 emnUtt. flrt ? umnllml U'llltn fish. SC.
this season of the year. Leading Jobbers HAY Per carload lots: Upland, choice,
say that thoy aro continually Increasing
tneir worKing mrces, inn sun uava an uiry
run .In tn keen tin with their order. In
regard to mnrket fluctuations there Is not
much to bo said, ns most lines nro about
-ivliern thev wern a week aco. Tho coffee
market Is unchanged, so fnr ns quotations
aro concerned, but at tho name tlmo prices
are firm anu tnose wno arc in a. osiiion
in knntv env Hint hlchcr nrlces lire bound
to rule In tho near future, Ilcllned rugar Is
quotetl the same as It was n week ago, but
raws havo advanced 1-Kxs nnd tho market
Is quoted ationg at tho. advanco. Any
farther rise would probably causa an up
ward movement on reilned grades. Corn
svnms. on account of recent ndvnnces In
corn liavo stiffened up and aro now
quoted li?J2fl per gallon higher than they
n-nm . wmV ucn I'lio elippso market x
also In a very strong position and especially
Is this truo of fancy October mndo goods.
Stocks. It is said, nro pretty well cleaned
up. Canned goous anu urieu iruua uro
llnrdwnre Sells Well.
Ical hardware men had nothing Pnrt'p1'
$8; midland, choice, $3.r,0; lowland, cnoice,
5; ryo straw, cnoice, i.uu; j ui, oiv.
londs at the seaboard, whllo foreigners
were good buyers of future!. May wheat
reacted to CWc, and at tho close was In
demand lit trrSOTVic. Chicago receipts
wero twentv-llvo cars. Minneapolis nml
Duluth receipts wero &ll ears, compared
with Ml ust week and 367 a year ago.
Total primary receipts were M7.000 bu. At
lantic iiort ciearnnces oi wnciii nun imur
wero nut at 210.000 bu. it wos estimated
No. 3 white oats, 23c; cracked corn, per tmt tho world's shipments would be around
ton. 1U.W, corn and oais, cunppeu, ier n.u, c,7DO,oi)0 nil
larly new to report regarding tho condition 0nlos pCr 1,1,1 jo'2
of trade. Thero seems, however, to be nn
. ii.. . MmAmnii n r nnAHu rnr1 I
S13.M1; bran, per ton, $13.00; Bhorts, per ton,
ASPARAOUS-Calirornln, per Ib 20c.
NBW TUltNIPS Per doz. bunches, 60c.
HPINACII-I'er box, $1.
NM.-nv nuKTS-l'er doz bunches. M5C0c.
t.KTTUCK-Per doz. hunches, 10c; fancy
head lettuce, per dpi.. ..
SWHKT POTATOES - Per bbl., Illinois,
$3; Jerseys, $5; large bbls.. Kansas, :.(t.
rOTATUBS-riT Dll , Clliucr. jvuivc.
fiATtnAnn Holland seed. S'-iHSVic.
CAULIKLOWKH California, per crate,
UKLISIIJ i er QOZ., M'UMOi LUllluium, vi
bunch, 4Wf75c.
Tiiitivii'H liuifinairaH. nor iu.. ic.
TOMATO 138 Florida, per six-basket
crate, $3.50.
MUSIIHUU.MS-rer 10. box, iaic.
TlItllHAllH Per doz.. GGfoTfic.
ONIONS llotall. yellow, 75c; red, 8500c:
V'nrti u'ii. firm ni ho nneiilni: nnd at
thn cinn. wiih Hnnin weoKness inierveiuiiK.
Tho strengfi of wheat nnd light country
offerings, coupled witn a neiiei inai uquniu-
tlon had ceased, causeo 11 niuu "
lnir advancn nnd n show of strength for
somn time nftcrwnrd. Then liberal real
izing, involving important iniercnif l-hu.i
a reaction, hut toward the close the mnr
ket again became strong, helped some
by provisions, and continued so to the
close. Considerable activity was shown all
day. A gooil cash demand was reported.
Receipts wero m cm. .m( ''."'"
37a to 37ic and closed (ic hlshcr at
Very Tew Cattle, bat Few Hogs and No
8htp Among Arrivals.
Sheep nnd I.ntnbs Lower for the Week
Href Cnttlp Trn Cents l.niver
Tlmn I, nut Week-Hok Open
Higher, Close loner,
Itccelnts wero:
Oniclal Monday
Utilclnl Tuesday
Ofllclal Wednesday
Offlclal Thursday .,
Ofllclal Friday
Official Baturday .,
SOUTH u.MAHA, March 1".
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. 1.920 4.MS R.Slll
.. 3,911 8,713 10,270
.. 3.6S9 11.3S6 4,'JTJ
... 2,193 9.W1 3.&91
,.. 1.235 0.15S 3,r.H)
... 201 4,Gj3
mere is a continued demnnu 1 mH 1
from Interior points on New I mSS
rency, tho movement by ex- I
I March 4...
I March 6...
I March ...
March 7...
. March ft.
And they are so accepted In Wall street. I S2iil T
Aiucn cnniitcttng opinion continues to be 1 v:"'"'.'
Total this week 13,2(0 4,4i 2S.3S5
Week ending March 10.. 9.C1S 89,109 33.9W
Week ending March 3... 9,935 40.WS4 30,973
Wtek ending Keb. 24.... 13,276 42.7S2 31.994
Woek eliding Keb, 17.... 13,330 33,629 37.S3S
Average price paid for hogs for tho last
several days with comparisons:
H900.U99.IiD3.lSD7.,lS96.!lS33. 11594,
, seemed to slacken and nil of a sudden buy
ers I'nme to he ennrluslnn either thnt they
had nil they wanted for the time being or
else that they were paying too much money.
All day Friday the market was a drag, buy
ers not seeming to try to bu" the stun
Still the market nt the closo of tho week
could hardly bo said to have been more
than 10c lower than the close of the
previous week. Kwes at the closo of the
week seemed to be In poor request nnd some
sold ns much ns 2V lower If receipts nro
not too hivivy operators look for a fairly
good market the coming week,
Quotations: Choice handy weight year
lings, SrS.I5-CTC.Sfi; good to choice fed year
lings, $fi.00f(fi,15: fair to good yenrilngs.
$.".Nfffi.0i); good to choice wethers, $.VfioffS.OO;
fair to gooil wethers. S5.fyvg6.75; good to
cholco fed ewes, $.".l.V(j6.35; fair to good
ewes, Jl.90fl5.15; good to choice native
lambs, $; good to cholco western
lambs, $.S5fr,00; fair to good western
lambs, J6.5iH16.75; feeder wethers, SI.RWiS-00;
feeder yenrilngs. $5.ilTS.G0; good to choice)
feeder lambs, $5.2300.00.
23S western ewes
2f. cull lamliH
3M western ewes
2.1v western wethers
3 wnstcm lambs
ernl fund, exclusive of tho $l&0.0OO,60O gold
reserve liv tho division of redemption
shows: Available cash balance, $187.7.9.
gold reserve, $9,6lo,399.
York Money Mnrket.
N'l'.W YOIllf. Mnnh IT-MONK Y-On
call. firm, at 5 per cent; prime mercantile
paper. ffl3' per cent.
STKltl.INO i:
offered from moro or less expert sources
regai-uins me extent to wnicn uank circu
lation will be expanded under tho new
law, and as to Its effect on prices and
business. The conviction Is general that
there will Iw a liberal expansion of bank
note Issues and that tho effect on the money
market will promptly be felt to the ex
tent of tho 10 per cent Increase In the cir
culation of bonds at present deposited to
sccuro outstanding circulation nnd of the
premium on the same bonds, payable upon
their conversion into the new 2 per cents.
Assurance ls felt that the payment of
this premium will be made out of the funds
In tho treasury If necessary to avoid dis
turbance In the money market, rather than
by draft on tho government's dcnoslts In
national banks. Hut even In the event
of drafts on theso deposits. It In evident
that the government bonds placed by the
banks with the United State.H treasury as
security for theso deposits will bo thereby
released and made available ns a basis
for nddltlonnl circulation. The circular
Issued by the Trpnsury department ex
plaining tho provisions of the New York
law clenrly demonstrates a margin of prollt
on circulation, nnd even at tho present
high prices ruling for government bonds,
which Is equivalent to upward of 106 for
the new 2s when Issnled.
When ruling prices for the bonds have
proved sufllelently attractive to bring large
nfTerlncs from Investment holders. Includ
ing savings bnnKs, to wnom tney are 1101
March 11..
March 12...
Aiarcn 13..
March 14..
March 15..
March 16.,
March 17..
4 631
4 CC
1 w:
4 74
4 701
4 71
4 72
4 71
4 73
4 79'
I 851
3 51) 3 7SI
3 CD
3 671
3 62
3 54
3 CO
3 0.1
3 r,s
3 63
3 69!
3 62
3 63
3 59
3 01
3 Go,
3 85)
3 SS
3 S7
3 S3
3 S9
3 76
3 761
3 80
3 79
3 74
3 C9
3 f.s
3 70
3 71
3 CO!
3 47 3 '
3 lit 3 f0
3 IS
3 55
3 65
3 6'
3 601
3 Co
3 61
3 70
3 7S
3 S7
3 SV
3 SS
3 79
3 80
3 SI
3 84
3 fi
3 fcO
3 79
3 S
3 r
i 01 3 S3
4 77
4 69
4 77
3 !
3 91
3 S7l
3 92
4 W
4 06
4 03
4 10
4 16:
4 20
4 2S 1 ;
4 381 4 3S
1 27 4 17
4 13
$1 f,5
5 00
6 ul
r. 70
6 25
Cntlle Wenk IttiKN lUtclier Xlicep nml
l.iiinbs About Sternly.
C1UCAOO. March 17.-CATTL11--He-eolpts,
100; wenk; receipts smallest of the
year; quality poor to good, no strictly
choice; closed with 11 good tone. Natives,
good to choice, Arm nt Sl.75ff5.75; poor to
XCIIANCIK-Strady. with
actual business In bankers' bills at SI.&5N
for demand und nt $4.f2 for sixty days:
Costed rates, Jt.JJU, and $1.87; commercial
Ills, suiuimm;,
SILVUIl-Certlllcntes, COUStfHic; bar, 60c;
Mexican dollars, 47!te.
HONDS State bonds, easy; rallrond
bonds. Irregular; government bonds, steady.
United States refunding 2s (when lsuedi.
W6; 2s, reg, 101; 3s. reg.. 1UU; coupon,
111: new Is, reg. and coupon, 136; old 4s, rog .
115: coupon, 116H: 5s, reg. and coupon,
The following nro tho doling quotations
on bonds:
IJ. 8, Ci, reg 10U4 do 4s 91
do rcf. 2s twhen N. Y. V. Is U0'a
Issued) 10"j N. J. C. grn. 5s. .123'
do 3s, reg UIV4 No. Carolina 6..,127
do coupon Ill I do 4s 1M
do new 44, reg. 135 'No. I'aclllc 3.... til's
do coupon 135 do 4s ll"
do old 4s, nK-.llMt N.Y.C. & St.L Is.tOS
do cotiiwu 116i4 N. & W. con. 4s.. 96
do 5, reg U3Wi do gen. 6s 132
do coupon . ...113'4 Ore. Nnv. Is ICS
D. of C. 3 (1&S....119 do 4 102
Atchison gen. 4S.10H4 Oie. H. L. fis 1274
do ndj. Is SIM do con-ol 3s. ...113
Canada So. Os. . . .106 Heading gen. 4s.. M
Ches. d O. 4'as.. 97UIlo tl. W. Is too
do 5s l'nt,St.L. Ji I.M. o.5s.lllTs
C. Si N. W. o. 7s 142 St.L. & S.K. g.6s.!20
do S. 1-'. d. 5s.. 121 St. P. consoi's
iiiedliim. Ml.-infv nt ll.404.60: se ected feed- Chleaeo Tor. Is.. 94lSt.P.. C. & P. 1S.1VW4
. . ers, strong nt $!.20!f4.iO; mixed stoekers, I I). It. (1. Is ...tOtU do 5s 120
4 71 U.40W4.00; cows. $3.00fil.25i heifers, S3.S5W .,'" Vc"i , g0'. """JtV 0---"
UlN-Mi canners. $2.25',f2.90; bulls. Wff4.i J & -2j h. I . .t I. , M..... .
4 74 calves, $l.505.10i Texnns. two cars; for tho 1 &r'Cv KJM'n A' "ii" & 't v 't, li U
' eek, C.Provlous wk. 3.800; Texas f-1 apl N ; .,J? rZi:.
4 W siecrs. Hiroiig iii o. ..w. u.,.,.-,, ITiilon Puclfle 4s..
4 61
1 50
Indicates Sunday.
Tho ofllclal number of enrs of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Horses.
P. Itv.
Oa'tn showed moro activity than of Into 1 avullable to tnko out circulation, tho
exceptionally heavy movement of goody for HTnAwnKnR1EB
.11 n .. i n nn nnflmnil. 1 P Til n Till wheil Ttl OTO
nettlel weather sets In. It Is thought that
a good deal oc nuiiumr win nc uunu
.nri, in unlin nf tho hlch nr ces on ma-
.riniu nf nil kinds nnd If thnt Is done
thore. will b a big demand for builders
a n.tri tnniii. A lilc run on steel
goods IS also lOOKeii ior uun n 111c nvi.
Tmi nml Klnrldii: ner nt.. tWiGOc.
ap MiKS-rnoico western sninninK biuck
$4.50; New York stock, $1,50; fancy, JJ.iSij!
0.00. .
ORAPB8-Malaga, per oui ti.wu
CKANIlKllltlKS Jerseys per out
jiiwl enred a small advance. Itt ln "9
I., 1m n Trttte
session thero was Jieavy uutwj "t " ,,"
prom nent traders, 'n""1"".,;'1
strength of corn nnd higher bids from
Uio continent. Kleyntor people were mod
erato sellers. Receipts were 231 cars. Maj
ranged from 23c to 21',ic nnd closed
!lS5,:l nlvo and rtttw
.inVhm.t nnd new high prices for the
season wero recorded. The advance n nog
CckrwVro fetors "in tho
trencth displayed, nnd In spite o nra
no commlsfJon houses Belling, prices uma im,
At tho elnso Mnv pork was l.Ho
Ht $812'U61G and May ribs VAc filgher at
nnr rniln. Slt.fiO.
l-C "imated receipts for Monday: Whea .
fornla serdUnRH. per box, S2.tVii:
kuwi'1 m..i.. i ry k vrnir f'niirnrnin
to any leWuV h. thV vol. mot bu hjes ."fi0' "EVS f 1 BKn
Tor some iima vu tui
rhnnires nf ImDortallCO
last week, though prices
tho line.
Dry CSnoda Mark
Ttrv crnnilS moll TOllOrt
trade in staples nnd there
business in spring anu
1 1.1 ntntiA aViiir t
I"" " XXT" it Is onlvii question
l i i tl. v; nit-.-- -i. ' . . . rt " , ,,,111
of a icw days, nowever, umu c u.uw.-t, ......
I:' !7 .riit in- ocrntn roe bines, ribbons
Dram imv'? A" -;, n 1'hn
snri nil oilier in vn ,k o.- 1 " -
lu hnt thn nutlonk for
trade was never more favorablo than nt
i"e present time , and consctiucntly local
jobbers.aro carryiiK..
.,7 1 ero it W W - a wk
atro. though advices from tho east show
theio is T tho samo shortage of stocks, and
as result prices are continually firming
: . . .. 1 ,AttnTC- rn.n n niininn npr nnv. i .tHfu iiruu, .
in market quotations . "-"""Sr'",,"'""Lt " "1 i Viin. n-hn lnnrilnc futures ranged as
wero Arm all along rancy, iicsiiiu. t.iu.i.c. i.v. .v. . lYes'y.
I fnmv tl. a.i..Im nnnll. Hlch. IlW. 1 lOT.I
tiAiMA war-Per bunch, medium. S1.7S f :' " . . ' i I I
ctFlrm. 2.00i fancy. S2.0O-u2.25. Meh . CTO
a. good, steady HIDES. i)?"' K:i;u 67 67',i 07? A .
was nlso a big inDiigNo. 1 green hides. 7c: No. 2 ,u,y 6S5j6S',i 6SH dTk .!!
r-uiinnoi ho .r(!Cn hides, 6c; iNO. 1 baiicu niuun, ot, . , i i
nff thn itrmnnit for K"2 tij 7... xt i .,,.! lf a In I ' . . I 36'kl 3.i!4
- i Men. i -.7i
May 37H'dH "5
37 SSI Ik
13 lbs,. 9c: No. 2 veal clt. 12 to lo lbs., 8c.
trnvrv rr !4. nent Inn ease. S3. SO.
ntits .Hickory, large, per bu $1.25;
BlieunurKS,- ji.-w.
St. I.onls llrnln nnd l'rnvlslnns.
ST. LOUIS, March 17. Wit HAT Higher;
No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 72c; track. 73fc
ISU.r: Mureh. 72'ie: Mav. 71Uc: July. 67'ifa
bushels. ... ,
up. Especially Is thl true of cotton fcoods. j.,, M sSQM'dc: July. 36c.
which nre ln big demand, and as tb ' BUPP'y OATS firm: No. 2 ensh. 250; track, M14c;
is limited miycr March, 20c; .May, 24'?iro'-'4ic; rso. - wnue.
own nanus. 27V40,
Prennrlnir Tnll Snmplcs. HYB Sternly: bow.
... -. ,t..i i injniTii H'lrm una lineiiaiicen.
v. l aimn innnern nro cciutiK xiirn i - ii.v .i n .-
joaui. """-"", nml In tlireo or four S13KUH Uimoiny, easy; uriiiimry, i.
'. "a"1S ci.r.C-tt,iL.",lnn iranvMH?iVi 2.36: prlmo worth more; flax, nominally
f.TiA'Ji in cations now aro that at $1.00. ,..,.. . ., M
11111 MMniw . - . t 1 I 'Mlf I 11 I'.A I j nil'lllIV HL ll.UUIta.W.
n nnn will bo, atiouu, tno same nutc r,r.;v; ui... iVvt. ",., trnr-u-
ummer weight goods. As regards immwi- rn"-"'"
ate business J" riK,? iVSba- . rtAYflteady; timothy. $9.5011.70; prairio,
mane. ""-". o,,,i inrtP. T7.5OcWJ.60.
123? 21
11 20
i 11 13
fi 10
C 17":!
6 12V4
6 15
11 35
U 30
6 13 I
6 22V4I
6 17'.i
6 20 I
11 20
11 15
6 10
6 1714!
fi 12'Xi
6 12'.4I
11 32','
U 27'j
fi 15
6 224
fi 15
6 17HI
It 15
11 10
G 07i
6 15
G 07',4
6 10
nmp.-.xlH nf thesn sales seeking rolllVCPt
ment have made an unusually active mar
ket for high grade railroad bonds and
nro llkeli- to continue lo do so If nrlces
do not reach prohibitory figures. It has
been nrgued that the bank notes nro likely
to go quickly out of circulation when the
demand for hand-to-hand use of currency
falls oft and tho flow of money turns from
tho Interior toward New York, owing to
tho fact thnt they cannot bo counted to
mnke un the required reserve of lawful
money against deposit liabilities, while at
in., Mimn tlmo irolnc to swell tho deposits.
Hut It must be remembered thnt even at
times when tho net shipments of currency
nro lame ! In favor or isew xora uieru
C, M. ,fc St.
U. & St. L.
Mo. P. Itv. .
IT. P. system
I, K. & M. V. It. It..
C, St. P.. At. & O. Hy.
II. M. It. It. It...
C, 11. fi Q. Hy
C, H. I. it P.. eaM.
C, It. 1. & P., west.
Total receipts
llrm at $3.203.70,
HOUS Hccelpts today, ILOiX); tomorrow,
2S,0oo estimated: loft over, 1.100; average
5o higher; closed weak: top, $5.20; mixed
and butchers. $l.905.17V4; good to choice,
heavy, J6.O54JR.I0: rough, heavy, Sl.fKKiiR.OO;
light, SI.S5il3.10. bulk of sales. J5.fl0f5.12'V.
SHi;i;P AND LAMllS-ltecelpts, 600;
sheep and lnmbs nbout sternly; good to
choice wethers. $3.76fT6.00; fair tn choice
mixed, $5.25115.75; western sheep, $5.50fl.M;
yearlings, J5.lHVfj6.60: native lambs, JV.Wft
7.25; western lambs. $6.001i7.25.
Hecelpts this week: Cattle, 5I.SW; hogs,
114,600; sheep, 69.S00.
Hecelpts previous week: Cattle, 66.000;
hogs, 151,000; sheep, 66,000.
Kiiiihiim City Live Stock.
Hecelpts, 250; nominal prices; moderate
supply tins
nctlvo dem
tlvn steers
weights. Sl.00fj5.00; stoekers and feeders.
do 2s 107 Wiibnsh Is 116
H. Si T. C. 5s.... 11015, do 2s fiO'i
do con. ns 110 West Shoro ls...U3'S
la. Central Is.,.. 114 WlA Central Is,. 914
K. ('.. P. .t (I. is. HiVi.Vn. Centuries ... sn'j
La. new con. 4s. .107 1 do deferred ... 10
L. N. unl. 4s.. 99 Coo. So. 4s 83
M.. K. T. 2s 66 So. Pacific 4s.... S3
llostnn Milling SIocUn.
HOSTON March 17.-Call loanr, 3'4fll
per cent Jmo loans, tfiC per cent. Closing
prices for stocks, bonds nnd mining shares:
A.. T. St S. V ... 2.1'f
do prd ra
Amer. Sugar 1024
do pfd 10H
lloll TWephoie..3l5
Hos-ton S: Alb'y. 239
:w; unininni prices i.-t,,vti t 117
s week (28,000) met with good, l. UVe
nnd ut steady values, heavy t.a- f.'n ,t O 137t
Yl,!inB,,!B . ""55T5i, '.'B'i1 Dominion Coal.'.' 42?
Tli rttannwltlnn nf thn rtnv'a r(.ietntu n'ni i
- Jiin,..i Ai. i,, ....VAT.. 0rn,;ViVn .iiiV.i. Kl.iiiftf.2d; nutclier cows anil lienors, w..:
Wlr n hol,,C? Uitr I,urchu8l"K 1110 "unl- ! Sl.RO; canners. J2.r,0J3.25; fed westerns. $1.00
b H,.yerl?:"d lm,'CaUd- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ; ll western feeders, J3.50f,UO; Toxnns.
Omaha PttclOng Co. SI 0 j HO(lSJ-Hecelpt8. 4.20O: mnrket active nnd
SLif ' ,nrt !-J ' " J,?i? t( JilKhcr: although supply this
P'minhC dnS n "Vn "1 i hw , week wiih liberal, prices advanced about
Cuuahy Packing Co, .. 21 1,20s 4'A .. ..,;i.. i-,..,,i,, ti iukj-. ivr.-
Armour St Co.
Cudnhy Pkg. Co., K. C
ir. L. Dennis & Co. ...
Other buyers ,
mixed. JI.75i4.90; lights, Jl.C0ff4.S0; pigs,
81IK1CP AND LAMHS-Hecclpts. 620;
Htcady prices; was very little change ln
values this week; good fed lambs were
. . . .1 - ... , . . . 1 . I I ..w . .1 . . ., V
CATTLI2 There were not enough cattle , " " - " fl fi uo at.o' sT
Colorado lamim nrougnt m-wauAw; year-
to make nny test of the market today, but
so far ns could bo seen the few head on
snlo brought Just about tho samo prices
as yesterday.
Tho cattle market this week has not been
cnttnroly to tho liking of sellers ln that
prices have not been high enough nnd thero
is no doubt but what a largo proportion
of tho cattle that have been sold at nil
market points have lost money, or at the
best bandy paid out. On Monday the kill
ing rattle of nil kinds sold at lust about
steady prices. On Tuesday receipts at all
.-?".".P"2r. ""VV,..n,,.n,la nml. lllrtc
ior that class of goods is going to bo un
uwally heavy throughout tho season. Col
Isotlons at the present tlmo are In good
K Snd retailers seem to bo on a bettor
baSrflnanolally than they have been for a
ttUdomand for rubber goods is still
rather light and probably wtll ba until somo
$rt weather Is experienced. , It Is Impos
sible for Jobbers to tell much about what
kind or a -trade they are going to have, as
ma much depends upon tho weather, but
they feol contldent that with a normnl
epring business with them will bo fully up
"$SM?$li Quoted the samo as
It was a week ago. but the tendency is for
lower prices, ifnstern markets aro wenk
Lnd local dealors aro rather looking tor a
linn locni ,. j.lrlnir .i,b next fow
decnno oi nn"".. tv. -dayS'
Krnlt nml Produce.
Vmlt nnd produce men had Just about iisiin l amount of business bust week
S SSWK to'the
TrVlfc or Important changes In prices.
Tho supply of fresh vegetables is
2uBthe i.uTreaso.Tut prices are about whero
th5S .r're"uVof thoBcold weather .receipts
As a refill oi l"" " tll0 wi.,k
ablv causo tlifinnrw i M '" ,
U WBS Ul" ",, nrle
?!u7tearTs in quito freely, but Is ilrm
was also In light remm n - "H
Butter Is coming
at tho quotations
onotntlons for the liny n Various
NBW YORK, March 17.-KLOUIt-no-celptB,
18.892 bbls.; exports, 28,739 bbls.;
oulet. but llrmly hold at yesterday's nd
vancc. 'Winter patents. $3.6503.90; wdntcr
straights, S3.45ff3.60; winter extras, $2.00
2 95: winter low grades, J3.2olJ2.40: Minne
sota patents. $3.75!Tf 1.00; Minnesota bakers'.
f Rrjff.t oo live flour, Btendy; fair to good,
kiofrsiso'r Jlwic? to Voncy. " "uck
wheat flour, steady at il.WU
HUCKWHEAT-Dull, nt 50c, o. 1. f.,
NCOHNM15AI-Flrm; yellow w.stern, S5c;
city, sic: nrandywine; $2.20ji2.30.
ivt'ui.,iv- Un a western. 63V4C f. o,
b. atloat ; state "rye. 5Su&9o c. I. f. New York
'"llA'nLKY-Stcady: feeding, t3W46c, New-
York: malting, 49fi5lo. New rk-.-r-
HAHLHY MALT Dull; western, fiejc.
u'liuiT-liAralnln. 115.400 bll.: exports
23,987 bu, Spot, Ilrm: No, 2 red, SO'.io f. o.
b. afloat: No. 2 red, 78Vio elevator; Nti. 1
Tiidntli. 7UMC f. o. b. afloat, op
tions opened llrmer on cold weather news
and stronger English cables. Subsequent
!,.,. I ,.nt-r-rln? nriters with foreign buying
sustained the market nit morning. The
close was Ilrm ut ffo not udvance.
March closed at Tl'ic; May. 73Q71c; closed
at 73T4e; July, 73 ll-16tf73Tic; closed at
73T4c: September closed nt 73Hc,
CORN-Hecelpts, 118,900 bu.; exports, 40.
703 bu. Spot, firm: No. 2, 41V4c f. o, b. afloat
and 44Wc elevutor. Option murkot opened
firm nnd wns aided during tho forenoon by
strong cables, the rise In wheat and light
offerings. It closed steady at Vic net advance.-
May closed at 42c; July closed ut
OATS-Ilecelnts, 02,300 bu.; exports, 10,OV
bu, Spot, steady: No. '-. '-s'io: N- 3. -'s',,:
No. 2 white. 32c: No. 3 white. 31Wc: track
mixed western, 29f30Vo; track whlto 31W
(f.Wic. Options quiet, but firm.
11 AY Klrm: shtplng, C5f70c: good to
Choice, MVUdTiiC A , ,
HOP8 Steady: state, common to choice.
1K96 crop. Go: 159S crop, 79o. 1S99 crop, 12ff
13c: Pnelflo const, isw crop, 4fi6o; 1S9S crop,
TifiDc: 1S99 crop, 12ifl3C
PROVISIONS lleef quiet: family, $11.00
4113.00: mess. SlO.OOflO.SO beef hams, 00
i22.t packet Sll,Uffll 75, city extra India
mess, $S.OO(j22.00. Cut meats, steady,
pickled bellies, 6fj"Uo, pickled shoulder,
WHIBICY-Steady, S1.24V4.
HAQOI NO-6Tif 7Hc.
PROVISIONS-iPork, steady; Jobbing,
J10.70, old; $11.50. new. Lard, higher; prime
alnnm K.ROl choice. So.fci. DrV Salt bOXfd
meats, nigner; exira Hiinrin, .
ribs. J6.31V4: olear sides. $6.60. Hacon (boxed),
higher: extra shorts. $6.75; clear ribs, $6.S7!4;
clear sides. $7.
METALS Lend, steady; $1.57V4. Spelter,
steady; $4.46.
POULTRY Dull; chickens. 6fifc; turkeys.
Gec: ducks, 8c; geese, 5J4j'6c,
KGOB-Steady; 13V4c. ..,
HUTTICR-atendy; creamery, 208'24'c;
dairy, 16(if20e.
It KCRI PI'S Flour, 4,000 bbls,; wheat, 13,-
000 bu.; corn. mi,; outs, is.wu ou.
SlIIPMUNTS-nour, 7.VW DDIs.; wneat,
UO.uoO bu,; corn, 132,000 bu.; oatB, 82,000 bu,
Liverpool Crnlti nnil rro vlnlniiH.
L1VKHPOOL. March 17. WHHAT-Spot,
firm; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 3d. Futures,
llrm; March, nominal; Muy, 6sl0d; July,
5s9V4d. , , ,
COltlN Spot, steady: American mixed,
now, 3sllUo: American mixed, om, js ii-tn.
Futures, quiet;- May, 3s UHd; July, 3s lO-hnl.
b Lull it St. lAiuis inncy wiiuur, sieuuy
at 7s 3d.
HOPS At London (Paclllo coast), steady
nt 3Q3 1Sb.
PKAS-Canndlan, 6 iVid,
PHOVISIONS-lleef. llrm: extra India
mess, 78s 9d; prlmo moss, 72s i'l. Pork, Arm;
nriino western mess. 56s 3d. Hams, short
cut, 14 to 16 lbs., easy at 48s. Hucon, Cum
berland cut, 2 to m ius., steuuy nt ;sssoii;
short ribs. IS to 20 lbs., llrm ut 3Gs; long
elnnr middles. Ilitht. 30 to X lbs., sternly at
tiHOd: long cienr miauics neavy, jj to v
lhK . Ktendv at 37s: short clear bucks. 16 to
18 lbs., steady at :is6d; clear bellies, 14 to
16 lbs, easy at 37s fid. Shoulders, square, 12
to M 10H,, urm ni ji. kuiii, iirin; priinn
iwcstcrn, In tierces. 31s 3d; American ro
tlned. In nails. 33s 3d.
nUTTUR Finest and good United States.
CHKKSK Steady; American finest white.
60s fid; American finest colored, 638.
TALLUW i'nme city, urm in ;-.-s; Aus
tralian ln Indon, steudy at 29s 3d.
Knnsnn City C.rnln mill Provisions.
May, 63c; cash, No. 2 hard, fil',4c; No. 3,
C0fT6lc; No, 2 red, 71c; No. 3, 66ff70c; receipts,
5S cars,
OOItS' Muy, 34Uo: cash, No. 2 mixed,
3501 No. 2 while. 35',4e; No. 3, 35c.
OATS-No. 2 white. 25U26e.
RYK-No. 2, 54c.
HAY-Cholee timothy, SlO.OOfj 10.50; cholco
prairie. S7.25f77.CO.
lU'TTHlt-Creamery. 20f23c; dairy, 19c.
KOC.S Fresh. U!ie.
ICOOS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas
stock, lUfee. oases returned; new white wood
cases Included, 12c. Kggs scarce today and
otrerings soio nuicKiy at a premium.
HKCKIPTH-Wheat. 3t,bW bu.; corn, 12,300
bu.: oats, 2,oro bu.
SHIPMUNTS-Whent, 23,100 bll.; com, 7.100
bu.; oats, 1,000 bu.
Tnledn llnrket.
TOLKDO, March U.-WIIMAT-Actlve
nnd higher; No. 2 cash. 72Vic; Muy. 73'.c.
CORN Active and higher; No. 2 mixed,
OATS-Dull; No, 2 mixed, 2l'.o.
RYK-Dull; Nn, 2 cash. 5So.
CLOVKHSllKD-Actlvo: higher; prlmo
cash, old, S5.00; March, new, S5.67H; Octo
her, $5.20; No. 2 seed. $1.6085.00,
No. 2 yellow, 36
p. ' -May
, a lt.. ntnen nm T A 1 1 H TV H !
FLOUR-Stea dy ' winter' patents. $1. 100
3.6tf: sVralghts, $2.9Of,3.30; spr ,11'nspech. .
$3.80; spring, Pn'01"?, ja" '
$2.601i3.UO; naaers , .
WHKAT No. 3 spring, $6.! M-fi doc . Jo- -
rod. O'JViQ'Oc.
CORN-No. 2, 30c
OATS-No. 2,.2302lc; No 2 white.
ff2SV,c; No. :i wnue. a?.uv4-
RYK-Ko- 2. B5HB56 4c.
iiiiil PY No. 2. 36'Af44c.
SKKDS-Flaxseed, No. 1 nnd northwest.
Sllra Prime timothy. $2.45. Clover, contract
:r"!i$?J?I&t0lMess nork. ner bbl.. $10.70
(fill 35 Lard, per 100 lbs., S5.95B6.10. Short
Jii.s sides (loose). S6.00ra6.25. Dry sa ted
&d. (boxe.1' $6256.50. Short clear
bfintlnToaPfr tk-.-gVanulated.
Following are the receipts and shipments
for today. u.-.mts. Shlnm'ts.
continues n large volume of shipments In market points wero largely Increased, and
response to Interior demands. This ln , there was a general weakening of values.
January and February of 1895, while tho net i on Wednesday the heavy run kept up, nnd
receipts of currency from the Interior by values went still lower. Chicago reported
New York hanks amounted to $30,66S,0flO, I the noorer erodes of cnttlo Helling that
thero were actual shipments of currency jny o5(, owcr than nt the opening of the
to tno interior or wn,w. nun "";
a margin for a process of sorting ana
selection which would nfford opportunity
for keeping the bank notes out.
Tl-.eso promised benellts of the now law
nre tho potent Influence ln keeping tho
price of stocks llrm, In spite of the. 1m
medlnto exigencies of the money market.
Snt -ivnikhr. for larce specu
lative buying, but holders are unwHHnif .
to mako concessions to sell. The result
I nml fltmi1(iB. 1
"confldence in the business, outlook Is un- . cows nnd ne.rerH
Impaired. and la strengtneneu ny xnc ru. .- , ........ -- ----
week. Tho decline at this point did not
amount to quito that much, but the market
on Wednesday wns bad enough. On Thurs
day there was a llttlo better feullng and
still moro Improvement took place on Fri
day, so that fully half or moro of tho
decline of Tuesday und Wednesday wns
recovered. At the close of the week it is
safe to say that tho market Is not over
10c lower on beef cnttlo than It wns nt tho
elnsn of the nrevlous week.
Cows nnd noirers experienced nnniit mo
steers m Tuesday anu
best cornfed cows and
impaireu uuu ?""'Jl";"? showing both Wednesday. The best cornfed cows and
ary fore g.i trade statement, showing Dotn j much ns Uje mo,
the t''J,S;f..e"J,boyoml all dlum kinds, which were hit hard. At tho
jLffKJ-SrmnnXSJt. of the closo of the week the best kinds of ran-
precedents for that month. Bvonts of the
weeK inuicnte mai 'V'"''V
war In South Africa has been brought
measurcably near and the resumption of
the gold sUDPly from the So uth African
mines, whenever It shnll bo In, any sort
Msured, l bound to havo a stimulating
arfetor"1 tsbe'moro
-?T.hve tUSnVt for mocks, for the ; reasons
tiers are nrottv nearly back lo where they
were before the break. The medium kinds,
which wero pounded down tho most, aro
still a llttlo lower than they were lust
A surprising feature of the week's trade
has been tho very good demand for feed
ing cattle, which sold well all the week
nnd at nrlces fully nn hlch as nnv tlmo
' this season In spite of tho sharp break on
rrne recuer miyers iook a goon
At.- 1 .... I..., ? .. . . . ,
States coupon, 1: me om . jo. " many oi inn witrnieu-uii n iwii-mi
6s nnd 3s, coupon. 1. anu unuru jor wnicn iney wouiu pay n cui
registered, Vi In tho bid price. better prices thun tho packers. Tho beef
Tho Commercial Advertiser s Ivindon market would undoubtedly have been much
financial cablegram say?; Tho SVio, . worse than it was had it not been for the
ere wero busy todny celebrating St. Pat- , fgct ,hat hp fePdpr buyers reieVed tho
rick's day. Otherwise, they wero Idle, hut . market of so many of the half-fat steers,
the tone wns hard on tho resorted col- I Tno mnrkst on buIa ent off nl he
laose of the Free State resistance. 1 1 . is pnrno time that the market broke on other
hoped that the Trnnsvnalers will fllw . uinds of cattle, but when the market re
sult. Tho wnr loan was at 111 Tne a , COv(,rp(1 on other kinds It did not Improve
lotment Is expected .on """""V. liulls. Tho demand for fut bulls seems
cans wore very quiet. V"nnnnHed tintos. to be limited and buyers claim that they
upward. Paris strongly s"Pnor 1 have been selling too high. Not many
which rose 1. The bank b ought i ,tock bulls are coming, and the demand
gold In bars. Money was a shade easier. Representative sales:
ttif nf thn larce amount due tlie oanK ' ,,,r..r,e
w2S..r?,'d.:.m nr. the nuotatlons for the
leading stocks on the New York exchange
a r'iadj- stated: and iVrte'hjJV' "Xli " "' r
United States new 4s declined Vi. Un"1 , fat cattle.
States coupon. 1: the old 4s. : the i 2s , many of I
lings, SO.OOfjO.SO; muttons. $4.f-0"(5.ri5; stoek
ers und feeders, Sl.OOJfO.O); culls, $;l.00(ffl.00.
New York Live Stock.
celpts. 2,158 head; nothing doing; feeling
steady; cables unchnnged; exports, 409 head
cattle nnd 2,000 quarters nf beef.
CALV1CS Hecelpts. 11 head; little trade;
feeling steudy; common to good veals, $1.00
S11KHP AND LAM US - Receipts. 1.690
head; sheep, steady; lambs, slow and
rftendy to lower; sheep. $I.2T16.00; medium to
cholco lnmbs, $7.00fi7.90; clipped lambs, $5.65.
HOGS Receipts, 2,417 head; none for sale;
nominally llrm.
St. I.onls Live Stock.
ST. LOUIS, March 17. - CATTLE He
etdnta. 400 bead: market dull und steady.
with few top cattle on sale; native shipping
and export steers, $1.0)176.75; dresBed beef
and 'butcher steers. J4.10Ir4.T3; steers under
1.000 lbs., J3.2.VH1.75; stoekers and feeders,
$3.2534. SO; cows nnd helfors, $2.00fN.45; din
ners, $1.50312.85; hulls, S2.W4.2Ti; Texas nnd
1 ml Inn steers, $3.401.70; cows and heifers,
IlOdS Receipts. 4,600 head; mnrket
onened fie higher, closing with advance lost;
pigs anil iignts, ji.wuo.wu; paeaers, mp
5.10: butchers and best heavy, $3.00flG.2O.
SIIUKP AND LA MUS Hecelpts, nn nend;
market steady: natlvo muttons, $5.006.75;
lambs, $'j.35fj7.00; culls and .bucks, $l.25fj4.73.
St. .loneiih Live Slock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. March 17. (Spe
cial.) The Journal quotes:
CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; market nom
inal; demnnd strong for all kinds.
MOOS Receipts, 3.700 head; market 6f?7',ic
higher; nil grades, $I.8GJJ6.03; hulk of sales,
$1.90Jf 1.9714.
SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 900 head;
lambs. $3.O0fT7.0G; yearlings, $3.35!r6.30; sheep
nnd yenrilngs, J5.03ff3.75; ewes, $4.Oi)fi5.40.
Stock In SIrIiI.
Following aro the receipts at tho four
principal western mnrkets for March 17:
Cattle. Hons. Sheep.
South Omaha 261 4,i,3
Chicago 100 11,001 60,1
Kansas City 250 4,200 620
St. Louis 400 4,600 60)
1,011 24,383 1,720
do Pfd.
Fltchburg pfd.
Gen. Klcutric
do pfd . . .
Ed. Mice. 111.
Mexican Central. 1IL
Mich. Telephone. loo
N. E. CI. Sl C... 17
Old Colony 205V
iiutipor -
Union Pacific ... 49
Union Land 2
West End 91
Westlngh. EVc. 4I'4
avis, central .... ir
Atchison Is PJ'i
N. E. tl. C. 5.. 69
Adventure 4'j
Mlouez Mill. Co. !-
Amul. Coiitier ... 9:tli
Mnintlc 2:1
llostnn A Mont.. 29
Untie & Huston. 63
Unl. St llecln ...735
Centennial 17'.4
""In 14
Osceola 05' 4
i ,n rot IH4
Qulncy 132
sanin l'o copper. i'4
Tnmar-iek 184
Utah Mining .:.. 2)
Winona 2'4
Wolverines 40
I'lilliiilelplilii I'rmliire .Mnrket,
PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. March 17.-I1UT-
TEH Quiet but steady; fancy western
creamery, 2."(C.iic ; fancy prints, 27c.
EGGS Firm nnd 1c higher; fresh, nenr
by. ISc, fros'i western, ISc; southwestern,
18c. southern. 17c.
CHEESE Unchanged.
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu. .
Oats, bu, .
Rye. bu. ..
X ) -t n 1,11.
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was easy; creameries mtity,
dairies. 1622c. Cheese, llrm, 12'ifl3c. Eggs,
Ilrm; fresh, 15V4fJ16c.
Stock Mnrket Stnys Mostly In Profes
nlounl llnuils.
NEW YORK, March 17. The stock mar
ke't continued almost entirely In profes
slonal hands today. Thero wero erratic
fluctuations nnd nctlvo speculation In Third
Avenue over a range of 3tc and Sugar con
tinued to share with that stock the largest
amount of attention. ,
Tenncsseo Coal advanced 3 points nnd
gave sympathetic strength to other Iron
and steel stocks on the action of the dl-
rectorH in placing me cuiiuuuii nutn. ... ...,
dividend list by ordering a 'llsbursement of
do Pfd-----IW.Umoro
ft O
Cnnndlan Pnc.
Cannda So.....
Ches, & unio
23U Texas & Pacific,
68 Union Pncltlo ...
C3H do pfd
93 Wnbash
icu. do nfd
2S4 Wheel. St L. E.
V Icago a W.". MH do W Pfd....
C H St Q........lS7Vi Wis. Central ....
Chi.! ,lnd. L... 2l'i Adams F.x
do Pfd... 63 V. S. LX..........
Chicago & N. W.1M American Kx....
v.. iv. . .... rr.T -, ....
. r p. at I . U lllll
Colorado bo...... "Jt ""','""',
..;t . a v.
lif AlllUI .
114 do pfd.
177'4 Am. Spirits
19V4 no. pin.
do 2d pfd
Del. & Hudson
not I, Sr. W..
Denver & P G
pfd 71V6 Amer.
do 1st Pfd.
nt. Nor. Pfd
. . 37i Amer.
..157 do
Hocking Cool ... 1 Amer.
Hocking Valley.. 33 do
,,n...,u Ponimi ..113 Amer.
f istt, do. mil.
"nVn'"' 50 " Anae.' Mill
K. C., P. & a.... lfiHUrooklyn R. T...
I F & W 20vjcolo. Fueil St I.
do pfd 85HCon. Tobncco .
, 39W
. 01V4
, 3
. 35'
Av. Pr.
.. 842 $3 85
..888 3 90
,.. 780 2 00 1 1070
..910 2 50 2 1115
,.. 866 2 60 1 1080
,..1020 3 00 9 1127
,..1220 3 20
MS II' liKS.
4 00
3C5 !....
3 40
7 25
310 4 10
1000 3 00
610 3 90
830 3 90
4 65
.. 150
3 40
3 50
3 50
3 60
...1320 3 45
Chester B, Lawrence, Jr
MEM HER Consolidated Stock Exchange.
COMMISSION ORDERS iolldtcd for tho
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton
In nny amount for Investment on murgln,
Accounts opened In amounts not less than
l,:tOC HroiKlwny. Corner Itltli St.. N. A.
(11 llrnaduiiy, Cor. Iliiiistnn St., .V. V.
Main OlllceiM, :IU A III llrnudwny, . V.
Very correct market letters Issued dally.
Call or send for our SPECIAL REPORTS
on our fuvorlto stocks, Also vulunhlo
HOOK LET containing nil tho spcculatlvn
and Investment statistics and price
ranges. Send for valuable treatise on
An lnvnlnable nld tu the speculntlvo op
erator. Prlco 10 cents free to present or
prospective customers.
Lnndnn Stock Unotntlnns.
LONDON, March 17. 4 p. m.-ClosIng:
Cons., money.. 101 1-16 Pennsylvania ... 69',i
do account.. .101 5-16 Reading 9
Canadian Pnc... 97si No. Pacific pfd... 76Vi
Erie 134 Atchison 24
do 1st pfd... 39 Loulsvlllo 84V4
llllnnln Central.. .116",! Grand Trunk ... &i,i
Union Pnc. pfd. . 76'4 Anaconda SJH
. oi
-SteSady nt 27 tl-16d per
Lake Shoro
2 per cen after providing for the claims of Lake snoro . .
rireferred stockholders to the accumulation - f-n' ' '.. 'lo
of several years' dividends. . 1 m itv. .160 Gen. El
Thero. wns a good mar get or Amer l-. ii -' - C(rnlrfli. hgIucoho Su
in Lonoon iuiu iu, ...iij ........n. ... ,in & at l,. cjit uo pru
hy here, but the weakness of tho Minn. ni. . . ,
8. Hoop.
S. & W.
Tin Plate. 33V4
nfd 80 ,
Tobacco.. .105 I
Co.. 47 I
29V4 I
60H i
71U i
Htce ..
eotric ..
.., ..,n!.o nn.l nnnqy n,.u nvpr lJ ii. .
local triiciiun .ui Pncltlc 40Vii do piu nin
tho bank statement caused a sagging mar- ?hlll ""ohto . 41',i' Ixicledo Glus ... 74',5
ket up to the tlmo of the wwruncfi ot the PK& r?.0, '.'. Natlonnl Hlscult. 35'.
statement, when there came ;n smart rally. , ,v-A ;j2u j0 pfd 91
A sudden drop ln Third Avenue ' ra road ilo tvi Vai': llNatlona Lead ..23Vi
to below 63 and renowed weakness 1 tho Jy l;,t'ral" iW42' do nfd 103
other traction stocks checked the nuance N. v t. n n '''J Natlonul Steel .. 13'4
nnd unsettK-d sentiment. Hut tho closing i rs0r.'nOIK ',. " l70J do pfd 83'4
was fairly steady and howed net BnlnH k. ',0P ' 0 . 53 N. Y, Air Hrukc-125
AVonnt i n few stocks. The bank stntement I o. i at-nu' t .....innn un.
no imi n7,i,u, n,.,H
wns n surprise In many particulars. Wagers
had been freely made mat mo surplus wonm
be entirely wiped out. Tho fact that It was
reduced little more than one-half therefore
had n sentimental effect ugalnst tho bears.
Hut the surplus .s ho small In any event
ns to lenve no great dlffe.renco In tho con
dition reflected by the banks. What wns
of special slgnlllcunce wus tho loan con
traction of $11,311,400. This can only moan
ii,., h iiriiress nf llnuldntloii liaH com
menced of tho extenslvo loans taken out by
thn banks hero and elsewhere to buy gov
ernment bonds for tho purpose of taking
advantage of the new refunding law.
chiefly from this cause the loans of the
New S'ork clearing house bunks were ex
panded from Jnmuiry 13 to March 10 no less
than $0,9O5,OOO. Tho lnrge applications mak
ing to tho Treasury department for con
version of present bonds Into tho new 2s
gives promise of prompt relief for the
money mnrket by the disbursement pf the
premiums on the old bonds. It Is highly
significant nli-o that the- Now ork sub
lliiuury 'begins to reflect the payment of
pensions ln Its reduced drain on the bunks,
ii.iw nrninlslnrr relief from the fnctor that
has caused most uneasiness regarding tha
dn nfd
Ontario St W.
O. H. & N
do pfd
Rending -.
.In lit llfil
.1.. ",1 nfd.... 2S?i do
o W &3V4 Pullman P,
21 iPaclllo Coast
. 42 do 1st pm.
. 70 I do 2d pfd . . .
.131V Puclllc Mall
. 17'4 People's Gas
50A4 Pressed S. Cor. .
4 637 3 90
1 660 4 00
1 610 4 10
4 747 4 25 7 900 4 30
HOGS The week closed with a moderate
run of hogs, but with a wild market. At
the opening prices wero nil of 6iJ10c higher
and the early sales wero Inrgely at $I.92V4
T'4.07V4, with c few good loads at $5.00. Uo
foro salesmen could all let go Chicago
came lower and buyers hero seemed tn
come to tho conclusion thnt thoy did not
want tho hogs so badly after all. Tho
market weakened and closed with tho most
of the odvnnco lost.
The hog market has been nil right this
week ns regards the selling Interests. Tho
week opened with nn advance nnd on Tues
day tho market wns still higher. On
Wednesday It dropped back almost Cc, but
recovered on Thursday and went still
higher nn Friday. The week closed with
the mnrket ot the highest point touched
n far this year, and nt tho highest nolnt
touched during the month of March since
1893. The demnnd has been good ull tho
week and nrrlvals, though lnrger than
usual, have met with ready sale on most
dnys at current prices. A glance nt the
table of avfjrngo prices will show tho nvcr
niro nrlce nold on each dny of the week, as
well as comparisons with corresponding
weeks of previous years. Representative
P. common.. 127 Hnnd Mines
Y. Central ...138U
MONEY-r.lvt'iH per cent
Tho rate of discount In the open market
for both short und three-months' bills Is 4
per cent.
Condition nf the Trensnry.
WASHINGTON. March 17. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In thn gen-
pfd Sttf
MliiDcupnllN W hr nt Market.
No. 1 northern, March, w.e: May. ;',4c; i m0,,py mnrket. On these accounts the he
July, C6MWi!4c. On truck. No. 1 hard, I ,lcf ,J nc,j llmt today's statement marks
tlu culmination oi mu un-mit in uio nuiiuua
67Vo; No, 1 northern, OOo; No. 2 northern,
FLOUR-Hlghcr; first patents. $3.63; sec
ond pntents, $3.45; llrst cleurs. $2.70; second
clears. $2.15,
URAN-In buU $lL25fill,60.
Peorlu Market,
PEORIA. March 17 -CORN Firm, No. 2
white. 36Hc
OATS Steady. X? 3 white SSi.
WHISKY Firm, on tho basis of $12i'.- for
finished goods.
Tho quotations made In today's market
were hardly more than nominal, as loans
made on tho Stock exchunge on Frlduy aft
ernoon carry over until Monduy Not tho
least surprise In the bank statement '.v is
tho fact thnt us n result of the llrst weok
the new- bank curren-y law is Ii operation
there Is nil actual derreuso recorded In the
circulation of New York banks nf $62,500.
SixKiilutlve scntlmtrt In the stock market
has been suspended during the week be-
do pro...
St. L. & S. F.
do 1st pui
do 2d pfd.
St. L. Southw
do pin-...
St. Paul
iln mil
St. P. St Omaha. 107V4
vi id.. Oil'
I'll! MIL'
91 S R. & T...
10'm Sugnr
69 do pfd
Car.. 183
... 34
... io;
. .. 29
Tenir. Coal St I
U. h, Leatner
do pru
U. 8. Rubber ..
do nfd
Western Union.. M'
So. Hal way
do pra...
. WH
. 12'.4
. 71
Rep. I. St 8 21i
13l do pfd 65
5Si,i P. C. C. & St. L. W
New York Mining Slocks,
NEW YORK, March 17. The following
nro tho oillcul closing quotations for
mining t-haus:
lOntnrlo S50
i jniii
Chollar ?2
Crown Point 13
Con. Ca. St Va.-170
Deadwood 60
Gould & Currle.. IS
Hale St NorcrosH. 23
Homestako 0000
Iron Silver fit
Mexican SO
P yniouth ......
.Quicksilver ...
do nfd
'Sierra, Nevada
.Union Con..'...
lYellow Jacket
.. 12
.. 60
I No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av 8h. Pr.
1 85 1S2 40 $4 85 67 270 40 4 92Vj
I g 263 80 4 85 71 215 40 4 93
"rfl 194 ... 4 85 71 233 ... 4 95
I k9 184 40 4 85 77 253 120 4 95
S3 200 ... 4 87'4 69 231 ... 4 93
81 174 4 0 4 87. 76 261 ... 4 03
(3 214 80 4 87'J 60 202 80 4 95
SO 198 ... 4 hVi CO 262 160 4 35
S3 186 ... 4 90 70 225 ... 4 93
! S2 229 80 4 90 61 216 ... 4 93
79 193 ... 4 90 64 262 40 4 93
82 191 ... 4 90 78 262 120- 4 0-3
60 279 80 4 90 67 211 40 4 93
SO 203 ... 4 9214 69 217 ... 4 93
75 238 SO 4 02 61 248 ... 4 93
53 36 ... 4 92'5 50 2S3 ... 4 95
Si! 209 40 4 92V4 81 237 80 4 93
84 203 120 4 92'5 81 236 60 4 95
67 225 40 4 92'7. 67 233 40 4 93
07 248 SO t 92'A 65 236 ... 4 97 'A
69 274 1C0 4 92'4 64 261 ... 4 97 Vi
71 212 ... t 9214 62 237 ... 4 97H
r,n 221) ... 4 fl2'i 66 214 ... 4 97 'A
68 261 210 4 92'4 74 264 4 0
73 230 4 0 4 92 '64 254 .,.
74 235 80 4 92'A 69 259 10
C9 2D I ... 4 02',5 69 2)0 SO
17 272 ... 4 92W 32 258 ...
61 231 ... 4 92V4 65 256 SO
.3 ... 1 2.'."
Weekly Hunk Statement.
NEW YORK. March 17. Today's bank
statement Is as follows: Reserves, decrease,
$2,"i9,9o0; loans, decrease, $11,311,400: specie,
decrease. $5,153,100; legal tenders, de rease,
$1,372,600, deposits, decrcaue, $15,343,000;
circulation, decrease, $62,O0.
r. oo
5 oo
5 no
5 oo
6 ro
5 (0
miMMP-Thprn were no fresh receipts
and not many hold-overs In the yards, so
that thero was not much of nnythlng to
make n market. A tow loads curried oyer
frnm vestorilnv sold, some ewes bringing
$o.CK). which wns 25r less than they have been
selling for. but possibly tno quality was no
null., nn Bond.
Tho kIipimi market was In sood shano ull
the week untl Friday, when the demand
L-l 1
i it j ATiiiviuj-as -
Telephone 1030. Oinlr.i, Nib
Correspondence: John A Wnrren & Co.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York,
If so, communicate with mo nt once,
havo something that will interest you.
50 Bron.tlv'ny, Now York.
International Zinc Co.,
personal Investigation by two of the com
pany's directors, DR. IRA II. CIJSIIINR of
Ilostoii. Mnss.. and HON. ('HAH 1'. HBN
NHTT of Providence, It I., and are con
firmed by George 1-;. Qulnby, stnto luspec-
Synopsis of IHieotniM' Report on
rniiertles of (lie l i i,u. i minn
y.ic ro.. I. til.
48-ncre tract at Oalena, known as the
Mnvno Mine, ill mil o neniiiun, .ni- ui lor r , ,1P r the .itntn nf MlKsnurl. Th
finest mills In the Jop In umrici. i&o torn. r(.pnrt ,n w, ,)(, g0I), l(J ( nildro(1!,
capacity; an Inexhaustible supply of 7 per nn ,)Picnton to either of tho olllces of
cent ore. I tho company's fiscal agents, Jnshuii Ilrown
tiitimt on double shin inns St Co., ns given below
pep eok, ill is.n i.
IxpfiiNi- of riinnlnu; per eek.. l,a(M
Xet'prollt pep werU 5 1 ,!).
HO-ncre trnet south of Webb City; v reo
Coinage Mine. An enormous deposit or
oro over the entiro iraci m mu iu-hi ,
lovcl. '
llltpnl DO ("" l''r "Pru I" i?.nr..-...i"
MxpeiiMe pep Hfl'l. . . . . i, -nn
Xet prolU per tveek $l,.00
The nmount of ore on this tract will keep
:0 100-ton mills running easily.
24'A-acre tract ut Curtervlllo; Rlue U Ing
iin ai ir.,.fnnt leve niiueurs i" i- un
solid mass of zinc and lead ore.
"1IIIMII . . 1 Intiirnnl .an.ilnllim n n tt.Ht .x-u ..r ,1...
T'J imiM nf mine oep urrh 111 .,,,w,f .,,
7 lOIIB in . ! fumnnn.) nml Imv,. In mt tri nrl ...
' ' ' ' . . nii.ll. II
of this stock nro now offered at par.
fully paid and non-assessnble.
The company pays regular monthly div
idends of niio per cent and all shareholders
of record March 24th will recelvo tho regu
lar monthly dividend payable April 1st.
Nn Investor can afford lo Ignore thn
nbovo ligures nor tho pecurlty guaranteed
to his Investment by tho company's pe
cullur feature of having all Its accounts
audited and certllled quarterly. A well
Known urm oi cnurtort-u accountants or
Slid tons of lend ill
Total ''''!!
Kineiise liep iioi'k i.n"
Xet prollt pep iveek -,ll-IO
Total net prollt pep wcew iroiu
the tliree- properties ii,.in
Allowing four weeks' phut-
down during tno yenr.
I'otnl Xet prollt pep nil mini IN
eek- lj:iO,7UO
iti,.. nm r.nnHnrvnttvn estimates of the
octual returns from tho International prop
erties, madu after careful and thorough
nudlt all ouiirterly accounts of earnings
nnd net profits before tho samo are Issued
to shareholders.
Send for prospectus and directors' report,
Applications for stock, iiccompunled by
remittance, will bo received hy the fiscal
400 Tho Rookery, Cliica,o.
4r, ii ml .17 AVnll HI., XeiT York.
I'Jl (.'hcstmil HI., Phllndelplilii.
SI) Stllte Nt.. Ilnstoii.
If so, speculate successfully. Send your
orders to a reliable house, whero they will
be placed In tho open mnrket. Wo can
mako for you In one month moro Interest
on your monoy than nny bank will pay
you In a ycur. Bend for our book on spec
ulation. It Is free.
J. K. Comstock & Co,
Itoom -;t Triulerx' IIIiIk.. Ohluuvo.