Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1900, Page 17, Image 26

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CoormoQi Enmi txpsndid Annually in
Gathering and JJliposinz of Watte.
Jnnlrnetlvr I'lgtirrn from tlip Xt-w
Ynrk Mtrvi't I'lrmilnsr Di'pnrtnifiit
' Miinner (if t.'t lllr.liiK Vnrl
oil Wnatc I'ruilucta,
Tlio city of New York alone has appro
priated lfi.031, 282.67 for utreet cleaning,
now removal nnd the disposition of ashes
and garbage during the current year. More
than J50.O00.000 Is paid out annually for
thceo purposes in tho 100 largest cities of the
United States. To reduce- tho burden of
taxation Involved by theso enormous ex
penditures and at the same tltno to Im
prove the service Is n municipal problem of
overshadowing and far-reaching Importance.
Whatever Is unveil from the cost of keeping
the cities blean Is, of course, tho addition
of Just so much to tho national wealth nnd
thprpforo tho efforts of nil who havo entered
this field havo been directed toward making
Cost of tva ration 188.7S0
Total .,
Uedurt value of recovered
products $715,875
Net Oft under new fystem JHJ.S75
Net possible saving $727,128
Thus In tho one Item of collection and
rllftnrwlflnn nt lintianhnlil nfthpa A rltv Ihn n(zf
of New York before consolidation could f P"rt of hls sreat chemo for revolutionizing
savo tho belter part of $1,000,000 by the. ndop- I Now York's street cleaning system. The ex
tlon of modern methods. A commercial con-1 porlracnt haa been most satisfactory In every
tern confronted with such a nrooosltlon l w&y- As noon as political conditions settle,
of waste light rubbish. Heretofore all u h
rubbish, made up of boxes, barrels, paper
and other litter, was hauled out to sou, on
the garbage scows and dumped, Now n por
tion of It, a very small portion to bo nure,
lens than 10 per cent, Is bolng handled as
an experiment nt a "disposal" plant located
In tho heart of the city. This plant was
built by tho lato Colonel Waring and formed
would mako short work of It. The machinery
needed for bringing about tho change would
bo procured nt once, nnd It would go Into
effect ns soon ns possible. It Is by utilizing
waste materials," making them Into "by
so as to mako an appropriation for the pur
poso possible, a sutllclent number of similar
plants will bo erected In various parts of tho
city to handle tho entlro accumulation. Tho
city's paper carts collect about 100,000 tons
products," that such concerns ns the ft year. Under tho present system the col-!
Standard Oil company havo built up a large
portion of their colossal returns.
Illiliomil of Curium"1.
Almost If not qultd as much can he done
with garbago as with nshes. Under tho pres
ent system tho disposition of garbago costs
about 22 cents per capita In Chicago; 2S
cents In St. Ijuls; 10 cents In Iluffnlo; 10
lection and the dumping of this stuff Into
thi sea costs over $100,000. Tho department
has received about CO cents a ton net for
tho stuff handled nt tho "disposal planti"
after allowing for Interest, wear and tear,
labor, etc.
On this basis tho 100,000 tons now thrown
Into the sea would yield $50,000. And, In
ccntB In Philadelphia and U3 cents In Bos- addition, there would bo almost as mucrj
ton. Tho discrepancy In cost of disposition j again saved, becauso of shorter land hauls
Is due largely to the greater waste that must to conveniently situated plants Instead of to
bo disposed of In some cltlea. Strangely river dumps, and tho entlro abolition of tho
enough, Boston, whero "New Knglaml i sea haul. Then, too, It Is figured that,
economy" is supposed to prevail, leads
wastefulness, the garbago running there
1 " 1
UNLOADING AUTOMATIC DUMP SCOW Prom a Photograph Taken at Sea.
street cleaning and "final disposition" as
nearly self-supporting as possible.
Experiments,, both In this country and
Abroad, havo shown that largo sums can
bo realized through tho scientific utilization
of waste materials, As a result, It Is probn
bio that more radical changes will be intro
duced Into tho operations of street cleaning
nnd tho handling of household wasto, within
a comparatively short time, than In nny
other department of public work. An official
of tho. New York Street Cleaning depart
ment, whoso duties lncludo scientific super
vision of the final disposition of most of the'
household wnsto collected, sntd recently:
; "Wo are Just beginning with this problem
hnd our oxperlenco to date has been such
that I should not bo at all surprised to find
that street cleaning can ultimately bo mndo
to pay for Itsolf aud perhaps yield n profit
to such cities as mako use of scientific
A Klomllkr In Anlir.
Tho, least promising item of domestic
wast?, apparently, is nshes. Yet, under
proper treatment, they may bo mndo to yield
materials of surprising value. During tho
year 1898 thcro wero collected in Now
York ubout 900,000 cart loads, or 1,350,000
cubic yards of domestic ashes from kitchen
ranges, furnaces, etc., In what constituted
tho city of Now York beforo consolidation.
Tho coRt of collecting theso ashes wns nbout
$720,000; to haul them out to sea for final
disposition cost nbout $150,000 more, making
a total of $S70,000. Careful analyses, cov
ering tho better part of n year, show that
"domestic" ashes aro mado up of tho fol
lowing parts approximately: Recovernblo
coal. ',20 per' cent; lino ash, CO per cent;
clinker, 15 per cent; coarse ash and stono,
15 per cent; total, 100 per cent.
To separate tho ashes Into these com
ponent parts would cost nbout $1 for eight
cublo yards, so that tho treatment of 900,000
cartloads collected would havo cost $163,750.
According to the foregoing analysis they
would havo yielded of coal 108,000 tons ap
proximately; of clinkers, 202,500 cubic yards;
of flno ash, 675,000 cubic yards, and of stone,
202,500 cublo yards.
Theso figures wero carefully compiled by
tho Now York department, nnd Its officials
have placed values upon tho recoverable
parts as follows, tho coarse ash and stone
bolng set down as of no worth nt all, though
they could bo made useful In filling lu low
Coal. 162,000 tons, nt $2.50 $1(6,000
Clinker, (for uso In concreting nnd
illllns beneath tloors In llreproof
building) 202,000 yards at 75 cents.. 151,875
Finn aph (for uso In mixing mortar)
075,000 cublo ynrds at 28 cents 1S9.000
tho ruto of .9-16 pounds per capita. In Chi
cago It Is G4G pounds; Philadelphia, 332
pounds; St. I-ouls, 277 pounds, and New
York about the samo as Chicago.
In severnl cities tho garbage Is now
utilized In the manufacture of fertilizers by
prlvnto Concerns, which tnko it oft the
hands of tho municipal authorities under
contract. So for, tho cities recolve no part
of tho revenues derived from tho salo of
fertilizers, but the results of experiments
now tindor way In New York and elsewhere
Indicate that the garbago will not only be
,mado to pay- for Itself beforo tho .next cen
tury Is very far advanced, but will yield a
net profit besides.
In every center of population tho garbago
question goes through several distinct
phnscs. First, when tho future city has
only a small population the garbngo Is fed
to tho pigs and other domestic animals. As
the population grows nnd houses nru closer
together keeping pigs becomes unpopular
and tho garbago Is turned over to some
farmer. Tho householders aro glad to havo
him como and get It for nothing. letter,
when tho settlement has grown Into a good
sized town, tho farmers In tho neighbor
hood competo for the prlvllego of taking
tho garbago. They aro very willing to pay
something for It. Still later, ns tbo farm
ers are driven further out, the haul becomes
Total value $745,875
In practice tho result would, of course,
differ somowhat from this theoretical show
ing, but, assuming Its accuracy, tho not sav
ing to tho city, wero Its "domestic" nshes
trented to tho separation process, would bo
ns Indicated below:
I'resent cost of ciollectlng nnd
disposing of nshes $370,000
Cost of collecting nnd haul
ing 1.350,000 cublo yards to
separator $720,000
15 1HE VvUKlN LJr
Cathartic Tablets.
Kidneys & Bladder
I I. I,
Tie Druggist wiJ 'refund
Your money if San Curo
fails to benefit You
handled in larger quantities, better prices
could bo obtained for tho stuff recovered.
Tho "disposal plant," which was exten
sively written up In Colonel Wnrlng's day,
Is a very slmplo nffalr. Its first cost wna
only $16,000. To this must bo added tho land
value. Ten such plants, allowing for im-
provemcnts that experience havo suggested,
could easily handlo nil tho rubbish of the
city for a good many years to come. Tho
main fcaturo of tho plant is a "conveyor
belt," of stitched canvas eighty feot long
that runs up to tho mouth of a crematory or
furnace. The stuff brought In by tho carts
Is dumped on tho lower end of tho belt,
which travels very slowly. Stationed on
olthcr sldo of tho belt aro -workmen -who
pick out tho newspapers, wrapping paper,
cotton rags, woolen rugs, bottles, old shoes,
rubber, tin cans, barrels nnd metals. Kvery
thlng is put on a Bepnrato pile. Tho stuff
left on tho belt Is carried Into tho furnaco
and consumed.
It Is oxpected by the experts that as great
Improvements will bemado In tho gathorlng
of tho rubbish, ashes and garbago as In Its
final disposition. Among other plans, a, sys
tem of pneumatic tubes that shall cover tho
entire city, as the sowers do now, taking up
refuse of all kinds and delivering nt selected
localities, has been proposed. Thcro would
bo cortaln designated hours when garbago
would bo dumped, other hours for ashes,
rubbish, etc., po that tho materials would all
bo kept eeparato for handling and utiliza
tion. Hon so connections would be made and
street dirt would bo swept into special open
ings at tho curb, as sewer openings are.
Such n system would do away almost en
tirely with carts and hand labor In tho" street
cleaning department. Some engineers pre
dict that oooncr or later tho streets will bo
swept by compressed air. Machine sweepers
of tho patterns now In uso aro not capable
of making tho streots really clean. Pneu
matic sweepers of a small pattern havo al
ready been put In uso for cleaning railroad
cars, nnd from theso It Is prophesied a com
pressed air Btreet sweeepcr that will do the
work better than cither hand or machine
sweepor will bo evolved.
But beforo this arrives nnd long before
tho pneumatic tubo system -will become pos
sible, owing to Its enormous expenw, a con
siderable burden -will havo been lifted from
tho street cleaning department by tho gen
eral uso of automobiles. They will do away
largely with tho horse, tho present greatest
enomy to clean streots; they will compel
hotter paving nnd they will be substituted
for tho horso In tho work of refuse collec
tion, causing both tremendous saving and
enormously increased expedition.
Tho automobile will also bring about a
chnngo In tho disposition of another trouble
some factor In street cleaning, If tho rather
daring suggestion mndo by Thomas A. Bdl
son somo tlmo ago shall bo carried out- This
is tho disposition of snow. Mr, Edison
would "harvest" It, somewhat as wheat Is
harvested. According to tho "Wizard's"
ideas, tho snow harvester would comprewa
tho snow Into bricks. These bricks would
bo deposited In orderly rows on the side
walks, to bo gathered up later by outo
truclts. Being practically Ice, .Mr. Kdlson
belloven tho bricks would be used for cold
ntorago purposes. A six-Inch snowfall costs
New York about $90,000 for cost of removal.
It Is estimated that In addition It costs the
business community about $50,000 n day In
traffic delays, wear and tear, etc., and a
longer and tho garbago Is a drug on tho
murket, so thnt tho farmers or contractors thoroughly practical method of disposing of
SEPAIUTINO THK MOHT WASTE Sketched Especially for this Article at the
York City Plnnt.
nro paid for getting rid of tho stuff. Then
tho city takes up tho collection on Its own
account at a constantly Increasing expense.
At this point wo havo remained for a great
many years In our cities.
;iliiK Duck o I'lmt rrlitrliile.
It Is ouly four years ngo that the city of
Now York ceased scowlng its garbage out
to sea. This system did great damage- to
tho little towns on tho Long Island coast,
whero tho beaches became pest breeders
becauso tho tides brought a largo per cent
of tho offnl in Bhore. After long agitation
tho legislature passed a law prohibiting tho
dumping of garbago at sea. A plant was
built on Barren Island by a private con
cern under a contract with the city. Hero
tho garbago Is now boiled and steamed, the
product being a low grado fertilizer.
Now York was behind eevornl of tho
other big cities of tho United States In
changing Its method of garbage disposition,
but In New York nB weli as elsowhere tho
result has been such that experts now bo
llevo tho time Is not far off when the gar
bago will again be n sourco of rovenuo to
tho people, as In the early llfo of tho
cities. Fertilizers manufactured from gar
bago sell all tbo way from $2.50 to $5.50 n
ton. Its bulk Is reduced from ten to twenty
times, according to tho process. No Amcrl-
tho snow In cities would bo of almost Incal
culable value
Tn nn Improved dental chair nn electric
motor is placed on a swinging bracket to
operate tho drilling engine, with electric
henters connected with nlr nnd water pipes
to heat a Jet of either nlr or water for use
with tho drills.
A new llfo preserver has a pair of inilatnble
air recelvurs attached to cither end of u
metnl tube, with a mouthpiece at the center,
tho plpo being suspended from the shoulders
by straps, which hold tho reservoir on
cither sldo of tho head.
To lessen tho wear on brooms nnd mako
sweeping easier nn Improved handle Is di
vided Into threo sections, tho center section
being ft Hat spring plate set In tho sumo
plane with the broom head, which relieves
part of the strain on tho bristles.
An iiutomatlenlly-closing enp for oil cups
has been designed, of tubular shape nnd
provided with a Blot In one side, the cup
having a groovo cut nc-ar tho top, in which
a colled cprlng s set to turn the cap, the
oil can being Inserted in tho slot and the
cap revolved to open tho cup.
A combined blcyclo nnd rowing machine,
has bo-en designed, having u seat and foot
braces on top of tho cycle frame, with han
dled levers pivoted on oxtonslon frames nnd
connected by a strap running over a pully
to tho rear hub, to propel the wheel us th
lovers nru puneu on uy mo riuer.
Fruit can bo picked and automatically dls-
can city has yet succeded In. getting a profit I ehnrged Into a barrel without bruising by a
from its waste, but tho systom now coming I ftIla,d1llln'" I'8'!'",1 ',lk?r wlh hn8 11 cl?th
into uso has reduced tho cost of disposing
of It materially. New York has done much nel, with a tube provided with a pad at the
less than somo othor cities In this direction, www enu, against wnirn me iruu siriKcs,
but even Now York Is now saving tho cost
of the long and expensive haul of fifteen
or twenty miles to sea. Instead It now
delivers to tho contractors at tho river
... . t Ill K.nU.AI.. V.
dumps. iih ( i ',,u"u';.,, " cun when pressure Is applied to the handle.
garuagU UU111UUU Uf l"C Ml uuiuuhiidh r
direct. A bottlo of Cook's Imperial Kxtrn Dry
Direct handling by tho municipality has Champagne with your dinner makes It com
already come In New York In another brucb plot. It ylcasti vry ono. ,
Tin cans enn be rapidly and easily opened
by a Now York man s Implement, having a
pair or semi-i'ircuinr nanges projecting rrom
th( witter of a Hat, elongated handle, the
tlauges extending down to points and bein
nAt Kten will nrohah v hn I """ " " u" fu.,l-" no
A few ot our mow
patterns and an
idea of our low
ISh j L . . . , ?.
- 1 1 1 1 1 if? TTTT 1 T f K'PVf f '
illii JiliL : j JJJJi jlJlL Jj
Number fl()5(!
Number ttOnO
Number ;UM
Number !1052-
Number 40:M
Number !1050
Number OOilO
Number 5050
:b?lf femj fasmf
jppp jras jjjj
Number 5017
Number B090
Number (!050
Number 5038-
These BrnBS Bedsteads are strictly first class in every detail, finished with the finest
lacquer, extra heavy posts and fillings, all cast brass mounts, knobs, castors, etc. We
show 67 new designs, all brass bedsteads from $14. 00 up, and our guarantee goes with
each price; all beds are made in 3-0 ft. and 3-G and 4-6 sizes.
A full assortment of springs, mrttrasses and box springs at low prices. An'
exclusive furniture store.
Dewey & Stone Furniture Company,
Strictly One Price,
1115 and 1117 Farnam Street.
Best Dining Car Service.
WfcM etfcM fan ceMtm
II chroui; I
op MEN
Wa rtnrantoe to our ail ease eurtU f
(SEXUALLY. cured tar lift.
Nlfihtlr Emissions, Lost Manhexvl. Hydrocele
VutoooMe, Oonorcbt, Qleet, Syphilis, fitrlcl
ra, PUea, Fltula aud Reoul Ulcers and
All Private Diseases
and Disorder of Ma.
GMuultatlon fraa Call on or addnM
j s nt bu on A HA
It l found especially useful In Nervoun
Trouble, DyspoPHla, Malaria, Anaemia,
IAMB of Sleep, Consumption, Overwork,
Indigestion, Ia Grippe, Nervous Pros
tration, General Debility. Tardy Conva
lescence, Ixiss of Wood, Impotuncy, Mol
nncholln, Throat and Limit Troubles.
BeaslcknesH, All Wustlns Diseases nnd
Sold by all Druggists, Rcfuso Substitutes,
bbbbbp' uiirD Baaj
W ot u luitturt.
1 afPfiHlU OQUtiOO
tlfu Illff U for unnatural
dlchrgp, lutUniiua'lons,
I Irrltaltoni or ulceration
of muroUH nifrabranft.
ralulew, ana i.ot aims
hiEumsChiuicuCo. or polr-M-m.
or peas in plain wrapper
I T ripreia, pirpald, It' or I botllM. :.7S.
Cucuikx tant oa tfuab
lUNa I fnlil.
Hear These Grateful Voices
See How Happy These Men Are.
The World Holds Joy for Them.
There is a Cure for Vou Also.
TIIDUH are mnny remedies, nnd few uurcn, for the loss of
vital, nei-vo unit muscular HtretiKtli; for those weaknesses m
which dcploto the physical body of Its innnliood. There- Is ono
tfnuid and never-fallini: remedy when It Is applied rlRhtthat Is
Klectrlclty. It will cure in every case when given to the body
In the right way. That explains the succumb of
Dr, McLaughlin's Electric Belt!
Cured in Two Rftonths.
CHICAGO, Feb. 2.1000.
Dear Sir: I have been 111 for two years past with
Indigestion and constipation, together with a gen
eral run down condition of tho systom, resulting
I tried many remedies, but failed to obtain per
manent results, and In many caseJ not oven tem
porary rellof. I havo pcnt over $200 on this
trouble, but nothing relieved me until I tried your
Ilelt. I found benefit In two weclis, and today,
after Its ubo for two months, I can truthfully say
I am a "well man.
Yours truly.
GKOIIGH A. ENGBL, C2 Ilauwans St.
This grand, never-fa
wenkeni'd parts In a Rtca
energy becomes a part o
have my own method of
of study, and my licit
pllanco falls. Try It.
the one that docs not bu
rent through soft, cuslil
ulnt or.
Illng appliance pours its vigor Into tho ,
dy, gentle stream, so that tho electrical
f the nnatomy, never to leave It. IS J
application, tho result of twenty years !
will curo after every other similar ap-
The Dr. McLaughlin IClcctrlc Ilelt Is I
rn or blister, giving Its powerful cur- 4
on electrodes, and having a perfect reff- !
"Write for my beautifully Illustrated SO
page book, giving full Information, also
symptom blanks upon which I will ad
vise1 you free If my licit will cure you.
CPEePIAI Sc,,t n,c Utr old Belt of any
Oil IbwUIMbUj other malic, mil I will hcmI you
one of uif latest improved appliance at half my
rcyular priee.
I AIIUI IM 214 State
uinwnLiiii9 st
, Chicago;
Purity and Sweetness of Tone
Combined with ranqo and power, are some of. tho
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-homos whoro it is usnd. Gall and select ono of theso
superb inslrumoniH.
2M-H1-1H So. INtli, Oiiiuliii. Xl.l l:t Mnln St., Council III ulTa, In.
IManoa tuned nnd repaired. Phoned 101 C. U,, and 1008, Omaha.
A enfia fn1 tmu'tirfnl rtn!f fftr fn ni Unit
troubles, delay, pain, and irregularities, it
Surceufully rrecrlbed by the highest Medleall
Sfclaliui. I'rlcali.cufor tl opiulca. . tiolJ by all
uruKEwa. or i on irre, 1'. w. Itos losi, n. .
Kor to vrt the only wf and vcllabte Vemala
Hraululor for all iroutUi. Kdleict wiihia
idtvt. Atdru?giu, ol by mail. rik. 9
Srnd 4. loi" Women'. Site Ouaid." M Ileal
edlcal VOi, in M. ijui riuia., ra.