Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1900, Page 14, Image 23

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- .I. ,
"You nro qulto on tho wrong track," re
plied tho mistress of tho tea tray, "neverthe.
less I am reveling In a bit of great good luck.
My niece, my favorlto niece, who lives In
STl VMM1 cos ruins '" SPUisti. thick taffeta, having a collar and big Jabot
Arll.Ho lWII.Til(T7i. of I'nsl.loii , "en.m lnco cnelrllnB tho throat and fall-
.Shown Uy n llrhle'n TroiiM-iiii. I lnR ,u" ovcr 1,10 bust to meet that point
NEW VOIIK, March 16. "Are you con- whcro ,our larRU ln,n,J huttons fasten tho
templatlng tho artistic potnlbllltles of a walflt Bn,B''- l'l,on this goes a captlviitlng
crazy quilt or has that ovcrlndulgent hits- "ttl0 Jackct of cloth to match tho skirt
land of yours been Increasing your already ,nfttI w,th "8 frnts sliced out generously
absurdly largo dress allowance"1 Inquired ,,mlcr 1,10 nrm' c,,rvC(1 Jown to long points
Mrs. Van Knickerbocker suspiciously and ln tho center and carved out In a round arch
somewhat enviously as tho hostess rose to hoblml. This with Its sightly cup-shnped
recotvo her with a lapful of ticketed sam- c0.' ar n,ltl.lt8 slooves fathered In Just
iiuiu iju iuu suouiucr incases 0110 im
mensely." White Mtnlln Xprlnir.
"I don't see anything to crltlclso about
It," declared tho visitor, wandering awny
tho country and trusts Implicitly to my taste, ?, lh nrc' ",anJ 11 ls vcr' refreshing on
is about to get married and as tho highest l" lu,UK 01 spring inings.
compliment sho could pay me Is that of i"3t ,)Con mnklnK n ""'! of calls and
leaving tho eclectlon of her trousseau In , . wmcn on y heat I found rocelv-
tay hands, I am already deep In tho In- ,n.ln ,sLlt0 mU8"" B0W'18' T1at has been
trlcaclcs of evolving a scries of smart and ra h" ? ai1 u'l winter; tho sheerest whlt-
not ovcrexncnslvo costumes for hor u-Mrin cst Swlss nnd tho most cobwebby lace 'la
In And after tho honeymoon season."
, "A wblto satin marriage dress, of course,"
Wan Mrs. Van Knickerbocker, Interested
on tho moment.
"Well, maybe." admitted the hostess,
"but I'vo not got round to that yet. Kvcry
thing In a trousseau should properly bo con
nldered before) tho wedding gown, for tho
best Inspiration should como last, and as
this wedding Is to tako place ln April after
Kaster, I'vo got an abundanco of lelsura
ln which to work up tho wardrobo In detail.
At this very moment tho wholo energies of
my mind aro bent on elucidating ho
problem of three simple but none tho le
timely houso costumes. Spring thoughts, so
to speak, that will servo for luncheons and
jet they must bo applicable to outdoor nur.
poses when tho occasions arise, for my nlcco
la not going to wed a millionaire!.
KIrMt TriiiiNNfini Comm.
"My first thought has been for a pretty
mastic tinted cashmere. Vou know), of
course, how much the smooth-faced cash
mere will foe worn, nnd If I nm nble to read
anything In the shadow that Is cast by com
ing events, I won't stray very far from tho
path of fashlouablo rectitude by ordering tho
skirt draped at ono side nnd by using em
broidery for my decoration. I'vo taken very
close stock of somo of the newest Ideas and
I find that a pretty application of needle
work means everything.
"Tho skirt of my first masterpiece has a
generous train and tho goods, draped up on
ono hip slightly, Is slit open from hem to
kneo and falls 'back to expose n closely kllt-
ntnntnl . , 1 1 1 n . I . . ....
i"ra I'luituui. ui mo sweetest pastel blue
rrepo do chine. All about tho edges of the
rnshmero draperies runs n wreath design
dono In heavy bluo and cream and mastic
silk threads that nro qulto like flno corJs
and that glvo the result of rich embroidery
without tho expensive labor necessary. The
waist of this I need hardly tell you Is cut
in mo rorm
fronts aro
ascertained this for a certainty by spreading
broadcast tho question. "Do betting an3
gambling prevail among women?" The body
has been shocked by tho nature, of the
nnswers received anil has decided that these
evils do cxlt and are Increasing. The do
clslon reached ls that "mothers of families
bet nway husbands' wages nnd pawn clothes
and furniture to obtain funds for gambling
purposes. Hundreds of young women en
gaged In factorial bet regularly. Somo sco
tho bookmakers personally, others send
their money through middlemen, netting
among women of fashion Is on the Increase
and drawing room sweepstakes aro becom
Ing popular."
Hut if tho mania Is growing strong In
women of today It Is simply tho revival of an
old passion.
Mme. do Mnntcspan won so much at bas
set, her favorlto game, that Louis XIV was
delighted and borrowed some of her win
nings. Hut who lost a great deal at times
two norMiiK ' " . . f.;
1 ,
used and In a drawing room heated to 73
degrees aud adorned with flowers tho sum
mery raiment has the most bcwlfhlng effect,
particularly If the day is unusually cold nnd
nasty outside."
v pa mM ) w mm
When an R & G Corset is made, It Is stretched over a steam
heated, Iron form with a pressure of 600 pounds, that takes out
every atom of " give " in the goods. The iron form Is modeled
aftet a perfect human figure and eadi style of R & G Corsets has
its special form.
R & G Corsets are the only corsets that are made in this way
the only corsets that will not stretch the only ones that do not
have to be broken in.
Every U & G Corset is guaranteed to fit and wear satisfactorily.
The picture shows the style of our popular Number 307 whiJt
sells at $ 1. It has absolutely all the perfection of shape, fit and wear
that any corset can have, no matter what the price. i'o corset of
any other make is as good at any price.
Your dealer can supply you with R & G Corsets, if lie will. If
he will not, write to R & G CORSliT CO., 373 BROADWAY, N. Y.
wns born In Texas forty-flvo years ago, but
early went Into Mexico to rulo over outlaws
and cowboys. Tho llttlo Loima was scarcely
12 years old when she fell In with nn old-
time gambler named Qualetor, who taught
her every trlok known to tho gambler's art.
Sho first made her nppenranco In Huso del
Norte. Sho was only a child and tho rough
gamblers laughed at her, but they soon
found that they wcro no match for her, and
that even her teacher, Qualetor, was a
tondcrfoot cpmpared with tho child. With
tho passing years Lonna Paqulta grew to bo
11 beautiful woman. Her hair was as black
as night, sho had eyes that cohfoUndcd thoso
of tho gamblers who played with her, and
a voice as sweet and silvery ns a bell. She
was as handsomo a woman as one would
wish to see; but with a henrt of Jco and
pans, baking dishes, rolling pins and lu fact
all tho necessary utensils that a first-class
cook requires. Tho woman looketl very
pretty ln tho becoming lawn caps, with
snowy aprons and clean whlto tea towels
dangling from their waists. Tied to n long
string was a square, which is used to hold
hot things, and beside each woman was a
neat note book, with pencil attached. A
housekeeper is appointed for each lessou
nnd It Is her duty to seo that things aro
put awny at tho end of tho lesson, which
belong to tho class In general, and she also
attends to tho largo stove.
Miss Chamberlain iprcfncod the lossoii
with a tnlk and then announced the menu
for tho day, which consisted of salmon cro
quettes and chocolate pudding. Tho salmon
croquettes, or cutlois. woro mado with whlto
mussed The profj gloss which gives them
a silky appearance Is their chief u'true
tlon. Most of the bonnets have, sitings of one
kind or another, though they can bo worn
without tin in 8, m, are of narrow black
civet ribbon some 0f tulle, black or white
and somo of ribbon A wry prcttv bonnet
bus strings of the new metallic tnheta rib
bon In a wide width. The ribbon Is so soft
that It Is more be.timlng than the ordinary
The length of the. stllchlngs ,m klltcl or
Hide-pleated skirts varies from 11 few Im hcs
uciun- 1110 tups to wmiin 11 quarter of
fill coir r. life anl brauty to gnu white or
nerves of iron. Her small whlto hands could sauco nnd the women worn shown how to
manipulate the cards with a skill that defied
tho watchfulness of tho keenest gambler.
Well, what bothers me." nnswered tho
a of a bolero, at least tho Jacket ho8loBS puckering up her lino whlto brow,
and tho wholo thing opens upon "ls too futuro of fringe."
"Oh, It Is going to bo worn moro or less,"
soothed Mrs. Von Knickerbocker. "Why.
only this morning I saw ono of tho sweetest
studies In gray and lilac, sackcloth for Len
ten wear, and If you know a good thing
when you hear of It you'll adopt tho model
I am going to tell you about to your niece's
needs. The gown I refer to was of the most
dovo-llko gray ladles' cloth In spring weight;
tho skirt dropped upon n petticoat of Iliac
silk that showed to advautngo through V
tuo uust to show a front of mastic silk
licavlly stitched and worked in blue and
cream to match the design on tho skirt."
SprliiK I'nitNloii fur ItintN.
"Yes, that Is a pretty notion," admitted
Mrs. Van Knickerbocker, hanging over her
friend's shoulder while the outlines of tho
proposed costumo wcro rapidly nnd skillfully
Hketchcd out. "Very much used, however,
is ft big decorative bow pinned on the left
lapel of tho Jacket front nnd it should be
cookim; school tiii: k.wu:.
alilniwill Society In St. I.oiiln
TiiUcm t'p (lie ('ullniiry Art.
A fushlonnblo cooking class recently or-
nnd her play grew so furious that In 1G82 Banlzeii In St. Louis Is tho social novelty of
LouU abolished the game. It Is recorded of lno ttnvn- A vcr' pretty sight they aro,
Mnu. de Montespan that she ono night, theso women with soft hands, ns they
while tho king locked at the play, risked 1 daintily manipulate tho materials which are
a sum equal to $200,000 on a single- card and I to K to the making of some part of a sub
that tho king grumbled when no one could fitantial menu.
bo found to cover the bet. Hut madamo also Thp teacher Is-Miss Alleci Chamberlain,
If t ono M'W Ycnr's night 700.000 crowuu at w,'o Is a graduate of tho Hoston Cooking
hoca and on another night almost $1,000,000 ' school, and Is perfectly familiar, not ouly
at the sanio game. ' with formulao and the details of the work,
Mme. du Harry ' was the most famous but Is also well up ln all the theoretical lines
woman gambler of the time of Louis XV, ot tho work, bacteriology, physiology aud
but with her It was only n pastime. Hut , hygienic principles. .
that other favorite. Mme. do Pompadour, Another interesting clafn Is composed of
went in with tho solo object of winning If the seniors in Miss Matthews' school, twelve
she could. It is re.-orded that her winnings handsomo young women led by their presl
wcre enormous nnd that in a single night dent. Miss Parker.
sho cased tho pockets of tho king of 25,000 , Tho society women of tho city have had
louis d'or $125.00O). many fuds. hut this Itirt one seems the most
wuoen .Mario Antoinette, nccording to his- senslblo ono that has engaged their atten-
. ..... ...v. itiiui it uiiiLriiT 01 II 1
yard of tho bolt m of the skirt mi Hotim !' "h ' V " . . . ' r-" " ,M .ll "" . "lc
or tho Imported cloth eostunns the Uliti fl. . . , ... m'a"H '"""eillately
or slde-plcntH, reaching the entire lc ictli of 'im''!vt 1,0 ,f""',IK ol" of hn' Curei
the skirt. .roHiUchWhm gelt t i htm. V,?' OT.V. v..,,0,:?
. .. . r 114111 uiuwl'I.
Ilexlblu bone liicusoil lntunn it, .ti,,
boa of which it is made and the silk lining.
A ring ls attached at either side and tho
ends drawn through these are tied ln a
four-in-hand knot In a short bow with long
Pretty fancy waists are made of alternate
rows of Inch-wide velvet and tucks running
around tho unlst and sleeves, The rows ut
tucks 1111 nn lnch-wltle space. Other wnbts
Have the ribbon running lengthwise, with lt
width In tucks running across between. A
pretty silk waist Jias narrow tucks frel some
Uls anco apart, running lengthwise of the
waist, and over tills bund of the silk
stitched on dlagonnlly from tho shoulder to
the wulPt.
Iho stripes running lengthwise predoml-
l Ikjw of blue panno or embroidered bluo llb
f rty satin or ono of blue taffeta, with mastic
tinted- ehlffou drawn ovcr It. You simply
huve no Idea what n passion 'bo W3 aro going
to become. Pretty soon wo will wear them
deep llounco or gray fringe set on In largo
loops below a section of lattlco work mado
or erisscrces bands of gray bebo velvet rib
bon. An Knton coat or gray cloth upon a
waist ot lilac silk and tho coat's wing rovers
Wuitk Cans McpicaIvAVsN,
Chicago Opera llousslllk.
Ciiicauo, Feb. 0, 1000.
I'al Ulatt Uniting Co , lUtwnukee:
QlcrfTLEUZK': In reirnrdtn rmirln.
(lUirV U tO rMllltl lltltulllMl tr.m, ll,.. '
useof your MALT-V1 V1NK, in the
several Inuulred cases where 1 have
uicd It ai an ailju vant in the treat
ment 01 lypnotu lover, ruimounry
tubercuIoxU, Anemia. Orneral dclul
ly, etc., will say that It ha Invarla
blv nroven to be or tho irrcateit ben
efit. und 11 tonic. IUsuh lnillitor
and general reconstructive. I can ami
I a . , ... ... I
no 1 iiou ncaniiy recommend it xo my
brother physicians und thu public
large. iieMicciiuiiy,
T. IIknhv Hva.n, M. 1).
rowest velvet ribbon gave the llttlo nown
a most rhic aud nttrnctlvo air that por
uaded mo to copy It so soon ns I can lay
nmjs upon tho proper materials and my
.rcBsmaker." MAHY DEAN.
; amumm; among winu;.,
or .iiiiny
Prevalence Aiiioiik 'I'heiii
(.iinicn of dilutee
nambllng Is not n vlco of tho male sex
ilone. From time to tlmo throughout the
world gambling among women has nour
ished and declined. Just at this tlmo It In
tacked here, there and everywhere to our faced with lilac or overlaid with tho nar
uuK-Diuit-i nig iicrsciis, so 1 auvise you to
put ono Into this design."
"On It goes," nnnounced the hostess-, "nnd
now that you llko my llrst Interpretation
of what a smart spring frock should be, let
mo explain my -second achievement. It la
a walking dress made of that lovely uow
and Inexpensive smooth-suitfaced goods
called visiting cloth.
Another Droit for tlie llrhje.
"Tho klrt of grayish tapestry green la
laid In threo tucks at either side. They
havo now a strange, new and entirely attrac
tive way of tucking skirts that throws n
panel Into tho front width, a broad box
pleat Into tho rear anil then thero are
sldo tucks that do not rlso so high ns
tho hips. It lends a charming diversity to
the skirt without rendering It a bit clumsy,
though I confer I hung fire 11 long tlmevba
tweon this Idea nnd that of u skirt silt up
for varying distances from the ground aud
then piped with whlto along tho cut edges,
stitched flrmly again to tho foundation and
finished at tho top of every piped opening
by big silk nrrow-hcads. Well, in tho end
tho pleats won the day nnd then 1 searched
brain and conscience for nn Idea nppllcablc
to tho waist nnd I found it at last on the
back of a very pretty woman lunching In
ono of tho omnrt hotel restaurants tho other
'Us adjusted to my nleco's needs this
mart little body and coat will tuko tho
form of a green eloso-llttlng waist of soft,
lory, v.i a gambler who liked to ba sur
roun led by gnir.blers. Faro was the popular
game, but the stakes got to bo so great that
many a nobleman tinil his entiro estate wiped
away In a single night.
Possibly tho most famous woman gambler
of Kngllsh history was Nell Owynne, tho
actress who was so great a favorite with
tlon for many years. No ono has any quar
rel with fads whoso influences aro dynastic
as long as thoy last, und, although It Is not
expected that nil tho women will become
good cooks, yet it is preoumably certain that
at least a few of them will, aud that thero
will be established a' new bond of sympathy
Detwcsn mistress and maid nnd a moro com
mold the cutlet.
"Mlno Is so soft," said ono lady, ns she
tried In vain to get tho sticky masd from her
fingers, but with the nsslstnnco of tho
teacher and tho lady who stood next to her
the found out how to add tho grated cracker
crumbs until tho cutlet could too molded
properly. Then a bit of uncooked mncaronl
wan put Into tho cutlet to represent tho bono
nnd tho cutlet was ready for frying.
One pretty young society belle wns Rent tn
the fire to test the fat, and very gingerly !'n,c In most of tho shirt waists this season
sho did It. plnclng a cube of bread In tho hot VI'H '.. ",0,r' closely and even the
liquid and then standing patiently b?nm ,
sho had counted forty, lly that time tho "ml blouslnsr quite a little m front with a
cubo was nicely browned, nnd It was decided ,'llf, "arrow bux ploat In the center of the
that the fat was hot enough to fry the cut- rft&r'&T
lets. Tluso were then placed In tho frying tho box plout In the center '. The "hie pI.?,Vm
basket and quickly browned, tho teacher ex- r.uu well In nt the waist line, which gives
plaining under what conditions they would : 11 Jinconal course mid shows oft the
ho indlireitlhlP I stripe or the material. lillie and whlto
Vi 1 . , I stripes predominate, but nil colors aro to bo
The chocolate pudding had been mado In found,
tho llttlo brown dishes liko thoso In which Ono point In favor of the new spriim hats
tho baked beans at tho restaurants nrc ' ,Jl'llt,1CS!'; Tl'!ll!- " nciv variety
served, aud with buttor and vanilla llavoring sVrfw Tft'
, i ..,.1 i. " . v""". " ie
Mtn line, en, ....
...u ....... ,..-, imiiuu, umuuurii me uu.-'i t ai i win 1 1 1- foiorcu riooonH, llowers and
writer does not pretend to know how, be- ff"",8 nmgjuuble. finipes ami chctrlcn are
cause she was not Inking a lesson, and only ll", AriiTAo:
Vnows that In tho fraction of a second these on colored tullo hats are extrenieTy "tvHth
InirredlcntR tllRnnnnnrnrl nurl In fhnt und then there are innnca n,,i n,i.,i.,
js hard sauco ever mmStJop ,!!h,',' ,,l!Ilch "f, rosei. nl ono
ii . sine, loques aro tho prova! inir stvla of
all woro permitted hat, perhaps, but there are hats wltlt tinted
Charles II. In that reign the manners wcro prehenslva annreciatlon of tin. llirnltv nt
much tho B.imo as they wcro at tho French inbor on the part of both.
court, .eit uwynne tost l..uuu o her rival. Afl fter al, ,he
thj duohess of Cleveland, nnd In ono year
lost upward of 00,000, which tho king paid.
There had nover been known ei much gam
bling among women as was carried on In
re seems to have been no
time in the history of our country when our
women were not good housekeepers, and thu
hclpkfj creature who lolled nil day in tho
that reign. After tho duchess of Maznrln, ,,,"K r?3, n"J 1 1,1 nl ,now k't(:htn
nlcco of the cardinal, had lost 1,000,000 sho
died In nbsoluto wnnt.
Tho acknowledged queen of American
flourishing. A religious body of New York h?s women gamblers war Ljnr.u Paqulta, who
thu uci: costume fur uku tiiol'ssrac.
existed only In tho Imagination of tho third-
rate novelist who created her.
The happy, healthy, normal girl of tho ,, ,."
period In tho United States hud always ' papcclai'ly
appeared tho most dellclou
paten, for after the lesson
to eat ot tho good things. brims, h.its with ,bcll crowns niid hats 'with
Tho salmon cutlets were a beautiful golden ' L?i?...,,,1icE?wns,i,lt 11 ,,,,,kil ''"'H of
brown, with. not a trace of grease about
them nnd wcro quite ns palatnblo as they . laco upplhiiic on straw aro especially ui-ettv
.... I foiif llrou ,.f 11,, . ....... ...mi.. ! 1
were preiiy.
"Tho lessons that havo been given have all
been Interesting and enjoyable," said one of
tho ladles, "but I think I enjoyed learning
to truss a fowl moro than niiythlng else."
Somo members of tho class thought that
candy making was tho best time, nnd others
wero fondest of salads nnd chafing dish les
sons, but all agreed that it was not only fun
to learn to cook, but that tho Interest In
creased from day to day and that tho poet
who said "Ood sends good meat, but tho
devil sends cooks" did not know what he
was talking nbout. After tho cooking les
son was over tho dish washing began and
while tho Hosmer hall girls do not object
to this In tho least the members of tho
grown-up class regard it as a great bore.
Two ladles work together, one washing tho
dishes while tho other wipes them
order is changed at tho next lesson
thine is left ln spick nnd span order and
tho ladles tako as much prldo ln tho work
nfter It Is done as tho mistress of tho kitchen
nt home.
1'rlllH of I'llHlllOM.
Khnkl Is the latest English shade In fash
iotmblc stationery.
Dellcato pastel effects tako the lead
among fashionable spring colors.
One revival of fashion Is tho white tullo
bow worn at the back of tho neck of light
silk theater waists.
Laco boleros with lilnck velvet ribbon run
thrnugn them are a userui ns wen us ei
fertlve addition to the bodice needing a
fresh touch.
rown and silver-gray mixtures nro
. fi, Mhlntui till iiirionir tucket nnd
known vory nearly as much unon the still- nkirt costumes of Scotch tweed and IJiicIIkIi
Ject as her English and Ocrman couslna, Cheviot, mndo ready for spring shopping and
but the young girl of today has tho nd- , , earl uff llttnns f(.
vantage, for While she ls learning practical wash waists are tho crocheted cuff links,
cooking Bhe Is learning It In a scientific The white ones are of cotton iiihV will wash
way and knows not only thnt sho makes a'Uiors'o'r "silk 'rhcr thr In bhuk
soda biscuits with sour milk and cream ot , ,.lcU velvel ri,,,,on , mirrow wllUhs is
tartar biscuits with sweet milk, but sho strikingly In evidence on many "f the new
knows the chemistry of the nrncess nml ov. gowns, intlie form or stratum, nanus
plains Just why certain formula is necessary
in cither case.
Tho cooking class was! visited ono day
last week and a very Interesting and In
structive visit It proved to be. A light,
rosettes of lattice work designs forming tho
vest, a portion of tho sleeve, or p 'Kslble fnli
shaned divisions on tho lower half of tho
Some of tho pretty fob chnlns women nro
wearliiir tlicsn lava nre mnile of si-ni'iibs. n
row of them pendant, tho last a llttlo larger
hrtnht rnnm ! tlMoil nn with iflhlrs. running than the others for the fob Itself. The
. " ,i.,... .,1.1.1, ,i, ,i,,t scarabs are in d ITerent colored stones and
lengthwise, upon which are tho llttlo gas tl)p lllt0 onanB Hr(, vory pretty.
stovca used In cooking. At ono end Is n Mercerized canvas and cotton grenadines,
largo rango- with ovon. In which tho bak- treated with the same alkali solution, add
tmr i iinnn Tnh ntnen Kh n drnwer in variety to the extcnslvo array of COttnn
Ing s done. Lach place hits a drawer, in (,rC4JB fnbrl Tnpy nn t.iu...k,Ml, Hir,,,.d r
which aro kept all tho spoons, knives, forks, covered with waved lines of varying soft
features of the new mlljinerv.
Tnlk Alio nt Women,
Mrs. Grant Allen, widow of the novelist
Is about to open a bookshop in the London
AVcst Knd.
Miss Elizabeth G. Jordan, the new editor
of Harpers Hussar, began her lltomrv career
as a reporter attaehtd to the local ftuff of a
New ork dnlly.
Tho widow of Hcnjamln Wood and her
sister and daughter havo assumed cut lie
ontrol of the New York Daily News and
will hereafter edit and publish P.
The University of Edinburgh has de. bled
to confer the LL.D ilegree on Miss Kleanor
Ormond. who -will lie tho llrst woman to re.
ceive that honor from tills university.
,..'?,(,ly ''''K.he, who girded on tho duke or
Wellingtons sword at the ball before th.
battln of Waterloo. Is dead. Tho dukes
sword, It appears, was Tinned on.
shlng tho . Mrs. Theodoio Roosevelt's present trio to
, nnd the Cuba Is not her llrst one. She was there
. Kvcry- KO,mo llre,c years ago and obtained a kn . wl
,r1nr nnd "Ka of tho, "."' hbolit Santiago which
nun ui. cuii.Hiiieriiuio use i ncr liusliniul.
Miss Annlo Peek, the woman moiiiit.iln
ellmbor, wears in her trips above the clouds
a man's suit of duck canvas with Icgglns of
the same, material and stout boots of tho
regulation mountaineer description. I
Miss Mnrgnret Ingnlls. clerk of the Ken
tucky house of representatives. Is the only
oillccliolder In that state who Is untrouliled
by present, political dispute's there With
nuu iicci unci nas nvoicieii ueing mixed (n
the mess. Is Identified with neither faction
and Is supported by nil.
The wlfo of General Jonliert la n utili
tarian. Tho story is tdd of her thut when
sho was In Amsterdam a few years ago a
friend took crcnt nlcnsum In uh,,n-i,. i,.
the Hue collection of pewter In tho big HlJUs
museum. Her only comment wns: "Good
to rnuko bullets of." .She ought to bo a
Dr. Harriet Keating of New York has
made a speech before the members of the
Society for Political Study, In whh h she
declines Unit polygamy has not lowered the
physical or mental qualities of the M iiiiitm
or their moral tone. This declaration, she
says, applies also to tho Mormon women
who aro as happy as women elsewhere.
"Hciauso a girl's father happens to b
well olf financially ls no reason why she
shnild not have a business training," suvs
tho famous Hetty Green. Mrs. Green might
havo gone farther and said that If the
father Is well enough off for the girl to
marry a foreign nobleman a business train
ing is Imperatively necessary, whllo a pro
llclency in alliletics would not bo amiss.
Miss Fannlo Davis, tho celebrated plunlst.
does not believe In devoting too much of
inc uay to practicing. Kho says that more
than four hours of this makes a pianist a
machine and not an artist Neither does
she make even this a dally Institution, for It
Is her Invariable hatilt to spend at least two
in 'nttis of the year in absolute Idleness
One Hotile I orrrn Dnl CDn A' Lcndlne
Docs U. LQE.IU UU1, UUU Mluiia anici
A Skirt af Ilcanty la n .Toy rarprrr,
nn. t. pb M.v untritAim'.s oiim:ntai,
C.S KeillOTP Tim. llnmU
Freckles. Jloth. P.itclie
v ttnsh ami skin ills.
SU'ieasus. . "nil ovorr
rUf tiloiiilsli on beauty.
f.iu, iii'in-n cieieo
tlon It lmi stood
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and Is so hartiilem
we t.iBte It to bo
sum it Is nroperly
mado. Accept n
counterfeit or nlml-
car name Dr. Ij.
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i inly of ill" li.iut-tan
m natlctiti a,i mn
bniles will lino
t'-em I recuinmrtiicl
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1 do not believe there
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lieved nt onco nnd.
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Mr. !:. 1) Skelt-.ii n tc legr.iih opera
tor of Fremont, N i . nm. "1 bad
piles for eight orfi ami tl so bad I
nd to unit work I ir.iwb 1 up to tho
drug si' re part of the w.iv on my
hands and knees nml ,i pin huge of
It, and was nlile to work In three cluys.
1 have never In 1 1 troubled since.
Sold in in it lilt li KiiIiii A Co.,
.1. II, Schmidt and II. II. (iriiliiiiu.
In Solllli OiiiiiIiii li.v At. A. Dillon
nml till cIimiuuInIk.
Ad Sense
"I read It overy month, from cover to
cover," say thousands of bright bushiest
men throughout tho country. They pay
for Ad Sense nt tho regular pric e, $1.00 a
year; send 10 cents - stumps or coin
for a sample copy to Ad Sense, S3 Fifth
Avii., Chicago.
Thousands of Women's Letters.
Griswold, Mo., Dec 31, 1899.
This is to certify that I have used Wine of Cardui and found it to be a great medicine. I was so weak
I could hardly do my cooking. After reading about the Wine of Cardui I got one bottle and before I used it,
I felt better than I had for a long time. I think it is the best medicine made for women. I can't make my
statement about it too strong. ELLEN ROBINSON.
We receive thousands of just such earnest letters ns this one every year. They come every (lay from every part of
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qualities iu the strongest terms. What better evidence could he produced of the merit of this great medicine than is
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felt for years. No wonder she says "you can't make my statement about it too strong." The same bimnle means that
brought about this remarkable change nre within the reach of every woman in this city. Wine of Cardui will do just us
much herens it did in Griswold, Mo. It will bring just us much happiness to your home ns to the hundreds of thousands
to which it has gone. Wine of Cardui accomplishes such far reaching results, because it is so fccientifically ndapted to
the menstrual nml trenerativeortrans from which renllvnll of women's sickness comes. Tnkcn into the system it ilistnutlv
n ..VI - .. 1 1 . .1 , ' . . 1 1 . . 1 Urt. ..... . 1 '1.fc
nun iu iut iuuiui me iiuuiuc in iuu ucucaie, uiuicieu organs uuu corrects me tnuicuiiy mere, iuui
means complete relief from falling of the womb, leucorrha-a nnd nil menstrual aches, pains nnd irregu- ir jsHtiRFEVi
lunwta. in iruumcs ure completely eradicated wuen me icminine organs nre muue strong aim
ucaiiny. wiucoi varuui was oone mis won: over ami over more man n million times, itwilluoai
much lor you, if you will get n f i.oo bottle from your druggist's to-day and take it as directed.
All Druggists Sell Wine of Cardui.