The Omaha Sunday Bee. 9 PAGES 13 TO 24. EDITORIAL SHEET. p ESTABLISHED JTJE a 9, 1&71. The Leading Dress Goods House of the West ow4WffifflftoW. Dress Goods at Wholesale and Retail. Our Block is now complete, every weave made for the Bpring of 1900. Every color that is up-to-date, etc. All the new pastel shades in plaids, B.niin liberty cloth, Venetians, etc. llmiiHsmins are the most stylish fabric of the season, cheviots, bour nttHH and all rough goods used for fHRhionable tailor suits, etc. Drap do . , ! f' ..,1 tnli Jitos, prunellas, liberty cloths and all me eaun uucu rics for either' tailor or dress buits, otc. Black Dress Goods Homespuns 62-ln. strlrtly nil wool, In nil shades of grnye, browns, Oxfords, etc.. fS-ln. Homespuns, extra, heavy In six shades of Krays and Oxfords 68-ln. Zlbcllno Homespuns, In nil tlio Kroys, modes, creams, etc 60-ln. extra flno Home spuns, made of tho finest Dot nny wool, sponged, etc fiO-ln. extra heavy double warp Homespuns, shrunk, sponged and ready for tho needle, to bo made up with out linings. If necensary, nt $2.23, 2.I10, $3.50, J 1.50. i;o nt . Venetians, fil-ln. wide, ex tra line, all wool goods, la dark colors only 62-ln. Venetians, extra flno Fatln finish; goods fiat usu nlly bring $50 yd. Mondny only 61-ln. Venetians, cxtrn high finish, In all tho grays, tans, modes and st.mlo colore, for spring of 1900 r2-ln. French, Uarml, an extra fine fabric resembling a flno whipcord, but with a lustrous satin finish, never on the market bo fore J Plaids, bo much In fnvor for separate Bklrts, In nil tho now pastal shades, as well oh all the stnplo shades, in Qflc to mgn art goons, ai use, si.-a, $1.50, $1.03, $2.50 to $3.9S... cheap dress goods dept. Hnlf-wool plaids, half-wool Bergen, half wool cash tnercs, rtc Bilk wool and cotton novelties, new dc signs, flno Zthcllno worsted jilaldH and other novoltleB, worth up to 35c 31-ln Homespuns, 36-ln. worsted Plaids, 3fl-in. Cashmeres, 42-ln. ser ges, '42-ln. black Novelties und other goodB 75c 98c 1.25 1.50 2. 25 to 4.50 1.25 i twill, flno 1.50 i flnlsh, In all 250 tra fine fabric but with a 1.98 OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKNING, MA'HCII 18, 1000. NIGHT MESSAGE. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. -INCORPORATED- 21 OOO OFFICES IN AMERICA- CABLE SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD. 3.98 II'T. 10c 5, new dc- 19c ited Plaids, 25c flnurtald's. Sir Titus Salt's nnd all the leading manufac turcrs of tho world. Black Crepons, 40-ln. wide Ulack Crepons, 46-ln. wide Illack English Plcr olas Ulack Silk Top Mato lafsc Illack Crepons, new styles Black Novelties, high grade Illack Crepe de -4 QQ Chine .Z7KJ Courtald's Crcpo de Chi no Ulack Silk and Wool Oron a dine nrcnndtno Novelties, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00. Illack Dress Patterns, each, from 700 pieces of Wool Challls, In all the dots, stripes figures, etc., 1900 up-to-dato goods, sold everywhere at ACkr frnm 69b to 76c. only Silk stripes In all the new-designs Silk plcot stripes, most beautiful do slgns ever shown U-Jv- French Flannels, In all the new and dcl- lcato shades In iCkc nlaln T7- French Flannels In embrol dcrcd dots Lausdowne for evening dresses for waists, for linings, for accordion pleating, etc., In 72 new snrlne shades, at $1.25 per yard. Wo control Lansdowno for Omaha. We carry tho largest lino of evening shades in this western country. Baptlstcs, Nuns' Veilings, Albatrosses, Henriettas, Mo hairs, Droadcloths, Bedford Cords, etc. This Company TRANSMITS and D 13 LIVERS messages only on conditions limiting Its llnblllty, which havo been assented win tint Imlil linnlf llnliln for prrnrw or delnVH In transmission or delivery of I MIKl'u ATl-,1) MGIll air.SHAlH-.s, soni ni rtuui. p ratV. beyond ii Mini equnYo en tlmestho nnwinit paid for transmission; nor In uny caso when tho claim is not presented In writing within thirty dnys after the message. Is tiled with the Company for transmission. -.tnin, nnovi. This Is mi L'NREI'EATED NIQHT .MESSAGE, and Is delivered by request of tho sender, under the conditions nwe named. TIIOS. T. IICKIIIIT, President nnd C.pnrrnl .Mummer. RECEIVED at 212 South 13th Street, Omaha, Neb. 470 Oh Mk Sd 29 paid uite MchlG-1900 1012 p Boston Mass 16 Haydon Bros Have purchased tho Nay lor Orookor and Young stock for forty two cents on dollar. It is tho finest retail shoo stock in now England and will invoice soventy three thousand dollars. L. L. Thomas 49c ...75c ...98c 1.25 .1.50 .1.98 .1.98 2.75 .175 $3 to $7 $25 to $75 ,75c The noovo telcgran from our buyer now in .Boston explains Itself. This lmmenso shipment will noon be here and go on In tho meantlmo wo will close out tho thousands of pairs flno shoes now on hand from our former big purchases, regard- Beginning Monday tho Big Storo will bo headquarters for snoo bargains. sale. less of cost or value. 98c MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Our sample of spring dross goods are now ready, and nny lady sending for und picking out a drqis from samples sent will get tho most llbernl deal ever glvon by any houso on her dress. To these) ladles who havo sont In her coupon and havo not received her samples yet will get thorn somo day this week, ns the number of orders were so largo we were unable to fill on fast as received. EARLY OPENING MILLINERY DISPLAY. Ihaydehs Handsomest Millinery Parlors The great Millinery department ononed for spring Alonday, luesday, will be Wednes- " " . .11. AXn dav. Kxquisito spring miuinery siyies u mo- .xi,.r.ri a lnwinrr i. ini rare uiemuiuo u.uu. u,w-i- sivenes's that appeals to every lady of taste. In connection with our own unapproacnauiu styles will be shown tho choicest models ot such noted Parisian designers as Felix, Oarlier, lie beaux. lleitz-Boyer, Camille Roger, Esther Meyer and Ponyanne. Everything will be arranged so you can se cure a comprehensive idea of the correct Millinery styles for 1900. We Call Special Attention at this time to our magni ficent profusion of styles in ready-to-wear Street Hats for early spring. All chic and charming designs in all tho becoming shapes and priced remarkably low. Draperies and Carpets Wo havo tho largest lino of now patterns at prices that cannot be duplicated any where on the samo class of gooods. New lino ot Rope Portieres, all new styles, at $1.76, $2.00, $2.50 and up. Hamlsune Tapestry Portieres, long throwover fringe, satin finish, at $3.50. Extra heavy Tapestry Portieres, damask aud ottoman weaves, all the late colorings, worth $7.00 und $8.00, on sale at $4.50 and $5.50 per pair. Chenille Portieres, full line of colors, at $1.C5 per pair. Dainty RuIHed Muslin Curtains nt 65c. Rullled Curtains, In bobblncts and plain nets, new, up-to-date styles, on ssle at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Nottingham Curtnlns In an endless variety, from 7o up. Tho opening of tho carpot season finds us bottor prepnred than ever to offer you tho btst selections nnd lowest prices. We bought oarly, before the advance, and wo vail you tho new goods nt the old prices. Best nil wool Ingrnln Carpets, now goods, at 63c. j Somo dropped patterns of best all wool Ingrain at 55c. A Btrlctly All Wool Curpet. medium weight, for 45c. Now patterns in Brussels Carpets, 48c. Extra qunllty Brussels nt 63c. Axmluster Carpet on salo at 85c. Wo sell tho American Grass Twlno Carpets and Rugs. These are the most sanitary, linndsomo nnd durnblo low priced floor covering made. Something that will pay you to Investigate. Wash Dress Goods HAYDEN'S nro showing every thing new In Wash Goods. HAYDEN'S havo tho BIGGEST VARIETY from which to choose. HAYDEN'S havo every quality the low, me dium nnd costly. HAYDEN'S show more Novelties thnn any other storo. HAYDEN'S prlco tho goods as they should be. HAYDEN'S Is the satisfactory store In which to buy. 5,000 pes. ot new light nnd dark Per cale, yd. wide tho best grade made 12 Wo yd. 250 HtylcH In the colebrated Punjab Shirting Percales, full yd. wldo .. 15c yd. r,0 stvlcs finest English Shirtings.. 19c yd. 150 styles Uncut lmportod Irish Dim ity, figured nnd plain 23c yd. satin. strlpo uimiwcs, ueauu SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. The Big Silk Dept. Offering the most and tho biggest bargains for Monday's sale specials in every kind of bilk .lailetas, batins, J'ou lards, Fancv Waist Silks, Now Hlack Grenadines and many others. Tho Winslow Taffeta sold exclusively by llayden Bros, for Omaha. Wp have In our poeslon contract by which wc were given control of this fa- rnnii. llk for tho cltv of Omiih.1. Wo havo statements from mills or n very receiu date to tho effect that no other Omaha denier can becuro this grand silk, nevertheless other Mores who even but a short while ago denied tho existence of wituiow inneia nro now claiming to sell this same silk. You know that imitation U tho slucorost ot flattery. Now other manufacturer hnvo Imitated tho AUnslow and outer stons nre selling the Imitation ns the genuine Wlnnlow. They havo even imitated our price, thn nnmo in slnmned on the genuine Winslow. look for name. SPECIAL IN KOUIiAHDS l'OR MONDAY In threo lots you find tho very best qualities. FOULARDS in 24-lnrh width pretty patterns, nn excellent silk- worth up to S3c, for KOULARDS In Cheney Bros.' fine grades-nil new shades- worth $1.00, for CHENEY DUOS' BEST FOULARDS sold $1.25 nnd $1.50 now Persians and ull tho latest styles, for BIO VALUE IN NOVELTIES AND FANCY SILKS FOR WAISTS -Plaids. checks, brocades, cords, lnco effects, Persians, novel grenndlncs, cropo do chlno, plain nnd changeable taffetas, many silks worth up to ii.Mi. an go in BIO LOT OF PLAIN AND FANCY SILK to closo out-nll go In one lot on bargain square nt, only AMONG OUR LEADING SPECIALS FOR MONDAY'S SALE YOU FIND Plain China Silks, nil colors Plain Satins all colors OA- Whlto Wash Silk yard wide, nt O1- nt Plain Taffctas-24-lnch wide. OtfTI Brocade Lining Silk nt OVC at ON BLACK TAFFETA competition dare riot name prices 59c 75c stripes, 39c 22c 49c 19c MONDAY A BIG SALE ns low ns we do. MONDAY A BIO SALE ON BUCK JAPANESE WASH SILK. MONDAY A BIG SALE ON BLACK DRESS SILKS-nt n great reduction. Mall orders solicited, for -wo know thnt wo save you monoy by taking ndvnntngo of tho many special sales items. Buy by mall onto and you buy by mail nlways. Hardware, Stoves and ElouseturnsshiEig Dept. 10 (it-cut Uui-Kulns. This Week Only. Flowers and Trimmings. Evorvthinc dainty and desirable,, tJinds generous representation' here- There is not a handsomer or more complete line ot these 'goods anywhere in America. Wft cnrdmllv invite vou to visit this department Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday and see this grand display if wnriri choicest millinery in its beautiful frame- work of Drapery and Flowery Arches. $27.00 ItiuiKC, like out, IfU' SMJHI Hlovo, llki -u, JIO.BO. o- tisLofc "Sllljlifjfoy TSWfV b niinrt (Srniiltc, lOr. 10 qt. Criuiltr, a:tc. J f '-A lO dunrt Ciraiiltf, ::. n -Z (it. (i ran lie, lt)r. (irnnll.', Tie Flannel Department 2 cases Bonnlo Doon flannel, 23 Inches wide, beautiful patterns, per yard, 8V6C, worth 12',jc 1 caso Ramonn fleeced flannel, In fancy stripes, per yard, 10c, worth llic. 20 pieces doublo fold dress flannel, per yard, 25c, cheap at 40c. 2 cases black and whlto and ox 1)103(1 twill Hblrtlng, absolutely fast color, per yard, 10c. , 1 caso pink, blue and cream baby flannel por yard, 8V4c, regular price, 12c, 2 ensra best feather ticking, per yard, 10c, 12'c and IGc. 2 cases Claxton and Sunbeam chovlots, per yard, 84c 1 ease extra heavy Shanor flannel, per yard, 6c. 4 castB 20-Inch wide light and dark True- ,.. iJ SOc yd .vi,U in satin Btrlno Glng- ! wort" outing flannel, per yard, Ccj cheap haml 25c yd. nt 8ic Silk Madras. In plain colors nnd ) tjxtra good cotton flannol, per yard, 4Hc; fancy wnlat stripes dc y' All colors In tho finest grndo Mous- sollno de Solo 45e yd. Elegant Scotch Ginghams In tho new waist styles l n.xiiiiifiil Dimities In the lnteat cheap at 7c. Books The Big Linen and Domestic Department New "bargains on sale Monday. Just opened 50 dozen extra largo and extra heavy Unbleached Turkish Towels, 23c each, or i dozen. 100 dozen large size Un bleached Turkish Towels, 15o each. $1.73 doz. 200 dozen full bleached Turkish Towels, good size, 10c each, or $1.20 doz. SO dozen extra heavy full bleached Turkish Towels, 20c each or $2.25 doz. 25 dozen Turkish Bath Mats or Hugs, In light colors or dark, hnndiomo patterns to select from, 50c and $1 each. Turkish Toweling, by yard, bleached, 15c and 25c yd. Bleached Turk ish wash rags, 5c each. All these aro bar galnu to be had at Haydcn's. Flvo pieces fiO-lnch cream color Damask, ....i,,,! m 2Kb vard. well worth 40c. 10 piece CG-lnch full bleached Damask, was 60e, reduced to 50c yd. 72-Inch cream Damask, 60c, fio nnd 75c yd. You can't afford to pass tho Big Store If you nTo In need of Tablo Linen. Here is whero they carry tho assortment to plrk from, nnd here Is whero they make tho low prices. The Ulg Storo ror Art l.incns. Linen 30, 10, 45, 51 nnd 72-Inch wldo, nil widths and prices. Big lino of fronting linens, waist linen, pillowcase linen and linen sheeting. The best and largest white crochet Bed Spread for $1 you find at Hay iinn'a. Havo vou seen Ilnyden's K." Bed Spread nt $1.98? Everybody goes to tho Big Storo for Whlto Dress Goods, line Imported Mulls, Lawns and Organdies, plain and fancy I'. K.'s, Lawn strlpea and checks. India Llnon and Lawns. Just opened 5 cases of '-Imperial" Long Cloths, 10c. 12V4c. 13e, ISc, 20c and 2oo yaru. This Is tho finest long cloth manufactured. Bowaro of Imitation, tho genulno Is stamped "IMPERIAL" on each piece; lhivilnn's. Lonsdale, Fruit bleached Muslin, on Monday, sutta bleached, 10c yd Hen's Furnishings 2 cases men's flno Jersey ribbed shirts and drawers, made to sell at 50c, on sale at 20c. Men's 76c medium weight underwear at 15c. Men's 35c ties, In tecks and four-ln-hand, at 15c. $1.50 men's flno laundered shirts, In all tho latest colors and styles, at 75c. 25c suspenders at 16c. 60c suspondera at 25c. 20c men's hoso at 10c. 60c worklnc shirts at 35c. Men's $1.00 kid gloves at 4Dc. 75c colored laundered shirts at 45c. Furniture. colors and designs mc yu-1 Linen Ginghams In tho now wnlst I stripes 3j6 y'1' D.OOO styles in line Ginghams, nil sorts ot patterns 10c yd. i AT LINING DEPT. MONDAY. f,0 pes. Wiuhaulo Silk Taffeta, In pluln shades, for skirtings nnd fancy Silk Lining; n 75c rloth for. 39c yd. Ulack Mercerized 3C-ln. Sateen for pettlcoatB; special prlro Monday.. 19c yd. All Mall Orders Promptly Filled. All tho Ntoek of Captain Charles W. KIur'h copyright Books, worth $1.50, on slo Monday, only 19c. 6,000 60c, 12 mo. Books, 19c. This offer Is for ono day only, nnd Ihla lot comprises tho works of tho best authors. 23c Novels, "lie. Special salo on Fountain Pens. for Bale at and Hill's T'.io yd. Warn- Half-bleached mus- lln 7c. 7e and J-ac. i.i., ynrn wmo Brown Sheeting, 4M-C yd. 6-4 Brown Sheet ing, 13Vic yd. 5-4 Sheeting, 10c. 8-1 bleached Atlantic. 22e. i bleached At lantic. 25c yd. 9-4 Brown Sheeting as low ns 1213o yard. Gut Jewelry Prices SncMnl salo on Rogers' Bros, eelobrated "1847" silver-plated ware. Tho best in tho world. Lay in your supply now. 100 dozen Knives and Forks, in Vesta, fancy designs and plain, dinner or dessert, salo price, per sot, $3.25. 30 dozen Dessert Spoons, in Vesta, Co lumbia and Berksblro finish, all tho finest patterns, salo price, por set, only $1.75. 60 dozen Tea Spoons, In tbo Berkshire, Columbia and Vesta designs, tho very best made, salo price, per set, 95c. Dessert Forks, in. special designs, salo prico, only, per sot, $1.75. A handsome showing of Butter Knives, Rogers Bros.' best goods, sale prlco 35c. Coffco Spoons, In the best designs, salo price, only, per set, 95c. Sugar Shells, In every stylish pattern, sale price, only 35c. Renumber, the above quotations are on tho best mako In the world. Seo our great stock of Sliver Goods and the spoclnl prices wo aro now making on them. Got our prices on anything In tho Jowelry line. 25 pounds sugar for $1.00. Fresh roaBted peanuts, per quart, 2c. 25c Java nnd Mocha coffee, per lb 1214c High patent Minnesota flour, per sack, 85c. 2-lli. pkgs. Breakfast Oats, only 5c. Wholo Japan rico, worth 10c lb., 5c. 3 nice, fat mackerel for 10c. Boneless codfish, worth 1216c lb., 8 l-3c. Now Santa Clara prunes, per lb., 5c. Largo 18-oz. Jura mustard and horserad ish, worth 20c, Saturday only sc. Celery relish, por bottle, only Sc. Basket fired Jnpan ten, per lb., 25c. Tea dust, per lb., 1714c, Broken Java nnd Mocha, por lb., 914c, Now evaporated apples, worth 15c, only 914c. 1-lb. cans puro baking powder, 9V4c. Shredded cocoanut, por lb., 20c. Gallon enns apples, worth 33c, only 23c. Bed Blankets 2 cases Audubon Mtrn soft white cotton bed blankets, at pair, GOc; worth 90c. 3 cat-cs fancy cotton bed blankets, at pair, 75c; cheap t $1.00. 65 pairs 72xSl 5-lb. nil wool gray whlto nd fancy plaid bed blankets, at pair, $3.50 worth $4.76. 35c and 50c 15c Monday we will sell 1,000 dozen sample handkerchiefs, each 1 on a card, worth 35o and 60c, at 15c each, 35c Laces for 6c yard. 00c Dresaer Scarfs it 19. Sheet Music Leaders In sheet music and books; nil tbo very latest music 10 ue uau is aiwnys on band and sold at greatly reduced prices. Call and seo our elegant lino of 10c, 15c and 25o sheet music on salo Monday. Every thlnK in tho newest darkey songs, cake walks, waltzes, marchm, etc. New Drug Prices AVIno of Cardul. C9c. Hayden's Sursaparllla, 43c. Haydcn's Celery, with Kolu, 13c. Hood's Sarsaparllla, 09c. Palno's Celery Compound, 69c. Dr. Miles' medicines, 75c. Swamp Root, 40o und 76c. Dr. Plerce'H medicines, C9c. Plnkham'a Compound, C9c. Qulnlno capsules, 2-gr 6c doz, Qulnluo capsules, 3-gr., 8c doz, Ayer's Hair Vigor, C5c. Espy's Cream, 15c. Malvlna Cream, 35o. Allen's Tooth Paste, 15c. H. H. Soap, 10c. Butter and Cheese Something new in iron lokung beds. This new invention promises to revolu tionize the folding' bed business of the world. Anyone can see at a glance the extreme practicability of the new device. It has all tho advantages of any folding bod and none of its drawbacks. It is the most comfortable folding bed, because the combined steel slats, tempered springs and woven wire fabrics, adjust themselves to every position and motion of the body. It iS the safest folding bed, because it has no weights. It it IS tllC Cleanest folding bed because it has no cracks or crevices. It is the most sanilarv foldinn bed, because whether open or - - - " - - Fniicv Elcln creamery butter, per lb.. 20c, Separator creamery, very tine, per lb., (.Wed. the ail' fl'eelv circulates tlirOUgll it. iBHH'.'i;. Fancy full cream chcepc, per lb., 12V4C, .Fresh Neufchatel cream cheese, 2'4c. Imported Swiss cheese, per lb., 25c. Ohio Swiss, por lb., 12'c, 14c and 10c. Monday's Grand KHeat Sale No. 1 California bams, 7V4c Boneless cottago ham, 10c. Best new bologna, 4?ic fi-lb. palls best brand lard, 37c. 10-11). palls beat brand lard, 74c. 20-lb. palls best brand lard, $1.43. Fancy lean pickled pork. 7',4c. No. 1 skinned hams, 11c. German summer Bausage, 7V4c Fresh pork sausage, CV4c. Crockery Economy Wo havo received two cars hotel ware, eo wo can now supply our patrons with ov orythlng in this line. Flower vases, opal glaBS, handsomely dec orated In delicate tints and spray decora ilnn thr vprv Intpfth lii nnnl claKswaro tho only place In town you can get theso hand porno vases, for 12 cents. Crystal ollvo dishes, worth 10c, for 4c. Extra flno crystal covered butters, 8V4c Heavy crystal water pitchers, worth 35e, at 19c. Crystal borry dishes, each lV4c Elegant crystal orango bowls, worth 2Sc, for 15c. Tumblers, flro polished, sold everywhere for 2'4c, our prlco 2c. HAYDEN BROS. It is the most desirable folding bed, because it is made of stool, firmly riveted and braced. It is furthermore easy to handle and operate. Wo are showing these bedB at $10. 50, 11.75, 14 and 622.50. We havo lust received an entirely new line of fine oxton sion tables, and -would like you to come and seo them. The Bicycle Dept. of Hay den Bros. ) Wait for opening April 1. During tiTo quiet month of winter we contracted for Bicycles by tho rarload of on of tho most rcputablo manufacturers ut from $9.00 to $17.00 per Bleyelo luss thun regular dealers' prices. Theso nro fully guurunteed, tho same na Bicycles that aro hold for $50.00 and $75.00, not only by tho manufacturers, but by ourselves. Wo offer tho 1900 Carnival Bicycle, with Al cnawcl frame, regular CO-day guar anteed tires, ndjustablo handlobara and paddod saddle with metal huso, for $10.95. Bet ter yet. llayden Bros.' union Bicycle, having construction nnd lines equnl to n $50.00 Blcyclo nnd tho best aud highest priced equipments. Your choico of Morgan & Wright, Defender. Hortford or No. 400 Diamond tires, Kelly or Frederick udjustublo handle bnrB. Wheeler, Sager or Hunt saddles, tho genuine Baldwin chain and Kccord pedals, for $25.00. Wo havo also secured tho agency for threo of the best high grado HncB of Bicycles made, including the best Chalnless Bicycle, und ask you to notice tho announcement we will make later. Wall Paper and Paints Tbo opening of tho wall-paper season llnds us crowded with the newest designs. Prices nro lower than over, despite tho great ad vance In tho factories, as our orders were placed early ond In Immense quantities. Wi will sell tho famous Noxall ready mixed paints, guaranteed tho IkjhI on tho market, for 9&o per gnllon for ono more week. This Is your lust chunco to sccuro this paint at that prlco, its It has advanced 25 por cent, Varnishes, brushes, stains, en amels und room moulding ull at reduced prices. Big Sale on Cereal Foods Puro Barloy, worth Co lb., 3 lbs. for 10c. Split or green peas, 3 lbs. for 10c. Pearl hominy or Hake, 3 lbs, for 10c. Now Lima beans, worth 10c, 4 lbs, for 25c Now Peurl or Fluke tapioca, per lb., 6c. Now Italian Farina, worth 10c, only 6c, 3 pkgs, fancy cornstarch for JOc. 100b. nucks puro graham flour, 16c. 10'lb. tacks pure buckwht-at, aly 19c.