8 One of Nebraska's OMAHA ILLUSTRATED J$EE. Mnrch 18, 1000. ncalc, COO acres being planted for tho first crop. Ilia experiments wore so successful that a company was soon organized to build gy 4. "I" J a a sugar factory and tho splendid now plant iTlCdL 1 1 1 LI II Siri t nt Ames Is tho tnnRlblo result of his untlr A 1 VIM. OH. XV O K cfrort8. Tho Sl,ln,,ar(, Cattlc company has been a boon to the farmers of Dodge Tho Standard Cattle company at Ames, Is a typical representative of one of tho most potent factors In tho dovelopoment of the west. Organized originally In Wyoming, whero it controlled two great ranches nnd at one tlmti .15,000 head of cattle, It fln.illy decided to move Into NebrnHkn, whero Its range stock could bo fed for tho markets. In 1SSG, 4,600 nrres of land In tho l'latte river valley, about fifteen miles west of Fremont, were purchased, ami many thou sand acres have since been leased in both Dodgo and Cherry counties. Tho head quarters of the company was located at Ames, a small station on the Union I'aclllc, and hero linmeriHo elevators, barns, sheds and feed yards have been built. Tho barns, which alone cost $55,000, nnd which are the largest and best arranged of any In the west, have a floor space of moro than 121,000 square feet and were Intended orlglnnlly to house 3,000 head of cattlo but the company hns handled sheep exten POU.V IM'SKINO MACHINE ON STAN' DA HI) CATTLE COMPANY FARM VOUNO HEItUFOIU) CATTLE-TI1OROU0 HHUEDS. slvely of lato years and the cattle have boon relegated to the feed lots. This great barn Is so arranged that tho feed may bo dis tributed to the troughs by means of small cars running on tramways through the building, and tho Honrs an 1 reed boxes nre frequently Mushed with wnter, which washoa away all refuse Into sewers which lead to tin river. With this arrangement tho barns are kept remarkably clean and 10,000 head of sheep can be fed In one hour. The company Is capitalized at $1,000,000, Its principal sto kholders being eastern men, wlili the exceptlcu of Mr. It. M. Allen, who li general manager nnd a thorough cattleman of many years' experience. Slncu Us establishment at Ames In 1XSU, this com pany has fed .'!, 500,000 bushels of corn, of which 7:i:i,000 bushels wero produced on Its own land. 11 employs from 150 to 250 men has paid out in wages over $020,000 moro than $18,000 In taxes. During time (ifi,7!2 head of cattlo havo been an average of more tlinn 1,000 encli year, and 10,11!0 fat hogs have been sent to market. In 1803 Mr. Allen began the culturo of sugar beets and like everything nttomptod by this compnny It was done upon a large county. ulTordlng them a ready markot for all surplus products, and tho sugar factory will add still moro to their material pros perity. Tho pulp from tho beets will be utilized as feed for cattlo and sheep so that ench Industry will supplement and aid the other. Iimt year the cattle company grew 1 ,t7 neres of beet upon its own farm nnd this year tho acreage will probably be about 3,000 The crop last year was Injured by floods In tho valley, but a drainage canal eight miles In length and with a number of lateral ditches hns been constructed, so that this danger bus been prnctlcally eliminated. Mr Allen's persistent efforts wero largely In strumental in securing this ditch, wlilMi was built by the county, and he had many dif ficulties to overcome bet. re the bonds wore finally voted, but no one now questions the benefit which It will ultimately bring to the entlro county. During the busy season last year nearly 800 people wero employed In the beet fields at one time and they moved ncross tho landscape in companies, bat talions and brigades. In fact tho labor problem nt Ames is becoming a serious mat ter and there Is room nnd profitable em ployment for several hundred farmers and their tnmlllcH In the Immediate vicinity of and and this fed, r Migrate.'. 4 HUNOIl OF HIOH OilADK DUUIIAMS. this enterprising nnd progressive little town. l'apa (after tho company has gone) Dorothy, why did you not obey mo when I spoko to you? Doiothy Oh! papa, I hated to before all those people! "cA Perfect Food" i '"Preserves Health" FEEDINO SHEEP IN TUB Oil MAT IVAHN. 1 1 ' w ' $ V ' "Prolongs Life" : BAKER'S : BREAKFAST : COCOA " Known the world over. , . . Received the highest in dorsements from the medical practitioner, the nurse, and the intelligent housekeeper and caterer," Dietetic anil Hygienic Gautte. Walter Baker & Go. Ltd. DORCHESTER, MASS. Established 1780. Trade-Mark I on Every Package COHNEIt IN FEED LOTS AT AMISS. 3 GAS LIGHT 15c A MONTH, Any V lit rr, lOOt'snJIe I'ourr unj LTOl 0M si A DAY SURE Above AttTOQ expenses nnd 11 Meaily job " w to good agents Mdllng our OaKollao I.anip. Needed every where. BKILLMU UlSUJIPCO., t:stte.St., C'hirafro. 7 05 FOUR FULL QUARTS T y EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID. WHISKEY GOLDEN TRUTH GjOLDENf If H Soun mash Thtm Whlmkoy Im abuolutoly puna. It Is good for medic inal as well as other purposes. Wheiever It has been Introduced It has been royally received. In order to prove It to you by actual ue wo of far It at co(-$2.05. We defy competition at this Ice WE ARE DISTILLERS. All our output Is distilled by our I oivn plant and every drop Is subject to our personal inspection I before it leaves our warehouse. In buying from urn you do away with tho middleman' profit. This accounts forotir low cost on the whiskey. If you don't think we save you nt least 50 per cent, on your purchase send the whiskey back ntourexpenseand we return the money. That wenre good forthlsofler you can ascertain through the Commercial Agencies oraiiy Chicago llank. 1 lnxt .cut Inimf illntf ly on rcrclpt or order. We ship In plain piuLugcu. MuUo Itcinlttunct. to M.R.DESPRES DISTILLING COI,03-,occcaAnGlc.u.ren81, r.S. Orders for Aril., Colo., Cat., Idaho. Montana, Ner., N. niux., jtv., uiau, iiuu., yoM oiu.i can lor ZQ quarts, ut trilk'lit. prepaid. lit. tosr.at.. Ilxprr. niillllln. (a. "Ill 4. . Ibfr .rt...tdltor. BEAR IN MIND THAT "THE GODS HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES." SELF HELP SHOULD TEACH YOU TO USE SAPOLIO For Three Fifty For three dollars and fifty cents we will sell you tho same identical shoe you havo always paid 5.00 and $0.00 for. They are tho celebrated ItKGENT $3.G0 SIIOKS and Include every known style nnd leather a shoe that Is made up In only the very best qunllty of material by n firm that gives their Individual attention to tho manufacture of men's shoes only. Shoes direct from the factory at factory prices that's the reason. THE REGENT SHOE CO. ir, Sou Hi I .-.Hi SI., Omnliii. Wrllc for llliiNtriileil ('iiIiiIiikiii I'ri't'. it THE Flit Basil i lad Scriwijr Nccki ire Oulckly Made I Round, Plump I and , Qrsctfot. BUM Uh BfcAUlY. (how to SECURE IT,) HUB 1 Plump 5 .tW f5rctfol. Mr M .tump. Co AililreM, FrCMHOntlnnrH rnnflilfintliil u ftAU MtDltmK CO.. cieveli ill iiuart'iiiiK iiiuh. . ruled licKik, which it) will nilill.lienleil n ii iiliiln envelope m nr the iikklnir. It f His plainest A iin be trans- W to ont of qimenly a Iwauty, u- i o r Ii nml A adnntlni. f lay encloH- In two cent ad, 0. f All the Lndlea Ent Gold Medal Chocolate Bon bons Djr bfrtii, 1, 2, X and M li on ml lioxea, r)Oo a iioniid ' W. S. Balduff. 1R20 Far ii am ft.. Omaha. thn tltln nf nn InterpKtlnirilluH. iruieu Ir for tells liow (without lliHUHeofdniKxlnnir limy may rofKenn n irfect unit attruct lvo HnurH. I'.ven Ins plainest npuro can lornieu I " " 1 WUN TOIIVI'.NOTUh: Woo.lt rful, Uriurloui 1 i 1 r1 I r'aaxmalln1 1 buk t..i i.l . . i.JL ARNICA TOOTH SOAP Ilcnutlde, eleiinwH.pre. (erven anil wlilleim Hie teeth, Htreiiuthi'MH the UUIK 1111(1 BHCCtl'IIK the realli. The World's Standard Dentifrice lor 30 years. IWI in a inlllliin llllllll'H. Put mi In iicnt anil handy Ixixcs-lhe Ideal t,ackui;e fur llm traveler. Nn iliixt. nn pnmler, no 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to aMc, nr In htaln nrKnllmiruii'iitK. Ure at ull llriitftfl.ts. . II. ST!!IM!IO..I'rfl., tlilragu. Hi., a. ; . viuttiil. 4 HW.H j nv to ixcoma k i i riaOTI'T M lb( jou can tie rt q IrrttniitW nfliMa-otr olhtn Cel. trawJ I ait o tan tout ltbot,bichrDtbljou tulln uutlMllikK iilJCHTKita, MK'oTrMtol Uufhtoulj ty 'toDiitilDf fetu ftttj pro-Iuet funt.j tklup You ran (Its (ntmilnmtotl tti'l mtki tnonj (liiTirti Etltl Am i..i.V..it. i . ,f: i iiii i.ihi in'i'iuT. mu4 ism-rit) in ma ivmi ' i l I tii I " iri luirinira iw icfti.fi jwtitti lu.uii ill), Coctinottilnf loflnl out II ftUn L I Mn-t my Urrv, tUrtnllf UluitriM LEBBON n.1 full -rtieuUrt FREEt R iiiiotlunltT ff IIMlni. rlt tt-dtv, I lt K inrprl toq. AiUttt, Vrof. I,. 4. Ilarrnlfn, IIJI-iiolUI, Mat ln 13, J M khl.( J1IHI II WANT A Snow White Cotton Down U II A II I A SECTIONAL MATTRESS. OnMhlnl ot life U spent In lied; If thin he .0, iinil none deny, ittinilMtn renMiii uiul toeiife, I'Hiintii JlaltreBU jou nhouhl liny. Illi-ectloni I1..MM In onn piece il. Fully ilercrlhml In the I'hrlnlnian number of IhU paper. AIimjIiiih perfeetliini nmer puck hols a UfetlniPs worth tl'J. frelulit preimhl In Die Mlmialpp and mirth nf Ten. nene;!iiil for l.ilalomiHiil tllnliiK riHim furiillurn, FORT WAYNE FURNITURE CO., Fort Wayne. Ind Mrs, Wtnalnw'a SoothlnK Syrnp. Hu been uel for ovor FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETHING, with PER FECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES th CHILD, SOFTENS the QUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and Is the bst rem edy for DIARRHOEA. Bold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be aure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnalow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-flvo cents a bottle. A Piano at a Nominal Price. CIiIcaro'h lane! niualc lion. lomiiV lledl), lo nh:iriifv rnihicH btork Ih otTttrliiK hjhui'Ih new riiilitn, Hllwlitly nfi pliino-f, nnl occoruMiiirMl li.tttruiiiHutK, at nniini nominal prlct't. iiomi I itiratlH uprlKlilM in low $1(0. tvnrranteil si tcnrcMHiitfil. Hfttil fur t'oninltMH lUt itiMt h-iifl. A in rum the in.thH, htr. JIhIh, ttfrllnu. Fittt'litT. IIn znlttin find othcrn. AUo kixh'UI nt'w upright fur lany p.iniHiitH, If mil iith lnlftrHHliil do not fall to uritnat otu'H, Any piano not provhm fxactl) u rii't"tM'iitfl may Im rturnti at our HtpfiiMt, LYON & MEALY, 76 AUaniB St.i Chicago. Z "HAVE root PRINT IT" Z j. t. ISloot BB1 L I - I mm m Hrintcr BOOK BINDER .ana BLANK BOOK HOWARD MANUFACTURER t t STREET OMAHA