THE OMATTA DAILY BEB: HATl'HDAY, MATICII IT, 100. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement fur lliese column Kill lie til Urn until Vi m. for the mpiiIiik (Million nnil until Htllil p. in, fur iiinriiliiK nnil Monday pillllon. ttntm, 1 l-a n oril flrat Inmrtloni 1! n ,voril (lierenfler. NntliliiK tnkpn for less tlinn l!.-ic fur the II mt limur lion. These iiilvprtlipiiipiitn mini lie run coiiMrctitl voly. Advertisers, lir rpni"llii n mini ticri'il etipck, onii Iiiup nnm-rer ntl tlrcMMPil to n niiinlici'cil letter In enro f Tlip lire, Anmirra o nililresseil Mill lie delivered mi prespntntlon ol Hit elippk only. WANTED SITUATIONS. A BTENOG R A PI! H R. When you want on plonso cnll lip the Remington typewriter olllce, JG19 Kiinuim st,, telephone 1573. A-133 POSITION ns wet nurse liy strong, healthy womun. Addiess II, 61, lice. A MS97 19 GERMAN gentleman wishes Innlilc work, t 2, Hf-. A.--90S 22 WANTKD-MAI.U HELP. WANTED: wo lmvo stendv work for a few good hustlers of gooil habits anil nppear- nncc. u, l'. Adams (Jo., 1610 Howard St. 11-131 WANTKD, mnnnger and ngonts; salary or commission: chenpest and largest line Hunter Tailoring and Shlrl Co.. Cincin nati. Ohio. H-MHO A7- BALESMEN to (tell ofTlce specialties: line sldo lines; used by all merchants: catalog free. Model Jifg. Co., Ilox H. Hountt ncnu, inn. ii sum fnr S plcturo agents; expenses paid. 1 SIS Leav'th H--377 A-3 BOMCITOR wanted, a . reliable, hustling for tailor-made suits nnd trotlB ors; salary or commission. Twin City Tailoring Co., 1C09 Farnnm. u M51U SALESMEN to sell nlllce sncclaltles: lino sldo lines: uted by all merchants; catalog free, awn ri .Mrg. to., hox is. south iienu, ind. u A7 BARBER trado taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars freu. Addresi, Western Harbors' Institute, Omaha, iscu. ui;s T1ARBER wanted: a Rood barber (colored steady Job; J10.00 guarantee. Oil N. 21th St. 11-817 16 MKN' to travel; 12 weekly, cash salary Triumph Information Co., Dallas, Texas WANTED, experienced bookkeeper and stenographer for grain olllce. Ilox n3, B-.MS73 20 W A t E D. men to learn barber trade: post tloiis guaranteed; free tools, free board free, railroad fare to our college nt Den ver; oldest and largest In the world: bo ware of fake ratntosuos and mlileadlng orferr; our diplomas recognized every where; write for particulars. Molcr liar ber College representative, Crelghton blk Omaha. D-MSS6 19 WANTKD, a physician (regular school) In a small town, Address n ), nee miice B-M900 2.V WANTKD, threo makers at Ilelllev Co Lincoln. Nebraskn. I1-MS99 IS MKN. everywhere, to travel; JI5 weekly also expenses nnd commission- snmt local: no fnke. Address "Sales Demirt mont." 3913 Market street. Philadelphia. H-M916 IS WANTED, salesmen for long establlsbed baking powder, extracts, etc.; we niter exceptional opportunity; give fullv vour experience. R-M920 IS WANTED, night watchman; must bo thor ough, ncllve and reliable: very best of references reoulred; mldd'e-nged man preferred. Address C 6. Ren. U-M931 IS WANTED, riding saddlemakers. to work on good stock saddles: good Job for good mechanics. Hudson. Fisher. Ilrocmann Co.. Mlnncjnpolls, Minn. R-M929 19 MN for farm am' garden wanted. Anply Sunday. Oscar Hnock, With treot, near Center. I1-M923 IS WANTED, men to lear" barber trade; best opportunity ever offered; busv sea son now: more demand for c-nduntes than wo ran simply: we control mo inal tlons In cllv nnd country shops. Pullman cars, hosultals, hotels etc.: $15 "weekly gunrnnlecd: special offer lut now lo ret graduates enough to lll tho demi'iid; free trsusportntlon to our colleces. Chi engo, St Louis or San Frnncleo and Minneapolis, as we have no school In Omaha or Denver- beware of cheap Ini tiations: free cntnlngue nnd sneclal offer mailed to any address. Moler Harbor eol logo. Chicago. Ill I1-M921 22 wa vrnn r km a 1.1: 11 km. WANTED. 200 girls. 1521 Dodgo. Tel. 876. C-137 10 girls wanted. Canadian ofllco 1522 Douglas WANTED, competent girl for gpnernl housework; good wage?. 533 So. 22d St. C S92 IB L'ADIES wishing to dross nicely In silk waists, silk skirts, gloves or shoes, free of cost other than recommending our goods; this Is the greatest plan ever adopted. Ladles, call and examine our plan. Out-of-town ladles write us for full Informa tion. Every article mado to your measure The Novelty Silk Waist and Skirt Co., Room 507 Karbach Hlk.. Omaha, Nob. C M906 IS WANTED An experienced crockery and glass saleslady. Addrera, Merchant. Post office. C-909-17 WANTED, n girl for genernl housework: good wages, 1414 N. 26th street. South Omaha. Mrs. William Horry. C M933 1 9 II F.I, I WANTED. ROYLES' COLLEGE assists young ladles nnd Bcntjcmcn to positions to earn board whllo In attendance. Send for catalogue. Hee building. M663- rOIl RENT HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with Renown & Co. D 13S HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. D-118 FINE modern residence, 12 rooms, on motor line. No. 413 North 23th street. J V Clarke, 219 Board of Trado. D M296 A2 ' HOUSES, nllklrds. 36 U. S. Nat. Bk Bldg. D-M993 1 UK it l. NT 10 small ramlly, 7-room cot tiiEo In good repair: cltv water inni, in cision); oonl shed; 22nd and California nm.. juqinro ai wil n. ism Hi. U 145 FOR RENT, two nlco seven-room houses in same yard, almost opposite Bemls park: all modern except furnnce: aro now being papered and painted throughout. 111 rent for $20 each to good tenants wun rrirrnecs. OMAHA LOAN .t TRUST CO.. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. , D M5U ALWAYS moving II. H. goods. Pianos. Qtllco ISllH Farnnm St. Tel. 1559 or 8B3. H D-H7 CHOICE hounct. cottages, stores. Henry j, ii t in-, wi 1. ijue. i'nonc. lun. D-139 HOUSES stores. Remls. Paxton block D-140 MAGOARD Van & Storage. Tel. 1196. 1616 Cap, Ave, D-141 HOUSES to rent. Y Life. . R. C. Patterson. 305 N. D-I43 HOUSES nnd tints. Rlngwalt, Barker blk D-141 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city, Dreiinuii-iAivu uo-. do. um street. D-143 7 AND S-room apartments lu Normandlo, bpecini iiidurenients, Elegnntly furnished S-room house, near park, Elegantly furnished 10. room house, $10.00. THESE ARE SNAPS! PAYNE-KNOX CO,. First Floor N. Y. Life R'dg. D-MS62 IS 2JODEUN house, Hansom Place. Hicks D-530 16 nut rent hoi .r.s. CHRIS tlOYKR, 212.1 Cuming. Tele. K 22. D MtrJi t J FIVK rooms. 2321 South 16th st. D-7J6 rim hent-im hnihhed rooms. NEWLY furnished rooms. 1211 Douglas. E-S19 IV ROOM8. lOOfl Capitol Ave 13-822 1S FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 2M3 St. MODKRN furnished rooms. 1M1 Cass. K JIMS iy LA HOI and attractive, rooms, furnished or unfurnished. In private residence, sunanie for one or two gentlemen: on enr lino and within easy walking dlstnnce of post olllce; stone house; hot water heat. Ad dress 2. Hoe. E MT6I 17 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th, K MM! rtlt.MSHEI) HOO.MH AM) IIOAIII). TIIK Merrlom family hotel, 25th and Dodge. i' ii TO 2 gentlemen, In private family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F-H9 THE PRATT, front room, with alcove. Tel. 1M2. 213 H. St. I' 3Ji ROOM and board, l to M. 15t2 Davenport, F-622-A-0 FOR RENT, nicely furnished room with board. 2102 cass. jihj ii DESIRAHLB rooms, first-class board. 2534 Harney. F-MS53 19 TWO nicely furnished rooms, with board. 2U15 uouirias. i auia in roit hi:.t ir.vrciiMSHED rooms. TWO unfurnished basement rooms: no children; light, dry and airy; t. 1120 N 17th street. a M90I Oil IIU.NT STOIlliS AM) OFFICttS. FOR RENT, store In tlrst-clnss location. rent rcnponable. Apply R. C. Peters &. Co.. ground lloor. Pee bldg. I 2C6 STORE ROOM. 1100 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. 1 UJJ STORE ROOM, 1104 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. 1 DJJ AllKNTS VATKI). AGENTS, $125 monthly; latest out; 10c for samples, etc. rciectrio novelty 1-0., 1111 buqun. .1 M835 IS WANTED Three experienced ngonts to sell portable pantries. Address, Ilox 20S, Hheimndoah, la. J 912 19 AtHONTS mnke fS to J10 n day soiling the cheapest and most perfect water lllter ever Invented; retails at $1.50; big profit to agents; exclusive territory. Senocu Filter Co.. Seneca, Mo. J-M91S 29' AGENTS, on salary or commission; tho greatest agents seller over produced every user of pen nnd ink buys It on sight- 200 to 5d0 per cent prollt; one ageut'H sales amounted to $020 In six days; another $32 In two hours. Moiiroo Mfg. Co., X 16, La Crosse. Wis. J-M921 IS W.WI'ISD TO llll.NT. WANTED, by a gcntlcmnn, nicely rur ulshed room, with llrst-olass board, within walking distance of postolllce; Jewish family preferred. Address C 1, Hee. K-M919 17 ' ' STORAGE. PACIFIC Storago ana Warehuoso Co., 912 911 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 152 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. ! Tel 1539. SC3. M-133 WANTED TO IIUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.. In lnrge or small quantities. Chicago Fur nlturo Co., 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020, N-151 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Rank accounts, Urennnn Lovo Co.. 309 So. 1.1th. N-15fT STAMPS bought, sold. Mortensen. .101 Pax ton Hlk. " N M990-M26 ENTERPRISE FUR. CO. pays high prices for good household goods. 102 S. ilth. N-M671 A 10 2D-HAND books for cash. 16th st. Crane. 207 N. N-M870 HOUSE In Central park. Douglas. D. Wead. 1524 N-M920 23 for sai.i: 1 m um ri iti AUCTION, we will sell nt public auction tho entire furnituro of 35 rooms from tho Arlington hotel, consisting of bed room suites, carpets, chairs, etc; remem ber tho placo and date, 15th and Capitol nveuue, Monday, March 10, 1900; salo to commonco at 2 p. m. sharp. Tho Omaha Auction Co. 0-M932 IS rou nam: houses vehicles, etc. TOP BUGGY for sale, In good condition. U 40, lite. P-M190 THIRTY-FIVE secondhand carriages, top buggies, phaetons, traps, family rigs, four and six paswnger; nil In good repair; newly pnlnted; mado by lirst class llrms better value than new, cheap, carriages and at about one-fourth first rot. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Harney. P-S78-10 FOR HA I. E MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST and best onk cribbing nnd hog lences. wi uihikhis ai. y 167 CUTTERS of drug prlcei, Sherman & Mc- uonneu urug i-o., ior. mir. and Dodgo Sts. Q-155 FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists, wno gives renei. J 159 2DHAND safo cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnnm, vi-iei B. HAAS. Florlrt. 1S13 Vinton St, Tel. 776. Plants, cut nowers. iioquets, hall, rcsi deuce, wedding nnd grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q-1C0 NEW bicycle tires, $2.23, $2.50 and $3.00. Uood seconunnnu wneois, i, jiu and $12. Omaha Blcyclo Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. Q-163 FOR SALE Nearly now upright Stelnway Q-253-M31 SAFES, buy, sell, etc. Schwartz, 114 8. 13. TCI. Iti'JI. W Mlti2 WIRE fence. Lcddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1690. Ii bU-AUg-9 1,-riT) atll' adlnn.nlb lit fl n If nil n.,llh tn 1: inencs. and u. s una 10 net lenctns. for $9.00 per thousand feet. Also klndltnr wood at $l.f a load. Chicago Housu wrecking Co., exposition Grounds, Phono 25CI. Q-M2J7 31 CUT prices at A. E. Wylle's, 1513 Farnnm; Hermitage iioiirnon, wucKenneimer ityo, S years old; drink, 10c: .i pt., 25c; pt. 60c; qt . $1; gul. sent C. O. D $4. Q-MSS5 AH HORSE t Uppers and repairs; wo grind razors, shears, clippers, .etc. A. L. Undq land, 106 S. Hth St. Q-MSSt All FOR SALE. I billiard and 2 pool.tnbles in good condition. Wrlto to Box 233, Wahoo, Nob. IJ-MSJS 20 FOR SALE Lot shelving and qountors, ohMlP. Inquire 415 North 24th, South 0 11111I1 a or ISIS Farnnm St. .Q-910 10 . , I -1 FOR SALE, two Saint Lambert Jersey cows. 6 and 6 yenrn old, young calves by side: extra good nnd gentle:- will sell cheap, 715 N. 21st street, .South Omaha. 11. F. llobblck. O -.V.W MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. countr dealers. 2dhnnd furniture & stoves at lowest price, carlbnd lots or lc4i. Chicago I' urniture va huh-io image, R-I6I FOR RENT, barn, at 2026 St. Mary's Ave. R-165 WE aro all ready for business; largest line Ill city of 2d hand hounehold goods. . En tcrprlse Fur. Co., 103 S, Hth. R-M672 A10 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, WO N. 16th. S-lft? MME.OYLMEH genuine palmist. 160G Dodgo 8-107 M.MR, PALMER, medium. Res. 1707 Cass St. S-M74S M20 DEWEY'S FRIEND HAS ARRIVED. MRS. HILL, Sho Is the seventh daughter, born with a veil: tells your rortune, cures rneumn Usm, lung, kidney, liver, eyes, denfness, asthma, and bloody Piles: locates gold and hidden treasures; her mother was tho seventh daughter; stood by Abraham Lincoln during the civil "war. Price La dles' 60c. gents $1.00. Readings In Eng lish or German. Hours-8 a. m. to u p. m., Including Sunday. Letters answered containing 2c stamp nnd $1.(. Mrs. Hill. 2002 Cuming street, corner 20th. Omaha, Neb, Prof. Spless. magnetic healer and faith cure. Same nddress as above, S 913 22 MASSAOH AMI IIATIIS. MRS, I1ERRY. Turko-Russlan, baths: porce lain tub; massage; oesi equipped in cny; nttcndn ttendant. 119 N. 16th si., znu iioor, opp. postolllce. T-M7G7 A10 HEATRICE HARLOW, massaso. bath. steam heat, Hindoo treatment. -3ii4 is. 15th, flat F. T-MGOI MME. SMITH, room 2, 11SH N. 15th. r aiuiu 11" MME. RRISSON, starch, sea salt, vapor, massage baths. 107 N. 12th. Expert at tendant. T-MS42 A12 rniiso.vAL. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 lice bldg U 165 DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns nnd superflu ous nair removed Dy electricity, r. 1 Frenzcr Ulock. U 175 SHAMPOOING 23c. hair dressing 25o. hnlr toilet goods, Slonheit, 151S Farnam. Tel 2133 u 1VJ LIEHEN, costumer. catalogue. 1313 Howard. Oct -172 RUPTURE cured, no knlfo, no pain, no danger, semi ror circulars, umpire iiup- turo uurc. 932 N. Y. Liro Uldg., omana. U-171 PLEATING nnd pleated skirts of nil .kinds. jvi. uommun v to., juu uougias uiock. U-174 PRIVATE bosnltnl for Indies boforo & dur ing contlncmont; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17 U lli PRIVATE homo before and during con finement. Rabies adopted. Mrs. Hurgct. 2033 Decalur. U-M2U LADIES.freo, harmless monthly regulator; cannot ran. -lrs. 11. itowan, .-unwaunee, Wis. U-323 STAMPS for collectors; nlbums, supplies. Frank Hrown, 220,i S. 13th. U-M270 CANCER CURED, no naln. Dr. H'enshaw sclontlllc spoclallat. 510 N. 19th st.. Omaha. U-M713-A10 MONHEIT. chiropodist, floor. Tel. 2333. ISIS Farnnm, 2d U-170 PROF. LUND positively destroys corns, bunloirt, wurts, moles. 511 Karbach nik. U lilJ Mtt MOMIY TO I.OA.V REAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money, C, RH. 0 per cent: no do lay. Garvin Uros., 1613 Farnam. W 176 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wend. 1521 Douglas v lis WANTED, city and fnrm loans; nlso bonds anil warrants, ii -. i-cicrs m uo.. hus Fumnm St., Ken Uldg. W 179 6 PER CENT money. Bemls, Paxton block. w iw MONEY to loan on flrst'clnss Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Knox Co., New York Life. W 181 5, 5V4, 6 per cent loans on Omaha, S. Omaha. W. II. Thomas, 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1613. W-1S2 MONEY to loan at 5 and fits per cent on Omaha property. W. U. Melkle, 401 8. 15th. . , - W-1K5 FIVE per cent farm loans, llainson. Chas. E. Wil- W-1S4 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. lirennun-Lovo Co., 309 so. 13th. W-1S5 $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property nnu rnrms. w, tarnam am 11 11 & Co., 1320 Furiuim. W ISO LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at o per cent. Borrowers can nav $100 or any multlnle. Anv In terest date. No delay. Brennan-Lovo Co., u) Houtn lain street, umann. isen, W-GSa- MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. I-F-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y -8-E-E U-S- Wo havo a largo amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, waruiiouso receipts, horses, carriages, etc. You can get tho monoy within a few hours after making application. AVE CIIAROK YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. Wo glvo you as much tlmo as you need nnd you may repay me loan as soon as vou chooso and you need not pay for It ONE DAY LU.NUIill THAN VOl' KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel. 2293. 506 South 16th Street. X-614. MONEY. LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own names, In amount from $10.00 up, A comparison or our rates with others Is all we ask. as wo are positive that ours aro tho lowest In the city. Remember that we aro the only loan comDanv clvlnir you tho prlvtlego of paying your loan ALL or in I'Alii ai any tijih anu tnereiiy stop ping tne co.11. iiimincsa cunimcimni. Treat ment courteous. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN TO Tel. 2295. Room 119, Hoard of Trado Bldg. A. til MONEY loaned snlarled neoplo holdlnir ner- mancnt position with responsible concerns upon their own nnmos without security; eusy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. .x ii MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortgage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW KST HATES. No Inquiries mniln nt em. ployer or frlonds. You can borrow any amount and repay on easy weekly or nmnthlv payments. Before borrowing see us. OMAHA CREDIT CO., BUlte 625-526 N. 1. Life llldg. X-1SS MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, diamonds, watches, on easy nuymeiitH. nn. known to others; you keep tho goods, each payment lessens tho cost of tho loan; no ennrgo ior pupem mm we mnKo no in quiries or your neighbors. BURGERS' LOAN CO., 1501 Farnam, over II. ,fc M. ticket olllce. X 1S9 MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, ho.-ses cows, Jewelry. Duff Green R. 8, Barker blk. X 190 MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles, diamonds, wuiuiivb, oil-.; puymem un known to friends. Omaha Loan Hank, 1416 Farnam, upstairs. X 192 GOLD, Silver, Greenbacks foi High-class salaried people. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Easy to get and easy to pay. lowest rates. No Indorser or mortgngo required. QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL service. Ques Hons nnswered cheerfully and you will receive courteous nttentlon whether you borrow or not. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 601, Reo Building. X-M239 MONEY' to loan on furniture, plnnos, horses, cows, etc. J. W. Tnyloo, 218 First National bank building; 12 to 6 p. m. X-196 LOANS mado salaried people on personal note without security: rates reasonable. J. W. Tayloe, 21S 1st Nat'l bank, 12 to 0 p. m. X 195 SALARY loans nfter working hours. If you want cheap money addresi n 57, Bee. X-S20 All MONEY loaned nn ptano, furniture, Jew- 1 elry, horses, cows, etc, C, F. Reed, 219 S. 13. -ll BIRDS .VXD TAXIDERMY. - I STOCK'S Bird torc, ' 1603 Leavenworth. III .SINU.VS ( HANCE9. FOR HUNT, cigar ami fruit department In a large- department store, capital required, 2,000. Address A 63, Bee. Y--M266 WE HANDLE Rentral merchandise stocks of all kinds. Do you want to buv, sell "r exchange? Wo can sell your business or we can sell vou a business. Wtlte us. Merchandise Ilroker. 007 Karbach block. Y-M551 THE NEW SNOW CHURCH COMPANY makes a specialty of collecting nil classes of claims in every state In tho union on commission basis. W. H. Green, presi dent nnd treasurer; J. L. Knley. vice president nnd attorney: C. R. Glover, secretary and attorney. Rooms 401-2-3-1-5 New York Life Rldg. Y-562 I WANTED, nctlve and honest partner with JSftO ror good paying business, esmnusnou; a snap for tho right person. P. O. Ilox Nil. Aurora, Neb. Y M13 FOR SALE. $,000 stock of drugs and fix tures ror $0,000 before April 1. Address I', u. liox 710, salt Lnlto cny. num. STOCK of millinery goods from branch storo ror sale cnenp. uox ji, isorioiK, WILL buy a good steady business, Ing $35 weekly; Investigate. For par liars, address O 1. Hee. Y-MS96 IS nav tlcul RESPONSIHLE Ilrm wnntS to employ good business man who enn man employer iw to $1,000. Address 11 G7, Hee. Y-M905 IS RAMSEY county. N. D., flax belt lands; 1899 Max crop, $20 per acre; l,lf-acrii farm, llnelv Improved: buildings worth JI.WO; personalty. $.1,000, Including ma ehlnerv. horses. 03 bead cuttle; all for $22,000; other farms $S00 up. "Write your wants. Alex. Wnlkcr, ucvira i.aKe. n. 1 M915 17 TOR SALE UlCAI, USTAT1 PAYNE-KNON CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE I1AHUAINS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS: SOUND IN BURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS, STORES, for rent, rtrst noor, in. 1. i,ir iiidg. 1113 19S HARGAINS Chris Hoycr, 2123 Cuming. Tele. K 2052. ills MJ)i AO HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 305 N. Y. L. "15 301 FOR SALE or trade, brick residence, all modern improvements, anq u acres or irrniinil. containing oUtbUlldlncs. trees small fruit, shrubbery; well Inside city limits In town of 10.000 Inhabitants: roit over $20,000; good reason for selling. Write for particulars, l'aui poison. Fremont, Neb. Kts .M2C9 ai FOR SALE, bargains In South Omaha: 4 lots, 10x150 ft., blk. 47, $100 each. N. W. cor., 40x150 ft., blk. 47, $150. N. E. cor.. 40x150 ft., blk. 47, $500. S. E. cor., 10x150 ft., blk. 47. $500. t.nt 40x150 ft., blk. 47. east front. $150. 2 tho choicest resident lots in the city, 40x150 ft. each, east front, zun nnu l: bi only J2.-i.00 ft. front. North 40 ft. lot 3, blk. 03. between J and 1C sts.. east front. $75.00 ft. front. I Also 1,iO0 acres good western land for bale chenn. GEOHOn w. AIAHHU.-N, Moutn omana. RE-M71V IS SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. I, Johnson 'o.. 311 s. lutn st. 111; 301 BUILDING lots one block of street car line, $150. 11. 11. uan, wi .-sew rork Life IIW )2S HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Ileal listate, itcntais, ioans, insurance. RE-203 IF Y'OU have a bargain to offer In real cstato seu a. a. uronaweii, ovi r. y. Lire. RU-205 IIOI'SES, lots, farms, lauds, loans: nlso llro lnsurnncc. iiemis, I'nxion oik. jti-i ivj FOR QUICK returns on bargains only sco RE-205 906 AND 90S South 20th St., two houses; rental jaw per year; cneap in S. W. corner 35th ave. and Jackson st., 126 feet cast rront ny iw oeep; snap ai jaw. Aero lots, 15SxlS9 feet. Pratt's subdlv., S. W. of Hanscom nark, $230 each. 1C0 ncres smooth land S. W. of Benning ton; fair improvements, id per acre. JOHN N. FRENZER, Opp, Old P. O. RE-471 REAL ESTATE HArYJaINS. Nice house and full lot on paved street, one block from street car. only $1,100 Good 7-room house nnd full lot In Orchard Hill, only 750 House and lot In Dundee Place, onlv.. 800 2 lots und S-room house, only ,, 500 1I11I5.NNAS-I)VM CO., 309 South 13th Street, Omuha. Nob. RK-MS40 19 4331 CHARLES ST., half a block from car and paved street, six-room cottage with ourn. i-rice, i,uuu; montuiy payments. 201S Spruce St., small cottage, lot 48x122, very cnenp. New seven-room house, strictly modern $2,200. 60x140, on North 20th st near Lake. All or nair or tins lot at your own price. Cntnlpa Place direct car service 15 mln utcs mip rrom i o. iots 50x127 feet, $300 eacu ..) ensu anu o per month, A. M. COWIE", 211 S. 18TII ST. RE-MS43 IRRIGATED lands for sale In Whocler nnd ..I" iv, v-wi, .1 IT,, .lillVU. OOA .... .... . o-u nurtm. nuuse, nam, cuiiio sneds, corn tun, weu, iw acres unuer piow, fruit iieef. uiu.. iii'iue uu acres, good house, ham, grnnnrv. 60 ui-n-a imsiure taiuiitionni pasturo can bo leased), clay loam soil, 3 miles from town, lino fnrm. price $3,600. IGO-acro farm, house, 20x30 barn, granary, i ui.-ii.-o iianiuit', uu 111 kijuu condition prion very low. 320-ttcro farm. 8-room house, barn, e.altio j men:, Kiiuiiu ,v, i-ui n ui in, nog pasture, welh'. windmills: mostly linn level inmi ' closo to town. Wrlto for price. 160 ncres. house 22x2(i, barn 2lx2S; pasturo CO acres, 60 acres under plaw, sandy loam, tame hay. 40 acres fruit, etc.; prlco $3,200, 160 acres, houo 20x21, granary 14x10, pas turn nnd other necossary outbuildings, fruit trees, running water, sandy loam This land Is located 'In tho fertile valley of tho Cedar river, which Is surpassed by none; where you can raise rropa of any description. We have a largq list of other farms not mentioned above; nlso can offer tho very best location for cattin ranches adjoining thesxj lands. Wrlto for full particulars. PI BEL & CO., Plbel. Wheeler county. Nob. RE-824-21 CHOICEST TRACICAOE PROPKRTY ON THE MARKET1 S. E. corner 16th and Izard; half block, 132 x261; heart of tho city; for prlco and terms Pee Georgo G. Wallace, Brown Blk.; sola agent. R E-254 5 ACRES cholco garden land only $750. Hicks, Room 325 Hoard Trado Bldg. RE-bs3 17 BARGAINS. Mnrch 16 and 17. 1900. C. F. HARRISON & OEO. T. MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Telephono 314 or 2612 F. Seven rooms, all modern, south front lot, near 23th nnd Chicago, $2,700. Eight rooms, near High school, all modern, very coinpleto and good, $l,G00. 66x132, lnrco S-room house, on 26th, near All Saints' church, $5,500. SPECIAL W acres, Sarpy county, $1 000. RK-911-10 5-r. COTTAGE nnd lot, 00x127, $450; $100 cash, bitlnnco easy terms. 8-r. houso nnd lot, good clevntlon, neur car and school, for $1,500. 7-r. houso and lot, 66x121, acccsslblo to Farnum car; $300 cash; price, $1,600 Good 4-r. houso near 20th und Cnstellnr :soo. Largo 12-r. house, cost $5,000; price. $3,200. $3(i cash nnd monthly payments $22.110 storo building; rent, $1,200: price, $15,000. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglns street. 111; .M927 17 2 ACRES, well Improved, Just outside city limits; :i ncres grapes, lino young or chard, which has all kinds of smalt fruit, at a bargain, possession given at once; fair castr payment balance easy, come uiilik Lvmuu Waterman, '."J N Y Life Phone U92. RE-M924 Id for i.i: heal estate. A BARGAIN, four acres, 10th nnd Pactll.-. two blocks from car line, on belt mil road, $2,500; easy terms. McCague In vestment ( o.. 15 Dodge. RE 100 FOR RENT or sale, W-acre farm, 3 miles norm or binnnce Address nenry An derson, Florence, Neb. RE-M917 23 -SHOIl I'll AMI AMI T Y I'll Wit ITi.Mt. A C. VAN SANT-S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -209 AT OMAHA Hus. College, 16th & Douglas, 210 HOYLKS college, court reporter principal, lien llldg. 211 NEI1RASKA Business & Shorthand col lege. Royd s theater. 212 LOST. IF PARTIES who found vnllse on Sher man Ave. ear last Sunday about R p. m containing large amount of Jewelry will return same to 2713 N. 22d largo reward will be given and no questions asked. Lost-911 17 LOST, lady's purse, on California street or vicinity. Thursday night. Return to Hoe olllco and receive reward. Address C 3, Hoo olllce. Lost-M!22 17 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute. 515 N Y. liim mng., Alice .lonnson, n. o , indies dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathtst, mgr. -213 M. 13. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school, Klrksvllle, -Mo., 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367. -214 A. T. HUNT, osteopath: nllchronlcdlsoases; "results tell." 305 Karbach Hlk Tel. 23i2. M 12 TVI'IJWHITEHS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $1 per month. Tho Smlth-Piemler Typewriter Co., 1623 Farnnm St. Telephone, 1281. 206 REMINGTON Slnndnrd Typewriter supplies, 1019 Farnam. nnd -207 TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam. 20S HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. European. 12th ,t Doug las, lowest rates. Wm. Hacr, Mgr. Tel. 211 M-670 THE THURSTON, 15th-Jackson; Am. nnd European; pleasant rooms, $1.50 week up. M-714 IHCYCI.KS. IN order to rcduco stock we will sell for a short tlmo only second-hand blovde at one-half price; good wheels, $3.00 to $15.00. yiescher. 1622 Cap. Ave. M132 Ennm.eled, $2 up. lllcycle Hoppltnl, 711 N. 16. -cos- IU'lt.MTl!lli: IIEI'AIHIXG. GLORE Couch Co., 1513 Lcnv'th. Tel. 2529. 5SS- PACKING, upholstorlng, mattress, feather renovating. Tel. 1311. M. 8. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St 21S I PI IOLSTERING. ninttress. Mulshing. carpentry. Omaha Cabinet hlion. iwhi Cass. Tel. 21&S. M930 A10 DA.NCINfi SCHOOL, AST term, last chance Morand's, 15th and Harney: adults Tuesday and Friday; children Saturdays- ussemuues wenics day and Saturday. 391 A-3 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Mlss Sturdy, 2216 Davenport S79 A -13 FURNITURE PACKING. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511V0 Far. Tel. 1559, SG3, 221 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan. 430 Ramgo Bldg. 217 PAWNIIHOKI'.IIS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable accommodat ing; all nusine&j conuuenilni. 1301 Douglas. 21B AUCTION EKHS. OMAHA AUCTION Co. Satisfaction guar antecd. 520 'N. 16th st. Tolepnono 216?. M719 THI NK FAlTOH. TRUNKS, trivellng bags, suit cases. Trunks rvpairen. I'm. ituiik i-'actory, Ji'JJi'arnom 220 LA UN I) It Y. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1730 Leuvonw'h, Tel. 547 21 MIHHOH FACTORY. OLD mirrors resllvered; new ones to order country orders promptly attended to. 70S X. lfith. M-S71 A13 MAGNETIC IM'llniMtY. THE NEBRASKA MAGNETIC INFIRM ARY, 1515-1517 Chicago St.. Omaha, Neb, S91 NICKEL PLATING CYCLE PARTS-AI1 kinds plating. Plating Co., Boo Bldg. Ted. 2535. Omnlm -654 RAILWAY TIM 12 TABLES. OMAHA ft ST. LOUIS RAIL- road Omaha. Kansas Cltv & Eustcrn Railroad "Tho Uu'ncv Route Ticket Of fice. 1115 Farnam Striet. Telephone. 323. Depot, Tenth and ainrcy oireeis. ieie phone, 629. L.cave. Arrive. r.nuU Cannon Ball Bt, Exnress a 6:03 pm a 7:55 am Ifr.noil. IMIV II Till Oulncv Local a 7:00 am a 9J0 pm a Dully. 1- BURLINGTON & MIS sourl River Rallroad "Tho Burlington Routo" Gcnernl OIIIcbs, N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Farnnm Sts. Ticket olllce. 1502 Far nam street. Telephone, 251. Denot. Tenth nnd siason streets. Tele phone, 12S. . Leave, Arrive, McCobk a 8:40 am a 7:23 pm Lincoln Denver. Colo rado, Utah, California. a 4:2o pm a 3;00pm Lincoln, uiacn inns. lnnl.-inn PdCet Sound A 4:25 pnt it 3:00 ?m t.inonin tient r 7:00 ti.n nl0:35 nm Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm al0:33 urn tenver, Colorado Utah ,t California . al2:35 am a Dally b Dally excent Sunday. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & Oulncv Railroad "Tho Burlington Routo" Ticket Ofllco. 1503 rarnom st, Tel., 250. Dopot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephon Leavj. Arrive. Chicago Special al2:35 am Daylight Exnress a 7:25 nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 nm Chicago Local express. a :v) am a i:iti pm Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm a 7:45 am Pacllli Junction Local.. alO:45 an. Fast Mali a 2:15 pm a Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Burling ton Routo" Ticket Olllce, UJ2 Farnnm Street Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tenth nad Mnson Streets. Tele phone. 12S. Leave. Arrlvei Kansas City Day Ex ...a K;50 am a 6:17 pm Kanrus City Night Ex..al0.15 pm a 6:15 am 6t LouU Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis.. a 4:55 pm all:15 am o Dally. W ABAS H RAILROAD Ticket Olllce, 1501 Farnnm Street. Telephone i93. De pot, Tenth nnd Marcy Streets, Telephono C29, Leave. Arrive 51 Exnress a 6:05 pm a 7:55 am a Dally. ' St. Louis "Cannon Hall" I 1 ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket olllce, 1402 Farnnm street. Tele intin. 245. Depot, Tcmn and Mason streets. T.mvp. Arrive. Chicago Express a 12.10 pm a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:35 put a S:15 am Minneapolis nnd St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Minneapolis nnd St. Paul Limited a 7:35 pm a S liam Fort Dodge Local from Co. llluffs .... b 4:30pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "Tho North wrstern Lino' - General Olllccs, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster (41 I'llv Tl,ll -rll.. H01.,lnm st Telephone 561. Depot, 15th nnd Webster Sts. , , Leave. Arrive. 1 win City Passenger .a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha Passenge. ull:20 am Sioux City North east Nebraska a 3-10 pm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY Jb PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" - General Olllces, United Stntes National Rank Uulldlnx, 8. W Corner Twelfth nnil Knrnnm Sin Tlekel OIDm, 1401 Farnnm St. Telephono 661. De pot, Tenth & Muson Sts. Telephone 62. Leave. Arrive, Twin City Express.. Twin City Limited.. Sioux City Local.... a Dally. . .a 6:55 am al0:50 pm . .a 7:20 pm a M15 am ..a S:00 am u 4:20 pm CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Ths Northwestern Lln" City Ticket Olllce, 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phono 561. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tela- )honr. 029, Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . a 7:00 am atl:30 nm Chicago Passenger .....a 4:1a pm alO.10 um eastern i;xprcrs, ucs Molles, Marshnlltown, Ccdir Rnpids and Chi cngo u10:5j am a 4:0u pm Eastern LlmUed, Chi- ... oago and EaB: a i:oj pm a t:uj pm Fast Mnll. Chicago to nmnim n , ki im Omaha-Chlcago Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:00 am KHt Mall a 8:30 am a Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Vnllcy Rnllroad "rhn Northwestern Lino" Cisnernl Olllccs, United States .National Hit. llldg.. H W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1101 Farnam St. Telcnhono 561. Do po, 16th and Webster Sts. Telephone 1I5S. L,eavo. Arrive Ulnck Hills. DeadwooiT. Hot springs a 3:00 pm a pm Wyoming, Casper nnd nougins u 3 w pm o d:oo pm Instlngs, York, David 'ity. superior, uoncva, Exeter nnd Pev,,ard...,b 3:00 pm b 5:00 nm Norfolk. Vcrdlgro nnd Fremont b 7:30 am 1)10:25 arc Lincoln, Wahoo uud l' Tcmont a T.iid am llo:25 am remont Local c 7:30 in a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun- da only, d Dally, except Saturday, a Dal'y except Mondav UNION I'ACl FIC "THE OVER land Route" General Olllccs, N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofhce. 13(0 Farnam Ptreot. Telephone 318. Depot, Tenth and Muson Streets. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. a S:20 am a 7:20 pm rno Fast Man a s;uu am n awi pm Tho Colorado Special. ..all :33 pm a 0:50 am Tho Portland Special ..a 8:20 am a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice anu Stromsliurg lixpress.,n :m pm ui.-:si pm Pacific Express a 4:25 pm a 6:50 am Grand Innd Locnl. ...b 5:30 pm b 0:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Ofllcos and Tlnke nmr,- Southeast Cnr- 7f3f3St ner Hth nnd Douglas Sts. UAljgZ Telephone. 101. Depot, loth 'C nnd Webster Sts. Telephone, Leave Arrive, St. Ixnil!', Kansas & Neb, Limited a 2:30 pm niz:55 pm K. C -St. L.. Express..., a 9:50 pm a 5:50 am Nebraska I-ocal Via Weeping Water b 5:Ojom- a 9:13 nm a Dilly. b Dally except Sunday CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway - City Ticket Olllce, 1504 rarnnm Street. Telephono 2i4. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnson Streets. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex... a 7:35 pm a S:03 am uuirngo i: umann lix .dii;uu am n a:arj pm Sioux City nnd Des Moines Express bll:COam b 3:55 ora a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL and & Paclnc Railroad "Tho Great Rock Is! nnd Route " City Tick et Olllce, 1X3 Farnam Street. Te ouhone 42S. Depot, Tenth & Mason streets. Tciepnonertc29, Leave. Arrive. bes Moines and Daven- 1)01 1 Local a 7:0.i am 1)11:25 nm Chicago Exnress bll:15 am a 8:10 nm Chicago I' dst express. .n a:ii pm u i:2j pm at. t'uui uxprcs a d.uu pm unburn ; Incoln, Colorado apgs.. Denver. rueuio and WeJi a 1:30 nm a 4:25 nm Des aioines. uoc;i isl and nnu unicago a t:z. nm a b:v nm Colorado ,t Texas Flyer.a 5 55pm a 3:20 am a uany. o Daily e.xccui suniinv. rosTorricn notice. (Should bo read dally by all Interested, as chunges may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending March 17. 1900. will close (PROMPTLY In all eases) nt tho General Postolllce. as follows: Parcels post mans closu one hour curlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post mulls jor uermituy Closo at b u. m Monday und udne.sdny. Trims-Mliiiillii Miillx, S A T 1 ' R D A Y A t 2:31 n. m. for EUROPE per s. s. Etrurla. via ljueonstown: at .8 n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per it. s. Ktaatendam, via Rotterdam (letters must no directed - per s. s. Htaalondnm ) at 11 u. m. for NORWAY direct, ner s. r Norge, via Chrlstlanla (letters must be directed per s. 8. Norgo ). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German steamers sailing on Tuesdays tuko minted matter, etc , for Germany, and specially fuldreiisol printed matter, etc , for other parts of Europe. American and White Star stcumers on Wednesdays, German steamers on TiiursuayH and cunard Fronch nnu German steamers on Butur days tnko printed matter, etc., for nil countries lor which they uru advertised to carry mai,. After tho closing of tho supplementary Trans-Atinniic mans named iinove, ndili tlonal supplementary malls nm opened oi tho piers of tho American, English. French and German steamers, anu remit n onen until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing or steamer. MnlU for South mill Central America Wun! Initlm, i:te. SATURDAY At 2;30 a. m. for NASSAl N. P , per steamer from Miami. Flu nt 7- n. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. h. Belluclu; ut 10 a. m. (sup plementary 10:31 it. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SA VANILLA, CAR THAIS ENA and GREYTOWN, per s. s. Altai (letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per . H. Altul"); at 11 a. m. for Cl'BA, per h. s. Havana, via Havana; at 11 u. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, tier s. h. Mnravul; at 1 p. m. for NI'EVI TAS, GIBAHA, BAILVCOA und PUERTO I'ADRE. per H s. Latlenburg. SUNDAY-At 8:30 p in. for ST. PIERRE MIQUELON, per steamer from llullfux. Mulls for Newfoundland, by mil to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, closo at this olllce dally at b:30 p. in. iconnectlng close here every Monday, Wedneidav nnd Saturday). Malls for Mlquulon, by rail to Boston, nnd t notice bv Hteamer, clom nt this ofllco dnliy at 8:30 p. rn. Malls for Cuba, by nil! to Port Tumpa. Fla., and thenco by Hteamer, close ut this ofllco dally (except Monday) at 7 n. m. (tho connecting closes urn nn Sunday, Wed nesday and Friday) Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fit... and thence ny steamer, close at this olllce every Monday, Tues duy and Saturilny at 2:30 u m Jthe con necting rinses aro on Tuesday and Sattir day). Malls for Mexico City, overlnnd, uulcKH speclully addressed for dispatch by stoamer, closo nt this olllcn daily nt 2:20 n. m and 2:30 p. m. Mails for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Corloz and Guatemala by rull to Now Orleans, und thenco bv steumer, closo nt this olllce dally at 3 p, in (connecting closes hum Tuesdays for Costa Rloa and M'Jhduys for Belize, Puerto Cortez und Guatemala! nmii. RAILWAY time Tiiu.ns. fii!LWA'"EEf niS'l'lll.'I'H'l) MITIfll. tered mnll closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Registered mall closes nt 8 j.. m. second day before. Triin-l'nellle .Mnll. Malls for Australia (except Wot Aus tralia!, New Zealand. Hawaii, FIJI nnd Snmoau Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. in. nfter March 3d and up to March 17th, Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s. s. Campania, due nt w York March 17th, for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. .Mans ror Hawaii, japan. China and mn Philippine Islnnds, via San Frnnclsco. close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to March IStli. inclusive, for dispatch per s.s. Gae lic. Malls for China, Japan and the Philippine Islands, via Tacoma, close at this olllce dally at 6 30 p. in. up to March 19th, for dlpatch per s. s. Glenogle. Malls for China uud Japan, via Van couver, cloe hero dnlly at 6:30 p. m. up to March 20th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. 8. Empress of India (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for China nnd Japan nnd Philip pine Islands, via Seattle, close hero dnlly at 0:30 p. m. up to March 22d. for dis patch per s. s. Idzuml Marti (registered letters must bo directed "via SeaHle ) Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan nnd the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to March 26th, Inclusive. for dis patch per s. s Hong Kong Maru. Malls for Society Islands, via San Fran cisco, close hero dally at G:30 p. m. up to March 26th, Inclu'lve, for dispatch by ship Tropic Hire!. Malls for Hnwall. via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to March 30th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West AU'ttalla. which goes via Europe, and Now Zea land, which goes via San Francisco). Ha waii and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to March 31st. Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Wurrlmoo. Truns-Pncllle malls nro forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overlnnd transit.. Regis tered mall closes nt 6 p. m. previous dny. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postolllce, New York, N. Y.. March 9, 1900. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR FUEI-Olllce of Chief Q. M.. SI. Paul. .Minn., March 15. 1900. SEALED PROPOSALS, In triplicate, will be received nt this olllco or at tho following named poMs, until 11 o'clock a. m. April 14. 1900, and opened then, for furnishing and delivery of such WOOD and COAL, during the llscal year commencing July 1, 1900, as may be required nt St. Paul und Fort Shell ing, Camp Bacon, Walker. Minn.; I-ort Yates. N. D. ; Forts Ahslnlbolne. Harrison and Keogh. ami Camp Merrltt. Mont.; Fort Yellowstone, Wyo . and Fort Meade, S. D. Blank form of proposals with full Instruc tions will bo furnished on application here, oi to tho quartermasters ut tile several posts named. United States reserves the right to ni-iopt or reject any or all pro- iosiiIs or uny part tncrcoi. ui-;u. i-;. i-ij-. C. Q. M. M15-1P-17-I9A12-M AWAIT GRAND JURY REPORT tiitpinent EippIpI Today from noily Iim entluittliiir li'c In Kt'rr York Clly. NEW YORK. March IS The grand Jury. which has been Investigating vice and law lessness In the city, will. It m nunouueeu, make Its lcporl this afternoon. Police Captain Thomas called at nio crim inal court building belore u o cioch. no Id ho wished to testify before the grnnit Jury. Foreman George n. milium tauuwui... him that anything no sniu. u u uiyiiiiiiuir.t him could bo used ngaiiiHt him In tho event f an Indictment. Captain Thomas wciu into tho grnnd Jury room a little uemrc n o'clock. Chief Devery called on Colonel tmrniner abuut tho samo time. Ho had a conference with him nnd then went Into tne grann jury .... , . . ....... I . . Tltnmna anteroom to icniiiy uner .uiuuiu iiim" left. Twentv-slx of tho tllirty gamiuers m- .lieted voaterday wero arrnlgnixl before Re corder Colt In general scjuious court today. They oil pleaded not guilty. There had been a very brisk dcmnnil for tho two famous pictures which are offered n lien subscribers. Wo thougni wo anouiu be able to supply an unlimited demand, but i-ould suggest that It mlgnt uo wen 10 cuu soon It you want pictures. ROYALTY OPEN SALE FOR POOR EnoriiioiiN Crovriis i.rpri iim- . j . . , i .. mill PrliiePfiH r "WiiIph nt Hip MiiiimIoii IIoiimp. LON'UON. March 10. 1:50 p. in. Tho nrlnce and nrlnccHs of Wales opened tho snlo organized by tho Irish Industries r.ssoclntlon at the -Mansion houso this uncrnoon. i.unr mous crowds lined tho otreetH and tho houses nnd storm displayed Hags. Their royal high nesses received nn ovation. Lord Mayor Newton nnd tho sheriffs received tho royal party. Sprigs of shamrock wero prmonted to tho vultora by Lniiy Aucruccn. The nrlnce of Wules In declaring the aio nnen exiiressed tho deep Intcrmt which ho anil tho princess took In tho welfare of the Irish poor. EiiurlMiiil'" VoiiPriieln Expenses. LONDON, March 16. In tho House of Commons todny tho Parllamontery sec- retarv for tho foreign ofllco, William SI. John Broderlck, answering n question, said t ho British expense In tho cnBo or tuo Venezuelu ntbltratlon from 1S95 to date wero i; 65.625. Ho added that there was no sug gestion that British Guiana should defray any purl of tho expense. AVelixfor Dnvls Returning;. NAPLES. March 16. Webster DavU, United Stntes assistant secretary of the In terior, has nrrlved here from Pretoria on his way to America. To securo tha original witch hazel. Balve, nnlc for DoWltt's Witch Hnr.el Salve, well known na n certain euro for piles' and skin diseases. Bowaro of worthless counterfeits. They aro dangerous. Porlo Illenn Soldiers O run ill re. CHICAGO. March 10. Tho Society of th Army of Porto Rico has been Incorporated at Springfield, Colonel Fred Bennltt of Jollet. formerly In command of tho Third Illluoifi leglment. being one of tho organ izers. "The society will Include the soldier who fought In tho Porto Rlean campaign," said Colonel Bennltt. "This state furnished over 2,000 men lu tho Porto Rlcun campaign and we expect nearly all of them to Join tho order. Tho society Is tho outgrowth of ii movement that started during tho orto Rlt-an campaign." The widely h headquartera will bo In Chicago. IllHIH-l'tlllK Six ItlHT Hlllll. PHILADELPHIA. March 10. It was stated here today that the American Ship masters' association, an organization simi lar to Lloyd's, has received u contract front tho international Navigation company to Inspect tho six large passenger steamships now under construction for that eompunv, four at Clyde- Bank. Glusgow. and two at Cramp's shipyard. Philadelphia. This Is said to be the largest orders for survey over placed ut one time and necessitates the opening of a branch olllco of the Amer ican Shipbuilders' association In Glasgow. Our supply of pictures It being rapidly di minished. If you lmvo not seen "Tho Do fcnso 'of Champlgny" and "The Balloon," call at tho Bco olllce. Bring your coupons cut from Tho Boo. Ilrotlier-ln-l.iivv ' lllsmnrek. BERLIN. March 10 Hnrr von Puttkaraer. cx-vlco president or tho Prussian ministry and brothcr-ln-lnw of Prince Bismarck, Is dead nt Vnrzln, aged 71 years. He recently resigned us governor of Pomeranla. IteeeUer for Third Avenue. NEW YORK, March 16, -Judge Lncnmbn of tho United Slates circuit court today appointed Hugh J. Grant permanent re. celver of the Third Avenue Railroad com pany. Mr. Gram was tho temporary ru culver of tho road. With pictures as cheap as thoso offered by Tho Deo thero should bo no baro walls In any homo. Only 10 cnt nnd coupons for "Re lenso of Chaniulgnv" nnd "Tho Ualln'oa." I