8 TITE OMAHA DATLT B73E: TUESDAY, MARC If in, V,)00, COMMERCIAL AND HSASCIAL 1 . , ji . Corn Fit Oautes Bit; Beniition of tba n U47' oniner prnrn TlCC TOAllTIP IIIUDO I COARSE CEREAL TAKES FRANTIC JUMPS rtirlniirn re Mnilr anil l,M In ":i(ry 21 to .10 lb , lijir U'llil .icriimlilc Other MnrUrtu .Uc Doiuliiiite.l li- the HlreiiKlli 'irn. CHICAGO, Mitrrh l2.-t'orn. wnwitlonnlly pir-.tiB anil active, tlm result not only of ..irienliirly bullish statistics today, but fif n sort of spoiiti. neons tvillatlnn of the nr. urltv of the bull position based on the rareir of the market for months, lent u bull Influence to the other markets today, jlnv corn closed IV over Saturday, May whi-Ht 'He ..Inner. May oats "ifff-Hc Im proved and provisions from "Ho better for lnrd to 22',-je up for pork. c,,n took the lend of the speculative mark-Ms at the bcRlnnlnR of the session, ns It did Saturday, and held It throughout a sensational dav Interest In the coarse cereal has not been so Kcneral In years as It was today. Predictions were made thnt the market would follow cotton and "ko v,lld" within a short lime, baslnic the pre dictions on the chances of unfavorable con ditions durlriK the planting season. The irrenter part of the session the pit whm a struKKlliiK mass of frnntle men. none more frantic than the shorts, who were compelled to cover at heavy b'sjc- "r: tunes Were mane ii"" .!L h. ramble for the cereal, which the vtatls 11. , showed was KPttln rather scarcer In many sections. Mav opened Wic oer H..iurday at from 3fio to 3GSc. The Ko ernment report, which seemed to be the main motive In the skyrocket course of the market, showed 27.noo,(mo bushfls less In farmers- hands than there was a year ago. The quantity on ocean passace lpcrenoil 2 20mo liushels and Is now down tn J-SW.'"! bushels The visible Increased ovor UWW bo-hels. but the supply Is now 21.000 m rnmpnreil with 3t.tOl.nu0 n year iiro Hio worlds shipments were small nnd Liver pool was up M This array of Infnrmntlni furnished the stimulus for the Initial caln nod the awnkenlnc of shorts and others. The price till II o'clock did not vnry much from openltm tlnures. Then It heKon to pboot up. Nothing could stoii It. appar enilv. nnd as the anxious shorts bid hlKher nod hlKhcr men In other pits quit their work to look on, If not to participate Tho ilrmand seemed limitless, nlthotmh thr nil v.ince carried the cash article out of lino with the export bids. May touched Wf iVfkc on tlm bulce and closed l!4c over Saturday at 37'4fi.c. HeeelpU here were WS cars nnd at primary points r.Csl bushels, ntoilnst filn.OOO a yenr nRo. The corn market begun to move upward from Z'sc. about four months ana It ll.ictuated narrowly for weeks. Kalnlnc n bit all the time until ten days ni?o It reached MMr. Saturday tho closo was at IliW.'tr for Mny. The wheat market was dominated by the. corn streiiKth. The statistics were bear sh. There was a law Increase In the world s shipments anil on pussiiB" and receipts were heavy. Cables were steady, making about the (only Independent support tho market liadi throughout n session, when It was drowned out of the commercial orches tra by tho nolso In the corn pit. The ensh demand was checked by the advnnce and nltoRether tho trndo waH not Important, be ing merely a feeble reflection of the corn mnrkot. Primary receipts were IW.Oflfl bushels, compared with K.S.O00 last year. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 902 enrs. nRulnst 737 cars last week nnd 557 a year ngo. Local receipts were t.5 cars. 1 of con tract grade. Atlantic port clearances In wheat nnd flour wero equal to 32S.OOO bushels. Now York reported 10 loads taken for export. Mny opened unchanged nt fia'fc ififitic. touched rric and recovered to 66Hc with corn, closing c over Saturday at Cfi'i "'Vhcf trade In oats was not Importnnt, but the market was helped by the corn strenRth. Itccelpts hero were 3S0 cars. May ranged from 2lo to 21c and closed UflHo hlcher at 21c. Provisions were strong and the trade broad. Tho commission business showed a liberal Incrcasn and there was some Im portant covering. Tork attracted special nttontton, an the contract fitock does not exceed 10.000 barrels, with delivery day on May options only llfty days nwav. The hog market was Ilrm, but much of the strength of tho market was derlvod from corn. May pork ranged from J10.0O to til. 10 and closed 22'4c Improved from Saturday at Ml 10; Mav lard from $fi to $(1.051j0.07'.i. closing 7'.fe up iit JSOfi. and May ribs from $3.97'4 to JG.05, with the close 10c better ut Jti.02Vi'QS.O5. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 63 ears: corn. 870 cars; oats, 420 cars; hogs. SO.OW head. The loading futures ranged ns follows: Articles. I Open. High. IjOW. I flose. IVes'y. I 65 Wheat I 1 Mch. May ORTlfiOO; July I'orn- I Mch. I Mny 3Gif?5; July 3RHT; Sept. SlfiVn Clals May 2!iff'i July 22 1'i.rk May 10 M July 11 00 lird - I May 0 00 July fi 10 Jtlhs- May r. S7',4 July fi00 ""No 2. fifi'il 67l I fiTii,6imSi,65T,'a6 6fl'4l67'liUl4i 6lii I SOU,! 34H 30'4I SSt.il 3GV4 37 I 3Siil 3IJ14 I I 231 24 l23Sfl' 22!22n''d23i22l4i 'ns'i 3S',i 3S14I 24 23 11 10 11 10 10 00 11 to 11 10 11 10 6 or. 10 87V4 10 no 0 07'4l fi 00 5 !17I4 fi 12m fi 07141 fi 12141 6 05 I I K 05 I 5 97m fi 07V4I 5 H714I P, 0". r. ! fi 0741 5 9714 Cash nuotatlons were ns follows: FLOim-Stondv; winter pntents. J3.1(vgi 3.00; straights. J2.9Oi3.30; clears, $2.7OJf3.O0; spring specials, $.1 SO; patents. $3.10'33.15; htrnlirhts. $2.i!0i3.(ii): bakers. $2.00ri2.40. WIIBAT-No. 3 spring. G2i4'iT0lc; No. 2 red. 0$iM(0!e. rOHN No. 2, 3737i(C. 0TS No. 2. 23'1f2lc: No. 2 white. 26ff 27i,c . No 3 white, 25t4ff2fiijc. UYK No. 2, 551, fi 57c. HA IlLKY No. 2, 37W41V4C. m. vn K'as. No. 1 anil northwest, 11. M Prime timothy. 12.40. Plover contract. JS 25 PltOVISlONS- Mess pork, per bbl.. J10.20 (fill 15 Lard, per b) lbs., J5.S21 iff 3.95. Short ribs sides (loose). $5.!WIfi 15. Pry sal'ed shoulders (boed. JO 25170.50. Short clear sides (boxed), J0.15TiO.:a). WHISK Y Distillers' finished goods, on basis of high wines, per gal., JI 21. SPOAHS Put loaf, JO 05; granulated. $5 49 Follnwlng aro tho receipts nnd shipments for today: lloceints. snipm ts Flour, bbls. heat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu live, bu Hurley, bu.. 93.IDO 62.001 . . 51.001 . .43y.Tii ..135.010 . . 7.000 ..120,000 5:i,n 115.000 151,000 1,000 19.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was stronc; crenmerles. Wit :i.c: dairies, 10f(22c. Pheese, Ilrm. 12fil3r. i:ggs, easy: fresh. 1314c. MV vtiitK (;r,M:it.i, ivhkivc (tiiiilntloiiN fur (lie l)n on Various 0111 mud It lc n. NEW YORK March 12 FLOl'R-Re- ri-lpts. 211.301 bbls ; exports. 10.199 bbls ; quiet: buyers hail little confidence In the wheat advance and therefore bought spar ingly, refusing lo meet any advance over old prices; winter patents, J3.Wif3 S3; winter straights, 13 45'u3.55: Minnesota pat- ents. j:i.i0'i3 90; winter extras. 2.W1(2 90; Minnesota bakers, $2 9041.1.05; winter low prailch, $2 25'u".'. 10. Rye Hour, dull: fair to poon. n.i'ni" cunice 10 iiincy. w.nia.w. ilVr.H,y,i.V.,,l",,rA t,'t'.V Sl.COJil 75. 111 , i i 1 1 r., 1 .mmiiiiiiii 111 01c, c. I. I., New York Pi)RNME.I Firm; yellow western, S3c; city. s;ic. HYE Sternly; No. 2 western, 63sc. f. o. b., Btliiat; state, Ksj39c, c. I. f.. New York, car lots. BARLEY - Quiet; feeding, m,46e. New York, malting. 4'JfiMe. New York. BARLEY MALT Dull: western. 551i65c. WHEAT Receipts, lOO.OoO ,u. : exports, 1SS.532 bu. Spot, tlrm; No. 2 red, 77c. elevn tor. No. 2 t-fd, 79c. f. o. b.. alloat, In store; No. 1 northern Duluth. 79c. f. o. b., afloat, prompt; No. 1 hard Duluth, SOUc f. o. b., nlloat. prompt. Options opened steady on n little foreign buying and afterward de veloped a strong advance on the extraordi nary upturn In corn, which continued as the lending bull Inlluence nil dav Shorts bought freely at this advance and the unex. perted decrease In tho visible supply figures nlso had nn Inlluence, Closed tlrm at Utr kO net ndvnnce. Mav, 72 9-16ijf73 S-16o; rlot-cd ut 73c; July. 72Mf72Tp, closed, 72c; September, 72k72 15-I0e , closed, 72s4c CORN Recelils, 167.700 bu.; exports. 41. 7.15 bu. Spot, strong: No. 2. 44c. f o. b , nlloat, nnd 44itc, elevator Option market wns very active and strong all day; de mand was of ii general character. Influenced by bullish statistics, higher cables and soft ather west. Clotted strong at ItWSc net m&Zl Z bu. Hpot. Ilrm, No, 2. 2SNc; No. 3, 2ici No. 2 white. 32c, No. 3 white 3JHc; trnrk mlxril, western, 2fiffl)V: truck white, 31 Vi c,iKc, options quiet, but RtroiiKcr with corn. . IIAV-Klrtn; shipping, (SliTOe; Rood tn choice, Wi'SiVic. HOI'9 Hteiuly; Ftnte. common to choice, I'M rp, 60. IMS (Toll, iSIPc; lVRI crop, 12TJ l1r; I'ncitie ron?t. iw crop, isi rrou, "fiOc; 1SOT crop, iztl.Tf. HI DBS Firm. (liilvc-Mon. 20 to 26 lbs., ,a. ... t , -. i- n, . . ft. nil n. T,...... liKA riirciv aieiuiy; nennocK ooie, iiuenos Avres. light to heavyweights. WrJS'ie; acid H.2f,Uc. WOOl, Quiet; domestic Hcece, 2y2Se; Texan IMjISc OA (-Steady IMIOVISIONS-Heef. steady; family. $11.00 ?J1.1.,; mess, J0.fi?!ft IS: bief hnm, J20.W 22.00; imcket. $11 (11.7.i. city extra India mess. ! no Put meats, quiet; pickled bellies. tii.17',4ft7.M; pickled shoulders, KCOfir fi.25; pickled hams. JO.WtlOBO t.ard. Ilrm; western steam. 10.30; March closed. J0.22'j. nominal; retlned, tinner; continent, M.B5; South American, JH.S0; compound, JO.12-4. I'ork quiet; short clear. )12.u0f 13 X; mess, Jll.00fill.no. Tallow, easy; city, 6 6-lCc; tountrv. Si.fifi'c. HfTTim-Hecelpts, 7,038 pkgs.; Ilrm! June creamery, lSf23'4c; western creamery, 20f25c. factory, 17f(20c. t'HHKSK Uecelpts. 3.33S pkgs.; strong; fancy large and small, white, 13frUttic; fancy large, colored. 13?(13'ie; fancy small, colored, l.lfd.lHc; choice grades, 12'd12c. HOflH Heeelpts. 4.S70 pkgs ; Ilrm; west ern, nt mark, 144If llc; southern, nt murk, 13!4IHic. UK'H Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4H'i? 6!4c; Japan. MOI.ASSKS - Quiet; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 4HiKe. I'BANl'TS Stenilj ; fancy handplckcd, 4SP 4'ic: other domestic, 3Vt?i4L'. Flti:iOHTS-To Liverpool, quiet; cotton by stenm, 33e; grain by steam. 3M. MKTAL8 Huslness In metals continued slack; Iron was dull; copper ruled quiet at unchanged prices, nt Jlfi.25. Tin was very dull, closing I31.S0. nominal, against $31.75, the closing figure of ln.st week. Lead was quiet at unchanged prices, JI.70OI.75, and spelter ruled easier, closing with sellers nt 3 points under the outside price of last week, tho final quotations today being M.051(l"0. The market was quiet, without features. The brokers' price for lead was 11.15 and for copper llrt.&O. (1MAII.V WHOLKSALK M Alt Kin's. ronilltlnn of Trnde nnd Quntntlnnn 011 Stnplr nnd Knncy I'roiluer. KOOS Heeelpts Increasing; fresh stock, 10c. DnFSSKD POFLTIU'-Cholce to fancy turkeys, S5i9c; ducks. HiOc; gceso, SG9c; spring chickens, 7if?7i,4c; hens, 7iQ7V4c; roosters, 4IGe. L1VK POPLTIIY-Hens, (H?fii.4c; spring chickens, fififiHc; young, ntnggy nnd old roosters, 31f5c; ducks, 7i4S5c; geese, VYtf 8c; turkeys, 714Tf.Sc. HPTTKK Pommon to fair, 1614c: choice, 17JlSe; separator, 25cj gathered crenmery, 22ii23c. PIOKONS Live, per doz., WcOJl.OO. VKALS-Cholce, iySWc. OYSTICHS Medium, per can, lSe; stnnil ard, per can, 22c; bulk standard, per gal.. $1.2o; extra selects, per can, 30c; extra se lects, per gal., $1. 001-75; New York counts, per can, 37c; New York counts, per 100, $1.25. FISH Herring, per lb., 5c; round perch, 5c; sun, 6c; cod, fic; hnddock, fie; blue pike, 6c; scnled nnd dressed perch. 6c; clscoes, fic; medium dressed trout. 71,4c: cropple, 714c; pickerel, 7V4c; llnnan huddle. 714e; white llsh, 9e; yellow pike, dressed, 9c; smull trout, dressed, 9c; red snapper, 9o; smelts, 9c; smoked white fish, Pc. HAY' 'Per carload lots: Upland, choice, $0; midland, choice, $5.60; lowland, choice, $5; rye straw, choice. $4.50; No. 3 corn, 2714c; No. 3 white, oats, 2214c; cracked corn, per ton, $12; corn and oats, chopped, per ton, $12.50; bran, per ton, $12.50; short., per ton, VEGETABLES. ASPAnAOUS-Pallfornln, per lb., 20c. NEW TURNIPS-Pcr doz. bunches, 50c. SPINACII-Pcr box, $1. NEW BEETS-Per doz, bunches. 40fiG0c. LETTUPE Per doz. bunches. 40c: fancy hend lettuce, per bbl., $5. HADISIlES l'or doz. buncnes, 35c. SWEET POTATOES - Per bbl.. Illinois. $3; Jerseys, $5; large bbls., Kansas. $2.75. potatoes per mi , cnotc. 3inoc. CABBAOE Holland seed. 2H5j2i4c. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate. $2.60-82.73. PELEIIY l'cr doz.. 25U30c: California, per bunch, 4073c. TUllNli's-tiutauagas. per id., iuc TOMATOES Florida, per six-basket crate. $3.60. MUSHROOMS Per lb, box. BOC. RHUBARB Per doz.. (W75c. ONIONS-Retall. yellow. 75c: red. 85S)c: Ohlos, per bbl., $2.25, FRUITS. APPLES Choice western shinning stock. $1.50; New York stock. $1.50; fancy, $1.75. OKAl'KS Malaga, per bbl., J7.ixi(9.w. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per bbl.. $10.50: per crate, $3.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES California, fnncv navels. rcr box, $3,251(3.50; cholco navels, $2.75ii3.00; Call- rornia seeonngs. per oox, LEMONS California, choice, per box. $3: fancy, $1.60; Messtnas, choice, per box, $3.60; fancy. $4. BANANAS-Per bunch, medium. 11.760 2.(0; fancy, $2.00Ga.25. HIDES. HIDES-No. 1 green hldep, 7c; No. 3 green hides. Be; No, 1 salted h rtes. So No. 2 suited hides. 7c; No. 1 veal calf, S to 1 ids., uc; rso. i veai cue, i; 10 ib I us., sc. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 21-sectlon case. $3.60. NUTS Hickory, large, per bu., $1.23; shellbarks, $1.35. St. I.onls rirnln nnil Pro vision. ST. LOUIS. March 12. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator. 70T4C; track. 73 ff "Viic: March, 70Uc; Mny. 697ic: July, 6fil.c; No. 2 hard, 65fj66V4c; receipts, 30.SV5 bushels. PORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 35c; track, 35Mfc36Hc; March, 35'ic; May, SC'Sic; July, 3Cc. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 211ic; track, 24V-; March, 21c; May, 24Hc; No. 2 white, -lli'lll,iiC. uvi.v-mrong at 60c. FLOUR Firm; patents. $3.503.60; extra fancy. S3.lRirra.S0; clear, $2.7003.00. SEEDS-Tlmothy, easy; ordlnnry. J2.15T? 2.25; prime worth more. Flax, nominal at ji i,. PORNM EAL Steady. Jl.K5iffl.90. BRAN Higher; sacked lots, east track. Jl.tH. HAY'-FIrm; timothy, 19.00I?12.00; prairie, Ii MKrlM.bii. WIIISKY-Steady, higher, 11.2414. POTTONTIES-J1.25. 1 1 AP.P, 1 NO-fila7c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS-Pork: Firm: Jobbing, old. J1050 p.'w. SI 1 2" Lard: Higher; prime steam, $5.70; choice, $5.75. Dry salt meats (boxed), higher; extra shorts, Jfi.lSH; clear ribs. J0.25; clear sides. $0,371-... Bacon (boxed), higher; extra shorts, $0.6214; clear ribs, $0.75; clear sides. 10.S714. MF1 ALS Lead: Firm at $l.5714'i7l.60. Speller: Strong at $t.50. POULTRY Steady; chickens. OT1714C; tur keys, STilOe; ducks, 9c; geese, 514flfic. KOilS-Steady at 1214c. BUTTER-Steady; creamery, 2iVfi2.-c; delrv ii"0,- REPEIPTS-Flour. 7.000 bbls.; wheat. 31, OiV) bu.; corn. 190,001 bu.; oats, 61,000 htl. SIIIPMENTS-Flour. 6.000 bbls.: wheat, IS.000 bu.; corn. 47,Oi) bu.; onts, 22.000 bu. Kiiiiniim Pity (irnln nnd Provisions. KANSAS PITY. Mnrch 12. WHEAT Mav. 02Mifi2?ic. No. 2 hard cash. Otc. No. Wiffic: No 2 red. 70c; No. 3. 661169c; re- ceiins. wi curs. CORN May. 34tc: cash. No. 2 mixed. 31c; No. 2 white, 3IMl35c; No. 3, 34I3i4c OATS-No. 2 white, 25o. RYU No 2. 53c. HAY-Cholce timothy. !10.00fT10.50: choice prairie. J7.251i7.60. Hi 'TTNR creamery. WJac; dairy, 19c. I EOdS - A weak undertone prevails, owing in warm weather. Fresh Missouri , and Kansas stock, lOUc doz, cases re- ; turned: new white wood cases Included, He. UEPHIPTS-Whent. 3,0iT0 bu.j corn. 5,fA) tin. - oats, lU.IHD llll SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 10,2i)0 bu.j corn, 39,000 bu. ; oats, 7.000 bu. Liverpool Cm In nml Pro iUIoik, LIVERPOOL. March 12. -WHEAT-Spot, no stock. Futures, quiet; March 5sl0d; May, 5s 9d; July. 6s Shd. CORN Spot, tlrm; American mixed, new. 3sl0i4d; American mixed, old. 3s l0id Fu tures, steady. May. 3s 974d; July, 3s9VI. PKOVISIONS-I.ird. prime western, In tierces, dull nt 31s. The Imports of whent Into Liverpool for tho last week were 37.800 quarters from Atlantic ports, lO.fmO quarters from Pa cltlc ports and 15,00) quarter from other porti. The Imports of corn Into Liverpool from Atlantic ports tat.t week wero 54,000 quar tern. Dnlutli (irnln Mnrket. DULUTH, March 12-WHEAT-No. 1 hard cash. C6so: May, 67Tc: No. 1 northern cash, 65I40; Mny, 60i,e; July. fi7o; No. 2 northern, G2c; No. 3 spring, 5W4C OATS-23i,?i24c. CORN-35HC. Stntciiient nf Vldhle upplr, NEW YORK March 12 The atutemcnt of the visible supply of train lu store und p..c:,nheN Is as fnlir,wj v heat. 53.0s,n.v bu.; decrease, sss.noo bu. Porn, 2l.0'o.i'io bu.; Increase, 1.394,) bu. Oats, fl.oiioi) bu.j Increase, Stl.Cs" bu. Rye 1,710.110 bu., decrease, 6.0i bu. Barley, l.uoo.oiM bu ; decrease, lCO bu, 'liileitit Mnrlii'l, TOLEDO. Mni-eh 12. WH MAT Firm nnd hegher. No. 2 cash, 7P4c: May. T2V- bid. 'ORN-Flrm nnd higher; No. 2 mixed, 37c: Mny. 3m OATS-Active nnd stendv: No. 2 mixed. 2:ic. R E Nomlnnl ; No. 2 ensh. 5S!4e. PLOVERSEED - Firm: futures, higher; prime cash. old. J1.95; March, new, it 6; October, J5.20; No 2 seed, JI.6DfI5.10. l 1 1 won lire (i ril 1 11 )lnrliet. MILWAUKEE. March 12. WHEAT Firm; No. 1 northern. fiOlic; No. 2 northern, OKiffie. 11 YE Firm: No 1. CSV. HA RLEY Firm. No. 2. 42itl5c; sample, 364 10c. Mlniii'iipiitln Wlienl mid I'lour. MINNEAPOLIS. March 12-WHEAT-ln store: No. 1 northern March, 6414c; May, 0i,iifilV; July, fiRi4fifiSV. On track: No. 1 hard, fifii.c; No. l northern, 6ITc; No. 2 northern, G3c. Peurln Market, PEORIA. March 12,-PORN-Hlgher; No. 2. r.v. OA l.c-Klrm- No. 3 white. 23l,e. WHISKY-FIrm on the basis of J1.2I14 for finished onds. MOVEMENTS CtF STdl'KH M IIOMH. l)n's Stuck MnrKet Is an I u mixta le ntil? SlriniK One 'I'lifoimliiiut. NEW YORK March 12 Todiiv'H stock market was unmistakably string through-1 ... MM... , ... . uui. iue iii'iiiniisiraieo inuiiicreuce oi tnu ntoi-tnt r.,, U ,Jn.. , .t, ....If. .l..l.,n .... .... uftiiutiuj iu iiv n n 1 1 1 ,,,ii I lull of surplus reserves of New York banks took tho mainstay of tho hears frnn beneath them. The demand from short Interests wns a factor In the advance In prices, es perlally In the Industrials which linv,. re cently been under pressure. There were several elements of positive strength In ismye strength In he largest part of edly due to the of- element among the the e(TiKt of thn me niurKci also, nut tile i no ouying was undouble fort of the nrofesslimnl s:i..,ulators to discount the effect of tho currency mil. Not only the smaller clas of professionals who have recently had the market tn them selves, but operators of larger mould gave evidence of their Interest In tho market. i. !.. 'vilu" ."" ln " increased ac- lHlty of tho stock market upon the monev market was evln,.,.,i in n. i.. till :...ii loan rate to ti pt,r cent. The speculators am no uiieniion to tills admonitory symp pm, appaiently , onvlnced that the end of the money market troubles was nt hand inlt" , 'i.l .cn.,l'Vn,nt of "'W I'urrency tomorrow HP,,t t0 ,hc I)ri'l,,lc'nt iTi'hrt,.u'or,n "Cfaslonal periods of dullness t?. ' u,rknP.L- "I'l'fontly with a view to testing It. Thn nnlr-lr u.il.ul.i.... Ilwl,yi..wlthout i,ny foactlon In prices and confirmed the coin b once or the bulls mid ' started prices upward Tig Hi,. Tin cfos , ,lui,0( 'tftlvo nnd string near" the op leVd. Net L'Mlnj 11 hn ,,rl., ,..... I . 1 diLStrlals. and specialties, inclu ,11. s r ! rliwtrlnls. nnd specialties, Including Sugar. I robocc, People's Oas, Anaconda, the r ,m and steel stocks nml fh. v. v.,.i; ....i.ii ' 1 "''"'?, Horn 3 to over 4 "00 1 il 1 tho latter In Sugar. In the railroad list , St. Paul was the leader '"'h In "nlnt of tMi tinl slfngth, rising an extreme Tho other grangers, the southwestern;) and a number of the trunk line and south ern railroads gained .1 point or over. A f en t ure of the trading was the nutn bor of tliroii-day contracts recorded on tho tape, Indicating the anticipation of easier money wiin tne operation of the nnvu financial hill. ThX w a generous sprinkling of transactions In fractional In s i all through the t. Indicating ? a n Invest? mcnt demand which had no small t art In the, feellnc- nf mnH,L.. .,.i.V.,...i S... i speculatlvo contlUKent ' A hitpkzrnunri of trcnr.il, tn .1... ...i,.,i market was afforded by tho large absorp tion of railroad bonds, especially those of thn higher grade. This must undoubtedly be attributed to tho nrcssure for relnveai. mont of funds which have been realized by Investors! who have sold covernment bniwts at tho high prices prevailing, tho banks buying thvm to use for security for clr- dilation. It seems to ostfapo notice that this Is In a measure an nntlclnatorv em- ployment of the extended circulation, since mo capital or me national banks, which nas gono ror tno paymmt of these bondp, looks to banknote Issues for Its release nnd rc-empioyment. London Was a Ilhernl buyer of stocks In this market nnd con sldernble, sentimental Influence was exerted by the largo Mubsorlptlons ruported to bo made In Now York to the new' British loan. It Is nrgued that those subscriptions lndl cato an abundance of capital and they will represent also a quickly convertible for eign credit upon which the country enn draw In cao of need In the money mar ket. Reports of railroad enrnlngs for tho first week In March were encouraging. A good effect was produced also by the statement of exports for February of agri cultural products, the large Increase In value of cotton exports for the month giving It the record for Fehrunry. Tho bond market was active and strong throughout. Total sales, par value, J2,2flfi, 00i). United States 3s, coupon, and new 4s. registered, declined 4. 4h. coupon, nnd tho old 4s U in t!'c bid urlce. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram fays: Thero was a happy tone to the mnrket bore today and light Increase In business for the new nc count, but speculation did not develop as was oxaected, but contnngoes were rather Htlffer. indicating that speculation Is In creasing. Interest Is now centered In the war loan, which has already been tub scrlbed twenty times over. The London list was closed today, but this has not yet been authoritatively ennounced. The pre mlum fluctuated today between 2i and 2'4, closing at 2S8. Consols ranged between 101!4 nnd lOW. closing at 101 7-10. Americans opened strong and kept firm. Business In them wns brisker than for somo time. New York offered support and especially In St. Paul and Atchison nnd the closing wns cheerful at tho top. The contnngo In this department wns MiTflVj and the account was Increased. Both Iondoti nnd New York bought Anacondas ftrongly all day, but there wns no explanation of the move mcnt. Tlntos ulso went up on French buy ing. Tho bank reoelved 121,000 from Hol land nnd bought 29.000 In bars. Call and tlmo money were m strong iiemiuui. uu loans duo the banK worn renewed una .i very large frewh loan and discount Imslncsa .., ,lnn ntttlmiltcd lit 1. 600(100. Oil a scarcity of funds, due to war loan deposits. l no ioiiowiiib ui,- "'J,"""""'""" piinmr a leading stocks on the New York exchanga todnv: Atchlon do. pfd Balto. , Ohio.. Can. Pacltlc .. . Pan. Southern.. Plies. & Ohio.. Phlcniro O. W.. '.Wi Texas & Pnc... ",7 1 st Union Pacific .. 62?. do. pfd IGii 49'4 71 iK 95 Wabash 19 do. nfd. ... 2S Vv. & L. E... IS'i do. pfd. ... P.. 11. & Q 12J Wis. central P. 1. fi I,... do. pfd. . C. & E. I. C N. W. Adams Ex 114 51 American Ex. ...112 95'4 United State Ex. 1 IOI14 Wells Fargo Ex.. 122 P.. R. I. & I iuv.i Am. 1 01. uu "i'4 C. 1 . iv I. l. iJ' uo, pin Col. Southern 614 Am. Malting .... 5 9314 no. isi pin -iv-i, uu, iiu do. 2d pfd 16V A. S. fi R Del. fi Hudson lfil.i do. nfd 91 I).. L. & W... D. & R. C do. pfd Erlo do. 1st pfd... (51. Nor. pfd... Hock'ng Ponl . .ISO . 19V . 7M4 . 12J . 37i Am. Spirits ... do. pfd Am. S. II do, pfd A. S. fi W 17 Mi 80 60' .157M do. nfd. !"' H. . 1514 Am. fin Plate. . 3314 do. pfd .113'iAm. Tobacco . . lPi do. pfd Hocking ai. .. 1 Illinois Pentrnl i lowa Central.. .Hi do. prd. . .. K. P. P. & O. L. E. & W do pfd U-ike Rhoro ... An. Mln. t'o. 1STi fi'VIL"' '.':.' wvlr Tni,eV.,,'in. n1H r?i'' J?1 Ct0 " c- ' 191 i do. nfd 85 L. i- N Man. L 82i4 Federal Steel .... 60H Man. L 9 do. Jfd 73 Met. St. Ry loOHOcn. Electric ,...12Ci Mcx. Central .... 12 .(llucoso Sugar .. 6214 i Minn. & St. L I do. pfd Mo. Pacific .. . fil do. prd 9S . 92i;.Int. Paper 19 . 4flU do. nfd 03U Mobile O.. M.. K. & T do. pfd N. J. P N. Y. P Norfolk fi W do. pfd Nor. Paelllc .. do. pfd Ont. fi West.. . 4li4Lnclcde das .... 73'4 I.V'J IlOiJ . 1'4 Nat. Biscuit . tin1 do. pfd. ... .117 Nat. Lead ... .131 do. nfd. ... . 32'4 Nut. Steel ... HI 311 104 'i iti' do. pfd. -11 X -i- Al T i in-,, -i ? v-' i' V "'"""''r ,7 1IV 23'4Pnelfln Coast .... M!4 O. R. fi N ... I do pfi! ' Pennsylvania I Reading do. 1st pfd.. 1 lo. 2d pfd., , R. O. W I do. nfd . i do. 1st prd S3 . 70 do. 2d pfd 60 .135 Pnclllc Mall : . li People k Pas .... 9il . 5S ipremod S. C, . 29'i' do. pfd . 52 Pul'. Pal. Car . 90 H R. & T 4 51 SV, 13'4 0'i i St. L. & S. F. 10'4 Sugar ...10l4 do. 1t pfd OS ,lo. pfd M7"., do. 2l pfd 31V.T. C. & 1 95U St. L. S. W IP. U. H. Leather.... V'A do. nfd 291 do. pfd. -mj St. Paul 12344 r. S. Rubber.... do. nfd. 172 do. nfd no 91 S3" 4 o-l St. P. it O... So. Pacltlc . So. Rnl'way en west, union .... 3SH Rep. I, & s i-i'n no. pra. 07 ijo.pru. 5SV4 P. P. C. & St. I,. 66 First asst. paid llniik ('IciirliiK. PHIPAPiO March 12, -Clearings. 122.311 092, buluii'cs, J1,16C,07U. Posted exchange, -! . BALTIMORE, Maroh 12. - Clearings, $.'.W1I0 balances. $tt7.OI0. ( PIIILAtlKt.t'lttA. Mnrrh 12 PlearlncS. : 110.lH2.6iMj balances, 11.792.710. BOSTON. March 12.-Plearings, 116.30S.57S; balnnces, ll.47S.024. ST LOUIS, March 12.-Plenrlngs, J5.S0', 214. balances, JS50.1IS. Money. Mi7 per cent. New York exchnnge, par bid, 23c premium dP-rd. NEW YORK. March 12. Ploarlngs. llOii, iSD.KiJ; balancef, 13,907,430. iw 'nrU Slcuiej' InrUet. NEW YORK. Mnrch 12.-MONEY-OU call, firmer nt 31(0 per cent; lust loan at 314; prime mercantile paper, lflStj per cent STERLING EXPHANOE-Steady. with actual liultiris In bankers' bills nt $1.M4 for demand and nt HMWU 2l4 for sixty days; posted rater, $I.S3i5i 4. SI and ut 1I.S7 5i4.87i?. commercial bills, J4.Slii1f4.S2. SILVER - Certificates. fiOUllOllie; bar. 69'V; Mexican dollars, 17ic. BONDS-aovernmcnt. weak; state and railroad, strong. The following nre tho closing quotations on bonds: V. S. 2s',' reg i02i4 N. Y. P. Is 110 do 3s. reg HPN. J. P. gen. &S..1234 do coupon 11114 Nor. Carolina 6s. 127 ilo new Is reg..130"-i do 4s loo do new 4s coup. 130i Nor. Pnc. 3s 667 do old U reg. ...11711 do 4s 104-4 do old ts colip.lltili N Y P & St L 4S.10S do 6 reg llfiljNor. & W. c. Is.. 9514 do 5s coup II6HI do gen. di 130 Dlst. of Col. 3 C.s.llS Ore. Nnv. Is 1S Atchison gen. 4S.10PJ do 4s ire'S do. mlj. Is :,0. S. L. 6 127i Pan. So. 2ds 1015.1,! do con. 5s 113i P. & O. 4iss 971. Rending gen. 4.. Sf' P. & O. 6 11S14 R. O. VV. Is 9St4 P. fi N. W. e. 7S.142 St L & I M c 5.11ti do S F. deb. 5s.l20 St I. fit 8 F g Os.120 Phi. Ter. 4s 91 St. Paul con 10S J'- O- l'ts.,103 St. P. I'. I', ls.i.v, do 5s 119 So. Ry 6s 1H I'. rt It. 1.1. 4S.... !l'l t. tr - r. it i iaV Jn.lJ 1 Erie gen. 4s 71 S. R. & T. W l'-. v. r I), r. is. 70!4,Tonn. new sei. :is in den. Electric 5s. U6H Texas el Pac. is. 112 O. H. & S. A. Os.lOS do 2R 67 no 2s 107i Union I'ac. s ioj- 11. T. P. 5S....U0V do. con. 6-J 112 ...r.... . 1. . ii.t Wabash Is H0- do 2s 99 West Shore 4s ... 113 Wis. Pent. Is.... 90'i Va. Pent S9 lowa rent. Is. ...114 K v j, x. m i 71 ! i'V Vew eon ti 1I V J6r IC tml ' 4 n J ' k Jp ' 32, , rVtJV l- - Vtt. deferred 9 Pol. So. 4 s S3 do 4s 91H So. Pac. 4- S3i( Oflered. lliiNtnn MlntnK Storks. BOSTON, March 12. -Pall loans, 31414 per cent; time loans, 473 per cent. Closing prices for stocks, bonds nnd mining shares: A. T. & S. F. do. pfd. ... Am. Sugar . do. nfd. ... Bell To!. ... Boston & Al. Boston Ele... 23' 071 101' im 311 210 West End iVest. Elec WK Pentrnl .. Atchison 4s .... V. K. (1. Si C. 6s 93 4214 17U 9Si 70 Adventure H4 11714, Allouez M. Po.... 2'f Amal. Popper .... 92 AHantlc 24 Boston & Maine. 191 P.. 11. & Q 12li Dom. 1 011 ... 43 Boston & Mont.. 302 no. pro uc Butte fi Boston., hi Federal Steel .... '0 Pal. & Heola 736 ; r '' ';', .J?. 1'ltchburK iifd 3 Z "" J7 no. pin 1 J " Centennial .. Franklin .... isceoln. .... 1SU 1314 . 15 . 711i . 4314 .IB . 514 .1S9 . 21K. . 215 . 411i :'4 Parrot ? l"x.: l'c"'n'' v"5,- e t n'A " Si.w.Av, ,& Ql ( oony .... 12H Qtilncy . 18 .207 s. F. Popper. Tamarack ... ?, y,,Pm,nlon " i,", rr, '".;,' "' Unl" 1 n''"'c " Utah Mln. ... 29 Winona 4914 Wolverines ew York 3IIiiIiik Stocks. NEW YORK, Mnrch 12. The following are tho olllclal closing quotations for ml 11 1 11!.' shares: Phol'iar 23 Ontnrlo ..823 "'" nu ' w Con Pal. & Va .16.5 IVmouth 12 Deadwood 60 Quicksilver 160 0VI,'&vcrr5' - " L d0 x?f,1i J uln ,Norcro9 il prr? N,evnda Homestnko 5000 Standard 300 1. rown i-oini n .upnir .. 80 Iron Silver 70 lUnton Con........ 18 Mexican 22 lYellow Jacket ...15 London Stock Quntntlon. LONDON, March 12.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, m'n'y 101 3-16 Pennsylvania Pons., acet... .101 7-16 Reading ... 69U ... 9i ... 75Vi ... 23 ... 841A ... 85 ... 10 ... 37 ' Can. Pacific 100'i, Nor. Pac. pfd I Erie 1314 Atchl'on do 1st pfd 38H Louisville H'lnols Central. . .UGH Orand Trunk U. P. pfd 70U Anaconda ; wt- t'aui com ijd nanus N. Y. c... ....13714 BAR SILVER- Steady at 27d per ounce. MONEY-S14SM per, cent. The rate of discount In the open market for both short and three-months' bills Is 4 per cent. FnrrlKii Flnnnrlnl, PARIS, Mnrch 12. On tho bourse today prices wero firm but Inactive. Lntcr they reacted In several departments. Rentes were better. Portugueti wero In good de mand. Spanish 1s were easier. Rio Tlntos ndvanced, then relapsed on realizations and closed lower. De Beers wero actively bought. Katllrs wore fairly strong and sales were reflected. Three per cnt rents, lOlf 9214c for tho nccount. Exchunge on London, 23f 23c for checks. Spanish 4s. 71.1211,. LONDON. March 12. American securities opened rather firm In response to the Im provement In New York Saturday and prices were well maintained throughout the session, cioslng firm. The demand was light. Gold premiums aro quoted as fol lows: Buenos Ayres. 127,30; Madrid, 31.02; Lisbon. 14; Rome, 6.90V4. BERLIN. March 12. Exchange, on Lon don, 20m 61pfgs. for check. Prlcee were. Ilrm on the bourse today, being encouraged by London advices nnd tho rise In consols. Home funds wero In good demand nnd harder. Americans were firmer. Canadian Paclllcs reacted on a reported decrease In the weekly receipts. Locals were good, es pecially In mine shares. Condition of Hip Trennry. WASH INcnON. Mnrch 12 -Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $503,i5,600; gold reserve, J2l2.91t.049. Wool Market. LONDON. March 12.-WOOL The wool snlcs were continued today, with offerings nf 9.195 bales. Prices for good wools ui,iv,.l n amnll Imnrnvpmpnl unit a lnrcG quantity of Queensland Ueeiong merinos WPI.p demand. The American buyers ...,..l,nu.,l 1,r. I.nut f!,. Inrn, nllnnpil Prias. i,roc,is wero fairly represented, tho homo i trade taking the bUIK. New cuppeu i-unia Arenas In good condition showed a small deeltno under the December rates. Tho catnloguo offered wns moueraie una 1110 111- tendnnce good. The Frencn and Herman buyers secured the most of tho merinos. The followlnc Is the sale In detail: New W)'h South Wales, 3,100 bales; scoured, Is 414diT 1014 is lid; greasy, 7d'Tils2d. Queensland, too 27 ; bales: scoured, 1s 714dffls I114d; greasy, 9141I l'li.ffils. Victoria. 1,800 bales; scoured, Is SV4dff1 IsllHil; greasy, 7V4HriH i'4'i. west Aus tralia, 27 halea; greaBy, lOiilld. New '.ea bind. 1.300 bales: scoured. 6?id7?ls 514d; greasy, 614dfUs Hd. Puntn Arenas, 2,200 bales; scoured, 714ff914d; greasy, 5&10d. ColTee Mnrket. NEW YORK. Mnrch 12.-POFFEB-Tho market for coriee futures opened stenny ill tone, with prices partly 5 points higher on local covering, following better Hnvre entiles than exnected. modenite receipts In itnizll and fair wnrehouse deliveries In this country. Subsequently Increased the nd- vaiice to 107115 points, but turned easier on lower closing Havre cables. Selling shocked .S'1 by prlvnto cables saying that Santos re lOMj eclpts were unlikely to Increase. Closed steady, wiin prices iu points net nigner. Total snles were 27.750 bags. Including: March. $0.70: Mny. JiI.fi.Vflli.7U; Jll )', I6.70M March. J0.70; May, W.6&56.70; July, $6.70i( t!-r': September, JO.806.85; October, JS.85; December, J7.05in7.10: February. J7.15. Spot, Rio. dull: No. 7 Invoice. 811c. nomlnnl: No. 7 Jobbing. 8i, c. Mild market, quiet; Cor dova, 9WH4c. Dry (Snnils Mnrket, NEW YORK, March 12. -DRY OOODS Bleachcd cottons ure moving up. No ma terial change In tho market for brown goods. Homo demand quiet nnd very little ilolnir for exnort. Tone tlrm. Wide sheet- Incu senreo. Business In colored cottons I strong by scarcity of supplies and tho prices now held for. Print cloths dull but I ,'1l niiil-l' inline numimih, v.,iih,ii,tin I strong, wntto goons scarce unn nrm. Cnllfnriiln Dried Friilta, NEW YORK. March 12. -CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Dull but steady. Thn market for evaiiorated apples continues quiet, with only a small Jobbing business; prices at the close wero unchanged; state, common, P-sfiStie; prime. fijiOlJc; choice, "if 7isc; fancy. 71SVjC. Prunes, 3145i7e, as to size and quality. Apricots. Roynl. 13015c; Moor park. 15Ti1Sc. Peaches, peeled, 18fi 22t; unpecled, 7i419c. I'lilliiilelplilii Prnduce Mnrket. PHILADELPHIA. March 12,-Hl'TTKR-Dull and easier; fancy western creamery, 20c; fancy western prints, 27o. EOOS Firm; fresh nearby, western and southwestern. 15c; fresh southern, 14c. CHEESE-Unchanged. EIkIii Mutter Market. E LCI IN. 111.. March 12. -No offerings of butler today. Olllclal market declared firm at 2tc. nu u , 1 irr? ctmpp u di;dt UJInlKl Lilly llltfl.ll Ui -til II 111 """"" tit'" UiUVrt M.iilUL. l Week Start! Ont with Just About the Uiunl wuuunj a ii;unipMi CATTLE VALUES PRACTICALLY UNCHANGED Hogs AH Sell Enrly ttKIi friers Simile HlKlirr Tlinn l,nl Week Sheep nml l.iunlis In l)e iiinml mill Stenil, , SOUTH OMAHA. March 12. Receipts were: intl. Ilnirs. Sheen. Olllclal .Monday I,9i0 4,172 5,301 One week ago 2.120 4.720 G,lli ,!,."" "fens ngo i,i,i ;i,r,n i,m,i Three weeks ago l,i2 2 007 8,1:15 I-our weeks ago 2,733 3,19 9.120 AVemi!o lirlcii linl.1 fryr nntfa frit' ilin last sevornl days with comnarlsons- 11900 ilS93.I89S '1S97. ISM., 1896, 1S94. Feb. 16. Feb. 17 Feb. .... Feb, 19....; Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 l- eb. 23 Fell Si Fch. "S Feb. 2..'... fob. 27 Feb March March 2.... March 3 ... March 4 Mnrch 5 ... March .... Mnrch ? March .$!."! March 9.... March 10... March 11... March 12... Indicate Sunday The olllclal numher nf c.-irs of stock I brought In today by each .road was: 1 uniiic. noirs. s i 11. Mrs v ., .11. ot Bl, i' uy O. & St. I,. Ry.... 4 XII n r.vi 11 1 1 3 19M If 4 7 3 6S 3 S4 S 26 S S8 4 ' I J 621 3 871 3 31 3 90 3 o 4 S3 3 911 3 3S 3 81 3 8.1 0 0i 4 7S 3 60, 3 33 3 84 3 76 4 M 4 74 3 47! 3 9i 3 S7 3 71 4 31 4 69 3 55 3 81 3 3S 3 87 3 78 4 99 69, 3 M, 3 81 3 36 3 SO J JS 4 691 3 63 3 S3 3 41i 3 83 . 85 3 68 3 791 3 49 3 75 3 84 4 65 3 81 3 421 3 70 82 4 5 4 S7 3 62 3 431 3 73 3 82 4 9 4 70 3 66 3 77 I 3 Of. 3 S7 4 86 4 M 3 54, .1 78 3 60 I 3 88 4 77 4 6 3 69 3 86 3 47 3 74 3 10 4 69 4 63 3 67 3 881 3 49 3 SOI 4 77 I 3 62 3 87 3 481 3 VJ 3 91 4 74' 3 S2 .1 55 3 SSI 3 87 4 i7 4 70) 3 61 3 65 3 79 3 92 4 71 4 71 3 60! 3 89 I 3 80 V0 4 6 I 72 .1 631 3 7fi 3 671 I 4 06 J 74 4 71 3 58 3 76 3 601 3 81 4 01 4 li ! I 73 3 63 .1 S0 3 05 3 S 4 t'9 3 59 3 791 3 61 3 82 4 10 1 I 4 76 3 7 1 3 70 . 3 S0 I 16 4 61 11 1 is '9 !.' 7 .. .1 17 12 'i 1 1 Mlsontirl Pacific llv... I 1 nlon I'aclile System. 17 P. fi N. W. Ry 1 F., E. & M. V. R. It.., S. P. fi P. Ry f, 20 23 1 4 1 P.. St. P.. M. & O.... U. M. R. It. R P., II. & Q. Ry P.. R. I. P. Ry.. E Illinois Central Total receipts 76 67 21 2 The dlsnosltlnn of ihn dnv's mcnlnis u-n as follows, each buyer purchasing the inini- oer 01 ncau innicnieii: llll vol Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omalia Packing Co.. 66 IW ii. 11. Hammond Co Swift nnd cnmnnnv 152 367 31 ,1 33S 755 627 S23 9.(2 93S 250 1.032 462 2,719 "610 Cudaliy Packing Co Armour c uo Armour, from Sioux City Swift, from country k. iiecKer Ai uegan Vnnsant & no M 125 9S 221 26 87 J. L. Carey Lobman A- Co Hill & Huntzlniier Other buyers 256 Totals 1.S63 4.501 5,359 CATTLE Tho week started out with a smaller run of cattle than Inst week and with tho general market Mhuwlng little chatiKo upon tho whole. Cornfed steers seemed to be In pretty good demand nnd the market, while not particularly nctlve, was sufllclently so to effect a reasonably early clearance. The prices paid were just about the same as prevailed at the closo of last week and about all that can he said of the market Is to call It .steady. The most of tho cattlo on salo were soon disposed of. Cows nnd heifers were also In good de mand and the most of the desirable stuff was soon disposed of nt steady prices. No new features were dtivelopcd lu the trado and the market was without quotablo change. Hulls, stags and othur stock sold In last week's notches. The feeder market was crazy and good stuff sold ns high as any time. Somo good Wyomlngs, white faces, brought 15. Thn speculators wero the principal buyers. The total offerings wero light and everything on salo was disposed of lu a short time. Reprenentatlvn sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. t 860 3 15 1 1120 4 43 1 720 $3 30 7 1240 4 41 13 846 4 00 1 1280 4 45 2 K50 4 00 1 1010 4 45 11 1111 I IW) 19 1313 4 60 1 910 I (K 20 1235 4 50 2 97: 4 -1 2) 1190 4 60 8 1063 4 20 4 1260 4 60 5 90S 4 20 1 8 1098 1 60 21 996 4 :) 10 1OI0 4 60 15 1075 4 35 21 1361 4 65 11 1128 4 15 2 1155 4 65 4 1137 I 33 23 1206 4 65 17 12(i 4 35 10 1126 I 70 10 1112 I W 20 1305 I 70 47 1112 4 43 21 1280 I SO 41 1154 4 45 10 127S 4 90 19 1162 4 45 8 HOi 5 00 2.1 J149 4 45 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 13 12.18 4 70 TTZT COWS. 1 770 2 25 7 10S5 3 10 I 750 2 25 1 1200 3 10 1 840 2 50 3 1173 3 10 2 890 2 60 1 1020 3 40 2 S90 2 50 17 1021 3 45 1 730 2 50 2 1050 3 50 1 870 2 75 1 1430 3 50 1 700 2 75 II 1118 3 50 11 950 2 73 4 920 3 0 1 1080 2 75 1 1320 3 CO 1 960 2 75 11 1163 3 65 1 1210 2 90 18 1020 3 65 1 1040 2 90 66 971 3 65 9 891 .1 00 1 1010 3 65 1 900 3 00 5 10.10 1 65 2 940 3 00 1 1120 3 70 1 820 3 00 7 1155 3 70 1 8.80 3 00 15 1015 3 70 3 970 3 00 17 1217 3 70 3 1060 3 10 1 1170 3 75 3 900 3 10 13 1143 3 75 1 1250 3 15 1 1260 3 75 4 1045 3 15 1 770 3 75 18 9S2 3 15 1 1370 3 75 fi 1010 .1 25 20 1143 3 75 4 1115 3 23 3 990 3 73 1 910 3 25 1 1420 3 75 2 1165 3 23 20 1096 3 SO 1 1120 3 25 15 11S6 3 80 1 1210 3 25 1 1220 3 85 1 83(1 3 25 1 1390 4 on 2 1075 3 25 5 1051 4 00 1 650 3 25 5 870 4 00 8 1062 3 37 2 1210 I 10 1 1100 3 33 7 1112 4 25 COWS AND HEIFERS. II 803 3 23 67 1102 3 92H 11 1156 3 90 28 1070 3 9.'!4 TEXAS COWS AND HEIFERS. 14 617 3 50 HEIFERS, 1 420 3 00 15 914 3 90 1 700 3 25 1 1120 3 92'j 2 fi-Hl 3 60 1 7S0 4 00 1 660 3 80 1 1240 4 10 1 fi50 3 85 37 1177 4 25 B 1064 3 S3 2 1370 4 40 41 S5l 3 90 RULLS. 2 1140 2 60 l., 950 3 40 1 1261) 2 90 1..' 1050 3 40 1 1480 3 00 1 710 3 10 6 1086 Tt 00 3 1776 3 50 1 800 3 (V) 1 1610 3 60 1 660 3 00 1 1.110 3 50 1 1210 3 10 1 1070 3 65 1 1560 3 25 1 1720 3 65 1 1010 3 25 1 1510 3 65 fi 1113 3 23 1 1570 3 70 1 1700 3 35 1 13'rt 3 75 2 1410 3 35 1 910 1 00 CALVES. 3 176 7 25 STAOS. 1 1110 2 75 1 1080 3 23 3 1100 3 11 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 900 3 00 1 890 3 70 2 710 3 10 10 813 3 70 2 710 3 25 2 970 3 75 1 S30 3 25 1 820 3 SO 1 380 3 23 1 830 3 SO 1 690 3 23 6 693 3 80 1 960 3 35 1 380 3 90 1 730 3 40 1 600 4 00 1 500 3 50 1 380 4 00 1 760 3 65 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. R 796 3 25 1 6)0 I 25 4 690 3 50 4 787 4 30 60 816 3 70 4 S22 I 30 18 SI 6 3 70 1 770 t 30 1 720 3 75 22 820 4 15 26 918 3 75 20 971 4 33 1 1110 t (Hi 4 912 4 10 1 SSO I 1ft 8 710 I 10 1 610 I 15 4 957 4 10 23 750 i 15 1(10 768 I 85 1 850 I 20 103 :. 760 5 00 1 930 I 23 MILKERS AND SPRINOERS. No. I'd 1 cow and calf Jio 00 D. W. Kennedy & Co. Idaho. 6 hulls llfiS 3 60 20 feeders. . 775 4 85 1 steer 1020 3 75 63 feeders.. 71') 185 1 steer 610 3 25 HOUS Thero wns a fair run of hogs for tho first day or mo ween, but or tne num ber reported In there were nine double decks from Sioux City direct to a packer Thn market wns a shado higher than on Saturday. The demand was good, but sellers bad their Ideas nrotty high nnd were holding on for every cent that thero was in It, so that the movement was not very activ. Still everything was dUpoud ' ?IJ.",..R.?.1. .v-?.".-.. iJs.r!L 1 ""K'-ij ih i 10, imr u" mnum-i; ..w...n i trlnK hrot.gltt $l.70 1,721,1. a few leads of the better hogs brought JI7714 and m "i ine neiicr nogs nrougni i nn mm up to JI S74, which was the top, as against JI85 on Saturday. Some of the less de- siranie loaus sold ni ti.iuiu.u't. It will be noted from the table uf average prices above that tho week starts out with the market n very little stronger than It wn-4, at the opening of last week, and more than 10c higher than two weeks ngo. Rep resentative sales: No. 15 . 1ik. 37.. II. . H . v.". 71 . . , 9 . .' 96.. 82... IK.., fiS . 71 . 61.. III. . 71.. 12 . 10.. (A. . 6S. . 7.1 . 61.. 61 71.. 79 SI.. 67 Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. .212 ... $ 61) 64 251 200 4 75 .167 So I 70 82 230 ... 4 75 . 1S7 80 I 70 90 232 120 4 75 2"! 40 4 70 27 233 ... I 75 218 ... I 7'.'ii (P 216 ... 4 75 rii 160 4 7.''I ft) 231 80 4 75 .212 40 4 7214 6" 213 ... 4 75 226 160 4 734 79 213 ... 4 75 2"fi ... 4 75 61 270 40 I 771j .21) ... 1 75 65 26.1 ... 4 77', .221 80 I 75 66 275 ... 4 771, .2311 ... 4 75 I'fi 2 IS ... 4 77-, 27 SO I 75 M 269 ... 4 T73 238 ... 4 76 74 245 SO I 771 .265 210 4 75 83 2IJ Si) 4 77i 22J ... 1 75 75 235 ... 4 77a 202 ... 4 73 70 21'.! ... 4 77'j V4 ... 4 75 71 2lil 40 4 7714 2i9 ... I 75 73 226 ... 4 77'4 .230 ... 4 75 66 212 120 4 77 207 SO 4 75 75 256 ... 4 SO 215 ... 4 75 74 260 ... 4 M 246 ... 4 75 til 261 ... I SO ,2V, SO 4 75 71 263 ... 4 S'Jifc 221 ... 4 75 33 37S ... 4 85 209 40 4 76 65 320 120 4 Si 22S ... 17-, un 3H ... 1 8714 217 ... I 75 KIII.M.M, n. -1. .. , oit iiei'ii stiiricil inn will! 11 Iberal run nf sheep and lambs and with the market lu good shape. The local pack ing drinand uppcarcd to be of good pro portions, so that tho offerings were all disposed of early In the morning. The trade ns a whole might be summed up as n good, steady, active market. Sellers with out exception were well pleased with the results of the day's operations. The prices paid Tor the dlrferent kinds will be seen from the Bales below. Quotations: Choice handy weight yenr i !!K2' ,;! RO("1 10 choice feil venr-U"-SV utiJn: fnlr ,n K"' yearling, $r, ,ijfi.90; good to choice wethers, $5 4.Vfi6.75; fair to good wethers, J5 33f5.4S; good to - lo-iv J, lilir 10 goon Vwc?'u AK'S'V- K0o1 choice native lambs. J, (Ofi ,.2.,: good to choice western nmbs. Ji,9(Vi,7 10, fnlr to good western lambs, J6.601iS.i; feeders wethers. H.50TP J5.00; feeder yearlings $5 (V,i5.60; good to choice feeder lambs, J5.75ftfi.2S. Representa tive sales- No. 9 bucks and stngs 1 goat A v. ... 172 ... 70 ... 113 ... 120 ... 101 ... 90 ... 95 ... 106 ... 87 ... fi!) ... 84 .. 73 ... 77 ... 82 ... 88 ... 79 ... 107 Pr. J 1 r.o 5 m) 5 20 5 23 6 70 5 75 5 75 fi 00 fi 12'd C 60 tl 65 fi 85 fi 90 7 01) J.1 25 4 25 6 50 5 SO 5 SO 6 SO 6 90 fi 25 6 30 fi 65 3 00 4 00 115 western ewes 1 western owe 231 western yearlings 1 western wether 274 western wethers fi western wethers 1S7 western yearlings 22 western lumbs 269 western lambs 250 Colorado lambs 601 western lambs 611 western lambs 30 ewes and bucks 29 ewes nnd bucks 107 western wethers 2I2 western yearlings 117 U',lt,trti ti'nt fine rt.,.1 or!.... 93 101 2-r. western wethers nnd yrlgsi. 101 .... Mieiii yearlings 67 western lntnbs 136 western lambs 261 western lambs 12 oilll ewes 7 ewes 102 60 66 69 76 SS CHICACO LIVE STOCK MAIIKKT. Cuttle (Jenernlly About Slend) IIok SlroiiK to Bo Higher. PiriPAOO. Mnrch 12. CATTLE - Re ceipts". 1S.000 head; generally about steady, natives, prime Hteers. steady to strong nt J5.00!.00; poor to medium, steady to slow at JI.OJii4.85; selected feeders, steady nt tl.10ft4.Tr.; mixed stockers, slow at JI.IOW 3.85; cows and butchers' jtock, steady nt J.t oOff 4.30; heifers, J3.10fH.60; canners, $2.40 i3.00; bulls, $.1.00-114.30; calves. Jl.73fi7 76, Toxans, receipts, 1,600 head; Texas fed steers, steady at Jt.9OJT4.90; Texas hulls, JJ.'S.I.TS. HOOS Receipts, today, 30,000 head; to morrow, 25,001) head, estimated; left over. l.OOi) head; strong to 5c higher: top, $5.02is, good clearance; mixed nnd butchers, JI.S0 476.00; good to choice heavy, J4.9iW)021i, rough heavy, JI.V0ril.90; light, J4.76fi4.95; bulk of sales. J 1.901(4.971. SHEEP AND LAMPS - Receipts. 17.0) head; sheep, steady to strong, lambs, about steady; good to choice wethers, $5.50 (Ti'5.90; fair to choice mixed, JI. 75176.40; west ern .sheep. 15.40fi6.S5; yearlings. $4,901(6.50; native lambs', $5,7047.86; wcit'ern lambs, $6.0tS7.33. York Live Stoek. NEW YORK, March 12. REEVES Re ceipts, 4,802 head; 39 enrs on sale, steers and bulls, sternly; cows, slow and 10fi2Ac lower, about all sold; steers, $l.60ff6.55. oxen nnd stags. 2.60ff4.75; bulls. 13.40fjl.25. cows, 12.23ft3.50; choice f.lt cows, $3.90. Lon don cables quoted American cnttle lower at KPifillio per lb.: refrigerator beef, steady at 10c per lb.; exports, 350 head cattle and 4.3111) quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 4,500 head; slow and 60-(775c lower: veals, $1.00117.50; prime stock sold early, up to $7.75: little calves, $11,001? 3.50; barnyard stoek, 13.001(3.23. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 10,352 head; sheep, steady; lambs opened slow, closed Ilrm on good stock; 11 cars unsold Sheep, ll.50?6.25; choice wethers, $6.35; culls. JI. 601(6 00; yearlings, JC,501?6.75. HOOS Receipts. 11.650 head; steady at J3.20f5.30; common tn good pigs, J5.00fi5.15. Knimnx Citr l.ltc Stoek. KANSAS CITY. Mnrch 12. - CATTLE Receipts, 3,000 head natives and 1.200 head Texnns; good demand at steady prices; heavy native steers, Jl.65fi5.15; lightweights, JI. COli 1.90; stockers and feeders J3 50ti4.15; butchers' cows and heifers, J.1.25f(4.30. din ners. 2.50Ca3.25; fed westerns. $3.75fN.65: western feeders, $3.50fi4.25; Texans, 3.651( I. 45. IIOOS -Receipts. 7,150 head: market ac tive and steady to shade higher; heavy, II. SOli 4.95; mixed, 14.701(185; lights. 14.65jj 4 80; pigs. $4.2511 1.50. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 4.500 bend; supply largely common killers thnt sold rendllv at steady prices; Colorado lambs, J6.251(6.S5; yearlings, $5; muttons, J4.S5f(G.0O: stockers and feeders, Jl.00f5.50; culls, l-1.00fj-l.00. St. I. mils Live Stoek. ST LOUIS, March 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.30i) head. Including 1,400 hend Tex nns; market steady; native shipping nnd export steers, Jl.501i5.60; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, J 1.001(5.00; steers under 1,600 lbs., J3.2O1TI.50; stockers nnd feeders, J3.00 4 65; cows and heifers, J2.O0f(4.00; ennners, Jl Mf)2.85: hulls. J2.60lfl.50; Texas and Indian steers, $:i.7Wi 1.70; cows nnd heifers, J2.3Ufi) -1 25. HOOS Receipts. 8,000 head: market steady to shade higher; pigs and lights, Jl vi'n-l.ftO; packers, $I.S0i(fi,95: butchers, Jl 90 61 5.00. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 1.600 head; market strong; native muttons, $5.oo (ii55; lambs, $5,501(7.25: culls and bucks, l.00f(4.50; stockers, $3.n0fi 4.00. St, Joseph Lire Stock, sniTTM KT JOSEPH. Mnrch 12. (Rue- clal I-Thn Journal quotes: I rt 1 I l,r, lieceiiiin, ovu in-iiii, in.nn.-fc steady; quality very poor; demand strong for all kinds. HOOS Receipts, 3.600 head; market 2'?1i r. Mi.hi.r- nil iT:nles. ll.S01iS.00: bulk nf rales, JI.K21ifi4. 8714. Hlll'.rjl' AiMJ iA.iiiin jici-i-iiiiK. 1. head; market lower on lambs; others steady; western lambs. J7. Stoek In SlKbt. TiVillnwInir nre tho recelnts at tho four nrlnclnnl western markets for March 12 Cattlo. llogs. Sheep. 1 South Omaha 1.920 1,172 5.::i;t Chicago ls.000 3n,(mi) 7.1W) S.om) r.no) 1 500 Kansas City a.'""' St. Louis 2.300 Totnls BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Car Service. - - I 5,220 40.022 2S.3G! , ' ,,M,M "I,u xs 1 ul VI V ''H"1""5 To the Republlcnn Elector-r of Du;lg!a County, Nebraska: A prlinnrv election of the republicans of Doulus m-mtj Ne braskn, Is hereby called ror Friday. March 30, I9iX, under tho followlns teodutlnti of the republican county central lommltte, "Resolved, That 11 primary 1 lection 14 hereby called for Filday. M.m-li .le. 19m) to elect delegates to represent the republic ans of noughts county In the republican ptare convention to meet nt Lincoln Mnj 2. in-. Said delegates nlsn to represent Douglas county In the republican district coiivin tlon for tho Second congressional dl-drlct called to choose district delegates in thn republican national convention. Prnlded. each set of delegntcs shall be npport..ncd as follows: Pity of Omaha, each w.crd, seven: city of South Omaha, each ward, two; 1 'Inn tn if precinct, one; other country precincts, each, two. Said delegates or 11 majority of the same being present to cast the entire vote npportloiied tn DoiirIh.i county lu said conventions, said delegates to be elected under the rules herewith adopted by this committee to govern said primary 1 lection." The pulls In the city nf Omnhn nnd South Omaha will open at 12 111. and close at 7 p. in.; In the country pteclnets the polls will open ut 7 p tn and close at 9 p. m. Tho vntlng places In the respective wards and precinct are: PITY OF OMAHA. First Ward Sixth and Pierce streets. Second Ward lll.l South Sixteenth street. Third Ward 1120 Capitol avenue. Fourth Ward 220 Mouth Seventeenth street. Fifth Wuril 2612 Sherman avenue. Sixth Wnrd-ldlewlld hall, Twenty-fourth and (Irntit. Seventh Wnrd 1.112 Park avenuo. Eighth Ward -2123 Cuming street. Ninth Ward Twenty-eighth nnd Farnum streets. CITY OF SOUTH OMAHA. First Ward-20!t .1 street. Second Wnrd Twentieth nnd R streeti, 1C vnn-' ball Third Ward-505 North Twenty-fourth street. Fourth Ward Thirty-second and K streets. Mnrt's barn. THE COUNTRY PRECINCTS. East Omnhn School house, district 61. Florence -Pity hall Douglas- Same as last year. Valley -Same as last year. Jefferson Lumber ynrd olllce. Union Purcell's hall. Plontarf-W. W. Wilde's, Eleventh nnd Kavari Waterloo-Same as last year. Elkhorn -Same us last yenr. Chicago Kyner s hall. West Omnhn Fifty-first nnd Dodce streets. Millard -Same as Inst year. MeArdle -Olandt school houo Dated nt Omaha. March 10. I9t) M II COLLINS. Phalrmnn .1. A. TUCKER. Secretary Wfera otlM! tail commit DOCTOR SEARLE5 A SEARLES OMAHA. op MEN SPECIALIST W (uaraatM t our an him timtto WEAK MEN SYPHILIS 8EXCALLY. cared tor IIT. HltfhUj Cmluions, Lot Mknhrwd, Kyte Vwloaofle, Gonorrhea, Oloot, SypbilU, frtrtV M, PUm, Fistula and HftoKvl Utoaw MMl AM Private DUeasca and Disorder ! Mm. 8TBICTURE and GLEET "VEtf Ccnaultatlon fraa 011 on or addreaa DR. 8GARLB3 & 1BARLBS, Htfa su OnANA. CHICAGO and EAST, LEAVE 7:00 A M 1 .55 IV M -7 30 P. M. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVE C:55 A. M -7:20 V. M. HOT SPRINGS - DEADWOOD. LEAVE 3.00 P. M Cit" Offices. 1401-03 Farnam, 57 Broadway, New York, Mch 1, 1900 ASA l POTTER and S. K KIKKHAM, member N. Y. Consolifhitert Slock Kxchcinge, beg to announce their copart nership under tho linn name of POTTKK cfe ICIRKHAM, l'or the transaction of a gener al Hanking and Bond and Stock Commission businosH. Special .attention given to or ders in investment securities. Correspondence invited. Wmk im w torn ma trmtment wDfiMwem mi4 ntiDlla- MM caKf op- JlfMli it, iiMivmiiiKni ll t cmr csjwnan. hi NutMaE, KoliUM tirAHh for ami, Mn d tains cured, SMrvom) control and Titer. MM Indfc nt n- duuee. BRIE MEDICAL CO., BUPTAkO, M.Y. MANHOOD! WOMANHOOD! M.inlr Ttif'ir r9"torM, youth inlntakrv correctl P ",;:?h, The Korr Medical Institute Hoi 06 (1, ( InHnrmtl. Ohio. K.tatjli.ht,,! 1HCT Thn nldMt, larsMit nd ino-l v.l,llr known Institution In tlie U.H. (look neiit oeklaa trim for lour cuuU In lUnus. H.R.PEM1EY&C0. GftAJN R0OM4HV LITE BLDG. CHAM A HtB. BRANCH K3rUt UtIWUI HU JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 10!W. Omnlia, Sot COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS IIUAUU OK THADK. Correipondunces John A Wnrron & Co. uireci wires tu Chluugo and Ntw Trk. m.-m n il j