Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. C18-69J,
A Hanrisomft Naw
Foulard Silks
There are over fifty beauties in the lot to select from.
Cheney Bros.' Heat. Foulards $1 00 a yard.
Other Hplcndld values tit "5 a ynnl.
BLACK GRENADINES for Evening anil Reception Gowns.
Will bo used cither without linings or with self-color, or an effective contrasting
lining. I'lnln (Styles, fancy wenvei, dainty stripes and cheeks 75e to $3.00 a yd.
These Roods have been selected with great care, and the result Is a collection of
high cUss fabric's such as probably cannot be teen elsewhere. We would advlso
an early selection of the goods before tho assortment Is broken as many of these
cannot be duplicated.
We Close OtiP Store Saturday nt 0 P. M.
assets fou, rosTnn icm olovbs A.!n moCAI-i.'b FATTir.n.vs.
Thompson, Beldeh 2tC0.
t. m. o. a. nuiLuina, con. iutii and uouolas sti.
necessary lo adopt fur this Island the full
revenue rates of tbo ('tilted Htnte.x C)m
third of those rate will nlvo nmple te
celpts lo cover nil the above. ' T'ortn Itlto
linn no bonded or other debtH. Therefore.
J2,n00,000 of lunula to lie Issued for Internal
Improvements would be conservative.
The fart cannot lie illxputcil Unit our peo
ple nro In soro distress. All commerce. .Is
now brimperctl. The Investment of ciipltnl
Is stopped. The farmers have nut the means
to plant or Knther their crop llulldlng
and Improvement! arc Impeded. Capital
refuses to come" help for InvdMrnrnt In
either inaniifiictu'rt'iigj or uKrJi'Uittirul pur
suits, for thei rhts'in 'that the sOverelRiity
of tho ('lilted Stolen over this Island lias
deprived us offroe trade with. Spain and
with Cuba, which formerly took our ex
ports nt fair prices niid ennbletl us to 11
We now ask ns a right In equity that free
trade with the t'nlted States lie kIvcii us.
We ask bread as a right from our mother.
Do not, we pray, rIvp us il stone. We ask
for an Immediate decision.
Supreme Court Alllrnis tlir DpoInIoii
of the Stafi- Court In the
Crlelirnteil ( use,
WASHINGTON, March 12. Tho United
Statos supreme enupt today doefdod the con
tention between tho cltjj of Chicago and tho
Illinois Central railway company over cer
tain lands In the fr'ont.of Uike Michigan. Tho
decision of the Illinois state supremo court,
which .wja aguinst.thg rallroud company,
was a(fr.ujed,' ' 'v
Srerctilrj- Mil)' mil! Milliliter of Chile
i:cliiliiuo A k rerun ii (n,
WASHINGTON. March 12.-Flnal ratlflca
tlon of the, Chnian claims treaty wore ex
changed alMho' Stato department today by
Secretary Hay for the, I'nltud States and
Minister .torono Vicuna, for Chile. The
treaty having been previously ratllled by
the United JUtcs senate and by tho Chilian
congress KUieYpfo'rQv .roW operative.
This coayntlon'provldcs for th'o adjudica
tion of seventeen claims in behalf of the
United Stubs' nnd two claims on tho side of
Chile, nlhTnf which wero submitted to be
original CjllUun claims , comnilsslon. hut
failed to sfiufo.lloal. fiftlon 'Owing to the ex
piration off tho ''comiSlsklon by , limitation.
Tho UnitiuLt'atiui.cliUtiis amount to 12,700,
Is know
illiuilt Iooh lij I'rcMlilcul.
WASHINGTON. March 12 -The president
today senl,ll)o follpwlng nominations to the
Ordnance '.be'pWnLMitulon'arttf 6oontI
William A'.'Tafyrrf'Be colorfci; Mh'jor J.
A. Kress, to bo lieutenant colonel.
To Bo Passed Assistant Surgeons In tho
Navy Frnnk L. Ple,Qdncll and Dudley N.
Carpenter. "
t'limuc nt llut'iiim AyrcM.
WASHINGTON, .March 12. Tho State de
pnrtnmnt 'hts been Informed by tho United
fltattw minister at Buenos Ayres that tho
bubonlo'plague has mado its appearance, at
that Important commercial port.
Humor a Humor
: C n .-
Eradicates all Humors, Purifies, Vi
talizes and Enriches the Blood, Tones
the System as Nothing Else Can.
Biy Bottle Today. " c. i. hood&co Lowdi, Mass.
Ike. Mar, h 12, 1900.
Soft finished weaves, for the gowns
proscribed by fnshion-makers. compel the
use of these rich, clinging Foulards, non
crushablt!; strong, long wearing fabric.
Roberts Expects to Itiach Blosmfonteia
c I II (1 1 il K of ii lloilj' of lloers lu Holierts'
' Hear HrliiUH the Cuulry force
In for n Kim ere
ViINTHR'S Vl.Kl, Orange Free State,
Monday Kvenliig, March 12. Tho British
forces, which, since the fighting nt Drclfon
telu havo been marching rapidly hither,
buvo turned tho Doer position. Our cavalry
,'nro ahead. The Uocrs wore reported this
mornlnp about 12,000 strong, with eighteen
'guns In position on a range of kopjes com
j mnndlng the direct road to niocmfonteln,
which Is distant twelve miles.
The army has been following Kraalspntlt
I and wo nro now rather to the nouth of
Hlocmfonteln, nted only about twelve miles
I off.
All the divisions have Joined the main nd
vanee. Lord Roberts' headquarters are at
Orcgorowskl's farm. You will remember
that tho reform prisoners wero tried before
Judgo firegorouskl.
l)y advancing along Kranlsprult Lord
Hoberls hus again outwitted tho Doers, who
had entrenched themselves along tho Mod
dcr, thinking that our route would bo In that
direction. Wo found most of tho farms along
our lino of march deserted, with whlto Hags
I llvlnir over Dip houses. All the biloiiElnizt
had been taken away and there were evident
signs Unit tho occupants left In a great
hurry, things being Uttered about.
lyO.VDO.V, March 12.-1:20 n. m. Lord
Roberts Is making a very rapid advance
nnd he Is ngaln misleading tho Boers by
continuing the advance southward Instead
of through the Hat country duo east of Aas
vogelkop. Ho will, probably Belzo tho rail
way south of Bloomfo'ntcln, and nlthough
unothcr battlo Is possible. It Is moro likely
. that tho lloers are only endeavoring to de
lay IiIm advance until all the rolling stock
of tho railway and tho stores and troops
from the Orange river district can bo gotten
away north.
, Tho distance between Lord Roberts and
tile V(reo State capital is now so small only
nboiit twelve; miles th'at ' It Is apparent
tho Boers either contemplate making a de
termined Btand on the outskirts of tho
town, or for strategic reasons best known to
themselves, aro allowing Lord Roberts to
occupy It after merely harassing his nd-
Tho numerical superiority of tho British
troops leaves no doubt In tho minds of the
critics hero that Lord Roberts will accom
plish his Immediate objective, tho occupa
tion of Bloemfontcln. Tho comraandor-ln-
How caa vou when you see how it
makes its presence known by "Weak
ness, Languor, That Tired Feeling,
Boils, Pimples, Scrofula, Eruptions,
Salt Rheiini and what not'? Just,
now, when it causes so much dis
turbance, is a good time for taking
medicine to get entirely rid of it.
thief s latest dispatch announcing that
(leneral Ontacro Is at Hcthulle bridge, nnd
tho specials saying Oencral (latacre com
mands the bridge approaches, put tho Hoera
In that vicinity between two llrltlsh forces,
Ansvosel kop, whonco Lord Roberts sent his
last cable message, being 100 miles almost
duo north of Ilothulle. However, there Is a
largo plain between them, and the mailt body
of the lloers now confronting Lord Roberts,
with Its ceaseless nctlvlly, may bo quite nbte
to cover tho retreat of the burghers con
fronting Oenernl Oatacre. Onco the llrltlsh
nro In possession of tho railroad from
Uethullc to Hlocmfonteln the Junction at tho
Kreo State capital of Generals Gatacro and
Roberts would bo a matter of a very fow
Commenting on the fact thnl i,ord Roberts
found the lloers holding positions in a part
of tho country supposed to have been left
open, the St. James Gazette says: "No
more damning Indictment was ever preferred
against any cavalry."
Rumors of tho relief of Mafeklng continue
to circulate, but full of any confirmation.
From Natal, which General Huller so er
roneously declared was free of lloers, and
from Capo Colony, where General Kitchener's
stern hand Is upon the rebellion, (hero Is
no news of uny Importance.
Iti'ixirt from Lord Uniterm,
Tho War ofllce this morning Issued tho fol
lowing dispatch from Aasvogcl kop under
date of March 12, .6:33 a, m. 6
"Wo were unopposed during tho march
yestotday. Tho oHlcers 1 left at tho last camp
to record tho list of casualties have not yet
arrived. The following additional casualties
aro known, however:
"Killed: Lieutenants F. N, Parsons and
A. II. Coddington of the llsscx regiment.
"Wounded: Lieutenants C. Berkeley'
(sovorely), Lloyd Arm and G. N. Unlclgh.
"General Gatacro reports that he was
within a mile of tho Ilcthull railroad bridge
yesterday. Tho brldgo wan partially de
stroyed and tho enemy was holding tho op
posite bank. ROI1KRTS."
MInn I'nriiell OhJeelM to Soldiers
lu Africa WeurliiK (he
DUBLIN, March 12. Miss Anna Parnell,
sister of tho lato Charles Stewart I'arnell,
published the following letter:
"Sluco tho queen, whoso Irioh noldlera
have hitherto been punished If they ventured
to sport tho shamrock, has now ordered them
to wear It us a token of their degradation, Il
seems to mo thoso Irish who do not wish to
bo Identified with the robber lords of South
Africa should take some notice of this Insult
to'thclr Ilttlo plant, whose very humblcnreo
might havo protected It from the queen em
press. I suggest that thce who cannot re
frain from wearing the shnmrock should dip
it Into tho Ink until tho dishonor Is wiped
out by the final triumph of tho Boers or In
8omo other way."
Itcftolntlniin of Sympathy Appreciated
liy Mix Countrymen,
LONDON, Marcn i2. Tho letter of Dr.
Leyds. the diplomatic agent of tho Trans
vaal, to John Clancy, Irish nationalist mem
ber of Parliament for the north division of
County Dublin, thanking tho public corpora
tion for tho resolution of sympathy for the
South African republics, says:
"Tho resolution Is greatly appreciated by
me. I know how keenly will be prized
by our much suffering country, still strug
gling for Independence and liberty. It Is a
satisfaction to know that n conslderablo
part of tho Irish population In tho United
Kingdom, mindful of tho hlood being shed
in South Africa, continues to extend sym
pathy to our people. May this sympathy bo
re-echoed by numbers of your countrymen."
(Inter-. Cp (lie IrlNli I'Iiik.
LONDON. Mnrcb 12. The lord' mayor. A.
J. Newton, has directed that tho Irish Hag bo
hoisted over -tho Mnnslon house on St.
Patrick's day. In recognition of the bravery
of tho Irish troops lu South Africa.
l.oril ftrooki' for South Afrlcn.
LONDON, March 12. Tho pari of War
wick's eldest son, Lard .rooke, has volun
teered for service In South Afrlcn and starts
for the Cape Saturday. He will bo attached
to tho cavalry staff.
Mine Hw I p Demi.
CHARLKSTOWN. W. Vn March 12. It Is
believed that all tho bodies In Rod Ash mlno
have been recovered. The f til 1 list shows
forty dead nnd six Injured. Tho cause of the
explosion Is still a matter of theory and will
probably never bo determined.
In Ilii Kopljr to Frlck Hi Bujs H Oyer
stated Profit.
With tlu Coke liilerrsM tho Vnlue
llenreiienteii In Out) f:mi,O0O,(00
A limits Tel I In it Crick
He O K Ii t to Itmltfii.
PITTSBURG, Pn March 12. Lato this
afternoon tho answer of tho Carnegie Steel
company, limited, defendant In tho equity
suit of II. C, I'rlck.' to determine tho value
of his holdings in tlic company, was filed In
tho common pleas court. The nnswers (Hod
are for tho Cnrncglo Steel company, limited,
and tho thirty Individual defendants com
prising the stockholders.
Tho document tompleto makes nearly
20,000 words,, meeting every nvermcnt of
the plalntllf ln'filllest detail. It Is denied
that Andrew Carnegie and others named lu
tho plaintiff's bill, during April, May nnd
June, lSf)2, executed articles of association
for the Carnegie Steel company, limited, but
they did subscribe to nn amendment of tho
original certincnto under which CarneglVj
Bros. & Co., limited, had been organized,
as a limited nnrtncrshlti association.
I Thn nna.-nt .'.Id forth thti fltalnrv nt
Krlck's membership In tho association.
Frlck's Interest was hcqulrod nbout Jnnuary
II, 1S87, under tho terms of what Is known
as tho "Iron-clad ngrcemcnt," aud amounted
to 1100,000 of tho capital stock. In May,
1889, mi option was given to Krlck to ac
quire on January 1, 1891, nn additional In
terest of 3 per cent. This option wns abro
gated in November, 1S90, with Prick's con
sent, but as compensation ho was credited
In his account with tho association with the
sum of $138,110.08, representing the lucrenso
In tho book vnlue, of tho Interest covered
by his option from the time It was given
until abrogated, Subsequently he acquired
nn additional 1 per cent anil then 8 per cent,
for which ho made no cash payment except
ns hereafter slated, In February, 1S93, Mr.
Frlck was tho owner of 11 per cunt of tho
capital, upon which ho owed Andrew Carne
gie $1,809,191, balance of purchnso ;rlce.
Ho was not. howover, under his ngrecment
with Carnegie, personally liable, tho Inter
est acquired being tho ouly security which
Cnrncglo held.
Frlck expressed a dcslro to reduce his
holdings In tho nBsoclatlon, requesting Car
negie to purchase ut the book value p per
cent of tho 11 per cent held by him. Car
ncglo had no fears, such as Frlck expressed,
and agreed to tellevo Frlck of the chnrgo
which Frlck declared to be a burden upon
him. Carnegie paid him tho then book vnlue,
which was greatly lu excess of the price
paid for it by Frlck. After this transfer
Frlck held only B per cent or the wnoie, nnu
tho balanco due on that perccntago from
Frlck for the purchase price was finally ad
Justed and paid to Cnrnegle, tho payment
consisting of $129,000 In bonds of the II. C.
Frlck Coko company nt par, and $19,0S3 In
This Is all Frlrft has paid for Ills Interest
In tho Carneglo Steel company. With the
credits from his stock earnings tho amount
paid was only $300,000 all told for an In
terest worth $5,000,000.
No! Actuated hy Mnlevolenoc.
As to the valuo of Frlck's services, which
he nBsertii largely added to the success of
tho association, .Carneglo says that since
January, 1895, Frl'ck's functions have been
merely advisory, tho business of the asso
ciation being conducted under the direction,
supervision and, management of tho presi
dent, who held general executive power.
It Is denied, that Carnegie wns actuated by
'malevolent tn6tlvs In demanding the resig
nation of Frlck a's.chalrman, nnd It Is stated
tho resignation was demanded in order to
preserve harmony In the Interest of the as
sociation. The plalntllf was Informed by
Carnegie that ho had better resign for hln
own sake nnd to avoid the necessity of a re
fusal to re-elect him at tho approaching
annual meeting. This, however, It Is
claimed, was done In tho kindliest spirit
and nftei all tho acting members of tho
board of managers liad signed a paper re
questing Frlck to resign.
Tho answer sets forth that Andrew Car
neglo has been a member of the association
since lt original organization and nt tho
present tlmo his Interest Is t8 per cent,
('in lieu le JcNtliiK About l'rollls.
Touching upon tho profits of the company
and the attempt to organlzo a stock com
pany tho answer states that Carneglo while
at luncheon with tho plaintiff and others con
nected with tho company, by way of Jem,
undertook to make estimates cf tho prollts
of the company fot tho year 1900 and that
tho defendant, Andrew Carnegie, under the
conditions then existing, did make an esti
mate substantially ns averred In the ninth
paragraph of plaintiff's bill, such estimate,
however, being a mero guess at results to
be ascertained fourteen months In tho futuro
which wero then and are still Involved In
great uncertainty.
It Is admitted that the profits of the
company for the year 1S93 wero substantially
as averred. Tho amount, however, only refers
to tho difference between tho amount of
sales and tho actual expenses of manufacture
and lo not by nny means Indicate tho amount
uvnllablo for distribution ns to dividends.
It Is denied that tho nesoclntlnn has assets
which It could transfer worth $230,000,000
aud It Is asserted that on December 11, 1899,
the books showed that tho net vnlue of the
assets of the association were $7.'. 010,101. 06.
From time to tlmo the plaintiff has been
n member of committees appointed to re
value the assets and the values now entered
may he taken as the plaintiffs own state
ment of their valuo to tho fellow members,
on which during plaintiff's membership
moro than fifteen settlements havo been
mado with retiring members or the estates
of deceased members. It Is denied that ani
mosity has been manifested townrd tho
plaintiff from hlu failure with othors to avail
of an option given by Carneglo.
HiiiiilreilN of Millions,
In this connection It Is stated that the
price to bo paid for tho property of the
association and tho coke property on this,
option was $320,000,000, being on the basis
of $230,000,000 for tho property of tho asso
ciation ami tho balance for tho coko prop
erty. Carnegie was to receive for his inter
ests $100,000,000 In bonds and tho balance,
about $57,930,000. In ensh.
Frlck, it is claimed, has upheld nnd en
forced the so-called "Ironclad agrecmont" at
all times, opposing an attempt on tho part
of Henry Phlpps to make a chnngo lu the
original. During all tho years Frlck, as tho
active agent of the association, acquired tho
Interests of all retiring partners under Its
provisions. When a partner wns deemed
unsatisfactory by his associates lie was In
formed of that fact, generally by Frlck, with
tho statement that the company would pay
for such Intorests under tho terms of tho
agreement and If not ncceptod voluntarily
ho would enforco tho terms. This course
continued up to tho tlmo of his resignation
as chairman nnd manager of tho association,
and ho was the first to nttempt to ovodo tha
It Is asserted that under the terms of tho
Ironclad agreement signed by Frlck his In
terest has been transform! to tho associa
tion and tho association tenders payment for
the Interest nccordlng to tho valuo as It
shall nppear on tho books of the association
March 1. 1900, and ns soon os tho books
are written up to that date tho plalntlrt will
bo furnished with a balance sheet nnd the
cash and notes will bn tendered him for the
yaluo of his Interests, the amount being
approximately $4,900,000. It Is averred that
the sum Is the full amount due Frlck,
Jb jjraeosltlon made by Frlck to arbl-
tratc the value of his Interests Is rejected
i because the defendants propose nt all times
'In .Maintain 1 1. I ,. , t-1 , .. n It,. nn..lnAl
under which tho relations of the association
and Its various members have been defined
since 18S7. declaring If the validity of such
an agreement cannot be mulntnlneJ it will
be Impossible In the future for this nssoc.a
tlon or others organized upon tho same plan
to contlnuo In buslnesn nnd by reason of tho
Importance and necessity of maintaining the
Integrity and validity of the Ironclad agree
ment the defendants decline nnd will always
decline to arbitrate tho queston of the
value of Frlck's Interests. They do not re
gard Frlck's offer as being mndo In good
faith. v
I'lKunmrr kciiIh Arctic tor n (iiiiime
of Hate In the Democratic
Com nillon.
KANSAS CITY. March 12. The subcom
mittee of the national democratic commit
tee appointed at Washington lo make ar
rangements for tho national convention In
July nrrlved here today and after Inspecting
convention hall went Into executive session.
The members here are: Messrs. Stone of
Missouri, Johnson of Kansas, Cnmpau of
Michigan, Wilson of Colorado and Wnlsh of
Iowa, secretary of the national committee.
A committee of the locnl passenger agents
met the committee this afternoon and ar
gued for a change of date for the convention,
pleading that If held on July 4, ns planned,
the railways will not be able to offer proper
facilities because of the usual excursion
business on that dale. They urgo that tho
dato bo changed to July 3.
M'nr Survivor Heiiiciulioreil liy Ihe
lie n cm I (lover ii incut,
WASHINGTON'. March 12. (Special.) Tho
following western pensions havo been
Issue of February 21:
Nebraska: Supplemental James M. Sid
well, Pawnee City, $i!. Renewal--Alison ft.
Weaver. Cordova, $in. increase Joseph t.
Wagner. Verde!. JO to $S; Charles D. Wood
worth, Omaha, $6 to $s.
Iowa: Original David M. Cavlncss,
Lucas, $fl. Additional Columbus) O. 8cv
erns, Gravity, $S to $12. Restoration nnd
Increase Silas Hweney, Wlntersct. Jti to $11.
llenewul Martin V. It. Slgler, Carrollton.
$tl. Increase William Fry. Lucas, $l to $S;
Hlchlird O. Allison, Seymour. $0 to $S: spe
cial February 27, John Vale, Davenport, $0
to $12. Ilelssuo Ilascom Mason, Iowa
City. $3.
Mimitii-'i- imivnwr.s ax oiti. vv.
Another SiiipoKeil I'lirtlcliiiiut In Wil
cox Train Itolilicry Located.
CHKYBNNK. Wyo., March 12. (Special
Telegram.) Hob Lee, alias Dob Curry, the
outlaw who was arrested at Cripple Creek
for complicity In the Wilcox train robbery
and who Is confined lu Jnll here, was posi
tively Identified tonight by Sheriff riarey
of Chouteau county. Montana, as n partner of
Lonny Curry, the bandit killed by olllcers
near Kansas City. A Pinkerton detective
nnmcd Rears also Identified Lee. They say
ho was ono of the gang that conducted a sa
loon at Harlan, Mont., and who attempted
to dlsposo of a quantity of the bank notes
stolen from the express car. Whether the
dead bandit and the prisoner here had a
hand In the hold-up Itself the officers can
not say positively.
llleveu TlioiiNiiml Hollar!. Arc MInnIuk
from Safe of Dakota lliinU.
HUIION, 8. D.. (March 12. (Special Tele
gram.) On Opening tho safe today of tho
Dank of 'Hitchcock, which burned Friday
night, it was discovered that about $11,000.
known to havo been In tho safe at the close
of business Friday night, was missing.
Officers of tho bank were In tho building
at 7:30 and everything was then all right.
Tho fire occurred a Ilttlo before 9 o'clock.
Cashier Wilson says depositors will be
paid In full, money having been sent for that
purpose It Is believed the safo was opened
and tho building fired to prevent detection.
Willow AiIiiilnlMterN lleiucl to AIIIuk
Son vi Ith I'atnl KITcct.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. .March 12. (Special
Telegram.) 'Byron Leach, aged t. son of a
widow residing here, died ns tho result of
medicine, which, originally perfectly harm
less, had become poisonous through stand
ing In a bottle for a number of years. The
boy was not feeling well nnd his mother,
unable to purchase fresh medlclno, gave
him somo from the bottle, hoping It would
boneflt him. She Is almost crazed over the
unfortunate affair.
Dakota Sellout for Illlml.
DEADWOOD, S. I)., March 12. (Special.)
Fred M. Hrown. a member of tho Stnto
Hoard of Charities, has returned from tho
eastern part of the stnte, where ho attended
the opening of the blind school at Oary,
which occurred tho first of tho month. Mr.
Ilrown states that the building, which has
been erected by the citizens of Oary, Is
one of tho prettiest public buildings In the
state. It is intended to tnko tho blind chil
dren of South Dakota, North Dnkota, west
cm Montnnn nnd western Wyoming. It Is
expected that about thirty children from
this stnte will be In nttendnnco nt the start.
Miss Dora Oray has been elected prlnclpnl
of the Institution and sho has already marked
out an eight-year course, which Includes all
of tho ordinary branches of English, buslnoss
methods, literature, arts nnd sciences. Music
will bo made a strong branch of tho course.
Applications are coming In from prospective
studonts from all parts of tho state.
Holilierx nt Home In llcnilivnoil.
DB.VDWOOD, S. D., March 12. (Spoclal
Telegram.) Two robbers entered tho Olym
pic bakery nt o'clock this morning nnd
knocked tho clerk Insensible. They then
went through tho safe, obtaining about $175
In money. Two arrests wero made this
About midnight Patrick Hurley was held
up by two men nnd rolloveil of bin pocket
book nnd vnlunbles. Tho samo morning' n
llurllngton boxcar was broken Into nnd sev
eral hundred dollars' worth of mcrchundlso
Sale of Slate l.aniln.
PIEItUE, S. I)., Mnrch 12. (Special Tele
gram.) The force of tho land commission
er's oinco started out this morning to offer
stato lands for snle. Tho offerings this year
will be greater than for any year since tho
organization of tho stnte. All unleased lands
In twenty-five counties will bo offered nnd
It Is estimated that the school fund will
sccuro $3,000,000 by tho sales of this year.
Liquor (liifKtlou In 'iMiiiulun.
PiniWE, S. D.. March 12. (Special Telegram-)
Tho liquor question Is to bo mndo
a part of the coming municipal campaign.
A petition has been filed asking for the sub
mission of tho question of granting licenses
under tho provision of tho old Ilceiiso law
and a warm fight Is promised by tho prohi
bitionists. It Is not considered likely that
tho prohibitionists can win.
Hirer HrcnkliiK In Dakota,
PIUItllB, S. D., March 12. (Special Tele
gram.) A strong northwest wind Is thawing
tho Ice In spots today nnd another day of
tho same kind of weathor will probably
causo a complete breakup In thn river.
Stop IVrforninncr of '.Mniilin,"
FLINT, Midi., March 12.-At a special
meeting of thn city coum II toduy a resolu
tion was adopted In support of Mayor
Crawford's determination to prevent a
prnpowd presentation of "Hapho" tonight
Tho resolution Instructs tho city marshal
to prevent the performance. v
Stopi. tlm Couun
nnil WorWd Off tlm Cnlrt,
Laxative Dromo-Qulnlno Tablets cure a cold
In one day. No cure, no pay. Price ?5c
Incendiarj Bluzo in a Tenment Result!
in Loss of Life,
I'mnic Structure Iturtin Like iiinlcr
nnil Xiirrutr Hull unit Slalr
"nj' llrntlcr Hncnpr an
NKWAIIK, N. J., March 12. Fifteen per
ecus, a majority of whom were children, were
burned to death In n tenement house at
Morris and Fourteenth avenues nbout .".
o'clock this morning. Thirteen bodies were
recovered from the ruins within threo hours
after tho llames had been extinguished.
I.Ul of flic Dead.
Partial list of the dead:
HASTIANO, his wit.
TONY CASINO, son of nbove, 9 y
FKANK CASINO. 214 venra.
CAKltlNK CASINO, daughter. 1 year old
T IEKESA IIAKTO, daughter. 7 years
Tho building was a tbrce-story rrame
structure, formerly used ns a church, but
transformed Into n tenement house with
small rooms, scarcely eight by ten feet In
dimensions, opening into a narrow hallway
on both the second and third floors, form
ing a veritable llietrap.
This Is right In the heart nf the Italian
district and the greatest excitement pre
vailed. This feeling has been greatly Intensified
since 7 o'clock, when It first became known
that tho lire was of Incendiary origin nnd
within fifteen minutes of the time when this
report was llrt circulated men anil women,
well-nigh crazed by grief, ran tearing
around tho streets, looking for the man who
was responsible for tho frightful tragedy,
and threatening all sorts of dire vengeance.
Three or four minutes after ." o'clock this
morning tho lire was discovered, but long
before 'the lire apparatus reached the scene
tho Interior of tho burning tenement wa
peopled whli wild Italians, running hither
and thither, unable to Hud menna of escape.
VI any llclilcx Children.
Every room emptied ts occupants Into
those narrow little halls nnd there was no
escapo for the frightened tenants because of
the Jam. and they could not get out. There
wero at least twelvo families In the place,
sixty persons in all. of whom perhaps firty
wore children, unuble to enro for themselves.
Four men Jumped from a front window.
Several were hurt. The flnmes spread with
frightful rapidity and tho wind sent the
sparks southeast, threatening all the frame
tenements In that direction. The place wns
like a roaring caldron when tho firemen
reached tho place. The ladders were quickly
put In position and then began the work of
One after another tho women and then Hit
men wero tnken down, while other llremon
devoted their attention to drowning out tho
Haines. This they succeeded in doing In less
than nn hour, but during that hour a fright
ful sacrifice had boen offered.
Nearly every room In tho house contnlned
Its victim. Few wero really burned to
death. Most of them were smothered. The
bodies were carried out by tho firemen.
In different places In the ruins human
bodies mny be seen pinned down by heavy
timbers. Tho rescuers aro clearing uwny the
debris in. tho hopo that hcwc may yet bo
rescued alive, but there Is Ilttlo ohaiico of
any ono now In tho ruins being alive. Two
victims hnvo been taken to the hospital. One
of them Is severely burned. The other was
Injured by Jumping from the second story
of the burnc.1 tenement.
Vlto Credavo Is locked up on suspicion of
having set fire to tho building. Crednvo,
with his wife nnil two children, occupied the
rear portion of ono of tho upper stories. He
wns arrested on a statement made by Vir
ginia Dl Prula, who was a boarder In tho
house. Dl Prulu told Captain Edwards that
when he wns awakened by the smnko ho
found Credavo and his family fully dressed
and ready to leave the burning building.
When Crednvo was taken to the station
house ho beenmo much excited, but denle I
that he had set flro to the building or had
nny knowledge as to tho origin of the fire.
Ocena Caslna, who was reported among
tho dead, wns discovered allvo during the
day, and Is nt a neighbor's houie.
The man who died In the city hospital was
ntonlo Rossa.
SherllT Kit In n i'.innti.
WICHITA, Kan., March 12.-A special to
the Heaeon from Teeumseli, Okl., states
that IlOBer Bruno, nllax ",11m the ToiikIi,"
arrested for horse KtenllliK and murder, at
tempted to escape from Sheriff. Ornce. The
men had a floree struKRle, but Oraep hiic
cceded lu klllltiK Hruiio, but Is himself
seriously, If not futility, Injured.
Kinifi r,.7 , , i. T.i'V'n
AVrcBclab!crrcpaMtion rorAs
slmUallng ihcToodfltulRcgula
tlrjg tluiSlomnchs andDowcls of
Promotes Dlgcsllon.ClKcifuI
ncssandRcfit.Cotitfllnsncitlicr Opmm.Morphinc nor Mineral.
Not Naiicotic.
&4 ofotdDr&winrnvusa
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Jniu Sm1
Jipptmint .
JJj Cart malt SiJ
flam Sit ii -(tmudSuw
IIMvjanwi'V law.
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rvlivm-K, .mil every
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'111' ICM of B'.' vr.l.'t
mil t so linrtiilesn
we Unto H t.i bs
urr It In iiropnrly
mndii. Accopt ti
.counterfeit or lmt-
iur name I)r U
U .Hnrre sum to &
aitv nf the hniti-inti
A imllontl Aft .nt.
tidies will
Hi. In I r..,i ,(.
Oour.niil'ft rroani .im tlm Irani harmful of nil
Bkln pri iin.atlona for inle by nil Drm irlntn and
Viier (JokIs Dualera lu thn United StMen, Canada
and Europe
FKKDT HOPKINS. 1'roii'r. 37 tones .St N Y.
WANTED l aso oi nun zenith that
R-I-I'-A-N-S will not benefit Send 5 cents
to Iflpins Chemical Co., Nev York, for 14
aamplcn am 1,000 testimonial.
A I'.iru for our 1'AKIS K POSlTIONf
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of tho Oiunliiliin l,ln. Fi.ur weeks will Im
snent in Paris at the Ti .n .idi-ro Hotels,
fniing th Imposition flrotiiiils
l'nrtleH will l-UAVM NKW YOUIC
AIMtlh "I nn the XdUTIt OKllMAN
Kaiserin Maria Therssia,
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fend for Illustrated bonks conlnlnlim full
partli ul Hi's
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i'l'lenliona ir,:it,
In "The Half-way House "
:t i.ow v-:t. I'wtTii: Titio.
ki;i,i,v nnil loi.r.TTi:.
rilltlt: mill III ( KI.HY.
Jl 1,1 I li I.TIIOUN.
Tin: i,i:o vim.
lMtKiOS-Kvi'iiliigH- 10c; 25c , Cue Mat
inees i Wi'dnesd i , Saturday and Humluvn
Pic n rd 2Tn
day Night, .Miii jIi Hi.
"k A 1 2 AYondwaid Ilurcns.?,
M3KJ J MJ .Mi; i-w. T.I. 1913.
The Creates! of AH Spe. lac leu,
New and chilmrnte ir.iiixfornmtlnii nnil
trick ii urn ry l iiliiui- no ltle and a bi
J'ltlCKS II 00 . 51e 25c
Mntliieo nnd NIkIH Tluirsdiij,
William (illlitt'H .MaHterpl 'i e. Heat on
Male Tin.itltiy.
7 yv-r
mrim m mm h u as f ti va bi m m am
m l UK1A
m For Infants and Children.
Rli T"e Kind You Have
1 Bears tho v
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iw ror mm
I Thirty Years