The Omaha Daily Bee. OMAHA, MONDAY MORJfljNG, MARCH 12, 1900. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 187a. FRAY LASTS ALL DAK Bfltiiu Trample All Barriers In th Effort to E;ach Bloetnfontein. BOER REAR GUARD HARASS THE BRITISH Running Action lsMlntainad Along Am of Twelve Miles. ENEMY IS DISLODGED AFTER A STRUGGLE at Slmonstown were found boring a tunnel under the Unci of tbc camp. The work had mado considerable progress before discov ered." The correspondent of the Times at Lou ronzo Marquez says: "Drltlsh and German citlandcra arc flock ing here from tho Transvaal In consequence of the feeling of Insecurity aroused by recent events. .... t 1 .. 1nt.nnnAalf0 T n I Tl I fl I several iniinjriuut. uuhihow.c have been flooded, tho government having forbidden pumping." BOERS ARE STANDING AT BAY llnrKlirro AlniiK tle Border Are In I)t-NM'rnt Stniltn llrcnd mid AVutor Sole Subnlntcnee. His Artillery U Woll Handled, However, and Is Well Supported. BROADWOOD TRIES A RUN AROUND END Doer, Follow llclilml ItlnlUK Ground nil Aim u..t Sueeecd In OulllnnUlnis the llrllUh AttuckliiK Ool u nix llclmve Uullnntly. CAPETOWN, Sunday, March 11. News from LadvErey. HerBChel and Allwal North show that the rebels are laying down their nrms In largo numberu and that tho Boers all nlong tho border aro la serious straits The rebels wscrt that tho lloera arc subsisting on bread and water and so-called coffee, made from rye. Other rebels are leaving to fight In tho Free State. Drltlsh rulo has been restored at Lady- grey, where a big fight Is reported to have occurred, many rebeltt being killed. It la reported that thousands of rebels contemplate surrendering to General lira tinii-ifnWTRlM. March 11. All of ye- bant. "L. smiled in flKhtlng. The Boers Holier!.. VUvrn Wtirnlntr. i.i.i .luiiimrn rear guard action LONDON, March 11. The Wnr ofnee has clone ft running front of twelve jiiIIch on received tho following advices from Lord very dttncult ground. Tho British wero Roberts, dated Drlefonteln, March 11, 9:15 .i.....,i I., iirp rolumns. (lencral p, m.: m..b, , ,i, ..mtliwnr.l. occunlcd l'etrus- "Tho attached dlnpnlch has been addressed berg unopposed; General Kelly-Kenny, by mo to their honors tho state prcwldcntB of after following tho river batik, moved In the Orange Frco State and tho South African tho direction of Abrahams kraal. At uric- repuuues: ...... .I- i.,.i o n.. ,,nih nf Ahrahnnn " 'Another Instnnco having occurred o bmni. Jh lin..r were found posted In con- gross nbuso of tho white Hag and of tho slcnnl of hoMliiK up hands In token of ftur .cvernl koolcs. where they had mounted render. It Is my duty to Inform you that If ,, such abuso occurs again I shall most re Tho action began at 8 o'clock In the morn- luctantly bo compelled to order my troops ing with an artillery dud. Oeneral French's " uireKaru mo nuu cavalry and General Porter's brigades up- " 'The Instance occurred on a kopje west o ported our gun. The Iloer artillery was nriefontcln farm yesterday evening and wai i ,i i,.ii,i ,i ii, tiriii.h i-nviirv witnessed by several of my own staff oflV found a task harder than they had ex- "re. n well as by myself, and resulted In ,,. tho wounding of several of my officers and r, nnifw1..'.tn.l w.ltt, ilnpitml nnr.A. 1 men. mnv.i nttnptw i mil Bnnth. " 'A largo amount of exploslvo bullets o ,.,i ..i. nn.i'n .. i i nrm.n.i threo different kinds wan found In Com v... t. ...,t,.,.t ,,.i.i.. ,1.1 o.m.i mandant Crotije's laager nnd this has been on., ov m..i .,. n,n,,i i,. t case after every cngagenient with your n. ou.i, .iii.,i mfnnir,. honors' troops. Such breaches of tho recog ., ,u , ,,, ,.,., ,,,, nlzed usages of war and of tho Oencva con UUTUilt.lllK VI lilt; null iwti uiu " I J I.i .i . a i.t i ..,.. i. no,, ,i. infBi.. w, ventlon aro a dlsgraco to any civilized power. ablo to move faste'r tho Doer., would havo A copy of this telegram has bean sent to my SLAND COLONY IN SENATE Upper Hons) Will Continue Its Debita on Porto Kfoin Bill. HY-PAUNCEFOTE TREATY MAY COME L'P Dull Week In Inspected In I. oner HntiNf, TIiimirIi Conference Ilt-port t'lion rimineliil Hill Will lie l)Miocd " Tucility. WASHINGTON. March 11. Tho senate will continue to glvo attention to tho 1'orto lllcan bill and tho Quay resolution this week, with a possibility that there may bo a diver sion In favor of tho Hay-Pauncefote treaty and Senator Mason's Boer resolution. MaBon says It Is his purpose to call up his resolution again and to get a vote on It If possible. Senator Davis has expressed an Intention to ask tho senate to tako up tho treaty during tho latter part of tho week, but Senator Foraker, In charge of tho I'orto Mean bill, oipressw confidence that Senator Davis will not bring the treaty forward at a tlmo to embarrass tho I'orto lllcan measure. Speeches on Porto Itleo will bo mado Mon day by Senators Ilawllns and Turner and probably later In tho week by Senator Ncl Bon. Tho debato on this measure probably will bo very general and possibly quite been enveloped. Tho last shot was fired at 7:30 p. m. Thla morning not a Doer was to be seen. The prisoners belonged to President Kruger's own commando. Iloern llcnlnt Stubbornly. 6:35 a. m. Bradwood's cavalry brigade, ndvanclng on niocmfnnteln, unexpectedly found tho Doers In a strong position In tho Drlefonteln kopjes yesterday. General Kelly-Kenny's division arriving, scvoro fighting ensued. Tho Doers resisted stub bornly, but were driven from their center position, leaving a number of dead and forty prisoners. Tho Drltlsh force Is moving for ward today. effect of deterring tho Intending demonstrators. Tho Marino hospital forvlco Is keeping a special lookout for cases, of. .bubonic plague which tnlght reach Havana on incoming steamers. All vessels from1 Mexico are rig Idly Inspected. As .jet (hero Is no con firmation of tho report of a case of tho plague on tho steamer Yucatan, from Vera Cruz. Secretary of War Hoot was busy all tho morning receiving tho, heads of tho various deportments of government nnd conferring with them. Collector Bliss, Major Ladd, Mrs. Ilooscvclt, Mrs. Chaffee and tomo mem bers of Secretary Hoofs party vlBlted Morro castle and Cabanas fortress. General Chaffee returned Admiral Farqu- bar's call on behalf of Mr. Root. DISCOURTESY TO ARCHBISHOP Avcrndl Find lint n Coltl IteoepMon AunltliiK Hint nx. I'llliiil Dclcftntc In (lie Meilenn Cmiltnl. WO HUNDRED INDIANS FALL and of the Mexican Smites Heavily the Yaqul Trlbs. VE THOUSAND REDSKINS ON WARPATH All of Hie I'littncrincnl Are In Nnlnre of SklrnilnhcM, In Which the Gov ernment Trooim l'rovr Too Clever (or the Snvnicc. CITY OF MEXICO, March 11. Arch bishop Avcradl, papal delegate to Mexico, will probably not return here. It Is an open secret In ecclesiastical circles that ho was profoundly disappointed at hla reception hero and tho scant courtesy shown him. A friend of tho distinguished prelate says: "When tho papal dclcgato arrived It was but natural that tho archbishop of Mexico Bhould offer him hospitality, but ho had to seek lodgings with an eminent nnd friendly phjslclan of this capital. This gave him his first Idea of the disposition of tho Mexican spirited. Tho members of the committee on j prelates toward him, who was tho direct order of business) emphatically contradict j representative of the holy father, and as tho reports that tho committee is exerting lmo went on he found tho disposition prcv itself to Bccuro tho amendment for tho Porto aclit to regard him as an Interloper. It Is lllcan bill, saying that tho committee tias jru that on several occasions, as at publlo nothing to do with tho formation of legls- dinners, the papal delegate spoke his mind latlon. entirely, but his warm Italian temperament The senato will meet at 10 o'clocK Mon- nna tTank disposition prompted his utter day, two hours In advance of tho usual hour ances. which wero tho reverse of compll- of convening, In order to tako up the Alaskan montary to the natlvo clergy. It was his code dim, tno rending or wnion nas noi yei opinion that tho clergy hero were incapaulo been completed. 0f organization and resentful of even tho HoiiHe i:iicctn Dull Week., slightest Interference, ns they regarded It Tho week In tho houso promises to bo of the holy father. rather dull. Tomorrow tho contested elec tion caa of Wlso ngalnst Young, from tho Second Virginia district, which has been de bated for two days, will be voted upon. Dr. Wlso, tho contestant, who ia a republican, was seated by a former congress on a contest nnd Indications aro that ho will bo again seated. government with tho request that It may bo communicated to all neutral powers." SUIT AGAINST DEBTOR PRINCE tiitcroNllnp; CIuckIIoiim llroiiKht tin by CIiiIiiim of .liiiiiulcaii Mr rob ii n Ik AKnliiNt I'rotcKC of KiikIiiiiiI. KINGSTON, Jamaica, .March 11. Prince Tuesday tho conferenco report upon the Clarence, chief of tho &lc6qulto territory financial bill will bo disposed of. There may and protege of the British government, who bo somo lively debate on tho report, but resides In Jamaica, has been sued by local It will command tho full party strength morchants. His wollcltor'sctR up In defense on tho republican LIde and will be adopted. tho allegation that Prince Clarence was th Tho remainder of tho week will bo de- sovereign chief of tho Mosquito territory voted to annronrlattoti bills, of which two prior to and at tho time-of tho accruing of havo been reported to tho houso, tho army tho cause of action and therefore Is entitled TWO PRESIDENTS ASK PEACE and District of Columbia bills. IvriiKcr mill Stoyu Make Proponnl to SiillHhiiry, hut Iteiiulre Mont Favorable TrrniN. CITIES MAY JOIN BEFORE JUNE LONDON. March 11. Tho Dally Mall has received the following dispatch from Preto ria, dated Saturday, March 10, and censored by tho iloer government: "President Krugor and President Steyn havo wired to Lord Salisbury peaco pro posals, on condition that tho Independence During tho fighting, in which five rcgl- " two republics bo respected nnd the mcnts took part, with artillery, tho Doers, "pel colonials amnestied. llmnr-h fnrrr,! fmm tholr renter nosltlon "Yesterday the foreign consuls wero called clung tonaclously to the other kopjes, shell- Into conferenco and wero requested to Invito Ing tho Drltlsh freely with threo guns nnd mo intervention oi me powers nicy repro- two VIckcrB-Maxlms. Tho Drltlsh cavalry sented In order to prevent further blood- begnn to turn tho Doer position, but night ohed." fell before tho movement was completed. Tho rotlro.l ilnrlnir tbn nlcht. nelhiine In Forced Uncle. A large number of Australians wero en- DURBAN, March ll.-Tho Natal Mercury caged yesterday. Tho First Australian has tho following dispatch from Qreytown, with tho Scots Grevs. nd- dated today vanccd within 800 ynrds of tho Boers under "A forco comroscd of Bcthuno's mounted l.rnvr flro. The New South Wales mounted Infantry, tho UmvctI mounted rifles and Infuntry Joined tho pursuit of tho Boers tho Natal police, with three maxims, under northward. Colonel Bethuno, reached Pomeroy Thurs- LONDON. March 12. A dispatch to tho day, March 8. Tho following morning the TiniM from Drlefonteln. dated Sunday. Doer pickets opened flro. gays: "A general engagement soon ensued, the "Tho storming of Alexander kopje by tho Doers using ponipoms nnd two big guns, Welsh was n particularly One piece of work. Thero was heavy firing on both sides. Col Tin, raoldltv of Iho Boers In removing their oncl Dethuno weeing tho Impossibility of dls- guns whs very remarkable. Tho New South lodging the Doers without artillery, retired Wales mounted Infantry mnde a gallant, south of tho Tugela with ono man wounded. bin unsuccessful, attempt to capturo nmtuu- Tho Boer loss Is said .to ho considerable. rdtlnn. lArrnrdlnir in thn Intent rennrts nn other engagement today is not Improbable." CASUALTIES IN BOSTON FIRE Troup I'rcNH Korwiir.1. LONDON. March 11. A dispatch to tho Oni- Fireman Killed nnd Scvernl In WASHINGTON, March 11. (Special Tele trrrim.t Mr. Rnsownter call nil unon Gov nrnnr Merrlnn. director of tho census, n I'nuco Clarence is coueiuerauiy in ueoi auu relation to tho proposed annexation of South tho settlement of tho issue is an important rVmnii nnil tho Htnr wllPtl It Wfltllfl lift OTtl- I UUti nil. In n tinvn 4hn rt r1 1 1 n t Inti rntlirna n f tttn two cities consolidated for tho census of DtlllUNd Ur.rLNU IMC inCHII 1900. Governor Mcrrlam utated that blanks Jor separate enumeration of tho two cities I3nKllH Vrvnn Look with MnrUc had already been sent to Superintendent uisrnvor on Amendment of the Wheeler, but figures could bo consolidated Semite Committee. If thn two corporations wero mereed on or before Juno 1. i.umjun, .March 12. Tho Standard, dls Considerable surnriso was expressed by cussing editorially tne Hay-l'aunceroto con Senator Thurston nnd other NebraskaiiB over u'"li Bays: nopo uoni .sansDury tho report that Dlackburn nnd tho congre3- War odlco from Lord Iloberts, dated Drlefon teln, March 11, 7:16 a. in., says- "Tho enemy opposed us throughout yesterday's march and from his lntlmnto knowledgo of tho country gavo us considerable trouble. Owing, how ever, to tho admirable conduct of tho troops I tho enemy was unable to prevent us reaching jurcd Diirlnir llcntmctloii of Macaroni Factory. DOSTON, March 11. Flro early this mora ing In tho building of tho Massachusetts Macaroni company on North street caused thn death of ono fireman, tho probable fatal our destination. Tho brunt of tho lighting of nnotilcr nua tho serious Injury of ..11 Hnitni-nl lnll u-lf .... n v'a illvletn.ia wr I . ... ... fell on General Kelly-Kenny's divisions, two Oattallons of which, tho Welsh nnd Essex, turned the Boers out of two strong posi tions at tho point of tho bayonot." Another dispatch dated 9:55 a. m., says: "I cannot get tho preclso number of cas ualties before I march, but will communl cato It as soon as possible Tho Doers suffered heavily, 102 of their dead being left upon tho ground. Wo captured about twenty prisoners. "Among tho killed aro Captain Eustace of tho Duffs, Captain Ixunax of tho Welsh regiment nnd Mr. McKnrtle, a retired In dian civilian attached to Kitchener's Horse. "Among tho wounded are: Duffs Colonel Hlckson, leg, severe; Lieutenant Tllonald. Welsh regiment Lieutenants Tarknlgton, Pope, Wlmbcrley. Essex regiment Cap tain Droadwood. Kleld artillery Lieutenant Dovenlsh. Medical corps Major Walte, Lieutenant Berne. Australian artillery Colonel Umphcly, abdomen, dangerous, Tho Morning Post's correspondent at Drelfonteln, telegraphing Sunday, says: Tho threo others, besides entailing a flnanclnl It variously estimated from $7G,000 to 150,000. P. J. McCarthy, senior hoseman of steamer No. 8, was Instantly killed. Ho was stand Ing on a ladder near a cornlco of tho burn Ing building when tho roof fell In and ho was hurled to tho ground covered with debris, Christopher Curran, n member of steamer company No. 9, while on tho roof was swept to tho ground by ono of tho tnnny streams that wero being played Into tho flro. II was sovercly injured Internally and may die Lieutenant Walter McLean of steamer No, 8 was at tho foot of tho ladder upon which McCarthy was standing and was hit by tho falling debris. Ho will recover. Hoseman Galloway of cnglno No. 13 also sustained fractures of tho shoulders and rlba, while Hoseman Gavagban of steamer No. 8 was somewhat brulBed by flying missiles. Tho building, a four-story brick, was en iltcxt Time Omaha nnd South Oninlin. Can CoiiNolldnle find Get In Cciimu. to all tho rights appertaining to him as prlnco of 'tho Mosquito territory, Tho solicitor contends that Clarence ought not to bo compelled against his will to answer In a legal action before any of tho Judges or beforo a mlnlifujr of the queen I Jamaica, nnd, on behalf of his' client, he denim tho Jurisdiction .of tho Jamaican courts. - This raises an Interesting question, a CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Pair nnd Warm: Variable Winds. Tcmpcrnlnrc nt OmnlSS'j!"lcrdi yi Hour. I)-k. ll'-Sf Mcr. a n. m (11 1 .dSfn M O n. m 4H UiiijVii tH 7 n. m 4S tnji Yfn 17 8 n. m 10 -SM" n I) n. m IH r'L:rf" u 10 n. m ns Jln I' ll n. m UO 7, 110 12 in lit Kt-T-'M no y ii ns FIRE DAMAGES TH.icJ STORES AUSTIN, Tex.. March 11. A special from 'otam, Mexico, says that during four dnys ending on Krldny the Yaqul Indians and the Mexican troops had four engagements near Cocorlt, Moxlco. The Mexican troops aro en- denvorlng to force their way through this section of tho country so as to keep a road way between Torln nnd that point open for travol. Thero aro a great many Indians known to bo in this Immedlntc section, nnd It Is evident that a very strong forco will havo to bo put Into tho field at ouco to sup press the uprising. Tho engagements of the four dnys men tioned resulted very disastrously for tho In dians, ns In tho neighborhood of 200 aro known to havo been killed nnd possibly more. Tho Mexican troops suffered very llttlo lees of life, though some twenty-live soldiers wero wounded. All tho engage ments wero In the nnturo of skirmishes, last ing only a fow hours; when tho Indians would retire. Tho fact that tho Maya Indians hnve also aken to tho warpath and aro harassing the troops a great deal gives rlso to grave surmises as to how long It will take to bring tho uprising to a termination. It la feared that unless both of the factions arc brought In submission soon they will Join forces. Indlnnn Fnll In n Trap. A special from Ortiz, stato of Sonorn, Is to tho effect that on Frldny reports reached thero of n bloody skirmish between a band of somo 300 Yaquls and about an equal num ber of soldiers about fifty miles west of that plnco, In which tho fighting was continued most of the day. The loss anions tho roldlcrs wan slight, owing to their Eplcndld formication, being ensconsed behind a natural breastwork of boulders on a hillside with tho Indians In tho open. It was a cleverly laid trap Into which tho Indians wero led, and while they left none of their dead on tho field It Is thought their loss is heavy, as qulto a num bor wero seen to fall. Reliable Information states that fully 2,500 Yaquls are now In tho neighborhood of Guny mns and fully as many moro arc prowling between Medano and Potan. M)trrlou lllncc Followlnir Two F.x nloRlonn llocn Scrlonn DnmiiKc In tho llnrly Mornlnr. Tho three-story brick building nt 1311 l-'ar-nam street, occupied by tho Omaha Tent nnd Awning company, was totally destroyed by fire between 2 nnd 3 o'clock this morning. The watch-man's attention was first attracted by two explosions, following which Humes burst through the roof. Ho turned In tho alarm nt 2:30 o'clock and when the flro de partment reached tho scene the flames had gained such headway that the wholo block scorned likely to be sacrificed. In splto of tho firemen's efforts the flro extended to tho music store of Schmoeller & Mueller on the west nnd tho Nebraska Seed company on tho enst, doing serious damage to the stock of both concerns. Tho tent nnd nwnlng company's slock was an cntlro loss, ns tho building was totally consumed. Tho first floor contained various ncs of rubber goods, the second was stocked with tents nnd awnings nnd tho third con talncd raw materials of various sorts. Tho manager of the company, A. II. llawltzer, Is absent from tho city. Joseph Cushburn, tha clerk In charge, es timates the loss sustained by tho company at $30,000, with Insurance at $20,000. Tho building, which is worth in the neighbor hood of $75,000, Is tho property of W. A. Paxton and is believed to bo protected by nsurnnce. Tho flro apparently originated on the lower floor nnd was dllllcult to reach. Tho dense fumes of burning rubber goods drove back tho firelighters who attempted to reach tho seat of tho flames. WO SIDES IN ARMS Organoid Factions Promdt Conflict in tbf BtreaU of Franltfort. DEMOCRATIC OFflCERS IN FEAR OF ARREST iwlj Formed State Qnard Standi Beadj t' Protect tha Executive, AYLOR DENIES INTENTION TO INTERFERE" TO KLONDIKE BY AUTOMOBILES Three Frenchmen Will Trnvcl o the Country of Gold by a Unique LMclhnd. slonal committee should attempt to revolu tionize all precedent In proposing to super- ecdo Douglas county's centrnl committee In tho supervision of primaries for tho selec tion of delegates to the congrosslonal district convention. Congressman Mercer disclaimed any active hand in tho scheme, nor could ho explain why tho departure was contemplated ox- wlll not agreo to tho amendment of the senato committee, which would emasculate the convention. Wo. would bo no better off than If wo toro up tho Clnyton-Bulwcr treaty, and thnt Is what many people In the United States who havo not Mr. McKlnloy's regard for tho sanctity of tho treaty obliga tions would llko to see done." Tho Morning Post says: "If tho senate committee's purpose Is maintained not only would Great Britain renounco her rights cept that ho wanted direct Prslon of ,ln(Jer , rjlayton-Bulwer convention, but nh,l,n htf r.vnlllil Ipnna nf hn illatrlnt U'lmn I . ... .... bho would hecomo a party to tno extension and tho establishment of American military power to a foreign state," GREET THE FIRE SURVIVORS McmlicrN of Conu-d fc Frnncnlse lte ceived by I, a rue Audience nt Griuid Opera. Hoimc. cholco by republicans of tho district. When assured that tho call of tho county com mittee permits such expression ho stated that this was satisfactory to him and that ho would endeavor to get Blackburn to revise his program nnd submit his namo to the regular county primaries called for March 30. C. O. Wheedon of Lincoln arrived In tho city thlH morning and Is a guest of Charles E. Magoon of tho War department. Mr. Koscwater left for Now York on tho midnight train. SHELDON IN EDITOR'S CHAIR l'rc nchcr-Norcllnl Will HckIu 111m unlitiiv Kviicrlmcut In ImniiIiik lliilly cmiiaicr. &i Governor He Fardoni tho AllegeS Auasilns of Ooobel. HEIR ARREST SA'D TO BE DEFIANCE OF LAW Court Arc Accimcd of MKIuk Thalf Jimtlcc vtllh I'lirtlmiu Consider ntlonx One Siiftpcct In lie- " tuned it HcnrliiK. FIIANKFOHT, Ky., March 11. Tho dem ocrats and the republicans In Kentucky arn today, for the flrst time Biuco the present political complications assumed acute form, divided Into two armed nnd organized fac tions. Surrounding the capltol and tho stats legislative building and camped In th grounds around Governor Taylor's homo ar nearly 200 Btato mllltla, well provided with) ammunition, whllo In tho corridors of the Capital hotel, In which the democratic stats executive otllees nru located, and In tha streets adjacent to that building, aro sixty, special uirtccra and thu men a nil boys of o, mllltla company that was orgunlied In Frankfort today as the nucleus of Governor; Beckham's state guard, besides scores of heavily armed cltlzeiiBr partisans of tho dem ocratic claimant. Humors t cached the democratic leader today that an attempt was to be made by tho stato mllltla to take Govemur Beckhnm Into custody, and limbic of an hour after tho re port was circulated n petition had been clr ciliated and signed by tho requisite number of men necessary to form a mllltla company. Tho men will guard tho Capital hotel alt night against any possible attempt to ar rest Governor Beckham. Only two days more remain for the leg islature to remain In session, but the de velopments of thoao two dnys aro looked forwnrd to with apprehension by lenders ot both sides. The democratic partisans say that should tho mllltla attempt to Interfere with tho session of tho legislature, persist ent rumors of which have been In circulation all day. It will bo next to Impossible, to avert bloodshed. Tho republican olllclnls, however, deny that such action has been oven contemplated and say that tho legis lature will not bo molested In any way, That tho report Is believed In democratta circles, however, Is shown by the fact that the advisability of holding tho session In somo other plnco than tho state houso has been under ndvlsemont, nnd even at a lata hour tonight tho question had not beeni fully settled, Several of tho republican members of the legislature left tho city today, presum ably for their homes. Nnhhuth Calm nt l,eliilon. LEXINGTON, Ky., March 11. Tho Sab bath day brought a calm to tho atorm which for threo hours on Saturday night threat ened to burst over Lexington. Tho adopting of a dlBgulse by Davis and Powers in order to get out of Frankfort put nn ugly phnso on tho matter for the prison ers. In tho opinion of somo of thulr friends here, although they explain that they did TOPEKA, Kan., March 11. Dev. Charles M. Sheldon, author of "In Ills Steps" nnd other religious stories, will tomorrow begin the actual work of demonstrating his lde of what n newspaper should bo. Tho flrst edition of tho Topcka Capital under tho dl rectlon of tho preacher-novelist will nppea Tuesday morning. Tho Capital publishes no Monday morning edition, and for this reason tho question of Sunday work did not com up at tho beginning of Hov. Sheldon's nows'pa per work. Tho members of tho Capital staff. at tho request of Hov. Sheldon, attended services today at his church, tho Centrnl Congregational, Mont of the newspaper cor respondents who havo arrived In tho city to report tho Incidents In the week of Hov, Sheldon's experiment of newspaper making nlso attended this service. Tomorrow tho work of getting out tho newspaper will begin. All ot the Capital regular staff of editors and reporters will bo retained, with tho slnglo exception of General Hudson, editor-ln-chtef, who will tako a week off. Very many religious en thuslnsts havo offered their services to Hcv Sheldon ob reporters, but all of these offers ho has declined, believing thnt the regulnr staff can bo molded to his way easier thnn , BO merely to get nwny from tho local Ooobel raw recruits could bo trained In nowspapcr influences, which they allege would work work for a slnglo week's effort. to their detriment in securing a fair trial. Threo nights last week tho minister re- rjoth tacitly admit now that In this they malncd In tho Capital ofllco all night famll- mny havo cnado mlstnkcs, as both strongly) iartzlng himself with tho details of nowspa- unrn their Innocence of any connection with per making and tomorrow ho will tako chargo tho murder of Goobel and Insist that thoy RELIEF FOR CUBAN FARMERS Almoners Confer wllL Gcnernl WI1 on, AVho Approves Their Method of ItccoiiHtriiclliiK Inland. fight throughout was much Involved. Tho I tlrely ruined and tho firemen had nearly six enemy evacuated and reoccupled posl- hours' hard work beforo tho flro was under Hons, subtly concealing his Intentions, and I complcto subjection only withdrawing his guns a row minutes prior to their Impending capture. His guns outranged ours, tho naval brigade not ar riving In time. Our cavalry horses wero completely tired by the repeated withdrawals; Tho turning movement was begun too lato. Tho enemy nttemptcd with heliograph to luro us to occupy a kopjo which they held, but seeing tho deception wo returned. BONDSMEN TAKE P0ST0FFICE l'oatinnNtcr nt lllnmond vllle, Wyo., Suddenly Leaven II In l'linltlou nnd Taken Alonif Money. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Mnreh 11. (Special Telegram.) Postmaster Sullivan of Dla- FAIUS, March 11. A largo and fashionable audlcnco filled the Grand opera houso this afternoon nnd gavo the members of tho Com cdlo Francalso a warm reception on their flrst nppenranco slnco tho flro, which de stroyed their old home, tho Theater Franrals. Mile. Dudley was the recipient of on es pecially enthusiastic greeting. Handker chiefs and hats wero waved and bouquets of roses nnd vlolots wero thrown upon tho HAVANA, March 11. Herbert Allen and stngo from all parts of tho houso. Deeply Horaeo Barnes, ulmoners of tho Cuban In- moved, tho actress responded by throwing dustrlal relief commission, which for about back kisses. n year has been operating relief farms near "Androma" nnd "Lo, Malado Imaglnalro" Cleba and Mochn, have Just returned to Ma- were performed and 'tho ncoustlcs of tho tanzas, after distributing fifty-eight work opera houso proved better than had been ex oxen among all of tho farmers. They wero pected received by General Wilson, military gov ernor of tho department, who conferred with Uuecn Conf.erx KnlKhthnnd. them regarding their undertakings and ox- i-umju.n, .Yiarcn n. uoru bausuury nas pressed cordial approval of this method of informed the lord mayor of London, A. J. reconstructing Cuba. Nowton. that tho queen purposes to confer General Wilson, who urged them strongly a baronetcy upon him and to confer knlght- to contUiuo, has always been nn advocate hood upon tho sheriffs" of tho city of Lsn- of government aid in supplying cattlo to de- don, William Purdto Treloar and Alfred scrvlnc farmers. Henry Bevan, El Dlaro de la Marina, discussing agrlcul- "In doing so," ,tne premier writes, -ncr tural departments, says today: majesty will not only 'rouow tno custom in "A noss b o solut on of tho nuestlon ot royal visits to tno city, out ucsires to marn mortgnged property would bo to allow tho tho distinguished war "services of the city." holders of morteaees to administer the nron crtles until they had paid themselves off .. A " ,. . nT ... . ... . . and then to havo tho properties returned to LONDON, March U.-Tlio will of the a o tho mortgagors. Failing In this, tho law -inorans nenry ismu.-iouimi-r uimu ..... should tako its course, so that tho land may Star lino steamship company, who died In como into tho hands of thoso having Liverpool last November, hts been proved. NEW YORK, Mnrch 11. Tho French liner l'Aqullalnc, which came Into port to day from -Havre, brought threo Frenchmen who say they Intend to make tho attempt to go to tho Klondlko by nutomobllcB. They aro E. Jonno de Lamcre, who has been to tho Klondlko nnd was for a time editor of tho Klondlko Review; Raphael Mer vlllo, who Is n brothcr-ln-law of M. do La more, and who holds a fast automobile record, and E. Crom, private secretary to M. do Lamero. Tho threo travelers sen ahead of them to this country an automobile of five horso power and a motor cycle of threo horso power. Tho vehicles havo been forwarded to Vancouver, whence they will bo sent to Skaguny and on to Lake Bennett by way ot tho Yukon and tho Whtto Tass railroad Do Lamero said todny that ho Intended U start Wednesday for Montreal and on April 19 to start by automobile, from Lake Bennett for Atlln "The nutomobllo will go In front, tho motor cycle will follow and a sleigh carrying pro visions will bring up tho rear," ho said It Is 112 miles from Lake Bennett to Atlln and wo expect to cover that In ono day. as It I la rnn,i cftinir tho Wn ohnii remnl,, there witn n general idea or uio wecK colore n mi. i.nvn nn fnr whatever as to ino outcome. nliont two weeks. Then wo shall start on As to tho make-up of tho paper ho has Ideas judno Ocorco Denny, a prominent ropubll- tho long trip to Dawson City, which Is about of his own and tneso will ho carried out. can attorney, called on the prisoners iooay COO miles from Atlln. I shall not tako along All "scaro" news will bo at a discount nnd nnu was closeted with them several hours, mnnv nrovlslnns. as I know tho nooolo nlona llttlo or no news will appear on tho flrst un wm represent them In whatever legal tho route and can buy as I go along. I ex- Pago, which will bo devoted to special artl- gtps nro taken. Both men aro very calm . . ..!., . i ,,. ri., ,. ni,n,,i i ciph nn tno. science or covornmcm. mo neeu I .,,, i,n.. RtninineiiL 10 mnKO uinu trouble." of reforms In city, stnto and national affairs wnnt was Kven out laBt night. Judgo DenOtf M. do Lamero said that tho Idea of going and kindred topics. Many persons of prom- salrt tonight that the prisoners nro not averso to tho Klondlko by nutomobllo was flrst sug- inenco will contnouto to mis page, siaie to ROln(! to Frankfort, hut tney woum imo ECBted to him by seeing a lumber wagon temperance agnaiors, u is sain, aro 10 uc . havo i,rrniigomeiitB mado to try uicir maun drawn to tho Klondlko by six horses. Ho given a freo hand and something of a shak- i,erc This cannot bo done, except ns to a ndded: ing-up of politicians Is predicted. -writ of habeas corpus, which Ib not likely to "At tho nlaces whero wo must travel by All advcniBing in any way oujecuonanie, bo B0Ucht n this case. . i water I Intend to placo tho automobile In a according to tho ministers views, has been ,.,..,iviii... largo flat canoo and use me power in u .. t . ... , n.uQvii.i.r. Kv.. Mnrch ll.-OITlcerrt uov. iHicmon, wiio realties ill iuu uuiniwna -. - t i. ,. .,i, frnm Frankfort arrived hero about H.30 Ul lUtiiAU, uua iviuik luutH . " I ------ - - .1., flnllnml machine to work tho paddles." I'rcnldcnt of Ciillfornln University I.euriiH of Victory of Sccrctnry of State liny. I1PCM nnnR TO THF flRIFNT and says ho hardly expects to bo at his homo o'clock tonigni, nnving in cuiu..y """""" OPEN UUUK IU I ML UnlLNI I Bngo Umo aurnB tho week, lie will Whlttnker who, at his prelim nary henrlna take his meals at a restaurant near tho Cap- a few days ago, was n h'""" ' ltal ofllco. During tho wcok Hov. Sheldon on tho chargo of complicity In tho assassin says ho will remain In tho Capital ofllco all atlon of Governor Goebel, and W. I.. cui night until each cd Hon shall havo gono to ton. wno was urresicu I . rr... ...n.-.. lirmii'llt hon, from 1 press. cnarge. nm m ,v. .--n - -- Thorn will be thn usual Rundav morning Frankfort because ot the fear that an at- odltlon of tho Capital, but It -will bo printed twnpt would be mndo by the sold ors, nctin early Saturday night,, so that all tho work under tho republican administration, to lib- oven to tho circulating by tho carriers, may crato tncm. According to a siaicinciu umuu ., ernor W. S. Taylor to a representative ol Benjamin Ido Wheeler of tho University of California, In nn address last night to tho Monticello club, gavo tho details ot tho no gotlntlons which Secretary of State Hay has U flnBnC(1 tore tho beginning of Sunday nan unuer way lur pumu i.inu ju.uuvu m r. Mil. !.,., In ,,m Mnrnlni? l'nst I ..." " ...... , -...-v. ?. . ..,,.ii. , nn !Io ,i n nroi f7,nt pin . .h now In charge ot his bondsmen. r. ;,7.T v Tho amount ot Sullivan's embezzlement la . .... ni....- i nnMniin his not known and cannot bo ascertained until march at the rate of about ten miles a day." tho Inspectors make an examination of tho . books. Fnll of Mitfckluir Predicted. Inspectors from the Denver ofllco are LONDON, March 12. A correspondent of novv Cn routo to Dlamondvlllo. Sullivan tho Dally Mall at Lourenio Marquez, tele- had been postmaster for several years and graphing Sunday, says: has borno an excellent reputation. "According to Boer reports tho fall of Mafeklng Is certain. Thero ha. been heavy CASHIER KILLS A BURGLAR llgilUUu ius wren uuu iiitf Jiuurn unvu uii i helling the town from all tho outlying forts which thoy have captured. Colonel Badcn Fowell cleared all tho natives out of town, but tho Boers drovo them back. The Boers aro preparing for a flnal assault, with tho idea that tho capturo of Mafeklng will ralso tho drooping spirit ot the burghers." lln..p lrlM.l..rM Illir IL Tunnel. LONDON. March 12. Tho Capetown corre- A quantity of Btolen valuables was found on pondt nt of tho Standard, telegraphing Sat- tho body of tho dead man. Ho has not been urday. savs: Identified, but Is supposed to have been a "It Ui reported that the Boer prisoners, professional crook, .Mode It, Olllclnl In Wnverly Hunk, Shoot n NcKro Intruder III Ilia Ilooiu. SPRINGFIELD 111., March 11. A. C. Mot felt, cashier of tho First Stats bank at Wav erly, III., shot and Instantly killed a negro burglar In his bedroom early tnts morning tho China open door. Presldont Wheeler earned tho negotiations whllo In conversa Hon with Secretary Hay during his recent visit to Washington. President Wheeler said: "In tho courso of tho week Secretary Hay will announco to tho people a victory, not shoeing n personal tstato of 1,297, SSI. Numerous legacies, In all about 25.000, aro left to charities, and tho remainder ot tho cstnto to members of tho family, aulllclent money to work It." Comparatively few people attended to day's meotlng to protest against tho aprolnt incnt ot Mgr. Sbarrettl to tho bishopric of Havani. A commltteo ot four, Including General Maximo Gomez, was appointed to visit tho bishop and to Inform him respect fully of tho wishes of tho Cuban people It was arguod that It would bo better to tako this courso on tho chanco that Mgr. SbarrottI would express a willingness to re sign, and thus to save the work ot organiz ing somo forty subcommittees ot protest from the various parts of tho diocese, as ,, was originally prupuseu. lliihonlo 1'luKUC Itcportrd. A resolution was ouereu advocating mai gyDNEyt n, a. W., March 11. Three a protest bo sent direct to tho popo and that freBn case8 ot bubonic plague In Sydney are noiuing luriuer uu uuuu mini uis u1B,vtr officially reported today, nau UUUU UTini'u, um una nna iiuKUMVL'ii Colombian ltcvplutlon Continues. KINGSTON. Jamaica" March 11. A gen oral and fifteen men havo landed here on tho wny to Colon. Thcr say they aro Argon tlnans and aro going to join the Colombian revolutionists. Mail advices today from Panama report that tho Colombian revolutionary movement continues. by a largo majority, It being argued that tho movement might grow cold wero tho agitation to bo dropped for six weeks, tho tlmo It was estimated would he required to get a reply from Rome. A representative of the popular commltteo of protest, who was present, said that gen- IIiiiiIImiii by the WIioIcniiIc. NEW YORK. March U.-Necro men. women and children somo deaf, somo mute ami others, blind, but most of them whole nnd tound to "th- number of 1M, wero piunged Into a of water nnd brought out of It gospfng and breathless In tho Mount Olivet -Jtaptlst church todny. This Is tno largest numuer oi persons oral manifestations In curof Itlon.- to the uver baptized In ono Christian church appointment were about lo be made In tho f',JJ of iho'rlrTpl M provinces of Matanzas and Santa Clara on frnm ,h fQt tn a new. where tho women tho day after tho landing of Mgr. knelt In prayer, and then, shlverlntr, went ci .., -.. ,.n ,..Kinu I tn n mnm la the rear of tho church to r pubed in th. H.v... pas M others who were changing their clothes ' teicgrapueu to many towns aau uaa iuu March wind. ARRANGE FOR P.nNIPNTinKI thn Hnmmerelal ho has granted n pardon to each of tho persons for whom warrants havo 7 . . ...1.1. ,.lr... M. ...!.,.. -VVII...,, nt Vnllnnnl Committee, boon SBUOd Charging Wiuill nuu ucwh .ww Hunt It Will lie Siinie 1'lnht I irorles to the assassinauou ui nn in JHtw. nnM.Pi including Secretary or fciaie miou ii..... nnd PX.Sccrcitary of Stato Charles KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 11. Judgo .. , hi tatemcnt Governor Taylor" of war, call It of diplomacy, If you please, Adair Wilton cf Colorado, member of tho I '' . .,,, i, inns under which he clalma . .. . . m.1.. ...Ill ,. , ,.. . IL. ., ...!. ., I in mui iuu iiuiia ui wuum mi. uu uibuiu BUDcommaii'ti in mu uciuuviu.iu uimuuu, ,,.. i,n piloted nnd cnarges me tieiu- to tho coramctco of tho world. Ho has committee, arrived hero today to attend tho ,. ,otnniu fr tato ofllccs with con reached an understanding with Great Britain, meeting tomorrow to mako arrangements ' .., , cur e control of tho government, Franco, Russia and Germany, which does f0r tho national convention In July. Thu "' ,.... ' away with territorial spheres ol Influence. vo other members of tho commltteo nro ex- ..Mntuithstandlng theso conspirators wer "According to this agreement mere win pected In tho morning. In tho course ol nn ,,...., at tho noIfi ns to tho stato ofllctf), bo no longer nny Bphcrcs of mnuenco in mo interview .Judgo Wilson said: . guccceded In securing n majority la flowery kingdom. Customs tariffs will be i think tho night of July 0 will seo every- " . lWQ naust, ot tllu Kenral tt3- abollshed as well as all other Imposts upon Ulg finished if Wo do not get away tho . d , rotnnnK m power tho stata shipping. Tho idea la to mane me pons day before. Bryan win to nominated wim- -- . n(J countln K machine. I free to tho worlds commerce- am give u.i out (,0UDt. i navo not nearu ex-uovcruor . " democratic members wcr nations a frco hand In exporting tneir mar- w. J. Stone's namo mentioned seriously, so " . ..,, vpt others wero elected b kots. It Is tho consummation ot tho British far BB tho heads of the two tickets are con- h"cl y SJi lZ bT n .hn ripn .lnnr- whin), fniinil HO RtrOtltT I It ,UMI .p thn. enmn. nbl flcllt nf ISnfi; . " . . . an advecato In Lord Bercsford." ccrncd, it win oo mo umo am ngui 0 iDJU; - - canvassing boards befortf MoKIn ey and Brynn will run against each "r i mi u . . J r tnJ other. As for their running mates. I have f , "" "'; t L nt.L n .nl Idea of tho 'open door' which found so strong ccrncd, It will bo tho samo old fight of IMG; FUNERAL OF EDWARD PHELPS no Idea whom they will bo. I .opk for an ooc - , a -,""S enormous crowd nero in juiy. reopio am . .,. ,.,. , m3B5... - ;.,,, ,,0. o-. ;. ju. . u-jn-j All V K Are iieiu in iuc .i...i.. -vo. - .. . .' j,t,p.i tht tbn will of tho neonlo as 6X . Vni,. going to let a nnt onai convention no nciu - . , , i,, tw ' Tt tL r "very doors and not see It. Nothing Pressed at tho pol U ahull be ct ld. U NEW.HAVEN. Conn.. March ll.-Fun.ral will let them overlook this opportunity." ' V" ' ' ' d,o services for tho lata nuward J. l-ncips, e- ...ZTZurltt for Murderer. ,pp,,, n fre neonle will not willingly ba minister to Lngland. wero nciu touay in VALDOSTA, Ga.. March 11. -Word was acprived of their right of wuffrago or consent Battel chapel. Dr. Timothy Dwlght dolly- rPCeVed hero tonight of a double murder ' minority Inntead of tho majority, ...... .... ... .,i .i.,,.,0 Tha wiiA rhn r n,t ivnrtiimr nenr Ilnnnlnira. Fla. Two Uiai mo minurtijr mmcuu u, t t, CltU IHO lUlltl"! "". - n- ....... ..,;.. ,Tl'fi. ,rn I 1,M ,n sang two hmns "Load, Kindly Light" and Vamo 'could "not con.plrucy U llnlchr.l. " Thoepra!nhic coflln was carried Into tho K W" "" this .unfortunate struggle Horf, ph 'i , Z dlMm nt olEht seniors, murderer nwny from the olflcers nnd swuntf William Goebel, tho cntestant Xofl the office of governor, was aBsnsslnatcd b somo perwin whoso Identity l unknowm members of tho Wolf's Head fraternity, of n,m lo a 1111. . . i n m.inn AH i,nnM morri inr I ri',.i I. . " n li f 1 11 T r II 1 1 . I, thn honorarv pallbearers wero: BEATTLR, Wash.. . March H.-Captaln Thereupon a conBplracy was formed to fai ri President Arthur T. Hndley of William Graham Sumner and Wnvland. Tuesday ,f Vnin Prof' Absrcromblo nnd forty-three government tns i(,nouH crlmo upon all or oimo of tH VAlul aSir-nna'MWl W M'.nnr: .Ut. omeers oleet.l by the peop.s, .. purj o., r wrtnpiinv. Thev will at onco rroso be ng to obscuro and cover tho polite Tho bod v was taken to Burlington. VU, prepare to lay bridges over tho Copper. lcaI rohbery and to terrorize and deatro bo made on Tuesday. for tho telegraph line.