Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1900, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Btsalt is Almoit a Stood Nival Battle
Off 8antitgo.
Armril Puller iiiimi on a Tim Held at
Hoy li a 'nilnln of an American
Transport Wreck I nit Com
paii)' f.'o in p I it I it n.
SANTIAGO. Cuba, Marrh 10. Rivalry
over tho possession of u wife belonging to
tho sunken Spanish torpedo gunbout Furor
almost caused a second naval battle yestor
ilay. Cendoya, the agent of the Word Hue,
with his Cuban partners, has been engaged
for several months In wrecking tho war
ships und has performed considerable work
In dynamiting tho Furor, which work was
dimcult on account of tho depth of tho
water, twelve fathoms.
Recently ho located a nafo supposed to
contain $12,000 In Spanish gold, ami returnel
to find tho buoy remove!. Ho wan compelled
to como to this city for u pilot mid re
turned to tho wreck of tho Kuror yesterday,
whoro ho found the American transport
"Williams, with a diver down. A rival diver
thereupon descended and each of them de
clared ho was tho first to take possession
of tho safe. A quarrel ensued and the trana
porl'B diver came up, nwertlng that his rival
had threatened htm with a knife.
Ccndoya's diver attached a lino to the safe,
which he and his companions nay the Amer
ican officers took forcibly, Intimidating them
with rifles from tho transport. Captain
Parr says tho lino failed to ralso the safe
und their dlvcrH succeeded In attaching n
lino which secured tho treasure. On board
the Williams wero Captain Illunt, assistant
quartermaster, in charge of transportation;
Lieutenant Hamilton, an engineer officer,
and Superintendent Fowler of tho Ilarber
Asphalt company.
Tho American ofllceri disclaim any finan
cial Interest In the expedition. Captain Illunt
says ho allowed tho divers anil others to
use tho Williams bpcause. temporarily. It was
not needed and ctoud on Its deck with n
rlflo, which, ho rn. was not loaded during
tho quarrel, lie disclaims any Intention of
using his position, his uniform or arms to
Intlmidute the Cubun divers. Lieutenant
Hamilton says ho accompanied tho expedi
tion as a spectator.
Tronsiire In MIniIiih A km I it.
Doth boats eventually returned to the har
bor and Cendoya si-ured nji order from tho
court directing the pollco to toko possession
ot the safe. Fifteen armed policemen on tho
tug Colon followed tho Williams, maneuver
lng around tho bay for an hour. Finally, tho
tug went alongside tho Williams and tho
police, with drawn revolvers, prepared to
board It, when Captain Cooper, commanding
the Williams, confronted them with a rlflo
and announced his Intention to kill tho first
man who strpped on board. He said tho
civil courts had no jurisdiction over govern
ment ships. Tho police thereupon retreated
behind the pilot house and tho Colon re
turned to tho wharf.
Cendoya then reported the affair to De
partment Commander Whllcsldo. who or
dered Staff Adjutant Harford to investi
gate tho matter. Harford nnd some press
representatives searched the Williams at
midnight nnd no rafo was found. Captain
niunt and Captain Coopor dlsrlalm any
knowledge of the present whereabouts of the
safe, which Fowler says was thrown over
board. Fowler declined to say whether tho
contents had been retained. Ho had a half
Interest In tho expedition und says ho Is h
partner of McOrall, a civil employe of Cap
tain Illunt's office.
Cendoya Is an American citizen nnd makes
serious charges against Captain Illunt, which
Commander Whiteside will Investigate.
Tho Cubans resent tho action of Captain
Coopor In refusing to accept tho service of
Remarkable Action of a Simple Remedy Discovered by the
Celebrated Milwaukee Chemist, Max Gessle', Cures
Nervous, Neuralgic. Sick, Bilious or Insom
nia Headaches Almost Instantly.
A Free Box to All.
Every person subject to headache.
whether periodic or constant, should write
at once for a free box of Gessler's Mnslo
Headache Wafers. They ore tho discovery
of Max dossier, one or the best known
chemists in the country, and It I" to his
genius that n reliable lemedy Is at hand
which contains no opiates or other harm
ful Ingredients. Mr. dossier wants tho
publle to try this remedy free at his ex
panse. Ho iHx's this to show that It is :lenant,
safe and harmless and that Its ability to
cure any kind of heudarho Is marvelous.
No matter what caused the headache
this splendid remdy will quickly stop It
Write at once to Max fierier, ai'l Journui
Uulldlng Milwaukee, Is , nnd he will
mall you a frco box of Ills woidcrful
ii f era,
What physicians say Dear Hlr I ion
not tell yiMi how pleaid I i lit ti l-ii a
J I riuiiii lie rsmcily tint works like nvgli
nnd that has mi dclticrlius aitl'ii upon
the hystem In every case that 1 hnvi givt-u
your "Musle Jlcaducho AYufcra they
legal protens, and they mil the Williams a
plrnto under the American flag.
The comments of tho local press upon
tho exciting Incidents of yesterday's con
tost for the possession of the Furor's reas
uro chest arc extremely violent against
the action of Captain Hlunt nnd tho oth"r
officers nnd tho utter contempt of tho Amer
icans for tho Cuban courts. Tho refusal
to allow the service of ftc legal procures
on a harbor tug engaged In k commercial
enterprise Is criticised vigorously.
llaUotii ll'tire lli-KtriiftU r.
HURON'. S. 1)., March in (Special Tele
gram. I Fire a' Hitch -nek lost night de
stroyed tho Rank of Hltihcock. office of tho
South Dakota 1ind company and damaged I
Webb's general mcrchnndlBo establishment.
Tho building belonged to II. Wilson and, be
sides tho bank ami land office fixtures, con
tained tho law library of Carl Foster, who
recently went to Hardy, Ark. Mont of tho
bank's and land compuny's valuables were
saved, but Foster's property was totally de
stroyed. Webb's loss Is about $1,000, and,
with tho others amounts to about $5,000,
rrpstly covered by Insurance.
Country IMwlllnir limine,
HARTINOTON, Neb., March 10. (Snpclal.)
Last night a dwelling houeo owned by J.
(i. Wheeler, who resides llvo miles east of
this place, took flro and burned to the
ground. Tho origin of the lire Is unknown.
Scarcely anything was saved. There was
no Insurance.
Hoof at llentrlce Hiiro,
IIEATRICE, Neb., March 10. (Special Tel
egram.) The roof of tho laundry at the In
stitute for Feeblo Minded caught lire this
afternoon from a defective Hue. I'rompt
aetlrn by those on tho ground prevented
serious dnmngc and checked the spread ot
Homes. Tho damage was about $100.
HRA1NARD, Neb., March 10. (Special.)
A. K. Smith of this place and Kstcllo Thorp
of David City were united In marrlage In
Omaha Wednesday, March 7. Miss Thorp Is
tho diughter of W. 11. Thorp of David City,
whero she has lived from childhood. Mr.
A. K. Smith Is tho cashier of the Hank of
Ilralnard. He camo hero In ISSfi nnd organ
ized that bank, In which ho now holdn the
controlling Interest. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith ar
rived hero last night and will make Ilralnard
their future home.
HURON, S. I)., March 10. (SpccIaJ.) The
marriage of Harry Steele of this city and
Miss Nunnlo A. Palmer of Armstrong, 111.,
Is announced to take place at the homo of
tho bride's parents In that city on tho 13th
Inst. Mr. and ..Mrs. Steelo will make their
home on a farm near this city.
Joel T. Stewart and Miss Minnie Hrusch
were married March 10 at tho residence of
tho groom'H mother, 2010 draco street. Rev.
Charles W. Savldgc olllclatcd.
lini'N I inter tile lee.
CHAMBERLAIN. S. D., Murch 10. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Henry Hock, an old resi
dent, wbllci attempting to cross tho Mis
souri river on Ico south of town todiy
broke through nnd was drowned. Do
madn a desperato fight for life,
hanging on for fully one hour and a halt
waiting for assistance, but finally bcramo
oxhaustol nnd passed under tho Ice, Hock
leavrs a wife anil two sons. The Ico bridge
In tho Missouri river began moving hero
thin evening, the earliest break-up In a
number of years.
Mitchell .i'niiiii'r 1 1 ll 1 1 1 1 1) tc.
MITCHELL, S. D.. March 10. (Special.)
-Among tho now structures that are to be
erected In Mitchell this spring the flrot to
go up will bo a new building for the Mitchell
Dally Republican, the contracts for stone
work having been let. The building will
bi 30x100 feet and Is to bo constructed of
Headache !
have not failed to cure Inside of 15 minutes
I congratulate you on vour wonderful ills.
covory. Yours very truly. C. 1). Wood
ruff. M. I).
What chemists say: A letter from An
drew S. Mitchell, one of the leiidlntr cIihiii.
IstM of the I'nlteil States, graduate of tho ,
Michigan university, professor or chonits- i
try Milwaukee College or Medicine. AVls-
i unnln Statt analyst and puro food spec
ialist. Sir 1 have made an analysis or
tlessler's Magic Headache Warers and Und
thorn free from Quinine, Mnrnhino. Onium.
Antlpyrlne or nny harmful substance.
They are perfectly safe and I can eheer
rully recommend them for Headache and
Neuralgia Prof A S Mitchell
write tir your suffering friends iiIpo.
An I if ini wart more f the rcem lj st'p
Into the nearest irug ' rt ,ml nsk 'or a.
.'i-ccnt box of (JesMTs Maul I li u l u li
Warers at' J If tl) dent i ure you In i)
mlnutis 'he drim 1st wi:l rcruul yntr
mm v Un not n ntlmie to suff r when a
(lire Is ah 'uifly certain by til" remedy
Writo today for the free box.
tV'tfi A fn m .A-A l j--3
.U thu lust meeting cf the Hoard of (Ed
ucation Architect Klcwlt complained again
of the condition of the heating apparatus at
the new Jungmanu school and Intimated
that tho lack of heat was duo to the con
tractors allowing tho pipes to freeze. In
tho published report of the proceedings no
mention wna mado ot the plumbing con
tractors, but Parks &. Co., who Installed
tho apparatus, considered than an explana
tion was due them and this was printed In
The Ileo of Murch S.
In reply to the assertions of Parks & Co.,
M.'snrs. McDonald & Rock, tho construc
tlon contractors, buvo this to say.
"A statement in the South Omaha depart
ment of Tho Uco of March 8 regarding tho
construction of thu Jungmunn school building
was of such a nature that our firm was done
an Injustice. It was stated that Parks &
Co., tho steam heating firm, turned tho
steum plant over to us a month ago und
that tho freezing of the pipes caused delay
In construction. Now tho fact is that tho
Hist lire was built tinder the hollers nnd
they wero tested by the steam heating firm
referred to on February 22. It Is also a
fuct that tho steam heating plant Is not as
yet completed. However, a few duya after
February 22 tho pipes did freeze up, but
would not have done so hud the contractors
shut off tho valves not In use, as we had a
perfect right to believe they had done.
"Further, at no time have we delayed tho
work of construction on tho building. If wo
en held back by a chunge In plans, cer
tainly It is no fault of ours. When the
pipes did freeze It took but a day and a
half to repair the damage and put them In
aa cood condition as they wero before.
"Iloth members of this llrm have been
In business In South Omaha ever since the
city was located and havo been Identified
with tho construction of nearly all tho
school buildings here. Wo feel that an
Injustice has bco done us. not with malice,
but by a misstatement of facts, which wo
drslre to have corrected."
It can bo stated without contradiction
that ever since the construction of the Jung
mnnn school commenced there has been
more or les.i friction between the architect
and the contractors. Until tho last meet
ing of the board little, If any. attention
was paid to tho complaints of tho architect
or to those of tho contractors. Architect
Klcwlt claimed that the contractors were
not working In accordance with the speclll
cntlons, and these assertions tho contractors
denied. The dlnicultles generally wero
smoothed over with llttlo or no publicity,
but there seems to be an open rupturo now
and It Is a question of veracity between the
plumbers, the contractors and tho architect.
A. II. Welly' Platform.
SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., March 7. I!i00. -In
consenting to become n candidate for mayor
of tho city of South Omaha, subject to tho
action of tho city convention, I deem It
proper to state my views on questions ma
terially alTectlng the welfare of our city.
Equal rights to all is tho foundation of a
Just municipal government. Such govern
ments ore formed for nubile uood and no man
or set of men should subvert tho laws to por
eonnl prestlgo nor In violation of confidence
imposed by suffrage of tho people.
Tho city of South Omaha should bo gov
erned In tho Interest of all Its citizens with
out class distinction. No favors should bo
granted tho rich that are withheld from tho
pcor. Tho welfare of all tho people Is, and
of right ought to be, paramount to personal
All public affairs should be administered
with tho same rigid economy, the same
scrupulous fidelity nnd tho ramo sound com
mon sense that govern matters of prlvato
concerns. J
Labor Is tho truo unit of valuation. It Is
the potent factor In all business transactions
and demands a Just consideration nt tho
hands of our city. In tho employment of
Its labor tho "eight-hour" law should bo
observed anil n liberal wago paid for faith
ful services.
It is tho duty of every olllclal to assist
In tho upbuilding of tho good name of the
i city nnd to advance the educational and ln-
i dustrial Institutions; to encourage the edu-
! cation of Its children, tho patronage of Its
j IndUftrles, tho employment of Its labor and
to solicit counsel nnd advlco of Its cltizotw.
Tho highest possible credit of tho city
should be maintained. Maturities should hn
promptly met nnd, when necessary, bonded
indebtedness- should be refunded at tho low
est possible rate of Interest.
Expenses In every department nt the eltv
government should bo diminished to tho low
est point consistent with good services;
tnxoi should bo lovled nnd collected equi
tably, and tho rate of taxation reduced ns
rapidly as a progressive and economical ad
ministration will permit.
Corporations and holders of public fran
chises aro amenable to thn nubile thi.
should pay an equltahlo proportion ot taxes
mm recogntzzo just demands of tho public.
Water hydrants, llchts unit nth or nnlill,.
Improvements should bo extended as quickly
ns possible to the bom fi.nwnnra In Mm
burbnn districts, who nre paying uu exccjslvo
and unjust rntlo of taxation compared with
benefits received.
Tho lives of our pcoplo should be pro
tected by all safeguards of modorn sanitary
science. The present condition of nrnraK.
demands Immedlato attention, and especially
mo evn now existing by reason ot tho tllthv
rendition of Stink creek should bo abated
at once.
Much depends on tho pollco department of
n city and tho present condition of our de
portment demands a radical change. No
person should be eligible to appointment In
this department who Is not sober, industri
ous nnd has tho best Interests of tho city
nt heart.
Tho deplorable condition of the garbage
department demands an Immedlnto and thor
ough reform. I strenuously opposo tho pay
ment of public money for tho removnl of
garbugo from prlvato property. The depart
ment should bu placed on a competitive
basis under tho supervision of a sanitary in
spector, which would materially reduco
prlcrs and better serve tho Interests of the
Numorous Judgments havo been rendered
against tho city and other suits aro now
pending on account of the Inefficient man
agement and gross carelessness of the street
department. An Intelligently and consci
entiously conducted street department would
result In iv much Improved condition nt a
considerable reduction In cost.
Damogo suits ogulnst tho city should bo
moro vigorously contested und, If necessary,
carried to the court of lost resort.
Thero should bo no partisan politics In
the executive department of tho city. Tho
mayor owes allegiance to tho whole pcoplo
and not to any element or set of men.
Presbyterian CoiiKri'Kntloiinl Meeting
On Tuesday evening last tho annual con
gregatlonal meeting of the First Presby
terlnn church was held. It Is stated that
tho treasurer's report was the best ever
rendered, nnd that from now on tho church
can get along without help from the board.
E. H. Roberta and A. II. Morrill were
elected trustees Members of the ladles' aux
iliary were elected ns follows: Mrs. D. L.
Holmes, Mrs. C. M. Rich, Mrs. W. J. Me
nurney, Mrs. A. A. Thurlow, Mrs. A. U.
Williams, Miss Anna Remmlll.
Ilev, .1 ii Ii ii mii it i:iiliiliix an llrror.
Regarding a statement made recently In
tho Dally Sun Rev J A Johnson, pastor
of tho First Methodist Episcopal church,
denies thnt ho has over openly come rut
fir nny candidate and he fur'her denlrs
tho assertion that he c-ntrrls 300 vtej 'n
bis ct:Hch. Mr. Johnson stated to a Beo
Says It's nlvvii.VM n plt'iismv to point out
tln puxl tinnlltlcK of Hie famous Duiilnp
mill Stetson lints-lmt.x Hint Imvo been tin
tenders In stylo nnd dtttnlilllty for more
tliiui it iiuuier of n century nnd the
now nirliiK styles for tills seut-on nrt
not u whit licliltut tlielr roputntlon -The
yininc men In particular will Hud these
ndvuiii't' styles very swell unit popular
Our new sprltiK styles in (lie .fH.oo hat
that became so popular last year have
till the tone und style of the mote ox
pensive ones, and you will lie c tnpelled
to admit you have never seen its equal
tit that price."
The Hatter,
The I.eiiilliiK Hat Man of tlie West.
120 South Fifteenth Street.
The Society Girl-
Knows u thing or two about Candles
You can depend upon that every
time liven Lent tines not keep her
from enjoying ti box of our ('infec
tious Wo don't believe there Is n so
ciety clrl In Omaha but who will say
that our Cold Medal Chocolate Hon
lions are greatly superior to any she
lias ever tasted Put up in one, two,
three nnd live-pound boxes at (K) cents
n pound.
W. S. Balduff.
1520 Fariiam St.
representative yo3torday that he controlled
only one vote, and that was his own. Ho at
tributes tho statement In tho Sun to his
address to votots published In the South
Omaha .Methodist a week ago. Kev. John
son declares pcsltivcly that ho Is not In
politics and that his address was Intended
equally for members of all parties. lie ad
vocatco the election of good cienn men to
office regardless of party afllllatlon.
ItcuiirriliiK i'elcllnuie Toll.
A committee of the South Omaha Com
mercial club, composed of II. at. Christie. J.
J. Hreen. A. II. Murdoch, C. M. Hunt, Rich
ard O'Kecfe. John Klynn and J. 11. Watklns,
will wolt upon tho ofllcers of tho Nebraska
Telophono company this wcok for tho pur
pose of making n request that the tolls be
tween South Omaha and Omaha be taken off
and that direct communication be given to
subscribers without extra charge. There
seems to bo considerable objection to tho
payment of tolls by business men here, and
these complaints will be presented In proper
form to tho managers ot tho telephone
Denioeratle County Convention,
At a meeting held yesterday the demo
cratic city central committee stipulated with
representatives of tho Douglas county cen
tral committee, that, no county convention
will be held and that no primaries for tho
selection of delegates to a county conven
tion will bo called. Delegates to tho stato
convention will bo named by tho county cen
tral committee, thus avoiding tho holding
of primaries nnd a county convention. This
step has been taken because the Omaha nnd
South Omaha elections como so close to
gether nnd Interest Is centered locally rather
than toward tho stato convention.
Scnrr Xot a Candidate. T street.
Charles K. Scnrr, who wns appointed a This afternoon Coon called at the house
member of tho Hoard of Education to fill and wanted her to go with him to a house
tho vacancy caused by the resignation of I near by that had been occupied by his
W. H. Wyman, announced yesterday after- father, to talk over their affairs. She re
noon that ho would not bo a cundldate for i fused to do so, whereupon he threatened to
election. His democratic friends have been shoot her and said if sho did not go with
trying to Indueo htm to mako the race, but him ho would shoot her on tho spot. Sho
ho says ho is willing to step aside to mako , screamed ond nroused tho attention of tho
room for somo man who can dovoto his tlmo , neighbors. Coon following her out of the
to tho work of tho board. Mr. Scarr's prl- houso with a loaded revolver. Ho fired at
vnte. Interests nccunv a creat deal of hlB , her once. Sho ran over to tho house of
time, und he feels that he cannot afford to
sacrifice these Interests at this time,
HnrenliiN In Heiil Instate.
Aro you going to wait until nil those beau
tiful Syndicate lots are sold? Remember you
can buy theso lots now at one-half tho orig
inal price. Easy terms. O'Nell's Real Es
tato Agency, agents.
Mniclc City t;imli.
Window glass at Melchcr's drug store.
Frank Koutsky Is a republican candidate
for city treasurer.
John Koutsky Is coiillned to his homo with
an attack of the grip.
A tcmperanre muss meeting will bo held
nt Hlum's hall tonight.
Mr. Albert Stewart of Lincoln Is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Holland.
Jay L.iverty, superintendent of the Metho
dist Sunday school. Is on tho sick list.
Mr S. L. Powell wns confined to her
home last week on account of Illness.
See Kcl Munshuw & Co. for lumber. Tel. 25
Thero will be a meeting of tho union labor
party at the usual place this afternoon.
A son has been born to Mr. and Mis.
George Orr. Twenty-fourth and R streets.
This evening Rev. Irving Johnson lectures
on "Why We Say Prayers Out of u Hook."
Jim Wear Is looking for a renomlnatlon
for member of tho council In tho Third
Somo of tho snow and Ice In the gutters
Is being tieuned nwuy by the street de
partment. H. C. Howe, general manager of Armour's
plant here, Is expected homo from Kansas
City today.
Tho bank elearlncs last week showed nn
enormous Increnso over tho corresponding
week or ISM.
Mrs. William Kerr has again suffered a
relapse and her condition Is considered ex
tremely critical.
Somo departments at Cudahy's are operat
ing nine hours a day now Instead of eight
hours as formerly.
General Manager Kenyan or tho Stock
Yards company Is confined to his homo by
a very severo cold.
The Greatest Sin of the Ace" will be
Rev St. John's topic at Hlum's hall this
ufternoon ot 3 o'clock.
Patrick Coyle, superintendent or CuduTiy's
sweet pickle department, has returned from
a trip to Kansas Cltv.
Sirs. St. John will speak nt the Presby
terian church Sunday uftemnon at 3 o clock.
This meeting will bo for women and- girls
onlv. !
Mrs. Marsh, mother of Mrs. Clirls Firman,
Twenty-second and J streets, has returned
to her homo In Chicago after a visit of a
Mrs. Denna Altbery, Twenty-fifth and J
wrrppts. entertained the Ladles' Aid society
i of the Presbyterian church at her home
last weunesuuy ituui iiuun,
A social and basket lunch will be given
by tho Woman's Relief corps and Phil Kear
ney post at tho hall, Twenty-sixth and N
streets. Wednesday evening, March U.
The Ludles' circle will meet at the home
or Mrs. J. W. Jordan. 102S North Twonty
llrst street. Thursday afternoon. Members
, uie requested to come prepared for sewing.
I Tho usual Young Men's Christian associa
tion men's 'meeting will bo held this after
noon at Hlum's hall. Rev. C. H. St. John
, will be tho speaker. All men aro urged to
i ntti nd
i Tho temperance meetings held at Hlum's
I hall last week were well attended und It is
understnort mat inuep goou nas nccn ac
complished, ns quite a number signed tho
Mlko Ciivunuiish. who was bruised by be
ing knocked off the track by a Rock Island
engine Saturday morning. Is doing nicely at
the South Omaha hospital. Ho Is not badly
Th Woman's Auxiliary or the Younir
I xt.tteu Phrlutliin iiriKni latum will izlv'p nn
Mill Nutriment and social at the First
I Mn'hodlst Enlsconal churth on Tuesday'
'evening, Man h 2a
A ihu'ren w-.'u1 BW7e'.l .h'o'ViSC
dence of Mr. E. S, llarrcll, Twenty-thlrd
nnd J streets on Wednesday afternoon
March II. A special Invitation Is extended i
to newconners und ull friends of the church
are Invited.
The funeral of Frank Vonasek will be held
from tho family residence, Nineteenth and
I' streets, nt 2 o'clock this afternoon. The
services will be under the uusplits of the
Woodmen of the World.
Iti'V. Irvine Johnson will preach on tho
"Sin of Anger and Knvy" at 11 o'clock to
rtny at St. .Martin's church. The
offering at the morning serlce will be tho
special one for missions In the diocese.
This Is from Kdltor Merrill's nen In the
last Issue of the Presbyterian: "The smart
Aleck that goei Into our gambling hells to
beat some one and loses bis roll Is not en
titled to sympathy or respect In his cow
ardly whine. Keep out."
A h t 1 it ii 1 .linn i'rles liiefTcclunl! y
Shoot Ills Divorced Helpmeet
Detullft of Allnlr.
ASHLAND, Neb., March in. (Special Tel
egram.) James Wurren Coon, a blacksmith
who has resided In Ashland several yea.-.,
attempted to murder his divorced wlfo this
About, thrco weeks ngo tMrs. limma V.
Ccon secured n divorce from her husband,
the decreo being rendered In tho district
court of Douglas county. She had been stay
ing at Omaha for nbout a week with rela
tives befqro filing her suit against Coon. The
gt omuls of the nctlon for dlvorco were bused
on Coon's alleged criminal relations vlth
other women. Tho question of alimony was
settled out of court. Coon deeding his resi
dence property, a houto In tho western part
of town, and paying $2f0 to his late wife.
-Mrs. Coon returned to Ashland ubout a week
ago, slnco which tlmo she has been living
with her son, Orvlllc, In the houso on Sliver
Vernon Masten near by, where he fired at
her again. Neither shot took effect. Just as
ho started to flro the third shot Vernon
Masten Interfered, throwing his arm up bo
foro Coon could discharge the weapon.
City Marshal Elmer K. Corwin arrested
Coon and ho was brought before Justice of
tho Peace Jesse N. Moon tcnlght. While
the papers wero being mode out Coon again
attempted to rach his wife, but waB pro
vented by the marshal. His preliminary
hearing was set for next Wednesday. In
lieu of furnishing n bond for $.1,000 Constable
8, W. Weaver took Coon to Wahoo tonight
and lodged hlra In the county Jail pending his
preliminary examination. The family have
a son, Wllllnm Coon, living In Omaha.
nnnniKCH for Itlleli Dim.
FREMONT, Nub.. I.March 10. (Special.)
Tho Jury In tho caso of Ilecbo against tho
County of Dodgo brought in n verdict thin
morning, giving the plnlntlff $1,387. 7,r dam
ages for tho construction of tho new cut-off
ditch through his lands. Tho case has oc
cupied tho tlmo of tho court slnco Kobrunry
20 and has been hotly contested on both
sides, 'It was submitted to the Jury at 11.20
Friday morning without argument by tho
defence. Thirty-seven ballots wero taken
by tho Jury before It como to an agreement
The county board allowed tho plaintiff $820
for land taken nnd damages to his farm.
Ho brought his action for $5,000. County
Attornoy Martin nnd tho othor nttornoys for
tho defence nro well satisfied with the ver
dict. Tho plaintiff gave notice of un appeal.
Thero ore eleven other appeals from the al
lowance of damages by the board for tho
construction of the ditch pending In tho dis
trict court and It is tho intention of tho
plaintiffs In all tho cases to forco them to
trial as soon as possible.
Arrenteil on ClinrKc of Felony,
WAVERLY, Neb.. March 10. (Special Tel
egram.) Ira Overstrect was arrested this
evening at a farm houso between here and
Greenwood by Sheriff Ilranson, upon request
last night by Shorlff Foster of Perry. Okln.
Tho young man came here nbout thrco weeks
ago and claimed to have, worked In Missis
sippi as nn electrical engineer the past two
years nnd preferred to work on a farm for
his health and had secured work for the
summer. Tho crime was felony.
Itonnil (Iter to DUIrlet Court.
SCHUYLER, Neb., March 10. (Special
Telegram.) Frank Dlvls and his son
Emanuel, oged lit, waived preliminary hear
ing before Justice Chris iCroeger today on
tho charge of unlawful cohabitation with
Mlnnlo Dlvls, aged 10, who Is now in a crit
ical condition, and wero bound over In tho
suras of $4,000 and $3,000 respectively to ap
pear In the district court Thursday, March
16. Minnie Dlvls Is tho daughter of Frank
Neliriixkiiim Inherit a Million.
FREMONT, Neb., 'March 10 (Special. )
Joseph nnd Ilornurd Yungbluth, two yrung
farmers residing ncross the river In Saun
ders county, reeolvcd a notlco this week of
thn death of a near relative In Germany,
who loft an estoto estimated at nearly
$1,000,000. They aro tho nearest heirs and
havo left for Germany to look nftcr their
lliimlnui. Preliminary llelinle.
llAKTINOS. Neb.. March 10 -iSneclal l
' I-ast night tho Pejtolozzlan Literary hiclcty
, " Preliminary de-
bate for the purpose ot selecting Its repre-
The Hospe Piano
is a high grade Instrument of the most
substantial make bavins nil the volume
and sweetness of tone of the plnno that
cost from 51(1) to SKiO tnore-Tliey are
made In all the very latex t styles. Includ
Ins uilonlal MMiil-colonlul and c nceit
cabinet grand styles The cases are
made of a variety of American ami for
eign woods variety enough to satisfy
the most fastidious - in fai t a plnno that
In style, tinlsli and actl n ennihlnex the
better point of the other high grade In
xtrmnetits ( nine nnd look them over
Sold oil easy ia. liienlx.
Music and Art, 1513 Dowlas.
It's Going to Be Spring
some of these days and Drex I.. Shno
man w n't talk of anything but women's
oUnrdx. S(, if y,, Ulllt (() .,lmv
his ii en's .v," slu es you want in read this
little lull;, we've always given the best
sh e allies ever given but we think
we're giving a Utile belter than
when we sell these shoes for three dol
nrs. We've ndded a special line
for this spring's trade-It's not Just one
line, but all the tan shinies and box calf
In the light, single and ublo heavy
soles the popu'ar foot form n.i corn
last and at only mie price, und that
price only s:;.tm. This ouglii to Interest,
Drexel Shoe Co.
OBtahaa Up-to-date Shoe Hama
7000,000 BIRTHDAYS.
roiM.m. tiih,i:h-ji,-, s.
Kith St., l'nvloii llltiel.
Hstlmates that of the 70,000,000 people
In our c untry T.ono.ono will hnvt birthdays
this month. The following will muKo suita
ble gifts.
(lentlemnn'a Watch. Copley's special... $23
Ladles' Watch, Copley's Pride $18
Six Silver Tea Spoons for Mama, $2.7."i to $7 K0
A nice Wallet for Papa $.'i.00
A blood stone Itlng for sister $3.50
A Match Ilox or Clothes Ilrush for
Hrother $,1.00
and a tiny ring or bracelet for the baby, for
Uemember Copley has a large number of
other suitable presents that ho would bo
pleased to show you.
Henry Copley
Special Watch Kxumlner U. P. Ity.
Exclusive Wnlch Inspector O. K. C. und V..
Ky.; O. & 8. 1,. Hy., and K. C.
nnd N. C. Ity.
215 S. Kith St. P.txton Hlo;k
sentatlves to the contest for the I.eeper
prize. There wero ten contestants. The
miccessful competitors were l' C. Osborne,
C. PhllllpH, V. floppier and M. Shlnner nnd
Prof. W. Julian, Prof. Joseph and Judgo
Holly olllclatcd as Judges. The Ixcpcr prlzo
debate will be hold in this city May 12.
Accident from Toy I'lntol,
URATKICK, Neb., March 10. (Sreclal Tel
cgrnm.l The young son of Klder O. W.
Isham was teverely wounded In tho hand
today by the accidental discharge of a toy
pistol with which ho wns playing. He tried
the experiment of loading the pistol with a
null, with tho result that when tho pistol
was discharged the nail was shot Into his
Illltli Sellout ('oiileit.
CLAY CENTER, Nob.. March 10. (Spe
cial.) Tho High school declamatory contest
took place here last ovcnlng at the Congre
gatlnnnl church, which was crowded. Miss
.Mary Graham scored tho highest and Miss
Alldo Allen second. Profs. Arnnt and Hnz
lett of Harvard ond County Superintendent
Jester acted as Judges.
lti'NiiliilliiiiN f ni iii County liar.
PLATTSMOl'TII, Neb.. March 10. (Spo-
clal.) Judge Paul Jersen has appointed five
members of tho Coes county bar a commlt
teo to prepare resolutions of respect to Al
len Uecson and II. Guy 1. Kingston, departed
members of the bar. Tho memorial services
will bo hold next Friday afternoon.
i'ciinm llrenU 'liirotiKli Ice.
NIOHRARA, Nob.. March 10. -(Special.)
Two teams btoke through tho Ice at tho
Missouri river crossing hero yesterday, ten
Bucks of wheat going to the bottom of the
river. Crossing on Ico Is now practically
Mm, Cnlilwcll Insane,
SUPERIOR, Nob.. Murch 10. (Sperlol.)
Mrs. CharlcH Caldwell of Edgar, Neb., while
visiting her parents near this city, has bo
como violently Insane. She will bo takcD
to the asylum ut Lincoln Monday,
Molirara Hilarious.
NIOHRARA, Neb., March 10. (Special )
News of the decision of tho supremo court
declaring Knox county undivided cuused a
The Most Remarkable Remedy o? fhe Age for
all who are Weak, Nervous and Run
Down From Any Gause.
If You Have Any of fhe Following Symptoms Do Not Des
pair This Wonderful Remedy Will Cure You.
Do you feel generally mhernblo. or suffer i
with a thou: urn) mid one Indescribable
bud feelings, both ,mil physical,
among them l"W spirit . m r ouhiu'SS.
wiurlnc-H. Itfclfn lies-, weikncsi. iilzzl
l.e feeling "f fullness or lilnatlng after
rating, or scin-c uf "gn.ii in si.' r 'nptlni'HH
ot stninucli In morning. Itcsli nul l it ml
lucking llrmncxH, liciuliu he. blurring of
eseslglit, specks limiting before the t.c.-i,
nervous Irrltnblllty. poor memory, chilli
ness, alternating with but IIiisIiih. IushI-
uide. throbbing, gurgling or rumbling sen
sations In linwels with beat ami nipping
i pains occutdon.illy palpitation of h art
short br tttli on excrtior luw circulation
of blond cold feet pain i ml oppression In
t in st und back p In around tho Pins
. luhlnit nnd wiarliif-'s or the lowtr limb",
drow i tic s nt'ii" meals, but ncrvoin wikr.
fulness ut ulglit, languor In the morning.
All Our fancy
$3 OA $100 and $5 00 Cnderwear
reduced to, per suit $1.60
$1 f.o Shirts . Tie
$1 (X) PuIT Ties -V
Three pairs 2.V Hose f.Oe
The above arc lust a few or the
prices we are tnuklnt; In our grand
removal sale.
lively time here Wednesday night. Cannon
boomed for several hours.
ltliriiiiltiur nt Gov eminent llrlilKC
NIOHRARA. Neb.. March 10. (Special.)
Piling is being placed at each end of tho
government bridge across tho Niobrara river
at this point for tho purpo3o of rlprapplng.
Iliillilliuv "t iilnirn,
AUHURN. Neb., March 10. (Special.)
Work has begun on a hair dozen new rrsl
dencea In tho city nnd work on tho court
houso will bo resumed next week.
I'liiiernl nt .Ineoli Sumter.
ASHLAND, Neb., March 10. (Special )
Tho funeral of Jacob Sanders, who died nt
his homo In this city Thursday nt the ngo
of f..ri years, was held at the Methodist Epis
copal church at 2 o'clock this afternoon, thn
pastor, Rev. G. M. Jones, conducting thn
services. Hn was one of the early settlers of
Saunders county und wns the tlrst county
Judge, serving from 1S07 to 1S60. He enmo
to Nebraska In 1SC3. Ho leaves a wife and
two children. Merrltt II. Sanders ot Hol
brook, Nob., and Mrs. Levi Owens or Mem
phis, Neb.
Funeral ol Cnptnln llnnlon.
HEBRON, Neb.. March 10. (Special.)
Tho runeral or Captain E. T. Hanlon. who
died Wednesday morning of pneumonia, was
held nt tho Presbyterian, church this aftor
noon. Rev. J. R. Gcttys of the Methodist
Episcopal church preached the sermon. Tho
Grand Army of the Republic nnd Knights
and ladles of Security, to both of which or
ders tho deceased had belonged, acted as
I'orl limine I'lilltlen.
FORT DODGE, la., Murch 10. (Spoclol.)
Tho republicans or Fort Dodge havo called
their city convention to meet In tho court
houso on Monday evening, March 12, to nom
inate a candidate lor the nillco ot city so
licitor and four councllmen, one for each
ward In the city. Six of thn present eight
members of tho city council nro democrats,
while three of tho outgoing members ara)
democratic and nno republican.
nnd a constant fooling of dreud as If some
thing awful wns about m happen''
H -.ii bine nni or all or iliesn symptom
iiHk jour ilruggha ror a Ducent box of l)r
Dlx Tonic tablet h. the most perfect remedy
known You will be delighted with llicm
ami they rnav save your life. They aro put
up io tablet form, pleasant to lake and
cany directions, which, If you follow, will
positively and effectually cure In n short
time, no matter how bud you may be
Ten minutes after vou take tho llrst tab
let you will feel belter.
This remarkable riimcdy lias cured when
all other treatment was worthless. It has
( uri'il people given Up to din. and It will
positively euro you Get Dr Dlx' Tonlfl
talili ts today
If your druggbt docs not have them,
writ) to Hayes K- Conn, IIS Hull Hldg , De
troit, .Mlih who will si nil you a box pre.
paid on receipt of prion.