Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1900, Image 21

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
PAGES 13 TO 24. J
EST A 1 JIiI SH 121) JUNE 19, 1&71.
mi The Big Store is Crowded With the Most Ex-
4uisiic opnng oiyics in jn liiics.
.Mail Orders I illcil. bend for
I'rce Clotliinn Catalogue
Agents for Hiittcrick Patterns
niul Uev n 1 1 l i (iloviR.
position to job dry goods much cheaper than regular jobbers.
This can be verified by hundreds of tho best merchants in
Iowa and Nebraska. We cordial ly invite all merchants vis
iting Omaha to call and examine our dress goods.
Our great stock rcduceiiig sale will continue
Monday Owing to the two largo manufacturer's stocks
purchased by us it has loaded our department and until re
duced to its normal size Wo will make the following prices:
Colored Dress Goods
64-lneh Homespuns, extra weight,
J'C' n nil the now urajH, Oxfords unci
custom, gocd made to soil nt !iSc 10-Inch
(icrmnn all wool, silk finished, Henrietta
Jl.00 French and (lerman polka dot all
wool and silk and wool Novelties for shirt
vvnlBts 10-inch lino Imperial Serge strictly j
all wool 10-Inch Ottoman rialds, silk ami '
wool und cotton mixed Ifi-lneh nil wool i
iiprlnfi (!ray Plaids, and 10,001) other weaves.
A" uonl Homespuns, 52 Inches
-H wide, made of the llnest Ilolany
wool tti-lnch. sitperllne silk finished Henrt
utta Ifi-lnch French Novelties, In all tho
new grays, castors nml dark shades 51-Inch
shrunk and Bpongcd Cheviots, In blue, gray,
brown, etc. IS-lneh English WldeNValeg, In
oil tho leading shades of spring. Theso
coods wo sell from $1.00 to $1.25 yard all
will go In this nalo nt 75c yard.
(JO., Our $1.60 and $1.75 Venctlaus iur
Oi' $1.50 Cheviots, all colors our $1.50
nnd $1.25 ropllns. all i-olors-oiir $1.25, $1.50
and $1.75 Homespuns $1.25 to $1.50 Evening
Shades all our $1.00 and $1.25 Plaids-all
our $1.25 nnd $1 50 Serges and 2,000 other
utyle.H too numerous to mention.
All our $2.25. $1.98, $1.75 Lu
pin's II nest Cheviots, Id all col
orsall our $1.08 Garml all our $1.98 Vene
tians all our $1.98 Clay Worsteds all our
$1.98 now spring Matlusses, .10 new shades
nil our $1.98 and $2.50 Colored Cropons all
our $1.98 now Spring IMaldH for sepnrato
skirts nnd 1,500 other weaves will bo sold
on Monday for $1.25.
From $1 to $4.50 yard
.".00 exclusive patterns, in all tho new
Hiring colorings. I shades perlc, nicklo,
nrgent, plallna castors In six shaded, blues
in all the new and pastel shades they coma
in VonetlaiiH, Meltrns, Coverts, Kerseys, Oar
aiets. Whipcords, etc. can bo mado with or
without linings.
Lanfdowne, In 72 spring shadiv.
( halllH, In nil tho now 1900 designs.
nnd will ho sent froo to any lady sending
lady selecting a iltiw from these samples
celved from any dress goods house In the United States. Every dress guaranteed to be
fully worth the money paid, or money refunded.
$1.50 Hand Embroidered Pure Linen
erciiiefs, on sale, 25c.
15c Torchon Laces, 2c.
25c Torchon Laces, 5c.
35c Embroideries, 15c.
Flannel Dept.
2 cases extra heavy cotton 'flannel, per
yard, 4','jc; mill price, 6c.
2 cases whlto wool flannel, per yard, 20c,
C2Hc 25c and 80c.
1 cno extra heavy light and dark outing
flannel, per yard, I He; mill price, 6c,
2 ernes extra heavy bed ticking, per yard.
6c; mill price 7c.
1 cahfi drapery cretonne, 10c per yard.
2 cafes remnant of cheviots, 30 Inchen
ride, .suitable for aprons and shirts', per
yard, RVjc; worth 12',j''-
Hemnants of embroidered flannels for
Infanta' shirts at reduced price.
4S pairs Manila cream wool bed blankets
lit. pair, $2.00; tegular price, $3.25.
65 palm 11-4 6-lhs. pioneer gray wool bed
blankets, per pair, $2.50; worth $1.00.
25 dozen 72xSI covered with stlknllne,
tilled with best superior cotton, each $1.60.
10 dozen 72x75 sllkallno covered, filled with
pure whlto corded cotton, each $1 25.
Now Get Your
Bargain in a Piano
We Hre still offering unheard of bargains
in new und. secondhand plan.
Nolo these prices
Chuso Bros.. $100.00.
Howard (nearly new), $130.00.
Singer, oak case, $145.00.
Emerson (nearly new), $210.00.
Knabe. $50.00.
Alio tho finest lino of Chlckerlng, Fisher.
Letter, Doll, Franklin and other pianos
over sold in the west
Pianos tuned, moved, rented aud repaired.
Tel. 1613.
C1,... Cut this out and send It to
(HlJ()II. us nndlt will ontitlo you
to a lnrjro piu-Unpo of spring sample freo
kvo below for particularw.
The Leading
Dress Goods
House of the
Over 50,000 styles in stock.
Dress Goods, Wholesale and
retail Owning our goods direct
from tho manufacturers, and em
ploying no traveling men, wo are in
Black Dress Goods
I'rlcstlny, tho standard the world over.
No other half aH good. Coutler's cele
bratcd lllack Crepons and Illack Mntulasiw
and other high grade novelties. Samuel
Courtald's English Crepes, Grenadines, Ore
pon fJrenndlnes and other Grenadine Novel
ties, all strictly confined to us for Omaha
and any merchant claiming to havo ubovo
goods In this town makes a gross mlsrepre-
Knglln Plerolas, tt-lnch Cheviot,
4G-lneh French Serge. 46-Inch flno Mohair,
40-Inch Novelties, 40-Inch Crepons and 1,000
other weaves, every ono worth from 75c to
$1.00 all In this sale.
46-Inch flno luster English Crepons
and Plorolas, 54-lnch flno all wool
Cheviots, 60-Inch Ocrman Novelties, 60-Inch
iwtra lino Gloria Silks, 3S-lnch Sublime
called by some stores Lansdonne, but It Is
not;; 600 pieces of lllack Novelties mado by
Priestley & Co.; 46-iuch German Henrietta
and thouHands of other goods.
9Sc to $1.25 5S-lnch Lupin's Cheviots, 60
Inch 1'rlostloy's ChevlotB, 16-lnch Bngl'tth
l'lerolns, 42-Inch Priestley's Crepons, 10
Inch Coutler's MntRso anil thousands1 of
other weaves all In thin sale.
Wo will also have on sale .Monday 25 fine
Crepon Novelties that we told from $3.00 to
$10.00 por yard; your choice In this sale at
$2.9S per yard.
Grenadines. $2.50, $2.98, $3.50, $1.50 up per
High gradu drops patterns. $26.00. $30.00
$10.00. $50.00, $60.00, $75.00 per pattern.
Cheap Dress Goods Dept.
Half Wool Plaids, Half Wool Cashmere,
Half Wool Serges, etc.. 10c yard.
Silk, wool and cotton fancies, Half Wool
Zlbellncs, Half Wool Homespuns nnd all
32 to 40-Inch wide, will go nt 15c.
38-Inch l'lalds, nice, bright styles; 3ti-lnch
fancies, 10-Inch fancies and thousands or
other weaves will go nt 25c und 29e,
samples of Spring Drews Goods aro now ready
tn her address with nbovc coupon. Any
will receive thti most liberal oftor ever re-
Wo havo tho largest lino of new pattorns
at prices that cannot be duplicated anywhere
on tho samo class of goods.
Now line of Hope Portieres, all now styles
nt $1.75, $2.00. $2.50 and up.
Hnndsomo Tapestry Portieres, long throw
over fringe, satin finish, at $3.50.
Extra heavy Tapestry Fortloros, damask
and ottoman weaves, nil tho late colorings
worth 57.00 und $S.00, on salo nt $1.50 and
$5,60 per pair.
Chenlllo Portieres, full Uno of colors, at
$1.05 per pair.
Dainty ItulHcd Muslin Curtains at 65c.
Huttled Curtains, In bobbluets and plain
nets, new, up-to-dnto styles, on sale
$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
Nottingham Curtains In an endless va
rlety, from 75c up.
Tho opening of the Carpet season finds us
bett.or prepnred than over to offer you tho
'best selections anil lowest prices. Wo
bought early, before tho advance, and we sell
you the now goods nt tho old prices.
Ilest all wool Ingrain Carpets, now goods,
at G5e.
Some dropped patterns of beat all wool
Ingrain at 55c.
A strictly All Wool Carpet, medium weight,
for 45c,
New pntterns In Brussels Carpets, 48e.
Extra quality nrusiels at 65c.
Axmlnster Carpet on sale at 85c.
Wo sell the American Orass Twlno Car
pets nnd Hugs, These aro the most sani
tary, handsome and durable low priced
floor covering made. Something that It will
puy you to Investigate.
Linens and Domestics
This department you will
hid very interesting to you
his week. You will be able
o pick up bargains here which
you can't find anywhere else
in this city.
Silver bleached pattern la-
jlo cloths, 8-4 size 75c, 10-4
size, $1 each.
A handsome lino of silver
jleached damask pattern
ablecloths, 8-4 size 1.50, 10-
t size $2.00, Napkins to
match $2.50 dozen.
A special line which we will
close this week (napkins all
sold), only fine bleached
cloths left, Scotch make, a big
bargain, S-4 size $2, 10-4 sizo
2.50, and 12-4 size $3. Ask
to see this lot.
A handsome lino of German Satin Damask
Cloths, 8-4. $4.25; 10-4, $5.00; 12-4, $"..75.
27-Inch Napkins to match, $3.50 dozen.
Thcso you will admire, as they aro hand
10-4 Fringed Table Cloth, with 12 Nap
kins to match, at $2.00 set; would be cheap
at $3.50.
Hemstitched Embroidered Lunch Cloths,
$1.25, $1.75 nnd $2.75 each. Tray Cloths,
same, 95c, and Dresser Scarfs, $1.50.
Havo you Keen our new "I. K." Iled
Spreads? Handsome designs, only $1.98
Wo would advise you not to lose time,
but get hero as soon as possible Monday
morning and gat some of our special bar
gains, as they will not last long at prlcc3,
9-1 bleaeheiil Peppercll Sheeting, 16c.
5-4 Atlantic Drown Pillow Casing, 10c.
12-Inch Dlcached Pillow Casing, 8c.
C-4 Drown Sheeting, I3t4c.
Wamsutta Muslin, 10c. Hill's, Lonsdale
and Fruit Muslin, 7ic. LL yard wide
Drown Sheeting, 4Hc Finn Cambric, 16
yards for $1.00. These prices for Monday
ife Dress Goods
Largest stock of White Wash Dress Goods
In tho west.
Mill remnants on sale Monday of India
Lawn, India Llnon nnd Checked Nainsooks,
all 5c yard.
See our fine Mulls, Persian Lawn, Organ
dies, Swisses, Dimities, Long Cloths, Tarla
tans, 1. K., Cords and Fancies, Lawn, check
and mercerized stripes. It will pay you to
examine them nnd get prices.
fHHax Solomon's Skirts
Tho foromost skirt manufacturer of New
York sold to our New York buyer four lota
of ladles' Skirts that aro the most magnifi
cent values wo havo over seen. Arrived
Friday, go on salo Monday.
They nrc plain blacks, blues and browns,
In plnids, checks nnd stripes and mixtures,
appllqued down tho sides, Wntteau backs.
On salo In fourrtots at $1.48, $2.98, $3.08 and
$4. OS. Tho greatest values ever offered in
Ono lot ladles' Silk Underskirts, purchased
by our Now York buyer, worth $7.00, $8.00
and $10.00, for $2.98.
Get your Infants' Eiderdown Cloaks now.
Lato In tho season a small manufacturer
mado us a price so ridiculously low that we
had to buy them. They are plain colors.
In pinks, blues, whlto and cardinal, checks,
plaids and btrlpes, nt 60c, P8c and $1.98.
prldo of tho manufacturer, In Etons, tlght
Ilttlng. Hlnglo and double-breasted, tho now
Wattcnu back; suits that are a credit to tho
manufacturer, as well as tho retailer, on
salo at $40.00, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00. $15.00
and $12.50.
Our Spring Jacket stock, In automobiles,
tans nnd double-breasted styles, Is the larg
est and most complete In tho west. Fine nil
wool Covert Cloth Jackets, silk lined
throughout, for $3.75.
China Dent
High priced goods nt less than cost. Note
these prices.
Yellow Mixing nowls, 4c.
Whlto Granite Wash Howls and Pitchers,
each, 2H4t
Decorated Creamers, Austrian chlnn, neat
decorations, worth 25c, 9c.
Decorated Howls, pint lze, sold every
where for 10c, 4'c,
Jnpanwo Sugars and Creams, decorntcd,
worth 60c, per pair, 23c.
Open Edge Plates, handsomo decorations,
tomorrow only 17c.
Flower Vases, handsome opal ware, oe
gant tints and decorations these are the
very latest in opal ware and should be sold
for 25c tomorrow, 13c.
Pin Trays In samo ware, worth 15, S'c.
2,600 dozen Japantse Creamers, latest
shapes and decorations, worth 25c, 7c.
1.500 dozen Japanese Cups and Saucers,
very neat pattern, worth 35c, pair, 15c.
Wash Dress Goods
iVo attempt at description
will do justice to the SUP10HH
FAHKICS for spring, which
we now have on sale. We will
show you every new cloth, all
tho latest color ejects, and
guarantee that NOWtlKllH
in the United States is there a
more elegant lino than you
now havo offered you at our
New line wide linen Ging
hams go on sale Monday at
45c a yard.
New line finest silk madras
for waists, 50c yard.
Now line elegant satin stripe
gingham zephyrs, 4 5c yard.
New line mousseline do soie
in plain colors, the widest
undo, 40c yard.
I New lino silk stripe Madras, In 32-Inch
width, shirt waist material, 25c yard.
New- line finest Deal Irish Dlmltlcs, 150
styles, 25c yard.
Now lino finest Domestic Printed Dimities,
300 styles, 15c yard.
New line fancy Ilatlstc, 32 Inches wide, 15c
Over 100 complete lines of tho daintiest
gcods In all tho leading patterns nnd shades.
Fancy plaid Ginghams, 25c grade, 32 inches
wide, SVic yard.
600 pieces fancy silk finished Sc Dress
Print, 3-c yard,
Fancy Silk Madras, In plaids, worth 60c
yard, 19c yard.
Finest patterns In new Pcrcalc3, dark
styles, 1ic yard.
Ever on tho alert to secure . a really
useful article of furniture, sopiethlni that
Is good, strong and durable, e have Juat
got tho agency for this eli;ant steel couch
and bed combined. The frame Is all steel-
no wood anywhere. The spring Is the best
that can bo secured. When folded down
and a cover spread over, as shown In cut,
you have a handsomo couch, no spring to
fall down, no dust to sift out on the floor,
ovorythlng strong handsome nnd clean. Yoj
want an e.vra bed, off conns tho cover, up
go tho sides, and you have a bed for a
king, I feet wide and fi feet long. And
then the price; as usual with us, Is mod
erate $12.50. Call and see this.
Four cars of new furniture arrived this
week. Fino oak bookcase glass door,
golden oak, $8.85. Oak combination cado,
glawi door, 4 adjustable shelves, writing
desk nnd lower cabinet, for $8.85.
Call and see our now lino of frames.
WqII Paper and Paints
Tho opening of tho wall-paper season find
us crowded with the newest designs. Prlce
are lower than ever, despite the great ad
vance In the factories, as our orders were
placed early and In immense quantities.
We will sell tho famous Noxall ready
mixed paints, guaranteed tho best on the
market, for 98c per 'gallon for ono more
week. This is your last chance to secure
this paint nt that price, as It has advance 1
25 per cent. Varnishes, brushes, stnlns, en
amels and room moulding all at reducsd
Spring Miiiinery
Newness and brightness characterize every
part of our millinery parlors. Wo display
In great profusion the choicest rondy-to-wcar
hats for spring. Wc have
spared no efforts to excel all foi"iner
seasons' showings In hats, feathers, orna
ments, etc. Wo call special attention to
our handsome display of violets and tho
I uniform low prices all through tho depart-
Good Tilings to
Eat During Lent.
Strictly fresh new laid
eggs, 10c doz.
On account of the very mild
winter we have had, and tho
present tine weather, eggs
have become so plentiful that
they are worth only 10c a doz,
and are going still lower in a
few days Eggs will be down
to Or and 7c, and perhaps less.
Fancy dairy butter, In tubs, per pound,
Fancy country roll butter, per pound,
Extra fancy creamery butter, 20c and 22c.
Fine extra fancy creamery butter, lSe and
Wo sell only pure butter, mado In tho
best crcnmerles of Minnesota, Nebraska and
Iowa. Also country butter shipped direct
ft cm the farmers. You can depend on every
pcund being pure not Imitation butters.
Fish Fish Fish
Fancy fat Irish mackerel, per pound, 12V4C
Each fish weighs 10 to 12 ounces and cost
about S'.i.c each.
Small Irish mackerel, 3 for 10c.
Fancy Iabrador herring, 3 fish to tho
pound, tiVic.
lS-pound kegs whilo hoop Holland or Nor
way herring, S9c.
Holled herring, each, only 2c.
Family whltefish, per pound, only 34c
Smoked herring, 50 in u box, only 20c.
lnge, itnedlum or small eels, per pound,
only 10c.
Snow white codfish, In two-pound bricks,
per pound, 5c.
Wholo codfish, middle cuts, boneless,
pound. S l-3c.
Doncless codfish, Dcardsley's, per can,
7 'A,'.
25 lbs Sugar $1.00
1 pound package new Turk
ish figs, only 5ic
1 pound Hallowee dates,
only 5 Ac.
Fancy, large navel oranges,
tho quality you pay 20c lor
elsewhere, per doz, i).Jc.
High patent Minnesota
XXXX Hour, every sack war
ranted, tho finest Hour made,
only 85c.
Grapo Nuts, tho brain food,
package 8Ac.
Pure Java Coffee, por pound
only 12Ac.
Fancy Messina lemons, per doz, flVic.
3-pound can pure applo butter, only 7c.
10-pound sacks pure Graham flour, only
10-pound sacks N. Y., only 19c.
Ifl-pound sacks granulated cornmcal, only
Sweet chocolate, per package, 3c.
3-pound cans solid packed tomatoes, only
7 lie
2- pound, cnus fancy white sugar corn, only
3- pound cans egg, green gage or golden
drop plums, per can, only lO'c,
2- pound package breakfast oats, 5c.
3- pound cans golden pumpkin, 7',c.
Dill pickles, each, only lc. ij
Fancy Japan rice, per pound, 5c.
Ilroken rice, per pound, 3c.
Oil or mustard sardines, per can, 3Vic.
Sale Monday.
No. 1 skimmed hams, 11c. ' '
Choice lean bacon, 10c.
No, 1 lard, 10. pound palls, 72c.
Fancy lean pickled pork, 8 ',4c
Hrst summer ausage, 7',4c.
New minted ham (sliced), 9c
Pickled pigs feet, 4c.
fcday Gracker Prices
A. H. C Soda Crackers. 4 lie
Ginger Snaps, 4c
chetso Straws or Cheese Sandwiches,
Cameo nutters, something new, Sc.
Kennedy's Huttor Crackers, fl'c
Kennedy's Milk Hlscults, 8Hc. I
Graham or Oatmeal Crackers, 8',4c
l'retzelcttoa, 10c; Hremnor's Lunch, 9c;
Animal Crackers, 10c. Newport Flakes,
12c; Shreddcl Wheat Illscuit, 10c; Brownies.
12'ic; Henfs Assorted Wafers, 23c; Ilrem-
I tier's High Tea, 22c.
Tea and Coffee
Broken Java nnd Mocha, 10c.
Wholo Rln Coffee, 13"4c
Old Government Java nnd Mocha, 25c.
Tea Sittings, new crop, 17V6c
Sun Dried Japan, only 35c.
Fancy Gunpowder Tea, 33c.
English Breakfast Tea, 35c.
Ceylon. Oolong und Assam Tea, 35c,
Silk Department
Others have as yet but commenced, but here wo have
contracted months ago for spring purchases, consequently at
this early date we show a stock of new spring silks that is
complete in every particular. Our lllack (irenadines aro all
imported and are the best to be had. A big sale on these line
double width lllack Grenadines, new Henrietta, new Corded
now Figured, new Headed, new Chenille, new Plaids. Stripes,
Crinkle, Crepon and Ribbon Stripe ICH'octs worth 1.25, for
(i'.)c worth 1.50, for 75c worth 2.00, for 0c worth
2.50, for 1.50.
Special Ilig lot evening shades in Crepes, Mouselins,
Crepe de Chine, Satin Crepes, lllack (irenadines with colored
polka dot very lineal grades for waists or entire
dresses most beautiful silks, worth 1, 1.50
and 2.00, all go in ono lot at ' '. . .
These astonlahing bargains will crowd the
big department Monday:
Fine Corded Wash Silks, light shadew, 29c.
36-lnch Changeable Dining Silk. 25c.
Plain Silk, very fine, nil colors, 22c.
Double-Warp Surah, In odd sbndcfl, to
close out, 25c.
licnutlful Satins, all the newest colors, salo
price 33c.
You need have no hesitancy In buying
your now Foulard Silk Dresw here. Wo did
not carry over a single yard, therefore you
cannot fall to get tho newest 1900 style.
Now pastel shades, new nil-over designs,
lacey patterns, In fact the handsomest styles
you have ever seen, on sale at 69c, fiOc, 75c
and $1.00.
A big purchase of fino lllack Japanese
Silks, all a full yard wide, In finest grade
all pure silk, guaranteed to wash, over 100
pieces In this lot, worth $1.00 and $1.25, on
salo nt 69c and 75c.
MAID OHDEItS on the above specials must bo sent In beforo ThurBdny.
orders carefully attended to nnd promptly filled. Wo guurautcc to pleanc.
During the quiet months of winter we contrncted for Bicycles by tho carload of
ono of the most reputable manufacturers nt from $9.00 to $17.00 per Hieyclo less than
regular dealers' prices. These nrc fully guaranteed, tho samo aH Hlcycles that arc hold
for $50.00 nnd $75.00, not only 1)y tho manufacturers, hut by ourselves.
We offer tho 1900 Carnival Hleycle, with A 1 enamel frame, regular fiO-dny guar
anteed tires, adJuHtnblo handlebars nnd padded middle with metal base, for $10.95. Hot
ter yet: Hayden Hros.' Union Hleycle, having construction nnd lines equal to a
$50.00 Hleycle and tho best nnd highest priced equipments. Your cholco of Morgan &
Wright, Defender, Hnrtford or No. 100 Diamond ties, Kelly or Frederick adjustablo
handlebars, Wheeler, Sager or Hunt saddles,
pedals, for $25.00.
Wo have also secured the agency for
cycles made. Including tho best Chalnle3s Hleycle, nnd ask you to notice the announce
ment we will make later.
$37 no Triumph Economy Steel Range, six holes, largo 1S-lnch oven, high shelf,
low warming closet, nsbestos lined throughout, rotnry grate, for wood or coal, full
nickel plated, with reservoir; this week, $28.95.
$14.50 full ble No. 8 Cook Stove, for wood or coal, large 18-Inch oven, warranted
flno baker; this week. $10.19.
$21.00 elegant full nickel plated Stove, with reservoir, whlto enamel lined, large 18
inch oveu, full nickel plnled, very fine, smooth casting, fully warranted; this woek,
$19.00 nice six-hole CaBt Range, 20-lnch oven, a good, plain, honest stove, war
ranted flno baker; this week, $11.60.
$4.00 wood alr-tlght Heating Stove, double bottom and sides, flno heater, 21-Inch;
this week, $2.60.
Before moving our heating stoves to our warehouse wo will mnko prices on thca
that will inako you buy. You can save nt leabt 25 per rent on next year's prices.
40-foot Woven Clothes Dines, 5c.
Set Tipped Table Spoons, 15c.
Folding Ironing Hoards, C9c.
Galvanized Wash Hollers, fiflc.
Hurnishlne, per can, 15c.
$1.50 Riveting Machlno, 39c.
Polished Claw Hammer, 9c.
First-class Wood Framo Wilnger
Set Steel Knives and Forks, 39c.
Men's Furnishings
200 dozen men's half hose, full seamless,
warranted fast colors, mado to sell at 2'c,
on salo at 10c.
COO dozen men's fino suspenders, mado In
every stylo, worth 50c, on salo at 25c.
All tho nowest styles in 75c neckwear
at 45c.
2 cascw men's fine Jorsey-rlbbrd shirts
and drawers, In all slzeo, mndo to sell at
60c, on salo at 29c
600 dozen mon'B colored laundered shlrti,
with collars and cuffs attached, worth 75c,
at 45c,
Men's $1.60 colored laundered shirts, In
all the latest styles, at 75c.
These Dlack Taffeta, prices for Monday
20-Inch fine lllack Taffeta at only 39c .
27-Inch line lllack Taffeta nt only 'i9c.
3ti-lnch fine Illack Taffeta nt only R9c.
The same old story we hear It every day
that WINSI.OW TAFFETA I bought Is
wearing splendidly. They all tell us the
samo story. Our ntlcs on this wonderful
silk o far this year l.i marvelous. Every
body wants tho Wlnslow.
Thcso grand specials In Dlack Dress SUks
Is whero you can mvo money:
Illack Peau do Sole, worth $1.25, fr 76c.
lllack Oros Grain, worth 90c, for 60c.
Illack Satin Duchesso, worth $1.00, for 69o.
Hlack Corded Silks, worth $1.25, on sale,
'Wo sell Jordan's Hlnck Faille Sollde, 24
Inch for $1.00, 27-Inch for $1.25.
Wc sell tho famous Hlack Sterling Guar
anteed Tnftetu.
the genuine Baldwin ehnln nnd Itecord
threo of tho best, high grnde lines of ni-
Stoves 25 Per Gent Less Than Regular
50.00 M. & I). RANGE,
best on earth, six holes, high shelf,
with water back, largo square oven, ex
tra heavy, No. .'H, weight (555 pounds,
will lasl a life time; this week $37.50
60-pound Flour Can. decorntcd. 63".
Four-section Clothes Racks. 43.
Galvanized Water Palis, 15c.
1.000 sheets Toilet Paper, lc.
20-Inch Hand Saw, 39c,
25c solid steel Padlocks, 15c,
Six-foot Step Ladder, 19o.
Tho Royal Wringer, warranted for flt
yeurs in every part, best mado, this week,
Ladies' and Children's
I Tho Victoria glove, In all tho new shade,
made to sell nt $1.60, on salo at $1.00.
Ladles' flno maco and llnlo thread hnss,
In black, brown and fncy colors, regular
50n values, at 25c.
Children's blark blcyclo hose, mado with
(loublo kneo, heel and toe, every pair war
ranted, an sain ut 25c
Ladles' full seamless how, fast hlack or
tan. ut 10c.
Special salo on ladles' muslin underwear
and corsets. The best assorted stock In
I Omaha.